Adjectives For Essays

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Adjectives For Essays

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Adjectives For Essays" may initially seem like a straightforward
task, but delving into the intricacies reveals a challenging endeavor. The complexity arises from the
need to strike a balance between creativity and precision. On one hand, one must showcase a
mastery of the English language, employing an extensive array of adjectives to enrich the text. On
the other hand, the challenge lies in avoiding redundancy and ensuring that each chosen adjective
contributes meaningfully to the overall composition.

The process requires a keen understanding of the nuances associated with different adjectives, their
connotations, and their impact on the reader. Selecting the right adjectives involves a meticulous
consideration of context, tone, and the specific message the essay aims to convey. Furthermore, the
writer must navigate the fine line between eloquence and simplicity, ensuring that the adjectives
enhance the prose without overshadowing the core ideas.

Research plays a pivotal role in this task, as a comprehensive grasp of the topic at hand allows for the
selection of adjectives that resonate with the reader. Additionally, there is a need for constant
refinement and editing to eliminate redundancies and fine-tune the language. Achieving a
harmonious blend of adjectives requires not only a rich vocabulary but also a discerning eye for

In conclusion, writing an essay on "Adjectives For Essays" demands a delicate dance between
linguistic finesse and strategic expression. It involves a meticulous selection of adjectives that not
only adorn the prose but also contribute substantively to the overall impact of the essay. Navigating
this intricate process requires dedication, linguistic prowess, and a profound appreciation for the art
of effective communication.

For assistance with similar essays and a plethora of other topics, you can explore the services offered
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Adjectives For Essays Adjectives For Essays
The Repressions Of Women In Le Morte DArthur By Thomas
The impressions of women throughout history influenced the way authors depicted
women in their works. The belief that women are the cause of men s problems dates
back to the bible s first chapter. The chapter lead men to believe the ultimate fall of
humanity was at the hands of a woman. Consequently, this belief has been carried from
generations to generations throughout history. The legend of Morgan Le Fay changes
behaviorally from evil and spiteful in Le Morte D Arthur by Thomas Malory to kind and
nourishing in Avalon from Vita Merlin by Geoffrey of Monmouth because of the
different notions of women throughout history. During the Middle Ages women went
from being their father s daughters to their husband s wives to their children s... Show
more content on ...
Certain individuals decided to change their beliefs. Some began to see women as
nurturing creatures rather than the bane of all of man s existence. This idea reflects
in the poem by Geoffrey of Monmouth, Avalon from the Vita Merlini . This poem
tells the tale of a beautiful island where nine sisters live. The sisters are generous and
kind to all who visit their home. The poem then shifts focus to Morgan Le Fay, almost
bragging that she may cure sick bodies (Geoffrey of Monmouth). This differs from the
Middle Age text greatly. Even the tone of the poem is light and airy in contrast to the
dark and mysterious tone of the earlier story. The poem goes on to tell a story of
Morgan Le Fay saving someone, explaining she saved a man that had gone into battle
with her own honorable hand (Geoffrey of Monmouth). This man was her half brother
Arthur, and whether the characters know of their relation is a mystery to the
audience. In the poem Morgan Le Fay saves her brother; in the story she nearly kills
him. It is clear the narrator of the poem admires Morgan Le Fay, as shown by the use
of word honorable to describe her on many occasions. The depiction of the women in
this story reflects how some people felt toward women in the Modern Ages, and once
again turning life into art. Art imitates life in these two works. The societal beliefs of the
Middle Ages were prominently against women having any power, though there are
always some
Curriculum For Excellence Essay
The Curriculum for Excellence describes eight curricular areas, three of which assign a
responsibility to all teachers regardless of sector; namely Literacy, Numeracy, and Health
and Wellbeing (HWB). Whereas some form of instruction in reading, writing and
arithmetic has always been a feature of formal education, Health and Wellbeing is a
relatively new addition to the schoolcurriculum, both in Scotland and globally .
In Scotland, a review of the Children s Hearings System in 2004 led to the formation of
Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC) in order to improve outcomes for vulnerable
children. At about the same time in the rest of the UK a similar initiative, Every Child
Matters, was conceived in part following the tragic death of ... Show more content on ...
The closest that the CfE documentation comes to a definition is Learning through health
and wellbeing promotes confidence, independent thinking and positive attitudes and
dispositions. Because of this, it is the responsibility of every teacher to contribute to
learning and development in this area. but this statement does not explain what
wellbeing is, only what the requirement should be. John White (2011) explores this
meaning of wellbeing in the context of education and summarises that A flourishing
life is one filled with successful and whole hearted engagement in worthwhile
activities and relationships (p.113). He notes that School..... is a natural extension of
(such a) home (p.125) where teachers build upon foundations laid by parents so that
the child is immersed in activities and experiences and develops a range of skills and
personal dispositions to provide a fulfilling life in the present as well as for the future.
As John White (2011) notes, Teachers and parents need to have well grounded
confidence in their judgements about worthwhileness and to pass this on to their
children/pupils. p130. The extent to which teachers are coloured by their own biases and
life experiences are ready to
Concentration Camps In Ww2
Horrifying, murder, screams, terror are the definition of concentration camps.
Concentration camps are what the nazis used in WW2. Hitler was the mastermind behind
all of this, an evil mastermind.
First, a concentration camp is where people are killed for nothing (Engel). They were
best known for being operated by the Nazis (Engel). They killed millions of people
(Engel). The nazis mostly used it for jews because they thought it was the jews fault they
lost the war (Engel).
Second, they held a lot of political prisoners like Jews, Communists etc (Engel).
Auschwitz wasn t just a death camp it would literally work people to death for labor
work (Engel). They would send the weak, sick and disabled right to the gas chambers. In
march alone 18,000
Summary Of The Matrix By John Berger
Questioning Reality John Berger, in his non fiction work, Ways of Seeing (1972),
asserts that art is a representation of history and it has been manipulated by the ruling
class for control of the lower class. Berger supports his assertion by showing examples
of historical paintings that were commissioned by the higher class to show favor
towards them instead of the true representation of history, thus A person or a class
which is cut off from its own past is far less free to choose and to act as a people or
class than one that has been able to situate itself in history (Berger 33). His purpose is
to make his reader aware of the manipulation that has been done to the lower class
viewer on what has been taken away from them in order to control the populist to deter
rebellion. In the Wachoski siblings film, The Matrix(1999) centers around the concept
that one s reality may be distorted from what is real. The Matrix is about the human
race living in a artificial reality ignorant of their true existence and their oppression by
the machines. John Berger asserts in Ways of Seeing that art is a representation of
history and it has been manipulated by the ruling class for control of the lower class, in
the film the Matrix, the agents of the matrix are controlling society by manipulation of
the innocent, they exercises control by mystification similar to Berger s assessment of
the art historian.
Berger empathizes that mystification of the art historian is to dis illusion the
Vertical Hour, Face
The Vertical Hour, Face, and What It Is are all very different novels with very
different genres. The Vertical Hour is a dramatic play written by David Hare. The
play features three people, and one of whom is a professor in a university who is still
trying to figure things out. Face is a compilation of poems written by Sherman Alexie.
The poems are based on some times in Alexie s life and his identity. What It Is is a
graphic novel written by Lynda Barry. The novel features stories and pictures about
growing up. The play, poems, and graphic novel are quite different in terms of their
genre, but what is on the inside of the books is what brings them together. The Vertical
Hour, Face, and What It Is provide the strengths and weaknesses within... Show more
content on ...
Focusing on their identity, culture, and lives growing up, they made stories and
poems out of it in a fun and creative way. Alexie and Barry s lives were very different
apart from each other, but the same effect can be made. They both went through tough
and difficult times no matter what it was, and ended up making the most out of it.
The Vertical Hour does not have this in common. Instead of focusing on her life
growing up, it is about her life now and how she is handling it. This can really
compare and contrast the way children handle their lives versus adult s handling their
lives. Of course adults make the tougher and harder decisions in life, and everything
they do can hugely impact them. But children start the base of their own lives before
they become adults, and this ultimately shapes them. No one can be an adult without
first being a child. This is very obvious, but not in a certain way. Before growing up
and being responsible, children have to make dumb and stupid decisions. Alexie barely
wrote about this and Barry definitely did not. But this is a fact, in order to learn from
mistakes, we have to make these mistakes. Otherwise we would eventually just keep
repeating the same mistake. Learning from them is what moves us past them and truly
grow up. Nadia, in The Vertical Hour, learned from her mistake of quitting being a war
reporter and went back
Community Building Argument Paper
In Feezell (2015) investigated what role intercollegiate athletics play in higher education.
His study looked at the educational, economical, and community building aspect of
intercollegiate athletics. The Education Argument insisted athletics does contribute to the
educational mission of the university, since athletes learn valuable things like
responsibility, teamwork, leadership, time management, and competitiveness when they
participate in collegesports (Feezell, 2015). This argument supported the previous study
by Brand (2006) who stated the integrated view of intercollegiate athletics should look at
the educational component of athletics. However, Feezell (2015) argued that educationis
character building and not academic building. French... Show more content on ...
Lastly, the community building argument states that both internal and external
constituents of intercollegiate athletics find a common bond and have a source for
institutional pride (Feezell, 2015). In regards to the community building argument
scholars equate community building with the entertainment value of college sports for
college community, towns, cities, and regional and national audiences (Svensson, Huml,
Hancock, 2014). The researchers noted that previous literature on the perceptions of
community service organizations on the impact of intercollegiate athletics three major
benefits emerged: (a) increased organizational capacity, (b) enrichment, and (c)
educational opportunities. By getting student athletes to volunteer their services to
community organizations it allows the organization s full time staff members to venture
out to more projects. Secondly, it establishes a philanthropic approach to community
organizations which will teach the student athletes about the importance of
organizational benefits and what it provides to the community. Lastly, educational
opportunities involving student athletes teaches the importance of intercollegiate
athletics in terms of benefits it gives local communities including
Impact Of Toxicity Of Commercial Sodium Salt On Kidney
Impact toxicity of commercial Sodium Chlorid Salt on Kidney and DNA of male mice
Part 1

1*Aly, H. M. 2Gamela S.M. El Saeed, 3Rizka K.Ali.

