Abortion Essays Against

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Abortion Essays Against

Writing an essay on the topic of "Abortion Essays Against" presents a unique set of challenges.
Firstly, it requires a delicate balance between expressing personal beliefs and presenting logical
arguments backed by evidence. This topic tends to evoke strong emotions and deeply held
convictions from both proponents and opponents, making it inherently controversial and polarizing.

Crafting an essay against abortion demands thorough research to understand various perspectives,
ethical considerations, legal frameworks, and scientific facts surrounding the issue. It entails
grappling with complex moral questions about the beginning of life, bodily autonomy, women's
rights, and the societal implications of abortion laws.

Moreover, navigating through the vast array of existing literature, studies, religious doctrines, and
cultural attitudes adds another layer of complexity. Ensuring that the arguments presented are
nuanced, respectful, and intellectually rigorous is essential to avoid oversimplification or trivialization
of the topic.

Furthermore, addressing potential counterarguments and anticipating rebuttals is crucial to construct

a compelling and persuasive essay. It requires the writer to engage with opposing viewpoints
thoughtfully while reinforcing their stance with reasoned analysis and compelling evidence.

In conclusion, writing an essay against abortion demands sensitivity, critical thinking, and a deep
understanding of the multifaceted nature of the issue. It involves grappling with moral, ethical, legal,
and societal complexities while maintaining clarity, coherence, and persuasiveness in arguments.

Similar essays and much more can be ordered on HelpWriting.net.

Abortion Essays Against Abortion Essays Against
Advantage And Disadvantage Of Composite Materials
Composite materials (also called composition materials or shortened to composites) are
materials made from two or more constituent materials with significantly different
physical or chemical properties, that when combined, produce a material with
characteristics different from the individual components. The individual components
remain separate and distinct within the finished structure. The new material may be
preferred for many reasons: common examples include materials which are stronger,
lighter or less expensive when compared to traditional materials. In the last decades, the
use of natural fibers as reinforcement in polymeric composites for technical application
has been a research subject of scientist. Interest in natural fibers has increased worldwide
due to their low cost, low density, hardness, higher fatigue endurance, good thermal and
mechanical resistivity and to their environmental friendliness. The Asian markets have
been... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Brown fibres are thick, strong and have high abrasion resistance. White fibres are
smoother and finer, but also weaker. Coconut fibres are commercial available in three
forms, namely bristle (long fibres), mattress (relatively short) and decorticated (mixed
fibres). These different types of fibres have different uses depending upon the
requirement. In engineering, brown fibres are mostly used. There are many general
advantages of coconut fibres e.g. they are moth proof, resistant to fungi and rot, provide
excellent insulation against temperature and sound, not easily combustible, flame
retardant, unaffected by moisture and dampness, tough and durable, resilient, springs
back to shape even after constant use, totally static free and easy to clean. There is a
huge difference in some properties, e.g. diameter of coconut fibres is approximately same
and magnitudes of tensile strength are quite
Impact Of Disaster On The World
Impacts of Disaster It was just a normal day for me. I followed my daily routine. I
woke up, had breakfast and was ready to prepare for my finals. Just when I was
planning tomorrow s schedule, suddenly, I felt a jolt. My whole body trembled and
before I could figure out what was going on, books started to fall from my shelves and
pictures hanging on the walls started falling. When I looked out of my window, the
surrounding area was filled with dirt and smoke. I saw people running in the middle of
the road to save themselves from that disaster. Immediately I ran outside of my room.
Just like myself, my parents and my brother were also running for their life. On the way,
my father lead us towards the back of our house, where there was some empty space to
protect ourselves from the disaster. I had just experienced a devastating 7.8 magnitude
earthquake. I have never thoughtthat a high magnitude earthquake would ever come in
this way. Literally, the whole thing was shaking heavily. Even when we were observing
from outside, the TV antenna on the top of my house was still shaking. The high
magnitude earthquake lasting for long time only lead to one thing: enormous
devastation of my city. All the things happening around me was like in the 2012 movie.
Collapsing tall buildings, and temples along with death of numerous number of peoples
really shocked me. It was difficult for me to figure out what was going on around that
field. I saw people from my
Technology vs Organic Essay example
Humanity s timeline illustrates the past, present and future of human beings;
commencing nearly 200,000 years ago when Homo sapiens first diverged from its
ancestors (Evans,1998). For the next 188,000 years humans were content to forge and
live within the constructs of a hunter gatherer societal organization. Approximately
12,000 years ago agricultural systems began appearing in various places around the
world. An astonishingly short period of time later the Agricultural Revolution
transformed human ecology, social organization, demography, culture, and religion
(Fagan: 2007). Man wholeheartedly embraced the sweeping changes bought on by
agricultureand domestication, which definitely proved key to the long run success of
agriculture and... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
The pronounced change from hunting and gathering to agriculture and domestication can
be simplistically designated the Agricultural or Neolithic Revolution (Pringle:1998). The
catalytic developments of the Neolithic Revolution mark a major turning point in the
history of humankind. The resulting animal and plant domestication established the
foundation on which modern civilization was built. Agriculture is a uniquely human
activity and is perhaps the п¬Ѓrst activity for which humans developed technology.
Technology, understood as the use of farming tools and techniques, is an indispensable
component in agriculture. In the most general sense, technology permits humans to
increase the capture and efficient utilization of solar radiation that drives primary plant
production that is the basis of the human food and п¬Ѓber chain (Porter, Rasmusen:
2009). The steadfast characterization of human nature can be viewed as a historical
constant, while the prevailing woes and dilemmas facing humanity can be viewed as a
contemporary variable. Similarly to an algebraic equation, clever manipulation of the
variable and constant portion can lead to discovering the value of the variable or as in
the case of humanity; it can provide valuable insight on complex problems based on the
past experiences of people who are innately
Why Is Beyonce Important In Houston
The city Houston has a big population of Hispanics and Africans. Since Beyonce was
born in Houston, the city hold a very special place in her heart. In addition, thanks to
everything Houston has provided for Beyonce, she has been able to have many
accomplishments in her life. Beyonce, as a Houstonian, embodies Houstons culture of the
African and Hispanic community in her music by showing African heritage and
collaborating with Hispanic artist.
Beyonce is a well known artist that represents the African diaspora and their goddess in
her music. Houston is a large city with 4.5% of its immigrants being from Africa.
Beyonce acknowledges that in her music, especially in her music videos. This can be
seen throughout many of her songs, in her album
History, Development, and Societal Impact of the Internet
AO2 Drivers for continued development
Advances in technology have encouraged progression of the internet and have sometime
been a drive of development. The advert of broadband has allowed communications to
be faster, which has facilitated the transfer of larger file such as sound and video. This
ability marked the beginning of the modern era of sites such as YouTube and iTunes.
When looking at the technical side, the internet is developing rapidly. The reason for
this would be that the technology today. Such as windows 8, this has appeared on msn
advertisements, which shows us a sneak peak of what is different about it from the
previous windows 7. Because the internet has new ideas that are getting more and more
to a ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Therefore, the internet has a long way to go before meeting the standards. Many years
ago, the political process was not used within the internet. It has been said that the
General Election would become a success if the internet could hold the answer to
solve its problems. However, this does have its disadvantage because the internet could
maybe cause political standards to collapse. Also to the point that Stuart MacLennan
was fired from being a Labour Candidate because of unpleasant posts, he made on
social network site Twitter. However, it had been said that these sort of problems
needed to be dealt with when it comes to the web, because they can come back to bite
you .
Due to the internet growing and increasing more and more by the minute, those political
organizations have tried to deal with it by getting people online to listen; this is because
of the changes that are happening within different communication over the internet. Even
through social network sites like twitter, Facebook had helped Barack Obama to gain
more assistance and supporting with financial support to becoming president of United
States of America in terms of getting more votes. However, is a disadvantage because
when it came to Labour Mr MacLennan s remarks over the network site Twitter and that
this had been the case that had been explained by well acknowledged people that things
within the internet could be easily retrieved once deleted. In addition, those users should
think many times
Nelson Mandela Reflection
When America thinks of Nelson Mandela, they see how intelligent and well aware
Mandela was of his surrounding in this proper country. What many people don t know
about Mandela is that he had no prior knowledge of any of that and he had to learn
everything from the questions he would ask and based everything off the answers he
would receive. According to his quote that stated, Nobody ever sat with me at regular
intervals to give me a clear and connected account of the history of our country of its
geography natural wealth and problems of our culture of how to count to study weights
and measures. Like all Xhosa children I acquired knowledge by asking questions to
satisfy my curiosity as I grew up learnt through experience watching adults and tried to
imitate what they did (Mandela 9). It is very inspiring to audiences reading Mandela s
experience through this life, we see that the more a personstruggles, the stronger they can
end up being. This awakens people s minds to being curious and aware of what is
happening in their countries because they could be the next person making a difference.
It is important to be humble in this cruel world. Mandela really demonstrated this with the
amount of support he showed for the other options in the real world. He was open to new
ideas due to the lack of freedom he had to witness most of his life. This was very
notable in his quote that stated, But I shall neither impose my own customs on others
nor follow any practice which will offend my comrades, especially now that freedom
has become so costly (Mandela 26). With the amount of racism and new freedoms that
our country has been exposed to in our modern world, we need more people trying
their best to make a difference in the world. It s amazing the problem of ignorance that
exists in the American mind can t be diminished easily unlike Mandalas mind. This view
he had is the same view I have and it really inspires to try and convince others around.
Something that I liked reading in Mandela s writings is the raw tone he used. He doesn t
sugar coat anything and he pointed out the mistakes he once made. In one of his quotes
about his early writings and speeches he states, ...I am appalled by their pedantry,
National Organization For Women Essay
It was time for women to take a stand for themselves and others. By creating a voice
women created an organization. The National Organization for Women established hope
for women who have been facing hate and violence throughout their lives.The National
Organization for Women was formed by a group of women who stood up against
discrimination, unfair treatment, and justice for all. With every protest and every
movement it is one step closer for women to achieve equal rights and equality in America.
The founding of the National Organization for Women, included a group of feminist
women who established the National Organization for Women, also known as NOW.
This organization was formed by not one woman, but by twenty eight women who were
willing ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Another major controversy that women are still facing is reproductive rights (National
Organization for Women, 2017).
Some women support the idea of sage and legal abortion. While others even support the
idea of birth control, even though it was conflicted about for many years. Citizens in the
United States protest and announce that women shouldn t abort a child that hasn t been
able to live it s life (National Organization for Women, 2017). The NOW organization is
opposed restriction thought legislation regulation (National Organization for Women,
It s okay to defend for what you believe in. These courageous women took the stand
and fought for women s rights and equality for not just women but for all people (
Who We Are , 2017). The voice that NOW has spread across the globe is being heard
by women in poverty, abuse, and fear. So women still this day are making peaceful
protest for their rights. Also by marches which can be the most active and most
supported movement. With every march or stand it brings more supporters and more
voices for NOW ( Who We Are , 2017). This isn t battling over one issue, it s battling for
everybody s issues ( Who We Are ,
Different Kinds of Terrorism
Different Types of Terrorism: 3 You have probably heard and may have used the word
terrorism. When we did, it had an image in our mind. When other people used the word
(terrorism) they had their own images or meanings for this term. As a result, terrorism
means different things to different people. The nature of terrorismhas changed over the
course of history. Violent activity called terrorism at one point in time was called war.
Liberation or crime in another period of history. The media has come to play an
important part in some forms of terrorism. Religion has come to play and important part
in some forms of terrorism. (Terrorism Homeland Security pg. 3) Terrorism is a
pejorative term. A term that is loaded with negative... Show more content on
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In this context, agro terrorism is defined as the deliberate introduction of an animal or
plant disease with the goal of generating fear, causing economic losses and or
undermining stability. (University of Nebraska Lincoln, website Agro terrorism:
Resources.) Agro terrorism is a subset of the more general issues of terrorism and
bioterrorism. People more generally associate bioterrorism with outbreaks of human
illness (such as from anthrax or small pox) rather than disease first affecting animals or
plants. Agriculture has several characteristics that pose unique problems for managing
the threat. (USDA bio security site) 1). Agricultural production is geographically
disbursed in unsecured environments. (ex. Open fields, and pastures throughout the
countryside). While some

