Allegory Essay

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Allegory Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of allegory can be both challenging and intellectually stimulating.
Allegory, as a literary device, requires a nuanced understanding of symbolism, metaphor, and the
ability to interpret hidden meanings within a text. Crafting an effective allegory essay demands not
only a solid grasp of the subject matter but also a keen analytical mind to unravel the layers of
meaning embedded in the allegorical elements.

One of the difficulties lies in deciphering the author's intent behind employing allegory. Authors
often use allegory to convey complex ideas, societal critiques, or philosophical concepts through the
veil of symbolic representation. Thus, the writer must delve deep into the text, examining the subtle
connections between the allegorical elements and the underlying themes.

Moreover, constructing a coherent and persuasive argument about the significance of the allegory
requires meticulous research and a comprehensive understanding of literary theory. The essay should
not only identify and analyze the allegorical elements but also provide a thoughtful interpretation of
their broader implications.

Additionally, maintaining a balance between being too explicit and too abstract can be challenging.
It is essential to convey the allegorical meanings clearly while leaving room for the reader's
interpretation. Striking this balance requires careful selection of evidence, effective use of examples,
and a well-structured essay that guides the reader through the layers of allegorical significance.

In conclusion, writing an essay on allegory is a demanding task that necessitates a combination of

literary analysis, critical thinking, and a deep understanding of symbolism. However, the rewards lie
in unraveling the intricate layers of meaning within the allegorical elements, offering readers
profound insights into the text's underlying messages.

For assistance with similar essays and more, consider exploring, where expert
writers can provide support and guidance for your academic writing needs.
Allegory Essay Allegory Essay
Positive Influence To Scad Analysis
Size of a idea

I believe a student from different cultural background will affect positive influence to
SCAD. Most of the students from cross country are the people who have courage in
the face of adversity. They meet various hardship every day such as a lot of paperwork,
language matters, living far away from home and adapting oneself to new circumstances.
However, each one of them have made to US specifically SCAD for their goals, A student
with this kind of courages, passions, creative perspectives and full of life experiences
will be able to reflect his idea to SCAD community. This will become a small step of
academic journey for both SCAD and students. To begin with, The SCAD have
responsible to prepare attending students to play professional roles in a culturally
diverse global community. Nowadays it is hard to find people who never been out of it
s own country also a lot of studies show that ... Show more content on ...
Art of people from different surrounding contain various style and theory, even a
character is different. As an artist it is really important to see and experience. Many
different student from various country can help the school to experience each culture
indirectly. As an example when I was in class in high school I had a art group project
with a friend from Thailand. We both researched our personal interests, style of art,
and theories and tried to harmonize all in one. It was a new experience for me seeing
different kind of skill and color scheme from cross country. Every step of creating art
such as sharing ideas and interaction between the friend really taught me think broadly. I
believe my idea has been grown from that moment. Through this experience I learned
how to communicate with other people who have different ideas with me and how to
cooperate with them. I believe, the SCAD and the students will have same experience
with me and become a better
Rogers Chocolates
CHOCOLATES Analyze as a strategy decision case.


1. The Rogers Board wants the new CEO to develop a strategy to double or triple the
size of the company within ten years. What performance metrics would you recommend
that the CEO use to gauge how well the company is doing in achieving this growth
objective and its strategic goals?

Performance metric to measure the company s performance, growth objective, and

strategic goalsi: В«Strategic performance measures monitor the implementation and
effectiveness of an organization s strategies, determine the gap between actual and
targeted performance and determine ... Show more content on ...
For those reasons I consider necessary to apply Deming s 14 points of management6:
(1) Create constancy of purpose toward improvement of product and service, with the
aim to become competitive and to stay in business and to provide jobs. (2) Adopt the
new philosophy. We are in a new economic age. Western managementmust awaken to
the challenge, must learn their responsibilities, and take on leadership for change. (3)
Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality. Eliminate the need for inspection on
a mass basis by building quality into the product in the first place. (4) End the practice of
awarding business on the basis of price tag. Instead, minimize total cost. Move toward a
single supplier for any one item, on a longterm relationship of loyalty and trust. (5)
Improve constantly and forever the system of production and service, to improve quality
and productivity, and thus constantly decrease costs.
/blog/forrestbreyfogle/2009/04/17/edwards deming%E2%80%99s 14 points and
abusiness management governance system/ 6



(6) Institute training on the job. (7) Institute leadership. The aim of supervision should
be to help people and machines and gadgets to do a better job. (8) Drive out fear, so
that everyone may work effectively for the company. (9) Break down barriers between
departments. People
Lane Frost Research Papers
Lane Frost was born on October 12th, 1963 in LA junta, Co to Clyde and Elsie Frost. He
has two siblings Cody and Robin Frost. Bull riding was basically in Lanes blood, his dad
was a bull rider and was out on the rodeo circuit when he was born. Elsie said that even
as a baby Lane was fascinated by bull riding. Lane started his bull riding career at just the
age of 15 years old. One of his familyfriends Freckles Brown tough him how to ride bulls
and encouraged him all the way.
Lane won his first rodeo at the little buckaroos rodeo in Utah. He was also the National
high school rodeo runner up in.1980. Riding bulls wasn t just something to do for Lane it
was a way of life. Lane became of full member of the PRCA(Professional Rodeo Cowboy
Association) in 1983. He was never a member of the PBR. . He won world champion at
the age of 24 and rode red rock for the challenge of the champions. Lane rode red rock 4
out of 7 times and he was the only person to ever ride him for a full 8 seconds. In 1980,
at a national high school Lane meet two people he would know forever Kellie Kyle and
Tuff Hedeman. ... Show more content on ...
His mom thinks he got the first feather from a chicken hawk. Lane used turkey feathers
as well. He always changed the feathers over the years when he would find one that
was cool and unusual. Lane and Kellie got married in 1985, around the same time he
taught his first bull riding class. They got married in Quanah, Texas at a United
Methodist Church. Lane and Kellie separated in 1988 for a little while because of his
traveling schedule, not because of cheating like in the movie. They got back together
right before the challenge of the champions when Lane had the ride Red
Benefits of Animal Assisted Therapy
Angelica Carlos

English 4

19 March 2012

Benefits of Animal Assisted Therapy

Throughout human history, animals have occupied a central position in theories

concerning the ontology and treatment of sickness and disease (Serpell 16). Animals
have played a major role in the lives of humans in ways that have affected our entire
being and survival. Countless amounts of people, animals, and time have been put into
bringing AAT all over the world; as a result, five other countries have adopted this form
of therapy. The volunteers and workers of Animal Assisted Therapy have pushed to bring
an exciting new therapy to children and adults all around. Animal assisted therapy (AAT)
is a familiar method of treatment and ... Show more content on ...
Animal visitation boosts morale in nursing homes, hospitals, psychiatric wards and even
prisons. The faces of these people become lit up when the animals comes to visit. Almost
instantly the participants forget where they are and the pain they are in. Dogs and
owners are familiarized with hospital rules, which require mandatory documentation on
the dogs in terms of vaccinations, and the control of behavior and temperament.
Trainers [receive] advice and instruction on how to conduct a therapy group (Barker
1998). When a dog comes for a visitation, all rules and regulations are set into place to
conduct a safe therapy session. Even though dogs are the preferred animal for hospital
visitations, cats are often used for therapeutic purposes, as are birds. Some authors
discovered that group meetings held in premises with caged birds have better patient
attendance, more involved participation, and better results compared to the appropriate
control group who stayed in premises without birds (Barker 1998). Bigger animals, like
dogs, can be intimidating to patients, so smaller animals are used as alternatives to
elevate the amount of people who come to the sessions and participate. In horse assisted
therapy observations are made on the effects on the neuromuscular system of the patient
Jesus s Death, Burial And Resurrection
This paper will show the facts in regards to Jesus s death, burial and resurrection, as the
bible states. This paper will also show how reading these passages have impacted my
life and how I grasp and understand the scriptures. Being a college student at a Baptist
school, many people believe that I should know what the scriptures say, because I am at
a baptist school. Though I am not fluent in the scriptures, reading the passages from the
views of different disciples helped me get an understanding about the Word that I didn t
know before.

