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Exercise 1. Read and translate the following text. See the instructions in the
United Nations Organization (UNO or UN) was established to maintain 7. nibmpuM yaanlti
(1) international peace and to foster (2) international cooperation in the eaoxouyaanlu
resolution (3) of economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian problems. aiipiuieniui
The UN was founded on 24 October 1945, when the major powers ratified J. pan1tiQii‹:yaatnu
(4) a charter that had been drawn up earlier in the year in San Francisco. 5 ieonaiJioiiicnlCbKa
There were 51 founder members, including the USA, WhiGh thus noeufa
abandoned the isolationist stance (5) it had taken to the UN’s predecessor,
the League of Nations (6).

The headquarters (7) of the UN are in New York. The organization’s 6. Rica Hayiu
main deliberative body (8) is the General Assembly, which meets 7. uima6-Kaapmupa
for three months every year. Each member state has one equal vote 8. bopabuuñ opeau
in the Assembly, which can only adopt recommendations. as a body 9. uaa’a3yaamu
of independent, sovereign states it cannot impose (9) its will upon 10. uecmu
members. aibnoaibmt bHiCTn b
The Security Council bears the chief responsibility (10) for maintaining 11. npaao aemo
international peace. Its decisions, except on procedure, must be agreed 12. nopyuieuua
by nine members, including all the permanent members (the so-called 13. yaobumu bo bii!
veto privilège (11)). In the event of a breach (12) of international 36poñui cunu
peace the Council may commit military forces (13) to an attempt to 14. aibuoaumu
re-establish (14) peace. 15. cnpuamu
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 16. cy6cubimaamu
(UNESCO) is a specialized agency of the UN established in 1945 to 1.7. uee Qe KmuauiCTn b
promote (15) international cooperation in education, science and culture. 18. yne peboiceuicmb
It collects and distributes information, provides operational assistance 19. uacnibyaamu
to developing countries, and sponsors (16) research. Objecting to npuKnaboai
administrative inefficiency (17) and political bias (18), the USA withdrew 20. 6ioiceuyi
in 1984 and several other Western countries also followed the suit (19). 21. noaepueuua ua
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) 6aTnbKiau uuy
is a UN body established in 1950 to provide international protection for 22. nepeceneuua
refugees (20). It seeks permanent solutions to their problems through 23. xapuyaauua
voluntary repatriation (21), resettlement (22) in other countries, or
integration into the country of present residence.
United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is a
UN body established in 1946 to carry out postwar relief work in Europe.
It is now chiefly concerned with providing health care, education and
improved nutrition (23) to developing countries.

Exercise la. Match the sentences in column A with their equivalents in column B.
Consult the vocabulary list if necessary.
1. UNO was established to maintain international A. OOH eacııoaaııa 24 oanlıuı 1945 poKy,
peace and to foster international cooperation in ae.1uKi hep aau pamuk inyaaz u cnlanlym,
the resolution of economic, social, cultural, and yer abeınıü y Can-&paııyftCKO paniuıe moeo
humanitarian problems poz y.
2. In the event of a breach of international peace B. 0 H Kpai!na- n em MaC a Aca.vıö.1 ei! piautıü
the Council may commit military forces to an eonoc. Aca.v6zeo vore n1inbı:u npuümanlu pe-
attempt to re-establish peace. KoMe nbaıJi i!: aK epyna mesai e nux, cyae pennux
Kp tu aoııa nemac npaaa ııaa ’alyaamu caom
soru .1eric.
3. Objecting to administrative inelficiency and C. Biri uıyuac boaeocınpOKO8ux piuıeııb i!xııix
political bias, the USA withdrew in 1984 and npo6.1eM umaxOM bO6pO8inbnOeo noaepııeıına ma
several other Western countries also followed 6aTYtbKiau tiny, nepecez enna bo iııuaıx Kp i!n a6o
the suit. iunleepayii! y Kpaiüy menepiuıHbOeo npo ılaaııno.

4. It seeks permanent solutions to their problems D. OOH õyxa ymaopeiia ó.ta moro, u o6
through voluntary repatriation, resettlement in niómpumyaam umup rir a saoxovyaam u cnianpaiJm
other countries, or integration into the country y anpiuieiini e xonomi'iniix, coyial bnux,
of present residence. IH bnlypiiux ma maiiim apnux npo6x em.
5. The organization’s main deliberative body is E. Ii! p imensa, caaiiii9iTt KOM npoyeóypiniX, MãlDttlb
the General Assembly, which meets for three 6ynlu yxaa.1eiii óea ’ottibMa vx euau, ai:.lmvam'iti
months every year. acix noctniünux (tnaK eaane npaao aeino).
6. The UN was founded on 24 October, 1945, F. Biiacx ióOK Só.Miiiicin pam uaiioi! neele em na-
when the major powers ratified a charter that doemi ma no.1imu'iiioi! ynepeó eiiocnli CIIIA
had been drawn up earlier in the year in San auüumu e opeani laiJii! y 1984 poyi, nicos novo use
Francisco óeKin bKa xpaiii eaxoóy nacxió npuKxaóoai.
7. It (UNESCO) collects and distributes G. "Japan aiii (IDHICE&) nepeaa no laüma-
information, provides operational assistance to cTtlbc9 eaõesne veniuim oxoponu eóopoa ’a, ocai-
developing countries, and sponsors research. nlom ma TIOK paigeiinaM xapvyaaniui a i:paiiiax,
llfO p 038 H 8ã IOTH bC9.

8. It (UNICEF) is now chiefly concerned with H. S" aiinabKy nopyuienno mi napoônorO M upy
providing health care, education and improved Paba .zone yaobumu bo bii! e6poüui cu.tu y
nutrition to developing countries. cnpo6i aibuoaum Il Mtl p.
9. Its decisions, except on procedure, must I. Pe ne par bHa aCaM6n en, aKa 3ac ibaC Ha Tt pOTYt93i
be agreed by nine members, including all the TI1pbOX X iCoiJi8 KO noeo por:y, c r.os oaiium
permanent members (the so-called veto privilege) bopabuiim opeaiiom opeaiiieaqii!.
10. Each member state has one equal vote in the J. Boua (IDHECKO) e6upac ma poonoacmbouyc
Assembly, which can only iH OpMaif im, iiabac onepain iiaiiy bono vo
adoptrecommendations: as a body of independent, Kp 61iilCM, tlfO ]'9O 38118alD TI1 bC9, ma cy6c uh im c
sovereign states it cannot impose its will upon bocsib emme.

Exercise lb. Translate the following words and word combinations into Ukrainian.
1. founder members; 2. predecessor; 3. to abandon the isolationist stance; 4. headqua-
rters; 5. deliberative body; 6. equal vote; 7. to adopt recommendations; 8. sovereign states;
9. to bear the chief responsibility; 10. permanent members; 11. veto privilege; 12. in the ev-
ent of; 13. breach of peace; 14. to commit military forces; 15. attempt to re-establish peace;
16. specialized agency; 17. to provide operational assistance; 18. to sponsor research; 19. ob-
jecting to administrative inefficiency; 20. political bias; 21. to follow the suit; 22. to seek
permanent solutions; 23. voluntary repatriation; 24. refugee; 25. to provide health care.

Exercise 1c. Translate the following words and word combinations into English.
1. niqyiiMyBaT MH]3; 2. B piiiieHm rrpo6neM; 3. ]3áT QixyBaTH GTá T; 4. 3áGHOBHH-
xc; 5. nonepeqH K; 6. i3OnsuiOHicTchKá HO3 uis; 7. rpyna qepwaB; 8. HáB’s3yBaT BODIO;
9. rrpoue pHi piiiieHHs; 10. yBoqirr go qií 36poñHi c nH; 11. cnpo6a BiqHOBHTH MH]3;
12. 36rrpáTH Tá ]3O3HOBGIOQ BaT iHQO]3MauiiO; 13. cy6c qiiOBáT qocniqweHHs; 14. BHá-
cniqOK aqMiHicT¡3áT BHoi Hee QexmBHOcTi; 15. BHñr 3 opraHi3auií; 16. HacniqyBam up -
KRdpOBi; 17. KáT qoBrocTpOKOBrrx piiiieHs; 18. qO6pOBinsHe noBepHeHHs Há 6áTsKiB-
ut rry; 19. nepeceneHm qO iHIIIHX K]3áÍH; 20. KpalHa TenepiiiiHsoro rrpomBaHHs; 21. Mim-

Hä]3OQHHÏi 3äXHGT 6imeHuiB; 22. po6oTa 3 nOcna6neHHs HeraTiiBHHX HäGR1@K1B B1Ï)HH; 23. 3ä-
iiMamcs nepeB o; 24. noxpaiiteHm xapoyBariHR; 25. K]3äÏHH, ITtO ]3O3BHBdIOTbGfl.

