Alexander Pope An Essay On Criticism Summary and Analysis

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Alexander Pope An Essay On Criticism

Summary And Analysis

Crafting an essay on "Alexander Pope's An Essay on Criticism: Summary and Analysis" can be a
challenging endeavor, requiring a deep understanding of the literary work, critical thinking skills, and
the ability to articulate complex ideas. Analyzing Pope's work involves delving into the intricacies of
his poetic techniques, deciphering the nuances of his satirical tone, and exploring the philosophical
underpinnings embedded in the text.

One must navigate through the dense layers of Pope's verses, unraveling the subtleties of his
critiques on literary criticism, wit, and human nature. The essay demands a careful examination of
Pope's use of poetic devices, such as couplets, metaphors, and allusions, to convey his ideas with
precision and artistry. It's essential to grasp the historical and cultural context of the 18th century, as
Pope's work is deeply rooted in the intellectual climate of his time.

Moreover, a successful essay on this topic requires the ability to synthesize various critical
perspectives, offering a well-rounded analysis that goes beyond mere summarization. It involves a
critical engagement with the scholarly discourse surrounding Pope's work, addressing the
complexities and contradictions within the text.

In essence, tackling an essay on "Alexander Pope's An Essay on Criticism" demands more than just
summarizing the content; it necessitates a profound exploration of the literary, historical, and
philosophical dimensions of the work. Only through careful research, thoughtful analysis, and
effective communication can one hope to do justice to the richness of Pope's masterpiece.

If you find yourself grappling with such a task, remember that help is available. Similar essays and a
wide array of academic writing assistance can be accessed on platforms like
Professionals with expertise in literature and critical analysis can provide the support needed to
navigate the intricacies of this challenging topic.
Alexander Pope An Essay On Criticism Summary And AnalysisAlexander Pope An Essay On
Criticism Summary And Analysis
Why Do People Join Trump University
Trump University
What you have to know before you even consider joining Trump University. There s
many people who need to join Trump University, and all things considered. Donald
Trump has become well known, in real estate development as well as on prime time TV,
through his syndicated reality appears, The Apprentice. In any case, that doesn t make
Donald an incredible teacher or instructor, or one who can confer essential knowledge.
Fortunately, at Trump University, he doesn t. Every one of the courses at Trump
University are introduced and bolstered by genuine specialists in their field of expertise.
In the real estate market, for example, there is substantially more required than building
elevated structures in metropolitan regions, or running

Matthew 9:35 38 (NIV) reads, Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching
in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every
disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because
they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his
disciples, The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest,
therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. Through the lens of this text God
reveals to us the heart He has for His people in a lost and suffering world. Jesus points out
to his disciples what we should find significant today, and that is ... Show more content on ...
The idea of spiritual formation has somehow gotten lost in the shuffle of going to
church versus retaining the understanding that we in fact are the church and we carry
within us the knowledge and the skill to be transformational. The role of evangelism
in Christian education is to aid in church growth and expansion, as well as
advancement toward the salvation of souls. Diane J. Hymans suggests that evangelism
and education suggests a variety of meanings and that it is a matter of language that is
clouding what the connotation of the definitions of evangelism, discipleship, and
education are (Hymans). She states that evangelism is making the gospel known in
church and world , while education invites people to understand and claim their
identity as baptized children of God and to clarify their vocation as people called by
God to live lives characterized by love of God and neighbor (Hymans). Christian
education is an intentional process in developing relationship with God for the purpose
of fulfilling the mandate to go and make disciples of all nations, to preach and teach the
good news of the gospel of Christ, and to build the Kingdom of God. In developing and
incorporating evangelism and discipleship into a current Christian education program I
believe that involvement of the entire membership of the congregation should be
employed (all age
Problems that Need to be Overcome If Current Peace Talks...
Problems that Need to be Overcome If Current Peace Talks in Northern Ireland are to

In your answer you need to consider:

a) Two previous attempts made at peace in the last 20 years

b) The break through that have been made

c) The problems that still exist

Between 1980 and 1984 Margaret Thatcher held regular meetings with Taoiseaches
Charles Haughey and then after she held meetings with Garret Fitzgerald. The IRA
violence was beginning to get out of control and both governments were getting very
concerned. Margret Thatcher on other hands was almost Killed by an IRA bomb in
1984 and things had to change. They were also concerned about the increasing support
for the IRA s political ... Show more content on ...
The unionists were also strongly opposed to the Agreement. They didn t like the
involvement of the Republic s government in the affairs of Northern Ireland. The day
after it was signed the News Letter summed up unionist opposition when it claimed
yesterday the ghosts of Cromwell and Lundy walked hand in hand to produce a recipe
for bloodshed and conflict which has few parallels in modern history.

In essence the Agreement represented a negotiation between the British and Irish
governments. In return for Dublin s formal appreciation of the legitimacy of Northern
Ireland, London agreed to confer with the Republic s government on all matters relating
to the rights of Northern Ireland s nationalist minority. The new relationships were
outlined in the Agreement s 13 Articles. These referred to:

В· The Status of Northern Ireland, Article 1;

В· The Intergovernmental Conference, Articles 2 4;

В· Political Matters, Articles 5 6; Security and Related Matters, Article 7;

В· Legal Matters including the administration of justice, Article 8;

В· Cross Border Co operation on Security, Economic, Social and Cultural Matters,

Articles 9 10;

В· Arrangements for Review, Article 11;

В· Interparliamentary Relations, Article 12 and

Bob Dylan s Song The Hurricane
Bob Dylan s song, The Hurricane is a story communicated through song. It is a tribute
to a man whom Mr. Dylan felt compelled to tell the story of. It is a song of protest,
fighting against racism. The Hurricane is not a real person, it doesn t breath, eat, or
have a need to be safe and loved, it is not a man. Rubin Carteris a man, one who spent
over 15 years of his life falsely imprisoned, robbed for time no one could ever replace.
One of the first pivotal moments in this journey towards freedom is when Rubin sends
Bob a copy of his autobiography, titled The Sixteenth Round: From Number 1 Contender
#45472. After reading Carters book, Dylan went to visit him while incarcerated. He felt a
philosophical connection to Carter, and went on ... Show more content on
Bob Dylan s The Hurricane, describes the scene thus: And another man named Bello,
movin around mysteriously/I didn t do it, he says, and he throws up his hands/ I was
only robbin the register, I hope you understand/ I saw them leavin , he says (11 14).
The story continues further along with Meanwhile, from away in another part of town
Rubin Carter and a couple of friends are drivin around (lines 19 and 20). There was no
physical evidence to even suggest Carters presence at the scene of the triple murders,
only the words of others who happened to be white. However in that time period, a
white testimony against a black person, held more weight truthfully in the jurors eyes, a
problem we are still dealing with on a lesser scale today. The racial tension of the times
is evident in these next lines
If you re black you might as well not show up on the street/ Less you want to draw the
Essay Fight Club
Chuck Palahniuk s Fight Club is a seductive novel which chronicles an unnamed narrator
s ability to cope with an emasculated, self centered, materialistic society by creating an
alter ego. Throughout the text, the theme of the emasculated modern man is presented
both in the life of the narrator, and in the lives of the male characters he surrounds
himself with. Through notions of absent fathers, consumerism and an innocuous/aimless
existence, Palahniuk presents how men in modern society have lost their masculine
identity and the extreme actions they go to in order to obtain it again. Belittled by their
absent fathers, broken homes, and a feminine centered society, the men in Fight Club
present an incisive notion of the lives of modern... Show more content on
The Fight Club, then, is a way which men can express their angst in a much more
masculine, albeit sadomasochistic, way. The invention of Fight Club is never stated
directly, but its intention is indicated through the language of the narrator and the
rationale of its members. Foremost, the narrator describes the members of Fight Club
as a generation of men raised by women (50). The masculine identity, then, is an
identity which has been lost to the feminized egotism in a deranged reality of
postmodernism. Coupled with the lack of absent fathers the generation of modern
men are wildly feminized. The narrator describes how his father abandoned him to set
up new families or franchises (50) every six years, and states that he is a thirty year
old boy [...] wondering if another woman is really the answer [he] needs (51). The
absent fathers in the narrator s, and equally in Tyler s, life eventually lead to the
invention of Fight Club. Fight club is a way in which emasculated men can act the way
men are supposed to and finally find a masculine figure to model themselves after. In
creating Tyler, the narrator s search for a masculine model is taken to the extreme. Tyler
is a manifestation of man who the narrator and other men can model themselves after.
Tyler represents the masculine identity, Tyler is funny and charming and forceful and
independent, and men look up to him and expect him to change their world the narrator
How Did Hippocrates Impact Society
Did you ever wonder how doctors always know what to do in a time of crisis? Well if
you re wondering, Hippocrates, the Greek physician, created the solutions to these
crises. Thankfully he invented these solutions because where would we be now if it
wasn t for his hard work? He definitely had positive impacts in society because of all of
the accomplishments he had. Hippocrateshad a positive effect on the history of medicine
by influencing people with his writings and creating the Hippocratic Oath, therefore
progressing to become the Father of Medicine. Hippocrates was a Greek physicianborn in
Cos, Greece in 460 B.C. He was sometimes referred to as Hippocrates of Cos, or as Plato
would say, the Asclepiad of Cos ( Hippocrates and His Legacy ). An... Show more content
on ...
It is sworn by any doctor before he/she provides help to the patients ( Hippocrates,
Encyclopedia). The Hippocratic Oath was developed over 2,000 years ago and is a
pledge to patients that you will keep them from harm s way. The oath pledges a
physician to serve only the benefit of the patient, and to keep confidential anything he
/she sees or hears in the course of treatment ( Hippocrates, World ). The physician
basically promises to the patient that they will keep to themselves what happens during
treatment and will only do things that are beneficial to the patient. This oath is still used
today because of how significant everyone thought it was. Obviously this is a positive
attribution to society back then and today. The Hippocratic Oath is by far the most
important out of the Hippocratic Collection because of its popularity and importance
(Jayaswal 421). Overall, the Hippocratic Oath was one of the great accomplishments of
Hippocrates and one of the most positive changes that has happened to this
Jonathan Swift s Gulliver in the Land of the Houyhnhnms...
Jonathan Swift s Gulliver in the Land of the Houyhnhnms

In the last voyage in Jonathan Swift s book Gulliver s Travels, A voyage to the country
of the Houyhnhnms, Swift describes his idea of an ideal society. There are many
examples provided in this part of the book to convince the reader that Swift is indeed
illustrating his idea of a utopia. By using horses as the most reasonable creature, Swift
not only defaces human society by making a beast a more powerful creature, but also
shows that humans are unable to attain this perfectly reasonable society.