Different Types of Terrorism: 6 livestock are housed in secure facilities, agriculture in

general requires large expanses of land that are difficult to secure from intruders. 2).
Livestock are frequently concentrated in confined locations (ex. Feedlots with thousands
of cattle in open air pens, farms with tens of thousands of pigs or barns with hundreds of
thousands of poultry). Concentration in slaughter, processing and distribution also
makes large scale contamination more likely. 3). Live animals, grain and processed
Ivette Flores JimГ©nez
Ruth Flores JimГ©nez
El presente artГculo trata a cerca de la importancia e impacto que tiene el presupuesto
pГєblico en la economГa, desarrollo y en el nivel de vida de los habitantes de cualquier
paГs, muestra una parte esencial de la polГtica econГіmica; ya que da pauta a las
prioridades y objetivos del gobierno a travГ©s de los montos asignados a sus ingresos y
a sus egresos. El proceso de planificaciГіn presupuestaciГіn es una herramienta
fundamental para que el gobierno formule, discuta, apruebe, ejecute, controle y evalГєe
los resultados de la estructura de la clasificaciГіn del gasto pГєblico en cada uno de los
rubros de tal manera que se ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
3. El presupuesto tiene un peso macroeconГіmico muy evidente en el crecimiento, el
empleo, la inflaciГіn, y la estabilidad. Las polГticas de ingreso y de asignaciГіn del gasto
pГєblico son elementos clave de la polГtica econГіmica: tienen impactos definitivos en
el crecimiento de la economГa y en el desarrollo social; son ademГЎs impactos de largo
alcance. Con particular fuerza en paГses en vГas de desarrollo como MГ©xico, el
presupuesto pГєblico estimula la acumulaciГіn de capital fГsico y la inversiГіn en capital
humano. Por ejemplo, polГticas tributarias y polГticas de gasto son instrumentos
fundamentales para paliar la insuficiencia en el ahorro interno, absorber el costo de la
deuda (interna y externa), contener el alza de precios, mantener la estabilidad
macroeconГіmica y redistribuir el ingreso, a travГ©s de la reasignaciГіn de recursos y
esfuerzos hacia programas sociales educaciГіn, mejora en los servicios de salud,
disminuciГіn de los grados de pobreza, provisiГіn de seguridad pГєblica, creaciГіn de
infraestructura, desarrollo regional, alientos a producciГіn, etc. ., y la inversiГіn en
capital fГsico y humano, motor del desarrollo.
En contrasentido, pero con mayor facilidad, polГticas de ingreso y egresos errГіneas
pueden impactar negativamente a la sociedad.
De acuerdo con la CEPAL, el diseГ±o institucional en el campo fiscal debe responder a
tres objetivos. El primero
Criticism Of Lewis Theory Essay
Like previously mentioned though they re many critics of Lewis theory, many saw
flaws and felt the need to criticism Lewis for these flaws. The first problem that some
find within Lewis theology of animals is his persistence on the existence of the devil
(aka Satan). Lewis is moral convinced that the evil in this world lies in the truth that
some animals live by destroying each other (Linzey). Others are also critical of Lewis
theory because of his idea of animalresurrection, Lewis states that the tamer animals are
in a sense more of a natural animal. Meaning that God has some sort of favor over
them. One woman by the name of Evelyn Underhill said this, of course I agree that
animals too are involved in the Fall and await of redemption... Show more content on
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Lewis seemed to have a countless amount of critics that just seem to have nothing
positive to say about his writings, but yet he seemed to manage and become
successful. Nonetheless there are dozens of options to talk about when Lewis and
writings, not to mention specifically his book series The Chronicles of Narnia that
seemed to be some of his most popular and longest lasting work of his. This might have
to account for some of the reason why there is so much criticism about Lewis work
today. It could just due to the fact that we don t quite understand where Lewis was
coming from. For example the sexism comments made about Lewis writing, maybe we
just don t understand the language and the context of the words. On the other hand I
think that Lewis might have been a head of his time, accounting for many critics during
the time of Lewis s writings. For this turn to the discussion on Lewis animal theory and
how there were definitely parts of his theory that made sense to people back then,
however, there was some parts that just didn t fit into their schemas of that time. Lastly
there might just be criticism because we can t be in Lewis head and understand what he
is trying to say without saying it. An example of this is the debate that continues to this
day, which is in what order are individuals supposed to read the books in The Chronicles
Benefits Of Companion Animals
Anatole France once said, Until one has loved an animal, a part of one s soul remains
unawakened. Everyone who has ever become fond of an animal knows how much one
small aspect of your life can impact so many things. I have a cat and I can honestly
say I would not be the person I am today without her. Unlike human connections,
communication is more difficult due to the fact that animals don t speak English; A
simple glare or rub from an animal means a million times more to most than a well
constructed conversation between peers. Bonding with companion animals will
benefit your overall wellness. According to ASPCA, a companion animal is a
domestic animal that can safely interact with humans physically and emotionally
(Definition of Companion). This means they have been known to work with humans
without being a threat. Wild animals and hybrid mixes are not considered companion
animals due to the fact that they could be dangerous (Species Specific). Common
household pets like guinea pigs, fish, some reptiles, cats, dogs, and other mammals of
a smaller size are examples of valid companion animals; Horses and other farm animals
bred specifically to be a companion animal are also valid (Species Specific). Loneliness
is an aspect of life everyone dreads feeling but cannot suppress. Lacking love or even just
a friend can cause unimaginable ache and heaviness. Humans are social creatures so
when they do not get the necessary interactions they feel empty in a sense. Companion
Report on Motion Essay
Table Of Contents
PHS 100 552 Lab
Part I: Scenario H Graph...................................................... 2
Scenario H Regions and Force Diagrams..................................3
Region and Force Diagram Information....................................4

Part II: Graph 6 ...................................................................5

Step By Step Instruction........................................................6
Regions and Force Diagrams...................................................7
Region Information................................................................8
Newton s Laws..................................................................... 9

Self Assessment...................................................................10

Scenario H

You are stopped at a stop sign. Your friend pushes your car forward at an increasing
velocity for two seconds. She then pushes your car for three more seconds at a constant
velocity. Your friend stops pushing and you immediately apply the brakes for ... Show
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Velocity and Acceleration graphs become negative due to the slowing of the cart.

The cart is stopped at 2.0 meters. Net force equals zero. All three graphs show the cart is
stopped with a flat line across 2.0 meters.

Newton s Laws

Region A

Region B

Region C

Region D

Region E

Newton s 1st Law: The cart is at rest and will remain at rest until a force is applied.
Newton s 2nd Law: The two forces acting upon the cart (hand and fan) are equal so
there is no acceleration. At 2.5 seconds the acceleration is changed because of the force
of hand.
Newton s 3rd Law: The force of hand is applied at 2.5 seconds so the cart moves towards
the sensor as a reaction to the force.
Newton s 1st Law: The force of hand is applied which puts the cart in motion towards the
Newton s 2nd Law: The force of hand is applied to the cart which changes the
Acceleration and moves the cart towards the sensor.
Newton s 3rd Law: Force of hand was applied at 2.5 seconds in Region A, the force of
hand built momentum until the cart moves at the start of Region B. This motion
continued until the force of fan overcame the force of hand, forcing the cart way from the