Exercise Id. Listen to Text ID in English. Use your shorthand to write it down.
Translate it into Ukrainian.
Exercise 2. Study the Vocabulary below and then proceed to the exercises.

to that end s uieio Meroio ensure sa6esneuyBaru
suppression npiiqyiiieHHs, benefit BFtFOQ,

bring about 3Q,1ÙGHTOBilTH in good faith uecHo, cyMuiHHO

adjustment y sro, meHHz endanger GTd BHTH Hi, sarpozy
(of disputes) (cynepeuox)
settlement BperynToBilHHH refrain yrpu BilTTlcH (B1,IJ)
(of disputes) (cynepeuox) (from)
self-determination Gd MOBTi3H aueHHs integrity U1H1G HlGTh

in pursuit (o9 nepecniqyiouu inconsistent HecyMiGHFtÎÎ (3)

in accordance 3riQ,HO (s), y preventive npeBeHruBHTlÎÎ
(with) B1,QHOB1,QHOGT1 (Q,O)
equality 1BHOHQ ilBHlGTb enforcement (adj.) npuMycoBuiî

Exercise 2a. Match the sentences in column A with their equivalents in column B.
Consult the vocabulary list if necessary.
1. To maintain international peace and security, A. Pooauaamu bpy ni cmocyiiKu vie
and to that end: to take effective collective napobaviu, eacuoaaui na noaa auni npuuiJuny
measures for the prevention and removal of pianonpaanoctni ma camoau liiaueniui iiapobia
threats to the peace, and for the suppression of ma aoicuaanlu aibnoaibntix oaxobia, u o6
acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace. nocununlu mioienapobnuü sup.
2. To bring about by peaceful means, and in B. Opeaiiieaqia eacnoaana ira npuniJuni
accordance with the principles of justice and cyae peniioi! piaiiocini acix ii uzenia.
international law, adjustment or settlement of
international disputes.
3. To develop friendly relations among nations C. Bci uneliu noauuiii ympt1.vyaamuCb
based on respect for the principle of equal aib iiabaniui bonomoeti 6ÿbb-9KiÉ K p6liH i,
rights and self-determination of peoples, and to npomu 9KOl! O6’ch Hari Harii! a u8alDTYl
take other appropriate measures to strengthen b npeaenmuuniix a6o npumycoanx biü.
universal peace.

4. To achieve international co-operation in D. Hiómpu vyaatnu .vii iiapoóiuiü Sup
solving international problems of an economic, ma õe1nei‹:y i e tJicm mettlom: a uaaniu
social, cultural, or humanitarian character. Kone Kiniiantix eaxoóia ó.1 i eano6ieauiui ma
ycyiie num tampo1 mupy ma ó.ta cnipumyaaiiiui
admia aepecii! a6O iliuiux nopyuieiib Mupy.
5. The Organization is based on the principle of E. Qocaemu mi iiapoóiio’t cnianpayi y cnpil mini
the sovereign equality of all its Members. ina eaoxov yaaiini noaah.ri óo npaa .lmótinu ma
eoxoainix cao6oó ó.1 i acix nmóeü 6e1 pilntiqi
u oóo pacu, cinami, moati aõo penieii!.
6. All Members, in order to ensure to all of F. Bci 'ineun noaiiiini ape .1boayaanlti
them the rights and benefits resulting from Mi napoóni cyne pevKi1 Mupni1.em eaco6mvu
membership, shall fulfill in good faith the nl6lKum vuiioM, u)o6 ne cmaaumu nió
obligations assumed by them in accordance 3ãFpO3 fi mi iiapoóiiuíi Mup, 6eenei‹:y in a
with the present Charter. cnpaaeón uaicTilb.
7. All Members shall settle their international G. B M i napoónux cnlocynKax yci v.1enu
disputes by peaceful means in such a manner noamimi yn1pu.viyaamuc b aió eaepoeti ã6O
that international peace and security, and justice eacmocyaaui+ri cu.1u nponltl ntepun1opia.1 bHOi!
are not endangered. qinicnocmi a6o nosimuuiioi! ne lane iiocnli 6yób-
9KOi! Kpãiil u.
8. All Members shall refrain in their H. Que moro tiJoô 3a6esneuumu co6i aci npaaa
international relations from the threat or use of ma aueoóu, ito aumixamnlb e vneiicmaa,
force against the territorial integrity or political aci 'ui erin noauniii cymxiiiiio atiKOii yaam u
independence of any state 3OÓO8 i3aiiii9, 9Ki aOiiti anosu na ce6e y
aiónoaióiiocini óo óaiioro Cmanlytny.
9. To achieve international co-operation in promo- I. 3ó iücnmaãTtni m tipiitlM u eaco6amii ma y
ting and encouraging respect for human rights aiónoaióiiocnli óo npunytinia cnpaaeó.1 uaocmi
and for liindamental freedoms for all without ma Mi iiapoóiioeo npaaa yeeoó emin ma
distincti- on as to race, sex, language, or religion; ape .lmaaiiii9 Mi iiapoómix cyne pe'ioK
10. All Members shall refrain from giving J. Qocaeniu .vii iiapoóiioi! cnianpayi
assistance to any state against which the United y aupiuieiiiii mi iiapoóiiux npo6.1em
Nations is taking preventive or enforcement eKonOMi moro, xyxbmypnoeo a6o
action. maiiimapiioeo xapaKmepy.

Exercise 2b. Translate the following words and word combinations into Ukrainian.
1. to maintain peace and security; 2. to take collective measures; 3. prevention and
removal of threats; 4. suppression of acts of aggression; 5. breach of peace; 6. to bring
about adjustment (settlement) of disputes; 7. by peaceful means; 8. principles of justice
and international law; 9. to develop friendly relations; 10. relations based on respect for;
11. to take appropriate measures; 12. to strengthen peace; 13. to achieve cooperation; 14.
cooperation in solving problems; 15. problems of an economic character; 16. to encourage
respect for human rights; 17. fundamental freedoms; 18. without distinction as to race...;
19. in pursuit of the purposes; 20. to act in accordance with the principles; 21. principle
of sovereign equality; 22. to ensure the rights and benefits; 23. to fulfill the obligations;
24. obligations assumed by them; 25. in accordance with the present charter; 26. to settle
ernational disputes; 27. to settle by peaceful means; 28. to refrain from the threat or use of
force; 29. territorial integrity; 30. political independence.

Exercise 2c. Translate the following words and word combinations into English.
1. Bin BaT xonexTiiBHHX 3áXOqiB; 2. 3ario6iraHHs Ta ycyHeHHs 3áF]3O3; 3. cTpiiMyBaH-
m aKTiB arpecií; 4. nopyiiieHHs Mrrpy; 5. 3qiiicHIOBáTH MH]3HHM 3aco6aM ; 6. fiQHHIJHHH
cnpaBeqnilBOcTi Ta MimHa]3OqHoro rrpaBa; 7. y3roqweHHs Ta BperynioBáHHs cynepeoox;
8. ]3O3BHB£tTii qpymHi cTocyHxii; 9. 3£tGHOBaHi Ha nOBiDKaHHi n¡aHHIJ ; 10. rI]3HHIJ n ¡aiB-
HOH]3áBHOcTi Ta c áMOB 3HaoeHHs HapoqiB; 11. go csrTii MimHa]3OQHO1 cniBriQaui; 12. BH-
piiiieHm rrpo6neM ryMaHiTapHoro xapa repy; 13. GnpHRHHfl Ta 3aOxooyBaHHs noBar ;
14. rrpáBá MO@HH Ta ronoBHi cBO6oq ; 15. 6e3 pi3H ni iitOqo...; 16. nepecniqyio'i uini;
17. cyBepeHHa ¡aiBHOIT}3aBHicTs; 18. 3a6e3neoirrii IT}3áBa Ta Biiroqii; 19. ITtO BuTiKaiOTh 3
oneHcTBa; 20. 3O6OB’fl3áHHR, sKi BOHH B3fln Ha ce6e; 21. BperynioBáT MimHa]3OqHi cy-
nepeox ; 22. BperynioBáTH MH]3HHMH 3áXOQáMH; 23. GTáBHT niq 3arpo3y Mrrp Ta 6e3nexy;
24. BWHBáTii npeBerrrilBHHX á6O npiiMycoBrrx qiñ.

