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500 Word Essay Example

Writing a 500-word essay on the topic "500 Word Essay Example" may seem deceptively
straightforward, but the task carries its own set of challenges. Crafting an essay of this length
requires a delicate balance between conciseness and substance. The limited word count demands
careful selection of ideas and words, making every sentence count.

One of the challenges lies in the temptation to either over-elaborate on points, risking verbosity, or to
be overly brief, potentially leaving the essay lacking depth. Striking the right balance requires a keen
awareness of the topic and a clear understanding of the key points to be addressed within the limited
word count.

Moreover, the challenge lies not only in conveying information but also in ensuring the essay
maintains coherence and flow. The brevity of a 500-word essay necessitates a well-structured
approach, with each paragraph seamlessly transitioning to the next. This demands a thoughtful
organization of ideas to present a cohesive narrative that engages the reader.

Additionally, there's the struggle to adhere to the prescribed word count. Meeting the requirement
precisely can be a meticulous task, as it demands a careful review of each sentence and the constant
evaluation of whether it contributes meaningfully to the essay.

Despite these challenges, writing a 500-word essay on any topic requires creativity, critical thinking,
and the ability to express ideas clearly and succinctly. It's an exercise that sharpens one's
communication skills and challenges one to articulate thoughts with precision.

In conclusion, while crafting a 500-word essay on the topic "500 Word Essay Example" may present
its own set of difficulties, it is a valuable exercise in honing writing skills. The challenge lies in
delivering a thoughtful and well-structured piece within the constraints of the word limit. For those
seeking assistance with similar essays or any writing task, various resources, including professional
writing services like, offer support for academic endeavors.
500 Word Essay Example 500 Word Essay Example
Greek Cave Art
Kyle Wiebe
Dr. Guang Qiu Xu
World Civilizations
13 October 2014
Have you ever wondered about the actual significance of cave paintings? Henri Breuil
and Hans Georg Bandi do an excellent job of explaining and documenting early cave
paintings in their book Art of the Stone Age: Forty Thousand Years of Rock Art. This
book provides a richly informative look into the earliest known cave paintings. The book
mentions different places in which cave art was found, how it was probably created, and
the controversies amongst the archaeological community as to the authenticity of the
cave paintings. The book can be difficult to read, as it is very thorough. However, it
provides interesting insight into the art of the Stone Age.
Henri Breuil, one of the ... Show more content on ...
However, because the latter is on a more specific topic, it can offer a more focused and
in depth viewpoint. While The Earth and Its Peoples simply narrates the linear history
of early civilizations, Art of the Stone Age gives more specific details about its topic.
For example, as mentioned earlier, it discusses the historical significance of the art of
the Stone Age and takes an in depth look into the perspectives of the peoples of the
time. It mentions controversies regarding authenticity, how stone paintings were created,
and, most significantly, the different styles, themes, and nuances of cave art. While The
Earth and Its Peoples gives a great overview of the early civilizations, while Art of the
Stone Age gives a more specific and in depth look into a very important part of the
earliest civilizations: the
Speech And Writing, By Sylvie Thivierge Spoken Language
Students spend a lot of time in doing their schoolwork and after spending countless hours
they hardly get the passing grades. They know actually how to read but are unable to
grasp the meanings it really does not mean that these students are not motivated or they
do not have that intellectual potential they try to show the best performance without
targeting those weak points which become hurdle in their progress. As stated by Sylvie
Thivierge Spoken languageplays a vital role in determining someone s writingit is
observed that starting school is easier for those who are good at speaking as compared
to those who are not well acquainted well with their language. Skills are interrelated
and are developed at very early ages so if a student can speak well it s not important that
he can write well as writing needs to be done in an organized manner so teachers should
assist the students in targeting those issues which unknowingly spoil their literary skills.
Unidirectional and multidirectional theories
While examining the relationship between speech and writing there are two theories
regarding the relationship examined, Unidirectional and Multidirectional. (Stotsky, 1987)
Unidirectional, according to this theory ... Show more content on ...
All Writing is permanent, All Speech is transient It is said that writing is permanent,
enduring and lasting what about those political speeches which linger on the minds of
people and are analyzed later so in this case it is a speech which is enduring permanence,
not all speeches are transitory. All Writing is formal All speech is informal Are those
institutional speeches are formal which are the guideline for the future of the students.
So it is not possible to distinguish between the two as both are associated with each other.
Not enough account is taken of the fundamental differences that exists between speech
and writings Lord Bullock
The Effect Of Sleep Deprivation On Seizure
A study on the effect of sleep deprivation on seizure in epilepsy disorder and its relation
to signaling bathways in the brain

People with seizure disorder usually have problems with their sleep. Daytime sleepiness,
lack of energy and drowsiness are frequently seen in epileptic patients. Baseline electrical
activity has been vastly studied in epilepsy. Seizures can be either partial or generalized.
Based on the area of the brain triggered by epileptic waves, any kind of motor or sensory
abnormalities can happen in partial seizure. If the whole brain cortex is triggered,
generalized tonic clonic seizure can happen, which is the classic shaking of the body
and loss of consciousness. Generalized seizures may be followed by a post ictal period
in which the patient will be heavily drowsy and may experience memory loss for a short
amount of time. It has been shown that epileptic patients can reach threshold potentials
more readily than the normal population and lack of sleep can be a trigger for causing a
seizure [1]. The circadian rhythm, synchronizing role of thalamo cortical networks, and
reduced intracortical inhibition have been suggested as underlying physiologic factors
elicited by sleep deprivation that make a patient more prone to seizure activity.

The abnormal progress from resting potential to a wild epileptic wave can be triggered
by sleep deprivation as lack of sleep alters the neural resting potential.
Seizure occurrence is found to be related to the circadian
Essay about ECET 110
44. Why do you never apply an ohmmeter to a live network? (Boylestad 98)
Boylestad, Robert L. Introductory Circuit Analysis, VitalSource for DeVry University,
12th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 11/2012. VitalBook file.

Answer: It will be an inaccurate measurement because there is already a current flowing

inside of it. An ohmmeter measures the current from the voltage that s been being put
out. So by applying an ohmmeter to a live network it will have an confusion between the
live network and an ohmmeter voltage.

1.What is the voltage across a 220О© resistor if the current through it is 5.6 ... Show
more content on ...
Which will have the least?
b.Which resistor will have the most impact on the total resistance and the resulting
current? Find the total resistance and the current.
c.Find the voltage across each element and review your response to part (a).
FIG. 5.93 Problem 9.

(Boylestad 178)
Boylestad, Robert L. Introductory Circuit Analysis, VitalSource for DeVry University,
12th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 11/2012. VitalBook file.

Answer: A) will have the most voltage. B) will have the most impact. C) Problem 9 C)
Problem 9C)

13.For the circuit in Fig. 5.97, constructed of standard value resistors:

a.Find the total resistance, current, and voltage across each element.
b.Find the power delivered to each resistor.
c.Calculate the total power delivered to all the resistors.
d.Find the power delivered by the source.
e.How does the power delivered by the source compare to that delivered to all the
f.Which resistor received the most power? Why?
g.What happened to all the power delivered to the resistors?
h.If the resistors are available with wattage ratings of 1/2 W, 1 W, 2 W, and 5 W, what
minimum wattage rating can be used for each resistor?
FIG. 5.97 Problem 13.

(Boylestad 179 180)

Boylestad, Robert L. Introductory Circuit Analysis, VitalSource
Julie Taymor’s Titus Andronicus Essay
Julie Taymor s Titus Andronicus

Shakespeare s first tragedy has been a topic of discussion since the day it was written.
Titus Andronicus was staged on 24 January 1594 by the Earl of Sussex s Men at the
Rose Theatre (Welsh 1). Though this tidbit of information seems somewhat irrelevant to
Titus, we must note that there are certain standards and practices established by a play
from its first performance. It is also important to establish the general attributes that
audiences attribute to Shakespearean performance.