1Department of Cell Biology,

2Department of Medical Biochemistry,
3Department of Water Pollution Research,

Abstract: Sodium chloride is widely used in various industrial, medical and food
applications that increasing human exposure to it by excessive amount. However, almost
all studies focused on its nephrotoxicity and adaptation of kidney cells to high
concentration salt and only few scientific attentions were concerned on its cytoxicity.
Hence, the oxidative DNA damage induction by excessive salt intake in mice was
investigated. mice were orally administrated with three different concentrations
commercial NaCl solution started with concentration at tap water. Second and third
concentrations were (50 100mg/L) orally administrated for 10 successive days then
sacrificed 24 hour after the last orally administrated. Comet assays were used to
evaluate the possible toxicity of excessive salt on DNA levels. Also, some
biochemical markers of kidney were assessed to shed more light on salt mechanism of
action. DNA damage induction by excessive intake of high salt was evidenced by the
statistical significant elevations in both two group. This was further evidenced by
appearance damage of DNA on agarose gel. Moreover, excessive NaCl caused
significant elevation in kidney function level in a dose dependent manner. It was also
noticed that
Iran And International Conflict In Iran
Iran, within the next 10 years, could transform itself from a controlled threat to the
United States to a world power constructed upon the ideals of protesting America and its
allies and causing them harm, whether economical, militarily, or through any other
means they choose. If it were to amass a large collection of nuclear weapons, it would
force the US to loosen its control over the country, while also opening the door for other
Middle Eastern countries to become nuclear capable, thus escalating the tensions within
the region and possibly leading to larger US involvement. Additionally, if it creates a land
bridge to the Mediterranean Sea through its strong influence in Syria, it could result in
Iran expanding into foreign markets (like... Show more content on ...
Being nuclear capable would force ourselves and our allies to allow Iran to do as it
pleases, which could lead to smaller attacks, either through violence or any other means,
against the US, Israel, and other allies. Additionally, if Iran were to collect a large
number of nuclear weapons, then it would take away the nuclear hegemony that
currently belongs to Israel in the Middle East, and therefore could lead to countries such
as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Syria, all of whom have governments which are extremely
unstable, obtaining nuclear weapons. Whether it s through the support of Iran
(monetarily or developmentally) or just on their own because of the inspiration Iran
provides, the mass possession of nuclear weapons by multiple unstable governments with
anti American and anti Israel ideals within them could put both in grave danger. An
already unstable region of the world could become an even bigger danger to Israel and
the US, and force unnecessary conflicts in which the United States is forced to intervene.
According to The New Yorker, since the beginning of the Syrian Civil War in 2011, the
primary backer to Bashar al Assad and the Syrian government has been the Iran. Whether
by giving oil subsidies, weapons, money, or military support, Iran has been one of the
most influential countries in the eventual outcome of Civil War. This issue is a current
Epigenetics Essay
Epigenetics, involves the expression of phenotypical characteristics in an individual
without directly altering the genetic code. Instead the phenotypes manifest through the
use of external factors, such as, trauma, stressors, environment and chemical exposure
that result in the silencing and alteration of gene expressionwithout altering or mutating
the genetic code. This essay will look into the importance of the study of epigenetics
through the effects of epigenetics on genes, as well as the effects of experience and
inheritance on the development of epigenetic based phenotypical characteristics.
The first major effects of epigenetics on genes can be seen in the role of DNA
methylation in mammalian epigenetics. DNA methylation provides a method of gene
control in an organism, where it assures proper gene expression, as well as silencing of
genes within cells, it does this through the manipulation of chromosome architecture,
where it affects the packaging of the DNA by the binding of a methyl group to cytosine
(Kullis Esteller, 2010). The effects of this can ... Show more content on
The expression of these phenotypes and their acquisition can then clearly be seen in the
effects of chemical compounds such as arsenic, nickel and BPA on the development of
cancer as well as the effects of life experiences, such as childhood abuse, on the
manifestation of depression. While, lastly it can be seen how the possible acquisition of
epigenetic phenotypes by an individual can behave similarly to genetic code and be
passed through the germ line to subsequent individuals. Therefore, this epic influence on
survival through epigenetic expression, emphasizes the importance of the study of
Review Of Twelve Steps To A Compassionate Life By Karen...
Compassion means to endure with other person, to put ourselves in somebody s else
shoes. It is a feeling of empathy, which in other words is to feel someone s pain as
though if it were our own. The book Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life by Karen
Armstrong, discusses a set of different steps people should follow in order to be
compassionate. Armstrong emphasizes in the importance of compassion in the world.
The world is surrounded with problems that we do not know how to solve and by being
compassionate to one another we can create a compassionate and peaceful world. Every
person in this earth has the possibility to be compassionate to others and this includes
treating each other a they wish to be treated, which in most cases is with dignity,... Show
more content on ...
As stated before, some of the steps to take into consideration are steps one and three,
which are to learn more about compassion and to have compassion for ourselves.
Nevertheless, step seven, how little we know is another of the crucial steps to create
a change in our value system. This step consists of understanding that we are not
always right. There are a lot of problems that need to be solved in our lives therefore
we must examine our ideas by understanding how little we know. It is a good and
important beginning because people are able to listen to one another. Thinking e know it
all only blocks our knowledge and immediately pushes us backwards. Thinking we know
more than other people only creates a feeling of superiority. Giving people the
opportunity to speak their thought while listening to them, leads to respect for others
and respect for ourselves, which is a wonderful opportunity. Armstrong refers to this
step as a step that helps people to become wiser. For instance, Armstrong said that a
person might think they know something when they don t, and someone that does not
know it or even think they know it have a higher possibility of becoming wiser (p. 99).
They are more likely to become wiser because they are open minded where as the other
person is blocking all the other ideas because he thinks he is superior to
Left Ear Case Study Essay
Michael was born at a local hospital delivered via cesarean. His birth weight was listed as
3610 grams/ 7lb. 15oz; his length 195in/50 cm; and his head 14 in. His Apgar score at
one minute was 9, at five minutes 9. On December 19, 2008, Michael had a hearing
screen. He failed the ear exam on his right ear and passed the exam on his left. Michael
was also provided the Hepatitis B vaccine on December 19, 2008. Michael was
circumcised on December 20, 2008. Michael was discharged home on December 21,
2016. HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT On January 13, 2009, Michael was seen by his
doctor. It was noted that he had a cold, was restless and congested. He was prescribed a
prescription. On February 16, 2009, Michael had his 2 month well child exam. He
weighed 12lbs/7oz. He had... Show more content on ...
He was prescribed a prescription. On March 17, 2009, Michael was seen by his
doctor; it was noted that he was pulling on his left ear. He was prescribed a
prescription. On August 7, 2009, Michael received his 6 months shot at his doctor s
office. His ears were rechecked and it was reported that his eyes are sometime matted
together. He was prescribed medications. On September 18, 2009, Michael was seen
by his doctor. It was noted that he had a cough, runny nose, fever and was hoarse. He
was prescribed a prescription. On November 19, 2009, Michael received
immunizations. It was also noted that he was pulling his ears and his eyes were
matting; he was prescribed a prescription. On January 6, 2010, Michael was observed
by his Pediatrician and it was noted that he had a rash. He was prescribed medications.
On January 27, 2010, Michael was seen at his Pediatrician s office because of a rash that
he had for two weeks. It was noted that he was itching very badly with no fever; it was
also noted that his mother was itching as well. He was prescribed medication for
Meaning And Meaning Of Diaspora
The word Diaspora derives from the Greek Diasperien i.e. dia (through) and sperien
(to scatter). According to Webster s dictionary, Diaspora refers to dispersion so we
can say that the word represents a centre called home from where the dispersion
occurs. In addition to it the dictionary also associates the meaning with the dispersion
of the Jews after the Babylonian exile. Thus we get two meanings of the word
Diaspora as a spread of population and a forcible dispersal. Though it suggests a
movement from one place to another, but it s not a nomadic existence as it is
somewhere a journey but that also does not mean all journey can be understood as that
of a Diaspora. As in Diaspora does not mean causal travel, even though diasporic journeys
are mainly about settling down and about having roots elsewhere. Thus, the concept of
Diaspora has different meanings to different people according to their different
circumstances. For instance, when the Jews were exiled from the Babylon, they were
uprooted from their own homes and they had to rebuild their community and culture all
over again, for them the diaspora had different meaning since it was forced. But today the
meaning of Diaspora could be limited to any community of a particular nation outside its
own country, sharing some common bonds that... Show more content on
Pirzada Came to Dine, Interpreter of Maladies, A Real Durwan, Sexy, Mrs. Sen s,
Blessed House, The Treatment of Bibi Haldar, and The Third and the Final Continent.
But I will critically analyse only three out of nine stories because only in these three
chapters children are shedding light on the double marginalization, patriarchal
dominance, and gender related issues like gender inequality and gender discrimination
faced by the diasporic Indian
Polar Ice Caps Melting
In this essay I express how the melting of the polar ice caps in the North Pole is
affecting the survival of habitats of organisms around the world. The common
misconception is that only polar bears are suffering from global warming. Because of
rapid climate change in multiple areas around the globe, many organisms are unable to
live in their normal habitat. They are unable to adapt to these new conditions as fast as
they are changing. There are many effects of global warmingthat is affecting the
livelihood of many animals and in this essay I will explain how the effects are hurting
the earths population of animals.
What is Global Warming? Global warming is a gradual increase in the overall
temperature of the earth s atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect
caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants.
The Green House Effect is the process in which the absorption and emission of infrared
radiation by gases in the atmosphere warm a planet s lower atmosphere and surface.
These greenhouse gases traps some of the heat emitted by the Earth. The problem with
global warming is that is an anthropomorphic problem. The human race is polluting and
misusing our earth. The people here on earth have substantially increased the quantity of
CO2 in the atmosphere. This is a result of burning fossil fuels, coal, oil and gas emissions
from automobiles. The quantity of CO2 36%is higher than in preindustrial times. The
Disadvantages Of Mergers
Mergers and Acquisitions: A merger is said to occur when at least two organizations
consent to consolidate, bringing about another element or with the subsequent firm
keeping up the character of the gaining organization. Most economies forestall mergers
between straightforwardly contending firms. The method of reasoning is to counteract
monopolistic economic situations where the buyer does not have any decision aside
from only one merchant. Affirmations of monopolistic conduct have tormented
Microsoft s operations in Europe. A merger may take either of the two forms, absorption
or consolidation. The mix of at least two organizations into a current organization, where
every one of the organizations aside from one lose their character is named as a merger
through absorption The mix of at least two organizations into another organization, where
every one of the organizations lose their character is named as a merger through
consolidation.Here, the gained organization exchanges its advantages, liabilities and
shares to the procuring organization in return of money or shares. There are three types of
... Show more content on ...
The Banking division afresh showed its importance in utilizing M A bargains.
Santander s union of its Brazilian operations was esteemed at US$ 5.7bn. The BTG
Pactual interest in Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A. added to expand the 2014 M A
bargains by another US$ 1.8bn. Private value stores, be that as it may, lost some hunger
in 2014. In contrast with 2013, the volume of exchanges performed by this portion was
21% lower. All things considered, the Banking area was included in 34% of the
arrangements completed in 2014. Industry sector focus
Literary Masterpieces Matrix
University of Phoenix Material Literary Masterpieces Matrix Complete the following
matrix for each of the cultural periods that are shown. Provide examples from at least two
(2) literary works to illustrate your entries in each category. If discussing contemporary
literature, for example, a thematic focus might be relationship of mainstream with
minority literatures and your examples incorporate Rushdie and Cronin s works. Your
entries in these columns must go beyond a few words or a simple bullet point. There is
no required minimum word length, but you must go into sufficient detail to demonstrate
your comprehension of these literary components. This assignment is designed to be
completed throughout the course. It is easier... Show more content on ...
There s| | | | | |love, action, life and | | | | | |death all eternal themes. | | | |Classical
Literature |Plato s apology |The apology is written in |Roman s is also a defense|Plato
is clearly influenced| | |thematically focuses on |plain words and presents a|of Paul s
credentials as |heavily by the life, times | | |the meaning of life and |courtroom/debate
scenario |an apostle. Both men |and words of the subject of| | |death. As well as how a
|where Socrates is |spell out a philosophical|his work Socrates. | | |man should live his
life |defending himself against |and moral case for their | | | |honorably, it also deals
|charges. |beliefs and they question|Romans is heavily | | |with the fear of death. | |and
refute the opinions |influenced by Jewish | | | |Paul makes use of |of those who would
Eastern and Western Medicine Essay
Eastern and Western Medicine

