5Th Grade Persuasive Essay Topics

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5Th Grade Persuasive Essay Topics

Writing a persuasive essay on 5th-grade topics can be both challenging and rewarding. First and
foremost, it requires a deep understanding of the chosen subject matter and the ability to articulate
compelling arguments. For a 5th-grade level, the challenge lies in presenting ideas in a coherent and
persuasive manner, ensuring that the language and content are age-appropriate yet intellectually

The difficulty also stems from the need to strike a balance between simplicity and complexity. It's
essential to convey the message clearly without overwhelming the reader with intricate vocabulary or
concepts beyond their grasp. This requires a careful selection of words, examples, and evidence that
resonate with a 5th-grade audience.

Additionally, crafting a persuasive essay involves thorough research to gather relevant information
and supporting evidence. This step is crucial to build a compelling case and persuade the reader to
adopt the writer's viewpoint. Navigating through various sources and selecting appropriate evidence
while ensuring its accuracy adds an extra layer of complexity to the task.

Moreover, organizing thoughts and ideas in a logical sequence poses another challenge. The essay
must have a clear introduction, body paragraphs presenting arguments coherently, and a conclusion
that leaves a lasting impression. Structuring the essay effectively is essential to maintain the reader's
attention and convey the persuasive message effectively.

In conclusion, writing a persuasive essay on 5th-grade topics demands a delicate balance of simplicity
and complexity, thorough research, and effective organization of ideas. It's an opportunity for young
writers to develop critical thinking and communication skills. If you find the task daunting or need
assistance, remember that similar essays and much more can be ordered on HelpWriting.net.
5Th Grade Persuasive Essay Topics5Th Grade Persuasive Essay Topics
Antacid Drops
The Effect of Antacid Brand on the Number of Drops It Takes to Neutralize a Solution of

Problem: What brand of antacid requires the fewest number of drops to neutralize a
solution of HCl?

Hypothesis: If the number of drops of antacid required to neutralize a solution of HCl

increases, then the effectiveness of the antacid decreases.


Milk of Magnesia
Care One Liquid Antacid
Universal Indicator with color chart
Graduated Cylinder
3 Test Tubes labeled A, B, C


Fill the graduated cylinder with 10 ml of water and pour into the control beaker.
Measure and fill the graduated cylinder with 10 ml of HCl, and transfer to the test tube
labeled A.
Repeat step 2 for test tube labeled B and C.
Add 3 drops of universal indicator to each of the test tube A, B and C.
Add as many drops of Milk of Magnesia as you need to test tube A, swirling around
between drops, until the color is neutral by comparing it to the control test tube of water.
Make sure to stop at the ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
By comparison, the Mylanta had reached the 32 drops limit and failed to fully neutralize
the same amount of HCl solution. Since each H+ ion in HCl solution must be
neutralized by an OH ion from the antacid to form H2O through neutralization reaction,
therefore this is a clear evidence that the original assumption of the more drops of
antacid were needed to neutralize the acid, the less effective the antacid is correct since it
must contain less OH ion. Therefore, the hypothesis was proven correct.

Antacids are weak bases used to neutralize our stomach gastric acid, mainly composed of
hydrochloric acid or HCl, through neutralization reaction. Neutralization reaction is when
the reactants, acid and base, reacting with each other and produce a products of salt and
Base + Acid Salt +
The Fairness Doctrine Essay
The United States Federal Communications Commission, also known as the FCC,
introduced the Fairness Doctrine to make broadcasters report controversial issues of
public importance in a manner that was equally balanced, honest, and fair. Broadcasting
companies were required to provide a certain amount of airtime reporting accurate and
fair information both for and against public issues. Broadcasters were not required to
provide equal time for opposing views, but were required to present opposing
viewpoints. Broadcasters were received broader boundaries as how to how they were to
provide those opposing views. Because under the constitutional right of free speech, the
government wanted to insure that broadcasting companies provided both... Show more
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They also were required to offer the affected party a reasonable amount of air time to
voice their opinions and defend themselves against the situation. The government also
attempted to control political bashing of any government representatives. Broadcasting
stations were allowed endorse or oppose whomever they desired, but they had to notify
the opposite political parties and provide them with the information that had been aired
and allow them an equal opportunity to respond in their defense. With the continually
changing methods of reporting information, such as the internet, regulators struggled
with monitoring and controlling the information that people were providing. On August
12, 2008, FCC Commissioner Robert M. McDowell stated that the reinstitution of the
Fairness Doctrine could be intertwined with the debate over network neutrality, a proposal
to classify network operators as common carriers required to admit all Internet services
applications and devices on equal terms, presenting a potential danger that net neutrality
and Fairness Doctrine advocates could try to expand content controls on the
Internet.(AuBuchon) The has always been mixed emotions with the public s opinions on
this issue, but with rapid increase in technologies it would possible that any viewpoint
could be aired through the many types of communication available to everyone, and go
Girls Trip Screenwriter
Girls Trip Screenwriter Becomes the First Black Screenwriter to Achieve a $1 Million
Hit Movie The film Girls Trip reached a $100 million dollar box office hit which
Hollywood execs could never have predicted nor expected with an all black female
cast. Movies featuring an all black cast often lose its general appeal to the audience.
Therefore, the rated R comedy Girls Trip surprised everyone with the news. When it hit
the theaters last July, the overall box office receipts were actually low and towards the
end of August it even went down by 14% compared to ratings last year. This practically
meant that Girls Trip was unlikely to become the highest grossing comedy of the
summer. The results even surprised the movie s screenwriter Tracy Oliver.... Show more
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There are not a lot of black female writers in Hollywood. Oliver notes that being the
first to reach this milestone made her feel special it is. She co wrote the movie with
Kenya Barris, the creator of the hit television sitcom, Black ish which made her realize
that even if there are many black films, there are very few black writers and almost no
female black writer. Oliver originally pursued acting but her mom challenged her to
change the stereotype casting of black women. So she took a playwriting class and
started BLACKstage, a black theater group at Stanford University. She became
classmates with Issa Rae where they became friends. The two women collaborated to
create The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl and posted it on YouTube. They
wanted to see black women on screen which led to this idea. During that time, there
were no black women on television even though people were telling them it won t
happen. Both women continued their plight on advocating black women on screen.
When Oliver heard that the director and producer of Girls Trip were looking for a
writer, she did not hesitate to give them a call and said that this is her
Essay about understanding discipline in the workplace
Understanding discipline in the workplace 1.1 Disciplinary rules and procedures are
important in a workplace to set out the boundaries of acceptable conduct and
satisfactory performance, and to ensure fair and equal treatment of all employees.
Since 1977 there has been a Code of Practice on disciplinary practice and procedures
issued by ACAS. A revised version of the ACAS Code of Practice on Disciplinary and
Grievance Procedures came into effect on 6 April 2009. The Code must be taken into
account by an Employment Tribunal in situations to which it applies. It is also important
that employees know what standards of conduct and performance are expected of them.
The written particulars of employment that must be provided to every... Show more
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Formal disciplinary procedure Stage 1(A) First Formal Action unsatisfactory
performance In cases of unsatisfactory performance, an employee will be given an
improvement note setting out: The performance problem The improvement that is
required. The timescale for achieving this improvement. A review date. Any support
the employer will provide to assist. This note will be used as the basis of monitoring
and reviewing performance, and will remain valid for 6 months. If an employee s
unsatisfactory performance is sufficiently serious, it may be justifiable to move
directly to a final written warning. Stage 1(B) First Formal Action Misconduct In case
of misconduct, employees will be issued with a first written warning which will remain
on file for 6 months subject to satisfactory conduct. Stage 2 Final Written Warning
Issued for very serious offences not warranting immediate dismissal, or if further
misconduct has occurred or if any necessary improvement in conduct or performance
has not been made. Final written warnings will remain on file for 12 months subject to
satisfactory conduct or performance. Stage 3 Dismissal (Procedure or Summary) If the
employee has received a final written warning, further misconduct or unsatisfactory
performance may lead to dismissal. In cases of Procedural Dismissal, an employee will
receive the appropriate notice or payment in lieu of notice. In cases of
The Death Of A Gun
On Memorial Day in 2012, a boy in Ohio, only three years old, comes across a gun his
father had hidden between the couch and shoots himself in his eye. In North Carolina,
while a mother is cleaning, interrupted by an abrupt sound of a gunshot, she rushes
into the living room, and discovers that her three year old son had shot her boyfriend s
three year old daughter. Then, in Houston, a group of friends come across a pistol in a
closet while trying to find some money for snacks, the fifteen year old boy carrying the
pistol then accidentally shoots another boy, who was only eleven years old.
Unfortunately, these cases happen all too often and it does not just affect minors who are
young children, but also those in their adolescence. In many incidents like these, parents
who fail to properly store their firearms, could have more than likely prevented a death or
injury of another minor. According to the Second Amendment, citizens have the right to
own a gun, however those who have failed to conceal their guns properly from a minor
has caused it to become easily accessible, and in turn that minor can put themselves or
those around him/her at risk; therefore, it should be enacted nationwide that adults who
neglect to hide firearms in their homes accordingly, should be charged with criminal

Key Concepts
In order to sense why and how it is possible for minors to gain access to firearms, it
needs to be understood that there is an excessive amount of firearms that
Pros And Cons Of A Probation Officer And The Criminal...
Probation officers and remedial treatment pros give social administrations to aid
restoration of law wrongdoers in authority or on post trial supervision or parole. This
particular field interest me due to the fact that I ve always wanted to be apart of the law
enforcement or justice system. Being a paroleofficer, I can have the opportunity to help
people that are struggling with making bad decisions that could impact their lives forever.
Probation officers who are infrequently alluded to as group supervision officers,
regulate individuals who have been set on post trial supervision rather than sent to jail.
They work to guarantee that the probationer isn t a risk to the group and to help in
their recovery through continuous visits with the probationer. Post trial agents
compose reports that detail every probationer s treatment design and their advance
since being put on post trial supervision. Most work solely with either grown ups or
adolescents. A four year college education in social work, criminal equity, behavioral
sciences, or a related field is typically required. Prerequisites differ by places. Most
probation officers have to complete a bachelor s program as well. I plan to continue
through college with my criminal justice major and eventually begin to work on getting
my degree.
Post trial agents and remedial treatment experts work with probationers and parolees.
While regulating people, they may communicate with others, for example, relatives and
companions of
The Pirates Of The Caribbe At Worlds End
Do you know how much work is put into making a film? Neither do I, but I helped
direct a play so I understand a good portion of it. Film making is not just getting a cast,
handing them a script, and start rolling the camera. It takes time, skill, and key
elements to not only get the production ready but to get across a message to the
viewer. In The Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End (2007), Gore Verbinski creates
a visual and brings the viewer in on how it would feel like to be a pirate in a place
where you are not wanted or accepted. By using the three main formal elements mise
en scene, cinematography, and sound he makes you feel you are in th emovie for
yourself. Without knowing what these elements are or maybe knowing only the bare
minimum you, may feel the movie is great in general, but after reading and analyzing
the step by step process on what it takes makes it even better. Captain Jack Sparrow is
last one of Pirate Lords of the Brethren Court who is needed to come together to fight
for the freedom of the pirates way of life. The opening scene is the most important and
most powerful because it sets a foundation for the rest of the film. In Fort Charles Port
Royal, Lord Cutler Beckett is doing a mass execution of pirates and pirates
sympathizers. This is the beginning of the war he started against piracy as he tired to
gain control of the Dead Mans Chest. As people are lined up at the gallows there is a
young boy who starts to sing a pirate song, Hoist the
Battle Of Britain Essay
Battle of Britain
Potential Question: How was Britain able to defeat Germany in the Battle of Britain and
was the victory a significant turning point in World War II?