The society that the Houyhnhnms live in is unlike any society known to man. The
Houyhnhnms are perfect in the way they live their lives; they are always doing what is
best for ... Show more content on ...
Gulliver explains the idea of war to the Master Houyhnhnm, and it is hard form him to
understand the significance of it and why it would ever be needed. This idea can be
shown in the following quotation: The Houyhnhnms, indeed, appear not to be so well
prepared for war, a science to which they are perfect strangers, and especially against
missive weapons, (236). Gulliver tries to justify the causes of war and attempts to
explain this idea to the Houyhnhnms, who can not grasp the concept of why such a
thing would ever be necessary. The Houyhnhnms do not even have a word to describe
such evil, as it is not something that exists in their world. The Master listens to all of
Gulliver s stories and decides that humans are not unlike the Yahoo s after all. The Yahoo
s are characterized by their greed and selfishness throughout the book, and humans are
viewed to be of the same nature.

Swift thinks that the Houyhnhnm society is the ideal society; for this revealed by the
way that he shows Gulliver wanting to become just like them. Swift does not like the
European culture which is very different from that of the Houyhnhnms. Swifts major
focus is on reason and thinks that a completely reasonable society would be a perfect one;
which is what the Houyhnhnm society revolves around. Swift is always pointing out
faults in humans and how they are not as perfect as the Houyhnhnms,
It s Expensive to Watch a Movie but It s Worth It Essay
The drastic decline of moviegoers is a major concern for the film industry. It s quite
shocking that so few people watch movies in theaters anymore. To put it in perspective,
Jay Epstein mentioned that in 1948, 65%, (90 million Americans) of the population
watched movies compared to only 10 percent of today s population (30 million
Americans) (Epstein 1). The box office in 2005 has significantly declined in the third
quarter by about 7% compared to 2004 and by about 10% in admissions (CNN
Entertainment 1). Even though people still watched big budget films like Spiderman 2
and Star Wars, films don t seem to draw people into the theaters anymore.

The increase in movie ticket and concession prices turned many away from the cinema.
The ... Show more content on ...
Adding to the already competitive entertainment market is the invention of online music
and peer to peer file sharing programs such as Napster, Limewire, and Itunes. The
teenage market, which contributes a majority of the entertainment income, can use
programs like Napster to download movies and games to entertain themselves at little or
no cost, so paying $9 to watch a movie becomes even less attractive when you can watch
it for free.

It appears that the answer to the box office decline is rather simple. Couldn t the film
industries make films cheaper, improve the quality of their movies to please the
audience, and lower the ticket prices? The problem is that it s not really possible to meet
any of those demands considering what it takes to make a film.

Some complaints about films are that they aren t of the same quality as the ones in
the past. On a technical standpoint, there s no truth in this statement. During the onset
of theater, films were simple $400 to $500 productions made by people in vaudeville
to go along with acts. Even blockbusters of the 1960s and 70s like Dr. Dolittle couldn t
dream of using the technology we use today. The special effects of Dr. Dolittle peaked
out at the invention of a clay snail. Nowadays we have the addition of digital quality
sound, color, computer generated graphics, and voice actors (Wasko 5). In the past,
people were glad just to watch a
Steamboat Ski And Resort Corporation Case Summary
| Steamboat Ski amp; Resort Corporation| Analysis| [Type the abstract of the document
here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document. Type the
abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents
of the document.]|

Strengths * Very good brand image as one of the premier ski resorts in North America *
Strong marketing with innovative ideas which later become norms in the ski industry *
Very good infrastructure in their ski resort in terms of skiing activities even when
compared to rivals * Good backing of parent company who wants SSRC to become
number one * Good deals struck with airlines| Weaknesses * Inferior quality lodging
arrangements * ... Show more content on ...
Basically other values of vacations that money can buy * Any new pricing strategies
may have a ripple effect which could hurt their relations with the The Chamber of
Commerce and the local market * Threats faced due to competitors expanding to become
bigger and better whereas Steamboat this year is not making any major capital

Steamboat Ski amp; Resort Corporation (SSRC)

Charlie Mayfield, Vice President of Marketing, has some important decisions to make in
order to shape the future of SSRC. His marketing team is strong and has always thought
of innovative ideas which make it a company of trend setters rather than followers. The
declining trend in the sales of his company is an indication that something must be done,
the premier status of his ski resort is being lost especially now that customer feedback on
returning to the resort has dropped to an all time low.
KIC, their owners expect the company be the number 1 in the industry with a specific
focus on customer service and quality. Their recent feedback and lodging problems
stated by Vern Greco, president of SSRC make it clear that they are no way on the path
to being number one, but possibly losing their existing market share which they have
successfully built over the years. As I mentioned before the
Records Management System
DESIGN BY SIMON MONTEVERDI Records Management System: The purpose of
the records management system is for the user to be able to store information in
simple plain text files ready for editing manually portable safety. The coding includes
multiple functions that are of convenience for the user. The system can be used to
keep any records of information as is set out as a user management system. The script
begins with the creation of a main function which will become the menu system. The
while loop is implemented so that the main system will allow the person to either exit
the loop or add a user. The main menu offers the user to either add a user to the records
of the system or to simply exit. The two options are created through their respective
statements below: The createUser function is used to initiate a list of information.
The list will be used to hold on to all the information inserted by the user for it to be
added to the records. After that, another loop is created. This loop will be used for
when the user wishes to exit the loop simply entering the word exit can motion the
loop into action. When the operator has exited the loop, information may be entered
into the system. A command is then given to open a certain file and insert a new string
(a line which will be added to the records document.) Once the new information has
been entered, the stream to the file is closed so as to avoid errors to/from the file later
on and also saves all alterations that
Advantages Of Mastercard
Visa is first in its industry of global consumer payment system (ahead of rivals
Mastercard and American Express). Visa circulates more than 3 billion credit and other
payment cards across over 200 countries. As part of its business, the company licenses
the Visa name to member institutions, which issue and market their own Visa products
and participate in the VisaNet payment system that provides authorization, processing,
and settlement services (Visa Company Description, 2016). The company offers
corporate (travel) and purchasing card products, as well as value added services. It
provides its services under the Visa, Visa Electron, Interlink, V PAY, and PLUS brands.
Visa Inc. was incorporated in 2007 and is headquartered in San Francisco,... Show more
content on ...
Mastercard shows consistently higher margins than Visa. For Gross Margin, Visa
stays around 80%, whereas Mastercard is at 100%. Operating margin shows Visa at
starts at 20.53% in 2012 and leaps to 61.46% in 2013. It stays close in 2014, grows by
about 5% in 2015 and drops about 13% in 2016. With such inconsistencies, it highlights
Mastercard s ability to remain consistent. From 2012 until 2016, operating margin
remains constant at about 53%. Visa also fluctuates considerably in their profit margin.
They start at 20.57% and more than double by 2013. From there, it grows to 45.59% in
2015 and drops down to 39.72% in 2016. Mastercard shows the very consistent operating
margins of about 38% throughout
Obesity And The Infant Body Weight
Parents can calculate their children s percentile to see if the baby is growing well.
Percentile is a number that tells parents directly if their baby s body weight is in the
normal by comparing the baby s weight to other children in the same age group and the
baby s weight history. 50th is the midpoint, 75th indicates overweight while 25th means
underweight. However, it is not a big problem if a baby s percentile keeps being high or
low. In other words, if the infant s body weight fluctuates too much in a certain period of
time, parents should be aware that something is wrong. The amount of nutritionthat a
baby takes in can be one of the causes for the dramatically change on the infant s body
weight. It could be too much, while also could be not enough. The outcomes of
nutritional deficiencies could be both short term and long term. Nutritional imbalance
can cause long term influences on a child s growth. The malnourished children s growth
would be stunting, which refers to the failure for the baby to grow to the regular height
compared with the same age group. Because of the insufficient nutrition that the baby
took in during the growing process, bone density would be lower than other children,
which will further impact on the child s height when s/he grown up. After that, when an
infant s body weight is two standard deviations lower than the standard weights, they are
wasting. Personally, I think wasting can damage a child more than the level of stunning
can in
Personal Narrative-Mother-Daughter Relationship
for the past three years, my uncle began to fight for custody and then the mom did not
allow the child any visiting. There are many reasons why he chose to fight for his
daughter and they were personal, but definitely reasonable. At first the daughter still
agreed to come back for the summer and always enjoyed her time. She would see her
sibling, and enjoy camping. She never wanted to go back to her mom and always cried
when she had to leave. Recently, the mom began brainwashing their daughter. The mom
is extremely unhealthy and has chosen to do many inappropriate things which my uncle
has proof of. The mom always tells the little girl to be nasty towards her father when
they talk on the phone. She verbally spouts off words that an eleven year old should not
even know, while my uncle can hear the motherin the background telling hear what to say.
... Show more content on ...
About a month ago, my grandma texted his little girl and she responded nasty towards
her so my uncle decided to turn her phone off. He has not heard from her since and her
birthday is soon approaching. I can tell after interviewing my uncle that he is
frustrated and has lost hope. He has repeatedly gone to court and holds an incredible
amount of evidence why his daughter would be better off with him. I wish him the
best of luck when court approaches. This story had an enormous impact on my life and
made me realize how grateful I am for parents who stayed married. To me keeping a
successful relationship is very important, especially when children are involved. I
believe there a many ways you can save a relationship and it is important to try. There
are many keys to keeping a successful marriage. One way is open and ongoing
communication which is so important because your significant other needs to understand
the many feelings
Cereal Is A Common Household Breakfast Item Developed
Cereal is a common household breakfast item developed in the United States and
produced using processed grains. In 1830, Dr. Sylvester Graham, a Presbyterian minister,
in expressing his distaste for the traditional carnivorous English breakfast and preaching
Christian vegetarianism, developed Graham flour , the first modern whole wheatgrain
flour , and Graham crackers, made of Graham flours. Subsequently, Dr. James Jackson of
New York, [purchased] large quantities of Graham flour, [baked] them up, [rebaked]
them, and [broke] them again to create a breakfast product named granula, and that
became the first modern breakfast cerealmanufactured. In 1887, John Harvey Kellogg, a
Michiganite and follower of Graham and his dietary reforms,... Show more content on ...
Out of these countries, the breakfast cereal manufacturing industry is the most
prosperous and well documented in the United States, the country that invented breakfast
cereal. Figure 1: American Map of Winter Wheat Productions

