A Good Persuasive Essay

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A Good Persuasive Essay

Writing a persuasive essay can be a challenging task that demands a unique blend of creativity,
analytical thinking, and persuasive skills. Crafting an essay that not only captivates the reader but
also effectively conveys your viewpoint requires a meticulous approach. One must navigate through
the complexities of structuring arguments, providing evidence, and maintaining a coherent flow
throughout the essay.

The difficulty lies in striking the right balance between emotional appeal and logical reasoning. It
involves the art of choosing compelling evidence, understanding the audience's perspective, and
tailoring the argument to resonate with their values and beliefs. The writer must anticipate
counterarguments and address them persuasively, adding an extra layer of complexity to the process.

Moreover, the challenge extends to maintaining an engaging and cohesive narrative. Transitions
between paragraphs, clarity in expression, and a well-defined thesis are crucial elements that
contribute to the overall effectiveness of the essay. The struggle to strike the right tone, avoiding
undue aggression or passivity, adds another layer of difficulty.

Writing a good persuasive essay is not merely about expressing personal opinions but about crafting a
convincing and well-supported argument. It requires thorough research, critical thinking, and a deep
understanding of the subject matter. The task is not just to persuade but to do so in a manner that
leaves a lasting impact on the reader.

In conclusion, tackling the intricacies of a persuasive essay demands a considerable amount of effort
and skill. However, with dedication, careful planning, and attention to detail, one can overcome
these challenges and create a compelling piece of writing.

For those seeking assistance in crafting similar essays or requiring help with various writing tasks, a
resource like HelpWriting.net can provide valuable support. Professionals are available to aid in
developing well-researched, persuasive content tailored to individual needs and requirements.
A Good Persuasive Essay A Good Persuasive Essay
The Maintenance Of International Peace And Security
General James Jones, former head of EUCOM says that We are attempting to avoid
Africa from becoming the next Afghanistan or Iraq, (Paterson, 2008, p. 15). The
maintenance of international peace and security are the main responsibilities of the UN.
The UN Security Council plays a critical role in peacekeeping. Many peacekeeping
operations have been operating all around the world since the UN has established.
However, most of the peacekeeping operations have been taking place on the African
continent more than other continents. The continent of Africa has become increasingly
violent since the end of World War II and the situation has changed to be larger and
more complex. As a result, around 8 million African people have died in different... Show
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It is clear that some of the UN missions have received many restrictions from the host
country authorities. Before the mission starts, the responsibility of country s leader s
is to make the special agreement with the UN. The agreement is signed between the
UN and the leaders of the government. Based on the agreement, the host nation s
leaders must support the UN peacekeeping operations in order to establish a safe
working environment. The peacekeepers are supposed to achieve all tasks without any
constraints from the host country authorities. Nevertheless, in some cases, this
agreement is violated by leaders of the country. For instance, in the Darfur crisis, Al
Bashir, who is the president of Sudan, plays to local fear. He said that the UN forces
were not really providing peace in Darfur because they wish to recolonize Sudan and
the UN military has a secret agenda (Paterson, 2008, p. 18). Additionally, in 2004, the
African Union (AU) peacekeepers begun to arrive in Darfur. The mission s name was
AU Mission in Sudan (AMIS) and was composed of about 7,500 soldiers and police
from Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, and South Africa (Paterson, 2008). After two years, the
UN and AU decided that the AMIS peacekeeping should be taken over by a UN force.
The government of Sudan, headed by Omar al Bashir, rejected any collaboration with the
UN and noted that international military forces on its terrain would disrupt its
independence (Paterson, 2008).
Coral Reef Biome Research Paper
Coral reef biome Have you ever been to a coral reef if not you will learn about them
today.The coral reef biome is one of the most interesting biomes. In this paper you can
learn about the climate and location ,the pants and animals,also there environmental
concerns and the human impact on the coral reef biome.
Coral reefs are located in tropical oceans near the equator. The largest coral reef can be
found in Australia, it is called the Great Barrier Reef. the second largest coral reef can
be found on the coast of Belize, in Central America. They can also be found in Hawaii,
the red sea, and other tropical oceans. Reef building corals can t tolerate water
temperatures below 64 ℉ . many grow, temperatures of 73℉ 84℉ . they can
tolerate temperatures as high as 104℉ for short periods of time.

The plants that live in the coral reefs are turtle grass, algae, zooxanthellae, and
mangroves. The turtle grasses adaptation in it is relessent to storms. Algae has an
adaptation of being attached to the sea bottom. Zooxanthellae is known for making its
own light.mangroves are good at their reproduction. These are some of the plants that
live in the coral reef biome. ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
The nurse shark is good at camouflaging.the sea turtles adaptation is it has retractable
limbs. The seahorse is good at using its tail to attach to the plant. The starfish can
regenerate amputated limbs. The nurse shark is the main predator in this food web.The
energy from the sun goes to the turtle grass and gold algae.the gold algae gives energy
to a reef lobster, shrimp,clownfish,sea turtle ,and sea coral.the turtle grass gives its
energy to sea turtles.the shrimp gives its energy to a seahorse. The sea coral gives its
energy to a butterfly fish. The nurse shark gets its energy from the butterfly fish,
clownfish and sea
First They Killed My Father Analysis
If you were suddenly ripped away from the only life and comfort you have ever known
only to be thrown into a war torn world with no warning, how would you survive? In the
memoir First They Killed My Father by Loung Ung, the Ung family lives in Phom Penh,
Cambodia. They are forced from their home and moved around during the Cambodian
Genocide. The memoir follows Loung Ungs journey through the Cambodian Genocide,
through the loss of her family, through camps, and through the escape that led her to
America. During this time, Loung loses both of her parents and two of her siblings. She
has a tough time carrying on without them, but learns to use her memories of them to
help her survive. She is especially hurt by the death of her Pa, who she loved... Show
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No one can know that Pa worked for the old government or they could all be killed.
They go to drastic measures to make sure that this does not happen, including moving to
new camps every time they see a familiar face. The children do not understand this, but
keep quiet anyway. However, after a year or so of hiding, the Khmer Rouge finds out
about Pa. Pa realizes this and prepares his family for his death ahead of time. When he
is taken away to be killed, Loung imagines comforting him in his final moments. In her
imagination, the scene plays out: Oh Pa, I love you. I will always miss you. My spirit
cries and hovers down over him. My spirit wraps invisible arms around him, making
him cry even more. Pa, I will always love you. I will never let you go. The soldier
walks up to Pa, but I will not let him go. (...) My eyes dare blink as the soldier raises
the hammer above his head. Pa, I whisper, I have to let you go now. I cannot be here
and live. Tears wash across my body as I fly away, leaving Pa there by himself. (Ung
106) This shows the grief that Loung feels at the loss of her Pa. She imagines
comforting him as he dies,, easing his final moments. She shows her need to help him.
He taught her the deep compassion and love that she has for others, and she imagines
helping him now, showing that she truly learned this from him. Loung will need to be
strong to survive, and the person who taught her to be emotionally strong and to move
along was Pa. Pa was a support and a mentor to Loung, and now that he is gone she must
use what he taught her to survive. He helps her even after his
Peter Albergani Inspirational Scholarship
During my career at SUNY Orange, I have grown by leaps and bounds. I have
mastered my short comings, earned a 3.5 GPA, made the Dean s list three semesters
and running, earned the Peter Albergani Inspirational Scholarship, and I was selected
to attend the Exploring Transfer Program at Vassar College. SUNY Orange has
opened many doors for me, doors I did not even know existed. I was not sure that I
wanted to attempt to get my Bachelor s degree, seeing as just getting my Associates
degree was more than I ever imagined I would accomplish. That all changed when I was
given the opportunity to experience what it would be like to attempt learning at a four
year institution.
The Vassar program was one of the academic doors that SUNY Orange opened for me.
This six week intensive program is intended to simulate the experience of a semester in a
four year university. I worried that I did not have what it takes to compete on a higher
academic level as I was still under the ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
This is another experience that this school has given me that I will never forget. I was
able to meet with Senators and Assemblypersons to advocate for the proper funding for
community colleges. This experience has improved my knowledge of the legislative
process, taught me the importance of networking, and had rid me of my fear of public
speaking. It also peeked my curiosity, I am now considering expanding my academic
interest to include law and policy.
Today I fully believe that it is well within my capabilities to attend a four year college,
and even be a source of support for my peers. I have also applied to be a student
counselor for this year s Exploring Transfer Program at Vassar College This was a
direct result of the knowledge I learned at SUNY Orange and its affiliated programs. I
have received excellent grades, but more importantly, I became a student leader and
helped the younger students in the
Explain What To Expect When You Recover From A Facelift
What To Expect When You Recover From A Facelift

If you re bothered by wrinkles and sagging skin on your face, then having a facelift will
not only make you look better, it will help you feel better about your appearance too. If
you re considering a facelift, you probably wonder about the recovery process, and how
long it will be before you can go back out in public. Here is what you can expect.