The complex structure and foreign nature of Tibetan medicine makes it difficult to relate
its practices to Western medicine, making it difficult to determine the clinical efficacy of
Eastern medical practice. Several clinical analysis studies have recently been performed
in order to determine the efficacy of the holistic practices of Eastern cultures. Whether the
studies show Eastern or Western practices to be more effective, I believe that the most
effective treatment should be a combination of both practices.

Eastern and Western practices differ on many levels. One of the main differences
between these two methods is the way in which medicine is actually practiced. Western
medicine is heavily ... Show more content on ...
It is a strong belief of the Tibetans that their karma of previous lives plays a significant
role in their health.5

Tibetan medicine practices the belief that methods must be practiced as equally as
they are learned academically. Misinterpretations of certain Buddhist aspects of
Eastern medicine create difficulties in relating Eastern and Western principles. Some
Westerners feel that all you need to practice medicine in the East is a strong sense of
compassion to help people, without having any real knowledge of the medical
practices: A few weekend courses and all the good intentions in the world it would
seem is all that is thought to be necessary. (Dummer p. 11). This, however, is not the
case at all. Eastern practitioners spend years learning medical procedures and
techniques before going into practice. They are also fully educated in the spiritual
aspects of medicine as well, as for religion plays a significant role in Eastern practices.
Inadequate training may result in improper care and detrimental diagnosis to those who
may be seriously ill or suffering from undiagnosed diseases.7

Eastern medicine also differs from Western practices in the way in which the human body
is classified. In Tibetan medicine, the constituents of the body are quantified more on an
observatory and physical basis, rather than the scientific and technological methods used
in Western medicine. Tibetan practice
Whats Eating Gilbert Grape Research Paper
What s Eating Gilbert Grape
In the film What s Eating Gilbert Grape, the main character Gilbert takes on the Father
Role to support his family economically and financially. The fact Gilbert is the man of
the house causes him to repress his anger. His sorrow begins to strengthen his rage in a
very unhealthy manner. The melancholy that leads to Gilberts weakening has its roots in
his family which is what begins to eat Gilbert alive. All his family members play
important individual roles in finding out what s eating Gilbert Grape.
What s Eating Gilbert Grape is a beautifully shot movie of tenderness, caring and self
awareness that is set amongst the fictional working class one street town Endora. Centred
around the Grape family Ellen and ... Show more content on ...
The film was nominated for the prestigious Grand Prix of the Belgian Syndicate of
Cinema Critics.
In the film, Amy, being the eldest sibling and daughter of the Grapes, plays the
Mother Role having to take care of the household. My older sister Amy is more like a
mother , explains Gilbert, making him portray the Father Figure ; as he states, My
father built this house, and it s my job to do the repairs. Amy being the voice of reason
tries her best to keep the family together, which causes Gilbert to repress his feelings
the more Amy tells him he has to do better . In the scene when Gilbert leaves Arnie in
the bathtub overnight, causes a fright to the family; which is when Amy begins to tell
him, You gotta do better because without his help the family will fall apart quickly. This
builds up Gilbert s emotion because he knows just as Amy he has an important role in
the family to fill in.
Ellen, the youngest of the siblings, concentrates on appearances, specifically hers.
While the family is eating dinner, Ellen begins to chew with her mouth open which
disgusts Gilbert. He tells Ellen to close her mouth when she is eating, to which Ellen
responds sarcastically, Oh. Okay Dad. Sure thing, Dad. This aggravates Gilbert
because for him it is an insult to be compared to such a man. Gilbert s job is to support
his family financially yet Ellen s character seems to make Gilbert feel guilty and
responsible for all the bad things
Isometric Making Essay
ISOMETRIC DRAWING PROF. S.N. UPADHE: Assistant Professor, Department of
Mechanical Engineering, Solapur University, Solapur 413004 *Corresponding Author
Cell 091 8380050709 e mail Abstract Isometric
drawings are a type of pictorial drawings that show the three principal dimensions of an
object in one view. The Engineering graphics curriculum consists of a separate chapter
on Isometric drawing. University question paper consists of a question of about 13 15
marks. The time allotment for this question is 10 minutes, considering a 100 marks
question paper. In this paper we made a sample research on a group of 15 students by
asking them to use Isometric template to draw isometric drawing and found out some
interesting facts. Keywords: Isometric template, axonometric, Isometric Axis, Isometric
Planes. INTRODUCTION First formalized by Professor William farisch (1759 1837),
the concept of an Isometric had existed in a rough empirical form for centuries. From the
middle of the 19th century isometrics became an invaluable tool for engineers, and soon
thereafter axonometric and isometric were incorporated in the curriculum of architectural
training courses. According to Jan Krikke (2000) however, axonometric originated in
China. Its function in Chinese art was similar to linear perspective in European art.
Axonometry, and the pictorial grammar that goes with it, has taken on a
Sports And The National Football League
There are currently four major professional athletic leagues in America: the National
Football League (NFL), Major League Baseball (MLB), the National Basketball
Association (NBA), and the National Hockey League (NHL). When fans watch their
home teams play, it brings great pleasure and excitement to those who love sports,
especially when their home team wins a game. Even if they do not win, fans will stick
by their teams. Local businesses go great lengths to show support for their local teams.
For example, the Reunion Tower in Dallas changes its light colors to support the local
teams on game days. Sports also have a way of connecting fans with places as they
cheer for a touchdown, homerun, or goal at public restaurants and bars. Because team
owners are aware that pro sports play an important role in American society, they
brainstorm for new ways to earn additional income besides selling merchandise and
tickets. Now, Sports team owners want to build new state of the art arenas with
premium seats, suites, clubs, and bars to obtain more revenue. The only thing is, they
are not the only ones paying for it. It has become more and more popular in America for
taxpayers to fund renovated or new professional sports arenas located in their cities.
However, one question that ponders the mind of taxpayers is, should the public have to
fund the construction of a renovated or new sports arena in their town? According to
Pacific Standards magazine, Over the past 20 years,
Cop Charkh Narrative
Pissing rain, that is what the weather was. As the Platoon congregated at the ECP* of
COP Charkh, Soldiers stood in the pouring rain for about twenty minutes while waiting
for Charkh 7 (1SG). The First Sergeant decided to accompany the patrol departing; he
operated the gator carrying the Class III (petroleum) needed to refuel the trucks. The
entire trip into the bazaar it rained on us, not to mention the rest of the night. As a repeat
of the last mission, this one would not be much different. The day passed quietly, even
during H hour when all platoon was preparing for the attack that was sure to come,
nothing happened. It was not exactly surprising, although, in Charkh bazaar there s
generally not that much action to contest to. With the night brought the changeover...
Show more content on ...
At approximately zero seven hundred hours the rounds started flying and the battle
commenced for the day. Attack point one and two were being engaged from the
mountain side in the west north westerly direction from 600m. From my position AP 3
the squad could not engage the enemy due to a structure blockage; due to a house in
between the squad and the engagement. The team needed to relocate to a better position,
so I informed the driver to progress the truck forward so the squad could acquire an
enhanced view of the vicinity doing the engaging. After moving the truck of only fifty
feet my gunner was able to gain positive ID on the positions that the enemy was shooting
from. From inside the truck my gunner pressed the button to the CROW system that
would send 7.62 cal. rounds hurling at the enemy. The first one hundred rounds went
through the system smoothly, than the CROW jammed. Throwing open the Crow hatch
to the gun, mu gunner was unable to fix the jam in an expedient manner. Calling up the
MK 48 my dismount in the back fed the second weapons system up through the gunner
Media Reflective Essay
One of my clients (let s call her Alicia) has always delayed her responses to media
inquires or requests. In my line of work, we deal with monthly,weekly and even daily
deadlines, so this type of behaviour has clearly costed us many opportunities in getting
exposures in the media.I used any possible means to reach my clients, being extra
proactive while making sure she responds before the deadline. I suggested my superior to
mention it to regional office as this situation affects our business as their public relations
consultant. If we don t get enough media exposures as targetted, we may lose them as a
client. Alicia has started to respond the inquries and requests almost promptly. The use
of casual communication mean such as Whatsapp for a friendlier reminder has been
more effective in getting her to work as fast as our pace.