Breakfast cereal is made of wheat, which is generally produced by harvesting grains

from commercial crops. Depending on winter conditions, wheat could be grown as a
winter crop or as a spring crop. Modern wheat farmers use an apparatus called combine
harvester to collect wheat products, which could harvest wheat automatically without
requiring extensive labor on wheat farmers . According to the U.S. Department of
Agriculture s Statistical Services Bureau, the average farm size in the United States is
432 acres in 2012, a 3.8 percent increase from the 2007 figure of 418 acres. However,
only 1/3 of these lands are exclusively used for grain harvesting. Specifically,
Analysis Of Some Lessons From The Assembly Line By
In the article Some Lessons From the Assembly Line , by Andrew Braaksma, tells the
story of the author during his time in college while working within an automotive plant
in southwest Michigan, and the lifelong lessons in which he learned from his experience
and coworkers. In this article, the author addresses his time attending college, majoring in
French literature, while working back in his hometown over the summer, working a job
that is best described as torture. Some Lessons From the Assembly Lines theme of
learning from the experiences in life to help teach the reader the lessons that everyone
has to come to terms with at some point because most students in college always seem to
overestimate the value of their time and knowledge,... Show more content on ...
In this article, the author addresses his time attending college, majoring in French
literature, while working back in his hometown over the summer, working a job that is
best described as torture. Some Lessons From the Assembly Line s theme of learning
from the experiences in life to help teach the reader the lessons that everyone has to
come to terms with at some point because most students in college always seem to
overestimate the value of their time and knowledge, all the advice about the value of
education that used to sound trite are in fact true, and the lessons about education are
learned at the expense of those who weren t fortunate enough to receive one. I believe
this is the author s intended
Fort Worth Case Study
Lauren Hooper
Trinity High School
International Baccalaureate Program
Did the revitalization of Sundance Square influence and creation of Bass Hall benefit the
popularity of art in Fort Worth?
April 9th, 2015

Abstract As there is not a whole lot known about the revitalization of Fort Worth Texas,
so it is important to draw attention to the transformation of the city hiding in Texas from
the beginning of Revitalization in 1979 to the end of it in 2011. Fort Worth was in
economic disorder after WWII and it was seen through the crumbling state of the city...
people moved from cities into suburbs and these people began shopping at strip malls
rather than downtown centers. (Bernard,1). This severely affected Fort Worth s economy
but this ... Show more content on ...
To make Fort Worth a major center in the metropolis as it was before, and not just a
part of it as the city had become, the Bass Brothers Enterprise decided to make the
Bass Hall out to be the centerpiece of the Sundance Square by making it the best
architecturally and aesthetically, as well as acoustically. Bass Hall is currently the
permanent home of the Texas Ballet Theater, Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra, Fort
Worth Opera, and the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition and Cliburn
Concerts(Bradley Hasse, 6). Before Revitalization the thought of such programs was
ridiculously impossible, especially for them to be based out of Fort Worth. The Bass
Brother s contribution of the Nancy Lee and Perry R. Bass Performance Hall, as the
crown jewel of Sundance square to many artists and musicians all over the world due to
its global recognition for being one of the top ten best opera houses in the world (Fort
Worth Architecture, 1) further allotted for attention to be drawn into the city further than
it already was, due to the completed Revitalization process. As stated, the building was
originally rejected by the city as a tax funded project (as taxpayers felt their money was
better used elsewhere), so the millionaires were so adamant about creating the famous
hall at the time that the
Review Of V. C. B. L. T. S. Ramachandran ( B )
For as long as he can remember, V. S. Ramachandran (b. 1951) has been fascinated by
any kind of strange phenomenon in nature. As narrated in chapter 1 (see here), at a very
young age he began collecting seashells from beaches near his home in Madras. In
researching the subject, his attention was drawn to the most peculiar varieties of
seashells, such as the carnivorous murex. Soon he added these unusual specimens to his
collection. As he got older, he transferred this interest to abnormal phenomena in
chemistry, astronomy, and human anatomy. Perhaps he intuited that these anomalies
fulfilled some kind of purpose in nature, that what does not fit the pattern has something
interesting to tell us. Perhaps he felt that he himself with his passion for science when
other boys were attracted to sports or games was a bit of an anomaly as well. In any
event, as he matured his attraction to the bizarre and abnormal only grew.
In the 1980s, as a professor of visual psychology at the University of California at San
Diego, he came upon a phenomenon that appealed to his interest in anomalies in the
deepest way the so called phantom limb syndrome. In this case, people who have had a
limb amputated continue to experience sensation and pain where the limb used to be. In
his research as a visual psychologist, Ramachandran had specialized in optical illusions
instances in which the brain would incorrectly fill in information from what the eyes had
processed. Phantom limbs represented an
Social Mobility In Sport
Throughout generations, social mobility has become something everyone wants to attain
in their lifetime. Through social mobility comes a better and more stable life. There are
many ways to achieve maximum mobility, which include getting a higher education and
reducing risk in your life. There are also a lot of myths towards this concept that has
been portrayed by the media and one of the myths is the social mobilitygained by a
person playing a sport. Americans in today s world believe that sports are the path we
should take to have full financial and social flexibility. Examples leading to this
conclusion are obvious as we see kids from poor areas escalate their nobility and
capital through their abilities to compete in sports. From the million dollar contracts and
endorsement deals, the ideology behind being an athlete is that your social mobility will
rise, but many statistics will prove otherwise. Although it is possible for athletes to gain
revenue and fame, the overall ideology of sports of gaining maximum social flexibility
from being involved in a sport is a myth.
Before continuing about the myths of social mobility and the ideology behind sports,
readers need to be able to understand the true meanings behind these two words. In the
book Sport in Society by Jay Coakley, he begins to define social mobility by stating,
Social mobility is regarded as changes in wealth, education and occupation over a person
s lifetime or from one generation to the next (Coakley
Diagnostic And Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is a guidebook used by
health care specialists in the United States to diagnose mental disorders. DSM
incorporates numerous disorders and their description, symptoms, and other criteria
for diagnosing mental disorders. The DSM was recently revised to better characterize
symptoms and behaviors of groups of people who are currently seeking clinical help
but whose symptoms are not well defined by DSM IV. For example, the first category
of disorders it mentions are Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Neurodevelopmental
Disorders are the deterioration of the growth and development of the brain and central
nervous system. It is a group of conditions with an outbreak in the developmental
system. These disorders usually begin early in development about when a child starts
grade school and are recognized when the child lacks personal, social, academic, or
occupational functioning. The spectrum of developmental deficits differ from very
distinguishing limitations of acquiring information or restraining of manageable
activities to overall impairments of social skill and intellect. All disorders are distinctive
in their own way. For some Neurodevelopmental Disorders, they have an excess of
symptoms while having deficits in others. For example, for those who are diagnosed with
AutismSpectrum disorder, usually have deficits in social interaction/communication and
their restricted and repetitive practice while having an excess of
Disadvantages Of Demonetization