Hampton 2
One of the life lessons that I learned when reading this scripture is that I will always find
amazing in about the death, burial and resurrection of Christ and how God allowed Jesus
to endure it. God has a love for us, who are flawed, so much that he gave his only son
to die a very excruciating death on our behalf. While reading these verses it made me
think about all the times when I have not lived my life 100 percent for Christ. While
reading these verses it seems almost like an insult to God and his son, for not taking
the gift that he has given us and using it for his glory. Another life lesson that I learned
is how little faith I have had in God. Many times people profess themselves as Christian,
because thats a norm, if you grew up in church you re a Christian, but
Balance Sheet and Deferred Tax
From its origins in 1914 as a Western Australian farmers cooperative, Wesfarmers has
grown into one of Australia s largest listed companies. Headquartered in Western
Australia, its diverse business operations covers supermarkets and department stores;
home improvement and office supplies; coal mining; insurance; chemicals, energy and
fertilisers; and industrial and safety products. Wesfarmers is one of Australia s largest
employers and has a shareholder base of approximately 500, 000.

Subsidiaries of Wesfarmers

Wesfarmers owns vast range of subsidiaries ranging from retail industry to insurance and
chemicals and energy sectors all the below subsidiaries are 100 % owned and controlled
by Wesfarmers Ltd otherwise the controlling ... Show more content on ...
The carrying amount of deferred income tax assets is reviewed at each balance sheet date
and reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profit will
be available to allow all or part of the deferred income tax asset to be utilised.

Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected
to apply to the year when the asset is realised or the liability is settled, based on tax rates
(and tax laws) that have been enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date.
Journal Entries of land where its Fair Value appreciated which creates Deferred Tax
Liability is as follows:


Deferred Tax LiabilityCr


Subsequently when the liability has been settled with Income Tax the entries would be as

Deferred Tax LiabilityDr

Income Tax ExpenseCr

In the case of Wesfarmers Ltd it reviews Fair Value of the Assets acquired assets and if
the fair value of the assets is increased it will give rise to Deferred Tax Liabilities which
stood at 552 m, However Wesfarmers have Deferred Tax Assets resulting from
decrease in the Fair value of the Different Class of Assets and increase in Fair Value of
Liabilities which was 1027 m which could be net off against Deferred Tax Liabilities
resulting 475 m Net Deferred Tax
Analysis Of The Red Badge Of Courage By Stephen Crane
Stephen Crane is considered to be one of the most influential and talented writers of
the late 1800s because of his innovative writing style, vivid sense of irony and
disturbing psychological realism. In his most popular work, The Red Badge of
Courage, Crane exposes the human side of warfare; his book also serves as a testimony
to the horrors of battle on any front. Crane s works are studied in American Literature
classes all throughout the world, his ability to make his stories believable coupled with
his formation of literary realism makes crane a unique writer and shows his contribution
to the American voice. Stephen Cranewas one of America s foremost writers of realism
and has been credited with marking the beginning of modern American... Show more
content on ...
Many individuals that read Crane s work applaud him for creating such a believable
setting and often think of him as the father of realism. One literary critic explains that
Crane makes Fleming s (the main character of RBC) contrary psychological reaction
to his experience of combat both believable and plausible (Lentz 225). Through the
use of irony Crane allows the reader to scrutinize his illusions and see the disparity
that exists between one s expectations and the events that make up one s life. Some
even go as far as saying he pioneered a new brand of literary realism (Moss 2). The best
example of Crane s impact in American literature can be the fact that his writings are
studied in American literature classes in high schools, colleges, and universities (
Stephen Crane 1). Crane s theme of warfare is best shown when Henry begins to see
the difference between his expectations of war and the realities of it; Henry explains
during his first glimpse of battle that he felt that in this crisis his laws of life were
useless (Crane 11). Henry s sense of doom in the beginning is very exaggerated and
childlike when he describes visions he saw of a thousand tounged fear (Crane 32);
however, this contrasts with his later achievement of manhood therefor displaying
Crane s theme of transformation. At one point in the book Henry states that he had
feared that all of the untried men possessed great confidence... he was now reassured
(Crane 22); at this point in the novel Henry isn t as concerned with the elimination of
his cowardice as he is with justifying it. The theme of courage in Crane s book is
actually quite the opposite, instead it is cowardice or the lack of courage that is more
prevalent in the
Throughout history, crime has existed in many different forms and has been
committed by not only individuals, but by groups as well. Crime is something that
knows no boundaries; it exists in all cultures, is committed by all races, and has existed
in all time periods. Crime exists as a part of the economic institution and is a lifestyle
for many people. Crime also exists in both organized and un organized forms. Since the
early 1900 s, quot;organized quot; crime has existed in the United States. The following
will show where, when, and why the Mafiacame to the United States, who organized it
in the United States, and how it differed from its origins in the European mafia. By
showing this you will see how this specific type of organized... Show more content on ...
Don Vito, Vito Cascio Ferro, was the first Sicilian Capo de Tutti Capi. He fled to the
United States in 1901 to escape arrest and formed a group of the Black Hand. Its
members were hardened criminals currently fugitives from Sicily. He is known as the
Father of the American Mafia. In 1924, Mussolini was determined to rid Italy of the
Mafia so many members fled to the United States to avoid persecution . This increased
the numbers of members in the organization. These fleeing Italians were well aware
there was money to be made in the United States through extortion, prostitution,
gambling and bootlegging. Every large city soon had its own Mafia chapter.
Prohibition which was a legal ban on the manufacturer and sale of intoxicating drinks
generated a wave of illegal activity since there was big money to be made. During this
time, gangsters openly flaunted their wealth and power. This period established many
young men as leaders in the New Age American Mafia. Charles Luciano, born in 1897
in Sicily, came to New York in 1906. He trained in the Five Points Gang, a Mafia crew,
under John Torrio. In this gang, he became friends with Al Capone and other prominent
gangsters. Luciano started his own prostitution racket in the early 1920 s and was in total
control of prostitution in Manhattan by 1925. In 1929 he was kidnapped, beaten and
stabbed severally with an icepick. He miraculously survived but maintained quot;omerta
A Report On Gsm Network Operation
This summer internship without the kind of help ,I would not have been possibility of
finish it. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of them.
I would like to thank Mr. Rakesh Gusain for all his kind and amiable efforts to make me
work and learn in the department. I am thankful to Mr. Yuvraj Saini for helping me out
with all the doubts and providing us practical knowledge of everything in a concordant
I express my deepest to DR.ANIL KUMAR SHUKLA for being my guide during this
summer internship. I would like to thank my respective families as well as to members of
Amity Institute Telecom Engineering and Management to help me to complete my

Abstract This project report is being presented on GSM NETWORK OPERATION

where are studying different nodes like MSC, BSC, RNC and other GSM node .We
are also being given a demonstration in the Data Center where servers are present. The
GSM is a method of cellular communication which has a facility of voice
communication and also data .The transmission of data was not good because data rate
or speed that is why 3G was developed for delivering of data.

