A Funny Incident Essay

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A Funny Incident Essay

Writing an essay on the topic "A Funny Incident" may seem like a delightful task at first glance,
promising laughter and entertainment. However, delving into the intricacies of narrating a humorous
experience comes with its own set of challenges. The difficulty lies not only in crafting a narrative
that tickles the reader's funny bone but also in ensuring that the humor is relatable and resonates with
a diverse audience.

The process starts with selecting an incident that is genuinely amusing, one that can be described
vividly to engage the reader. While humor is subjective, the challenge lies in finding a balance that
doesn't offend or alienate the audience. It requires careful consideration of language, tone, and
cultural nuances to ensure the humor translates well to a diverse readership.

Structuring the essay poses another hurdle. The narrative should have a coherent flow, building up to
the comedic climax and delivering the punchline effectively. Striking this balance between
storytelling and humor can be tricky, demanding a keen understanding of comedic timing within the
constraints of the written word.

Moreover, writing a funny incident essay involves navigating the fine line between exaggeration and
authenticity. While embellishing details can enhance the comedic effect, going overboard might
compromise the credibility of the narrative. Crafting a piece that is both hilarious and believable
requires a skillful hand at storytelling.

In conclusion, composing an essay on a funny incident demands more than just a sense of humor. It
requires a nuanced understanding of the dynamics of comedic writing, a keen eye for detail, and the
ability to connect with a diverse audience. Only with careful consideration of these elements can one
successfully translate a humorous experience into an engaging and entertaining essay.

If you find yourself struggling with such assignments or need assistance with various types of
essays, you can explore the services available at HelpWriting.net, where professional writers can
help you with similar essays and much more.
A Funny Incident Essay A Funny Incident Essay
Essay on Aristotle
y does Plato believe that only Philosophers are fit to rule?

Rather than the practical pursuit we are accustomed to, for Plato, Politics is an
intellectual faculty. Governance by non philosophers is to be governed by opinions,
beliefs and self interest; in contrast the philosopher ruler will govern with virtue and
justice with no hidden agenda. The philosopher is in love, in love with learning,
knowledge and truth. It is important to make a distinction here between the acquisition
of knowledge and the acquisition of truth, because knowledge is not necessarily the truth.

With the help of an allegory, Plato explains the sensible world of illusion and belief, the
place where most people reside. The philosopher has stepped outside this ... Show more
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The rulers will not own property, nor have money, they will be free of vices, excesses
and desires. They will have a Spartan existence (Plato was an admirer of Spartan
culture). A ruler in Platos society as described in his dialogue The Republic would be
incorruptible, an absolute model of sensible world perfection and justice. If one was to
look no further into Platos utopian society you could be forgiven for thinking that the
philosopher rulers would be the ultimate answer for political duties and government
administration. A more detailed examination of policy and structure is necessary, prior to
arriving at a conclusion.

The structure in Platos society is tripartite and hierarchical, made up of the philosopher
kings as rulers. The auxiliaries who will be in a sort of military role (prospective rulers)
and the artisans (workers) who will produce all the consumable and non consumable
goods deemed necessary for consumption and the continued economic viability of the

The philosopher rulers duties as administrators in platos society or commonwealth are

to legislate, educate and to keep an ever watchful eye on the auxillaries and artisans,
paying special attention to the auxillaries, especially those that are considered fit to be
future philosopher rulers. All auxiliaries will be subjected to a series of tests, which will
check their powers of resistance to self interest, pleasure and other
Examples Of Shylock As A Victim In Merchant Of Venice
The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare portrays Shylock as a victim throughout
the play, but as he seeks revenge towards the Christians and everyone who has done him
wrong, Shylock defends himself with some villainous behaviour. To a modern audience,
the discrimination and suffering Shylock experiences, place him as a victim. Throughout
the play, Shylock, a Jewish money lender, is perceived as a greedy and miserly man due
to his Jewish culture. In Shakespeare s time, exploitation of Jewswas common;
particularly in Venice as it was an anti Semitic city. However, Jews thought of
themselves as victims of harassment and oppression. Shylock has been discriminated
against, but nevertheless seeks revenge on people who have done him wrong which
displays another side to Shylock. Therefore, Shylock is viewed as a victim and a villain,
but more of a victim because of the abuse he has suffered.
Shylock can be seen as a victim of anti Semitism and discrimination. He has long
suffered at the hands of the Christians, who seize any opportunity to torment him.
Shylock has been spat upon merely because he is Jewish and has been called nasty
names such as cutthroat dog . This dehumanising language demonstrates how poorly the
Christian society views Jews as being outsiders and filthy people who do not belong to
the world. Shylock has also been called Jew twenty two times and Shylock only six times
in the play. Shakespeare helped maintain the anti Semitic meanings of the term
Situational Irony In Trifles By Susan Glaspell
Trifles, written by Susan Glaspell, focuses on two major types of irony: situational
irony and dramatic irony. Situational irony, or irony in which the setting of the story
contains a built in incongruity, becomes evident because the play s only setting is just
one example of this type of irony. Glaspell also includes much dramatic irony, in which
the speaker is less aware of the full import of his or her words than the audience is.
Probably the most obvious example of situational irony in the story, the Wrights kitchen
becomes the crime scene. This is ironic because it is the one room in the house, that the
audience is aware of, that is overlooked by the men. The county attorney is at first unsure
and questions, You re convinced that there was nothing here nothing that would point to
any motive? (877). However, the sheriff brushes off the suggestion without a second
thought. The kitchen is, in fact, where all Mrs. Wright s motives are hidden. It is also
ironic that the two female characters, Mrs.... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
The county attorney, frustrated with the lack of evidence, remarks, ...it s all perfectly
clear except a reason for doing it. But you know juries when it comes to women. If
there was some definite thing. Something to show something to make a story about a
thing that would connect up with this strange way of doing it (885). Glaspell writes this
part, not only to lessen the power men held during this time and weaken their position in
society, but to further show how ignorant the trained professionals were acting,
compared to the untrained women who found all of the evidence. To hit home, the
attorney continues, No, Mrs. Peters doesn t need supervising. For that matter, a sheriff s
wife is married to the law (885). In a matter of minutes, without any supervision, Mrs.
Peters has taken the law into her own hands, and, with the help of Mrs. Hale, decides
Mrs. Wright s
The Scarlett and the Black Essay
Good vs. Evil Albert Einstein once said, God did not create evil. Just as darkness is
the absence of light, evil is the absence of God. During WWII, many horrific atrocities
were committed by the Axis Powers, specifically Nazi Germany. Germany, Japan, and
Italy represent the evil side of the war, while the Allied Powers consisting of Russia,
France, and Britain represented the good side attempting to overcome the evil. More
precisely, the two main characters in The Scarlet and the Black , Colonel Herbert
Kappler and Monsignor O Flaherty represent the powers of evil and good respectively.
Throughout the film, the forces of good and evil turn from working against each other, to
coming more close together and good eventually overcoming... Show more content on
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Contrary to the forces of evil represented in the film, the forces of good were led by
Monsignor O Flaherty, an Irish clergy man who ran an underground organization while
Nazi Germany occupied Rome. It was not a one man show however, because O
Flaherty had the help of Ms. Francesca Lombardo and other Romans in his operations.
Throughout the course of the movie, Monsignor had many successes in his operation,
even with the attempts by Kappler to destroy the group because O Flaherty had clever
plans and several disguises. In the larger picture, the forces of good were symbolized
by the Allies. As the war progressed, these forces of good had success as they pushed
down into Italy and overcame German resistance. When the Allies finally entered
Rome in the summer of 1944, Monsignor joined the celebration of liberation and the
conquering of the forces of evil in Italy. The forces of good had their successes but
also had their failures. For example, when Kappler is recaptured escaped prisoners, he
exploited and oppressed the population and many of O Flaherty s friends were either
arrested or killed. Also, Monsignor was also the target of an assassination attempt which
failed though. Even though Kappler tried many times to shut O Flaherty s operation
down, the rescue organization continued in saving many lives, which can be looked at as
a major
The World Is The Virtual World

Virtual World
In past, people used to do their works individually or by creating groups. Then they
chose those with the best reputation and competencies as their leader in order to prevent
conflict and prohibit going the wrong way.
Reaching the Electronic era, humans works expanded tremendously and went more
complicated than ever before. To accomplish works people had to create more expert
groups equipped with intelligent assets. For the matter of increasing workability and
efficiency groups exploited the idea of using virtual assets such as fax machines,
telegraphs, and calls for the betterment of communication. By the time newer and more
capable technologies were emerging, work forces found more effective ways to use ...
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Key Characteristics of Virtual Project Management
Working in virtual environment is consisted of two interrelated components:
1 Virtual Project Management Body of Knowledge (VPMBOK)
2 Virtual Project Management Technology and Tools (VPMTT)
The first point simply is about the knowledge base of a project manager in virtual
environment and the business intelligence he has. The second point is a complement to
the first one which gives the project manager enough information and expertise to select
right technologies and work with right tools to implement what he has in mind.
Very first thing in VPMBOK is to understand where to use the virtual management
model. In respond, when there is a need to work with a group of people which work
from different regional locations, different time zones, with different cultures and in
some cases with substantial inter related but independent duties, we apply virtual project
management model. Virtual model saves resources and saves time but has its own
challenges. For example, when you want to sell your product or service in another state
or in another country you have two options; first is to go the traditional way in which
you sell the product by sending request to headquarters, headquarter sends order to
manufacturing line, manufacturing line ship out product to the market and everyone
have direct physical contact. This method has very much bulking and we are into you
because of the dependency to real people traveling from one
Procedural Justice Theory
Procedural justice is about justice and fairness. Procedural justice shapes an individual or
community s perceptions about authority figures. Also, procedural justice encompasses a
dispute resolution process element in which an individual may believe that he or she was
treated justly and fairly during personal encounters with agents of authority. Procedural
justiceis also concerned with maintaining an individual s worth and status rather than self
interested gain. In other words, an individual values dignity and respect rather than trying
to prove that he or she is not subordinate. The theory proposes that people who are treated
fairly will more likely cooperate with authoritative figures during an interaction and
subsequent interactions.... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
The family advised police that Hainze had a history of depression, currently under the
influence of alcohol and anti depressants, carrying a knife, and threatening to commit
suicide. The police arrived to the location where Hainze was located (a convenience
store). The police saw Hainze talking to two people in a truck, he was holding a knife,
and was not wearing shoes. The officers exited their vehicle and drew their weapons.
Then the officers asked Hainze to step away from the truck. Hainze responded with
profanities and began advancing toward the officers. The officer shouted at Hainze to
stop, but he did not, and when he was within four to six feet from the officer, the officer
shot him twice. The events occurred within twenty seconds. Hainze survived and later
was convicted of aggravated assault with a deadly
Online Banking
BBT 3105: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Faculty of Information Technology
Jilani Thomas Mwangolo
BBIT3: 049834