Immediately After Surgery

Your doctor will place an elastic bandage over your face after the surgery. You may
also need to wear a foam collar to keep you from turning your head and neck for a
couple of days. While the pain shouldn t be too bad, you may be on painkillers for a
while. For that reason, you ll need another adult to supervise you for a day or two. You
may be wobbly or weak when you walk. If you take pain medication, you might have
fuzzy thinking and lack physical coordination. However, you don t want to stay in bed.
It s important to get up and move around normally to keep blood flowing to your skin.

Resuming Normal Activities ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...

You should also avoid driving until the doctor tells you it is okay to keep the foam
collar off and you no longer have pain that limits motion in your neck. Your doctor will
let you know how soon you can go back to working out and lifting heavy objects. It
may be a few weeks depending on the type of facelift you have done. This might limit
your traveling alone, since you won t be able to lift luggage. It could also affect how
soon you can return to work if you have to lift heavy things as part of your job. If you
have a desk job, your doctor will allow you to return to work much sooner. In general,
you can expect to resume most of your usual activities in about 2 3
Social, Political, And Economical Cause Of The Mexican...
Social, Political, and Economical Causes of the Mexican Revolution There were an
abundance of social, political, and economical factors that led to the Mexican Revolution.
Socially, there was a great displacement in the treatment between the elite and rich classes
and the poor classes. Politically, what once started out as a Republic, after they had won
their independence, had transitioned into a tyrannical dictatorship. Economically, Mexico
was over dependent on loans from foreign nations such as France, Spain, England, and
The United State of America.
AFTERMATH OF WAR OF INDEPENDENCE Mexico had gained its independence
from Spain in the year of 1821, although a substantial amount of damage had been
inflicted as Mexico was in disorder and decay. The economy was in shambles, as Mexico
owed money to The United States of America, France, and England. Also, the social
classes experienced a drop off in upper class citizens as every Spaniard was forced out
of Mexico after the war for independence. Economically, many industries such as
mining, textile, and others became useless, as there was lack of production, because of
the absence of the Spaniards. The effects of war were very visible throughout all of
Mexico as villages were left ruined, roads were neglected, and about 15 30 percent of the
male populations were unemployed.
Prejudice In The Prioress s Tale
Was Chaucer prejudiced against Jewish people? Anti Semitism, Despotism, and
recognition of the bereft of life in Chaucer s The Prioress Tale
It is a third generation anti Semitism. First it was religious in nature. Today, the Jewish
state is attacked and that is the new anti Semitism. What they have in common is that in
all versions, Jews are seen as absolute evil. Manfred Gerstenfeld. In this tale of the
Prioress s, it is explored in a new historical criticism, and Chaucer describes the Jewish
population in the tale as being menacing and savage from the Prioress s perspective. In
this tale, we seek to find the discourse of the text, and how at this specific time how the
cultural conditions differ from modern times. The Tale, is also examined in a subjective
manner because of the ideologies and approaches in which we can interpret history;
together with these two theories are Chaucer s personal and individual identities. Is this
his way of thinking or was it retribution for his wife s joining the Hugh of Grant?
Identically to Chaucer s ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Chaucer chose to write a normal story about Jews that wasn t insane in that point of time,
so could this have been a poem for the masses to secure their authority?
As for Chaucer s individual identity, should this story be taken as figurative or literal?
Could Chaucer have interpreted Jews as the ideological enemy or could it have been
nothing more than a tale? In the text it is stated that Sherman Hawkins, perceived that
the Jews in the story were not real but instead, tools used to identify the power of
religion and those whose wisdom is without faith, are inferior to those who do have
faith. For Chaucer s individual identity is it acceptable to decipher his poems in the way
of how he perceives things or is that
Significance And Significance Of The Suez Canal
It may be a crossing from the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, yet it is a symbol
that holds great value to the Egyptian people. The Suez Canal was an idea proposed by
many generations, ranging from the Egyptian Pharaohs to Napoleon Bonaparte. Their
ideas failed because it was believed that there was a height difference between the Red
Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, because of this it would take an enormous amount of
time and money to construct. Some say that the pharos succeeded in constructing the
Suez Canalbut it was later destroyed as there was evidence of an old path that connected
the two seas.
The purpose of the Suez Canal was to reduce the distance of travel between South Asia
and Europe without having to go all the way around Africa, therefore effectively
separating Africa from Asia as can be seen in the illustration of ... Show more content on
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The project shares were to be shared between the Egyptians and the French. The actual
construction came about the year 1895 and took 10 years of constant Egyptian labor. The
Suez Canal started from Port Said and ended at Port Tewfik. The British fought the
construction with all their might and yet the Suez Canal was still constructed.
External debts that occurred for the Egyptians forced Ismail Pasha, who succeeded Sa id
Pasha, to sell his shares which Britain bought, yet the French still had the majority of
shares but not for long. During a revolt to end foreign influence in Egypt took place,
Khedive Tawfiq requested Britain to suppress the revolt. This was the moment when the
British took full control of the Suez Canal. Now the Suez Canal was under foreign
control. Egypt gained full control of it after the Second World War and several years of
negotiation, where the British withdrew its
Social Media Influence Analysis
Social Media Influencer Analysis The technology has made moving effects on the
traditional marketing activities. Marketing of social media presents an online service,
apps that engage in a building of relations among people by providing platforms where
people of similar interests share activities, posting content, real life, or links. My
influence on Social Media is Adwa Al Dakheel who is a young businesswoman in Saudi
Arabia born on January 27th, 1992. Getting a Bachelor s degree in Management
Entrepreneurship, and Finance 2010 2015 from Suffolk University in Boston, MA.
Participated in a competition (Trading Competition if you had $1 million how to make
smart investments) then took first place with her partner Christian... Show more content
on HelpWriting.net ...
When she went to support refugees in Rohingya Bangladesh with a group from
different countries and sharing knowledge and experiences. This posted encouraging
us to do the same thing as she did to feel how other people are living hard lives.
2.Second posting when she had a dinner with a Queen Sophia of Spain in Saudi
Arabia. That was unexpected and surprise her due to young age. Although there are
other women that can represent as a part of Saudi women. 3.Getting an air license as
one of her dreams that have been an accomplishment. Saudis women can do whatever
society or religion does not avoid her. However, some women are afraid due to customs,
traditions, and bad reputation of the family. Adwa has known how to interact with her
followers on social media. For example, on Snapchat she posted three objectives to talk
about it, and told the fans do a screenshot to what objectives are interested to them.
According to the high number of screenshots, she is going to talk and engage her fans.
Moreover, browse her photos that painters have done drawn to support them and
encourage to keep going on Instagram. Furthermore, pressing likes on the pictures what
is doing the tag to her account on
Cultural Landscapes In Roman Britain
Roman Britain, as a phrase, should be an oxymoron. In 55 BCE, Julius Caesar led the
first Roman military campaigns into modern day Britain, then known as Britannia.
Britannia was a land of dark forests, warlike barbarians, and mysterious religious rites.
Rome, on the other hand, was a meticulously ordered and controlled empire that stretched
around the Mediterranean. As the two cultures interacted, however, a sort of cultural
syncretism was achieved. This blend influenced the culture of both areas, as well as their
modern cultural landscapes. I d like to explore that blend. Culture is hard to define,
almost impossible to delineate. The interactions of different cultures, then, are
complicated and difficult to characterize. This is especially
Aging Population In Canada
In Canada, most people with conditions usually choose to have only one child and lead
to a drop in the natural population growth rate. While older workers are retired, the
newly added workforce slows down the entire workforce to an alarming level. The low
birth rate and the aging of the population are a worrying concern for Canada. Carrollton
University economics professor Frances Woolley warns that