Table of Contents
Materials and Methods.....................................................................7
Results and Discussions.....................................................................21
Formal Control Systems Influence Psychological Motivations
The author s research question is if formal control systems can influence psychological
motivations. The author s hypothesis is that formal controls directly influence people s
sense of what behaviors are appropriate in the setting and indirectly alter people s
tendency to conform to the behavior of those around them. The target population are
graduate and undergraduate students who come from a variety of fields, including
business, engineering, physics, economics, and biology. The author did not stratify the
sample. All participants were considered the same despite demographics such as gender,
ethnicity, and school major. The experiment was administered using QMarket Software,
developed at Cornell University. A survey developed by Bearden,... Show more content
on ...
My research question is if gender affects conformity but based on this study, gender does
not affect conformity as susceptibility was not related to the demographics of the
participants gender that were collected. This research helped me understand the
importance of the setup of an experiment. The way the data was collected from the
experiment, specifically with charts and tables, will help me design the data collection
for my own experiment. My reaction to the process and outcome about this journal is
excitement and anticipation to find out the results for my
My Thoughts On Chapter 9
This essay will reflect my thoughts on chapter 9. In brief this chapter deals with how
the ears allow us to be able to hear and process sound. When I first think of sound I
think of the frequency. This makes me think of songs that I listen too in order to
determine it s a high frequency or a low frequency. I ll be able to determine the amount of
hertzthat are in songs on the radio. I do feel that it would be hard to determine because
most of that music is reordered, hearing people sing a cappella would be easier to
determine the amount of hertz present. I know what hertz are, but I m still not sure how
they are actually determined? Are they sounds just determined by our brain if we have
unimpaired hearing. How would someone like my brother with a whole in his earbe able
to determine frequency? When I think about pitch the first things come to mind are
instruments. This reminds me in middle school if you wanted to a part of the band, you
got to test each instrument. I always had a fascinating with a flute, which had high a
frequency and high pitch. Another instrument was a trombone; this had a low frequency
and low pitch. This helped me understand the difference between pitches. I also think
about how humans and animals hear different frequencies. Someone my age in there 20
s would be able to hear the door bell ring, while someone in there 70 s may not hear it.
This measures how over time our frequencies can. A dog on the other hand can hear very
high pitched
Persuasive Essay On Mexican Immigration
Beaner When Mexico is sending its people, they re not sending their best... They re
bringing drugs. They re bringing crime. They are rapists. And some, I assume are good
people (Trump 2015). Donald Trump s campaign Mexican immigration, led to the rise in
the use of an informal offensive slogan, beaner. Mexicans are discriminated because they
rob Americans of their jobs, the jobs they definitely want to do, the jobs that require
vigor, vitality, and perseverance to accomplish the hard task given. US citizens see
beaners as the reason why America has declined. Trump promises to make America
great again. People see beaner as curse word, and to be associated with it................
Beaners are people from Mexicowho have jumped the border, to cross into the US
seeking new opportunities. Usually obsessed with beans because of their deliciousness
and affordability. Their English skills are non existent or limited to the phrase, yes to
accept more work. Extremely hard working due to their determination to support their
family, they usually work in the fields because of the of the lack of knowledge they have
on how to operate technology too complicated because of their stupidity. His family
includes his ten brothers and sisters, his fifteen uncles and aunts, his parents and their
parents, his wife, and his twenty children. In America, the country described as the great
melting pot, where the origins of the immigrant do not matter, the
Essay on The Complaint Letter
Service is the most important aspect when it comes to handling a hotel. A hotel s main
objective is to provide the best service and tend to all of the guests needs and
requirements. If there is no service then there would be no business. When running a
business, the costumer is always placed first. Poor services can results in a complaint
from a guest. But that complaint can be used to better the business in the future.

There are many issues that Mr. Metz should be concerned with when it comes to running
the ATMI hotel. It is the general manager s job to make sure the guests are being
pampered and taken cared of. The most apparent issue that the guests; Dr. Hankins and
his wife had was the lack of cleanliness in the room. A hotel s ... Show more content on ...
Hankins did not even want to speak with the manager; he just wanted a room. Further
poor customer service was displayed when the operator did not tend to Dr. Hankins
needs, and forcefully insisted his opinion that Dr. Hankins should talk to his manager.
Mr. Metz needs to review the rules of how to properly deal with the guests and their
requirements to the employees. Aside from the operator s lack of responsibility, the
manager did not show any professional behaviour towards the guests. After listening to
Dr. Hankins problem, the night manager did not approach him with a resolution as he
promised. As a result of inadequate service and unprofessional behaviour, the Hankins
wasted their time in waiting for a solution. An additional problematic area that should be
looked into is the way the members in the staff treat each other. When Dr. Hankins
brought the predicament up with the receptionist, the receptionist went and yelled at his
/her co worker in front of the guests. This surely shows how poorly behaved the
receptionist have conducted him/herself. It was not solved in a mannerly order and for
that reason alone, is a problem.