1.1. Background Information3
1.2. Research Problem3
1.3. Objectives4
1.3.1 Project Objectives4
1.3.2 System Objectives4
1.4. Significance of the Study5
2.1. Online Banking6
2.2. History of Online Banking6
2.3. General Statistics7 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background Information

Jumuia Bank is a renowned bank in Kenya which has over 46 branches nationwide in
Kenya. Its headquarters is located in Nairobi in Hurlingham, Lenana Road, Jumuia
house, third floor. In each province, there at least 5 branches, so its network is quite
large and well ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Rather than the usual process, this system aims to actually allow customers interested in
opening up an account with a bank to do so online. Other than accessing their account
details on the mobile phone (a system that s already been implemented), it also aims to
allow registered customers to check their account details online their balance and
transactions carried out in given time periods.

(The wider scope of my research is the internet banking, rather the online banking, but I
ve narrowed the scope to account opening and registration. Further on, I will do more
research on implementing online banking as a whole, but for this proposal, my focus is
on account opening.)
This chapter seeks to say what other researchers have written about this field of study. It
seeks to fill find literature that will fill the gap that has not been filled before. 2.1. Online
According to Wikipedia, Online banking (or Internet banking) allows customers to
conduct financial transactions on a secure website operated by their retail or virtual bank,
credit union or building society. 2.2. History of Online Banking
(http://www.ezinearticles.com/History of Online Banking id=270075)
The concept of online banking as we know it today dates back to the early 1980s, when
it was first envisioned and experimented with. However, it was only in 1995 (on October
6, to be exact) that Presidential Savings Bank first announced the facility for regular client
Car Buying Behaviour
1 Pacific Business Review A Quarterly Refereed Journal A Study of Behaviour of Maruti
SX4 and Honda City Customers in Jaipur A Study of Behaviour of Maruti SX4 and
Honda City Customers in Jaipur Dr. Manish Kumar Srivastava Faculty Member, Faculty
of Management Studies, ICFAI University Dehradun Dr. A.K.Tiwari Faculty Member,
Faculty of Management Studies, ICFAI University Dehradun Abstract In the present era
of globalization, companies are finding it difficult to attract the customers towards their
offerings. Proper understanding of consumer buying behavior will help the marketer to
succeed in the market. In India, with increase in purchasing power of people leading to
the change in their life style, there has been a huge demand for... Show more content on
HelpWriting.net ...
? For this study, the authors have focused on the behavior 3 Pacific Business Review
A Quarterly Refereed Journal A Study of Behaviour of Maruti SX4 and Honda City
Customers in Jaipur Profile of the Study Area Jaipur is the first planned city of India,
located in the semi desert lands of Rajasthan. The Indian automobile market in Jaipur
has witnessed tremendous growth in the last few years. The sales of all kinds of
automobiles have increased in Jaipur. The various reasons for the growth of the Indian
automobile market in Jaipur can be summarized as follows: 1. The people have more
disposable income as the economy of the
Pipettes Lab
This experiment was conducted to determine the extent to which commercially bought
pipettes accurately deliver desired volumes. A range of small and large volumes of DI
water were drawn using three different sized pipettes and massed using an analytical
balance. The weights of the water aliquots were divided by the appropriate densityof
water at 26 to calculate the actual volumes delivered. Error percent analysis was then
utilized to deduce the deviation from the accurate volumes. The three different sizes of
pipettes used were Epprendorf 10, 100 and 1000 L. The results entailed a higher
accuracy in delivering the large volumes, compared to the small volumes, within the
same pipette. In addition, the medium sized pipette (10 100L) was the most accurate in
delivering the targeted volumes.

П– ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...

Then, a10ВµL pipette was equipped with the appropriate tip, and the volume was set
to 1ВµL. The pipette was then immersed in the DI water and used to draw the set
volume and deliver it to the weighing boat. The mass was recorded. This process was
repeated for four more aliquots of 1ВµL of water, and the cumulative weight was
recorded. After that, the weighing boat was removed from the balance, dried, placed
back, and the balance was tared again to read 0g. Now the volume was set to 9ВµL by
adjusting the micropipette knob, and 5 cumulative weights of 9ВµL aliquots of water
were measured. The entire process was repeated for a second trial. Moreover, the 2
trial cumulative weighing process for the small and large volumes was repeated using
the 100ВµL pipette (with 10ВµL for small volume and 90ВµL for large volume), and
yet again for the 1000ВµL pipette (with 100ВµL for small volume and 900ВµL for
large volume). Note that the disposable plastic tip was changed any time there was
residual water droplets trapped inside. Finally, the temperature of the water was measured
by the
Dr. Phil Pringle Analysis
In a time when leaders are portrayed as power hungry, Christian leadership is
imperative for the Church to be an influential agent within the world. Dr. Phil Pringle
outlines ten qualities that a Christian leader should possess if he aims to be a great
leader. Within the context of the ten qualities, Pringle presents a portrait of a leader
that is integral to the Church s success. Therefore, Dr. Phil Pringle begins by
examining the leader s motivation. Pringle concludes that Christian leaders are called
to serve God and others. Further, a Christian leader is to live a life of self abasement, a
life of sacrifice. Pringle (2007) argues, When we move from a life of comfort to life with
discomfort, serving others even though it cost us... Show more content on
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Pringle illustrates the power that temptation has in a person s life. He equates it to how a
moth is drawn to the flame. Although the flame will eventually kill the moth, the moth
has an uncontrolled desire to the light of the flame. Similarly, individuals are drawn to
the very thing that seeks to destroy them. Pringle (2007) advises, Unless we make strong
choices to live above the temptations, they will destroy us (p. 179). In other words, unlike
the moth, a Christian leader has the ability, through Christ, to live above the carnal
desires that seek to crush
Analysis Of The Godfather
Francis Ford Coppola s gangster movie, The Godfather , examines two views of the
condemnation of the American dream and America, through the eyes of father and son
through many specific aspects of drugs, conflicting views, and balance.

