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5 Paragraph Essay On School Uniforms

Crafting a 5-paragraph essay on the subject of school uniforms can be both challenging and thought-
provoking. On one hand, there is a need to delve into the historical context of school uniforms,
examining their evolution and the underlying reasons for their implementation. This requires
extensive research and a comprehensive understanding of educational policies. On the other hand,
one must explore the various arguments surrounding the topic, including the perspectives of students,
parents, and educators. Balancing these different viewpoints while maintaining a neutral and
objective tone can be quite demanding.

Additionally, constructing a coherent and logical structure within the confines of a 5-paragraph essay
poses its own set of difficulties. Each paragraph must contribute to the overall argument, smoothly
transitioning from one idea to the next. It's crucial to provide sufficient evidence and examples to
support claims and counterarguments, all while adhering to the prescribed format.

Furthermore, expressing one's thoughts concisely within the limited word count can be a daunting
task. It requires careful selection of words and a focus on clarity without sacrificing depth of
analysis. Striking the right balance between brevity and substance is a skill that demands practice and

In conclusion, composing a 5-paragraph essay on the topic of school uniforms is no simple feat. It
necessitates thorough research, a nuanced understanding of diverse perspectives, and adept
organizational skills. However, with dedication and attention to detail, one can overcome these
challenges and create a well-crafted essay that engages readers and effectively presents the chosen

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or a variety of academic writing tasks, professional
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5 Paragraph Essay On School Uniforms 5 Paragraph Essay On School Uniforms
Mackey Arena Game Analysis
Walking into Mackey Arena is like walking into a basketball shrine, filled with history.
That history is built upon the rivalry between Purdue and the school down south,
Indiana University. On February 28, I was fortunate enough to be in Mackey Arena
for this historical rivalry game and senior night, a game that meant Purdue could take
the Big Ten Title in a win. Purdue did just that, winning 86 to 75. I was very pleased
with the game and it exceeded all expectations I had for the huge rivalry. As a student
who has been to every home game this season, I joined the lottery system prior to the
game so that I could get a closer seat than those who did not do the lottery. The lottery
began the night prior to the game where students camped out outside Mackey s atrium.
I asked Sam Kolczak, a student at Purdue who camped out for the IU game and the
Villanova game back on November 14, 2016, what he thought about the student
involvement for games at Purdue. Kolczak said, I love camping out for these games. The
people that do it are really cool and I ve even made... Show more content on ...
Purdue this season has had a better season than they have had in the past, finishing at the
top of the Big Ten conference. This conference dominance can be linked to Caleb
Biggie Swanigan making his return for his sophomore year. The year before, IU had
won the conference and Purdue suffered on the road against them. I asked Kyle Graham,
a senior at Purdue University and also a part of the large senior group who goes to every
game, how he felt about his last Purdue IU game as a student. Graham said, It was
actually amazing to see them win and do so in such great fashion. When I was a
freshman, Purdue had finished last in the Big Ten conference. So, it was almost bitter
sweet, I guess, seeing them beat IU for my last home game, win the Big Ten title, and
winning more games than they ever had while I was
I Learned That I Was Smarter Than You Know By Roy T.
Believe in yourself. You are braver than you think, more talented than you know, and
capable of more than you imagine. This quote by Roy T. bennett perfectly sums up
Juniors journey in the book at the beginning of the book he is scared and shy,but after
talking with Mr.P he gets the courage to do what he thinks is best for him, go to
reardan there he thinks he is going to fail because he is a indian but, he pulls through
and even makes it onto the basketball team doing things he never thought was possible
for an indian.He was able to do this through determination and being smart.Junior is
smart, determined and brave First Junior is a smart guy smarter than he thinks.He
constantly think he is not good enough, but if you look closely you can tell he is a
man capable of great things.For example this quote from page 84 I learned that I was
smarter than most of those white kids. This quote shows us that he was smart, but he
didn t know about it in till now.Junior is smarter than 99% of those kid.Back at the
school, he used to go to he was probably smart he just didn t know it because he doesn t
think that indian kids are smart.Also he is smarter than the teacher in a subject he was
able to correct him in a mistake he makes this also shows us how smart he is. He just
doesn t know how talented he is he is smart but doesn t realize it till he goes on this
journey of self discovery.Being smarter than 99% of those kids is a big deal.Therefore
Junior is a smart guy and a
Biodoxics In Sports Biomechanics
When the human body moves during regular movement or during athletic performance,
the movements can be scientifically broken down and analyzed by biomechanics based
on a number of different analytics. Some of the most common analytics being evaluated
are power, torque, joint actions, linear velocity, and angular velocity. A person in recovery
from an injury or a professional athlete will often have their movements analyzed using
the previously mentioned criteria to determine improvement in performance. This
assignment will explore the importance of those biomechanical topics and how they are
applied in sports biomechanics.
In order to begin defining the terms that are listed above, others topics need to be briefly
introduced, as the human body and its movements are extremely complex and
interconnected. Work is the basis of all body movement, without work movement
does not occur. In his 2013 textbook Biomechanics of sport and exercise, P. McGinnis
explains that work is the product of force and the amount of displacement in the
direction of that force (it is the means by which energy is transferred from one object
or system to another (p. 116). Force is another basis for all of movement, both living
and not. P. McGinnis defines force as a push or a pull which is exerted by objects on
other objects (McGinnis, 2013, p. 19). When exerting a force on an object, the muscles in
the human body contract which result in a pull . The rate at which muscles contract
determines the
Sampling And Participants At The University Of The Ozarks...
Sample and Participants
For the purposes of this study, the method used to select participants was convenience
sampling. Therefore, 30 students from the University of the Ozarks located in
Clarksville, Arkansas, were selected to participate in the study. The ages of the students
ranged between 18 and 25 years. In order to conduct this study, a control group and an
experimental group were created consisting of 15 members each. The first group was the
experimental group where the participants were required to own an iPhone and download
an app. The second group was the control group where participants owned any type of
smartphones and did not have to download a specific app. The reason students had to be
owners of an iPhone was ... Show more content on ...
At the end of the 24 hour period, the students recorded the amount of time they actually
used their smartphone according to the Moment app. This procedure was performed for
two days. At the end of the second day, these students completed the post test. The post
test consisted of three questions based on the Likert Scale. The first question asked
whether their estimations matched those of the app; the second question asked whether
they were surprised with the results; the last one, questioned their likeliness of changing
their cellphone use. The control group, on the other hand, only completed a pre test
consisting of a two question survey, which asked the students whether they were aware of
the time they spent on their smartphones and whether they were likely to change the
amount of time spent on their smartphones.
Control Group A total of 30 students participated in the study, 15 downloaded the
Moment app and 15 only estimated the amount of time spent on smartphones. Both
groups obtained interesting results. Firstly, the results of the study showed that people in
the experimental group estimated using their iPhone less than the students in the control
group. Correspondingly, as observed in appendix VI, the first group had a median
estimation of 159 hours, while the second group had a median estimation of 298.47 hours.
When asked whether students were likely to change their smartphone
Vancouver s Temperature Analysis
Average Annual Temperature Winnipeg s climate is colder than Vancouver s climate by
6В°C. This is mainly due to the fact that Winnipeg has a slightly higher latitude by
0.6В°, and has a substantially higher elevation by 235 m. These two factors are the main
reasons why Winnipeg s average annual temperature is lower than Vancouver s average
annual temperature, since the greater these values are, the colder the climate appears to
be. Annual Temperature Range Winnipeg s annual temperature range is wider by 22В°C.
This is mainly due to the fact that Vancouver is on the west coast, so this moderates the
temperature range a lot more for Vancouver than Lake Winnipeg and Lake Manitoba do
for Winnipeg. This moderates the temperature because water takes
An Modern Methodology For Water Treatment Plant
relationship is described by a collection of fuzzy control rules ( IF THEN RULES)
involving linguistic variable [13].
In this paper we introduce an modern methodology for water treatment plant affecting
factors analysis. The proposed expert system manages and explores the knowledge in
this specific application by reasoning on a database of facts by means of suitable
inference rules. The proposed comprehensive, homogenous framework uses a set of
Fuzzy Inference Systems to interpret, standardize and fuse heterogeneous data in order to
estimate normalized factors. The FIS for affecting factor analysis is divided into four
main components: the fuzzification, knowledge base,
Inference engine, and the Defuzzification.
Fuzzy logic controller has four components:
1) Fuzzification: It transforms input into suitable linguistic value so that can be
compared to the rule in rule base.
2) Knowledge Base: It contains the knowledge in form of a set of rules to control the
artificial system. It is the collection of rules. The basic function of rule base is to provide
the required information to fuzzification module, the rule base and the defuzzification
module. If part is called antecedent and then part is called consequent.
3) Inference Engine: If control rules are relevant then it decides the input to the plant.
The Inference system provides the mechanism for invoking or referring to the rule base
such that the proper rules are fired on the situation.
The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead
AMC s gritty and gruesome apocalyptic hit The Walking Dead places the blood thirsty,
agonized groans of zombies right in our living rooms. The show follows a small group
of survivors in the midst of a zombie apocalypse that has decimated some seventy five
percent of the population. The cable series which first premiered in 2010 made no
bones about its weekly offering of flesh eating, blood splattered gore. The opening
sequence of the pilot episode features a virus ridden little girl being thrust into the
pavement when former sheriff Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) shoots a bullet into her
skull as he struggles to ward off her flesh hungry zombie attack. The Walking Dead has
since amassed quite the following of fans ... Show more content on ...
Perhaps the biggest fear, however, concerning viewership of The Walking Dead is the
possibility it has of eschewing one s moral compass. Viewers continually watch
protagonist Grimes and his cohorts violently kill and maim the walking dead without
pause and vice versa. It leads one to wonder, if this prolonged exposure to killing
without thought can also increase one s own ability to exercise uncivil behavior
without hesitation or remorse. If a society s values are represented in what that society
chooses to watch, should we be concerned that our viewing choices revolve around
barbaric killer instincts? One too, however, could take the opposite look at what
violent, post apocalyptic television, particularly The Walking Dead , reflects about our
society. Many critics argue that The Walking Dead is ultimately a tale of one man s
struggle to create peace and unity for his family amidst a world of terror and strife. Our
society s interest in disaster and cataclysm is likely synonymous with our feelings of
isolation and duress omnipresent in this modern and technological age. The violence
shown in The Walking Dead the fight for survival, the loneliness, the internal struggles
the characters face in response to the violence can be compared to the challenges humans
face every day.
In this society in which modernism distances humans from nature, each other, and often a
connection to what is genuinely important, it is easy to feel as though we are living in a
Analysis Of I Dreamed The Last Diamond Darter
I Dreamed The Last Diamond Darter is a very curious and peculiar play. Before seeing
the play, I had no idea what it would be about. It s very interesting to go into a play, not
knowing what s going to happen in the story and what the characters are like. Before I
saw the show, I had an open mind and was looking forward to seeing a new show.
Sadly, after seeing the show I was extremely disappointed in the playand was confused
about the entire show. There are many reasons that can contribute to my last statement.
First, the costumes and set design of the show. There were a total of four characters in
this show and each characterhad their own uniqueness. The three girls in the play all had
different costumes. These costumes were fine, but the problem was that I had no idea
which character was which. It was so confusing and frustrating now knowing why that
specific character was wearing those types of clothes. Throughout the play, I was able
to get a read on why the characters were wearing what they were. It helped explained
what type of character they were trying to portray in the story. The three women in the
story wore jeans, leggings, boots, jackets, and long dresses. Now the gentleman that
was in the play I believe played more than one character role in the show. From what I
can remember he was a night watchman and a girl s boyfriend throughout the story.
They did a better job of explaining his character and his costumes were pretty self
explanatory. He wore a long
Cost of Poor Quality in Banking
Industrial research report