Newton s 1st Law: Force of fan is applied to the cart which overcomes the force of hand
putting the cart in motion away from the sensor.
Newton s 2nd Law: Force of fan is applied changing the direction of the cart away from
the sensor.
University Of Georgia Behavior Program
Capuchin Monkeys
1) Introduction: Capuchin Monkeys are found in the neotropical forests of Central
America. Animal Diversity Web states that the Capuchins have, one of the widest ranges
of all New World Monkeys. Capuchin Monkeys are easily adaptable to many different
habitats. They can live in a variety of forest types, both wet and dry. The University of
Wisconsin Primate Research Center notes that, All Capuchins live in dense habitats.
They are arboreal and usually sleep on a branch. This being said they can survive in an
abundance of areas because of their some special features. These features include strong
gripping hands and a grasping tail, giving these monkeys have a wide range of
locomotion. They are able to run, leap, and ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Then they proceed to slam the rock (as a tool) on the nut to crack it open. Onekind.org
mentions that the Capuchins will collect their palm nuts and then transfer them to the
anvils for the purpose of cracking them open easier. The use of the anvil is another
example of the Capuchin tool use. The Capuchins ability to think ahead and bring the
nuts to the anvil show a very skilled way of thinking in regards to these tools. A third
example of tool use in Capuchins is their use of sticks. Onekind.org says, capuchins
readily insert a stick into a tube containing viscous food that clings to the stick, which
they then extract and lick. The Capuchins will then use the stick for other things; once
they have a tool they seem to use it for as much as possible, finding multiple different
uses for it. They will use these sticks to get their prey out from tiny spaces and also as, a
rake to sweep objects or food toward themselves.
3) Captive Capuchins The Journal of Comparative Psychology has one of Fragaszy s
studies where the Capuchins were studied in labs to try and find food hidden under cups.
The first example of this is called matching to sample. There was a small stair set with
two tiers; the bottom containing two different sized cups and the top tier having one cup
matching one of the bottom two. The experimenter would (out of the monkeys view) put
the food under the cup on the bottom tier that matched that of the top tier. The Capuchins
then had
John Hermans Follow-Up Inquiry Paper
I would like to respond to the follow up inquiry on behalf of Congressman Kennedy s
constituent John Hermans, received 27 June 2016, which is based on the original
inquiry by Holly Hermans, dated 16 May 2016 with regards to her son Private John
Hermans, who is assigned to Tango Company, 266th Quartermaster Battalion, 23rd
Quartermaster Brigade at Fort Lee, Virginia. I will address your follow up inquiry by
separating it into three focus areas, which I have command and control of two. The three
areas are alleged falsification of Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) data and
mismanagement of physical profiles, alleged bullying and mistreatment by Tango
Company Cadre, and alleged bullying and mistreatment by medical professionals at
Kenner Army... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Finally on 26 August 2015, PVT Hermans received a long term profile for 60 days
where the expected date of fully mission capable was 24 November 2015. The profile
restricted PVT Hermans to lift no more than 30 pounds and run at own/pace and
distance not to exceed 15 minutes continuously as well as no Unit Formation Runs.
Over the period, he went to sick call several more times where the PA recommends he
Continue His Profile. In regards to the response, lifting a 22 pound MRE box did not
violate his profile. After PVT Hermans surgery on 9 November 2015, he had a follow
up on 23 November 2015 where he was given 30 days of light duty by Heather K.
Pardue, PA C from the Naval Medical Center in Portsmouth, VA. He was then seen at
Kenner Army Health Clinic on 15 January 2016 and received a profile stating he
would rehab for 2.5 months. It also stated He is to continue upper and lower body
cardiac conditioning at the gym to enable him to take and pass an APFT on March
2016. 1LT Ronald Williams swears on the record he informed PVT Hermans that he was
no longer being chaptered for APFT due to his profile and surgery. Cadre Bullying and
8th Amendment Process
Historically, executions have been around for a long time. The first established death
penalty laws date as far back as the Eighteenth Century B.C. but didn t make an
appearance in the United States until 1608 (Part 1, n.d.). Death penalty is seen as a form
of accountability for someone s action. Most easily understood when you take a life, you
lose your life an eye for an eye. Nonetheless, over time people have started humanizing
the situation and creating controversy. The Fifth, Eighth, and Fourteenth Amendments
were interpreted as permitting the death penalty, until the early 1960s, when it was
suggested that the death penalty was a cruel and unusual punishment, and therefore
arguing it as unconstitutional under the Eighth Amendment (Part... Show more content on
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Today there are so many outlets readily available at hand for information wit
television, movies, news, and social media. It is very hard not to see updates all day
long and gain some form of understanding. There are multiple news outlets that report
the facts in some way, television shows that discuss topics or enact them, and movies
that display information too. The death penalty has been discussed with articles and
interviews by major news outlets such as CNN, ABC, NBC, and the Posts. TV shows
have been produced as well with On Death Row, Death Row Stories, and Rectify.
Movies such as The Thin Blue Line, Live from Death Row, Paths of Glory. In some way
each media form present information to a viewer to help shape their opinion on the
The Struggle Of Gay Rights
The struggle between Edward and Bella in the Twilight Saga can be closely related to
the struggle of gay right s in today s society. During the whole entire saga Edward and
Bella have to fight to keep their relationship with one another. This is similar to what
the LGBT community has been doing for many years now. In the Twilight Saga some
of the characters do not believe that Edward and Bella should be with one another
because he is a vampire and she is a human. Similarly in today s society some people
do not believe that people of the same sex should be in a relationship or marry one
another. The biggest factor that plays into why people believe and think this way is
because of the unknown factor of it all, they have it very... Show more content on
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The fact that they thought that this was a mental disorder was very wrong, and it also
shows how close minded people are. Just because one is different, or loves differently
than another person, does not mean that they have a mental illness. If it did, we would
be claiming that a lot of people have mental illnesses. More recently things that have
happened for the LGBT community is that on April 1st of 1998, Coretta Scott King
who was formally Martin Luther King Jr. s wife, now a widow, stood up and called on
the civil rights community to help her join the struggle for the LGBT community ( PBS
). She received lots of criticism for this because she was comparing civil rights to gay
rights. The representatives of the black civil rights movement thought that this was
wrong of her ( PBS ). The stance of the African American Community is hard to believe.
One would assume that African Americans might be somewhat more accepting of others
considering that they too have gone through the struggle and know what it feels like to
be treated unfairly, but in this case that was not necessarily true.
Finally, in 2008 on May 18th, Massachusetts became the very first state to legalize gay
marriage in the United States of America. The court finally was able to see that denying
the LGBT community the right to marry was unconstitutional because it denied people
their dignity as well as
Bram Stoker Research Paper
Abraham Bram Stoker was born in Clontarf, Ireland on November 8th, in the year
1847. He had a rough start to life, being rendered bedridden until the age of seven from
an unspecified illness. He was very weak as a kid and seldom left his house during
childhood. These isolated years he was kept entertained by his mother and the stories
she told him. He took particular interest in the tales she shared with him on the 1832
cholera epidemic, a widespread terror that claimed the lives of thousands. His mother
also detailed to him tales of Irish folklore, many of which carried dark stories and spoke
of creatures like vampires and ghouls. Eventually after the first seven years of his life,
things began to look up and a cure for his ailment was... Show more content on
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His first foray into horror was his 1875 short story The Chain of Destiny . He
published his first book in the year 1879. It was titled The Duties of Clerks of Petty
Sessions a nonfiction, administrative book. Stoker s first novel came in the year 1890,
and was titled The Snake s Pass. The novel was a romantic thriller and was set in his
home country of Ireland. Many critics find his early writings leave much to be desired,
stating they are overdramatic and rely too heavily on tired cliches. However, Stoker
found great success when he published his novel Dracula in 1897. The novel is widely
regarded as a masterpiece and took him seven years to write. Several critics place it as
the greatest work of horror ever written. The novel was inspired to his visit to Whitby.
There he came across An Account of Principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia, a book
by William Wilkinson which pays homage to the history of Dracula. He also spent years
researching traditional Eastern European folklore and the geography to supplement his
knowledge while
Pardoners Tale, Chaucer, Canterbury Essays
The Pardoner s Subconscious Character

quot;The Pardoner s Tale, quot; by Geoffrey Chaucer, makes evident the parallel between
the internal emotions of people and the subconscious exposure of those emotions. This
particular story, from The Canterbury Tales, is a revealing tale being told by a medieval
pardoner to his companions on a journey to Canterbury. Though the Pardoner s
profession is to pardon and absolve the sins of people, he actually lives in constant
violation of sins such as gluttony, gambling, and, most importantly, avarice. The Pardoner
does feel guilt and advocates not to commit avarice; he exclaims, quot; Radix malorum
est Cupiditas, quot; (line 426) as his theme more than once. Because he ... Show more
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The old man is the guide to spiritual and physical death, as is easily seen by the deaths
of the three rioters. Thus, the old man looks of death: quot;Lo how I vanysshe, flessh,
and blood, and skyn! quot; (Line 732). On the other hand, the Pardoner s profession is
to absolve sinners and steer them towards life; he guides people to spiritual and even
physical life! Therefore, he personifies all that is pure and innocent, such as a youthful
and innocent boy. Both, with this physical aid, do good jobs of preaching to people to
get their desired results.

The eager minds of the people and the skill of the two preachers are what lead the
people to either life or death. It is obvious that the Pardoner does not actually use
sacred relics to cure anything: quot;Relikes been they, as wenen they echoon / Thanne
have I in latoun a sholder boon / Which that was of an hooly Jewes sheep. quot; (Lines
349 51). He has actually quot;cured quot; those who come to him seeking salvation
and pardon. This mindset, with the addition of the Pardoner s great skill in making
himself sound so innocent and pure, is what actually cures the people. The people just
need something tangible, like the fake relics, to hold on to and believe in to be
quot;cured quot;. Again, the same is true for the old man. The three rioters that come to
him are already in search of and eager to find Death, as opposed to life or salvation.
When the old man points them in the right
The Consequences Of The Treaty Of Versailles
In 1919, the Allied victors in World War I met at the Paris Peace Conference to set the
peace terms for the defeated Central Powers. The Allies created the peace terms in the
hope to create and maintain world peace. However, the Allies and Central Powers
realized that the peace terms stated in the Treaty of Versailles did not help to maintain
world peace. When the Allies created the Treaty they designed it in a bad way. Rather
than specific, the Treaty didn t make much sense because it was wordy. John Maynard
Keynesan English economist attended the Paris Peace Conference and wrote the book
The Economic Consequences of Peace in which he stated his opinion about the Treaty. In
Thornstein Veblen s review of The Economic Consequences of Peace he argues that
Keynes withheld information about the consequences that the Treaty would cause. If
Keynes would not have withheld any information the economic downfall would not have
happened. Keynes failed to include the consequences of the Treaty in his analysis
though, and failed to influence the Allies at the Paris Peace Conference. In Keynes
analysis of the Treaty he did not include the consequence that the Bolshevism would
come to an end. At the Paris Peace Conference the Great Powers only agreed to eliminate
the Bolshevism, other than that the Great Powers could not agree on anything. They
knew that it would be difficult to eliminate the Bolshevism in Soviet Russia, but the
Great Powers thought it had to be done to create and
New Strands Of Goods And Services From Brand Name
Crooks gain large lump sums of goods and services from brand name companies that
are more likely to use celebrities to advertise for them. Imitators hit big well known
companies because they would be willfully giving, if they think that a famous person
would want to advertise their brand. So they profit on asking brand name companies for
merchandise. Sharks prosper massive amounts of goods and services through targeting a
familiarized company. Scammers accumulate goods and services from top notch
companies since they are more likely to believe that celebritywould ask for it. Pretenders
attain expensive goods and services by relaying to a widely known company that a
famous celebrity is interested in testing or trying the item out. Thus, con artist go for big
because companies believe that those celebrities would want to have that brand in their
possession. With today s new strands of technology it is very difficult for companies to
depict if that celebrity wanted their products, goods or services.
There are many ways such as computers, telephones or even mail that can be sent out
from and to any company. To state it differently brand name companies do not pay
attention to where or even if that celebrity asked for merchandise or service. All they
care about is the name of the celebrity who asked for it. Obviously merchants disregard
all other things when it comes down to getting a celebrity to advertise for them. Brand
name companies only think about having their merchandise
Storage Space Essay
Where is a very large, integrated collection of data in a Server, held? Yes, the Storage
Spaces. These Storage Spaces lets us combine individual hard disks into storage pools
and these can then be managed as a single entity. Storage Spaces is a technology that
groups the storage pools and the storage disks which will enable the virtual storage
capabilities in Windows and Windows Server (Microsoft Corporation, n.d). The
available capacity in the storage pools are then used to create virtual disks which are
called storage spaces. Firstly in this paper, I would like to provide an overview of the
new Storage Spaces functionality and the Storage Space types in Windows Server 2012.
Secondly, I would like to discuss about the fault tolerance and... Show more content on
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The first one is the simple storage layout that has no resilience, meaning it does not
have the capability of quickly recovering from the difficulties or the disk failures. This
storage layout simply writes the given data into multiple physical disks but doesn t
make a clone copy or any information about the parity. This type of layout is a good
choice if your requirement doesn t need a backup of data or the disk failure scenarios
doesn t affect your requirements. This simple storage layout is a good choice in terms
of offering performance for your application if it has its own security essentials.
Another type of storage layout is the parity layout which not only writes the data into
stripes across the physical disks but also writes the parity information into extra copies.
This layout is suitable for the requirements that require maximum capacity with lower
writing performances. Example of using the parity layout is while archiving the media
and when media streaming requires huge loads. The last storage layout is the mirror
layout which is similar to the parity storage layout, but with greater performances when
SSDs are added to the storage pool and when the storage tiers are being used. This
resilient type writes the data onto multiple physical disks along with making extra copies
of the data and offers protection to the data in the events of disk failures. The other
metric that describes the functionality of storage spaces are
Rylands V Fletcher
Question 6, April 2006: Solution to fe1 question

Bell Computers could attach liability to either Chemical Supply or Industrial Estates
under the tort of Rylands v Fletcher.

