Adolf Hitler Essays

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Adolf Hitler Essays

Writing an essay on the topic of Adolf Hitler is undoubtedly a challenging task. The complexity
arises not only from the historical significance and the gravity of the subject matter but also from the
need to approach it with sensitivity and objectivity. Addressing the life and actions of one of
history's most infamous figures demands thorough research, critical analysis, and a nuanced
understanding of the socio-political context of the time.

To delve into the psyche of Adolf Hitler, one must navigate through a myriad of historical sources,
documents, and scholarly works. The responsibility to present an accurate portrayal without
glorifying or distorting the facts adds an extra layer of difficulty. Striking a balance between
providing an objective account of events and acknowledging the devastating consequences of
Hitler's actions requires careful consideration of language and tone.

Furthermore, addressing the ethical aspects of writing about such a controversial figure is no small
feat. Balancing the need for historical accuracy with the responsibility to avoid promoting hate
speech or glorifying atrocities requires a delicate touch. The essay must steer clear of sensationalism
and strive to contribute to a deeper understanding of the historical context surrounding Adolf Hitler.

In conclusion, writing an essay on Adolf Hitler is a challenging undertaking that demands meticulous
research, thoughtful analysis, and a commitment to handling the subject matter with sensitivity. It
necessitates a balance between historical accuracy and ethical considerations, making it a task that
requires a high level of skill and responsibility.

If you need assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing tasks, various resources are
available to provide guidance and support. Platforms like offer professional help
in crafting well-researched and carefully written essays on a wide range of topics.
Adolf Hitler Essays Adolf Hitler Essays
Essay On Year Round School
Once a student enters the building on their first day of school they long await summer
break. Yet, districts around the nation are changing that, instead of giving a two and a
half summer vacation, they are asking students to go to school instead. This is a
controversial issue because some parents agree with the decision, while others don t.
Instead of vacations and lying around at home during summer break, students will be
given more textbooks, homework and tests. Although they do attend schoolthroughout
summer break, they do get periods of time off throughout the school year which gives
them a break. The government should apply the year round schooling method in our
district because cost is not much of an issue, it helps teachers, and the... Show more
content on ...
This is significant because the children in schools are our future generation that will help
cure diseases, land on different planets and create world peace but, they first have to start
off with a great education and year round schooling provides that. A way you can help
make this mission possible is to spread the word in your community and persuade
educators that year round schooling is the best option for students. Let the future be
filled with amazing inventions created by
The Island of Dr. Moreau Essay
The Island of Dr Moreau, by H.G. Wells, is not an ordinary science fiction novel. It
doesn t deal with aliens or anything from outer space, but with biological science that
exists on earth. The novel was about a character, Edmund Prendick that gets involved
with an island of experimentation. At first glance, this tropical paradise seems idyllic.
But deep in the jungles lies a terrifying secret. Moreau and Montgomery have been
performing scientific research on human beings and the experiment goes terribly wrong.
They have ignored the most fundamental law of the jungle: survival of the fittest. The
doctor is seeking to make animals half human by means of vivisectional surgery; the
transplantation of organs, and the pain involved is very... Show more content on ...
Wells was apprenticed like his brothers to a draper, spending the years between 1880
and 1883 in Windsor and Southsea as a drapeist. In 1883 Wells became a teacher/pupil
at Midhurst Grammar School. He obtained a scholarship to the Normal School of
Science in London and studied biology there under T.H. Huxley. However, his interest
faltered and in 1887 he left without a degree. He taught in private schools for four
years, obtaining his B.S. degree until 1980. The next year he settled in London,
married his cousin Isabel and continued his career as a teacher in a correspondence
college. Wells left Isabel for one of his brightest students, Amy Catherine, whom he
married in 1895 (Brian 1). In 1893 Wells became a full time writer. As a novelist, Wells
made his debut with The Time Machine , a parody of English class division. The
narrator is Hillyer, who discusses with his friends about the theories of time travel. Much
of the realistic atmosphere of the story was achieved by carefully studying technical
details. The basic principles of the machine contained materials regarding time as the
fourth dimension В– years later Albert Einstein published his theory of the four
dimensional continuum of space time ( H.G. Wells 2). Dissatisfied with his literary
work, Wells moved into the novel genre with Love and Mr. Lewisham , and strengthened
his reputation as a serious writer. Wells also published
Of Sandra Cisneros s Only Daughter And The Parable Of
Repetition, repetition is the key to live a life full of happiness. According to Aristotle s
definition of happiness, happiness is a life filled with virtuous activities. To live a life
of virtue, one s action must be a habit. Therefore We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit . In Cisneros Only Daughter and in The
Parable of the Prodigal Son, they show virtuethrough family love and courage. Sandra
Cisneros in Only Daughter is a young Mexican woman who is the only daughter in a
family of six sons. Ever since she was a young girl, all that Cisneros wanted was to win
his approval (Cisneros, 367). Everything Cisneros has ever written since graduating
college has been for her father as she... Show more content on ...
The Prodigal Son believed that he is no longer worthy (Luke 15:20) to be called his
father s son after his actions. With this in mind, his father did the opposite of what the
Prodigal Son thought that he would do and welcomed his son with open arms. Family
love is shown through the actions of the Prodigal Son s father as his father forgave his
sons actions by welcoming him back into the family. Not only that, his father also
offered everything he had. Although these two characters did not face the same
situations, Sandra Cisneros and the Prodigal Son s both showed examples of what
family love was. Sandra Cisneros and the Prodigal Son further displayed virtue
through the actions of courage. Cisneros displayed courage by not following the path
that her father set for her. Her father s main goal for Sandra was to find a suitable
husband to marry. Her father s idea of a husband is someone who would allow
Cisneros to live a suitable life without having to mainly use her hands, but to utilize her
brain. Her father did not want their children to have hands that have been stubbed by a
history of hammer and nails (Cisneros, 368). Although her father had good intentions by
only wanting what was best for his children, Cisneros took a different path and wanted
to chase her own ambitions. Women were often meant to marry and be taken care of by
a caring husband. Sandra Cisneros did not
IMAM Code Of Ethics Case Study
Over the past half century, the field of emergency management has gradually evolved
into a more structured profession. There are several aspects of response efforts that
needed to be revised in order for the field to be viewed as legitimate and trustworthy.
Primarily, the implementation of advanced education through the process of
accreditation, college programs and certifications has paved the way to legitimize the
field. In addition, there has been an increase in efforts to hold those accountable to their
actions while responding to crises. Through a combination of these efforts, emergency
managementhas attempted to become a more dependable organization as viewed by the
general public.
One method of setting standards for performance ... Show more content on ...
One way of accomplishing this is by being fiscally responsible by minimizing the cost of
resources without sacrificing the overall quality. The concept of respect refers not only to
how the victims of the crisis are dealt with but also to interactions within the organization
up and down the chain of command. The second value, commitment, ensures that the
decisions made are intended to improve the quality of life for those they serve (IAEM,
2010). Emergency management is inherently non profit, as making money or seeing the
mishaps of others as an opportunity to increase capital would violate the ethical value of
commitment. As stated in the code, emergency management professionals, commit
themselves to promoting decisions that engender trust and those we serve and are
focused on, enhancing the caliber of service [they] deliver while striving to improve the
quality of life in the community (IAEM, 2010). Lastly, professionalism ensures that all
members are held to the highest standards when conducting their duties and thereby
foster public confidence in Emergency
Black Live Matter Movement Analysis
Comparing a Past and Modern Day Problem The problems of the past are supposed to
stay in the past right? Well, that is not quite the truth, many problems from the past still
affect modern day people for surprisingly similar reasons such why they started.
Furthermore, the Civil Rights movement and the Black Lives Matter movement are
similar at the start of these movements. Although, the Civil Rights movement officially
started in the mid 19th century fighting for minority rights is not a new thing as the
Black Live Matter movement formed in 2013 also focuses on the same idea but more
towards the African Americanpopulation. The main similarities in the cause of forming
these movements are racism/bias, both started in the south states of America... Show more
content on ...
The America s south states have always been the central of racism being the only states
that made laws specifically to segregate while that north had de facto segregation which
was not enforced by the law but expected. Although, Black Lives Matter is an
ideological and political intervention in a world where Black lives are systematically and
intentionally targeted for demise. ( it was growing in St. Louis,
MO ( a southern state. Both movements started in the most racist
part of the country by the standards of the Civil Rights Movement were racism was a
real problem, but today it is more ambiguous whether the problem truly is racism or the
effects of other things clouding the input to make that
Sor Juana Essay
Sor Juana Essay Sor Juana Ines De La Cruz was a woman far beyond her years. Living
in a time when society was dominated by men, she disregarded the fact that women
during this time were forced to be uncurious objects, whose highest achievement in life
was to give birth. Her relentless pursuit to attain knowledge and defy her culture s
standards for women is illustrated throughout her writings. In the readings, ( Response
to the Most Illustrious Poetess Sor Filotes de la Cruz, the three Romances and the
Redondillas ), she spills out her beliefs, feelings and pain in forms of symbolic devices
and irony in attempt to erase the differences between men and women as intellectual
beings, as well as to argue for a woman s right to pursue... Show more content on ...
Her writings were intended on the pleasures of others, not her own. She also uses
sarcasm when stating I have never deemed myself one who has any worth in letters or
the wit necessity demands of one who could write; and thus my customary response to
those who press me, above all in sacred matters, is, what capacity of reason have I?
what application? What resources? What rudimentary knowledgeВ… Leave those
matters to those who understand them, I wish no quarrel with the Holy Office, for I
am ignorant. (p.11) Sor Juana was very different from the other women living in
Colonial Latin America. She was a woman that strove for more out of life, regardless
of gender and social stratifications. Even as a child, Sor Juana begged her mother to
dress her as a boy so she could attend the schools and Universities in Mexico City. She
chose to live her life in the convent, not because of her undying need to study the lord s
word, but because it opted her out of the marriage life and allowed her to study and
continue her learning. She wanted nothing to do with the lifestyle of a normal colonial
woman and the only children that she was interested in having were her precious
library, telescope and other tools of learning. Women of colonial Latin America we seen
as objects, that provided a means of reproduction. Sor Juana greatly disagreed with this
and based the majority of her work on this concept.
Evaluation Of Honey, I Warped The Kids
Evaluation of Honey, I Warped the Kids
By Hung V. Tran Carl M. Cannon reasons in Honey, I Warped the Kids in the Utne
Reader that violence on television must be suppressed due to its effects on human
behavior. This evaluation will show that though the author makes some good use of
statistical findings, he leaves many holes in his argument by not thoroughly discussing
opposing opinions. Cannon systematically lists the studies and opinions of others who
agree with him and does not discuss opposing positions. In content, first Cannon
discusses the sociological interest in the subject of television violence and mentions that
the first congressional hearings took place in 1954 (95). He follows that with a list of
studies that prove a ... Show more content on ...
For the past 22 years, says Cannon, they found, adults and children have been
entertained by about sixteen violent acts, including two murders, in each evening s
prime time programming (96). The statistics in the NBC study, which are touted by
well meaning critics, contradict themselves. The study claims on the one hand that
violence desensitizes children; on the other, that it also incites more violence. In spite
of this ambivalent evidence, Cannon s research is deliberate and narrow minded in
intention, using only what he needs to support his own point of view and ignoring the
NBC evidence. In point of fact, it is arguable that images do not spill blood, but rather
rage, desperation, and revenge, especially when they are equipped with guns. According
to Todd Gitlin, there were 36,000 murders, accidents, and suicides committed by
gunshots in the United States in 1992 alone (93). Honey, I Warped the Kids seems at
first to be a reasonable article. While one reads this article one may be convinced,
thinking that statistics alone can decide the fate of their children. However, if an
opposing viewpoint had been better represented, the casual reader may not have come to
the same conclusion as Cannon.
Someone who disagrees with the article Honey, I Warped the Kids may find Cannon s
position quite troubling. Gitlin says, It s dark out there in the
Advantages Of Multi-Objective Optimization
ICEMMM2018 Paper ID: MMM164
15 16 February 2018, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai
Multi Objective Optimization using Taguchi s Loss Function based Principal Component
Analysis in Electrochemical Discharge Machining of Micro Channels on Borosilicate
Glass with Direct and Hybrid Electrolytes
Jinka Ranganayakulu1* and P. V. Srihari1
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, R. V. College of Engineering, Bengaluru 560
059, Karnataka, India