Demonetization is the act of stripping out a currency unit as legal tender. It happens
when change of national currency takes place. The form of money in circulation is
pulled out and discarded, which might or often are replaced with new notes and coins.
Many a times, a country replaces the old currency with the new ones completely. There
can be several reasons why a government wants to enforce demonetization. Some of them
are to discourage a cash dependent economy, to counter inflation, to counter corruption
and crime (terrorism, tax evasion), to encourage trade, etc.
There are several advantages linked with the process of demonetization.
The biggest and impactful advantage of demonetization is that it helps the government to
locate those people who are the owners of large bulks of unaccounted cash on which no
income tax has been registered. This money is earned by corruption and illegal
businesses this is also because many people who indulge in earning black money keep
them as cash in their houses, villas or in some other secret places. the implementation of
demonetization results in discarding all that cash because it has no value and those
people are left with two options ; to deposit the money in bank accounts and pay taxes
on such large amount or allowing the value of ... Show more content on
because of very slow procedure many people suffer serious problem. Everyone has their
livelihood and problems so they have deal with it anyhow. The demonetization also leads
to currency destruction. Individuals have burnt their cash and discarded the same which
is a loss to economy .the government has to bear the cost of printing and circulating new
currency. This directly affects the tax payers because the cost of printing new currency is
deducted from the taxes they
Physical Activity Into My Life
For Project YOU, I decided this was an appropriate chance to affectively incorporate
some physical activity into my life. As a Nutritional Sciences student, I tend to eat a
relatively healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. As former dancer and
athlete, I enjoy exercise, but I seldom have time to make exercising a priority. Recently,
I had experienced weight basis in March from my own doctor at a gynecology
appointment. When I responded with, I m focused on dealing with my alcoholism right
now , he still questioned my healthstatus from my gradual increase in weight over the
years. Back in January, I initially tried to incorporate physical activity into my daily
routine again and rejoined a gym that is a block away from my house. I wanted to take
my own advice and just go and walk for 20 minutes most days of the week. I wasn t
aiming for anything crazy, just to go and get some exercise, because some is better than
none. I didn t actually go to the gym in January or February, but I had a membership and
it was on my mind, so that was an improvement.
I have been battling my inner voice telling me you re fat since I was in high school,
dancing 3 4 hours a day, and had an eating disorder. I have spent years hating my body,
thinking, if only I was ____ pounds lighter than I d be happy. Still, some days it s still
hard to love my body, but I look back on the photos I of myself in high school and
college (a 50 70 lbs lighter version of myself) and I wonder
Shakespeare s Macbeth-Personal Narrative
The castle was dimly lit as Macbeth and Lady Macbeth were pacing back and forth in
their quarters. Banquo has just been perceived dead and they now had to prepare for the
funeral. A full inverstigation was going on and it did nothing to sooth their nerves. The
stone walls were aluminatd by the many surrounding candles and the beautiful art on the
walls surrounded the culprits. How can anyone be that deliberate and not killone of the
two people they were hired to assassinate!? Macbethgrumbled shaking his hands
furiously as he talked.

Calm down my husband, things will turn out right. Nobody suspects we did anything.
Lady was attempting to calm him down but her words were served more as an attempt
to calm her own rapidly beating heart. She knew things were going to turn out badly and
... Show more content on ...
We have even more blood on our hands but this time we might as well write guilty on
our foreheads for everyone to see. Macbeth snapped at his wife. He was not usually so
rude to Lady but Macbeth has become quite irritable through these turn of events.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. The voice of a guard sounded through the
cracks. My lords, the funeral should be starting soon. The rest of the guards will be
waiting by the entrance for your arrival. the guard could then be heard walking off as his
footsteps sounded farther and farther away. Lady then turns toward her husband with a
look that can only be described as fed up with the whole situation.

Because, whatever happens, happens. We must face whatever comes to us whether it

be good or bad. Lady stands up to fix her dress and turns to her husband. I am ready to
face the music my husband, now you can come out and greet the mourning or you can
stay cooped up in the castle for everyone to question why you arent at Banquos funeral.
Lady then opened to door waiting for him to make his next action. Macbeth nervously
fixed his hair and smoothed out his outfit and strode out the door with
The Roman Way, by Edith Hamilton
The Author Edith Hamilton was born on August 12, 1867 in Dresden, Germany while
her mother was visiting relatives. Hamilton started to study Latin at the age of seven,
memorized passages from the Bible and could also recite poetry. Even as a young girl,
she was a natural storyteller. She was determined to get a good education. After
receiving her B.A. and M.A. from Bryn Mawr College in 1894 she studied the classics
in Germany. From 1896 to 1922 she was the headmistress of the Bryn Mawr School in
Baltimore. Among some of her works are The Greek Way (1930), The Roman Way
(1932), Mythology (1942), and The Echo of Greece (1957). Her books are so revered
that Mythology remains the foremost introductory textbook about its subject. The... Show
more content on ...
It is in no sense a history of Rome, but an attempt to show what the Romans were as
they appear in their great authors, to set forth the combination of qualities they
themselves prove are peculiarly Roman, distinguishing them from the rest of antiquity.
(9) I interpret that to mean that you cannot get an accurate reconstruction of history
without the personal letters and writings of the day to show us the quality of people of
whom we are learning about. The book shows us how the Romans felt about being
Roman. The pride that they had in their country. They were Romans first and foremost,
and then individuals second. Hamilton tries to convey the fact that even as different as
these authors were in their writings, they all shared a common thread. She states that
their differences are superficial compared to their resemblances. Evaluation The Roman
Way attempts to give us a glimpse into a history previously unseen before by utilizing
the writings of several of Rome s greatest literary minds. I believe that her intention was
not to give an accurate and historical recollection of events, but to open our minds to the
thoughts and feelings of actual Roman citizens. If you then pair this knowledge with the
accurate history of Rome, I feel it is possible to get a deeper understanding of that period
of time in history. Edith Hamilton uses the theatre of Plautus and Terence to show the
comedic side of
Groom Observation Report
I pick Doris up following work to meet Zak and Gordon at The REI store. The process
of buying a road bike is effortless with Zak. He shows Doris and me the exact ones for
us. Without hesitancy, she pulls out her credit card. I am less eager to spend the
money, but don t overthink the expense and just do it. Gordon is next to pick one. He
takes his time and eventually settles on the bicycle Zak prefers. And later, it s time to
shop for cycling clothes, a pair of road shoes, bike accessories and a bike rack. By the
time I get home, the price of the bike trip is more than I wanted to spend. However,
Doris assures me, We had no choice. The following day, Doug arrives early for his
meeting with Thom and me. We chat in my office about everything,... Show more content
on ...
He bristled once when I brought up the subject. My son is too kind and thoughtful.
You need to have a thick skin and be a bulldog every so often. By chance, Dylan has no
interest in attending USC film school or to work in the movie industry. He told me
once, My dad was never home when I was little. He worked all the time. It sucked. It
broke my heart to hear that. I never told Thom what he said. There was no reason,
since he s become a more attentive dad since his divorce. And, I made sure we spent
time on the weekends to be a family. Up until, I threw it all away. When the day winds
down, Harry drops by my office and I hand him the script, Losing it at Seventeen. He
promises to read it over the weekend. I drive home and eat dinner alone. I relish the
quiet time to catch up on personal emails, pay bills and binge watch Seasons One of
Game of Thrones. In between, I browse through the books I bought at Barnes and
Noble. The healthy recipes are simple to make and look appealing from the
photographs. I leaf through the other book on cycling with photos of seasoned cyclists.
Who am I kidding? There s no way I will ever become one of them no matter how tough
I train and eat healthy
Hamlet Soliloquies
Hamlet was written in the early 1600s.The tragedy of Hamlet is one of William
Shakespeare s most famous plays. It is popular because of the way Shakespeare uses
Hamlet to show the complexity of the human mind is. Shakespeare uses soliloquies to
reveal Hamlet s innermost thoughts. Through the soliloquies, the audience learns of
Hamlets struggle to face his internal conflicts, deciding when to avenge his father and
his disgusted feelings about his mother s lustful marriage. Also the soliloquies, which
will form the basis of my essay, help the audience to trace Hamlet s mental process.
Shakespeare explains the influence someone s state of mindcan have on the decisions that
they make in Hamlet.
In Shakespeare s Hamlet, the 3rd and 4th ... Show more content on ...
The undiscovered country from whose bourn No traveller returns, puzzles the will is the
only thing keeping him from death; the unknown. This keeps him from choosing death
due to the fear of the afterlife and the suffering that might be in store. He soon realises
that even in death he might not escape his problems. The mystery of what comes after
death is what keeps Hamlet from ending his life.

Hamlet s tone helps in emphasising Hamlet s mixed thoughts on how to deal with
things. He says people are cowards under an oppressor whose purposes are sicklied .
These words suggest that he s disgusted by humans and life. Instead of fighting the
battles he s confronted with, conscience takes over. Thus conscience does make cowards
of us all , with this quote in mind, it is no wonder that Hamlet is still struggling with
avenging his father. Hamlet s conscience is making him a coward by not letting him kill
Claudius. Hamlet tries to lessen the effects and counteracts his own thoughts by using
words such as nobler , devoutly and respect to put into view an implication of suffering
as being something that should be respected. Devoutly is usually used to describe a
religious commitment so Hamlet could be making reference to the fact that it is better to
put up with life than death and the unknown suffering in may hold.
The number of questions in this soliloquy help in conveying Hamlet s state of mind as it
emphasize Hamlet s internal dilemmas
The Utilisation Of Symmetry Within Filmmaking
This following proposal will feature how the utilisation of symmetry within filmmaking,
primarily in cinematography, is a stylised technique used to highlight significant events
film narratives. This proposal will decipher whether symmetry used as a stylistic filmic
technique, is a notable and powerful visual aid that heightens the viewers experience and
significance of narrativedevelopments. The purpose of this study is to gauge information
about how symmetry showcases a posed and staged approach in filmmaking, and if that
will drive the movement of filmnarratives. Thorough analysis of examples of works by
American director Wes Anderson will be conducted throughout this proposal.


The highly creative decision of ... Show more content on ...
This is due to the possibility of symmetry being used randomly and thoughtlessly, running
a high risk of creating visual disturbances in the narrative of the film, thus, potentially
leading the initial direction of the narrative astray and the viewers to be confused as the
film advances (Thonsagaard, L, 2012).

Wes Anderson (born 1969), best know as an Academy Award winning American film
director and screenwriter is respected and has mastered the art of symmetry. His films
are extremely identifiable, as his constant usage of symmetry within his feature films
create a powerful visual aid which are capable of communicating complex meanings that
cannot be conveyed visually without the addition of symmetry. Anderson s work is also
notable for his distinctive narrative writing and style and also the inclusion of adding
reoccurring collaborations with various actors and creatives (McClintock, P, 2014).

