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An Argumentative Essay

Crafting an argumentative essay can be a challenging endeavor that demands a combination of

critical thinking, research skills, and effective communication. The difficulty lies not only in
presenting a coherent and compelling argument but also in navigating through the vast pool of
information to gather relevant evidence and support.

Firstly, one must delve into the topic to develop a deep understanding of various perspectives,
allowing for a well-rounded and informed argument. This requires time and effort, as it involves
sifting through diverse sources, evaluating their credibility, and synthesizing the information into a
cohesive narrative.

Moreover, constructing a compelling thesis statement that encapsulates the essence of the argument
and guides the entire essay is no simple feat. It requires a clear articulation of one's stance while
acknowledging opposing views. Striking the right balance between conviction and open-mindedness
is essential for a persuasive argument.

The process of organizing thoughts and ideas can be intricate, as each paragraph should seamlessly
flow into the next, reinforcing the overall argument. Proper structuring, coherence, and logical
progression are crucial elements that contribute to the essay's effectiveness.

Additionally, mastering the art of persuasive writing involves honing language skills to convey ideas
convincingly. Selecting the right words, employing rhetorical devices, and maintaining a formal tone
require careful consideration. Achieving a balance between clarity and sophistication is imperative to
engage the reader effectively.

Furthermore, the task extends beyond the initial draft. Revisions and edits are essential to refine the
argument, enhance clarity, and ensure the essay's overall coherence. This iterative process demands a
critical eye and a willingness to reevaluate and improve.

In conclusion, composing an argumentative essay is a multifaceted challenge that demands a