During the month of Ramadan, one of our clients held a social activity by providing
dinner box to taxi drivers around the city to break their fasting. I have briefed our
photographer to get the exact poses we needed to produce photos for the press release.
Turned out the event wasn t prepared accordingly by the management staff and I trusted
the photographer too much that I didn t supervise directly, and resulted the photos were
not press release quality. In the meantime, we needed to distribute the press release as
soon as possible as it was nearing the end of the holy month and everyone has started to
be busy with the holiday as well. Re took
Medicine and Health Care
AQUIL AHMED KHAN MBA Batch: SA 003, CP 2008 Enrolment No. 09/2008/049
Introduction 1.1 Background of study Electricity load shedding is common in Karachi. It
is often unexpected and most of the time scheduled activity. On one hand it reflects the
bad governance and socio economic failure, on other hand it impacts on the health care
services. Its major impact is visible in the... Show more content on ...
1.5 Limitations As health sector electricity provision are entirely different and
separate fields, there is no sufficient attention specific literature available considering
load shedding and its impact on provision of health care services in Karachi. Current
law order and political environment may cause deficit in open communications and
cooperative primary data collection. 2 Literature Review The prolonged and frequent
load shedding by the KESC has become a major threat to trade and industrial activities
of Karachi and urgent steps are required to cope with this menace. The utility service
providers power distribution and generation services have deteriorated, sharply,
nowadays and Karachi is being plunged into darkness after every one hour interval
(PPI, 2009). The Karachi Electric Supply Company (KESC) has been accused of
increasing sufferings of patients at different hospitals of Karachi by carrying out
massive load shedding for several hours despite arrival of summer season. PPI learnt on
Wednesday that due to load shedding, power generators are run from morning to noon
and are switched off afternoon, causing torments to the patients (PPI, 2009), health
centers and seminaries were facing serious problems due to prolonged load shedding.
Despite the tall claims by the authorities of WAPDA and KESC, Karachiites were facing
12 to 14 hours daily
The Breakdown of Ithaka
In the lands of Pylos and Sparta, the kingdoms are prospering and in the favor of the
gods. However, in Ithaka, the kingdom is falling to pieces. Why are the kingdoms so
different in their success? Homer puts these three kingdoms side by side in The
Odyssey, making it easy to find similarities and differences between the three. Pylos
and Sparta, ruled by Nestor and Menelaos, could not be more successful. Ithaka,
currently has no king in its throne and chaos is resulting from the battle for the coveted
seat. Compared to the kingdoms of Nestor and Menelaos, Ithaka is breaking down from
the loss of order and their leader, Odysseus.
Sparta and Pylos are successful, thriving kingdoms, so what makes Ithaka break
down? Menelaos has a mansion that is the way the court of Zeus must be (4.72). He
has no end of riches, and Sparta is prospering right along with him. Menelaos rules
with compassion and this makes him a great ruler. In Pylos, Nestor sacrifices an
impressive heifer for Athena; his goldsmith gloved each horn in a pure foil beaten out
of the gold that Nestor gave him (3.437 438). This costly sacrifice is no expense,
because Pylos is a wealthy country. Also, what is added to the success of Pylos, is the
great rule of Nestor. He is a wise and generous soul, who strides to keep his kingdom
under the favor of the gods. Athena truly favors Nestor in which she wishes honor to
Nestor and his sons (3.58). There is no mortal half so wise (1.64) as Odysseus, the ruler of
Juvenile Justice In High School
You see it happen all over the world, but never think that you could be in that situation.
Today I stand in that situation no one wants to be in. All of a sudden all four doors
were locked and loaded with four middle aged gentleman they all had some sort of a
weapon either a gun, knife, lightsaber or baseball bat. The office ladies were all hiding
under their desks trying to call the police department, but their phones kept ringing
and ringing. The office ladies are still convinced that the lines were busy because there
was a black circle in the sky earlier that day that everyone was talking about. I was
getting upset with the police because they should never have a busy line I knew I wasn
t going to get help right away so I put the problem... Show more content on ...
As they walked me and the kids out to the front of the main school doors to meet loved
ones. All of the parents and loved ones thanked me also; I told them I couldn t have
done it without God on my side he brought me back to life because he believe in me.
After this whole event the school named me hero of the century because of my willings.
They should ve named God the hero because if it wasn t for him my heart wouldn t still be
Humanism In Frankenstein
Frankenstein: The First Work of Science Fiction? A Science Fiction story is a story with
a human problem, and a human solution, that would not have happened at all without its
scientific content. This quote from late Science Fiction author Theodore Sturgeon
defines the genre of Science Fiction as a story that contains a real conflict and solution
that are ultimately derived from a scientific context. Frankensteinis a classic work of
literature for being both a thrilling, gothic horror and a morality tale that examines the
advancing world of science. Because of the way Shelley applies science and its concepts
the story, her novelis often considered the first piece of Science Fiction. Frankenstein
follows Sturgeon s definition, but upon... Show more content on ...
Shelley s entire story is a social commentary on the alluded science, the science that is
both Victor s greatest accomplishment and his downfall. Victor Frankenstein, at a
young age, having just the scientific training of his books and professors, manages
something that was seemingly impossible. By having Victor restore life to a
mismatched array of body parts, Shelley exemplifies the rapid, unprecedented
advancements of technology. As the story goes on, readers see the downfall of Victor
at the fault of his creation. He even notices his mental deterioration while he is just
making the original creature, when he remarks, Sometimes I grew alarmed at the
wreck I perceived that I had become; the energy of my purpose alone sustained me,
(Shelley 57). This way, Shelley shows that rapid scientific advancement can be a bad
thing. She conveys the message that venturing quickly into something unknown can
have deadly consequences. It s a morality tale that goes to the heart of the purpose of
technology, remarks Michio Kaku in Prophets of Science Fiction. Shelley s commentary
displays the immorality of Victor s use of technology, and in this she is remarking on
non fictional scientists as well. Though her commentary is initially powerful, her
argument becomes blurred when Victor reencounters the monster. At this point, Shelley
reveals that, despite the fact that he killed Victor s younger brother, he had a good
reason. Shelley s writing portrays the monster as a heart felt being in need of
companionship, which confuses the point she made. Did Victor create a good creature,
one that could learn and be beneficial to society if managed properly? Readers cannot
tell, nor can they tell what Shelley had intended. She dilutes her original critique of
scientific advancement, making Frankenstein a poor example of Science
Hypertension Outline
. Introduction A. What is hypertension? 1. Force of blood against arteries too high 2.
Two kinds: primary and secondary hypertension B. Who gets hypertension? 1. 60
million Americans have it 2. Factors include: age, poor diet (increased salt intake, fatty
foods), obesity, lack of exercise, stress, and genetics

II. Description and history A. How was hypertension first discovered and by who? 1.
William Harvey was a physician that first learned enough about the heart to know that
there was hypertension 2. The first measurement of blood pressure was done in the
1700s by Stephen Hales B. What constitutes as high blood pressure? 1. Normal blood
pressure ... Show more content on ...
Pre hypertension is 120 to 139 systolic or top number blood pressure, 80 to 89 diastolic
or bottom number of blood pressure 3. Hypertension is characterized as anything over
144 systolic and anything over 90 diastolic

III. Blood pressure basics A. The body 1. In order to survive and function properly,
your tissues and organs need oxygenated blood that your cardiovascular system
provides, when heart pumps it pushes blood though network of vessels 2. High blood
pressure is a problem because if your vessels have too much pressure, they will be
likely to be damaged or rupture and the associated organs and tissues will damage,
including parts of your body that cannot regenerate cells such as the brain B.
Measurement 1. First force is the systolic or top number blood pressure, occurs when
blood pumps out of the heart 2. Second force is diastolic and is the resting period
between heartbeats

IV. Signs and symptoms A. Physical traits 1. No symptoms most of the time, so this
disease can be virtually undetectable unless you take blood pressure 2. Severe
hypertension signs include severe headache, blurry vision, nausea and vomiting B. Brain
The Most Existence Of God Essay
The very existence of God has always been a prevalent topic for philosophers for
centuries. This common concept has thus brought about some very interesting theories
and ideas revolving around it. Two very well known individuals, as well as many others,
in the philosophical world developed their own ideas of why the existenceof God was
logically sound. Descartes, author of the Third Meditation, proved the existence of God
through the existence of man, claiming that man had to have derived from something,
rather, something must have brought humanity into existence. Anselm, author of The
Proslogion, claimed the same notion through the idea of the human mind, explaining that
God, or some higher deity, cannot be limited to human thoughts, but must also exist in
reality as well.
Anselm s ontological contention for the presence of God is, in one sense, very
straightforward; God is that than which no greater can be thought, and he must, therefore,
exist, for otherwise he would not be that than which no greater can be thought. For his
first claim, Anselm contends that the fractional confusion revolving around God s
existence gives the Fool no valid reason to deny being able to think about God at all.
Such a remark, Anselm opposes, would be as silly as one believing there is no sunlight
simply because they cannot gaze directly into the sun. Secondly, Anselm contends that
the way in which he perceives God is not entirely adverse. For since the especially great
takes after things
Sexual Violence In Correctional Facilities
Correctional institutions are the institutions that serve as rehabilitation centers with aims
of correcting offensive acts. The most common corrective institution is a prison that
serves not only as a corrective facility but also serves as a venue to instill vocational
skills and academic knowledge to inmates. Correctional institution set ups have similar
shape or characteristic as that of an organization with a chain of command right from the
top to the bottom (Blackburn, n.d)
Despite correctional facilities being avenues for behavior corrections, many offensive
behaviors are prevalent. These behaviors or offenses include; rape, sexual violence among
others criminal offences. According to Dumond Dumond (2015), there is a very stinging
need ... Show more content on ...
The mandate of the Act is to address the nature and extend of Prison Sex Violence (PSV)
through a multi stepped method or strategy. The National Institute of Justice (NIJ),
Bureau of Justice Statistics (BIJ) and Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) were the
agencies tasked with implementing the Prison Rape Elimination Act.
How are correctional facilities addressing issues of rape and sexual violence?
According to Jayewardene (1981) a number of steps have been taken by several
correctional facilities in different states to address sexual violence in correctional set up.
They include;
i.Having written policies specifically related Prison Sex Violence. In some correctional
facilities, successful investigation, prevention and response to such cases were reported.
ii. Existence of Department of Corrections written policies that seems to be working. iii.
The introduction of Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 which proves to be a
successful tool in addressing sex and violence in
The Second World War II
In the second world war the majority of the countries of the world were intervention.
The reasons for the second world war should searched at the end of the first world war.
Germany was defeated and loser of the war, so it forced to pay off heavy amount of
recompense and also unarmed. This was a war for freedom that lasted two years in
Europe as well as in China after the Japanese attacked to Pearl Harbor on December 7,
1941. The Second World War had finished in Europe with death of Hitler in May 1945.
On August 6, 1945, An atomic bomb was dropped on the Hiroshima, Japan, and on
August 9, a stornger one was dropped on Nagasaki by the United States. On
September 2, 1945, Japan signed a formal surrender and the Second World War was
ended. The Second World War was a significant impact in nowadays world morphing.
As results of that, Great Britain lost its empire, the raising power of the United States,
stablishing state of Israel and improving immense in nuclear power knowledge. It was
a brutal, scary, strange, disparate and deadly war, which ever history seen. What was
the role that Canada played in the Second World War ? And, when did Canada get
involved in the Second World War ? Prime Minister Mackenzie, on Sep 10, 1939,
requested from parliament to gave him authorization for join the war in europe. Most
Canadians saw the dangerous position, so exactly a week after Britain and France, they
decided to declare war against Nazi Germany. This was the first
How Does Lime Connect Impact My Community
I have always been energized by the opportunity to make a positive and tangible impact
on my community. During my time at Georgetown, such excitement came from
involvement in multiple activities ranging from student government to fellowships, and
from on campus advocacy to community service. Since graduating from Georgetown, I
have continued my commitment to service through extensive involvement as a SERVE
Leader at Fannie Mae. Still, I miss the opportunity to organize events and engage
members of my community to the extent I did when I was in school. What s more, I have
found it difficult to continue involvement in the disability space since graduation, as my
current employer has limited avenues for employees with disabilities to network.... Show
more content on ...
I am energized by lively discussion, value diversity of opinion, and am one who will
always work hard to ensure we accomplish our goal. I have had the opportunity to serve
as a board member for several organizations at Georgetown, have led fundraising efforts
that have totaled more than $150,000, have planned large scale events and conferences
for Oxfam America and Georgetown Residential Life, and have overseen budgetary
appropriations for several clubs as President of the Georgetown University InterHall
Council. During my two years as a Resident Assistant, I prided myself on planning
activities that appealed to residents from a variety of backgrounds, and I worked
tirelessly to build communities where everyone felt included and supported. More
recently, I became one of 40 SERVE Leaders at Fannie Mae working together to plan and
organize company wide volunteer opportunities, brainstorm and direct fundraising for the
Help the Homeless campaign, and partner with local non profit organizations to create
strong relations in and with the communities we serve. I thrive in dynamic, consensus
driven environments that leverage my desire to solve problems and reshape perspectives,
and my passion is epitomized in empowering and working closely with others. I hope to
have the opportunity to bring this same dedication
Erin Brockovich, Anderson Et Al V. Pacific Gas Electric...
Running head: Erin Brockovich, Andersen v. Pacific