Through Vito s point of view of America and its dream are law, order, stability, family,
and security. He fled from his home in Sicily to escape the balance of Mafia to an
unbalanced place to bring needed order. Since his family was all killed by the mob, Vito
wanted to bring security for his family. In the beginning scene of The Godfather Part II ,
we see the awe inspiring Statue of Liberty through Vito s perspective. Vito came to
America to build an empire, just like the Romans, creating many ... Show more content on
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He never grew up in poverty like Vito had to. Michael is more American than Vito, as
he went to go fight in the war and wanted to follow with respect to societies law and
order. Michael sought to build his power on the status quo. Michael in contrast wanted
to stay moral and crimeless, but as time went on corruption and greed plagued the
dream. Michael slowly turned into becoming the new Godfather through the Crime
war. His view of the crime business was that it was immoral and not personal, it was
merely just for survival. Michael wanted to bring things again to a balance. In result,
he escapes because of the crime war. Michael voyages back to Sicily where his family
started. Michael, just like Vito, escaped from unbalance to seek balance, but in the end
is seen again being hunted by the same mafia that killed Vito s family. Michael comes
back and becomes a criticizer of the whole family business and is seeing the corruption,
greed, and desire plaguing the American dream. Through the plaguing greed, crime
families are battling over the business and not working together. Corruption is seen
through the political system and police because of the immunities that some of the crime
families get, which for example is having the police as bodyguards. Their ultimate desire
of becoming the top family. For instance, this resulted in other mafias trying to
eliminating everyone, it s a competition. The other families are trying to profit
Eudora Welty Essays
Feminism can be defined as a social idea that men and women should both have equal
rights. The topic of feminism has been debated for many years. Throughout the early
1900 s, the Women s Rights Movement was one of the largest social movements in the
United States. Eudora Welty was born in 1909, right around the time where women s
rights were being debated the most. Welty grew up in Mississippi, a common setting in
many of her short stories. She was a smart girl who enjoyed reading and writing. Welty
was also an artistic soul who enjoyed painting, photography and drawing. Eudora Welty
started her career as a writer early on in her life. After attending college to receive a
degree in literature, she worked for various newspapers and radio... Show more content on
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Another great example of detail appears in Eudora s story, Petrified Man when she
writes, Mrs. Fletcher gladly reached over to the lavender shelf under the lavender
framed mirror, shook a hair net loose from the clasp of the patent leather bag, and
slapped her hand down quickly on a powder puff which burst out when the purse was
opened. (Welty 1) Eudora Welty makes a point to create imagery within her stories,
seemingly so that the readers may enjoy her stories to the fullest extent. Symbolism
and imagery appear frequently in Welty s stories. (Kincheloe) Her writing style
captures readers and shows them a creative perspective on her stories. A lot of Eudora
Welty s stories contain female protagonists, each character being different in their own
way. A variety of women characters range from gossipers to lovers to the mentally ill.
All of the women however, are special to the plot and they seem to fit into the stories
precisely. In a critique, Charles E. May wrote that, Welty s stories focus on women
defined less by their stereotypical social roles than they are by their archetypal being.
(May) May makes a great point on how Welty does not mainly focus on the stereotypes of
women, but she thinks more about how to make the characters stand out for being
themselves. Also, most
Michael Kors Influence On The Fashion Industry
Michael Kors was born on August 9, 1959, and was raised on Long Island. He moved to
New York City to attend the Fashion Institute of Technology, but dropped out after two
semesters. Kors launched his women s collection in 1981 band became a judge on Project
Runway in 2004. First Lady Michelle Obama posed in a Michael Kors dress for her first
official portrait. Kors lives in New York City. He is half Scandinavian, half Jewish. His
mother is Joan Krystosek Kors, a former model. Designer, Born August 9, 1959, Karl
Anderson, Jr. was raised on New York s Long
Island. As a toddler, Kors worked as a model, appearing in national campaigns for
products such as toilet paper and Lucky Charms cereal. Kors biological parents split
when he ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
He won the coveted Menswear Designer of the Year award from the Council of Fashion
Designers of America, the most prestigious prize in American fashion. In 2004, Kors
was asked to be a judge on a new reality television show called Project
Runway. He almost turned it down. Reality show? Fashion on television? Kors recalled
thinking. I thought that only fashionista freaks, gays and men wanting to see Heidi
Klum in a short dress would watch it. He was wrong. The show premiered December 1,
2004, and became an immediate hit with fans and critics. Kors quips and blunt criticisms
were fan favorites. His penchant for bons mots such as that was so Paris hooker 50s and
Barbie to describe looks he disdains made him a standout on the show, and exposed his
brand to a broader audience and he continued as a judge in subsequent seasons. Kors
lives in New York City with his boyfriend Lance La Pere, the vice president of
Michael Kors Women s Design. Viewers of Project Runway often comment on his
perennial tan, a source of pride for the beach loving Kors. Countless celebrities wear his
garments. With new lines constantly in production, and more customers drawn in by his
Project Runway appearances, Kors fashion empire continues to grow. Mr. Kors plans to
become an American mega fashion brand in the vein of a Ralph Lauren are ambitious
and raise the issue of
Alcoholics Anonymous ( Aa ) And How It Works And What...
For this reflection, the focus is to look closer at Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and how
it works and what makes it successful. AA is a group that was a group formed for those
members that are powerless over alcohol (Van Wormer, Davis, 2013). I attended AA
meetings in Cincinnati on Monday Friday at noon. I have been attending daily since
October 3rd, except for weekends. There are usually about 30 to 50 participants in each
session. There are beginner s meetings, open and closed meetings all at the same place
working together for the first fifteen minutes.
The facilitators would open the meeting by introducing himself as an alcoholic and
welcome everyone for attending. He asks for new members and visitors. This is a
nice touch as it seems very inviting as it gives that feeling of warmth from the
beginning. The facilitator also asks for any out of town visitors and lastly if there are
any anniversaries. There were two during my observation, one guy had reached 1 year
and one lady had 5 years. Both were given a coin to celebrate their sobriety and a warm
celebratory praise from the group. They both were given the opportunity to speak if they
chose and they both declined.
Preamble is then read by the chairperson or a member. This states the purpose of AA and
why you are here and what you would expect by attending (Alcoholics Anonymous
World Services, Inc. 2005). For example, you would not have any fees, and the only
requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.
The Purpose Of The Athenian Army
Part 3

1) The Athenian Army

The purpose of the Athenian army was to was to secure Athenian democratic society. The
army fought battles against other Greek states and foreign states most often against
oligarchies and aristocracies. The army was managed by a polemarch (senior military
title), along with ten generals from the ten tribes of Athens.

The largest component of the army was the infantry composed of hoplites (citizens
fighting in a full set of armour). They went into battle protected by a helmet, breastplate,
and greaves (shin guards), carrying a large round shield and long spear. The state would
sometimes issue such equipment to citizens who could not afford a set of their own.

The Athenian army was primarily male citizens, who were made to enlist at the
beginning of the year following their 18th birthdays. For two years, new cadets (known
as ephebes) trained full time. After training, they rejoined public life, though they were
committed to the army for 40 years. At any time, they could be called to duty to defend
Athens.The people elect two athletic trainers and instructors for them, to teach them their
drill as heavy armed soldiers and to use the bow, javelin, and sling.

Richer Athenians enrolled in the cavalry, as always, a smaller elite military force made
up of those wealthy enough to own and maintain a good mount.The state would call upon
an inspection and registration of all of the horses on an annual basis, so that the owner
could draw a maintenance
Athletes Should Get Equal Pay
Not Unqualified, but Denied A crowd of three hundred thousand people screaming at
the top of their lungs because USA has won a gold medal. A single athlete looks into
the crowd and cries at what they have accomplished. All of the hard work, blood,
sweat, and tears they have put into becoming great has paid off. Except this particular
athlete is female, so it has never literally paid off. They will go home when it s all over
to a small house and their second job due to the fact they don t make enough money as
athletes to survive even though they are the best in the entire world. Women on the
USA soccer team should get equal pay as athletes because the USA women s team
brings in more money for the USA soccer program than the Men s team, the USA... Show
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According to the article How Does the U.S. Women s Soccer Team Pay Compare to
the Men? in the past 5 years the women s team has played 40 50% more games. Which
means they are physically doing almost twice the amount of work and still being paid
substantially less. The women out of those large amount of games have twice as
many victories from 2012 2016 as the men s team. The women s team won 88 games
compared to the men s 44 (Santhanam). The women s team won the 2015 world cup
and only received 1.6 million dollars compared to when the men won and received 9.3
million dollars. Women deserve equal pay if they are better than a men s team. No
matter what gender a person is, their salary should be based on their
Marx s Theory Of Total Social Capital
Marx begins his analysis of capital accumulation and growth with the demarcation of
capital into its two constituent parts: constant and variable capital. The former pertains to
the means of production utilized (as determined by its mass), whereas the latter term
applies to human labour power inputs of production (and is accounted for by the
aggregation of wages). The organic composition of capitalwas then conceived to establish
the ratio of constant (value composition) to variable (technical composition) capital
incorporated in production. In order to extrapolate the allocation capital of a single
firm across the entire economy, Marx devised the concept of total social capital. This
term refers to the average arrangements of capital in each sector of the economy,
averaged across all spheres of the economy. Capital inherently generates an annual
surplus, which in turn influences the level of variable capital employed. The surplus
produced by capital is divided into revenue for the capitalist or reinvested in
production. This reallocation of surplus ultimately determines the degree of
accumulation (if more capital is reinvested, and less kept as revenue for consumption,
then accumulation will be higher). It also has an effect on wages and the demand and
supply of labour (i.e. components of variable capital). Supply increases absolutely, as
does the demand for labour (if the variable capital needed for the operation of constant
capital is unaffected) and wages will grow if
Response Execution Essay
Response Structure
Karrie Colin
January 28, 2013
George Wilson