At Gulistan e Johur


Dear Sir, Assalam o alikum
Bahria University is federally accredited University based at Islamabad with its campus at
Karachi. University is educating is students in the fields the of management science,
computer, Engineering, Medical and Dental Surgery.
Management science students are guided to carry out subject based research in various
business and corporate organizations. This enhances their abilities to think independently
and resolve the management problems logically.
Some students of BBA 7 have selected your bank to carry out research with reference ...
Show more content on ...
Particular attention should be given to the cost of poor quality and to customers views
about the relative importance of the attributes of service.

If the cost of quality is high, looking through the Six Sigma, the cost of poor quality is
still higher. Companies bear a huge cost of about 9 16 percent of their revenues on
problem solving.

COPQ can take in the following forms:

cost generated from producing defective material
cost involved in fulfilling the gap between the desired and actual product or service
cost of lost opportunity due to the loss of resources used in fixing the defect, including
all the labor cost, rework cost, disposition costs and material costs that have been added
to the unit up to the point of rejection
appraisal cost if there is an inspection point

Banks are fined for failing to provide accurate transaction reports to the FSA and for
serious weaknesses in systems and controls in relation to transaction reporting. One there
is the reputational damage that comes from being fined and then there is the cost of
correcting errors and fixing the defective processes.
It is seen that companies ignore the cost quality analysis, overlooking its potential
significance and end up paying failure cost.
1... how does employee involvement support in TQM. If u r required develop program.
What elements would u include?
2... think of a team u have been on recently. It could be a
Ikea Case Study on Marketing
University of Halmstad School of Business and Engineering Bachelor Degree A creation
of competitive advantage by using differentiation of company s strategy actions. The case
study of IKEA Sweden with experiences on Chinese and French markets. Dissertation in
Marketing Credit point level 10 ( 15ECTS) Supervisor: Venilton Reinert Authors: Landry
Capdevielle Min Li Paulina Nogal Halmstad, 23rd of May 2007 The table of contents
Introduction..........................................................................4 Problem
.................................................................................................................................. 5
Purpose... Show more content on ...
29 Furnishing and house building at the same time ..............................................................
30 Promotion
............................................................................................................................. 30
32 Place
34 Distribution of products ...................................................................................................
35 PEST analysis about France ............................................36 Political aspects
.................................................................................................................... 36
36 Business politics in France...............................................................................................
36 Social pressure groups......................................................................................................
36 Economical aspects
.............................................................................................................. 37 Production
Bone Of Fire Book Report
When I started reading the Throne of Fire by Rick Riordan I knew from the start that
it would be a great adventure book. This book truly was a big page turner, and a nail
biter too. Every spare second I had I read this book. The Throne of Fire is about a
brother and a sister embarking on a journey around the globe to awaken the sun god,
Ra. Meanwhile the House of Life is trying to hunt them down. This could prove fatal at
the end of their journey for Carter and Sadie. Carter and Sadie also must travel the
River of Night to find and awaken Ra so they can defeat Apophis, the god of Chaos.
Also add onto that Sadie must survive an encounter with two gods, Nekhbet the vulture
goddess and Babi the baboon god. If Carter and Sadie fail Apophis will
Mercantilism And Comparative Advantage Theory
As (Lisa l martin) stated that international trade provides an opportunity and risk to a
group of nation or individual. It provide an opening to other nations economy as well as
to the economy of specialised nation. while international trade become important to
business in countries they developed different theories to explain the need of trade and
what to trade. There are different trade theories like Mercantilism, non mercantilism,
absolute advantage thory, comparative advantagetheory are some of those.
Mercantilism is an economic system used in European countries in 1800s. and 16th to
the mid 18th century. under mercantilism the countries wealth is measured by the
accumulation of valuable metals like gold and silver.(Piggott. j and cook .m) ... Show
more content on ...
The theory says that America has an comparative advantage on producing both car and
aircraft over Europe. As long as Europe is not equally less efficient in producing both
cars and aircraft. Still Europe ac specialise on producing a single product (such as car)
which has comparative advantage rather than absolute advantage. A country has a
Comparative advantage in a commodity when it has An higher popularity in processing
Also it need similar preference On a commodity The point when its level from claiming
popularity will be low. (Piggott mark cook) withstanding the benefits characterize by
using Comparative advantage there are different constraint which can be hinder perhaps
even beat the objective of Comparative Nivola (1997) said that the cost of
transportation from one country to another country thinking it may completely remove
Comparative advantage driven by two country. There is only two countries engaged in
the process of production as well as consumption of the two goods. The only resources
which is non transferable is the labour and cannot be considered as a theory to
Unredeemed Captive Dbq
Question 1: Historical interpretation, 8 points The Unredeemed Captive affects our
understandings of relationships between the colonists and the Native Americans by
exploring the Native culture. After a raid by the French and Native Americans, seven
year old Eunice was taken into captivity along with one hundred more people. Eunice s
father, who was also captured, eventually returned home and went on a mission to get
back his family. He received every one of his children except for Eunice. She had
adopted the culture and religion of the Natives and they refused to free her. This appalled
the colonists and those back in Britain. They did not understand why Eunice would want
to take on such a savage lifestyle. In document 3.3 Committee of the Massachusetts Bay
General Court, A... Show more content on ...
These trials have brought up multiple theories to explain why the town of Salem
executed twenty people, fourteen being women. Four explanations that were discussed
in lecture were mass hysteria, fungus in the rye, social control and the legacy of Indian
wars. The mass hysteria theory suggests that the people of the town became so
obsessed and overwhelmed with religious faith motivated purely by superstitions and
rumors. These rumors and superstitions caused the people of Salem to be fearful of
anyone who stepped out of their definition of normalcy. The fungus in the rye theory
suggests that people who consumed the rye ended up hallucinating because the mold
contained similar elements to LSD. The social control theory states that people of
lower income and status started to accuse the wealthy of witchcraft. This was used as a
form of revenge. Lastly the theory of the Indian war implies that men of political power
began utilization of fear as a cover up for their failure to protect the northern area.
Therefore created the idea of witchcraft and started accusations in order to distract from
Dnr Code Of Ethics
There are complex religious, moral, ethical and legal aspects associated with placing a
DNR order. Most of the religions agree that God alone has the right to initiate and
terminate life. But is it morally right to resuscitate someone who is at the end stage of
life to survive a poor quality of life? When it comes to ethics as a health care providers
are we following the principle of do no harm? is cardio pulmonary resuscitation always
beneficial for the patient? More, if choices are to live with morbidity or to die with
dignity you have to do what s good for the patient. Lastly patient has the right to make
decision about their own health, therefore respecting their wish to die is only fair. In my
point of view as a paramedic to
The Snow Queen Vasia Alternate Ending
Tasha, Are we there yet? Vasilia whinned for the thousandth time this past hour. Het,
How long? She pestered on. A few hours. We ve been on the plane for an hour on our
way back to Novosibirsk, Russia where our mother is in a hospital with tuberculosis.
Our Father sent us alone and he s having our old caretaker escort us to our old house. I
looked around the planefor the millionth time and saw only three people. An elderly
looking man, a young adult woman, and a girl around my age, 15. She had long red hair
and green eyes that stared out the window for the past two and a half hours. A flight
attendant pushed a small cart along the aisle with snacks and drinks. Tasha, can I have
pretzels? Vasilia... Show more content on ...
Да спасибо(Yes, thank you), I didn t dare tell her I was freezing cold. We
were about one kilometer away from the cottage and we weren t stopping, until Vasilia
spotted another tall building farther on. Tasha! There s a town over there! She shouted
happily prancing around like a deer in a newfound stream. I smiled and my eyes
scanned the horizon, dark, eerie clouds forming as we continued on. A soft pitter across
the snow caused us to whip around and face, golden eyes, hungry for flesh. Черт
РІРѕР·СЊРјРё! AnaГЇs and I cursed at the same time, turning back around, grabbing
Vasilia, and running. I stumbled many times and fought off the urge to fall into the fluffy
white powder. AnaГЇs pulled Vasilia onto her back and she continued to run gracefully.
Gracelessly, I fell to the ground and lay there, unable to get up. From their position,
Vasilia and AnaГЇs threw snowballs and little pebbles. I saw the two staring down as my
Technology and Beckett’s Play, Krapp’s Last Tape
Technology and Beckett s Play, Krapp s Last Tape

bois seul bouffe brГ»le crГЄve seul comme devant les absents sont morts les prГ©sents
puent sors tes yeux dГ©tourne les sur les roseaux se taquinent ils ou les aГЇs pas la peine
il y a le vent et l Г©tat de veille [1][1] Samuel Beckett, Untitled

As an avant garde writer and a trend starter, Beckett was intensely in touch with his own
time and its most significant realities, one of which being technological progress. In his
play Krapp s Last Tape, first performed in 1958, we meet yet another one of his
spiritually crippled and disillusioned characters: Krapp, an old recluse. Krapp is alone on
the stage, seconded only by a tape ... Show more content on ...
Like in Endgame, the main character has an accurate recollection of his past, but there
is nothing left of it. Unlike 39 years old Krapp, 69 years old Krapp has no more
expectation for his opus magnum and his fire is lost: Nothing to say, not a squeak [...]
Seventeen copies sold, of which eleven at trade price to free circulating libraries
beyond the seas . Another similarity between Endgame and Krapp s Last Tape is the
terminal hopelessness of the characters. In Krapp s Last Tape, the only significant
event Krapp may hope for is his own personal death, in Endgame it is perhaps the end
of the world; in both cases, memory does not restitute or create meaning. This notion
is further emphasized in Krapp s Last Tape, as the tape recorder does not even have the
advantage of being vague. The audience is made fully aware of how real Krapp s past
has once been, and, implicitly, we are told that he had discovered some transcending
meaning, a reason to give up everything, even his chance at happiness. Nonetheless, the
machine leaves Krapp wilted, a mere husk, to whom even the benefit of waiting is
denied because there is nothing to wait for. Krapp merely exists to exist; he is at one
of the last stages of Death as a process. In the world of the existentialists were choice is
deified, Krapp is godless and forsaken. In this sense, the machine becomes more of an
instrument of torture, a constant reminder of the old Krapp s helplessness as he
contemplates how
Arguments About Immigration
Every year, thousands of immigrants, legal and illegal, come into the United States. In
America. Immigrants and their U.S. born children now number approximately 84.3
million people, or 27 percent of the overall U.S. population (Zong and Batalova).
Immigrants come to America for multiple reasons. Some examples are; to live in
freedom, to practice their religion freely, to escape poverty, and to make better lives for
themselves and their children. Immigration has its benefits. Our country was founded
with many immigrants. Terrorist attacks are occurring often, mostly from immigrants.
Many Sexually transmitted diseases are being brought over and now HIV testing is not
on the scanning list. Also, the economy is negatively effected by immigrants working for
less. While immigrants contribute to America by adding the cultures flavor, the United
Statesshould adopt policies to further restrict or suspend immigration. To become an
American citizen is not easy but to come into America is. There are multiple way an
immigrant can come to America. The problem is not immigrants becoming citizens, the
problem is immigrants just coming to America for a short amount of time. There are
three ways immigrants can get into America that should be more strict. The first rule that
should be more strict is more strict is the Protection of Refugees, and other Vulnerable
Populations. This allows people who are unable to return to their homeland because of
life threatening or bad conditions.
Analyze the impact of various events on the American...
I. Background information on industry and workers

A. Between the period of 1865 1900, industry exploded in growth

B. There were many contributors that included government action, labor unions,
immigration, and technological changes.

1. Government action tried to help the workers by decreasing corporations control over

2. Labor unions tried to increase benefits and make working easier

3. Immigration helped by having a cheap, abundant labor source for businesses to use

4. Technological changes both helped and hurt workers by making it easier to work but
making it harder by causing a need for skilled labor.

