Advertising Essays

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Advertising Essays

Writing an essay on the topic of advertising poses a unique set of challenges that demand careful
consideration and thoughtful analysis. Firstly, the subject itself is vast and multifaceted, covering a
wide range of aspects from the psychology of consumer behavior to the economic impact of
advertising on businesses. Navigating through this diverse terrain requires a comprehensive
understanding of various theories, models, and case studies.

One significant challenge is the ever-evolving nature of advertising. With the continuous
advancements in technology and shifts in consumer preferences, staying up-to-date with the latest
trends and methodologies is crucial. This requires a constant commitment to research and a
willingness to adapt to the dynamic landscape of the advertising industry.

Moreover, addressing ethical concerns related to advertising practices adds another layer of
complexity. Exploring the ethical implications of persuasive techniques, targeted marketing, and the
potential manipulation of consumer perceptions requires a nuanced and balanced approach. Striking
the right tone and offering well-supported arguments on these ethical dilemmas is a delicate task that
demands careful consideration.

The analytical depth required in dissecting the impact of advertising on society, culture, and
individual behavior also contributes to the difficulty of crafting a comprehensive essay. Balancing
statistical evidence with theoretical frameworks, and incorporating real-world examples to support
claims, requires a keen analytical mind and meticulous attention to detail.

Additionally, the challenge lies in finding a unique angle or perspective that adds value to the
existing discourse on advertising. The topic is well-trodden ground, and producing an essay that
stands out requires creativity and original thought.

In conclusion, writing an essay on advertising is no simple feat. It demands a combination of

research skills, analytical thinking, ethical consideration, and creative flair. The ability to synthesize
diverse information and present a well-argued, coherent piece is crucial. For those facing difficulties
or time constraints, it's worth considering alternative avenues for assistance. Similar essays and a
variety of academic writing services are available on platforms like, providing
valuable support for students seeking assistance in navigating the challenges of essay writing.
Advertising Essays Advertising Essays
An Unxamined Life Is Not Worth Living
Philosophy is about questioning everything in life in the world we live in. Without the
questioning and wondering in life then philosophy would be worthless. The great
philosopher Socrates acknowledge this and therefore he would wonder everything in life
making him a wise man not because he knew everything but because what ever wisdom
he has comes from his knowledge that he knows nothing. After Socratesbeing sentenced
to death penalty for corrupting the young, by not believing in the gods in which the
city believed in. During the trial Socrates claimed an unexamined life is not worth
living . Making it one of the biggest influence for everybody in today s world. Many
philosophers have given a lot of that on what he may had tried to say in which ended
made the inference that for Socrates living meant to be able to questioneverything around
him. With that being said an examined life would be to be precautious with all your
decisions and to question everything in our surroundings to have knowledge and that
kind of life would be worth living. In today s life we live in world full of decisions in
which it helps it shape our whole world. One bad decision and your whole life could
change. Therefore, questioning all our decision sounds like the most equitable thing to
do since we would be making conscious ethical decisions. Which is why an unexamined
life would not be worth living since you would be living a life in which you never really
end up learning from all your mistakes.
The Opening Scene Of Cronos By Guillermo Del Toro
It is evident that film director Guillermo del Toro put quite a bit of thought into the
opening scene of his 1993 production of the film Cronos. From thematic lighting to the
intense music that plays in the background, the scene really catches the attention of the
audience and foreshadows some of the events to come later in the movie. This is very
important to the movie as a good opening scene will capture the attention of the
audience and keep them hanging on the edge of their seat for the remainder of the
movie. The opening scene contains much of the backstory of the Cronos device that is
essential to understanding the movie. In this scene, it is explained that during the
Spanish Inquisition, more specifically in 1536, an alchemist in Veracruz developed a
device that would grant the user eternal life. At first this seems ridiculous to the
audience as it does not go into detail about how the device grants the user eternal life,
but the answer is soon to be revealed.
The film then skips forward 500 years to 1937 when some safe collapses. It then shows
authorities rummaging through the scraps of what looks to be a room filled with fine
artifacts. After it pans the catastrophic scene, it zooms in on a piece of stone that is
being lifted by a group of authorities where under the authorities and the audience will
find a man with odd color skin impaled through the chest by a wooden stake. The man
seems to fit the pop culture description of a vampire quite perfectly with the
Raising Muslim Children
From the far southwest of the continent of Asia, on the west coast of the kingdom of
Saudi Arabia (KSA), in the middle of the eastern shore of the Red Sea, where is
Jeddah city located, a new girl came into the world in June 1983. She born in a
Muslim environment and unified in God (Allah). Newborn baby in the arms of her
loving, Hard Working, and Overprotective parents. they have known how children are
easily influenced by their surroundings and how it is impossible to shield them from all
the negative forces that can shape their values, minds and behavior it is a difficult task
that parents in Islamic religion took it upon themselves. Raising Muslim children and
pass along knowledge in them while also instilling an Islamic ethos in dealing with the
larger world, it is a really difficult, but her parents are so patient. they believe that they
can set her (as what they have done with her siblings) on the true path, grow up them
with Islamic values.... Show more content on ...
Her Parents set her up by the best construction. She has a sense of creativity in painting,
writing poetry, and assembling shells from the beach. She born as entertainer . She is
very acquisitive which mean causing a lot of inconvenience for her family especially her
parents . Eager to learn and acquire skills and spontaneous which committed her in a
lot of mistakes. She considered the world as a stage, energetic and enthusiastic girl. She
never refuses anyone asking for her assistance, always existed on standby, cooperative
and encouraging for her siblings and others life is never boring around her . You may be
wondering who is she?!
A Computerised Gsm Based Vehicle Theft Control System
THEFT CONTROL SYSTEM deals with the design development of a theft control
system for automobiles which is being used to prevent / control the theft of a vehicle.
The developed system makes use of an embedded system based on GSMtechnology. An
interfacing mobile is also connected to the microcontroller, which is in turn, connected to
the engine. Once, the vehicle is being stolen, the information is being used by the vehicle
owner for further processing. The information is passed onto the central processing
insurance system, where by sitting at a remote place, a particular number is dialed by
them to the interfacing mobile that is with the... Show more content on ...
When any object is entering into the vehicle, Microcontroller P89s51 continuously
monitor the infrared receivers ,when any object pass through the IR receiver s then the
IR rays falling on the receiver s are obstructed, this obstruction is sensed by the
microcontroller. Otherwise IR receiver receives the rays continuously from the
transmitter, then automatically vehicle door is closed. Mainly the system is used for
automatica door closing purpose.
The implementation is made simpler by using IR sensor to detect the person. The system
include the IR sensor, microcontroller, LED and a 5V power is supplied to run the system.
The system uses a compact circuitry built around 8051 microcontroller Programs are
developed in Embedded C. Flash magic is used for loading programs into
Microcontroller. Download your Reports for GSM Based Vehicle Theft Control System

International Journal Of Computational Engineering Research ( Vol. 2

Issue. 5
Issn 2250 3005(online) September| 2012 Page 1534

GSM Based Anti theft Security System Using AT T Command.

Visa M. Ibrahim
. Asogwa A. Victor
. S. Y. Musa
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, School Of Engineering and
Engineering Technology, Modibbo
Adamma University of Technology Yola, Adamawa State. Nigeria
Antitheft security system security
Greek Gods And Their Influence On Greek Religion And
Leuzinger 1

