After The First Death Essay

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After The First Death Essay

Writing an essay on the topic "After The First Death" can be quite challenging due to the complex
and multifaceted nature of the subject matter. The novel, written by Robert Cormier, delves into
themes such as terrorism, sacrifice, and the impact of violence on individuals and society. Crafting
an essay on this topic requires a deep understanding of the novel's plot, characters, and underlying

Firstly, the intricate plot of "After The First Death" demands careful analysis to unravel the layers of
the narrative. Exploring the characters' motivations, actions, and the consequences of their decisions
is crucial for constructing a comprehensive essay. Moreover, the novel's non-linear structure adds an
extra layer of complexity, as events unfold in a fragmented manner, requiring the writer to piece
together the puzzle to present a coherent analysis.

Furthermore, the thematic elements of terrorism and its psychological ramifications make this essay
particularly challenging. Addressing the ethical dilemmas faced by the characters and examining the
broader implications of their choices involves navigating through morally ambiguous terrain.
Balancing the exploration of these heavy themes while maintaining clarity and coherence in the essay
is a delicate task.

Additionally, crafting a compelling thesis statement that captures the essence of the novel and guides
the essay's argument can be challenging. It requires a deep understanding of the nuances of the text
and an ability to articulate a focused and thought-provoking analysis.

In conclusion, writing an essay on "After The First Death" demands a thorough understanding of the
novel's intricate plot, complex characters, and profound themes. The task involves navigating through
challenging ethical questions and presenting a coherent analysis of the narrative. While the process
may be demanding, it offers an opportunity for insightful exploration and critical thinking.

For those seeking assistance with essays on similar topics or any other academic writing needs, a
reliable resource is There, one can find professional writers who can provide
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After The First Death Essay After The First Death Essay
Emory Oral History
Emory University, a top ranked private institution recognized internationally for its
outstanding liberal arts colleges, graduate and professional schools, and one of the world
s leading health care systems, is located on a beautiful campus in Atlanta, Georgia s
historic Druid Hills neighborhood. Whatever your interest in Emory, we would welcome
your visit to campus.

Emory maintains an uncommon balance for an institution of its standing: our scholars
and experts generate more than $572 million in research funding annually while also
maintaining a traditional emphasis on teaching. The University is enriched by
collaboration among its schools, centers, and partners as well as by the legacy and
energy of Atlanta.

The 2015 Annual Report demonstrates ... Show more content on ...
Once a small university in a small town, we are now the premier research and educational
institution in the thriving Inland Southern California region. Explore our history through
the links below.
View the highlights of the history of UC Riverside.
Oral History Project
In the late 1990s and early 2000s interviews with early UCR leaders and pioneers were
conducted to create an oral history of the campus.
Contributors include Ivan and Birk Hinderaker, Concha Rivera, Hank Carney, Michael
Reagan, George Zentmyer, Arthur Campbell Turner and Howard H. Hays.
Past Chancellors
Dynamic leadership has been the hallmark of the provosts and chancellors who have led
UC Riverside. Learn the history of UCR s leadership.

UC President Janet Napolitano and UCR Chancellor Kim A. Wilcox made two
appearances in the Inland Empire Thursday (April 14), discussing the value of a college
education and highlighting the affordability and accessibility of UC for California
students and their families. The visits to Eleanor Roosevelt High School in Eastvale
and Chaffey College in Rancho Cucamonga are part of a statewide effort by UC to
boost the enrollment of Californians by 5,000 in fall 2016 and another 5,000 by
President Taft Dbq
Although William Howard Taft had been President Theodore Roosevelt s handpicked
successor, Taft soon proved to be incompetent in many foreign and domestic affairs. To
many Americans, it quickly became evident that Taft did not share the same political
viewpoints as his successor, Roosevelt, had. Compared to Roosevelt, Taft was not as
energetic and ardent; his policies caused much controversy from the Republican Party
and Roosevelt himself (Brinkley 606). In addition to Taft s passivity towards Congress,
his administration was significantly comprised of members who did not stress reform.
This would lead to poor decisions regarding Progressive Era reforms (Bailey 697). Even
though President Taft had a few international accomplishments and domestic
achievements dealing with trust busting, his ineptitude in office led to the splitting of
the Republican Party and the outrage of former president Roosevelt. President Taft s
foreign policy increased political interests internationally, and they quelled revolts in the
Caribbean. Dollar diplomacy , which referred to his approach to foreign affairs,
established financial security in the Far East using the money earned by bankers on Wall
Street. This would strengthen America s defenses and foreign policies, , and it would
prevent other European countries from interfering in South American affairs (Bailey
698). All in all, dollar diplomacy was Taft s generally successful way of secure foreign
markets using American investments.
The Song Of Roland
Roland, an expert military leader shows many different qualities such as his
heroicness, his pride, and his loyalty to his uncle King Charlemagne. Roland and
Oliver his best friend work through many struggles in this book. Everyone has great
love, support, and devotion for Roland the great warrior. They love him so much, they
will never fail him. (30.397) Roland gives generously gifts, masses of gold, and silver,
mules, battle horses, brocaded silks, supplies. (30. 37) Because of this unquestioning
faith they have in him, he has no accountability. In the Song of Roland when the
character Oliver confronts Roland of his choices he ignores the important advice. They
believe they could never fail him because of their support and help, but
How Media Frame Shape Their Framing When Reporting
Reason for writing:
Why is this research important?
What problem does this work attempt to solve? What is the main argument?
An abstract of a scientific work may include specific models or approaches used. Other
abstracts may describe the types of evidence used in the research.
The framing techniques that media utilizes can be telling of the source of the reporting
and can also be beneficial in discerning public opinion on domestic and foreign affairs.
What the media reports on as well as how they present their reports are often consistent
with their host countries interests, but it is my belief that differences occur when
reporting on similar issues in foreign countries. The goal of this research is to discover
how media frame stories differently with respect to geography, and to unearth possible
patterns and themes in framing while exposing and explaining any anomalies. This leads
to the main question of how do media outlets adjust their framing when reporting on
domestic versus international protests? In short, what role does proximity play in
framing strategies? Protests are a type of political discourse and demonstration that are
not unique to any region or country, even though their subject matter may be. In the
following study, I will analyze existing research to focus on protests and movements such
as the Occupy movement, Gezi protests, Arab Spring,
Framing in the constructionist paradigm
Goffman describes frames
The Linguistic Results Of Language Contact
Through looking at patterns of social interaction of different languages it is easy to
predict the linguistic results of language contact. This could be seen through
multilingualism which is a result of language contact between multiple different
languages. Multilingualism can create diglossia which helps display the multilingualism
of a country or community and helps show it is useful for predicting the results of
language contact. Code switching in which people switch from one language to another
depending on the situation, helps show how social interaction between speakers of
different languages helps us predict the linguistic results of language contact. Then there
is dialectlevelling and language change which helps show the beginning... Show more
content on ...
All these reasons result in social interaction between speakers of different language,
which helps predict language contact may result in multilingualism. It is estimated that
over half of all countries are multilingual. An example of a multilingual society is
Switzerland with three main languages: French, German and Italian and each language is
dominant area of its own. John Edwards believes that everyone is bilingual, even if
someone can only speak or understand, he believes that you have some command of a
foreign tongue therefore there is no clear monolingual country. Therefore multilingualism
is useful in showing how the social interaction between people of different languages help
us predict the linguistic results of language contact as it is an example of what happens
when multiple languages exist and interact in the same country.

In multilingual countries, diglossia occurs, which is the result of language contact and
social interaction. This therefore helps shows how the patterns of social interaction
between speakers of different languages predict results of language contact as diglossia
is a result of this and display the countries multilingualism. Diglossia describes societal or
institutionalised bilingualism, where two varieties are required to cover all the
community s domains. (Holmes, p.30) There are two definitions of diglossia but it is
Joshua Fishman s modification of Charles Ferguson s definition that
Comparing Blackberry-Picking And Digging
In his poems Blackberry Picking and Digging, Seamus Heaney unveils many events of
his childhood along with his own feelings about his past. As a naive child, Heaney
reveals many simple and paradoxical emotions in the two poems written in the voice of
his youth.