I am working on a study of the Battle of Britain in order to comprehend how Britain

was able to defeat Germany, and the impacts of their decisive victory. One of the reason
why the Battle of Britain is important is because it was the first battle between only air
power. This conflict was to be decided between the Luftwaffe and the Royal Air Force.
Because of that fact, I find this topic to be extremely interesting. The Battle of Britain
was a turning point in World War II, which I will attempt to prove in this paper, and it
was fought between two of the most powerful air forces ... Show more content on
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I have begun my research and have found some good articles and websites, but I still
hope to find a few general histories of the Battle of Britain and maybe even World War
II. One of the articles I have found deals with the will of the English people and how
their determinism helped Britain win the battle. This article will be beneficial in helping
me portray the profound impact the citizens had on the battle. I also found another
article that focuses on Churchill and his impact on the Battle of Britain and the citizens
in general with his speeches. This will help me show the importance of key leaders and
the influence they had. And the last article that I current possess deals with how the
Luftwaffe actually lost the battle. This will be very important in my second body
paragraph that deals with how Britain was actually able to win. Another set of sources I
am excited to use are pictures, combat records, and videos from the National Archives. I
plan on incorporating these into my paper to provide quantitative information.

Battle of Britain Outline

a.What is the Battle of Britain?
b.Why is it important?
c.Identify what I will be focusing on.
2.Body Paragraph One
a.Discuss the policies, behaviors, and attitudes of Britain from 1918 through the 1940s.
i.Royal Air Force ii. Behaviors/actions of key leaders such as Winston Churchill and
Hugh Dowding. iii. Attitudes/behaviors of the citizens
Homosexuality In Tony Kushner s Angels In America
Homosexuality plays an important thematic role in Angels in America by Tony Kushner.
This is obvious; the play is about homosexuals during the AIDS epidemic in the 80 s.
Not only is gayness their lives, it also figures in as a distorted simulation of itself. In the
postmodern era, identities have become simulations of perceived actions instead of actual
actions. Seen in rhetoric and in the play, homosexualitybecomes associated with
powerlessness, sin, and disease. Kushner s characters are greatly affected by these
stereotypes and false realities of their identities. We see the way simulacra affects the
characters of Roy, Joe, and Prior. Importantly, Prior suffers under a simulation of
homosexuality as an openly gay man with AIDS, while Roy and Joe cannot fully
identify as gay because of the implications they have been taught. Roy and Joe never
know an unmediated definition of homosexuality; it forever has a negative connotation
of powerlessness or sin. Prior is able to survive his disease and break away from the
oppression of the simulacra. Tony Kushner writes these stereotypes into the rhetoric of
the play to dismantle the conceptions of homosexuality. Kushner uses Roy, Joe, and Prior
to present the effects of simulated identities in Angels in America in order to complicate
the metanarrative of AIDS... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Due to the growing power and influence of the media, what people think is real is
actually just a representation, but they cannot separate or distinguish the two. This failure
to separate reality from imitation is an important aspect to simulacra. It makes it more
powerful than a simple representation. Simulacra become the reality. Dr. Dino Felluga, of
Purdue University, talks about the
Why Is Ngo Wrong
Midterm Essay PO390 International Human Rights Evelyn Alvarez February 21, 2017
Gap in Humanitarian Aide Humanitarian aide is constantly being picked apart due to
their (at times) inability to complete responsibilities. Moreover, basic communication
from one organization to another is seen as extraneous. If we were to look upon
discrepancies within the international humanitarian system, the lack of uniformity
between organizations should be priority. Inconsistencies such as implementing agencies,
dependency germane to financial but also political disparity, and little to no
accountability upheld on behalf of the aide. A vital part of global agencies of which
provide humanitarian aide has to do with the implementation... Show more content on
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What happens when projects and interventions undertaken by international NGOs go
wrong? Although my scholarly source understands most of these organizations do not
seek to do harm, nonetheless harm occurs. This article by global development believes
with a few legal and regulatory frameworks setting out how communities can hold
NGOs to account, and with even less support fro communities to engage in such a
process, there is a significant accountability deficit at the heart of international NGOs.
Here we talk about accountability in regards to how NGOs answer to donors or to the
national governments of countries in which they are operating. NGOs should account
for the money they spend as contracted agents of donors. And they should, of course, be
working within the parameters of national regulatory frameworks and laws (although the
fact that NGOs themselves often sit on the committees that draw up such regulatory
systems is troubling). When development interventions go wrong, or do not work the
way they were intended, it is often no one s fault, due rather to events beyond any
individual or organization s control. But people s lives are affected, sometimes (as when
cholera sweeps through a refugee camp) with the most tragic of consequences (Global
Development). Systems for recognizing the rights of beneficiaries and the obligations of
agencies do exist. The Sphere Project, for example, sets out in great detail the minimum
standards to be expected in, say, a refugee camp. But there are few legal frameworks
capable of holding NGOs to account, or setting out in detail exactly when, where and
how communities might be able to hold an organization accountable for an intervention
that has gone disastrously wrong (Global Development). Unless NGOs and humanitarian
agencies can be legally challenged and held to account, such principles and minimum
standards do not do enough to establish real
Importance of Accountability
No matter what you do in life whether it is being a teacher, cop, secretary, forensic
scientist, or in my case, Marine, you will always find one thing in common. Within all
of these jobs you will find that accountability is very important. You will also find that
within keeping accountability you will not succeed. Accountability is knowing the
amount of items or people in which you are responsible for. Accountability is also
knowing where the items and people are at all times. While knowing where everything
and everyone is, you also need to keep record of everything. All the aspects of
accountability are important because without it things would be in chaos. The way I am
going to explain the importance of accountability will be through my... Show more
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That includes keeping it in good condition and not losing it. If you lose this gear you
will end up paying for it. This gear isn t cheap so having accountability is important. If
you are the one issuing out the gear you need to make sure it gets returned when it
needs to. This means keeping signatures on file. Also, keeping accountability of
everything you have. When you are doing inventory on your gear you will know if
something is missing if the numbers don t add up. That is one time that keeping
record of things will come in handy. You can look back to see if someone issued it out
and who it was. Another time that keeping everything on record will be when
someone tries to say they returned there gear but yet you do not have it. You can go
back and make sure they signed their name when they brought the gear back. If they
did, it will end up being your loss. If they did not, it will end up being there loss. When
you are a Marine who is single or does not have a child, you live in the barracks. When
you live in the barracks things are provided to you. Such as a bed and dressers. To
some it may not seem like something you are responsible for. That is not the case.
When you move out of that room or that barracks that stuff still needs to be there in
good condition. This is also accountability. You may bring the chair that is provided to
you into someone else s room to sit on while playing video
Cyber Software Inc. s Case
Introduction Cyber Software Inc. s client, the Baltimore City Government, website
was hacked. Several credit card numbers and other information were accessed and
stolen from the Baltimore City Government servers. Since, the cyber Software
company responded very quickly only 275 people were affected by the hacking.
However, the hacking of the City Governments servers has led to Mr. Jackson wanting
to create better software that will prevent any future hackings and will improve the
cleanup procedures once a company s Software has been compromised. The company s
current structure contains little to no chain of command and the programmers can t
seem to agree on which course of action to take in order to implement changes. There
needs to be a separation of the divisions within the company to ensure that the resources
are being used appropriately. Several programmers are working on similar projects and
the resources aren t being distributed appropriately. In order to ensure the new programs
are implemented in a timely and cost effective manners a new company structure and
organization needs to be created. Management A new mission and vision statement is
now needed for the company which will align with what Joseph Jackson envisions for
his company. A mission and vision statement asks What do we do and where do we aim
to be? (Diffen, n.d.). A clear and strong mission and vision statement the organization will
better understand their purpose and major objectives in
The History of the Philippines
Who was the Great Dissenter ?| History of the Philippines | Claro M. Recto. He was
called Great Dissenter because of his uncomprising stand against pro American policy
of R. Magsaysay, the very same man whom he helped to put in power. Who is the
former Senate President who came from Abra?| History of the Philippines | Quintin
Paredes. Quintin Paredes, a former Speaker and Senate President, is known for his stint
as a US Resident Commisioner. Who is generally acknowledged as the first President of
the Philippines?| History of the Philippines | Emilio Aguinaldo. However, he didn t get
international recognition. Who excommunicated Fr. Gregorio Aglipay?| History of the
Philippines | Norzaleda. Arch. Norzaleda excommunicated... Show more content on
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She was also a guitarist and violinist of the Trozo Comparsa Band. Gregoria de Jesus
was the wife of Andres Bonifacio. Segunda Katigbak was childhood sweetheart of Jose
Rizal. * * After the death of her husband Andres Bonifacio, Gregoria de Jesus was later
married to whom?| Julio Nakpil. Julio Nakpil was also a patriot and he was
commander of all troops in the north in company with Emilio Jacinto. Julio Nakpil
and Gregoria de Jesus were married in the Catholic Church on 10 December 1898 and
they had eight children, Juana, Lucia, Juan, Julia, Francisca, Josefina, Mercedes and
Caridad. Who was the last Sultan of Sulu? | Jamalul Kiram II. Abu Bakr brought Islam
to the Philippines and Haji Butu was the first Muslim senator. The first woman to top
the Philippine BAR Examination.| Tecla San Andres Ziga. Geronima Pecson was the
only person to serve as vice president to two former presidents of the Philippines. He
was also known as Hermano Pule.| Apolinario de la Cruz. The leader of a messianic
group. Refused membership in a monastic order because he was a native, he founded
the Cofradia de San Jose in 1832. Because membership in his organization was open
only to pure natives, the Spaniards branded him a heretic. In 1841, during a violent
encounter of his group with Spanish troops, he was captured and later executed; his
dismembered body was displayed in various towns of southern Tayabas where his
organization had numerous members and followers. Who was the
Porsche Case Study
1 | INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 2