Exercise 2d. Listen to Text 2D in Ukrainian. Use your shorthand to write it down.
Translate it into English.
Exercise 3. Study the Vocabulary below and then proceed to the exercises.

membership 'i.1encmao provide for nepeb6a'iamu
suspend nlumuacoao nol6aaumu govern o6ymoazmaanlu
persistently ueobuopa Joao disarmament pot z6pocnu i
violate nopyuiyaamii armaments s6poüiii cun u
expel 8tlKnin unlu initiate iiii qimaamu,
eligibility npaao bear (expenses) noi:puaaniu (aumpamu)
principal organs eonoaiii opeauu apportion npuonauamu
subsidiary organs bonomi iii opeanu arrears 3 ‹ ÖOp CO8 ä H i CTU b

within the scope a Me ax contributions anecKtl

powers noaiioaa erm i exceed nepeuuuJyaanlii

Exercise 3a. Match the sentences in column A with their equivalents in column B.
Consult the vocabulary list if necessary.
1. The United Nations shall place no restrictions A. Peiie pa.1bHa ACaM6.1en .vial npaao poemabatnu
on the eligibility of men and women to participate 6ybb-9ui numanna a6o cnpaau a relax baiioeo
in any capacity and under conditions of equality cmamymy a6o ngani, it0 8ibHOC9 H1bC9 TO
in its principal and subsidiary organs. noanoaa enb ma QynKqi ñ 6ybb-9Kl1X OpraHi8,
nepeb6auenux bantovi

2. The General Assembly may call the attention of B. W.1encinao a O6’cbiiainix Hal i9x aibK prime
the Security Council to situations which are likely bn9 8C iX Mil pO.1ıO6H tlX Kparan, ıKi npuümam Tıl
to endanger international peace and security. b
eO6oa ’varım, 8Kxm seni bo baııoeo Cnlamymy.
3. Membership in the United Nations is open to C. hem O6’cbnaınıx HatJiü, menü ııeobnopaooao
all other peace-loving states which accept the nopyuıyaaa Hpunk unu, ufo .vıicm uhbC9 8
obligations contained in the present Charter. b HOM y Cmanlynli, mo e 6ynlu au Kumneııuü e
Opeaııioay ii! PemepasbııOlD C6IM6.1ecm.
4. The General Assembly may discuss any D. Peııepan bırak cam6n en Mac npaao poemabam u
questions or any matters within the scope of eaeanbni uptııuJunu cnianpatJi no nibmpumaıııım
the present Charter or relating to the powers mi ııapobııoeo .vıupy ma 6eeneı:tl 8KJI los ıD'ıt1
and functions of any organs provided for in the npılngunu, ufo oöy.voanm mnlb npoq ec
present Charter. poel6pocııııo rita pe ninsanım e6poüııux cux.
5. The General Assembly shall initiate studies E. Bumpamtı OpeaııioaıJi i! TIOK ptıaamumym b-
and make recommendations for the purpose cv ii“ U1 eııaMu 9K Tip u Inanemo Pe mepa.1bHOID
of promoting international co-operation in the Ac 6necm.
political field.
6. A Member of the United Nations which is in F. W.teu O6’cóiiaiiux Haqiü, npomu cromo
arrears in the payment of its financial contributions Paóom Leme ou eóii“icneno npeaenmuani
to the Organization shall have no vote in the General ‹2ÓO TI p UM fiCO8i ó i i!, Mo ice 6ym u m HMM ãcOao
Assembly il the amount of its arrears equals or nos6aan enun Pene pa.1bHOlD AC6LM6.1 ecm npaa
exceeds the amount of the contributions due from ma npuain ei!a .1eiicmaa.
it for the preceding two full years.
7. A Member of the United Nations against G. O6’cbiiaiii Hakii! ne nalaeain llM jinb H
which preventive or enforcement action has been i9KilX
taken by the Security Council may be suspended o6me enb ira npaao osoaiKi8 ma iHOK
from the exercise of the rights and privileges of Ttp 11 uM ‹ Ttä U fi CC TIl b 8 6fibb-9Kiii 9KOCTti i iTt a H a
membership by the General Assembly. ymoaax piaiionpaaiiocmi a po6onli ixx eonoanux
ma bonoMi iiux opeania.
8. The General Assembly may consider the H. ben O6’cónaiiux Haqiü, u)o mac ea6opeoaa-
general principles of co-operation in the iiicinb no Qinancoaux aiiecKax óo Opeaiiioayii; ne
maintenance of international peace and security, Mãmume npaaa co.joey a Peiiepal bHiü Ac õ.1et!,
including the principles governing disarmament 9KlIfO OõC9e 3a6opeOaaiiocmi óopiaiimc aôo nepe-
and the regulation of armaments. auuJyc o6c re aiiecKia, unir e iiux aió nbOeo sa óaa
noanux nonepeóiiix por:u.
9. The expenses of the Organization shall be I. Pemepaz bull CãM6x em iiiiyimaanlume
borne by the Members as apportioned by the óoc.1ió eiiiui ina po6umicvie pexomenóayii! e
General Assembly. Memom npona aaniui mi iiapoóiioi! cnianpatJi
a ea1 yli nos inltl KAI.
10. A Member of the United Nations, which has J. Pinte num Pemepa.1biiOi! cam6n ei! e aa xiiaux
persistently violated the Principles, contained numaiib noaiiiiiii npuümainuc i 6i.1buiictiiiD y
in the present Charter may be expelled from the óai nipemnun v.1eiria, 1 nlnx ito npiicymiii ma
Organization by the General Assembly. co.1ocymn1b.
11. Decisions of the General Assembly on K. Peiie pa.1biia cam6nea zone mae pnyinti
important questions shall be made by a two- yaa Pabu Berne cu ira cumyatJii!, mo aipoeibiio
thirds majority of the members present and nocn1aa.1 imb nib eaepoey mi napobnuü Mup ma
voting. 6eoneK y.

Exercise 3b. Translate the following words and word combinations into Ukrainian.
1. membership is open; 2. peace-loving states; 3. to accept the obligations; 4. rights
and privileges; 5. to persistently violate; 6. to place no restrictions on...; 7. eligibility to pa-
rticipate; 8. present Charter; 9. in any capacity; 10. under conditions of equality; 11. ques-
tions or matters within the scope of...; 12. to consider the general principles; 13. principles
governing disarmament; 14. to call the attention to situations; 15. to endanger international
peace; 16. to initiate studies; 17. for the purpose of...; 18. the expenses shall be borne;
19. as apportioned by the general Assembly; 20. a two-thirds majority; 21. members pre-
sent and voting; 22. a member which is in arrears; 23. payment of financial contributions;
24. to make recommendations; 25. for the preceding two full years.

Exercise 3c. Translate the following words and word combinations into English.
1. n]3HÍÍMáTH 3O6oB’fl3áHHR; 2. 3qiiicHHTil rrpeBeHTiiBHi a6O rrpiiMycoBi qií n¡3OTH... ;
3. THMV£tGOBO HO36aBHTH IT}3£tB Tot fig BineiB; 4. HeoqHO]3d3OBO nopyiiry BaT n¡3HHIJHHH;
5. BHKRIOVHT 3 opraHi3auií; 6. HáKnaqaT o6MeweHHs Há H¡3áBO; 7. fig iiMaTii yoacTs B 6yqs-
sxiñ sKOcTi; 8. Ha yMoBaX ¡aiBHOITQáBHOcTi; 9. up ñMaTii yoacTs B pO6oTi ronoBHrrx Tá
QOnOMimH x opraHiB; 10. HOBHoBmeHHs Ta QyHxuii 6yqs-ex x opraHiB; 11. 3aransHi
fIQHHIJ n cniBriQaui; 12. rIiqT¡3HMáHHs MimHa]3OqHoi 6e3nexii; 13. o6yMoBnioBáTH IT}3O-
nec perynioBáHHs 36poñHuX caí; 14. 3BeprryT yBary Há...; 15. Papa fie3nex ; 16. HOGTá-
BHT niq 3arpo3y; 17. iHiuiiOBáT qocniqweHHs; 18. ]3O6 T pexoMe auií; 19. 3 MeToio
IT}3OH£t B£tHHR; 20. cniBriQaq B ra 3i noniT KH; 21. HOK]3HB£tTH BHT]3£tTH; 22. up ñM£tTH
piiiieHHs 6insIIiicTiO B qBi yeT HH; 23. Ti, nto rrp cyTHi Ta ronocyioTh; 24. o6csr 3a6op-
roBaHOcTi; 25. o6csr BHecxiB, HanewHuX Big Hsoro.