The Greek Gods

Throughout history it is easy to see that religion has a big deal to do with culture, but
what if religion played such a big part in our society that we were constantly afraid of
being zapped by lightning, or losing the entire sun? From the beginning of written
history gods have dictated the ideas of peoples and cultures, shaping the majority of our
world as we know it today. Such effects can be seen even in our federal law system in
America. For example the Ten Commandments had a lot to do with the writing of the
constitution. The Greeks were no exception to this. If anything the gods influenced the
Greeks more than most cultures. The Greeks entire civilization was centered around the
gods they worshipped. Part of the reason for the Greeks fascination with supernatural
beings was because of the powers they believed they possessed. This power possessed by
the gods made the Greeks fear them greatly. This fear then turned into worship and
devotion that shaped their entire culture. ... Show more content on ...
Each one of these gods had their own realm of control, for example one god was in
control of love, another the underworld, and some, controlled the elements. Most
prominent of all the gods was Zeus. Not only was he the god of lightning, Zeus was
also the ruler of the gods. He ruled from mount Olympus, keeping all the other gods in
check along with regulating the humans below. Because of his power and prestige,
Zeus was the most worshiped god. Along side of him were many other gods who
received worship mainly depending on the humans need. If a fisherman wanted a
particularly successful fishing trip, he would make a sacrifice to Poseidon, the god of the
Epilogue Of Ponyboys
Lying in bed, staring at the ceiling. I was so bored that I was going to meet up with the
gang when i heard yelling from the other room. Johnny get in here and clean this
room! It s a mess and I ain t gonna raise messy children. , said Dad. I knew i hadn t
made that mess. They got drunk and threw a lot of things everywhere. But, my parents
just don t like me much and I m used to that. After I finished cleaning the room. I
immediately went into the kitchen. They don t care about me at all. They wouldn t
even care if I died. It was a late afternoon and I was starting to get hungry. I looked in
the fridge for something to eat. There wasn t much. Just baked beans, a loaf of bread
and ham. I decided I would have a ham sandwich. After my sandwich, My mom called,
Johnny! Come here! I went into the room where I heard my... Show more content on ...
I left the house to meet up with the gang. Outside the cul de sac, about eight houses
away, Ponyboy was sitting on the curb, smoking a cigarette. I yelled, Hey Ponyboy!
Ponyboy looked up and saw Johnny. He looked at his big black eyes and said, Hey
Johnny come over here. Johnny walked over to where Ponyboy was standing. As he
got there, Ponyboy studied him. He looked as if he had lost ten pounds. Johnny. Have
you lost weight? Johnny looked surprised and said, I don t think so why? I don t
know. You look skinny. Just then a car full of Socs. jumped out of the car two houses
before us. Lets run for it. said ponyboy. They raced across the streets. The Socs. didn t
seem to care about them much for some reason. They went into a house. What were
they doing on the west side? Johnny thought. I think we better call it a day. My parents
need me back now. Also im kinda hungry. Ok see ya tomorrow Johnny. When Johnny
got back into his house, He already heard the yelling. He ignored the arguing and went
into the kitchen. He got some apple juice and accidentally dropped the apple juice
container spilling
Early Childhood Learning Environment Plan
Early Childhood Learning Environment Plan
Rachel Noel
ECE 343
Instructor: Sandi Levinson
March 15, 2015

New Beginning Early Childhood Learning Center Mission Statement

Our mission for New Beginning Learning Center is to enable our students to be
involved in their surrounding, socialize with peers and learn to precise themselves.
The mission gives a clear understanding that shows children how to create things by
using what they have in their surrounding in a certain technique. The children will be
allowed to use things that are not make believe, which will enable them to understand
these things do occur in real life situations. Socializing with other people will be
difficult for some children but will allow them to do it at their own pace. The teachers
will provide positive role models for the children so they will do the same. We will also
provide a welcoming and safe environment for anyone who visits our learning center. Our
parents will visit our learning centers whenever possible and there will be an open door
policy. We will keep track of all the students progress through antcedol notes, teaching
strategies, assessments and other learning tools. By keeping track of these things we can
help the students to reach their learning goals. According to () This includes providing
multiple, frequent opportunities for two way dialogue, taking advantage of daily
communication opportunities, using your environment to provide information about
what children are
Mayan Civilizations
Many ancient civilizations had noteworthy accomplishments, specifically in
Mesoamerica three civilizations had many great feats in the time of which they
prospered. These imposing civilizations were the Mayans, who were cultured with
advancements in mathematics and sciences. The Aztec who had a detailed understanding
of the trade. And lastly the Incas who developed vast road and irrigation channels that
connected their empire. The Mayan civilizationhad a highly advanced society which
made substantial advances in mathematics, sciences as well as architecture. In the capital
city of Tikal (present day Guatemala) they built five major pyramids whose heights
ranged from one hundred and thirty eight feet to more than two hundred feet. Some of...
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The warlike Aztec people were also renowned conquerors and the capital city of
Tenochtitlan grew rapidly due to tributes from conquered peoples. With the city growing
at such a rapid rate it drew in people looking for jobs and trade therefore increasing the
population to an almost unheard of count of four hundred thousand people, making
Tenochtitlan the largest city in Mesoamerica. When the Spanish conquistadors arrived,
they were dumbfounded by the well structured markets and the sheer amount of
people who could be found buying and selling goods there. The markets sold almost
everything that could be produced by the peoples of the time these items include but
are not limited to food products, valuable metals such as gold and silver, and also
animal bones, shells and feathers. Tenochtitlan was considered one of the greatest
cities in mesoamerica not only because of it s methodical trade squares but also
because of the unseen ways that the early peoples developed farming and also the
organized grid like structure of which the city was set up. The people used a method of
farming that involved bed of soil that floated on the water, these beds were called
Chinampas and they were the main way that the Aztecs cultivated crops for the
Minimum Wage Rise Proposal
Dear Honorable (name of US Senator): I strongly recommend you support your
minimum wage rise proposal on San Francisco s evidence, which in 2004 enforce a 26%
increase in minimum wages resulted in a significant increase in wages and compressed
wage inequality without create any detectable employment loss . By reading this memo,
you will found a resume of Dube et. at (2007) study underlying both: strong evidence that
support wagerises in some contexts, and the more relevant advices respect the limitations
of the results and interpretation in terms internal and external validity. Although the
paper has remarkable value , its results based in a single case study have consequential
First, authors set a relevant policy ... Show more content on ...
Finally, they remain doubts about the reliability of the data collection. Have non random
restaurants incentives to misreport? Measurement error in independent variables
generates attenuation bias, while in independent higher standards errors. Even when
heteroskedasticity corrected standard errors are used, they are critical and, if high, the
effect is less likely to be identified: if minimum wage rise had a small but real (positive
or negative) employment effect, random errors could produce a larger or smaller
misemployment effect than the true level, even zero . Given that probably remains
some measurement error problems in the study, could be that the employment rate
effect is not correctly identified. Results are the average wages effect valid only for
the narrow definition of treated cases, assuming constant effects on employment, and
controlling for pre existing differences and time trends. However, a bigger sample
(more states, levels wages and law compliance) will serve to estimate different effects
as what happen at other levels of minimum wages? Is the effect constant above income
levels? We do not think so . Besides, the paper says nothing about long term effects.
These results are still sensible to economic downturns or variables changing over time.
Longer data periods would avoid time effects. What would happen if the rise coincides
with an
Paralysis in Dubliners Essay
In his letters, Joyce himself has said that Dubliners was meant to betray the soul of that
hemiplegia or paralysis which many consider a city (55). The paralysis he was talking
about is the paralysis of action. The characters in Dubliners exemplify paralysis of
action in their inability to escape their lives. In another of Joyce s writings, A Portrait of
the Artist as a Young
Man, Joyce writes of Ireland: When the soul of a man is born in this country there are
nets flung at it to hold it back from flight. You talk to me of nationality, language,
religion. I shall try to fly by those nets (Joyce 238). The characters of Dubliners face
similar nets that prevent them from escaping their lives. Unfortunately, their attempts ...
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It is in this way that his fear of failure keeps him paralyzed in his unhappy life. An
additional example of paralysis through indetermination comes in A Painful Case. In
the story, Mr. Duffy pursues a relationship with a woman he met at an event. For a
time, this allows him to break from his monotonous life. The problem is, the woman is
married, and when the possibility of love comes in the picture, out of fear Mr. Duffy
decides to break off the relationship. This returns not only himself, but the woman as
well to the previous condition of paralysis and unchanging dullness of life. Another
common cause for paralysis would be bonds that tie the characters to the city and their
dull lives, preventing them from escaping. Nowhere it seems is this more evident than
in Eveline, where the main character attempts to break free of her life and escape
across the sea with a sailor named Frank. Yet at the end of the story, as she is about to
leave, she changes her mind and does not board the ship with Frank. She clings to the
pier railing like a helpless animal as she watches him leave (Joyce 32). This action was
caused partly by fear or rather anxiety from facing a completely new and different life,
but much more influential was the bond that Eveline had to her family. Her promise
made to her dying mother to keep the home together as long as she could heavily weighs
on her decision to stay (Joyce 30).
Nokia Case Study
Microsoft is a multinational corporation of the United States; It specializes in
developing, manufacturing, trading software licenses and supporting a wide range of
computer related products and services.. In terms of revenue, Microsoft is the world s
largest software maker. It is also called one of the most valuable companies in the world .
Nokia Corporation is a Finnish multinational corporation. Nokia focuses on fixed and
wireless telecommunications products, with employees in 120 countries, selling products
in more than 150 countries around the globe.
In 2013 Microsoft has announced a € 5.44 billion acquisition of Nokia s hardware
and services, including mobile phones, equivalent $ 7.2 billion. The deal was
completed in the first half of 2014 and was supported by Nokia shareholders. Nokia s
human resources operations in 50 countries around the world were available to
Microsoft. There were also some factories with design, development, production,
marketing and sales of smart devices, universal phones and services
Both sides had strong incentives to join forces. Nokia had lost significant ground in
recent years to smartphone manufacturers, most notably Samsung and Apple, by failing
to keep up with innovations such as touch screens.
Having shed its underperforming handset business, Nokia planned to focus on
telecommunications equipment, mapping business, and patent portfolio. Ballmer first
approached Nokia CEO Stephen
The Pros And Cons Of Human Space Exploration
Human space exploration certainly has its advantages over robots in several ways. The
first of such is that humans are capable of on the spot decisions and critical thinking.
Humans are able to adapt and respond to unforeseen circumstances while robots simply
cannot. Such a thing is evident in the robotic Viking mission to Mars. Detailed by the
article The Future of Space ExplorationManned or Robotic Missions, the Viking landers
on Mars were equipped with tools to sample the Martian soil and a small chemistry lab
to detect whether or not the soil contained life. The results obtained were highly unusual,
and chemical reactions from the soil were unlike any known life form on Earth. It was
concluded that the soil was lifeless; however, the robot was designed only to detect Earth
type life. The chemical reactions certainly could have been a sign of unknown Martian
organisms, and a trained humanwould have been able to test for this and reach a
definitive conclusion. If a trained human was in the same position, he/she would have
been able to perform additional tests and conclusively determine whether or not unknown
Martian life existed in the soil sample... Show more content on ...
Human exploration is much more efficient in terms of scientific progress per mission.
However, looking strictly at monetary cost per mission, robotic exploration is much
cheaper. The Mars Science Laboratory, the latest Mars rover, cost roughly 2.5 billion
dollars to build and land on Mars (National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
Mars Science Laboratory Landing ). The exact cost of a manned mission to Mars is
uncertain, but is given a range of 80 to 100 billion dollars (Kaufman, A Mars Mission
for Budget Travelers ). The rover is clearly a more efficient choice in terms of monetary
value; however, the scientific knowledge gained from manned versus unmanned missions
is drastically
1984 Who Controls The Past
Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past,
repeated Winston obediently (Orwell 248). This puzzling statement actually describes
the core mean of absolute control of the government in George Orwell s 1984. Main
character Winston Smith was forced into a life of fear and vigilance as Oceania s
dystopian society and totalitarian regime had no tolerance for thought, individuality or
personal identity. As Winston was viewed as a rebel to the governmentbecause he was
able to think for himself, he posed a great threat to the dictatorship, also known as Big
Brother or INGSOC. Throughout the novel, Winston knew he had to find a way to
escape the government s oppressive leadership. This guided him to rent... Show more
content on ...
In order to ensure power due to the threat of true socialism, they employ a
technological system that is unable to be outsmarted. The supercilious and dictatorial
government had the power to eradicate basic human rights and berid any person that
may pose as a danger. On the other hand, some readers argue that INGSOC truly cares
about their citizens welfare. Readers also contend that the authority of Oceania only
invaded privacy to ensure the security of its citizens against unreliable and inaccurate
foreign information. Despite these arguments, O Brien, the leader of the Ministry of
Love and a respected member of the government, explains that the Party is not
concerned with the well being of the people of Oceania, but rather craves power for
the sole purpose of having it (Orwell 263). By excessively using new technology and
limiting basic knowledge, Big Brother had the ability to manifest total control in such
an environment where it was possible to create or destroy anything desired. Not only
did INGSOC place Winston in continual agony and a rigid social class by employing the
telescreen, but also through forcing him to reintegrate into society by a means of abuse
Carlos Erikson s Theory Of Psychosocial Development
Presenting the Case
Carlos Sanchez is a 15 year old Puerto Rican male. He presents to my office today for a
visit after a referral from his school counselor. Mr. Sanchez s performance at school has
been declining post a fight in which he was involved in at school. According to the
school, four White students engaged Mr. Sanchez in a physical altercation, during which
racial slurs were used. Mr. Sanchez s mother reports behavioral changes; including loss
of appetite, lack of sleep, physical decline, isolation, jumpiness, and stress after the fight.
Theoretical Framework
Psychosocial Theory
Erik Erikson believed that the social environment plays an important role in personality
development, and thus he developed the theory of psychosocial development. Erikson
believed that that personality development occurs throughout our lifespan, and
highlighted the influence of family system, society, and culture in our development.
Erikson accepted Freud s basic psychosexual framework and he expanded on the
development at each stage and expanded the stages to cover the lifespan. Erikson
believed that at each stage we gain attitudes and skills that make us active and
contributing members of society.
Per Erikson, our ego identity is constantly changing due to new experiences and
information that we acquire throughout our daily interactions with others. In addition to
ego identity, Erikson also believed that a sense of competence also motivates behaviors
and actions, and that each
Advantages Of Waqf
Waqf, an Effort to Substantiate Capacity and Mitigate Poverty Introduction Poverty is a
complex phenomenon which occurs in the most of societies and communities around the
world. Economic scholar, Sirageldin (2000), Manan (1998) and Kankwenda et al.
(2000: 11, 63 64) points out that poverty can be identified from inequality income
distribution, inability to access basic education, health service, and inadequate productive
human resources (poverty Muslim spirit)to build capacity to the poor. This crucial
challenge is no exception faced by the Muslim world as well, in particular, the Middle
East (Kuran, 2004: 71 72). Considering the enormity of poverty in the Muslim world, we
cannot lie in the government activities which occur deficit fund.... Show more content on ...
For example, emerging more than 8000 educational institutions for training courses in
Bangladesh (Sadeeq, 2002). Another success story of waqf is Bencoolen Street in
Singapore, which consists of commercial complex and service apartments, and a
mosque from Musharakah Sukuk (Karim, 2007: 17). Multiplex of higher towers
named Zam zam tower in Saudi Arabia also derived from waqf Sukuk al intifaa (Kasri
Saeran: 2016). Waqf concept also spread to the West which many universities were
established such as Oxford University, the University of Cambridge in the UK and the
University of Harvard and Yale in the USA (Gaudiosi, 1998; Çizakça, 1998;
Stibbard, QC Bromley, 2012; Mahamood Rahman, 2015). Further, by implementing
cash waqf, everybody can contribute to cash waqf because it does not require a lot of
wealth, generate more funds which can use to develop asset such as undeveloped waqf
land for business and agricultural purposes (Mannan, 1998; Antonio, 2002). However,
the flexibility and development cash waqf are debated by Muslim jurists and scholar due
to certain conceptual argument concerning perpetuity and inalienability (Mohammad et
al., 2005). Because of the property must be tangible property (maal) and capable of
being used without being consumed. This situation was clarified by the Waqf Validating
Act of 1913, which permitted a waqf of any property including the movables, i.e., shares
in joint stock companies, notes and even cash (Suhrawardy, 1991). This figure illustrates
the mechanism effect of waqf
Virgin Group Brand Case Study
Shelley Mantei