Chemical Supply s Liability

Rylands v Fletcher established that a person who for his own purposes brings on his
lands and collects and keeps there anything likely to do mischief if it escapes, must keep
it in at his peril, and if he does not do so , is prima facie answerable for all the damage
which is the natural consequence of its escape. The rule therefore imposes strict liability
on the defendant for all damage which occurs as a natural consequence of the escape, and
there is no requirement for intent or neglect. The rule only applies to defendants who ...
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Industrial Estate s Liability
The rule in Rylands applies to owners of premises as well as occupiers, but Bell would
have difficulty overcoming the proofs outlined in respect of Industrial, namely
accumulation for Industrial s benefit etc. and the absence of any control by Industrial
over the harmful substances.

Liability would be more successfully attached to Industrial in negligence for its failure
to keep the road in a good state of repair. Firstly, Bell will need to establish that it owed
a duty of care to it. As Lord Atkin stated in O Donoghue v Stevenson you must take
reasonable care to avoid acts or omission which you can reasonably foresee would be
liable to injure your neighbour. While neighbour in this sense does not strictly mean
persons who occupy the property beside you, it was established in Glencar
Explorations v Mayo Co.Co. that if a plaintiff and defendant s relationship is
sufficiently proximate, and the harm caused was foreseeable, then in the absence of
policy limitations, a duty of care would arise. Bell should be able to establish a duty of
care in that by failing to maintain the road in a good condition, it was reasonably
foreseeable that such failure could cause injury to Bell s property, as Industrial knew
that tanks full of harmful substances travelled on the road on a daily basis, and that if
such chemicals were to escape due to an accident caused by the defective road, they
Final Girl Essay
All types of horror films are designed to unfold our most horrible fears and insecurities
that lie deep within. It successfully focuses on the bizarre and illicit side of life that
frights us by playing around our nightmares, vulnerability, and fears of the indefinite.
However, despite how chaotic and terrifying these films are, the horror genre still attracts
and repel us. We crave to see the numerous filmvillains overtake our nightmares and then
be defeated by a particular Final Girl who normally places society back to its stagnant
The Final Girl is usually beautiful, selfless, brave, and sexually appealing. With using
the sole survivor to be a girl, it places horror cinema in a unique film category since
women in any other ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
It officially began during the classical period in 1974, however with Alfred Hitchcock
s Psycho providing early inspiration, some say that slasher films began in 1960
(Horror). Some defining features that this particular sub genre pertains is its villain,
final girl, and storyline. The villain is a single person and is usually a male with
inhumane characteristic traits; he is generally indestructible impermeable to bullets,
explosions, drowning and beatings. He also has no motive or sympathetic behavior,
simply a sociopathic mentality (Seth Millstein). As for his victims, they are almost
always teens whom he catches in a location that holds history relating to the killer
which sets the storyline for the film and it is also normally related to the victim as
well (Horror). His killings are gruesome and violent however the killer will rarely use
a gun as a weapon because a gun will end one s life abruptly, so blunt objects or knives
are usually the weapon of choice (Horror). Despite his weapon of choice, it does not stop
the lone survivor from facing him which is always a woman known to be the final girl.
These three components together hold a great impact on the audience throughout the
film since it not only attacks their veiled fears but it unravels as well throughout the
viewing until the very
Reaching For The Stars Unless You re Black
Reach for the Stars; unless you re black

With the United States Army being one of the oldest organization in American, they have
undoubtable faced its share of diversity issue, they are an organization, with the need to
operate under the strictest hierarchical structure. This structure is imperative to their
mission to serve and protect the free people of this country and to uphold the
Constitution that affords it. Alas, the structure begs for internal oppression of minorities,
due to the need and desire by its members to advance in rank. The General Officer Corps.
is the highest of military ranks next to the President. And with rank brings freedoms,
privileges, and above all power. The power to make a wide spectrum of orders; from how
members tie their boots or whether to wage nuclear war.

The members of the Army are a direct reflection of the citizens they protect. Made up of
all different races and backgrounds. When a person volunteers to join they are really
volunteering to join an entirely different way of life within America. Although they are
afforded the same fundamental protections of the Constitution which they protect, they
are also volunteering to relinquish some of those rights. Members are governed my
different laws, courts and at times different police; they are subject to inspections,
punishments, and a way of life that is not like that of their counterpart civilians.
Unfortunately, one thing they share with America is it s social racial issues that has
Flower Drum Song By O. Y. Lee
Carlo Castaneda
Professor Clark
American Studies
23 November 2015
In Flower Drum Song
Flower Drum Song was based on the 1957 novel, The Flower Drum Song, by Chinese
American author C. Y. Lee. It was the eighth stage musical by the team of Richard
Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II. The piece opened in 1958 on Broadway and was
subsequently made into a 1961 musical film. The team hired Gene Kelly (famous for
Singin in the Rain) to make his debut as a stage director with the musical and scoured
the country for their cast. With the exception of Juanita Hall (who also starred in
Rodgers Hammerstein s South Pacific), the main cast is mostly Asian. Anna May Wong
was actually set to return to Hollywood with the role of Auntie Liang in Flower ... Show
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This dichotomy reinforces the orientalist notion of the West as male and the East as the
But, despite these differences, they both share a crucial value: preserving the patriarchal
system, even if it results in their own commodification. When analyzed in the barest of
terms, both of these women want to get married, and their actions steer them towards that
objective. Incidentally, in striving toward that goal, they become things, not people. Mei
Li allows herself to be inspected like an animal or manufactured product, and Linda s
song I Enjoy Being a Girl places the utmost importance on her appearance, not her
personality or intellect.
Race Representation and the Generation Gap
One way that representation of race manifests itself in Flower Drum Song is through a
generation gap: the older versus newer generation. If we compare Ta to his father,
there is a clear distinction in both their dress and their speech. Ta wears American suits
and ties while Master Wang wears stereotypical Chinese garb. He even accidentally
burns his suit when he is forced to wear one. Wang also holds on to a more traditional
way of doing things. He is hesitant to put his money in the bank, and when his sister in
law finally convinces him to do so, he is unaware of how to behave in such a
contemporary western setting and sets off the alarm, momentarily creating a frenzy. His
scenes with his younger son are
Pros And Cons Of Tanking
The idea of winning is one everyone enjoys. The feeling of winning is incomparable to
anything else, and overall creates everlasting memories. When a team can t win, it can be
due to the talent, the coaching staff, or overall just not being good enough. Consistently
being atop the totem pole that is the NBA is nearly impossible, but many teams have
tried, similar to the Chicago Bulls, Los Angeles Lakers, and the Boston Celtics. When a
team is not good enough to win the NBA Finalsor to even compete for a playoff berth,
there are two paths those teams can take, to try their best to win, or to tank. Tanking is
the overall idea that teams lose games on purpose in order to better their odds at getting
a top draft pick (Thompson). Tanking is something that teams should not do, and is
something that should not be condoned (claim of policy). This could be done by
changing the overall dynamic of the draft lottery and perhaps putting into place things
that penalize teams for being awful. In the NBA, the worse the record a team has, the
higher opportunity they have at getting the number one overall pick and selecting what
they claim to be the next Michael Jordan. While the idea of doing that is a solid one, the
odds of it happening and actually fully going through with... Show more content on
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While it is near impossible to be a top end team in the NBA, there is no point in losing
just to try to get there. Teams that end up being successful get there through things like
free agency, hitting on later draft picks, or just having a valuable core of players stick
around to try to bring a ring to their hometown. Regardless of how good the team is,
winning is what drives them. Competition drives individuals to become better at what
they do. The elation that comes with winning is incredible and losing on purpose just to
try to ensure future wins just doesn t make
Case Study Of KTZ Askar Mamin
despite official announcements about top managers being close to low level managers,
in reality they are still not easily available for ordinary employees, which is proved by
the fact that the President of KTZ Askar Mamin has its own elevator; the company has a
long term orientation, as it has different strategic plans for several years.
KTZ in order to strengthen its internal culture and employees feeling of pride, of
relatedness, implements beneficial social package, which can be used either by KTZ
employee or his/her family members. For example, housing, medical facilities, resort
treatment trips, social, sport events for employees and their children, financial aid to
KTZ retirees are provided. Koishanova (2016) says that The Company is involved in
sponsorship and charity: medical trains provide qualified medical aid to populations
living at remote stations; assistance in implementation of ... Show more content on
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If they start promoting and fostering talents, start to require to respect each other, to
share the values of the company, to nurture relationship with subordinates, to support
transformation process by eliminating all fears, biases imposed by employees, to
induce an adequate and fair meritocracy culture, to convince KTZ employees to follow
KTZ s mission and vision and to be highly qualified professionals with strong principles,
then these real leaders can develop a strong culture inside KTZ, as Ingvar Kamprad,
IKEA founder, did. Also it can be recommended to assign Bolashak scholarship holders
on top positions (if they deserve), as they after living several years abroad, change their
mindset totally, they are disciplined, self made and mostly honest with patriotic
Spirited Away Sociology
Spirited away is a Japanese animated movie based upon Japanese folklore regarding
Kamikakushi (Spirited Away). This particular legend is very ancient, dating back to
prehistorical Jomon Japan around 2,300 years ago; it was derived upon frequent
disappearance of children in premodern Japan, who often reappears several days after in
a temple or shrine. It is believed that an infuriated god in the mountain has abducted,
hidden, and enslaved the children.
This folklore was adapted to create a modern fiction, Spirited Away. In this film, the
primary protagonist, Chihiro, ends up being Spirited Away from the real world to the
spirit realm. The director of this film, Miyazaki Hayao, brilliantly denounces many
contemporary controversial topics: ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Especially during work hours, the workplace is constantly surveyed by Yubaba s magic.
There are also spies amongst the laborers that report back to Yubaba daily of any
misconduct committed by the laborers.
A far more extreme form of labor control is presented in this film. Yubaba binds the
employees under contract that allows her to take their life away if she finds their work
capability unsatisfactory. This is shown when the boiler man yells at his underling that
if they do not work, they will be turned into pile of ashes. Yubaba is the symbol of
bourgeoisie and workers are the symbol of proletariat; this is a perfect signifier of class
based system.
Throughout this film, the girl s struggle from alienation is depicted in detail. Chihiro
had to adjust to the spiritual world s common sense, discrimination, manners, labor
market, and others, which differentiated significantly from the one s she is used to in
reality. The bathhouse mainly revolves around interactive service work and physical
labor; women mainly handles the aesthetic labor and men handles the physical labor.
Although Chihiro is a ten years old girl, she was forced to handle hard physical labor
with no assistance or guidance from other employees. The special division of labor was
manifested due to her being the only human in the workplace. Other workers, who were
miscellaneous spirits and supernatural beings, distasted Chihiro for being a
Europe s Second Logistic