GROUP...................................................................................... 2
The company s history ..................................................................................................... 2
Present situation | Porsche in numbers.............................................................................. 3
............................................... 4
INDUSTRY......................................................................................... 5
Porter s 5(+1) ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Her husband, Anton PiГ«ch, was factory manager and director of the VolkswagenGmbH
Wolfsburg, Germany during the Nazi regime.
Over time, the personal interaction of the family members and their management
functions led to controversy and family conflicts. Therefore in 1972, Ferry Porsche and
Louise PiГ«ch decided for future generations that no family members were allowed to
participate in the management any more. The Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche KG was
transformed into a corporation
(German: Aktiengesellschaft AG).
One of the founders grandsons, the young engineer Ferdinand PiГ«ch, was forced to quit
his service for the development of Porsche and needed to found his own construction
Shortly after, he preceded his professional career at Audi and Volkswagen where he
became chairman of the supervisory board.
Present situation | Porsche in numbers
The equity capital of 45,5 million Euros is divided into two halves: 8.750.000 ordinaries
held in equal parts by the members of the families Porsche and PiГ«ch and 8.750.000
preference shares listed on the stock exchange.
In autumn 2005 Porsche became the biggest shareholder of Volkswagen with a 25.1 %
On January 26th, 2007 Porsche will ask for the increase of the shares from the recent
27.4 % to
29.9 % at the annual shareholders meeting. The acquisition costs of over 4 billion Euros
were financed from Porsche s company assets.
The German
The Hook Shot Essay
The Hook Shot

It was my junior year and football season was over. We had won the state
championship. It was time to relax and enjoy basketball season. Basketball season was
always a fun time. I was a grade younger than most of my friends who were on the team.
I was always the kid that was brought up to sit on the bench or be the sixth man. I never
really got too much playing time, however, sometimes if there was a big man on the
other team, or some sort of foul trouble for one of the seniors, I would get in. I had been
playing with these same kids since the 6th grade. My role on the team had been the same
all the way up to this point. That was ok with me. What I really enjoyed though were all
the trips and tournaments and just hanging ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Finally, around 4:30 we headed out. We stopped to get something to eat then went to
America West Arena. We walked around a little bit and tried to hit on a few girls then
it was time to go to the locker rooms. We were all happy to be escorted down to the
locker room by security. We felt very official. Once in the locker rooms, we were all
very excited. I did my usual pre game routine, running around in my underwear and just
being stupid, reciting the Under Armor commercial WILL YOU PROTECT THIS

As I was walking around, Clark one of my team mates and usually the one that egged
me on to do all the stuff I did, asked me, Hey you gonna do it? Yea, maybe I said almost

Yea, Bobby you should do it, Come on. Talmage, one of my good friends, and
quarterback of the football team butted in. And oh yea don t forget your ring. He added.

We had planned to wear our state champion football rings during warm ups and on the
bench, just to show off.

I stood at the front of the locker room cleared my throat like I was about to say
something important and said, Well ladies and Gentlemen if I get in, which means we ll
be winning by a lot, I will do the hook shot.

Everyone started laughing and yelling. All season I had joked around in practice and in
some games about doing a hook shot. Not just any hook shoot but a sky hook, something
Kareem Abdul Jarbar would do. The shot has been extinct since
Puritans And The Salem Witch Trials
Puritans had many beliefs that affected the Salem Witch Trials, these were based on how
the attendance or lack of attendance of the church, how people should behave, social
class, and the way the government should be handled. Puritans were English Protestants
that came to America in 1630. They sought to reform the Church of England. When they
first came to America they settled at Salem, Massachusetts. The main reason the Puritan s
came to Salem was for freedom of religion which they did not have in England. The
Puritans also came because they believed that the Church of England was not religious
or enforcing religion enough. Puritans were just like the Pilgrims. Years later the Salem
Witch Trials started in 1692 and ended ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Were influenced by the Bible, the book of Exodus (22:18) says: Thou shalt not suffer a
witch to live. (qtd. in Oster 216)
Puritans encompassed to enjoy God s ordinance in prime purity (Peterson 10)
Salem Village and Town When the Puritans first came to America, they settled in Salem,
Massachusetts. In Salem there was a village and a town. The richer would live in the
town, as the less fortunate would live in the village. In the village ... in the town... Since
the Puritans governed themselves, they chose the laws and how to run the government.
In the village and town going to church was one of the most important things to
Puritans. It was so important, that they would go to Church every single day. Anybody
that would not attend church was frowned upon and was in fact illegal. Having a church
membership, however did have its benefits. The citizens of Salem that did attend church
were able to vote. This caused for church members to have a considerable amount of
power and influence, they would practically run the church and decide everything. Since
the Puritans established Salem they decide all the rules, because they saw it as their
responsibility toward God (Marlowe 29). This explains why they were so strict with their
lives and church. The government the Puritans ran had no religious freedom,
Liberalism and The Industrial Revolution
During the Industrial revolution many people started to believe in the idea of
Liberalism. At times it was difficult. People were imprisoned or persecuted because of
their ideas. Riots even occurred because the government and some of the upper class
would not stand for the Liberalists new ways to improve society. Aristocrats refused to
change their ways. But through it all, liberalists persevered and brought about one of the
largest changes in society that we are still experiencing even today.
Liberalism started with the ideas of the Enlightenment. Two of these ideas were freedom
of speech and freedom of the individual, and kept growing from there. Liberalism is the
belief in a small central government and no monarchy. The liberalists defended the ideas
of the definitive rights of an individual s liberty, equality and property. The liberalists
wanted their government to be established on written laws and a constitution based on
Throughout the whole Liberalism movement, there were many men who stepped
forward to debate the idea of a free society. The aristocrats fought back saying that the
lower class could not handle taking care of them selves and were not intelligent enough
to make important decisions involving government. Others claimed that all men were
created equal and should have the same rights and be free to express their ideas. There
were pamphlets written and circulated which spread these ideas to people who were
eager to hear them. This made the
The Giver Places
The Giver is set in a futuristic era in which Jones lives in. There are multiple places
within this small utopian community. The place is close to a river which will be
important for a plot later on. The places are the nursery, childcare center, school, the
Department of Justice, amongst others. One of the most important places in the book is
a place called elsewhere which is what the people call everywhere else outside the
community. At the end of the story, Jonasgoes outside the community so find this so
called elsewhere . The surroundings of the community were perfect since it was like
living in a bubble for them to be shielded from the cruelty of the world. The weather was
always glorious and people hardly got hurt thanks to all the... Show more content on
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His personality was curious, kind, anxious, and brave, Jonas was an average twelve year
old with brown hair, light brown eyes, an averagely good looking face and he was a little
tall. One of Jonas s good traits was that he was loyal to his loved ones and this is
shown especially in how he looks after the baby Gabriel, how much he cares for and
loves his. Jonas s weakness was his kindness because it changed his judgement involving
the plan he and The Giver had and it also nearly got him and Gabriel killed when Jonas
took the baby with him.This book is about a boy named Jonas who lives in place and
time different than ours. The story follows Jonas as he takes one of the most important
steps in everyone in the community s life, becoming a twelve and getting assigned to a
job; not only does he take that step but he is assigned to the most honored job of them
all, The Receiver. Jonas s goal was, at first, just to train with The Giver so that he could
then take his place and do his job but after learning about the truth about his community
and its lack of memories, color etc. he decides to let everyone know. He was trying to
accomplish this goal because as he kept receiving all those memories he liked so much
he wanted everyone to experience them. The community was against Jonas because they
didn t understand what he was trying to do. The climax of the book is when Jonas starts
to realize the lies to the community and that
Essay On Academic Procrastination
Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science Technology Education, 2007, 3(4), 363 370

Correlates of Academic Procrastination and Mathematics Achievement of University

Undergraduate Students
Mojeed Kolawole Akinsola
University of Botswana, Gaborone, BOTSWANA

Adedeji Tella
Osun State College of Education; Ila Orangun, NIGERIA

Adeyinka Tella
University of Botswana, Gaborone, BOTSWANA
Received 3 November 2006; accepted 19 April 2007

Procrastination is now a common phenomenon among students particularly those at the

higher level. And this is doing more harm to their academic achievement than good.
Therefore, this study examined the correlates between academic procrastination and
mathematics achievement among the university mathematics ... Show more content on
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This is confirmed by the observation by (Ferrari and Beck, 1998) that over 70% of
college students engaged in frequent academic procrastination, most commonly with
writing term papers. Procrastination is probably the single most common time
management problem (Learning Common Fastfacts Series, 2004). One basic thing about
procrastination is that everyone procrastinates to some extent. However, some reasons
can be put forward why university students rank highly among those mostly vulnerable to
procrastination (Learning Commons Fastfacts Series, 2004). The reasons according to
this group are: (i) there is always a tremendous amount of work to do. Regardless of how
much time the students spend studying, it can seem impossible to get finished; (ii) for
most students, only a few hours each day are spent in class and labs. The majority of time
is unstructured, and students are responsible for deciding what to do and when to do it;
and (iii) in the university environment, particularly in residence, there is usually
something more enjoyable to do than studying. Many activities compete for a limited
number of hours in a week, and studying is often pushed to the bottom of the list. It also
recognized that many mathematics students refer to the subjects as being difficult. And
the (Learning Commons Fastfacts Series, 2004) have already asserts that procrastination
often results
Out-Of-Pocket Medical Treatment
Imagine taking the time, making the effort, spending the money to raise a child then see
this child murdered in public due to policy of public insurance companies. Proper
treatment to rehabilitate individuals developing mental health problems is a significant
out of pocket medical expense. Shouldn t the public insurancecompanies be brought up
on murder charges for negligence? We see it in the news over and over. Some shooting
happened out in public due to mental instability. Tax payers ask what could be done to
prevent this problem. No better idea than increasing security has not been thought up. It
is very difficult to keep anything 100% secure as one individual took a run across the
White House lawn before security caught up to them. Here... Show more content on
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When this condition is not treated around this age some loss of ability typically occurs
that is not congruent with one s potential. The human body is very forgiving at repairing
itself. The biggest obstacle for this condition is getting it properly treated as insurance
companies refuse to cover the cost of proper treatment. The proper treatment has been
available to the public for 27 years. Yet public insurance companies refuse and neglect to
cover this treatment. I feel any insurance company should be obligated to pay a good
portion of the cost of doctor appointments along with what the doctor prescribes. The cost
of the supplements makes up most of the cost of receiving proper treatment. Typically the
cost for proper treatment increases the longer an individual goes without proper
treatment. The form of the supplement and whether or not the supplement can be bought
without a prescription should not matter. From my experience, public insurance
companies will refuse to cover any pharmaceutical grade supplements prescribed or
suggested by doctors with medical degrees. To make matters worse politics have
influenced the rise in cost for treatment. Making it un affordable without
Use Of Chemical Weapons In Chemical Warfare
The first actual use of a chemical weapon was in August 1914. The French utilized tear
gas grenades during an attack against the Germans. One of the more known use of a
chemical weapon was at the Second Battle of Ypres in April 1915. 160 tonnes of
chlorine gas was released onto the French and Algerian troops. This could be considered
the starting point in chemical warfareas it was the first large scale deployment of a
chemical gas meant for harm. As more and more chemical weapons were developed,
more and more countries followed the trend.