Virgin: Branding Culture

Subject: Virgin Group Ltd.

Sir Richard Branson started with a student magazine and a mail order record company
in 1971. His Virgin empire is now comprised of over 200 companies [Fig.3] and spans
three continents. Not only is Virgin one of Britain s most respected brands, but it is also
becoming an international superbrand. They are involved in planes, trains, finance, soft
drinks, music, mobile phones, holidays, cars, wines, publishing, bridal wear, and more.
What unites all these businesses is the values of their brand and the attitude of their
30,000 employees. Total 2003 global revenues exceeded CAD$7.4 billion.

Virgin has positioned themselves as the ... Show more content on ...
Vague neologisms leave individual minding to define what the new word means and
creates the opportunity for language to create a new reality.

What is known of a virgin is through carefully selected words and images that narrate
what ought to be thought and understood. If language changes the reality of what virgin
becomes (Lakoff, 2001, p.20), what does the company Virgin then stand for?

В•Traditional: Untouched, pure, raw, innocent, inexperienced, naГЇve. В•New Brand:

Exciting, alive, fun, confident, unconventional, bold, provocative. В•Mediating:Virgin
employs tactics to counter potentially negative pre conceptions of the word virgin e.g.
Virgin Atlantic s slogan more experience that our name suggests.

The Ultimate Sign

Virgin has been described as the brand that is so many different things for so many
people. In fact, Virgin is often cited as an example to silence those claiming that no
brand can be everything to everyone. They are able to do this because they have
successfully leveraged polysemy В– the potential of signs to carry multiple meanings
(Lewis, 2002, p.260). Audiences variously draw on the raw materials and the
deliverables of the Virgin culture to make sense of these signs.

