Admission Essay Service

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Admission Essay Service

Crafting an essay on the topic of "Admission Essay Service" can be quite challenging for several
reasons. Firstly, one needs to delve into the complexities of the admission process itself,
understanding what makes a standout essay and how it aligns with the requirements of different
institutions. Secondly, there's the task of articulating personal experiences, achievements, and
aspirations in a compelling yet concise manner, which demands a delicate balance of introspection
and self-promotion. Additionally, one must navigate the ethical considerations surrounding seeking
assistance for such a critical piece of writing, ensuring that the final essay remains an authentic
reflection of the applicant's voice and character.

Moreover, tackling this topic requires a deep understanding of the significance of admission essays in
shaping an applicant's academic and professional trajectory, adding pressure to deliver a truly
exceptional piece of writing. It involves not only showcasing one's qualifications but also portraying
a unique narrative that sets the applicant apart from a sea of candidates.

In conclusion, composing an essay on this topic necessitates meticulous attention to detail,

introspection, ethical considerations, and a nuanced understanding of the admission process. It's a
task that demands both skill and sincerity to effectively communicate one's qualifications and
aspirations to admissions committees.

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Admission Essay Service Admission Essay Service
Compare And Contrast Ibis And Doodle
... As I sit in the cool, green dropped parlor, the grindstone begins to turn, and time with
all it s changes is ground away and I remember Doodle. (Hurst, 554) The narrator is
explaining how the world and everything around him is flawless and peaceful, then he
thinks about Doodle, which is the exact opposite of a flawless and perfect world.
Doodle rocks the narrators world and changes the narrator s way of thinking. The Scarlet
Ibishas different characteristics then doodle, but share similarities as well. The Ibis is
sick, clueless of surroundings, and died later on. Doodle carries these same
characteristics throughout the short story. The Ibis and Doodle are completely
different creatures, although they are both very sick. In the short story, their sickness
affects them both. Doodle has been sick his entire life, when he was born, he was red
and had a huge chance of dying. His bones and muscles were very weak and had a hard
time moving and carrying himself. Doodle is supposed to be restricted from doing
certain activities. Later on in his life, he started going over his restrictions. The Scarlet
Ibisis sick at the same time as Doodle. The short story does not say how or how long the
Ibis has been sick. The Ibis did not know he had a chance of dying, neither... Show more
content on ...
The Ibis is doing what it normally does, but with its illness, it is in an unusual
position. The Ibis has probably been sick for a long time and went over its restrictions,
like Doodle, to go to a different area then the others. When the Ibis was finally in a
place it was not used to, it died. Doodle, eventually worked so hard and was able to do
some activities. When Doodle was working, he reached that point where his body
could not take any more. Doodle, sadly, died. Doodle and the Ibis died after having
their limits pushed physically. I can t walk brother , he said Who says so? I demanded.
Mama, the doctor everybody. (Hurst,
Case Herman Miller

Herman Miller is an American company that was founded in 1905 in Zeeland, Michigan
as the Star Furniture Co. They are the major American company of office furniture and
equipment. In 1919 Dirk Jan De Pree became the president of the company and renamed
the company The Michigan Star Furniture Co. Then Dirk and his father Herman Miller
buy 51% of the company in 1923 and renamed Herman Miller Furniture Company, and in
1960 became Herman Miller Inc.
They started selling quality furniture, bedrooms and other things made of wood but in
1930 because of the Great depression they started to look for other market and products
so the company could survive this economic situation that affect all the US. Because of
this they started ... Show more content on ...
But in the long term the distribution channels would be clear and without interferences
again. Also it would be possible to have a clear marketing direction and therefore
planning is possible again in the future without interferences of the different distributors
with each others. That would practicably mean that Vreni should decide to get out of the
contract of Asal Products, Inc. even when there would be legal problems. Moreover, the
business relationships to this company could be worsened in the long run.
Another alternative should be to create a plant in Europe so now they don t have top
ay all the taxes they have to pay so they can export their products, in that way they will
be able to give better prices to their clients, and they will supposed to have a better
service and more quality because they where the pioneers in those products.

The last alternative could be to create a better marketing about their products, to compare
their brand with the competition so the market can understand that the differences
between prices is because of the good quality, the brand name, the knowledge, and that
they are the only ones, the expert ones on those kind of products.

Finally we think that a great alternative also could be to open a new market, for example
if the competitors are taking some of the market that they used to have when they
The Negative Effects Of The Media Affects Children
The media can manipulate the youth s ideas and thoughts and make them conform to the
thoughts and ideas to those of the advertisers. Assuming that the media does not care for
the interest of the youth ,and children are susceptible to be manipulated because they
have not fully formulated their own opinions and ideas on certain subjects, therefore their
premeditated conceptions are able to be changed easily because they can be
influenced.Thus, the media can negatively affectthe youth and their viewpoints on
controversial issues, their minds are still young and forming, so they will believe
whatever people say without doing further research for themselves to know it is factual
or not.
The media is not looking out for the best interest of the youth. Advertising in the media
can bring upon misinterpretation in a child s mind. Children are exposed to advertising
all day, whether it is on the television, their phone, or advertisements around the city the
advertisers have strategies to advertise their products to children (Barve G, Sood A,
Nithya S, Virmani T). The media puts false images or ideas in their minds making the
children believe something that isn t true. The media does not care how it affects the
child, but they should. It affects the children negatively because it is not an accurate
depiction of what they are advertising. Furthermore, all the advertising indeed has some
effects on children because research has stated that young children (in an age group of 8
Nazi Party Controlling Germany
Although the notorious Nazi party is ridiculed more than feared today, it was once the
most formidable political group in Europe. Until the ending of the World War II, the full
extent of its malicious intentions and actions remained unknown to the world. When
soldiers uncovered the death camps, files and citizens the true horror came out. The
governments of the world asked how this could have happened? Adolf Hitlers
nightmarish political ideas consumed an entire nation. The Nazi partyassumed complete
control of not only Germany, but almost the entirety of Europe. More importantly
however, was its control of the youth of Germany. Together these elements set the stage
for a war machine like no other. The mastermind behind the movements of
Military Construction Veterans Affairs
Subcommittee on Military Construction and Veterans Affairs

The Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies (MCVARA) is a

subcommittee under The Appropriations Committee. The Appropriations Committee
reviews and approves budget requests (funding legislation) from MCVARA. Once the
funding legislation is reported to and approved by the Senate, the Senate works with the
House to have the legislation approved and passed by the beginning of the fiscal year
which falls on October 1st. The subcommittee on Military Construction and Veterans
Affairs primarily deals with bills that relate to the wide variety of programs for Military
members, retired and active duty, in the United States. The bills that they oversee help to
provide ... Show more content on ...
However as of more recent, the focus has been to cut spending and this in turn has
affected most notably, Veterans Affairs (VA) and their healthprograms. According to the
VA, VA is charged with fulfilling President Lincoln s promise to care for those who
shall have borne the battle, and for their families and their survivors. To support this
mission, the 2016 Budget provides $70.2 billion in discretionary funding for VA, a 7.9
percent increase above the 2015 enacted level. In addition, the budget includes $3.2
billion in estimated medical care collections, for a total discretionary budget authority
of $73.5 billion (which includes $3.2 billion in Medical Care Collections) and $95.3
billion for VA s mandatory benefit programs. This increase in budgetary spending can be
deceiving as the VA is also seeing an increase in the amount of veterans claiming benefits.
So although there is a budgetary increase, it is not enough (a deficit) to fulfill all claims
made by veterans and/or their families and therefore is causing the VA to make cutbacks
in both military construction efforts, but more importantly in medical benefits that
veterans receive. For instance, improving veterans access to medical care to include
strengthening their benefits program is a matter of priority. As has been recently of
subject in the news, wait times for veterans has been extreme and inefficient, at times to
the detriment of the health of veterans. Although the increase is aimed at providing more
physicians and improving the VA s physical infrastructure, the budgetary increase lacks
the foresight to address the growing veteran population in concurrence with the needed
changes that are being proposed. In an article published in Military Times on
Mr Schachter Poem
Never shall I forget that night, the first night in the camp that turned my life into one
long night seven times sealed. Never shall I forget that smoke. never shall I forget the
small faces of the children whose bodies I saw transform into smoke under the silent
sky. Never shall I forget those flames that consumed my faith forever. Never shall I
forget those moments that murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to
ashes. Never shall I forget those things, even were I condemned to live as long as God
There was a woman among us, a certain Mrs. Schachter. She was in her fifties and her
ten year old son was with her, crouched in a corner. Her husband and two older sons had
been deported with the first transport, by ... Show more content on ...
She is hallucinating because she is thirsty, poor woman... That s why she speaks of
flames devouring her... But it was all in vain. Our terror could no longer be contained.
Our nerves had reached a breaking point. Our very skin was aching. It was as though
madness had infected all of us. A few young men forced her to sit down, then bound
and gagged her. Silence fell again. The small boy sat next to his mother, crying. I
started to breathe normally. We could begin to doze again, to rest, to dream... And so an
hour or two passed. Another scream jolted us. The woman had broken free of her bonds
and was shouting louder than before: Look at that fire! Look at the flames! Flames
Social Criticism In Catcher In The Rye
Social Criticism in J.D. Salinger s The Catcher in the Rye In the novel The Catcher in
the Rye, by J.D. Salinger, a boy named Holden Caulfield wanders the city of New York
after being expelled from Pencey, his boarding school. While he avoids telling his parents
this bad news, he tries to figure out his identity and what he will do with his life next.
Eventually, he decides to return home and start at a new school, finally finding his path
in life. Social criticism is used in The Catcher in the Rye through Holden s interactions
with others to demonstrate how inauthentic and distant many people are, especially
adults, which also further illuminates themes of phoniness and childhoodinnocence.
Firstly, social criticism is used in the novel to show how fake everyone in our worldis.
Many of the people Holden meets pretend to be the person that they wish they were.
One example is Stradlater, Holden s roommate at Pencey. Stradlater always looks nice
on the outside and tries to make a good impression, but is secretly quite messy and not
as put together as he tries to appear to be. Holden says, He... Show more content on ...
Holden, who is in between these two worlds, struggles to find a place in each. J.D.
Salinger demonstrates how alienating and fake the adult world is, while the world of
a child is pure and good. Should we all try to see the world out of the eyes of a child? It
is quite possible that society would benefit from a non judging perspective from
everyone. The world would certainly be more fair. I think that this is what J.D. Salinger
was trying to demonstrate. Holden struggles with the idea of how unjust the world is.
At the same time, it would take a great deal of time for everyone to have this point of
view, and it might never happen. However, I think that we are definitely getting closer to
this ideal as time goes
Prion Protein
Prion Protein (PRNP) is encoded by a gene, which contains a highly unstable region of
five tandem octapeptide repeats. An octapeptide repeat is a fragment from the protein
which is composed of eight amino acids joined by peptide bonds, repeatedly copied along
the amino acid chain. Within PRNP; these are tandem meaning that the octapeptide
sequences are in such an arrangement that they are lined up one behind the other
(Mastrianni, 2009).
Prion diseases or transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) are fatal
neurodegenerative disorders (Jeong and Kim, 2014). These are diseases which affect the
nervous system, in particular the brain across many species. They are transmitted via
prions. Prions are essentially proteins which like many proteins ... Show more content on ...
This polymorphism encodes either for methionine or valine and is a major genetic risk
factor for prion diseases. Codon 219 alongside codon 127 can contain further resistance
to Kuru.(Mead et al., 2011) Kuru is a TSE; only found in tribal regions of Papua New
Guinea (PNG) where endocannibalism occurs. (This is the practice of eating the flesh
from decreased humans from the same community). One would have assumed that these
adaptations for Kuru protection would be local to PNG, however they are widespread
across the globe, perhaps indicating that endocannibalism may have occurred amongst all
populations in the world histoically or alternatively it may be a normal site of variation
amgonst the populations which only become significant when patients are exposed to
abnormal prion proteins determining protection from the infection.
The ancestral allele is Adenine (A), the alleles may either be adenine or Guanine (G). It
must always be remembered that alleles are in pairs due to the formation of genetic
material from two different haploid sources: paternal and maternal and the pair of
chromatids forming the chromosome. Therefore, the resulting combinations of alleles
can be homozygous (two identical alleles i.e. AA or GG) or heterozygous (two different
alleles i.e.
Survivor Movie Analysis And Survivor
Lone Survivor
Based on a true story of four US Navy SEALs in Afghanistan. In 2005 , Navy SEALs
Marcus Luttrell, Michael Murphy, Danny Dietz, and Matthew Axe Axelson deploy on a
mission of surveillance and to take out Taliban leader Ahmad Shah. Though spotted by
goatherds, Luttrell and his team decide not to kill, or tie them on the trees, but to release
them. But one of the Afghans alerts a group of Taliban fighters to the invaders, and a
terrible battle ensues, in which the SEALs find themselves hopelessly outnumbered and
out gunned. The movie can be summed up into five phases : High Value Target,
Reconnaissance and Surveillance team in Hindu Kush region of Afghanistan and
Goatherds, Quick Response Forces, Villagers, and why the Navy Seals made a wrong
Ahmad Shah a Taliban leader is the high value target. He is responsible for the killing
of more than twenty United States Marines, as well as villagers and refugees who were
aiding American forces. In response to these killings, the United States Navy SEALs are
assigned to perform a counter insurgent mission to capture Shah or to kill him. As part of
the mission, a four man SEAL reconnaissance and surveillance team is tasked to track
Shah s whereabouts. The four SEAL teammates are team leader Michael P. Murph
Murphy; hospital corpsman and sniper Marcus Luttrell; sonar technician Matthew Axe
Axelson; and communications specialist Danny Dietz. The team is inserted into the
Hindu Kush region of Afghanistan, where
Environmental Effects Of Coral Reef Bleaching
Coral Reefs have a huge role in our environment, even though they only make up less
than one percent of the oceans ecosystems. They provide shelter for twenty five percent
of marine species, protect shorelines, support fishing industries, provide money from
tourism, and could help scientists discover the next, big, medical breakthrough. They
are so biodiverse, they are referred to as the Tropical Rainforests of the Oceans . Coral
reefs are found in shallow circumtropical waters along the shore of continents. Corals live
in waters that have poor nutrition and they have certain tolerance levels to water
temperature, salinity, UV radiation, opacity, and nutrient quantities.
All these wonderful benefits of coral reefs are at risk from coral reef bleaching. Bleaching
is bad for the coral because the endosymbiotic algae have a crucial role in the survival of
coral. They provide energy in photosynthate. Bleaching is the lessening of zooxanthellate
invertebrates. When the zooxanthellae are expelled, the tissues turn white. It generally
happens when water is too warm, even though other things can provoke bleaching.
Climate change is thought to play a role in increased events of coral bleaching around
the world. It can lead to the extinction of many coral species. Climate change could also
cause major reef tracts destruction. Coral reef bleaching events have been increasing in
the past twenty years worldwide. Bleaching is caused by various human activities and
variations in the
American Security Policy
National security in any country is necessary to maintain the safety of citizens from
foreign and domestic threats. America has seen changes in security policy as a result of
devastating events such as the September 11 attacks. After the tragic terrorist attacks in
Paris, France will definitely make changes to policies to secure the safety of French
citizens. However, improving securitycan tread on the privacy rights of the individual;
the key is to heighten security to a point, yet have minimal interference with the rights
already given to citizens. The most effective way to make successful policies for the
future is to look at current policies and understand why they failed or succeeded. For
instance, government surveillance has expanded... Show more content on
This is not an easy task because, as shown by the case with the NSA, the necessity,
constitutionality, and consequences of new policies are not always obvious. Inevitably,
new developments in the world, especially technological, are constantly changing the
way people interpret laws and privacy. In the 2014 Supreme Court case Riley v.
California, gang member David Riley had his cell phone searched by police without a
warrant after his arrest for the illegal possession of firearms. The Court unanimously
decided that the information found on Riley s phone could not have harmed the officers,
and therefore, should not have been seized. Chief Justice John Roberts said that cell
phones are not just another technological convenience, explaining that the information [is
not] any less worthy of the protection for which the Founders fought. Cell phones have
quickly become embedded in everyday life, and smartphones have access to personal
email, messages, and more recently, bank accounts or one s home. As a result, cell phone
privacy must be protected in the same fashion as a PIN number or house keys. Citizens
should not have to worry about the government seizing private information from a cell
phone, and this assurance is the major problem with government policy
A Healthy Form Of Recreation
Bicycling is a healthy form of recreation that people all over the world participate in to
various degrees. As an exercise activity, cycling is recognized as a low impact sport that
minimizes the potential for damaged muscles or inflammation and soreness in the joints.
That said, it s important to be aware that cycling involves a repetitive motion, roughly
4000 pedal revolutions per hour for the average recreational cyclist, in the hip, kneeand
ankle joints during the pedal stroke. Like all repetitive activities, there is a potential for
overuse injuries to develop if the proper mechanics of the action are not identified and
practiced. This report analyzes the proper mechanics of the pedal stroke, identifies the
main biomechanical causes attributed to overuse injuries in the hip, knee and ankle
joints and provides suggestions on how to correct those biomechanical differences
through muscle development and flexibility exercises.

Phases of the Pedal Stroke

The bicycle pedal stroke involving the lower limb consists of four phases within a 360
degree rotation. As a point of reference, the top of the pedal stroke begins at 12 o clock,
or 0 degrees, moving clockwise. The focus here is to analyzing the three joints, hip, knee
and ankle along the sagittal and frontal planes. When viewing the three joints from the
frontal plane, there should be vertical alignment between the medial joints of the hip,
knee and ankle. Angles of the three joints during pedal rotation are
Stress In Dogs And Owners
Stress in Dogs and their Owners

As a dog lover, owner and trainer, it is important to be able to know and identify the
signs of stress in dogs to make sure they are living their best lives. Similarly,
understanding and recognising stress in owners is also important in case it arises in
classes. This will help in making sure both dog and owner are enjoying and learning
during the class and to avoid conflict in class.