C. All of these affected workers, but in some more than others, however, labor unions and
technological changes had ... Show more content on ...
B. Inventions like the Bessemer process, railroads, and the production plant all affected
jobs and the economy.

C. The Bessemer process allowed steel to be created at a much faster rate.

1. This called for more workers in order to maximize production

(a) Most workers were immigrants that worked two 12 hour shifts, seven days a week.

2. The Bessemer process greatly affected the worker by providing more jobs, but at a
lower wage, lower benefits, and higher hours, a negative effect.

D. In the 1860 s, the government finally commissioned the first transcontinental railroad.

E. Then from the 1860 s to about 1893, four more transcontinental railroads were created.

1. These transcontinental railroads stimulated industry greatly, creating more jobs in both
industry and working on the rails.

F. The invention and development of the production plant affected the worker greatly.

1. There were now more jobs due to the openings in factories.

(a) Machines replaced skilled workers in factories

G. Technological changes often replaced workers, however, it often created more jobs in
the long run.

IV. Summarizing the effects of labor unions and technological changes

A. Both labor unions and technological changes greatly affected the Industrial worker in
the period of 1865 1900.

B. Labor unions tried to provide greater benefits for workers and mostly positively
affected workers.

1. They were mostly successful in

Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography Essay
Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is
a test that lets your health care provider see detailed pictures of the inside of your body
without using X rays. Instead, strong magnets and radio waves work together in a
magnetic field to form very detailed and sharp images. The images are viewed on a TV
monitor in two and three dimensional form. The magnets and radio waves are harmless.
Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) is an MRI done on your
gallbladder, bile duct, pancreas, and pancreatic duct. MRCP is able to obtain detailed
images of these organs. It can be used to help diagnose problems such as tumors, stones,
infection, or inflammation. It is sometimes used to help determine the cause... Show more
content on ...
You may also be asked to remove your makeup because some makeup contains traces
of metal. Braces and fillings are normally not a problem. PROCEDURE You may be
given earplugs or headphones to listen to music. The machine can be noisy. A contrast
material may be injected. MRCP is done in a long, magnetic chamber. You will lie
down on a platform that slides into the magnetic chamber. Once inside, you will still
be able to talk to the health care provider. You will be asked to hold very still. The
health care provider will tell you when you can shift position. You may have to wait a
few minutes to make sure the images produced during the procedure are readable.
AFTER THE PROCEDURE You may resume normal activities right away. If you were
given contrast material, it will pass naturally through your body within a day. A health
care provider experienced in MRCP will analyze the results and send a report to your
health care provider, along with an interpretation of the findings. It is your responsibility
to obtain your test results. Ask the department performing the test when and how you
will get your
Argumentative Essay On Killer Bees
Scientists and Beekeepers Can Make Killer Bees Less Aggressive
People discovered honey since an ancient time and considering it as liquid gold. There
are many kinds of bees that produce honey, and it differs from place to place. One
remarkable species is African honeybee which well known for its ability to produce
more honey than other species and survive in hot climate (Anne, 2006). Evans and
Butler(2010) have acknowledged that some species of honey bees are known as Killer
bees or Africanized bees, which are currently living in some parts of South America and
North America, and they started to move northward in the United States. One reason for
naming them Africanized bees is that they were introduced in Brazil and hybridized with
European bees. On the other hand, Killer bees got their name because they are much
more defensive than the other species,they will attack any living creature that is around
them and is consider as a threat for them, sometimes to death (Hodges, 1996).
According to Horn(2006), the Brazilian government tends to focus on beekeeping
business since it is a low cost business, and it does not require a land to work on. The
suitable species were African bees because they produce more honey than their cousin
European bees do, and they can live in tropical weather (Hodges, 1996). However, with
its huge advantage in producing ... Show more content on ...
(2006, June). Africanized killer bees. Continuing Education.
Chau, M. (2013, March 7). 100,1000 Killer bees attack bees Florida Park rangers.
Christian Science Monitor.
Delapane, K., Mayer, D. F. (2000). Crop Pollination by bees. Cambridge, Mai: CABI.
Evans, E., Butler, C. (2010). Why do bees buzz? Fascination answers to questions about
bees, New Brunswick, NJ, USA: Rutgers University Press.
Gullen, L. (2009, September). Ten venomous years. Cygnus Business Media, Inc. 34, 9.
Hodges, D. (1996, October 10). Thebuzz about Africanized bees proves mostly bad
publicity. Christian Science Monitor. 88,
Shinsei Case Study Essay example
Shinsei Bank Case Shinsei bank has a rich history in terms of influence over the Japanese
banking sector. Of all the defining moments, there are a few moments that reflect the
culture shift of Shinsei bank from the more traditional Japanese approach to the more
Western business model. These moments include the denial by Shinsei to forgive 97
billion Yen in debt owed by Sogo, the creation of the Shinsei Securities operations and the
institutional banking department, being listed on the Tokyo Stock exchange and the
hiring of Tom Pedersen as the Chief Learning Officer All the above moments are
important because all reflect the shift from tradition and probably may account for the
current lack of culture or rift between the... Show more content on ...
Although I agree with the use of pay for performance in theory, I do not agree with the
two tier system as implemented by Shinsei. At Shinsei, it seemed that the two tiered
system led to resentment. As one employee put it Frankly, for much of the first year the
atmosphere in the bank was like civil war...Everyone was fighting everyone else. The
problem with pay for performance systems is that detracts from team work as
motivation for self reward goes against the idea of helping colleagues. On the other
hand, pay based on the organization profitability leads to star performers being
underpaid as well as social loafing. In order to effectively implement a pay for
performance system, an organization must be careful to avoid the negative side effects.
What was the aim of the values and vision exercise? How successful was it? The main
purpose of the vision and values exercise was to formalize and align the current values
that were present within the organization. By doing this, Pedersen hoped to align the
values to the banks strategic plans. I think Pedersen has done a great job so far in trying
to bridge the gap between the employees and trying to promote an organizational culture
based on a common mission. His vision and values exercise was successful. In addition,
he adopted a new 360 Performance Evaluation system for senior executives and coaching
session for evaluators so the evaluations were not inflated.
Katy Perry Song Firework
Firework, by Katy Perry, is a song written about being yourself and not being afraid to
show people who you really are. It is about being like being like a firework and letting
your true colours show. The theme of the song is shinning bright, and letting your light
shine.she repeatedly used words including, shine, bright, ignite, lightand other words to
do with shining your personal light.