The evidence in the letter is credible because Dr. Hankins certainly did testify the
problems that have occurred during his stay at the hotel. Dr. Hankins presented and
expressed himself rationally from beginning to end of the letter. In the letter, he did not
sound angry nor did he sound like he wanted compensation for his bad
What Is The Cause Of The Deadliest War In Human History
World war II, which is recognized as the deadliest war in human history. Drowned in
casualties, the long and bearing war claimed the lives of nearly 70 million people. To
put that into perspective, that is more than 19 thousand a day, 800 an hour, and 13 a
minute. It began September 18, 1931, due to numerous reasons, and became one of the
biggest world tragedies before it ended over 10 years later.
To begin, the war began due to a myriad of reasons. Hugely due to the uprise of military
and totalitarian regimes in Germany, Italy, and Japan. ( World War II par 1). Which who
would later be known as the Axis powers. An occurrence that stemmed from the great
depression that traveled throughout the world in the early 1930s. Also due to the horrific
Stopping Plant Junipers, Some Pines, And Evergreens
Avoiding to plant junipers, some pines, and evergreens is a good idea because the
chemical content in these plants is extremely flammable. New Mexico Association of
Counties implies, Deciduous trees and shrubs are the best for firewise plants. Many
needled trees contain a highly flammable chemical content. Sedums are among the good
groundcover plants due to the fact that they keep flames low to the ground and from
spreading because of the high water content. Planting things in shaded areas around the
yard is also helpful because dead plant material collects everywhere.
There are many ways to prepare for a wildfire. The U.S. Forest Service shares useful tips
on how to maintain and prepare the home from wildfire. Removing highly flammable ...
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Barkley et al claim that from past vegetation, charcoal, layers in the soil, fire scars on
trees, the aged forests, and records of past explorers that wildfire has been naturally
renewing forests for millions of years.
In order to save lives and property from wildfire, people need to become educated on
how to adapt to living in areas with a high risk of wildfires. Being able to adapt to living
the way many prefer means taking responsibility for what is in order to defend the forest
and natural lands.
Overwhelmingly, reports that most grass, brush, and forest fires are
started by people. Between 87 and 96 percent of wildfires are human ignited, and only
about 20 percent are intentional. Most human caused fires are accidental or related to
careless disposals of hot embers, ash, or cigarettes. This is a shocking statistic about
how carelessness is a major contributing factor and can be blamed for many of the fires
that occur each year throughout the country. This is why knowledge of firewise is so
important because it can help to prevent many of these fires due to carelessness.
It is a strange thought that America s population is only going to expand, and more and
more people are building houses or cabins in the forest to escape the compacted
communities of cities. So in turn, this means that
Showing Off by Janice Galloway
The article Showing Off by the Scottish writer Janice Galloway describes how she
overcame obstacles in her life to become a writer and shows that even if you are not
blessed with the best oppurtunities in life and suffer from prejudice, it is still possible
to achieve your goals. Through the clever use of language and technique, Galloway
presents her writing in such a way that it has a great deal of inspirational impact on the
reader. In order for a text to be inspiring, it must be written in such a way that the reader
can connect with it emotionally. In Showing Off , Galloway addresses social issues that
many in people, in particular many women fell strongly about. Set in the 1960s, as
references to music in the text suggest, women... Show more content on
This gave her the sense of freedom and the knowledge that she does not have to care
what others think of her in order to achieve her goals, which is essential given the
main purpose of the text. This set of anecdotes very clearly highlights to the reader
both the prejudices in the society Galloway grew up in and the respect Galloway
deserved having overcome them. Galloway s courage and determination are clearly
inspirational, even though society has thankfully moved on from the culture she
describes. A final feature in the text which is vital for creating an emotional
connection with the audience is the style in which it is written as it conveys
Galloways personality, which allows the reader to understand the meaning of the text
and relate to it, making it easier to connect with. The first element of style that
Galloway uses to her advantage is formality; rather than writing it in a complex and
serious manner, the writer presents the text in a light hearted way making it more
accessible and enjoyable. Aspects of the text which contribute towards are informality
are the use of slang LURV , stunk like a month old kipper ; use of short sentences This
did not trouble me. I was a biddable child. Most are. ; and parenthesis (there were no
men in our house) . These stylistic features all mirror the structure of natural, spoken
language, therefore the reader feels as
(Ephesians 5: 18)
We believe the Holy Spirit dwells in the Christian because the New Testament teaches
that Christians possess the gift of the Holy Spirit and that the Holy Spirit dwells in
Christians now; in this life. (Acts 2:38; I Cor. 3: 16; I Cor. 6: 19; etc.)
However, when observed in its context, Ephesians 5: 18 can t referrer to the gift of the
Holy Spirit as promised by Peter on the Day of Pentecost. The context shows that Paul
s companion statements, be filled with the Spirit (Eph. 5: 18), and let the word of
Christ dwell in you richly were written to people who were Christians; therefore, they
had already received the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38), and been
Human Trafficking Is Wrong
Children around the world are forced to work jobs harder than grown adults have ever
experienced and it needs to stop. Much of this has stemmed from another nation wide
problem: Human Trafficking. Some children as young as four years old are subjected
to Human Trafficking and have eighteen hour work days (Potenza). This amount of
strenuous work only leaves six hours in a day to eat, sleep, and rest when the
recommended hours of sleep needed for a school aged child is ten to twelve hours a
night ( All About Sleep. ). A number of laws have been set in place to try to stop Child
Labor but it is rampant and nowhere near completely eradicated. More than 500,000
minors work on farms, many of which do not have a limit to the amount of hours they...
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Children and teens are working an unimaginable number of hours, These kids are hired
workers. They re working 60 hours a week. Children should not have to endure
conditions in which their life is put in danger. A child worker from a tobacco plant states
Sometimes, she says, you really feel like you re going to die in the middle of the field,
because it s just that bad. (Potenza). Now is the time to stop child labor, and stop all
momentum this horrid hiring method to save money has
Conflict In A Tale Of Two Cities By Charles Dickens And...
As with any historical fiction of work of literature, conflict is a neccesary element in a
novel. It is mainly used to build plot and suspense. A Tale of Two Cities written by
Charles Dickens and Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott are both good examples of novels in
which conflicts between play an important role and in this novelit is mainly the struggles
between social groups which are of big importance. There are a lot of differences but
also similarities concerning the points of view of the narrators on the struggles between
the social groups. In this essay I will discuss these differences and similarities between
the opinions of Sir Walter Scott and Charles Dickens on social conflicts.
Dickens used the development of a conflict between the French lower class and the
French government and aristocracy to build plot and suspense. The nobility (the
government and aristocracy) is extremely rich and the French lower class are exactly
the opposite, very poor. The French lower class suffered for a long time under the tight
rulings and restraints of the French government and aristocracy. The lives of ignorant
French poor people are described by Charles Dickens as horrendous:
And who among the company at Monsignor s reception in that seventeen hundred and
eightieth year of our Lord, coud possibly doubt, that a system rooted in a frizzled
hangman, powdered and gold laced, pumped, and white silk stockinet, would see the
very stars out! [›] 1
The deaths of seemingly worthess
An Analysis Of Miguel De Cervantes Of The Northern...
In the late 16th century, the era of Renaissance greats such as Michelangelo, Da Vinci,
Raphael, and countless others gave way to the emergence of the Baroque period. In this
era, lasting until the mid 18th century, those who lived hearing of the perfection and
constant happiness that resulted from the excellent discoveries and works of art of the
Renaissancecame to a sudden realization of reality. These men and women who lived
through the Renaissance as children demanded something new as they grew disillusioned
with these promises of greatness. Eventually, this confession of the desire for change
instigated the demise of the Renaissance era, similar to John Ruskin s explanation of how
humans cannot live in a world without variety and change... Show more content on ...
A man who was often on the run from the law for getting in fights and even murder,
Caravaggio did not care for the Catholic Church and even developed a slight
resentfulness towards the organization as multiple artists whose paintings were funded
by the Church often did. This being said, the Church was Caravaggio s main source of
income and even bailed him out of jail on one occasion, so he reluctantly agreed to
paint biblical scenes. However, Caravaggio did little things like using prostitutes to
model for his paintings, publically claiming reality as his teacher rather than the
Catholic faith and Bible, and finally by painting the underbelly of the Bible all to
express his negative opinions of the Catholic Church and the aristocracy (Erlandson).
In his portrayal of dark Biblical scenes, Caravaggio also revolutionized Renaissance art
by making his paintings physically dark as well as extremely realistic, as he portrayed
sacred religious personages as real, common people, complete with bare feet and dirt
under their fingernails (Artble). Caravaggio used shadows to darken individual parts of
his paintings, or tenebrism, and the major contrast between dark and light commonly in
the background of his paintings, or chiaroscuro to achieve this physical darkness. The
use of tenebrism is evident in Caravaggio s Supper at Emmaus, in which each of the
persons in the painting have
Lorelei The Siren Research Paper
Sirens have been known as hazardous creatures that lure sailors into a death caused by
a shipwreck, according to the website, Greek Mythology. She is Lorelei the Siren, and
her life s story is unfortunate. Her name means River of Doom , her beauty and golden
hair will get any sailors attention. More importantly is Lorelei s life as a Siren. She hides
during the day, under a bolder and comes out at night, sitting upon the rock combing her
golden hair and singing her captivating song. Lorelei lures in sailors to a death that was
not even expected.