Just like any other boy from a countryside, Seamus Heaney portrays feelings of pure
excitement and joy in Blackberry Picking. The length of the stanzas tell the readers
how much he is looking forward to the day when the berries will ripen (a longer
description is made of the process of waiting and picking the blackberries), and when a
glossy purple clot appears among others, red, green, hard as a knot, Heaney finally
starts to get ready. An image is created where he is running around and calling his
friends to join him in picking blackberries. Also, the readers can almost feel the
blackberries, which are still quite ... Show more content on ...
The title of the poem Digging is very collective of Heaney s past and repetition is used
to emphasize the title. Heaney s father and grandfather had owned a farm, but he had
chosen not to follow their routes, instead preferring to become a poet. As he recalls
his childhood, some memories are in more detail than others (the irregular stanzas).
The poem ends with Heaney saying Between my finger and my thumb the squat pen
rests. I ll dig with it. This line itself is a repetition of the first few lines of the poem,
and an image is created where Heaney is sitting on his desk, bringing his past back to
life on paper. Again, he expresses feelings of guilt and regret as he claims that he will
still continue on the family business, but though digging with his pen instead. Heaney
doesn t want to become a farmer; however, he digs with his squad pen, remembering the
olden days when he used to love watching and helping his father and grandfather,
Character Analysis Of Andrew In Fly Away Home By Eve
Hopefull. That describes Andrew in Fly Away Home by Eve Bunting. Andrew lives in
a airport. He want the live a normal life but he can t because he s stuck in an airport
without a home. Though in a tough situation he still manages to keep a positive attitude,
and he also is helpful. He is so young yet he is still hopeful.
How would you react living in an airport since you were young, well Andrew manages
to keep a positive attitude. In the story Andrew said My dad and I live in the airport,
that s because we don t have a home and the airport is better than the streets. This shows
his attitude while living in the airport it s tough but he does not want to show his dad that
he truly wants to live in a house. Andrew tries to stay positive through the situation he
s going through. But he is a lot more positive than most people would be in his
predicament. Another example on how Andrew is positive is when he saw the bird
get stuck in the airport, Don t stop trying! he told it silently. Don t! You can get out.
This part is significant to the story by showing how he is encouraging the bird to
continue trying, that the bird can get out. But this makes me wonder if maybe he was
just talking to himself because he has no one to help him stay positive. His dad surely
does not encourage him his dad likes it at the airport his dad does not understand what
Andrew really wants, yet Andrew still fights and he still has hope. The last example on
how Andrew is positive is when he said Then I remember the bird, It took awhile but a
door opened and when the bird left, when it flew free, I knew it was singing. It is
important to notice that before he said this he almost lost hope, he got mad at the people
around him because they had more than him. But he then tried to focus on something
positive this shows that he truly wants to have hope and be positive.
Many people face challenges all the time. But the character Andrew in fly away home
lives in an airport and helps his dad to get out. One example is he can t get noticed by
other people, they stay among the crowds change airlines and sleep sitting up. Even
though Andrew is just a kid he doesn t complain about all the walking and trying not to
get noticed. This is helpful
Pros And Cons Of Digital Footprint
Digital Footprint make you or break you

During the last decades, social media has been one of the most powerful tool to achieve
success, but it is also a risky medium since it has caused the fall of many important
reputations figures corporations. It will always depend on how someone uses social
media because once your digital footprint is online, it will remain forever. Although
digital footprint is a concern for modern society, social media is an essential mechanism
for both the actual and future workforce.
The digital footprint of a person is the data that is gathered while he or she is online. With
everything surfed online, there might be remaining digital footprints beneath. In the
article Your Digital Footprint: What is it How ... Show more content on
Natasha mentioned that Of 381 college admissions officers who answered a Kaplan
telephone questionnaire this year, 31 percent said they had visited an applicant s
Facebook or other personal social media page to learn more about them a five
percentage point increase from last year . In fact, 30 percent of the colleges admission
representatives claimed that they have found many data on social media that had
negatively impacted the applicants. Admissions of offices of colleges have also rejected
applicants just because of their digital
From The Very Beginning, Children Are Taught The Difference
From the very beginning, children are taught the difference between right and wrong.
So, if you can do the crime you can do the time, is what some people will answer when
asked if they think teenagers should be given the same punishment as adults when
committing the same crime. People are arguing whether teenage repeat offenders should
suffer the same consequences as grown ups, and if or if not what are the consequences
for these children. Juveniles should not go through the same legal penalties as adults
after they have become teenagers. Instead teenagers should be aimed at rehabilitation
and making them ready to be productive members of society. Those that are younger are
more likely to engage in crimes that the ones that are older and... Show more content on ...
Teens do not process everything carefully and when a teen does commit a crime he/she
may not know how it can be a domino effect and hurt them their whole life. Instead of
punishing these teens the same as adults, even when they do commit the same level of
crimes they should be helped. Just talking to these teenagers makes a huge difference,
even if they do not know it, it means everything to them that there is someone out there
wanting them to have a second chance and correct their wrong doing while they are still
young. As Richard Quigley wrote in Empowering our Children to Succeed, we want
young people to understand how they can be of legitimate value to themselves and their
communities and by giving them this opportunity of help we can help them correct their
path (25). A person s brain is not fully developed until they hit the age of twenty five says
Lenroot who wrote Differences in genetic and environmental influences on the human
cerebral cortex associated with development during childhood and adolescence. He says
that the prefrontal cortex is the part of the brain that weighs outcomes, our forms of
judgments, and control impulses and emotions, scientists found that the prefrontal cortex
is immature in teenagers compared to adults since their brain is fully developed (174).
In our communities now we sometimes hear, it was only done this way to benefit the
people right now. Teenagers are most likely
Imogene King s Theory Of Goal Attainment
Imogene King developed the Theory of Goal Attainment and based it on the belief that
nursing focuses on the care of people as a whole (Sitzman Eichelberger, 2017, p. 144).
The theory states that there are many factors that effect the care of the patient, including
the environment, communication, the individual s health and interactions among
patients, families and nurses (Sitzman Eichelberger, 2017, p. 145 146). The
environment consists of internal and external factors that may effect patient care
(Sitzman Eichelberger, 2017, p. 146). The primary objective and goal of nursing is to
return the patient to their optimal level of health and ability to function as a whole
person (Sitzman Eichelberger, 2017, p. 146). The Theory of Goal Attainment is
separated into three main systems, each with their own concepts: Personal systems,
interpersonal systems, and social systems (Sitzman Eichelberger, 2017, p. 147).
Personal Systems consists of the individual (patient and nurse together: Concepts:
Perception How an individual feels about or interprets something. Self How the
individual perceives themselves on the inside. Growth and development The
continuing changes of the inner and outer aspects of the individual Body image How
the individual perceives themselves. Time How long it takes between two separate
events. Learning Understanding on a deeper level. space (Sitzman Eichelberger, 2017,
p. 147). Interpersonal systems consists of two people, three people, small group:
Concepts: Communication Expressing needs, wants and ideas between more two or
more people Interaction more than one person participating in a single task or
alongside each other Role Expected behaviors for each individual Stress Positive or
negative in response to a particular event or stressor Transaction Goal directed human
behavior. (Sitzman Eichelberger, 2017, p. 148 149). Social Systems consists of multiple
people or community/society Concepts: Organization focusing on achieving set goals
Authority Ability to make decisions and changes Power Having higher esteem Status
Title or perception of rank decision making the ability to make a choice for yourself or
others (Sitzman Eichelberger, 2017, p.
Hip Hop and Adam Yauch Park Essay
Hip Hop has been a thread of music that is deeply rooted in the struggle within the black
communities of America. It acted as a window for people outside of the black
community to acknowledge and experience, to an extent, what endeavors those
communities encounter. Although Hip Hop s central purpose is to denote the
subjugation that was implemented on the black community, Hip Hop began as a mere
offshoot of 1970 s jazz, funk, and soul. Beastie Boys, now seen as a forefront in the
gentrification of Hip Hop, were at first an anomaly. Being an all white group in a
predominantly African American industry was not a walk in the park at first, but once
they showed their ability to rap; no one seemed to doubt that they truly belonged in the
Hip... Show more content on ...
Because of this, I researched heavily the park s atmosphere, so that I would be able to
find it with ease. The only thing I dreaded was the commute. Brooklyn Heights to and
from Queens is not within each other s proximity so I knew that the trip from there
and back would occupy a large part of my journey. From what my research told me, the
easiest option was to take the F train all the way to Jay Metro, where I would have a 10
minute walk to the park. The other options included transfers to trains that I was not
familiar with, nevertheless the F train was the most convenient because the 169th
station is a couple blocks from St. Johns. When I finally had the time to go through
with this commute, I walked to 169th and essentially took the F train until my stop.
Although the direction list on Google maps was specific, I became flustered when I
arrived at the Jay Street. Luckily however there was a police man who pointed me in
the direction of State Street where Adam Yauch Park is located. When I came up to
my destination, I was actually disappointed. The park was smaller than I imagined and
did not really offer much; however, one thing that I did notice the variety of trees.
According to NYC Parks: When you visit his namesake park, be sure to take in the
wide variety of trees, including silver lindens, London planes, pin oaks, and Norway
maples (NYC Parks). Since Adam
Netw 240 Devry Essay