The use of chlorine gas in trench warfare was first developed by Fritz Haber in 1914 as
of help to the German army. At the Second Battle of Ypres, about 6,000 cylinders filled
with about 160 tonnes of chlorine gas were opened and the gas made its way over to
the French and Algerian lines. At first, the French thought it was a smoke screen and
that the Germans were advancing towards them, but they were wrong. It was chlorine
gas which would damage their respiratory organs and cause violent choking attacks.
Back on the German lines, barely anybody expected this assault to be so successful and
were not prepared to advance onto the French and Algerian lines while their troops were
amidst panic and fear caused by the chlorine gas. Despite their unpreparedness, the
Germans still advanced, but with a lack of self assurance and confidence. Before this
attack, Fritz Haber was not supported very much, but seeing as how
Impact Of Rock Roll On American Youth
The Impact of Rock Roll on American Youth Camille Yang U.S. History Ms. Dunn
May 18, 2017 The decade of the 1960s can be said to be a subversion of the United
States. From the civil rights movements, anti Vietnam war demonstration, Kennedy s
presidency, to the assassination of the civil rights leader Martin Luther King, the impact
of the surging social movements and political turmoils to the American society is
extremely far reaching. There has been a lot of researches on the various social
movements in this period. However, people s attention seems to be limited to another
important cultural phenomenon of this period, that is the prosperity of rock roll. This
paper is intended to analyze the... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
It replaced the old culture patterns of the fifties 2, allowing American youth to quickly
integrate them into their lifestyles. This recognition of the black culture made a large
part of the Caucasian youth and African Americans to stand side by side in the civil
rights movements, to support national equality, and to challenge the old racial
concept. This was also represented by the American folk rock of the sixties.Folk rock
in the sixties inherited the tradition of country and western. In the 1960s, the main
representatives of folk rock were Joan Baez, The Byrds, Bob Dylan, and so on.
However, the most important folk rock singer is Bob Dylan, who was the first and the
most important folk rock music creator. Known as the protest song singer , for the entire
1960s, Bob Dylan s music strongly affected young people that were in the wandering and
confusion. It was like a banner, a totem, and a pioneer, helped the the youth from the
1960s generation of found the sustenance of their ideals.
Power Imbalance In The Harness
Power imbalance is faced in every relationship because power is never shared equally.
Many devices can be created when a person is able to control another. In Of Mice and
Men, the battle for authority is a never ending war. While in The Harness, influence is
mainly carried by one character, but for the greater good of the other. Steinbeck elicits
a similar theme of power imbalance to both The Harness and Of Mice and Men. For
instance, in The Harness Emma controls how her husband Peter acts. Emma forces
Peter to wear a harness, leaving him unable to show his true self and restraining his real
feelings. Peter restrains his stomach with a harness, his shoulders being held back as
though they were braced ( The Harness 77). The harness... Show more content on
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When Emma dies he loses control and bec[omes] hysterical immediately ( The
Harness 80). The shock of losing his wife and the loss of power imbalance takes him
over instantly. Peter was so out of control, so stunned, that the morphine was
ineffective and didn t put [him] to sleep ( The Harness 80). He no longer knows how
to act after his wife is gone because there is no one to direct him and he is lost wailing
like a crazy man ( The Harness 80). There is nothing to hold him back now. After
Emma s death, Peter feels like something had snapped inside ( The Harness 82)
making him broken and vulnerable. He thinks of the break he experiences as a
suspender strap ( The Harness 82) that came apart which, like the harness, holds him
back, but is now destroyed. Peter unhook[s] the harness ( The Harness 82) with an
unrestrained glee at his newfound freedom. When he removes the harness after her
death, he does so both physically and emotionally. Glad to be rid of this burden he
carries, his eyes shine ( The Harness 84) with anticipation. Impatient for the future and
to have power over his own life again. Peter want[s] everything ( The Harness 85) after
his wife is dead. He finally sees a hopeful future ahead of him. He will be able to plant
peas and not wear a harness. Peter experiences a change ( The Harness 86) and quickly
gets to planting sweet peas in his fields. While Peter is happy at his freedom, he can
still feel the weight of responsibility crushing on him. There was no dirt on the floor (
The Harness 87) like he told Ed there would be because he still cares. While she might
not be there physically watching over him, Peter can still feel the weight of her
presence judging and trapping him. The sweet peas make worry lines about his eyes (
The Harness 89), she never approved of him growing sweet peas, and he feels stressed out
Cookie Jam Research Paper
Cookie Jam is an SGN production and it is classified as a puzzle game. The game is very
simple yet holds a number of attractions for the players and users. It is free to play and
can be enjoyed in both the modes offline and online. Cookie Jam is available in the
Google Play Store and can be easily accessed by the users of android smart phones and
by the users of tablet devices.
In order to play the game the player needs to carefully go through the basic objective of
Cookie Jam. Get all your cookies jammed before all of them crumble and convert into
cookie jam. The game has a delicious and sweet look and it invites the players to itself
by its colorful looking sweets. The game is equally challenging and is equally
entertaining. It is an adventure
Organizational Structure And The Organization
Organizations are founded on the basis that they want to accomplish a goal.
Organizations differ from one another in various ways, and that is stated in their mission
and vision statement as well as their goals. Every organization has a set pattern that helps
to establish the structure on which it will accomplish the goal of the business. According
to Prodanciuc, organizational structureis the fundamental concept that helps the
organization be organized and administrated. The organizing takes place at the beginning
of the organization s existence and it means providing everything that is needed for it to
function. It composes of three interconnected components. To begin, it is important to
make certain the economic support for the organization is appropriate, and that it is
capable of sustaining its existence. Next, the social component helps create and defined
the organization s staff and human resources. This normally has a formal structure.
Meaning that there s a set of hierarchical or pyramidal blueprint, ensuring the relationship
between front line and corporate employees are established as a stated in framework of
the organization. Finally, the informational circuit is put in place to help solidify the
leadership and that information is distributed as stated in the organization s framework
(Prodanciuc, 2012).
Types of Structure
There are several organizational structures that can be used in an organization, however
there some basic principle that applies despite of
John Wooden s Pyramid Of Success
John Wooden once said Success is never final, Failure is never fatal. This is related to
the question of what my views of success are. To give you better insight on this question
I will tell you how i would define success using John Wooden s Pyramid of Success ,
identify the three most important traits from the pyramid of success, to me, explain how
they create success, and why i thought they were the most important. Next I will use
examples from the movie Hoosiers, tell you what success looks like for the people
involved, the emotions they had after their success, and how the success impacted their
lives. Lastly I will define success in my own eyes and how I have been successful in my

I would define success as achieving a goal that you set out for. The three most important
things on John Wooden s Pyramid of Success are Confidence, Condition and Fight.
These create success in many ways. If you have confidence to win you will always
win or come very close. If your team is in condition you will be able to outwork the
other team and be success. And if you willing to fight to win then you will be
successful in every accept of life. I thought these were important because of how the
sports I play I use all of these to be successful in these and in life in general. ... Show
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They made it to the championship and won. The people that were involved showed
many ways of having success and showing it. They had it by beating every team they
played. They also showed it by some of the player moving on to college and even
professional basketball. The emotions they had were excitement, proud of the work they
put forth to get to where they were and they had respect for the coach and how he got
Social Issues In Dracula
Dracula by Bram Stoker, is the original vampire book, the one that started it all. From it
derived the now so beloved and famous teen romance vampire genre, with novels like
Twilight. However, Dracula is not remotely like the sparkle in the sunlight, falling in
love with mortals vampire any more than Harry Potter is like the Wicked Witch of the
West. Draculais a gothic horror novel set in Transylvania and England during the
Victorian Era. The story is told in letters, diary entries, and newspaper clippings from the
viewpoint of several characters, allowing for a wide variety of viewpoints that highlight
happenings in Draculaas well as present the social issues pertained within. While it
contains action, suspense, horror, and romance, it also displays the corruption within the
everyday society. The way the women are presented, interacted with, and how Count
Dracula affects them brings forth the issues within the Victorian society, especially the
men s treatment of women and the different social and gender roles, which Stoker uses to
highlight the situational irony found within the novel. The reader s first real introduction
to the Victorian society and the women within is through Lucy Westenra and Mina
Murray s letters to each other. Within the letters, both of their characters are revealed
and in their diary entries, the way the men act towards them. (This reveals the society s
view of women, often thinking of them as being below men, silly and childlike.) When
Lucy is
Gender Roles In The Chrysanthemums And Good Country
Throughout our lives, we are faced with people who are sincere and people who do not
have our best interests at heart. In The Chrysanthemums by John Steinbeck and Good
Country People by Flannery O Connor, readers are left with many questions about
romantic relationships, personal value, and betrayal. While seeing both these works
through a feminist scope, I found that they both shared three main components: gender
roles, scammers, and victims. The authors of both stories illustrated these three main
ideas differently. Although there are many parallel themes, contrasting elements can also
be deeply analyzed.
Traditional gender roles exist between both stories. In Chrysanthemums, the main
character, Elisa, is depicted as a woman with great potential, but has to live in the
shadows of her husband. Her husband, Henry, is a successful farmer who gets to play
a more profound role in society, trading with other men and showing of his property.
On the other hand, Hulga did not have a husband, but she did have a mother who
wanted her to dress her up with bow ties to make her look feminine for societal
presence. How the main characters dress themselves, wearing more masculine clothing
and covering up are the same, however, their reasoning behind standing apart from the
norm of feminine clothing is different. Elisa seems to cover herself because she was not
vulnerable to her husband: Her figure looked blocked and heavy in her gardening
costume, a man s black hat pulled low over
Persuasive Speech On Guns
If you love to hunt or are just interested in firearms, you probably have thought about
reloading your guns. This isn t really surprising; after all, by making your own
ammunition, you ll have the chance to save more money and spend less on each piece.
You ll also have full control over how your bullets are made, which means you can
ensure that they re tailored to your specifications and will let you fire extremely accurate
rounds something that you can t really do with commercial, mass produced bullets. Of
course, you ll gain a sense of pride and satisfaction, knowing that you have the ability to
make your own ammo whenever you want to.