Katy Perry wrote firework to tell her listeners to be themselves and stay true to there
self, Firework was written to show people that different isn t bad. The targeted audience
for firework is young, because it teaches them that they don t have to conform to society
and they can make their own path. Katy Perry gets her message across by singing from
Gender Fairness And Gender Equality In The Workplace
kforce no longer a contested issue for some modern societies like some developed and
developing countries. However, in some undeveloped countries or traditional places,
stereotyping still exists, there are some thoughts are still connecting with women, they
think that women s bourgeois is to give birth to babies and to perform household chores
while men act as bread earners. There is a Chinese saying describing men count the
workplace as their homeand women count their home as their workplace. Men are here
to fight for their career desperately but women count their home as their lifelong
workplace. It is hard to refresh the thinking of people about women enter the
workforce because they have been brainwashed for their entire lifetime. It would be
better to give education on new generations to interpret the theme of gender fairness
and anti gender discrimination. This should be the most feasible way to change the
thoughts on women s abilities alike men and stop stereotype on women. However, it
seems that some developed and developing countries are likely and willing to solve the
problems of women s entry to workforce, in the surface part of it, it really shows that
modern societies are willing women to enter the workforce but according to Shirley
Chisholm the first African American congresswoman, she has pointed out that in
America, women has only occupied 2% of managerial positions while for the remaining
98% of the managerial position are occupied by men. (Chisholm, 1969)
Lizzie Borden Argumentative Analysis
Purposeful death in the United States is a common thing, sadly, but how many are
actually murder? According to, in 2014 there were 5.1 deaths per 100,000
residents in the US. Not many of these murders were familicides, but they still happen,
and in the case of Lizzie Borden, she killed her parents. It is crystal clear that Lizzie
Bordenkilled her parents, and there is plenty of evidence to prove it. The scenes at the
Borden household were quite gruesome, and full of evidence. For example, both Andrew
and Abby Borden were killed with an astonishing number of hits. Combined, the Bordens
received 29 hits with the murderweapon, 19 for Abby, and 10 for Andrew (Linder,
2004). Clearly Lizzie had something going on with both to continue whacking, even
after they died. Not to mention, Abby was killed a while before Andrew. Andrew was
killed [maybe] 90 minutes after Abby (Linder, 2004). This could be another contributing
factor to why Andrew had less hits, Lizzie may have gotten tired. In essence, this sheds
some... Show more content on ...
To enumerate, they make sense when they say that she would have hid more
evidence, but she might not have cared because she knew she would get away with it.
The jury only took 90 minutes to decide a verdict, and it was not guilty (Maranzani,
2012). She got away with it, and she knew she would. Similarly, the police made sense
when they said that it was too hot for someone to stay in the barn for as long as she
did, but it was not as hot as they made it out to be. The high was 78В° F and the low
was 63В° F. It can get hotter than that in other places, like here. Also, some people
might say that someone could have snuck in and hid in the guest room and killed
them. Police didn t find any forced entry into the house, and the doors were locked
(Eddy, 2015). This was an inside job, no one else could have done it. Overall, everything
can be backed up by evidence disproving the other
Was Cyrus Successful
Cyrus was Astyages grandson and also the king of Persia. Harpagus was sent to kill
him, but did not do so. Throughout his life he accomplished many things and fought
in a number of battles. He was a well respected leader and treated everyone equally to
gain his power. He expanded his power by traveling farther East, beyond the lands he
was comfortable with, and fighting the more violent tribes. Cyrus treatment of his
people and the helping of others were what caused him to gain his power. He didn t
think of himself as a conqueror, but as a liberator of people. He agreed to treating
people of all religions and backgrounds equally, so long as they didn t rebel. Whenever
he conquered a new nation, he allowed the people there to keep their religion and
customs. His way of ruling was very different compared to the Assyrians and other
previous rulers. An example of Cyrus actions as a liberator include the exile of the
Jewish people in Babylon. The Jews welcomed Cyrus and his people as liberators and
helped them in overthrowing the Babylonians. Several years later, Cyrus permitted about
40,000 Jewish exiles to return to their homes. This marked the end of the Babylonian
Captivity. After they had all returned to their homeland, Cyrus used the money he had
gotten in... Show more content on ...
It was found out that he had written one of the first ever human rights charters. This
happened a few years after he conquered Babylon. This charter stated that he would
treat everyone and every nation he conquered with respect. He would not change
anyone s beliefs or customs. He would only punish those who treated the social and
religious minorities of his kingdom cruelly. The way Cyrus treated people was very
different and bizarre from what people had been used to before then, which was cruelty,
violence, and lots of killing. His way was unique and also greatly assisted him in the
expanding of his
Carl Von Clausewitz And The War
Carl Von Clausewitz
Carl Von Clausewitz is one of the most well known, as well as important, war theorists
in our history. Although he has been dead for almost two decades, he still plays a
major role in shaping military thinkers around the world. The reason his theory is
somehow still relevant is because of its flexibility. He did not prepare for nuclear warfare
or cyber warfare, but you can apply his theory to the 21st century. Clausewitz believed in
two levels of war and that war was continuous. Clausewitz believed that when one goes
to war, they should have an achievable political objective; war is the continuation of
politics by other means (Clausewitz, 1832).
Clausewitz was born in 1780 in Burg. His father was a lieutenant under ... Show more
content on ...
These politics do not have to be just foreign or international politics, but also domestic
politics. To achieve these objectives, Clausewitz believed in two levels of war:
strategic and tactical (Echevarria, 1995). One must also remember that Clausewitz did
not believe war could be down to a science, it is far too diverse and unpredictable. He
was a strong believer that a theory is an explanation, not a solution. In On War
Clausewitz states, the primary purpose of any theory is to clarify concepts and ideas
that have become confused and entangled (Clausewitz, 1832). His theory harps on this
idea that if conflict of politics reaches an emotional high, organized violence can
breakout. Clausewitz s theory today is taught with policy and politics as
interchangeable components. However, Clausewitz created his theory based around a
dual meaning. He believed war could lose sight of its policy aims, but war could never
escape politics. On this basis, he combined three forces into one, which is referred to as
wondrous trinity (EchevarrГa 1995).
Clausewitz used this idea of wondrous trinity or remarkable trinity , which includes:
policy, force, and chance as the foundation to his theories (Holmes, 2004). Clausewitz
describes it as,
War is more than a true chameleon that slightly adapts its characteristics to the given
case. In the totality of its phenomena, with respect to its dominant tendencies,
The Setting of Paul s Case Essay
The setting of the short story Paul s Case is clear and appropriate for the story. This is
because Paul s feelings in the story happen to have a direct connection to the setting of
the story. The East Coast of the United States is where the story takes place. From
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to Newark, New Jersey, and then on to New York, New York,
the exact setting differs throughout the story. ...the dull dawn was beginning to show
grey when the engine whistled a mile out of Newark (Cather). At this point in the story,
the main character, Paul, is on board a train which has departed from his hometown of
Pittsburgh en route to the Jersey City Station. From there, he plans to make his way to
the glamorous New York City, a city... Show more content on ...
During this time, Paul contemplates a plan to ask his father for a cab fare. He will
tell his father that the money is to make it over to his friend s house, when he is really
planning on making his way to New York City. This escape to New York City is a way
out of his life that he is struggling to get through. The east bound train was ploughing
through a January snowstorm... (Cather). Now, aboard a train to New Jersey, Paul is
longing for the beauty of New York. After the train stops in Newark, Paul hopes to
spend a night or two in town and then get on board another train that will take him to
New York. The time part of the setting impacts the story greatly, since the story is
based in the winter. Winter represents the end of things in literature and it is in this
winter, that Paul goes on to commit suicide. The atmosphere of the story is a cold,
stormy, and dead state. Paul is lost in himself during the storms of winter. He is like the
train that has to plow its way through the January snowstorm. ...the nerve stuff of all
sensations was whirling about him like the snow flakes (Cather). Everything about the
story is whirling and blowing as the wind does, including the snowstorm he sees while
on the train. These cold storms are the base of the atmosphere in which Paul struggles to
find himself. Towards the end, Paul witnesses many examples of death and darkness.
The snow lay heavy on the roadways and had
How Does Hamlet Change Throughout The Play
Soon or later everybody has a fault that leads to something tragic or dramatic during a
story or a play. The main protagonist/antagonist in this story is Hamlet, Prince of
Denmark. In Shakespeare s play Hamlet, Prince of Denmark is the main character.
Hamlet goes through a series of very difficult events throughout his life, and throughout
his life only negative and awful things happen to him. During the beginning of the play
Hamletloses his father the King of Denmark. This causes a great depression to Hamlet.
Soon after Hamlet becomes even more upset due to the fact that he finds out that his
uncle Claudius will be marrying his mother Gertrudeand be the new King of Denmark.
Hearing this news causes Hamlet to go crazy, insane, and mad. During... Show more
content on ...
Laertes agrees to a sword fight with Hamlet and the king has dipped the tip of the
sword with poison. He has also poisoned a goblet of wine in case Hamlet doesn t get
cut by the sword. After Hamlet and Laertes are both cut by the sword, Laertes tells
Hamlet the truth. He tells him that Claudius is the one behind the death of his mother
and is the one who poisoned the sword. Hamlet rams the sword through Claudius and
forces him to drink the poisoned wine, eventually killing him. Hamlet succumbs to the
poison from the sword, but tells Horatio that he wants it to be known what really
happened there. Horatio tells Fortinbras, the Norwegian prince, the whole story of
Hamlet. Fortinbras orders that Hamlet be carried away in a manner fitting a fallen soldier
Scr Sessions
Session 1
1. Investigate SCR s Internet site and learn about the company s history, purpose, and
values. Send Jesse a brief memo with suggestions to expand or improve these sections.
2. On the SCR intranet, visit the data, forms, and resources libraries and review a sample
of the information in each library.
3. Using the SCR functions and organization listed in the data library, create an
organization chart using Microsoft Word, Visio, or a drawing program.
4. Jesse says the SCR has plenty of competition in the IT consulting field. Get on the
Internet and find three other IT consulting firms. She wants a brief description of each
firm and the services it offers.
Date: 11/05/2012
From: ... Show more content on ...
This is exciting news and a real opportunity for the IT team to help design an information
system to support the SCR training group. The new system will be called TIMS, which
stands for Training Information Management System.
As you know, our Web site has an SCR Services link where we list our four corporate
units and their goals: the Systems Support Group, the Network/Web Group, the Business
Solutions Group, and the Project Management Group.
Now, we would like to add a fifth unit to highlight the new training group. Take a look
at the other four areas, then draft a brief statement that will describe the Training
Group s goals. Try to use a style that will be consistent with the existing material. I d like
to see your draft as soon as possible so we can get it approved and added to the site.
Also, on another subject entirely, I d like your view on whether or not SCR needs a
systems review committee. We seem to have gotten along fairly well without one up
until now, but some people think it would be wise to have a review committee approach
as SCR grows and becomes more diverse. Tell me what you think and why. Thanks.
Jesse Baker