Abstract. Machining of hard and brittle materials like borosilicate glass has imposed
challenges due to its low machinability. Among various non traditional machining
methods electrochemical discharge machining (ECDM) or spark assisted chemical
engraving ... Show more content on ...
Wuthrich, R., Spaelter, U., Wu, Y., Bleuler, H.: A syatematic characterization method for
gravity feed micro hole drilling in glass with spark assisted chemical engraving (SACE),
J. Micromech. Microeng. 16, 1891 1896 (2006).
3. Mousa, M., Allagui, A., Ng, H.D., Wuthrich, R.: The effect of thermal conductivity of
the tool electrode in spark assisted chemical engraving gravity feed micro drilling, J.
Micromech. Microeng. 19, 015010 (7pp) (2009).
4. Han, M.S., Min, B.K., Jo Lee, S.: Modelling gas film formation in electrochemical
discharge machining processes using a side insulated electrode, J. Micromech. Microeng.
18, 045019 (2008).
5. Mallik, B., Sarkar, B.R., Doli, B., Bhattachryya, B.: Multi criteria optimization of
Electrochemical Discharge Micro machining process during micro channel generation on
glass, Applied Mechanics and Materials. 592 594, 525 529 (2014).
6. Jonathan, W., Amol., J.: ECDM methods for fludic interfacing through thin glass
substrates and the formation of spherical microcavities, J. Micromech. Microeng. 17, 403
409 (2007).
7. Zhi Ping, Z., Wei Hsin, C., Fuang Yuan, H., Biing Hwa, Y.: 3D microstructuring of
Pyrex glass using the electrochemical discharge machining process, J. Micromech.
Microeng. 17, 960 966
Sex Offender Registry
Don t Be Ignorant: Educate Yourself
Dana Harmel
SOC 120 Introduction to Ethics amp; Social Responsibility
Professor York
January 21, 2012

The youngest person that can be place on the National Sex Offender Registry is age 6.
Yes, a kindergarten and be found to be a sexual predator as society puts it. Individuals
on the registry are all treated equal by the public no matter the details of their actual
crime. Even though the sex offender registry is a positive tool in the protection of
society, the registry needs to be evaluated because sexual assault is not the only form of
child abuse, non violent offenders are on the registry, and children are now required to
register as offenders.
The ethical problem that society needs to look ... Show more content on
They brought R in for questioning and he was released. Later arrested again for
statutory rape and the mother (of the girl) came to defend him saying she knew and
approved. He received a year in jail and so did the mother. Ten years later was required
to start registering and was given life. He should not have been given a life sentence.
He is a tier one offender and should only be required to register for 15 years. Tier three
individuals the most violent are required to register for life. He is now 42 years old and
is functioning however being on the registry has caused extreme difficulty in getting
jobs and being able to function without society opinions being forced upon him. I just
think that this story is one of many who are non violent and are lifelong registrants. All
crimes that a person is on the registry for are wrong; I just think that the non violent ones
need to be reviewed more thoroughly.
In contrast the deontology approach I think that a lot of people fall into the emotivism
approach. Emotivism is a non cognitive theory of ethics, because it denies, among other
things, that moral claims can appeal to facts. Rather, emotivism, as the name indicates,
simply says that moral claims express an emotional response, or an attitude, we may
have toward a given kind of behavior (Mosser, 2010). I think people hear the word sex
offender and they think the person is bad and has hurt a child. Their emotions and
ignorance takes over. The
Amish Culture
Scientists make interesting discoveries daily. One of the recent discoveries is a gene
mutation that some Midwestern United States Amish people have. They are an
interesting culture, that live isolated all around the United States. These communities are
closed and no outsides are really allowed. This is what makes this culture very interesting.

It makes them live 10 years longer

This culture is made of people than ban pretty much all modern technology. They are
farmers living off of their own land. Apparently do it in a manner that makes them live
10 year longer. Researchers studied 177 Amish people from Indiana, and found out that
43 of them had a mutant copy of the gene SERPINE1. The Amish with this gene lived to
about 85 years old. The
Technology and Beckett’s Play, Krapp’s Last Tape
Technology and Beckett s Play, Krapp s Last Tape

bois seul bouffe brГ»le crГЄve seul comme devant les absents sont morts les prГ©sents
puent sors tes yeux dГ©tourne les sur les roseaux se taquinent ils ou les aГЇs pas la peine
il y a le vent et l Г©tat de veille [1][1] Samuel Beckett, Untitled

As an avant garde writer and a trend starter, Beckett was intensely in touch with his own
time and its most significant realities, one of which being technological progress. In his
play Krapp s Last Tape, first performed in 1958, we meet yet another one of his
spiritually crippled and disillusioned characters: Krapp, an old recluse. Krapp is alone on
the stage, seconded only by a tape ... Show more content on ...
Like in Endgame, the main character has an accurate recollection of his past, but there
is nothing left of it. Unlike 39 years old Krapp, 69 years old Krapp has no more
expectation for his opus magnum and his fire is lost: Nothing to say, not a squeak [...]
Seventeen copies sold, of which eleven at trade price to free circulating libraries
beyond the seas . Another similarity between Endgame and Krapp s Last Tape is the
terminal hopelessness of the characters. In Krapp s Last Tape, the only significant
event Krapp may hope for is his own personal death, in Endgame it is perhaps the end
of the world; in both cases, memory does not restitute or create meaning. This notion
is further emphasized in Krapp s Last Tape, as the tape recorder does not even have the
advantage of being vague. The audience is made fully aware of how real Krapp s past
has once been, and, implicitly, we are told that he had discovered some transcending
meaning, a reason to give up everything, even his chance at happiness. Nonetheless, the
machine leaves Krapp wilted, a mere husk, to whom even the benefit of waiting is
denied because there is nothing to wait for. Krapp merely exists to exist; he is at one
of the last stages of Death as a process. In the world of the existentialists were choice is
deified, Krapp is godless and forsaken. In this sense, the machine becomes more of an
instrument of torture, a constant reminder of the old Krapp s helplessness as he
contemplates how
Concert Report Essay
For this concert report I chose to go to a performance of student composers held at the
Kimball Recital Hall. I chose this one because I wanted to see some of the talent that
my peers have in the music realm, and also it was one of the only concerts I have been
able to attend because I usually work at night. It was impressive to hear pieces
composed by students. I cannot imagine creating something as complex as a musical
composition, much less actually performing it, so this aspect of the concert was
particularly awe inspiring. There was a large attendance, and I think that much of the
audience consisted of friends of the composersand/or performers. I went with three
friends, who I convinced by telling it would be interesting to see... Show more content on ...
This was a fairly simple and straightforward piece. It started out slow with small
building crescendos, which became more and more powerful. It had a dark, moody
sound and I think that I was played in a minor key. There were many reverberating
note to convey this eerie and sad tone. It became progressively more dramatic and
intense, constantly repeated with stronger tone color. The fifth piece was called
Epileptical Bipolarity by Chris Wheeler. The piece was written for trumpet with a
piano accompaniment. It had three movements; the first was centered mainly on the
trumpet. It started with low notes and a slow tempo and built to a lively and quick
expression of joy and energy. The second movement was played with the trumpet
muted. It was much, much slower in tempo and used much lower notes, played within
a very small range. The third movement starts out livelier and continues with an upbeat
sound. The melody seems almost recognizable and is, therefore, comforting to listen
to after the sad second movement. Then the melody stops abruptly and the piano joins
in to finish the song. The sixth piece was called This The Moment sing Me a Song by
Craig McGill. This piece had two singers and a piano accompaniment. The song is
about a glorious moment when two people meet or possible fall in love. Regardless, it is
a very important moment in the lives of the couple, represented by the male and female
singers. The song talks about
Use Of Imagery In Sweetheart Of The Song Tra Bong
In the Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong, a girl by the name of Mary Anne Bell arrives at
a military compound. She used to be a civilian until she completely changed while
spending time over at Vietnam.
O Brien uses imagery to enhance the story. Several examples of imagery are found in the
chapter. One example is To the north and west the country rose up in thick walls of
wilderness, triple canopied jungle, mountains unfolding into higher mountain... (87). This
quote gives the reader a vivid image of Vietnam and it s natural beauty. Another example
is The place was never mortared, never taken under fire... (88) in which describes the
military compound. O Brien also uses imagery to describe looks and expressions of
characters. An example of this is Even with the cooling night air Fossie s face was slick
with sweat. He looked sick. His eyes were blood shot... (103).
O brien uses this one simile to give the sense of feel in the ... Show more content on ...
During the Vietnam War, the platoon came into a sewage field and were ambushed by
mortar fire. Kiowa got hit by one and Norman Bowker attempted to save him, but he
lost him. After the war Norman Bowker was never able to live in peace. He never had
a stable life after the war. At the time he lived with his family and took part time jobs
that lasted very shortly. The things he cared are now gone such as his childhood
friend who drowned at a young age and his ex girlfriend who is already married. Due
to so much loss, Norman Bowker has little purpose in his life. He would take his
family car and drive around the lake several times. He also wanted to speak to someone
about his story during the Vietnam War such as his father but never had the courage to.
Norman also requested O Brien in a letter to add his story to his work. After three years
later from 1975 he ended his life silently and without any
Outline Of An Informative Speech On Film Scores

SPEECH TITLE: Film Scores 101

SPECIFIC PURPOSE: My purpose is to inform my audience about the history of film

scores, how they are made, and how film scores have changed recently because of

CENTRAL IDEA/THESIS: Film scores are an undoubtedly important part of the movie
watching experience, however you may not know about how they were first introduced,
the process it takes to make them, or how they have changed over time.