One of the distinguishing factors in portraying Titus centers in its origin: Titus Andronicus
[...] must be considered as an experimental play (Bowers 118). Being Shakespeare s first
attempt at tragedy, it ... Show more content on ...
First of all, looking at the practical purpose of Shakespeare s work, we see that he was
trying to overcome the standard Kyd had set down with violence, found in works such
as the Spanish Tragedy: Titus Andronicus tried to surpass [Kyd] in the portrayal of
blood and horrors (Bowers 109). Not only did the violence serve as a practical means
of marketing, but the emphasis and devotion to the villainous character of Aaron
extends the role of the villain (Bowers 274). For the first time we have monologues of
the villain developing if not at least trying to explain his motives. With this
development, Shakespeare further progressed his craft and simultaneously, gained
stature for his inclinations. The non practical explanation for Titus Andronicus
violence is found within the characters and the aspect of humanity their actions portray
and mirror, if only in part, in all of us. There is a foundational element in all of us that
seeks revenge. For we need look only to [...] the present decade [...] to see that Titus
Andronicus is no period piece irrelevant to contemporary times (Karten 1). Though the
decade Karten speaks of is the 1990s. The present decade obviously rings true with the
events of September 11, and in my opinion, more so with the overall events of the
American involvement in the Middle East. We are not too far from revenge to not
appreciate the message Shakespeare presents in Titus Andronicus. T.S. Eliot may call
Bridget Jones Character Analysis
Throughout this novel, we see Bridget Jones having a breakdown as she writes her
way through her struggles. In the novel, the quote her nerves are shot to ribbons is
used to describe Bridget. This is a perfect quote to overlook the whole book honestly,
because the meaning behind it is that she is either disappointed or depressed. In most of
her situations she never knows what to do. Her mom also explains that she cannot stand
her own problems and tries to solve them through others. This metaphor is a huge part of
this book because it is clear that Bridget has many issues she needs to work out.
The first major aspect in this novel would be the ideal of self perfection. In the article
Contextualizing Bridget Jones it says, Bridget is always trying to better herself with diets,
self help books, and other American pop culture (Marsh, 53) . In the end, she still is
not happy with herself. She sees that American way of how girls should look and feels
this need to make all of these changes in her life by starting a diary that begins with a
list of things to better herself . One scene that was ironic was the fact that after she lost
a certain amount of weight she wanted, people said that she had looked better the other
way. Even if she thought she was doing the right thing, whether it was for her or for
herself, her wants/needs still were not met. In this novel we see that she is in a state of
being disappointed in whatever relationship she is dealing with or even herself. As
Marvin Berkowitz On Character Education
This article written by Marvin W. Berkowitz focuses on answering three questions
regarding character education. The questions are what is character education, does
character education work, and what is effective character education? The ratio of
discussion per question is roughly 1:3:6, respectively. Berkowitz informs the readers that
character educationis truly a complex topic and concept, and Berkowitz classifies
character education as rocket science (even using scientific descriptors). By stating that
character education complicated, educators are comforted in case they have had failed
attempts at establishing a productive character education program in their classrooms.
The simple way to view character education is a blend of pro social
Edwin Hubble Limitations
It is not an experience unfamiliar to one of saturated mind to find oneself, stranded at
the 2 AM hour, paralyzed by fear for the reality of the insignificance of humanity against
an incomprehensibly massive universe. While it perhaps presents itself as scary, the
vastness of the universe lends its limitations to more than just our sense of importance,
but to our ability to study it as well.

First, it is important to distinguish that the size of the universe gives us a different view of
our sky than what may actually be happening in it. In 1929, Edwin Hubble established
a law that implies one of the more mind bending, Star Wars worthy concepts of
astronomical study: what we see is not only far, far away, but is also long ago (http:/
/hyperphysics.phy (Links to an external
site.)Links to an external site.). Light takes so long to travel from even some of the
closest objects to our solar system that we are not capable of viewing things in real
time. Objects we see at night may, in fact, be long gone from their regions of the sky. ...
Show more content on ...
Take, for example, the closest star to our solar system: Proxima Centauri. Close is good,
right? Not when close is still 4.22 light years away (this simply came from s
article on the Alpha Centauri system). The distance of the earth to celestial bodies
provides us with one of the most difficult challenges to overcome: studying the
properties and behaviors of things that we cannot touch or interact with. Now, this isn t
exactly true of every object in space we ve obviously touched the moon and hope to
touch Mars someday but the indescribably vast majority of the universe lies outside of
the scope of objects that we are able to touch
Taking a Look at Barnes Noble
The bookstore chain has been decreasing in profit in the US over the past 20 years.
Most of the books retailers are shutting down their operations and only a few are still
operating in the country. Barnes and Noble has become the largest bookseller in the
book retailers industry (1). The firm has integrated its business philosophy into web
presence though eBook marketplace. This business strategy assisted the firm to be able
to reach a large scale customers and remain as a strongest competitor in the book
retailing market.
Barnes Noble was successful on releasing the NOOK tablets, which responsible for
major contribution to the company s digital book sales. These tablets helped to eliminate
the physical copy of book to the ... Show more content on ...
Barnes Noble made a decision to obsolete one of its own products color tables (4).
Instead, the firm decided to join adventure and signed the products right to third parties
in exchange of co branding opportunities. By joining business adventure and giving up
the right of branding which sent a wrong signal to other firms in the same industry. The
impression was that Barnes Noble could not compete against the competitors such as
Apple, Amazon, and Samsung in the marketplace. As a result, Amazon dominated 25%
overall with digital books in the marketplace, which leading by 7% over Barnes Noble
according to Romance Sales by channel (3).
Barnes Noble intended get rid of all its Nook tables are in stock with a price discount
throughout the holidays. Even though several Nook tablets were able to compete
with Kindle rivals, however, it has not able help the firm with financial status. The
estimated of company s Nook tablets had an estimated lost in profit with approximate
$177 million which was double the loss in the first quarter from last year. The firm
sales dropped by 34 percent which equivalent to $108 million. Barnes Noble has been
struggling with the high cost of producing its own devices. The unsold of Nook tables
were accrued up to $133 million in the fourth quarter only and it would be $222 million
for the entire fiscal year of 2013 (4).
The company had to invest an ample amount of money to operate physical store
Early Childhood Education Essay examples
Play is developmentally appropriate for primary age children and can provide them with
opportunities that enrich the learning experience (Copple Bredekamp 2009). Early
childhood education holds two main focuses; a child based focus and a family based
focus. Early childhood education has positive outcomes on the child through their
learning experiences, and their growth and development. Based on the family, the results
of early education happen through the communication that the family has with the
educators and by the encouragement they get from within themselves, and also from the
Children learn most of what they know through play. There are many ways in which a
child learns on a daily basis, they learn the skills and ... Show more content on ...
Educators can facilitate the children with different materials and environments in the
classrooms that are in the early learning centres. The children need to develop their
minds cognitively. Children actively construct knowledge as they manipulate and explore
their world (Berk 2007). Children are needing to develop their abilities through their play
experiences, and also through their play experiences, they can develop appropriately.
Early childhood education plays a large part in a child s early development. Children
develop cognition through two main stages that Jean Piaget theorized. The stages run
from birth and infancy to school age children. Sensorimotor is the first stage and goes
from birth to about the age of two. This stage implies that the children learn about the
environment they live in and they learn this through the reflexes and movements they
produce. They also learn that they are separate people from their parents and they can
say goodbye to them and know they will come back. The second stage is called the
preoperational stage. During this stage of development, children will learn how to
incorporate symbols to represent objects. This is also the beginning of learning the
alphabet and speech. The child is still very much egocentric at this point in time, but with
the help of understanding educators, the child will grow appropriately onto the next
stages of development. Finally, the children need to develop emotionally/socially.
Management Report
1.0 Introduction
This report is presented to Senior Management team. The aim of this report is to provide
an analysis of Vietnam and Steve Madden brand. In addition, this report also gives
solutions to consider the opening of new branch of Steve Madden in Vietnam.

Steve Madden is a company from USA that manufacture footwear. Nowadays, Asia
becomes the good prospect for western countries to expand their company to earn more
profit. Vietnam is one of the developing countries that can be a good place for Steve
Madden to expand a new branch there. However, Senior Management is not sure the best
choices to enter the Steve Madden brand into Vietnam.

This report covers only SWOT analysis of Steve Madden, business level strategy, market
... Show more content on ...
If they can do this successfully then they can generate brand loyalty. This makes it
difficult for potential entrants because it will be more difficult for them to win new
customers (Gillespie 2007, 195). Steve Madden has the advantages of the brand
background. Steve Madden day to day becomes a conversation among people in Asia.
With the presence of Steve Madden competitors, proving that footwear business can
grows in Vietnam.
Competing in a new industry requires a firm to have resources to invest. Capital is
needed as inventories, marketing activities and other critical business function. Defense
industries are difficult to enter because of the substantial resource investments required to
be competitive. In addition, because of the high knowledge requirements of the defense
industry, a firm might enter the defense industry through the acquisition of an existing
firm. But it must have access to the capital necessary to do sit (Hitt 2009, 50).
Cost disadvantages independent of scale are moderate. Many fashion footwear
customers are brand loyal and are reluctant to try new fashion footwear. Additionally,
previous aggressive marketing campaigns have increased not only brand and individual
product name recognition. Government policy is a low entry barrier, as all manufactures
in every industry are subject to factory safety laws.