Stress is caused when an individual is unable to cope with pressure, usually emotional or
mental. Symptoms of stress in dogs can manifest themselves in many physical forms,
such as the following (Burch and Bailey, 2008; Miller, 2012; Rugaas, 2006):
Anorexia: decrease or loss of appetite
Appeasement behaviours: lip licking, grinning ... Show more content on
Conversely, too overexercise and overstimulation can also cause stress in dogs. Balance
is key in regards to the amount of exercise and mental stimulation a dog needs.

All these reasons for stress are caused by the dog feeling threatened, in pain or
discomfort (Rugaas, 2006). Knowing this, it is best to try and make the environment as
comfortable for the dog as is reasonable for a puppy class. This is not to say you should
cater to their every need, it is important for puppies to be socialised, experiencing new
things in a positive way. However, it is worth keeping an eye on what it is that stresses
the dog out and if the stress continues or intensifies as classes continue, to try and remove
that source of stress from the pup s
Hugh Glass Symbolism
The exposition started the moment Hugh Glass previous story was shared to us. His
village was raided and houses were set on fire. Moving forward, Hugh Glass led a
team to hunt in an unknown territory in the middle of the forest. His team was
suddenly attacked by Arikara Natives while he was out hunting with his son ,far away
from the others. They engaged in a bloody duel with the Arikara Natives. With only a
few men left, they took the chance to continue their journey on foot, rather than being
on the boat, as this would make them vulnerable. While everyone was resting, Hugh
Glass wandered around the forest with his gun. He spotted a grizzly bear and her cubs.
This was one of the major conflicts in the movie (Man vs Animal). Hugh Glass
experienced a horrendous bear attack, and he became incapable of managing his body.
His team was having a difficult time moving forward with him.... Show more content on ...
Henry, opposed to Fitzgerald s idea, believed that Glass was the sole reason why they
are still alive. Instead, Henry offered a monetary deal to anyone who wants to stay with
Glass. He insisted to have them wait for Glass death and provide a proper burial for him.
When the others left, Fitzgerald aimed to suffocate Glass, but his son, Hawk saw
Fitzgerald and tried to stop him. Fitzgerald ended up stabbing Hawk in front of Glass.
The next day, Glass found himself lying on the ground and saw his son lifeless. The
rising action started the moment Glass woke up after spending the night beside his
dead son. Despite the fact that he was feeble, Glass was determined to proceed by
crawling. Man vs Self, is another major conflict in the movie. Glass knew that he was
going to have a hard time with his body. Yet, his weak body didn t block his
determination to keep moving
Two Major Themes In Poetic Realism
Isolation and fatalism are two major themes in this film. the main characters are
trapped and they try hard to escape the current situations. The army deserter heading
for the port of Le Havre, Jean is on the run from a society run by a criminal underworld.
His solitary figure associates with the fog in the opening shot of the film. What he
faces was fatal since he had no choices. He could only run away; otherwise, his life
would be in danger. A 17 year old abused girl, Nelly who is trapped by her godfather,
Zabel tries to run away from him. In the beginning of the film, Jean and Nelly are used
to be isolated by the society. Both are not connected with other people. It is not surprising
that they want to escape from the current traps later... Show more content on ...
Zabel is a respectable businessman who loves religious music and the finer. However,
there is a shameful and jealous heart hides in his body that he lusts for his goddaughter
Nelly. This is a rather immoral theme shown in Quai des brumes. Moreover, Poetic
Realism films focus on working class characters and the theme of doomed love, which
is the blending of comedy and tragedy. Compared to Naturalism, poetic realism had a
more romantic, idealistic, mysterious character.(Linda Nochlin, Realism) It shows that
the characters in Poetic Realism are usually marginal characters in the society. Jean
undoubtedly represents the marginal characters in the society. He carries a national
identity, which is the army in 1930s and represents the lower class in the society.
When he meets the beautiful girl, Nelly, these two fall in love immediately and
passionately.Nelly says. They have real happiness and the love is shared, but in this
film s bleak world it is inevitably going to be dearly bought. Therefore, their love is
romantic but at the same time, it is also a tragic. The only way Jean can be with Nelly is
if he deals with the corrupt men that are causing troubles for her. Unfortunately, it turns
out to be a tragic end for the
Buddy Valastro s Family Bakery
Buddy Valastro grew up in Hoboken, New Jersey where he progressively improved his
culinary skills through his father s bakery. This being said, Valastro never attended
college; however, his passion for the culinary industry was discovered after getting in
trouble at age eleven and being forced to go to work with his father. Here, he started at
the bottom by cleaning bowls until he proved himself to be worthy of cakedecorating,
four years later. By trying every task in the bakery, Bartolo Buddy Valastro gained the
experience and skill to be where he is today. At the mere age of seventeen, his father
passed away, and Buddy dedicated himself to continue the familybakery, now as the
fourth generation baker. Due to the Valastro family s commitment
Examples Of Dysfunctional Relationships
Dysfunctional People in Relationships
Have you ever wondered why some people stay in a dysfunctional relationship?
Dysfunctional relationships are relationships that do not perform their appropriate
function. In The Yellow Wallpaper, The narrator is a doctor who although probably filled
with good intentions, comes off seeming domineering. The narrator and her husband
move into a manor for the summer to help her with her temporary nervous depression a
slight hysterical tendency. Female patients were not to listened to by male patients, but
because back then women were not in positions of power. The two main reasons why
their relationship is dysfunctional is the way John treats the narrator and the fact that she
has postpartum depression so she is not herself.
The medical world has changed a lot since back then. For instance, there were no
female doctors at that time. In the 1800 s, much was unknown in the terms of health.
The mortality rate was high and life expectancy was low. Parents, rich or poor, had no
way of combating the deadly diseases and infections that often took their children s
lives. Deadly outbreaks of cholera ( an infection in the small intestine) to the flu were,
understandably, a leading cause of death in children at the time. After all, children s
immune systems are not fully developed and are therefore weaker in the terms of
fighting off these fatal diseases. Medicine has advanced dramatically from the 1800 s to
the present.Today, although not all children are healthy if any, foods available to them,
the overall diet of children has improved. Also, with what is known

about diseases and transmission, many deadly diseases are under control. Luckily, today
it is much more common for people also have regular checkups with the doctor, from the
time they are in the womb through adulthood.
One reason why John and the narrator s relationship is dysfunctional is that John treats
the narrator like a child. The relationship between the narrator and John is not overly
loving, but unlike many people, I do not believe that John was intentionally trying to hurt
her. John cares about his wife, he just refuses to admit that his own prescribed treatment
may, in fact, be the wrong treatment. John
Development of Patient Care Plan Essay
This essay will explore a needs orientated approach to the care that is delivered to a
patient and examine the significance of the use of models and frameworks in the nursing
process. It is intended to identify a patient with biopsychosocial needs that requires
nursing intervention. Their holistic plan of care will then be critiqued in relation to the
nursing model and framework utilised by the nursing staff. Knowledge will be
demonstrated of the importance of utilizing evidence based practice when creating an
individualized plan of care. The nursing process is an analytic problem solving method
whereby the attainment of pre determined nursing goals by means of chosen nursing care
strategies is attempted through a systematic... Show more content on ...
Permission was consented from the patient to use their condition for this essay; the
information was accumulated from their admission, assessment and plan of care. The
patient authorized usage of information relating to their period of hospitalisation in
agreement that any personal information would not be used. This essay will address
this matter in accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC)
confidentiality guidelines set out in the Code of Professional Conduct (NMC, 2004).
The pseudonym David will be used for this reason throughout this essay. David is 32
years of age and has no medical conditions. He resides with his wife in a three bedroom
house, which they have recently purchased in a high income area. David stated he was
anxious about his sizeable mortgage payments and been unable to work. David works
as a self employed electrician; he was admitted on to an orthopedic rehabilitation ward
following a sports injury. David fractured his right femur whilst playing rugby and
needed to have a plate nailing to correct the fracture; This surgery was performed three
days following the accident, due to swelling of the affected limb. Assessment is
described as The first stage of the nursing process, in which data about the patient s
health status is collected (Oxford dictionary of nursing, 2003, p23), following this phase
a care plan can be devised.
The Characteristics Of Ed Gein And The Leatherface
In 1974, director Tobe Hooper revolutionized horror with his film inspired by a true
story, THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE. Almost immediately after the film s
release, rumors began to circulate that there was an actual chainsaw wielding madman
living with his deranged family in the town of Poth, Texas. The inspired events were
also said to have taken place on August 18th, 1973. However, a quick check of that date
reveals that the film had just wrapped four days prior, making it fairly difficult to base a
film on an actual event that had yet to occur. Despite this, there was an actual skin
wearing maniac that was the film s inspiration.

He may not have had a chainsaw, but serial killer Ed Gein was a key inspiration for the
infamous Leatherface. Born in 1906 in Plainfield, Wisconsin, Ed Gein lived most of his
life as a reclusive loner. Born to an alcoholic father, George, and a fanatically religious
mother, Augusta, Ed Gein suffered heavy psychological and physical abuse at the hands
of his parents. Classmates remember Ed as being reclusive with strange habits. One of
his most unnerving habits was to randomly laugh out loud as though someone had told a
joke that only he could hear.