Erin Brockovich
Anderson, et al v. Pacific Gas Electric Company, Superior Court for the County of San
Bernardino, Barstow Division, File BCV 00300 (1993)
Christine K. Horold
Strayer University

Abstract The movie Erin Brockovich (2000) depicts one of the most recognized cases of
toxic tort cases in the United States. According to an article in Entertainment Editors a
toxic tort is a special type of personal injury lawsuit in which the plaintiff claims that
exposure to a chemical caused the plaintiff s toxic injury or disease (freelibrary web site,
2000) In the movie Erin Brockovich, played by Julia Roberts, is assigned to do some
research on pro bono case her employer Ed ... Show more content on ...
The breakthrough came in the form of a former employee who tells Erin that he while
he was working at the plant he was ordered to destroy many of the old documents,
however he kept some of them and turned them over. The documents included memos
from the PG E corporate office to the Hinkley plant, establishing that corporate officers
has knowledge of the illegal dumping of contaminated water into those unlined pools
(tcm web site). The Law firm won the case in the end with the verdict that Pacific Gas
Energy had to compensate the plaintiffs in the amount of $333 million for damages
( web site). Erin Brokovich was presented with a check for $2 million for
all her efforts, and continues to work on cases involving peoples who have been
victimized by large corporations. Attorney Ed Masry, of the law firm Masry and
Vititoe served as a city councilman at the beginning of 2000, and served as major of
Thousand Oaks for one year; he died December 5, 2008 at a hospital in Thousands
Oaks (New York Times web site). One would think the story has ended here, yet there
is more to come. The Associated Press reported on April 4, 2008 that there were other
law suits involving PG E and approximately 1100 residents from Kings, Riverside, and
San Bernardino counties. The last suit was finally settled in March 2008 for $20 million
(SF Gate web site).
One would think that other companies have learned and tried to avoid
Precious Case Study
Living life within a dysfunctional family and living within a dysfunctional community
that had little trust in societal protections left Precious without many normal
safeguards that might have prevented some of the years of abuse that she endured.
Awareness of Precious first pregnancy at the age of twelve, her morbid obesity, her
violent outbursts and her inability to read or write were all reasonable cause to suspect
that Precious may have been subjected to abuse, neglect. If a Child Advocacy Center
had been used, certain aspects of Precious maltreatment experience and outcomes could
have been completely different. Regardless of whether a call had been made to the local
Child Advocacy Center, the complex challenges would most likely remain. But more
importantly, Precious having access to mental health professionals, legal experts and
physicians would no doubt have eased the trauma of the overall experience. With the use
of an advocacy center, if someone had called into the hotline when Precious became
pregnant at 12, the information would have been forwarded to the county where Precious
resided. CPS would fast tract the... Show more content on ...
This interview would have perhaps revealed the identities of Precious abusers. Family
member or other witnesses might have been professionally interviewed. The child
would have had access to physician to perform an exam, address medical needs and
collect medical evidence. Photographs would also be taken as needed. In addition to
this, mental health professionals would have been available to address the child s mental
health needs and also offer counseling services to the child and her family. After complete
processing by the CAC the team would then gather to present their finding to the
prosecution. The prosecution could move forward and charge the offenders or refuse the
The Musical Gyspy
Gypsy Gypsy is a musical that captured the attention of the audience with incredible
music and a rollercoaster of a storyline. Gypsy was loosely based on the life of Gypsy
Rose Lee, a famous striptease artist at the time that the show was written. The character
of Louise is based on Gypsy Rose Lee and the character of June based on her sister, June
Havoc. Gypsy is about a mother who tries to have her two daughter perform onstage and
make it in show business. In the end you find out that the mother was just trying to live
her dreams through her children. In Act I, the daughters audition to play in the vaudeville
circuit that goes around the United States. There mother, Rose, is pushing them to be
the best they can be but normally only focuses on June and not Louise. Rose
convinces Herbie to be the manager for the girls after she takes her fathers plaque to
use for money. As time goes on the act that the girls perform stays the same and is
losing interest. Herbie gets Mr. Goldstone, who represents the Orpheum Circuit, to
have a contract with the girls and the newsboys which gives the act a new name. Soon
after Herbie proposes to Rose and she rejects. Herbie tells Rose that he will leave but
Rose refuses to be believe that he will ever get away from her. The act eventually gets
to the Orpheum Circuit and June is offered a place in a Performing Arts school, but
Rose rejects the offer. Soon after June comes up missing and a note explains that she
eloped with Tulsa, a
Margaret Hermann s Explaining Foreign Policy Behaviour...
Margaret Hermann s Explaining Foreign Policy Behaviour Using the Personal
Characteristics of Political Leaders

Margaret Hermann s main conclusion in her 1980 article Explaining Foreign Policy
Behaviour Using the Personal Characteristics of Political Leaders , is that the personal
characteristics and orientations of foreign affairs of political leaders are important.
However, one needs to be cognizant of the fact that personal characteristics is only a first
step in the process of trying to explain why governments do certain things in the foreign
policy arena. Moreover, individual actions are constrained by political, social,
bureaucratic, environmental and context. Hence this limits the importance ... Show more
content on ...
Moreover, the personal characteristics and orientations of heads of government are likely
to have more impact on a government s foreign policy under some circumstances than
under others (Hermann 13). With this Hermann categorized the personality traits of
leaders into two orientations. On one hand, there are the aggressive leaders who are
leaders with high levels of nationalism, a strong belief in their own ability to control
events, a strong need for power, low levels of conceptual complexity, and high levels of
distrust for others. Such leaders tend to develop an independent orientation to foreign
affairs. On the other hand Hermann finds the conciliatory leader to be high in need for
affiliation, conceptual complexity, trusting of others, low in nationalism and likely to
exhibit little belief in their own ability to control the events in which they are involved
(Hermann: 8).

Another type of personal characteristic is that of interpersonal style, which is the

characteristic way in which a policy maker deals with other policy makers. There are two
interpersonal style characteristics according to Hermann, they are: 1) Paranoia excess
The Languages and Cuisine of Mexico Essays
Mexico has 31 states and 1 Federal district which is Mexico City. While the
overwhelming majority of Mexicans today speak Spanish making it the largest Spanish
speaking population in the world there is no single official national language of Mexico.
The colonizers of Mexico forced the Spanish language on the natives, but in the 1990s the
government recognized 62 indigenous Amerindian languages, including Aztec, or
Nahuatl, and the Mayan family of languages, as national languages. About 6 % of the
population is non Spanish speaking, and some indigenous Mexican words have become
common in other languages, to include English. Examples are: chocolate, coyote, tomato
and avocado all originated in Nahuatl.
Mexican culinary norms vary widely ... Show more content on ...
Combining this with the specialty cuisines of European conquerors (namely the
Spanish) including wine, cheese, pork, beef and lamb, Mexicans have created a food
culture that combines a mix of old world and modern cuisine. It is widely believed that
Mexican food is extremely spicy, but this is true only to a certain extent.

Food Culture of Mexican Mayans

Southeast Mexico was inhabited by the Mayan Indians many years ago, and their basic
eating habits were based on the fact that they were primarily nomadic hunters by nature.
As a result, they lived off the land and regularly consumed animals that roamed those
lands in that time. Mexican culture food at the time simply consisted of the meat of
rabbits, deer, raccoons and armadillos. Birds were considered a delicacy and pigeons,
turkeys and quail were regularly eaten. This often included frogs, snakes and turtles.

These meat delicacies were perfectly complemented by land grown vegetables like
tropical fruits, beans and corn. Corn was a basic supplement of almost all meals, as it
was widely grown in all the settlements of the Mayans, becoming an integral part of the
Mayan culture. Mexican food and culture of this time aimed at complete nutrition and
nourishment of the body by providing it with all the necessary minerals and amino acids.

Food Culture of Pre Columbian Mexican Period

The immediate period before European conquest
High Noon Hematite Worksheet
Be on the lookout for High Noon Hematite. High Noon Hematite has been eluding the
authorities for over a year now. Hematite can be found with different lusters from
earthy reds and browns to metallic silvers and black. Because Hematite can be hard to
find due to its diverse appearance, we need your help! The only real way to confirm that
you have found High Noon Hematite is to scrape the rock across a light rough surface. If
it leaves a blood red and brown streak you have captured the outlaw. This dangerous
outlaw is found in a range of different colors from black to steel gray to silver or red to
reddish brown to black. It also has a chemical composition of Fe2O3. Hematite has a
composition of about 70% iron and 30% oxygen by weight.
What Are The Important Qualities Of An Outstanding
There are several important qualities that any outstanding educator or teacher should
have. Any educator in any situation should gain the respect of the students by first
giving their students respect. It is an endless cycle and it would make life easy. The
teacher should also have a great rapporter with the students. It lets them know that the
teachers does care about them and that is invaluable, children do pick on emotions very
quickly. Another important quality would be to be fair. Be fair with the students and
also to inform them what the educator expects of them. That they try in their work. This
would also tie in with the classroom discipline. Lay out how the class will be run. If
they are coming to act up they they will loss some
Role of Strategic Training and Development in...
Role of Strategic Training and Development in Organizational Success
Dr. S.K.Prasad, Director, New Horizon Leadership Institute Introduction
By definition, training and development refers to the process to obtain or transfer
knowledge, skills and abilities needed to carry out a specific activity or task. The benefits
of training and development for both the employer and employee are, in fact, much
broader. To meet current and future business demands, training and development
encompasses a wide range of learning actions, from training for tasks and knowledge
sharing to improved customer service and career development, thus expanding individual,
group and organizational effectiveness.
Strategic ... Show more content on ...
For applied learning, a supportive work environment is critical.