The definition of symmetry follows and refers to ...quality being made up of exactly
similar parts facing each other or around an axis (Oxford Dictionary of English). This
proposal will primarily focus on Anderson s filmmaking, discussing his utilisation of
symmetry within his works and how he produces a visual aesthetic and experimental
style of filmmaking that has gained him the title of being a respected director in the film
industry. Anderson s reason behind using symmetry instead
The Squirrel Monkeys In South America
The squirrel monkey lives in a humid tropical, and the monkey eats fruit, flowers,
insects, omnivore. Squirrel monkeys pick off the insects off of other monkeys. they find
fruit on trees, and find the flowers on the ground. The habitat is in a dense humid forest
near a stream.

The squirrel monkey has fur and grey, yellow, black fur. It lives in south america, and it
has its strength from carrying its weight off of trees and swinging from tree to tree. It
sleeps in a tree. The monkeys train to hunt and escape from any kind of dangerous things
like them being hunted.

The squirrel monkey lives in South America in the forest close to a stream. When they
are there that is where they learn, hunt, and climb. When they are done learning to do
Personal Narrative Rebelling
Rebelling and its outcome On august 24, 2003 I suffered a near death experience that
changed my life. It was a bright sunny day and my older brother was playing outside
with his friends. Since, I could not play with my sister because she was small I would
always follow my brother. My brother always played with older friends and they
would get into trouble a lot. Growing up around by guys I always played like they did.
If they would jump so would I. Being a girl made some differences because they didn t
want to play with me, they would underestimate me my ability, and would avoid playing
with me.
Although, my brother did not want me to play with his friends I would not listen to
what he would tell me. One day, they decide to play a new game ... Show more content on ...
He told me the instructions of the game and what I needed to do. so, I did what I was
told but, instead of landing I fell on my knees. I remember that as soon as fell I started
crying and my brother ran to me and covered my mouth so that I could stop crying. I
did not listen to what he was telling me to do so I just kept crying. I also remember see
a lot of blood on the concrete street. Then after, my mom came running out from the
house to see what was happening. She told me to stop crying and tell her what happen
but since I kept crying she told my brother to tell her what had happen. My brother told
my mom that I fell on my own and that it was all my fault. My mother did not believe my
brother because every time I would play with him I would always get hurt. Then, my
mom took me inside the house because she did not think it was necessary to go to the
hospital. Then, she cleaned my knees with alcohol and the blood stopped. It very
painful to walk so most of the time I would lay on the bed. Overtime, I began to notice
that my knees kept getting worst instead of healing. My knees were deteriorating and I
hid it from my mom. Every time my mom would ask me if my knees were okay I would
say they are getting better. But
Robert Browning And Porphyria s Lover
The Master of Drama : Robert Browning and Porphyria s Lover

Robert Browning was an English poet and playwright who mastered dramatic poems,
which made him one of the most influential Victorian poets. Browning was born in
Camberwell, United Kingdom and died at the age of 77 in Venice, Italy. Throughout
his life he wrote many poems including My Last Duchess and Porphyria s Lover ; he
also wrote some plays including The Pied Piper of Hamelin and Pippa Passes . Robert
Browning was a much underappreciated poet until later in his life; he wrote very dark
and dramatic poems that people did not give credit to until after his death.

Robert Browning was born on May 7, 1812, in Camberwell, United Kingdom, a suburb
in London, and educated at the school of Peckham until 1826. He then went on to be
taught by a private tutor from 1826 1829, he attended the university of London from
1829 1830. He decided on a literary career and published his first poem in 1833(Tucker
132). The First poem he published was called Pauline (Shilstone 646). Browning was
very educated throughout his lifetime and it shows in his works. He married Elizabeth
Barrett Moulston on September 12, 1846,(Tucker 132), the love of his life : The
marriage of Elizabeth and Robert Browning is one of the world s most famous
romances (Shilstone 646). After the couple married, they settled in Florence during the
winter of 1847. Their son was born on March 9, 1849. Elizabeth died on June 29
No Day We Make Conversations
Every day we make conversations. Every day we express ideas and opinions. Every
day there is crucial information being passed long. We use our words every day,
however, noise occurs every day too, so it makes sense that everyone takes the time to
learn how to avoid noise and make effective conversations. Whether we let it disturb our
conversations is our own choice. There are four types of noisethat will be discussed in
this paper: physiological, physical, psychological, and semantic.
The first type of noise is physiological noise. This is a distraction to communication
caused by factors that affect how one feels and thinks such as being hungry, fatigued,
feeling pain, or being under the influence of medication. Though it sounds simple, this
kind of noise can be difficult to control. One example of this occurrence is when a
person has allergies and decides to take Benadryl. This medication actually causes
drowsiness and even on the bottle of the medication, it says not to operate machinery
afterwards. Being drowsy causes the person to be less aware of the situation and can
cause them to be disjointed when engaged in a conversation. Occasionally, my mother
will have severe allergies and take this medication. Well, one of our favorite family
activities is to watch the TV show Criminal Minds and we have a tendency to talk about
every part of the movie, making comments and spectacles with one another, but if my
mother has recently taken Benadryl, she doesn t take in
Relationship Between Homeostasis Maintenance And The
In this assignment I will be discussing homeostatic principals and discussing the
relationship between homeostasis maintenance specifically physiologic growth and the
body and how homeostatic challenges are expressed in the body.
Homeostasis refers to metabolic balance maintained by several processes. The human
body has several examples of homeostasis. Homeostasis is maintained within the body by
a complex series of organs and organ systems, they work together to keep the body
functioning correctly, when the equilibrium within the body is maintained, homeostasis
occurs, the body maintains a steady internal environment for proper functioning.
There 2 feedback loops positive and negative positive feedback, almost all homeostatic
control ... Show more content on ...
Insulin reduces glucose concentration, while cortisol and catecholamine and glucagon
increase glucose concentration.
The bones and teeth contain 99 %of the calcium in the body, the other 1% circulates in
the blood. Too much calcium in the blood and too little calcium in the blood both have
negative effects. If blood calcium levels decrease too much, the parathyroid glands
activate their calcium sensing receptors and release parathyroid hormone. PTH signals
the bones to release calcium to increase the amount of calcium in the bloodstream. If
calcium levels increase too much, the thyroid gland releases calcitonin and fixes more
calcium in the bones. This decreases the amount of calcium in the blood.
The body has to maintain a constant internal environment, which means it must regulate
the loss and gain of fluid. Hormones help to regulate this balance by causing the
excretion or retention of fluid. If the body does not have enough fluid, antidiuretic
hormone signals the kidneys to retain fluid and decrease urine output. If the body has too
much fluid, it suppresses aldosterone and signals the excretion of more urine.
Another one of the most common examples of homeostasis in humans is the regulation
of body temperature. Normal body temperature is 37 degrees C or. Temperatures high
above or below these normal levels cause serious complications. Muscle failure occurs at
a temperature of 28 degrees C. At 33 degrees C, loss of
Krakow Research Paper
Only a few miles from Poland s second largest cities, Krakow, lies a nearly barren field
with only a moderate sized memorial to the thousands of people killed in a brutal act
of genocide. Here, between 1941 and 1945, thousands of enemies of the Nazi party,
primarily Jews, were worked, starved, died of disease, or were shot. Out of the over
150,000 people sent through Plaszow and its sub camps, only around 2,000 survived.
From its establishment in 1941 to its liquidation in January 1945, thousands of people
lost their lives or were sent to their deaths in other camps. In the years before the
German occupation, the Jewish population of Krakow was usually around 70,000.
After the Nazi conquest, the Jews were persecuted relentlessly. Between May and
December of 1941, 55,000 Krakow Jews were forced into the countryside, and between
15,000 and 20,000 remaining Jews were housed in the newly established Krakow
Ghetto. In June of the same year, the Krakow Plaszow Forced Labor camp was
established in Plaszow, a suburb of Krakow. Subsequently, deportation began, with the...
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Train cars and trucks would arrive in Plaszow, the weak or infirm would be led to one
of two sites, shot, then covered over with a layer of dirt. The primary site of these
executions was known as Hujowa Gorka, which, translated in Polish, means Prick Hill
. Sometimes entire truckloads would be shot and covered over, just increasing the size
of the hill. If one survived the entry into the camp, the survival rate was incredibly low.
This was partially due to the basic state of the camp, with a very low amount of food
given to the prisoners and diseases such as typhus commonly spreading, and partially due
to the sheer brutality of guards and SS personnel, led by Commandant Amon
Analyzing Texts in Old, Middle and New English
A The analysis of texts 1. Old English The story of Jacob s Deceit 17. And hД“o sealde
him Þone mete Þe heo seaÞ, and hlāf; and hē brōhte Þæt his fæder 18. and
cwæð: Fæder mīn! Hē andswarode and cwæð: Hwæt eart Þū, sunu mīn? 19.
And Iācob cwæð: Ic eom Ēsau, Þīn frum cenneda sunu. Ic dyde swā Þū mē
bebude. ДЂrД«s upp and site, and et of mД«num huntoГ°e, ГћГ¦t Гћu me blД“tsiЖ·e.
Translation: 17. And she sold him that meat she boiled, and bread, and he brought
them to his father. 18. and said: Oh, my father! he answered and said: What are
you(what do you want), my son? 19. And Iacob said: I am Esau, your first born son. I
did what you bid me. Arise up and sit and eat what I got of my hunting, so that you bless
me Phonetic... Show more content on ...
hwæt |Old Scan. ƕat, L quod |what |what | |6. hlāf |Germ. liab, old Scand. hleifr, Goth.
laifs, СЃСЂ.Р СѓСЃ. С…Р»ТЊР±СЉ |loaf |bread | |7. huntoГ°e |old. Fr. hurter |hunting
|hunting | |8. blД“tsiЖ·e |Early Nortumbr. bloedsia |bless |bless | |9. ГћГ¦t |Germ. die,
der, das. Old Scand. sГЎ, Гћat, Goth. sa,sЕЌ, Гћata. |that |that | | |Greek ho, hД“ | | | |10.
fæder |Latin pater |father |father, отец | 2. Middle English From Capgrave s
Chronicle of England [1394] In the XVIII. Ж·ere the Kyng held his Parlement at Dulyn,
and thidir com alle the lordes that had mad subjeccion onto him. And in that same tyme,
Edmund, duke of York, Keper of Ynglond, held a Parlement at London; to whech
Parlement cam the duke of Gloucetir fro Yrlond, expressing the Kyngis costis in Yrlond:
and his legacion was so acceptabil, that the clergy graunted him a dyme, and the lay fe a
fiftene. In this
William Shakespeare s The Elizabethan Era
Queens played a very important role in medieval history. They had many tasks to
complete in the day. Queens could be linked to king through marriage, family, and
property, queens were vital to the Monarchy.
They don t just stand around looking pretty queens had several responsibilities during the
day! Queens had to help the king and other nobility find ways to spy on rivals, ignite
conflicts, and simply spread important gossip.They were often mothers who had to take
care of a child or childs.Queens often scheduled events that she and the king would attend
throughout the land that they owned. Queens were very important in the castle. The
queen was also very important and was needed often. They were important because
without them, it would end the line of royalty because there would be no prince or
princess to inherit the throne. Queens were often set to spy on enemies in battle. Without
them, the kingdom would begin to fall apart when there is no one to inherit the throne.
To wrap that all up, queens are a very important part of the kingdom!
Queens had tools, supplies, and skills too. They wore crowns/ tiaras every time they left
the castle and sometimes in it. A queen cannot be a queen without her throne! Another
thing is they had to have perfect posture and need to be graceful too. You have to admit,
that is actually a lot of work.
As you can see queen is very important.
The Daily life of a queen is commonly underestimated, they too had tasks they needed to
accomplish in
Contrasting Themes In David Lynch s Film Blue Velvet
Contrasting Themes in Blue Velvet