aging populations will put big financial burdens on the government as older people will
need more health care and translation services. More home care. As the number of
elderly people increases, the health care system is short of medical doctors, nurse. So it
can be said that doctors and nurses are a great field of study to attract
Kate Spencer And The 1999 Film Rosetta
Whether we realize it or not, work is a part of our everyday lives. From running
errands to children going to school, it is all work things that we do to keep busy. But
for most people, work is synonymous with money. It is the money, after all, that goes
on to pay the bills, feed our families, and of course, buy us whatever it is we want.
This, for the most part, is how society works. As a result, it is only natural for one to
equate work with normality that to work meant one was normal, and more
importantly, that one was successful. Such a case can be seen in Roddy Doyle s novel
Paula Spencer and the 1999 film Rosetta, where both women who come from
impoverished backgrounds view work as a way to integrate into society and gain a
sense of normality within their unconventional lives. Work is a way for these women
to feel as if they belong, and that they aren t any different or worth less than other
people. Work, to them, is a status symbol that represents conformity. That is, to work is
to conform. And to conform, of course, meant that they were normal, and that they
were just like everybody else. Living in poverty and coming from a troubled
background, both Paula and Rosetta are no strangers to being invisible to society. They
are the forgotten. The nameless. And they are far from the working, model citizen that
society projects onto people: Paula is a former alcoholic deadbeat, and Rosetta is an
uneducated teenager with an alcoholic for a mother. Needless to say, they are
Steven Johnson Everything Bad Is Good For You Analysis
In his book Everything bad is good for you , Steven Johnson expresses his opinion
about popular culture especially television programs and video games how it changes
our lives in a positive way and how it s making the society smarter. The author is trying
to convince the readers that popular culture has, on average, grown more complex and
intellectually challenging over the past thirty years. The author also explains the
sleeper curve concept witch refers to the following idea: as time passes, the median
level of cognitive complexity provided by popular culture is increasing ( I believe that
the Sleeper Curve is the single most important new force altering the mental
development of young people today, and I believe it is largely a... Show more content on
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Do we get rewards for reading? Not really; the action of reading is actually really
demanding: we need to be able to process the information, we need to concentrate and
we also need to pay a lot of attention, we can t be distracted while reading. We all have
to decide if we read for pleasure or because we are forced to. If we read for pleasure,
we will sure get a reward, a personal one; by reading a book for pleasure, we can create
our own images based on the words. The story is quite different regarding rewards in a
game. You can also get a reward after accomplish your tasks. Real life is also full of
rewards, which is one of the reasons why there are so many forms of addiction. The
author still believes that printed word remain the most powerful vehicle for conveying
complicated information and he aims to persuade the readers with two important things:
1. by almost all the standards we use to measure reading s benefits attention, memory,
following threads and so on the non literary popular culture has been steadily growing
more challenging over the past thirty years and 2. Increasingly, the non literary popular
culture is honing different mental skills that are just as important as the ones exercised
by reading books.
In the past few years, we can notice a certain type of story regarding gaming culture
which reduces to the idea that computer game aren t actually a complete waste of time.
This story points to
Deb Case Study

The attachment was sent to you July 27, 2017 when you asked for a timeline at VBS.
Please understand that the classes are only 7 weeks long so giving you a month in
advance may be difficult. As you see in the chart the last class starts March 15 and ends
on April 22. The best guess would be that someone would need to review the thesis and
the power point sometime between April 8 and April 21 that is the best I can do.

Question 9. Do you feel job descriptions are distributed fairly, determined by

classification of jobs?

Strongly Somewhat Neutral Somewhat Strongly Not Disagree Disagree Agree Agree ...
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To address your other concern If there are no names on the completed questionnaires, it
seems like we should be able to view them without compromising the anonymity. Any
written comments could be redacted. Any type of writing on the survey would have to
be removed. To review the results of the first 11 questions then I will edit any and all
handwriting and then go over them when time allowed, they are not to leave my
presence according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Extramural
Research course Protecting Human Research Participants . I even had to go as far as
writing in my IRB form that they would be locked in my desk drawer at home before
the review board would approve it. As far as the second questionnaire, there will not
be one because time will not allow. The weeks are going fast and the surveys still have
not been disbursed. I left the MBA time table that is attached in your church mail box
along with a new Host Approval Form to be filled out and returned ASAP so I can get
that to the review board and replace the one in my dissertation.

If you disagreed with this project, then why was this not brought to my attention on
December 8, 2016 when I met with you and Cindy. Do you recall you and agreed to
meet me at the preschool then because Cindy and you would both be there doing
interviews. The two of you had just finished an interview and was waiting on another
that apparently was a no show as we stood in
Sigmund Freud s Influence On Personality Theory
The ideas of Sigmund Freud have exerted an enormous impact on personality theory.
However, theories and ideas subsequent to Freud have questioned the scientific basis of
his ideas. Select one or two alternative theories of human personality and compare and
contrast with that of Freud.
Everybody has a unique personality that influences who we are, how we act, what careers
we will pursue, as well as our success in close relationships. Our personality is
inescapable and essentially shapes us as individuals. Despite its centrality to human
existence, defining what impacts attribute to specific personalities and consequent
behaviour patterns is something that is still heavily debated today, and as such, many
alternating theories have evolved in an attempt to explain these concepts. (Shultz Shultz,
2009). Sigmund Freud was the first psychologist to formally theorise what factors
contribute to the construction of an individual s personality, and suggested that the
unconscious mind has great power over behaviour and personality. Freud s theories were
both controversial and revolutionary, simultaneously gaining him many followers and
many critics. However, unquestionably, Freud s theories were the foundation on which
all personality theories have subsequently derived (Passer Smith, 2013).This essay will
highlight some of the major criticisms of Freud s work focusing on flaws in the
subjectivity, testability and relevance in today s modern society, as well as making
Theories Of Psychology
The first theories talked about within chapter 4 are the inferiority and superiority
complex theories developed by Alfred. The infinity feelings are the source of all
human striving, and is normal among us all. It is brought about as soon as we are
born, as we must compensate for our lack of size or independence. The greatest
example I can give of the inferiority feeling happened two days ago with the Rio 2016
Paralympic Games. Abdellatif Baka of Algeria won the T13 1500m final on Monday
night in a stunning performance that not only set a new Paralympic world record, but
stands as the fastest 1500m time recorded by an able bodied or disabled athlete in Rio
over both the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Among him was three other runners that
finished... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
A female patient from New York City is obviously going to be much different than a
female farm wife from Oklahoma. Personality doesn t depend wholly on biological
forces, but depends much more on the environment we was raised in. Horney believed
that childhood was dominated by the safety need, which is a higher level need for
security and freedom from fear. She placed great emphasis on the infant s helplessness.
The more helpless children feel, the less they dare to rebel against their parents. She
also dwelled on anxiety which she called basic anxiety. Basic anxiety is a pervasive
feeling of loneliness and helplessness, that becomes the foundation for neurosis. In
childhood we try to protect ourselves against basic anxiety by securing affection, being
submissive, attaining power, and by withdrawing. These self protective mechanisms
serve the one goal of defending basic anxiety. Karen also developed a list of ten neurotic
needs. A neurotic need is an irrational defense against anxiety that becomes a permanent
part of personality and affects behavior. Then ten neurotic needs are: affection and
approval, a dominant partner, power, exploitation, prestige, admiration, achievement and
ambition, self sufficiency, perfection, narrow limits to life. Developing these needs will
not make us feel safe and secure but help us escape the discomfort caused by
Pathos In Advertising
In a day, the average American sees thousands of ads, the world is covered in them. Be
it on TV, in the daily newspaper or on the shopping cart one picks up at the grocery
store, exposure to these ads is inescapable. Most are these ads are harmless, wanting
only to catch the attention of potential customers and invest them in their product. The
companies make use use of pathos ( for example the Budweiser commercials with the
puppy and horse), logos (the Geico 15 minutes could save you 15% or more... ), or ethos
(Jamie Fox using his iPhone 6s in Apple s latest ads) to sell their product. Some
companies, however, employ extreme tactics to stand out. They create ads that target
human s natural inclination to use sex and violence. More often... Show more content on
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Within the advertisement they broadcast systemically reenforced and exaggerated a
large number of stereotypes about both men and women. Some may wonder,
however, how this really effects everyday life. If someone sees so many ads in a day
what is one more, one that is just a bit more sexist than the typical beer ad. While this
it is true that the average person is overstimulated by the number of ads as it is there is
still something to be said for the content of the ads. Even if a person doesn t mentally
acknowledge them the brain still notes them and stores them in the brain. If time after
time one sees women in the submissive role or treated as objects, chances are they will
start subconsciously believing it. On the other hand if men are constantly portrayed
as stupid and hormone driven then that bias will start to seep into reality. There are
also significant moral issues with this ad, if time after time women are portrayed
simply as a visual feast it changes how they will be treated for the rest of their lives.
Next time they walk down the street theres a chance a man may catcall her,
acknowledging the fact that she was in some way appealing to him. He doesn t do this
because she is smart, funny or kind he does this simply because he was pleased by her
appearance and may even think he is complementing her. However, by doing this he
reenforces what the media has
Ojt Narrative Report Psu-Sc
Republic of the Philippines PANGASINAN STATE UNIVERSITY San Carlos
Campus Department of Business Administration and Office Administration San
Carlos City, Pangasinan OJT NARRATIVE REPORT (S.P Madrid Associates and Law
Firm) In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the course PRACTICUM Prepared
for: Mr. Fernando S. Viray Jr. OJT Coordinator Prepared by: Jacob S. Bugarin BSICT 3
B March 20, 2013 Acknowledgement I would like to express my deep gratitude to Mr.
Martin Alexander S. Martin, general manager of S.P. Madrid and Associates and Law
Firm, San Carlos Branch for accepting me to enter in their company and have my on the
job training that will let me experience the actual scenarios in the workplace that will
equip... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
The company s main line of expertise is providing collections services to most major
banks in the Philippines, impressively branching out on all major metro cities in the
Philippines covering Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao in just a span of 3 years. Our early
success is credited to the discipline, teamwork and passion we have put together to
provide the best service we can offer to our bank clients, benefitting us of continuous
growth in our collections division for the past few years. The office is now nearing its
100th employee count nationwide and is looking forward to recruiting the best agents
and leaders in both Manila and Provinces for its future expansions. Organizational Values
1. Commitment Commitment to roll great product, service and other initiatives that
impact lives both within and outside the organization. 2. Community A sense of
responsibility and contribution to society that define our existence. 3. Diversity
Respecting the diversity and giving the best of the composition. 4. Efficiency Being
efficient and effective in our approach to give the best solution each time. 5.
Empowerment Empowering the employees to take initiative and give the best. 6. Fun
having fun and celebrating small successes in our journey to achieve big. 7. Innovation
To come out with new creative ideas that have the potential to change the world. 8.
Integrity To act with honesty and integrity without compromising the
Comparing Catherine De Medici And Isabella I Of Spain
Compare and contrast the religious policies of TWO of the following: ii. Isabella I of
Spain. ii. Catherine de Medici of France Catherine De Medici and Isabella I of Spain
were mostly were similar in their religious policies. They both were strict Catholics and
wanted to eliminate all other religions from county like Huguenots in France and Jews
and Muslims in Spain . They made terrible massacres to accomplished their goal.
Catherine de Medici of France: after the death of Henry II, 1/10 of the French population
became Huguenots. Nobility started to adapt Calvinism and take advantage of the
monarchical weakness that would show their independence from the crown. 50% of
nobles were Huguenots, and were not supporting the royal... Show more content on
HelpWriting.net ...
The marriage of Henry of Navarre and Valois kings sister brought many Huguenots to
Paris for the celebration. The guise family influenced Catherine to convince the king
(her son), that the Huguenots were a threat to him and that he should do something
about them. Henry got scared and send an army to Paris, that massacred all the
Huguenots. About 3000 see killed in 3 days.This plan of the St. Bertelemy s day was
approved by Catherine. The religious violence spread around the county and created a
civil war that lasted for 15 years. Catherine did not stop it. Probably she was suppriti g
the civil war because Huguenots got exterminated. Only when Catherine de Medici
died and Henry IV came to throne, the Edit the Nanted was signed, and Huguenots
were allowed religious freedom. Isabella I do Spain: Isabella ones sad To be Spanish
was to be Catholic . Just as Catherine, Isabella was a strict catholic. She wanted to
become the head of church and selected all the important church officials. She restored
discipline and controlled the church to avoid simony. She wanted to get read of Muslims
and Jews in Spain because the thought that they were a big thread to people, even thou
Jewish intelligence
Impact Of The Renaissance Change In Modern Europe
How the renaissance changed early modern Europe