3.2 Bargaining power of buyers

Vietnam is a young country, with an incredible 65% of the population under the age
Augustine Of Hippo And Wolfgang Iser
Meaning is not created in one single time frame, it develops and evolves over time.
Representation refers to the essential part of the process by which meaning is produced
and exchanged between members in a culture (Hall 15). Theorists such as Augustine of
Hippo, Jaques Lacan, Northrop Frye, Roland Barthes, and Wolfgang Iser all have
diverging opinions on the topic of representation due to the evidently contrasting themes
that they presented in each of their works. From the time of the third century up until the
more recent twentieth century, each of the listed theorists came to differrnt conclusions
about the representation due to the culture by which they were surrounded, and the
meaning that they were attempting to present. Despite differing... Show more content on ...
Inspiration for his analysis came from his formative years by phenomenological and
psychoanalytic reformulations of psychiatric practice that began to criticize the
constitutional model of the causation of mental disorders dominant during that period
(Groden 573). Michael Groden also states that inspiration for Lacan s works came from
the hysteria and paranoia of society on the issue of delirious subjects (573). While Lacan
was heavily inspired by the psychoanalytic theories of Sigmund Freud, Lacan also greatly
contributed to the field of literary theory and criticism specifically in his speculations on
language, the subject, sexual difference, ethics, and the unconscious (Groden 573). In his
text, Lacan s focus is on the connection between the structure of language of the
unconscious with the formula that defines the sign (Baggett lecture). Ferdinand
Saussure, the originator of Structuralism, theorizes that the signifier is just the sound
image or a mental image that comes to mind, while
A Balanced Literacy Program Is a Necessity for a Child s...
A balanced literacy program is a necessity for a child s education. The program should
include multiple instructional activities being consistently implemented in the classroom.
The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) determined,
37% of fourth graders read below basic level and much higher in minority groups.
(INSERT CITATION) More than 60% of African American and Latino children are
below grade level. A variety of instructional activities are needed to teach children to read
effectively. Each of the activities play a necessary role, but can not stand alone when
teaching children to read. These activities include: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency,
vocabulary, comprehension, and writing. (CITE INFORMATION)
Effective teachers use balanced literacy instruction in their classroom, teachers see the
results in their children s ability to effectively read. In a study conducted by the National
Reading Research Center supervisors were asked to select their highly effective teachers
to be surveyed about their literacy programs in their classrooms. The 89 teachers reported
integrating explicit skills instruction and opportunities to read and write whole, authentic
texts (INSERT CITATION). The teachers consistently reported using authentic lessons.
The lessons were modeled, guided explanations; follow up mini lessons, and assessments.
Lessons were taught using a variety of instructional methods including: whole group,
small groups, and
Skate Skis
The skate ski has a single camber. Compared to the classic ski the skate ski does not
have a grip zone beneath the middle of the ski, but has a stiff camber. The entire base
of the skate ski is a glide zone for the ski to move smoothly and continuously in snow.
Because of the stiffness of the camber the skate skihas less flexibility than the classic ski.
To determine the ski fit for skate skis it requires a different test than classic skis. If the
skate skis does not have enough camber, then the skis are too soft. When the skier
applies his weight to the skis, the entire bottom of the ski flattens. This causes a lot of
pressure that is being applied in the center of the skis. With all this pressure under the
foot of the skier the ski becomes unpredictable and erratic. However, if the skis have too
much camber, the ski are too stiff... Show more content on ...
SNS Pilot for skate skis and a 3 pin binding for light backcountry skis.

NNN technology has come up with a was of connecting the binding on the ski directly
and can easily be removed without using screws. The system is composed of a heel
plate and front binding. All NNN boots will fit with Nordic Binding System (SIN).
Also a SNS binding can be installed onto the ski that has a NIS heel plate. The heel
plate can be used to adjust boot sizes and the front binding can be used to adjust five
different positions on the ski.

There are five different types of binding that are compatible with cross country ski
boots for skiing: NNN binding for both classic and skate boots, NNN BC binding for
backcontry boots, NN (three pin) binding for both backcountry and light touring boots,
SNS Porfil binding for both Skate and Classic boots, and SNS Pilot binding for skating
boots. Also, choosing a proper ski boot for performance depends on the size, stiffness,
shell, and boot last
The Learning And Teaching Strategies
Many great learning and teaching strategies are presented in the text, How we learn... of
which a few learning tactics, namely discrimination, perceptual learning, chunking and
interleaving will be briefly discussed as to how they have relevance in my context. To
begin we will examine discrimination, the brain s ability to detect minute differences in
sights, sounds and textures. [Such is considered] of the first steps we take in
making sense of the world (Carey, 2012, p.180). This learningtechnique occurs often
during HT training as students detect differences in breathing patterns of those being
treated, l see slight tremors or body twitches that accompanies release of stagnate energy
and perceived smoothness of textures in the human energy field (Mentgen Bulbrook,
2011). Next, perceptual learning occurs as the brain takes notice of subtle differences in
techniques, such as hand positions that seem the same but may not have the same
therapeutic effect. Another learning strategy that can be useful in HT training is
chunking which is the simple act of grouping bits and pieces of information together to
make a whole (or at minimal a segment) of a concept. For example words stringed
together create sentences and sentences which are connected formulate paragraph. In the
case of HT chunking is necessary as a series of hand movements and/or places equate to
a specific healing technique. The final relevant strategy from the text is that if
interleaving, a cognitive science
Interview With English Teacher
Through interviewing an English teacher, which mostly all students have, he describes
their willingness to learn and excel amazing. We discussed the challenges and obstacles
he has faced or had to overcome with educating International students. His response
reflected being extra sensitive and culturally aware of the diversity they bring to the
class. He describes their learningstyles very different to other students, as they are
focused solely on the letter grade they are receiving. He informed me that students go to
him everyday after class worried about their grade. Although he feels it is a good
challenge, he is constantly reminding them they are excelling and the grades do not
reflect the exact grade because he is always updating it. Being... Show more content on ...
Leaving your home country and having to start all over in a new community is difficult
but luckily Hacienda Heights provides similar parallels to their culture. Interviewing the
students was the best part; I learned so much from just talking to them. Few students had
visited California before while others first day of school was their first day in the United
States. The adaptability each student thrives is inspiring and courageous. They have
adapted so well to all the different norms and customs of a California high school. They
spoke with passion and excitement about being here. Few students were world
travelers and have been all over the world; so going to school in California is just an
exciting opportunity they are passionate about. They discussed similarities between
their hometown and California. One, which stood out, was Uber which is similar to a
taxi service. I spoke with a few towards the end of school and walked them out to the
parking lot, which they informed me that they were waiting for an Uber to pick them up.
I immediately connected with them and talked about a similar service in China. It was
fascinating to see common parallels in two completely different
Sikhism In Sikhism
Sikhism is the fifth largest religion in the world is five hundred years old. Like
Hinduism, Sikhism also believes in the endless cycle of rebirth and the karma
generated past life affecting the place where you are born. The founder of this religion
was Guru Nanak and his followers became Sikhs. Guru Nanak was born in Hindu
family in northern India with exposure to both Hindu and Muslim religions. Kings of
Lodhi dynasty were the rulers and conditions in the country were sewer. Adultery and
debauchery were the common practices at that time and young women were caught in
the open market without any restriction (Singh 1). Marriageable and grown up girls
were taken away from their parents. Girls were mistreated and parents were afraid to
give birth to girl child so they began to murder their own girl child. Thousands of girls
were put to death and buried in the ground. Pregnant women were considered as
burdensome to her husband and if women gave birth to female child it was considered
bad and everyone weep on the birth of female child. Instead of killing their daughters
some parents began to marry their daughters as soon as they were born. Many people
adapted the system of childhood marriage and it soon became a culture (Singh 2). Sri
Guru Nanak Devji was born in 1469 in Talwandi, a village in the Sheikhupura district, 65
kms. west of Lahore.He was married in 1487 and was blessed with two sons, one in 1491
and the second in 1496.By all accounts, 1496 was the year of his
Vegetarianism And The Effects Of Homocysteine
Vegetarianism and the Effects of Homocysteine. By: Samuel Varjabedian In this day
and age, many people are removing meat from their diets to pursue health benefits.
These can include: Reducing Stress, Lowering Cholesterol Intake, Increasing Mineral
Intake, Lowering Depression, Reducing the Risk of Cardiovascular Failure and,
Lowering Carcinogenic exposure found in meat. These benefits can come at the price
of nutritional deficiencies, in particular a compound known as cobalamin (Vitamin B
12) has been observed repeatedly low in numerous studies. (Piccolli, 2015) [1] Due to
the complex nature of cobalamin, it is very unlikely simple life like plants would
contain adequate amounts required for bodily functions such as: Digestion, Artery
flexibility, and lowering toxicity. These functions are dependent on micro nutrients
such as Omega 3 Fatty Acids, B 6 (Pyridoxine), Folate, and B 12. Out of all these, B 12
and Omega 3 are the most difficult to obtain through plant matter alone; supplements
are usually taken by vegetarians for this reason. (Rathold, K., J., 2016) [2] The process
of Methylation (Hart, G., Dr.) [4] A process known as methylation is used to cleanse the
body from heavy metal toxicity absorbed through daily life, In this process an amino
acid called Methionine is combined with cobalamin to form methyl cobalamin, creating a
by product called homocysteine. This by product is a toxin produced by the body, In a
normal human being it reacts with some enzymes
William Faulkner s Light in August Essay
William Faulkner s Light in August