The subconscious psyche is one of the most fascinating and almost completely
inexplicable aspects of human behavior. Even more intriguing than merely the
subconscious is the notion of a darker, more repressed side that many individuals refuse
to acknowledge exists within them. In David Lynch s film Blue Velvet, the director
attempts to explore the psyche of a young man named Jeffrey Beaumont, most notably
the clash between his darker side and good side for the first time in his life. Using
themes that sharply contrast one another, Lynch provides insight into the character of
Jeffrey and the struggle that he is faced with. Jeffrey is in a transitional period of his life,
not very old, and is on a ... Show more content on ...
The gun on the television is in direct contrast to what has been taking place visually up
to this point. The mise en scene has been depicting an idealized American town, and yet
the image of a gun is used as an allusion to something more sinister lurking within the
town, with the interior of Jeffrey s house perhaps representing the inner sanctum of
Jeffrey s subconscious. From here, Lynch cuts back to the long shot of Jeffrey s father
watering the lawn, followed by a close up of the faucet where the hose is connected.
Suddenly, the cuts are very rapid and the camera cuts between close ups of the hose,
the faucet, and Jeffrey s father, who eventually keels over in an apparent stroke. This
is followed by a long shot of a dog attempting to bite the water spraying out of the hose,
with a cut to a close up of the dog doing this behavior in slow motion. Slowly, the non
digetic sound of Blue Velvet fades out, giving way to an unintelligible and faint sound
which appears to be non digetic as well. However, the camera zooms into an extreme
close up of the grass and tracks through the grass as well, with the unintelligible noise
increasing in volume. The shot then dissolves to reveal an entire population of
cockroaches infesting the soil, and what had previously been non digetic sound has now
become the loud, digetic sound of the insects movement. Immediately, there is a cut to an
Counterculture In The 1960s Essay
The 1960s was a decade of many changes. These changes were social, political, and
cultural in nature. The social norms were thrown out the window, and these issues began
the counterculture movement. Most label the counterculture as self indulgent, childish,
and irrational. There were those who were anti establishment, and were opposed to the
principles of society that were currently in place. From this came many liberation
movements which included the feminist movement, gay and lesbian movement, civil
rights movement, anti war movement, among many others. In 1961 John Kennedy, the
first president to have been born in the twentieth century, was elected into office. Many
Americans looked at Kennedy as a symbol of hope for the nation. In 1963,... Show more
content on ...
These murders caused even more riots to break out across the United States. The social
and racial tension began to sweep the nation, causing young Americans to question the
values they were raised on, and they began to rebel, and the hippies emerged. They
believed in more love and personal freedom in America. Although some went on to live
their normal lives with work and family, others were protesting and fighting for peace,
racial, and social justice. From the religious aspect, the social and political upheaval
throughout the nation was also rising within the church. Whereas in the nineteenth
century the greatest battleground was between Catholic and Protestant, as churches
began to follow more of the social movements of this time with feeling happy as the
highest goal , the religious split became more of conservative vs liberal agenda. One
thing the church was always consistent on was their patriotism, but the Vietnam War
began to create a shift. Pastors and religious leaders were some of the most outspoken in
the anti war effort. One of the other major changes within the American churches was the
opening the door for full equality for women. Churches began to allow women to hold
leadership roles in the church as well as ordained ministers. The same time the feminist
movement began, the tolerance of the gay and
Taxpayer Funding For Abortion Insurance
Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance
Recently, the S.184 No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full
Disclosure Act of 2017 was read and referred to the Committee on Finance. With the
newly elected President Donald Trump in office, adjustments have begun to take place on
the front end of abortion and what these procedures and the insurance that covers them
will look like going forward. The previously mentioned bill would permanently prohibit
federal funding, including District of Columbia funds, for abortion or healthcare that
includes abortion (Congress Wicker, 2017). The bill will amend the Internal Revenue
Code and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act by prohibiting health coverage
from ... Show more content on ...
Aside from the safe assumption that Americans especially those whom appose abortion
don t want to be funding abortions through their tax dollars, the efficiency of this bill
would cover the loopholes that may have been created by prior acts (Harned, 2015). The
modifications this bill would bring about are going to conserve the time in the future for
other pressing issues that would otherwise be spent on an issue that manages to be
discussed redundantly.

The Severity of Abortion and its Role in the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act
Abortion is a one day procedure that can have important lifetime consequences. There is
potential for procedure failure as well as physical, emotional, or mental suffering, which
is why there is a need for some form of deterrence. In the hearing before the
Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice of the committee on the Judiciary,
House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, it was stated that this bill
would restrict tax deductions for women who use their own money for abortion or if they
purchase insurance that covers abortion, in turn this will raise the tax for women should
they choose to make that decision (House of Representatives. Subcommittee on the
Constitution and Civil Justice. Committee on the Judiciary, 2014). This sort of
disincentive would ultimately make abortions more costly and may deter women from
Night Fever Website
Conceptions of Night Fever Website

Structure of Night Fever


1.1. The individual levels .................................................................................................4

1.2. Project pages / subpages .............................................................................................4

1.2.1. Building ..............................................................................................................4

2. International Home ......................................................4

2.1. Design ... Show more content on ...


3.3.1. Menu.................................................................................................................6

3.3.2, News ticker ........................................................................................................7, General ........................................................................................7, Building................................................................................................7

3.3.3, Title area.......................................................................................................7

3.3.4, Recent videos.................................................................................................7

3.3.5, Events.............................................................................................................8

3.3.6., News Boxes.......................................................................................................8 General........................................................................................8, building................................................................................................8

3.3.7. Other
Comparing Vladimir Lenin s Eyes And A Capitalist Society
The popular, the majority, the working class, the predominant, the masses. There are
countless terms available to describe who has the most socio political power, the most
weathered; the proletariats. In Vladimir Lenin s eyes, in a capitalist society a proletariat
is the term used to describe the working class, the class that does not have ownership of
any means of production(land and capital) and whose sole income source derives from
labor. The minority, who own the majority of the wealth, the means of production, and
the means of coercion(law enforcement and legal system). In a capitalist society, the
bourgeoisie exploit the proletariats. Only the bourgeoisie could afford the means of
production, therefore they control the proletariat s... Show more content on ...
They would prohibit any Soviet that had a capitalist agenda from gaining any socio
political power, therefore creating the first completely proletarian government, made by
and for the working class. Another example of where this method was applied is the
Chinese Communist Revolution. Qu Lindong, a prominent Chinese historian at the
University of Beijing, describes Marxism as the dominant outlook in[Chinese] history. In
fact, the Chinese Revolution was championed by Mao Zedong, a devout believer in the
Marxism Leninism revolutionary theories, whom attempted to apply the techniques
used by Lenin in the Russian Revolution, adapted slightly to fit China s socio political
needs, to his own nation. Both of these revolution s occurred for the same reason; the
majority s exasperation in their respective, unequal social structure. Essentially, the
working class got tired of being exploited and suppressed by the ruling class, and
decided to take a stand against them, as one unit. The Chinese Revolution was similar to
the Russian Revolution because, once capitalism reigned globally supreme, the only type
of revolt that could occur is the overthrow of capitalism by the conscious revolutionary
acts of the proletariat. Therefore, almost all revolutions are based on class conflict and
Romeo And Juliet Fate
The Fate of Romeo and Juliet
William Shakespeare was one of the most famous writers of his era. One of
Shakespeare most famous stories is the Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and
Juliet show how fate and the power of choices can affect the person s actions. People in
the Renaissance believed that stars are the way that fate and beliefs could come true.
Also should how fate could come from good to bad choice. Shakespeare includes stars in
Romeo and Juliet in order to demonstrate the choices you make and by fate to still have a
choice to get through the rough times.
The source I used to find more evidence is Elizabethan astrology. Elizabethan astrology
talked about things that happen in the renaissance and how William Shakespeare began
his stories. Stars were used to show the future for them during that time period. Queen
Elizabeth believed that the horoscopes were fate on the night she became Queen. So a
lot of people during that time believed in the horoscopes in that time. Shakespeare used
stars for most of his ... Show more content on ...
I fear, too early: for my mind misgives Some consequence yet hanging in the stars .
Romeo could not have gone to the party but he makes the choice to go to the party and
that is what leads him to his fate. Is it even so? then I defy you, stars . Romeo goes
against fate and it was his choice to go back Verona to see Juliet.
There are somethings Juliet could have done differently from her actions faced with
fate. From ancient grudge break to new mutiny . Juliet does not get a chorse to have a
say with her family s grudge. The things Juliet would have done then to make the
wrong action is by facing her fear and telling her parents who she married. Instead of
doing that she takes the wrong choice. A pair of star crossed lovers take their life .
With fate and choices to choose from Juliet could have made better ways to keep their
relationship going instead of making it life or
A Humanist Society Of New Mexico
What is a humanist? Many people do not think about what defines a humanist. Kurt
Vonnegut put it shortly: Being a Humanist means trying to behave decently without
expectation of rewards or punishment after you are dead. Though it isn t what anyone
will find in Webster s Dictionary, it is a simple statement that informs the world of what
these individuals believe. Humanists feel very strongly about the importance of human
life and the utilization of the time you spend on Earth. Fredric March, President of the
Humanist Society of New Mexico, describes his opinion of the humanist social agenda
as: ...freedom of religionand freedom from religion... (March 19). He later states that
they feel strongly about social equality, secular democracy, and the health of our
ecosystem. March also describes investigation of religion. He believes that cognitive
science explains all questions unanswered while individuals question what the believe
in. While they depend on cognitive science for some religious inquiries, humanists see
fault in our political motives and actions (March 16). Nigel Tubbs feels that Capitalism
abates the value of each humans life, and stirs greed causing desecration of the natural
environment. He believes that citizens are dehumanized by the non secular government
and the needs of of those who are supposed to be served are replaced (Tubbs 478). So
how do humanist react to society and other religions? Ryan Kemp s statements could act
as an example of
Rome During Medieval Times
Medieval Society Medieval Society helped to give a better perspective on what Rome
was like during Medieval Times. The article explained the collapse of The Western
Roman Empire, and makes things easier to comprehend by breaking it down by
countries/ parts of the empire. By using this method, it makes it easier to understand the
fall of the Roman Empire by going in depth and explaining all the different causes for
each empire s downfall. It also showed how medieval Europeinherited many of it s
traditions and institutions, for example, Christianity. I thought this article was well
written and gave enough details and information to fully understand the main concept of
this article.