The Lorelei takes place in St. Goarshausen, Germany, on the Rhine river. According to
the website Loreley Info, she was already prominent during the middle ages. The area
where the Lorelei is ... Show more content on ...
She has heard of this story, since it is so popular in Germany. She heard this story
about sixty years ago when she was little, her parents told her the story of Lorelei. Two
years ago we took a trip to Germany and we got to see the Lorelei rock beside the
Rhine river. As were approaching the Lorelei rock, our cruise director had told us the
story about the Lorelei. The rock is large and it measures one hundred and twenty meters
above the waterline. I thought doing my myth on the Lorelei, I would have a greater
understanding since I have seen her rock by the
St. Paul s Cathedral
St. Paul s Cathedral is an English Baroque styled cathedral dedicated to Paul of Apostle
and the second cathedral to be built on the same site, first being Old St. Paul s Cathedral
which was also dedicated to Paul of Apostle. It is located in the City of London, England.
The Fourth St. Paul s, more commonly known as Old St. Paul s Cathedral, was built
by the Normans in 1087. The Normans, who in recent times had just conquered
Britain, and were determined to build the largest Christian church in the world. The
construction of the church finished in 1240 but the process of developing it to enlarge
the church began less than 20 years later, Old St. Paul s Cathedral was finally
consecrated in 1300. Over the next few centuries the cathedral started to decay and thus
the restoration of the cathedral begun in 1633 under the supervision of architect Inigo
Jones. The nave and transepts were refaced in Portland stone and was remodelled with
a portico. In 1642, restoration of the building was underway until the English Civil war
put the project on hold.1 On 2nd September 1666, a major conflagration swept through
the city damaging majority the city and it burned for four days and four nights,
destroying 13,200 houses and 87 churches, including Old St. Paul s Cathedral. After the
fire, King at the time, Charles II, and the Lord Mayor quickly organised the
reconstruction of the city. Nine days after the start of the fire Sir Christopher Wren
produced a plan for the city which included a
Depletion Of The Reducing Agent Of Sodium Tioglycolates
This test utilizes a medium that has an oxygen gradient, meaning that most of the oxygen
was at the top of the tube, and the least amount of oxygen was at the bottom of the tube.
To prepare this medium, a reducing agent called Sodium thioglycolate was added,
removing the free oxygen by chemically binding with it. Thioglycolate broth, also called
a reducing medium, eradicates the tube of oxygen. Rasazarin is a pink dye that indicates
oxygen depletion an indicator for oxygen depletion. The test results determine oxygen
requirements the organism requires.
1.Strict aerobes need oxygen to grow. Growth will only appear at the top of the tube.
2.Strict anaerobes require the complete absence of oxygen. Growth will only appear at
the bottom of the tube.
3.Facultative Anaerobes do not require oxygen, but develop best aerobically. Growth will
be shown throughout the tube, usually more at the top and minimizes as the microbe

Some facultative aerobes have the enzyme called catalase, which catabolizes hydrogen
peroxide (H2O2) into harmless water plus oxygen. A chunk of the unknown colonies
was transferred onto a slide and added a drop of H2O2 onto the colony. A positive test
result showed oxygen bubbles rising up from the plate. That meant that the organism had
the enzyme, resulting as catalase positive. A negative result showed no appearance of

Some aerobes have the enzyme called cytochrome oxidase, which is a molecule that is a
terminal electron acceptor in the Electron Transport Chain (ETC). A Q tip was used to
pick up the unknown organism and then administrated a drop of reagent, Dimethyl p
phenylene diaminic hydrochloride. Results were obtained within a minute duration. If
purple was observed in less than a minute, it was positive for oxidase. If there was no
color change within a minute, it was negative.