But, before you can enjoy all of these, you first need to buy the tools and materials you
need to create ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
So, if you re looking for a folding knife that can fit in your pocket and give you
protection at all times, you won t go wrong with buying Al Mar knives. These are
specially crafted and designed to be inconspicuous and unobtrusive when not in use, yet
sturdy and dependable when unsheathed and used in combat. With these in your hands,
you ll feel strong and confident no matter where you go.

Al Mar knives are available in Amazon and can be easily bought online. However, this
doesn t mean that you can just purchase the first thing that catches your eye. To make
the best possible purchase and get great value for your money, take the time to find
out which model best suit your needs. For instance, if you d like something that s
lightweight and can be easily slipped into your pocket, the Al Mar Falcon Ultralight 4
is the perfect option for you. If you re looking for something that s more substantial and
has a heavier feel in your hands, the Al Mar Eagle Heavy Duty Folding Knife is a great
King, Pigs And Cattle Controversy
Once upon a time there lived 2 sons, a king, and pigs and cows peacefully eating grass
and carrots. They had lived on an island known as Ireland and the king was very
selfish. He was also wealthy and so he would not share a meal with anyone not even a
piece of it. As the king grew fat and wide he still didn t care. He was so fat he
exclaimed once as his news look at this citizens I m fat!!! and he literally meant to say
that to the whole village. Then the king made a fire so he could eat beef jerky and
bacon. The king goes with his bow and kills half the pigs and cows that were out there in
the field. He then found out that he was at a high cholesterol and died due to the fact that
the doctors were having lunch. Then
Zapruder Movie Meaning
This essay aims to further extend Pasolini s argument on the long take through a textual
analysis of the Zapruder film and comparing it to a two minute extract of The Eternal
Pasolini s essay on the observation on the long shot compares the long take to life. The
long take as we know is a single point of view that lacks narrative and meaning; it is the
single point of view that makes it a reality, reality is always in the present tense. A
montage creates meaning and coherence to a film, but by doing so it transforms the
present into the past. Much like our lives, we live in the present time; we see and hear
reality from a single point of view. Like the long take, our lives have no real narrative
or meaning as long as we live. Death does to a life what montage does to a film, it
creates the meaning to a life but it also transforms the present into the past.
The Zapruder film is one long take, an accidental piece of footage that happened to be
one of the most important in the history of film. The 26 seconds piece of footage aimed
to document Kennedy s motorcade as it drove by, instead Zapruder captured the only
piece of film that records Presidents Kennedy s assassination in 1963 in Dallas, Texas.
The film is one long take that lacks any editing; in other words the film is arguably
rushes that have not been given its final form, it is an unfinished piece. Yet, its
incompleteness is what makes the film the truest form of footage, it has not been
meddled with and it is
Warehouse Advantages And Disadvantages
3. Type of warehouse

3.1 On the basis of Structure

Warehouse are built in different ways to meet the special requirement for storage.
Different warehouses are constructed for specific goods. While selecting the types of
warehouse, one has to take into consideration the factors like the nature of goods, the
quality and the climatic condition. From the point of view of structure, the following
types of warehouses are found:

пЃ¬Classical Warehouses
пЃ¬Portable Warehouse
пЃ¬Automatic Warehouse

3.1.1 Classical Warehouses

It is a single storey building divided into various compartments through a concrete wall.
These warehouses are generally used for storage of general merchandise. Racks and lift
trucks may also be provided ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
A public warehouse is also known as duty paid warehouse.

Public warehouses are very useful to the business community. Most of the business
enterprises cannot afford to maintain their own warehouses due to huge capital
Investment. In many cases the storage facilities required by a business enterprise do not
warrant the maintenance of a private warehouse. Such enterprises can meet their storage
needs easily and economically by making use of the public warehouses, without heavy

Public warehouses provide storage facilities to small manufacturers and traders at low
cost. These warehouses are well constructed and guarded round the clock to ensure safe
custody of goods. Public warehouses are generally located near the junctions of railways,
highways and waterways.

They provide, therefore, excellent facilities for the easy receipt, despatch, loading and
unloading of goods. They also use mechanical devices for the handling of heavy and
bulky goods. A public warehouse enables a businessman to serve his customers quickly
and economically by carrying regional stocks near the important trading centres or
markets of two
Kid Death Row
Should a kid be put on death row for the killing of their parents? In most cases, i would
say no, especially if the child has a mental disorder or has experienced something
unimaginably traumatizing. Not in all cases should someone be held accountable for
their actions, as in the case of Eric Smith, on january 22nd 1980. At the age of 13, he
blamed his mother for his big glasses, freckles and red hair. Eric has a disorder that
causes him to rage uncontrollable. After he was arrested, he was not given a death
sentence, showing that not everyone can be fully accountable for their actions. It is not
reasonable for everyone to be fully accountable for their actions especially when there
are multiple factors involved. People with mental issues should not be accountable for
their actions because they cannot control themselves. (text 1 paragraph 6) At the end of
2011 The Royal Society published a report stating that in the USA, neurological or
behavioural... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
While it would beneficial to society to put away these kinds of people, it would be
more beneficial to put them in isolation (solitary confinement), away from other people
so that they cannot bring harm to themselves or anyone else. This would keep them
away from the public and shows that while they cannot control their own actions, they
should be held accountable in some way or another. The mentally challenged should
not be accountable for their actions on the same terms as normal people. Today, it is
estimated that 90% of UK prisoners have a diagnosable mental illness or substance
abuse problem (Office for national statistics) . Most of these prisoners were charged
with not having a mental disability. If they were to have a known disability they would
have gotten help and a lesser of a
Essay on Film Techniques in 12 Angry Men
Film Techniques in Twelve Angry Men
Summary: Reviews the film Twelve Angry Men, directed by Sidney Lumet. Discusses
the director s use of cinematic techniques, including lighting, music,and set design, to
reinforce the themes of the story.
Twelve Angry Men , directed by Sidney Lumet, is a film which portrays intentions
significantly employed by the use of film techniques. Although entirely set in a cramped,
humid jury room (except for the few minutes at the beginning and end), Lumet applies
many different film techniques to great effectiveness.
Lumet s usage of different types of camera shots is likeliest to be the most efficacious
method of illustrating intentions in the film. Towards the ... Show more content on
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Furthermore, Lumet uses the film technique of different camera lenses and angles to
emphasize his intentions during the film. He employs numerous methods to enhance
the ever building tension throughout the room, including physically moving the walls
in on the actors to enhance the feeling of claustrophobia. One case of this occurring is
performed throughout the whole movie. As the story continues, Lumet gradually
changes the lenses of longer focal lengths, so that the backgrounds seems to close in
on the characters as the movie progresses, this gives viewers the feeling that there is
an increasingly amount of pressure and tension filling the room as the decision
becomes more uneasy on the jurors. Another example employed by Lumet to raise the
tension level of the film is by using various camera angles during the film. Lumet
shoots the first third of the movie above eye level, shoots the second third at eye level
and the last third from below eye level. In that way, as the film begins we look down on
the characters, and the angle suggests that they can be comprehended and mastered. By
the end, the ceiling is visible, the characters loom over us, and we feel overwhelmed by
the force of their passion.
In addition, Lumet also implements the techniques of lighting and music to highlight to
High Standards Of Beauty In The Uglies By Scott Westerfeld
In the dystopian novel The Uglies by Scott Westerfeld teens are forced to live in a
society consumed by the high standards of beauty. The teens in The Uglies live in a
town called Uglyville up until the age of sixteen where they go to live in New Pretty
Town . Once the teen turns sixteen years old, they are forced to undergo a surgery that
changes their entire demeanor just so that they fit into societies standards. Much like
teens today, the teens in The Uglies face the obstacle of doing what it takes to be
deemed pretty . Just like the teens in The Uglies, the teens of todays society also face
the challenge of being accepted. The high standard of beauty in both The Uglies and
todays society comes from those who are looked up too. Celebrities
Sheltering Sky versus Blood Meridian Essay
Extreme circumstances bring about substantial changes in people. At least that is what
Paul Bowles and Cormac McCarthy seem to be saying in the writing of their respective
books, The Sheltering Sky and Blood Meridian. Both authors place their characters in
difficult locations, dealing with difficult people and expect them to emerge changed, for
better or for worse. In The Sheltering Sky, Bowles takes his American trio and places
them in the desert landsof the African continent where the wide, dry impossibly desolate
terrain takes its toll on their minds and bodies. Likewise, McCarthy takes his ragged
bunchof marauders, most prominently the Kid, and has them wandering the massive
expanse of the untamed west. This convention of forced... Show more content on
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Both parties chance upon characters, both eccentric and dangerous, and all involved
seem to get themselves into the most impossible situations imaginable. Apparently the
point Bowles and McCarthy are trying to convey to the reader is that great change and
substantial inner growth can only come about through intense emotional stress and
physical challenge.