combination of research prowess, analytical thinking, and effective communication. However, with
dedication and a structured approach, one can navigate these challenges successfully to create a
compelling and persuasive piece of writing.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any writing challenges, various resources are
available. Platforms like provide professional writing services, offering support for
a wide range of topics and assignments. Seeking such help can be a valuable option for those
looking to enhance the quality of their academic work.
An Argumentative Essay An Argumentative Essay
Analysis Of The Poem The Woman Warrior By Maxine Hong...
The Unescapable Net:
Tradition vs Transformation in Kingston s Ideology The Woman Warrior, written by
Chinese American author Maxine Hong Kingston in 1976, blends traditional Chinese
folktales and memoir, and portrays the early 20th century Chinese history in a Chinese
American perspective. For Maxine, it seems Chinese history means social and cultural
constrains from conventional Chinese doctrines, especially regarding the social status of
womanhood, the blind collectivism, and superstition in old China. Maxine s negative
depiction of Chinese history partially reflects the bureaucracy of patriarchal and feudal
system in old China, but more importantly, reveals Maxine herself, a third culture kid, as
a paradox: she is eager to incorporate into the American mainstream society by resisting
her Chinese cultural background, but at the same time, her unconscious actions imply
that her Chinese background is a historical baggage that she could never discard of. By
retelling experiences and legends from her mother and even her grandmother s
generation, Maxine suggests how she as a Chinese American woman is in a awkward
state between tradition and transformation, and presents a cultural clash between
America and China. Maxine s portray of women s role under the male dominated society
and feudal system suggests the first paradox in her ideology protesting male dominance,
but at the same time admitting it. Women, in ancient China, are usually treated as lower
social status and
Why I Wanted Simultaneously To Understand Hanna s Crime...
I wanted simultaneously to understand Hanna s crime and condemn it... The book is
more of a story about a boy trying to understand his lover, than it is a Holocaust story.
Discuss. The Reader written by Bernhard Schlink set in Germany, 1958 describes the
story of fifteen year old Michael Berg and his relationship between an older woman and
his coming to terms of his country s recent history. The story is set in three parts which
enables the reader to understand each part of the story and takes the audience on a
journey through each stage of the character, Michael s life. The quote I wanted
simultaneously to understand Hanna s crime and condemn it is used to support the idea
that the story is more so about understanding relationships than a holocaust story. This
can be seen in the first part of the novel when Michael... Show more content on ...
He travelled to New York to visit the Jewish woman who was a witness at the trial, and
who wrote the book about the winter death march from Auschwitz. The woman can see
his terrible conflict of emotions and Michael finally told someone of his relationship with
Hanna. The confusion within Michael was finally released. His sudden realisation and
his understanding was expressed when he said I wanted simultaneously to understand
Hanna s crime and to condemn it... When I tried to understand it, I had the feeling I was
failing to condemn it as it must be condemned. When I condemned it as it must be
condemned, there was no room for understanding. But even as I wanted... failing to
understand her meant betraying her all over again... I wanted to pose myself both tasks
understanding and condemnation. But it was impossible to do both . This quote sums up
Michael s conflict between understanding Hanna s crime and the background story which
constructs the basis of Michael and Hanna s relationship, but it shows that The Reader is
more so about Michael s understanding than a holocaust story
In J. D. Salinger s Franny And Zooey Essay
In the novel Franny and Zooey , by J.D. Salinger, Franny is Zooey s younger sister,
who seems to contradict herself quite a bit, eventually, she freaks out and has a
nervous break down in a public restroom during a night out on the town. Franny s
hypocrisy affects everyone around her including herself. She continues to contradict
herself throughout the book until she finally speaks to Zooey and he explains to her
the jesus prayer and how she caused herself to have a nervous breakdown. In the
beginning of the story, Franny was introduced through a letter she wrote to her
boyfriend, Lane. She came off as a very particular type as she seemed to not be able to
make up her mind. In the letter, it seemed that she couldn t make up her mind about
her own boyfriend. She couldn t tell if she loved him or not, or how she felt about
him. She begins to come off as a phoney. She begins to tell Lane how much she loved
the letter he had wrote to her, but towards the end she tells him that his letter was
horrible . ( Do you love me? You didn t say once... Show more content on ...
Just as in the very beginning of the book, she seems to worship it. Even though she
worships the jesus prayer and her pilgrim book, she doesn t follow the journey that
follows the pilgrim and the origin of the prayer. Again she contradicts herself. Franny
had also quit theatre, which according to Zooey was the only thing she was really
good at. She had loved it but hated the immature audience. She couldn t handle the
laughs and didn t think they were worth it. She gave up something she was actually
good at due to her not being able to make up her mind on why she thought the laughs
were so immature and uneducated they were to her. Zooey notices how Franny speaks
about her life and the things she doesn t like about it, and he becomes livid to the point
he gives her a speech so long about how she s wrong and what she could do better it
could take up half of the
Comparing Which Pinter And Larkin Show The Pressures Of...
Compare and contrast the ways in which Pinter and Larkin show the pressures of modern
life on the individual
In both The Caretaker and Larkin s Collected Poems, Pinter and Larkin frequently paint
their characters to live in a relentless state of fear and anguish caused often by the
pressures of the external world. In this critical understanding of both writers, I will
explore how the variations of pressures from modern life effecting and potentially
harming individuals. The Caretaker and Collected Poems were both written in the 1960 s.
The Swinging Sixties was a revolutionary time, with the introduction to new influential
music, the contraceptive pill and iconic fashion. These thriving characteristics defined the
hedonistic era we ... Show more content on ...
Mr Bleaney deals with a similar situation of characters residing in a fixed mind set that
leads to stagnant life. The speaker discusses similar physical restrictions and issues
that he and Mr Bleaney face living in the small cramped flat. The speaker reflects
Where Mr Bleaney lay, and stub my fags on the same saucer souvenir . Both men share
the same dismal habits showing negligence they have for their futures. The concept of
self induced entrapment within a safe sanctuary is brought upon both characters,
showing no real desire to expand to the exterior world. In comparison, Aston in The
Caretaker resides in a safe sanctuary of his home and loyalty of the shed concept. As a
victim of electrotherapy, Aston is scared from the dangers of society s pressures on
him, so he constantly keeps himself busy with trivial tasks to keep his mind at rest.
Pinter s stage directions support Aston anxious habits, Aston crosses to the plug box to
get another plug during one of Davies excessively bogus stories, then later goes back to
the bed just to fidget with the new plug. Critic here supporting Aston s nervous ticks and
reasoning behind it
Towards the end of the Mr Bleaney, Larkin potentially acknowledges that living in fear
is a life wasted. As the poem is retrospective, the speaker proclaims, That how we live
measures our own nature , as for Mr Bleaney who lived in trepidation of existence
beyond his measly flat, has wasted his life. The speaker reflects,
Critique Of The Classical Hollywood Cinema
The term classical Hollywood cinema has been used to describe a narrative and visual
style of film making which developed between in the early 20th century, and as far as
the 1960s. The style is characterized by a number of devices that establish a linear
narrative logic and a realistic cinematic space; which soon became some of the most
prevalent narrative techniques in cinematic history to this day. The heyday of second
wave feminism, saw the birth of feminist filmtheory, which became concerned with
female representations in the media. This period ignited an era of scepticism felt
towards classical Hollywood that lives on; as many believe that this narrative style set a
sexist tone to cinema for the years to come. Motivated by both the aspiration to
adequately depict female subjectivity onscreen and the aim to achieve social equality of
the sexes, scholars often turn to the experimental cinema to appreciate feminist objectives
thrive (Watson Hill, 2015). Nevertheless, others believe that the audience s familiarity
with the... Show more content on ...
A fundamental theorist for the aforementioned is Laura Mulvey, whose psychoanalytic
study of narrative cinema nurtured the notion that women onscreen play an exhibitionist
role (Mulvey, 1975:19). Mulvey (1975) states that the visual importance allocated to the
woman symbol actually goes against the development of the storyline, as it freeze[s]
the flow of action to allow moments of erotic contemplation (Mulvey, 1975:29).
Classical narrative cinema s use of previously established stars in films can be said to
serve the former technique, in a way that the films gain popularity through their actors
hired. As a result, the female star can be said to be positioned in films merely for the
voyeuristic pleasure of the spectators; as opposed to serving a role in the continuation of
Summary Of Three Skeleton Key
Fear can be both a curse and a blessing. It can save you from the dangerous things in
life. It can also keep you from pursuing what you aspire to do. In the short story Three
Skeleton Key , George G. Toudouze writes about his own personal experience on
Three Skeleton Key, an island off of the French Colony of Guiana. Three Skeleton Key
is not a normal island, however, but an island with a spooky backstory. It is said that
three convicts who were escaping from a nearby prison crashed onto the rock and died.
Their skeletons were supposedly dancing on the very rocks that the author was standing
on, which is truly frightening. Later, a boat was found rocking in the waves, headed
straight for him while holding a deadly cargo. In fact, it was holding... Show more content
on ...
Anticipation is not a raw form of fear, but rather something that leads to it. To
anticipate something is to be uncertain of the present situation itself. Unfortunately,
there is always fear in the unknown. It can be seen in Toudouze s expression as the
boat meaning his death was in the hands of nature. He wrote, The three of us grew
tense as the ship seemed about to crash on one of our numerous reefs, but she suddenly
lurched with some change of wind, the yards swung around, and the derelict came
clumsily about and sailed dead away from us. This tension that rose from the lighthouse
crew was none other than fear emanating from their bodies. This fear in anticipation
was also building suspense in both the readers and characters as nature was delaying the
inevitable crash of the ship. He wrote later on in the story, And for the next four hours
the vessel played around us... . Toudouze describes this playing as almost sinister and
evil. But that is not as evil as the most impactful form of
Electronic Medical Records Vs. The Ohio State University...
doctors. Even that provides a notification of appointment and several updates with your
current doctor. Technology as an Enabler, at the Ohio State University Medical Center
(OSUMC), a data driven approach was essential in improving the patient experience.
Based on a data driven model, OSUMC focused on two strategies, nurse rounding and
patent discharge calls to generate significant improvements in patient experience.
Leveraging the use of HIT to sustain and hardware the strategies, OSUMC experienced
an increase of 15% of a few years of their patient experience scores 10. Electronic
Medical Records Access, this gives the ability to have past records of patients for long
term and easily access from any place whereas paper based document and can be loss or
not able to get it when it s needed. Ensuring that the EHR is as adopted as other clinical
applications can greatly impact the patient experience, including; patient registration,
records management, and information infrastructure systems. As Roham et al points out,
many healthcare providers are still in early staging of implementing an EHR and if not
completely installed can have a negative impact on patient satisfaction metrics(2014, p.
134)11. Facilities Create partnerships to establish best treatment practices that improve
clinical outcomes Streamline clinical documentation processes with standardized data
points Standardize electronic documentation, databases, and user interfaces Create
weekly outcome
Tale Of Two Cities Satire
Charles Dickens is perhaps one of the most notable English authors in history. His
novels have undoubtedly become household names, and his works have received mass
recognition. Be that as it may, A Tale of Two Cities has been the subject of vast
criticism over the years. A Tale of Two Cities received immense criticism, especially by
modern critics, for its exaggerations of the French aristocracy and its tedious character
development. Others choose to praise his works, believing that Dickens perfectly
captures the essence of the French Revolution in a picturesque story (Davis). Despite
debate, A Tale of Two Citiesshould be considered one of Charles Dickens great works,
through its talented development and balance of many literary elements,... Show more
content on ...
It is expressed, Young Jerry witnesses his father s attack on his mother as Jerry takes
her by the ears on the bed and knocks her head against the headboard (Glancy A Tale
99). This is an example of his father s cruel marital actions. The source continues, He
has just witnessed his father s fishing also, and although he is terrified by what he sees,
the next morning he tells Jerry that he wants to be a resurrection man when he grows
up. We can presume that he will also adopt his father s brutal treatment of women.
Young Jerry justifies his desire to be like his father by stating, I thought you knowed
everything, Father (Dickens 165). Dickens provides yet another example of how in
eighteenth century Europe, roles are inherited and determined by birth, even unexpected
roles such as treatment of others. Young Jerry admires his father, even when his father s
actions are anything but admirable. Dickens ability to incorporate all such elements of
satire adds interest and humor to the novel. Readers can find pleasure in noticing each
detail, and can slowly piece together every little detail that Dickens so perfectly ties
Air Photography Lab
Chapter Six
Maps and Air Photos

The objectives of this lab are to learn how to interpret and depict landforms using air
photos, topographic maps, and geologic maps. In geology, maps have many functions. It
is essential to be able to read and understand a map (paper or digital) while in the field.
Geologic maps contain more information than common highway maps. Features such as
faults, folds, rock formation, strike and dip, elevation and a variety of other information
can be found, depending on the type of map.

Key Terms
Air photo, anaglyphs, contour interval, contour line, cut bank, depression contour,
fractional scale, graphical scale, index contour, landform, lineament, profile, scale,
stereoscope, ... Show more content on ...
Wells drilled into such fractures often produce large amounts of groundwater. Lineaments
are usually subtle, but may show up as a wet area containing greener vegetation. Where
fractures intersect the land surface, there is usually a trough in the topography that
funnels water from surrounding areas. Watch for lineaments as you study air photos in
this lab.

Land use planners use air photos to depict roadways and existing developments,
landforms such as unstable slopes that may hinder development, environmentally
sensitive areas such as wetlands that may be damaged by development and buffer zones
around lakes and rivers that should not be developed due to flood hazards.