Exercise 3d. Listen to Text 3D in English. Use your shorthand to write it down.
Translate it into Ukrainian.
Exercise 4. Study the Vocabulary below and then proceed to the exercises.

regular session uepeoaa cecia prevent 8ano6ieanlu
special session nosauepeoaa cecio aggravation noripuietmo
confer (on) nabaaamu call upon ear:.1uKanlil
continuously 6eone pepaiio comply (with) noeobiimuca (1)
parties (states) eaqiuaa.Beni cnlopoiiu provisional measures nonepebni eaxobu
concerned (Kp II i!HN)

seek (a solution) itiyKanlu (aupiuie moi) deem aaa anlu

negotiation nepeeoaopu give effect (to) peu ieyaattlu
enquiry oôeoaopeiiu i air-force aii‘lCbKOao-noainipuni

mediation nocepebniujinao contingent xontninie.eiini

conciliation noeob yaaiiiui application oacnlocyaaiin i

arbitration ap6impaoic pacific mupuuü
judicial settlement mpubuuue arrangement bomoan euicmb

Exercise 4a. Match the sentences in column A with their equivalents in column B.
Consult the vocabulary list if necessary.

1. The parties to any dispute, the continuance . Que moro u)oõ óanltl comotlaicnlb Oõ ’cóiia-
of which is likely to endanger the maintenance num HatJi a uaanlu iieo6xió mix ai XC bKO8l1X
of international peace and security, shall, first oaxoóia, W.1erita noatnuii yn1pu.viyaan1ti nec.aüiio
of all, seek a solution by negotiation, enquiry, óocttlyniii iiayioiiml biii i:oumuiieeumu aii‘iCbKO-
mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial 8O -Ti Oa iTi1p9 u trx c im óx9 cTi in b iiux .uian apOóHtlX

settlement. npuM ycoaux óiü.

2. The Security Council shall encourage the B. Paóa de lneKu eaoxov yaanluMe pooaumox
development of pacific settlement of local Mupiioeo aiipiuienn i mica eaux cynepe com uniu-
disputes through regional arrangements on the xo.v yi:x aóaiina peeiona.1bHux óomoa.1eiiocnle ü
initiative of the states concerned. ca ini qiam uaom eaqii:aah eiiux Kpai!ii.
3. Plans for the application of armed force C. Paòa Beeneini Mac npaao aiipiui yaainu, 9K11X
shall be made by the Security Council with the eaxoòia, uno he nepeò6a alDTYt b eacmocyaanno
assistance of the Military Staff Committee. l6poüinix cua, noauiuio 6ynlu a umo òno
pecnisaqii! ii! piuieub.
4. In order to prevent an aggravation of the D. Paba de me Ku noainiHä 6ymu opeaui loaana
situation, the Security Council may call upon martin uuros, izo6 Qyni:yioiiyaamu 6eonepepa-
the parties concerned to comply with such no. Ko nuü nmen Pabu de menu s Siem Menlom
provisional measures as it deems necessary or noaurien 6ymii npebcmaa.1eiiuü yuecb TIC 8 MiC-
desirable. qi polniaui yaaiuui Opeanisaqii!.
5. The Security Council shall be so organized E. Cnloponil 6ybb-9KOi cyne pe Ku, npoboao+ee-
as to be able to function continuously. Each HH9 9KO i! 8 i p Ori b HO Tl OCITt a8u TYl b Ti i b o aHp 03 fi

member of the Security Council shall for this TiibTYlptlM Hiui cviioieiiapobiioeo .viupy rita 6eene-
purpose be represented at all times at the seat of Ku, noaunni, nepui la ace, uiyuanlu aupiuieunui
the Organization. umaxovi nepeeoaopia, o6eoaopenuo, nocepebiiu-
qniaa, noeob yaaniui, ap6impa , mpubuuno-
eo apeeynmaanna.
6. The Security Council may decide what F. Penepmi bHa Acam6.1ea e6upamumem bc9
measures not involving the use of armed force are na epeoatlx tzopi'unlx ceciax, a Tti KO H
to be employed to give effect to its decisions. mauux noua epeoaux cecixx, npoaebenno 9Kllx
au.viaean1u.viynlb O6cnlaauuu.
7. In order to ensure prompt and effective action G. Q.1 i ea6eeneveniui uiaubKux ma ele Knliiainix
by the United Nations its Members confer on bii‘1 O6’cbiiaiiux HaiJii‘1 i“i lemn iiabaioTtlb
the Security Council primary responsibility for Pabi lemne xu nepauiiny aibnoaiba.1biiicn1b 361
the maintenance of international peace and nibmpu vaniui mi iiapobiior.o mupy ma 6eene Ku.

8. In order to enable the United Nations H. Qcs mono i9o6 1ano6ie.rim noeipuieniim
to take urgent military measures, Members cumyayii; Paba BesneKii Mac npaaO eaKnuKamu
shall hold immediately available national air- laifiKaas eni cmopoiiu noeobumuco e maman
force contingents for combined international nonepebnimu saxob u, Mini aona aaa ac
enforcement action. iieo6xibnumti a6o 6a aHuMtl.
9. The General Assembly shall meet in regular I. Hsanu sacniocyaaniui e6poilnux erm noaunni
annual sessions and in such special sessions as po1po6.turn uce Pabom Be3neKii la bonomoeom
occasion may require. BitlC bKOaOeo Ko.viimemy.

Exercise 4b. Translate the following words and word combinations into Ukrainian.
1. to meet in annual sessions; 2. as occasion may require; 3. in order to ensure; 4. pro-
mpt and effective action; 5. to confer on Security Council; 6. to function continuously; 7. be
represented at the seat of the Organization; 8. the parties to any dispute; 9; the continuance;
10. at all times; 11. in order to prevent; 12. an aggravation of the situation; 13. to call upon
the parties concerned; 14. to comply with measures; 15. provisional measures; 16. as it
deems necessary or desirable; 17. use of armed force; 18. to employ measures; 19. to give
effect to its decisions; 20. to take urgent military measures; 21. to hold air-force continge-
nts; 22. immediately available; 23. combined enforcement action; 24. application of armed
force; 25. with the assistance.

Exercise 4c. Translate the following words and word combinations into English.
1. oeproBa iitopioHa cecis; 2. 3a6e3neoeHHs eQexTiiBH X qiii; 3. HdpaBaTii nepBiiH-
rry BiqnOBiqansHicTs; 4. rIiqT¡a MaHHs Mrrpy Ta 6e3nexii; 5. QyHxuiOrryBaTii 6e3nepepBHO;
6. 3 micro MeToio; 7. GTO]3OH 6yqs-sxoro cnopy; 8. HOcTaBuT niq 3arpo3y; 9. nepiii 3a Bce;
10. iiryKaT B piiiieHm; 11. neperoBop ; 12. o6roBopeHHs; 13. nocepeqH I{TBO; 14. no-
roq BaHHx; 15. ap6iyaw; 16. iop q oHe BperynioBaHHs; 17. 3ano6irT noripiiieHino
c yauii; 18. noroqirr Gs 3 nonepeqHiM 3aXOqaM ; 19. BOUTS 3aXOqiB; 20. peani3auis
piiiieHs; 21. Bin BaT BiiichKOBuX 3aXoqiB; 22. y iiMyBaT KOHTiiHreHTil; 23. BiiichKOBHii
KOMiTeT; 24. 3aOxooyBaT ¡3O3BHTOK M pHoro BrrpiiiieHm; 25. MicueBi cynepeox ; 26. pe-
rioHansHi qOMoBneHocTi; 27. 3a iHiuiaT BOIO.

Exercise 4d. Listen to Text 4D in Ukrainian. Use your shorthand to write it down.
Translate it into English.
Exercise 5. Translate the following words and word combinations into Ukrainian.
1. founder members; 2. deliberative body; 3. to adopt recommendations; 4. to maintain
peace and security; 5. breach of peace; 6. to bring about adjustment (settlement) of dispu-
tes; 7. sovereign states; 8. to bear the chief responsibility; 9. under conditions of equality;
10. to endanger international peace; 11. to initiate studies; 12. peace-loving states; 13. to ac-
cept the obligations; 14. to place no restrictions on...; 15. in any capacity; 16. veto privilege;
17. in the event of; 18. prompt and effective action; 19. to develop friendly relations; 20.
to take appropriate measures; 21. cooperation in solving problems; 22. an aggravation of
the situation; 23. to comply with measures; 24. provisional measures; 25. to confer on


Council; 26. principle of sovereign equality; 27. to ensure the rights and benefits; 28. to fu-
nction continuously; 29. in pursuit of the purposes; 30. to fulfill the obligations; 31. to settle
international disputes; 32. to refrain from the threat or use of force; 33. territorial
34. political independence; 35. the parties to any dispute; 36. to commit military forces;
37. to provide operational assistance; 38. to sponsor research; 39. voluntary repatriation.