1.GET ATTENTION: {Listen to Jaws Theme} Many people as soon as they hear that
ominous and menacing piece of music, immediately think of the iconic 1975 thriller
classic known as Jaws. And by chance if you did not recognize the Jaws theme, there are
plenty of other iconic film scores that you would recognize.
2.CLEARLY REVEAL TOPIC: I am here today to inform you about some things you
many have not known about how your favorite film scores came to be.
3.LISTENER RELEVANCE: Since film scores are such an important part of movies, it
makes sense to learn a little bit more about them.
4.ESTABLISH CREDIBILITY: I spend a lot of time listening to scores while I study, so
one day I decided to actually learn how my favorites were made. I ve spent a
considerable amount of time researching the topic since.
5.PREVIEW MAIN POINTS: Today I would like to share with you some of the history
of film scores, how they are made, and how scores have evolved in more recent times
due to advances in
The Day I Graduated High School
The day I graduated high school was the day I thought about how I would barely see
my dog, Dulce, anymore (I graduated in Nicaragua). Throughout my whole life I ve
been accustomed to having dogs in the house, taking them out on walks, teaching them
how to do tricks, having them sleep by my feet on my bed. Leaving Dulce was going to
be tough for me because she brought a lot of happiness into my life; she was the
sweetest dogI ve ever met. Her name literally means sweet, so it fit very well with her.
As I prepared to leave to Canada for my post secondary education, I messaged my
sister and asked her what she thought about getting a dog; she loved the idea. Having
moved into our own house in Canada, my sister and I noticed how empty our home
was without hearing a dog s bark, or having any dog toys laying on the ground. We
immediately decided to purchase a dog right there; the journey had started. On Kijiji, we
noticed that a breeder in a farm town two hours away from Kitchener was selling a
Pomeranian. This puppyhad an orange fur that made him resemble a fox, small pointy
ears, and a face that would make your heart melt. We didn t need much convincing
after we saw the picture, so we loaded our car and made our Keady, Ontario. The whole
road trip consisted of dialogue on how excited we were for our new puppy and what
name we were going to give him.

Dennys do you like the name Jagger for him? I think it fits him well. My sister was very
persistent on this name. I like
Adaptation, Metafiction, Self-Creation
What would any normal person do when they experience writer s block? Get rid of all
distractions? Create a deadline for yourself? Well, if you re Charlie Kaufman you write a
meta fictional screenplay about it. In her article, Adaptation, Metafiction, Self Creation ,
Julie Levinson writes, Adaptation is an exemplar of a particular type of metafiction in
which the narrativecharts its own processes of creation (Levinson). In short, Adaptation
follows Kaufman s struggles to adapt The Orchid Thief by Susan Orlean, which is about
investigation of the odd plant man, John Laroche. Adaptation was released in 2002,
directed by Spike Jonze, and written by Kaufman. The filmmocks clichГ©s and typical
narrative Hollywood conventions by continually using... Show more content on ...
Charlie responds by saying, I don t want to cram in sex, or guns, or car chases, or
characters learning profound life lessons, or growing, or coming to like each other, or
overcoming obstacles to succeed in the end , all of which he ends up writing into his
screenplay (Jonze). Susan Orlean really did meet and write about John Laroche in her
novel, but the extent of their relationship was embellished by Kaufman. The sex, drugs
and love affair were all added to make the story more exciting, and challenged the
viewer to decipher what was real and what was fake. In addition, Nicholas Cage s
Charlie and Donald had a relationship or some form of sexual attraction to just about
every women featured in the film. I feel like this shows how Adaptation was mocking
the typical Hollywood convention of a love story by having the main characters be
infatuated with every woman, just as we see in many other films. Love stories are often
thrown into films where they aren t needed, like in every superhero movie released,
which I feel is a genre that Kaufman isn t too fond
Negative Speech On Neurofeedback
I.Every 1 in 5 Americans suffer with mental disorders and issues. While there are
treatments some can be dangerous like meditation which can result in addiction and
health issues. A better solution is Neurofeedback, a non invasive treatment for most
mental health disorders, it helps even out both hemispheres of the brain through
technology. All thanks to Neurologist, W. Berry Storman and Scientist, Wanda Wyrwick
s studies preformed on cats, this was made possible. They injected a chemical into cats,
which half of them had Neurofeedback preformed on and the other half not, and
meticulously studied their brain waves. The studies revealed that the cats which had
Neurofeedback preformed on resisted the chemical and where barely effected by it,...
Show more content on ...
There are also the beta and Theta waves. Beta is detected when awake, thinking,
focused, concentrating, and exited. While Theta is the opposite and is observed
while sleepy, it helps with creativity and meditation. 3.Lastly, there are Gamma waves,
which have the highest frequencies and can be seen when attempting a problem.
4.Knowing these waves help the Neurologist figure out what to fix on the clients
brain. C.Now, besides all of the scientific questions and facts a big one is why do
Neurologists choose to even out the brain through music. VII.Well, us humans are
pretty forgetful so the brain could have a chance of not remembering how to fix itself
and improve. So scientists figured out that the brain memorizes music quite well so
they told their clients to take home a recording of the background music in their
sessions and listen to it 20 35 minutes a day, and it ended up working very effectively.
VIII.But amongst all of the main ideas there are still some relatively small ones to
consider. A.Along with all of the strict requirements of Neurofeedback during sessions,
there are still some things you need to do on your own. 1.Just like believing in the
process, if you don t believe your brain wont except it causing the process not to
The Chrysalids Compare And Contrast
Compare/Contrast: David and Joseph Strorm David Strorm is the protagonist in the
book, The Chrysalids. He is a telepath in a dystopian era where genetic mutations are
believed to be works of the devil. His father, Joseph Strorm, is a strict religious leader
in their community, strongly against mutants like David. He doesn t know about David
s mutation, but if he did, he would surely banish him like they do all deviants, even
though David is his son. These two characters, despite them having different beliefs, can
be similar. David and Joseph Strorm are the same because they both think they are doing
the right thing and are both seen as leaders. However, they are different because, while
David accepts deviants, Joseph is strongly against them.... Show more content on ...
While that is true, this difference is also a similarity. The reason Joseph and David are
such important characters and why they are so strongly against each other is because
they both think they are doing the right thing and are stubborn about it. Readers might
see Joseph and the bad guy, being against mutations and beating his son for hiding one,
but he was brought up this way, hating mutations and thinking the worst of them. He
thinks he is doing the right thing and following God s will by getting rid of, what he
deems, the devil. David is technically doing the same thing. He s doing what he thinks is
right, and although they may not see eye to eye, they are both doing what they think is
How Human Computer Interactions Incorporated Into
The purpose of the authors is to introduce the capabilities of context aware design and
give an insight into how it can positively affect and benefit the user s lifestyle. The
authors inform the audience of the three types of context aware computer systems and
uses prototype examples to clearly explain them to an audience who would not be
knowledgeable about this field. The article highlights how human computer interactions
incorporated into computer systems are continuously evolving to provide a more
personal, efficient and user friendly experience. This has further extended onto systems
that recognise contexts and situations allowing less user inputs and more about
understanding and analysing the user s preferences.

3.Key Information
3.1 Framework
Context aware design is the concept of computer systems being attentive of the user s
setting or context. It will recognise engagement and interactions from the user and model
the situations to accomplish a set task or purpose. The fundamental framework of context
aware designs takes into consideration a user s personal needs which may be affected by
many factors such as habits, self image, and issues of motivation. Thus, many questions
are raised and answered in the planning process regarding the purpose, intended audience,
inputs and outputs required etc. to design such technologies that are able to understand
and interpret what the user s goals are. The prototype examples exhibit endless
possibilities and
Essay on Management and Academic Integrity Policy
Activity 3

Dear Student,

Please use this document to submit Activity 3.

You can simply start typing in the first blank page (recommended) or paste in text from
another document into the first blank page.

Please save this file as: Your last name, first initial, e.g., BTM7101 3 (DoeJBTM7101 3).

Please save a copy of this file for yourself.