Date: 11/05/2012
Subject: Project scope statement for TIMS
Hi Jordan,
As I mentioned to you, the TIMS system must
Teamster Scholarship Essay
In 1903, Teamster was formed by the merge of several local and regional local
Teamsters with approximately 1.3 million members in 2013. Teamster represents a
diverse membership of blue collar and professional workers in both public and private
sectors. Teamster is a labor union which organized association of workers protection
and further their rights and interests. Teamster is here to benefit and as Herbert Hoover
said, Competition is not only the basis of protection to the consumer, but is the
incentive to progress. What living in a teamster household meant to my siblings and I,
are ending poverty and pursuing an education. Teamster kept my parents employed to
provide for my family and continue a family legacy. Notably, labor is a physical work
with a... Show more content on ...
Growing up with two sisters the word share was religiously used. My family was not
inherited with wealth and till this day my parents are constantly working to provide
for my family. Throughout the journey multiple tribulations interfere, which made life
difficult in my household. To begin with, starting in the year of 2010 my mom was in
car accident which caused her to be unemployed for about 3 months, which later
merge to 2011 the death of my mom parents. Both her mom and dad past away the
same week which had a large impact on the family because they babysat my siblings
and I after school while my parents was working. Then in 2012, my dad was rushed to
the hospital for an emergency surgery, which made him unemployed for 2 months. After
recovering later in 2013, my dad was struck in a horrific car accident which place him
unemployed again for another 2 months. Because of the car accident and continuous
trouble my family faced we initiated the start of the struggle. The family at the time was
using one car for my siblings and I to attend school as well both my parents attended
work. Throughout the process Teamster was always there helping my parents raised three
amazing strong individual
How Were Monarchs Influenced By The Enlightenment
Monarchs that were influenced by the Enlightenment and worked to centralize power.
By getting peoples interest they could justify their absolute rule. These monarchs
worked toward social, legal, and educational changes. Some of these include Fredrick
the Great the King of Prussia, Joseph the II the King of Austria who ruled with his
Mother Maria Theresa, Catherine the Great Empress of Russia, and Peter the Great.
They received input from the great philosophers such as Voltaire. These people made
the first attempt to allow people to be equal and to obtain knowledge rather than stick to
a strict list of beliefs. They were more tolerant and rational when dealing with issues
pertaining to religion and speech. For example, Frederick the Great made... Show more
content on ...
They worked to make life better for their subjects by promoting religious tolerance,
decreasing wasted money, trying to stimulate the economy, and freeing serfs. The
monarchs reduced powers of nobility by legal reform but nobles rebelled which led to
a fight with serfs. At this point, Catherine gave the nobles more power over their serfs
to avoid this violence so this change was not successful. Joseph II created freedom of
the press and theatre. Joseph II made multiple changes to improve the life of his
subjects but once he died the new emperor changed many of them back to the old way.
Leopold II was hungry for power and the nobles did not like the change in their social
status. By improving the life of their subjects, the Enlightenment leaders believed they
would become stronger monarchs and their states would grow more powerful. These
leaders also worked toward a more practical taxation method. The states would benefit
by more people adding to the economy. By increasing trade, industry, and agricultural
crops the economy would grow. Most importantly they believed in individuals owning
property, which I believe made the greatest difference in improving the economy. By
growing the middle class, they hoped to increase trade. Wars are expensive and the
monarchs needed to grow their military s and an increase of wealth would help to do so.
In all honesty, their goals were selfish because in
Theme Of Fate In The Odyssey
There are usually many themes to be considered in older text, immeasurably more so in
ancient Greek texts. Literature during that time was built around lessons or morals and
was meant to instill ideals into the listener or reader.The works of Homer are no
exception to this standard so extensively neither is the Odyssey. The Odyssey has many
themes that mirror throughout most Greek texts but none is more prevalent than the
concept of fate, that one has an inescapable destiny set forth by God(s). One of the major
themes that is found throughout Homers works including the Odyssey is fate; which is
supported by the character dialogue and Intervention of the gods in the stories, as well as
the religion in the authors period and location.