William Faulkner s study of 20th century s man search for self, in the novel Light in
August, shows us the darker side of humanity the sense of being alienated. Among many
of his books, he uses alienation as one of his major themes. Alienation occurs in humans
when there is a sense of isolation, depersonalization, disenchantment, estrangement, or
powerlessness. Alienation has been considered an especially important issue during the
twentieth century. It s often noted as being at the heart of modern dissatisfactions
especially of youths, women and racial minorities. (Artlex, al am) In Light in August,
Faulkner presents us with the major theme of alienation through several techniques. ...
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The house, the brown, unpainted and unobtrusive bungalow is small too and by
bushing crape myrtle and syringa and Althea almost hidden save for the gap through
which from the study window he watches the street. So hidden it is that the light from
the corner street lamp scarcely touches it. (pg. 52) Faulkner s description emphasizes
Hightower s alienation in the town of Jefferson as we are told that the house is hidden
from the rest of the community. The reader gets a sense of Hightower s current life, as
he watches the community of Jefferson he is not included in, from the secluded box he
calls home. We are also presented with another secluded area in Jefferson, the Burden
house. As Christmas first drifted into town, he had described the house, It was a big
house set in a grove of trees; obviously a place of some pretensions at one time. But now
the trees needed pruning and the house had not been painted in years. (pg. 213) The
description of the landscape, the trees needed pruning and the house had not been
painted in years , paints the reader a picture of a secluded house hidden from the
community of Jefferson. Not only was the house poorly cared for, it was also situated
deep into the woods, right beside a Negro community. The Burden house and Hightower
s cabin in the woods are both described as mysterious places hidden from the community
of Jefferson. The setting gives the reader a sense of loneliness in both characters as they
Speech On Punctuality
In today s business society punctuality matters a lot. Being punctual tells a lot about you.
It tells individuals that you re in control, that you re sorted out, that you can be depended
on, that you admire them and at last, that you admire yourself.
Punctuality shows mastery
Being punctual reliably demonstrates that you are the master of your life. It shows
prescience the capacity to foresee conceivable hang ups and flexibility the capacity to
amend your plans to suit those hang ups.
Punctuality shows integrity
Punctuality is also a trust matter. When you make an arrangement, you are making a
promise to be there on time on the place where you said. The main way you develop
other individuals trust in you is by reliably meeting your duties, and ... Show more
content on ...
Too busy to possibly be looking out for you while their other work goes incomplete.
Being reliable shows genuinely, that you esteem their precious time and by
augmentation that you esteem them as a person. It says, We should make this time we
ve prepared as beneficial as conceivable so we can both get on with all our other
imperative stuff.
Punctuality shows you value yourself
At last, being on time indicates you esteem your opportunity and value yourself. As a
matter of first importance, being more than once late is an imprudent manner. What else
would you risk to not get the enormous customer, losing your career, or offending people
around you? Also, everybody realizes that most imprudent act takes after from low
confidence. Regardless of whether it s not accurate, that is the perception you re
permitting others.
To be punctual one should always manage the time and always should work according to
a plan. By adjusting the daily routings people can figure out what exactly should be done
first and what next, what are the things that make you prevent from getting on
should always make punctuality a priority
Hca 270 Ratio Analysis
|Syllabus | |College of Natural Sciences | |HCA/270 Version 3 | |Financial Matters for
Health Care Professionals | Copyright 2011, 2009, 2007 by University of Phoenix. All
rights reserved. Course Description This course is designed as an introduction to the
terminology, processes, functions, and financial reports commonly encountered in health
care operations. This course introduces the concepts of basic managerial financial
functions, such as budgeting, reimbursement methods, and the responsibilities of health
care financial... Show more content on ...
|4 of 7 |10 | |Discussion Questions |Respond to weekly discussion questions. |Day 2
and Day |10 | | | |4 | | |Nongraded Activities and|Read the Associate Level Material: Final
Project Overview and Timeline located on your student|Day5 | | |Preparation |website. | |
| |Final Project Overview | | | | |and Timeline | | | | |Nongraded Activities and|Watch the
Financial Reporting for Business: Introduction to Accounting Reports and |Day 6 | |
|Preparation |Introductions and Definitions: Language of Accounting videos located in
this week s Electronic| | | |Videos |Reserve Readings. |
Pros And Cons Of Offline Dating
A.Provide a brief overview of your topic.

i.What is the premise or premises for the argument?

How the Pros and cons of online and offline dating effect whether you find your partner
through the internet or going about it the traditional way. The article shows you that by
using both in the best methods that fits your needs to better your chances in finding love.

ii.Why is the topic being discussed?

As we grow as a society so does our technology and today everyone wants to stay with
the trend. Also, online dating helps you find someone not having to walk up to someone
with a corny line to get their attention. Plus, your able to see people that live outside
your local area that you might not have ever crossed paths or even go to, so it opens the
doors to many opportunities that you wouldn t have with offline dating.

iii.What is the conclusion?

When opening your horizons to do online dating you open up many opportunities of
meeting someone that you wouldn t have if the internet wasn t invented or you feel
you should only find love if it finds you. In the end using both methods is the only way
to be able to find your next partner or your forever partner cause with online dating your
only talking so you eventually have to go out and meet these people face to face to see if
they are the person they were over the internet and that you have that good vibe about
each other to continue the relationship.

B.Describe any personal connection that you may have to the topic.
Honor Of Honor Codes
On the Honor of Honor codes An honor code is a set of rules that might be enforced in
schools. Children sign an agreement contract that says if they break these rules they
accept the punishments. I believe that honor codes should be enforced in schools when
cheating or other misbehaviors get out of control. In some schools students convicted of
lying or cheating can expect to receive punishments ranging from suspension to expulsion
. I believe at this moment hotchkiss high schooljust work on revising our honor system.
Honor codes are great tools to use in schools, if they are needed. I believe that there is no
reason to enforce a rule or a set if them if there is no actual need for them. According to
Dirmeyer, a researcher, Honor codes don t always work , I believe that if the old honor
code was revised so that when there is a needed for honor... Show more content on ...
According to Sledge, a student researcher, Honor codes are no different. With 88 out
of 275 responses feel that failure in an assignment was a responsible sanction for
violation of the honor code, yet I believe that if honor codes were changed so
collaboration on tests and assignments was allowed students would get better grades in
school. I believe all things should be organized including thoughts, ideas and even
rules. If honor codes were to become more common and reinforced then they need to be
revised.I believe that honor codes aren t very organized. Which makes them hard to read
and understand. Sometimes you are reading too much information at once and it gets
confusing too. According to Vangeli students did not fully understand the role of a honor
code. In conclusion, I believe that honor codes are beneficial when needed. I also believe
that to be completely useful they need to revised so that students, parents, and staff alike
can understand the role of the honor codes in
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Fuk French Connection

French connection (also branded as FCUK) is a UK based global retailer and

wholesaler of fashion clothing, accessories and home ware. It was founded in the early
1970s by Stephen a mark, who remains the chief executive; it is based in London and its
parent French Connection PLC is listed on the London stock exchange.
French Connection distributes its clothing and accessories through its own stores in the
UK, US and Canada and through franchise and wholesale arrangements globally. The
company became notorious for the use of the FCUK initialise in its advertising
campaigns in the early 2000s.
Marks introduced the French connection label in 1972 and four years later showed its
first menswear collection.
Source: FCUK , ... Show more content on ...
Fiscal policy is divided into 2 types and they are taxing and spending. And monetary is
divided into three types and those three are bonds, reserves and interest rates.

Fiscal policy

Fiscal policy is The changes in government spending and taxes are at the option of the
federal government. Source: ICBT HANDOUTS

Each year governments raise and spend huge amounts of money. The UK government s
estimates for 2008 for an example suggest that the government spending will be about
ВЈ618 billon and is to be allocated in a manner, this spending will be funded mainly from
taxations( direct and indirect) and national insurance contributions. Fiscal policy involves
the use of changes in government spending and taxations to influence the level and
composition of aggregate demand in the economy.