Academic Integrity: Please see and follow the Academic Integrity Policy in the Learner

Main Task: Compare Two Chapters, Adhering to the Northcentral Academic Integrity
For this activity, read the two chapters listed in the Activity Resource section (Krames,J.
A. (2003) Chapters 2 5). Each chapter relates to a ... Show more content on ...
Below |
|No instances of plagiarism (as shown by text matching service report) | |

2. Are statements about all readings and resources accurate?

3. Is the writing clear and persuasive?

4. Is the writing correct in punctuation, grammar, word usage, and APA style?

Grade and rationale. Grade is based on the following that maps onto the Northcentral
rubrics as follows:

70% Content 1. Completion of the activity as instructed 2. Understanding of activity

resources 3. Clarity and persuasiveness of writing

30% Presentation 4. Grammar, word usage and APA style

Chapter two (Krames, 2003) depicts the values, journey and leadership style of Michael
Dell. Michael Dell is the founder and CEO of Dell, Inc. According to the author,
Michael had an entrepreneurial gene in him since the childhood. He started his first
business Dell Stamps when he was 12. Michael started his revolutionary journey of Dell
Computer Corporation when he was 19 year old. He was the youngest CEO of a Fortune
500 company at the age of 27. As Krames describes, even though the intent was not to
revolutionize, the mass customization and the providing competitive price to customer by
eliminating the middleman, changed the landscape of computer business. Consumers, for
Rebellion In Paradise Lost Essay
Rebellion in a Nutshell: The Plights of Satan, Will, and Lyra Normally, someone
wouldn t be arguing that Satan was the hero of the story, or even good in any sense of
the word. Pullman s The Amber Spyglass and Milton s Paradise Lost share many
similarities, but none were as striking as the view on authoritarianism and eventual
rebellion. In the first, The Amber Spyglass, Pullman shows the main characters Will and
Lyra in a constant struggle against the ruling authority, the church. In the second,
Paradise Lost, Milton displays Satan in a never ending battle for his own freedom from
God s ruling hand. In either story, the reader is made invested, but the two rebellions are
not equal. In The Amber Spyglass, the main characters win against... Show more content
on ...
This quote comes about from the idea that God wanted the angels to worship Adam,
but since Satan is senior to Adam, he feels wronged, and refuses to bow down to man.
God was not only displaying his own authority over all of the angel s lives, another
knock to free will, but also wanted to extend that authority to another being. Whether
that being was Adam or the son, Satan didn t want anything to do with that
proposition, and as such rebelled along with other angels. God proves his omniscience
in these instances, and also dominates over Satan, showing that the angel has no free
will of his own in these matters, and only plays into the hands of God. That said, he
still at least tries to rebel, though it fails ultimately, since it isn t feasible to call it
successful if it was in the master s plans all along. On the side of the more successful
Will and Lyra, there are interesting points to touch on when it comes to their own
rebellion. Anne Marie Robinson does a fantastic job at giving examples of the strange
relationship that people have to the church. When they were in the land of the dead,
Robinson points out that, One ghost is unwilling to consider Lyra s offer; while still
alive, he had believed in the salvation of heaven after death, and since he is dead he
thinks he obviously must be in heaven. He is an example of those who follow religious
leaders blindly, without considering for themselves what the truth might
Developing Competitive Advantage Advantages And
F.Developing Competitive Advantages (refer to Exhibit 4.7) As previously stated, it is
difficult to pinpoint a competitive advantage due to of the hyper competitive
environment. Our strengths of the program are matched or exceeded by competitors.
The areas we could potentially capitalize on are our academic rigor, our passionate staff
in Southeast Online and the nursing department who provide excellent customer service,
and the prevalence of nursing courses being taught by tenure track faculty. However, we
aren t the only program that has passionate staff, that teaches using tenured faculty, and
are academically rigorous. The only way to provide leverage is if we are able to be the
best in one of these area s compared to our top regional competitors due to of the
preference to attend within 100 miles from home. With all of our weaknesses and
strengths identified, and considering that our students ranked helpfulness of staff higher
than quality of the program, customer intimacy is our best chance of differentiating
ourselves. There are multiple weaknesses that can be converted into strengths, however
the ability to do that will take a substantial amount of time due to the culture. For
example, time from application to enrollment. When a student applies to the university,
we can t accept them until we have received all of their transcripts. Students are admitted
and sent a notification to wait until the Registrar s Office completes their transcript
review before
Essay about Baseball Hats Boost Employee Motivation and...
PERFORMANCE Using customized, colored baseball hats to boost employee
It s been some time since the baseball hat became a symbol of recognition and high
status. Wearing a baseball hat, especially one with the right color and embroidery design
makes people feel important, appreciated, and unique.
Setting up a simple system for motivating employees to higher levels of performance and
achievement doesn t have to cost the company a fortune. The idea is to gamify
productivity goals in a way that increases employee engagement and motivation.

The idea is pretty simple:

Measure the performance of your employees based on four levels of achievement, using
monthly productivity ... Show more content on ...
Along with the Yellow Hat the employee receives an email from his manager
congratulating him or her for her achievement.

3.Green Baseball Hat The 2nd level of employee attainment

After reaching the second level of goal requirement, the employee is elevated to Green
Hat status. Along with the Green Hat the employee receives a Congratulations for your
performance post on his door bearing the manager s signature. Respectively, a
congratulations email is sent and is accompanied with a certificate and a web link not
just to order her trophy baseball hat. He or she is also given the opportunity to enter the
website and customize the design of the baseball hat, the way she desires by choosing
her own embroidery design or by uploading her own stamp design.

4. A Blue Baseball Hat The 3rd Level of Performance

After reaching the third level of achievement in job productivity scale (or sales
performance), the employee is raised to the Blue Baseball Hat status. The manager
personally invites the employee at his office and congratulates him or her for the success.
Likewise with the previous level, a congratulations email is also sent by the manager.
The email is accompanied with a certificate and a web link to order her baseball, trophy
hat and to be given the opportunity to customize it the way he or she desires by
Operant Conditioning In Jurassic Park
Zach and Gray were sent to Jurassic World to visit their Aunt Claire, who is the park s
manager. Jurassic World, a dinosaur amusement park built on the island that was once
home to the original Jurassic Park, sought to increase park attendance by genetically
creating a new dinosaur. Masroni, the owner of the amusement park, asks Claire to
consult with American Navy veteran and Velociraptors trainer Owen Grady on the new
dinosaurs containment. This new attraction, the Indominus Rex, proves to be extremely
dangerous, uncontrollable, and uncontainable. The Indominus Rex ends up escaping and
goes around the island killing both people and dinosaurs. Claire decides to have the park
evacuated, but Zach and Gray ignore the evacuation order, opting... Show more content
on ...
The general response syndrome is known as Selye s concept of the body s adaptive
response to stress in three phases alarm, resistance, exhaustion (Myers, 2014, p.393).
The constant stressor in the movie would be the Indominus rex who poses as a threat
to their safety and confronts them with the need to stay alive, to survive. Phase one of
the GAS, alarm, can be seen when Owen and the guard realize Indominus is with them
inside the paddock. We see them become more alert and we can guess that their hearts
have begun to race. During Phase 2, resistance, your temperature, blood pressure, and
respiration remain high. Your adrenal glands pump hormones into your bloodstream.
You are fully engaged, summoning all your resources to meet the challenge (Myers,
2014, p.393). Owen experiences phase two as he runs as fast as he can towards the
slight opening as Indominus follows close behind. Adrenaline has kicked in and he s
using everything in him to run faster. We can only guess that Owen experiences Phase
three, exhaustion, as he lies under a truck covered in oil or gasoline, when we see him
breath with relief after Indominus failed to distinguish his
This Research Paper Look To Take A Deep Look Into The
This research paper look to take a deep look into The Child and Family Services
Improvement and Innovation Act sponsored by Geoff Davis. It looks to understand the
reasoning behind the idea of this bill, taking a look at the staggering statistics of children
within the foster care system, as well as a fundamental understanding of each component
within the bill. There has been over 30,000 child increase in the foster caresystem within
the last few years that leaves us to ask a question asked by the senator of Texas. Should
this bill simply be renewed, or should funding be increased to reflect these changes to
insure that all children within the system see this funding and receive the help during
and after the time in foster care.... Show more content on ...
Finally, the unfortunate facts for case workers is they get burned out, they are
overwhelmed and overworked and as a result we see a high turnover rate (Davenport,
2015). Whether the reasoning behind the increase is a result of positive reasons or
negative its significant jump is a sign of an issue. There are simply to many children
within the system needing families, therapy, and a stable environment before harm is
The Child and Family Services Improvement and Innovation Act
The passing of The Child and Family Service Improvement and Innovation Act, H.R.
2883, was essentially put into place to counteract some of the dangers of the foster care
system. It Put in place more required regulations of case workers, but perhaps also played
the unfortunate role in the increased burnout of those within the field of child and family
services. Regardless of this potential repercussion, the bill holds true intentions to make
the system not only function better, but improve the care and quality of child and family
services. Put into federal law September 24, 2011, it has been working towards progress
and improvements within the system (H.R. 2883 (112th): Child and Family Services
Improvement and Innovation Act, 2011).
Legislations Goals of H.R. 2883. The goals of this legislation are substantial and
numerous. From its more obvious influences directly
Babylonian Captivity
It is no surprise that Christians unschooled in the history of the development of the
Christianity s Bible based beliefs and teachings, and with the beliefs of the Early Church
Fathers (such as are found in Pelikan s excellent four volume work), do not grasp the
Faith once delivered to the saints, but insist upon non biblical documents that are not at
all points in agreement with the information written under divine inspiration as found in
the books of the Holy Bible.
When the Babylonian Captivity of the Jews ended after seventy years, the majority of
returnees to Palestine could not speak Hebrew. They spoke Aramaic, the language of
Babylon, having either forgotten their native tongue, the aged, or never having learned it,
the middle aged
The Serial Podcast, By Sarah Koenig
Adnan Syed is accused of murdering his ex girlfriend, and various factors present him
as a very likely suspect. Information put together by the state don t add up, but instead
prove he is innocent. Is Adnan guilty or innocent for his ex girlfriend s death? In the
Serial Podcast, journalist Sarah Koenig discusses the case, committed almost seventeen
years ago, and uncovers new evidence that indicates Adnan s innocence. Adnan Syed
has been viewed as a boyfriend, honor roll student, and a murderer. Many described him
as a smart, flirtatious, and a likable high schooler. On January 13, 1999, his ex girlfriend,
Hae Min Lee, was murdered. Investigators immediately assumed Adnan as the primary
suspect because Hae had broken up with him, a month... Show more content on ...
He wasn t. I was like he s a p...I m trying to conv explain I m seventeen, like He s a
player! He has a lot of girls! (Episode 2: The Breakup p. 37). Undoubtedly, Koenig
asserts an exceptional point, Adnan is popular among the females in his school and
he most likely isn t completely devastated by their breakup. Although he was a bit
emotional, he moved on. Others also advocated a similar statement, But nearly
everyone I ve spoke with, Adnan s friends and teachers say he took the breakup like
anyone would. Adnan s friend Mac Francis said Adnan initially was devastated and
jealous about the new boyfriend. Said he grumbled about it in a typical guy way,
nothing strange. Everyone I talked to said some version of this, that he wasn t rage
filled or vindictive. He was just sad (Episode 2: The Breakup p. 36). Sarah Koenig
asked many people and none of them announced anything extreme between Adnan and
Hae after their breakup. After analyzing these pieces of evidence, one can infer the
claim of being upset over Hae isn t verified through anyone. Another component to
Adnan s innocence would be Asia McClain and the library. Thereafter, a witness, Asia
McClain, had physically spoken to Adnan when he allegedly murdered Hae. Asia
McClain was a high schooler that attended Adnan s school and composed a couple
letters to him after he was arrested. One of these letters reads, Dear Adnan I hope I
Examples Of Market Segmentation Of Dove

Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning

The adventure of becoming a successful brand with the launch of Cream Bar in the
United States begins in 1957. Dove is Unilever s fastest growing and momentum as
time goes on after this launch is one of the brands. World launch of Dove is started in
1991. The brand went to meet with consumers in 55 countries in total by the end of
1994. Thus, the Dove family kept expanding. Successive face and body cleansing
products, skin care, deodorant and hair care products with the launch of Dove continued
to grow rapidly. Today, Dove, and the difference in quality that will redefine the standards
of the category that enters through any personal care, personal hygiene brand to the world
s expert. ... Show more content on ...
Company conducted a survey in order to determine the segmentation of people who
would like to prefer fragrance and moisturizing cream in the skin care products they use.
Market Analysis: The analysis shows the preference of people which products they
would like to use.
40% of people prefer moisturizing features and fragrance
40% of people prefer fragrance free and moisturizing features
20% of people prefer to use products that matching their skin type
Demographic Segmentation:
Brand s demographic segmentation includes women and men whom are older than 18
People that who conscious and awake about their skin care
People that who belongs to upper middle class
Women who use beauty products
People that who has high purchasing power and want to use quality products on their skin.