Using special glasses called stereoscope, it is possible to view adjacent air photos so
that the image appears three dimensional. Learn from your instructor how to use a
stereoscope. Study various images in the Aerial Stereogram book until you are
comfortable using the stereoscopic glasses. We will study several image in detail. When
using a stereoscope to study the image, read the accompanying captions and note the
coordinate system along the edges of the photos. Use coordinates to locate features on
the maps. Page 8 Gros Ventre
Literary Diction In Edwin Arlington Robinson s Richard Cory
The writer Edwin Arlington Robinson wrote the poem Richard Cory in 1896. Edwin
Robinson, the American poet was recognized for his work and earned three Pulitzer
Prizes. This poem was written about a man, Richard Cory. A man who seems to have
it perfect in life and for this he is the center of attention in his community. His peer
wish to be like him yet, they don t know the trouble he has with his own self. He turns
out killing himself. The poet uses literary devices such as formal diction, irony and
imagery to emphasize the moral he strives for his readers to receive. Edwin Arlington
uses the literary device of formal diction to keep the perfection of the character in line
with the wording that is used to compliment him. In the fourth line of the poem, the poet
worded clean favored, and imperially slim rather than other common words such as cute
or skinny to give a different image of Richard Corys character. When the wordcute is
used to compliment someone the image of someone that is dressed in what s in style
comes to mind. When clean favored is used, it gives a different perspective. The
author uses the vocabulary clean favored to explain Richard Cory s image in a
different form. It is someone who is dressed well, such as in a suit or professional
because the wording sounds professional and personal with who the character is. Just as
his name, the character s name is based off of someone superior. Many English kings are
named Richard while his last
Good Will Hunting Sociology
Good Will Hunting was produced in 1997 starring Robin Williams, Matt Damon, Ben
Affleck, and Minnie Driver. Will Hunting, who is a genius but has a troubled past with
abusive relationships. Will gets help from a therapist, Dr. Sean, with the help of
Lambeau to do advanced math to get out of jail time. The main plot is the building of
the relationship between Will and Sean. Will s character develops the most. Will slowly
open up and confronts his past and decides to use his talents and do something better for
his future. While there was not much diversity with ethnicity, the main focus the film
addressed was the difference in social classand the relation of it towards education.
Will is an orphan who grew up in foster homes. He is from a poor South Boston
neighborhood. He lives alone in a junky house. His jobs were working as a janitor and a
construction worker. Will is considered low class status. He does not have higher
education but is very intelligent. He was able to educate himself through books. He
can recite what he has read and is able to solve difficult math problems. He doesn t see
himself getting out of town and doing something bigger of himself. Will s economic
situation and how it s portrayed in this film is very realistic. He is a working class man
that just lives off of what he only needs.
People who grow up in poverty or low class are not as successful compared to someone
who grew up in a different situation because of the lack of opportunities there are
Social Construction Concepts Of Race
According to van den Berghe and Zuckerman (1967, 1990), race is the biological term
used to distinguish populations in different areas using physical characteristics such as
skin color and facial features (Measuring Racial Discrimination, 2004, p26). The genetic
clusters are being found and they are used in constructing concepts of race
(p26).Members of the society routinely use these characteristics to categories people and
they lead people to have different social perceptions, attitudes and behaviors (p27).
According to Chris Livesey (SO 300 Resource: 2015, p195) these characteristics are
used, firstly, to determine an individual s position in a stratification system and it is said
to be practiced legally because a society takes it as normal
The Uses Of Human Biological Remains
The use of human biological remains can tell us quite a lot about how past
civilizations lived. One is able to deduce from the findings whether groups of people
were transient or stationary by examining findings from a midden. Refuse stashes also
tell us much of what a specific group consumes in terms of diet or housing materials.
One is able to discover how long ago an individual lived by using dating measurements
such as radio carbondating or argon dating. The use of humanbiological remains is the
most beneficial and educational resource for archeologists in the field and in the