Population and levels of living

what sort of people these Europeans were, and what inspired that curious combination of
adventurous spirit, pious sentiment, and brutal behavior that characterized the explorers
and conqueror?.
After a century of decline and stagnation Europe s population began to grow. In the
middle of 15 th century the population of Europe as whole was 45 50 million, it s about
2/3 less than it was before the plague. By the middle of 17 th century the population was
100 million, in view of the stagnation and decline that occurred in the first half of the 17
th century. What caused this growth?
No single obvious cause for the renewal of population growth presents itself. The
incidence of the ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
The rural mgrants rarely had he skills or aptitudes necessary for urban occupations. n he
towns they formed a Lumpenproletariat, a pool of casual , unskilled labor, frequently
unemployed, who supplemented their meager earnings by begging and petty thievery.
their crowded, dirty, and squalid living conditions endangered the whole community by
making it more susceptible to epidemic disease.
The plight of both the urban and rural poor was aggravated by a prolonged fall in real
wages, Because he population grew more rapidly than agricultural output, the price of
foodstuffs, bread grains in particular, rose more rapidly than money wages, a situation
that was exacerbated by he phenomenon of the price revolution .[Note that the more
money there is in circulation the less it is worth in relation to the commodities for
sale, and so the price of commodities rises.] By the end of the 16 th century the pressure
of population on resources was extreme, and in the first half of the 17 th century a
series of bad harvests, new outbreaks of the bubonic plague and other epidemic diseases,
and increased incidence and ferocity of warfare, especially the Thirty Years War, brought
the population expansion to a half. In several areas of the Europe, notably Spain,
Germany, and Portugal, population actually declined during part or all of the 17 th
By about 1400 the breakup of the Mongol empire and the growth of the
Symbolism In Lamb To The Slaughter
Rationale: I was inspired by the character and language usage in Lamb to the
Slaughter. I have attempted to show Mary s behavior and thoughts through visual
imagery (e.g. licking black lipstick to return to red lips), symbolism (e.g. red lips
symbolize new life), foreshadowing (e.g. she had loved him), starting sentences with
conjunctions (and, so) and black comedy (Mary was secretly dating another person as
well), all literary devices used in the original story. I have also focused more on
describing setting instead of characters, similar to the original story. The title of my
pastiche is A leopard cannot change its spots. Like the original title, this is a biblical
phrase with a reference to an animal. The title means that like how a leopard... Show
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The photo that the deceased woman had in her purse was still lying on the floor, along
with the woman s shoeprints on the carpet and a few drops of blood near the window.
One of the police held up the photo and looked at the body, and exclaimed, Guys! The
deceased is the person in this photo with Patrick! Realizing that the woman had been
in the house and that this woman had some connection to Patrick, all suspicion fell on
Mary. Throughout all this the meaty fragrance of cooked lamb floated throughout the
house. The police asked, Mary. Did you kill this woman and Patrick? No, of course
not! Mary knelt down and placed her face in her hands, making sniffling sounds. Why
would I kill my dear Patrick? Mary started bawling. Even though every piece of
evidence pointed to Mary, they had yet to discover the weapon of murder. Mary,
wiping up her last tears, said, What do you think about thyme and lamb? You think they
go well together? Mary, this is serious, another person has died. What about basil? I
love basil. I water it everyday. Mary continued talking about herbs. The police, unable to
find the weapon and hence unable to prove Mary is the murderer, left. They all thought
Mary had lost
Can Muscle Fatigue Analysis

At some point of time most of us observe tiredness and reduced power leading to
fatigue. This common complaint can be regarded as muscle weakness which is
commonly heard of. But the word weakness may be defined differently in different
cases . A feeling of tiredness or body fatigue can be coined as weakness. If a person is
unable to move a certain part of their body , he could be experiencing weakness. This
weakness can be restricted to a particular area of the body such as arms or legs or can be
observed as full body weakness. Muscle weakness can be mild or severe, temporary or
permanent, reversible or irreversible.


The term muscle weakness can be explained under ... Show more content on
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In some conditions this is due to reduced blood and nutrient supply to muscles. Diabetes
, heart disease , peripheral vascular disease, chronic kidney disease, chronic lung disease,
anaemia are few to mention.


depression are certain conditions which lead to general tiredness. Anxiety and depression
tend to cause a sense of tiredness and fatigue rather than true weakness.

# MEDICINES :As a side effect or due to an allergic reaction , many medicines can
cause muscle weakness and muscle damage . Generally this commences as tiredness or
fatigue . It can lead to permanent changes if medicines are not stopped
Learning Curve
Presented ByKriti Agarwal (A002) Aniket Rane(A046) Nitin Gupta(A024) Eshan
Singh(A057) Mayank Bhatia(A013)

Introduced to the aircraft industry in 1936 by T. P. Wright in his article Journal of the
Aeronautical Science He found that per unit production time reduced at an unvarying
rate Since then, learning curves (also known as progress functions) have been applied to
all types of work

A graphical representation of the changing rate of learning (in the average person) for a
given activity or tool The underlying hypothesis is that the direct labor man hours
necessary to complete a unit of production will decrease by a constant percentage each ...
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In this case, the learning curve is a horizontal line and there is no learning.


Over the first few units, an operation following the cumulative average curve will
experience a much greater reduction in cost (hours or dollars) than an operation following
a unit curve with the same slope. The unit curve should be used in situations where the
firm is fully prepared for production; and the cumulative average curve should be used in
situations where the firm is not completely ready for production. Most firms in the
airframe industry use the cumulative average curve. Most firms in other industries use
the unit curve.

EXAMPLE to Understand Formula y = axb b = log (Learning Rate) / log 2 For 80% LC,
(Learning Rate) = .80 b = log .80 / log 2 = .3219 Assume k = 1000 y1 = 1000 (1) .3219
= 1000 (1) = 1000 y2 = 1000 (2) .3219 = 1000 (.80) = 800 y3 = 1000 (3) .3219 = 1000
(.7021) = 702 y4 = 1000 (4) .3219 = 1000 (.6400) = 640 y100 = 1000 (100) .3219 = 1000
(.2270) = 227


70% Unit Number (N) 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 85%

Unit Time(C) 1.000 .700 .568 .490 .437 .306 .248 .214

Total Time 1.000 1.700 2.268 2.758 3.195 4.932 6.274 7.407

Unit Time(C) 1.000 .850 .773 .723 .686 .583 .530 .495
All The President s Men By Carl Bernstein And Bob
All the President s Men Summary Analysis All the President s Men is a novel by Carl
Bernstein and Bob Woodward that reflects on these two journalists successes in
relentlessly reporting on and uncovering the secrets of the Watergate Scandal of 1972.
Bernstein and Woodward reluctantly work together to push their limits in discovering
and connecting the different pieces of the burglary at the Watergate complex. This story
earns its nickname The Greatest Reporting Story of All Time by demonstrating the
bravery and skill required by these two men to go beyond simple journalism and
infiltrate government information to expose the real perpetrators and their accessories
of the scandal at the Democratic Party Headquarters. The story opens on the day of June
17, 1972 at the Watergate complex where five burglars are arrested for breaking into the
Democratic Headquarters, and Bob Woodwardis assigned by the Washington Post to
cover the case the next day. He soon discovers that the burglars consist of four Cuban
Americans and James W. McCord, a former CIA employee, who have ties to another
former CIA employee and President Nixon s Special Counsel. Woodward then learns he
will be working on the case alongside Carl Bernstein, and the two do not get along at
first. Unable to gather sufficient information from their hesitant interviewees, they
struggle to obtain a complete story, and realize they need to work together, They are
encouraged by their superior to go beyond the surface and
Research Paper On Drug Trafficking
What is drug trafficking?
Drug trafficking is a global illicit trade involving the cultivation, manufacture, distribution
and sale of substances which are subject to drug prohibition laws. UNODC is
continuously monitoring and researching global illicit drug markets in order to gain a
more comprehensive understanding of their dynamics. Drug trafficking is a key part of
this research.