This test attempts to extrapolate a microbe s ability to ferment or oxidize glucose. The
pH indicator utilized in this test was Bromthymol blue, which is yellow when acid is
present. The procedure involved stabbing two O F tubes of glucose. One tube needed a
layer of sterile oil to create an anaerobic environment
The Populist Party and the Farmer Reform Movement
Question: Detail the farmer reform movements of the Midwest and South in the
1870s, 1880s, and 1890s. Why did these groups emerge? What were the goals of these
groups? Discuss each major group from this era and the reforms they inspired. Were
their goals reasonable or too radical? The Populist Party had its origins in the agrarian
West. A lengthy and devastating drought, followed by a depression, exacerbated the
tensions between urban and rural interests and farmers began to unite under the
Populist banner. In the 1880s, as drought hit the wheat growing areas of the Great
Plains and prices for Southern cotton sunk to new lows, many tenant farmers fell into
deep debt. This exacerbated long held grievances against railroads, lenders, grain
elevator owners, and others with whom farmers did business. By the early 1890s, as the
depression worsened, some industrial workers shared these farm families views on labor
and the trusts (Edwards, The People s Party, 2001). The Populists advocated a more
radical platform than either of the two major parties of the time, demanding a free silver
platform, federal intervention to help farmers, greater restriction upon corporate
monopolies and anti poverty social support legislation. They also supported female
suffrage, statehood for the District of Columbia, and Cuban independence. Although the
Populists were often demonized as hayseeds in the popular press, many of the issues they
were concerned about became more, rather than
Pressure Of Peer Pressure
Peer Pressure on Beauty Among Teenagers Teenagers are experiencing peer pressure on
beauty with greater frequency and magnitude than ever. In the past, without the Internet,
only a limited number of peers with whom teenagers make acquaintance could put
pressure on their attitudes toward beauty and constrain them to make changes. In
contemporary society, however, selfies are readily accessible on the social networks to
all peers, who can remark on others appearance without taking any responsibility. This
lifts up the concern that peer pressure is exerting a tremendous and negative influence
on adolescents perception of beauty, which may lead to damage to individual
confidence and loss of aesthetic independence and diversity. This essay will further
discuss how peer pressure works and the negative effects of it listed above. Peer pressure
plays a crucial... Show more content on ...
This may be true without interference from the outside; however, peer pressure,
intervened in externally by the beauty industry, tends to compel both genders to conform
to the still and biased standards of beauty promoted by the beauty industry, which may
lead to the loss of aesthetic independence and diversity and no evolution at all. The
rationale behind the argument is that the beauty industry usually manipulates peer
pressure to promote modelled figures of both genders to yield more revenues from their
beauty products and services. Affected by the promotion of the beauty industry, peer
society involuntarily accepts the popular concept of beauty without pondering whether
the standards of beauty are appropriate. As a consequence, everyone is forced to conform
to these standards under extreme peer pressure. This may lead to the loss of independent
judgement and diversified aesthetic criteria and the fashion of beauty may remain
unchanged for the time
Health Disparities In Connecticut
Health Disparities: The Hispanic Population in Connecticut
As a one of the smallest States in the United States (U.S.), Connecticut has a very diverse,
multicultural demographic. Although it is a relatively healthy and economically
prosperous State, there are disparities in health outcomes in urban areas and for lower
socioeconomic, ethnically diverse populations (United States Census Bureau, 2015). In
Connecticut s urban areas, ethnic minority groups demonstrate a disparity in health
outcomes primarily for Black and Hispanics residents. There is a higher rate of chronic
illnesses for both ethnic groups including: hypertension, heart disease, and cancer. The
incidence of respiratory disease and asthma for children and adults is significantly ...
Show more content on ...
This results in Hispanics Americans living in very tightly knit segregated urban
communities, in older housing, and lack access to healthcare that can contribute to
asthma exacerbation (Bhan et al., 2015). In the State of Connecticut there is a program
called, Putting on AIRS or Asthma Indoor Risk Strategies. This program designed to
assess environmental risk in the homes for asthmatic children and families. The hope is
to reduce the frequency of asthma related events by identifying environmental triggers. A
public health nurse experienced in asthma management, conducts asthma education in the
home. There is also an assessment for environmental asthma triggers in the home such as
roach infestation or mold. The program follows participants over a six month time frame,
and has been shown to significantly improve outcomes for asthmatics (Nepaul et al.,
The Pros And Cons Of Hydroelectric Power
We have chosen to do Hydroelectric power for our renewable resource. This is a great
renewable resource because we were given the region tidewater. Tidewater has a large
abundance of water and that made Hydropower a perfect choice. We have many reasons
for our choice. Here you can learn all about what Hydropoweris and how it works. Also
our reasons behind choosing it, the price, the pros and cons, and so much more! Enjoy!
Hydropower works by a generator turned by a turbine. A dam raises the water level so
the water can descend making the turbine turn from the power of the falling water. When
the turbine is turned it produces electrical energy. The reservoir that is formed stores
water. Transmission lines carries the electricity from the hydropower plant to cities,
business and homes. Hydro Energy is stored by water flowing through a dam and
having energy stay in it s area of generators. Its energy is released by generators
turning and making electrical shock waves to create power. This resource produces
about .85 cents per kilowatt hour. For this it depends on how big the power plant is and
how many generators you ll need. Renewable energyis a hot topic these days. With the
ever growing increase in population, demand of energy is also increasing everyday. Non
renewable sources are limited, not environment friendly and increase or decrease in
production of these sources can have direct result on the inflation. Renewable sources, on
Jaguar Research Papers
The jaguar is the largest cat in the Americas. The jaguar has a compact body, a broad
head and powerful jaws.Jaguars can be very dangerous. Its coat is normally yellow
and tan, but the color can vary from reddish brown to black. The spots on the coat are
more solid and black on the head and neck and become larger rosette shaped patterns
along the side and back of the body. At best, only an estimated 15,000 jaguars remain in
the wild. Bi national conservation efforts have been successful at protecting a small
population of 80 to 120 cats in the remote mountains of Sonora, Mexico bordering
Arizona. This population is the largest of three known to remain in Sonora, and is the
last hope for recovery in the United States.Jaguars are solitary animals and live and hunt
alone, except during mating season. The... Show more content on ...
It has very powerful jaws and sharp teeth and usually kills its prey with one crushing
bite to the skull. Unlike most big cats, the jaguar loves the water it often swims,
bathes, plays and even hunts for fish in streams and pools. Like all members of the big
cat family, jaguars can roar. The jaguar s roar sounds like a deep, chesty cough.
Deforestation rates are high in Latin America and fragmentation of forest habitat
isolates jaguar populations so that they are more vulnerable to the predations of man.
People compete with jaguars for prey, and jaguars are frequently shot on sight, despite
protective legislation. Jaguars are also known to kill cattle, and are killed by ranchers
as pest species. The vulnerability of the jaguar to persecution is demonstrated by its
disappearance by the mid 1900 s from the south western US and northern Mexico. The
Jaguar is soon going to be extinct and we can t bring is back. Now it is up to you to
keep these remarkable animals from being extinct from the planet.The Jaguar has so
many unice features and lets leave it like
Classical Music Observations
Most everyone will agree that music is enjoyed by everyone. However, not everyone
likes the same types of music. The good thing is, music has the ability to provide a vast
variety of sounds that everyone can appreciate in some form or fashion. I attended the
Festival Fanfare Classical Music Concert on June 14, 2016, in Hattiesburg, MS. This
was the first time that I ever attended a classical musicevent. Not knowing if I
particularly liked classical music, I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed
listening to the three instruments being played: the trumpet, the piano, and the organ.
The first instrument that was played was the trumpet, by Ryan Anthony. Right away, I
noticed the bright timbre and allegro tempo it possessed. Next
Night Father Son Relationship
New studies show that father son relationships affect grown men, and how they deal
with stressful situations on a day to day basis. (Tobin 1) Father and Son relationships
are a crucial part of a person s life and it shapes who the person will become; however, it
is in the most strenuous circumstances that, in order to survive, a strong father son
relationship is vital. In Hamlet, a play by William Shakespeare and in the novel Night,
by Elie Wiesel, Hamlet and Elie are pushed in different ways in trying to help their
fathers.Night by Elie Wiesel and Hamlet by William Shakespeare emphasizes how
necessary a father son relationship is in a boy s life.
At the beginning of Night, by Elie Wiesel, Elie s bond with his father is weak but as the
story ... Show more content on ...
When a boy has a father present in his life he is able to look up to his father. Since he
has a role model he is able to know what to do and what not to do in certain situations.
Sons who have been nurtured by their fathers are able to stay strong in troubling
situations, and are able to help their father out. Everything I do in this house is to keep
my father well. At the same time, I quail before the idea that he could rebound into
solid physical health. What keeps me sane is that his body s decline has matched his
mind s. My hope is to stay with him until he dies, right here in his house (Thorndike
170). In John Thorndike s book The Last of his Mind: A year in the Shadow of
Alzheimer s John is taking care of his father for a year he will not leave his father s.
John has a very strong relationship with his father. This relates to Night because Elie
is starting to take care of his father when he is getting older and John has starting
taking care of his father and growing closer to him in this time of wondering. I
tightened my grip on my father s hand. The old, familiar fear: not to lose him (Wiesel
104). Elie is protecting his father and
Online Communities
Online Communities

Ken Griffey Jr. is a well known name in the world of Major League Baseball. Before the
Seattle Mariners traded Griffey Jr. to the Cincinnati Reds, he was an absolute
phenomenal baseball player. Since being traded, he has been nothing but disappointment
to the Reds organization. The following is a dialogue between the two members in an
online community at

crc29: Asked if he s happy that he s still with Cincinnati, Griffey said, What does it
matter? This game is not about being happy. It s about wins and losses. ...and this is the
same guy who once said when he was shopping the market that the important thing do is
go somewhere where he ll be happy? And he wonders why people always think ... Show
more content on ...
The four categories were MLB baseball directory, main MLB board, minor league
baseball, and fantasy baseball. At first, I went to the main MLB board to look at the
overall appeal of the community.