Psychographic Segmentation
Dove uses psychographic segmentation in order to create psychology in women where
beauty incorporates all ages, body shapes and sizes.
Dove gives the message You are beautiful to way you are to all women to show that
they are valuable. Also company tries to make women encouraged in order to believe
what they say in their
Education and labour skills are essential for a fully...
Education and labour skills are essential for a fully functioning logistics and supply
management system. In Southern Africa there is a lack of education and skills within
the logistics system, which means unskilled labour and less effectiveness and efficiency.
Education is the single most important aspect in order for a country to achieve success
and wealth, the more educated people are, the more people can make intelligent and
effective decisions about the economy and the logisticsand supply chain management
functions. Southern Africa does not have a strong education system in comparison to the
global market in which Southern Africa compete in, which limits its full potential that it
has to be a functioning logistic powerhouse which... Show more content on ...
Another factor of logistics is inventory and inventory management. This field in logistics
involves storing of the company s goods, a lack of education and skilled labour could
harm the inventory process by not being efficient enough or not knowing how the
technological side of inventory management works, this could increase the chances
off mix ups or mishaps and therefore a loss of sales or even the loss of customers.
Unskilled labour has been a problem for many companies, unskilled labour consist of
people who get paid a very low wage for the work that they do which doesn t consist of
any skill nor do you need an education. This is a problem for logistics because in the
logistics process, there are many unskilled labour forces involved which means
companies have to manage and guide the unskilled labour or else things could go
horribly wrong and the organisation could be placed in a major deficit. The other main
problem is that the skilled people who have studied in university have left the country,
which leaves Southern Africa without the correct amount of skilled labour to take on the
main business operations in order to achieve what the organisation should.
Education and unskilled labour affect the economic growth and development of Southern
Africa by causing many problems within the actual supply chain, which could lead to an
increase in logistics costs, an increase in the costs of logistics within Southern Africa
make Southern Africa
Puritan Past
Puritan Past vs Present

On a cool crisp day in 1609 a ship filled with new settlers landed in Massachusetts to
start a new life. They have left their country for religious freedom and wish to have a
religious based life. Strict social and religious laws are set in place to make this happen.
These new settlers are the Puritans. Their lives will revolve around God and the
teachings of the All Mighty. When the American Revolution ended in 1783 and the
British left the colonies the idea of freedom and individualism would reign. With these
ideas came freedom of religion. Freedom to follow any religion or not follow one at all.
As the years went on with new social behavior, and new styles of life came along,
putting values started to lose interest in people due to their strict rules and values. Now in
the modern age with new technology and styles, puritan values and religion in general
have lost interest in many people. Their laws are just too ... Show more content on ...
In the times of when the puritans were founded they had strict marriage laws. Source
A says this Cleary. In The Scarlet Letter, Hester and Pearl were talking about the black
man in the forest and said that he is like the devil and shouldn t be associated with.
Also if Puritans were ever to marry outside of their race they would surely be an
outcast. With new progressive ideas coming to age now such as legalizing gay
marriage and marrying outside your race, this would be unheard of in a puritan society.
They would probably be punished for even questioning puritan ideas. Source D clearly
shows the shift away from puritan values. The number of interracial married couples has
soared more than 667% since 1970 in the U.S. These numbers will continue to rise
throughout the next decades to come. More and more Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics
have been marrying other races. If this was still a puritan society then there would not
even be any interracial
Context Of Discourse
Before analyzing the importance in the semantics in the conversations that are occurring
between expressing the duality of citizenship, and duality in cultures, the importance of
language in the context of discourse will be briefly explained. Language and its multiple
uses, allows for discourse to be examined in ways that allows languageas not only
something that happens between conversations, but that also happens to people, in every
day, any context talk. As James P. Gee (2014) states, language allows us to do things; it
allows us to engage in actions and activities (p. 2). Gee (2014) presents how approaching
meaning through an integrated method of context, theory, and language will enhance the
tools, which is language and meaning are... Show more content on ...
Assuming that the participant has chosen to become a citizen out of personal or any
other legal need, they have placed themselves in this act. Tracy and Trethewey (2005)
present the argument of a crystallized self, a term that explains that there are multiple self
that the human being may choose to portray at any given time, of course depending on
the context. They state discourses work to fix identities in particular ways that favor
some interests over others and thus constrain alternative truths and subject positions, (p.
171). In this act or performance, the legal discourse of becoming a citizen is constructed
to let the participants/performers know that the identity that is being presented to them is
one that will reflectively aid the American citizen narrative they are to adopt. This is
done while constraining the multiple, diverse identities or true personas of the
participants. Stated on the USCIS website, there are two types of ceremonies, in a
judicial ceremony, the court administers the Oath of Allegiance. In an administrative
ceremony, USCIS administers the Oath of Allegiance. ( Next, because the
act of accepting and verbally repeating the Oath of Allegiance is of utmost importance,
the website officially states you are not a
Analysis of the Orangutan Pongo Pygmaeus Essay
Analysis of the Orangutan Pongo Pygmaeus

The orangutan, Pongo pygmaeus, is an ape that is found in the moist, coastal rainforests
of Sumatra and Borneo which consists of Indonesia s Kalimantan provinces, Malaysia s
Sabath and Sarawak, and the kingdom of Brunei Darussalam. Orangutans live in tropical
rainforests and are arboreal primates meaning that they are tree dwelling. Orangutans
construct nests in the tree branches for the night in which they will curl up and sleep.
These nests are made out of leaves and branches and they will sometimes use a leaf as a
roof to protect themselves from the rain. Orangutans are omnivores, which means they
eat a variety of meat and plants. They primarily eat fruit, leaves and small animals. ...
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The hierarchy among orangutans is the Noayu, which is where there is a solitary male.
There is marked sexual dimorphism among the orangutans. Females weigh only half as
much as the males. Being lighter, females and juveniles often stay in the trees. Not only
is there a noticeable difference in size, but males also possess quite a few different
characteristics than female orangutans do. For example, males have big cheek pads and
facial hair that resembles a man s moustache and beard. The numbers or orangutans
have recently dropped tremendously owing to loss of habitat to deforestation and the
killing of females for their young, to be sold as pets or zoo animals. Fewer than
30,000 individuals are believed to remain in the wild, and the species is listed as
endangered (Galdkias, 1987) In relation to my observation, the orangutans acted very
similar in captivity as if they were in the wild. The space was limited, but for what they
had to work with, they displayed many of the behaviors they would have given they
were in the wild. I noticed that the males remained solitary, as proven in my research. In
one instance, Kiko approached his sister and they groomed for a short amount of time,
and Kiko went into a different section of the enclosure and remained by himself until the
end of my observation. Junior, the dominating male, and father of Kiko, also stayed
confined to himself. There was absolutely no interaction between Junior
The Field of Social Work and Evidence-Based-Practice
The writings of advocates of EBP demonstrate that a shift is taking place in the social
work field towards a more integrated approach where social work is an applied,
empirically grounded social and cultural science aiming at both causal explanation and
interpretive understanding (Otto Zeigler, 2008, p. 273). Talking about the limits of
RCTs they suggest that Typically, the experimental design is not able to control for the
effects of worker client dynamics and client characteristics that are not clearly defined,
understood or measurable (Cnaan Dichter, 2008 p. 281). They go on to say: that there is
a need for some sort of feedback process where the fit between the practice needs and the
effectiveness of the intervention are... Show more content on ...
This version would open up the idea of what is evidence and forms of dissemination to
include statistical analyses, narratives, and thematic qualitative analyses, technologically
sophisticated as well as profoundly simple ways of communicating through stories,
metaphors, anecdotes, artistic expression, poetry, and humor (Epstein, 2009 p. 226).

A way for professional social work culture and institutional structure to further the cause
of practice research integration would be for them to embrace the contributions of both
academic and practitioner researchers alike. Then collaborations such as these would
incorporate projects that are research driven, where practitioners assist the work of
researchers and practice driven projects in which researchers act as consultants to
practitioners. Institutional arrangements such as these would have the effect of
empowering practitioners as co creators of social work knowledge rather than
disempowering them by emphasizing their knowledge building incapacities or treating
them merely as guideline implementers (Epstein, 2009 p. 227).