Early modern Europe was an interesting and important time for all of Europe. From 1300
to 1800, many events were set into motion that would forever change Europe, and to
extent, the rest of the world. No other event in European history is as recognizable or
synonymous with early modern European history than the event simply known as The
The Renaissance is most famous for occurring in Italy, and is commonly known as a time
in which a cultural rebirth, or awakening occurred. Renaissance Italy is often referred to
as The birthplace of the modern world (Butters, 159). The renaissance ushered in a new
era of literature, education, arts, religious thinking, culture, economy, and politics in Italy.
These new and radical changes quickly spread throughout Europe, as they were
revolutionary and very popular. In political change, during the renaissance, figures known
as the Signorie brought about change when they overthrew the old republican regime of
early modern Italy. The Signorie were lordships that were rules by a single man who then
passed on power and leadership to his firstborn son. The Signorie justified their authority
with the claim that they provided a stable form of government and social peace, unlike
the oligarchic and popular government, especially when the two fought amongst
When it comes to religious practices and cultural change, it could be argued that the
renaissance had the biggest
Alligator And Crocodile Compare And Contrast
Most people believe that all Alligators and crocodiles live in the Everglades region in
Florida, as it s a really well known place for each to reside, but they don t even live
next to one another in most instances. The environment that alligators and crocodiles
live in is very different from one another. There are only 2 types of alligators the in the
world, American and Chinese. American Alligators live in freshwater areas down in the
Southeastern portion of the U.S, while the Chinese Alligators reside in eastern China.
They increase plant diversity and provide habitats for other surrounding animals during
the droughts. Unlike alligators, crocodiles have 14 different species, with many on the
brink of extinction. They reside in saltwater areas, living in the tropical regions of the
America s, Africa, Asia, and Australia because they have a high sensitivity to the cold.
The two creatures never live side by side except for in the Southern... Show more content
on HelpWriting.net ...
Many believe they have the same exact features, which isn t exactly the case. They ve
got a few slight differences that make them different from one another. Alligators are
significantly smaller than crocodiles. The average length of an adult alligator is 13.1
feet, but are sometimes known to grow a little over 14 feet. Adult crocodiles are
usually around 14 23 feet long, depending on the species. Crocodiles also weigh
significantly more than alligators. The adult crocodile weighs around 2000 pounds,
while the alligator weighs in at 800 pounds average. Their lifespans are also in very
different ranges of the other. Crocodiles live to be about anywhere between 40 to 100
years, while alligators only live around 30 to 50 years. The lifespan also depends
greatly whether they are living in captivity or out in the wild. However, most wouldn t
bother recognizing these differences because it s frankly not noticeable to those who
have not seen one or the other in
Pathophysiology Case Studies
The patient s eyebrows are symmetrically aligned and show equal movement when
asked to raise and lower eyebrows. Eyebrows are of equal length and width and hair is
equally distributed between both brows. Eyelashes appeared to be equally distributed,
equal in length and curled slightly outward. There is a presence of mild eyedischarge that
is clear in color. No matting of the eye noted. No discoloration of the exterior eye or
lids. No ptosis or edema. Lids close symmetrically with involuntary blinks. The eyes
converge appropriately. The Bulbar conjunctiva are clear with few capillaries present.
The sclera appear white. The palpebral conjunctiva appeared shiny, smooth and slightly
red in color. There is no edema of the lacrimal gland. There... Show more content on
HelpWriting.net ...
The pupils of the eyes are black and equal in size. The pupils are 5 mm in diameter
bilaterally. The iris is flat and round bilaterally. PERRLA (pupils equally round
respond to light accommodation). There was a positive symmetry of the corneal light
reflex noted in both eyes. The optic disc is yellow orange in color, round, and have
margins that are sharply demarcated bilaterally. The retinal vessels are present in both
eyes and are paired with one artery in each quadrant of the eye. The ratio is 2:3. The
view of the macula is unclear at this time. The fundus of the eye is red, clear, and
smooth looking. No lesions noted. The pupils constrict when looking at object that is
near and dilate when an object is far. Pupils converge when object is moved towards
the nose. The Snellen eye test revealed that the patient has 20/30 vision in both eyes
while wearing corrective lens. Pt had no trouble seeing objects in the periphery at a 60
degree angle on all directions while looking straight ahead. When using the six cardinal
positions, the patient is able to easily focus on the movement at each of the six positions.
CN III assessed with the extraocular muscle exam. CN III in tact. No nystagmus
Ba 447 Week 2 Toilet Behavior
BA 447
International Business
Week 2: Toilet Behavior

The toilet behaviors of the countries of Japan and Russia will be summarized and
compared in this paper to examine if the bathroom behaviors f these two countries are
similar or whether they vastly differ. In Japan, some of the customary bathroom etiquette
Sitting down on the toilet instead of squatting. This prevents fecal matter from being
dropped and left on the toilet seat.
Flushing the toilet paper that was used to clean yourself down the toilet. In some
countries in Asia and Central and South America, the used toilet paper is placed in the
trash bin creating a very foul odor.
Before entering the bathroom, put on bathroom slippers to wear while using the bathroom.
The Current Law Regarding Teacher s Liability For...
8.0 Further Reforms
The current law in place regarding teacher s liability for personal injury is effective in
placing responsibility on the state and away from the teacher. This is reflected through
the Public Service and Other Legislation (Civil Liability) Amendment Bill 2013 (QLD)
which amended the Public Service Act 2008 (QLD) as well as other legislation. The aim
of the amendments is to provide legislative immunity against civil liability.Liability will
instead lie with the state. The Queensland government s clear intention for this
amendment was not about reducing responsibility and accountability of public servants:
it is about ensuring that we have a framework in place that supports our people when they
do jobs we ask of them and do them in an appropriate standard. The government also
proposed in the amendment that the state has a right to recover contributions from
employees who are subsequently found to have engaged in conduct other than in good
faith and where it amounts to gross negligence. Subsequently, while the Queensland
government has allowed for such legislative framework, transfiguration of political
climates may affect the status of this legislation.