Exercise 6. Translate the following words and word combinations into English.
1. оергова щорі'іна cecis; 2. підтримувати мир; 3. вирішення проблем; 4. ра-
тифіхувати старт; 5. забезпеоення ефеіггивних дііі; 6. стри вання аіггів агресії;
7. принцип рівноправності та самовизнаоення народів; 8. субсцдіювати дослідтен-
ня; 9. внаслідок адміністративної неефеіггивності; 10. надавати первинггу відпо-
відалsність; 11. посередництво; 12. погод вання; 13. приіімати упасть в роботі
головних та допомітних органів; 14. повновтення та функції будь-яких органів;
15. спроба відновити мир; 16. збирати та розповсюд вати інформацію; 17. арбі-
трах; 18. юрцди'іне врегулювання; 19. загалsні принципи співпраці; 20. врегулю-
вати мирними заходами; 21. ставити під загрозу мир та безпеху; 22. втивати пре-
вентивних a6o при сових дііі.23. підтримання мітнародної безпеки; 24. досsгги
мітнародної співпраці; 25. вирішення проблем гуманітарного xapairrepy; 26. забез-
пеоити права та вигоди; 27. запобігги погіршенню ситуації; 28. погодитисs з по-
передніми заходами; 29. заохощвати розвіггок мирного вирішення; 30. приіімати
рішення білsшістю в дві третини; 31. обсsг заборгованості; 32. виііти з організації;
33. наслідувати прикладові; 34. ті, що присутні та голосують; 35. місцеві суперео-
ки; 36. обумовлювати процес регулювання збройних сил; 37. зверггути увагу на...;
38. регіоналsні домовленості; 39. за ініціативою; 40. втивати вііісsкових заходів.

Exercise 7. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. На qyмxy українсsкого ypsqy, введение коіггингеіггу Ізраїлsсsких вііісsк go
Ceicropa Гази поставить niq загрозу мотивісто игр иманнs миру на їілизsію
Cxoqi. 2. Biqnoвiqнo go Старр ООН, кpaïни-олени ггриііматто «олеісгивних захоqів
по віqверненню загрози порушенііа миру. 3. Фpaнqis переборола свою ізолsqіоніст-
csxy позиqію та ратифіхувала qoroвip про сіюрооенііа tдерних озброено у Свропі.
4. Мінісу заіюрqоннггх справ Pociï me pa заsвив, mo всі питание стсовно '-teoнi нa-
xoqsmocs витю'іно у рамках вгіутрішноої юрисqикqії Росіисsкої Фeqepaqiï, sкa i на-
qалі робіггиме все моzоіиве qлs збереwеннs теритріалsної qілісності країни. 5. hо-
верненііа на батоківіqиггу ycix бітенqів е головною умовою в’егнамсsкого yp go
пооатху буqо-sких переговорів з Таїла ом. 6. Югославіs, sкa неоqнортово поруіігу-
вала права тqини у Косово, була виклюоена з Paqи Свропи. 7. Paqa fiезпеки ООН
заклика а країни Африкансsкого Pory знаити мггрне вирішенііа місqевим супереокам
шлsхом ymaqaнiia регіоналsних qомовленостеи за ініціативою заqікавленггх сторін.
8. ,f{epwceкpeтap сггросував заsву rrpo те, mo США нав’sзуюто Hoлsiqi свою волю,
заsвивши, mo вони хотіли 6 тілsки сти лювати економі'іниіі зріст у qiii країні.
9. Ліга Haqiii була попереqником ООН, sкиіі віqстював ггринqипи справеqливості
TU Ml lil}3O,ftHOFO IT[3ilBa. 10. BHilGJIl,ftOK d,ftMlHlGT¡iilTHBHoï HeeQexrHBHOGTl KOIIITH Ml t-
Hil}3O,ftHHX ,ftOHO}3lB, IIJO Hil,ftXO,ftHJIH ,ftO ïìOGHlï, 6ynH BHEØ}3HGTilHi He 3a npH3HaneHHsM. 11.
Cy BepeHHa piBHOIT[iilBHlGTs KpaïH-nneHiB, He3anewHo Big ÏXHhOFO }3O3Mipy a6o exoHOMl9-
HOFO GTilHOBHIIJil, C O,ftHHM 3 HilĞBil flHBlIlIHX H}3HHIJHHIB HO ,ftOBH 6aFilThOX Ml lil}3O,ft-
HHX O}3FăHl3ă£țlñ. 12. H@ năG GBOFO Bl3Hy go ro pacy xaH ep GPH 3ăKJIHKăB K}3ăÏHH
3ilXl,ftHOÏ ÜB}3OHH Hd,@ilTH ,ftOHOMO K}3ilÏHilM JIilTHHcsxoï MepHxH, mo nOcT}3iix‹QilJIH Bl,ft
noBeHi. 13. Paqa ïìe3nexH 3aKJIHKilJIil HATO y HMilTHGfl Bl,ft H}3H GOBHX,ftlñ H}3OTH Ipaxy
Ta He y BoqirrH ,ftO ,ftlï 36poñHl GHJIH. 14. OOH TU lHIlIl Ml tHil}3O,ftHl O}3FilHl3ílițiï QyHxuioey-
IOTS 6e3nepepBHO, u;o6 yBecs nac MilTH 3MO BHQI BilTH K}3H3OBI HHTilHHß. 15. Ha M-
xy rrpeqcTaBHHKlB PapH CB}3OHH, nprtqyiueHiis cBO6O,ftH GJIOBa e cepño3HHM nopyiueHHsM
IT[3ăB JIiO,ftHHH Ta qeMoxpaTriNHHX 3acag cycninhGTBă. i6. reHepansHHñ CexpeTap OOH He
Mile iT[iaBa Ben u;oqo npoue pHHX HHTilHh. 17. '-tHcensHl ,ftHIUIOMilTH9Hi Grrpo6H BÎ,ftHO-
BHTH MHp Ha Kopeñcsxo niBOGTJ3OBl 3ilKlHni Hcs HeBqmo. 18. Hiq nilG lHilB }3ilIJlĞHOÏ
IT[3OMOBH HOBHñ npe3meirr CIIIA HOO6iIJflB B ITH Bl,ftHOBl,ftHHX 3ilXO,ftlB IIJO,ftO 3MiuHeHiis
Ml lil}3O,ftHOro npecTic«y cBOCÏ K}3ilÏHH.

Exercise 8. Fill the missing words in the text below and then translate it into
Ukrainian. Use vocabulary to Text 2 and exercise 2a.

The Purposes of the United Nations are:
1. To l international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collect-
ive measures for the 2 and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of
acts of aggression or other 3 of the peace, and to bring about by peaceful means, and
in conformity with the principles of 4 and international law, adjustment or 5 of
international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace;
2. To develop friendly relations among nations 6 on respect for the principle of
equal rights and 7 of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen
universal peace;
3. To achieve international co-operation in 8 international problems of an econo-
mic, social, cultural, or 9 character, and in promoting and 10 respect for human
rights and for 11 freedoms for all without distinction as to 12 , sex, language, or
religion; and
The Organization and its Members, in pursuit of the Purposes stated in Article 1, shall
act in 13 with the following Principles.
1. The Organization is based on the principle of the 14 equality of all its
2. All Members, in order to ensure to all of them the rights and 15 resulting from
membership, shall fulfill in good 16 the obligations assumed by them in accordance
with the present Charter.
3. All Members shall 17 their international disputes by peaceful means in such a
manner that international peace and security, and justice, are not 18 .

4. All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the 19 or use of
force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other
manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.
5. All Members shall refrain from giving 20a to any state against which the United
Nations is taking preventive or enforcement action.

Exercise 9. Translate the following two texts into Ukrainian. Work in pairs. Use
vocabulary to Texts and Exercises 3a-4a in case of difficulties.

Membership in the United Nations is open to all other peace-loving states which
accept the obligations contained in the present Charter. A Member of the United Nations
against which preventive or enforcement action has been taken by the Security Council
may be suspended from the exercise of the rights and privileges of membership by the
General Assembly. A Member of the United Nations, which has persistently violated the
Principles, contained in the present Charter may be expelled from the Organization by
the General Assembly. The United Nations shall place no restrictions on the
eligibility of men and women to participate in any capacity and under conditions of
equality in its principal and subsidiary organs. The General Assembly may discuss
any questions or any matters within the scope of the present Charter or relating to the
powers and functions of any organs provided for in the present Charter. The General
Assembly may consider the general principles of co-operation in the maintenance of
international peace and security, including the principles governing disarmament and
the regulation of armaments. The General Assembly may call the attention of the
Security Council to situations which are likely to endanger international peace and
security. The General Assembly shall initiate studies and make recommendations for
the purpose of promo- ting international co-operation in the political field. The
expenses of the Organization shall be borne by the Members as apportioned by the
General Assembly. Decisions of the General Assembly on important questions shall be
made by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting. A Member of the
United Nations which is in arrears in the payment of its financial contributions to the
Organization shall have no vote in the General Assembly if the amount of its arrears
equals or exceeds the amount of the contributions due from it for the preceding two
full years.