The first way to analyze the theme of fate in the Odyssey is by analyzing the character
dialogue. Characters in most ancient Greek literature had a sense of submission to their
gods and often lamented their subjugation to the gods will and often summed up
fortuitous ... Show more content on ...
Not only is the theme supported by the story but also by the mindset of the people of
that time period. The works reflected the beliefs of the people and therefore it reveals
that not only the beliefs of the fictional characters but also of the living people of the
time, and their belief in fate and god predetermined destiny. Without the actual morals
existing at the time it would not be a prevalent theme in their stories and lore.

In conclusion, one of the largest themes in the Odyssey is fate. Fate is supported by
the dialogue of characters which show their belief in it. The actions and speeches of
the gods do control the fates of men to a degree. Above all else though, fate in the
Odyssey is subject to the religion culture and beliefs of the ancient Greeks. It is the
reverance and honoring of their peoples morals and beliefs which kept fate and all of the
other themes found in Greek mythology popular to this
Personal Statement On Identity And Personality
Identity is very significant in one s life. Every person in this life goes through a phase
of self assessment that involves trying to identify the different elements that compose
one s identity and personality, which can be perceived as an ultimate personal quest to
answer the question who am I? Many cultures have rituals that provide the foundation
for self development of the individual and provide a pathway that guides the individual
to the answers he or she is looking for. Since my birth, I belong to certain Community or
Social Groups which can influence my identity and personality. The first was my
nationality and family. I have been born in India and I belong to Hindu Cultureand
Religion group. I had been given my name Harshit by my aunt which means One who
gives happiness or Joyful or Happy . I represent my Identity by showing my group which
I belong to and how the group affects my personality. When I came to the United States
for my further undergraduate studies, I joined classes, sports clubs and university clubs.
These activities were part of my college curriculum. Overall, now I belong to multiple
Social Groups such as my family, my classes, Hindu culture and religion, universities
clubs, community groups and sports club. Within these groups, I have acquired good
knowledge and have completely changed my conduct, how to get involved in social life
and how to communicate effectively and fluently in English.
The First and most significant group in my life is my
Monster Energy Executive Summary
Background Monster Beverage Corporation (MC) is a California based company that
manufactures energy drinks, sodas, and juices. The company, formerly named Hansen
Natural Corporation, was founded in 1990 and sells beverages in over 200 countries.
MC launched the Monster Energy brand in 2002 in an attempt to compete with Red
Bull. The Monster Energy brand consists of over 30 beverages that range from lemonade
flavored to those that are enhanced with protein. Since its launch, the Monster Energy
brand has become one of the largest energy drinkproducts in the US.