Virgin s most recognizable sign is not their logo В– it is CEO and Chairman, Sir Richard
Branson. Branson has become an integral part of the brand itself and is regularly
Adipoyl Synthesis
Introduction The purpose of this experiment was to chemically develop Nylon 6,6 by
combining adipoyl chloride to the 1,6 hexanediamine solution. According to the
American Chemical Society, polymers are created from repeated pieces that are
connected together.1 The pieces are called monomers. The synthesis of polymers is
called polymerization. Two types of polymerization reactions are addition reactions and
condensation reactions. Addition reactions result in addition polymers.1 One type of
addition reaction is the synthesis of polystyrene from the styrene monomer. Styrene is
also known as phenylethene.2 Condensations reactions are just like addition reactions
except that there is a side product produced that needs to be removed as it is formed.3
This experiment was a condensation polymerization reaction because hydrochloric acid
was the condensate for this reaction. To avoid HCl from affecting the production of the
main product, Nylon 6,6, Sodium Hydroxide was added to transform the acid into a salt.
Results ... Show more content on ...
In figure 1, the amine and methylene group peaks are present at 3323.78 cm 1 and
1603.91 cm 1, and 2921.17 cm 1 and 2846.91 cm 1 wavenumbers respectively. These
functional groups are present in the IR spectrum for Nylon 6,6. Ensuring that the Nylon
6,6 compound was created from these original monomers. The resulting nylon product
had a light tan to off whiteish color that turned into a light greyish white after 2 days of
drying. At the end of the experiment the Nylon weighed .7272 grams on scale number
The, That Makes Your Hair Disappear
312.39: The Trich That Makes Your Hair Disappear Jennifer Raikes, the president of
Trichotillomania Learning Center, recalls that, The rhythm of running my fingers over
my eyebrows is soothing. One half of my mind is attuned to the texture of each hair, the
tickle against my thumb. Very soon, she would feel that ... this hairfeels out of place; it s
too thick, too coarse. I need to get it out. This is the urge that has been haunting her since
her childhood. As she entered her adulthood, she learned that she is not the only one with
trichotillomania, the impulse control disorder that urges one to pull out his or her hairs.
In fact, trichotillomania is plaguing the lives of one in every fifty Americans (Raikes
38). This disorder... Show more content on ...
Lastly, Criterion D and Criterion E demand that the hair pulling cannot be associated with
any other type of medical disorder or conditions (American Psychiatric Association, 251
252). Since the action of excessive hair pulling can be attributed to delusion or
hallucination caused by psychological disorders like schizophrenia, physicians must test
for the existence of other mental conditions before diagnosing a patient s symptoms as
trichotillomania. Diagnosing trichotillomania definitely requires caution and precision
(Thackery and Harris, 998 1001). An early diagnosis of trichotillomania becomes
important because trichotillomania can cause temporary and permanent damage to the
human body. For example, uncontrolled hair pulling can lead to skin bleeding. In severe
cases, infections can affect the bleeding areas, causing serious damage to the skin
(Phillipson and Gibson). Patients may also swallow the hairs that are removed from the
body, causing hair clusters to form inside the stomach. This condition, called
trichophagia, can lead to stomach pain or even stomach bleeding ( Trichotillomania ).
Other forms of damage caused by uncontrolled hair pulling may include short and broken
hairs, damaged hair follicles, and increased existence of non growing hairs. These are
common harms of trichotillomania that may have the
Teach Live Experience
Going into the Teach Live session I was very excited and could not wait to experience
what it would be like to teach a real lesson. At first when hearing about the assignment I
thought to myself this was going to be hard for me to do. This is so because I am a very
shy and closed off person, my voice gets shaky when I have to speak in front of a group,
and I have never done anything such as a Teach Life lesson before. The day of the Teach
Live I was jittery and elated that whole day, I just knew I was going to kill it. I arrived 15
minutes early and Mr. C made sure I felt very comfortable and was ready. While sitting
there preparing to teach the lesson I had chosen, fear and nervousness swept over me
and I began to worry. A few minutes before I began the Teach Live session all the fear
and negativity left my mindand body. Then when the session began and I saw the virtual
students a smile grew on my face, sending a cooling, calm sensation through my body.
I found this experience very helpful. It gave me that final confirmation that I need in
deciding if teaching students was how I wanted to spend the rest of my life. Teaching a
lesson, learning, and gaining experience before entering an actual classroom, I feel is
what every education major should experience. I loved the Teach Live session, it is a
great way to rid all of the nervousness, help you learn from your mistakes, and better
prepare you for your future of becoming a teacher. If you happen to mess up in the Teach
Tally In The Book Uglies
In the beginning of the book Uglies, the main character Tally a almost a sixteen year
old girl is a ugly waiting for her next birthday so she can get the operation and turn
pretty. Tally had a wide nose, thin lips, too high of a forehead and a frizzy tangled hair.
Tally couldn t wait to see her friend Peris who just became an pretty because they were
best friends. She sneaked out to Pretty Town where the Pretties lived to go find Peris.
She was an infiltrator, a sneak, an ugly. And she had a mission. After visiting Peris, she
meets Shay who is also an ugly and it turns out they have the same birthday. Shay is the
opposite of Tally. Shay doesn t want to be pretty and doesn t like when Tally talks about
or uses her wallscreen to see what
Informative Speech About Persia
Outline for Speech 1
A.Attention grab : Iran, also known as Persia, has one of the oldest cultures in the
world with its history going back to 4,000 BC, it is home to more than 75 million
Persians who practice the same culture and speak the same language Persian, or also
known as Farsi.
B.Object and credibility: The Fravahar, is the symbol of the Zoroastian religion, one of
the most ancient religions in Iran. Fravahar means I choose Good and the good refers to
the Zoroastrian religion. This symbol was adopted by the Pahlavi king to represent the
vast kingdom of iran. It shows a man with wings but represents a guardian angel or as
some believe, a royal glory. I am credible because I am Persian and have studied the
enriched ... Show more content on ...
Main point 2: Persian culture is represented by many symbols and one of the key
symbols is the Fravahar.
1.subpoint 1: Fravahar is one of the most important symbols in Iran. It has deep roots in
the history of Iran. Fravahar is a symbol that reminds people to have a purpose in life
and follow the footsteps of Ahura Mazda, the God of Zoroastrian. The angel that the
symbol represents has 3 simple rules for people to follow in life: good deeds, good
thoughts and good words. He also resembles the angel that has been sent by God to tell
people that there is one God and that people should always follow the truth. And this is
how I identify with my Persian culture and ancestors.
2. subpoint 2 : The Fravahar symbol can be seen at many places and people show it
with pride. It represents years and years of our ancient and enriched culture. Fravahar
not only represents Persians beliefs, it also represents what we have been through as a
nation. The symbol reminds people to stay true to their beliefs and follow the truth in
their lives.
III: conclusion: thesis: now you have a better understanding of the Fravahar and what it
represents in the Persian
The Early Years Of The American Civil War
The study of the early years of the America republic has not received the same attention
from historians, as have many other periods of American history. In fact, only slavery and
sectionalism, the leading causes of the American Civil War, have been consistently
covered in much of the historical study of the first half of the nineteenth century. This
became quite obvious with the readings that I spent time with this semester. Many were
somewhat long in the tooth, yet still remained standard bearers for their topic, as further
study has been sporadic or nearly nonexistent. This seems especially true of the studies
that attempt to bring together the various elements in a manner that creates a big picture
of the time period. Regional or social histories have dominated this period in the last
twenty years and perhaps it is time for a new attempt at integrating the various pieces of
the puzzle into a coherent picture. This is not to dismiss the people and groups that make
the story, but to put their story back into a greater context. The numerous books I read,
when pieced together, accomplish this to some degree, but this manner is incomplete, as
it does not, nor were the majority of the authors intending too, create a complete picture
of what America was like in the early nineteenth century. The first historian to attempt an
overarching theme of the west was Frederick Jackson Turnerin his Significance of the
Frontierin American History. For years, Turner s vision was
Examples Of Value Chain Analysis
Value Chain Analysis
Value Chain Analysis is a tool that used to identify the company s primary and support
activities that can creates value for the product to the customers, to analyze the activities
to be cost leadership or differentiation strategy and eventually to develop a competitive
advantage and create shareholders value. By simply explaining of creating value, a
company takes raw inputs (timber) and to add value (designing and manufacturing) to
them by converting them into something of worth to people for paying money for it
In book Competitive Advantage of Michael Porter, he introduced the idea of generic
value chain model in 1985. The value chain comprises a sequences of internal activities
that a company performs to design, produce, market, deliver and support (after sale
services) the product. Value chain activities consist of (1) primary activities are directly
involved in adding value through transforming raw input to output, delivering and
offering after sale services on the final product and (2)support activities are internal
company function that support primary activities and indirectly add value to the
products. By looking into both activities, the company can identify their competitive
advantage and disadvantage. For instance, if the company is able to perform its activities
at lower cost than competitors, it has a cost ... Show more content on ...
redONE s vision statement is to be the largest MVNO in a ASEAN region by 2018 and
mission statement is to help our customers save money and our partners and employees
to make money . Its philosophy or value is back to basic with offering no simple and
transparent packages to customers. The value chain analysis model of redONE Network
Sdn. Bhd will be analyszed in the following
Crimes Involving The Use Of Firearms
Crimes involving the use of firearms consist of around 0.4 percent of all documented
offences in England and Wales, doubling since the mid to late 1990 s (Povey and
Kaiza 2006). This is due to the ever more restrictive legislation and public policy
responses. A small number of high profile firearm homicides have significantly increased
the public s apprehensions about the problem of illegal firearms. Police, politicians and
media reports have illustrated the emergence of a criminal gunculture , predominantly in
the inner city areas of England (Bennett and Holloway 2004). Comparatively little is
known on the other hand, regarding criminal attitudes towards and within the market in
illegal firearms therefore limiting the progression of policy, policing practice and an
understanding of the impact of firearms legislation (Bryan 2001).
Gun Crime is a general term used when including all circumstances, when firearms
including shotguns, air guns and imitation firearms are illegally utilised (HMIC
2004). This is inclusive of all illegal possession offences whilst no other crime has
been committed. The presence or absence of a gun does not impinge on the likelihood
that crime will be committed (NCIS 2003). Criminals will be able to use other weapons
as opposed to firearms in order to commit crime and accomplish their negative intention,
as the missing presence of firearms does not mean that crimes involving guns are easily
avoided (Hoskin 2011). Gun control and ownership does not
Id, Ego, And Superego In Lord Of The Flies
Id, Ego, and Superego in Lord of the Flies