There are many ways to determine antiquity with archeological findings that fall under
two main categories, relative dating and absolute dating. Relative dating uses techniques
applied by the archeologists themselves and produce a general understanding of the age
of findings while absolute dating can provide an exact date the biological remains were
alive and uses much more elaborate and in depth laboratory testing techniques. Absolute
dating techniques such as dendrochronology, radiocarbon dating, and argon dating are
the most effective and wide spread methods for dating human biological remains to
provide a detailed analysis of antiquity. Radiocarbon dating is the most widespread and
commonly used technique for dating human remains in archeology. It is known that all
living things contain carbon and upon death carbon breaks down at a specific and steady
rate once. By
How Consumer Price Index and Net Present Value Affect...
The project has a positive net present value of $46.59 million. As such, the project
should be accepted. The reasoning behind this is that the company should accept any
project if the NPV is above 0. The NPV reflects value added to the company.
Management, therefore, should pursue any project that adds value to the company and
that means pursuing projects with a positive NPV. A positive NPV will increase
shareholder wealth, and a negative NPV will reduce shareholder wealth (Baker, 2000).
The dollar value of the NPV in light of the expenditure is irrelevant. The project adds to
shareholder wealth, and should therefore be accepted. The only time when the dollar
values of the expenditure and the NPV matter is when the company must choose between
two mutually exclusive alternatives (FAO, n.d.). In that case, the obligation that
management has is to undertake the project that delivers the greatest increase in
shareholder wealth.
The CEO must have made several assumptions. The first is that the company can
successfully enter so many markets simultaneously. From an operations perspective, this
is a very difficult expansion plan. A plan this ambitious is not usually undertaken a firm
that has never expanded this way. There must be a few implicit assumptions here. The
company is clearly assuming that all of these markets are going to remains stable. While
political and economic stability are reasonable assumptions for Germany, they are less so
for Brazil. Even entering the
My Experience Of Art
Since elementary school I have envisioned my life deeply intertwined with art,
however, at the same time I also knew that vision never had me living out the
stereotype of a starving artist either. As a child my understanding of artist in the work
force was nothing more than the clichГ© vision, of a paint covered artist smearing
vivid hues on a canvas and then rushing to the nearest art gallery to sell their work. I
didn t know anything of the vast opportunities for artist or even how abundantly art is
used throughout our society. Maybe this was due to the fact I was never one of those
kids who know what they wanted to be since they were three. Nevertheless, I always
had a passion to create, even when I was determined to become the next Thomas Edison,
I was looking for an outlet to create. By the time third grade would roll around though, it
would be made evident that art in its most traditional since of drawingand painting would
be the outlet I was always looking for. Understanding my niche in the creative world
would take me over a decade of self evaluation, inspiration, and research.
I never started out saying I was going to be an artist, I still did a child s fair share of
doodles and finger painting but it was never anything that raptured my attention.
However, this would all change on Christmas Eve, when my grandmother presented me
with a book entitled How to Draw 120 of your Favorite Things . Now the title was not
the most original approach, the book s cover made up
Essay on Effects of Maternal Employment on Infant...
The topic of this paper is the debate of whether or not maternal employment has any
effect on infant development. Research on this described topic has recently become
popular due to the rise of working mothers over the past several decades. Their
increasing numbers in the workplace and decreasing numbers as stay at home moms are
creating a number of different issues to be studied. The effects of maternalemployment
are determined by a number of factors that include, the mothers job satisfaction and drive,
amount of work, and the mothers opinion of quality versus quantity time with children.
The main concept at hand here is the importance of an attachment in the first few years
as being vital to a child s... Show more content on ...
Sometime later referring to at least after the child s second year of life; this is due to
research that has also shown that children that began full time care for 30 hours a week
in their second year functioned just as poorly as these children whose care was initiated
in their first year of life.
These studies have been examined by many researchers, each of them varying and
being put together a little better than the last after taking in to mind the criticism for
each. After Belsky s research was criticized another similar study was done but also
took into account the background information of the child, mother and the family. The
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth was used for these studies which also lead to
there being a more representative sample of children. Their research broke up the
children, 4, 5 and 6 year olds, into three separate groups so they could be compared on
the emotional and social functioning being studied. There were two groups differing
by when their non parental care started, either the first or second year of life, and a
third for those children that had mothers that were employed less than 10 hours per
week or not at all employed. The results were similar but they did distinguish that a shy
child would be more likely to be affected by non parental care, having trouble coping
Catechism In The Chick Tract
This Chick Tract also touches on the idea of an all loving God which goes hand in
hand with the idea of God giving His only begotten Son so that everyone else will be
allowed eternal life (John 3:16 ). The fundamentalists try to state in this Chick Tract that
God does not love Roman Catholics because God views them as a false religion. The
fundamentalists believe that the Catholic Churchis just trying to persuade people to join
their faith and that it actually goes against the word of God. According to the
Catechism of the Catholic Faith, Catholics believe in an all loving God due to the fact
that He always provides for His people, forgives sins, and most importantly offers His
followers an eternity of everlasting love with Him in heaven if they choose to do so
(Cline, Austin, Is God Omnibenevolent). God has proven that He loves all of His
followers and children not only through the giving of His Son, but also throughout
other parts of the Bible. Deuteronomy 7:9 shows a great example of this love
Remember that the Lord your God is the only God and that he is faithful. He will keep
his covenant and show his constant love to a thousand generations of those who love
him and obey his commands . God is telling his followers that if they remain faithful to
Him, He will in return remain faithful to them, and will always guide them and keep
them safe. This God does not seem to be a God of hate who could merely banish
someone to spend the rest of eternity burning in hell for not
Questionnaire Are Essential For Survey Research
Questionnaires are essential in survey research. All surveys must contain some sort of
questionnaire. This mechanism or surveying makes sure all participants are asked the
same questions, making the results more comparable. There are three types of questions
that can be asked in a questionnaire. The first type is an open ended question. Using this
form, the respondent can answer using their own words. This allows for more depth in
the data being collected. The second type of question is a closed ended question. The
respondent must choose from a list of answers, this allows for more efficient
interpretation of the data. The final type of question is a scaled response question.
Under this style the respondent usually ranks items on a given scale, such as a scale
from one to ten. In this case, Olive Garden will choose five questions to place on their
questionnaire, along with deciding how to target the survey to the right customers. The
first question Olive Garden will put on their questionnaire is how many days per year do
you eat out at Olive Garden? This question is geared toward weeding out the people
Olive Garden does not want answering the questionnaire. The company only wants
people that routinely eat at their restaurant. This first question resembles an open ended
question. The respondents can use their own words however they choose to. This
question will help customer satisfaction by starting to identify who the actual customers
are. Then the next questions will more
Invisible Wall Fire Monologue
Today is the last day I will let people make trouble in this town! Now being second
chairman of the board I am basically in charge. Especially in charge during a crisis
like this here one. I don t know what folks here are getting upset about. A local plane
tried to land on the highway and hit an oncoming truck!? Now Ernie had no right
taking it upon himself to call homeland security. Yes the accident was fatal, but that s
where the word accident comes in. Now I am not very sure what all the chitter chatter
about some invisible wall is, but they are full of it! I now have this here situation under
control if everyone would calm down we would be able to handle it civilly. Of course
though everybody is upset about severed limbs they are finding
This Toddler Might Never Hear Music Again Video Analysis
Over the last years earphones reached the zenith of their success, due to the fact that
are portable audio system compatible with any electronic device. Also, they are
affordable for everyone with a tremendous variety of prices, colors, brands and size. In
addition, it is immensely attractive to have at least one and listening to music
everywhere all day. Consequently, the majority of people from youth to senior used
them for long periods of time. Even though, as the video This Toddler Might Never
Hear Music Again (2015) shown on YouTube by Listen Carefully user, headphones are
not beneficial when they are used at a high volume, it can cause permanent hearing loss.
Furthermore, This Toddler Might Never Hear Music Again video can be analyzed based
on its audience, purpose, structure and language.
Firstly, the video s target audience is people who are a parent or guardian of a child who
use earphones. In these days, it is common to notice an infant with these portable audio
artifacts, therefore parents need to be aware of the volume they are listening to music.
Implying they are the ones in charge of rendering advice to their children. In addition,
the video may also be helpful for people of all ages who constantly use them and also for
... Show more content on ...
For instance, the author writes 1 in 6 American teens has permanent hearing loss due to
loud sounds. (Listen Carefully, 2015). This text is trying to catch the attention of people
and inform them about the terrifying numbers due to listening music at a high volume.
For example, Be like Theo, protect your hearing. (Listen Carefully, 2015). Similarly, this
statement is about a solution to prevent being a person with hearing loss problems, it
suggests to imitate Theo s actions. The arguments and ideas presented in the video are
credible due to the user s background. Listen Carefully is an organization dedicated to
preventing a hearing loss
The Iron Lady
The Iron Lady. One of the most stand out monuments in the world, and one of the
most beautiful. It shares its nickname with Margaret Thatcher, a prime minister of
England. Built by Gustave Eiffel in 1889 as an entrance to the World Fair, La Tour
Eiffel would stand for twenty years before being torn down. However, the tower would
later be repurposed as a radio antenna in 1909 for World War I, and still stands as a radio
antenna to this day, where more than one hundred antennae beam radio and television
broadcasts around the world. The Eiffel Toweris one of the most recognized, and most
paid for visited monument in the world. However, when it was built, there were multiple
protests against it. Most Parisians fear that La Tour Eiffel was structurally unsound or
that it was an eyesore that would out shadow other famous buildings in Paris, like Notre
Dame and the Louvre. Novelist Guy de Maupassant allegedly hated the Eiffel Tower so
much he ate lunch in the restaurant at the base of the tower every day because it was the
only vantage point from which (I) could completely avoid glimpsing its looming
silhouette. Eiffel later stated that the tour was on the Champs de Mars and far enough
away from all those other monuments and it would not risk overwhelming them.
Edouard Lockroy wrote a letter of support about the tower, and explained how all the
protesting was irrelevant because the project had been decided upon months before and
construction for it was already underway. When
Using A Similar Deign And Mcdermott s False Memory...
The current experiment used a similar deign as Roediger and McDermott s (1995) false
memory experiment. In this 2x2 mixed factorial designed experiment, memory was
tested using a word list that was either blocked by five critical words on a particular
subject or randomized. Participants were university college students who participated for
course credit. There was a significant difference in false memorywhen the blocked vs.
random lists were compared to examine which had more words remembered. The
participants who were randomly assigned to the blocked list recalled more words to
include actual words and the critical words when compared to those randomly placed in
the random word condition. The results revealed that using the blocked lists better
facilitated the actual memory and recalled more critical words/false memories.

Memory has been a subject of study to see if what we remember is a true memory or a
false memory. Some of the studies conducted on this have used sentences, prose, films
and slides to test the memory and find out if the individual can recall the actual story or
have false memories about what they experienced (Roediger III McDermott, 1995, p.
803). The problem arises when eyewitnesses recall information about an event but proves
to be false. Roediger, Jacoby and McDermott state that when you test the memory you are
not just testing the retention of that event, you are also changing how the individual
retains that particular event in the future.
The Riz-Carlton Applicaiton Summary
Application Summary



Copyright 2000 by THE RITZ CARLTONВ® HOTEL COMPANY, L.L.C. All Rights


Products and Services: The Ritz Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C. develops and operates
luxury hotels for others. The hotels are designed and identified to appeal to and suit the
requirements of its principal customers who consist of:
(1) Meeting Event Planners and (2) Independent Business and Leisure Travelers.
President COO: Horst Schulze
Headquarters: 3414 Peachtree Road, N.E.
Suite 300
Atlanta, Georgia 30326
Operations: One Central Reservations Office
Seven International Sales Offices (ISO s)
24 Hotels and Resorts in ... Show more content on ...
The separation of planning from execution had four major consequences. Translating The
Credo into basic standards to clarify the quality responsibilities for our Ladies and
Gentlemen; the most important of which include: (1) anticipating the wishes and needs
of the guests (2) resolving their problems and
(3) genuinely caring conduct towards guests and each other.