1.2. Sales MC set record annual sales by grossing $2,827.1 million in 2014. Monster
Energy drinks were responsible for the vast majority of these sales, $2,649.3 million to ...
Show more content on ...
I believe their future will depend on meeting consumer preferences, revisions in
regulations, and international business. The energy drink industry is subject to changing
consumer tastes that may negatively affect Monster if they do not meet demand.
Increases in consumer awareness of the dangers of energy consumption will continue to
represent a challenge. Legislation has already been proposed to restrict the sale of energy
drinks, limit caffeine content in beverages, impose additional taxes, limit product sizes,
and impose age restrictions for the sale of energy drinks (Monster Beverage
Corporation, 2015). Monster Energy will continue to broaden their line with an
increased selection of organic, diet, light, and low calorie drinks. Opportunities in the
international market also exist for Monster Energy. Red Bull dominates the international
market, but I expect Monster to present a challenge due to their recent partnership with
Coca Cola. This partnership will allow them to utilize Coca Cola s extensive
distribution network. Coca Cola transferred their NOS and Full Throttle energy drink
brands to Monster Energy also, so now the company will have a greater share of the
market. Although Red Bull is the leader in the energy drink market, Monster has the
greatest drive and consumer following. I think they will be the number one selling energy
Condumetric and Gravemetric Lab Report Essay
Conductimetric Titration and Gravimetric Determination of a Precipitate
* Measure the conductivity of the reaction between sulfuric acid and barium hydroxide *
use conductivity values to determine equivalence point * measure mass of a product to
determine equivalence point gravimetrically * calculate molar concentration of barium
hydroxide solution
* First, combine 10.0 mL of the Ba(OH)2 solution with 50 mL of distilled water. Then,
measure out 60 mL of 0.100 M H2SO4. Set up a conductivity probe and open programs
by connecting to logger pro. After that, start to titrate with increments of 1.0 mL. Keep
titrating with smaller increments until it is pretty close to the 100 microsiemens/cm mark.
... Show more content on ...
The reactant ions reacted and decreased as more product formed. By measuring the
conductivity throughout, the equivalence point was determined. With the equivalence
point and the stoichiometric relationship, the molarity of barium hydroxide can be
determined. Another way to calculate the molar concentration of barium hydroxide
would be to calculate the number of moles of the insoluble barium sulfate by gravimetric
Data Analysis: 1. 7.6 10 4 mol H2SO4 2. 0.076 M Ba(OH)2 3. 0.0008351 mol BaSO4
4. 0.0835 M Ba(OH)2 5. Equivalence Point: 24% error, Gravimetric determination: 17%
error. The gravimetric determination was more accurate because an exact amount of
precipitate was formed.
In this lab an attempt was made to determine the concentration of a Ba(OH)2 solution
by using the conductimetrically determined equivalence point of the reaction between
Ba(OH)2 and H2SO4 and by gravimetric determination. The molarity using the
equivalence point was determined to be 0.076 M, with a percent error of 24% (actual
value was 0.100 M). The molarity using gravimetric determination was 0.0835, an error
of 17%. One possible error is the presence of bubbles in the buret. Bubbles would have
caused the buret reading to be too high, resulting in a larger equivalence point. Another
possible error deals with the colloidal nature of barium hydroxide due to its relatively
low solubility. The colloidal barium hydroxide would make it
Dr. Ben Carson As A Leader Of A Nation
As the United States prepares for the coming presidential race in 2016, circumstances
throw into question which qualities a candidate should possess in order to be
successful and make a positive impact on the nation. Looking into the past, one can
surmise that the best leaders must be brave, and filled with indomitable courage,
compassion, and hope. The president is one leading millions and making key decisions
which have enormous ramifications. As the leader of a nation, he or she speaks out in
times of joy and crisis, setting the tone for the entire government body. Dr. Ben Carson
is a candidate with unusual roots that are far removed from the usual candidate s
political or military experience. Carson grew up as a poor, African... Show more content
on ...
Carson went so far as to exclaim in his own autobiography that, For whatever reason,
the God of the universe, the God who holds galaxies in His hands, had seen a reason to
reach down to a campus room on Planet Earth and send a dream to a discouraged
ghetto kid who wanted to become a doctor (taleoftwocarsons), If Ben Carson were to
read The Autobiography of Malcolm X, it could reconnect him with his past, his
community, and a shared struggle that has led to a shared strength. Malcolm X is the
pinnacle example of a man from humble beginnings finding himself, his connection to
others, and his voice. His humility made him authentic, meaningful, and resonant with
society at large. The Autobiography of Malcolm X has been in continuous publication
since its first edition was printed in 1965. Not only a canonized text of Malcolm X s
story, it also contains such an important perspective on the history of inequality. In
fact, it has been required reading in public schools for decades. The New York Times
called the book, Extrordinary. A brilliant, painful, important book (X). Spike Lee,
American director who directed the film Malcolm X, Praised the autobiography as, The
most important book I ll ever read. It changed the way I thought; it changed the way I
acted. It has given me the courage that I didn t know I had inside me.
The Definition Of Time
If people were to hear the number 3,600, some would note that it is large, while others
would say the number is small. It is all comparative; it depends on the person, depends
on the number, depends on the unit that number is in. In tangible objects, 3,600
lightbulbs is enough to light the homes in a neighborhood, and many would agree that it
is large. In grains of sand, it s not even enough to form a zen garden. But 3,600
represents the number of seconds in an hour, a timeframe in which people can take as a
short or long amount of time. Isn t it fascinating how a number as large as 3,600 can be
synonymous with a number as small as one?
One hour; thirty six thousand seconds. That s the time most people use to catch up on
the latest ... Show more content on ...
The X s placed on the calendar symbolize the countdown of each passing day. When
those X s fill a page on the calendar, a month has gone by and before you know it, the
year has passed. Perhaps this is why calendars are always adorned with beautiful
photography or adorable photos of puppies; to soften the blow and distract from the
idea that life is passing by. It seems so strange that days are constantly passing and with
the celebration of every birthday, we are truly celebrating another year closer to the
eminent end of our lives.
With that idea looming on the mind, I wonder, why do humans let something as
artificial as time hold them back and control their whole life? Humans created time.
They transformed the concept of the Earth orbiting the Sun into a tangible tick on a
clock. It is possible to physically watch time pass down to the second: to watch the
seconds of our lives fleeting. Time is merely a concept that has become a do all end all.
If we know that life could simply end at any minute, why is it that we are always waiting
for the right moment ?
People miss so many opportunities waiting for the right moments . They wait for a