What is immigration?
Immigration is when someone permanently has to stay in one country forever, unless
ofcourse they get their papers to be able to cross. If they decided to move another country
they are now known as an immigrants. If an immigrant get caught knowing they aren t
suppose to live in that country, they will report the immigrant. Once the immigrant is
reported the immigration police will send the immigrants ... Show more content on
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After all, Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo, known as The Godfather for controlling all drug
trafficking in Mexico as well as that along the country s border with the United States,
started it all with the Guadalajara Cartel in the 1980s. Along with the Guadalajara Cartel,
the Sinaloa Cartel, Tijuana Cartel, JuГЎrez Cartel, and Gulf Cartel are among the largest
and most famous drug cartels in the world.
1. Guadalajara Cartel:
Founded by Miguel ГЃngel FГ©lix Gallardo, Ernesto Fonseca Carrillo, and Rafael Caro
Quintero, the Guadalajara Cartel is one of the five most famous drug cartels in history
as it was among the first to work with and significantly prosper from the cocaine trade
started in Colombia. Though his colleagues were arrested early on, FГ©lix Gallardo
was smart enough to privatize the Mexican drug trade by having it run by lesser known
bosses yet top drug leaders whom he had convene at the plazas, a house in Acapulco. He
was eventually arrested and the Guadalajara Cartel split into two other powerful cartels,
both mentioned
How Did Juan Ponce De Leon Colonize Hispaniola
Juan Ponce de Leon was conceived in 1460 and kicked the bucket in 1521. In 1502
Ponce de Leon was in the West Independents filling in as a Chief under Nicolas de
Ovando who was legislative head of Hispaniola. In 1508 Juan Ponce de Leon went
with Columbus and attempted to colonize Hispaniola and was conceded authorization
to investigate the island. As a reward for stifling an Indian rebellion, he was named to
be the commonplace legislative head of the eastern piece of Hispaniola by Ovando. In
the wake of hearing relentless reports of gold to be found on Puerto Rico, Ponce de Leon
investigated and settled that island, establishing the province s most established
settlement, Capara, close what is currently San Juan. Ponce de Leon was the primary
Nonverbal Cues
Malyun Mohamed
Health 104
Ms. .Wolfgang
Chapter 4 review question
1. The six categories of nonverbal cues are the following body language, vocal cues,
appearance/clothing, spatial cues, environmental cues and miscellaneous cues.
2. Pitch, volume, rate of speech, voice quality, articulation, pauses, silence and semantics.
3. Few examples of inappropriate workplace attire would be miniskirts, sweatpants
,legging and flip flops and showing too much cleavage. 4 Effective good hygiene and
grooming show that you are professional and is the first thing customers noticed, bathing,
brushing teeth, using mouthwash and deodorant, and cleaning hands regularly are basic
expectations in most work environments.
5. Refer to Figure 4.3, on page 97:
Intimate distance: 0 to 18 inches; for family and intimate relationships ... Show more
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Some examples of unproductive communication are Nervous mannerisms (e.g.
scratching, pulling an ear, or playing with hair), unprofessional handshake, fidgeting,
pointing a finger or object at people, raising eyebrow, peering over glasses
9. Seek nonverbal cues, confirm perceptions, seek clarifying feedback, and analyze
10. Examples of customer focused behavior are making the customer number 1 making
sure their needs are meet and offering assistants having a positive attitude,offering
refreshments to the customers, allowing customer to go first. Critical thinking question
1.Making eye contact with Mrs. Wyatt, smiling, nodding, and nonverbally signaling with
your finger being professional.
2. I would explain to Mrs.Wyatt the situation of it might take more than a minute
because there is customers ahead of her and give her the option of she would like to
stay and wait or come back another time. Some other option is see the service she need
assistance with and see if one of the co worker could assist
Comparing Conrad And Buck In John Steinbeck s Ordinary
In the story Ordinary People there are many different characters that are involved in it.
I believe I have a similarity with the character Conrad and Buck, even though we don t
see much of him. In the story it states that Buck was a really liked person, had many
friends, and was on the swim team. He loses his life in the story due to a boating
accident and his younger brother Conrad feels he is too blame on this happening.
Conrad throughout the story goes through many struggles and upsetments with his
family and other people but also meets different people and falls for a girl he really
likes. There is a difference in the story between the two brothers of the story. Conrad is
the same type of person like his brother, they both were joined on the swim team, but
after his death Conrad quits the team. Conrad has been staying home from school for a
while because he has tried to kill his own self because he thinks he is... Show more
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Buck and I both share of being well known and have many friends. This shows that we
are very likeable at meeting different people like at school or a job and having a close
relationship build between the different people. This can help us in life to be able to
get different things done or accomplished. Buck and I also share the same trait of
being the older brother and being involved in athletics. Conrad and I both share the
same traits of overthinking too much and being worried of different things that may
evolve. This could be a good or bad one too have because you could never be relaxed
because of always being nervous or worried about something that may happen. Also
we both share the same feeling of seeing someone for the first time and falling for
them, but at first thinking we could never talk to them or go out with them, but we
end up doing so. This trait of falling for someone is a big one because this person we
may fall for or really like may like us the same we do towards
Over Concentration Of Services Essay
This study identifies four strands of thought that outline the factors which can lead to the
over concentration of services; traditional trade theory, new trade theory, new economic
geography theory and the interplay between globalisation and competition. It is from this
four factors in which the negative effects of the over concentration of services are
created. These negative effects will be discussed and analysed in a bid to understand
what can done to reduce them. Polycentricity and territorial cohesion policy, and the
measures associated with their implications, are identified as the tools for reducing the
negative effects of over concentration. The study also questions the extent of success of
these tools. Europeis viewed as the best platform to comprehend the relevant concepts and
thus will provide the context in which to carry out the study.
Traditional trade theory explains the over concentration of services through variations in
labour skills and other contributions to production (Heckscher 1919; Ohlin 1933), or in
productivity (Ricardo 1917). These differences establish comparative advantages
(Ricardo 1917) between cities, regions and countries. Thus, trade allows the concentration
of services to grow and shrink in reaction to these advantages.
In reality, cities, regions and countries may have different production arrangements but
similar production technologies (Krugman 1991a). Post Fordist countries predominantly
trade goods of a similar product type, i.e.
Comparison in Curriculum between England and Finland
Education both influences and reflects the values and aspirations of a society. It is
therefore important to recognise a set of common aims, values and purposes that
underpin a school curriculum and the work of schools in a range of countries (DfE,
2008). This comparative study will explore the curricula of England and Finland
discussing the history, structure and contents; and consider which of the above are more
useful in preparing young adults for life in the modern society. With reference to the
modern society, it is important to understand that what makes a society modern is
entirely a subjective ideology. This takes into consideration that the views and
expectations of one modern society may differ from the views and expectations... Show
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Across the three years of vocational education, students are required to achieve 120
points equivalent to 40 points per year, with one point equal to 40 hours of study. 90
credits are gained through the vocational studies, 20 credits are gained through study of
the core curriculum subjects i.e. Language, Mathematics and Science, and 10 credits are
gained through free choice studies (FNBE, 2010b).
Following the brief outline of the English and Finnish curricula, the question still stands:
Which curriculum is more suited to preparing people for life in the modern society?
It can be argued that the English curriculum does help educate young adults for the
modern society that England has established. Through the compulsory study of issues
such as sex education and careers education, individuals leave education with a thorough
knowledge of the current contemporary issues and needs of their society. However,
unlike Finland, the English curriculum does not allocate resources for vocational training
in the compulsory education sector. For those who do wish to train on a vocational
subject, they must chose to undertake training outside of compulsory education i.e. after
the leaving secondary school. Therefore it must be argued that the curriculum of Finland
best suits individuals for life in the modern society. Not only does the FNBE cover
almost every aspect
The Security Measures Are Confidentiality Integrity,...
Abstract A bank plays a vital role in peoples life.A bank connects customers with deficit
assets to customers with surplus assets.Net banking refers to the system that enables
bank customers to access accounts and general information on bank products and
services through personal computer(PC) or other intelligent devices and it also performs
virtual banking functions. Bank s first aim is to achieve the trust of customers then
customers report their personal details ,Security of the customers is the prime concern of
the banks and it has its own measures to secure client details and transactions i.e; both
online and offline.The major security measures are confidentiality integrity ,availability
and accuracy. Apart from all the security... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Login process can be done by using digital signatures.
Eg:ICICI Bank,Kotak Bank,Canara Bank. B.Security: a.Frauds due to lack of security:
The top frauds witnessed during April to December 2016 is ICICI Bank.During the first
nine months of current ficial 455 fraud cases involved Rs.1 Lakh and above were
detected in ICICI bank.
SBI,ICICI,HDFC,YES banks were effected with an estimate of Rs.1.3crores already
whisked off by hackers.
The reason behind this is malware that targets computer system. b.security risks:
Apart from all the protection we are still prone to risk like:phishing,Trojan
horse,skimming and spyware. i.Phishing:
This scheme involves useimng fake emails and fake websites. ii.spyware:
A software that is secretly installed in a computer and takes information without the
knowledge of a client. iii.Trojan horse:
A scheme based on embedding a computer virus type software program on to clients
PCs,Trojan hoses tie themselves into keyboard driver and record key strokes.
It is an advanced version of identity theft.frauders copy the information from magnetic
strip and the back of your plastic without interfering with the legitimate payment
transaction. v.criterion risk(HTTP):
When A sends information to B,it will be in unencrypted form.This form is acceptable
when A is not sharing any confidential information.When sender sends sensitive
information like passwords,it will be of
Compare And Contrast Between Tides And Between Tides
Fang culture, TГo Abeso emphasizes that though they do not read books to learn their
culture, [they] know [their] tradition because the eldest member passes it on to the young
so that when he too is old, he will in turn impart the tradition to his young (Ndongo 92).
Ndongo demonstrates through this novel that education can take more than one form,
and though it differs from Western ideals, it still serves as a uniting force amongst the
tribe. Similarly, Pierre is guided by his grandmother throughout childhood. When
speaking with the Colonel, Pierre hears his grandmother s voice in his head speaking
about shikwembu, and compares the description with the Colonel (Mudimbe 52).
In both of these novels, education is exemplified in ways other than ancestral teachings.
In Between Tides, Pierre receives an education starting from elementary school. We learn
that in addition to his schooling to become a priest, he studied canon law. In Shadows of
Your Black Memory, the Spaniards used education as a tool to colonize the Fang people,
teaching them to recognize they should be grateful that they had been saved and to
glorify their Spanish ancestors:
...when Don RamГіn asked you what you were, your little voice stood out clearly: all of
us together are Spaniards by the grace of God! And why are we Spanish? intoned Don
RamГіn, and your clear voice again stood out: we are Spaniards blessed for having been
born in a country called Spain... Spaniards had come to save you from anarchy because
Informative Essay On Alaska
The Last Frontier Alaska Ever wanted to visit the largest state in the country of US,
welcome to charming state Alaska. Alaska has many gorgeous attractions, wondrous
things in it that it is known for, fun historical locations, and fabulous fun facts. But if you
think that is it then read on and prepare to be surprised and Amazed!!
Super Facts You will gaze at the fun facts about Alaska like you are staring at a ice cream
buffet for YOU! Did you know that Alaska is в…“ the size of America, that is huge!
Wonder where we get all our oil for cooking our food, Alaska is 25% of the oil
production in North America, thank Alaska for that! Also, Alaska has three
regions,mountains,coast and forest. If you want to float down the hill ... Show more
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Alaskan Kodiak and Polar Bears can grow to 1,400 pounds and 11 feet tall. Moose can
grow to 1,350 pounds with antlers spanning up to 6 feet wide, that is huge! Alaska is one
of the few places where there are otters in the SEA! For viewing different animals in
different seasons you should go to Alaska because in spring you will see beautiful cranes
and seals in spring, in summer you will see brown bears and moose cows, in fall you
will see gats and deers and finally in winter you will see whales, snow wolves and
Alcohol Over Time Essay
Humans have been abusing alcohol almost as long as we have been drinking fermented
beverages. Why do people become Alcoholics? What does Alcohol do to the body after
prolonged exposure? Is alcoholism a recent phenomenon? Is there anything we can do
about it? Alcohol s prolonged impact on the human body is rarely positive. Defining
Alcoholismcan vary due to the fact that each person s opinion on how much is too
much differs. However there inevitably comes a point where all people can agree that
something is wrong and a person is addicted. For some people, one traumatizing event
can cause alcoholism to emerge. From a medical perspective Alcoholdoes a great amount
of damage if one is addicted to the drug. For an unfortunate few the addictioncan end in a
hideous death. Yet Alcohol is not harmful if it is ingested in moderation, however
some people do not have the ability to monitor their drinks. Thus resulting in
Alcoholism. It is a matter of debate among doctors and scientists over what the cause
of alcoholism is, but it is classified as a disease. Steady drinking over time definitely
plays a part, as well as the age of a person when they start drinking. A person who starts
drinking at a younger age is markedly more likely to develop into an... Show more
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(History of Alchemy) For time out of mind the primary drinks being consumed by
humans were beer, wine, and cider. All three have a relatively low alcohol content,
generally less than 15% by volume. They are made by the process of fermentation.
During the medieval period in Europe more pure forms of alcohol were invented by the
process of distillation, which concentrates the alcohol and were used for medicinal
purposes. These new distilled spirits may contain up to 40% alcohol by volume. (Alcohol
Management And Management Of Monitoring Employees
A managers are individuals that disseminate task, information to their employees, and
monitors their work to verify that the job is being done efficiently. Besides monitoring
employees, one of their main goal are to ensure that the company is earning the largest
possible revenue in order to pay their employees, other expenses, and to net a profit so
that money can also be saved for a rainy days . For example, buying or repairing of
equipment or dealing with civil law suits. According to Robbin Coulter say, A manage is
someone who coordinates and oversees the work of other people so organization goals
can be accomplished (Coulter). In his book, he highlights that there are three types of
manager; top manager, middle manager, and first... Show more content on
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However, the main skills top managers must have is conceptual skill because their
main responsibilities are dealing with making decisions such as creating innovative
way create more profit, creation of new products and confirming that the middle, and
front managers are doing their job both efficiently, and effectively. In class, we learned
about the different types of managers. I learned that there are basically two types of
managers, the first type of manager is the team leader , and the other type of manager
is the traditional manager. The team leader is the type of managers that inspire their
employees to think; they allow their employees to give feedback about how the
company should be operated. In addition, task are completed as a group with the
manager activity involved, and they allow their employees the freedom perform task in
other innovative, modern ways that may might be taboo for a company that is accustom
of doing business just in one way. Furthermore, this type of manager cares about their
employees feel within the company, and tries to make them feel as comfortable as
possible by asking them what can be done to make their job easier. Also, they
acknowledges their employees accomplishments by personally telling them and by public
recognition. While on the other hand, the tradition manager does not
Intelligence Is An Important Factor
Intelligence can determines what classes you take, what jobs you get, your level of
education, your type of lifestyle, your future and etc.... Intelligence is an important factor
in our lives but what exactly is it? Intelligence has many different meanings due to
different investigators having numerous definitions of it. For example, in a 1921
conference, American psychologists Lewis M. Terman and Edward L. Thorndike
contrasted over the definition of intelligence, Terman believed that intelligence was the
ability to think abstractly while Thorndike alleged that intelligence was learning and the
ability to give good responses to questions (Sternberg, 2014). Overtime, psychologists
have been able to come up with a general meaning, which is... Show more content on
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These dispute first initiated in 1865 with an English scientist, Francis Galton who
began studying the correlation on hereditary and success (Behavioral Neuroscience
Web Ring Macalester College). Convinced, based on his evidence, that success and
other abilities were mostly based on hereditary factors, he deduced that intelligence
must be bred and not trained (Wilderdom, 2005). He then opposed those who believed
in the environmental effects on intelligence (Behavioral Neuroscience Web Ring
Macalester College). For centuries, this debate had no clear conclusion but many
theories and hypothesis. Although both the nature and nurture side has find great
amount of evidence, it is still undecided which side has more effects in one s
intelligence. First, the theory about how genes can affect your intelligence can be
tested thanks to the birth of monozygotic or identical twins born from the same cell
(Behavioral neuroscience Web Ring Macalester College). Because children share 50%
of their genes with each of their parents, this then becomes an interesting area of
research because they could compare monozygotic twins who share 100 percent of their
genes. This is good because they both obtained 50% of their parents genes plus they are
identical twins so this gives a great window to research. In
Life In A Juvenile Detention Center
. A juvenile detention center is a secure prison for young adults under the age of 18,
often form juvenile delinquents. Though which they get sentenced for the crime they
committed for a period. Life after being detained in a juvenile corredional faculty can
be a difficult transition for a child. Have you ever followed the wrong crowd and did
something you regret? Well that is what juvenile detention is for, kids who committed
an illegal act. Julie Kisaka a 29 year old, who stole her car on her 15th birthday and
hung out out with the wrong crowd because she wanted to parents be cool. She was
sentence to 30 days in the faculty. Then she was released with probation. After the child
has spent time in juvenile faculty, there is a possibility of them transitioning back into
society easily or with some difficultly.... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
For example, Ms. Kisaka turned her life around because she wanted to be a lawyer
with her parents, who both had advanced degrees. Not going to college wasn t an
option. She said she could raise her GPA from 0 to a 3.0 by junior year, and went to
Clayton University to political science. A Negative outcome: Unfortuently, some
children do not have a positive outcome after being in juvenile fatality. They go back to
their old ways and get in to more trouble and their parents give up on them. They have a
difficult education and fall behind on their educational performance. After kids go to a
juvenile faculty they can have a negative or positive outcome. They can either turn their
life around and become a citizen or a true menace to
Essay on Frederick Douglas
Paper on Frederick Douglass