NETW240 Shell Scripting Class Project Guide

Shell Script Project Paper Guidelines

Shell Scripting Project Paper Guidelines
UNIX system administrators write shell scripts to automate repetitive administrative
tasks that would otherwise take up a large portion of their daily work schedule. For
example, a shell script can be written to perform the nightly system backup. The script
can be scheduled in crontab to execute after hours when the system is not being used.
The shell script benefits the company and administrator since a trip back to work later in
the evening is unnecessary.

Many other system administration tasks can be automated to relieve the administrator of
having to ... Show more content on ...
The report will be automatically e mailed to the administrator each morning before the
start of business.

Since Linux is free UNIX, anyone is free to use and modify any UNIX shell script
developed by another person or group and posted on the Web. This is what makes Linux
such a powerful tool. Anyone can develop scripts (tools) and then share them with
everyone else in the Linux community. In this manner, scripts are shared, modified, and
made more powerful as they progress through different user environments.

The DeVry book entitled, Rules of Thumb A Guide for Writers, should be consulted for
information on using APA style to cite references and sources of research information.
A sample shell script project paper for you to use as a guide can be found in the Doc
Sharing tab of iOptimize.

NETW240 Project Paper Requirements

* Complete an assessment/analysis of websites that provide shell scripts that you can
review or use (see Webliography). Also, review Chapter 12 in our textbook.

* Research shell scripting techniques and how they can benefit a system administrator.
Visit some of the online sites that we learned in Lab 1 for some insight into scripting
and how administrators use scripting. The DeVry library has several e books on shell

* Include at least five references in your proposal

Jamaica Kincaid Girl Essay
Since the beginning of mankind, oppression has been a major obstacle for women to
overcome. In Girl, Jamaica Kincaid illustrates through written word the struggle women
go through due to the expectations set for them. While there is female oppression of
different forms, Jamaica Kincaid s Girl is a resemblance of the oppression she felt during
her childhood on the small and remote island nation of Antigua.
In its most basic form, Girl vividly paints a literary picture depicting the way an old
fashioned wife is supposed to be in the eyes of her male patriarch. The piece by
Kincaid seemingly consists of a single string of instructions and commands from a
motherly figure to a daughter. The instructions could be described as a mother teaching
a daughter how to properly do a women s chore or how to keep her husband happy. For
example, the motherly figure states, this is how to sew on a ... Show more content on ...
Early on in Kincaid s piece, the motherly figure interrogates the young girl about singing
benna in Sunday school: is it true that you sing benna in Sunday school?...don t sing
benna in Sunday school...but I don t sing benna on Sundays at all and never in Sunday
school (Kincaid, 120). During the time Jamaica Kincaid lived on the island of Antigua,
the British government had reign. As a result of this movement of imperialism, Antiguan
musicians adopted a West Indian form of short song known as benna. Benna was a short
hymn that often never went with musical instruments. Its main purpose was to speak
about culturally controversial topics such as sexuality, drugs, and feminism as well as
political corruption. As a result of the controversial lyrics, many Antiguans were jailed
for writing benna. While benna was not specific to Jamaica Kincaid, it does show one
form of oppression she faced growing up ( Countries and Their
Comparison Between 12 Angry Men And Dead Poets Society
12 Angry Men and Dead Poets Society Deconstruction In the movies 12 Angry Men and
Dead Poets Society, there were many leadership traits that became evident as each movie
progressed. . Both movies provide similar, yet different, examples of contingency,
transformational, and authentic leadership; as well as Aristotle s Rhetoricrelated to
persuasion. As a leader you will need to know what kind of leadershiptrait to employ
when dealing with a diverse group of people because if you cannot, you will fail as a
leader eventually. In this paper I will analyze and deconstruct multiple leadership styles
and approaches, and several of Aristotle s rhetoric styles.
There are several Leadership approaches in the movie, the first is the behavioral ... Show
more content on ...
His method instructs his students as to what to do, but without being the authoritarian
the students were used to. This resulted in the students starting to get inspired and they
started to think for themselves, and question the status Qua.
12 Angry Men are in a 1950 s courtroom, where 12 men from various backgrounds and
different personalities, find themselves deciding the fate of a teenage boy accused of
murdering his father. The vote must be unanimous, with a guilty verdict resulting in the
death of the young man facing trial. Juror #8, (Fonda), was not the assigned jury leader,
but emerged as the primary leader within minutes of the group sequester, when juror
#8 was the only no vote. Fonda s situation allowed his leadership traits to apply with
success. Fonda s leadership was due to his ethical need for a jury decision. Fonda s
character combines his goal of having a fair deliberation concerning the young man
accused of murder (task Behavior). Fonda was trying to help the eleven other jurors to
feel more comfortable with thinking critically and to examine the facts closely
(relationship behavior). Now that I have discussed the behavior traits of the two movies,
we will discuss the Trait approach in leadership. The Trait approach in leadership
focuses exclusively on the leader, not on the followers or the situation (Northouse 2016,
p 29). There are five major traits (intelligence, self confidence,
The Issue Of Pregnancy Termination
Pregnancy termination is a controversial and sensitive subject that has sparked many
debates in the past five decades. It is a two sided issue between life and death of the
unborn child. Planned Parenthood (2017) reports that thirty percent of women in the
United States terminate a pregnancy before reaching forty five years of age. Abortionhas
been legal in the United States since Roe v. Wade, a 1973 landmark decision held that the
Fourteenth Amendment s right of personal privacy covered the woman s choice to carry
a child or not. Republican Administrations such as those of Former Presidents Ronald
Raegan and George W. Bushhave been tough on abortion rights and sparked anti abortion
movements (Joffe 2013). With a new republican... Show more content on
With Clinton cancelling the bill in the early nineties, President Bush later reintroduced it,
adding more elements. The Bush Administration added still more teeth to the global gag
rule, prohibiting funding of any group that promotes or advocates legalization and
practice of prostitution and sex trafficking (Garrett 2017). Early into Obama s First 100
days, President Obama rescinded it again. There is a pattern between liberal and
conservative beliefs/actions and the Gag Rule. Garrett has noted that evidence from
research shows increase abortion rates under the bill. However, abortions rates were
significantly lower under Obama s administration due to women having access to