Consequently, the state governments of Australia have similar policies in regards to the
liabilities of teachers for personal injury. Under the Wrongs Act 1958 (Vic), the Victorian
state government protects Victorian public school teachers from liability. The state will
only refuse to do so if the
Countdown To D-Day Essay
In the 2004 movie, Ike: Countdown to D Day, a profile of the leadership style of
General Dwight D. Eisenhower is presented as planning and preparation for the single
greatest invasion in the history of the world is engaged. This paper examines the
leadership style and qualities of the Supreme Allied Commander as presented in the
movie and in other literary references.
Management in the Cinema Activity 2 Paper
Dwight D. Eisenhower was appointed to be the Supreme Allied Commander, directing a
force of over 1 million men in an operation designed to liberate Europe from Germany s
control. He was selected for his management style as evidenced by his organizational
skills, his political skills and his personal ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Patton and Montgomery were nearly uncontrollable and self aggrandizing. But both
were brilliant in the field. Eisenhower had to find a way to win their cooperation in
spite of the fact that neither would be allowed to run the overall operation as they
wanted. Patton was given an almost insulting yet critical role of being the diversion
that kept Hitler s eyes off the western beaches. (Later, he would be given control of US
ground troops, a role he coveted almost as much as Montgomery s role.) Montgomery s
constant, vocal advocation of a spear thrust through France to Berlin had to be sidelined
in order to prevent the Allies from making the same mistake in Europe that Hitler was
making in Russia, i.e. extending the troops too far away from their support troops and
supply lines. Managing these egos was a monumental task, and there weren t many who
could manage it as adeptly as Eisenhower did.
Do you think the decision to have a Supreme Allied Commander was the right managerial
structure since it was a highly centralized command structure or would there have been
another command structure you would have taken with more participative management?
The question implies that Eisenhower did not have a participative management style.
Most historians would seem to disagree (Johnson, 2006, p. 2). The purpose of having a
Supreme Allied Commander was not to elevate one person due to his talent
The Indian Resturant near Syracuse
Restaurants were first established in France (Davis, 2004). In Syracuse, there are a
variety of restaurants that represents different cultures .The idea of restaurants is to help
the people and especially the travelers to discover more about a culture. Restaurants are
one of the crucial elements to take in account when talking about cultures. They are one
of the strong representatives of a culture. Therefore, for a restaurant to be a good
representative of a culture, it should have at least several strong categories that can make
it a good representative of a certain culture. The Indian Restaurant that will be evaluated
has many strong categories and some that are weaker.

The Indian Restaurant has many strong categories that represent the good side, such as,
the location, the food, and the price. It is conveniently located next to the Marshal Street,
which is the restaurants road in the main campus of Syracuse University. Thus,
Students and teachers who want to eat, it would be more reasonable to eat at one of
the restaurants located there rather than driving to somewhere to eat especially if they
have a following class. Furthermore, there is many ways of transportation to go to the
main campus, such as, buses, cars, and bikes which make it easier for everyone to go
there. The food is also one of the strongest categories as well. The Indian Restaurant
provides many famous kinds of spices and it is known for its hot spices. The quality of
the food is very good compared
Dog Handler
Back when I was a dog handler in Afghan, we ran into a lot of trouble. Part of my job is
to help find mines and such for the bomb tech guys. First time back in the field in a
while. What they don t tell you about the military is that you may easily be stuck
guarding a military prison or patrolling a the outer border of a base.
It was my final year in the military and then I was gonna go to College, be an engineer.
I never wanted to be an engineer, couldn t think of what I wanted to do and I had to
choose something. Engineering I thought, not bad at designer or math. Just never
liked either. I guess I only found that out while reflecting during my years on duty.
Boston College, a few months and thousands of miles away. To be honest I chose
Boston to chase after a girl, her name Martha Sinclair. We met in middle school, it feels
like she only noticed me when I said I was going overseas about the beginning of
senior year. We hadn t been dating by then, but now we are. I didn t wanna see that
relationship end, so I panicked and chose a school I wasn t damn near interested in.
But I ran away from that reality by becoming a dog handler. That s where we are now,
my dog sniffing faster than a heart can beat, ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Every time his head was up and his owner was a little drunk he d get hit on the head, I
guess his owner enjoyed for another living being to be afraid of him. That dumb pup
couldn t do nothing wrong to deserve such a hell for a good two weeks of his life.
Now every time someone pets him, Vil stays small and pretends they re not there. It
makes him more wolf like in a way. He doesn t pay attention to the humans around
him. He stays hunting. It took him a year of me being with him everyday of service
for him not to cover his chest in fear. The only guys he really trusts like that are me and
his old trainer. No one knows how an abused dog made training but now that he is,
Vilkas is damn good at what he
Difference Between The Declaration Of Independence And...
The Declaration of Independence and John Locke s philosophy of natural law have
many ideas and theories in common that are both based on their concepts of freedom and
independence. Their similar common grounds not only had a very influential impact on
the most important document of all America s history, but also established how our
government operates in current time. The Declaration of Independence came to life on
July 4th, 1776. The thirteen colonies in America had been at war with Great Britain
when they finally decided to break off from Britain s harsh government and establish
their own country. The people believed that it was necessary to cut all political ties with
Britain and further connect themselves to the powers of the earth to which the Laws of
Nature and of Nature s God entitle them. Ultimately, they wanted to gain their... Show
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The people s reason to split from Britain was simply to gain freedom from years of
Britain s harsh government and to form their own ideas of independence. As stated in the
passage, the people had believed that all men are created equal, all men have some rights
given to them by God, and among these rights are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of
Happiness. And in order to capture that freedom, they had to separate themselves from
Britain s government. Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence captured the
philosophical ideas just like the European philosopher, John Locke. Not only did these
ideas create our constitutional government, but expanded this idea of our country being
able to have rights and freedom. In connection to the Declaration of Independence and
Locke, both person and document
Cherokee Native American Indians and the Trail of Tears
Cherokee Native American Indians and the Trail of Tears