1. A factory concept emerged in which people were assigned one task rather than a
single craftsman performing the entire sequence of tasks. In this factory approach, if task
#11 was causing a problem for task #24, it wasn t identified until it reached the customer,
and even then the problem likely continued.
2. A dramatic rise in productivity.
3. The segregation of divisions and departments.
4. A further distancing of upper managers from the job of managing for quality.

Aggressively instilling a passion for excellence.

Personally training the Ladies and Gentlemen of a new

Ritz Carlton on The Credo and Basic Standards, commonly referred to as The Gold
Standards, which are shown on page
2 as Figure 1.

Another Major Change, A Comprehensive

By 1989 Horst Schulze realized that a more comprehensive structure was necessary for
the Ritz Carlton to optimize its performance. He selected the Malcolm
Baldrige National Quality Award Criteria. Through the use of this assessment tool and the
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Jidoka
Introduction: As part of my assignment in manufacturing management I am to research
the importance of JIDOKA within a company, I will start off with a brief history of
how it all came about, I will then be looking into the practical elements of the system
and why it s been used and how it s been a huge success for the Toyota company which
has catapulted them ahead of all other manufacturers. Advantages and disadvantages
will also be looked at. Jidoka is a system where on a production line it can automatically
reject any defected part from its point of origin. Brief History: The word jidoka traces
back to the invention of the automatic loom by Sakichi Toyoda, Founder of the Toyota
Group. It first started to be implemented on... Show more content on ...
We see that since the inception of Jidoka in Toyota productivity systems (TPS)
productivity has always been high. The philosophy at Toyota is to give the customer
the best possible product, and to ensure to the highest possible standards are always
achieved with no compromises. Jidoka requires humans for the process to work, each
worker is given the power to bring the production line to a complete Holt if necessary,
when I was first reading about this I was actually thinking to myself that it sound very
problematic, if the production line was constantly stopping there would be minimum
work getting done. It was only when I was reading more into it I seen that in fact in the
long run, having grinding out any issues in the first place is
Benefits Of Recycling
Do Americans realize all the opportunities they have to make the environment a better
place by recycling? When Americans recycle, it makes a positive difference to the
environment. Growing up, there was always recycling bins at school, at public places,
and at local businesses that were available 24/7 for people to use. There are many
benefits to recycle such as less trash in landfills, resources conservation, energy
conservation, environmental conservation, environment protection, and financial
benefits. With these benefits come the items that can be recycled like aluminum, plastic
bottles, newspaper/paper, and electronics. The first benefit of recyclingis it creates less
trash in the landfills. Americans throw away approximately 100 million tons of trash
per year causing landfills to become scarce and lacking space. Meghan stated in her
blog, According to the EPA, recycling can cut this waste by up to 32 percent, which
equates to about 60 million tons of trash.
Another benefit would be resource conservation which helps conserve the environment.
This benefit helps save the all important resources like wood pulp from trees, paper,
fossil fuels, and plastics. Examples of this would be buying recycled paper or
purchasing items that use recycled plastics. The Resource Conservation and Recovery
Act (RCRA) is the public law that creates the framework for the proper management of
hazardous and non hazardous solid waste ( EPA ).
The next advantage of recycling is energy
How Is Hamlet Admirable
One might think of a typical hero as brave, decisive, and strong. These qualities all have
positive connotations in modern society, but often have adverse affects on the hero. A
hero might bravely decide to chase after a villain, leaving his family vulnerable, or
decisively stab an evil king, having no thought for the political implications. There is no
more obvious example of this than that of Hamlet, the heroof William Shakespeare s
Hamlet. The qualities which make Hamlet heroic and admirable also directly cause his
suffering and destruction. Hamlet s loyalty, persistence, and caution all make him a
commendable protagonist but quickly cause him anguish and defeat. Power and pain are
two sides of the same coin, especially for qualities like... Show more content on ...
Upon seeing the ghost of his father, Hamlet becomes wholly devoted to avenging him,
telling him that, ...thy commandment all alone shall live within the book and volume
of my brain (I, v, 102 103). This type of dedication is inherently admirable, but it leads
to the literal destruction of Hamlet and everyone he loves. For example, Hamlet acts
insane to gain a better position for avenging his father. Along the way, he encounters
Ophelia, a woman he loves dearly. To keep up his act, he speaks to her with disrespect
and contempt, trying to sell his act of insanity. This deeply upsets Ophelia, who also
has feelings for Hamlet. Furthermore, Hamlet stabs blindly at a man he thinks to be
Claudius, his father s murderer, but actually kills Ophelia s father. This pushes Ophelia
off the brink of sanity, and is a contributing factor to her eventual suicide. Hamlet
suffers greatly because of Ophelia s death, which was caused in part by his loyalty to
his father. In addition, Hamlet s murder of Polonius causes Laertes to seek revenge,
resulting in Hamlet s own annihilation. Though a noble notion at first, Hamlet s loyalty
to his father ultimately causes a great deal of suffering.More directly at fault for this
great deal of suffering, however, is
Type of Mass Media
Type of mass media Mass media are media, which can be used to communicate and
interact with a large number of audiences. Be it the pictorial messages of the early ages,
or the high technology media that are available today, one thing that we all agree upon,
is that mass media are an inseparable part of our lives. Entertainment and media always
go hand in hand, but in addition to the entertainment, mass media also remain to be an
effective medium for communication, dissemination of information, advertising,
marketingand in general, for expressing and sharing views, opinions and ideas. Mass
media is a double edged sword which means that there are positive effects of the media
as well as negative influences of media. The print media... Show more content on ...
Morover, newsletters also form an important part of print media. These target a specific
group of audience and give information on the product. Furthermore, brochures also give
detailed information about the product. These are mainly distributed at events or even at
the main outlet when a consumer needs to read in detail about the product. Posters are
forms of outdoor advertising. The message in a poster has to be brief and eye catching
as it targets a person on the move.

Apart from these media, direct mail marketing, flyers, handbills or leaflets, banner
advertising, billboard advertising, press releases are also various types of print media.