contraceptive options, sex education and most importantly the right to make decisions in
reproductive planning. Recently, President Trump has announced his position on the
Mexico City Policy and is leaning towards reinstating it, despite the statistics on increases
in abortions it has had over time (Garrett 2017).
Effects on the Black Woman and Community. Trump has switched his stance on abortion
since announcing his run for president. Once pro choice, he has recently exposed a
different side, from pledging to employ an anti abortion litmus test for his Supreme Court
nominees, to opining not only that abortion should be banned but also that women
should be punished for having the
Essay on Themes in Song Of Solomon
Toni Morrison is one of the most talented and successful African American authors of
our time. Famous for works such as The Bluest Eye, Sula, and Beloved, Morrison has
cultivated large audiences of all ethnicities and social classes with her creative style of
writing. It is not Morrison s talent of creating new stories that attracts her fans. In
contrast, it is her talent of revising and modernizing traditional Biblical and mythological
stories that have been present in literature for centuries. Morrison replaces the characters
in these myths, whom would have been white, middle class males, with characters who
depict the cultural practices in black communities. The protagonists in Morrison s works
are primarily African American women... Show more content on ...
He experiences the pain felt in Black communities after 14 year old Emmett Till, from
Chicago, Illinois, was murdered in Mississippi for whistling at a white woman and many
other violent cases after, including the bombing of a Black church in Alabama that killed
four young girls. Toni Morrison is an author that is interested in showing the world the
constant struggle of African American men and women. Like Milkman, Morrison was
born in 1931 during the height of racism in the United States. She has lived through
the same events as Milkman and has experienced the pain and turmoil forced upon
African Americans. Like Milkman, Morrison was also unaware of the racial tension in
the country until she was a teenager. She graduated from high school with honors and
attended Howard University as an English major. This explains Morrison s interest in
the theme of Flight in her works. She has been determined to be successful since she
was a child, despite the racism and poverty she had experienced. Morrison is a strong,
independent, successful, and talented woman. She focuses on the theme of feminism in
her works to show both men and women of all races and ethnicities that women can be
just as powerful as men. She has integrated pieces of her life into the novel, almost
creating a mini biography. Constant themes occurring in Toni Morrison s Song Of
Solomon are Marxism, Feminism, and flight. Marxism is a major theme in Toni
Morrison s Song Of Solomon.
Nursing Case Study
Corrective surgical entry points: Wound recuperating quality is critical in the
achievement of restorative surgery. (Lu, Jin and Pang 2006) analyzed the impinging of
FGF2 on coiled repair in 50 female patients who accomplished restorative surgery. Every
single surgical entry point were perfect cuts, and self controls (another incisional twisted
on a similar patient) were utilized. In the treatment amass FGF2 was connected once
every day until expulsion of lines, beginning with the primary postoperative day. Wounds
because of laser reemerging were spread with FGF2 twice day by day until the point that
normal de crustation happened. The control gather was subjected to regular dressing
change until expulsion of fastens. The outcome... Show more content on
After debridement of the injuries, FGF2 was showered on the injuries and they were
sutured the following day. Wound dressings were changed frequently. The control bunch
was dealt with likewise, however without the utilization of FGF2 shower. Mending time
was wholly shortened in subjects with dehiscence measurement 6 cm in estimation or
beneath activated with FGF2 comparing with the control assemblage. Interestingly, in
patients with dehiscence measuring 5 cm or more optional suturing was embraced. In
this experiment there was no carping comparison in the FGF2 treated assemblage
connected with their single control gathering: it is likely that this control gathering s
abbreviated recuperating time, contrasted with the control bunch with dehiscence
measuring 5 cm or less, was because of auxiliary suturing. (Why is FGF Not used
consistently in today repair techniques?) Fibroblast development factor 2 (FGF2) is an
exceptionally bottomless development factor found inside the peri cellular network of
articular chondrocytes, however contemplates examining its part have been clashing. The
paper announced by Yan and partners in the past issue of Arthritis Research and Therapy
proposes that distinctions in reactions to FGF2 are in all probability because of changes
to be determined between the two noteworthy articular types of FGF receptors, FGFR1
and FGFR3. They demonstrate that the
Columbine Shooting Case Study
Julie Cole9 7 14 Assignemtn2Soc100 1. Lawrence, Regina G.; Birkland, Thomas A.
Social Science Quarterly (Wiley Blackwell). Dec2004, Vol. 85 Issue 5, p1193 1207.
15p. 1 Chart. This study focuses on the Columbine shooting back in 1999. It examines
how the school shooting problem was defined, and how it was focused by both the
news media and the congress. This was one of the first shootings that was covered so
much by the news and it shocked all of America because it was so difficult to
understand. Little did we know this was the first main shooting that would unfortunately
lead to many more shootings in the years to come. 2. BRAMBLE, LINDSAY. Journal of
Health Care Law Policy. 2014, Vol. 17 Issue... Show more content on ...
This study brings up the connections of the mass shooting over the past years and
now many of them have mental illnesses. This study breaks down the gun control laws
related to people with mental illnesses. This also has cases about parents who
contacted the authorities when their children had thoughts of acting out but no one
did anything about it until they had already done so. This study explains a lot about
how it reformed laws and added laws as more shootings happened and it explains why
these laws were made or changed. 3. McGinty, Emma E.; Webster, Daniel W.; Barry,
Colleen L. American Journal of Psychiatry. May2013, Vol. 170 Issue 5, p494 501. 8p.
This study is about how people react to information about the school shootings by
people with mental illnesses. People had problems with people with serious mental
illnesses. They also raised support for gun control policies. By doing this it shows that
people felt there was a threat from all people with mental illnesses. It was concluded
that aftermaths of mass shootings is often viewed as an opportunity to increase gun
control. This study also increased the negative attitudes of the people with mental
illnesses. 4. Hodge, James G.; Nelson, Kellie. Journal of Law, Medicine Ethics. Jun2014,
Vol. 42 Issue 2, p268 271. 4p. 1
Capital Punishment Is Wrong And Morally Wrong
Every little thing had been managing to build up, and I began to feel as if I couldn t
breath. The days just seemed to drag on for no other reason than to cause me pain, and
while I would admit I did deserve punishment for the crimes I had committed, I just
couldn t help but wonder if maybe I had paid enough already. I had already known
nothing but pain my entire life. I had nothing and no one to call my own, and the
universe just kept pushing more onto my plate.