Credit Wikipedia
A severe alcoholic who could not hold a job, Ed s father, George, was despised by his
wife, creating a heavy amount of tension in the home. Augusta s strict biblical teachings
were extremely instrumental in shaping Ed s attitude towards women. Fond of preaching
from the Old
The Benefits Of Transgender In The Armed Forces
Transgender in the Armed Forces

Many go to risk their lives to serve our country and unfortunately many don t come
home in the end. Entering our armed forces brings great opportunities, but a lot of stress
as well. Being given the freedom and the chance to serve is phenomenal. Every race,
gender, or sexual orientation should have a right to join, or so we thought. Why shouldn
t certain minority groups not be allowed to serve?
Upon joining the armed forces many benefits step forward, but do some of these benefits
go too far? Many army recruiters come to schools and always mention the benefits.
Transgender veterans or personnel need medications and maybe some surgery which cost
quite a sum of money that gets passed to the government to pay (West). The government
should not be paying for transition surgery or medications, due to it being the taxpayers
money(West). People that are transgender should be able to pay for their own hormones
and surgeries because other transgender people not in the military do so(West). In many
ways too they could be disqualified for the medications and the surgery before entering
the armed forces (Allen). Why should they be given special treatment for being
transgender, when someone else is just as qualified and willing is dismissed for
depression or some other medical need. Even with these exceptions the medications or
surgery might even work in the end. Transgenders have been known to be mentally
unstable before joining the military because of
The American Dream By Dan Kadlec
The American Dream is steadily changing as time goes on and some say this is a bad
thing. As different generations come about the dream changes with the people. As
stated by Dan Kadlec in the article Millennials Put Their Surprising Stamp on the
American Dream the American dream is now seen as having control over your daily
life. Today s generation has seen some of the main aspects of the original American
Dream fail greatly so they have made up a new dream. With the things Millennials have
seen change and go wrong they only believe that they can achieve a day to day lifestyle,
but should this really be the case? In another article named The Hourglass Society it s
stated by Stewart Lansley that the middle classis going backwards. The idea of the
hourglass is that there are large amounts of people on the top and the bottom, but not
many at all in the middle representing the middle class. This article also states that the
American Dream is now only a myth and this generation only has a fear of failing .
Many say the American Dream is dead but is the dream really dead or are people too
afraid of failure? Millennials of today have seen so many bad things happen to their
parents that they just settle and this shouldn t be the case. The American Dream is only
going to die if we let it happen.
Stewart Lansley, author of The Cost of Inequality: Why Economic Equality is Essential
for Recovery speaks very seriously in The Hourglass Society article about inequality.
Stravinsky Spring Influences
Igor Stravinsky s ballet The Rite of Spring is a representation of his Russian roots and
everything that he celebrated. His Russian roots influenced him greatly throughout his
career, writing compositions that reflected his life and Russia itself.

The symbol of Spring to them represents their new year such as a revival of the crops
and fams that was crucial to living. Emboding the new beginnings, t
Born on June 17, 1882 in Oranienbaum, Russia, Igor Stravinsky was raised in St.
Petersburg by his father and mother. Family already with a muscial background,
Stravinsky did not want to pursue the same career as his father and mother. While
attending the University of St. Petersburg, Stravinsky met Nikolai Rimsky Korsakov
who changed his mind from studying law to become a music composer. After the arrival
of the first World War, Stravinsky along with his wife and children fled from Russia.
Stravinsky then proceeded to travel the world with his music. Though Stravinsky moved
from New York City to Los Angeles, his time spent in Paris helped influence his
inspiration for The Rites of Spring as the ... Show more content on ...
The piece opens with what seems to be sounds of a clarinet, but it is actually a bassoon
reaching high notes in the key range. As the movement continues, the piece is in a steady
beat of offbeats from the instruments replicating the praise towards Spring harvesting.
The meter is at a steady at a pace longer than the usual 4/4. Although the music is steady,
you hear the orchestra wanting to push the tempo, always on top of the beat, driving the
music and dancing forward. Later in the piece, the music turns dark, changing keys, and
the melody becomes obvious and simple, reflecting that of the indigenous people of
Russia; possibly signalling the end of the piece or reflecting the nature of impending war
that threatens the Russian
Suicide And The Effects On Their Families

STEP 1:Suicide and the effects it leaves on their Families. I choose to write about
Suicide and the affects it leaves on the individual s families. Once you have dealt with
this personally you won t understand what those families have gone through.




Spouse s/Lovers


Everyone/ The World

Family: I know first hand how families feel when there has been a suicide in the family.
You feel a tremendous amount of pain, hate, guilt, anger, and then you start feeling it all
over again.

Children: Watching children go thru a parent committing suicide is the worse thing ever.
It doesn t matter the age of the children because they all feel the same. You never want
to see your nieces and nephew s go thru ... Show more content on ...
Friends: When you re at this point in your life you don t think you have a friend in the
world. I had to watch my brother s best friend break down in front of everybody
because he had to lay his best friend to rest. When you are at this point you start
thinking no one loves you, you re not good enough for your family. You ve been laid
off again so you think you re a failure that can t provide for your family. When all these
things get too much to handle you only think of it s better for everyone if I wasn t
here. When you can t see just how much you re loved and you ll be missed. You think
you ll be better off dead and your family and friends will be off without you around.

Everyone/ The World: When a celebrity commits suicide it affects everyone in the
world. Take Robin Williams he was the funniest man I knew he was a wonderful actor
but again he had depression and it took over his life. He didn t know how to handle it
anymore, and thought the only way out was suicide instead of getting help. So everyone
in the world suffered his loss. Mindy McCready (Country Singer) committed suicide a
month after her boyfriend committed suicide. It doesn t matter if it s a family member,
celebrity everyone in the world is affected one way or another.

Step 3:

