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An Essay On Environmental Pollution

Crafting an essay on environmental pollution is no simple task; it demands a meticulous blend of

scientific knowledge, critical thinking, and effective communication skills. The complexity lies in
addressing the multifaceted nature of environmental pollution, encompassing various types such as
air, water, and soil pollution, along with their interconnected impacts on ecosystems and human

Researching this topic is a challenging endeavor, as it requires delving into scientific studies,
statistical data, and policy frameworks to grasp the depth and breadth of the issue. Moreover,
synthesizing this information into a coherent narrative demands a keen understanding of the cause-
and-effect relationships that underpin environmental pollution.

The writing process involves navigating a delicate balance between elucidating the severity of the
problem and proposing viable solutions. Tackling the subject requires an in-depth exploration of the
root causes, from industrial emissions to improper waste disposal, and an examination of the global,
regional, and local implications.

Addressing the essay's structure poses another challenge, as it necessitates organizing the myriad
aspects of environmental pollution into a logical and persuasive argument. Effectively transitioning
between different pollution types, their consequences, and potential mitigation measures requires
finesse and clarity.

Additionally, maintaining a sense of urgency without succumbing to alarmism is crucial. Striking the
right tone is essential to engage readers while avoiding a sense of hopelessness that might accompany
discussions of environmental degradation.

In conclusion, composing an essay on environmental pollution demands a comprehensive

understanding of the subject, proficient research skills, and adept writing capabilities. It is a task that
requires not only conveying information but also instilling a sense of responsibility and motivation
for positive change.

For assistance with similar essays or any other writing needs, a valuable resource is
. They offer a range of writing services to help navigate the challenges of academic composition.
An Essay On Environmental Pollution An Essay On Environmental Pollution
Eco561 Market Equilibration Process
Market Equilibration Process
January 27, 2014
Warren Matthews

Market Equilibration Process In economics, supply and demand is one of the most
essential concepts and the foundation of the market economy. Consumers demand a
product, and producers in the market supply the product to the best of their ability. When
shifts in the equilibrium between supply and demand occur, the players in the market
(sometimes unknowingly) work together to balance the two. When exploring the market
equilibration process surrounding propane gas, it is evident that the abnormally frigid
temperatures throughout the Midwest and Northeast, in combination with the long wet
fall, are creating an unbalance.
The Law of Demand The law of demand ... Show more content on ...
The Law of Supply The law of supply according to McConnell, et al (2009) states, As
price rises, the quantity supplied rises; as price falls, the quantity supplied falls, (p.
51, para. 5). McConnell, et al (2009) go on to say the law of supply can be influenced by,
...(1) resource prices, (2) technology, (3) taxes and subsidies, (4) prices of other goods,
(5) producer expectations, and (6) the number of sellers in the market, (p. 52., para. 4).
Efficient Markets Theory The efficient markets theory, according to NASDAQ (n.d.) is
the, Principle that all assets are correctly priced by the market, and that there are no
bargains, (para. 1). This theory implies that supply and demand dictate the reasonable
market value for products. Without high demand, the supply will be greater and prices
will be lower. Respectively, as demand increases so do the prices until the supply and
demand are at equilibrium.
Surplus vs. Shortage At times, the resources are lacking and the consumer demand
outweighs the available supply, or the supply is greater than the demand. This is when
the equilibrium shifts and causes either a shortage or a surplus. In the case of the
propane, subzero temperatures in the Midwest and the Northeast are causing consumers
to use more propane than expected, which is causing a shortage. According to The
Washington Post (1996 2014), Millions of residents in the Midwest and
Queen Nanny Of The Windward Maroons
Queen Nanny of the Windward Maroons, has been overlooked by historians, who
limited their focus to only the male figures in Maroons History. Due to her being
overlooked factual information is unclear and her history was handed down thorough
folklore. However, amongst the Maroons themselves, Queen Nanny also known as
Obeah Woman Nanny and Granny Nanny, is held in the highest honor. Back in the 17th
to 18th century, Nanny was a leader of the Rebellious group of black people called
Maroons (people living on mountaintops) due to their style of living in the hilly mountain
tops from the Ashanti Tribe of West Africa, now called Ghana. She led the war between
the Winward Maroon s and The British in the First Maroon War. Though, not originally
from Jamaican, but brought to Jamaica during the time of slavery, she never received her
freedom legally until a treaty was reached between the Maroons and the British.
Nanny became, known for her organized plans to keep and free the Maroons along
with other tribal African from slavery. This led to the freedom of also most 1000
slaves remaining free during the time of slavery in history. During the Era, women are
seen as second class citizens and slaves having no say but Granny Nanny s leadership
skills empowered her to break many barriers and create a name for herself as studied in
Organization Leadership.