Response Structure
Creating an emergency response plan is very important in any business. There are
different plans for medical, fire, police, and school. The following plans are imperative in
any environment. There are many things that will happen and Incident Command System
(ICS) will help to provide the responders with an effective system that works. But before
we go into the structures, an understanding of an incident command system needs to be
According to OSHA, n.d., ICS is a standardized on scene incident management concept
designed specifically to allow responders to adopt an integrated organizational structure
equal to the complexity ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
This allows hospitals to know how many beds they are going to need. Demobilization
is the next level. In this level, the responders are either sent back to the area they came
from, set back in service after they transport a victim, or they are cancelled all together.
The last level is termination. In this level, the incident commander decides that no
further action is required and everyone is sent back to their units. The next thing we
need to look at are the responsibilities of the incident commander. The first one,
according to FEMA, 1999, is to rescue all victims. The second is making sure the
victims are taken out of the situation and moved to a medical facility. And the third is to
make sure the personnel are safe.
Next we will look at fire and rescue. The organization of the incident command is almost
the same as the medical responders. According to Fire and Rescue, 2008, the following
are the organizational areas for fire and rescue: Organization on the incident ground, this
gives the Incident Commander a recognized system from which to work when organizing
and using resources at an Incident, Incident Risk Management, the principal
consideration of Incident Commanders is safety of their personnel. Therefore, prior to
deciding upon the tactics an assessment of risk must be performed. The Incident
Commander must identify the hazards, assess the risks, and implement all reasonable
control measures before committing crews into a risk area,
Agamemnon s Treatment Of Women In Electra
Paedagogus, an old servant who looked after Orestes (the son of King Agamemnon),
tells Orestes of how he took him from Mycenae after the king was murdered by his
wife, Queen Clytemnestra, and her lover. Orestes plans on getting revenge for his father
s death by the command of Apollo. He hears Electra, his sister, crying; however, he
ignores her due to his focus being solely on revenge. Electra has been held captive by her
mother and Aegisthus her mother s lover since the death of her father. She has mourned
Agamemnons death for years. The Chorus of women act as a voice of reason for
Electra, questioning why she has mourned for so long. Her response is that she has been
abused and no one can be moderate or restrained in her situation. Meanwhile,
Existentialism In Nausea, By Jean-Paul Sartre
Nausea is a fictional book by Jean Paul Sartre that discusses the life of a troubled Antoine
Roquentin. The victim is suffering from nausea, which is a mental illness. According to
Roquentin, the disease is affecting his brain, and he has a feeling that he is going crazy.
For this reason, he decides to record all the changes in a dairy. Through the diary, he
monitors the changes that he has no idea of its origin. Sartre uses the life of Roquentin
with the attempt of bringing meaning to life. He does this through the use of
existentialist ideas and complimenting it with fiction. The fiction by Sartre is essential to
the ancient and modern world. It is a book that significantly contributes to individuals
reflection of their lives and coming up with ways of improving their lives and those
around them. Additionally, it highlights the challenges that people go through in the
society. This paper will illustrate that existentialismis the best way one can figure out or
understand his life.
Nausea is a well crafted book that has extensively brought out the idea of existentialism
and the impact it has on our lives. The author first introduces Antoine to the readers, and
he is facing many difficulties in his life. He is suffering from a disease called nausea
and does not have an idea of its origin. The illness affected his brain and body that
prevents him from making rational decisions. In an attempt at gaining control of the
situation, Antoine develops a habit
Happy Milk Lab
Do Happy Cows Make Better Milk?: Analysis of the Chemical Components of Milk
The main goal of this lab was to correctly separate milk into its major components. Other
objectives included: performing basic qualitative tests to confirm correct separation,
identifying the major components of milk, and assigning polar and non polar properties
to components of milk. The goal of separating the components of milk was desirable
because their differences in properties required different techniques to separate them. The
casein, Vitamins A, D, and E, and fats were all nonpolar and therefore dissolved in
nonpolar solutions.1 Whey, lactose, calcium, phosphate, vitamin B, vitamin C, and water
were all polar and therefore dissolved in polar solutions.1... Show more content on
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The protein was unraveled as disruptions occurred in the protein s secondary and
tertiary structures.2 The result of denaturation was solid whey protein. The lactose,
calcium, phosphate, and water were unaffected by the heating process and remained
liquid. In the third separation, ethyl acetate was added to dissolve the fats mixed with
the casein. Casein, unable to dissolve in the nonpolar solution, remained a white
solid.1 The ethyl acetate, with a lower boiling point than the fat, was boiled off,
leaving a yellow liquid containing fat and various fat soluble vitamins. Vitamin A
caused the liquid to be yellow, which confirmed the presence of vitamins. The residue
was added to water, where it proved to be insoluble in water. This indicated that the
residue contained fat, because fat was the only nonpolar liquid remaining at the end of
the separations. The tests for carbohydrates, lactose, calcium, and phosphates
performed on the liquid portion from the second separation were all positive. This was
expected, so no errors were made in the first or second separation. The tests for proteins
performed on the solids produced from the separation were both positive, so no errors
were made in the separations that isolated casein and whey. The test for proteins
performed on the liquid portion from the second separation was negative. This was
expected because it meant that all of the whey was removed from this portion in the
Analysis of Girls Like Us by Rachel Lloyd
This week s reflection is on a book titled Girls Like Us and it is authored by Rachel
Lloyd. The cover also says fighting for a world where girls not for sale . After reading
that title I had a feeling this book was going to be about girls being prostituted at a young
age and after reading prologue I sadly realized I was right in my prediction.

The prologue starts with the description about a girl who likes swimming, SpongeBob,
Mexican food, writing poetry and getting her nails painted. To a normal person this
sounds like a normal description for a little girl but normal is not the adjective to
describe this girl because this little girl has been trafficked (or prostituted) by her 29
year old pimp on Craiglist to adult men. When I read ... Show more content on
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It s just all a sickening thought to me.

There was also Tiffany in the first chapter whose pimp cut her so bad that she had to
have her hair shaved off in order to get some consistency in it. Tiffany did not have a
drug problem but the author talked about how it was hard to find her placement
because she wasn t on drugs so Tiffany turned to drugs so she could receive help. The
thought of someone having to turn to drug just to they could receive help is sad because
it s like what would happen if they were living a normal life that did not involve drugs,
pimps, and johns.

There is another quote that in interesting to me in this book and it is from Jon Stewart
who is an Academy Award Winner and he states You know what I think it just got a
little easier out here for a pimp and that quote says a lot as well because there aren t
very many pimps that do get in trouble for their crimes in my opinion. I read more
about prostitutes and the men trying to pick them up getting arrested than I do pimps.
There was one girl the book who talked about how she got in trouble for killing her
abusive boyfriend yet nothing happened to him. It s an angry thought at how men who
are so evil can get away with it but their victims get in legal trouble.

I am not going to describe every chapter and quote in the book but I will say there is a
lot of information to be learned from this book. I did not know much about child
trafficking prior to sitting down to read this book.
Millionaire Mindset Essay
The millionaire mindset is a powerful thing. It has helped launch careers, multi
national corporations, and big dreams and ambitions. The cool thing about it is that it
s not exclusively for current millionaires. Regular people like me and you can also
harness the power of the millionaire mindset! If you ve been exposed to poverty all
your life, adopting this kind of mindset might be more of a challenge for you. But that s
only because your mind might be more reluctant to think big than for any other reason.
However, with the right attitude, anyone can take on a millionaire mindset! Read this
article and find out just what it is and how it can help you. Tip # 1: Your fate is in your
hands. Millionaires believe that they control their... Show more content on
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Most millionaires ended up being where they are right now because they took a leap
of faith and followed their hunch. Tip # 5: It s always been you. The millionaire
mindset is more internal than external. So all along, it s always been you. You ve
always been the one responsible for your life. And unless you yourself believe in your
own prowess, you ll never really make it all the way to your goal. Don t listen to the
voices around you saying that you can t do it or that you ll never achieve what you
want to achieve. And don t let external factors get in the way of you doing your own
thing as well! Tip # 6: Focus on the positive. The millionaire mindset pushes you to
think positive. There s no room for self doubt or negative thoughts on this bus! When
the monthly electricity bill arrives, for example, don t think about how high your bill
has gotten and how much you have to shell out this month. Instead, think about how
money simply makes its rounds around town and how it will soon find its way back
into your hands again. As you hand over your payment to the collector, think about
how soon you ll see that same amount back in your wallet again! Tip # 7: Be happy. Life
is too short to spend the rest of it as a sour puss. Take a page from the millionaire s
handbook and allow yourself to feel happiness. Being happy opens you up to a lot of
opportunities and new experiences and keeps you going in life. Tip # 8: Be
The Origin Of The Dragon
Jacob Rey
Professor Ellen Oliveira
7 October 2014

Dragons Transformed
Dragon have been predominant in many cultures for centuries. Its function may differ
culture to culture but its identity has become a universal symbol; we all have the dragon
in common. Dragons are everywhere and appear to be the most documented creature in
all of ancient history, second to that of the human being (Isaacs 19). These magnificent
creatures like any other monster have an origin. Scholars, however, debate the origin of
the dragon pointing to several aspects; diffusion and conception from other biological
organisms. Is there a definite origin of the dragon? This debate has sparked another
simply because it appears that the dragon s identity ... Show more content on
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The origin of dragons is a well debated topic and there seems to be numerous origins
however, because the dragon appears in many cultures and because the dragon belief
shares so many similarities, Smith argues the dragon must have a common origin (Blust
519). This then raises the question as to how this could be possible especially when
there exists a diverse plethora of cultures throughout the world and many geographical
locations. This has baffled many including psychologist C. G. Jung, which suggests that
dragons are archetypes, or symbols acquired in the past and genetically transmitted for
ages as an innate property of the human mind (519). This is an interesting approach,
however, there still remains others that must also be discussed; the diffusion of the idea
of the dragon and the inspiration by biological organisms.
Diffusion is the common explanation to explain the extent to which cultures come to the
general consensus on the identity of the dragon. Smith explains that the dragon was a
creation of the Egyptian priesthood and from Egypt spread to the Near East, Europe,
India, China and Mesoamerica (521). This process of diffusion did not occur at a rapid
pace but rather a slow one that took many centuries through contact made during trade.
There is evidence to support this claim made by Smith, as the first basic
Examples Of Gross Profit Costings
Based on the ABC data below are the gross profit margins for each product produced.