It wasn t the pain that killed me inside though, it was the knowledge that it would
always be this way. That no matter how hard I could try I would never be any different
than I always was. I had always been this way, and the longer I thought about it, the
more sure I was that I had been predestined to have the life I had. There was no other
explanation as to why I would be born to a whore, raped, molested, and beaten, but that
was a battle I would have to have with God. ... Show more content on ...
Now, I know you re probably thinking that junkies can t have a moral code, that we don t
believe in God, because if we did we would have to answer for our wrongs, but when you
ve lived a life worse than hell you don t fear the devil. You don t fear the wrath of God.
You just ask yourself what more he could do than he s already done.

I know that seemed like the norm for me. Wake up, cry, blame God, get high, pray for
forgiveness, pass out in a drug induced
Analysis Of The Department Of Labor
The Department of Labor is a department of the federal government who is responsible
for promoting and fostering the wellbeing of individuals in the United States who are
currently working, seeking employment or retired. The DOL is directly related to
business communities in the United States by its official charge to foster, promote, and
develop the welfare of wage earners of the United States; improve their working
conditions; and advance their opportunities for profitable employment (Shuman, 2013).
Their website features a health plans and benefits section that focuses on employee rights
regarding benefits. This website helps individuals understand their rights to benefits as
employees in the United States. It is also helpful for... Show more content on ...
The frequently asked questions tab is also a good resource for monitoring employee
benefits. As an employer, if you are unsure of how to administer a certain benefit, such
as overtime, you can find the information on this page. There are many questions that
are helpful, such as when is overtime pay due to employees. Under the frequently
asked questions tab, you will find additional information at the bottom of the page,
one of which is titles elaws advisors. This is a resource that employers can use to
ensure they are properly complying with all regulations. There are several different
resources that act as an advisor to make sure you are properly administering and
monitoring the benefits your employees have rights to. One example that can be
helpful to employers is the FMLA advisor. This advisor will help guide you as an
employer to makes sure you understand your rights and responsibilities under Federal
law to comply with this act. It helps identify who is eligible, what benefits employees
are entitled to, and which situations are considered under FMLA. Verifying Employee
Benefits Compliance As an employer, this website can be very resourceful to ensuring
that you are complying with federal laws relating to employee benefits. It allows you to
click on different topics related to benefits and read information relating to that topic.
That information provides you with guidance so you understand as an
Analysis Of The First Circumnavigators
Brent Sather Professor Halavais History 376 27 September 2017 Exploration of the
World Throughout Harry Kelsey s book, The First Circumnavigators , as well as,
Roger Crowley s book Conquerors , they both explain many misfortunes and hazards
that the Spanish and Portuguese explorers faced during the various expeditions that set
sail on. Many misfortunes that happened on the voyages included bad weather, scarce
food, individual faults, as well as attacks and invasions. One of the major misfortunes
that Harry Kelsey describes is the difficulty of the changing weather. For example,
Magellan accounts on his voyage that, On 6 April 1522, the Trinidad, after undergoing
extensive repairs and with fifty four men aboard, left Tidore and... Show more content on ...
All of this was the cause of death for many and serious illness for others. In particular,
many men ate the great lizards large shiny things and only a few of them are still
alive. The survival of the crew was one of the biggest priorities. This was one of the
biggest hazards that the crew had to deal with. On Magellan s Voyage, The next day
was Easter Sunday, and Magellan ordered everyone to go ashore and attend Mass.
After this he invited the officers to dine with him on the flagship. None of the
conspirators accepted the invitation. Instead, they waited until nightfall, then quietly
boarded the San Antonio and put Captain Mesquita in chains. The ship s master, Juan
de Elorriaga, was fatally stabbed when he tried to intervene. These individual actions
by traitors on the ship created many unfortunate situations between the crew members
that could have been avoided. During another part of the Magellan Voyage, it was
stated that, Finally on 18 December, the vessels were ready to sail. The Victoria left
first, waiting outside the harbor. But a dragging anchor on the Trinidad opened a seam
in the hull, and water rushed in. Repairs were impossible without unloading the ship.
This was an individual action that could have been avoided. If the anchor was brought
in before the boat was launched, it would have saved them more time for travel, as well
as more room for the crew if they weren t piled in one boat having to come back later for
Gambling Research Paper
I play blackjack. I m not addicted to gambling, I m addicted to sitting in a semi circle.
by Mitch Hedberg. Are you a tax payer? Do you believe you pay too much in taxes?
Well the amount of money that casinos and gambling bring into a state in taxes is a
phenomenal amount. This could possible help lower your taxes and save you money.
First, we are going to discuss what I believe to be the problem. Then, I would like to
share with you what I think is the cause. Finally, I am going to inform you about the
solution to legalizing gamblingin the state of Nebraska. First, I would like to start with
gambling not being legal in the state of Nebraska. Nebraska has the Powerball, keno,
pick 5, scratch off tickets, and many other forms of... Show more content on ...
Like people making an argument for guns always say, is it the gun or the person? So,
what I m asking is it the deck of cards, slot machine that is the issue or is it the person?
Thousands of people each and every year lose everything they have because of their
addiction to gambling (Doeden 1 160). What if I told you legalizing gambling could
bring in billions of dollars to help support the education system in the state? The state
of New York brings in billions of dollars in taxes from gambling. Thirty percent of that
money goes back to support the education in the state of New York. That comes out to
roughly two billion dollars. Which is about five percent of the money that funds the
education system in New York (Doeden 1 160). TV shows and newspapers feature
shows and articles about lottery winners and how it has changed their life. What most
of these articles and shows don t say or show is how it has also damaged many of their
lives. For a small percentage of players they get an urge and become addicted to
gambling. People against gambling believe that it takes advantage of the poor and
weak. It is said that it takes more from society than it contributes (Doeden 1 160). Well
now you have heard more about what I think is the issue. Now, I am going to inform
you about what others and I believe to be the solution to legalizing gambling. I am going
to let you know why the issue of legalizing gambling has been a huge
Compare And Contrast Sing Street And Pitch Perfect
It s 1982 in Dublin, Ireland. A teenage boy begins his first day at his new high school.
He is immediately terrorized by students and teachers alike. After enduring several days
of bullying, the boy decides to start a Futurist band named Sing Street. Flash forward
thirty years to 2012. An American girlis beginning college and decides to join one of the
school s a capella groups. Despite her disinterest and hesitation, she finds that, together,
the group sounds pitch perfect. These teenagers both initially struggle to find friends at
their new schools, and subsequently join music groups to fit in. Eventually, through hard
work and musical creativity, the respective groups gain popularity and the characters find
true friendships. However, though the main characters and basic storylines for Sing
Street and Pitch Perfect are extremely similar, the soundtrackcover art for the two movies
are designed in very different ways. These movie soundtrack covers each appeal to
certain audiences, but the soundtrack for Sing Street is advertised in a way that allows it
to appeal to a wider market. The cover for Pitch Perfect is primarily aimed at preteen,
teenage, and young adult girls and women, and is very successful in appealing to this
audience for several reasons. First, the cover (and movie) features an all female cast,
and each girl looks cool . They are all wearing trendy clothes and sunglasses, most have a
straight face, and are powerfully, yet femininely posed. Generally,
Human Relationship With Waterfowl
Humans have a very influential relation ship with waterfowl, theres two sides to it. On
one side humans have completely changed waterfowls natural migrating path. With
the modern expansion of cities, certain species have adapted and now use them as
refuges, such as the Canada goose. Through climate change humans have disrupted
waterfowls natural patterns of migration, and most species are un able to adapt
quickly enough to the rapidly changing temperatures. The other side of humans
relationship with waterfowl is that through our modern agriculture practices
waterfowl don t necessarily need to migrate to get food, only to leave the cold. Most
waterfowl species take advantage of the surplus grain left in agriculture fields, some
of which have became overpopulated and harm other species of waterfowl. With the
increase of agriculture fields, wetlands have been destroyed and in tern waterfowl
have lost a significant number of areas to breed and reproduce in. There is a
overpopulation of certain species and a decrease in wetlands, it is important to stop
both of these issues otherwise certain species will be taken over by. Hunters and bird
watchers are those who are primarily concerned with these issues, but other out doors
mans such as fisherman should be concerned. As shown in The Role of Waterfowl in
Lower Great Lakes Aquatic Food Webs by M. L. Schummer and S. A. Petrie, waterfowl
play a important role in maintaining the food webs for fish. It is crucial that action is
Ski Patrol Research Paper
Ski Patrol Winter Park Ski Resort is a beautiful place to be. With its wonderful trees,
many runs, terrain parks, and many restaurants on the mountain. Although there needs to
be control of all of this area they have. This is where the Ski Patrol come in. They are
there to help the skiers and snowboarders on the mountain and in the restaurants. Ski
Patrol has been around for many years, from having a small group back when the
started to now having a giant group of people. BEing on Ski Patrol comes with the
responsibility of keeping people safe by doing what you can on the mountain, and any
time you see an accident when no further help is there yet. At WInter Park they have a
Junior Ski Patrol which gives teenagers the same responsibility on the mountain, as
well as anywhere else. My family has worked on Ski Patrol for 20 years and I always
wanted to do it from the time I started skiing. I trained for two years trying my hardest
to get in. The mountain ski test you have to take to have a chance to get in took me 5
times to pass. After finally passing the ski test you interview with the Junior Ski Patrol
president and their representatives and they choose who goes on to take the class to be
certified. This class is call Outdoor Emergency Care (OEC).... Show more content on ...
About 30 people tried on the test every day over a three day period. When I got the
message saying that I got accepted and was allowed to take the OEC class, I couldnt
have been any more ecstatic. The class is a college level class, once the class started
we had it two days a week, and did a lot of hand on training on weekends in groups and
on the mountain for training with the more experienced Ski Patrollers. They had a mid
term to see what youve learned so far. I passed that with a 97%. The final was much
harder than the midterm, I passed it with a
Andrea Palladio And Thomas Jefferson s Monticello
To many, Andrea Palladio is seen as one of the most influential architects that there have
ever been. He is also credited with being the main influence for the architectural style
known as Palladianism. Palladianism developed well through the 18th Century and can
be seen here in the U.S. When you look at buildings like the White House and Thomas
Jefferson s Monticello, we can see how much Andrea influenced others. His influence is
also seen in England looking at different houses belonging to the royals. Andrea Palladio
built many buildings in his time, He built churches, town and country houses, public
buildings and bridges in Venice and on the Venetian mainland and in and around Vicenza.
In my paper, I plan on starting with Andrea Palladio and his works on places like the
Teatro Olimpico and moving onto the many iconic theaters throughout America and
Europe. And how they might or might not have been influenced by Andrea.... Show more
content on ...
When he was young, he worked as an apprentice to a local sculptor. As time went on,
he eventually left Padua and moved to Vicenza where he got a job as a mason. It was
while Palladio was living and working in Vicenza that he eventually met Gian Trissino,
who later was the one who took him on his first trip to Rome. Andrea Palladio gained
most of the inspiration for his future works from his trips to Rome. The Roman style that
Andrea admired so much can be seen when looking at the work that he did reconstructing
Vicenza. Every villa and public building had some aspect of the classic structure that
Rome was known
Marketing Strategy For Mcdonald s Business
Epiphany Washington
American Intercontinental University
Unit 5 Individual Project
MKTG 205 Principles of Marketing
August 21, 2016

This paper defines the 4 Ps of the marketing mix, Product, Price, Promotion and Place. A
brief look at McDonald s marketing strategies will give examples of how a global
business utilizes these 4 Ps to conduct a successful billion dollar company.