Smith, 2
The Background History of Queen Nanny
What was slavery like in Jamaica
There are two types of African slaves
Bhopal, India Chemical Accident, 1984
Just after midnight on December 3, 1984, a pesticide plant in Bhopal, India had a
chemical leak accident. The chemical that was released into the air is called methyl
isocyanate, or MIC, used to make pesticides. This chemical is tremendously harmful
and fatal to humans, livestock, and crops. Only a short term exposure may cause death
or unfavorable health effects. The slums of Bhopal and its residents that surrounded the
plant which were mostly affected by the gas suffered dearly. An estimated 8,000 people
dead and about 300,000 more suffering from its effects. Bloated carcasses of cattle
dotted the streets. Tree and plant leaves were yellow and brittle. Corpses littered the
streets and discovered behind locked doors, trapped in private... Show more content on ...
The overwhelming population in Bhopal means very few jobs that are out there for
the public. В…Even a meager, low paying job is welcomed as a way to avoid abject
poverty (15). The bottom class of society, workers and job seekers take any job they
can find if they are fortunate. If they are lucky, they will be found in such places as
small industries around the city like the glue factory, the bone mills, the tannery
center, the distillery, the slaughterhouse, and the straw products factory. Otherwise,
these people work as sidewalk vendors who shine shoes, give haircuts or clean ears
(15). They can also find jobs as street cleaners or in communal sewing centers. In
addition to these unofficial social classes, Hindus in Bhopal and throughout India
adhere to a rigid caste system that further separates people into classes (15). It is very
hard to change caste to a higher standard of living and converse with a higher class.
But if some individuals have the desire to change caste, they can through immense
effort, talent, and luck; В…one may change caste by gaining prominence in a certain
occupation (17). The caste system offers little flexibility in village life, politics, and in
marriage. Religion also plays a part in this caste; only Hindus can have caste. In the
midst of the poverty and chaos in Bhopal, Union carbide opened its chemical plant in
1969 (17). The plant is located at the city limits
The Characteristics Of Serial Killers
The Killer Clown, is a nickname many won t forget. Throughout the 1970 s, this man
quietly rampaged the streets of a suburb in Chicago, kidnapping young men and
shattering the lives of their families. He carried out his crimes until he was captured in
the late 70s. The killer clown was revealed to be the man known as John Wayne Gacy.
His case was very unique. He struggled with his sexuality and even had an alter ego
known as Pogo the Clown (Morrison). According to Gacy, this alter ego controlled
who he was and forced him to kill. Cases like Gacy s is where the question of insanity
appears. This has led many forensic psychologists to raise the question of if there is
really something wrong with the minds of serial killers.
Even though the topic of serial killers has become increasingly popular, there are some
that still believe in the traditional stereotype of a serial killer: sexually motivated to
murder as many women as possible. However, they are much more complicated than
that. Serial killers have been misconceived for centuries; moreover, they have been
plastered with labels such as insane or animals. Thus, studies are being conducted and
articles are being written to inform the public that there might, and is more to serial
killers than what people are led to believe. There are exceedingly particular traits that
separate serial killers from other murderers, and the complex ways their mind s function
goes far beyond society s common misconceptions of who they are
The Pros And Cons Of International Financial Reporting...
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), represent the norms that were
introduced by IASB. Being an independent organization that was not operational to earn
profits, IASB, also known as, International Accounting Standards Board, incepted IFRS
to facilitate public companies around the globe. IFRS presented a framework that served
as a guide for these corporations directing them on preparation and disclosure of the
financial statements. The International Financial Reporting Standardsoffered general
guidance to the seekers concerning the financial statements. The standards never strived
to set industry specific reporting principles or regulations.
The U.S. GAAP represents the set of accounting principles that strictly abide by the laws
and regulations. The U.S. GAAP, also known as, Generally Accepted Accounting
Principles, encompass the legal norms, complex mechanisms and through details for
corporate accounting. The U.S. GAAP standards are often perceived as building blocks
for the decisions taken by FASB, also known as, Financial Accounting Standards Board.
GAAP served as a legal and regulatory standard for the companies operational and listed
on the stock exchanges in the United States.
In comparison with IFRS, the accounting standards proposed by the U.S. GAAP are a
bit inflexible. My agenda is to find out the difference and the positive, negative effect as
professional in international market. (Figure 1.1)
The current data indicate there are 195 free
Effects Of Alcohol And Academic Achievement
Introduction Overview University students are synonymous with drinking and testing
their limits. Maybe it s some kind of rite of passage or merely peer pressure but when
you consider the average age of students these days it hard to gain some kind of
perspective. According to the most recently available data, the median age of college
students is 21.6 years, while for university students; the median age is 22.8 years (see
Appendix A). (Dale, 2012) The question needs to be asked; why young adults of this
age find it necessary to binge drink and also what the effects of this is on their academic
achievement. According to the research conducted for this report, there is most
definitely a connection between Alcohol and Academic achievement and based on the
websites studied there are three areas where alcohol affects student s grades: Firstly,
drinking excessively has a negative effect on class attendance and therefore leads to the
students falling behind in their studies. Secondly, the amount of time and the quality of
time spent on studying is negatively affected by alcohol use. Thirdly, there is a direct
inverse relationship between drinking and grades. Studies have shown that the majority
of students who are at risk of failing admitted they fell into the heavy drinking category.
Please refer to Appendix B for a complete explanation of these three areas. This report
will look at the culture of drinking at University, the reasons students give for drinking,
health related
Use Of Dramatic Irony In The Cask Of Amontillado
The cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allen Poe Edgar Allen Poe was an American author
known for having a mysterious dark side. He mostly used creepy narrator s to tell his
story s to add that eerie and disturbing feeling that makes the hairs on your neck stand
up. Poe s stories were typically tales using Irony. In The Cask of AmontilladoPoe does
not just use simple Irony, but he uses both verbal and dramatic irony to tell the tale of
an evil killer and his gullible victim. The story begins by letting the reader know that
Montresor has been wronged by someone he knows, a man by the name of Fortunato.
Poe s us of irony is recognized immediately by naming the victim in this story
Fortunato, this is Italian for the fortunate one. As we find out later in the story he is all
but fortunate. From the very beginning Poe shows Montresor s character flaws as being
a man of pride and having an attitude that if he is wronged the person who wronged him
will pay in the most sinister of ways.... Show more content on ...
Fortunato is supposed to be a connoisseur of fine wines and is delighted in the fact that
Montresor has the Amontillado. Fortunato cannot resist the desire to taste this wine and
he is blind to the fact the he has even insulted Montresor. Poe never discloses the exact
nature of the insult. On their way down to the catacombs to find the Amontillado,
Fortunato has a horrible cough. All the while smiling in Fortunato s face and showing
concern for his cough, Montresor has a plan. He is verbally telling Fortunato about the
wine and talking about the scenery and he knows Fortunato will not be coming back with
Analyzing Active Listening Skills. Essay
The theories of counselling, listening skills sessions, offered the opportunity to learn and
exercise the practical application of listening skills. Such skills involved actively
listening to the speaker and asking forth bringing questions. The knowledge attained
throughout the theories of counselling module, was applied in these practical sessions.
Even though the students in these listening skills sessions were supposed to work in
mock therapeutic session, it was made clear that these exercises did not provide the
necessary training for the students to become professional counsellors. Nevertheless this
does not mean that these practices were not helpful. We were provided the possibility to
gain a better and newer understanding of the... Show more content on ...
The listener has to show that they are following the speaker by sending out non verbal
signals (Canadian Association of Student Activity Advisers, n.d.). Throughout each
listening session I gave short comforting smiles, and nodded occasionally to reassure
the listener that they had my attention. The various facial expressions that were
usually in line with what the speaker was saying were clear indicators of attention in
both listening sessions. In the second listening video my facial expression was not
always corresponding to what the speaker was saying. This was also pointed out by
the Observer, who stated that I did not respond in an enthusiastic manner to the
speaker s enthusiastic speech (Ross Short, 2011). I provided good Soler contact in
both sessions, my proximity to the speaker was upright and I was sitting at a
comfortable angle and distance to the speaker, at all moments. My posture was open,
relaxed and inviting. As meaning cannot always be conveyed effectively, the listener
must participate actively in the cycle of communication (Canadian Association of
Student Activity Advisers, n.d.). In either session, I tried to offer short, reassuring
verbal comments to encourage the speakers in their speech process. During the first
listening session, I did not need to provide many encouraging, verbal comments as the
speaker had a very good speech flow. Before I made a comment, I waited for the speaker
to finish talking in order
Postural Stress Relief
Postural Stress Relief

Postural stress that mostly comes from the areas of your shoulders and neck is prone
to happening after sitting for long periods of time. Desk workers especially may
experience pain in the lower back and gluteal areas. This is where massages can play a
key role in the healing process in any discomfort you may have related to postural stress.
Massages can counteract the imbalance caused from sitting for a long period of time,
just don t forget to schedule a regular massage.

Releasing Muscle Tension and Toxins

For all you fit folks experiencing sore muscles after a strenuous workout, massages can
benefit you. Even just a 10 minute massage can help with inflammation and body
recovery. A good massage can actually improve ... Show more content on
Massage, whether we label it as a form of pampering or pain management, can greatly
help with anxiety, depression, sleep quality, fatigue and concentration. Massages release
endorphins so these amino acids that work as the body s natural painkiller increase our
happiness. It is important to take note that experts have estimated approximately 99
percent of disease is stress related, so one must manage this stress before it impacts our
health negatively. Clients come out of massage clinics with a much better sense of
perspective and clarity.

The emotional balance bodywork is just as important as the tangible physical benefits
that are associated with massages, so both your body and your brain will loves you for
it. Massages can also boost brainpower by raising alertness. In the 1996 Touch Research
Institute Study (TRI), adults who were given a 15 minute chair massage were much
more alert afterwards and were able to complete a series of math problems much more
accurately and faster than before.