There were several different subjects, all of which were specific questions and topics.
Veteran s Committee Trivia, DISGUSTING YANKEE FANS, Fantasy baseball HELP!
Championship Run, Breakout Bat are among the post that stood out. I learned that there
are three main types of posts involved in typical sports forums: informative, analytical,
and investigative.

The three posts, Fantasy baseball HELP! Championship Run Breakout Bat all began
the thread with questions and are great examples of investigative posts. The first
messages presented were often questions. Will the Yanks bring the trophy home this
year? (Championship Run, 2/25) Which player(s) are expected to have a breakout
season with the bat? Also how strong of a year is expected out of Mark Prior?
(Breakout Bats, 2/24) I think I pulled one over on this guy. He originally offered me
just Burrel and Vidro for Hunter, Sabathia, Kim, and Mondesi but I needed a 2B and
wanted to unload Rueter. Mondesi is junk. What do you all think? (Fantasy baseball
HELP! 2/28) Some of the posts involved polls, which people could vote on.

Which team has the best chance of taking the World Series in 2003?
В· Anaheim Angels
В· San Francisco Giants
В· New
Advantages Of Denied Party Screening
Denied Party Screening: Denied Party Screening Software eliminates the need to
manually search for names or countries or any organization on many international lists.
Restricted Party Screening Software or Integration Point Denied Party Screening
Software or as it is sometimes referred, simultaneously scans over 250 global lists,
consisting of more than 300,000 entities for restricted persons and embargoed countries
or banned organization is very efficient and nimble way. Following are the advantages to
having a Denied Party Screening System in place: Reduced time spent in eliminating the
unwarranted parties Enhanced corporate compliance initiatives Additional savings by not
having to devote additional staff members Reduced risk of violations, fines, and
imprisonment Avoided negative publicity associated... Show more content on ...
These processes aims to build employee proficiency rapidly drive collaboration across the
diverse internal business functions that use the ERP solution and ensure its on going
stability and efficient operation. Finally, Accenture decided to build a leading edge
production support environment with a partnership between business and IT, from the
very inception of the ERP program, thereby reducing the stabilization period and
achieving results over the long term. Solution: Resources from Accenture s Operations
Support for the Enterprise (OSE) organization, in collaboration with Accenture s
consultants and its internal IT organization began by examining production support
capabilities at a number of large scale companies. Based on this assessment, Accenture
went out to rethink the entire concept and effectiveness of production support. The result
was a powerful new ERP production support
The Use of Recombinant Bovine Somatotropin Injection
The use of recombinant bovine somatotropin in the dairy industry has been widely used
since its approval by the Food and Drug Administration in 1994. Recombinant bovine
somatotropin injection increases milk yield in dairy cows by decreasing the drastic drop
in milk production that occurs after peak lactation. Recombinant bovine somatotropinalso
stimulates the production insulin like growth factor 1, which, in turn, stimulates the
mammary glands contributing to the increased milk yield (Van Den Berg, 1989).
Recombinant bovine somatotropin is important to agriculture because it has greatly
helped the dairy industry. It has been shown to improve calving intervals between
pregnancies, improve healthy by lowering the incidence of metabolic diseases after
gestation, which leads to lower veterinary costs, and overall improve herd life, animal
well being, and profitability.
Somatotropin, also known as growth hormone, is a protein hormone produced by the
anterior pituitary gland at the base of the brain. It was discovered in the 1930 s when rats
injected with anterior pituitary extract exhibited increased growth and more weight gain
compared to non treated rats (Schaffer and Lee, 1935). In the 1950 s, it was found that
some cases of dwarfism in humans were due to inadequate pituitary production of
somatotropin. Studies were conducted using patients with dwarfism to test if bovine
somatotropin would increase growth. However, results demonstrated that bovine
somatotropin was not
The Sex Of Men Get Up !
Then today, we re gonna teach you about great American sex. Get up! said ________. I
stood up in the same painful position as I had every day for about 70 days. I would
rather follow the orders and reduce the pain that would be caused when the guards
come to play; the guards used every contact opportunity to beat the hell out of the
detainee. As soon as I stood up, the two _______ took off their blouses, and started to
talk all kind of dirty stuff you can imagine, which I minded less. What hurt me most was
them forcing me to take part in a sexual threesome in the most degrading manner. What
many _______ don t realize is that men get hurt the same as women if they re forced to
have sex, maybe more due to the traditional position of the... Show more content on ...
Here in America, everywhere actually, terrorism is taken extremely seriously.
America has dealt with many situations the wrong way, for example, the encounter with
the Native Americans. What has America done wrong in regards to terrorism and terror
suspects, and how can we as a country change it for the better and still be aggressive in
keeping terror out of our country? The Geneva Convention rules were put into place to
protect prisoners of war, soldiers, and civilians. It describes in full detail how these people
should be treated and how our country should deal with civilians, soldiers, and prisoners
of war in all different aspects. But, months after the tragic event of September 11, 2001,
the president, George Bush declared that members of the al Qaeda and others were not
entitled to the formal protections of the Geneva Convention (Washington Post). Who
protects the detainees from inhumane treatment, abuse, and other vicious and cruel
treatment? America in its entirety should accept accountability for the repetitive acts of
inhumane cruelty and torture towards the detainees. They need to redirect that
aggression and focus it towards finding effective non life threating ways to protect. The
punishment should ultimately fit the crime as long as the punished is the actual threat to
our nation.
Reflection Of La Relacion (Erica)
Ms. Cary Hall
American literature G11
11 October 2016
Reflection Essay: La Relacion
Such a cold and freezing winter, people naked and willing to survive... The men began to
regain their senses, their locomotion, and their hope (deVaca 24 25). Do these quotes
remind you something? La Relacion is the representative of historical narrative (a genre
of writings that converts history into a story based form) of the first European account of
adventures with Native American in 15th century written by Alvar Nunez Cabeza
deVaca. The entire story is about building a good relationship between Spaniards and
Native Americans. La Relacion itself emphasizes the characteristic of historical narrative
story not only by stating author s opinion ... Show more content on ...
First of all, we could see the author is very eager to express his opinions toward what he
had experienced, and describe what he felt emotionally. These detailed arguments enable
the story to be justified as the representative of historical narrative story. From the
beginning, when the author was sailing and facing the worst situation ever (failed to
escape, nothing to eat, nothing to wear), the author showed the strong attachment
between him and their religion Christianity. Nothing but God s great mercy kept us from
going down... (3). According to this statement, the author thanks God that he has
survived from the harsh waves which could have destroyed their barge. Even though he
lost everything what he had before, he still had the belief that God would do work for
him. At this point, one can predict that de Vaca s personal opinion is based on his
religion, which identifies this story as the 15th century Native American stories. I was
also able to find author s personal feeling during the hardship when he failed from
returning (when is the climax of the story which greater audiences curiosity. What
would happen if they finally failed to go back?). He once again looked for God when he
was naked, not able to eat enough, and was about to die. The Lord willed
I Know That A Hardline Approach Has Been Your Approach
I know that a hardline approach has been your approach to dealing with the Soviet
Union and instability abroad while I commend you for attempting to establish your
own foreign policy separate from Roosevelt s, I believe you need to shift focus away
from establishing U.S. power abroad and focus on creating the conditions that will