What made the Cherokee culture distinctive towards others in the Trail of Tears time
period was that they had a more peaceful, harmless outlook on the situation. In 1814,
Andrew Jackson who would eventually become the President of the United States, had
his and his whole army s lives on the line in the Battle of Horseshoe Bend to the British
forces when the Cherokee allied with them to win the battle. Surprisingly, 16 years later
when Jackson was President of the United States, he made the deciding decision on the
controversy of whether or not the Cherokee deserved their land. Jackson completed the
Indian Removal Act in 1830, sending the Cherokee out of their own land which they ...
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They were walking mostly through moist valleys and forests which provided some
nutrition and shelter. The weather was overall favorable for the Cherokee during the
Trail of Tears. The rivers were also helpful to the Cherokee as a source of food and basis
for navigation.
Some may wonder why the Cherokee did not fight for their land. Historians suggest
that the Cherokee knew America was a more powerful force. They were also a
peaceful tribe that didn t wish to start a war, so they instead chose to go and find new
land. Based on their belief system they valued peace, not violence. This made the
Cherokee distinctive to other tribes involved in the Trail of Tears, because they
peacefully left while the other tribes planned to fight until they realized they had a small
chance of winning a battle against Jackson and America. The Cherokee knew that
America was acting harsh and cruel towards them, but they didn t believe strongly in acts
of violence. The Cherokee would also communicate with Jackson occasionally (not often
at all) about their progress and health during their voyage. After their long, treacherous
voyage, they reached their new land where they had to resettle, and had to start all over
When the Cherokee resettled, they were a different group with no leaders; everybody
became the same during their voyage to new settlement. The Cherokee then became more
civilized, and began to fade
Changes Of Child Labor During The Industrial Revolution
Introduction Attempt:
The time period known as the Industrial Revolution ranged from c.1750 c.1850. It was
an extremely important time period as it changed the type of jobs that children had to
do. Children went from doing jobs around the house and helping their parents to make
their lives easier to being sent off to a factory to do dangerous work for minimal wage
or to a wealthy person s home to be their servant. Children labour changed the industry
then and it has changed how we work today with the laws being much stricter on the
jobs, hours, conditions and age that children are allowed to work.
Body 1: Conditions The factory system during the Industrial Revolution had strict
discipline, harsh punishment, unhealthy working conditions, low wages and inflexible
working hours. Textile mills weren t much better with child apprentices being hired as
the main workers. Charles Dickens described these places of work as the dark, satanic
mills and E.P Thompson described them as places of sexual license, foul language,
cruelty, violence and alien manners . The factories were extremely dangerous and
children were injured by the machines because they were not fenced off. Children were
always exposed to the moving parts. Children could have their hands crushed by moving
machines. If a poor child s hair became caught in the machine, the child s scalp could be
ripped off. Some children were killed instantly when they went to sleep and fell into the
machines. If that wasn t enough,
How Diamonds Are Affected By The Rock Cycle
The rock cycle has the effect of many different things that we hold so dear in our
society today. Both oil and diamond are very much impacted by the rock cycle. Both
are affected by where we can find them, also how they are made. I believe that because
of the rock cycle we have both oil, and diamond without the rock cycle we would not
have oil or diamond. Diamond is affected by the rock cycle in many different ways.
One way is that without the process of which metamorphic rocks would form, then
there would be no diamonds (Crain). They need to go through that process, so the
sediments become a diamond. Another way that diamonds are affected by, as said by
Crain, the rock cycle is the process of how Igneous rocks will be formed. Depending
on the volcanic eruption happened the diamond may be created differently. There are
different paths the sediments can take to become a diamond, also all the ways are
made possible by the rock cycle. With the fact the Diamonds are made by the rock cycle
then it affects where we can find them. We can see this from the fact that certain areas in
the world have certain attributes that let diamonds be able to form. Crain found that
diamonds may be spat out in the volcanic smoke that is released during an eruption. We
can find them with the gravel that came out as well with the volcanic... Show more
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One way that it is is that without the process of erosion then we have no sediments to
form a new rock, and the carrying of bio sediment which is the collected. Then the
rock cycle takes over and puts so much pressure on the deposits, and then it will turn to
oil (Tabak). Also another way that oil is affected by the rock is that as said by Tabak
erosion predominates and the kerogen is exposed to the atmosphere, no oil is formed,
but if deposition dominates, the kerogen will slowly be buried deeper and deeper which
helps us with knowing if the rock cycle influences is where we can find
Identity In The Dark Knight
Clearly the name of the movie The Dark Knight is referring to the batman. He is the
knight that protects Gotham and its people of any threats, but he is a dark knight
because he protects Gotham in shadows and most of the scenes in the movie of him in
the batman suit is at night. And of course, a hero needs a villain and that villain is Joker.
Movie starts with Joker robbing a bank and telling all the robbers to kill each other and
in the end, he is alone standing, which shows how twisted and crazy he is. Now both
batmanand joker are hiding their identity in the movie by wearing a mask and make up,
which could be recognized as one of the theme of identity in the movie.
The disguise to hide the identity can lead to the question, what can
American Media Anti Intellectualism
There was once a time when knowledge and intellect were highly valued; a time when the
pursuit of knowledge and truth was the highest calling one could undertake. Now,
however, it seems that the American media is trying to tell people otherwise. The
American media, specifically television, has created a culture of anti intellectualism
through the messages in some of our favorite televisionshows. Most people in America
watch television every day, and some of our most popular shows are telling us that it s
okay, even cool, to be unintelligent, and that intellectuals are weak and socially
awkward. Instead of challenging us to be the best we can, as some of the great
philosophers have done, many television shows tell people that it is better... Show more
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It has increasingly concerned itself with problems which are difficult to define and
whose solutions are matters of opinion, (Pitts). Anti intellectualism is a problem that
often appears in benign forms when it is not altogether invisible, but it could have
devastating consequences. In Amusing Ourselves to Death, Neil Postman describes
that the death of culture will not be at the hands of a tyrannical government as Orwell
predicted, but, more likely, as Huxley predicted in A Brave New World as culture
becomes parody. In what he calls The Huxleyan Warning, Postman cautions, In the
Huxleyan prophecy, Big Brother does not watch us, by his choice. We watch him, by
ours. There is no need for wardens or gates or Ministries of Truth. When a population
becomes distracted by trivia, when cultural life is redefined as a perpetual round of
entertainments, when serious public conversation becomes a form of baby talk, when,
in short, a people become an audience and their public business a vaudeville act, then a
nation finds itself at risk; culture death is a clear possibility, (Postman). We need to be
aware of the anti intellectual messages conveyed in television shows like Friends. If we
are aware of these messages we can enjoy some mindless television in relaxation without
becoming a subject to it. We must be aware and combat these messages in our lives
through the pursuit of truth. We
Knee Joint Case
The knee joint consists of three articulations: in the front is paltellofemoral articulation
and other two articulations are between condyles of femur and tibia 1,3. When the knee
is in full extension, rotation is impossible because the ligaments are tight. They will
relax when the knee is flexed over 20 degrees and it will allow rotation 1,3.
The main elements for knee stability are tendons and ligaments. Fibrous connective
tissue forms a knee capsule, which is padded by a synovial membrane. Suprapatellar
bursa is extended if a joint effusion is formed 3.
The borders of popliteal fossa are biceps femoris muscle on the lateral side,
semimembranosus muscle and semitendinosus muscle on the medial side ,
gastrocnemius muscle on the lower part ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Three main stability tests for anterior cruciate ligament are Lachman test, anterior drawer
test and pivotal shift1,3.
Lachman test is the most sensitive test. To perform Lachman test knee must be flexed
15 30 degrees and after that the lower leg should be pulled forward while the femur is
held in position. The test is positive if there is displacement over 5 mm when we
compare it to the other knee or when there is no strong end point1,3.
The anterior drawer test is not that reliable for injury of anterior cruciate ligament. The
hip should be held at 45 degrees flexion, and knee in 90 degrees flexion. The foot
should be pressed to the examination table and upper part of tibia should be pulled
forward. This movement should be carried out first with the knee in neutral position and
after that with the knee in external and internal rotation. If there is an increased
looseness of the knee in neutral position the ACL is probably injured. Posteromedial
capsule is likely to be injured if there is increased dislocation with external rotation and
posterolateral capsule if there is increased dislocation with internal
Cultural Values In Uglies
Everyone has their own culture, whether they realize it or not. Some people have distinct
cultures, but others struggle with the idea of having a specific culture and cannot figure
theirs out. In the novel Uglies, Scott Westerfeld uses cultural, physical, and geographical
surroundings to demonstrate the impacts and control Special Circumstances has on
society, while Tally struggles to break away and fix the operation.
In society the government is in charge and controls daily lives through culture and
inheritance. All their lives the people follow strict rules and are afraid to step out
against their government. While Tally is facing a conflict about whether she wants to
turn pretty or be loyal to her friend, the Government exclaims, Until you help us, to the
very best of your ability, you will never turn pretty (110) . It is very clear that society
has very little choice in making decisions for themselves and demonstrates how
everything is already planned out for them. In Anthem, by Ayn Rand, the protagonist,
Equality, has such a strong cultural inheritance he does everything for the good of
society, even when it may harm him. While Equality is supposed to be in the Palace of
Corrective Detention, he breaks out to show the World Council his invention; Give no
thought to us, for we are nothing, but listen to our words, for we bring a gift such as has
never been brought to men (70) . From this statement Equality`s true passion shows
through, because even with his knowledge
Beach Towel
From a balcony, on the second floor, smack in the middle of the resort complex, which
was built on the site of the first resort in this area, a gray haired man sits in a wicker
chair and watches the morning happenings on the beach. The morning mist still hugs
the coast, becoming more noticeable as the sun climbs and the sea breeze has yet to
pick up help it in its way. The man takes a drink from his coffee cup finishing its
contents as he does he stands up and bends backward in a sort of morning stretch and
looks at his now empty cup.
Honey, the man says, I need a refill please.
A woman walks out with a coffee craft.
Thanks, Honey, the man says smiling up at her, you re the best
Below them, on the far side of the pool, the lawn is ... Show more content on
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This is the life, the tourists gets warm salt air and freshly caught fish for dinner.
Across the street or maybe just off the beach, a souvenir shop beckons with lifeguard
shirts in its windows, a sign is plastered to one window and reads Beach Towels, 2 for
$10. On the sidewalk sits a table, littered with seashells and other knickknacks for sale.
These things are offered to as memories of a great vacation.
Someplace close to the souvenir shop will likely be a historical marker or local
museum, stately and embellished with local charm. Facts about colorful local figures
and legends, perhaps a horrific or tragic ghost story or two, captivate the tourist. The
stories connect the visitors to the vacation spot, allowing for an immersive experience,
which moves them closer to escaping their lives back home.
On the main strip, a group of college age boys, all wearing the same Greek letters on
their t shirts, sit overlooking the street at some rowdy bar catering to poor choices. One
of them pulls out a white bedsheet from his backpack, on it reads Free Drinks For Chicks
in blue spray paint and he drapes it over the
Randy Newman s Song You Ve Got A Friend In Me
Maia McKean January 15, 2016