RADIO Radio is a fascinating medium among the various mass communication media
because of its special characteristics. It continues to be as relevant and potent as it was
in the early years despite the emergence of more glamorous media. It is a saying that in
the first phase of broadcasting spanning three decades from the early twenties, radio
reigned alone or was the dominant player. Similarity, radio is a scientific device that
functions as an effective auditory instrument for communication. It also plays an
important role in education. It is not only informs, but also inspires human being for
learning more and more. It is not only includes values and virtues, but also creates
attitudes, interests and appreciation of human life. It can cover a very wide area
Exploring Underground Natural Gas Piping Essay
How to Locate Underground Natural Gas Piping From Your Gas Meter
Locating underground natural gas piping takes some prior training and experience. This
how to is the basic skills necessary to locate underground gas piping using a split box
locator. It will help new operators understand the basic principle of locating.
Equipment Needed:
Transmitter and
An Operator
Yellow Marking Flags
Ground Rod
Black and Red Connecting Cables
Here are the following instructions in order to successfully locate underground natural gas
piping. Step 1:
Before you can begin locating, you must check your split box locator. It is important to
make sure your split box locator is working correctly. Checking your battery is the first
thing you would check, weak batteries is the most common problem for split box
locator not operating correctly. Now after you have checked your equipment and
everything is ready to go, you are ready to hook up the locator.
Step 2:
Open the split box locator. One half of the box consists of the transmitter and the other
half is the receiver. Once you have opened the box, inside the box you will find a
ground rod and black and red connecting cables. Take those two items out as you will
need them to hook up the transmitter. Step 3:
Grab the black and red connecting cables. On the bottom of the transmitter box there is
plug in where you plug the cables into. Plug the cables into the plug in and then connect
the red cable to the yellow tracer located on the gas meter
The Beveridge Report On Social Insurance
The Beveridge report was announced in 1942 by William Beveridge who was a
British economist and social reformer. In 1942 William Beveridge was given a task of
directing a government report on Social Insurance and Allied Services. The beverage
report was designed to provide a full system of social insurance from cradle to the
grave . It was also planned that all people should pay a weekly support to the state. He
came out with the Beveridge report which is properly named as A Report on Social
Insurance and Allied Services. It was introduced in order to tackle the five giants of
economic hardships Want, ignorance, idleness, squalor and disease Want poverty was
the key to social problem which affected everyone. However in 1946 the National
Insurance Act was introduced in order to provide comprehensive insurance. It provided
unemployment benefits, retirement pension and widow, maternity benefits. Ignorance
this was introduced to provide free education for children up to the age of 15. Idleness
It was introduced to maintain high levels of employment after war. William Beveridge
understood that poverty and unemployment were linked to a lack of information which
hindered people in finding work. Squalor this was a system of dropping slum areas and
overcrowding areas during war. The government aimed to build 200,000 houses a year
New Towns Act (1946). Disease the NHS was announced for British citizens to get
medical, dental and optical services for free. Nevertheless the
Unit 306 Outcome 1 2 3 4
Observation/assessor Observation/expert witness Written account Tick Tick Tick
Witness testimony Knowledge questions Professional discussion Tick Tick Tick
CANDIDATE ...Louise Farquhar............ DATE ......05/03/14......... ASSESSOR ......Pat
Frost ....... UNIT 4222 306.................. Unit Outcome Assessment details 4222 306
Outcome 1 Point 1 Point 2... Show more content on ...
some examples of the subjects that should have health and safety policies and
procedures: Moving and handling of people and objects Personal hygiene Infection
control Personal safety and lone working Fire safety Food safety and hygiene Its
everyone s job to support others with health and safety you can Lead by example , don
t walk / step over a hazard Clean / clear things as you go / good house keeping will
prevent health and safety issues arising Report bad house keeping Explain to others
how health and safety issues can occur when others have bad working practices Make
sure staff are trained in health and safety and they keep it updated Have regular fire
lectures within the work setting Make sure that PPE in available for staff in the areas
that they need to use it Monitor and report potential risks All risks should be identified
on a risk assessment so they can be monitored and review If the risk hasn t been
highlighted on a risk assessment that you r should inform the manager so the risk can
be risk assessed and monitored If the risk is going to cause injury or damage to health
and safety of others or property then the risk should be reported straight away to the
manager, senior, or senior on call, or the correct emergency agencies. i.e. gas Using risk
assessment for individuals around health and safety Although you will aim to give
personal care and support in as
Ernie Pyle s Reporting War In Tunisia
George Washington once said, If we desire to avoid insult, we must be able to repel it;
if we desire to secure peace, one of the most powerful instruments of our rising
prosperity, it must be known, that we are at all times ready for War. Regardless of the
consequences, one should always fight to defend their nation, and their people. It is true
that warcan be evitable, but countries do not follow that path always. As much as a
country tries to avoid war it is often not possible. Therefore, one must be prepared. War
is far more complex to understand. It is not only a conflict between nations. Reporting
war in Tunisia is a story written by author Ernie Pyle, which illustrates war to its fullest.
Unlike other war stories, Reporting War... Show more content on ...
In his story Reporting War in Tunisia, Ernie Pyle also illustrates how difficult and
stressful homecoming actually is for soldiers. As it is obvious, most of the issues
soldiers have while readapting to normally live are originated by the horrific realities
soldiers have to deal during war those sad moments of seeing a teammate die, and
seeing innocent people die, especially children. Nevertheless, Ernie Pyle states Our
men cannot make this change from civilians into warriors and remain the same
people. Even if they are away from you this long under normal circumstances, the mere
process of maturing would change them (171). But we cannot expect less, these
soldiers have experience the worst is life and Ernie Pyle reflects this in his story.
Soldiers go through traumatic brain injuries, physical wounds, and emotional distress
that it is easy to understand why many of them have trouble readapting. However, In
his story, Ernie Pyle also depicts that although soldiers live the hardest days of their
life at war, they can still take something good out of it a family. A family of soldiers that
have been bounded by the atrocities of war. Soldiers should be proud of being at war
because they are fighting for peace and freedom. Perhaps the dark side of war has more
to it, but one should never forget why war is fought in the first place to keep
Progressive Reformers Essay
In spite of the fact that industrialization in the United States raised ways of life for
some, it had a dull side. Corporate managers, in some cases alluded to as burglar
aristocrats, sought after exploitative and out of line business rehearses gone for taking
out rivalry and expanding benefits. Assembly line laborers, large portions of them late
migrants, were much of the time subjected to severe and hazardous working and living
conditions. Political debasement enhanced legislators to the detriment of the lower and
regular workers, who attempted to make a decent living. The crevice between those who
are well off and the poor was augmenting.

The Progressive development emerged as a reaction to these negative impacts of

industrialization. ... Show more content on ...
The Wilson organization, for example, regardless of its grip of innovation and advance,
sought after a racial plan that finished in the isolation of the government. The times of
Wilson s administration (1913 1921) saw a recovery of the Ku Klux Klan and a violently
bigot reaction against the monetary and political additions of African Americans in the
post Reconstruction period.