Golding was born on September 19, 1911 and began writing his first novel at the age
of twelve(SparkNotes).His parents were persistent that he study natural sciences at
Oxford College, but by his junior year he switched to English Literature to pursue his
calling(SparkNotes). After graduating from Oxford for a short period of time he
worked as a theater actor, wrote poetry, and then he became a school
teacher(SparkNotes). After, Golding joined the Royal Navy during World War II, which
had an enormous effect on his view of humanity, he began writing novels(SparkNotes).
The first and greatest success was Lord of the Flies and his inspiration for the book was
the evil textures of human nature,but also a lot of his success from his book was due to
the real life reality entered into the novel(Golding). The three divisions Sigmund Freud
developed in psychoanalytic theory is Id, Ego, and Superego. Id is represented by
Jack, Ego by Ralph, and Superego by piggy(Golding). Id is one of the three divisions
of psyche in psychoanalytic theory. Id is solely under unconscious control, and is the
source of energy from your instincts (Merriam Webster) The character that represents
Id in the book of Lord of the Flies is Jack, he represents this personality because he is
strong, independent, and is easily persuaded by the evilness of human
nature(Golding). The first example from the book Lord of the Flies that shows Jack s
behavior is that he constantly wanted to hunt and kill things instead of build shelters,
keep the fire going, or anything else that could help the boys to be rescued(Golding).
The second example of Jack representing Id is that Jack constantly terrifies the
boys(Dunkerly Bean) for example jack makes the boys scared of the monster , but he
also scares the boys into joining his savage like tribe in the last few chapters of the
book(Golding). The next division I am going to talk about is the mediator psyche in
psychoanalytic theory(Merriam Webster). Ego is the division of psychoanalytic theory
that is the organized mediator between Id and Superego(Merriam Webster). A person
with an Ego psyche would function better in the perception and adaptation to
Federalists Vs Anti Federalist
When one thinks of government, one thinks of The White House, the president,
healthcare, and money. Yet, from reading the chapters now one will think a bit about the
history of our government, the people that began to embrace the opportunity to stand up
for what they deemed right or wrong. Then we think about the people who started and
molded our government and all the costs and values that came after. The Federalist,
Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and George Washington, believed the government
was meant to be run by the privileged and wealthy of the states, while on the other hand
The Antifederalist; Patrick Henry, George Mason, Gerry Elbridge, and George Clinton
thought the government should be for the people and opportunity.
According ... Show more content on ...
The government should take on the role of mother in a sense; guide the lost, shield the
unprotected, help the unfortunate, and be the backbone to a greater change, whether
that might be in national problems or national challenges. For example, the stigma of
second class citizenship and minorities in my opinion also plays a role, because the
individuals in these so called factions are separated by power, the government can
better find ways to guide and provide a balance without losing touch with peace and
justice. I feel that the government did right in creating the Constitution, and the Bill of
Rights for that matter, because it gives citizens clarification like a grocery receipt
ensures we were charged correctly. It is up to us to seek and aspire to be a chain
reaction within our governments as did both these two opposing
The Value Of Ancient Greek Culture
Greece is a country with a very rich history, interests and diverse cultures. They are
particularly proud of their culture, and speak of their country with an intense passion.
Ancient Greece was the basis of much of Western culture today. Tragedy and philosophy
are just some of the key values of the culture of Greecethat has helped us survive, honor,
and create our world what it is today. Tragedy is a major composite of the Greek culture,
they thought it was extremely important for everyone to witness a certain sort of tail they
called Tragedy; popular and influential plays performed in theaters at their annual spring
festival in theatres across Ancient Greece(Sowerby page 108). In these tragedies people
were seen to break
Pgd Essay
IVF treatment must occur before PGD. Embryo development occurs on day 3 when a
small hole is made in the soft shell of the embryo (Zona Pellucida) using a laser. On day
5, one or more cells are removed from each embryo (embryo biopsy). The embryos are
then frozen and cells are sent to a PGD laboratory for analysis. The cells are tested from
each embryowhich informs them which embryos are normal. Normal embryos are
thawed and transferred to the woman later.


Pre implantation genetic diagnosis is in high demand due to the susceptibility conditions,
late‐onset diseases and HLA matching for existing children. The screening increases
the chance of a genetically normal pregnancy and a healthy baby. Although PGD is
growing in demand, ... Show more content on ...
Sometimes, all embryos tested are abnormal so none of the embryos are available to be
Unfortunately, around 1 2% of embryos are damaged during embryo biopsy.
There is a risk that samples are lost or damaged during transportation. In New Zealand,
Fertility associates is responsible for everything in their clinic. Courier is responsible for
cell transport, and the pGd lab for analysis and giving results.
Sometimes enzyme and chemical reactions in PGD testing do not occur as expected as 5
10% of embryos have an inconclusive result and some with no result.
pGd/pGS laboratories use strategies to reduce the chance of misdiagnosis as pGd and
pGS is 95% accurate. People are advised to follow up pGd and pGS with pre natal
diagnosis (99% accurate) using cVS or amniocentesis upon pregnancy. Chances of a
misdiagnosis by cVS or amniocentesis is significantly lower as many more cells are
correct diagnosis, but unrepresentative cells. Sometimes some cells in the embryo have
the right number of chromosomes while other cells have an abnormal number. when this
happens, the cells biopsied may not represent the cells left behind.
pGd only tests for the specific genetic disorder and pGS only screens for the correct
number of chromosomes. There is a possibility an embryo may have other genetic
Some biopsied embryos may
Were the Founding Fathers Democratic Reformers Essay
Andy TranMr.Banks10/6/2014
Were the Founding Fathers Democratic Reformers? After reading both view points of
John P. Roche and Howard Zinn, I felt like there were more things to back up the
arguments made by Zinn, which is one of the reasons why I think that the founding
fathers were not in fact democratic reformers. The founding fathers were wealthy
statesmen who worked for the best of their interests to preserve their wealth. Howard
Zinn s writing discusses the American Revolution, putting military actions in social and
cultural context. On one hand, forming a militia quickly was possible because so many
colonists were armed. On the other hand, the new nation soon started forcing sailors to
join the war, which had been one ... Show more content on ...
First off, many of the founding fathers were wealthy, came from good families and were
well educated. Howard Zinn states that the founding fathers based the Constitution off of
their own personal experiences without considering the past experiences of the average
citizen. That does not mean that they were completely selfish and based the whole
Constitution around them, it just means that many of their economic interests were
reflected in the Constitution itself. He goes on about how economic interests were seen
in the clauses of the Constitution and the founding fathers had a direct economic interest
in forming a strong central government. According to Zinn, the founding fathers thought
factions came from inequalities in wealth. Further into the reading he said that the
Constitution was meerly the work of certain groups trying to maintain their privilages
while giving enough rights and reason to the people to get a majority to support them. I
think that Zinn s arguments were backed up very well with information or logistic
examples. I think that the founding fathers were democratic reformers to a certain extent
but in the Constitution, minorities such as slaves, indentured servants, women and men
without property were not really mentioned which kind of shows that the Constitution
was aimed for more of the elite class, usually all who had plenty of wealth and heald a
good social status. I feel like
Weaknesses Of Fas 80
In 1984, Financial Accounting Standards no. 80, Accounting for Futures Contracts, also
known as FAS 80 had become effective. This document included all hedge accounting
practices for entities in the United States. But FAS 80 had several faults. One of its
faults was that it was bounded to exchange traded futures and options and not to over the
counter (OTC) derivatives. In 1999, FAS 80 was replaced by Financial Accounting
Standards no.133, Accounting for derivativeinstruments and hedging activities. Despite,
the numerous amendments, clarifications and interpretations this document had over the
years, it still remains at the core of current derivatives accounting practices. This essay
tends to provide a definition of a derivative, its characteristics... Show more content on ...
The key distinguishing features of derivatives are: 1.Settlement in cash or equivalents a
derivative will be settled at a future date with an exchange of cash or assets that are
easily convertible to cash (such as marketable securities)

2.Underlying price and Notional amount the total value of the derivatives will be
calculated by multiplying the index by a specific number of units specified in the
contract, which is known as the notional amount (units, bushels, pounds). The value of
the derivative will be based on some variable, such as a price index, which is known as
the underlying (specified price, interest rate, exchange rate).