Type your Paper Title

A Marketing Strategy takes an important role in operating a successful business. It is
basically the outline in which a company will manage the 4 Ps of the Marketing Mix.
These include Product, Place, Promotion and Pricing. McDonalds is a great example of a
business that has reached customers globally by implementing a successful marketing
McDonald s Main Line of Business
McDonald s is one of the most well known fast food restaurants worldwide. The brand
was first established in 1940 by Richard and Maurice McDonald in San Bernardino,
California, and was originally called McDonald s Hamburger offering burgers, fries
and drinks with quality and quick service. In 1955 Ray Kroc founded McDonald s
System Inc. and then later bought all rights to the McDonald s brand. Since then he has
brought it up to be a very successful, global business.
Countries in which the McDonalds Operates
McDonald s is currently operating in over 100 countries with over 30,000 restaurants.
The first countries outside of the US to have a McDonalds was Canada and Puerto
The Symbols And Similarities Of Captain America And
Throughout human history, heroes have served as symbols of hope, sacrifice, and
inspiration. Modern superheroes and ancient Greek heroes inspire societies with their
impressive and heroic feats. Theseus and Captain America are no exception, they are
legendary heroes of major significance. Captain America and Theseus symbolize a heros
importance through their similarities and differences. They both sacrifice their lives for
others safety, are symbols and champions of their people, and teach different life lessons
in their stories.
A similarity Captain America and Theseus share is how they sacrifice their lives for
other people s safety. In the movie Captain America: The First Avenger, Captain America
must crash a bomber plane to prevent ... Show more content on ...
Therefore, Captain America s actions and choices turned him into a heroic symbol for
his people. In the book Mythology, Theseus was praised as a champion by the people
of Athens, because he rid of the bandits, Greece rang with the praises of the young
man who had cleared the land... he was acknowledged as a hero (150). Like Captain
America, Theseus has become the champion of his world. He was recognized as a hero
for his brave deeds, and becomes a symbol of hope. Captain America and Theseus each
are champions of their world and symbols of strength, another important factor of the
hero. They also teach different lessons of life through their story.
The story of Captain America teaches about the need for courage, while Theseus story
teaches to not jump to conclusions. In the film Captain America: The First Avenger,
Steve bravely decides to sneak behind enemy lines to rescue hundreds of American
soldiers, You saved nearly 400 men...Your a hero (Captain America: The First
Avenger). Steve bravely sneaked behind German lines to release hundreds of men,
including his best friend. No other soldier beside Steve would have the courage to
perform such a task. Captain America s story elaborates on the need for courage to
perform any dangerous tasks. In the novel Mythology, Theseus father kills himself in
desperation after seeing black flags of death on Theseus ship, It was to him the
The Safety Of College Campus
Selecting the appropriate college can be a difficult task. Not only must one consider the
cost of tuition and housing, but another consideration is the overall safety of the campus
and the surrounding area. While colleges are a place of higher learning, they also have
many of the similarities of the city in which the collegeis located. Considering the crime
within the city may help determine the safety of the college. While cities must evaluate
proper crime control techniques and preventions, college campuses must do their part in
this same prevention. Colleges across America can takes steps to significantly reduce the
incidences of sexual assaults on campus by providing educationfor preventing sexual
assaults, increasing security... Show more content on ...
The second way in which colleges can significantly reduce sexual assaults on campus
is through increased security protocols. These protocols can be implemented by
increased lighting in poorly lit areas, placement of closed circuit television cameras in
blind spot areas, and areas less traveled by students and staff and through additional
security or police officers. Many education sources encourage people to avoid poorly
lit areas to avoid crime, therefore the same should be utilized on campus. Increased
lighting on the campus should be a top priority for the college. Increased visibility
encourages more people to take the route, which also assists in deterring crime. Within
every community and on every campus are blind spots, or areas that are less frequently
traveled. These areas a prime locations to increase the number and orientation of
security cameras, to ensure visibility in all areas of the campus. An increased number of
security or patrol officers will assist in deterring not only sexual assaults, but other
crimes as well. Reduced overall crime results in an overall safer campus. While each of
these suggestions can come at a significant cost, proactive security is substantially less
expensive that an assault or other crime. Additionally, the United States Department of
Justice offers Grants to Reduce Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating
Essay on The Guns of August by Barbara Tuchman
The Guns of August by Barbara Tuchman

Barbara Tuchman s Guns of August is about World War 1. Her book has a unique way
of telling this story. Her books gives explanations for each country s involvement in
the war. It describes the opinions of the Czar and reasons for all of his crucial
decisions during this time. It also explains how Germany was in a tight spot and
prepared for war a few years before it actually began. England was not to worried about
the war in Europe because it had it s own problems. The English people didn t think it
was necessary for them to enter the war.
However England got involved to try to protect the weak country of Belgium being
attacked by Germany. Germany was in a very difficult position ... Show more content on ...
France slightly believed this myth. They formed an alliance with Russia because in
part of this myth and also because it was better for two to face off with Germany than
France alone. I like this book very much because it goes into great detail. She explains
vividly the events occurring that were crucial in deciding the outcome of the war. She
also writes in story form just like her other books, and it s always easier to read a story
that study a text book. My favorite thing about this book was that makes the war seem
like a story I ve never read, even though most people know the major events of the war.
Her style of writing keeps you guessing what s next.


Angelou, Maya. Caged Bird. Poems. New York: Bantam Books, 1993.

Beckett, Samuel. Second Nature. Collected Poems in English and French. New
York: Grove Press, 1977.

Dunbar, Paul Laurence. Emancipation. The Collected Poetry of Paul Laurence

Dunbar. Ed. Joanne M. Braxton. London: University Press of Virginia,

Garrison, William Lloyd. Freedom for the Mind. Yale Book of American Verse. 8 Mar. 2001.

Hayden, Robert. In Search of Color Everywhere: A Collection of African American

Poetry. New York: Tabori Chang Stewart, 1994.

Hughes, Langston. The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes. Ed. Arnold

Rampersad. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1994.