In the 1800 s, slavery was a predominant issue in the United States, one that most
Americans in the South dealt with daily. The Narrative of the Life of Frederick
Douglass reveals much about American history during the time of slavery as well as
expounds arguments for the abolition of slavery. As a historical document, it conveys
information about the slave family, work, the master slave relationship, and the
treatment and living conditions of slaves. As an antislavery tract, it argues against
commonly held beliefs about slavery s benefits and its morality, making strong points
for getting rid of slavery. In The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, Douglass
reveals, through the story he tells the ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
As these examples show, any member of a family could at any time be separated from
any other member. Controlling the family in this way, slaveholders took away the
potential strength that the slaves could have had if they were allowed to have strong,
lasting family bonds. Frederick Douglass narrative reveals a lot about the work of the
slaves. Some few slaves worked in the master s house, some more worked in the
master s production huts around the farm, but most of them worked in the field under
the watch of an overseer with a whip ready in hand. The slaves would be punished,
sometimes very severely, if they weren t working early in the morning. They could
also be punished if they didn t work fast enough or well enough. After a long day of
work, they would have to go to their huts and do their own cooking and washing. They
could only sleep a few hours a night after doing all the work they had to do. When they
were finished with their work they would fall down on their beds and sleep till they
[were] summoned to the field by the driver s horn. (48) Looking at the slaves as
property, the master wanted to use them as much as he could to get his money s value.
He didn t think of them as human beings who had needs, but as machines
Dead Zone in the Gulf of Mexico Essay
One World Essay: Dead Zone in the Gulf of Mexico

Scientific Reasoning:

The dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico is a human problem, like most other disasters.
What this means is that once the place thrived and was ecologically balanced, but we
tipped the balance slightly and wrecked havoc upon the environment. It has been noted to
occur since the 1950 s and is ongoing. The reason that this dead zone occurs is because of
a phenomenon known as eutrophication. Eutrophication is when there is an excessive
amount of nutrients in a body of water and it causes an abundance of plants to grow. In
this case the nearby farms had been using nitrogen in their fertilizers. The nitrogen got
carried into the ocean through rain and other forms of ... Show more content on
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Some species might thrive in conditions that other struggle to survive. For example some
predators might need more oxygen then a smaller prey. With less predators being
around, there is a huge burst in prey, which can eat up all of the bacteria. When the
bacteria all die, the prey can t find any food and all die out. This causes a very
unreliable food chain and can be dangerous to live in. In hypoxic zones what tends to
happen is that marine life such as fish or shrimp die out quickly while the smaller
organisms live. This causes whole species to die out leaving a dominance of gelatinous
creatures such as jellyfish to thrive in. Economic Problems:

There are many economical problems due to the dead zone ranging from fisheries
going out of business to illnesses. The economical problems have paid their toll on
nearby fishers whom in total have paid over 10 billion US dollars to repair the
problem. Sadly though, no matter how much they pay, the problem is still on going.
The gulf s massive fishing industry is trying to focus its efforts on the parts that have
been affected in an attempt to save their sea. According to many sources, EPA views
this problem as unimportant and hasn t helped yet. The reason that it is so hard to
come to an agreement is because there is no solution that pleases everyone. Right now
the farmers up north of the gulf are having an easy time because of easy and cheap waste
disposal while downstream the fishers are
Elementary Education Career
1. Ranked as one of the most rewarding and inspiring careers there is. This job is a
wonderful choice for those who want to help make a difference and an impact on
individual student lives. And to also help students reach their full potential of what they
can do.
1. Elementary students have one of the most important jobs in the country. Not only are
they tasked with providing a well rounded general education, elementary teachers play a
vital role in setting a solid foundation for students future academic success.
2. A teacher has an opportunity to help shape the educational, social, and moral
development of children in many positive ways. The chance to help children appreciate
the joy of learning makes this profession extremely rewarding. ... Show more content on
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Every state requires that public school teachers be licensed by completing education
requirements and passing examinations. A bachelor s degree is the minimum
requirement for licensure. Elementary teachers hold bachelor s degrees in education,
while high school teachers have degrees in a subject area.
8. In my high school years I did volunteering class and I also did child psych and
development. These classes will teach me more about working with children and caring
for them.
10. The median annual Public School Teacher salary in Minneapolis, MN is $55,731, as
of August 29, 2016, with a range usually between $48,651 $64,347 not including bonus
and benefit information and other factors that impact base
Analysis Of And Then There Were None By Agatha Christie
And Then There Were None The book And Then There Were None was written by
Agatha Christie in 1939. The book is a mystery novel that was published in England
on November 6, 1939, but not released in the United States until December of 1939.
The theme of the novel to me is that of criminal activity, and seclusion. I feel that the
people were brought to the secluded island because they were handpicked because of
crimes they were of supposed to have committed and the person did not fill like they
were punished like they should be an d wanted them to die in a game manor from the
poem in the book. They were made to think there was a killer on the loose there and
then they began to think it was one of them. The information listed below is how I
came to themes. On a day in August day ei ght people came to an island just off the
Devon coast of England. Each person had their own reasons for coming either work or
a vacation. Once they got to the island they are met by the Rogers. Thomas is the butler
of the house that the guests are staying at and Ethel is the housekeeper/cook. Thomas
and Ethel state that Mr. and Mrs. Owen are not home yet but will be back shortly. They
tell the guests that they have been given [Roberts] 2 instructions for them and in all
confusion of the guests wondering why the Owen fa mily isn t home, yet they take their
instructions. As the day goes by the guests notice that in every room of the house there is
a copy of Ten Little Indians .
`` We Wants Our Rights And We Don t Care How
The opening line on Marat/Sade posters read, We wants our rights and we don t care
how. We want our revolution NOW . The disturbing picture alongside portrays a blood
soaked arm grasping an equally crimson knife from which blood drips. Ever since its
first English language production, in 1964, Peter Weiss play has proved a confronting
experience for audiences, and Barry French s production at the New Theatre does not
disappoint. A play within a play written by the infamous Marquis de Sadeduring his
imprisonment in an asylum, French sought to represent a re enactment of the twilight
hours of the French Revolutionary ending with Marat s murder. This links back to the
opening line and the partisans willingness to seize a world beyond... Show more content
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Immediately afterwards she is seen calling for Simmone, her attendant and lover to calm
her itching skin with cold water. Despite being passionately committed to collective
action for social reform, her physical handicaps serve as a reminder that her character is
merely an extension of Sade s writing and any further personal action requires his
permission . In contrast, Sade often remained silent save for his occasional polarizing
arguments with Marat which solidified his position as a creator rather than just an
another character. Furthermore, his ability to physically pace and project a louder
presence in contrast to Marat within the performance space highlights an another aspect
of power separation between the two central characters.