ABC is short for activity based costing. Companies follow a two stage process when
allocating indirect costs using ABC. The first stage entails assigning costs to pools based
on the activities that cause the costs to be incurred. The second stage involves allocating
the costs in the activity costs pools to products through the use of a variety of cost
drivers. Furthermore, activity based costing generates a suitable allocation since it
disperses the applicable overhead costs to the appropriate products. Also, it enhances
precision in ascertaining the costs of products and services. Therefore, it calls attention to
the need to acquire a better ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
With the ABC system, there is a variety of cost drivers used. Thus, a different cost
driver is used for each category of overhead cost. Furthermore, with the ABC system, a
larger amount of overhead costs are allocated to OS 367. Therefore, since OS 367
utilizes greater proportions of some of the resources than other products, the overhead
costs for those categories are allocated to OS 367 in larger amounts. Hence, the total
overhead cost per unit increased for OS 367 (Edmonds et al., 2011).
Furthermore, traditional costing does not classify the specific overhead charges or
resource used to fabricate a specific product and distributes costs by assigning average
overhead rates. However, ABC categorizes specific activities employed for producing
each individual product and allocates them based on their consumption of resources.
Drilling Innovations used traditional costing, which in turn, caused them to assign
overhead based on machine hours and ignore other overhead activities used to produce
each product. However, by using ABC, the costs were allocated based on the activities
used to produce each individual drilling head. Therefore, the cost was more accurately
spread based on the overhead consumption of each product individually. Costs that were
incurred to produce OS 367 were being allocated to GS 157 and HS 241 with the
traditional costing method. Once
Aristotle s Book One Essay
Aristotle s focus in the beginning of Book One is partnerships, he takes it from the
simple being to a man and woman partnership to villages coming together to create a
city. Aristotle is similar to Locke in their belief that man is ruled first by themselves, he
says the mind is the naturally ruling and naturally mastering element. (Aristotle 36; 32)
On the same topic, Locke says in the state of nature man is equal, it is only in the laws
of government where inequality exist. (Locke 8) Both men also agree that it is a
necessity to have the relationship of the man and woman for the sake of reproduction.
Later in Book One Aristotle expands on these partnerships between men and women; in
their purest form men and women come together to make communities, which together in
the end comes to form cities.... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
It is what allows man to be made into a society. Aristotle continues on to say the city
belongs among other the other things that exist by nature, and man is by nature a
political animal (Aristotle 37; 1 3) This means that man has reason and with that reason
man is going to make a form of government. Since this government is created by the very
people it rules over this government should be just. In chapter 11, Locke the first and
fundamental natural law is the establishment of the government by the commonwealth.
(Locke 69) This is evidence that both men believe that in state of nature man is logical
enough to come together and form a sense of
Fracking Research Paper
Fracking is one step in the process to retrieve oil and gas from that has been trapped in
rock formation underground for millions of years. Having access to layers in the earth
that tradition methods could not reach, allows us to access natural gas that couldn t
be reached. It is often used in horizontal drilling so extract as much as possible. A vast
majority of wells that will be drilled for either oil or gas will receive fracking
treatment. There is a fluid used in the fracking procedure that is pumped into the rock
layer of the earth and it helps to relieve pressure on the rock so that way gas and oil can
flow through it more easily. There has been great concern about the fluids being pumped
into the earth and contaminating the water sources. Livescience.com states The vertical
well is then encased in steel and/or cement to... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Companies donate large sums of money to help improve the area to remodel and grow.
Increasing the number of wells being drilled produces more jobs for local people or
others around the area. Without drilling for oil and gas our country would result in
buying them from other countries and would cost Americans more money for those
resources in the long run. Right now natural gas is cheaper in the U.S. than anywhere in
the world. Forbes.com states The incredibly powerful combination of fracking and
horizontal drilling has sent U.S. natural gas supplies through the roof and prices
through the floor ( Why U.S. Natural Gas Prices Will Remain Low ). People may state
that when companies are burning off excess gas that may have been consumed the air
is being polluted, but burning of the gas actually decreases levels of contaminating the
air. When burning the gas less levels of carbon dioxide are released into the air which
actually will help slow global warming down. Without having oil and gas we would not
be able to have some of the things we need to use
Asthma Persuasive Speech
Introduction Have you ever had any trouble breathing in your life? No? Well consider
yourself lucky. Breathing is an essential thing to life. You don t breathe, you don t live.
That s just the way it is. When you breathe in, the lungs take that oxygen and release
the carbon dioxide as a waste product into the atmosphere. This is what keeps the body
regulated and gets the metabolism going. The process of aspiration is an ongoing
phenomenon. Everyone is constantly breathing in and out because our lungs can only
take in so much oxygen. We constantly breathe more and more to live. Now what if
something were to go wrong with your lungs? What is you were to get some kind of
disease that would affect the way you breathe forever. Some diseases can be
tuberculosis, pneumonia, and lung cancer but I will be focusing on some of the more
well known and common ones like asthmaand bronchitis. They occur in the lungs and
the bronchial tubes and can both be controlled and treated. But why is it still so scary to
have these diseases? It is crazy because it has been found that 1 in 7 deaths in the United
States are from breathing disorders. These diseases are the third leading causes of death
in the United States. Asthma is a disease which affects the airways of the lungs, causing
a kind of wheezing whenever an individual breathes, coughing, and you would run out of
breathe a lot quicker than an individual without asthma. The
Personal Statement For Purpose For A Doctor Of Pharmacy
As a person with keen interest and enthusiasm towards the field of Doctor of Pharmacy,
fascinated by the innovations and discoveries in this field, I have always wanted to
participate in the march towards excellence in the field of science and be a cog, albeit
small, significant in the wheel of scientific evolution. I choose to major in this Field with
an intense urge to delve deeper into this challenging field.
The predilection I had towards the subject of Biology has led me to pursue Doctor of
Pharmacy. Graduation Program has been a period of self development and self
realization where
I enjoyed my study in Doctor of Pharmacy, Mallareddy College of Pharmacy (Osmania
University), as it gave me an opportunity to interact with a strong faculty and students of
high caliber. Interaction and organization of different awareness programs during the
period of internship made me to interact and counsel people to protect and promote
health, and prevent disease and injury. I was fascinated by the meticulous efforts that
address the physical, mental and environmental health concerns of communities and
populations, and was galvanized to learn more about it. This has entrenched my passion
of making a career in the field of Public Health.
A Glance on my schooling:
Everything has a beginning and an end. For me, the start was provided at Geeta School,
Hyderabad, India where I did my schooling. This beginning has provided me a strong
foundation in Science on which I am here now. I was
Women In The Jacobean Era
Women in the Jacobean era were still viewed as the property of their male superiors;
their lives were determined by their fathers, brothers and husbands who dictated their
rights and freedoms. Shakespeare depicts this reality in many of his plays. He uses the
female characters in his plays Othello and Antony and Cleopatra to explore the function
and roles of women within societies and worlds controlled by military engagement and
war. In societies where the warrior and men with military prowess govern, women are
left to deal with the consequences. Unable to hold positions of power or authority, they
are subjugated and left to endure the ramifications of men s actions and decisions.
Tragically, the femalecharacters in Othello and Antony and... Show more content on
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Throughout the play, Desdemona displays nothing but obedience to Othello,
following his every order even as he grows cold and violent towards her, banishing her
to her room. Further, Emilia demonstrates the same obedience to Iago as she steals the
handkerchief from Desdemona and assists Iago in turning Othello against his wife.
Both Desdemona and Emilia, however, are destroyed by their initial disobedience;
Desdemona s betrayal of her father in marrying Othello, even for love, causes Othello
to see her as a deceptive, disobedient wife which leads him to kill her while Emilia
finally disobeys Iago and tells Othello of Desdemona s innocence, causing Iago to kill
her. Shakespeare uses the deaths of Desdemona and Emilia to show the suffocating
constraints of a society driven by violence and war on women beyond their roles.
Similarly, Shakespeare uses Desdemona s sexuality and the brazen depiction of her
unconventional sexuality to again explore how a male dominated world cannot accept
the sexual nature of women. Desdemona speaks openly and publicly about her affection
for her husband, pleading with the Duke to allow her to accompany Othello to Cyprus
The WorldВґs Demand of Fossil Fuels
The world s demand of fossil fuels is slowly diminishing by the growing use of biofuels.
May it be ethanol or biodiesel its one step closer to a greener earth. From peanut oil to
bark, science is being done to convert plants into energy.
Creation of Biofuel Some might think that biofuels are new but they have been in use
ever since man discovered fire. Wood is a solid biofuel used for cooking and heating. The
types of biofuels are solid gas and liquid. The most common is liquid made popular by
the automobile industry as a source of fuel.Biofuel is a fuel that contained energy from
once living organisms. Biofuel is created by biomass conversion. Biomass is recently
deceased organisms. These recently deceased organisms are converted into a substance
called biomass that contains the energy. The biomass will be converted into a fuel using
one of these methods: thermal conversion, chemical conversion and biochemical
conversion. Thermal conversion is also known as thermal depolymerization, a process
using high heat to produce biofuel. Chemical conversion uses various chemicals to
produce biofuel. Finally, biochemical conversion uses enzymes, microbes, and catalysts
to make biofuel.
Generations of Biofuel The two generations of biofuels. The first generation is
commonly known as biofuels made from sugar, starch or vegetable oil. These would be
ethanol, biodiesel, methanol, butanol, green diesel, vegetable oil, biogas and syngas.
Second gen biofuels are also known as
The Escape of a Modern Housewife in Kate Chopin s The...
The Escape of a Modern Housewife She could only realize that she herself her present
self was in some way different from the other self (Chopin 67). The Awakening by
Kate Chopin is a compelling story of a woman who is awakened from the miserable
duties of a housewife and mother to a woman who falls in love and finds herself. This
story is not to judge a womanfor having an affair with her husband, but it is to make the
reader fall in love with this woman named Edna and go with her on her journey of
finding herself. Edna is an extraordinary character in The Awakening, and it makes the
reader see the basis of independence, and also giving the reader his or her own journey
and reflection of their own life throughout the novel. The... Show more content on
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Robert s love changed her life and makes it complete, and without him there would be
no awakening for her. Life and death are based on this novel, figuratively Edna
awakens from her dull, dependent life to and independent, always changing life. This is
an example of the first time Edna awakens from her dull life: For the first time she
recognized anew the symptoms of infatuation which had felt incipiently as a child, as a
girl in her earliest teens, and later as a young woman (Chopin 75). Literally the novel
deals with death when Edna commits suicide and figuratively she s already dealt with
death by being married to her husband before she awakens into a new life. She grew
daring and reckless, overestimating her strength. She wanted to swim far out, where no
woman had swum before (Chopin 47) is a quote that pertains to an implicit and explicit
belief. The quote s literal context tells you that Edna wanted to swim in the ocean farther
than any other woman had ever done, and she became taunted with the idea of doing so.
But the figurative context of this quote is that she wanted to escape the duties of being a
wife and mother, she no longer wanted to be a modern woman. There was a difference in
her thinking than others, and she was determined to find it and be independent no matter
what her mental strength was. In this quote Good by
Comparison Of Blake s Songs Of Innocence And Songs Of...
When regarding the different options I had in comparing two of the works we have
already read this semester, my mind automatically went to William Blake s Songs of
Innocence and Songs of Experience. Blake s examination of the duality of a single
subject s nature lends itself perfectly to a close reading such as this. When looking at
the different options available to me in Blake s volumes, Holy Thursday (both the
Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience versions) demonstrated this duality
clearly. The subject in Holy Thursday stays the same, however, the nature of the
subject is drastically different in each poem. In both Songs of Innocence and Songs of
Experience, the poem titled Holy Thursday occurs on Holy Thursday. This was a
special service at St. Paul s Cathedral in London, which was held on the first Thursday
in May. The tradition started in 1782, and this special service was held for the poorest
children in London. These children would be brought to the church by their parish
officers, serving approximately six thousand children. Both poems focus on this
procession of children to the cathedral, describing the state of the children and the
varying attitudes towards the event itself. These varying attitudes are what divides these
poems that are so similar in content to two drastically different creations. In Songs of
Innocence, Holy Thursday opens with a picture of a bright, cheery, and exciting event.
Blake chooses crisp and clear language to describe the
What Is Jerry s Symbolism In Through The Tunnel
JERRY s CHALLENGE Tunnels can be strange for some people, but seeing a tunnel at
the bottom of the ocean is very strange for Jerry. Jerry is on a vacation with his mother
and goes out every morning to the rocks diving and swimming with the older kids
throughout the day. Doris lessingdescribes Jerry as a kid who challenges himself against
a strange looking tunnel in her story Through The Tunnel through the use of symbolism
in the setting, the trip through the tunnel and the wild bay. The safe beach symbolises
Jerry s connection with his mother. It s the only place outside their home they can be
together. Jerry prefers having fun alone without his mother rather than with her. The
safe beach also symbolises a safe place for Jerry because he s with his mother. Of
course Jerry, when you have had enough, come to the big beach (Lessing, 3). This quote
explains Jerry not wanting to go to the usual bach with his mother. The rocks symbolise
Jerry s... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
He was frightened. Supposing he turned dizzy in the tunnel? Supposing he died there
trapped? Supposing his head went around?, in the hot sun, he almost gave up (Lessing,
4).. Jerry had asked himself this questions because he was scared of what might happen
if he decides to go through the tunnel. So, going through the tunnel symbolise Jerry
facing his fear. He knew he must find his way through that cave , or hole, or tunnel out
the other side. First he thought he must learn to control his breathing (Lessing, 4).. This
helps describe the kind of challenge Jerry put himself by going through that tunnel. Jerry
s trip through the tunnel symbolise a big challenge young jerry had because he felt going
through the tunnel will make him a good diver and swimmer like the older
Truman Show Reasoning
In the movie The Truman Show the first way of knowing which is used that I will
explain is Logic. Logic is an immense part of this film. The definition of logic is
reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity . Truman
uses reasoning to figure out that someone does not want him to find out the truth
regarding the world he lives in. When he sees a man who resembles his father who
died he believes that its him but soon the man who is father is taken away from him.
He uses logic to believe that something is wrong. Another example to further enhance
this theme is the radio in Truman s car which details his every move which he was
making. At the end of the film Truman logically thought about his decision to leave
and knew that it was a far better reason to live a life free from barriers and live a life
that is truly his own. Furthermore, another way of knowing that is present in the movie
is memory. Memory is what haunts Truman while thinking of sailing on water as it is
what lead to the demise of his father . Memory allows Truman to reminisce over the past
regarding Lauren Garnend (his lost love). It is due to this memory which permits Truman
to figure... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Authority is vastly used throughout the film mainly by the creator of the world which
Truman resides in, Christoph. Authority is defined as the power or right to give orders,
make decisions, and enforce obedience. A reason enforcing the of the use of authority
is that Christoph commands over every little detail which goes on in Truman s life
mainly from where he can and can not go to who he meets. He has full charge of what
goes on in the show. For example, he controls the weather or preceding that he controls
the sun to rise earlier than usual as he loathes the idea of Truman knowing the truth
which has been hidden from him all
Review Of The Collector By John Fowles Essay
Jean Roxanne Santa Cruz
Paul Kintzele
English 4313 13794
Dec. 12, 2016
The effects of education in The Collector In John Fowles novel The Collector, education
is used to distinguish the differences between the main characters; Fred and Miranda.
The education level of the characters correspond with their family, class, and power. Fred
had a great amount of loss and struggles in his childhood. The lack of encouragement and
closeness with his family affected his interest in higher education and mental stability.
Miranda on the other hand has her share of family struggles but unlike Fred she grew
up in a better home with well educated parents of an upper middle class. Their
educational differences led them to learn different things about one another and their
surroundings. With Miranda, education plays a role on how she is in her relationship
with Fred, G.P, and how both relationships have similarities. Some people may argue
that being educated can come in two forms; formal education and life experiences.
Being educated means to have learned a skill and knowledge that can be used
throughout life (Gaff 4). Everyone is educated in some way, some people are just better
educated than others. Different people will acknowledge that an educated person has
other concepts than formal education (Pring 10). Miranda expresses formal education
considering her social class, family background, and as an art major. Fred exhibits being
educated through life experiences; works at the county
How Did The Odessa Steps Sequence Influence The Theory
Kal Bur
How did The Odessa Steps sequence influence the theory of montage in film?
The Battleship Potemkin, is a soviet film directed by Sergei Eisenstein in 1925. Sergei
Eisenstein was a brief student at The Kuleshov Workshop, which was a class run by
Soviet filmmaker, Lev Kuleshov at the
Moscow Film School. The school was established in 1919, and is the world s first film
The Kuleshov Workshop explored the effects of juxtaposition in film, and how sequential
shots convey a specific meaning. Kuleshov and his students analyzed many films for
research, and one of them in particular was the most influential film in Russia during
1916, Intolerance directed by D. W. Griffith.
A whole year later in 1920, the Kuleshov effect was found, and its theory was to identify
how the order of images can change an audience s perception. Kuleshov discovered that
depending on how shots are assembled the audience will attach a specific meaning or
emotion to it (The Kuleshov Experiment http://www.elementsofcinema.com/editing
/kuleshov effect, 2016). Alfred Hitchcock s 1960 film Psycho is an example of this
trope, as the audience s comprehension of the shower scene is predominantly
psychological, and is determined by the ordering of images and sound, not the actual
After the success of Sergei Eisenstein s first full length feature film, Strike in 1920, he
was commissioned by the Soviet government to make a film commemorating the
historical uprising of the revolution in 1905,
Ebola Disease Occurs In Humans And Nonhuman Primates
Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) is a severe and often fatal disease that can occur in humans
and nonhuman primates (such as monkeys and gorillas). The outbreaks of EVD occur
predominantly in remote villages in Central and West Africa, near tropical rainforests and
where contact with animals is more likely to take place. EVD is transmitted into the
human population through close contact with the blood, secretions, organs or other
bodily fluids of infected animals (typically nonhuman primates and fruit bats). Once a
human is infected it spreads in the community through skin to skin contact, direct contact
with the bodily fluids of an infected individual, or contact with environments that are
contaminated with such fluids. The incubation ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net
Diagnosing Ebola in an individual who has been infected for only a few days is
difficult, as the early symptoms such as a skin rash and fevers are nonspecific to the
Ebola virus and are seen often in patients with more commonly occurring diseases. This
can cause the virus to develop so much that it can no longer be treated and the high
death toll is a direct result of this. Death of Ebola victims usually occurs during the
second week of Ebola symptoms and is mostly due to extreme blood loss.