Knight, Etheridge. In Search of Color Everywhere: A Collection of

African American
The Most Powerful And Largest Cities Of Mesoamerica
During its reign, Teotihuacan was considered amongst the most powerful and largest
cities in Mesoamerica. Teotihuacan, referred to as the same name as the valley it was
located within, would go on to extend its rich culture and history from between 150
B.C.E. throughout Mesoamerica s Golden Age. Some of the most influential aspects of
this great city would extend from other well known civilizations, the Maya and Aztec
people for example, during their respective governing periods. As of the most current
standing, the original name remains undecipherable in the surviving glyphs recovered at
sites. Much in the same way, the initial cause of collapse for this once awesome
metropolis is merely speculative through what clues have been saved from a socialistic
destruction. Commonly thought to have been formed at about 150 B.C.E. and 200 C.E.,
the city maintained a steady provision of nearby resources, such as spring water
channeled through irrigation techniques and valuable obsidian deposits. The obsidian
made use in manufacturing weapon heads, which in turn provided as an excellent trade.
Of course, other goods circulated throughout, including cotton, salt, cacao, feathers and
numerous cultivated foods that the people cultivated by means of the raised flooded
fields (Cartwright, Mark, 2015). Aside from growing sources of sustenance, remains
tested for other dietary intake of dogs and poultry as well as wild insects, frogs and fish.
Although an a key note on recreating an
Taliban Killings
At first with the Taliban Killings did not happen as much, but as time went by they
increased continuously. Killings began with sieges, which lasted for a few days.
Within those few day thousand of people would die. There was also an increase in
suicide bombers. The Taliban would also bomb power stations and that would for there
to be no electricity to cook with, forcing the people to starve and go hungry. At some
points people would just kill to kill in the taliban, for instance, a man was not wearing a
sock above his ankle and refused to do anything about it and they shot him. Malala
found it very hard to understand to the fact of why they were killing their own people if
Christians and Jews were their enemies why were they killing fellow... Show more
content on ...
Shea Amjum was a journalist who was interviewing Malala and was figuring out if she
knew about the recent threats that were against Malala and another activist. The
Taliban had put out ads saying, These two are spreading secularism and should be
killed. (pg. 223). This frightened her and her family, therefore they became very
protective over her. Malala would run into the house at night and lock all the doors
and wait for everyone else to fall asleep before her. Unfortunately on October 9, 2012
Malala luck was not in favor. It was the day of her final exams in school, she would
study hard each and every night in order for her to become number one in the class.
On the day of the final exams Atal was told to take the bus with Malala but he did not.
On the bus ride they were all singing but then she saw a man with a black turban and
beard, then two man jumped out of a van and she had no time to answer their question
who is Malala. The sounds in my head were not crack, crack, crack of three bullets, but
the chop, chop, chop, drip, drip, drip of the man serving the heads of chicken, and
them dropping into the dirty street, one by one. (pg. 242). Malala was shot on the left
side of her face near her eye, the bullet traveled all the way across to her right shoulder.
Her friends even told her that
Lifeboat Ethical Dilemmas
What determines the right of life? Who determines who should die or be saved? In the
story The Lifeboat, written by Rosetta Lee, it is up to the passengers of a sinking ship
to determine who can be saved. There are ten passengers aboard the ship but there is
only one lifeboat that can hold six people. The other four passengers will surely die.
The passengers include, a lifeguard, a woman who thinks she is six months pregnant, a
recently married couple, a senior citizen who has fifteen grandchildren, an elementary
school teacher, thirteen year old twins, a veteran nurse, and the captain of the ship. Even
though the decision of who should not be allowed onto the lifeboat, and therefore die, is
a difficult one, it is possible to make this decision... Show more content on ...
They have paid no dues to society. Not saving this couple is supported by The
Common Good Approach. This option best serves ethe community as a whole,
(Velasquez et al. 278). On a more romantic note, since the couple was recently married
staying on the boat allows them to die with each other. The couple has no special gifts
to offer the community, and neither of them has given the slightest reason that they
should be saved. The Justice Approach could also be used to support this decision. This,
option treats people equally or proportionally to the others in the decisions (Velasquez et
al. 278). As mentioned before this couple is not doing anything in society that makes
them stand above the crowd. This couple has no support in order to be saved, and they
should be left on the sinking ship to
Prenatal Levels Of Cortisol And Placental Corticotropin...
During pregnancy, the positive feedback loop that plays a part in regulating products of
the HPA axis is altered. Prenatal levels of cortisol and placental corticotropin releasing
hormone (pCRH) have been shown to be elevated during pregnancy. Placental
corticotropin releasing hormone is considered a placental clock that changes the
development of the onset of parturition (Glynn, Davis Sandman, 2013). According to
Glynn et al., these elevations have been linked to changes in the sensitivity of cortisolin
the anterior pituitary and also to a decline in corticotropin releasing hormone secretion
centrally. Also, the HPA refractory period is shown to increase when additions of more
extreme adrenal insufficiencies occur. A longer refractory... Show more content on ...
This is in contrast with the low levels of CRH immunoreactivity in plasma found in
women who are not pregnant. Women with higher levels of pCRH during pregnancy were
more likely to display symptoms of postpartum depression three months after giving birth
(Glynn et al., 2013).
Also, the HPA axis experiences a diminished response across different stressors in
pregnancy. Cortisol levels have been found to decrease quickly after birth. Also, many
areas of the body are dampened due to the diminished response experienced. These
include more areas than the HPA axis, including a dampened blood pressure and a
dampened heart rate (Glynn, Davis, Sandman, 2013). The Glynn et al. study found that
administration of CRH during the third trimester actually produced no response in the
women studied (2013). In addition to parts of the body being dampened, weakened
psychological responses to stress have been shown. It is believed that these act as an
adaptive value that protects the mother and benefits the child. One of the HPA axis
alterations postpartum is hyporesponsivity. With this hyporesponsivity in the HPA axis,
two different causes have been proposed. One proposed cause is that a mild adrenal
suppression could be due to the sensitivity at the hypothalamus or its regulatory inputs
associated with a decrease in CRH secretion (Glynn Sandman, 2014). The second
proposed cause is that high levels of CRH in pregnancy may desensitize the anterior
pituitary to
Why Is Mary Shelley s Frankenstein A Supporter Of The...
There is some debate on the true purpose behind Mary Shelley s legendary novel
Frankenstein. There are those that believe Mary Shelley was a Supporter of the
Romantic Movement and that her work challenges the, previously accepted, neoclassical
beliefs of avoiding extremes. However, there seems to be more evidence showing that
Mary Shelley, in fact, reinforced neoclassical values. Rather than making her main
character, Frankenstein, a tragic hero, glorifying his faults, and ultimately supporting the
Romantic Movement, Shelley scrutinizes Frankenstein for his errors. Also, perhaps
because of Shelley s Neoclassical ideals, Frankenstein reveals himself as a solipsist time
and time again throughout the novel. Mary Shelley s exemplifies Frankenstein s... Show
more content on ...
It begins with the death of his brother, William, and continues on. Eventually, all those
who Frankenstein holds dear die at the hand of the creature. Because these deaths are
cause by the creature Frankenstein created, he personally feels responsible. Yet,
despite this he refuses to admit his faults at the risk of humiliating himself. He states
she died for it; and I am the cause of this I murdered her. William, Justine, and Henry
they all died by my hands. ...I am the assassin of those most innocent victims; they died
by my machinations he continues on to say I avoided explanation and maintained a
continual silence concerning the wretch I had created. I had a persuasion that I
should be supposed mad, and this in itself would forever have chained my tongue
(228). This is just another occasion in which Frankenstein is showing his true
solipsism. In reflection, he knows he is responsible for the death of his loved ones but
he avoids confessing his creation of the creature because he doesn t want people to
think he is mad. Frankenstein seems to put his status before being honest and keeping
his loved ones safe. If it weren t for his ego, and his self containment he would not have
strayed from the middle path, he would not have created the creature, and his loved ones
would still be
Essay Princess Gwen and the Dragon
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Gwen. She cared about
everyone, from her father s dukes to the peasants in the villages. She even cared for
the animals in the field by her castle. Everyday she would walk through the field,
singing in the most beautiful voice. The birds would sing along with her and the
rabbits would hop along at her feet, listening to her gorgeous voice. Even the nasty
mosquitoes wouldn t bite her, for then she would stop singing. One day when Gwen
was about to take her normal walk in the field, a dragon flew to her window. Excuse
me princess, but I would like to build my cave in the field right here. For I have spent
many nights, cold without a shelter. I promise I won t take up too much room... Show
more content on ...
Every tree, robin, and deer will be safe and untouched. I will even give you three
pegasi if you accept. Please princess? I have no place for my eggs, and what about the
poor baby dragons? They will have no place to live. Without thinking, Gwen accepted.
The baby dragons needed a safe place to live and there is no better place to build a nest
than in a tree. Oh, thank you, princess. I will give you your pegasi tomorrow.
Suddenly, three winged horses appeared next to the dragon. They flew to the forest to
begin building the nest. This time the princess watched the dragon build his nest to
make sure that he didn t destroy anything. The pegasi and the dragon had worked for
hours and they were almost finished building. The princess decided to go to sleep,
without worrying about the dragon. When she woke up in the morning, the forest was
completely destroyed. There were 4 trees supporting a giant nest, but the rest of the
forest was completely gone. Gwen was furious. She had trusted the dragon again and
he lied to her. She ran outside to speak to the dragon. Dragon! You have deceived me
again. Deforestation is already affecting the kingdom, why are you adding to the
problem? Screamed Gwen. I was having trouble finding the nest. If I cut down all of the
other trees it would make these stand out so I could find my nest easily. I m sorry,
princess, I could replant them, he said with a smirk. You better replant them. Also, give
me my
Marketing Environment Of Velassaru
Table of Contents
I. Executive Summary0
1. Introduction:1
1.1 Definition of the term Marketing 2
1.2 Background of Velassaru Maldives:2
1.3 Objectives4
2.4.1 Resource Audit4
2.4.2 Roles Responsibilities of Marketing of Velassaru6
2.5 Marketing Function and Organization Performance7
3. Interrelationship between Marketing Function and Other Departments:8
3.1 Marketing and Human Resources8
3.2 Marketing and Finance9
3.3 Marketing and Sales9
3.4 Critical analysis of interrelationships10
4. Marketing environment of Velassaru11
4.1 External environment12
4.1.2 Macro environment12
4.1.1 Micro environment12
4.2 Internal environment13
5. Conclusion13
6. References14