Healthcare Relational And Object-Oriented Database
Database is an organized collection of data, references, or pictures that s stored in the
computer. The healthcare database replace paper documents, file folders, and filing
cabinets. Its real time processing that delivers health information. When a name is put in
the computer you can see instant results, just as placing orders or results into the EHR
and the information is instantly stored there. A database is composed both of data, and
of programs or software to enter and manipulate the data. Both data and software are
stored within the computers which support the database. There are two common types of
databases used in healthcare, relational and object oriented database. The relational
database stores data in predefined tables and the
Life In Trenches
What was life in the trenches like? This is a question you might ask yourself after
learning more about WW1 and its exploits. Soldiers did not have an easy life to live in
the trenches and everyday just grew harder. Trenches are basically long narrow
ditches that were dug by soldiers for shelter from enemy fire. Back in WW1, the
trenches became a place where soldiers would live and sleep with poor living
conditions. The way the trenches in WW1 were set up was with the German trenches
on one side and all the Allied trenches on the other. Between the two enemy trenches
would be no man s land which didn t belong to either one of the armies. Some soldiers
would climb out of the trenches and charge across no man s land to attack the enemy.
This tactic is known as going over the top .
Back then, soldiers often wouldn t sleep and when they found the time to it ... Show more
content on ...
This makes sense considering soldiers were living in basically tunnels with no toilets or
other necessities. Trenches were described as cold, muddy and smelly. If soldiers
wanted to use the bathroom they would have to dig holes and those toilets would
sometimes overflow into the trenches. Soldiers would also have to live in the trenches
alongside multiple rats carrying diseases. Rat infestation was a huge problem in the
trenches as they would feed on the soldier s food and chew up their clothing. They were
two types of rats in the trenches, the black and brown rat. Both of these rats were hated
however, the brown rats were particularly feared. This was because brown rats were
often seen devouring human remains in a grotesque manner by eating their eyes and
liver. Soldiers often said that the rats could grow to be as big as a cat. They tried to get
rid of these rats with methods such as gunfire, dogs, using bayonets and battering them to
death. But no matter how much they tried, the rats would still come back and continue to
Balanchine In Modern Dance
It is thus indisputable that Balanchine s revolutionary choreography is still revered to
this day. In addition, Symons personally recognizes Balanchine as historically, the most
influential figure who contributed to modern dance. In a recent questionnaire she wrote
of how He transformed dance into unconventional classical lines, turned in (parallel)
shapes and revolutionised costume design away from the traditionalism of the classical
tutu (Symons, 2017). His choreography was considered unorthodox as Balanchine took
traditional classical steps and experimented with them in a way that people hadn t seen
before (Kisselgoff, 1983). After failing at many attempts to open a modern classical
school, an opportunity to co fund a strictly regimented and traditional balletsociety was
offered to him, he gladly accepted and eventually incorporated his neo classical style into
the traditional performances. Soon his work became famous amongst ballet associates
around the world (Kisselgoff, 1983). When Balanchine s choreography is compared to
that of typical romantic ballet, there is clearly a difference between the unyielding
fundamentals of ballet and the constant changing details in Balanchine s work. The main
element that set Balanchine apart from other contemporary choreographers at the time
was his use of music (NYCB, 2002). Balanchine grew up with a composer as a father,
when he began devising routines he used music to set the tone of the performance
(NYCB, 2002). Balanchine
The Pale Blue Dot, By Joel Achenbach
People often think about how vast, or how important the Earth is, it is the domain of the
human race. Where they strive to be the best, compete against others, world powers
against another. But, in the vast reality of the cosmos, the Earth, is nothing more than a
tiny little pale blue dot. Described none other than Carl Sagan, The Pale Blue Dot, reveals
the scary reality about the placement of the human race in the enveloping cosmic dark. In
his quote, Sagan uses pathos and logos about this reality, opening a deeper understanding
that beyond the planet Earth, humans are nothing more than insignificant. He has
revolutionized the way that people view our home, and the cosmos around it. Joel
Achenbach starts his Smithsonian article... Show more content on ...
They also took advantage of the gravitational pull of these reducing the time and fuel to
travel through the solar system, it was like a sling shot effect. The Voyager satellites
were launched in 1977, Voyager I mission was to study Jupiter and Saturn, and
Voyager II, Uranus and Neptune. The mission brought back stunning evidence that the
people behind the mission didn t anticipate for. Io, for example, was the discovered to
have massive geological activity (the only other orbiting object besides Earth). The
Voyager s recorded nine eruptions during their brief orbit (NASA Jet Propulsion
Laboratory, News and Archives). In Carl Sagan s show, Cosmos, he mentions that
Voyager captured lightning on the dark side of Jupiter (Sagan Ep. 1). This is just one
example of many scientific break throughs that the Voyagers have documented. Even
up to 2012, mission control is still receiving signals from the Voyager satellites, as of
August 25th, 2012, Voyager I surpassed the heliopause of the solar system (NASA Jet
Propulsion Laboratory, News and Archives). Once the Voyagers completed their
primary mission of encountering the outer gas giants, as Voyager I was heading toward
the outer reaches of the solar system, Sagan was among those who persuaded NASA to
aim the spacecraft s camera back toward Earth, by then billions of miles away.
How Is Hamlet A Complex Character
Throughout the years, Shakespeare s play Hamlet has been recreated in many different
lights. Hamlet has been remade for television approximately 25 different times. Also, it
has been performed countless amounts of times since it was created. Through each
retelling the plot line stays relatively the same. However, characters can often be seen
being portrayed in different characteristics. Hamletis a common characterwho is often
displayed in a variety of contexts.
Throughout the many renditions of Hamlet, the character Hamlet has been portrayed in
countless lights. Hamlet s character ranges through the spectrum of being a conflicted
and hesitant boy to a vengeful and courageous man. One side of the spectrum is that
Hamlet is conflicted, hesitant and quite possibly mad. Many say he tends to over think
his duties and many other aspects of his life. However, others claim that Hamlet
displays acts of vengeful and witty attributes. Throughout the play, there as scenes
where Hamlet over thinks and hesitates on his decisions causing him to lose the
opportunity. For example, a key scene to Hamlet s hesitation is Act 3.3 where he
decided not to kill Claudius Now might I do it pat, now he is a praying, and now I ll do
t....when he is fit and seasoned for his ... Show more content on ...
This is a more common theme throughout the play with many major scenes occurring
around the idea of over thinking. A prime example of Hamlets over thinking nature is
present in Act 3.1 during his conversation with Ophelia. Hamlet s famous To be or not
to be speech is also an example of his overthinking as to whether he should live or not,
To be or not to be, that is the question: Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings
and arrows of outrageous fortune... and, by opposing, end them. To die, to sleep ...
(3.1.57 61). Hamlet tends to show his overthinking nature more often than he does his
Martial Arts Has Impacted Every Facet Of Korean Life
From the earliest times in Korean history, martial arts have impacted every facet of
Korean life. Martial arts in Korea have remained fluid and ever changing as a result of
movement and connections of other cultures and countries throughout Asia. It is difficult
for us as Americans to understand just how significant of an impact martial arts had on
everyday life during this time in Korean history; however, we can look into multiple key
relationships to attain a better understanding of just how much that influence had
throughout the Korean peninsula. The history of Korean martial artsis rooted in their deep
connection to Korean government, culture, and religion. The three kingdoms period
began around 57 AD and can be seen as the true... Show more content on
This terrain allowed for very power legs, leading to even more powerful kicks. The
Korean martial art of Tae Kwon Do originated from subak and taekkyon. While this
martial arts has its origins dating back thousands of years, it is relatively modern only
dating back to the 1940s and 1950s. The martial art of tae kwon do is quite aggressive,
strength versus strength. Typically tae kwon do is referred to as a hard style art,
where as hapkido, another Korean martial art is considered a soft style art. Hapkido
originated from yool sool, as well as tae kyon and unlike tae kwon do, it focused on
throws and kicks rather than strength versus strength. Hapkido and tae kwon do alike
each have there differences, but modern hapkido and tae kwon do are still seen in
numerous military and security organizations as effective methods of self defense.
Korean governments, especially that of Koguryo saw an enormous connection to the
martial arts. These connections ranged from the structure and function of the
government to the basis of all order and infrastructure. Early Korean warriors and tribal
units needed martial arts as they took over and conquered other territories. Consequently,
the foundations of each of the three kingdoms is that of a fighting spirit, and marital
arts. Society also encouraged the advancement of martial arts as a means of protection
from outside invasions and as a way to advance yourself socially. The constant threat of
attack from an opposing force made
Essay about Jewish History
Jewish History

Ever since the Jews were driven from their homeland (now known as Israel) they have
faced discrimination and prejudice, mainly due to their beliefs and culture. They spread
throughout the world and in some countries they were welcomed and enjoyed periods of
peace with their neighbors, however in Europe the population was mainly Christian and
the Jews found themselves being branded as outsiders. The reason Jewish and Christian
populations couldn t get along was due to different religious beliefs and for many years
the Church taught of how it believed the Jews had killed Jesus, however in modern times
this view has been discredited by many historians.