A comparison of practice theories

In this section i will be looking at theories relating to EBP and BP. In this case practice
theories, sometimes called social work approaches or methods which explain how to go
about doing
L. L Bean Boots Essay
Bean boots are not only used for hunting but are also used for day to day wear. The
initials in L.L bean stand for Leon Leonwood(Westbrook). Leon Leonwood was the
founder of the LL bean boots and started the company as well. The production of Bean
boots dates back to 1912 and the company is still making the same style of boots today
(History of Ll Bean). Leon Leonwood spent most of his time outdoors. Leonwood
needed a waterproof boot that could be worn out which inspired him to invent the Bean
Boots ( History of Ll Bean). L.L. Bean boots are one of the most popular outdoor
footwear items that are on the market because they are waterproof, stylish, and good for
The L.L Bean boot is known for being able to wear it in all conditions and one of these
traits include being waterproof. The boot consists of leather at the top and a rubber
midsole. Leonwood put them to the test as he was exploring outside for many years.
The first time he released his Bean boots, ninety nine of the one hundred pairs were
returned because they were not waterproof ( History of L.L. Bean ) . Leon wanted to
perfect his product, so changes were made which included a new kind of stitching where
the leather connected to the rubber ( History of L.L. Bean ). ... Show more content on ...
Bean boot is a good decision is because of the stylish look the boot portrays. In 2017
about 600,000 bean boots were purchased with 20,000 more people on a waitlist to get
popular sizes(Green). The Bean Boots have been in production for about one hundred
years and their sales have been consistently good. In 2014, the sales were 54.9% then
increased in 2015 to 215.3%. The boots are very hard to find. There were only 600,000
pairs produced last year. Not many retail stores carry them which means they would
need to be ordered directly off their website if they are in stock.
The American Pets Products Association
For years now, the lives and fate of homeless animals has been at stake. From
overpopulation in shelters, abused dogs in mills, kill shelters opening up across the
country, and private breeders breeding excessively, animals everywhere are loosing
their lives because of these issues. There are still more than 70 million homeless pets
living in the U.S. Of these 70 million needy animals, only around six to seven million
are put into shelters each year, (Henn). Many of these animals without homes, are not
even in shelters and are instead dying on the streets because there are too many to rescue
in the small amount of time rescuers have. This expanding issue of animals being
mistreated needs to come to an end. Many different problems are the... Show more
content on ...
Potential dog owners typically have a breed of dog in mind when trying to purchase a
new friend. These breeds are usually purebred dogs because new owners do research on
different types of dogs to find the best match for their families. What they do not know
is that most shelters do carry purebred dogs, in fact 25 percent of dogs in shelters are
purebred. As Cabral states, Before getting a dog from a breeder, visit your local
shelter and contact breed specific recuse shelters for a specific breed of dog. Meaning,
even though private breeder do have purebreds, be sure to check breed specific rescue
shelters that are available for ever breed of dog there is. Not only do people associate
the factor of purebreds being associated with private breeders, but they believe the
myth of dogs from breeders being a superiority as well. Consumers looking for a new
family pet are willing to pay exuberant amounts of money for a purebred dog because
they are told that the puppy has been raised in a loving environment and will grow up to
have a friendly disposition with minimal health problems, (Henn). These customers are
under the assumption that because they are being raised by one person in an open place,
they automatically are free from behavioral and health issues, when this is not the case at
all. This myth has been around since breeders began, and they will not deny this either
because it gets them more money and customers. Yet, this could not possibly be true
Reaction Paper Carl Rogers
Carl Rogers (1902 1987), a major spokesperson for humanistic psychology, led a life
that reflected the ideas he developed for half a century. (Cain, 2010) Carl Rogers
developed person centred counseling and psychotherapy in the United States roughly
between 1940 and 1990. Often called the father of psychotherapyresearch , Rogers was
the first to study the counseling process in depth by analysing the transcripts of actual
therapy sessions; he was the first to formulate a comprehensive theory of personality and
psychotherapy grounded in empirical research; and he contributed to developing a theory
of psychotherapy that de emphasized pathology and focused on the strengths and
resources of individuals. A common theme originating in Roger s early... Show more
content on ...
(Rogers, 2011) believed that this deep faith in the individual s innate drive to become
fully oneself is basic to the work in person centered expressive arts. Individuals have a
tremendous capacity of self healing through creativity if given the proper environment.
When one feels appreciated, trusted, and given support to use individuality to develop a
plan, create a project, write a paper, or to be authentic, the challenge is exciting,
stimulating, and gives a sense of personal expansion. N. Rogers believes the tendency to
actualize and become one s full potential, including innate creativity, is undervalued,
discounted, and frequently squashed in our society. Traditional educational institutions
tend to promote conformity rather than original thinking and the creative process.
Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a humanistic, client centered, psychological, directive
counseling approach that was developed by William R. Miller and Stephen Rollnick in
the early 1980 s. The clinical and research applications of motivational interviewing have
received increased attention in recent years (Levensky, Kersh, Cavasos, Brooks,
Life Styles Inventory
My LSI Styles Complex My primary personal thinking style as shown in my
circumplex is The Humanistic Encouraging Style. This style means that I am accepting
of myself, and accept others for who they are without question or criticism (Human
2010). Humanistic Encouraging individuals believe they can assist others in fulfilling
their potential by providing a supportive climate that inspires self improvement
(Human 2010). I believe that this very accurate summation of myself. This can easily
be seen at my previous job as a waiter. I was often asked to train new employees because
I was considered sensitive to people s needs, and was willing to devote energy to
counseling and coaching others. I also consider this style accurate about... Show more
content on ...
With many older cousins, I was consistently being compared to how they performed in
various subjects. I was pushed to take on leadership roles in many different clubs and
organizations as they would look good on college applications. I learned early on,
however, that leading by example and having faith in others helps gets projects
accomplished much more successfully than bullying people around. For example, in
high school, I was appointed chairperson of a school wide international fair. I was in
charge of organizing all the various multicultural clubs and societies and putting on a
variety food and dance show. Although my competetaive drive was there pushing me
to put on the best show I could, I realized that there was only so much I could do
myself and make others do by forcing them. Instead I assigned tasks to others clubs
and had faith that they would get the job done. I believe that by watching how I did
not procrastinate or avoid doing my jobs, other members were inspired to do the same.
Taking the LSI survey has definitely shed some light on my thinking styles. There are
definitely some changes that I could make in order to become a more successful
manager with a high performing team. I have learned that while it is important to be
interested in people, to care about others, and to encourage them to improve, it is also
just as important to provide direction and set goals. As discussed in class, leading
Okonkwo s Religion
Okonkwo chooses to take his own life because he realizes that the Christian church has
taken over Umuofia and he doesn t want to live in a world with anything different than
his tribe and their customs and what he s used to. When the church comes in with all
their beliefs that are different from Okonkwo s village, this upsets him, and then there is
a chain of events that lead to him hanging himself. It all starts when Okonkwois exiled for
seven years because he accidentally killed someone. While he is staying in his mother s
native village people from his home come to tell him stories about how the church is
taking over. Okonkwo gets very frustrated that he can t be with his tribe to help stop the
church from gaining power and followers.
Examples Of 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teens
Seven Habits Essay
Sean Covey s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens is intended as a guide to help
teens improve themselves and become successful in life. Its primary focuses are how to
take control of your life, set and achieve goals, build friendships, maintain quality
relationships, withstand peer pressure, and improve self image. It consists of seven
habits Be Proactive, Begin with the End in Mind, Put First Things First, Think Win Win,
Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood, Synergize, and Sharpen the saw.
These habits are each designed to help you lead your best life. From this book, I have
learned to take care of and love myself, maintain healthy relationships with others, work
towards my goals, and resist anything that could potentially harm me or prevent me from
doing these things.
The first habit portrayed in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens is Be Proactive.
Being proactive means taking responsibility of your life and thinking before you act. As
the book states, Proactive people are aware that they can t control everything that
happens to them, but they can control what they do about it. The opposite of being
proactive is being reactive, which is what the book is trying to steer you away from.
Reactive people act on feelings and don t take the time to assess the situation. This habit
has taught me that how you react to situations determines the outcome. Even if the
situation is negative, if you are proactive and have a good, responsible
Princess Diana Influences
Princess Diana was known as the people s princess who stunned the world with her
ability to conquer any hurdles life threw at her. She also was known for showing the
people that she cared. Her sudden death left the world in shock, and many people say her
touching story changed their life. Princess Dianais an influential person because of her
ability to overcome hardship, her unconventional royal duties, her widely recognized
charitable work, and the impact of her death.
Throughout the years of Princess Diana s life she showed her capability to overcome
hardship, and work through her pain to become someone the world would never forget.
Her life began on July 1, 1961, in her quiet hometown of Sandringham, England. Diana
learned at an early age how to deal with her rough family life. Her struggles began when
her parents divorced when she was a small child, further lessening her relationship with
her parents. Her and her four other siblings helped each other through that tough time.
Prince Charles first became interested in Princess Diana when she was 16, this is
where their love interest began. At the time he was dating her older sister, Lady Sarah.
A few years later she and Prince Charles begin talking. After becoming friends, and
eventually lovers Prince Charles and Diana Spencer (her maiden name) marry on July
29, 1981 now being formally known as Diana, Princess of Wales. About a year after their
marriage they have their first child together on June 21, 1982. The child s
Cleft Lip Research Paper
Cleft lip is when the lip forms between the fourth and the seventh week of the
pregnancy. When the baby is developing during pregnancy, the body tissue and the
special cells from each side of the head grows toward the center and joins together to
make the face. The symptoms of cleft lip is a split in the lip and roof of the mouthand it
can sometimes affect both sides of the face. Sometimes a cleft only occurs in the
muscles of the soft palate, signs or symptoms are having trouble feeding the child,
swallowing with potential for liquids or foods to come out the nose maybe a problem
also. The causes of why a baby is born with cleft lip is because when the tissue in the
baby s face and mouth does not fuse the proper way. Sometimes the tissues
Persuasive Essay On Cloning Technology
The Use of Cloning Technologies

The ethical debate concerning cloning that has inevitably followed since the
announcement and much celebrated birth of Dolly the Sheep in 1997, is highly charged
and emotive. When human cloning is mentioned it normally has negative connotations
with the individual conjuring up a mental picture of a sub human creature with an almost
Frankenstein like appearance. Many people are afraid of the idea because it is a new
technology and relatively misunderstood, and with the media using shock headlines to
sell newspapers, this alone feeds the fear within us.

There is of course much uncertainty over the meaning of cloning . This is the generalised
term used by ... Show more content on ...
Those in favour of cloning technology claim that it is a far more efficient form of
reproduction as the success rate is higher and better controlled, where multiple
pregnancies can be eradicated if required. For those couples, who desire children but
cannot reproduce naturally or with the assistance of IVF, it would enable them to have
a child that is biologically related to them. The questions automatically derived from
this, centre around the uncertainty of the lifespan of the clone and premature ageing:
would an old adult cell necessarily begin life again in an egg? Would a clone maintain a
healthy lifestyle or would it be more prone to cancer or other diseases, and
fundamentally is it ethical for scientists to defy the order of nature?