3.No net investment at the time the derivative contract is entered into, there will be no
payment by either side in most cases. Payment occurs at the time of settlement only. In
the case of options based derivatives, the party that is acquiring the option normally pays
a premium, but this is still considered to be no net investment as long as the payment is
less than the cost of acquiring the underlying.
There are several types of derivative contracts. Three of the most common types are
forwards, futures and
Swot Analysis For A Rural Satellite Clinic
SWOT Analysis
A SWOT Analysis is a useful strategic tool for PMH to utilize when determining whether
a rural satellite clinic will be a profitable market venture. A SWOT Analysis is a diagram
that considers organizations internal competencies (strengths and weaknesses) and
external developments (opportunities and threats) affecting the institution (Van
Wijngaarden, Scholten, Van Wijk, 2012). Therefore a SWOT analysis for PMH s
satellite clinic project includes the following strengths: PMH current rural health clinic is
successful and provides patients with increased access to outpatient health care services
even after business hours and on weekends; offers a patient portal for customers to
electronically access their health information; and gives patients access to rotating
specialty care services (i.e. podiatry, nephrology, and surgery) (PMH, n.d.). Also, PMH
has built strong relationships throughout Pocahontas County that increases public
perceptions for their institution and acceptability for the developing of new business
ventures (PMH, n.d.). Finally, PMH has an in house billing center that assists patients
with their health care payments and offers a Payment Assistance Program to those
patients who have difficulty paying their bills (PMH, n.d.).
However, there are internal weaknesses that are affecting PMH ability to provide
exceptional services to their consumers. Many of PMH s customers live in rural areas
and below the poverty line making transportation to
Airline Pest Analysis

Ryanair is headquartered in Dublin, Ireland and operates a low fare, no frill scheduled
passenger airline. Ryanair serves short haul, point to point routes between Ireland, the
United Kingdom, and continental Europe, making Ryanair EuropeВЎВ¦s largest low fare
airline. It has destinations in 13 countries with 76 low fare routes. Its fleet consists of
21 Boeing 737 200s and 21 737 800s. Launched in 1985, RyanairВЎВ¦s growth has been
extraordinary. Ryanair currently employs a team of 1500 people and will carry over 13
million scheduled passengers in the current year (2002). In 1986, Ryanair broke the high
fare cartel, which was then operated by the two state airlines Aer Lingus and British
Airways in the Dublin London route. The ... Show more content on ...
But Emirates choice of trading sector is very interesting. During the past years it has
been very successful in negotiating and lowering new routes to the sub continent, south
East Asia, Far East and other European routes. And in those routes too only British
Airways, Singapore Airlines etc stands as a rival, In short there is no direct threatening
competitor for Emirates. Thus Emirates enjoys the freedom from cutting cost of fixing
or reducing its fares. Unlike Ryanair, which is a domestic airlines in Europe, Emirates is
thriving hard to promote itself as a Global Airlines by selecting destinations around the

Core Competency

No doubt, RyanairВЎВ¦s secret behind its success is based on its ability to promote it as
a low fare airlines which automatically stimulates demand, particularly from budget
conscious leisure and business travelers, who might otherwise have used alternative
forms of transportation or who might not have traveled at all. RyanairsВЎВ¦s success can
also be attributed to an excellent management under Michael OВЎВ¦Leary. Creating
customerВЎВ¦s confidence by punctuality, excellent baggage handling, avoiding the
formation of trade unions, more frequency etc can also be related as the reason for
RayanairВЎВ¦s success.

For Emirates, more than anything, it is the quality of the service, which separate them
from other airlines. With its young fleet of airlines, Emirates has managed to stay on top
by providing various services to its travelers. The Skyward
Winter Wonderland Research Paper
NYC Weekend Guide for 18 19, 2017
Thanksgiving is almost here!
To get in the holiday spirit, the city has plenty of holiday themed activities to see and
do this weekend not to mention plenty of regular activities and events as well! From
special museum exhibitions to the famed Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall, the city
is truly coming alive as the holiday season edges closers. Here s just a few things to see
and do in NYC for this weekend!
Michelangelo: Divine Draftsman and Designers
This popular new exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in Manhattan examines
the work of celebrated Renaissance artist Michelangelo Buonarroti. The new exhibit
features about 150 paintings, drawings and sculptures as well as architectural models he
... Show more content on ...
The exhibit features thousands of costumes, set recreations and authentic artifacts from
Edwardian England. A must for TV and history fans alike!
Winter Wonderland: George Balanchine s The Nutcracker
For generations, the popular holiday play The Nutcracker has enchanted people of all
ages all around the world. Fans of the famed show will definitely want to head on over to
Lincoln Center to check out this special exhibition, which features a treasure trove of
costumes, set models, photographs and authentic film footage related to the celebrated
ballet. There s no better way to get into the holiday spirit!
The Butterfly Conservatory
The popular, ongoing exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History in the Upper
West Side of Manhattan boasts a live collection of three different species of butterflies.
The exhibit opens at 10AM and costs $23 to enter. A fun and unique attraction for
The Rockettes
The world famous Rockettes are back! The holiday season s most celebrated
performance has been enthralling New Yorkers and visitors alike for generations at
Radio City Music Hall in Rockefeller Center. For tickets and more information, please
Explore the Famous Rockefeller
Tonsillitis Case
1.The issue with Tonsillitis and the removal of my tonsils have been a very frustrating
and elongating issue for me until I really stepped away and looked at it from a different
viewpoint. Being that I am always wanting to be in control and also hate not being able
to have the ability to do things without interruption, this problemraised many conflicts
with these things. I found myself being mad, upset, and even depressed about it
because I could not control what was happening. I had to rely on doctors and
medication, and I did not know how to truly process that. Also the recovery process and
having to go in for another procedure to remove the skin tissue from the original surgery
also motivated a lot of negative responses. But, during my... Show more content on ...
Looking at the situation, the obvious answer is to flunk the student, or not feed the
beggar who has nothing to give. But, if you look at the situation from another angle, you
can look at it as an opportunity for the instructor to truly do something and give the
student something of true value. Also this can be looked upon as an opportunity for the
instructor display a true Zen moment. To do something for someone who can do nothing
for you, and has nothing to offer. The instructor could truly enlighten the student and give
them the opportunity to truly see the error in their ways and provide them the chance to
truly grow. Failing the student, or not feeding the beggar does not satisfy or answer any
real need or satisfaction to the universe or person who is in the position to change the
situation. Failing the student does not truly teach the student about Zen because Zen has
no timeline or schedule. Failing them because they have not grasped the true teaching of
Zen in a designated timeline is not Zen like because everybody experience with Zen is
different. So the opportunity of the instructor to pass the student but, speak to them about
their future journey with Zen and how to become better in Zen would be good for both
parties. Passing the student is a Zen opportunity for both the instructor and the student
and failing the student would be a missed opportunity for both the student and
Romeo s Foil Character
There are many interesting characters in the play Romeo and Juliet by William
Shakespeare. They all have something unique and important about them that drives the
story. One of these characters is Romeo. Romeo is the main character in the play, and has
many important character traits that help him change throughout the story. Therefore, it
is important to discuss the way that Romeo s character changes throughout the play, his
strong influence on other people, and his important character traits which are hasty, and
emotional. Romeo s different character traits help him change throughout the story. First
of all, because Romeo keeps falling in love, his emotions keep getting the best of him,
causing him to remain depressed. This is one... Show more content on ...
Romeo s biggest problem is that he rushes into things way too quickly, which is what
eventually caused his downfall. One of the things that shows Romeo s hastiness is
when he meets Juliet. Romeo has already been having a rough time with love because
he was in love with Rosaline. However, he had just met Juliet later that evening, and he
was already calling her the love of his life, meaning that he had forgotten about
Rosaline very quickly. Also, after he talks to Juliet in her room in Act 2, Scene 2, they
both decide to get married, after only knowing each other for a just a few hours. (II, 2
151) Thy purpose marriage, send me word tomorrow, Juliet says as she asks him to
marry her the next day. In Act 2, Friar Laurence says, (II, 3, 101), Wisely and slow, they
stumble that run fast. This means that people who rush into things too quickly without
thinking things through first will will cause someone to make mistakes which will
slowly lead to their failure. One example of this is how Romeo kills Tybalt. After
Tybalt kills Mercutio, Romeo gets driven by rage and anger causing him to murder
Tybalt in an act of vengeance. This results in Romeo s banishment, forcing him even
further away from Juliet. (III, 1, 142) O, I am Fortune s fool Romeo says after killing
Tybalt. If Romeo had thought about his actions before they occurred, then things may
have turned out differently for him. Lastly,
The Story Of The Syrophoenician Woman In The Gospels
The story of the Syrophoenician woman found in the Book of Matthew and Mark is one
of the most intriguing accounts of healing in the Gospels.
The Book of Matthew says Jesus left Galilee and went north to the region of Tyre and
Sidon. A certain woman came to Jesus, crying out, Lord, Son of David, have mercy on
me! My daughter is demon possessed and suffering terribly (Matthew 15:21 22). The
woman was a Gentile, of Syrophoenician origin. She is described as a Greek, a
Syrophoenician by race in Mark 7:26 (KJV).3 She wanted Jesus to cast the devil out of
her daughter. Jesus replied to her, It is not right to take the children s bread and toss it to
the dogs (Matthew 15:24). What??? And with remarkable insight and persistence, she
My Choice For A Space
Tomkins Park, my choice for a space which encapsulates both the ideas of diversity
and how that urban form and constrains a certain group was challenging to decide
upon, both on the side how that space affects a particular group such as women, and
how such a space may change, becoming more accepting of that group. I chose a space,
which was seemingly public and has a great level of diversity of who uses this public
space. I decided to partake in an observational study of Tomkins Park, located in
Calgary s Beltline neighbourhood of 17th Avenue. A relatively small public space,
which straddles several busy roads and businesses. My reasoning for choosing this space
was the amenities Tomkins Park offers, a public restroom, free to make use of... Show
more content on ...
I observed a homeless women go into the restroom during the early hours of the day,
only to have a patrol officer come and forcibly open the door to the restroom, and then
proceed to arrest her. This space may seem welcoming to anyone who wishes to use it,
however because of its location in such a busy area, routine police patrols, to ensure
that the space is still safe , meaning that those who do not fit the description of a white,
upper middle class individual will most likely be repositioned to one of Calgary s
already overburdened homeless shelters. Just a couple block from the park is one of
Calgary s most divided neighbourhoods, Mission, which, has a great wealth divide of
those who occupy it. Renters eagerly meek by in order to live there, while, large turn
of the century homes receive renovations to make way for the upper class to further
gentrify this area of the city. However, because of the businesses in this area, it is
incredibly welcoming to the vast amounts of foot traffic, so desired by the city s
I decided to stay in the park during a busy afternoon and make it appear as if I was
reading while taking notes on my observations. Many people walked through the space
and appeared to have a cordial demeanour to anyone else who may make eye contact
Energy Sources For Alternative Energy
The constant increase and release of carbon dioxide emissions into our environment
have drastic effects on our environment. These greenhouse gases warm the earth
impacting its naturally occurring events and processes, such as acid rain, destruction
of natural habitats, and even influencing the natural flow of the currents in our oceans.
The goal has been to create diverse methods of generating powerful, dependable
energy sources that do not have negative repercussions on our environment.
Alternative energy refers to sources that do not create undesired consequences, such
as fossil fuels do (Alternative Energy 2015). Not only are emissions from fossil fuels
concerning, but also these resources are not going to be available for our use forever,
making changes for alternative energy sources a pressing topic of discussion. British
Petroleum and Royal Dutch Shell, two of the world s largest oil companies, predict
that by 2050, one third of the world s energy will have to come from some type of
alternative energy source (Alternative Energy 2015). Constant growth of population,
climate changes, and depletion of fossil fuels makes it necessary for renewables to
play a bigger role in powering our world. These resources are often thought to be free
sources of energy because they are naturally occurring events used to form electric
power (Alternative Energy 2015). In addition, all of these forms have a large decrease in
carbon emissions compared to conventional energy sources
Research Paper On Russian Culture
Russian Culture: A look at its Religion and Art