In Russia there was a long ... Show more content on ...
In 1905 the Tzar s secret police published perhaps the most notorious example of pre
Nazi anti semitic propaganda. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion put forward
the notion that an organiation of elite Jews were planning to take over the world. It was
a hoax but this did not stop it from being circulated throughout Europe and America and
it helped fuel Nazism in the 1930 s.

Meanwhile during this period Frances Jewish population was far less than Easten Europe.
French Jews had been the first in Europe to be given equal rights as citizens and
enjoyed freedom throughout France. However in 1894, French Captain Alfred
Dreyfus, a French Jew, was tried for high treason and sentenced to life imprisonment in
total isolation on Devil s Island, off the coast of the peal colony of French Guiana. It
took many years for the truth to be known: Dreyfus was totally innocent of the crime
and false evidences had been used to convict him. This high profile case highlighted the
fact that anti semitism was present in advanced Western Europe as well a more
backward states of Eastern Europe.

The Jews of Germany had already been living continuously in different parts
Pros And Cons Of A Well-Cut White Shirt
A white shirt VS a well cut white shirt
Compared to all the colours of shirts that are available in the market, white and black
colour has always been the top priority to men. Especially, white shirt in men has a
special appeal that appears out of nowhere and this gets the women going. A perfectly
ironed or slightly crinkled up buttoned down white shirt has always been known to give
the men a look of class. This particular piece of dress goes along well with any of the
jean or the formal pants.
Well cut white shirt
We all know what a normal white shirt is. Now let us look at what a well cut white
shirt is actually is. We have seen these in advertisements and also in shops. Basically, a
well cut white shirt is a normal white shirt that has been custom tailored to accentuate
the physique of a man. So say so, this particular shirt is cut at the right places to make
the man look toned up and to show off his muscles that he has worked hard to develop.
Why this particular white shirt
One might ask like why we have to go in for this well cut white shirt when we can
simply just purchase the white shirt from the shops. Just take a second here and think
about few things. Have you ever seen the commercials for these types of shirts while
watching some show on the television? Just imagine how those men look in those well ...
Show more content on ...
We have seen that, white shirts have more fabric, especially near the waist and thus
make it difficult to tuck them in and even after tucking in; some of the fabric is loose
on the sides and makes the person to look bulky or fat. Also, the sleeves of the white
shirt is generally long and even after rolling them up, it never helps in showing off your
arms. When you look at the videos that are available on YouTube, one can see that when
the ideal white shirts for the men are discussed, majority of the people are going in for
the well cut look rather than the regular white
Honey Bees Deducting
In the past year the U.S has lost 44 percent of its honeybee colonies. Certain bee species
are on the brink of extinction because of climate change and the resulting malnutrition.
People don t understand how a world without bees wouldn t be good. Without bees,
stores would have a hard time stocking honey, fruits, vegetables and dairy products.
Scientist are looking for ways to help save the bees. The famous cereal, honey nut
cheerios even decided to remove the familiar mascot to help draw attention to the

Chapter 7, deductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning is taking a general case that is

understood and making it specific. For deductive reasoning to take place you first have
to have a general idea about what it is. Once you have a
Using Open Data For Business Choices
Helping Consumers It is safe to assume that the use of open data would effectively
boost the strength of businesses. (Manyika, Chui, Farrell, Van Kuiken, Groves, Almasi
Doshi, 2013) And while this is true, the McKinsey Global Institute makes the bold
claim that open data benefits consumers even more than businesses. (Manyika, Chui,
Farrell, Van Kuiken, Groves, Almasi Doshi, 2013) They go on to discuss the reasoning
behind this, and it makes a lot of sense. While the data provided can be used by
providers to make effective business choices, the same data can also be presented to
customers on a platform that is not the company, giving them the chance to receive less
biased information. This allows them to make informed choices with their purchasing,
whether it is choosing a different form of the product they are seeking, or another brand
or company all together. Improved Education Choices The information provided by open
data has the potential to increase the ability to make informed choices when it comes to
education and learning. (Park Shelton, 2012) The documented highlighted provides many
examples of how the information gained can be effectively used by schools and
individuals. It also highlights examples of the goals for the future of its growth. One of
the concepts that stood out was making students own data available to them in a form
that allows them to see where they are struggling, and subsequently tying that to data that
shows how to improve in these
Sleeping Beauty s Castle Essay
Sleeping Beauty s Castle

The past has a great influence on present culture. However ideas and themes of the past
can change with time. This is true with the ideas associated with the medieval castle.
These castles, which once served as a military fortress as well as a residence, are now
often associated with the fantastical, popular images people can have of the middle ages.
Sleeping Beauty s castle at Disneyland is a good example because it represents an idea to
many people of what a medieval castle may have looked like. However the Disney
castle is not an exact representation of a medieval castle. The differences in style and
architecture between the Sleeping Beauty Castle and a medieval castle reflect each castle
s varying ... Show more content on ...
A fantasy world involving kings and queens; knights and courtly love.

Sleeping Beauty s castle resembles a late 14th, early 15th century castle, Pierrefonds.
Pierrefonds is located in Northern France, near the city of Compiegne. Pierrefonds
was one of a group of castles constructed by the Compte de Valois to form a vast
military area threatening Paris. It replaced an older citadel which had fallen through
years of war. This new castle did not last long either before it began to crumble. It
suffered through various battles, such as the Hundred years war, in which the English
and French fought over this castle, and it s domain, as well as over many others. By
the time Napoleon had acquired power, the castle was in ruins. It was his nephew,
Napoleon III, who took on the task of restoring the castle. He hired the famous
architect, Viollet le Doc, the same architect who headed the reconstruction of the Notre
Dame, to rebuild the castle. Pierrefonds was much altered in Viollet s restoration;
however its general external appearance is a faithful representation of what once
existed. The Pierrefonds castle is typical of a medieval gothic castle because it
functioned as a protective fortress as well as an elaborate residence. The castle formed
an enclosed fortified stronghold from which aristocrats could rule their domain, and
govern over the local town.