Randy Newman You ve Got A Friend In Me

The composer of You ve Got A Friend In Me was Randy Newman. This song was written
in 1995 for the movie Toy Story and is played in the opening credits for Toy Story , Toy
Story 2 and Toy Story 3 . The song was released April 12, 1996.
This song implies that one can always rely on someone. Initially, it was suppose to be
about Andy and Woody but throughout the films it becomes more clear that the song is
about Woody and Buzz.
In Toy Story the song is first heard in the opening credits when Andy is playing with
Woody. It was sung as a solo, but later in the end credits it is sung as ... Show more
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Dodgers after every victory.
On February 12, 2002 he broke the record for most Oscar nominations without any wins.
But Newman has also won several awards. He received 3 Grammy Awards for the song
He s Guilty which was from Cop Rock . He received a Golden Satellite Award in January
of 2000 for When She Loved Me , and an Annie Award for his work on Toy Story 2 . He
also received a Century Award from Billboard Magazine in December 2000 and the
Frederick Lowe Achievement Award in January 2001.
Randy has worked with other well known artists such as James Taylor, Linda Ronstadt,
and Elton John. He got the chance to work with these people in 1995 when he released a
musical adaptation of Goethe s Faust.
On the more personal side, Randy has been married twice and now has three children
Amos, Eric, and John. His full name is Randy Stuart Newman but his nickname is The
New Man . He is 6 feet tall.
In 1987 1989 Newman suffered from Epstein Barr Syndrome which causes a number of
diseases and is spread through kissing or close contact with another person who is also
One of his most well known quotes is Thank god for potholes on memory
Project Charter Model Sample

Here is a sample project charter to get you started. This project charter was created for
the corporate employee recognition framework.

Project Charter

|1.0 Project Identification |

|Name |Employee Recognition Framework |
|Description |Design, develop and implement the employee recognition framework |
|Sponsor | ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
ce |
|Element of the Public Service Commission s Business Plan for 2006/2007 |
|Complements and builds upon existing departmental recognition activities |
|Complements corporate human resource values |
|Element of performance management |

|3.0 Project OBJECTIVES (purpose) |

|Overall, to create a workplace culture that includes regular recognition and feedback |
|To recognize employees for their high quality service and commitment to public service |
|To reinforce linkages between employee performance and department business goals to
achieve corporate goals |
|To develop tools, guidelines and support for departments to assist with departmental
E-learning Essay
E learning has come to dominate the strategic thinking of employers over the past
decade in several countries. Only in recent years in India, there has been focus on e
learning, this is due to the recent development in MNC, BPO and IT concerns. This is
widely seen due to the connected economy, become intangible and fast growing among
organizations. Due to emerging MNC s, globalisation has become one of the most
important criteria to increase flexibility of communications, and hence become vital
among the organization. Despite the emphasis on e learningand large investments made
on training it is still not clear and ongoing success have not yet been recognized, due to
the ongoing structural changes among managements. The problem in... Show more
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It also includes the delivery of content via Internet, intranet/extranet (LAN/WAN),
audio and videotape, satellite broadcast, podcast, interactive TV, CD ROM, and more.
E learning programs are endowed with a training system, which employees can
access, where face to face instruction is not possible because the very nature is that it is
borderless and potentially global in scope. With e learning methods, training can take
place on demand, and trainees can be given greater control over their learning than
ever before (Rosenberg 2001). This increased control has the potential to improve
training effectiveness. E learning courses add value to traditional learning modes by
offering self paced or live, instructed training classes. Specifically, self paced courses
can be taken at the employee s leisure and are good for self motivated persons.
Typically these types of courses can be taken at convenience of the busy workers as
well as for globally dispersed employees. Hence workplace training needs to be
broadened and customized (Marc J. Rosenberg Steven Foreman 2010). Live e learning is
capable of instant updating, storage/retrieval, distribution and sharing of instruction and
information. Soft skills such as management, leadership, or team building can be tackled
in this environment. However, this type of training works best if the class size is limited
to 25
Gloria Estefan s Accomplishments
This year s Kennedy Center Honorees included Singer/Songwriter Lionel Richie,
Screenwriter and Creator Norman Lear, Singer/Conga Queen Gloria Estefan, Dancer
Carmen de Lavallade and Hip Hop Mogul LL Cool J. Dec. 3 marked the 40th
anniversary of the annual Kennedy Center Honors held in Washington D.C. The
Kennedy Center Honors have been highly talked about in the news after President
Trump made headlines for saying that he will not be in attendance for this year s
honors. This was the first time in 20 years that the President was not in attendance and
the first ever for non diplomatic reasons. However, without the President in attendance
the show was still a night to remember. The honorees were all excited and thrilled to be
added to this new class of Kennedy Center Honorees. This class included many of
firsts from Gloria Estefan being the first Cuban artist to be honored to LL Cool J being
the youngest and first Hip Hop Artist to be honored, and Norman Lear being the oldest.
Gloria Estefan, the Queen of Conga and Grammy Award winning singer, was excited to
be honored this year and to represent all of her people from Cuba. Gloria Estefan is
known for interjecting both the Latin culture within pop... Show more content on
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De Lavallade has been dancing for over 60 years, and came into prominence in the
early 40s and 50s. She spoke on the struggle of being a black female dancer and said,
People didn t take dancing so seriously then, oh its just the dancers. We were ignored a
great deal and we were able to be taught her craft. Her cousin was the ballerina Janet
Cooke and De Lavallade said she experienced more issues Cooke. Walking behind
Janet s Shoes, because she was the one that broke the doors down, she said. The tribute
to De Lavallade was quite touching and truly showcased some of her notable dances
over the years and also featured a few fan favorites( Misty Copeland and former student
Essay On Jane Murphy
Obama believes that students should be able to use whatever restroom they feel
comfortable using. He wants to make sure that every student is treated with dignity. We
re talking about kids. And anybody who has been in high school, who s been a parent, I
think should realize that kids who are sometimes in the minority, kids who have a
different sexual orientationor are transgender, are subject to a lot of bullying says Barack
Obama. They are vulnerable says Obama. And I think that s part of our obligation as a
society to make sure that everybody is treated fairly and our kids are loved, and
protected , and their dignity is affirmed . However, according to the New York Times,
there is a general view that Conservatives believe that this action is... Show more content
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She is currently a sophomore who fully supports transgender students being able to use
whatever bathroom they feel comfortable in. She says that Mount Pleasant is
surprisingly liberal considering it is also in the south. Murphy believes that the
environment she was brought up in helped her realize who she was. When Murphy
first heard about the bathroom law in North Carolina that forced anyone who is
transgender to use the restroom of their biological sex , she was in shock to outrage .
Murphy thinks that allowing transgender students to use whatever restroom the feel
comfortable using is a good thing based on her experience. One day after school Sarah
Jane Murphy worked up the courage to use the women s restroom. She says that she was
not ashamed but rather concerned about the weird looks she would get if she were to do
this when people were around. She believes that the new bathroom policy will have a
positive effect on the community. Having this kind of openness in the community will
hopefully get parents involved in supporting expression and individual choices such as
Analysis Of Anne Sexton s Her Kind
When speaking your feeling does not express the truth within you, written words
maybe the only solution. Depression is not always easy to put into words; however,
Anne Sexton uses poetry to express her emotions. After the birth of her second child
Sexton suffered a mental break down. In Her Kind Sexton describes how she feels
isolated from the world. She refers to herself as a possessed witch whose warm caves
lay in the woods. Sexton uses analogy to express her house as the warm cave in the
woods. This type of metaphor expressed how sexton feels about herself compared to
society. Throughout the poem see uses repetation of I have been her kind. Meaning
that she has tried to fit into the social norm of a women s role, but continued to feel
isolated. Finally, she states that she has ridden in a cart as she is spoken to the drover
of the cart. The cart is referring to death. Which she believes is the only way out of her
isolation. Sexton expresses her feelingso isolation through Her kind . Three stages of life
are within the poem: stanzaone depicts adulthood, becoming a mother and wife during
stanza two, then her desire toward death as she expresses a sense of freedom as she
waves her nude arms to the villages . be describing her childhood life, then is continues
into A few years after writing the poem sexton successes at her desire to death by suicide.
The tone of Anne Sexton s poem is quiet with an intense sense of story, emotion, and
imagery. The journey through
Dragon Persuasive Essay
Do you ever think about fire breathing,winged,scaly,sharp teethed lizards?Then you might
be thinking about dragons.Some say that dragon are terrifying and mythical
creatures,others say that they can be magnificent and beautiful.I think that dragons may
be kind and carefull creatures.Lets see if we can make you think that too.

My first reason,to why dragon are nice creatures,is because dragons can be
protective.Dragons have a naterul instinct to protect the people or creatures that raised
them,so if you raise a dragon,they may have the naturel instinct to protect you.It isn t just
about raising a dragon either.If you rescue a dragon when it s injured or in trouble,a
dragon might be gratefull and might protect you if you need to be protected ... Show more
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Dragons and other mythical creatures,have many different rumors going on what they
look like or how they act.We can t know for sure what these beautiful beasts are like but
in the future we could have these creatures with us and know their ways.We might be
able to explore out of our solar system
Macroeconomic Policies In Australia
Macroeconomic policies are policies that affect the economy as a whole with the aim of
minimising fluctuations in the business cycle by using the two macroeconomic policies
Monetary policy and fiscal policy to help with maintaining economic growth, minimising
unemployment, containing inflation, improving the distribution of income and wealth
and help the increasing issue of environmental sustainability.