Kit, in The Sheltering Sky, learns some very interesting things about herself through
the course of our travels with her. She starts out as Port s wife, a secondary character
of sorts, afraid to voice her opinions on virtually everything. We have the inside track on
her thought s and feelings though, and are privy to the fact that she is unhappy not only
with her situation and current location, but also with her marriage and identity. We get
our first glimpse of her realization of these problems on her train ride with Tunner, as
Port is traveling with the Lyles. Her spontaneous affair with Tunner is a symptom of her
unhappiness and is the beginning of a downward spiral that takes her to the brink of
insanity and far beyond. We see the beginning of her growth in her encounter in the
Fourth Class cabin of the train when see comes in close contact with the miserable
peasant folk and she realizes that aside from their cultural differences she is no better
than these simple folk and in some ways she is far worse. As her story progresses we, the
reader, get to see the progress of her downfall due to the
Surrogacy Should Be Allowed In The United States
Surrogacy should be allowed in every state in the United States because it is some
womens only option to have a child. The Akanksha Clinic in Gujarat has drawn praise
from Oprah Winfrey for making mother dreams come true. Left unsaid is that these
dreams come at a cost: surrogate mothers from very poor are forced to live in rooms
with 10 to 15 other mothers, away from families, for most of their pregnancy(Persons,
Not Products). Women are so desperate to have children they will go under terrible
living conditions to bear a child for another woman. Some women have illnesses where
they are not able to have children, but still want children. If a woman is having a hard
time conceiving chances are she has an illness that prevents her from... Show more
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The government does not always make surrogacy safe and surrogacy can be a very
dangerous thing. Surrogacy can get very dangerous because there is always risks for
pregnancies and when something bad does happen the families will argue and it will
be a bad situation which is why it should not be allowed at all (Surrogate Motherhood).
Surrogacy should not be allowed at all it is a danger to our world and is offensive to
religions. Surrogacy is bad for children. When kids grow up they will be confused on
who their real parents are. It can be very scarring for children because they will
wonder why that would ever have to happen and how it happened. Surrogacy can be
very awkward for children when they grow up. It can lead to a very confusing
relationship between the child and the mother and no child should ever have to go
through a damaging experience like that (Surrogate Motherhood). The act of surrogacy
is against many religions beliefs and many religions do not like surrogacy happening
around the world. Church leaders share these concerns and are working to stymie
commercial surrogacy legislation in states across the nation (Persons, Not Products).
Surrogacy is especially bad because women who bear another child for another woman
or person can get money from it and getting money from another human being for a
child is offensive. Churches are against all kinds of surrogacy and think it is against the
bible. They are especially against commercial surrogacy because it is like slavery.
Humans should not be given to another family involving money it is very inhumane.
The Roman Catholic Church is just one of many religions that does not like the idea of
surrogacy. It is very inhuman, even if it does not involve money. Commercial surrogacy
can be found to be very offensive because a woman should never bear another child for a
different family (Surrogate
Italian Mafia Essay
Italian Mafia

The Mafia was first developed in Sicily in feudal times to protect the estates of landlords
who were out of town. The word Mafia, derived from the Sicilian word, Mafioso,
means family. Today, Mafia is a name which describes a loose association of criminal
groups. These groups can be bound together by blood, oath or sworn secrecy. Many
people had considered the Sicilian Mafia as the most ruthless mobsters of the twentieth

By the nineteenth century, the Mafia had become known as a network of criminal thugs
that dominated the Sicilian countryside. Members of the Mafia were bound by Omerta.
Omerta, an Italian word, stands for a strict code of conduct. The code include avoiding all
contact or cooperation with ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Due to the language barriers, cultures and people did not mix. The Italians remained
with, socialized with, and committed crimes on other Italians within the Italian
community. The Chicago Mafia remained incontact with the Mafia connections in Italy.

Since each community had their own gang, there were several of them. There was the
Chinese, Irish, Jewish, and Italian gangs. Each gang had their own style. For example:
there was the Dead Rabbits gang. They were known for attacking regular civilians in
broad daylight. They got their name by the unforgettable dead rabbits they carried on
sticks while beating people up.

There was also the Italian Mafia. They were recognized by the Black Hand. The Black
Hand was a letter with a black hand print on it. The letter would simply ask for money.
Every Italian knew that if you refused to pay, it would cost you your life. The only way
to be immune to the terrifying Black Hand was to be a part of the Mafia.

Even Italian tenor Enrico Coruso received a Black Hand letter demanding two thousand
dollars. Without thought or hesitation, Enrico paid in full. However, when he received a
second Black Hand letter demanding an additional fifteen thousand dollars, Enrico went
to the police. Because of this set up, authorities were able to arrest two men
inconnection with the Mafia. For the next three years, Enrico feared for his life, and had
several guards escort him everywhere
Essay on Financial Analysis of Woolworths Ltd
Financial Analysis of Woolworths Limited 10 October 2011 By: Huatong (Claire) Liu
To: Potential investors Executive Summary The primary purpose of this report is to
determine whether Woolworths Limited is an appropriate and profitable company to
invest in. Specific objectives include analysis of annual reports of Woolworths and its
competitors (Wesfarmers) as well as interpretation of relevant government and industry
statistics, stock exchange, market information and media comments. Further, Woolworths
s financial strengths and weaknesses are identified. The potential growth prospects for
Woolworths, the future of the food and staples retailing industry, and the risks versus the
benefits of investing in Woolworths are all... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Although the aim of this report is to be as detailed and comprehensive as possible, there
are still some limitations exist. First of all, any estimates or projections of future
economic performance are impacted by numerous factors, such as market behavior, that
are inherently uncertain. Therefore future outcome may not unfold as expected. Further,
events may have occurred since I prepared this report which may impact on it and its
findings. Moreover, Woolworths and Wesfarmers have some differences in accounting
policies. For instance, Wesfarmers values inventories at the lower of cost and net
realisable value. Woolworths values short life retail stocks in the same way, but for long
life retail stocks, the retail inventory method are used to determine cost by reducing the
value of the inventory by the appropriate gross margin percentage which takes into
account markdown prices. Different method of recording and valuation may influence
the final financial results. Conclusion Having examined Woolworths Ltd financial
performance through analyses and comparisons we come to conclusion that Woolworths
has a number of financial strengths as well as several weaknesses. Strengths Strong and
trusted brand name High product quality and safety (persistent implementation of Fresh
Food People strategy) Very efficient management (efficient at using assets to generate
sales, collecting money
Mass Murder And Dehumanization
Mass Murder and dehumanization of Jews during World War Two, but why? It s
unclear and we might never know why this event occurred. But we do know that it was
terrible, depressing, and dehumanizing. In Auschwitz Jews, among others, were burned
and killed mercilessly. If anyone goes missing you will all be shot like dogs. This show
that they don t refer to Jewsas human beings but as filthy dogs. SS officers didn t care if
you lived or died they just wanted to torture and murder you. This just shows how
dehumanizing Auschwitz can be on Jews.
What would happen with the corpses of the dead Jews when the SS officers were done
with them? They would not have space to bury them so they thought to throw them into
the flames of the crematorium.
Summary Of Hidden Figures
Works Cited Melfi, Theodore, director. Hidden Figures. Fox 2000 Pictures, 2016.
Hidden Figures, a book about 3 African American women who overcame adversity,
takes place in the mid 1960s. A time where racism was at its worst and poverty was in
effect. The names were Katherine Goble, Dorothy Vaughn, and Mary Jackson, who
were all 3 geniuses in their fields of study. Katherine was a math expert, Dorothy was a
supervisor, and Mary was an engineer. During a time of racism, nobody would ve
imagined that 3 African American women, along with many more women, that they
would work for N.A.S.A. These 3 women went through so many obstacles in their life.
These 3 women are perfect examples of overcoming anything that stands in your way.
Katherine Goble, a little girl out of White Sulphur Springs, WV, being blessed with
many different ways, did not know she would soon become a very special person at
N.A.S.A. Although her family was very poor, schools funded her to go to the right
schools. She had a very caring mother that would do anything for her little girl.
Katherine grew up with one of the smartest brains in her time. She was so smart that
she was above her grade level. This gift from God will play out a big role later on in
Katherine s job with N.A.S.A. In this time, it was hard enough being an African
American but how do you think it would ve been if you was also a woman? She has 3
children back home but terribly, her husband passed away a few years back. For
Katherine, being at N.A.S.A was a dream, but not everything there was a perfect
fantasy. There were many complications that she had to face in her time of working
there. At N.A.S.A there were separate bathrooms for whites and blacks, so Katherine
had to walk a half mile just to use the restroom every day no matter the weather
condition. A sane person would absolutely hate doing that just to relieve yourself so
one day she put an end to that situation. Mr. Harrison, Katherine s boss, asked her
where she goes for 40 minutes every day so Katherine had some things to express. In
her very expressive talk with Mr. Harrison, Katherine stated, Excuse me if I have to use
the bathroom a few times a day. (Hidden Figures) The result of that situation was Mr.
Project Management Plan For Projects Essay
Project Procurement Management
Name: Artemus Brown
American Military University

1.1. Project management plan

Project management plays a vital part in planning and determining the project s
directions and it likewise guarantees that project can be executed on budget, on time and
meet organization s requirements. (Bernard David, 2003) Thus, clear vision, plan and
strategy ought to be resolved to know that project ought to be controlled (Holland, 1999).

The project management plan should obviously clear up how the craved objectives can be
accomplished. There are three frequently interrelated and contending objectives in project
management that ought to be met: Cost, scope and time. (Bhatti, 2005)

The projects are constantly assessed in light of the accomplishment of particular

objectives, to be specific; cost, time spent and scope. So higher level of responsibility of
these triple requirements is considered as project management s essential elements of
project management, which implies adjusting trade offs in the middle of cost and time,
furthermore, performance while in the long run fulfilling the clients. (Erik Clifford, 2011)