The Medieval Cathedral in its Cultural Setting The Medieval Cathedral in its Cultural
Setting made it easier to understand the the significance of the Cathedral. Jean Gimpel,
the author of the article said, In order to understand the cultural significance of the
cathedral, the student must know the political, economic, social, aesthetic, and religious
environment in which it grew ; which the article did perfectly. The article even discussed
the beginning of the cathedral itself by explaining how it was built, ... Show more content
on ...
The parts of the article that I could understand did help to better understand feudalism as
McKAy did not give that much information about it. I also used this article as a
reference for a previous question in The Middle Ages Part 1. I personally thought this
article was more difficult to read than the first two because the first paragraph discussed
many things and was unclear as to what the article was going to discuss. The transitions
for topic to topic were also formatted strange and made it even more difficult to
understand and I did not like this style of writing as much as the previous two
Bob Dylan and Popular Music
the man who did to popular music what Einstein did to physics, while initially sounding
like hyperbole, really isn t (Gates, cited in Detmarr, 2009,p.20)

Why is Highway 61 revisited such a culturally important album?

The year is1965, 8 years into the Vietnam war and 2 years in the shadow of a
presidential assassination, marked the inception of an artistic vision, cut to Vinyl. Bob
Dylan s Highway 61 revisited is a testament to the state of America in the 1960s, using
poetic devices, and engaging rock and roll music to capture the imagination of a breadth
of people, unwittingly, it would seem, brought change to the minds of Americans.
Opening their eyes to what was happening and inflicting a sense of new found justice in
their hearts, ... Show more content on ...
In 1959 Robert left home to attend the University of Minnesota. Shortly after enrolling
in the university, Robert was offered a gig at a venue named the ten o clock scholar
coffee house, the owner David Lee was auditioning for folk singers, when he turned up
to play and was asked his name, Robert replied Bob Dylan which he has refuted as
meaning anything other than just what came to him when interviewed later. Robert
dropped out of University at the end of his first year in 1960; 5 years later he would
release one of the biggest works of his career, Highway 61 revisited.

Highway 61 revisited has a deep rooted reality within its imagery that the youth of the
60s could poignantly relate to, In a time when social boundaries were breaking down,
and society had a more relaxed view of such issues as racism, (after the signing into law
of the civil rights act) and sexism, the swinging sixties where the perfect backdrop for an
album that is rife with statements of politics, war, class, race, and the general state of
America in this time.

Like a rolling stone

The first track of the album, clocking in at 6:10 was ground breaking for its time, as it
was the first extended play single to be put on the radio. Bob Dylan s like a rolling
stone is a testament to his departure from his old sound in earlier works, featuring in the
Problems With Manual Traceability Data For Large Software...
Andrew Kannenberg and Dr. Hossein Saiedian have explore some problems with manual
traceability [14]. Traceability information can be captured manually through utilizing
techniques such as traceability matrices. A traceability matrix can be defined as a table
that illustrates logical links between individual functional requirements and other system
artifacts [15]. Unfortunately, manual traceability methods are not suitable for the needs
of the software engineering industry. In [17], the authors found that the number of
traceability links that need to be captured grows exponentially with the size and
complexity of the software system. This means that manual traceability data for large
software projects requires an extreme amount of time and effort. If any change occur to
any elements then the affected portions of the traceability data must be updated
manually, which requires discipline and a significant amount of time and effort spent on
link checking throughout the traceability data. Because of this, it is easy for manually
created traceability data to become out of sync with the current set of requirements,
design, code, and test cases. Manual traceability methods are also prone to errors that are
not easy to catch. Errors can arise from simple typographic mistakes, from inadvertently
overlooking a portion of the traceability data (such as an individual requirement), or from
carelessness by the individual capturing the data. Because traceability artifacts for large
Christian Worldview Purpose
Rebecca Drew
CWV 101
Professor Andre Mooney

The purpose of the Christian worldview is to guide one how God wanted us to live our
lives. It starts from the very beginning of creation to the world we currently live in today.
Christians have faith in Christ. Christians truth about God is believed to be First, God
created the world good indeed, the creation, especially man who is its crown, actually
manifests God s goodness and that all creation is fallen through original sin (Echeyerria,
2007). This is what makes prophecy an integral part of Christianity.
God: What is God like? What are God s Characteristics? What is his creation?
God has so many attributes and characteristics like the attributes that have been reflected
within ... Show more content on ...
Jesus was the son of God, who was created by God and the second person within the
trinity. God is viewed as the father, the son, and the holy spirit, according to the
Christian worldview. Jesus was created from God planting a seed in Virgin Mary.
Jesus was thus born to spread the word about God and all the gospel. Jesus lived a life
as a human as all of us do now. He experienced a lot of things we as human s
experience. Jesus sacrificed himself for our sins where he died on the cross. Jesus is
important to the Christian worldview because he is the ultimate reason we are who we
are today. God is both holy and just, so although he created humanity to be immortal, he
could not accept them into his holy kingdom in their sinful state (Lecture 5). After Jesus
sacrificed himself on the cross, this served as redemption and it was then that god
allowed them into the
What Is The Difference Between The Scarlet Letter And The...
The Scarlet Letter by Nathanial Hawthorne and The Coquette; or, The History of Eliza
Wharton by Hannah Webster Foster at first glance may seem to be entirely unrelated
tales. The Scarlet Letter is the story of Hester Prynne, an adulteress who is forced to
raise her daughter on her own and to wear a scarlet A to mark her indignity. The
Coquette is a fictionalized account of a socially elite woman, Eliza Wharton, who dies
after giving birth to a stillborn, illegitimate child. Although the fate and circumstances of
each woman in these stories are on the opposite ends of the spectrum, at the core both
comment on ideal womanhood, a woman s sexual freedom, and sin in a patriarchal
society. Hester Prynne and Eliza Wharton go against society s
The, Snow White Or Peter Pan
My mother would always read to me before bed, yet not typical kids stories such as
Cinderella, Snow White or Peter Pan. But rather wisdom thoughts and stories of
Aristotle, Plato, Omar Khayyam, Abay, more modern writers, Robin Sharma and
Louise Hay. As a mother, she has a masters in Language and Philosophy. She is
constantly reading whether it is an article on her phone, a daily newspaper or a book
that she has bought yesterday. She would always sit on the brown leathered sofa and
wear her golden framed glasses on and a very focused yet relaxed expression. As I sat
watching her read, she became my role model. I would settle down next to her, wearing
fake black framed glasses with no lenses and read, just to seem a little bit like her. To...
Show more content on ...
It felt very comfortable and I was feeling euphoric. I knew that my favorite subject was
By the age of 10, I was fluent in three different languages. Every time I attended Schools
in Kazakhstan, In the class of 32 pupils who grew up together from the first grade. In
their sight, I was an abnormal child. Furthermore Russian schools (schools that are
bilingual Russian and Kazakh) had a very rigorous environment, and a difficult attitude
towards learning, at least that was my opinion. I had to write two essays on Kazakh and
Russian, reside a one page poem by Alexander Pushkin, and learn the new math solving
strategies, due to a parallel study of geometry and algebra. With the overwhelming course
work, my schedule was somewhat like this:
8am Russian language ; 9am Russian literature ; 10am Kazakh language ; 11am Kazakh
literature ; 12pm 12:30pm Lunch ; 1pm 3pm Geometry and Algebra ; 4pm British
English; 5pm Geography ; 6pm History of Kazakhstan
I faced an oblivion. I wrote Russian words with English letters or English words with
Kazakh letters. The grammar for every language is completely different and has
individual complexity, for example: Russian has Cyrillic alphabet, three genders for
verbs and nouns. Kazakh has Cyrillic alphabet, soft and strong vowels, and complex
sentence structure. Even though I was made fun of, I would continually ignore my
odious peers. I
I m Not a Leader
What s the best thing going on at school today, Eli? My mom asked as she poured her
coffee. My mom always asks happy questions like that in the morning. I think she learned
it in Mom school or something.

