Ch. 2 - Christopher

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Review Questions

Multiple Choice
1. A error does not prevent the program from running, but causes it to produce incorrect
a. syntax
b. hardware
c. logic
d. fatal
2. A is a single function that the program must perform in order to satisfy the customer.
a. task
b. software requirement
c. prerequisite
d. predicate
3. A(n) is a set of well-defined logical steps that must be taken to perform a task.
a. logarithm
b. plan of action
c. logic schedule
d. algorithm
4. An informal language that has no syntax rules, and is not meant to be compiled or
executed is
called .
a. faux code
b. pseudocode
c. Java
d. a flowchart
5. A is a diagram that graphically depicts the steps that take place in a program.
a. flowchart
b. step chart
c. code graph
d. program graph
6. A(n) is a set of statements that execute in the order that they appear.
a. serial program
b. sorted code
c. sequence structure
d. ordered structure
7. A is a sequence of characters that is used as data.
a. sequence structure
b. character collection
c. string
d. text block
8. A is a storage location in memory that is represented by a name.
a. variable
b. register
c. RAM slot
d. byte
9. A is any hypothetical person that is using a program and providing input for it.
a. designer
b. user
c. guinea pig
d. test subject
10. A(n) is a message that tells (or asks) the user to enter a specific value.
a. inquiry
b. input statement
c. directive
d. prompt
11. A(n) sets a variable to a specified value.
a. variable declaration
b. assignment statement
c. math expression
d. string literal
12. In the expression 12 + 7, the values on the right and left of the symbol are called .
a. operands
b. operators
c. arguments
d. math expressions
13. A(n) operator raises a number to a power.
a. modulus
b. multiplication
c. exponent
d. operand
14. A(n) operator performs division, but instead of returning the quotient it returns the
a. modulus
b. multiplication
c. exponent
d. operand
15. A(n) specifies a variable’s name and data type.
a. assignment
b. variable specification
c. variable certification
d. variable declaration
16. Assigning a value to a variable in a declaration statement is called .
a. allocation
b. initialization
c. certification
d. programming style
17. A(n) variable is one that has been declared, but has not been initialized or assigned a
a. undefined
b. uninitialized
c. empty
d. default
18. A(n) is a variable whose content has a value that is read only and cannot be changed
during the program’s execution.
a. static variable
b. uninitialized variable
c. named constant
d. locked variable
19. A debugging process in which you imagine that you are the computer executing a
program is
called .
a. imaginative computing
b. role playing
c. mental simulation
d. hand tracing
20. Short notes placed in different parts of a program, explaining how those parts of the
work, are called .
a. comments
b. reference manuals
c. tutorials
d. external documentation

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