Fiscal Policy involves the use of changes in government spending and taxations to
influence the level and composition and aggregate demand in the economic and giving
the amount involve is clearly as important implications for business

Fiscal policy involves

1.taxation and other sources of income
2.government spending
3.borrowing whenever spending exceeds
Which Stakeholders Can Currently Be Considered to Be Part...
which stakeholders can currently be considered to be part of the the company for the
purpose of the director s duty to act in the best interests of the corporation?

Company is a form of corporation and regulated by the Corporations Act. The legal
significance of being as a company is it exists as a separate legal entity and dependent
upon human beings to make decisions on their behalf. The person who makes or
participates in making decisions that affect the whole or a substantial part of the
company s business can be defined as a director. The legal definition of director is stated
under section 9 of the Corporations Act[1] which indicates that, it is more appropriate to
look at the function of the people rather than at the job title ... Show more content on ...
Firstly, a company is a separate legal entity[5]. Therefore, the debt of the company is
separated from its directors and shareholders. In addition, the money borrowed will be
recorded under the name of the company and the creditor will sue the company if there
is any unpaid account. However, creditor is playing an important role in providing
funds to assist company to manage its cashflow and expansions. Hence, it can be said
that creditor is the stakeholder and can effect the action of the business. Nevertheless,
according to the passage Re New World Alliance Pty Ltd (1994) 122 ALR 531 at
550,[6] there is not direct duty owed by the director and officer to the creditors
because their duties are owed to the company. However, in the situation when the
directors of company consider a high risk project or it is in a financial distress, the
creditor has to occupy a weakness position. This is because, if the project fails,
shareholder will lose nothing but the money they have invested due to the limited
liability then the risk of filature will shift to the creditor. Hence, it seems unfair for
creditor who has not fiduciary protection and whose right is limited by the contract. On
the other hands,
Storm Water Management Research Paper
Shifting gears two aspects of site seeing that have impacts on the environment are
stormwater and urban heat effect. Where Storm water management becomes increasingly
difficult, by the effect of the Canadian population growth, as it is the overwhelming need
for diverting water also increases. Storm water runoff or drainage systems like sewers or
precipitationrunoffs overwhelm cities by causing the only amount of green space on a
building site to be the dugout basin.

These basins are usually how can storm water is handled, however, they always damage
nearby streams and rivers with overflow and causes of erosion. Handling the storm water
near its source can and will save millions in not only currency but emissions, energy and
further negative ... Show more content on ...
Only to have at the end of it, all these problems with storm water, emissions affecting the
ozone layer and global warming. Emissions from the building, such as CO2, and S2O.
From industry and transportation, affecting the way of life and how the world
functions, urban island effect, keeps the heat trapped in and releases the heat after the
sun has set. One may think that this is a positive thing, in the winter there is less of a
need for heating. But this is incorrect, as the world continues to grow warmer, the ice
caps are melting, and the habitat of those arctic animals are being affected. The food
sources are dwindling and they are slowly dying out. All that needs to be stated about
this is the Polar Bear for example. The largest land carnivore in the arctic. Yet it s an
endangered species as its home is melting away from the earth heating up. The good
news is, there are ways to reduce the amount of heat that is being released and
absorbed. There are two specific strategies that will be discussed in order to apply them
to the Saginaw Public School addition so that such will not have the same issue or will
not add to the issue of releasing heat.
The Challenges Of Multilingualism
The European Union comprises 28 countries and 24 official languages in the European
Union making multilingualism a challenge and an asset for Europe. Since most
European nations have been built on the basis of their own languages, it can be said that
the European Union is solely based on its linguistic diversity. Multilingualism has been a
fundamental principle of the European Community, which guarantees the equality of
every language and a respect for linguistic and cultural diversity. Such respect was
translated into action from the beginnings of the community, before being formally
defined as a policy in itself: therefore, no legislation can come into force at the European
level without it being produced in the 24 official languages.... Show more content on ...
De Swaan, for instance, contends that Europeans do not understand each other well
enough even to disagree because multilingualism is a barrier to understanding and thus
impoverishes political debate. Even political theorists like Kymlicka, who recognize
the need for a normative theory of language rights grounded in social justice and
fairness, argue that linguistic diversity is one of the most important obstacles to
building a stronger sense of European citizenship . However, lack of a common
language does not in itself prevent emergence of a public discursive space or democratic
deliberation. If democratic politics is indeed politics in the vernacular , a truly
participatory dialogue should be carried out in as many languages as possible so that
further work on the Platform can meet its stated objectives of putting in place an on
going process aiming to give a voice to all those committed to promoting multilingualism
in Europe and bringing multilingualism closer to the citizen . Thus, multilingualism in
particular is a unique and significant element to European
How To Read Books Should Be Taught In Secondary Schools
Once you learn to read, you will be forever free. , a truthful quote by the African
American social reformer and writer, Fredrick Douglas said. Nowadays, many of our
children have a negative attitude towards reading in schools. They are forced to read
literature they may not like. With the increase of our children using the internet for
video games, they have not had time to discover literature they like. So schools should
provide an opportunity for our children to discover literature they will like. A designated
reading time in all elementary and secondary schools must be mandatory because it
expands knowledge, stimulates creativity, and teaches life skills. First and foremost, a
designated reading time will expand knowledge. In Grade Four,... Show more content on ...
I am a big fan of Stephen King s books, so I obviously read The Shining. When Jack,
the protagonist of the book, abandons his latest novel to write lines of All work and no
play makes Jack a dull boy , these words showed me that all work and no play not only
makes a person boring, but bored. Although the context in The Shining had more of a
psychotic edge to it, it still delivered a pertinent message. The creepiness of this scene
resonates in my mind, but I am constantly reminded to give myself a healthy balance
between school and recreation. Regular reading also sets up young students for greater
success later on in their school careers, and gets them on a good track for the rest of
their life. The British Cohort Study is a study which follows the lives of more than
17,000 people born in a single week in 1970, in England, Scotland, and Wales. Six
thousand of these people took cognitive tests again after first taking them in primary
school, at the age of sixteen. Compared to their peers who read less, they had higher test
scores, and had greater intellectual progress in vocabulary, spelling, and mathematics.
Clearly, reading introduces people to new words and ideas. This trains them to
understand and absorb new concepts with ease. This study also suggests that independent
reading encourages a more self sufficient approach to learning, encouraging regular
Jane Austen s Emma And Clueless Comparison
Alex Escribano
Professor Klingensmith
4 April 2016
Emma and Clueless Comparison Jane Austen s Emma can be categorized as a
bildungsroman, better known as a coming of age tale, in which the reader follows the
title character as she comes to terms with her position in the world during the Regency
period. However, looking beyond the titular character, one can look at Emma as a satirical
work regarding the restrictions and conventions of 19th century society. This satirical
element later went on to inspire Heckerling s interpretation as she adapted the story of
Emma into the cult film, Clueless, which goes on to highlight the phenomena of cliques
amongst the youth of America. Both works use the element of exaggeration in order to
explore the gender stereotypes and expectations placed upon society during their
respective eras. Heckerling effectively takes the novel Emma and thrusts it into the world
of Beverly Hills, keeping the underlying themes while engaging a more modern audience.
Emma Woodhouse was the first heroine in Jane Austen s novels to be free from financial
concerns. She is introduced to the reader as being, handsome, clever, and rich as well
as having the power of having rather too much of her own way and disposition to think
too well of herself (Austen 1). Despite this description of a spoiled young woman who
too often gets her way, she is not taken by personal vanity and is often genuinely
compassionate to the poor. Despite being an exception to the
Patricia Glintons
Patricia Glinton Meicholas is a career driven Bahamian satirist, poet, storyteller and
novelist who use detailed and graphical techniques. In the text An Evening in Guanima,
two stories that best illustrate the idea Each one helping one leaving none behind are
Jack and the Schoolmaster and Jack and the Magic Eggs . Patricia Glinton Meicholas
illustrates these two stories for me, through her powerful use of character s action,
leading to plotevents, imagery and theme. In the two stories that have been mentioned,
the writer creates plot events to sir come the actions of Jack and other characters. In
Jack and the Magic Eggs , Ber Debbil insisted on deceiving Jack s sister, Zerona. Now,
Ber Debbil was demon with evil intentions... Show more content on ...
My opinion of this story is Never allow your talent to cage you . I say this because;
Zerona was very crafty when it came to making okra soup and plaiting fathoms. Quite
interesting was that Ber Debbil had a fondness for okra soup. Furthermore, he
basically serenaded her for one purpose. But it wasn t her beauty that caught Ber
Debbil s attention . She didn t realize it, since her beauty took all the credit most of the
time. What I found so ironic was ... he immediately shut the poor girl up in his kitchen
and ordered her to prepare her best okra soup in his biggest cooking pot.
Understanding Ber Debbil s intention, I then came to the conclusion that Zerona s
talent actually got her in a trap. This comes back to my idea of the tale, Never allow
your talent to cage you . Ber Debbil caged her, because she was good for one thing he
loved and that was okra soup. In addition to the theme, Patricia indulges me in the
thought of understanding the concept of the story. Jack and the Schoolmaster was also
a good example to imply of a theme. My opinion of this story is There are many
benefits for standing up for something that is right . I can infer to this, as a result of
what took place in this particular story. Ber Debbil is utterly mischievous and cunning.
The residents on that settlement were very gullible and not used to such brought upsy.
They cling on quickly to whatever Ber Debbil said. Jack felt and knew something was
suspicious about him.
Concert Reflection
The concert I attended was called the Brooke Howard, Senior Clarinet Recital on
November the 3rd at the Blankenship Recital Hall. The performances consisted of the
clarinet, piano, djembe, drum, and a quartet. There were five pieces performed, four of
the pieces were classical with one having a more tribal beat with the djembe. The first
piece was titled Allegro Appassionato, op 43 written by Camille Saint Saens. The piece
started was started by the piano playing the melody. Then the clarinet accompanied the
piano creating a homophonic texture. The timbre of the clarinet was very distinct over
the piano. They continued playing then briefly there was a pause adding to the rhythm of
the piece. Then the clarinet started to play solo creating a monophonic texture. The piano
started to play again taking over the melody, with the clarinet accompanying. During this
there was a distinct repetition of notes playing over and over by the clarinet. The texture
created was homophonic as the piano and clarinet played in harmony. Then the texture
switched to monophonic as the piano and clarinet went back and forth playing the
melody solo. The piece ended with the piano and clarinet playing the same note, with the
pianist letting the note fade out. The second piece was titled Lied written by Francios
Rasse. The piece started with the piano playing the melody then the clarinet accompanied
creating a homophonic texture. Then the piano and clarinet switched playing back and
forth with brief
Continuing Medical Education Essay
Legislation regarding continuing medical education for health care professionals remains
on the minds of many. Although this hasn t been a hot topic recently, as world events and
political campaigns have taken precedence, those in the industry wish to know where
past legislation stands and what the future may hold. When it comes to obtaining
continuing medical education credits, however, one thing is certain. Doing so has never
been easier, thanks to free CNE courses available online. When choosing courses,
Individuals need to know what to look for to ensure the credits will meet the
requirements for their state and/or organization. Following are some areas where
legislation has been introduced concerning continuing medical education and how it may
impact health care in the future. Nutrition In 2014, the Education and Training for Health
Act was introduced in the House of Representatives. The bill would require primacy care
health professionals working for the federal government to take a minimum of six hours
of continuing medical education in the area of nutrition, with the goal being to focus on
nutrition and its role in disease prevention. As a large number of chronic... Show more
content on ...
For this reason, continuing medical education courses, such as free CNE activities, must
recognize the need for comprehensive training in this area and find a way to deliver the
information in a timely manner. In addition, nurses and nurse practitioners often work
with patients to manage chronic diseases, visiting with these patients to provide training
on how to treat the disease at home, as this helps to improve the quality of care. The
need for continuing education for nurses continues to rise, as the health care profession
sees a shortage in certain specialties. Nurses will be asked to fill more of this void if this
Essay on Persuasive Speech Outline
Speech 2 Outline Lacy Thompson
Topic: why you should exercise