Suicide Takes a Heavy Toll on Family Members

Practicum Experience Paper
1.My service learning project his semester was fulfilled at Miracle Hill Ministries.
Every November, Miracle Hill Ministries provides a Thanksgiving meal to their various
facilities including their shelters, drug rehabs, children s homes, and even their foster
homes. This semester I was provided the opportunity to help provide and volunteer at the
Great Possible Turkey Fry held at the Spartanburg Rescue Mission. I chose this event as
my practicum project because it was a great need at the Administrative Offices. Because
Miracle Hill Ministries is a non profit organization, this event is fulfilled through the
donations and the volunteerism of the South Carolina community. This need was brought
to my attention soon after I started my practicum hours.... Show more content on ...
Planning started early on, including the donations that were needed and the number of
volunteers we would need to successful fulfil this event. I started by calling and
emailing volunteers that were interested in volunteering at the event. I also helped edit
and create the various Needs on the website. Lisa Yerrick made me a manager over the
system so that I could create and edit both the Needs and Responses on the website. All
this planning, training, and contacting came together smoothly on Tuesday the 21st. I
arrived at the Spartanburg Rescue Mission at 8 o clock in the morning and helped check
volunteers in. As I was checking volunteers into the system, I was also helping train other
volunteers on the system. In addition to checking volunteers in, I also helped guide
volunteers to their various job locations. This day was very successful as I continually
checked volunteers in until 2:30. I am thankful for this opportunity and the insight that
this event gave
Perform Reconnaissance and Probing Assignment 1 Essay
Perform Reconnaissance and Probing Using Zenmap GUI (Nmap) Course Name and
Number| IA 5010 Foundations of Information Assurance| Student Name| Vishal Gori|
Instructor Name| Prof. Themis Papageorge| Lab Due Date| 19th Sept. 2013| Lab
Assessment Questions amp; Answers 1. Name at least five applications and tools pre
loaded on the TargetWindows01 server desktop, and identify whether that application
starts as a service on the system or must be run manually. WINDOWS APPLICATION
LOADED| STARTS AS SERVICE Y/N| Filezilla| Y| Nessus Server Manager| N|
NetWitness Investigator| N| The Wireshark Network Analyzer| N| Zenmap| N| 2. What
was the allocated source IP host address for the... Show more content on
* 36 scripts were loaded for intense scan operation. * All NSE scripts are currently
divided into following main categories: auth, broadcast, brute, default. discovery, dos,
exploit, external, fuzzer, intrusive,malware, safe, version, and vuln * During intense
scan default script is executed along with timing parameter and verbose script. 7.
Describe what each of these tests or scripts performs within the Zenmap GUI (Nmap)
scan report. gt; gt;During intense scan default script is executed along with timing
parameter and verbose script. Default These scripts are the default set and are run
when using the sC or A options or specifying explicitly like script=default. Following
are the few factors considered in deciding whether a script should be run by default: a.
Speed b. Usefulness c. Verbosity d. Reliability e. Intrusiveness f. Privacy Scripts
performing following checks are executed: a. Discovering open ports b. OS detection
c. Uptimes d. IP addresses e. MAC addresses f. Device type (general purpose / webcam
/ WAP / media device / broadband router) g. Ssh host key (DSA amp; RSA) h. TCP
sequence i. IP ID sequence j. Entire network topology, etc. Reference:
/book/nse usage.html amp; Zenmap GUI Application 8. How many total IP hosts (not
counting Cisco device interfaces) did Zenmap GUI (Nmap) find on the network? Host
IP| MAC| Nmap O/P for OS|
The Rise Of Organized Crime
The rise of organized crime In The United States By Jeremy King Welcome to the
1920s a truly new era. Automobiles were becoming affordable to the average
American the Great War had ended and the nation was heading into a time of
prosperity and temperance. On January 16th 1920 the production transportation and
sale of intoxication liquors was made illegal. The nation was dry, at least that s what
the country wanted. In reality the nation was about to be flooded with alcohol. This is
when organized crime really starts to develop in the United States. In this paper we
will cover a few notorious players including Al Capone, Charlie Lucky Luciano, Myer
Lansky, and briefly Enoch Johnson. We will follow their lives from birth until their
fate be it death imprisonment or the departure from organized crime. Along the way we
will meet other key players including Johnny Torrio, Dean O Banion, James Big Jim
Colosimo, Salvatore Marizano, and many more. So without further ado lets get started!
Lucky Luciano: Born Salvatore Lucania. Charlie Lucky Luciano Immigrated to the
united states in 1906 at the age of nine. Luciano showed the signs of a crime boss early
extorting school children for protection money while threatening to beat them up if they
didn t comply. Luciano did not speak English well at the time and subsequently dropped
out of school in 1914. After school Luciano started work as a clerk in a hat shop. Though
after winning
Sensory Processing Disorder And Developmental...
Sensory processing, (sometimes referred to as sensory integration or SI) is a term that
describes the way the nervous system receives messages from the senses, and turns them
into appropriate motor and behavioral responses, ( Sensory processing disorder
foundation, 2014). No matter the task we are fulfilling: eating lunch, sitting in a
classroom, or walking around at the mall, there is some type of sensation involved. Be it
the taste of our food, the sound of people walking by, or the bright lights of a classroom,
we are surrounded by sensory stimulation. Sensory Processing Disorder, (SPD) is a
condition that exists when sensory signals do not get organized into appropriate
responses, ( Sensory processing disorder foundation, 2014). Occupational therapist and
developmental psychologist, Dr. Anna Jean Ayres (1920 1989), Ph.D., OTR, was the first
to use the term sensory integration dysfunction in 1963 and described it as, The
neurological process that organizes sensation from one s own body and from the
environment and makes it possible to use the body effectively within the environment,
(Ayres, 1972). It is sometimes referred to as a neurological traffic jam preventing specific
parts of the brain from receiving the sufficient information they need to respond to
stimulus in the environment.
People who experiences SPD have difficulty completing everyday tasks commonly
referred to as the activities of daily living, (ADLs.) These activities include
Jerome La Gerche Observation
I observed Dr. AndrГ© La Gerche, a well respected sports cardiologist, speak on April
12th for the Mortiz Speaker Series. The series is coordinated by the Nursing College
at UTA in order to promote and inform the community on health and wellness. I chose
the presentation as it suited my schedule and I m generally interested in research
techniques. Dr. La Gerche described his research on the possible negative health
effects for dedicated athletes on their hearts, incorporating an innovative MRI scan
while exercise takes place. Dr. La Gerche gave an overall capable speech. His PowerPoint
was well put together. It used dark colors that displayed well on screen and didn t have
paragraphs of text. The graphics were extremely effective some were
Missouri Mule Case Paper
Missouri Mule Corporation which is existing company that makes different types of
combustion engines for lawn mowers, garden and agricultural machines. This
corporation has existing from last fifty years and shown very good progress from last
decade and this organization has expanded from Missouri 16 states with number of
employees above eight thousand through distribution and corporate operations. As far
company is growing some other legal issues are arise. As a director of Risk
Management, I have suggested some legal operations and hiring legal counselfor the
company in different states where we found legal issues frequently. Down this research
trying to find the counsel from different locations and identifying the company s legal
needs. Suggesting recommendations to reduce future legal issues.... Show more content
on ...
Because of maintaining company policies and regulations throughout decades it has
reached many goals and gained a lot of achievements. By achieving great development
from year to year made this corporation expansion into sixteen different states all over the
country. At present, they are holding more than eight thousand employees from all over
the branches in the country.
When any organization having different branches and thousands of employees,
usually we can observe some of the legal issues in many different cases. Every
different case could be a challenge for the staff to solve it. Giant corporations will be
spending too many funds to overcome legal issues. In this case, giant administration
should have proper framework to overcome legal issues in many cases. Here I am
going to have some recommendation and solutions for how to face legal issues and it
helps to how to search legal advisors and how to go through online services and so on.
Here now I can provide you some information how to find the counsel in different
The Seizure Of Nasser s Nationalization Of The Suez Canal
Nasser intended to use the revenue from the waterway to fund the Aswan Dam project,
but it would have taken Egypt 367 years to pay for the Dam from tolls alone. The Canal
only brought in a profit of $52 million and not the $100 million profit that Nasser was
To the United States, the nationalization of the Canal was a convenient excuse for what
was to come. To Britain and France, who felt that they owned the historical rights to the
Suez Canal Company, the seizure of the canal meant that they would lose their largest
colonial vestige in the region. Because there were no legal route for Britain and France to
oppose Nasser s nationalization, the Egyptian President could continue to manage the
canal. British Prime Minister Anthony Eden was prepared to react decisively with
military action ... Show more content on ...
He made passive threats that nuclear weapons would be used if the countries did not
withdraw from Egypt. Although United States President Dwight D. Eisenhower felt that
the Soviet Union was using the crisis as an opportunity to infiltrate the region,
Eisenhower did not support military intervention in the Middle East. Eisenhower feared
that the conflict would catalyze into a direct confrontation between the United States
and the Soviet Union. During a policy meeting, Eisenhower stated, If the Soviets
attack the French and British directly, we would be in war, and we would be justified
in taking military action. A Third World War seemed imminent, but Eisenhower was
determined to deter further conflict. At the time of the crisis, Britain was experiencing
severe oil shortages and a near collapse of their banking system as a result of their
military involvement. A furious Eisenhower pressured his Western ally to yield to
Nasser by refusing to deliver oil or to offer any financial support until all British forces
were removed from the Suez
Outsider Outsiders
I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest
demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation (Martin Luther King).
GETTYSBURG ADDRESS (19 NOVEMBER 1863) [1] Fourscore and seven years
ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and
dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal ( Abraham Lincoln). We
meet at a time of tension between the United States and Muslims around the world
tension rooted in historical forces that go beyond any current policy debate (Barack
Obama). All of these are the starting point of great changes. These famous historical
figures are considered Outsiders The Term Outsider Literally means One who does
not belong to a particular group. Perception is the main key in deciding if someone
belongs when they are an outsider. If you look at it from one group they don t belong
and from another they do. One of the most famous outsiders in history is Martin
Luther King. He was considered this because he decided to take a stance against what
s normal and average. He wanted to have equal rights for both African Americans and
Caucasians. By doing this he was considered an outsider by all people. They either
stood with him or against him during his outside revolution. Although he did not like
to be considered an outsider as shown by this quote Injustice anywhere is injustice
everywhere. Anyone who lives in the US can never be considered an outsider
anywhere in the country He was an outsider by trying to make no one feel like an
outsider themselves. So throughput this he didn t belong to the groups trying not to
allow equal rights. But to the people, he stood up with he was a leader and belonged to
their group, therefore even if you don t feel like you belong with the group you re in,
you have a network. The next outsider is Our famous 16th president Abraham Lincoln.
Lincoln was considered the rail splitting candidates throughout his campaign and
presidency. He was born and raised from working class roots. This set him apart from his
opposing candidate William H. Seward (who was the former governor of New York and
a sitting Senator. Seward came from a high class family, born and
Why Does Plato Considers Ordinary Human Existence to...
CHAINED PRISONERS IN A CAVE? Plato in his famous Allegory of Cave compared
the ordinary human existence to that of chained prisoners in a cave. According to
Plato, we are all stuck in a false reality in this world like prisoners in a cave. His cave
theory still applies today in the sense that the people are influenced and controlled by the
world around them. They do not want to realize or seek the truth; instead they wish to
live in the comfort zone inside the cave. THE ALLEGORY OF THE CAVE: PLATO,
REPUBLIC. Plato assumed the existence of human life in a cave. In his view, human
beings are tied as prisoners in a cave and they could only see the shadows of real things...
Show more content on ...
Shadows are fake realities and they make us believe that they are the forms of reality.
Several companies cheat the general public by mere advertisements. For example,
pharmaceutical industries they produce drugs and they often change the content inorder
to make sales and to earn profit. We have to figure out what is real and true. The media
especially television and radio telecast only the assumptions rather than on reality. On the
other hand, government is hiding everything and the politicians create the atmosphere of
fake reality and they never tell the truth. For example, the American government started
screening the sites of radio during the Vietman war inorder to hide the truth from the
people. Thus, human beings exist in a place which is full of fake realities. According to
consciousness in Advaita Vedanta by William.M.Indich, form of the good, which is the
supreme form of divine reason and thus the highest possible object of knowledge for
individual soul or consciousness . Advaita School of philosophical thought and the Plato
s views considers form of good as the divine form of knowledge and enlightment. In both
schools of thought light plays an important role. Reaching or Attaining light is
enlightment. In the same book, consciousness in Advaita Vedanta William.M.Indich,
light of divine reason in Plato s analogy not only accounts for the power by which the
soul knows but also is the source of existence and essence of forms
John Bowlby s Research On Attachment
The attachment between an infant and its primary caregivers has long been a source of
debate and scientific study. Some older ideas on attachment would be, in today s
standards, considered erroneous and insensitive. Harry Harlow conducted experiments on
primates in the 1950s, to better understand attachment, while being controversial and
certainly unethical, they provided a much needed insight into the bond between mother
and child, and so led to changes in how women were encouraged to bring up their child.
John Bowlbyused Harlow s research to instigate changes in child rearing practices.
Mary Ainsworth joined John Bowlby s research team in the 1950 s, based in London. To
begin with she had her own ideas about the attachment between mother ... Show more
content on ...
A total of forty participants were used in the study. They had been recruited from
friends and family and had not been offered any reward or incentives to take part in the
study such as money, or credits for a course they were taking. Anyone who was either
themselves a student of psychology or had knowledge of the experiment and its contents
were not able to take part. An equal number of males and females took part in the
experiment. The mean age of the participants involved was 39.3. The oldest was 65 and
the youngest 21.
Word count 97.
The materials used in this experiment were as follows. Instructions for the participants,
to be read before beginning the experiment. Informed consent forms, to be signed by
participants. Response sheets to record the participant s response for the dependant
variable and a debriefing sheet to be read after the conclusion of the experiment. Two
slideshows, each containing the images to be shown to each group. Each slideshow
contained 20 pairs of images, shown with a three second gap and each image pair
repeated five times. The slideshow was downloaded and installed onto either a desktop
or laptop computer. Participants just had to watch the slideshow. Once the slideshow
was finished the participants were handed a response sheet asking whether they liked the
DE100 IPTV logo requiring a simple yes or no
George Ritzer And The Mcdonaldization Of Society
How often do you go to a restaurant of some sort? Three, four times a week? When you
go to these restaurants do you analyze the trends that takes place? That is exactly what
George Ritzer did in 1993 when he created his theory on McDonaldization and the
McDonaldization of society. McDonaldization is, A process where non fast food
restaurants organizations are increasingly run like fast foodrestaurants such as
McDonalds (Class Notes). It continues to be a huge trend and a very successful process.
The McDonaldizationof society is, a process where society is increasingly run like a fast
food restaurant (Class Notes). These trends are even being taken into action beyond the
restaurant business. Ritzer examined McDonalds, the fast food restaurant, and separated
its customs into four dimensions: efficiency, calculability, predictability, and control.
Earlier this week I decided to go to Hu Hot, a sit down restaurant, and analyze how
McDonaldized it truly is. When you go to Hu Hot your host will seat you and you will
order your drinks just like a typical sit down restaurant. However, the environment is
very different because instead of ordering a meal and having your server bring out the
dish your ordered, you help yourself to the foods you like. All the food is raw and all in
one assembly line which makes it easy to get through quickly and get what you want.
After you get finished making your plate in the assembly line you continue the path and
walk to a circular area.
Loss In Gwilan s Harp, And The Last Leaf
Lost in the World The theme of loss is a peculiar subject, as one never knows when he
might lose something. Throughout several short stories, the theme of loss becomes a
reoccurring one. Many of these authors deliberately choose to kill a lead character,
therefore deficient of a blissful ending. Although these stories lack redemption towards
the end, the unanticipated conclusion teaches the readers essential morals in life. One
might find that in the average tale, the protagonists survive through the conflicts that
may approach them, and most do not suffer the death of others that they become
acquainted with. However, in a lifetime, every individual endures a branch of loss,
whether a family member or an important item. In Gwilan s Harp, by Ursula K. LeGuin,
The Washwoman, by Isaac Singer, and The Last Leaf, by O. Henry, the authors portray
the theme of loss exquisitely. In Gwilan s Harp, by Ursula K. LeGuin, the novelist
demonstrates the idea of loss throughout the storyline. LeGuin illustrates a young woman,
Gwilan, who suffered a tragic life. It seems as if the one good happening that occurred in
her lifespan was the harp that she received from her mother. However, she... Show more
content on ...
Henry, the author depicts the theme of loss as irony. Sue and her friend Johnsy must
face the bloodcurdling antagonist, Mr. Pneumonia. As this villain took its hold on
Johnsy, she struggles to cling on to her own dear life. At her lowest, Johnsy believes
that when the last leaf departs from the elegant ivy vines that lay outside her window,
then Mr. Pneumonia will claim her life. As quoted in the story, When the last one falls
I must go, too, (O. Henry). By this point, it seems very clear that Johnsy will lose her
life. However, when the last leaf falls from the ivy branch, Behrman, the failed artist
who many think lowly of, dies in place of her. In the conclusion, O. Henry cleverly
blasts the theme of loss at the readers, using irony for an unpredicted
An Introduction To Brand Image Problems Faced By An Air...
An analysis of brand image problems faced by an air transport service providing
company in Pakistan
Written by: Faiza Parveen and Tahira Sultana
This paper is written in order to provide a strategic review of the position of brand
image of an airline firm providing services in Pakistan (for confidentiality purposes the
name of the company is not disclosed). This paper studies the national and international
airline market and internal and external environment of the firm and discusses the
problems and reasons of the bad brand image of the selected air transport providing
company in the minds of the customers. The findings reveal that if the company can
improve it s services, update it s fleet, use it s resources efficiently and ... Show more
content on ...
Selected airline performed very well in the past and it was very profitable in the start
but it is facing financial losses since the past few years because of its bad brand image.
And its bad brand image is a result of Breakdowns, flight delays and other route
problems. Whereas one of the main reasons of these problems is that government has
changed its chairman and MD s and still recruiting employees of its own interest.
Selected airline has 43 aircrafts in its fleet; details are given in table below Types of
aircraftIn service
Airbus A310 30012
ATR 42 5007
Boeing 737 3007
Boeing747 2002
Boeing 747 3676
Boeing 777 240ER4
Boeing 777 240LR2
Boeing 777 340ER3