Manager of the project ought to contemplate the realistic way of triple constrains. For
example, if the timelines are very tight and the project scope is very large it will be
difficult to reach the expected and desired result. As a result, the manager of the project
continually settles on tradeoff choices among these three
Symbolism In Eudora Welty s The Worn Path
Sometimes the most miniscule objects in a story can symbolize for something greater.
Anything, from a character s name to a single piece of money can symbolize something
much bigger than what it really seems. Eudora Welty uses this kind of symbolism in her
story The Worn Path. The story uses symbolism not only to show Phoenix Jacksons
determination, but also to highlight how the social and political differences are used
against her.
The fist piece of symbolism that Welty gives to the reader is the main character s name,
Phoenix Jackson. According to Greek mythology, the Phoenix is a bird that lived for
500 years, burned itself to death, and arose again from the ashes. Phoenix Jackson is in
some way the Phoenix, as during her travel, she stumbles ... Show more content on
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Eudora Welty wrote this story in 1941, a time in America where although African
Americans were free, they were still treated as a lesser race by the whites. Phoenix
tells the hunter that she is headed to town because the time come around. (290) The
hunter replies, I know you old colored people! Wouldn t miss going to town to see
Santa Claus! The white hunter is making a stereotype that colored people go to town
during winter to see Santa Claus, when in fact the nature of Phoenix s travel is
different. Lastly, before they part ways, the hunter points his gun directly at Phoenix,
and asks if the gun does not scare her. She responds, No sir. I seen plenty go off closer
by, in my day, and for less than what I done. Since Welty describes Phoenix as being
very old, then it is safe to assume that Phoenix lived during a time where black
oppression was at its highest. Therefore, since she has through a lot during her days, then
having a gun pointed at her does not seem to impact her in any way.
The obstacles that Phoenix comes during the path are representations of her
determination, as she is able to overcome them. However, that same path can also
symbolize social differences, along with the nickel and the presents. On the other hand,
the hunter himself can symbolize how political differences, such as the oppression of the
African Americans, work against
The Importance Of Water Pollution
Water pollution is a serious environmental issue worldwide. 1 Water is one of the most
valuable resources on our planet; having clean water is vitally important for our survival.
Here in the United States, the Clean Water Act of 1972 was very successful in reducing
point sources of water pollution; however, it has been ineffective in reducing nonpoint
sources of water pollution(Manuel, 2014). Nitrogen and phosphorous that originate from
agricultural sources, such as manure and inorganic fertilizer, are contributing to nonpoint
source pollution of our waterways. Also referred to as nutrient pollution, this issue is
created by the runoff of excess nutrients into waterways and the effects of this can reach
hundreds or even thousands of miles... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
This leads to a great amount of oxygen in the water being consumed by the algae as it
decomposes, potentially leading to hypoxia, or dead zones, which can kill nearly all
aquatic organisms (Manuel, 2014). An example of this is in the Gulf of Mexico at the
mouth of the Mississippi River, with a dead zone of nearly 5500 square miles
(Manuel, 2014). HAB s can also impair bodies of water that serve as a source of
drinking water, such as in Toledo, Ohio, where residents were faced with not having a
safe source of water (Manuel, 2014). According to the USDA (2015), this sort of
problem is widespread. Nutrient pollution can also be seen due to accidental leakages of
manure, with many reported instances locally. In a recent occurrence of this, manure
leaked from a broken pipeline into a nearby stream, ending up in a nearby lake,
potentially polluting groundwater and lake water, both local sources of drinking water.
There are many threats to human health from HAB s, including: 2 stomach cramps,
vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, fever, headache, skin irritation, muscle and joint pain,
blisters of the mouth, and liver damage (Manuel, 2014). If the toxins become airborne,
respiratory illnesses have also been reported (EPA, 2015). At Grand Lake St. Marys,
Ohio, which is a source of drinking water, it was reported that there were 23 cases of
human illnesses and dog deaths due to HAB s in 2011 (EPA, 2015). In Sarasota County,
Florida, 218 emergency room visits have been reported
Intro to Database Systems Chapter 1 Essay
Chapter 1
1 A. Data = raw fact (pg. 5)
B. Field = a character or group of characters that defines a characteristic of a person,
place, or thing. (pg. 660)
C. Record = a collection of related fields (pg. 666)
D. File = a named collection of related record (pg. 660)
2. Data redundancy is when the same data are stored unnecessarily at different places.
Spreadsheets /islands of information lead up to the date redundancy. (pg. 16)
3.Data independence is when it is possible to make changes in the data storage
characteristics without affecting the application program s ability to access the data. It
standalone data so it doesn t need to be link with anything. (pg. 15)
4. DBMS is a collection of programs that manages the ... Show more content on
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Operational database a database that is designed primarily to support a company s day to
day operation.
Data warehouse focuses primarily on storing data used to generate information required
to make tactical or strategic decision. (pg. 9)
9.Hardware, software, people, procedures, and data (pg. 18 20)
10. Metadata is data about data (pg. 7)
11.Better and faster speed also less errors
12. Increased costs, management complexity, maintaining currency, vendor dependence,
and frequent upgrade/replacement.
13. Unstructured data are data that exist in their original state but structured data not. It
is the generation of information. The structured data is more prevalent in a typical
business environment. (pg. 9 10)
14. Self documentation through metadata, enforcement of data types or domains to
ensure consistency of data within a column, defined relationships among tables, or
constraints to ensure consistency of data across related tables. (pg. 23)
15. It doesn t read your mind. It only received the raw data user put in.
16. Understanding the shortcomings of the file system enables you to understand the
development of modern database. (pg. 14)

Chapter 2
1. Data model is a relatively simple representation, usually graphical, of more complex
real world data structures. It is an iterative, progressive process (pg. 30)
2. Business rule is a brief, precise and unambiguous description of a policy, procedure, or
principle within a
How Did Mandela Contribute To Freedom
Although black skin brought him limits, he contributed his whole life to the fight for
the freedom. Although time made him lose his family and normal life, there was still
the light of hope in his tired eyes. He is Mandela, the man who was born as a prince of
a tribe, Thembu, but dedicated his whole life to the fighting for civil rights. He spent 27
years in the jail, but when he got released, he became the President of South Africa.
Mandela s leadership and commitment of civil rights brought him followers, and then
his 27 year fighting brought liberty to his country. Mandela was such a man who stood
with people, and he became a member of civil rights movement when he was a
teenager. Mandela had a sense of equality even when he was a teenager. When he was
the future king of his tribe, Thenbu, he attended a movement against an unreasonable
segregation policy while he was studying for Fort Hare University. And he also became
involved in anti colonial politics when he lived... Show more content on HelpWriting.net
In 1944, he became one of representatives of African National Congress, which was
appealing non violent fighting. However, the South Africa government forbad him to
attend meetings in 1952, but Mandela still tried everything he could do to support the
I believe that the government will announce the African National Congress and the South
African Indian General Assembly as an illegal organization. Government seems bound
to us as soon as possible to prohibit the work of a legitimate organization. And think of
this, problem, I recommend the National Executive Committee must have a plan to deal
with unexpected happens. I say that we, as leaders of the people, if there is no such
program, that is dereliction of duty. National Executive Committee I drafted an ANC
underground operation programs. This program was called Mandela Plan. (Long Walk to
Freedom, chapter
Martian Chronicles Literary Analysis
Throughout Ray BradburyВґs Martian Chronicles, we get a taste of a utopian and
dystopian fiction. I believe Ray was trying to convey that rampant colonization kills
the society and environment of the victim. Through every story we can see how bad
Mars is turning out due to the ignorance and quickness of the colonizers. There is
speculation that Ray could be describing the future in a ВЁfictionalВЁ way, in other
words, he could be predicting the fate of the earth or America. I also believe that after
the four expeditions the settlers were still driven to colonize even though the previous
trips failed. I come to believe that Ray thinks all these dreams and visions the martians
have, is what will happen to us in America. It could all be fictionbut his... Show more
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They come to Mars with intentions to peacefully settle and undermine part of the society
the Martians have built. Many Martians have hallucinations of this rocket and its
humans. On page 20, the Martian woman is distraught of this dream she keeps on having
and consults with Mr. Iii who is forced to put an end to this colonization. At this point
Ray explains how each Martian has a different view and hallucination of the colonizers.
Also, how the humans can communicate with the Martians by telepathy. This is just
another way Ray communicates his thoughts to us.

In the story ВЁUsher IIВЁ, we see a reference back to Edgar Allan PoeВґs ВЁFall of the
House of UsherВЁ. In this story William Stendahl remakes the house and creates
mechanical apes, bats, and vampires. During this episode and investigator from Moral
Climate condemns his house. Stendahl kills him and has no relevance to his death from
the state. I believe in this portion of the story Ray is focused on the fictional part of
things rather than the realistic non fictional possible things. I feel that this drags the
reader away from the futuristic side of the story to create a more novelish
How Does Walt Whitman Use The Pronoun In Song Of Myself
Roshni Babal
Journal Entry # 3
Dr. Friedman s Writing Ourselves into The World

What is Whitman seeking to accomplish through his use of the pronoun, I , in Song of

Ever since we have started reading Song of Myself in class, Whitman s failure to
acknowledge himself as Walt Whitman, but rather the much broader I has intrigued me.
Rather than make the poem his own as many poets chose to do at the time Whitman
chooses to act as an observer in the grand scheme of life and use the pronoun, I, adding
layers of depth to the meaning of the poem. However, the reason that Whitman chose to
use I instead of his name, and the intended meaning behind his choice whether I may be
talking about his physical self or something larger continued ... Show more content on
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By describing himself as of old and young, of the foolish as much the wise , Whitman
goes further to expand the I to a vast variety of people, creating an I that is larger than
himself (XVI, 1). When he continues to say that he is Of every hue and caste...of every
rank and religion/ A farmer, mechanic, artist, gentleman, sailor, quaker /Prisoner, fancy
man, rowdy, lawyer, physician, priest, , Whitman is able to connect himself to all
American people (XVI, 17 19). Through his use of I to connect to all classes in
America, it becomes clear in canto 16 that Whitman uses I to create a sense of unity
among the American people. By referring to I , Whitman is attempting to connect all
American people, with I acting as the common thread in between them. By finding a way
to connect a farmer with the gentleman , Whitman is creating a unique identity by
transcending social boundaries and uniting the different people in America through the
common idea of being American. By making everyone part of the larger I , Whitman is
not only able to connect all Americans together, but also prove that they are all the same,
promoting his idea of true democracy in which all men and women have equal
Apple And Android Vs. Android
Apple or Android? This is a question several people ask themselves before purchasing
certain electronics today. Both Apple and Android are especially dominant in the
phone market where they have been competing head to head with each other for
around a decade. Both also have some rather interesting background history, from the
development of their devices to the great masterminds behind the tech. It is also
fascinating to take a look back in time and compare what was then to what is now and
see how much technology has evolved in a relatively short amount of time. But one
has to be superior to the other, right? Apple is better and more superior when compared
to Android because it has a richer and more interesting history, sells more smartphones
than their leading Android competitor, and their tablets offer better prices and
functions than Androids . Both Apple and Android have a great, and rather
interesting, history behind them, but Apple s is quite the story. Most people don t
realize this, but Apple has been around for decades. The company was created way
back in 1976 which is quite a while ago. But it wasn t until 1997, when Steve Jobs
took over as the CEO of the company, that Apple pronounced itself as one of the world
s leading corporations in electronics. Steve Jobs is a very recognizable name round the
world and this is due because of the great success he had while at Apple. When Jobs
took over as the CEO Apple was on the verge of bankruptcy, but he turned everything
Informative Speech Essay
What if a speaker had an important topic that they needed to get across to their
audience? How would the speaker go about it and what type of speech would the speaker
choose. Well chapter 13 contents the creative process for informative speaking. What
informative speaking is how to choose a focused informative topic, how to conduct a
research and informative outline? The chapter also contains how to organize the body,
introduction, and conclusion of the informative speech. Lastly chapter 13 contents
explain how to prepare to present the speech and evaluate and informative speech. In
order to make a well informative speech the speaker needs to be logical and purposeful.
There are five steps to achieve a well spoken speech. The first step... Show more content
on HelpWriting.net ...
Finally choose the specific purpose and central idea. These two help the speaker stay on
topic while giving the audience the objective for the speech. Now that the speaker has
figured out what type of speech they want to present they can create a working outline.
The outline should take a few minutes to construct. This will guide the speaker research.
Now the working outline is only a rough outline. In this outline the speaker might use
question for the main points and later use sentences for the preparation outline. After the
working outline is complete the speaker is ready to conduct research. When researching
the speaker wants to find material the will make the audience want to listen and learn.
The speaker should select material that have a language level appropriate, something that
will interest the audience, and if the topic is complex make sure to find multiple
perspectives and means because everyone learns differently. The speaker should use the
internet, library, newspapers, magazines, and personal knowledge in order to create their
speech. Now that the speaker knows the topic it is time for them to construct the
informative outline. This outline is structured and includes complete sentences and will
typically end with a source page. When making the outline a speaker needs to know how
to organize the body of an informative speech. first the speaker needs to understand that
an informative speech utilize chronological, topical, spatial, comparative,
The Real Sex Addiction Essay
In this time period, there are many different disorders and illnesses that go unnoticed, and
unknown. Society creates stereotypes about illnesses such as obsessive compulsive
disorder, clinical Depression, and many other mental afflictions. Another that seems to
remain controversial and misunderstood is sexual compulsive behaviors. Many see it as
an excuse to act a certain way, or think a certain way; in reality it is a serious mental
disorder that can cause devastating effects on the people that are consumed by them and
the people who are around them. Something that is however, known about sexual
compulsive behaviors is that there are certain things that can emotionally damage a
person and cause them to have these behaviors. The three... Show more content on
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Using the term sexual compulsive behaviors is more appropriate because it addresses the
symptoms that some term as sex addiction , but use a term that is more effective in
describing what it really is and how it should be treated. A person uses sexual
compulsive behaviors because they lack in some other area, such a coping mechanisms,
or because they have insecure personal attachments. Something has to cause these
behaviors, they aren t caused by any chemical like drugs and alcohol.