To reap business benefits, HR should focus on: 1) designing training and development,
keeping end results in mind, such as performance and capacity goals; 2) leveraging
learning/knowledge assets; and 3) including key organizational characteristics in the
overall integrated approach to training and development. Training and development
programs also offer opportunities to employees to build internal and external networks
and learn from other participants.

Today, the relationship between the organization and the employee has changed. There is
greater emphasis placed on the value of individual and team contributions to find
business solutions. The employee is viewed as a learning customer , bringing personal
preferences and motivation to the workplace. The learning organization therefore
requires an environment that supports growth for individual capability and experience
and, at the same time, increases business performance. For learning to truly benefit both
the organization and the employee, the employer must consider the learner the employee
as a vital investment for business success.

The Value of Training and Development

For the organization to gain true value from strategic training and development, senior
management must be fully committed to organizational learning . Consequently, it is
important that HR understands the concept of training transfer (i.e., transfer of learning).
Determination And Honesty Of John D. Rockefeller
Determination and Honesty As little kids we often grow up with the crazy idea that
we are going to be a famous celebrity or something like that. We won t let anything or
anyone deter us from our goal, we are unwaveringly set to be that and will stop at
nothing until we grasp that objective. But with time, and with the many other
challenges and setbacks that life brings we stop striving for those goals that we
ourselves set so many years ago. Success doesn t come from what you do occasionally.
It comes from what you do consistently. This saying is getting at one thing, and one
thing only. Determination. When we hear the word we often think of a lot of famous
quotes or sayings. Some may even think of people who at first were not... Show more
content on ...
Determination. Determination, is defined as showing effort. It is also defined as a
direction or tendency towards a certain end. In the book Deathwatch by Author Robb
White, determination is what helps keep our main character, Ben, alive as he is faced
with the harsh conditions of the desert. He had to go up. Just that simple. Up. If we
are to remain determined we must continue to go up to keep our direction focused on
just one thing. Ben, as we quickly find out is focused on one thing and one thing only
and that, is survival. Ben s situation begins when a man that Ben is being a hunting
guide for, purposely shoots an old prospector. When Ben tells the man, whose name is
Madec, that they should report the shooting to the police, Madec becomes very
nervous and angry. So much so that he tells Ben that he will pay for Ben to go to
college as long as he does not report the shooting. This situation can be described as
determination, because determination does not have to be positive like most people
think. In the book Madec is determined to keep Ben from reporting the accidental
shooting, he will do anything to keep Ben at bay, even if it means having to kill him.
Wait a minute, didn t any of you hear what he said? Weren t any of you listening?! this
is said by Ben as he is trying to defend himself from going to jail due to Madec lying
and saying that Ben had shot him because he had gotten angry at Madec for trying to
report the killing
In an Antique Land Essay
In Amitav Ghosh s, In an Antique Land , the author compares his life with that of a
slave named Bomma. He reveals that both men live in antique lands, foreign to their
culture and surrounded by very different people. Ghosh also relates the book to Percy
Bysshe Shelly s poem Ozymandias, a piece on mankind s hubris and the insignificance
of the individual. Ghosh effectively juxtaposes Bomma s life with his own as he tries to
find himself and unlock the slaves past through the ancient papers of the Cairo Geniza.
Through historical details and antidotes, the author proves how a place can be both
antique and contemporary. The title of the book comes from not only Ghosh s study of
the history of the Middle East, but his observation on... Show more content on ...
His religion is a constant reminder of how he is an outcast yet he is also judging the
culture he feels is criticizing him. He sees them as outdated and disapproving while they
see him as unusual and mysterious. He is criticized for his religion and customs, and the
children mock him in disbelief for being Hindu. One little boy comments on his
amazement with this foreign culture:
You mean, he said in rising disbelief, there are people in your country who are not
In Arabic the word circumcise derives from a root that means
to purify ; to say of someone that they are uncircumcised is more or less to call them
Yes, I answered, yes, many people in my country are
В‘impure . I had no alternative; I was trapped by language. (62)

This is just one example of how Ghosh is treated as an outcast in the small town of no
one of the small religion. He does not fully understand the language or culture that
surrounds him, which causes even further confusion among the parties. This relates back
to Shelly s poem because both the visitor and the ancient are being observed and
While Ghosh realizes that the town will never respect why he worships cows or burns
the dead, he desperately tries to analyze the town he lives in. As he buries his head in
letters from Ben Yiju, he slowly puts together the relationship between
Placebo Paper
Placebo effect is the term applied by medical science to the therapeutical and healing
effects of inert medicines and/or ritualistic or faith healing manipulations. [1] [2]. When
referring to medicines, placebo is a preparation which is pharmacologically inert but
which may have a therapeutical effect based solely on the power of suggestion. It may
be administered in any of the ways in which pharmaceutical products are administered.[3]
Sometimes known as non specific effects or subject expectancy effects, a so called
placebo effect occurs when a patient s symptoms are altered in some way (i.e., alleviated
or exacerbated) by an otherwise inert treatment, due to the individual expecting or
believing that it will work. Some people consider ... Show more content on ...
Role playing is not the same as faking or malingering. The behavior of sick or injured
persons is socially and culturally based to some extent. The placebo effect may be a
measurement of changed behavior affected by a belief in the treatment. The changed
behavior includes a change in attitude, in what one says about how one feels, and how
one acts. It may also affect one s body chemistry.
The psychological explanation seems to be the one most commonly believed. Perhaps
this is why many people are dismayed when they are told that the effective drug they are
taking is a placebo. This makes them think that their problem is all in their mind and that
there is really nothing wrong with them. Yet, there are too many studies which have
found objective improvements in health from placebos to support the notion that the
placebo effect is entirely psychological.
Doctors in one study successfully eliminated warts by painting them with a brightly
colored, inert dye and promising patients the warts would be gone when the color wore
off. In a study of asthmatics, researchers found that they could produce dilation of the
airways by simply telling people they were inhaling a bronchiodilator, even when they
weren t. Patients suffering pain after wisdom tooth extraction got just as much relief
from a fake application of ultrasound as from a real one, so long as both patient and
therapist thought the machine was on. Fifty two percent of the colitis patients
Don River Watershed Essay
As one of the watersheds in TRCA jurisdiction, the Don River watershed is over 80%
developed and has a very high rainfall runoff response. There are three high risk flood
vulnerable areas in this watershed; the Hoggs Hollow, Lower Don, and the Yonge and
Elgin Mills area. A hydrological model has been established for Don Riverwatershed and
has been updated in 2004. After that, 12 years of meteorological and stream flow data
has been collected and a number of significant storm events have occurred. Another
hydrologyupdate is deemed necessary to utilize the new datasets and to confirm the
design requirement for a number of key projects.
The hydrology update for the Don River watershed will follow the standard procedure for
hydrological modelling including modelling platform selection, watershed delineation,
model parameterization, model calibration and validation, and model simulation
(scenario evaluation). The main objectives of this model update are as follows:
Evaluation and selection a hydrology modelling platform that will best serve the TRCA
and the Don River watershed now and in the future;
... Show more content on ...
(Civica) provides high value specialized Water Resources Engineering and Environmental
services to public sector and select private sector clients in Ontario. We deliver
innovative, value added drainage planning and analysis services to municipalities and
conservation authorities. We also work with other consultants to provide specialized
hydrologic and hydraulic consulting services as needed. Civica can help you develop
policies, procedures, and special hydrologic and data management tools for drainage
system management in watersheds and municipal drainage systems. We provide clear
and effective communication, and sound management with integrity. We uphold values
such as honesty, fairness, client confidentiality, right communication, friendly approach,
and professionalism. Our core philosophy is: We exist to make our clients
Angina Essay
In Focus on Pharmacology Essentials For Health Professionals, Jahangir Moini states
angina pectoris is a common form of ischemic heart disease and often precedes and
accompanies MI (Moini, 2013. p.359). When having angina, a patient will feel pressure
in the chest like a squeezing sensation and the pain can travel to the jaw, down the arm,
into the neck, shoulders, or back.

There are three types of angina: stable, unstable, and variant. Most common types are
stable and unstable. Stable angina is a result of plaque buildup which has caused
narrowing of the coronary artery. The body can get enough blood to the heart when it s in
a resting state and not exerting itself. When the need for exertion arises, climbing a set
of stairs for example, it needs more oxygen since the heart is working harder but the
narrowed artery is preventing the increase in blood flow needed. The angina symptoms
will start to subside after taking nitroglycerin and resting. ... Show more content on ...
This can occur while the body is in a state of rest unlike with stable angina.
Nitroglycerin and rest will not alleviate the uncomfortable feeling and pain. This
typically occurs when there is a partial or full blockage of the coronary artery due to a
blood clot.

Variant angina can occur in people who do not even have hart disease. It is rare, but is
the result of coronary artery spasms. The spasms cause the walls to constrict which
lessens or stops the blood flow to the heart.

On the website CV Pharmacology, Richard Klabunde, PhD tells us that the classes of
drugs to treat angina are as
What Is My Favorite Word Essay

I have a few words that I like and live by , but my favorite word is different . It takes a
lot to be yourself in a world that is constantly changing. I love to see people who aren t
afraid of being themselves! The ones who would rather lead the pack than follow. I think
that God created us equally, but with our own unique touch.

In this world, everyone comes from different cultures and backgrounds. The world is
one big melting pot full of unique individuals. If we all were the same life would be so
boring and serve us no purpose. When you first meet someone, what is the first thing
you notice about them? Is it the way they speak, dress, or act? I notice the way they
think, just by the way they ... Show more content on ...
It says The one who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. Those
who walk alone are likely to find themselves in places no one has ever been before. It
has been linked back to different people , the message is clear as day. It is a powerful
quote that I think everyone should read and live by. It s basically saying if you do not
follow your own path it may cost you. It may not be the path that was meant for you. If
you take a leap of faith and use your own imagination you can go beyond your limits.
The truth of it all is anyone can be different. Even identical twins are different in some
way. You will noticed the different personalities immediately. The world need more
strong, positive leaders . We were all put on this earth for a reason and we can all make a
difference and be DIFFERENT.