Audience Analysis: since most of my audiences are students with a job, I will focus on
how exercise can boost your energy, and mental health to get more accomplished in

General Purpose: To persuade

Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to exercise.

Thesis: It s hard being a student and working at the same time, and find energy for both.
I will show you why starting an exercise program can boost your energy and your mental

I.Do you find yourself not having as much energy during the week as you used to when
you were in high school? (Gain Attention)
a.Do you find that you get irritable more often?
II.I am a current ... Show more content on ...
(Pathos) B.Need an emotional lift? Or need to blow off some steam after a stressful
day? According to a 2006 research paper published by University of Texas at Austin, a
workout at the gym or a brisk 30 minute walk can help.(Logos) Physical activity
stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier and more relaxed.
You may also feel better about your appearance and yourself when you exercise
regularly, which can boost your confidence and improve your self esteem.

III. Exercise boosts Energy

A.Winded by grocery shopping or household chores? Regular physical activity can
improve your muscle strength and boost your endurance.
B.Exercise and physical activity deliver oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and help
your cardiovascular system work more efficiently.
a.And when your heart and lungs work more efficiently, you have more energy to go
about your daily chores.

I.The bottom line is why not start today? (Cue)
II.We should all get more exercise (reiterate topic and purpose)
a.Exercise and physical activity are a great way to feel better, gain health benefits and
have more energy (summarize main points)
b.As a general goal, aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day.
III.So are you ready to begin an exercise progam? (challenge the audience)
IV.You can take up a dance class with your spouse, or take your family hiking on the
weekend, or try a new sport like
Why Does Solipsism Exist
One of the biggest problems in this world is human s inability to truly believe in
something without proof of it. Solipsism is the theory that defines the idea that nothing
is true outside of the mind. This can be seen all over the world ranging from religion to
astrology. Many people think something exists, yet they cannot prove it and then have
doubts about it. Politics is a game of thoughts and doubts. No one can prove what the
intentions of the politicians are, so people doubt them until they are proven. Something
does not exist to someone until it is proven to our minds and this is the purest form of
solipsism. Solipsism exists everywhere because nothing is true unless it is evident in
someone s mind and to themselves. Nothing is true to us until one has personally
experienced it. The difference between sympathy and empathy is that one has personally
gone through it. There is a difference between thinking something is true and knowing
something is true, and up until the point that one knows something to be true, one will
always have doubts... Show more content on ...
The ever expanding universe is a prime example of this. There are infinite planets and
stars out there, the human race just cannot see them yet. Every year more appear
because the light from them has had more time to travel. We had no influence on these
new planets, yet they are still there. The biggest problem with solipsism is that it
cannot be truly confirmed nor denied. It also depends on each individual person and
the issue. Denial of the theory is the easier side to defend because almost the entire
world believes in something that may or may not exist; a higher being. But that in
itself proves it is true because people will always have doubts about it. Moving towards
simplicity, everything exists whether or not if we know it does, it has just yet to be
discovered. Disproval of the theory is easy because of this overwhelming
Narrative Essay On Sooulsca Place
This weekend was one of the best weekends I ve had in College. This weekend I
attended something called SOULscape, a 2 day program about your life; purpose,
vulnerability and gratitude. SOULscape took place at Minnowbrook Conference Center,
near Blue Mountain Lake.