Pathogenesis of Ebola

Treatment of Ebola
The standard treatment for Ebola is still limited to supportive therapy as no vaccines are
yet available for clinical use. The supportive therapy consists of balancing the patient s
fluids and electrolytes, maintaining the patient s oxygen status and blood pressure, and
treating the patient for any complicating infections. Treatment from the day the virus is
contracted is important but extremely challenging due to the fact that Ebola is very
difficult to diagnose in its early stages of infection. However, if a person has the early
symptoms of Ebola and there is reason to believe that Ebola should be considered it is
extremely important that the patient is isolated
Visual Aspects Of The Graphic Design
As a creative minded person, I enjoy viewing the world through all its visual aspects.
Whether the things I notice are inanimate objects or breathing beings, I take locations,
mediums, and other minute details into consideration when committing them to memory.
I think as an up and coming media artist it is important to utilize your surroundings
with your creations. The details that I notice may inspire me in my own personal works
as well as those that I create for others. Everyday experiences influence the style and
techniques I chose to include or experiment within my works. The process of semiotics
is constantly in practice as I explore and study the world around me.
As for the few works that I have made regarding my major of graphic ... Show more
content on HelpWriting.net ...
Though this project was created as an assignment for my making class, much of my own
thought and imagination went into it as the requirements and expectations were vague.
Likewise, although this piece is not graphic design nor digitally created, I feel that this is
one my best works that utilized a distinctive thought process and showcases my artistic
style. (This is a photo of the project):