Situation analysis environmental scanning

For the purpose of knowing about organization s capabilities, customers, and business
environment, situation analysis is done. Situation analysis is very important for any
firm to make a good strategy for its firm. There are two types of analysis; external and
internal. And in external analysis there are further two categories which are: macro and
micro analysis.
External analysis
In external analysis we do two types of environmental analysis, micro environment
analysis and macro environment analysis. For the purpose of doing micro external
environment analysis we choose to do PEST analysis.
Figure 1 Situation Analysis

Mcdonalds 2012
Today s McDonalds for the Future
Tamyra Whaley
Strayer University
June 4, 2012

As one of the world s most famous fast food chains, McDonalds was founded in1937, the
McDonalds brother Richard and Maurice opened the first McDonalds restaurants in
America. McDonalds today has over 30,000 restaurants in over 100 countries in the
world. McDonald s fight s to protect is reputation and trade mark. Although good
corporate level strategy is important it is not the most critical for day to day human
resource activity. The most important strategy for human resource is business level
strategy and related corporate diversification strategy. Its concerns how the organization
will compete with the other companies that ... Show more content on ...
The purpose of the Leadership at McDonald s Program (LAMP) is to accelerate the
development of high potential leaders in a way that drives results, shapes organizational
culture and builds leadership depth. The program is used to guide leadership
development is based upon three leadership challenges: leading oneself, leading high
performance teams and leading the organization. The goal of this program element is to
expose participants to thinking of individuals outside the McDonald s system in order to
broaden their thinking and exposure beyond the Golden Arches. Increasing the ability of
participants to improve business results in their current roles as well as prepare them for
achieving success at the next level (Similar to the action learning component of the
Leadership Development Experience (LDE) that was so well received, LAMP gives
participants the opportunity to work in small groups to identify significant business
improvement opportunities and develop specific actionable recommendations to be
presented to executive management. In LAMP, participants are also expected to develop
their improvement recommendations by scanning the external environment and using
ideas from sources outside of McDonald s to encourage innovation)
Create at least two (2) more effective approaches to meet the talent management
challenges in the future.
In conclusion it is important to develop a clear talent management
What Is A Nail Art Essay
DIY: Cool and Easy Nail Art Ideas For The Stylish Girl

The best thing about being a woman is that I can style myself from head to toe, and no
one can find that odd. Apart from fabulous clothing and makeup, I can even paint my
nails (how lucky we women are). Nail painting takes immense patience and somehow I
find this quote completely true the woman is helpless when her nail polish is drying out .
Yet many times, my nail polish does turn bad (lack of patience) yet I don t tire from
beautifying my nails. My love for nail polish made me hunt for unique designs which I
could style on my nails and that s when my Instagram was flooded with nail art designs.
Nail art is the biggest trend now, and many of us feel the designs are complex and
taxing. But hey the nail art is super easy and the end result is terrific. Don t believe me
then continue reading our post where we share with you uncomplicated and trouble free
nail art which would make you say wow and every girl ask you how? :) ... Show more
content on ...
Spots using bandage: content/uploads/2014/03/nailart6.jpg Who
could think bandage could a tool for nail art? But creativity has no boundaries, so for
beginners this art would be completely helpful.
Paint your nails in your fave shade and let it dry.
Apply holes bandage on top your your painted nails and use a different shade and fill the
Remove the bandage and you would see cute spots on your nail. You can try the leopard
spots too.