Another major argument about this subject arises because it is in human nature to feel
the need to reproduce and to have sex. This makes treating the problem baffling ,
because it goes against human nature to completely cut out all forms of sex. This is
another reason why sex addiction is incorrect terminology, because sex isn t hurtful to
oneself, however it does become a problem when it starts to affect a person s life in
detrimental ways. It only becomes a problem when it is out of control. It is normal for
some people to have a higher sex drive then others, and it is healthy to want to have
multiple partners. The problem comes into play when it is needed for emotional
purposes, to need validation and affection. Only then is it considered unhealthy, because
people should have secure relationships, and coping mechanisms that can help them get
the feelings they need. Just like many other compulsive behaviors, sexual compulsive
behaviors can be treated, just not
The Birth Control Movement Essay example
The Progressive Era was a period of social and political reform beginning in the post
Gilded Age 19th century and lasting through WWI. Industrial and urban growth of early
19th century America while representative of opportunity and future advancement
simultaneously posed many difficulties for working class citizens. Prior concerns over
the conditions of working class citizens were multiplied and magnified by overpopulated
and impoverished urban communities. During this era many new Progressive agendas
were introduced with the goal of reforming dated and unregulated policies, the most
prominent of these, the birth controlmovement. The documents from chapter six of
Constructing the American Past show that at its core, the birth control... Show more
content on HelpWriting.net ...
In document three from The Case for Birth Control Sanger s rhetoric changes, relying
on facts, statistics, and knowledge based reasoning. Document three proves to be a
much more reliable and comprehensive argument than document one. Sanger advocates
small families for the working class as a means to eliminate poverty (due to large
families), illegal abortions, child labor, and to protect the health of women from
overwork and the strain of too frequent child bearing (6, 3,124) The argument shifts
from a pseudo socialist agenda to simply the right of a woman to control her own body
and choose her own destiny. Following the release of The Woman Rebel, Anthony
Comstock spearheaded an anti birth control campaign with the aid of the Society for
the Suppression of Vice, vice as Comstock described it intemperance, gambling, and
evil reading (6,1,122). Document 2 is an interview with Comstock by Mary Alden
Hopkins of Harper s Weekly on the issue of birth control and the laws against its
distribution and publication. Comstock approaches the birth control issue as a religious
zealot, arguing that it is the moral and spiritual obligation of the people to stray from
vice and practice abstinence as the only means of family planning. Comstock s
conservative rhetoric appealed to the Victorian era principles of self control and moral
fortitude. Moreover, Comstock employs the ideology of rule by fear, by
Genocide in Darfur Essay examples
Do you think its fair, which in 1933 1945; 11 million people lost their lives just
because of their race and religion? Do you think its right, for other countries just to
stand by and not care for the survival of the people in concentration camps in Germany
and Poland? Even before the holocaust, people were killed due to racism and prejudice.
As we look back on those days, we know how bad the Holocaustwas. People were killed
in many brutal ways such as shootings, gas, and being burned alive. It s terrible to think
of the horrors people faced in their final moments in the holocaust. Now let s fast
forward to today, a world where information can get to peoples fingers with in a second.
How could this happen today with all the information... Show more content on
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In history, we learned about WW2 and The Holocaust. In 1932, Hitler rose to power as
chancellor of Germany. As soon as he became ruler, he started creating anti Jewish laws.
In 1933 the first concentration camp was created, and they were active until 1945.
Hitler believed that the Aryan people (Aryan people are Christian, German people with
blond hair and blue eyes) disserve rule the world and the only people holding them back
was the Jewish population, this made all Aryans believe that they are superior and that
they should hate the Jews. Nearly anyone in Germany who was non Aryan was sent to
concentration camps and a lot of them were killed. But the people who were wise
enough to tell that this wasn t right were afraid of Hitler; they believed that if they
were to stand up against Hitler they would be killed. Germany finally lost the war in
1945 and Hitler suicides before he can be captured by Russian troops. Just around this
time, Russian armies started liberating concentration camps. Because of the un bravery
of German citizens, 11 million non Aryan people lost their lives. I think that one of the
most important reasons this happened was because many people did not have the
courage to stand up to there government. If something is being done that isn t right, and
you don t agree with it, why wouldn t you stand up for what is right? I think, that if
enough people were to stand up against Hitler, we would have never have been learning
about the holocaust and
A Book Report on Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut
1.Major Characters of the Novel a.Billy Pilgrim is the person that the book is written
around. We follow him, perhaps not in a straight order, from his youth joining the
military to his abduction on the alien planet of Tralmalfadore, to his older age at his
1960s home in Illum. It is his experiences and journeys that we follow, and his actions
we read about. However, Billy had a specific lack of character for a main one. He is
not heroic, he has very little personality traits, let alone an immersive and complex
character. Most of the story is written around his experiences that seem more like
symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from his World War Two days, combined
with hallucinations after a brain injury in a near fatal plane... Show more content on
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2.The central conflict of this book is Billy coming to terms with the unfortunate
events happening around him, and facing this character versus world scenario of
everything and everyone always being against him in some way or another. Billy sees
so much suffering and so much death. He is blamed for the death of Ronald Weary,
which is not his fault. He witnesses the Dresden Firebombing, and has an overall
uneventful blain life to begin with. Billy needs to find a way to cope with this
unbearable pressure, and whether or not the Tralmalfadorians are real, their message is
real to Billy. The philosophy they present is the excuse Billy needs to justify all the
wrong he sees around him. The Tralmalfadorian belief being that there is no free will,
and that you timeline is fact, and that you simply experience death, but continue existing
afterwards. Essentially, you always exist and what happens to you is predetermined
fate. This allows Billy to pass on all of the death and misery around him as meant to be.
He can rest assured knowing that there is nothing he could about anything in the past,
present, or future. There was nothing he could have done or can do to stop the death and
torture, weather it is the death of his wife, the firebombing in Dresden, or even his own
death. This motivation less philosophy is his resolution to his devastating conflict, and is
directly responsible for his lack of action throughout the story. 3.
Victorian Epilogue
Epilogue: It was a beautiful, full moon. The sort of moon that shines down rays of light
illuminating the darkened streets. Not a breath of wind stirred in the darkness. The
night was warm but the girl felt chilled to the bone. She hurried along; bare feet
padding silently through the dark alleyways, hoping her parents wouldn t catch her out
this late. She knew she shouldn t stay at Max s house too late but he somehow always
talked her into it. She speed walked through the narrow streets, feeling like the old
Victorian houses were looking down at her with accusing glares. Yes she thought I am
almost there! As she rounded the last corner and saw her house, standing silently along
with the others. No lights were on and she couldn t see ay movement... Show more
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Truthfully Justin didn t blame him, she had chosen the scariest place in town, a 43
year old abandoned school, half rotted and falling apart. They hurried to the school,
Justin s feet shuffling lazily on the ground. He was exhausted. He had gone out to a
party the night before and just wanted to sleep. But Adam wouldn t allow it. Hurry up
whispered Adam again, furious this time. Justin moved a bit faster changing his
shuffle to a fast walk. They arrived at the school. It looked like an old church,
something out of medieval times. The dark buildings all covered in moss. The floor
had weeds sprouting out of the cracks, pieces of rubble lying all over the place. It was
already pretty scary at day but at night it was terrifying. They walked among the dark
walls, trying to imagine what this place would have once looked like. So, do you know
the reason the school had to shut down? Adams voice sliced through the silent night like
a knife. Justin started at the sudden sound. What? No Whispered back Justin,
Greek Deity DBQ
Greek Deity DBQ
The city of Athens viewed the goddess Athena as their patron and protector. There were
multiple instances in the city s mythology where they believed that due to their
dedication she successfully protected their territory and helped them to remain successful
and prosperous. The entire city of Athens is dedicated to Athena. One of the main ways
that they honored her was through elaborate temples or other forms of architecture.
Athena was the goddess of several different things but architecture and mathematics were
some aspects of her that could explain the way that they chose to honor her and why
Athens was a center for progress in technology.
According to the first document that I read, a brief history of Athens, which details
Athens existence at around 3000 BC, mentions several buildings made in her honor.
Some of these building are the Parthenon and Erechtheion.
Using the second document, Erechtheion ancient history, which details the history of the
Erechtheion in more detail I found that ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
There was a myth that at the beginning of the existence of the city of Athens both gods
offered gifts to the people of Athens, in order to sway them in deciding their patron god.
Athena offered peace and prosperity while Poseidon offered naval power. The Athenians
accepted Athena s gift. Athens overall culture continued to reflect this decision, the city,
in addition to being a center for architecture and mathematics, also played an important
role in the progress of government, theology and philosophy. This myth could also give
an explanation of why Athenian people may have felt superiority to other city states such
as Sparta. The mythological significance it had was much greater than with another city
state such as Thebes, although it was related to the story of Hercules, and

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