Mankind has always aspired to be the largest, biggest, strongest, highest, essentially the
best in everything. This is not untrue for the Russians who have had the largest country
in the world for quite some time now. Russia covers one sixth of the entire world s land
mass and has had a significant part in modern history. However, in order to understand
why a country has become what it is now, one must look at its culture. A country s culture
not only reflects its citizens now but also its history and future.

Many things reflect Russia s diverse culture but two main things are art and the church.
Like many other countries, the church has played a great role in the formation of ... Show
more content on ...
Other religious groups that inhabit Russia include the Muslims, Jews, Protestants,
Catholics, and Buddhists. The Muslims form the second largest religious group in
Russia. They are concentrated mostly in the ethnic republics of Tartarstan and
Bashkortostan in the middle Volga region, and in the republics of Chechnya, Ingushetia,
Alania (North Ossetia), Kabardino Balkaria, and Dagestan. The Jews and Christians are
dispersed throughout the country and the Buddhists live chiefly in the republics of
Buryatia and Tuva on the Russian border with Mongolia and in Kalmykia on the
northwest shore of the Caspian Sea. (Microsoft Encarta)

Religion as one can clearly see had a direct impact on the Russian people but it also had a
direct influence on Russian art. Since art is a reflection of every culture, it is important
that one studies it when one is studying another culture.

The introduction of Christianity into Russia spurred the development of the country s
fine arts. For 600 years, Christian forms of art dominated Russian painting, music,
architecture, and literature. Russian artists, however, applied their unique vision and
dramatically altered the style imported so it became their own. Especially in painting, the
blending of foreign influences with native genius produced some of the world s most
beautiful icons. In the early 15th century Andrey Rublyov, one the greatest of
Why The Automobile Is A Great Feat
When thinking of an automobile the first thing that comes to many people s minds is
transportation. The automobile is a great feat in engineering that leads to the ability to
connect the cities of the world in an easier way that everyone can own. Most people
though, when thinking about automobiles, do not think about the heart of the
automobile, the engine. The engine is the thing that drives the automobile forward
and pumps the power through the transmission and to the wheels to produce the
outstanding acceleration that we feel. The engine is a great piece of machinery, but is
very fragile. It always needs proper oil and coolant. Oil is very important to an engine;
it cools the engine, cleans the engine, lubricates the engine, and creates compression in
the engine. The average mileage anyone should drive on an oil change is three
thousand miles. That is the peak distance at which the oil will start to become full of
foreign particles and the filter will not be able to properly clean this oil. In addition to
oil, coolant is very important to an engine because of the cooling ability that it adds to
the engine. Without coolant the engine will overheat and most possibly blow a head
gasket or warp the block. Oil, coolant and other many factors go into keeping an engine
in good running order to extend its life. Maintaining the fluids and keeping them in good
condition is important to this longevity. The only problem with man made machinery
like an engine is that it will
Mercy Killing
Mercy Killing or Just Plain Killing: The Euthanasia Debate For as long as people have
been around, we have been dying. While this very well may seem to be pointing out
the obvious, so many of us forget that we, as humans, are mortal beings. Our life span
is definitely finite, and it should be. Just think what would happen if nobody ever died.
Even though we are mortal, we try to hang onto our lives as long as we can. Fear of death
and wanting to live forever are, after all, part of human nature. Sometimes, however,
medicine takes advantage of this aspect of humanity and, to a great extent, capitalizes on
it. While it is certainly true that one goal of medicine has always been to prolong life,
another goal has been the... Show more content on ...
Of course, there are some arguments for the elimination of euthanasia alltogether.
Euthanasia is killing; there is no question about it. Even the New England Journal of
Medicine admits this; Dr. Ronald Cranford, one of the authors of a report saying that
it is moral to give patients information on suicide, publicly acknowledges that this is
the same as killing the patient, ( In addition, keeping a deathly ill
relative or friend on life support can make the transition between life and death much
easier for loved ones. That is, instead of having all at once to get used to having a
relative or friend not be around physically or mentally, acknowledging such a reality is
a gradual transition. Also, it is much easier on the minds of family members and
friends for them to know they did all they could to save their dying loved one. It is
easy to see how somebody could feel responsible for their loved one s death having
allowed doctors to euthanise him or her. Furthermore, if assisted suicide becomes
widely accepted, there will undoubtedly be a lot more people dying this way. In Holland,
for example, where laws against assisted suicide are largely ignored and rarely enforced,
25,300 cases of assisted suicide occur each year... This represents 19.4% of all deaths,
Similarities Between Orangutans And The Great Apes
Within the world of primates, the family Hominidae includes the primates known as the
great apes. These primates, are then broken down into two subfamilies. One subfamily
contains the primates chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas and humans, while the other
subfamily, Ponginae, only contains the species Pongo, commonly known as the orangutan
. Orangutans, although closely related to the other great apes, represent a lot of extremes
in biological parameters (Campbell, C. J., 2011). One of the most drastic extremes is that
orangutans are the largest primary arboreal mammal in the world. This is a result of
special evolutionary adaptations that allow these primates to mechanically function in an
arboreal lifestyle. Unlike the other great apes,... Show more content on ...
This book included a large section of information on orangutans with observations about
basic traits as well as mechanical and social behaviors. It is interesting to note that the
section also notes the various methods these orangutans were being hunted, killed or used
by its enemies. It concludes describing an old misconception of how an orangutan s great
strength and ferocity render them dangerous. We now know that these animals are
actually very rarely aggressive, but rather solitary social creatures. The common theme of
primates being dangerous and monsters can be across various historical writings.
Orangutans, endemic now only in the southeast rainforests of Asia, were once found
throughout Asia (Campbell, C. J., 2011). Since 2001, there have only been two species
of orangutan identified, the Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo abeli) and the Bornean
Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) (Nater, A., et al. 2017). However, recent research, to be
published later this month, has identified a new third species of orangutan, Pongo
tapanuliensis. This species of orangutans, found south of Lake Toba, was once grouped
with the Sumatran Orangutans, however, recent genetic testing has identified them as a
completely different species from those orangutans found north of Lake Toba.
Orangutans all face major issues in terms of numbers with all species marked as either
endangered or critically endangered due to hunting pressure and habitat destruction. The
palm oil industry has greatly
Differences Between Domesticated And Wild Animals
There are notable differences between domesticated and wild animals. They are more
obvious when compared between different breeds of the same species. For most
domesticated species, the variations within an organism are usually descended from a
single wild species. Variation arises from natural selection, and refers to variation both
within and between species. Darwin did not believe that all domesticated species arises
from a common wild ancestor, however, modern genetics disproves this.
Research shows that all domesticated dogs arise from their wild ancestor, the wolves.
Similar trends are found in other domesticated animals like cats, horses, cows, and birds.
Specifically, I will be analyzing the trends in domestication of fowl and poultry. Fowl
includes two orders of birds: landfowl (chicken, quail, pheasant) and waterfowl (duck,
goose, swan). Fowl typically refers to wild birds. Poultry indicates birds that are
domesticated and raised for meat or eggs. By analyzing the behavior, evolution species
variation, and domestication of birds, we can determine the traits selected for different
species. Through domestication, many breeds of birds have evolved with alterations that
could be seen as adaptations to the environment.
Behavior of Wild Fowl It is widely known that the domestication of an organism involves
numerous changes: genetically, physically, socially, mentally. An interesting occurrence
to note is reduction in brain size from wild to domestic animals. As
My Summer Vacation
My Summer in Chicago