The General Assembly shall meet in regular annual sessions and in such special sess-
ions as occasion may require. In order to ensure prompt and effective action by the United
Nations its Members confer on the Security Council primary responsibility for the mai-
ntenance of international peace and security. The Security Council shall be so organized
as to be able to function continuously. Each member of the Security Council shall for this
purpose be represented at all times at the seat of the Organization. The parties to any disp-

ute, the continuance of which is likely to endanger the maintenance of international peace

and security, shall, first of all, seek a solution by negotiation, enquiry, mediation, concil-
iation, arbitration, judicial settlement. In order to prevent an aggravation of the situation,
the Security Council may call upon the parties concerned to comply with such provisional
measures as it deems necessary or desirable. The Security Council may decide what meas-
ures not involving the use of armed force are to be employed to give effect to its decisions.
In order to enable the United Nations to take urgent military measures, Members shall hold
immediately available national air-force contingents for combined international enforcem-
ent action. Plans for the application of armed force shall be made by the Security Council
with the assistance of the Military Staff Committee. The Security Council shall encourage
the development of pacific settlement of local disputes through regional arrangements on
the initiative of the states concerned.

Exercise 10. Translate the following two texts into English. Work in pairs.

accession acmyn abandon polnyuamuca
chamber ncuianla exceptional status auntTł1KO8iCIt1 b
confederation KouQeòe paiJia public opinion poll coyio.1oeiuiie
referendum peQepenòym alpine ŒI b Tł i u C b Klł Ñ

plebiscite n.1e6icqunl express consent aucsoaiimu ee.oòy

Vatican BałTt II KSH vote eo.1ocyaanlu
accidental aunaòi:oatiîi canton KSH Tłl OH

Yoopa ypsд IUBeñuapiï oQiuiÎÎHO BHGflOBHB HăM1]3 K]3ăÏHH BG HHT go OpraHi3ăL iï
06’ c,QHăHuX HauiÎÎ, 3dIfBHBIIni npii usoMy, iito Bcyn xpaïH go OOH 6yдe BiдHOB1,QăTH
HOfllTHVHHM iHTepecaM дepmaB . Y 3B’It3 3 uiiM ypsд HăITQăBHB 3BepHeHHs ,QO O6ox
nanaT napnaMeirry xoHØeдepauiÏ 3 H]3OXăHH iM po3rnяHyTH HHTăHHfl rrpo rrpoBeдeHHs Bce-
Hă]3OдHoro peØepeцдyMy 3 usoro nirraHH t. Y BHHaдxy exiцo pe3ynьTăTH HHHliliHsoro
ne6icuirry 6yдyTь nO3HTHBHHM , To Bee oepe3 дBa poxii IlIBeñuapis 3Mome cTaT HOBHM
oneHoM OOH, 1 TO,Q1 B GB1T1 3ăfl iinrrscs mute oдHe дepmaBHe yTBopeHHя, axe 3 rrpHHI H-
HOBHX M1]3 BăHi› He Bcщnae go OOH — BăTHKăH.
OcT£tHH1M V£tGOM IU Beñuapis 3d3H£tfl£t HH3KH K£tT£tGT]3OQ — cx TexHonori'iHHX, T£tK 1
exoHOMlVHHX. OдHax, He3BmdiOVH Hă “9O]3H ñ pix”, no nopyiii B 6araTo inio3lÍÍ iiiBeñ-
II£t]3I 1B, T]3d,QHI 1Ï Tot Mind xpaïHil me ñ дoci 3£tfl HidIOTbGźt ,Q1ÎÎGH1GTIO ,Quo 6inbIIIOGT1 H£t-
ceneHm. He Biina,QKOBo iiiBeñuapui й дoci He Bii3HăV flHclt, VH Bă]3TO ÏM ]3O3 VăTHGIt 31
GBOCIO BHHlfTKOBlGm. lx noxa3yюTь ,QăHi couionori'iH X onirryBăHb, niiiiie copox iiiiGTb
B1,QGOTKiB MeiiixaHuiB ăflsniйci›xoï pecrry6nlKH BHGflOBHnii 3roдy rrporonocyBaT Ha peØe-
peHдyMl HăGynHoro 6epe3Hs 3ă ITQilC,QHăHHIf ,QO OOH, TOдi cx щeTiiHă MaC HaMip rono-
cyBaT n]3OTH, IfK 1 B 1986 poui. IHIIIHMH GflOBăM , noxii iito He 3po3yMino, o lHllȚlăTHBă
ypsдy oщ Mae ronoc 61flsIIIOGTi HaceneHH I Tot Hi,QTQHM K£tHTOH1B.

coordiпatioп uoopbиnatJiя establish exchange ualaeobuttlu обтііі
world community cuimoue nuclear weapons яЬерпа sброя
dedicated присаяиеіпіи chemical weapons ximiuna еброя
terrorist attack те popиcnluunuй акт bacteriological 6aumepio.1oeiutia
weapons еброя
make а statement еаяаити supplement bonoaiimaamи
provide assistance iiabaaamu Ьопомо mandate еобоа ’хати
groupings ye.pynouaiitiя sponsors of terrorists mi, xmo піЬтрпмутт ь
те popucnlia

У Нею-Иорху сsогодні розпооинае робот оергова cecix Fенералsної Асамблеї
ООН. В qerrrpi ïï уваги буде координаqіх зусилs світового співтовариства у боротsбі
з тероризмом. На qеремонії відкрггггх висупгггs Fенералsний Секретар ООН. Иого
ггромова буде присвхоена ролі ООН в новій мітнародній си aqiï, to виникла nicm
терористгг'іних актів 11 вepecm у CIIIA. Ранііііе Fенералsний Секретар вce захвив,
to дepwaви-олени ООН зобов’хзані призупинігги надант буде-хкої допомоги те-
рористгг'іним угруповантм та налагодити постійний обмін інформаqіею про діхлs-
ністs терористів. O'ii уютs тaкoe, to він заггропоггус втігги заходів, покликанггх не
доггустити, to6 до рук терористів потратила хдерна, хімі'іна a6o біологі'іна зброх.
Дo уоасників ceciï зверггутsсх з промовами ггредставники понар 60 країн-оленів
ООН. Уоасники обговорхтs тaкoe питание з підготовки нової угоди rrpo боротsбу з
тероризмом, to об’еднае та доповніггs дванарцятs мі ароднггх угод з qsoro питан-
т. Засідант Fенералsної Асамблеї ООН триватиме до 5 woвтm. Миггулого тm«тIs
Рада безпеки ООН вce затвердила резолюqію, to зобов’хзус всі країни сві вати
заходів проти терористів та тих, xro ïx підтримус.

Exercise 11. Listen to Text 7 in English. Use your shorthand to write it down. Translate
it into Ukrainian.

provocative npoaoi:aqiïiuuïi long-ranging missiles pai:en1u baшe мое.o
pabiyca bii!
troop movements пересуааііпя аіі‘1ськ bomb-making обпаЬпаііпя b.1я
equipment aueonloaneiuiя
яЬерпоі! бомби
lilt sanctions aibmiiiunlu caiiкqii! long-term boaeocnlpouoailu

unanimously obnocmaüno monitoring system cticmema
(cnocme pereunir)
ban eaôopona embargo e.v6apeo

Exercise 12. Listen to Text 8 in Ukrainian. Use your shorthand to write it down.
Translate it into English.

black list opuuü cntlCOK freedom of the speech cao6oba csoaa
expert in human rights eucnepnl- High Commissioner aepxoanui‘i KOmicap
infringe (violate) rights nopyuiyaanlu npaaa publish onpu.1mbiuin1i1
execution cmpama investigation poecnibyaaiina
torture mopmypu civilians uupiie naceneiina
discrimination biICK p IdMiHayia human rights npaaolaxiicna
organization opeanisayia
religious minority peuieiüiia Meiiuuola Amnesty International .vii napobiia

Exercise 13. Translate the following text into Ukrainian.

be in the forefront coca KOK

evil border control npuKopbouinii‘i

KOHTI1 0.J b

trafficking of drugs inpancnopniyaaiin i supplier country Kp ä i!Hä-TI OCTYt ä 4 ä.J b H HK

(narcotics) H ä pKOTI1 tlK i8

illicit sa6oponeiniü demand country Kpäi!na cno uaa

UN international mi iiapobiia interdiction nepeKpumnui
drugs program npoepaMa OOH
e 6oponlb6u ie
H ä pKOTll ii u u
rural part and parcel iieaib ’CMH ä CKJI äÀO8ä
alternative crops a.1bniepiiaitl uaiii centralized rule qenit1pa.1iooaaiie
xyabnlypu Ke piaiiuynlao

The United Nations is in the forefront of the efforts to tackle one of society’s greatest
evils: the production, trafficking and consumption of illicit drugs. The UN’s International
Drug Control Program operates throughout the world and helps Governments with projects to

enable rural farmers to develop alternative crops to coca and poppy. UN’s aim is to improve
border control, which can reduce the international trade in illegal drugs. The old-
fashioned distinction between supplier and demand countries has been replaced by the
realization that demand reduction and interdiction of supply routes are part and parcel of
the international community. Last week the UN Secretary General visited countries of Central
Asia, including the former Soviet Republics of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kirghizia. Speaking
to the journal- ists, he mentioned that under the Communism and centralized rule of Moscow
narcotics wer- en’t produced in such quantity. Now with the pressures of the open market
which has brought unemployment and in some cases poverty some people have been forced
into the drug trade.