My goal is to be an elementary teacher. My ultimate goal is to be able to make a

difference with one class at a time. I hope that when I finally get my own classroom, I
am blessed enough to teach my little babies a lot of good values to have inside and out
of the classroom. I will make sure they are comfortable and eager to show me their
creativity. Different means having confidence in who you are. Do not lose your identity
because you want to fit in. You are who you are for a
Robert Fulghum Dinner Diction
Did you know there was a name for the nasty, icky, gross, unsanitary gunk that is in the
bottom of your sink after you wash dishes? Well there is and the name of it is dinner
dandruff just like the essay by Robert Fulghum. Fulghum wrote the essay Dinner
Dandruff to entertain the reader along with relating to them about a problem that
everyone that washes dishes has. In the essay he uses many different types of author s
style but the main three are diction, syntax, and imagery. Diction is the author s word
choice while syntax is the author s sentence choice, and imagery is where you can
picture what s happening while reading the story. First of all the author uses diction in
the essay to create the tone by using smaller words along with more proper words. For
an example in the essay it states A rational, intelligent, objective person would say that
this is simply a mixture of food particles too big to go down the the drain, composed of
pits of protein, carbohydrates, fat, and fiber. This shows that Fulghum uses diction when
he explains what dinner dandruff is made of by using a higher vocabulary like particles
and carbohydrates it creates an effect on the essay. It makes the essay sound... Show more
content on ...
Syntax is the arrangement of words into sentences, Fulghum uses syntax often in the
essay to show the importances of words and to create the humorous effect. One example
of it would be Once, in school, I came across the french word ordure, and when the
teacher told me it meant unspeakable filth I knew exactly to what is referred. We had it
every night. In the bottom of our sink. The sentences have syntax and create an effect not
only because of the diction in them but because the lengths of them and the structure.
The first set of parentheses is much longer compared to the other too. That way the other
ones are more dramatic and forces you to take a pause between them which ultimately
helps set the
Loyalty In All The Pretty Horses
Loyalty and Innocence In Literature Throughout All the Pretty Horses by Cormac
McCarthy the protagonist John Grady Cole was accompanied by his childhood friend,
Rawlins, who acts as a loyal and helpful companion as John Grady grows up. The two
have a long history of companionship and their friendship built at a young age helps
them through hard times. In the story, John Grady and Rawlins travel to mexico after
John Grady s family sells the ranch he wanted to run. Upset, he leaves the country with
Rawlins and another young boy they found along the way, Jimmy Blevins. The three
travel to mexico to find work; John Grady and Rawlins find work at a ranch owned by a
rich aristocrat. The friends worked and lived together for months before John Grady...
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Fitzgerald uses proves that loyalty is innocence but in a different way. Fitzgerald uses the
story of perfidious adults with the innocent main character Nick, the only loyal character
in the book, to show the theme that loyalty is innocence. The use of the innocent and
loyal character, Nick, in contrast with the traitorous mature adults, Gatsby, Daisy, and
Tom Buchanan, validates that loyalty is innocence. Fitzgerald does this by establishing
Gatsby s maturity: although some parts of the story contradict it. As early as the
beginning passage Fitzgerald is using phrases and ideas from Gatsby making him seem
Analyzing The Production Of Grapes
Viticulture examines the production of grapes. Viticulture takes into account everything
outdoors, including key factors such as geography, climate, soil, drainage, graftin¬¬g,
the vine life cycle, and harvest.

Geography: Mountainous terrain = water run off which helps with drainage.

Climate: Warm locations will produce sweeter and riper fruit, therefore creating sweet
wine with high alcohol content since these grapes are producing more sugar for the yeast
to eat. When the climate is cool, lower temperatures maintain the acidity and make it hard
for grapes to ripen.

Soil: Dry, arid soil is critical since grapes don t do well in rich, organic soils. If wines
receive a large amount of nutrients, they go vegetative which is when grape ... Show more
content on ...
This guarantees a harmless, and safe process through the use of natural and
environmental friendly methods.

Phylloxera is a microscopic, yellow sap sucking insect that feed on roots and leaves of
grapevines. This insect can infest a vineyard as a whole and ruin every vein on the
property. It has had a huge impact on the wine industry because it allowed for the
introduction of grafting. Phylloxera kills European vines therefore in order to grow
European grapes on American soil one must graft a European vine to an American root
allowing for the different grape types to survive and thrive.

The 5 S s are important to take into account when tasting wines. Sight, Swirl, Smell, Sip
and Spit are essential to understand.
Sight: When first pouring a glass of wine, you want to hold it to a white background in
order to have a clear vision of the wines color. If a white wine has hints of green it
indicates youth and acidity. Darker shades indicate bolder flavors or the wine was held in
a oak barrel. When viewing a red wine, less color indicates aging and a subtle flavor. You
can also determine age by the amber outer ring that is present; if a wider ring is visible
the wine is older.
Swirl: By tilting the glass, and swirling this action enhances the wines flavor and
natural aroma. Moreover when you swirl, legs and tears appear on the glass itself
allowing for observation. If the drippings are wide and slow it indicates a heavier wine,
The Fiction Of Literature And Literature
The nonfiction writer sits in a room, at a table, and claims he sees and relates the truth.
Through the room s door comes another. The writer assumes that other sees the same.
Rather, that other sees the room s light reflected differently upon the table s surface and
lines fading to different vanishing points. Despite this, the writer s account of his
sensations is printed and spread and known to his readers as nonfiction, thought to be of
truth. Nonfiction, as illustrated, cannot legitimately hold to this claim and would less
mislead readers by label of
representation . By its label within literature, nonfiction creates a greater fantasy than
Literature is seen to be separated. Nonfiction is an account of what lies outside the ...
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Fiction, however, is difficult to dispute. Where nonfiction may conflict with its
proclaimed source material, fiction lays claim to only its creator s mind. The book Tyrant,
a fictional account of a general of Rome in the years following 333 BC., refers to
things outside the mind in such descriptions as, One thing Sakje town boasted out of all
proportion to its size were goldsmiths (Cameron). A criticism of this would lack
relevance, despite relation to reality, because of the conditions set by its label of fiction,
that the work is ultimately a concoction of the mind. This devoids the work of err in
regards to truth. Might nonfiction s only separating claim be of representation?
Language, the hearth and baseline of literature, saturates all that exists to the human
mind in representation. Another objective excerpt of The World Book on Pearl Harbor,
It covers
22, 000 acres on Oahu Island and lies west of downtown Honolulu, can be more
objectively explained, One thing which man, by his system of measurements, measures
as 22,000 acres on what, man by his system of languages and names, calls Oahu Island.
And also, Tyrant might do the same by, One thing which man, by his system of languages
and names, calls Sakje...
Words themselves are objects of representation.
Beside language, motion, time, continuity, and other principles of being outside mind,
including being itself, are represented both in nonfiction and fiction. Poetry is finer and
To Kill A Mockingbird Creative Writing
I ll kill ya, the words rattled my body and I felt my knees collapse beneath me. The
Negro sprinted out and my father clomped in as fast as his drunken brain would allow
him to move. At that moment, my perfectly orchestrated plan crashed into a million
pieces. The anticipation I built up for a year transformed into shame and sheer terror.
My father advanced upon me, and my face conceded to the impact of his fist. A tirade
of bottled up anger flew out of his whiskey smelling mouth with phrases I would never
repeat as long as I lived. Eventually fatigue triumphed over his punches, and he stumbled
out of the room to chug down a bottle of whiskey. Okay Mayella, he grumbled, You
know what happened right? That Negro down yonder raped... Show more content on ...
The months following the trial he spent muttering promises of revenge. He gathered
all eight of us around him and declared the death of Tom Robinson. Cheers and
laughter erupted around me. My head spiralled uncontrollably, and nausea overcame
me. I darted outside for fresh air, and inhaled the sweet smell of my precious
geraniums. I scanned the bed until I found the perfect one. A little pair of eyes
glistening with sadness met my gaze when I turned around. I scooped my baby sister
up; I did not want to do this alone. With the geranium in one hand and little Ida in the
other, I trudged behind the dump, through the woods, and into the pasture. After
scouting out the right place, our four little hands scooped up the earth until we had a
sizeable hole. I placed the flower in the hole as a mother would place her baby in its crib.
I bawled until I felt Ida s tiny hand tug me towards home. My father took one glance at
my tear streaked face and his fist flew down on
Delta Airlines Evaluation
For my news report I turned to the website and I supplemented my
research with information from the BET website. These websites were incredibly
helpful in my research gathering process. I feel that these sources were reliable and for
the most part unbiased news sources in which I could gather accurate and relevant
information to my issue.
In early October, Delta Airlines was accused with racial profiling after a flight attendant
refused to believe that a black woman, Tamika Cross, was a doctor. During a flight from
Detroit, a man went unconscious and his wife cried out for help. A representative for the
airline went on the speaker and asked if anyone aboard was a doctor, Dr. Tamika Cross
immediately responded. The flight attendant showed clear doubt that Tamika Cross
was a doctor and reportedly said to her that they were looking for actual physicians or
nurses or some type of medical personnel. Once again the cockpit asked if there were any
medical personnel on board, and once again Dr. Cross responded. Once again Dr. Cross
was greeted with disbelief and was even asked to prove her ... Show more content on ...
Through utilization of justification, Delta airlines minimizes their crisis by stating that
they are still taking action in order to investigate what happened. Delta never fully
acknowledges that there is an issue and instead tries to make it right through the
reduction of offensiveness. Through utilizing this strategy they reduce the severity of
Dr. Cross s allegations by discussion how their flight attendants are trained and how
ultimately it comes down to a judgment call. The biggest issue with Delta s statement is
that it lacks an apology and never acknowledges that there was an issue of racial
profiling. Although Delta did issue a statement, it was not effective in making their
issues go away, and was not a sincere
Persuasive Essay On Young People Go Camping
My best friend and I decide to go camping, it was supposed to be a regular long
weekend with her at Gennie Springs. The only thing was that we did not count on the
issues that it could bring to us. It was a Memorial weekend and two days before the
weekend we planned everything to travel 5 hours away from home. The plan was just
go camping, spend time with nature, and disconnect from the world. We did not plan
that the park was for crazy parties, we also did not plan that the police will stop us,
and of course, we did not plan that my car broke down on our way back. During our
way to Gennie Springs, everything was fine. We traveled for 5 hours without any
inconvenience. When we arrived at the park, we start noticing that a lot of young
people from colleges and universities. As we register and confirm our reservation, the
guy from the park advises us that they do crazy parties over there and they are not
responsible for any damage. We agreed and we signed. My friend and I started looking
for our spot but everything was full and there was not any space available. We start
asking people if they know where was number 87, that was our camping number, but
they were all hangover and do not even know that the camping has numbers. After an
hour going around the park and passing for the same places over and over, we asked an
old couple and they tried to guide us through the park. We continue driving and find out
that our spot was on the other side of the park, so we go there and found
Ethics and Licensed Professional Counselor
PCN 505 Scenario Analysis Assignment Directions: Read the scenarios below. For
each scenario, provide a 75 150 word response to each question. Use the ACA and
NAADAC Codes of Ethics and other scholarly resources to support your responses.
You must provide at least one citation to support your response for each scenario.
Though APA format is not required for your answers, citations and references should
be presented in accordance with APA guidelines. 1. Barbara is a licensed professional
counselor (LPC) working for a nonprofit social service agency. Many of the clients in
the agency are female domestic violence victims. The director of the agency has asked
Barbara to develop a counseling group to serve the needs of these individuals. a.... Show
more content on ...
(2005 CA Code of Ethics, Standard A.5.e.) b. What special issues of confidentiality
may arise in the case? How should David address these issues? Even though David
most recently been in a counseling relationship with the husband, he stills have a legal
duty to the husband, who was originally client..In most circumstances, he can release
the husband s individual counseling records to her upon his written request. However,
he may be compromising his ethics and breaching confidentiality by releasing
information to the wife that he obtained from the husband or learned during a joint
counseling session unless he have written authorization of both or a court order (2005
ACA Code of Ethics, Section B.2.c.) ) c. How might differences in personal values and
gender/cultural issues create ethical dilemmas in this case? It s an ongoing balance to
decide how David going to view the cultural differences. There isn t a simple answer.
The principal rule supporting ethical obligations is that the counselor must act with full
recognition of the importance of client s rights, the ethics of the profession.(National
Association of Social Workers 1999). 3. Stephanie is a licensed professional counselor
(LPC) who has decided to start a private practice. As she makes her plans, there are many
ethical issues she must
Absalom Research Paper
Absalom Macky, a boy with eyes as blue as the sea and hair as red as an apple, spent
his entire childhood jumping from one foster family to another. Nobody wanted to
harbor such a wild child. From breaking toys in grade school to breaking windows in
future years he was the wild child. His mother died from overdosing on prescription
painkillers and his father took a bullet for his country. After years of unsuccessful homes
Absalom is placed with an unconventional family. Richard and Dimitrios, a same sex
couple, and on top of this an interracial partnership. Absalom doesn t think much of it as
he doesn t see himself spending more than a month with them, or so he thought. Richard
and Dimitrios have been together for ten years now. Each has a secure job and flexible
hours, perfect for raising... Show more content on ...
After several run ins with the law Absalom committed the biggest offense. He stole a
car. Using the rain as a cover Absalom thought he could get away with the crime and
away from the social workers. Absalom stole a brand new Corvette from a dealership.
Over the course of his juvenile life Absalom had learned a thing or two on the streets.
Unlike unskilled burglars, Absalom used dental floss and clever noose to unlock the
car. Without a sound of commotion Absalom left the dealership in a brand new
Corvette, but not without his seatbelt on. The boy might have made it if the car had
more than a quarter of a tank of gas. Absalom had not thought it through this far.
Without a dime in his pocket and a drop of gas in the tank he was forced to pull over of
the side of the highway. Not five minutes later he sees sirens and tries to make a run
for it. But where does he go? Into the woods only to get lost or face the consequences?
For the first time in his life Absalom makes the right choice. The officer was sensible
and only did his job. Absalom served two months in a juvenile detention center until he
was placed into a new home, a real
The And Its Effects On The Community
This ideology of religion playing a major role in recovery is, in many ways, universal
in its prevalence in established forms of recovery. For example, step two of the 12 step
programs states that you must come to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could
restore us to sanity (Alcoholics Anonymous). This idea that addicts must devote their
lives to a being greater than their own symbolizes that they are not in control of their
actions. They must look to a greater being to guide them away from their sinful paths and
temptations in order to engage in a full recovery of the body and soul. Dunnington says
through rational deliberation and persuasion, the agent may come to believe that addiction
has destroyed her life by wresting control away from her (Dunnington, 151). Addicts
need to understand that they cannot undergo this recovery process alone and that their
own will may be compromised by their addiction. This is what leads to Step 7, which
states that addicts must humbly ask Him to remove our shortcomings , an idea
Dunnington would correlate to his stance that addiction is a sin that God must forgive us
of. Dunnington continues to comment on this idea philosophically when he divulges
into the idea of addiction as being a form of vice that takes the place of virtues in our
lives. It is only through the abolishing of that vice through Jesus, can an addict truly
begin to recover from their addiction.