When first introduced to this project the only requirements addressed were that four
objects with one serving as a container were to be created and become a portrait of any
person. The other requirement was the one had to be constructed out of metal, other than
that one could create anything they felt was necessary. I chose Frida Kahlo as the subject
of my portrait as she was and is an iconic artist that I find very intriguing. I had already
been aware of Kahlo and several of her works before this specific assignment, her
complicated history, and continual persistence served as my inspiration source. I was
inspired by Kahlo for this portrait since she has made several self portraits within her
lifetime and developed her unique personalities striving as an independent female artist.
I felt the need to utilize the opportunity to create an atypical piece in admiration of the
unique individual. The objects of the portrait are made up of a hand painted flower pot
displaying Frida s face in a traditional Mexican style, a handcrafted monkey, a
Benefits of Attending Boarding School for the Arts
Some might ask why anyone would even begin to want to leave home for something
like high school. Why would you leave your home, your friends, your family? It is
indeed a good question, one which I will answer in this essay. The most important
reason I want to go to boarding school is for the arts. Don t get me wrong; I love my
school. It is an arts magnet school, of course, and does have a partial emphasis on them,
but I want to go somewhere where the whole school is focused on what I love to do
most: perform. At GCHS, 70% of the students I ve met only care about sports. It s
difficult to feel passionate about something you love when everyone just shoots it down
for important things. Of course, the administration aren t like that, but... Show more
content on HelpWriting.net ...
The class selection is more diverse as well. Recently, they brought in a new class that
essentially allows students to play detective : Forensic science. Finally, there s one big
difference between public school and boarding school: Saturday classes. Walnut Hill has
weekly Saturday classes, which take place during Saturday morning. This gives you
even more time to learn, also less free time, but it keeps you busy you re always
engaged, always learning, and never bored. Most boarding school classes operate very
differently from those at public school. At public school, your teachers get tired of
you trying to engage them with multiple questions they re there to teach, gosh dang it,
not listen to students and their stupid ramblings. At boarding school, the class
structure is much less like a lecture hall and much more like a conference meeting:
everyone offers input and it s nearly impossible for you to remain silent and
unengaged. This means that you won t end up like the guy in front of me in geometry
who simply sits and scrolls Facebook because no one has enough time to just sit and
discuss his issues and grades with him. Boarding school also contains incredible
resources. A weight room, swimming pool, fully stocked library, and amazing theatre
facilities are some of the ones at Walnut Hill. Because you have such great resources, it
s not difficult for one to find a good accelerated reader book for English class, nor is it
difficult to read up on that new
Essay about European Colonialism and Imperialism
How were the Europeans able to conquer and control large areas of the globe? What
gave them a great advantage over other groups? The proximate cause of this advantage
was their possession of guns, germs, and steel. But how is it that they possessed these
things and others did not? Ultimate causes of the Europeans possession of these guns,
germs, and steel could be Divine Providence. People at the time thought that God favored
the Europeans over other groups. Another ultimate cause could have been Scientific
Racism. Other people believed that the Europeans were genetically superior to the other
regions of the world. Now, because of Jared Diamond s thesis, we can conclude that the
ultimate cause of European colonialism and imperialism... Show more content on
HelpWriting.net ...
Africa had 51 candidates but none of them could be domesticated. In the Americas, there
were 24 candidates but only 1 was domesticated. In Australia, there was only 1 candidate
and they could not domesticate it. Even though there were many of candidates for
domestication in areas other than Eurasia, most of those animals just simply couldn t
be domesticated. It was not because of the cultures in these places, it was because the
animals had to fit under certain requirements. They had to be the right size, have an
easy diet, have a stable growth rate, and have a pleasant disposition. For example, an
elephant could not be domesticated because it takes a long time for the elephant to
reach its full size. Also, a zebra could not be domesticated because it would violently bite
and, zebras in general, were too hard to domesticate. Again, we have a clear example of
geographic luck. Disease gave Europe a large advantage when conquering wide expanses
of land around the globe. South Africans and Australian Aborigines had no domesticated
animals. They didn t form any immunity to European diseases because they did not live
in close proximity with any non domesticated animals. However, Europeans had lived
with domesticated farm animals for thousands of years. The diseases of the Europeans
came from farm animals but immunities formed over time. The Native Americans, South
Africans, and Australian Aborigines did not have any immunity to disease like the
Europeans did. The
What Is An Extended Metaphor Used In The Book Wild By...
While ,Cheryl Strayed s writing uses ad extended metaphor to represent her self
discovery in nature; Bill Bryson depends on using similes to describe his love for
nature and his experience on how he wants to becomes a mainly man ; since this is the
case, they try to portray their reasoning for going in the woods and going on difficult
trails. In Cheryl Strayed s book Wild, Strayed writes in the first person about her
reasoning for going into the wild. In the beginning, the author gives the reader her
present state. After she gives the reader a glimpse of her past life she starts to uses an
extended metaphor of how her life is compared to her present state. Strayed has lost
her boot, my boot was gone. Actually gone . The boot represents her mother passing
years before. Cheyl still has the other boot on, then thosses it, I lifted it high and threw
it will all my might . Her tossing the other boot resembles her throwing her step father
and siblings out of her life, which she did after her mother s passing. Cheryl uses an
extended metaphor to show how her past life... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
In Bryson s story ,A Walk in the Woods Bryson uses similes, imagery and humor to
describe his reasoning of going in to the woods. A Walk in the Woods has a tone of
reverent which corresponds with his desire to venture into the woods. Bryson compares
the Appalachian Mountains to a grandfather, The AT is the granddaddy of long hikes .
By his comparison of the Appalachian Mountains to a grandfather gives the reader that
mountains to him was like a matriarch of a family that was the foundation to all hikes
that came after it. Another example of Bryson s use of similes is when he compares
himself to a cupcake , in other words a womanish man that has never seen nature, I would
no longer feel like a cupcake . Bryson uses all this examples to inform the reader of his
choice to venture onto woods and why that would make him a tougher
Diversity The Workplace
Diversity is an essential aspect when it comes to productivity in a workplace. Having
multiple types of people with an assortment of different backgrounds can be very
rewarding when coming up with ideas and reasoning business plans. In order to be
successful you must be able to look at things from many different perspectives and
understand how each decision effects different individuals. Having an assorted group of
people on a team can provide inside advice from many different socioeconomic, cultural,
and racial perceptions of how things are and how they think they should be. Not only will
this make your businessmore successful, it will also open your mind to new traditions
and cultures that you have never been exposed to. Diversity is what makes America great
and is the foundation of our changing world.
Each individual on a diverse team utilizes their strengths and brings something different
to the table that no one else can offer. Diversity can help organizations identify and
capitalize on opportunities to improve products and services, inspire and utilize ... Show
more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Diversity cultivates a setting that appreciates people s differences and exploits the
potential of all a business s workforce. It is now unlawful to not employ a worker due to
race, age, or gender. In order to produce a philosophy that backs diversity, your
management must be committed and have education with training. You must sufficiently
control workforce and organizational requirements for making a diverse workplace. Find
out what your employees are worried about and then management can arrange a focus
group to help determine how to solve those problems. Administrative and management
commitment is vital for diversity efforts. High ranking management must deliver
leadership through example and be disciplined at all
How accurate is it to say that the growth of reformist...
How accurate is it to say that the growth of reformist groups in the years from 1881 was
the main cause of the 1905 revolution

There were a number of reformist groups from 1881. Key examples of these were groups
such as the Kadets, the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks. All three of these groups had
slightly different aims. But all of them wanted something in common and that was
change in Russia. Therefore as we clearly see reformist parties did put a large amount of
pressure on Russia and on the Tsarist government. But on the other hand there were a
number of other important factors that I believe where largely involved in causing the
1905 revolution. The factors I intend to include are: The large amount of social and
economic problems, ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
This led to instability in the government and resulted in people seeing reformist groups
as an easy way to create change. And therefore people resulted in violence and uprisings
put pressure on the Tsar creating a tense revolutionary ready Russia.