I first heard about SOULscape through a friend of mine. She sent me a link to the
application and it seemed amazing, so I applied. A few days ago, I got an email
saying that spots this year were full, but I was placed on the alternate list. I wasn t sad
or upset about it because I hadn t really given it much thought. On Thursday, October
20th, I received an email saying that a few spots had opened up and if I was still
interested in going. I went through the e brochure and website ... Show more content on ...
A bowl of french onion soup and mashed potato really ticked the box for comfort food.
After lunch, we sat in a circle near the fire place at the main lounge and introduced
ourselves to our fellow soulscapers and also spoke about why we applied to
SOULscape. It was really inspiring because people really opened up about why they
were there. I mean, it does take something to open up about your personal life to a
group of people you barely know. As people spoke about serious issues like self harm,
mental health and depression as reasons for themselves, I began questioning my reason
for being there. It made me come closer with reality. It made me realize that things like
violence, abuse, self harm that I read about are actually real issues that people struggle
with. That moment I realized that, that experience was going to be extremely enriching.
I wasn t afraid to open up about why I was there, I spoke about anxiety and how I
sometimes struggled with anxiety. It wasn t awkward or uncomfortable to open up to a
group of strangers, especially in that environment. I honestly felt as if people could
understand me and they could empathize and relate with
Vashtivity In E. M. Forster s The Machine Stops
Fading into Darkness
E.M. Forster s, The Machine Stops, is a short story which aims to show us how man s
creativity and his ability to think in general, while necessary for survival, could lead to
his downfall. In this story we are introduced to a civilization in which life on Earth has
been almost completely erased abandoned for one in the Machine, underneath the
surface. We experience this civilization through the eyes of the main characters, Vashti
and her son Kuno. Vashti has adapted to life in the machine, accepting things the way
they are; relinquishing her self reliance in full trust of the Machine. While, Kuno the
rebel who longs to see the world above, fights against societal norms, as he not only
comes up with his own ideas, but also questions the Machine, which others see as their
god. In this overly exaggerated ... Show more content on ...
From the time that we are children our minds run wild, and some of us have an
imagination that has a flare of ingenuity. From my perspective as technology advances,
creativity decreases. As a child growing up my life was scarcely affected technology.
In my village the chances that a child would have a Gameboy were rare and cell
phones were somewhat of a luxury for most adults. The beauty in not having much
technology was that it required children to be imaginative to find ways to entertain
themselves. Unlike Vashti of who the question has she had any ideas lately? Might
one tell her one s own ideas? (pg111) is asked rather indifferently, we would have been
very bored as kids if we did not come up with new ideas regularly. In E.M. Forster s
civilization people have no problem with repetition and commonality. While most
people have adapted to life as it is, Kuno realizes that life as it is, is dependent on the
Machine, and the people living in the Machine are less alive than the Machine
Reflection On The French Revolution
In this Reacting to the Past game, I learned valuable information about the French
Revolution. I feel that it was a highly educational experience and I would certainly play
it again if given the opportunity. While the contextual information of the game did follow
fairly closely to the history of France during the Revolution, some of the actions we took
as characters in the National Assemblywere mildly off from what actually occurred in
real life. As an indeterminate character, I was able to play a bit of all sides, from the
conservative side, to the Feuillant, and even a bit of the Jacobin. This position was what
allowed me to research and see the issues of the French Revolutionfrom a number of
different views.
First, I spoke on behalf ... Show more content on ...
Nonetheless, I was still required to speak on behalf of the remainder of the factions
before proclaiming my decision.
After discovering such things, I spoke in support of the Jacobins and Section Leaders.
This certainly did not earn me the favor of the remainder of the people, as these were
the outgoing and radical people. Their views presented things such as the end of the
monarchy and the destruction of the Catholic church as we knew it. I did not
personally read many research articles in favor of their opinions. However, I was able
to read some of the writings provided by my peers from their viewpoints. I knew
instantly that I had made the correct choice in siding with the Feuillants, as the
contemplated actions of the Jacobins would have caused for an uproar within the
country itself. This was shown very profoundly with the storming of the Bastille and
riots in the streets. My character could not possibly have stood long term for such
things. I spoke very briefly on the efforts of these people in one of my speeches and
then quickly moved on to find research in support of my final decision. While the
Feuillants did hold my heart and my mind from the beginning, I continually found it
necessary to support these findings with the words of other great men. These supports
were found in the writings of Slave Resistance Studies and the Saint Domingue Slave
Indian Opal Buloni Chapter Summaries
MAIN CHARACTER/PROTAGONIST: The main character of this story is India
Opal Buloni, a ten year old girl who lives with her Dad. She goes by the name Opal
after her grandmother. She s sometimes sad because her Mom left her dad when she
was a baby. Opal needs love, but her Dad s always busy at church. She s a pretty lonely
kid, until she bonds with a dog that she names Winn Dixie. SETTING: This story takes
place in a small Florida town during modern times. The weather is very hot and humid
and most of the story takes place outside. Being Florida, there are a ton of
thundershowers that really scare Winn Dixie and makes him go crazy. Opal lives in a
small town where everyone knows everyone and people spend their Sundays in church
and socializing.... Show more content on ...
She feels separated from her father the preacher. He s so busy with his work in the
church that Opal is often alone and left to fend for herself. Opal s Dad is antagonist at
the beginning of the story, but at the end he, Opal, and Winn Dixie become closer and
their relationships improve. Opal s neighbors, the Dewberry brothers, spend a lot of
time bothering Opal throughout most of the book. They are always teasing her, telling
her stories about a town witch, and taunt her by following her around. Like Opal s Dad,
the Dewberry brothers turn out to be better people than we think they are by the end of the
Carly Fironia Research Paper
Carly Fiorina: The Run for the White House

Jaqualla Moore

Central High School

November 9, 2015

6th Period


I am writing this paper about Carly Fironia to show that Carly Fironia is the best one to

run for president. She is the one to run for president because she is a good outstanding

She has some of the highest qualities to become the President of the Unites States of

Carly Fiorina: The Run for the White House

Carly Fironia was born in Austin, Texas on September 6, 1954. After dropping out of law

school, she became an At t management trainee. She moved up the company ladder and

the first female officer in the Network systems division. In college, she studied medieval

and philosophy, and after ... Show more content on ...
In 1985, she married AT T executive Frank Fiorina who put his own career on the slow

track in order to support hers. Carly found success meeting the rising demand for network

technology from American businesses. Fiorina quickly became a highly visible CEO

several major changes at HP. After leaving HP, Fiorina wrote her auto biography Tough

Choices. In 2006, chronicling her career and views on leadership, women in business,
and the

role of technology in the world.

Carly became a commentator for Fox News and then she served as a consultant to John

McCain s 2008 U.S. Presidential campaign. In 2009, Fiorina announced she was running
for the

U.S. Senate in California. She secured the Republican nomination, running against

Democrat Senator Barbara Boxer in November 2010 election. In May 4, 2015, Carly

her bid for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination. While Carly has never served in

office, she has extensive experience dealing with the government as a service provider.