I believe that such displays of power inequality amongst characters such as Sade and
Marat could be further explored through the cage like setting stated earlier. Upon
entering the intimate yet slightly claustrophobic theatre, the audience and I were faced
with a unique and privileged seating arrangement where three rows of seating
surrounded a central metal cage. The cage is reminiscent of a prison compound with
high iron fences that have wrapped around the stage except for a single entrance/exit in
a far corner. It was much later in the performance did I realize that French usage of
literary place was ingenious. The outer action consist of the Coulmiers and the Parisian
elite (the audience) while the
Jonathan Kozol
Jonathan Kozol
Savage Inequalities: Children in America s Schools

Jonathan Kozol, Savage Inequalities: Children in America s Schools is an intense expose

of unjust conditions in educating America s children. Today s society of living
conditions, poverty, income, desegregation and political issues have forced inadequate
education to many children across the country. Kozol discusses major reasons for
discrepancies in schools: disparities of property taxes, racism and the conflict between
state and local control. Kozol traveled to public schools researching conditions and the
level of education in each school. He spoke with teachers, students, principals,
superintendents and government officials to portray a clear picture of the ... Show more
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Once again, he finds children that are forced to learn in a facility that isn t fit to be
inhabited, much less a school. He the visits P.S. 79, which is extremely overcrowded,
After viewing these two decrepit schools, he visits Riverdale, P.S. 24. Because of the
property value of the houses around Riverdale, the school gets a lot more money than
either P.S. 261 or P.S. 79. This chapter focuses on how money is divided up to schools.
It appears that the value of the homes in the district far a school determines the amount
of money that in invested into that school. Kozol emphasized the importance of
financial need in the school system therefore giving a positive outlook on many of the
schools. He incorporated the fact that values and income does determine the level of a
child s education. In chapter 3, Kozol discusses the inconsistencies in property tax
revenues and the problem that the poorer districts aren t getting the same opportunities
for education as the more affluent neighborhoods. He says the reason for this is that the
poorer districts don t receive as much money as the affluent districts because their
property isn t worth as much, therefore they get less money in return. Although this
seems to be unfair, there is an opinion that reflects the positive side of this process. In
New York, the children in the middle class districts receive an elevated source of
education; however children in other areas
Coffee Paper Cups Are Good For The Environment
What is your to coffee? Double espresso? Ristretto? Americano? Cappuccino? Well
whatever that coffee is, it s most likely to end up being served in a paper cup. The
paper cups is a common theme within our society when it comes to our hot beverages.
It is a common theme because paper is known to be a recyclable and biodegradable
material. Which is a far better option for the environment when compared to the material,
plastic. So does that means these coffeepaper cup are good for the environment?
Unfortunately, no not in this case. These types of paper cups are actually harmful, using
up way too many natural resources, energy and polluting the environment, directing
harming almost walks of life as well. But how do cups made from biodegradable... Show
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However, if we just look over to the United States by itself, over 50 billion paper cups are
made every single year. By looking at a study, the Report of the Starbucks Coffee
Company/ Alliance for Environmental Innovation Joint Task Force the production of
paper cups emits about 0.11 kilograms of carbon dioxide of a single cup. This takes in
consideration of all factors of the makings which includes the paper, the paper sleeve,
the plastic, and the ink of the cup. But it s okay if this much carbon is produced because
we have our forests to clear it up, right?

Trees are known to be one of nature s greatest filters, adsorption carbon dioxide,
photosynthesising it to oxygen. But how are they suppose to filter the air of carbon if
we are cutting 20 million trees down every year? To state again, if these paper cups are
disposed of into the environment, they can cause soil pollutions and a numerous amount
of health risk issues. And even though we have sustainable methods of deforestation
practices, the production of paper cups will results in the ecosystem s reduction forests
and the overall increase of the planet s carbon
Analysis Of John Paul Lederach s The Moral Imagination
John Paul Lederach s The Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of Building Peace goes
could only have been written by someone who had spent many years in the field of
conflict management. With its underlying focus of the essence of peacebuilding, it
looks far beyond what one may learn in any textbook or seminar. While the first 8
chapters of the text are ripe with areas for further analysis, here I will focus only on
theme, found in one chapter, in the interest of brevity. In chapter 2 of The Moral
Imagination we are introduced to real life micro case studies. The cases aim to help the
reader understand how people experiencing violent conflictthroughout the world have
worked to transcend the cycles of violence that bewitch our community, building on
Lederach s statement on why the book was written. That being said, we can see that
Lederach is operating under the assumption that current day peacebuilding and conflict
management is not working as well as it should. It is clear that he thinks there is
something more that needs to be involved in current strategies and models. He believes
we must move from looking at actors in a conflict as separate involved parties and
instead view parties as a web of relationships which include our enemies. This requires a
shift in thinking for those in thefield of peacebuilding and for those involved in the
conflict, but in making this shift, we can look at conflicts as existing within our
communities rather than between our
The Different Lives of Jake Barnes and Brett Ashley in...
In the novel The Sun Also Rises we read about two characters that seem to depend on
each other. Ernest Hemingway writes this story ingeniously to show how these two
characters are intertwined with one another. One character can t get away from the other
because of the friendship they share. We have to look at the lives of Jake Barnes and
Brett Ashley from both points of view to understand how they are complicated.

Brett Ashley was a different type of lady. She drinks all the time and enjoys the
company of men. When she feels unhappy she drinks more. Hemingway s character the
count said, Let s enjoy a little more of this, Brett pushed her glass forward. The count
poured very carefully. There, my dear. Now you enjoy that ... Show more content on
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He served in war and lost his ability to physically pleasure women. He tries to enjoy the
simple things in life but ends up having to put up with Brett and her issues. Jake is an
author and works his office in Paris. Fishing and watching bull fights are his hobbies. In
Pamplona, Jake and his guests were allowed to stay at the Hotel Montoya because Jake
was considered an aficionado.

Aficion means passion. An aficionado is one who is passionate about

the bull fights. All the good bull fighters stayed at Montoya s hotel;

that is, those with aficion stayed there. The commercial bull fighters

stayed once, perhaps, and then did not come back. (136)

Jake loses his aficionado status when he introduces Brett to Pedro. Jake s biggest fault is
his love for Brett because she will only love him as a good dependable friend.

Jake and Brett s relationship with one another is ridiculous. Brett goes out with other
men and gets drunk. Jake loves and hates Brett for the actions she takes. Brett tells Jake
that she loves him and talks about the other men she has been with. Jake tells her that
she is being drunk and to shut up about it. Brett leaves the men she has been with just to
come back to Jake for support. Jake loves being her emotional crutch because she is
around him more

Well, where will I see you?

Anywhere around five o clock.

Make it the other side of town then.

Good. I ll be at the Crillon at

Anne Moody Coming Of Age Essay
In the Jim Crow South, Anne Moody lived her life trying to overcome the challenges of
living in a racist society. In her autobiography, Coming of Age in Mississippi, she details
her intimate experiences as a young African American woman facing the challenges of
growing up in the Jim Crow South during the mid twentieth century. This autobiography
is divided into four, chronological sections: childhood, high school, college, and the
Movement. In the first section of the book, Moody recollects her life living in extreme
poverty and battling racial distinctions at a young age. Throughout her struggle to find a
balance between school and work, Moody begins to take note of the racial inequalities in
her society. The black and white dichotomy was not the only form of racial distinction
she internalized. The poor treatment of high yellows ... Show more content on
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Because racial etiquette played a huge role in the dynamic of systematic oppression,
this death was not just any other death. This tragic event marked a turning point in
Moody s life. She finally came to a realization that the treatment of blacks in this
country was unjust and cruel. While growing into a beautiful woman, she also learns
of the NAACP and their efforts to overthrow racial inequality. She then transferred to
Tougaloo College for her final two years of college where she began taking part in the
Movement. Here, Moody joined the NAACP. From the sit in at Woolworth s in Jackson
to numerous protests within the area, she allowed the struggle of her people to pave the
way to her membership in CORE. Shortly after, Moody became a CORE activist in
Madison County where she became very active in the Freedom Vote. Because of her avid
participation in this sector of the movement, her criticism of the movement in general
offers a unique insight to the events of this time
The Glorious Revolution Research Paper
The Glorious Revolution of England was a bloodless coup which led to the overthrow
of King James II in 1688 and the establishment of William and Mary as monarchs. The
Parliamentarians got rid of the absolute monarchy. King James II tried to create religious
liberty for English Roman Catholics. Over half the colonies were under King James II s
control. King James II refused to recognized the colonial charters. They didn t have any
say over the laws and taxes. He attempted to replace Protestant institution with Catholic
ones. The Protestant hated the Catholics and feared persecution they had left behind in
Europe. Due to the Glorious Revolution the Puritans in Boston rebelled against Governor
in Chief Andros. The Glorious Revolution was a precursor to the American Revolution.

During the first century of British rule in the American colonies, colonies were free to do
what they wished. The British had laws about commerce they were not enforced.
Salutary neglect refers to the British ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
The acts involved that imported goods from Asia and Africa had to arrive in English
ships. Imported goods from non English America had to arrive in English ships.
American colonies could only export their goods in English ships. Any seafood or whale
products had to be caught by English ships. Basically the English wanted to closely
supervise England s imports and exports. This angered the colonists.

Mercantilism is about trade and how trade is conducted. It is government control tarde.
It is not a free trade system. Mercantilism system the government tells you how much
you can charge for goods and where you can sell them. The unfair laws pass by England
to control the trade in the colonies is why some colonists revolted against England, this
led to the American Revolutionary War. After the war the Mercantilist system was
replaced by free trade system which we still use

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