2. Style your nails with loofah: static/static/2014 08

/23/16/enhanced/webdr07/enhanced buzz 18525 1408825086 14.jpg?no auto
Don t we all adore the fishnet nail art? This nail art is perfect when you go for beach
parties or even when bored with regular nail
President Hoover Failure
The Great Depression was an abrupt decline in the supply and demand of goods and
services along with a meteoric rise in unemployment. President Herbert Hoover thought
there should not be too much government intervention and the crisis would balance itself
out after a while, but that was not the case. His attempts to aid the Great Depressionwere
not as successful as hoped and did not gain him much popularity while he ran again for
a second term as president. In 1932, Franklin Roosevelt won the presidential election by
a landslide against President Hoover. President Roosevelt created policies and programs
that later collectively became known as the New Deal.
It started in the 1920s when the United States stock market went through rapid expansion
... Show more content on ...
It oversaw the construction of large scale public works like San Francisco s Golden
Gate Bridge and New York City s Triborough Bridge. They hoped it would stimulate
the economy by creating jobs and by generating orders for materials that American
industry produced. The PWA accomplished the task at hand, but they did not spend all
the money available to them and therefore, it was not as productive as it could have
been. Social Security Act (SSA) provided pensions, unemployment insurance, and aid to
the disabled. It financed its programs through deductions from workers paychecks, but in
reality, slowed economic growth by restraining consumer purchasing power. The
programs and benefits of the Social Security Act were not distributed evenly among all
Americans and since many of these Social Security programs were run by state
governments, the size of benefits varied widely. Overall, the WPA failed to lift the
country out of its economic
The Pros And Cons Of The Canadian Constitution
The Canadian constitution is one founded on the idea of responsible government. This is
a principle that is meant to hold the state. However, many have since struggled with
understanding how the Monarch of Britain fits into this form of governance. Some say
the monarch is meant to be the representation of the state, and the figurehead we need to
keep our government in check. Others point out that the Monarch is an unelected official
incompatible with the ideas of responsible government and democracy, for that matter.
Scholars seem evenly split between both camps. A question must be proposed about these
opinion however, is the Monarchy harmful enough to Canadian society to spend the time,
money, and effort to overhaul our constitution? It shouldn t have to be stated but
abolishing the monarchy is no easy task, so to even undertake this measure, we as a
society must be absolutely sure of the decision and the consequences Advocates of
monarchy are expressing their support for the institution on nostalgic grounds,... Show
more content on ...
Other than Quebec, no province feels any ill will towards the crown, or at least not
enough to vote in favor of secession. Author of the Republican option in Canada David E
Smith outlines many of the republican statements throughout their agenda s. Smith at
one point in his book states, an angus reid poll stated that 59 percent of Canadians
viewed the monarchy as irrelevant, while only 15 percent stated that it had a negative
impact on Canada as a whole. If such a small group does not feel effected by it and an
even less group of people object, is it really in the best interest of Canada to do away
with. Even with those objecting to the monarchy, a great deal of them come from
Quebec and don t share the same cultural views as most other Canadians. One of David E
Smith s solution to remedy this rather dismissive problem is that of Canadianizing the
Imp Case Analysis
1.Would a TNA be needed in this situation? Why or why not? If yes, who would you
want to talk to?
Training Needs Analysis is a formal process required for the purpose of identifying the
training gap that is in existence and its related training need. Considering the IMP case
analysis, training needs analysis is required since there are different sectors within the
organization which require an individual to possess the necessary skills to perform the
expected work within that department. In addition, training is also offered to people
working within the different sectors in that organization despite the fact that equality is
not displayed while offering that form of training. Talking to the HR manager at North
America International ... Show more content on ...
Other than this, the commission insisted that training was offered to the whole company
and not only on Mr. Pettipas because there could have been some individuals with the
same problem but haven t yet come into light.
4.For the training to be effective, what other things do you think need attention?
For the training to be effective, considering other factors to complement the training is
required such as addressing the element of gender discrimination which was in existence
in the organization. By addressing this form of discrimination training will be considered
effective since the same form of training will be offered for both the males and the
females within the organization. In addition, this will also ensure that the female staff
members obtain the same, necessary Knowledge, ability and skills just like the male staff
5.What would you suggest in the way of evaluation of the training? How would you
convince top management that it would be worth it?
As a way of training evaluation, I would suggest a one on one interview whereby every
staff member will be asked to carry out an activity with respect to the work being carried
out in that respective department of the organization. I would convince the top
management that it would be
Primate Acquisition
Decreased interest in olfaction may be related to early work which contrasted varying
levels of olfactory abilities among animals, highlighting primates as deficient in this
sense. In Turner s 1891 paper The Convolutions of the Brain, he proposed a
classification of Mammalia into three groups 1) Anasmotics, where the organs of
smell are absent and included dolphins and whales, 2) Macrosmatics, defined by
animals with a highly developed sense of smell and included ungulates, carnivores and
most mammals, and 3) Microsmatics where the sense of smell is feeble as in
pinnipeds, some whales, and apes and man. This idea of apes and humans, indeed,
primates in general having a poor sense of smell was corroborated by Negus in 1958 and
Le... Show more content on ...
The difference is even reflected in the names of the suborders Strepsirrhini, meaning
twisted nose, and Haplorhini, meaning simple nose. These suborders represent the major
phyletic groups in the primate order and include the lorises, lemurs, and galagos within
the strepsirrhines and tarsiers and anthropoids (monkeys, apes, and humans) within the
haplorhines (Fleagle 2013). There are two nodes where we see a major divergence in
nasal morphology, one in the early Eocene with the strepsirrhine/haplorine split, and
around 35 mya with the platyrrhine/catarrhine branching. Once again the nomenclature
reflects their nasal form with platyrrhine (consisting of new world monkeys, marmosets,
and tamarins) meaning flat nose, and catarrhine (consisting of old world monkeys,
gibbon, great apes, and humans) referring to their downward facing noses. Descriptions
of nasal morphology often focus on comparisons between these groupings of primates as
it aids in a more complete understanding of when certain traits and phenotypes appear in
the evolutionary record of primates. These taxonomic branchings are based on shared
derived characteristics including the reduction of structural nasal complexity within
anthropoids and tarsiers, and differences within the main and accessory olfactory bulbs
between platyrhines and
Cherokee Valley Case Study
I ll stay here until the water comes up and float down with it when it does, Mattie
Randolph, a housewife from Eastern Tennessee told a TVA worker on his first visit to
her family s house. The TVA worker was there to buy her property which was
scheduled to be submerged after the construction of the Norris Dam in 1936. The
Randolph s were one of three thousand families that were being forced to relocate in
order to complete the project. Even though all of Mattie s neighboring families had
accepted government offers to buy their land, Mattie and her familywere the only to
refuse government purchase offers. This is a similar story to those that played out across
Eastern Tennessee in the 30 s, 40 s as the newly formed TVA sought to transform... Show
more content on ...
Citizens believed that private utility companies charged too much for electricity and
could abuse their power. This sentiment combined with the severe need for economic
growth in the Tennessee valley during the great depression lead to an idea that had
been manifested ten years earlier in a town famous for things other than hydroelectric
power, Muscle Shoals. Henry Ford proposed that a federal dam should be built in
Muscle Shoals to provide electricity and fertilizer for the region and President
Coolidge insisted Muscle Shoals should be used as part of the development of the
Tennessee Valley because of hydroelectric power and nitrate fertilizer production.
Coolidge, however, did not support government intervention to build dams on the
region s river systems. Conflict simmered as some proposed the dam should be used
for power, and some believed it should be used for fertilizer. The debate continued into
Herbert Hoover s presidency who greeted the controversy with ambivalence, believing
leasing the facilities at Muscle Shoals, or to use revenue from the dam to fund
fertilizer research were more appropriate responses. However, with Franklin Roosevelt
s ascension to power in 1933 the concept behind Muscle Shoals would be at the center
of the new TVA legislation. Roosevelt believed wartime facilities like Muscle Shoals,
should be used to benefit the country. He fulfilled the promises he made as a candidate
and in 1933 the TVA came to be when Congress passed the TVA act. David E Lilienthal,
a member and future chairman of the Board of Directors at the Authority, describes the
TVA s purpose as to maintain and operate the properties now owned by the United States
in the vicinity of Muscle Shoals, Alabama, in the interest of the nation defense and for
agricultural and industrial development and to improve the navigation of the Tennessee
River and Mississippi River
Nursing Homes Are Now For A Five Star Rating System Essay
Quality Matters Nursing homes are now subject to a five star rating system called
Nursing Home Compare, described on the Medicare Web site. Simply inputting a
nursing home s name or area code allows a user to compare the quality of care at
various locations. According to the article Aging well written by Athan Bezaitis, he
states that this is an important first step but it s not always a choice system. Discharge
agents at hospitals often make decisions regarding where older adults will go
following discharge. What are the views of older adults regarding Assisted Living
Facilities (ALF) and Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF). Speaking to a lady who reside
at Atlantic shores skilled nursing and Rehab and whom I will refer to as Mary to
respect her privacy and for following the rules and guideline of Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA). Mary states that with all her chronic
ailments and diseases, it is good for her to live within the LTC because her illness are
monitored and her medications are managed well. She further went on to say that if
something goes wrong, help is always readily available. Another lady who resides at
an assisted living facility that I operate gave me her views of living there. Her history
is that of having dementia and she was becoming so forgetful, she was scared of
burning her home down. Therefore, she and her family decided to move her to a place
where she would have assistance in getting things done. She states
Active Epilepsy Research Paper
Epilepsy is a general term for any brain disorder that causes unpredictable regular
seizures. These seizures as caused by a disturbance in the brain s electrical activity. It is
considered a chronic neurological disorder, the fourth most common in the world. There
were around 3.4 million people reported as having epilepsyin the United States in 2015
with 470,000 of those being children (CDC, 2017). This is about 1.2% of the
population in the United States (CDC, 2017). There are about 50 million people who
experience epilepsy globally (WHO, 2017). In the District of Columbia there are about
7,500 cases of active epilepsy. It s estimated that 2.4 million people per year are
diagnosed with epilepsy globally (WHO, 2017).