Worker s parties, which were extremely dynamic in Progressive legislative issues, upheld
limitations on migration and heaved xenophobic talk that censured migrants for low
wages and cruel working conditions in production lines the country over. Government
migration strategies in the Progressive Era, including the Immigration Act of 1917 and
the National Quota Law of 1921, seriously restricted movement in light of nationality,
and rejected for all intents and purposes every Asian
Limiting Antibiotics
According to Kumar et al., the prescription pattern in third world countries is highly
variable, depending on...physician preferences, patient demand, and pharmaceutical
promotion (625). Pertaining to antibiotic overuse are health providers financial
incentives, which encourage antibiotics instead of prescribed drugs (Tomson Vlad 119;
Finch 96) by emotionally, and ethically appealing to individuals with advertisements, as
well as pharmacies promoting antibiotics instead of recommending the doctor in order to
build their own credibility and generate profit. Although physicians may have a bad
name due to their 80% overall antibiotic prescribing rate for viral infections, general
practitioners prescribe unknowingly due to a lack of knowledge... Show more content on ...
Aiming to educate individuals and health care providers about resistant bacteria s
negative influence on their long term health, Europe launched a project in 2007: Burden
of resistance and disease in European nations (Burden) since the Department of Health
identified the lack of data on antibiotics (as cited in Kaier et al. 493). In response to this
strategy, United Kingdom s Department of Health and Environment implanted an
antimicrobial resistance strategy from March 2013 to 2018 to promote the responsible
antibiotic use for animals and humans and to enhance the guidelines of monitoring
antibiotic use (as cited in While 345). So far, it seems like Europe s strategies are far
ahead than North America who has not yet executed any strategies to reduce antibiotic
resistance despite the heavy usage of antibiotics as mentioned earlier. Finally, new
guidelines are in place by Europe s government: NG15 and KTT9. NG15 states
recommendations regarding antibiotic stewardship in organizations, which includes
monitoring antibiotics, identifying resistance patterns, and providing feedback to
prescribers. KTT9 summarizes evidence gained from antibiotic prescribing which
emphasizes the importance of minimizing antibiotic prescribing and using simple generic
antibiotics where possible, thereby reserving broad spectrum antibiotics to treat resistant
The World s Largest Media Conglomerate
Companies all over the world are beginning to expand on the global levels to stay
competitive and increase their profits. The global expansion is made possible through
new levels of technology allowing global businesses more efficiencies than in the past.
Today businesses are able to electronically view production processes in real time from
virtually anywhere in the world, funds are able to be transferred with the click of a
button, and a school girl in Tokyo can see the latest U.S. fashions through online
channels. Although operating on a global scale creates many new challenges that
businesses need to analyze before entering a market in order to reduce profit loss and
even failure. Many global companies have had success and failure in the global market
place, such as The Walt DisneyCompany.
Today the Walt Disney Company is the world s largest media conglomerate, with assets
encompassing movies, television, publishing, and theme parks. (Hoovers) But not too
many years ago the company opened in 1923, originally known as The Disney Brother
Studio, as a simple cartoon studio. On November 18, 1928, Disney released an
animated film, Steamboat Willie, featuring the now infamous Mickey Mouse. As the
Mickey Mouse cartoons continued to prosper, Disney released their first feature length
animated film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, on December 21, 1937. Over the
next decade or so additional films were released adding to the value of The Walt Disney
The Sagrada Familia Essay
At first sight the Sagrada FamГlia is awe inspiring and breath taking and with this has
become recognized as the universal symbol for Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain s capital city,
and is unmistakably one of the most magnificent structures ever erected in this region.
Spain is embedded with cultural tradition and it is believed its rich history is traced back
somewhere within four hundred years of when Rome was established. Thus, setting forth
the foundation and importance of history and the conviction of this culture to wrap their
hearts around the place that has become what Barcelonais recognized for. The Sagrada
FamГlias design was perfected by Antoni Gaudi, an architect, who was innovative and
forward thinking in his creations and who... Show more content on ...
Gaudi studied the natural form as a basis for his architectural detail and further
considered this as the spiritual basis of and for his designs. Gaudi wrote: Nature does not
present us with uniformly monotonous objects. Everything keeps its contrast, more or
less, stemming from the vitality of the colors (Alvarez 10).
The work of Antoni Gaudi falls under the movement of Modernism and therefore is
wrapped in the traits of exuberant forms, ornamentation, great attention to detail, vast use
of plant motifs, and the preference to curvilinear and asymmetrical line. Along with his
attention to great detail Gaudi integrated the use of ceramic tile, stained glass, wrought
iron works and master crafted carpentry which ultimately enhanced the unique
innovative design concepts in which he became noted for. Gaudi introduced new
techniques to the architectural world such as trencadis, which is a type of mosaic made
of waste ceramic pieces and which is one of the design details incorporated throughout
his work, one example being the spires of the Sagrada FamГlia. Gaudi s work always
involved a distinctive use of materials in particular the use of texture and color
arrangement which was almost always included along with his imaginative style using
ornamental ironwork. His wrought iron designs were arrived at independently and
frequently in advance of the comparable experiments of mainstream Art Nouveau
(Arnason and Mansfield 101). Gaudi
Persuasive Essay On Car Maintenance
Automobile repair suggestions to hold you maintained

Energy your way to higher decisions concerning car restore by way of persevering with
to study this newsletter. There is no experience in suffering through those times, now not
knowing in case you re getting a good deal or maybe handling the hassle efficaciously.
Instead, you need to sense empowered, and this records is absolutely going to make you
feel that way.

Ensure you get best elements to restoration your car. You may typically get higher
charges if you get used components from a junk yard but there s no manner of
understanding how lengthy those elements will last. Do now not hesitate to spend
greater on latest components that come with a guarantee.

Familiarize yourself with the dashboard of your vehicle. Your dashboard ought to show
five one of a kind varieties of warning, consisting of the check engine light, oil stress
caution, an alternator caution, a temperature caution and a brake warning. Discover ways
to recognize those one of a kind lighting fixtures so that you can effortlessly identify what
needs your interest.

Deliver a battery charger with you in your trunk. This can be very beneficial in case
your battery dies or in case you run into a person who wishes assist with their battery. It
is critical to now not handiest have the battery charger however to know the way it
works as properly if you are on my own.

Study your proprietor s guide very well if you need to keep cash on automobile repair. On
this guide, you may discover a variety of suggestions and hints that may get your vehicle
back into tools and save you a ride to the mechanic. Solving problems for your own
permit you to in each a sensible and monetary sense.

Ask a technician if they re a.S.E. Licensed earlier than you agree to have them paintings
on your automobile. In the event that they have this certification, it method they ve
handed a written take a look at and feature worked in the industry for at least 2 years.
You will recognize that you are getting a person skilled through choosing someone with

Look for caution symptoms that restore mechanics may also supply off. When you have
trouble getting a straight answer out of them, (or if, even worse, they
Why Is The Pax Romana Still Important Today
A Time of Serenity: The Augustan Peace The age of the Pax Romana is a substantial
element in Roman history that will never be forgotten, being that it has affected many
generations for over 200 years and is still important today. The Pax Romana is defined as
the period in which the Roman Empire was enclosed with relative peacefulness and
cultural achievement. A critical factor of the Pax Romana is acknowledging the man that
started it all: AugustusCaesar.
Several of the reforms that Emperor Augustus Caesar implemented were successful in
fundamentally changing the political, economic, and social issues that Rome faced. Most
importantly, there were qualities and virtues that maintained the peace and stability of
Rome, three of them being growth, harmony, and happiness. These principles are very
simple, but without them, the society of Rome would certainly be much different as
well as our society on Earth today. In the same way that the Romans grew to find their
state of harmony and happiness, the people of our society attempt to recreate that world.
A critical value of the Pax Romana is the idea of growth. This is such a simple concept,
but it applies to the great advancements that both the Roman society and the society
today experienced. Throughout the 200 years of the Pax Romana, there were many ...
Show more content on ...
During the Pax Romana, there was an establishment of plentiful new arches, domes, and
monumental buildings throughout the Roman land. Besides growth on the environment
and nature of Rome, the people wanted to experience personal growth. Many of Rome s
admirable writers entertained the public with memorable literary and poetic
masterpieces. Also, there were attempts in executing an organized law system. Despite
the treacherous chaos that were encountered, the people of Rome were optimistic about
life and believed that a little progress every day will add up to great
The Chemical Evolution Of Prebiotic And Biotic Materials
The work presented here attacks the issue of understanding the chemical evolution of
prebiotic and biotic materials, such as amino acids, from multiple fronts. From an
observational standpoint, the identification of carbodiimide in the ISM for the first time
has added a new molecule to the known molecular inventory. Beyond this result, and
perhaps more importantly, it has hopefully opened others up to the possibility that
searches for molecules that should be undetectable under LTE conditions may yet be
fruitful. With the thoughtful exploitation of phenomena such as masing, important
transient or intermediate species, which have a non negligible effect on the overall
chemical and physical evolution of a system, may yet be detected.

Through the studies of chp presented here, it has been shown that careful examination of
the chemistry and chemical environments probed by the observations can provide a
robust and deep insight into the mechanisms at work and the species present. Without
any laboratory work having been conducted, and examining only archival observational
data, chm was dismissed as the carrier of B11244 based on an analysis of the
emph{chemistry} at work in the environments where it had been detected. This work
now expands, seeking to explore how chp can probe the environments, and the thus far
rare conditions in which it is present in detectable abundance.