Exercise 14. Translate the following text into English.


run for aucyaattlu caom call of duty c.1y 6oauü

Kanòuòamypy OÓO8 ’93OK

express gratitude cuc.1oatin1u noòary represent aitlinmaaitlu

indispensable nesamiiinuü (be) deeply honored (damn) ae.Atm:y uecnlb
effective instrument eQeKmuanuü challenge aunpo6yaauna
humanity .4 IDÒC b K iC IU b interfere into ampy'ian1uca
civil servant cry 6oaeqb preside eo.1oayaaniu

FeHepani›Hiiй CexpeTap OOH 3dlfBiiB yoopa, no npiiйmB piiiieHH I BiicyiiyTil GBOI-O
K£tH,Qцдaypy Ha дpyriiñ ie]3MiH xepiBHHI TBa uiCIO H£tñ6inbIIIOł-O Tot H£tÎÎBIUIHBOB1IIIOł-O MIW-
Hă]3O,QHOio opraHi3ăL iei-O. Ha cneuiansHiÍÍ rrpec-xoHØepeHuiï y Hыo-ÎÎopxy, rrp cBweHiй
LțlÎÎ HO,Q1Ï, B1H BHGflOBHB HO@say yciM xepiBHHKăM K]3ăÏH Ta ypsдiB, no niдajaiiMyBanii ñoro
y usoMy Henerxoщ piiiieHHi. “fixщO KpaïH -oneHe rrp ñMyTь piiiieHH I 3dITQOHO BăTH
MeHi дpyr ñ ifi]3MiH Ha nocaдi FeHepansHoro CexpeTaps, pm MeHe 6yдe Ben xoio secs
ITQHÎÎHIfTH ÏXHIO ITQOHO3Hl iio. IIIe ñ дoci 3ăfl IIiăCTbcs 6araTo pO6OTH, iiio6 nepeTBopirr
OOH — uio He3aMiHr;y opraHi3ăL iiO — Ha eØexrilBHHй iHcщyMeirr, noщi6HHÎÎ nł-O,QGbKOGT1
B usoMy HoBOщ GTO]31ooi, дns Toro iiio6 peani3yBaT Hd,Q1Ï Hă MHQ, ]3O3BHTOK Tă H]3ăBă
nIO,QHH . Exiцo MeHe 3aripocsTь, я roToB й cp» rrii , — 3dIfB B FeHepani›H й CexpeTap.
BiH Mae Beniixiiñ rrpoØeciйHHÎÎ ,QOGBiд cx cщm6oBeui› i Biд'iyBae cщm6OB й o6oB’ t3OK
go OpraHi3ăl iÏ Tă Tfix iдeaniB, IfK1 BOHă BTlMoe. One Ha ocO6 cToMy piBHl us nocasa cTana
дflfl Hsoro crrpaBmiM BHrrpo6yBaHH IM, axe nocTiйHO BTpyoaencs y ñoro poдiiHHe» rrrs.
BpeiiiTi-peiiiT FeHepansH й CexpeTap up йmB ue Bmxe piiiieHm, ă Hă 3ăHuTăHH8 rrpo pe-
ăKl iiO Ha Hsoro ñoro дpy Hit npOcTO B1,QHOB1B, ITtO “BOHa 6yдe niдT]3 щBam MeHe”. Ha
,QăH й MoMeirr npeдcTaBH K QpiiKii Bee дecsn poxiB ronoByюTь B OOH, ITtO BHKflHKăC
neBHe He3aдoBoneHiiя y rrpeдcTaBH K1B lHilirrx perioHiB, 3oxpeMa 3iÏ Tă ÜX1,QHOÏ ÜB]3OHH.
Ane, He3BamdiOV Ha neBHi Hă]HKăHHIt 3 usoro 6oxy, me ñ дoci He B cyiiyTo mOдHHX KăH-
,Qi-i,QăT1B, IfKi Morris 6 GKflăGTH KOHxypeHuiIO HHHliliHsoMy FeHepansHoMy CexpeTapio.


abandon pomyuamuca
accession acmyn
accidental aunabKoauu
adjustment (of disputes) y3eoboiceuna (cynepeuoK)
aggravation noeipuieuua
air-force aiucoKoao-noaimpani cunu
alpine asoniucoKuu
alternative crops asomepnamuani Kyr omypu
Amnesty International Mi icnapobna AmniCWi9
application 3aCmocyaauna
apportion npu3nauamu
arbitration ap6impaoic
armaments 36pouni cunu
arrangement bomoanenicm o
arrears 3a6opeoaanicmo
bacteriological weapons 6aKmepionoei uma 36poa
ban 3a6opona
be deeply honored mamu aenuK y uecmo
be in the forefront ouonmaamu
bear (expenses) noKpuaamu (aumpamu)
bear responsibility necmu aibnoaiban onicmo
benefit aueoba
bias ynepeboicenicmo
black list uopnuu cnucoK
bomb-making equipment o6nabnauna box aueomoaneuna abepnoi’
border control npuKopbounuu Konmpon o
breach nopyuieuna
bring about 3biucnmaamu
call of duty cry ic6oauu o6Oa ’93OK
call upon 3aKnuKamu
canton Ka iiWOH

cautiously 3 OCWOpO2OlD

cease-fire agreement yeoba npo npununeuna aoenm

centralized rule qenmpani3oaane Kepianuqmao
challenge aunpo6yaauiui
chamber nanama

chemical weapons Xiii rna 36poa
civil servant cnyoic6oaeq o
civilians mupne naceaeuna
coca KOKa
commit military forces yaobumu bo bii’36pouni cunu
comply (with) noeobumuca (3)
conciliation noeoboicyaauna
confederation Koiufiebepaqia
confer (on) nabaaamu
contingent Konmuneenm
continuously 6e3nepepano
contributions anecKu
coordination KOopbunaqia
dedicated npucaauenuu
deem aaaoicamu
deliberative body bopabuuu opean
demand country Kpaina cnooicuaau
disarmament po336pocuiui
discrimination bucKpuminaqia
effective instrument eifieKmuanuu incmpymenm
eligibility npaao
embargo em6apeo
endanger cmaaumu nib 3aepo3y
enforcement npumycoauu
enquiry o6eoaopeuua
ensure 3a6e3neuyaamu
equality pianicmo, pianonpaanicmo
establish exchange nanaeobumu o6min
evil nuxo
exceed nepeauujyaamu
exceptional status aunamKoaicm o
execution cmpama
expel auKnmuumu
expert in human rights eKcnepm -npaao3axucnuK
express consent aucnoaumu 3eoby
express gratitude aucnoaumu nobaK y
follow the suit nacnibyaamu npumaboai
foster 3aoxou yaamu
freedom of the speech cao6oba cnoaa
give effect (to) peani3yaamu
govern o6ymoanmaamu