Symptoms Diagnoses ... Show more content on ...

A child is reported as having active epilepsy if their guardian reports they have a history
of diagnosed epilepsy or seizure disorder (CDC, 2017). Seizures that those with epilepsy
experience fall into three main categories: generalized onset seizures, focal onset seizures
and unknown onset seizures. Generalized seizures affect both sides of the brain at the
same time (Type of Seizures, 2017). Focal seizures begin in only one part or section of
the brain (Type of Seizures, 2017). Focal seizures can happen while the person is
aware of the seizure (called focal onset aware seizures) or when the person s awareness
is impaired (called focal onset impaired awareness) (Type of Seizures, 2017). Seizures
are classified as unknown onset when it is unclear where the seizure began (Type of
Seizures, 2017). Seizure symptoms typically include loss of consciousness, jerking
movements, muscle tensing and weakness as well as spasms (Type of Seizures,
2017). Focal seizures can also include automatic movements that a repeated in a rhythmic
fashion such as clapping or lip smacking (Type of Seizures, 2017). Often time EEG tests
as well as blood tests or brain imaging tests like MRI or CT scans can be used to help
diagnose the type of epilepsy and seizures (Type of
Essay On Biodegradable Stents
Since the late eighties, stenting has been the primary means of treating stenosed
passageways within the body. This started with self expanding bare metal stents;
however, these stents could eventually lead to restenosis of vessels. In the
Gastrointestinal system in particular, these stents tend to migrate and are difficult to
remove at a later date. Though stenting in the GI system with these methods initially
treated the pathologies, they could lead to additional cost and stress to the patient later
on. With the recent development of biodegradable stents, this problem could be
eliminated. With the use of biodegradable materials or biomaterials in stenting, the
complications from metal of even plastic stenting could be eliminated due to... Show
more content on ...
This metabolism is facilitated by the body s natural pH of 7 7.4 which is conducive to
this process (2).
Biodegradable stents have been used for treatment of refractory benign stenoses including
those in the ureters, urethra, trachea, bile ducts, pancreas, small intestine, colon and
esophagus (3). The first biodegradable stents for the gastrointestinal tract were made
from polylactic acid and were developed by Goldin (4). He tested this stent on several
patients to treat esophageal stenoses; however, his prototypes were unable to maintain
sufficient radial force for longer than three weeks and they also degraded too quickly.
Later, advancements were made with a material called polydioxanone, which is a
crystalline, biodegradable polymer with many ester linkages. This type of stent had
greater integrity and retained its radial force for 6 to 8 weeks after placement, and in
11 to 12 weeks, the stents began to degrade. The degradation speed was also linked to
pH; the lower the pH or the more acidic, the faster the stent fragmented (1).
Biodegradable stents have found great use in treating stenoses of the esophagus and
achalasia. Esophageal stenoses are generally related to gastroesophageal reflux
developed after esophageal surgery or radiation therapy (5). Typically, this is treated
with dilators and balloons and in 80% to 90% of cases it initially works, but 30% to
60% of patients see their stenoses recur (1). In order to keep their esophagi patent,
Nobody Owens Character Analysis
The author, Neil Gaiman uses language deveices and techniques very well, to to make
comments on the society in which Nobody lives. There is a peculiarity within this book,
as the title suggests it is set in a graveyard. This means that there are characters from
different periods throughout history, enabling the use of different language techniques.

Neil was faced with a challenge when writing this book, as it comprises characters from
all throughout history. The main character Nobody Owens (Bod) is a normal child, in
the beginning his language is broken english with use of old engish Early Modern
English, until the introduction of a little girl Scarlet. This is evidenced in this passage
Bartleby says that thou dost have a face like unto a squishГЁd plum, he would tell her.
So does he. And why does he talk so funny? Doesn t he mean squashed tomato? I don t
think that they had tomatoes when he comes from, said Bod. And that s just how they
talk then. Gaiman, N. and McKean, D. (2008). The graveyard book. Chapter 4. New
York: HarperCollins Pub. From this point forwards Scarlet inflences Bod s manner of
speech, allowing him to fit in in the outside world. ... Show more content on ...
Caius body has been in the graveyard since he came with the romans and conquered
the celts. He uses phrases like my dear woman/hardly/thou Gaiman, N. and McKean, D.
(2008). The graveyard book. Chapter 2. New York: HarperCollins Pub. The author ould
have used language that was scientifically correct and in the style of his time but he
refraines in order to create a more enjoyable
Citizens Should NOT Be Allowed To Carry A Gun
There is many things that can be done to reduce the number of mass shootings. One
thing that they could do is limited who can own a gun. Law enforcement should only be
allowed to carry a gun while on duty. Citizens shouldn t be allowed to carry a gun. The
only time citizens should be allowed to have a gunis while hunting. The government
should have places set up by hunting areas for people to rent guns. Also, I think that
everyone should get screened every five years for mental illnesses. If someone is
diagnosed with a mental illness, they should be treated immediately. They should be put
on medication and undergo therapy. I don t think that mass shootings should be broadcast
on television. These broadcast make disturbed people encouraged
Prion Disease
Despite some speculation of scientific findings in regards to prion conversion, research
continues. The prion disease, unlike other infectious diseases such as viruses or bacteria,
cannot be diagnosed using PCR, cell culture assays, or serology attributable to lack of
nucleic acids, which are not recognized by normal host immune responses. Also, owing
to uneven distribution throughout the body, finding a tool that can be used on the central
nervous system may be easier said than done (25). The diagnostic testing techniques vary
according to the type of priondisease; progress in the detection of CJD has been realized
through detection of cerebrospinal fluid and proteins, EEG, and other neuroimaging
strategies. Positive results using histopathology... Show more content on
In PrP found throughout the body, digestion and recycling does occur regularly with the
aid of the alpha helices. The protein s formation is problematic because it allows for
PrPSc resistance to proteases and amyloidogenicity including proteinase K (PK)
digestion. Yet, using immunoblotting the detection of proteinase K (PK) resistant PrPSc
in infected brains are seen as distinct bands spanning 27 30 kDa (PrP 27 30).
Interestingly enough, the portion that remains insoluble and undigested is part of the C
terminal portion of PrPSc or PrPres, which is cleaved around amino acid 90. Therefore,
trying to find ways around this insoluble portion or trying to determine other techniques
that may help break the molecule down, or preventing conversion is key to treatment
How Technology Has Changed Our Lives
Are you ready to upgrade your life style? Every day, People are working on making
their lives easier and more meaningful. For that reason, there are new innovations that
get public each day somewhere in this world. Technology has been helping people
become smart and efficient in everything they do from preparing their food to having
direct and visual communications with distant societies. Not only did technology help
normal people, but also disabled people, people with autism, people with blindness,
and generally people with special needs. Thanks to modern technology, it is allowing
people with special needs to improve themselves and contribute to societies by
carrying out routine work at home, school, and work. As technology and innovations
advance every hour, people are promised to do what their ancestors could not do or
live. Today, we can find a smart phone or a tablet at almost any household and company.
Although they are considered small devices, smart phones and tablets contain many
features that enable people to multitask and exchange information and data. People
heavily rely on these devices to store their important data and perform their jobs and
conduct businesses. Knowledge is power, and in order for people to work efficiently
and happily, they need quality data to know more about themselves and everything
around them. People will be more powerful when they are able to integrate and utilize all
of the available data. For this reason, scientists and innovators
The Importance Of Social Criticism
To introduce, the main purpose of a conservative system is to maintain social stability.
Most of the principal rules lead to preserve the system in place. For example, one of the
objectives of the conservative view is to avoid social change. Consequently, avoiding
social change keeps social stability intact. These conservative rules advantage people
belonging to the upper class, such as the politicians, rich people, etc. They are benefiting,
because if social stability does not change, their powers related to their social status stay
the same. A pattern observed in traditional superherostories is their tendency of promoting
those conservative ideas. For instance, the superhero fights the villain who represents the
source of chaos. By fighting the villain, the superhero restores the calm and the stability.
In general, Super Man Earth One promotes the conservative view. However, it also tries
to show that there are often problems, or exceptions where anti conservative actions are
First of all, one of the conservative principles is the obedience of authority figures.
Indeed, when citizens obey to authority figures it is maintaining social stability, because
authority figures are often working for people in power or are the one who have the
power over the population. Consequently, if the population is following their orders, the
stability will remain. The politicians and the upper class are the beneficiaries, because
they are keeping their privileges and powers

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