Sustaining a strong and steady level of economic growth has always been a major aim
of the government as a stable economic growth is able to achieve economic and social
objectives which include the stability of the Australian currency, achieving and
maintaining full employment in Australia and a rise living standard . In order to have a
trend rate of economic growth (3 4%) the government employs the use of macroeconomic
policies. Monetary policy is controlled by the Reserve Bank of Australia and sets the Cash
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The mining boom is an example of high period of economic growth with it reaching its
peak of 4.5% in 2006 7 (stimulus 3), the RBA then moved into a contractionary stance
by increasing the cash rate to 7.2% to decrease spending and a further increase in
growth. The following year in 2007 08 the GFC hit affecting big countries like the US,
UK and Brazil. However Australia wasn t hit as hard as prior to the GFC, we were in a
lucky position that was meant to survive a crisis like this as the Australian Government
was debt free, our economy was growing strongly due to the mining boom before hand
and running surplus budgets. During the
All Men Are Created Equal
It s not surprising that a nation, built under the principal of all men are created equal ,
would discriminate against women. In today s society, the traditional roles, values,
and thoughts placed upon women from prehistoric times still play a central part in the
inequality women face every day. The day I no longer have to worry about what I m
wearing will label me as a slut, is the day that women will be thought of as more than
just sexual objects. The day I can be praised for my brains instead of my beauty, it the
day men and women will be considered equal. This is the future I hope to foster. This is
the future where the line all men are created equal means all humans and not just men.
Since the start of the agricultural revolution, social structure has moved from
egalitarian to patriarchal. Men were stronger, and thus more valuable to handle the
labor of farming, while women were left to take care of the house and children. Even
though in the past fifteen years society has made great leaps towards equality, society is
still far from egalitarian. The oppressive traditional roles from the Neolithic era are still
shoved down a woman s throat from an early age. A woman is expected to stay at home
and raise the kids, instead of going off to work and leave the kids with a nanny. The
essay, Turkey s in the Kitchen , highlights how women are trained to work in the kitchen,
whereas, most men are inept when it comes to anything cooking related. School systems
Double Standards In Our Justice System Essay
Ismail Dakrouri
Professor Elena Makarion
ENG 101 39
February 29, 2016

Double Standards In Our Justice System The Judicial System has always been
something that interests me, because there are always two sides to a story but you
can only support one side and do your best to make sure it is the one that wins. One
reason why I have always had a passion for the law is because living in Egypt you get
to see how corrupt things can get, and I believe this is part of why I am who I am
today, since experiencing this made me become a very confident person knowing when
and how to stand up for myself and not stop until I achieve what I have aimed for. That
being said, I have always believed that the richer you are the more lenient the judicial
system will be with you, in other words if you come from a wealthy family your chances
of getting sentenced to prison are much slimmer than if you are from a poor family. I
just recently started reading a book called The Rich Get Richer and The Poor Get
Prison which inspired me to persuade you why I believe that the way we incarcerate
people must change; we need to look beyond the background they come from, and start
sentencing people based on their crimes. Ethan Couch a Texas teen was sentenced to 10
years of probation by Judge Jean Boyd a State District Judge after killing four innocent
people while driving under the influence of alcohol. His lawyer used the defense that Mr.
Couch had Affluenza, a term which is used to describe the
Demographic Perspectives
Barbecue. NASCAR. Pig statues. These are the first things that come to mind whenever
someone asks me about my hometown in Lexington, NC. Attending university in
Chapel Hill gave me a glimpse of the distinctions areas can have from their
surroundings. This paper will discuss my hometown from a demographic perspective. I
will briefly explain the various data I utilized followed by several analyses of sample
components of my hometown that demographyexamines. These components include
projections thirty years from now in addition to the socioeconomic and demographic
changes from 1990 to the present. In addition to interpreting these values, I will also
explain how these variables influenced myself and my family living in this area.
Data and Methods ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Lexington is known as the Barbecue Capital of the World and known for its legacy in
furniture making, as well as textiles, in the Piedmont Triad region of North Carolina ().
This is something residents can see throughout town from various barbecue
restaurants to some factories in downtown. Food and beverage stores accounted for
$14.1 million in sales and clothing and clothing accessories stores $9.5 in sales based
on a 2011 consumer survey from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (). Unfortunately, you
are also able to drive by abandoned ones as well, in addition to hearing news reports on
closings and layoffs. Why is this the case? I believe that the competitive markets and
the Great Recession resulted in outsourcing for cost savings. The size of the labor
force for individuals aged sixteen and older declined from 7,015 in 1990 to 4,706 by
2013 (). My family members do not work in these areas, but clients at the shop will
often experience or know someone going through the struggle of layoffs and
unemployment. Experiencing these situations may be why I noticed a push for
individuals my age and future generations being encouraged to obtain as much education
as possible. The general trend for education has progressively increased for District 612
following the 2000 census with roughly half the individuals aged twenty five and older
holding at least
Listening Skills In Lectures
Listening skills are a number of skills that enhance one s ability to receive and interpret
messages effectively whilst communicating. There are many hints that one can use in
order to improve their listening skills in lectures. The skills include; preparing
beforehand, sitting where there are no distractions, focusing on the message not how it is
being delivered, and making eye contact, taking notes, and asking questions.
In this essay, the listening skills hints will be explored. It will also be discussed how
these hints have affected my listening skills in lectures.
The first skill that will be explored is asking questions in lectures. Asking questions in
lectures helps you to actively engage in the entire lecture. For example; I applied this
listening skills hint in a Biology lecture. I asked a question about ... Show more content
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But I focused on the message that she was delivering and not how it was delivered. I
actually realised that I like histology after all because it is quite interesting. Had I not
applied this hint, I would ve have not even studied for histology and that would ve
brought down my mark in the test.
The last listening hint that I applied was preparing for a lecture, the day before. When
you prepare for a lecture, during the lecture you know exactly what is going on and
you absorb any extra information very fast. All you do is ask questions about any work
that you didn t make sense to you before. I applied this hint during a molecular biology
lecture. During the lecture therefore it felt like revision. I left the lecture hall and I still
remembered the work...which doesn t happen very often.
Thus it can be concluded that without listening skills in lectures, messages can be easily
missed or misunderstood therefor listening skills have to be developed. With the aid of
listening skills, it is inevitable that one will do well academically and
The Apollo 13
The Apollo 13 is NASA s seventh Apollo space mission taking human beings into the
outer space. The Launch took place at Kennedy Space Center. The crew consisted of
three men, James A. Lovell, John L. Swigert, and Fred W. Haise. Houston, we have a
problem... was the saying that leads to the tragic event that took place on April 11,
1970. Months before the launch, the crew went through many obstacles in order to
prepare themselves for the mission. If one mistake was made, everything could go
wrong and the crew would be killed. NASAhad the crew go through every situation
possible, no matter how hard in order for them to be prepared. If they didn t master it
the first time, they had to do it over and over till it was mastered. Once everything
Research Paper On I-Funky Driving
long time a whole life economic dream that have been fulfilled in some and have not
fulfilled in others life. Many types of vehicles exists in the world and they seem to be
nice to each and every one according to their own priorities. Some of the available
existing and shining luxury vehicles are; Peugeot 2008 which has no enough models
in the range and not diesel automatic; Holden tax which seems not cooler and polished
as the new car arrivals in the market and creates no new feeling; Skoda Yeti which is
Corbin flexible but has rare cargo space with tight seats up; Nissan Juke whose ivt saps
enjoyment and has a firm ride that inconveniences rides on local roads; Ford Eco sport
which is cheap, yes, but has no auto spares for best engine; Mazda Cx 5 whose servicing
is costly and has poor i spot that can make the car even if its parked and locked;... Show
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This actually is not like cars; it uses its funky electric three wheeled automaker that
combines the motor cycle advantages; that is; it s easy to park ability, its nimble and
thrifty too. It also combines car advantages since its enclosed, common controls that
are not hard to deal with and its ability not to topple. This feature makes it fun to drive
and it s weird to see. It was unveiled two years ago and for real, I long for it to reach our
zones since this one is unlike anything I have driven. CONCLUSION Actually, Toyota
funky I ride is the biggest innovation of the recent even though people have not
familiarized with it. Am very sure that when it makes way to my vicinity, it will
automatically be my next ride vehicle that I have ever dealt with since the advantages it
bears are very much unexplainable and hard to bare. Actually, this is just a great one
and no one can take chances to pass by him when the i ride makes its way to the African

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