History Of Egypt And Southwestern Part Of Egypt
In the past periods, the northwestern part of Sudan and southwestern part of Egypt (Kehl
and Bornkamm, 1993) were with great effective moisture, which are evident from
archaeological sites associated with remnants of playa or lake deposits. This was the
source of recharge in the NSAS. The estimated recharge rates of the pluvial period were
a little high at the Uweinat highlands and central Sudan area (7 15 mm/year), and low in
northern Sudan and southern Egyptarea (6 8 mm/year) (Fig. 13). During the filling up
process, the high hydraulically conductive sandstones (~ 4.4Г—10 5 to 1.3Г—10 4 ms 1)
in the area between central Sudan and Uweint Asawn uplift were filled up with water to
the surface with a general flow in a NE direction from Erdi... Show more content on ...
The groundwater flow from the foothills of the Uweinat highlands has followed the
relief of the underlying basement rocks. As the aquifer became full and the
groundwater level rose to the ground surface at the Uweinat area, the excess
precipitation has formed drainage systems flowing in an ENE direction (Fig. ) to the
Tushka depression. This is evidenced from processing of the Radarsat and SRTM
images over this area. Therefore, these surface drainages were drained the excess
water above the surface away from the system. The groundwater has flowed
northeastwards from Uweinat foothills within the Dakhla Basin from Dakhla to Farafa
and from Farafra to Bahariya oasis. Provided that the spatial distribution of the high
hydraulically conductive sandstones within the Basin, which covered the Precambrian
basement slopping northwards. In addition to, the ages of groundwater samples
increase progressively along the groundwater flow direction within the Dakhla Basin.
Krypton 81 and chlorine 36 (Sturchio et al., 2004; Patterson et al., 2005) show a
progression of groundwater ages from Dakhla oasis (~210 230 kyr) to Farafra oasis
(~320 330 kyrs) with relatively high flow velocities (~1 m/yr; 3.17 Г— 10 8 m/s) and
with low flow velocities (~0.2 m/yr; 6.34 Г— 10 9 m/s) from the Farafra to
Essay about Brasil Foods Case
Brasil Foods Case Strategy Map | Consolidate Domestic Foothold| Measure Target|
Initiative Budget| Financial| BRF owns 77% of domestic revenue generated from food
retailers. BRF needs to invest in selling a wider variety of food services in order to grow
their market share and generate more revenue domestically. | Measure: Growth in
domestic market share and revenue.Target: Incur gradual growth in revenue to sustain a
revenue increase from the domestic market by targeting smaller chain locations in the
metropolitan areas.| Initiative: Continue to increase in their market share expansion
plans by growing revenues and profits compared to previous years. Budget: Moderate;
BRF has been providing food materials to... Show more content on ...
| Measure: Implementing business processes and systems worthy of being conducted
by BRF (or the two companies separately).Target: Use the pros of both companies and
try to eliminate the cons (aka business processes and system adjustments).| Initiative:
Efficiency and productivity is key in the companies to achieve their set out merged
goals under BRF. Budget: Medium; Considering the amount of time it might take to
combine data from both companies with different systems may result in a new system
being built, requiring some investment by BRF. Business processes have to be picked
and sorted into a new bracket from which optimization of results can be observed
quarterly. Elimination of bad/negative business processes are key, and thus this will
also require some investment by BRF to figure out. Thus, a good chunk of an
investment needs to be made.| Learning amp; Growth (People)| A key issue to the
success of BRF is the combination of the two sets of employees from Perdigao and
Sadia. Collaboration that is positive and without a rival culture will propel BRF in
achieving its set out goals.| Measure: Surveys done to evaluate the whole morale in the
working environment and their satisfaction. Feedback could also be approached, but
anonymously. Target: Create a positive working environment that will be a proud part of
BRF instead of their prior companies. | Initiative: In order to maintain its high standing in
Opec Organization Of The Petroleum Exporting Countries
The region I chose is OPEC, which is the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting
Countries. OPEC was established in 1961 with 5 countries. Since then, it has expanded
to 12 countries: Algeria, Angola, Ecuador, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar,
Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela. As technology improves and the
production of oil and natural gas fluctuates, changes in the economy will occur and create
tensions and conflicts, as well as opportunities. Because of OPECs impact on the global
economy for natural gas and oil, the strengthening of these countries connections open
the door for the emergence of a new world region. There are many economic indicators
that affect the OPEC organization. This chart is a... Show more content on ...
In a speech made by Mr. Mohammad Barkindo, OPEC is focused on Securing an
efficient, economic and regular supply of petroleum to consuming nations; and a fair
return on their capital to those investing in the petroleum industry. The organization
holds meetings to discuss what is going on in the global oil and gas economy to
establish a reasonable price per barrel. Each country holds a different number of the
global oil reserves so the price effects them differently. If the market can stabilize at the
right price, the countries can move past tensions and build stronger relationships and
create a larger global impact.According to the U.S. Energy Information Association,
OPEC member countries produce about 40 percent of the world s crude oil. Equally
important to global prices, OPEC s oil exports represent about 60 percent of the total
petroleum traded internationally. The other 60 percent of production comes from non
OPEC countries. According to, the OPEC countries are in control of 81
percent of the crude oil reserves. The demand for oil is increasing exponentially. The
United States alone is expected to increase by 1.6 billion barrels by 2016. The
organization contains a spare capacity on hand in case of an oil crisis. The number each
country can reserve is based on the refinery capacity, which can be seen in the OPEC
African American Hegemonic Power
Western European hegemonic powers in the late 19th century took to Africa in search for
political and economic power, dividing the continent through aggression, displacing,
murdering, and/or drastically diminishing autonomy and quality of life, and exploiting
the land for resources and increase in the host nation s economic development to the
detriment of millions of Africans (Cooper). After British, French, and even Belgian
powers suffered tremendous economic decline, focus towards rebuilding their own
nations became priority, and a withdrawal of colonial power was quickly administered
following a mobilization of African dissenters, nationalists, and third world activists.
States detached from their colonial ancestors and formed anew through... Show more
content on ...
Many complexities determine the nature of decolonization, and even the nature of
nationalism, or lack there of. Nationalism was, and Shepard s and Chafer s theory is that
it continues to be, in Africa, a direct consequence of colonialism, and the two are closely
tied and possibly even correlated, although the nature of nationalism in Africa differed for
each nation. Parts of Africa, like Algeria, found strong, nation wide support towards a
singular nationalist movement, where as others, like in the case of the Mau Mau and the
loyalists in Kenya, found schisms within their own community regarding how the nation
should be decolonized and how sovereignty should be addressed. As a result, many
nations found that they upheld the same colonial structures that oppressed them in the
first place, or at least worked closely with such colonial institutions. The reasons for such
differences have to do with the colonial powers and how they viewed the decolonization
process. Although both the French and British wanted to retain influence throughout the
process, the methods through which they decolonized were vastly different. Surprisingly,
even though the French found themselves in bloody conflict in Algeria, they were able
to retain significant influence over their colonies in West Africa and the sub Saharan.
Just as diverse as Africa is demographically, it also proved to be just as diverse in how
African nations
Dental Practice Management Case Study
Choosing dental practice management software (dpms) may not always be the sole
choice of the dental hygienist, yet, it is utilized a great deal by the hygienist. With more
than thirty dental practice management software companies to choose from, there is a
benefit to developing your own criteria for acquiring the software that will best suit the
needs of the practice. This information was presented to a group of first year dental
hygiene students currently using Dentrix software. I discussed three dental practice
managementsoftware companies. After my lecture, the students should be able to
discussed what kind of technical support and availability the software has, cost
effectiveness of each software and, what needs each software can meet... Show more
content on ...
When searching for a new job, most advertisements require the knowledge of a certain
dpms. My dental office changed dpms about three years ago. Although I was not an
advanced user in the new software, I was familiar with it, which made training for the
new software easier.
During my research, I found over thirty dental practice management software companies.
The three I discussed were Dentech, Mogo, and EagleSoft. I asked if any of the students
had heard of these companies, and a couple mentioned they had heard of EagleSoft. Each
of these companies have been operating for more than twenty years.
After reviewing the student evaluations, I am satisfied that my objectives and goals were
met. Most of the students mentioned that they had not considered the hours of operation
of telephone technical support. This seemed to be important to them. I found this to be
interesting, because the majority of my class seemed to be Millennials. The millennial
generation is characterized as being more tech savvy.
Some of the students mentioned that my movements were somewhat distracting. One
student thought I was sitting during the lecture. I was standing before I begin and
throughout the lecture. I did move around some, but, I cannot recall a lecture where the
speaker stood in one
Distinguish Between Micro, Mecio And Macro Levels Of
Distinguish between micro, mezzo and macro levels of practice and provide an
example for each. There are various differences between micro, mezzo and macro levels
of practice. The micro level consists of a one on one session with the social worker to
strengthen the client s coping skills and self esteem. The microis based on an individual
level referring to the day to day setting inhabited by the person and people they live with.
It focuses on the individual or family. Examples include finding housing for the
individual, healthcare or substance abuse help. It expands as the person grows. An
example would be drawing a diagram with the individual or family being the focus and
everything outside of that circle would be affecting the familyor individual in several
ways. The focus is on the micro level because it pertains to either the individual or the
The mezzo level is about the individual s surrounding environment. It pertains to
neighborhoods, schools and other entities. It is about providing services for the
neighborhood or community. For example, the focus may be on making schools aware of
certain mental health services and helping them obtain them.
The macro level is the organization, assumptions, myths, and ideologies of the larger
world. The universe hosting the smaller systems. An example of this would be lobby
days; individuals come together to advocate for a larger scale policy change. Once the
change occurs, it will affect everything within that
Closed Bail Bond Case Study
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Raleigh, NC) Individuals arrested and charged with a
crime in the state of North Carolina may be given the option of posting bail to secure
their release before trial. Case Closed Bail Bonds offers 24 hours bail bonds in
Raleigh, North Carolina and other areas of the state, as the company wishes to help
people make bail, reunite family and friends, and regain some control over their life.
People, however, often fail to understand what a bail bond is and how it may be of
help. Courts retain the right to set bail for a defendant under state law. As each case is
unique, a judicial official is tasked with determining the appropriate amount of bail. The
state feels a rigid bail schedule interferes with the ability of the official to make an
individualized decision. However, in cases involving drug trafficking, Class A G felons,
and habitual felons, general guidelines have been issued. The bail bondsman has no
control over the amount to be paid, Evan Harkinson,... Show more content on ...
Many people find they are unable to gather the money to do so. A bail bondsman may
be of help at this time. A bail bondsman secures the release of the defendant for a set
fee. He or she then guarantees the remaining amount of the bail as required by the
court. This does not affect the charges the defendant is facing, which some people
believe is the case. All it does is allow the defendant to remain free until his or her day
in court, Harkinson continues. Any fee paid to the bondsman is not returned once the
case has been finalized. He or she retains this money for services rendered. However, in
the event the defendant does not show up in court, anyone who signed for the bail may
be held responsible for the full amount or any money spent in trying to locate the
defendant. Care must be taken when determining if this is the appropriate
Grammatical Analysis To Chisholm
Lexical and grammatical analysis Avoidance of agency or attribution of agency to
collectivities and not individuals, is a characteristic feature of Chisholm s speech. She
tends to use generalized and impersonal constructions. For instance, in the opening
phrases of the address, she puts forth the following example: [...] when a young
woman graduates from college and starts looking for a job, she is likely to have a
frustrating and demeaning experience ahead of her. If she walks into an office for an
interview, the first question she will be asked is, Do you type? The underlying
assumption of this fragment is that all women are generally thought to be only capable
of performing tasks that involve little or no responsibility, as it is in the case of... Show
more content on ...
Men and women need these things equally. That one sex needs protection more than the
other is a male supremacist myth as ridiculous and unworthy of respect as the white
supremacist myths that society is trying to cure itself of at this time. Again, women s
social standing is compared to the situation of ethnic minorities, as the male supremacist
myth is likened to the white supremacist
Cynthia Ozick s The Shawl
Flint fire starters, weapons, food supplies, and many other physical objects are some
tools necessary for survival. But some of the most crucial tools needed to survive are
psychological. Cynthia Ozick s The Shawl depicts the struggle of surviving through
adversities. The story follows the unfavorable journey of Rosa, her infant daughter
Magda, and a young girl named Stella at a Nazi concentration camp. Rosa believes that
a shawl gives her hope for Magda s survival during the horror of what the Holocaust
brought. Ozick emphasizes that Magda s shawl represents life and survival, while Rosa
is determined to protect her innocent daughter. Some of the most important keys to
survival are holding on to hope and making the right decisions during... Show more
content on ...
When Ozick wrote, Magda s mouth was spilling a long vicious rope of clamor (248)
and grieving the loss of her shawl (248), it was evident that the shawl was important to
Magda. In order for Magda to survive, Rosa has to make a quick decision. Rosa thinks
that it is useless to go after Magda first as her howling would not stop because she will
still not have the shawl (248) and she was confident her daughter would not survive.
But if she goes after the shawl first, Magda would put the shawl in her mouth and turn
dumb again (248), which in her mind was a more reasonable path to take. Little did
she know she will be too late. Rosa s lack of trust that she might be able to calm
Magda for a while without the shawl, caused her Magda life. Once again Rosa could
have possibly given Magda her best chance of surviving by going after her daughter first
but she chose a different
Hills Like White Elephants Character Analysis
How does the way people portray themselves reveal more about them and the life they
live? Paying close attention to the emotions of a character and their actions can allow for
more comprehension. The use of characterization within the story Hills Like White
Elephants aids the reader to further understand the persona of an individual. In return,
this allows the reader to understand them on a deeper level with a powerful connection.
Without characterization, it would be difficult for the individual reading to form a bond
with the man and the girl because they wouldn t truly understand what they re going
through. In Hills Like White Elephants , by Ernest Hemingway, the American s dialogue,
the way the girl converses and where their eyes wander give insight on how the man and
the girl have communication difficulties.