When considering whether human cloning should be allowed, we must ask ourselves
whether it is the natural progression of reproduction or the abolition of nature. In 2002,
the organisation Clonaid announced the birth of their first human clone on 26th
December. Eve was born by caesarean section having been created using similar
technology to that used to clone Dolly the sheep. Clonaid claimed to have four other
mothers imminently expecting to give birth to clones, one of which was to a Japanese
couple who cloned their dead son after he had been killed in a motoring accident. All five
babies are fit and well claimed Dr
Why Do You Dislike Jadis
Response 5: What character or characters do you dislike and why? I have to say I
strongly dislike the Jadis, the witch, She reminds me of Satan. When we began to first
read the book, I was never fond of Jadis, I disliked her because she had killed everyone
in the world of Charn because her sister would not give up the crown(pg.70 71). My
distaste for Jadis grew when Digory saw her inside the garden over the golden gates,
as she tempted Digory it reminded me of when Satan had tempted Eve. Satan said, For
God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like
God, knowing good and evil. (Genesis 3:4), and Eve, wanting to gain wisdom (and
seeing that the fruit was good) ate it(Genesis 3:6). In Narnia Jadis tried to tempt Digory
into eating the fruit by first telling him it is the... Show more content on
Aunt Letty was just an old lady, but she wasn t afraid to stand up to Uncle Andrew or
the which, when Uncle Andrew came in and asked her for money she stood her
ground and said, No, Andrew, dear, her firm quiet voice (pg.90 91), afterwards
Jadis entered the room and joined the conversation. When Jadis came in calling Uncle
Andrew a slave he cowered away from her , but Aunt Letty was not afraid, and I can
imagine she did not appreciate the way Jadis spoke because she rose from her position
and told Jadis to leave her house before she called the police(pg.93 94). Jadis
responded by throwing Aunt Letty across the room, and then leaving the house with
Uncle Andrew(pg.94 95). Aunt Letty simply got back up and composed herself by
having some sal volatile and then sitting for a couple minutes, after she had done this
she ordered Sarah, the housemaid , to go to the police station and tell them that there is
a dangerous lunatic at large (pg.95 96). The reason this scene made Aunt Letty my
favorite character was because she took charge and didn t stay down, even after she was
thrown across the
April Walker Essay
April Walker was a new student at St. Nicolau High School and so far it has not been
what she had expected it to be. When she first met her teacher Mrs. Johnson she
embarrassed herself to her and the whole class by slipping on the wet part of the floor.
Everyone started laughing, April also laughed with them trying to fit in with what the
class is doing. When it was time for lunch she sat alone while others were gossiping
about her and how she goofed up on her first try. Mrs. Johnson sat down next to April.
I know that it s hard to fit in on the first few days or so but trust me and our class, and
they ll come to you sooner or later . That cheered up April, when she walked back
home with her brother Henry , he felt dizzy and very weak. His eyes also looked very
drowsy. Are you ok ? April asked . Huh ? Henry answered. Henry felt cramps and
bruises forming on his back. Henry felt straight to the ground. Henry, Henry, Henry !
Help ! When April s dad was driving by he noticed April crying for help and Henry
straight on the floor. He parked and ran straight at them. Guys, what happened? While
April explained what happened April s dad was driving to the hospital. I hope we re not
too late for Henry ! April said while crying sadly. When they arrived the doctortook notes
and examined his body. The doctorfound out he needed a severe surgery that will be on
his lifeline. When they were waiting April s mom showed up with a couple of tears
rushing down like a streamline through her face. What... Show more content on ...
I invited you to a foursome girl sleepover/slumber party with me you Emma, and Riley!
At my house, May 2nd, Sunday! Whoo! Whoo! These are the stuff you need provided:
Sleeping bag
makeup/hair set
PJ s (your favorite one)
pillows (7 different ones that are very puffy)
nail polish
high heeled sandals/shoes
extremely pretty dresses
Hope You Can Make It!
New England Colonies Dbq Essay
The New England colonies developed rapidly, largely due to the influence of the
Puritans. The Puritans came to the new world seeking religious freedom and helped
found most of the colonies in the New England region. The Puritans wanted a United
government that will later become the basis for the Unites States, they believed that the
overall well being of the people was more important than the well being of the few, and
the Puritans believed that religion, church, and community were important aspects of the
people s lives. The Puritans religion allowed them to prosper in the political,
economical, and social development of the New England Colonies in the 1630 1660 s.

The Puritans impacted the New England region. They believed that the people should
elect a reverend and the government s power should lay in the hands of the people.
The idea of a democracy was a huge step forward in improving the colonists lives and
allowing the people to feel as though they had more control. As John Winthrop states we
[the people] must be knit together, in this work as one man. (Document 1), the Puritans
wanted to unite the people in the New England colonies to become one. The Puritans
also incorporated their religion into their government, something that is not seen today.
The Puritans valued religion over nearly everything and wanted to show its importance
to the rest of the world. They voted on a reverend to be their leader and allowed the Lord
to set boundaries in which the Puritans
Dothan s Law Firm Byrd Jones
When injured due to someone else s negligent actions, filing a personal injury claim is
often your best bet for securing rightful compensation. However, knowing what to do
immediately after an injury occurs can have a major impact on the overall success of
your case. That s why Dothan s most respected law firm Byrd Jones offers this advice
on what steps you should take just after an injury has occurred. With a background in
many different practice areas, including criminal defense, family/divorce proceedings,
and wills and estates, Byrd Jones remain an indispensable legal resource to local clients.
More than 20 years of experience allows this highly skilled legal team to afford every
client quality guidance, such as the following: Seek
A Experiment Of Mendelian Genetics
Brassica Rapa
Experiment of Mendelian Genetics