Again, using only archival observational data, a serious gap in the completeness of state
of the art
Disadvantages Of The Flamethrower
The flamethrower has been around for a very long time, as far back as the 5th century
b.c. Now recently in the last 100 years made a reappearance and this time it is even
more deadly than before. The reoccurrence of popularity came about in around 1915
when a German scientist named Richard Fiedler came up with the first modern
flamethrower. The flamethrower is a weapon that if you couldn t tell by reading the
name, it shoots out flames. How a flamethrower actually works is not as hard as it
sounds These took the form of lengthy tubes filled with burning solids (such as coal or
sulphur), and which were used in the same way as blow guns: by blowing into one end of
the tube the solid material inside would be propelled towards the operator s enemies. Show more content on ...
Typically, flamethrower operators have been executed once captured.
The controversy and dangers posed by flamethrowers have led to calls for the weapon to
be banned in international treaties. However, to date, there are no treaties that explicitly
ban the use of the weapon in combat. The U.S. is one of the few countries to voluntarily
discontinue use of flamethrowers. The weapon has proven popular with terrorist
organizations ranging from Al Qaeda to the Irish Republican Army. (https:/
/ one of the most controversial weapons 3345070)
The weapon has a whole was a good and an effective weapon, but was at the same a
very risky task for the operator and most of the time something would go wrong. The
biggest reason flamethrowers are not as commonly used is because of how inhumane
they actually were. Countries did use the flamethrower after world war I, but it wasn t for
that much longer until flamethrowers became almost unheard of during any
Analysis Of Toast To Fortunato
A giant is afraid of insects.
This is situational irony because, it is ironic that a person that is a lot bigger than almost
everything, is afraid of little insects that are way smaller than he/she is. That would not
be commonly expected.
A girl is crying. Her best friend says, You re real happy, aren t you?
This is verbal irony because the friend knows that her best friend isn t really happy, and
she is being sarcastic.
After several weeks of 100 degree weather, the forecast is for temperatures in the low
90 s. The weather forecaster says, We re expecting temperatures in the low 90s. I might
have to wear my coat tomorrow!
This is situational irony because it is not expected for someone to be wearing a coat in
that type of weather. ... Show more content on ...
The narrator toast to Fortunato s long life.
This is situational irony because when people toast they are celebrating in a way, and the
fact that the narrator was toasting to it is ironic because he ended up killing him.
Fortunato s jester attire becomes his funeral attire. He is masquerading as a fool, and he
is taken for one.
This is situational irony because, that is the attire that he wears when he fools them into
letting him kill them, so that creates their funeral also.
Montresor implores Fortunato to return and not go any farther, telling him that his health
is precious.
This is verbal irony because Montresor is being sarcastic in a way because he really
doesn t care about Fortunato s health because he plans on killing him anyways.
The previous night s football game (or any other sporting contest) Michael was
leaving his football game, and he was really depressed because his team had lost 6 46
to an easy team to beat, and his mom, dad, older brother, and younger sister, came in
from out of town to watch him and his team play. When he got home, his older brother
was in his bedroom and he looks at Michael and says, You re team played fantastic
The Sea By Pablo Neruda
When I was a little girl at early of my age, I spent a wonderful time with my grandma
near a sea in my hometown during the last two months of her life. That was the first
time we saw the smile back to her face since we got the news that she got intestine
cancer. Back to that time I was deeply impressed by how being around the sea was
capable to change people s emotionin such a positive way. The poet, Pablo Neruda, in
his poem The Sea illustrates how the sea teaches a trapped man a lesson on how to be
released from struggling to find freedom and happiness. The three crucial poem writing
elements, sound, structure, and figurative language make the power of sea more vivid
just like a picture we could see and have physical feelings about. And when we try to get
a deeper understanding of the poem, it is the sound that we hear first.
From a perspective of sound, it is obvious that there is a pattern in the poem that could
provide readers the same feel of the sea just by listening to it. The poet uses two
techniques basically to create that effect in terms of internal rhythm and soft sounds.
For example, in the line I love the sea because it teaches me and what it taught me
before, I keep , a consonance syllable ee has been used by Neruda. Also, there are several
words containing the syllables like s , sh , and w playing an essential role in creating the
whole mood of the poem. For example, Neruda writes If it s a single wave or its vast
existence, / or only its
Cross-Curricular Learning Essay
Making cognitive connections, within subjects and between subjects... ( Piaget 1977,
Cockburn and Haylock 2008,Rose 2009) is an aspect of cross curricular learning.
Generally speaking, cross curricular learning is when skills, knowledge and attitudes
of a number of disciplines which are applied to a single experience, problem, question,
theme or idea. In simple terms, it s also known as a thematic approach. From this point,
I d be exploring the reasons why a thematic approach should be adopted in the classroom
and this approach could deliver the four core subjects in the National Curriculum in Key
Stage 1. On top of that I d be exploring the issues raised of adopting a cross curricular
approach and the implications of using a theme based... Show more content on ...
This form of assessment allows me to find out children s prior learning experiences and
interests and gives me an indication of where they are at, whilst children getting to have
a voice in what goes on in their classroom. On top of that, at the start of the term
children would be able to engage in theme based lessons by inquiring them to suggest
themes they d like to study over the next half term, this gives children the power to take
control of their own learning and supports children s intrinsic motivation of wanting to
learn for themselves.

Again, due to the fact that children s interests and experiences are used to form a
platform for learning, the thematic approach tends to lend itself to be more motivating
for pupils in conjunction with their wider life experiences, as suggested by Barnes
(2009). (Mumford. D (2000) Planning a theme based unit, Canada: Pacific Edge
Publishing Ltd) This kind of assumption asserts that all children responds positively to
the same style of teaching or the same stimulus. However, he neglects that motivation
arises from many sources and children are inspired by different and unpredictable
outputs. It is therefore understood that cross curricular approach will not suit all children.
But at the same time, as my role as a
The Importance Of Edward Murrow In Good Night And Good
Throughout his journalism career, Edward Murrow fought for what was right, not for
what was easy. The movie, Good Night and Good Luck, shows how he made the
controversial decision to challenge Joseph McCarthy in his news reports. McCarthy was
a Wisconsin senator who played on the American s fear of Communism, and he unjustly
accused people of associating with Communism without proper evidence. Since
McCarthy had the power of persuasion and people were so scared of Communism, he
became a powerful figure. Murrow was not intimidated by the senator, and he thought it
was vital to report on McCarthy s actions in order to stop the madness. Overall, Murrow
realized the importance of facing important issues and reporting them to the public in
order... Show more content on ...
Before the 1950s, reporters typically accepted what the government said, and they
avoided reporting disturbing information. In Good Night and Good Luck, Murrow
recognized that Americans are currently wealthy, fat, comfortable, and complacent. We
have currently a built in allergy to unpleasant or disturbing information; our mass media
reflect this. The loss of his sponsor and television time slot shows that Murrow s reports
on McCarthy were controversial and disliked by some. Even so, Murrow did not quit his
investigation of McCarthy s actions and accusations. In the film, Murrow also realized
that Americans needed to recognize that television, in the main, is being used to distract,
delude, amuse, and insulate us, then television and those who finance it, those who look
at it, and those who work at it, may see a totally different picture, too late. He understood
that the news in the 1950s was treating Americans like innocent children, but he
recognized that this mentality needed to change. He recognized the importance of hard
hitting, factual, and sometimes controversial news since the media and news helped to
inform citizens. American citizens needed to know the truth in order to improve society
and to avoid catastrophes before it is too late. He believed that McCarthy was
jeopardizing Americans constitutional rights, and U.S. citizens should have the right to
stop injustices and create change in the government if necessary. Therefore, Murrow was
an innovative reporter who risked his reputation in order to bring truth and justice to the
American people, and he recognized the importance of properly educating American

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