Throughout the story, it s made evident through dialogue that the man has a strong need
to assert his dominance which damages his relationship with the girl. Firstly, the man
appears to have total control within their relationship, even with uncomplicated factors.
When they order drinks, the man says, Let s drink beer. , and he simply orders them
following this statement. The girl can easily make this straightforward decision herself,
but the man feels the need to take complete control. Also, when it comes to crucial life
matters, the American still asserts his dominance. The need for the man to have control
when it comes to important matters is seen when
The Message Of Text Messaging Essay
Text messaging turns out to be most prevalent path for youngsters to stay in touch with
today and is also destroying the way we are communicating. Presently we can utilize
online networking to get our messages out to thousands or millions of individuals
uncensored. Everything is always showing signs of change; especially technology. Since
change is unavoidable, rather than opposing it, individuals should figure out how to
grasp and adjust to it. With each new innovation comes the obligation of taking care of it.
All technological innovations must be utilized with social and moral obligation. This
paper will clarify the Christian Worldview on the utilization text messagingand how
technological innovation is supposed to be consumed properly.

Text messaging is now the most popular form of daily communication between adults,
new figures show. Text messaging has overtaken speaking on a cellphone and up close
and personal contact as the most utilized strategy for every day correspondence in the
middle of loved ones (Grant Meadows 2014). The first text message was sent on
December 3, 1992 by Neil Papworth, a 22 year old engineer from his personal computer.
The text message read Merry Christmas. Omnipoint Communications, the principal GSM
transporter in America, set up the first text messaging service in the United States.
Omnipoint not long after offered the primary messaging between the US and whatever
remains of the world, beginning a 160 character smaller scale
Satan s Role In Ancient Polytheistic Religion
First of all, there is the fact that, because Satan is not associated to one particular
element considered evil, such as darkness, death or droughts, but rather to all the evils
that exist, he can change and evolve with time. Since he created indirect evil, depending
on which group is being studied, such as Christians for example, there will always be
another group to consider different and satanic, be it the Romans, the Muslims, the
Atheists or even other Christians. No matter the time in history, there will always be a
new event, a new group, or a new element to demonize.
The fact that Satan is able to evolve in such a way helps him remain relevant throughout
history. The similar figures discussed at the beginning came from polytheistic religions,
Ancient Egypt, Ancient Canaan, Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, so they had a
single specific function for which they existed. This meant they could be easily replaced
by another deity with the same role, and so they d be either forgotten and lost in history,
or remember only as an old, dead God. This is most notably shown in the fact there were
four different Gods used as an example to discuss similar evil figures in ancient
polytheistic religions. ... Show more content on ...
As a matter of fact, there is not a single, strict and definite way that Satan can be
described. He is obviously known by many names; Lucifer, Beelzebub, The Devil,
Prince of Darkness, Father of Lies, Evil One...these are all different titles given to Satan,
yet they all don t necessarily mean the same thing. Different groups can hence take the
overall main idea of Satan and the function he fulfills in the world, and adapt him to fill
that same role, but in accordance to their own beliefs. This simply comes to show just
how versatile Satan really
What Accounting And Finance Is And Why It Has An
This report focuses primarily on the understanding of what Accounting and Finance is
and why it has, and will continue to be, an important aspect of any business further
exploring its subsequent relevance in guiding those who work in these areas.