Beyond the realm of a theological recovery that Dunnington

Corporate Ethics And Ethical And Business Ethics In Nestle
In the latest years the issues of unethical and ethical business practices have become the
limelight of the media. Business ethics (also known as corporate ethics) is a form of
applied ethics or professional ethics that examines ethical principles and moral or ethical
problems that arise in a business environment. It applies to all aspects of business
conduct and is relevant to the conduct of individuals and entire organizations. In
business, ethicsapplies to any interaction of the business, whether that be from one on
one with specific customers, or multimillion dollar business deals with other companies.
If is quite obvious that the goal of the majority of businesses is to make money, and thus
ethics do not concern these businesses, whilst on the other hand there are many
businesses that are not for profit or rather, are doing the right thing and having
commitment and responsibility towards society having a far greater importance.
In past years there have been numerous reports from global businesses, including most of
the major brands that the public use for their poor business ethics, which have received a
huge attention by people around the world. One of the most shocking reports came from
a well known company NestlГ©. The main ethical issues concerning NestlГ© company
was endorsing infant formula with ambiguous and unsafe strategies, using suppliers that
violate human rights and promoting harmful food.
NestlГ© S.A is the world largest fast moving customer goods company in
Analysis Of The Movie Runaway Love By Ludacris
Music is part of everyday life and serves as the center of many cultures across the
world. Music brings out the best parts of a movie, a car ride, or even a special event.
The purpose of music varies from artist to artist and different cultures. Every piece of
music carries a unique message, but a song, in particular, carries meaning. Runaway Love
by Ludacris, featuring Mary J. Blige, exploits the struggles of young girls by using
rhetorical techniques, such as pathos, ethos, logos, tone, and visual rhetoric throughout
the music video to raise national awareness about youth runaways.

Christopher Bridges was born in 1978 in Champaign, Illinois where he spent the first
twelve years of his life before moving to Atlanta, Georgia with his family (Ludacris).
During this time, Christopher was introduced to hip hop music, attended Banneker
High school, and dropped out of Georgia State University to follow his dream. The
aspiring rapper landed a radio internship that eventually led to his major break into the
music industry. Because Christopher needed a stage name, he came up with Ludacris
because he declares part of him is calm, cool, and collective, while the other side is just
beyond crazy (Ludacris). The timing was impeccable as the fresh rapper stepped into the
music scene when the music industry was focused on the Dirty South Sound that was
taking over the music charts (Ludacris). Ludacris was the first artist to sign to the new
Def Jam Records. The release of the
Christian Imagery In Dostoyevsky s Crime And P
For the Love of God: Christian imagery in Fyodor Dostoyevsky s Crime and Punishment
Within Crime and Punishment, the true nature of man is explored as Fyodor
Dostoyevsky calls into question the moral code of man and the systems with which we
define human ethics. Perhaps the most significant usage of artistic devices within the
novel is the use of Christian symbols to introduce the thematic concept of salvation due
to acceptance of Christianity. Christian symbolism helps give meaning to the novel and
allows the author to deliver his thesis on the saving power of Christ to the reader. These
themes are used to the greatest effectiveness when the author references the salvation of
Raskolnikov and Marmeladov, and how this was brought about due to ... Show more
content on ...
It assists in illuminating how irredeemable people can find salvation through the
Christian church; this is shown through a variety of scenes that have religious
undertones as well as specific Christian symbols, such as crosses. This is significant
because it introduces a chance for redemption to those who wouldn t consider religion
otherwise. Religious imagery is significant not only for the artistic and thematic
purposes of the novel, but also for the effect it has on the reader. By introducing a
chance at salvation to someone that wouldn t seek it otherwise, the novel encourages
membership in the church. This allows the messages within the novel to be extrapolated
across a wider audience and allows for a greater amount of people to take in the
messages presented within the
Internalisation of Spanish Fashion Brand Zara

Carmen Lopez Ying Fan Brunel Business School Brunel University Uxbridge UB8 3PH
England +44 1895 267239

Key Words

Internationalisation, fashion retailing, market entry, branding, international marketing,



Purpose Research on the internationalisation of retailing has been mainly focused on
market entry issues. This paper attempts to examine the internationalisation process from
a branding perspective using Spanish fashion retailer Zara as a case. Methodology
/Approach An in depth case approach was adopted based on extensive secondary
research, which include literature published in English and Spanish as well as ... Show
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The major trends that are restructuring and characterising the textile and clothing sector
are as follows: The European textile and clothing industry is characterised by fragmented
production with a large number of small and medium sized companies mainly located in
Italy, Great Britain, France, Germany and Spain (Nordas, 2004), while distribution
channels are highly concentrated (Stengg, 2001). Increasing internationalisation in the
textile and apparel sector and the emergence of international competitors (CerviГ±o,
1998). Consolidation of the sector through mergers, acquisitions and strategic alliances
(Dunford, 2004). Sub contracting or delocalisation of textile and clothing production to
countries with lower labour and transportation costs and reduced lead time (Berkeley and
Steuer, 2000). Re evaluation of the business models to adapt to the customersВґ changing
taste (KPMG, 2005). Fashion companies are becoming more flexible and vertically
organised, limited vertical integration being more frequent than complete integration
(Samiee, 1995). Adoption of new technology to expand productivity and increase
competitiveness (Berkeley and Steuer, 2000). Democratisation of the fashion sector over
the last decades (Mazaira, et al., 2003). Zara has contributed greatly to this shift by
offering the latest design at attractive prices.


Acropolis Bar And Grill In Tampa, Florida
Acropolis Bar and Grill Acropolis Bar and Grill in Tampa, Florida is a restaurant that
serves not only authentic Greek dishes, but has a fun and festive Greek atmosphere as
well. Delicious food made from fresh ingredients, ample meal sizes (meant to be
shared with friends and family in true Greek fashion), live music and entertainment,
birthday celebrations, belly dancers, and an active and friendly wait staff are some of
the things one can expect when dining at the Acropolis. The Greeks love to celebrate,
and the Acropolis does not shy away from this. While perhaps not the best venue for a
quiet and romantic dinner date, this is the perfect place for people who don t just want
to sit and eat, but have fun as well. Evening patrons should be prepared for lots of
dancing and shouts of, Opa! accompanied by many napkins being thrown into the air.
This lively environment is a lot of fun and is the perfect place for any get together,
celebration, or perhaps a more exciting and adventurous dinner date.... Show more
content on ...
The decor is a mix of modern and classic Greek, and indoor diners can expect a spacious
interior with plenty of room between tables which is virtually a necessity, given how
much activity may be happening on the restaurant floor in the evening. As I already
mentioned, dinner entertainment involves dancing, music, cheering, and many, many
napkins being thrown into the air. When you enter the restaurant, look up at the air
conditioning vents and you ll see what I m talking

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