I couldn t help but to feel anxious and excited. It was my first time being in such a vast
city and I couldn t wait to explore it. The time was near the end of July, this is when
my dad usually enjoys taking our summer vacations, primarily outside of our state to
somewhere else new and exciting. That summer my dad decided to take a week long
road trip and visit, Wisconsin Dells, Chicago, St. Louis, and Madison. My dad said he
wanted to show my sisters and I all the adventures he did in Chicago when he was my
age. I had felt joyful about the trip, I could not wait to see all the buildings and walk
down the Navy Pier. To tell the truth, I was more excited to visit Chicago a little more
since it was such an extensive city and I had wanted to visit there ever since I was
A few days before the trip, my dad, my sister Nina, and I, had done some research and
added up the cost of the trip and looked for hotels and restaurants to visit during the
time we were there and on our road trip. After about an hour of research on Chicago,
we had our plan of what to do for our time in Chicago. That night, It was difficult to fall
asleep, although I wasn t surprised I usually didn t fall asleep right away before a
vacation, I m usually too excited.
Morning soon came and my dad, my younger sister Niomi, my sister Nina, and I were
all ready to leave and finally begin the drive to Chicago. Not to mention, it would be
about six hours to arrive there. Finally, after
Paying Attention To Children Research Paper
A person s childhood has an enormous impact on the person they become when they
grow up. Because of this, it is essential that do our best to give our children the best
childhood that they can have in order to nurture successful adults. One way we can do
this is by giving children the attention they need. In 2010 the average amount of time that
parents spent with their children each week was 13.7 hours (Schulte). This must change
because paying attention to children is essential for a number of reasons. First, paying
attention to children improves the quality of the childs communication. If parents,
guardians, or other loved ones show an active interest in the childs life, the child is more
likely to communicate with their parents or guardians... Show more content on ...
Married couples make up 68% of all families with children under 18, compared to 93%
in 1950 (US 2015 Census). This demonstrates that more and more children are living in
households with single parents. Single parents have to deal with jobs and other sources
of stress making it difficult to give their children the attention they need. Additionally,
single parents are the only ones that are providing for the family so they have a lot on
their plate. This can provide stress on the child because they can feel unloved or even
hated. As the rate of single parents go up, so does the amount of children that are not
receiving enough
China s Boxer Rebellion
Throughout hundreds of years China has undergone several economic

transformations, yet none proved to be as effective as the 1978 shift to a market based

economy. Although this transition has allowed the country to flourish, it did not happen

overnight. In 1978, China was one of the poorest countries in the world. The real per

capita GDP in China was only one fortieth of the U.S. level and one tenth the Brazilian

level (Zhu, 2012, N.p.). Yet since the change occurred, China s real per capita GDP has

consistently grown at an average rate of more than 8% per year. As a result, China s real

per capita GDP is now almost one fifth the U.S. level and at the same level as Brazil

(Zhu, 2012, N.p.). The continued improvements in China s ... Show more content on ...
At the beginning of the 20th century, China was bombarded by powerful Western

nations trying to apply as much control over it as possible. The Chinese opposed the

attempts of foreign control and expressed this at the beginning of the 20th century with

the Boxer Rebellion. During this era, the traditional government of China began to fail.

The Chinese people became resentful of foreigners and dissatisfied with failure of the

present government to throw them out, which initiated the Revolution of 1911, replacing

the Chinese 2000 year old imperial system with the Republic of China led by Sun Yat

sen. In January of 1946, two factions of China began to have a power struggle. The KMT

(Kuomintang), which were supplied by the United States, controlled the cities, while the

CCP (Chinese Communist Party) had a strong hold in the countryside (Abbey, 1999,

N.p.). To make matters worse, high inflation rates were weakening the citizens and

military. By 1948, the CCP began to wage war against the KMT, taking control of

Manchuria (a region in northeast China) and working its way south. On October 1, 1949,
Mao Zedong established the People s Republic of China. The People s Republic of
Barn Burning Literary Analysis
The Barn Burning a short story wriiten by William Faulkner in which the protagonist
Young Colonel Sartoris Snopes is left to watch in constant disbelief of his farther often
explosive anger which manifests itself into destroying other peoples property. This story
exemplifies the old adages that speak out against anger and warn people about the
dangers of letting your emotions control you. Unlike th countless parables warning the
farther of his misguided anger the farther does not learn from these messages and falls
victim to his uncontrolled sin. The Barn Burningis a parable warning against the
unchecked emotion of anger and how it can negatively affect bot only yourself but those
you love round you. The story revolves around a young... Show more content on ...
Snopes is given a second chance. With this second chance he is able to avoid legal
ramifications, move out of town and start life over hopefully having learned from his
mistakes. But like most characters in a allegory rthee is a lesson to be learned from
them and in this case Mr. Snopes does not learn from his previous mistakes. In a sense
of total disregard for others property Mr. Snopes soils his new boss s rug and is forced
to clean it. Instead of thoroughly and carefully cleaning the rug he ruins it and trys to
return it to his boss. When his boss orders him to pay for the rug Mr.Snopes becomes
enraged and reverts back to old habits. Mr.Snopes is depicted as a man who will not
hesitate to evoke the power of fire against those who impose him (Lodges 44) .This
statement gives a clear view into the kind of devious and anger provoked actions
Mr.Snopes is willing to undertake in order to get revenge on those he feels have
wronged him.This statement also shows the kind o fangry attitude which will
ultimately be Mr.Snopes downfall. Mr. Snopes enlist his son to help him burn down
his bosses barn but young Snopes does not want to partake in any more of Mr. Snopes
destructive fits of anger. In a panicked mental state young Snopes warns one of the
servants at the boss s house and help is sent out to stop Mr.snopes. The boss and the
serant ran out to the barn and killed Mr.Snopes. The sin of anger had comeback and

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