Another key reformist group was the social democrats they were created in 1898 and
believed strongly in western ideas and Marxism. The group also wanted a society that
gave power to workers and peasants. Which was the opposite of the Tsar s views.
Therefore in order to achieve this they would need a revolution in Russia and a change
in the government. Similar to the socialist revolutionists they believed that creating
violence was the best way to achieve this. But in 1905 it split into two groups these
were known as the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks. These groups created large
widespread unrest to created political change. As we can see the violence and unrest
caused by these groups would ve pressured the Tsar and therefore are a main cause of the

There were also the Liberals in Russia. They were later split up into the Octoborists and
the Kadets. The liberals were made up of the middle class who wanted political freedom
for Russia and also wanted to see Russia develop along the lines of
The Squire s Tale Series Essay
The Squire s Tale Series is a series of novels by renowned children s author Gerald
Morris. The series of novels are a contemporary retelling of the Arthurian legends and
include many of the characters that make an appearance in the legends. Sir Gawain
one of the most popular characters in the legends and his squire Terence who is author
Morris s creation are characters in all of his books. For the most part, each novel in the
series is a narrative following onArthurian legend and the different character though he
sometimes blends two or more stories in the writing of one novel. For instance, The
Ballad of Sir Dinadan features a protagonist whose experiences mirror the narratives of
Tristram and Isolde and those of Culwch and Olwen. With so many characters, Morris
rotates the character even though the themes of the novels remain similar from novel to
novel. All of the novels have a different lead character except for the first two that have
the lead as Terence Sir Gawain s squire. The series is noted for having amazing humor
and given the fact that Gerald Morris is an expert of the Arthurian legends, the stories
have a... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
His fortunes change when strange green sprite appears to him and guides him to Gawain
who is King Arthur s nephew. Gawain is heading to Camelot where he is to be
knighted and needs a squire. Trevisant had long ago seen his charge serving as squire
to Gawain and hence he asks Terence to follow the prince and become his squire. Thus
begins an adventure filled tale for Terence as his life is now has to fight envious men,
and fight damsels in distress all in the service of his lord and king. Along the way, he
finds new magic skills, which he comes to learn, are a gift from his long dead parents.
Using his magical abilities, he tries to find answers to the questions about his past while
his lord Sir Gawain pursues the quest to be named a
Barbara Fietchie Quotes
Barbara Frietchie was a very important person in our history because she showed people
that they should stand up for what they believe in. Barbara Frietchie showed many
people that you should stand up for your beliefs no matter how hard you have to work
for it. Barbara Frietchie showed us through her acts of bravery, loyalty, and dedication to
her country.
To begin with, Barbara Frietchie showed many acts of bravery to her country by saying
that she would rather die than have her flag disrespected. Bravery is an important part of
this story because it can show many people that they can stand up for anything that they
believe in. This shows people that you can accomplish anything as long as you stand up
for what you believe in. Barbara Frietchie ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Barbara Frietchie showed dedication to her country by not taking her flag down when
the army on the other side told her to take the flag down. Even though they threatened
to shoot her, she still stood up for what she believed in. Barbara Frietchie showed
dedication to her country because she showed the military that she was not afraid to
die for her country, she said that she would rather die than have her country s flag
disrespected. Barbara Frietchie showed dedication to her country because even though
her window was shot out, she still did not let her flag hit the ground because she did
not want her country s flag to be disrespected. Dedication is very important because it
could show other people to be more dedicated to their country, and to stand up for what
they believe in. To conclude with, Barbara Frietchie was very dedicated to her country
because she was not afraid to die for what she believed
Albert Camus Protagonist
In The Stranger by Albert Camus, the main protagonist Meursault is a sociopathic half
man half robot who smokes cigarettes, shoots people, and represents the dark
subconscious of people who are afraid to admit it. As written in the novel, The sky was
already filled with light. The sun was beginning to bear down on the earth and it was
getting hotter by the minute. I don t know why we waited so long before getting
under way. I was hot in my dark clothes [...] it was inhuman and oppressive. Meursault
is the narrator of his own farcical tales, that are told in a deathly honest and detached
way. He is a very simple man, whose moods are unpleasantly dictated by the powers of
nature, and a man who will not accept God or any aphorism for happiness.
Criteria For Assessment Of Social Media Essay
Identify at least four criteria for assessment of social media. Did the overall attendance
increase due to sm. Did the perception of the college change at all due to sm. Did more
learn about the cosmetology, culinary, and medical programs due to sm. Did more tell
others about the college due to sm. Identify four tools you might use to assess the
success of your Social Media Plan. Facebook Analytics. Analytic tool that tracks data
of members on Facebook. Lasica (2010) LinkedIn Analytics. Analytic tool that tracks
data of members on LinkedIn. Vara (2010) Twitter Analytics. Analytic tool that tracks
data members on Twitter. Lasica (2010) YouTube Analytics. Analytic tool that tracks
data of members on YouTube. Lasica (2010) Some of these tools are free some are
very inexpensive. They track data for different amount of times. For example,
Facebook goes back about a week and LinkedIn about 6 months. If your company is
using YouTube as a channel, you can use the analytics tools that come with YouTube.
Their analysis tools really work and find worthwile data for your company. They even
have an Excel file that can be downloaded and used for free. It only goes back 28 days
however. Mondal (2011) You do have to put some work into these to get the data.
They all seem to have their own analysis tools and many are free so that is great. That
is where I am starting. In the future, I will add more tools as needed. There are others I
selected that are more costly and
Requiem For The Croppies Analysis
Writer Seamus Heaney was born in County Derry, Northern Ireland, 1939. The
beginnings of the Second World War therefore aligned with his upbringing and he was
witness to conflict from a young age. In addition, Northern Ireland was a divided country
which saw disunity within between protestants and catholics but also unionists and
loyalists, with unionists calling for independence against British rule. Requiem for the
Croppies is a poem published in Death of a Naturalist (1966) which primarily deals with
the 1798 Irish Rebellion, an uprising against Britain. Heaney conveys the oppressive
nature of British rule, the mistreatment imposed by such and positions the reader to
empathise with the rebels. He does this through the use of a sonnet structure, rhythm,
inclusive diction, the creation of a binary opposition and multisensory imagery and
figurative language including similes and personification. Thus the poem s aesthetic is
political as it aims to create a sense of nationalism and encourage Irish independence. In
a similar way, Death of A Naturalist (1966) is political in challenging the role of the
Catholic church in Irelandand confrontational in showing the effects of this through the
use of figurative language, metaphors, structure and the formation of a persona.

The aesthetics in Requiem for the Croppies is political in terms of structure as the use of
a sonnet structure helps to convey Irish nationalism and British influence. This is because
a sonnet is traditionally
Surgical Weight Loss
The Brian Allgood Army Community Hospital (BAACH) is committed to your care.
Surgical weight reduction is a major decision and should not be taken lightly.

2. Surgery and Weight Loss:

Obesity surgery helps you lose weight by changing the way your body digests and
absorbs food. Your body digests food to break down what you eat into small pieces of
nutrients. When the pieces are small enough, the cells of your body absorb the nutrients
to give you energy.
Normally, digestion and absorption begin in the stomach, continue through the small
intestine and end in the large intestine, which digests and absorbs what it can and
eliminates the rest as waste. Obesity surgery involves making changes to the stomach and
/or small intestine.

3. There are two main types of obesity surgery;

1) ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
A small stomach pouch is created, and a Y shaped connection is made to the mid small
intestine (jejunum) for malabsorption. The longer the segment of small intestine
bypassed, the greater the malabsorption and the greater the weight loss.
Surgery time: 1.5 2 hours
Hospital stay: 2 3 days
Recovery time: approximately 3 4 weeks
Expect to lose 60 80% of excess body weight over 12 18 months

4. Possible side effects following bariatric surgery:

Nausea and vomiting
Obstruction of stomach or intestine
Acid reflux or ulcers
Hair loss
Dumping syndrome in which food moves too quickly through the small intestine and can
cause nausea, weakness, sweating, faintness, and sometimes diarrhea after eating. There
can be an inability to eat sweets without severe weakness and sweating.

5. After Surgery:
Lifestyle adjustments Lifelong use of nutritional supplements such as vitamins, vitamin
B12, vitamin D, and calcium may be necessary.
Surgical follow up: Physical, nutritional, and metabolic counseling are needed to prevent
nutritional deficiencies.

6. Point of Contact for this information

Tribal Mentality In Sports
Ever since the beginning of mankind, humans have resorted to grouping themselves
together to, at all costs, achieve a common goal. From hunting and surviving together in
prehistoric times to the more modern, such as joining together with others to form an
exercising group, tribal mentality has had a pivotal role in the development of society.
Now, tribal mentality in sports clubs has recently garnered a significant amount of
attention in the media because some critics have lamented that this mentality has been
linked with unnecessary conflicts and aggression in the sports community. This is simply
not true. As usual when debating a matter of high controversy, one must take a step back
to analyze the whole picture. Therefore, in order to understand why a tribal mentality has
positive effects, one must first look at why some individuals may believe otherwise....
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Furthermore, it is commonly believed that cult like exercise groups are harmful to the
physical development of individuals since they stop people from opening their minds to
other rhythms and forms of exercise and may also lead to petty conflicts. For instance, in
the world of American football, in high school, members of the team usually get in
disagreements with members of other sports clubs and, if it is deemed necessary by the
coach, someone may get cast of the team if they start to show more interest and
commitment to other clubs or activities. In their world, you are either with them or
against them. While this may be true, a tribal mentality promotes support and dedication
among a group of people that may otherwise not be connected by anything other than the
time they spend together playing a
The Importance Of Sex Education
With the end of World War II, not only did America see the rise of the teenager as a
consumer category, as well as, an increase in films as educational tools in the classroom,
but also a shift in sex education. This era demonstrates a transition from moral/ethical
interpretations of sex education commonly taught within the home or church during the
early 1900s toward more accurate, biological interpretations of sex taught within the mid
century classrooms. This is evident from an educational health circular from 1940: High
Schools and Sex Education, which note that as conditions change and as knowledge
expands it becomes necessary for the school to assist the home more and more in its
educational functions. This health circular explains that WWII resulted in less time for
mothers to devote toward educating their children and subsequently schools became
vessels for home economics and sex education curricula.
Another trend in sex education of the 1940s, was a shift in focus that addressed not only
educating children about the physical changes to their body, but the mental ones as well.
Again, the Educational Health Circular No. 101 stated that it is necessary to conceive of
education in relation to sex as a phase of character education, or of the education of the
personality of the whole child . This implies that lesson plans also needed to include the
sexual activities/thoughts which came with puberty and thus, educators should assist
youths in transitioning into

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