Carly is against gay marriage. When Carly did bother to vote, she voted for
Early Years Research Paper
High School: The Early Years There were plenty of memories in high school. Just
making it to high school was a good memory. Most of them were during my freshman,
sophomore, and junior years. When my freshman year had begun I was nervous. It
meant that school was going to be harder. It meant that when I played sports that I was
going to have to be with the big kids. I started my freshman football season and I was
like there s no way I m going to let them treat me like a little punk. They tried to and I
talked back and did not do what they said and it made them not like me much. The
upper classman liked to pick on the younger people and we went to a football camp. I
wasn t the freshman getting picked on until we went paintballing the next day. One of
the seniors kept picking on me and I got tired of it and got mad. Well I was also like 13
or 14 years old and I got so mad I started crying and ended up quitting. I started missing
football and went back. We ended up not having many players during the end of the
season because of injuries so I had to start for the high school. I was so nervous but I didn
t do a bad job.... Show more content on ...
I started on the high school football team and didn t do too bad. I ended up getting all
district defensive back which was good to have. I also started on the high school
basketball team. This was a pretty good year we didn t do to bad but got beat out in
regionals. It was one of the most painful times of my life because it meant a lot to me
and the team. I couldn t believe it happened. We worked so hard. A good thing about it
is that I improved and did better that year. I also tried a crazy thing which was to play
baseball. I have never played baseball in my life nor did I like it. I went ahead and
tried it out anyways. I enjoyed it but I was not good at it. I couldn t seem to find the
ball in the outfield. I was a decent pitcher and batter though. The best part about baseball
was the bus ride I enjoyed them a
Cochlear Intervention Case Study
L.M. presented with a high spectrum of Autism as well language delay and his code
diagnosis was F80.4. The client also had a bilateral cochlear implant. During the session
the client presented with deaf speech which correlates to the cochlear implants. The
client was very responsive throughout the session he either signed or spoke out loud, he
was very intelligent.
Form and say simple sentences.
Novel literacy tasks.
Verbal approximation response to where .
Prepositional phrases and copulas in functional location.
Try to eliminate ASL for L.M. because the school was asking for it since he was at the
age of getting ready to take standardized tests.
Use pronouns in phrases and in a singularity level, such as he, she, his, and her increase
auditory and memory skills. KEY TEACHING STRATEGIES/METHODS USED: In the
session the clinician mentioned how he uses the SPICE technique which is a way of
making auditory learning easy and fun for the ... Show more content on
This type of reinforcement helps the client be motivated and continue going. Another
form of behavior modification that was used was informative feedback, by providing
feedback on how well the client was doing to keep him motivated. For example, when
the client signed doctor for hospital, the clinician said Yes L. there s a doctor in the
hospital! so overall in this saying he used positive social reinforcement, and
informative feedback ,while also using corrective feedback. As mentioned corrective
feedback was used in the session by correcting the client s response, which was used in
the session. Now for the type of schedule the clinician used to reinforce the client was
variable. Overall the session was extrinsically rewarding for the client, by using activities
that he
How Technology Has The Best Decision For School Districts
I don t think tablets are where we should be focused. But I do think they could end up
being an efficient way of delivering textbooks. They re just not really that, yet. There s
all sorts of poisons and mined minerals and carnage that goes on to make a tablet. Way
more than to print a book... (Rushkoff). There is heated debate going on in school
districts across the nation, but it is not over dress code or standardized testing. It is over
whether schools should shift to tablets instead of dated textbooks. Within the last ten
years, the advancement of technology has caused an increase in controversy over which
one is the best option. Weighing pros against cons, it would ultimately be the best
decision for school districts to continue... Show more content on ...
By 2009, 97% of classrooms had one or more computers, and 93% of classroom
computers had Internet access. For every 5 students, there was one computer. Instructors
stated that 40% of students used computers, often in their educational methods, in
addition to interactive whiteboards and digital cameras (Educational technology). The
country is on the threshold of the most radical change in American education in over a
century. It is clear that technology is increasing and is now woven through education
as well. Most people know the feeling getting in their comfy clothes and sitting down
to watch a new episode of their favorite tv show on the laptop. The popcorn laying by
ones s side. Their butter fingers across the keys, while each image is illuminating your
face. Their phone is buzzing from the Snapchats. In this generation, people cling to some
type of electronic device. According to the US Department of Education and studies by
the National Training and Simulation Association Technology based instruction can
reduce the time students take to reach a learning objective by 30 80% ( In
a classroom, teachers are able to take their class around the world electronically to look
at the development of civilizations in Egypt, Greece, Rome, and Latin America. Also,
students are able to take virtual trips and collaborate with other students around the world
and research in the best libraries
Essay on Use of Water in Margaret Laurence s The Stone Angel
Water can symbolize many things throughout the novel. Whether it is in Manawaka, the
Pacific Coast or Shadow point, what is constantly recognized in the number of times
water is used. If one were to closely examine these situations, they would soon discover it
s symbolic importance. In the novel The Stone Angel, water is presented in the many
fluctuations, in Hagar s life. Hagar goes through many stages in her life, where water is
represented but without it being physically present. Without the imagery of water, the
story would be less effective and meaningful for the reader.
When Hagar reaches Shadow Point, hungry and confused, she eats some food from her
paper bag. She feels restored but is very thirsty ... Show more content on
It is meant to do well but it can also do harm. When one reaches a point where they
must have water but all that is available, is salt water, where it can do harm if one tries
to drink it. It can also demoralize their hope. The novel states, It was at dusk, all
shapes and colors having turned grey and indefinite, that my brother Daniel, skating
backward to show off for the girls, fell in. ; (23, The Stone Angel) Hagar doesn t really
tell the pain she felt for losing her brother because she wasn t really one to express her
emotions. This is one of the lower points in Hagar s life that shows how water can kill.
After Hagar is found by Marvin and Doris, she is taken to the Hospital. Here she
complains plenty about the conditions. When staying around Mrs. Jardine, Eva says,
Mercy, does my hair ever need a good wash. ; (266, The Stone Angel) This just goes to
show how little they wash at the hospital. When one in cleaned with water, they feel
cleaner because they know that they smell and look fresher. Hagar goes on to say, A
person can t give their hair a wash without permission. ; (270, The Stone Angel) This is
just like saying a person can t look clean without permission in a hospital. This is
depriving people of their need for cleanliness. Hagar needs to be clean in her own eyes
because she is so concerned about what others think of her.
In Hagar s first
Desperation In The Great Gatsby
There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy and the tired (Fitzgerald 79). In Scott
Fitzgerald s The Great Gatsby the protagonists live lives of secrecy, one in which is full
of despair and desperation. This desperation is caused by an emptiness that resonates
from within and in order to further eliminate it from their mind and hearts they aspire to
fill the void they experience. The idea The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation
from Henry Thoreau s Walden becomes present as the characters find themselves
unsuccessful in fulfilling their life goals to find happiness through the attainment of
wealth, status, love, etc. Several characters in the novel mistakenly believe utmost fortune
cause the desperation to cease, while... Show more content on ...
F. Scott Fitzgerald along with Henry Thoreau explored this concept of the grim vision of
typical American lifestyle masterfully in both their classics. A mindset caused by similar
desires to achieve additional materialism from life results only in a continuance of the
never ending cycle. Despondency forever progresses through generations in the distinct
form of the American Dream, including that of the Roaring Twenties and several
generations to
Silhouettes In The 50 s
The 1940 s was a turning point in fashion when the New Look by Christian Dior was
created in 1947. The new silhouette included soft rounded shoulders, was nipped in the
waist, and had a long full skirt. This silhouette along with Christian Dior s tight skirted
silhouette in dresses and suits and the A line look all continued into the 1950 s and
remained the three main silhouettes for most of the decade. His three silhouettes
influenced all kinds of attire including prom dresses, casual everyday wear and even
children s clothing. Figure 4 shows my great grandmother and grandfather in their home
in 1955. Everyday dresses were very important during this time because many women did
not work but still wanted to remain fashionable in their home.
Romanticism In Gothic Literature
Gothic Literature is surrounded upon romanticism that involves various emotions.
Horror is a relevant and popular theme of emotion in numerous gothic stories including
the following literary pieces: The Black Cat , The Feather Pillow , A Rose for Emily ,
and Prey . Authors such as Edgar Allan Poe, Richard Matheson, William Faulkner and
Horacio Quiroga include various gothic elements such as supernatural entities and
entrapment that support the idea of horror and fear as well as good versus evil in their
literature. Entrapment is a prevalent element used in Poe s work, The Black Cat ,
William Faulkner s, A Rose for Emily and Richard Matheson s story, Prey . The literal
and metaphorical use of entrapment provides the reader with the feeling of fear. In
the Black Cat, the man literally ... walled the monster up within the tomb (Poe 5). The
author portrays a sense of unease within the story by describing the cat as a monster
being trapped inside of a tomb to keep its evilness from escaping. In The Prey, the doll
was described having ... a golden chain around it to prevent the spirit from ... escaping
(Matheson 2). The metaphorical and literal idea of entrapment are present by the doll
being physically trapped in the chain and also preventing its soul from escaping. The
doll being trapped displays the theme of good versus evil. While the evil that represents
horror is unable to escape the good. Throughout the gothic story, A Rose for Emily , the
conflict of good
Magical Beasts By Harry Potter
Miner 6

Julie Miner
Ms. Vyse
English II
12 April 2016
Magical Beasts Throughout the series of Harry Potter, many creatures appear in the
books and put into greater detail in the movies. Were these famous magical creatures
made up or compared to something similar in mythology and folklore? There are many
famous creatures throughout the story that add curiosity to one?s mind when first
reading about one. The feeling one may get is to be able to see what this creature is
capable of doing in comparison to others. In each book and movie, there is usually a
creature that Harry, Ron, and Hermione have to overcome, such as the Basilisk in the
second movie. The creatures from Harry Potter that are portrayed in folklore are similar
in many ways, yet different in others. Some creatures were actually made up, but the
most known ones, such as Fluffy and Fawkes, are actually compared to other similar
creatures. Most of these magical creatures or sometimes referred to as ?beasts?, come
from Greek and Roman mythology as well as European mythology. The characteristics
from some of the folklore creature were kept the same while others were completely
changed. One of the most popular Harry Potter creatures is Fluffy, the three headed
dog. The creation of Fluffy was influenced by a creature in Greek mythology known as
Cerberus. Cerberus was a three headed beast who guarded the underworld for Hades
while Fluffy was a three headed dog that guarded a trap door that led to the philosopher?s
How Did European Colonization Affect Early America
Impact of European colonization on early America In 1492, colonization started in the
New World with the European country of Spain. In 1607, the first colony in North
America was found in Jamestown, Virginia by the British. Colonies forming in North
America led to many impacts for the Native Americans, such as disease, along with
impacts in the environment and to the economy. The colonies not only impacted the
Native Americans, but also the people moving to the New World and the Mother
Country, England. In 1607, when Europeans first came to America, America was already
inhabited with Native Americans. The Native Americans quickly realized the Europeans
didn t know how to hunt for their food and that they were useful because... Show more
content on ...
The purpose of a colony is to provide raw materials for a mother country and to sell the
good produced in the mother country. Raw materials were wanted because European
countries were industrializing. The Raw materials were needed to make the products
they were making. With the products that they made like guns and other weapons
they sold them to the Native Americans. During this time, there was a trade route
called the triangular trade. This trade route went from England to Africa then to
America. From England to Africa, crops, animals and weapons were traded. England
got crops, gold and slaves from Africa and then sold these things in America. America
traded crops and animals with England. With the trading of all these things, there was
an opportunity for a good economy. The slave trade had a large impact in America.
Slaves were used to harvest crops, and clean houses. They were often abused by the
person that owned them. Slaves helped the economy increase because, with many
people doing it, it was faster picking the crops. They were needed because there was a
high demand for labor in the new colonies. Slaves were traded for European textiles,
alcohol, guns, and tobacco. People living in colonies made money by trading. In
Massachusetts, people trapped animals and sold them for furs. People there also fished.
In the south people made money by selling luxury imports for tobacco, rice

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