Genetics 304
Dr. Assefa
Dec 08, 2010
Gregor Johann Mendel, the father of genetics, was born in 1822. He was a priest and
scientist who became famous for his work and studies on the inheritance patterns using
pea plants. Gregor Mendel used pea plants known as Pisumsativum in his research where
he developed two fundamental laws of genetics known today as the Law of segregation ,
and the Law of independent assortment (Hartl, 1992). The Law of segregation states that
when an individual produces a gamete, the copies of a given gene separate in which each
gamete receives only one copy of that gene. The phenotypic ratio in the F2 generation
according to the Law of ... Show more content on ...
One of the most important Brassica rapa features is that many generations can be grown
in a short period of time for experimental analysis and comparison(Tsunoda,
1980).Brassica rapaplants are involved in many research works recently in which they
are crossed with other crops to modify their genetic fitness(Tompkins, 1990). The Chi
Square ( ) test was used in this experiment to determine whether the statistical data
supports or rejects the hypothesis.
Materials and Methods The experiment was successfully accomplished in classroom
where the Brassica Rapa were grown under suitable conditions. The experiment began
by developing a watering system to the plants using the idea of capillary action. The
watering system was made up of a plastic reservoir filled with a certain amount of
water and a water mat placed on the top of the plastic reservoir. This design was
helpful in making sure that the plants are receiving water constantly. Also, one piece
of copper sulfate was addedinto the reservoir to avoid any algal growth. Two Styrofoam
quads with four cells each were used for planting the seeds of Brassica Rapa. The cells
were numbered from one to eight and a wick was placed in each cell in a way that
allowed water access from the water mat through the capillary action. Each cell was then
half way filled with soil and two fertilizers were placed in
Personal Learning Management
Personal learning management The software application is being added a new
functionality it is supposed to enter, store and recall a valuable item of learning. At this
level then, it is necessary to examine the iteration control structure and the final aim is
that of classifying the learning item into one of the three categories: High value
Significant value, and Limited value. The first step in attaining the desired objective is
that of launching the application and attesting the compatibility between the already
existent data and the data to be introduced. It is then necessary to introduce the data
and to store it, making it easily accessible for future usage. At a more detailed level,
the steps to be followed refer to the following: Launching of the application Testing the
compatibility between the application and the data used Assessing the new data in light
of the data already contained by the application Integrating the new data in the
necessary group, string etc. Identifying the features of the new data Identifying the
features of the already existent groups If applicable, integrating the new data in one of
the already existent groups If the new data cannot be integrated in an already existent
group, then a new group would be formed for this to be possible, the new data has to be
compatible with the application Allowing for the data to be stored by the group, not
only introduced once Allowing for the data to be easily accessible to the user. At
National Conventions Research Paper
Every four years, the incumbent president s term ends and Americans are left with the
difficult but massively important choice of who to elect as the next leader of their
country. In these elections, though there are many crucial proceedings that occur, two of
the most important events are the national conventions that each party holds between
their primary electionsand the presidential election. The national conventions are so
important because during them, each political party nominates their candidate for the
upcoming election and gives that candidate a chance to talk to the American people and
try to persuade them to vote for him or her. This year s conventions have set the stage for
the election that will occur in a few months, so it
The Benefits of the Proposed California High Speed Rail
California High Speed Rail High speed rail transportation has become an important issue
in California that could potentially help our current transportation system and other
environmental issues that need to be dealt with. This is an important issue to look into
because currently our transportation system could be a lot more efficient using high
speed rail instead of just the current car and air system that we have right now. Because
of this there are a lot of potential benefits from the economic side of putting a high speed
rail system in California from saving time, money, and fast efficient mobility throughout
the state. These benefits also include a stimulus towards the state s economy in forms of
employment and income growth due towards construction and implementation even if
these aren t permanent jobs. Some environmental benefits of a high speed transportation
is a decrease in pollution, using less nonrenewable resources such as oil, and decreasing
the amount of other modes of transportation that currently need to be used. It is
controversial though because of the cost of implementing such high speed transportation,
versus the current transportation system that we already have. These increasing costs of
implementing the have current plan for high speed rail have caused great concern
because of costs such high possible costs needed to implement compared to its benefits.
My problem that I have come up with is it cost effective and beneficial for the state of
Three Kings Day Short Story
The air rang with laughter and the festive sounds of families celebrating the eve of
Three Kings Day. The aroma of suckling pigs basted with adobo and scented with garlic
and oregano, roasting on spits above ground level fogГіns, tangoed with the music of
Celia Cruz, Mercedes Sosa and the Afro Cuban rhythm of Tito Puente. Shrieking
children playing come find me competed with the reverberating slapping of dominoes
against wooden picnic tables. Adding to the festive air was the spicy aroma of chicken
and rice gumbo lightly bubbling inside a large cauldron. While familia were preparing
other dishes, sipping cold drinks, rotating the roasting sucklings, admonishing children,
or slamming dominoes, amid the shade of FlamboyГЎnt trees, eighty one year old
Concha Barreto Torres slowly rocked back and forth in her favorite cane rocker, expertly
cutting off the ends, then slitting the skins of green plantains. Reminiscing of past jГbaro
traditions while unobtrusively watching her thirty four year old granddaughter... Show
more content on ...
Glancing over to the forest edge where most of the adults were gathered for the shade,
she spotted her mami stirring a small caldero over one of the smaller pits, while
laughing merrily with great abuela Concha. Consuela wrested with telling her mother
about Rique s unusual request, but thought now was not a good time, if ever, because
if he was scolded in front of everyone or tried to place the blame on her she would die
from shame. Consuela had never kissed or hugged a hermanito other than her father or
close family members, and had never done all those weird and nasty things she often
heard some of the fast girls at school stage whispering about. She didn t ever want to be
considered a una puta. She instinctively knew a reputation like that would be hard to live
Differences Between Alien And Sedition Acts
On July 14, 1798, John Adams, putting them into effect, signed The Alien and Sedition
Acts. Some states agreed with the acts while others did not. Kentucky came up with a
set of resolutions, nullifying the unconstitutional acts. The Alien and Sedition Acts were
nullified because they were passed by the legislature, violated the first amendment, and
did not correspond with separation of powers. Leading up to the Alien and Sedition
Acts, the XYZ Affair and Quasi war occurred. The XYZ Affair was a foreign policy
crisis. Talleyrand (French foreign minister) disliked Jay s treaty; a treaty stating that
regardless of an alliance, the U.S would stay neutral. President Adams sent Pinckney,
Marshall, and Gerry to France as an attempt to make amends.... Show more content on ...
It also violates the first amendment, the peoples right to freedom of speech. These Acts
also voided checks and balances by giving certain branches of the government too much
power. The Kentucky resolutions explained how the Alien and Sedition Acts were
unconstitutional. The resolutions explain in great detail how the government doesn t
have anymore power than the constitution gives it. They are voiding the governments un
just acts due to legality issues, giving the power back to themselves (the state). They also
voice that that the states have the right to deal with their citizens in any way they desire.
They also say that the government has limited powers for a reason and the
unconstitutional acts that the government set into place need to be repealed. The main
purposes of the Kentucky Resolutions were to nullify the Alien and Sedition Acts as a
result of unlawfulness. By doing this, Kentucky re established their rightful power,
deemed to them by the constitution, and negated the validity of the acts. By nullifying
the acts, Kentucky sowed the seed of possible
Political Polarization Vs American Politics
Unless you live under a rock far beneath the earth where absolutely no radio
frequencies can be detected, then American politics has likely come up in personal
conversations or in a piece of media that you ve since consumed. In the wake of the
raucous 2016 presidential election, political phrases and news has been plastered on
every television set and every car bumper. Personally, I have a very deep interest and
fascination with politics, and I tend to have some pretty strong opinions on a lot of
controversial topics, although I keep these opinions to myself most of the time. Since
this presidential election was the first one I have witnessed as a relatively mature
individual, I have been able to think critically about the 2016 race, much unlike... Show
more content on ...
Mary Mimi Carstens, a good friend of mine with a deep knowledge and understanding
of politics which reach far beyond her years, initially confirmed my main theories, as
well as confirming the Pew Reasearch Center s statistics in her assertion that The
Republicans could be seen with a handful of liberals and the Democrats had many
conservatives in their midst. However, the parties seem to have essentially purified
their ideologies and there is much less diversity in that sense, causing a great divide
between the two parties the Republicans moving farther right and the Democrats
moving farther left. However both Mimi and Mr. Lindley conflicted with my ideas
about the dual party system. Mr. Lindley viewed the dual party system as being a
beneficial institution, as fractured governing bodies can make way for totalitarianism
to rear its head, an example he used in particular being the overly diverse Reichstag
which allowed the Nazi Party to take hold over Germany. He also argued that within the
two parties there is enough ideological diversity to have six or more parties currently in
congress, each main party being divisible into major factions, such as Democratic
socialists (Bernie Sanders),
Mr. Hooper In The Veil
I can t really feel as if good Mr. Hooper s face was behind that piece of crape, said the
sexton. I feel as if Mr. Hooper was battling with his own sin. He thought his face was
going to reveal all of his transgressions which is why he kept his face concealed from
the congregation and his fiancГ©e. From my point of view, it sounds like our main
character Mr. Hooper is suffering from his very own wrong doing. In article 1 lines 4
and 5 it states that Individuals could no longer see his kindness or good heart Which
means that his appearance had transitioned because of the veil so he was looked upon
differently. To me It seems as if Mr. Hooper is facing something unpleasing in his life
which why he is concealing himself from others. In line 5 it also says He opened his
most significant sermon by discussing secret sins which makes the congregation
speculate as to what his sin may be. Before he started wearing the veil, the congregation
deeply respected him but after discerning him their notion of him instantly changed. He
took the time to show the congregation that everyone could be hiding behind confidential
sin, but still want to criticize others as if they are flawless.... Show more content on ...
Hooper admonished himself over was the enticement or dalliance with a female. we
know that this is a conjecture because no one knows if Mr. Hooper has committed this
act. Numerous say that he might have slept with the young girl who passed away.
They stated that if the covering came off he d probably be frightened by her glimpse.
Also in lines 9 and 10 it states This sort of conduct would avert him from being able to
divulge his sin to his fiancГ©e and to conceal his mortification from the church and
clergy which means that Whatever Mr. Hooper is facing he didn t want the church or his
fiancГ©e to know about which is why he disguised himself with the black
Analysis Of `` Dover Beach `` And `` Plymouth Of The...
Existentialism is defined as a philosophy that emphasizes individual existence, freedom,
and choice. It is the view that humans define their own meaning in life, and try to make
rational decisions despite existing in an irrational universe. This school of philosophy
has time and time again been explored in literature and film, as it is the answer to the
defining question of the human experience: why am I here? The doctrine of
existentialism is the core theme of the films Synecdoche, New York, written and directed
by Charlie Kauffman, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, directed by Michel Gondry
and written by Charlie Kauffman (who s writing directed the direction and main theme
of the film), the poem, Dover Beach, written by Matthew Arnold, and Franz Kafka s
literary classic and masterpiece, The Trial.
Our first text is Charlie Kauffman s directorial debut, Synecdoche, New York. The
postmodern melodrama attempts to depict every aspect of the human condition,
therefore, making the film itself, a synecdoche of the human experience. For example,
in the film, life and art are well and truly indistinguishable. All the events in the
protagonist s (playwright Caden Cotard) life become part of his impossibly large
theatre piece. However, Caden s inconceivable art comes with a revelation. As Caden
continues to try, and ultimately fail to recreate his life and world in an impossible
warehouse it becomes more and more prevalent that he can t, and he never will. This is
because real
The Environment In The Klondike Gold Rush
The environment in the Klondike Gold Rush had very harsh conditions on the people.
In a nutshell, the Klondike Gold Rush was a movement, where people would travel to
the North, which was Yukon, in search for gold. Prices of gold were very high at that
time, so the people decided to start on the harsh journey of the Klondike. This all started
when three men by the names of Jim Mason, Tagish Charlie, and George Carmack found
gold in Dawson City on the August of 1896. Eleven months after that, in 1897, a
steamship travelled home from Yukon, carrying more than a ton of gold , according to a
local newspaper, and so it began.

For the people to become filthy rich, they had to face the harsh, cold, and dangerous feat
to Dawson City. The people had
Essay about Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
Jeffrey Fisher
Final Paper
Eng 102
Professor Peterson

Trujillo and the Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar
Wao is not a happy book. The Author, Junot Diaz, does a great job fooling the reader
into believing the story is about the De Leon family, specifically Oscar who is an over
weight nerd trying to find the love of his life, but due to a family fuku or curse Oscar is
having a lot of trouble doing so. Instead, the story actually portrays the dark history of the
Dominican Republic under the dictatorship of Rafael Trujillo. Upon reading the stories of
Oscar s relatives the reader feels a powerful message of fear and oppression due to the
actions of the Trujillo regime. Even after the demise of ... Show more content on ...
Weeks later Abelard was arrested for apparently making jokes about dead bodies in the
trunk of his car. Since Trujillo s henchmen disposed of opponents this way (Abrams, P.
13), he was accused of slandering Trujillo. Abelard spent the rest of his life tortured in
prison and all records of his writing and identity were completely demolished by Trujillo
and company. Both these stories show the power Trujillo had on his people. Trujillo
wanted to make his presence felt everywhere in the Dominican Republic. This is shown
when Diaz states Homeboy dominated Santo Domingo like it was his very own private
Mordor; not only did he lock the country away from the rest of the world, isolate it
behind the Platano Curtain, he acted like it was his very own plantation, acted like he
owned everything and everyone, killed whomever he wanted to kill, sons, brothers,
fathers, mothers, took women away from their husbands on wedding nights and then
would brag publicly about the great honeymoon he had the night before. His eye was
everywhere; he had a secret police that out stasi d the stasi, that kept watch on
everyone, even those everyone s who lived in the states; a security apparatus so
ridiculously mongoose that you could say a bad thing about El Jefe at eight forty in the
morning and before the clock struck ten you d be in the Cuarenta having a cattleprod
shoved up your ass. (Diaz Oscar Wao 224 225).
Stanislavski s System
Stanislavski was troubled by actors not fully free and present on stage and identified a
gap between the physical and mental behaviour of the actor on stage, as well as
between the physical and mental preparation in the actor s work on the character. As he
didn t believe the audience should be not be forgotten or pretending that they didn t
exist. Stanislavski s System proposed that a series of physical actions arranged in
sequential order would trigger the necessary emotions in an actors performance. He
constructed exercise to help improve this distraction and therefore creating total and
physical concentration on stage. Given Circumstances and the Magic If, and Emotional
Memory. Units and Objective are some of his major feature of the system, For expample
Concentration: A state of public solitude, where the actor will behave in pubic as they
do in private by incorporating all the 6 senses of the sight, Hearing, touch smell, taste
and feeling. By using this senses the actor sharpens his awareness of the physical body
and begins create this idea of pubic solitude.
Emotional Memory: Stanislavsky didn t want his actors to simply duplicate an emotion.
He wanted his ... Show more content on ...
I have read all three of his books and have done two master classes on practising his
methodology. In saying this I am not by any stretch of the imagination near to
perfecting them nonetheless I still have a good understand of them and what they
achieve. By doing these exercises I feel as my character can be bought to life with true
intention. The exercise allow unprecedented ability for the character, like what we
were talking about last week in our reading. It allows my character to be alive each
time I get into my roll. to sum it up, in my acting I have trouble with over
emotionalizing my characters, I tend to act sad or act happy instead of really creating
sadness or creating happiness and though I exercise I have become more aware of how
to achieve

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