When I was little, I made up all sorts of stories to tell my mom. I d pretend Lindsey
rode a giraffe to school, or Sebastian taught us how to eat worms. Then my mom and I
would snuggle and giggle.

But now that I m in the 3rd grade, I m too old for that stuff. Still, it s best to tell her
something and send her off to work happy.

Miss Jennings is announcing who s in the running for class President today. It s really not
a big deal I shared.

Oh? That is exciting! She pulled up a chair and looked at me with her big tell me all
about it eyes. I should have just told her we were having pizza for lunch.

Do you think they ll choose you? I could see she was already thinking about calling
Grandma with the news.

No way, I said. Mom, I m not a leader. The class could pick anyone. Why would they
pick me?

Mom looked at me like she didn t believe me but all she said was, We ll see.

At school, written on the board in purple chalk were the scariest words I ve ever seen:

Congratulations Eli, Mason, Megan, Ben and Janelle! You have been nominated for
Class President!

Most of the kids cheered as they walked into the classroom. Mason just stared at me. I
felt sick.

Okay boys and girls , Miss Jennings called over the noise, Let s settle down.
The Women s Rights Movement
Throughout American history, women have constantly been suppressed. It was believed
overall that women were not supposed to work, but to stay home, cook, clean, make
clothes, and take care of the child(ren). Basically, a woman was considered her husband s
property. It was not until 1920s that women were finally able to get the rights they
deserve, such as birth control, new divorce laws, and ultimately the right to vote, which
was the main focus of the Women s Rights Movement. This movement consisted of many
organizations, such as the National Woman Suffrage Association for example, coming
together and holding protests, riots, and seminars where women were able to express
their wants to politicians. Congress finally passing an amendment giving women the
right to vote allowed them to get other things they deserved such as access to higher
education and improved working conditions. Women prior to this, such as Susan B.
Anthony and Eleanor Roosevelt, attempted to get women the rights they deserve. There
were numerous social movements prior to the 1920s that attempted to get women s rights
recognized by the American government. They were the platform for the Women s
Rights Movements. Even though they are numerous women known for their efforts
during the 18th and 19th centuries, they were never able to accomplish the goals that
women suffrage activists accomplished in the 20th century. Women finally getting the
right to vote gave them an unspoken confidence and a sense of
Descriptive Essay About Going To The Beach
It began with a blazing, crackling, smokey fire. Friends and family sat there with a
glow from the fire upon us. All of us, Corbin, Charles, my Mom, my Aunt, and I, sat
silently listening to a mixture of the fire, along with ocean. Knowing that the blazing
sun would soon set, Corbin, Charles and I made the decision to go to the beach. The
journey taken that evening led me to realize my sense of direction. Us three set out
with one main objective. That main objective was to climb the rocks next to the
crashing waves of the receding ocean tide. We left our chairs by the fire and began our
journey with nothing but our phones. Beside our cabin was an old, dusty trail with a
large amount of overgrowth. Pushing tree branches out of our way, passing byvarious
flowers, shrubs, and trees, we made our way down the old warn down path and onto dirt
road. We all assumed that road wouldn t be used due to the fact that it was beginning
to be night. However, our thoughts were proven wrong by the moderately dirty truck
with bright headlights shining upon us. We noticed the truck and scrambled to get to
the side of the road. Once it had passed we continued towards the beach. Look at that
sunset, proclaimed Charles. It was the moment when the sun cast a hazy red and
orange across the horizon of the dark blue ocean. We made our way to the sandy
beach. It was embedded with thousands of footprints from both visiting campers, as
well as the snow white seagulls. We walked along the beach with the waves nearly get
us wet, passing drift wood and heaps of seaweed. The only sounds heard were the
crashing wave of the ocean and occasional cawing of seagulls. We had made it to the
jagged rocks with very little daylight to spare. So much for the sunset, mumbled
Cobin. I am willing to bet there will be one tomorrow, I chuckle. We each hoist
ourselves onto the rocks and walk. We took note of the dim light casting over the dark
ocean, which is visible as far as the eye can see. If barefoot, this massive rock can be
very hard on your feet. We saw very little of the seagulls, and none of the hiding crabs.
We had made it and there was silence. The full moon was a magnificent sight to be seen
in combination with the
Rachel Syme Why Web Series Are Worth Watching Analysis
People all want that heart stopping WOW moment in their lives, and art can easily
satisfy that want. Visual media is the most quintessential form of art in modern society.
Whether it is binge watching Orange is the New Black, watching a funny YouTube
channel, or even keeping up with the presidential race on the news, visual media is
invading the minds of society. There are many different forms of visual media, all of
which want the spotlight. Many argue in favor for TV shows as the best platform, but
according to the article Why Web TV Series Are Worth Watching, written by Rachel
Syme, Web series could be a worthy contender. Syme tries to convince people to give
Web series a chance to WOW them. The article she writes contains many flaws... Show
more content on ...
The New Yorker is known as a prestigious media outlet, which features phenomenal
writers, therefore people argue that if the article was accepted by The New Yorker,
then it was a successful article. This argument is illogical because of the bias aspect of
the article selection process. An article should not be deemed successful just because a
prestigious media outlet agrees with it. Another argument made is that the article was
mainly intended for people who regularly watch Web series. If this was true, then the
article would not have a purpose. The article tries to persuade people why Web series are
worth watching, therefore the intended audience should be those who don t normally
watch Web series. The arguments that agree with this article being successful are
Biology A level planning experiment of effect of lead ions...
The effect of Lead ions on amylase activity


What is the effect of Lead ions on the enzyme Amylase. And does it have an inhibitory
effect, which causes the substrate, in this case starch to be blocked from the reaction
process in the enzyme catalyst. Also is the effect reversible or irreversible, which is put
on the amylase.


Apparatus and substances required

Test tube holder 2% starch solution

6 boiling tubes labelled 1 to 6 1% lead nitrate solution

6 test tubes labelled A to E, ( F) Dimple tiles

5 test tubes labelled A1, B2, C3, D4, E5, (F6) 5 ml syringe

1% Amylase solution 4 dropping pipettes

Stop clock

Firstly, in each of the boiling tubes place 8 ml of 2% starch solution using the syringe.
Then in each of the test ... Show more content on ...
Enzymes act as catalysts for many different reactions throughout the body, this is
because the heat or energy needed to perform the reaction is too high for the body to
sustain so a catalyst is used to lower this energy which is called the activation energy.

Amylase is a starch degrading enzyme. Starch is a mixture of two types of glucose

polymers. We can only absorb small molecules so the action of amylases during
digestion is essential for survival. All organisms make amylase, which breaks the glucose
chain in the centre *1 .

We can also use this source to give a thorough explanation of the structure of Amylase *2

1o The enzyme is a glycoprotein. Its single polypeptide chain of about 496 amino acid
residues has two SH (Sulfhydryl) groups and four disulphide bonds and contains a tight
bound Ca2+..

2В° Amylase, like many proteins and enzymes, mostly contains wide arrangements of a
helices and b sheets. The
secondary structures are held tightly together by hydrogen bonds. Hydrogen bonds
between amino acid residues are especially

stable in the hydrophobic interior of the protein, where water molecules do not enter and
therefore cannot compete for hydrogen bonding.

3В° Amylase s tertiary structure consists of one domain of connected a helices and b
sheets. The sheets and helices are connected by an array of loops and turns of
hydrophilic amino acid residues, mostly valine, proline, and glycine
Australia Gallipoli Campaign Speech
Good morning and welcome to the Australian war memorial. Today is the day we mark
100 years since the Gallipoli campaign was launched in April 25th 1915. This war like
many others is known for its strategic landing. This significant event marks the first steps
on foreign land as allies to Britain. As Australians we commemorate this day and
remember those who fought on behalf on this nation. Even though the Gallipoli campaign
was unsuccessful, why do we celebrate it? Why don t we celebrate the experiences and
events that were more successful than the Gallipoli landing like the Battle at lone pine,
The Evacuation or The Charge at the Nek? These events are important and successful
missions but no prominence is given to them. The evacuation should... Show more
content on ...
An account by Ellis Ashmead Bartlett who was a world war one correspondent
describes the landing at Gallipoli which displays the values of our young men during
battle. Yet Bartlett glorified death and made it seem like a duty to many young men of
Australia that must be fulfilled. Bartlett wrote The courage displayed by these
wounded Australians and New Zealanders will never be forgotten . Recounts shows
that in the experience of war special qualities make up the Anzac sprit. The struggle
and hardship of the battle brought also many good things to these young man which
reveals the Australian spirit that includes Bravery, humor, Mateship, resourcefulness,
endurance and belief. These values have emerged from the tragic events which took
place at the Gallipoli peninsula. The Anzac legend was invented to give hope to the
fighters from such a dreadful experience of war. However by the time the war ended
more than 60,000 Australian were dead. Now the legend is overlooked because of the
defeat at Gallipoli. Now we only hold memory and reputation of the landing. Unlike
today if a call to war was announced few would attend, but back in those days young
men and young boys thought it was a duty to their country to fight for their nation.
Today if asked, many boys would think it s like a game or just fun, or some might even
deny the request as believe it shouldn t be their doing. In 1915 thousands of applicants
applied for the army but only many didn t

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