I. Executive Summary

Marketing has become an important ... Show more content on ...
The authors argue that the team as a whole, needs to be trained well in order to comply
with any of the guest s requests which may arise during any time of the day. Since, staff
are considered to be internal customers, Velassaru marketing team provides guidance in
developing certain set of skills for staff to communicate effectively with the guests as well
as the team with in. Marketing team directly assists Human Resources in planning
training programs, providing pathways for self development leading in retaining loyal
staff of the company. In year 2016, marketing team guided Human Resources team in
bringing in international hotelier training program named Lobster Ink: Hospitality
Training Courses providing internationally accepted certificate in the hotel industry for an
Essay on Smart Card, Llc Case Study
Smart Card LLC Case Study

Overview of the SmartCard LLC Case

SmartCard LLC is a company that possesses expertise smart cards as well as magnetic
strip technology. SmartCard LLC intends to develop applications and solutions to
address the rapidly growing demand for marketing frequency or loyalty programs.
SmartCard LLC asserts that as competition increases in the retail sector and other
industries that companies will be searching for new ways to understand their customers
and techniques to retain their customers. SmartCard LLC s smart card solutions are a
proposed solution to this market problem. The SmartCard LLC strategy is focused on
using smart cards for their clients frequency or customer loyalty programs and bringing
end ... Show more content on ...
With many competitors and the pressures on ASPs and prices the profit margin is
thinning. d) Emerging Trends: Understanding what directions the smart card business is
going would be very important for a good marketing plan. For instance, understanding
that people do not want or prefer single function smart cards but want one smart card
for all of their secure purchasing needs (Walko, 2009; Young, 2000), would be valuable
information. e) Competitive Landscape: Understanding the competitive landscape if
crucial if SmartCard LLC is going to be successful. There are many competitors in the
smart card space and the competition is fierce (Walko, 2009). Understanding the
competition will enable SmartCard LLC to potentially identify a niche market in smart
cards where they can best apply their strengths. f) Key Success Factors: SmartCard LLC
needs to understand what it will take to make their products successful in the
marketplace. In the smart card market if could be product costs and distribution
techniques. Understanding the success factors will enable SmartCard LLC to establish
the proper processes and techniques required for smart card delivery.
Kaplan and Warren (2010) highlight several data gathering techniques they should have
utilized by SmartCard LLC s management team to gather the required information
Howard University Book Report
Washington... was a promised land to many a freeman... it was the capital of the nation
that is, of the North that had set them free.

Walter Dyson, A.M.

Founding of Howard University
On November 19, 1866, a number of members of the First Congregational missionary
society met to hear Dr. Charles B Boynton, presiding minister, emphasize the special
obligation of the nation and clergy to the recently emancipated freedmen. Reverend
Benjamin F. Morris, a member of the society, then enthusiastically spoke about a visit to
Wayland Seminary. During this visit he was impressed by the accomplishments that a
teacher with poor equipment was able to make with half a dozen young colored men. By
the end of the meeting, Morris then proposed the ... Show more content on ...
Alpha Phi Alpha was the first Greek lettered fraternity for men, chartered in 1907, (State
Purpose here). The following year, Alpha Kappa Alpha was the first Greek lettered
sorority for women, both founded and chartered at Howard University, (State Purpose
here). The University also strongly advocated for Health and Athletics, the Howard
University Record, in multiple issues, points out the fields and pathways available for
student activities (Howard University, 1907, Howard University, 1911, Howard
University, 1920). The 1911 volume of the Howard University Report notes the offering
of the following competitive sports: Football, Basketball, Baseball, Cricket, Tennis, and
Track and Field (Howard University,
The Holocaust Was The Systematic Killing Of Over 6 Million...
The holocaust was the systematic killing of over 6 million Jews by the Nazis and their
partners. Although many Jews were killed, many were also able to survive the gruesome
times ahead of them, such as the Brichta Family and the Grossman Family.
The Bricta family consisted of Hermann Brichta, Toni Brichta, Franz Brichta, and their
close relative Fritz Wasservogel. Hermann Brichta was born on a farm in 1897
surrounded by neighboring Czechs. Hermann was an active participant in WWI and
was discharged from the army in 1921. He was aware of his Jewish ancestry, but
thought of it as a nationality, not a religion. Toni Bricta and Fritz Wasservogel were
both born on June 26 1892 in Berlin. When they were the age of 10, their father died
so there were sent to separate orphanages, Toni became the clerk of Berlin branch of the
Allianz or at the Victoria of Berlin Life offices, and Fritz joined the Dresdner Bank
straight from orphanage. Franz Brichta, born on January 30th, 1933 was the only one out
of his entire family who was able to survive the holocaust.
For the Bricta family, it all begin with their first encounter with the anti Semitism, which
included The anti Semitic cartoons in display cupboards at street corners, the single
bench in parks reserved for Jews, the many notices Juden unerwГјnscht (Jews not
welcome).the family then moved to pargue from the capital of the Chez Republic to
escape the restrictions set by the German government , once arriving at pargue the family
Essay On Agrammatic Aphasia
As some of the adjectives overlap with verbs and some of them with nouns, and also due
to psycholinguistic and linguistic attributes of adjectives, in agrammatism for testing
theories of word class production deficits, analysis of the production of adjectives is
But the problem is that the use of adjectives in agrammatic aphasia, In contrast to nouns
and verbs is not systematically studied. In agrammatic aphasia this issue that how
production and processing of different grammatical categories are affected is examined
through many research. The most important results is that where main verbs are often
omitted, difficulty with verb as compared to noun retrieval, both in the production of
sentence and in confrontation naming is exist in many people with agrammatism
(Miceli, Silveri, Nocentini, Caramazza, 1988; Miceli, Silveri, Villa, Caramazza, 1984;
Myerson ... Show more content on ...
in aphasia contrary to the potential for informing word class production deficits of
adjectives, quantifying of the production of adjective abilities in aphasic people is done
just in a few investigation.

The proportion of adjectives used by cognitively healthy controls and adjectives used by
agrammatic patients to can be we compared. as these two properties are shared by verbs
and adjectives, this meaning that agrammatic people do not have an inherent difficulty
with less imageable categories, nor with predication can be resulted, If adjectives are
spared in patients speech. In this situation at verb production, the deficit could attributed
to action semantics of the verbs, or to their complex morpho syntax.
In contrary to this idea, in agrammatism the problem with verbs is attributed to to low
imageability, or predication, if adjectives are impaired, as these traits characterize
adjectives as
Summary Of The Old Gothic South Of A Rose For Emily
The Old Gothic South of A Rose for Emily William Faulkner s short story, A Rose for
Emily, setting is in the fictional Mississippi town of Jefferson. Events in this short story
take place in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The description of the
setting in the story helps the reader depict a decaying Mississippi town in the post Civil
War in the south (Nichols). In this short story, Faulkner was mainly interested in
exploring the ethical implications of history. William Faulknerestablishes several types of
themes throughout the story. Most of the themes are some of Faulkner s usual s such as,
the weakening of the old south, death, and seclusion amongst others. In the beginning of
this story, the narrator mentions the description of Emily s death and her haunted
lifestyle to the present time and day. The themes are communicated through the plot of
the story. These themes give the reader a quite unique representation of the old south.
In A Rose for Emily, the rose is a representation of the pity that the readers have for
Emily after completing the story. This story involves an elderly woman, who passes
away prior to the story, that was the daughter of a very wealthy man of the town of
Jefferson. Emily s father was very overprotective of her, and the love that she had for
him was never ending. The love was so robust that after the death of her father, Emily
kept his body in the home. Because of Emily s condescending standing in tradition and

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