Accounting, a practice which goes back many millennia, arises from the concept which
Britton and Waterston (2005, p. 03) believe came about when managers (known then as
stewards) had to account for their stewardship of the owners money . Fundamentally, this
idea brought forward by Britton and Waterston, is possibly a leading factor when trying
to understand what accounting is which is defined by the Institute of Chartered
Accountants in England and Wales ... Show more content on ...
While this may be the case, the final aim of preparing all these documents is to assist
people by communicating to them information on which they will subsequently make a
decision on.
Finance, similarly to accounting, assists people with their decision making. The
difference being that finance focuses mostly on the way a business entity raises and
invests funds. According to an extract from the University of North Carolina Wilmington
titled, What is Finance? , finance incorporates the study of money and other assets, the
management of those assets and being able to profile and manage project risks . In this
way, it is clear to see how accounting and finance are linked because without accounting
information, none of the above incorporations would be possible. Finance can be divided
into three categories: public, personal and corporate finance.
пѓ Public finance is the study of the role of the government in the economy and how
resources are allocated (Atkinson and Stiglitz. 1980)
пѓ Corporate finance is the area of finance which dealt with the way a business sourced
funds and used them to increase the overall value of the business.
пѓ Personal finance is simply the finance that an individual deals with taking into
considerations risks and future events.

There are various types of Accounting which serve different purposes but are of equal
significance when it comes to the well being and
Personal Development Review and Plan
Personal Development Stage 1

Review and Development Plan

Table of Contents Page

Introduction My Personal Development Review My Personal Development Plan


At the Introduction to PD workshop I identified two broad reasons why I decided to
pursue my MBA. The first was to develop my competence as a manager. The second
and more important reason was to advance my career by making myself more
marketable. The job market today is undoubtedly very competitive and I realised that a
first degree was not sufficient if I wanted to climb the corporate ladder . It is hoped that
this MBA would help me to take advantage of any future opportunities when they become
available. My personal development journey thus far has quite ... Show more content on ...
From completing the questionnaire I think my core skills of team working and
communication need moderate development. The team roles that best describe me are:
Monitor Evaluator, Team worker and Completer/Finisher (Belbin 1993). If I know
myself as well as I think I do, I think these roles are more in line with my personality. At
work I get involved in various projects and 4

I am a great team player. I am always willing to lend support and I generally get along
well with other colleagues. I feel confident that I can display this level of commitment
to the team assignments during the second stage of the MBA program. My coaching
and facilitation skills however are in need of serious development. Again I think my
personality has a major part to play because I always avoid roles that would entail me
being in the spot light and I just prefer to blend in. With this understanding of the roles
that I am more likely to gravitate towards and the ones I stay clear of, I have to wonder
if avoiding the other roles would negatively impact on my overall development. But I
also question if this is how group dynamics work since no one person can be perfect at
everything. But I definitely know that my shyness and lack of confidence is one of my
biggest weaknesses which could jeopardize my effectiveness as a leader or manager.

Reflection on my behaviour in the workplace and my learning group I completed the

online Keirsey Temperament
Frederick Douglass Cuts through the Lincoln Myth to...
Frederick Douglass goes on a journey to help stop the people who are being taken away
from their families. Frederick Douglass continues the movement of Antislavery.
Frederick Douglass resumed the Antislavery movement on February 1818 February 20,
1895. Frederick Douglass, Anna Murray, African Americans, and slaves were the type
of people to go on to follow this movement. This movement was to help stop the people
that were being stolen from their family. Frederick Douglass Cuts through the Lincoln
Myth to Consider the Man. Frederick Douglass was the main author of this speech. The
Antislavery movement took place in 1849. This speech was given in Ireland, Britain, and
United States. This movement was to help people learn to be equal with... Show more
content on ...
(Frederick Douglass Cuts Through The Lincoln Myth To Consider The Man). In this
statement he talks about how even though a person does not care about you; we should
never treat a person how we would not like to be treated and therefore we should thank
Abraham Lincoln and many others for everything they have done for the people.
Frederick Douglass gave this speech because it shows how his life was when he was
growing up and how he was just taken away from his family.
When giving this speech Frederick Douglass gives a big purpose on why he is giving
this speech in the first place. The purpose of Frederick Douglass giving this speech is
that he wants everybody to be free from all the nonsense and to end people from being
taken away from their families. I am myself; you are yourself; we are two distinct
persons equal persons. What you are, I am. You are a man, and so am I. God created
both, and made us separate beings. We are distinct persons, and are each equally
provided with faculties necessary to our individual existence. (Ramsey, William)
(Frederick Douglass, Southerner). This point talks about how Frederick Douglass feels
like everybody is made by the same type of person and how everybody is born the same
type of person. Frederick Douglass goes on to feel that we are given equal types of
responsibilities to fulfill our life as a
Seamus Heaney Requiem For The Croppies
Writer Seamus Heaney was born in County Derry, Northern Ireland, 1939. The
beginnings of the Second World War therefore aligned with his upbringing and he was
witness to conflict from a young age. In addition, Northern Ireland was a divided country
which saw disunity within between protestants and catholics but also unionists and
loyalists, with unionists calling for independence against British rule. Requiem for the
Croppies is a poem published in Death of a Naturalist (1966) which primarily deals with
the 1798 Irish Rebellion, an uprising against Britain. Heaney conveys the oppressive
nature of British rule, the mistreatment imposed by such and positions the reader to
empathise with the rebels. He does this through the use of a sonnet... Show more content
on ...
In a similar way, the rhythm that accompanies the structure is confrontational in being
reminiscent of marching and political conflict. Requiem for the Croppies has a sprung
rhythm. This is broken and inconsistent and it is created through the use of broken
iambic pentameter and an imperfect rhyming scheme. For example, the line A people,
hardly marching, on the run is written in perfect iambic while words like Barley and
country and thrown and cannon demonstrate the imperfect rhyming scheme. The rhythm
is also reminiscent of military marching, however, the fact that it is disrupted further
mimics what the aforementioned line conveys the rebels were hardly marching . This
alludes to the historical context as it is true that the rebels were inexperienced and
unequipped, thus Heaney s construction of them is providing political commentary of
their experience. The rebels are further conveyed and endorsed through the use of
figurative and inclusive language. They re also juxtaposed with the British. The rebels
experience is conveyed towards the beginning of the poem with the lines We moved
quick and sudden in our own country and the priest lay behind ditches with the tramp .
This communicates how they had to run and hide, and how every member of society,
including but perhaps especially catholic priests, had to hide. Here Heaney makes
reference to the wider historical context of the British Irish conflict, and how British
dominance meant Irish
Lgbt Mental Health
The Correlations between Mental Health and Faith in the LGBT Community
Specific Aims
Is it true that there is a correlation between religion and mental health in individuals of
the LGBT community in University of California, Riverside?
How does religion negatively affect college students who identify as part of the LGBT
Introduction Purpose
Looking around in today s society we can see the immense diversity of people who live
around us. The vast differences among each individual in society is shaped not only by
their sexual identity but the religion they practice. Religion and spirituality guide the
ways that people operate in the private spheres of life, influence health, psychological
well being, efforts to cope with adversity ... Show more content on ...
I also felt that my struggle with religion greatly affected my mental health because I
constantly questioned whether or not the way I was thinking and felt was due to
something wrong with me. Growing up I also had many friends who struggled with their
faith, mental illness, and sexuality, by experiencing my study in personal life; I am able
to relate to the participants and subjects within my study. By being able to relate to my
subjects I can make my research better since I can better communicate with participants
and connect with the subjects. I better understand the subject I am studying and I can
better explain the data I am conveying. A problem that could arise from this though is
that I too biased and not as
Marie Gullemine Benoist Essay
Adoring one of the walls upstairs in the San Diego Museum of Art in the Balboa Park
is a neoclassical masterpiece crafted by French born artist Marie Guillemine Benoist.
This Oil painting, done on canvas, shows encased in a wreathed and rustic bronze
frame woven in fertile vines bearing fruit. With the respectful dimensions of 100.33 cm
(39.5 in.) length and 81.6 cm (32.13 in.) width, and hanging slightly above eye level it is
easy to behold the bold and obvious detailing of the beautiful young women it portrays.
However as visually stunning as this paintingmay be, the real beauty can be found in the
history, controversy, and significance this work conceals in secret.