grouping yepynoaauiui
headquarters uima6-Kaapmupa
High Commissioner aepxoanuu Komicap
human rights organization npaao3axucna opeani3aqia
humanity IllDdC b KtCW b
illicit 3a6oponenuu
impose naa’a3yaamu
in accordance (with) 38ibHO (3), y aibnoaibnocmi (bo)
in good faith uecno, cymaiuno
in pursuit (of) nepecnibymuu
inconsistent (with) necymicnuu (3)
indispensable ne3amiuiniu
inefficiency neeifieKmuanicmo
infringe (violate) rights nopyuiyaamu npaaa
initiate iniqimaamu, 3anouamKoayaamu
integrity qinicnicmo
interdiction nepeKpumma
interfere into ampyuamuca
investigation po3Cnibyaauna
isolationist stance i3OHa qioniCWCbKa no3uqia
judicial settlement mpubuuue apeeynmaauna
League of Nations Jliea Haqiu
lift sanctions aibminumu canKQti’
long-ranging missiles paKemu baneKoeo pabiyca bii’
long-term boaeocmpoKoauu
maintain nibmpum yaamu
make a statement 3aaaumu
mandate 3O6oa ’a3amu
mediation nocepebnuqmao
membership unencmao
monitoring system cucmema monimopuney (cnocmepeoiceuiui)
negotiation nepeeoaopu
nuclear weapons abepna 36poa
nutrition xapuyaauna
omit ne ammuumu
pacific mupnuu
part and parcel neaib ’Curia CKnabo8a
parties (states) concerned 3aqiKaaneni cmoponu (Kpainu)
penuary 3nubeunicmo
persistently neobnopa3o8o
plebiscite nne6icqum

powers noanoaaoiceuiui
preside eonoayaamu
prevent 3ano6ieamu
preventive npeaenmuanuu
principal organs eonoani opeanu
promote cnpuamu
provide assistance nabaaamu bonomoey
provide for nepeb6auamu
provisional measures nonepebni 3axobu
provocative npoaoKaqiunuu
public opinion poll coqionoeiuue onumyaauna
publish onpunmbnumu
ratify pamuifiiK yaamu
recognize au3namu
re-establish aibnoaumu
referendum peifiepenbym
refrain (from) ympumyaamuca (atb)
refugee 6ioiceneq o
regular session uepeoaa cecia
religious minority penieiuna menuiuna
repatriation noaepneuiui ma 6aW bKiaujuny
represent aminmaamu
resettlement nepeceaeuua
resolution aupiuieuna
run for aucyaamu caom Kanbubamypy
rural cix ocoKuu
seek (a solution) uiyKamu (aupiuieuna)
self-determination Camoau3naueuiui
set the conditions acmanoaumu ymoau
settlement (of disputes) apeeynmaauna (cynepeuoK)
special session no3auepeoaa cecia
sponsor cy6cubimaamu
sponsors of terrorists mi, xmo nibmpum ymmo mepopucmia
subsidiary organs bOHOJui rent opeanu
supplement bonoanmaamu
supplier country Kpaina-nocmauanonuK
suppression npubyuieuna, cmpum
suspend yaauna m uacoao
terrorist attack no36aaumu mepopucmu
to that end unuu aKW
torture 3 ificm memom


trafficking of drugs (narcotics) mpancnopmyaauna napKomuKia
troop movements nepecyaauna aiucoK
UN’s international drugs program JuiOtCH ff pOÖH ff Hpo 8pa Juff OOH 3 6opomo6u
i3 napKomuKamu
unanimously obnocmauno
Vatican BamuKan
veto privilege npaao aemo
violate nopyuiyaamu
vote eonocyaamu
within the scope a meoicax
without dissent 6e3 cynepeuoK
world community caimoae cniamoaapucmao


anoniucoKuu alpine
anomepnamuani Kyoomypu alternative crops
ap6impaoic arbitration
6aKmepionoeiu na 36poa bacteriological weapons
6e3 cynepeuoK without dissent
6e3nepepano continuously
6ioiceneq o refugee
a meoicax within the scope
BamuKan Vatican
aaaoicamu deem
Bepxoanuu Komicap High Commissioner
aueoba benefit
au3namu recognize
auKnmuumu expel
aunamKoaicm o exceptional status
aunabKoauu accidental
aunpo6yaauna challenge
aupiuieuna resolution
aucnoaumu 3eoby express consent
aucnoaumu nobaK y express gratitude
aucyaamu caom Kanbubamypy run for
aibminumu canKQti’ lift sanctions
aibnoaumu re-establish

aiucoKoao-noaimpani curu air-force
anecKu contributions
apeeynmaauiui (cynepeuoK) settlement (of disputes)
acmanoaumu ymoau set the conditions
acmyn accession
aminmaamu represent
ampyuamuca interfere into
eonoani opeanu principal organs
eonoayaamu preside
eonocyaamu vote
bucKp inaqia discrimination
boaeocmpoKoauu long-term
bomoanenicm o arrangement
bonoanmaamu supplement
dOHOJui veni opeanu subsidiary organs
bopabuuu opean deliberative body
eKcnepm-npaaO3axucnuK expert in human rights
em6apeo embargo
eifieKmuanuu incmpymenm effective instrument
3 ificm memom to that end
3a6e3neuyaamu ensure
3a6opeoaanicmo arrears
3a6opona ban
3a6oponenuu illicit
3amuKamu call upon
3aoxou yaamu foster
3ff Ho6i eamu prevent
3aCmocyaauna application
3ff qiKaaneni cmoponu (Kpainu) parties (states) concerned
3aaaumu make a statement
36pouni curu armaments
in accordance (with)
3biucnmaamu bring about
mubeunicmo penuary
3O6oa ’a3amu mandate

i3OHa qioniCWCbKa no3uqia
isolationist stance
iniqimaamu initiate
Konmuneenm contingent
Koiufiebepaqia confederation
Kpaina cnooicuaau demand country
Kpaina-nocmauanonuK supplier country
nuxo evil
Jliea Haqiu League of Nations
IllDdC b KtCW b
mamu aenuK y uecmo
be deeply honored
mupne naceaeuna civilians
Mi icnapobna As niCW i9
Amnesty International
stolenapobna uponpara OOH
UN’s international drugs program
3 6opomo6u i3 napKomuKamu
confer (on)
nabaaamu bonomoey
provide assistance
nanaeobumu o6min establish exchange
nacnibyaamu npumaboai
follow the suit
ne ammuamu
neaib ’Curia CKnabo8a
part and parcel
necmu aibnoaiban onicmo
bear responsibility
necymicnuu (3)
inconsistent (with)
o6nabnauna box aueomoaneuna
bomb-making equipment
be in the forefront

nepeauujyaamu exceed
nepeeoaopu negotiation
nepeb6auamu provide for
nepeKpumma interdiction
nepeceaeuua resettlement
nepecnibymuu in pursuit (of)
nepecyaauiui aiucoK troop movements
nibmp yaamu maintain
nne6icqum plebiscite
noaepneuna ma 6aW bKiaujuny repatriation
noanoaaoiceuna powers
noeipuieuua aggravation
noeoboicyaauna conciliation
noeobumuca (3) comply (with)
no3auepeoaa cecia special session
noKpuaamu (aumpamu) bear (expenses)
nonepebni 3axobu provisional measures
nopyuieuna breach
nopyuiyaamu violate
nopyuiyaamu npaaa infringe (violate) rights
nocepebnuqmao mediation
npaao eligibility
npaao aemo veto privilege
npaao3axucna opeani3aqia human rights organization
npeaenmuanuu preventive
npubyuieuna suppression
npu3nauamu apportion
npuKopbouiniu Konmpon o border control
ripsycoauu enforcement
npucaauenuu dedicated
paKemu baneKoeo pabiyca bii’
long-ranging missiles
pamuifiiK yaamu
give effect (to)
penieiuna menuiuna
religious minority
peifiepenbym referendum
pianonpaanicmo equality

po3nyuamuca abandon
po3Cnibyaauiui investigation
Camoau3naueuna self-determination
caimoae cniamoaapucmao world community
cao6oba cnoaa freedom of the speech
cucmema monimopuney monitoring system
cix ocoKuu rural
cnyoic6oaeq o civil servant
cry ic6oauu o6Oa ’93OK call of duty
coqionoeiuue onumyaauna public opinion poll
cnpuamu promote
cmaaumu nib 3aepo3y endanger
cmpama execution
cy6cubimaamu sponsor
cymaiuno in good faith
mepopucmu unuu aKW terrorist attack
mumuacoao no36aaumu suspend
mi, xmo nibmpum ymmo mepopucmia sponsors of terrorists
mopmypu torture
mpancnopmyaauiui napKomuKia trafficking of drugs (narcotics)
yaobumu bo bii’36pouni cunu commit military forces
yeoba npo npununeuiui aoenm cease-fire agreement
yepynoaauna grouping
y3eoboiceuna (cynepeuoK) adjustment (of disputes)
ynepeboicenicmo bias
ympumyaamuca (atb) refrain (from)
xapuyaauna nutrition
Xiii ma 36poa chemical weapons
qenmpani3oaane Kepianuqmao centralized rule
qinicnicmo integrity
uepeoaa cecia regular session
unencmao membership
uopnuu cnucoK black list
uima6-Kaapmupa headquarters
uiyKamu aupiuieuiui seek a solution
mpubuuue apeeynmaauna judicial settlement
abepna 36poa nuclear weapons

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