support long term global stability. We are at a crossroads where two powers with
competing ideologies have risen to survive the test of war, and if we do not tread
carefully, we will find ourselves on the brink of a global war once again. We can have
this peace if can contain communism while simultaneously maintaining good relations
with the Soviet Union. A year ago, the Soviet Union was a vital partner to us and... Show
more content on ...
The contributions and success of the Red Army during the war against fascism are
undeniable and have strengthen the belief that communism is a viable alternative to
democracy and capitalism; however, the actions taken by the United States these past
few months say to the Soviet Union that they are not our equal. Stalin feels as though
his own interests were ignored in the handing of post war Japan and in dealing with
German reunification. If we are going to improve relations in any way, the Soviet
perspective must be taken into account despite what domestic opposition there may be.
Policy cannot only function as an extension of an ideology, it must also be grounded
in the reality of current political situation of all parties involved. The United States
will not be harmed by letting the Soviet Union participate in forming provisional
government in states along the Russian border or by comprising on territorial
agreements that would provide the Soviet Union with a sense of security. Compromise
is necessary in the name of stability. Pulling from Stalin s speech again, I believe that
this is our best chance to shift our foreign policy away from armament and towards
economic diplomacy in the Soviet Union. In his speech, Stalin stated, The main tasks of
the new five year plan are to rehabilitate the devastated regions of our country, to restore
industry and agriculture to the prewar level, and then to exceed that level to a more or
less considerable extent. The Soviet
The Importance Of Violent Crime
The last distinction between Saratoga County and Bronx County is violent crime. The
measuring for the violent crimes is through the amount of reported violent crimes such
as homicide, rape, robbery in 100,000 people. Violent crime can cause people afraid to
exercise outside, elevate the stress level in daily activities, and increase the prevalence of
other related diseases ( Violent CrimeDescription , 2017). The data from the University of
Wisconsin Population Health Institute ( Compare Counties , 2017) addressed that, the
amount of violent crime in New York Cityis 394, in the Bronxis 621 and in Saratoga is
80. From the interpretation of these data, the information can be understood that the
amount of violent crime in Bronx County is higher than Saratoga County and overall
New York City. Saratoga County is even much lower than the overall New York City.
When it is applied to knowledge, a lower number of violent crime in a population, the
healthier they will be. Consequently, Saratoga County is healthier than Bronx County.
Where does the data come from and how fair are the measures in county health rankings?
I will review the measures of adult obesity, injury death, and adult smoking to answer
these questions.
The first measure is adult obesity, which use BRFSS method. It is a continuing state
level telephone survey to the population who older than eighteen years old ( Adult
Obesity , 2017). The BRFSS method has a high quality of reliability and validity.
What Are The Long Term Causes Of The 1905 Revolution
The 1905 Russia revolution began in St Petersburg, where Father Gapon and many
other working people marched to the Tsar. They were upset with the Russian
government and Tsar as he would not share any of his power with the people. Long
term factors played a major role in the march, these included harsh working conditions
for peasants and their wages. The loss in the Russo Japanese war led to even worse
working conditions, but the spark that ignited the fire of the 1905 revolution was
inevitably Bloody Sunday.
A long term cause of the Bloody Sunday massacre was the harsh conditions that many
Russians suffered under. Many of the Russian peasants were very unhappy about the
living conditions that they suffered in every day. They were also very upset with how
the land was divided, as they were unable to make a reasonable profit that could
sustain their family from the little strips of land they were given. The working class
were forced to live in cramped, damp, tight barracks that offered no kind of privacy. On
top of their horrible working conditions these people were forced to work long tough
days, without breaks and all for low wages that wouldn t sufficiently feed their ever ...
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The Russo Japanese war was soon to be known as the first great war of the 20th
century, this war lasted for over 18 months from 8th February 1904 to 5th September
1905. It began because of the rival ambitions of the Russian empire and the empire of
Japan over Manchuria and Korea. Nicholas II wished to expand his Russian empire into
Asia and this triggered the beginning of a disastrous war effort for Russia. By
underestimating the advancement of Japan s industrial and military development, the
Tsar humiliated her own prestigious navy and his empire on the world stage. The war
was not only humiliating for Russia but also had an economic impact on their economy,
which sparked the revolution of
The Island Of Dr. Moreau Religion
Science and Religion in The Island of Dr. Moreau
The Island of Dr. Moreau depicts the dueling concepts between science and religion.
Throughout the Victorian Era within which H.G. Wells novel was written, turmoil
between science and religion was at its peak. New scientific theories were proposed
including Darwinism, which H.G. Wells strongly advocated as witnessed in his book.
Many Christians opposed these findings as these new ideas often disproved what was
written in the Bible. Therefore, a divide was created amongst Christians and scientists, the
basis of the material introduced in The Island of Dr. Moreau. Due to opposing conflict
between science and religion, Wells proposes the solution that rules separate humanity
from animals. ... Show more content on ...
Wells articles... is whether ordinary people should be allowed to know the facts and
should discuss their implications (Woolf 498). This excerpt is a prime example of the
division between science and religion that was occurring throughout the time period
within this book was written. Many people began to support Wells in his beliefs of
scientific principles such as Darwinism. However, there were those who strongly
dejected it and even became hostile that those scientific ideas were available to the
public. The reason the ideas were so easily accessible were because of literary
interpretation in controversial books such as The Island of Dr. Moreau.
One interpretation in The Island of Dr. Moreau was that Moreau is a scientific God. Dr.
Moreau and God display many of the same characteristics when comparing the Bible
to H.G. Wells novel. They are both depicted as invisible, but still there watching. This
is shown in The Island of Dr. Moreau as Wells has written, You cannot see him. But he
can see you. Fear the law, (Wells 163). In the Bible a similar dialog is written, The
eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good, (The Holy Bible
378). Both texts also describe the two characters as healing and wounding. In Wells
novel it is written, His is the Hand that
Questions On Information Security System
Question 1: What is information security?
Answer: Information Security is the practice of defending (guiding) information by
considering the CIA Triad Principles which are Confidentiality (Authorize access),
Integrity (Accuracy and Completeness) and Availability.
Question 2: How is the CNSS model of information security organized?
Answer: The Committee on National Security System (CNSS) is organize by
considering the secure system attributes known as CIA triangle which extend the
relationship among the three attributes by axes show in diagram ends up with
3*3*3 Cube with 27 cells. Each cell represents an area of intersection among these three
dimensions that must address to secure information system. The CNSS Model is also
known as Mc Cumber Cube

Question 3: What three principles are used to define the C.I.A. triangle? Define each in
the context in which it is used in information security.

Answer: The three principles of C.I.A. triangle are Confidentiality, Integrity and

This context is used in information security in the following ways:

Confidentiality: Access controls help ensure that only authorized subjects can access
objects. When unauthorized entities are able to access systems or data, it results in a loss
of confidentiality.
Integrity: Integrity maintains the consistency, accuracy and trustworthiness of data over
its entire lifecycle.
Availability Authorized requests for objects must be granted to subjects within a
reasonable amount of

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