Marie Gullemine Benoist also known as Marie Guillemine de Laville Leroux was born
in Paris France in 1768 where she later died in 1826. Being brought into the world at the
height of the neoclassical art movement it is no wonder this is where she drew her
artistic inspiration. The heavy influence of this style can be seen quite a bit through the
detailing Benoist included in her works of art. She is prominently known for the
romantic dresses, realistic contoured body detailing, and portrayal of beauty rather than
the reality which strictly corresponds with this style influenced by the classical art and
culture of ancient Rome and Greece. ... Show more content on ...
In 1787 However, she was kicked out of David s studio on account of she was a female
and the royal arts administration not being fond of the two sexes working admits each
other. In 1799 while in artistic independence, she created The Portrait of a Lady, in her
hometown of Paris, France. This was one of three paintings that she had shown, at the
Salon through their open exhibit policy. However, showing this painting at the Salon and
past artist affiliation caused the provocation of controversy for many years to
Basketball Throw Bracket
The way to construct a major league ball playoff bracket is described below. This will
let you track the competition all the way to the end of the World Series, so you ll
know how the World Champions won. The criteria for determining which teams make
the MLB playoffs are complex. Unless you are an avid follower, it can very difficult to
distinguish between wild cards, record holders and divisional winners. However, this
guide explains the basics in the playoffs that go into the decision of major league baseball
team, and decides which teams advance. This is the way to construct a baseballdivision
playoff bracket.

Know the definition of a playoff bracket. The playoff bracket simply shows the teams
that oppose each other in each round. Lots ... Show more content on ...
Once you have got the two winners from the division series on the NL side, those two
winning teams will have to play each other to get the league champions. In order to
demonstrate this on your baseball bracket, sketch a different 3 sided cube. Sketch a line
from the center of the division games boxes, and put the winning team on that line. Each
winning team should be joined together by using a vertical line. Do this for the AL and
the NL teams in the bracket.

Display the World Series champs. Once both leagues have played, there will be one
winner on each side. At this point both sides in your baseball playoff bracket will meet
in the page s center. Divide each league championship game in half by drawing a line
through the center of that game and enter the winning team on this line. There will be 2
teams written next to each other. The reason is that one team is in the National League
while the other is in the American League. You don t need a box now, just the line.

Champion of the World Series. The winner of your MLB playoff bracket will be
determined at the conclusion of the World Series. Underline the rival World Series
competitor team s names, by themselves. Jot down the victorious ballteam s name on this
line, writing champion beneath
Working Mom vs Stay at Home Mom
Topic: My Career Goal as a Home Maker/Stay at Home Mom
Question: Can being a Home Maker be viewed as a career?
Central Idea: A home maker plays a vital role in the family setting and in society.

There are Choices to be made when you become a Parent. Just like almost all newly
married couples. You have goals of what s next in your lives together. Finish college
and then get that perfect well paying job. Well that is exactly what I had in mind. Wow,
what would happen next would be life changing. We added a little baby boy to our family
. I remember telling my boss, I promise I m not going to quit my job . The day I gave
birth and I saw that precious baby; I knew I could not leave him to go back to work.
How could we make ... Show more content on ...
One of my most enjoyable roles that I have in this phase of my stay at home career is
my farm. I have started a business, I work on the farm while my kids are at school and
during the summer, I am able to work directly with my children and husband in our
cattle and hay operation. This for me would not be possible if I had an outside job.
Now that my children are older 19 and 15 it is rewarding to see the work ethics that
have been instilled in them. Many stay at home moms launch at home business. Even
though they may work within the home they are still flexible to take care of family
needs as they arise. Plus it builds the stay at home mom self esteem. In conclusion, the
choice is up to the individual person. It may be right for some and not for others. I do
feel that a stay at home mom can be considered a career. I may not receive payment for
the jobs that I do but the greatest payment or blessing in this case is the investment that I
have made to my children and the respect that I have from my husband and two boys for
the choice that was
Analyzing The Current And Future Economic Status Of Ohio
Analyzing the Current and Future Economic Status of Ohio
Abdulaziz Musallam December 4, 2014

Analyzing the Current and Future Economic Status of Ohio

This paper will start by tackling the economic situation in Ohio by defining the main
terms which we will use from time to time in this economic analysis. We will define
recession and depression in order to put these matters in the right perspective. According
to the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), recession is the period when
business activities have reached its peak and a fall starts. This continues until the time
when those business activities reach the bottom. In average, a recession lasts for one
year. Depression on the other hand is a downturn in economic activity. A great example
is the Great Depression of 1930. The term recession was coined during this period in
order to differentiate the event of 1930 from the smaller economic declines of 1910 and
1913 (Smiley, 2008). So we can lightly say that a depression can be said to be a recession
that lasts longer and its business activity decline is larger.
Having defined both the recession and depression, we can point out the difference. The
changes in GNP are the best test to use in getting the differences between the two terms.
For a depression, the GNP declines by more than 10 per cent (Moffat, n.d). On the other
hand a recession is an economic decline that is less severe. A number of world leaders
have warmed of the looming economic
My Life At The Beach House
You might not know my name or who I am, but that is not important, my story is
important. I had a twin brother named Neels. He died in a car crash along with my
mother when I was only five years old. After my brothers and mother s death, my father
thought it would be geniality for us to move to a beach house, to get distances from the
memories. I still remember the house like it was just yesterday, baby blue with special
memories of my father and I.
That beach house brought great time but it also brought the worst times of my life.
Next door was an extremely large mansion, although there lived a very rich and pretty
lady named Mariana. The beach house belonged to the pretty lady, but was sold to my
father by a very close friend of ... Show more content on ...
Flashback June 16, 2001 at 10:30p.m.
I was about seven years old, I was sitting on the edge of the couch with my feet
dangling in the air looking up at my father enjoying him watch TV. We heard a knock at
the door. I looked at my father Who could have come so late to greet us I asked my father.

Mr. Johnson: They didn t come to greet us, darling why don t, you head upstairs now

I: Daddy, why do I have to head upstairs?

Mr. Johnson: no response....

I knew I had to head upstairs because I never liked getting my father angry and he
always had his reasons. However, I didn t pay close attention; instead I hid beside the
stairs. I could hear my father talking to someone, though I couldn t see who my father
was talking to. Then I decided to head upstairs because whoever my father was talking
too was not important. It was just business related, but right as I was leaving Mr.
Mysteries guy said something that captured my attention. Mr. Johnson , I had to see
who that man was! The hint of my father being called Mr. Johnson didn t even pop or
imagine in my head at that time. All I got to see was half of his face, he had a scar on
his right eyebrow, and before Mr. Mystery s guy could leave I heard something else,
something about fake passports and ID s, although I didn t understand why.
End of Flashback
May 21, 2016 There s more to my past than I have told you....

What you need to know now is that woman

Key Impact Of Urbanization And Industrialization On...
1. One key impact of urbanization and industrialization on American society: Rapid
migration of immigrants is shown throughout The Jungle when the meat packing
industry needs to ramp up production or workers went on strike. This matches up
historically speaking with the class lectures about the massive migrations of the Irish and
the Germans that were taking time during this time period. We also discussed the
migration of African Americans from the south to the north during these times which
also takes place in The Jungle.
2. One key impact of urbanization and industrialization on American politics: The large
divisions between the political parties and how businesses played a large part of the
political machine. In The Jungle there is discussions
The Rise Of D-Day During WWII
D Day was a long and difficult battle. Many things happened during it that were good
and bad. Here is what happened on D Day during WWII.
The Americans started to prepare D Day during WWII in December 1941. In 1942 the
Americans and the British were planning to have an Allied invasion. In November 1943,
Adolf Hitler put a man by the name Erwin Rommel in charge of defense operations in
France s Northern coast when he learned about an invasion that would be there. In
January 1944, General Dwight Eisenhower became the commander of something called,
Operation Overlord , which was a plan that was believed to be certain success. Not long
after that, Allies tricked the Germans into believing certain locations were good places
for invasions.

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