certain feeling, like the earth will somehow send them a sign telling them to take a
chance. Opportunities cannot just spell themselves out. People have to decide for
themselves when to take a chance,
Comparing Scarface 1932 And Scarface 1983
Remakes of films are a common occurrence. Sometimes remakes are incredible and
introduce a generation to great films of the past, however, sometimes they aim too
high and miss the mark completely. Scarface 1932 and Scarface 1983 is a great example
of the latter. Scarface 1932 was the first of its kind in many respects while Scarface1983
fell short. While at the core of both of these films they are the same, there are a few
small plot discrepancies, but the message of the rise and fall of a man is identical.
Visually these films are nothing alike. Beyond the obvious use of color in the 1983 film,
the lighting, spacing, and camera work are all different. Scarface1932 was revolutionary
in its use of low key lighting while Scarface 1983 followed typical lighting
conventions. The use of symbolism in Scarface 1932 was an added layer of
complexity to the film that Scarface 1983 did not have. One thing both films did face
quite extensively was censorship. Each film had to be heavily altered in some way in
order for the public to view them. While neither film was truly in the production code
era each film felt the effects regardless. On its own Scarface 1983 is not a bad film, but
when compared to Scarface 1932 it pales in comparison. When one looks into why
remakes occur so frequently, the answer that is found is nostalgia. Gangster films stem
from nostalgia much like westerns do however in both examples neither one is at all an
accurate depiction of the time period. Many
Taking a Look at the Internet of Things (IoT)
Recently, the concept of the Internet as a set of connected computer devices is changed
to a set of connected surrounding things of human s living space, such as home
appliances, machines, transportation, business storage, and goods etc. The number of
things in the living space is larger than the number of world population. Research is going
on how to make these things to communicate with each other like computer devices
communicate through Internet. The communication among these things is referred as
Internet of Things (IoT). Till now, there is no specific definition or standard architecture
of IoT. Some researchers define the IoT as a new model that contains all of wireless
communication technologies such as wireless sensor networks, mobile networks, and
actuators. Each element of IoT is called a thing and should have a unique address. Things
communicate using the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology and work in
harmony to reach a common goal. In addition, the IoT should contain a strategy to
determine its users and their privileges and restrictions.
Smart connectivity with existing networks and context aware computation using network
resources is an indispensable part of IoT. With the growing presence of WiFi and 4G
LTE wireless Inter net access, the evolution towards ubiquitous information and
communication networks is already evident. However, for the Internet of Things vision
to successfully emerge, the computing paradigm will need to go
Philip II And Peter The Great Of Russia
Saige Gitlin
Philip II and Peter the Great Philip II of Spain (1527 1598) and Peter the Great of
Russia (1672 1725) are both historic leaders that had a tremendous influence over the fate
of each of their nations. Although from two different time periods, the impact of their
decision making, and temperaments directly dictated and impacted the historical events
of their individual countries. Being that both led during a time where the desire for
power and absolutism in one s country and throughout Europe was at a high, each ruler
used his own methods to increase their strength. Due to the exorbitant amount of power
put upon all leaders, it is clear that a nation s fate is determined by its ruler, and how that
ruler chooses to utilize ... Show more content on ...
In addition to suppressing their revolts, Peter successfully undermined the lifestyle of the
boyars, without losing their commitment to the state. He accomplished this with his
establishment of the Table of Ranks, which designated the boyars specific roles in
either the bureaucracy or military, making them workers of the state. These necessary
steps allowed Russia to build a new, strong military force, and a powerful centralized
government. With increasing military strength, Peter the Great initiated the organization
of his new navy. A strong navy, which Russia previously lacked, was essential to the
state, due to the absence of warm water ports. While water does surround Russia, it is
frozen over for the majority of the year, which made trade relatively impossible at the
time. Therefore, capturing other warm water ports was a necessary step to increase
Russian power. This necessity led to conflicts with both the Ottoman Empire, and the
Swedish, who blocked Russia from the ports they desired. The strong navy that Peter
developed, known as the Baltic fleet, had early successes in capturing Ottoman ports
such as Azov; however, its main target was the Swedish who controlled Baltic Sea. The
Swedish King at the time Charles XII, fought against Peter in the Great Northern War for
these ports. In the battle of Poltava, Peter s well trained fleet successfully crushed the
Swedish; and the Russian
Importance Of Love In Lulie s Dan In Real Life...
Fall in Love whenever you can

If there s just one piece of advice I can give you, it s this: when there s something you
really want, fight for it, don t give up no matter how hopeless it seems. And when you
ve lost hope, ask yourself if in 10 years from now, you re gonna wish you gave it just one
more shot, because the best things in life don t come free, (Meredith Grey). Now love is a
powerful thing, but the ability to allow yourself to welcome it into your heart, is
impressive as it can question your values and blind you from reality; but it also can
bring out the person we wish to become. Love is beautifully complicated in all its glory.

In Dan in real life and Paradise Cafe Love is expressed as a powerful emotion, emotional
and physical. Dan probably thought that after the death of his wife, nobody would
ever be able to make him feel that way again. On a journey to get lost and find himself,
he fell in love with a complete stranger. They sat for hours, talking about anything and
everything, finding safety and comfort in sharing tales of their lives with one another,
with no fear of judgment or repercussions or commitment. He fell in love with her the
moment he laid eyes on her. In Paradise Cafe , Lulie describes love in a physical
manner, it electrifies. Graham was her first love, before him, she had never felt that way
before. It consumed every nerve and rushed through her hand and straightened to her
heart. It must ve been exciting for her to be able to put a
Themes Through Out Hawthorn. The Literary Works Of
Themes Through Out Hawthorn
The literary works of Nathaniel Hawthorne are essentials in a comprehensive study of
American literature. Nathaniel Hawthorne, a sixth generation American was born in
Salem, Mass., on July 4, 1804. Hawthorne had an ancestor who was one of the three
judges at the 17th century Salem witchcraft trials. His Massachusetts family declined into
relative obscurity over the generations, both facts impacted his life, imagination and
writings. ( Nathaniel Hawthorne. Columbia Encyclopedia) Two of Hawthorne s short
stories The Birthmark and Rappaccini s Daughter demonstrate a common themes of
obsession, corruption, the inferior place of women and the limits of science run
throughout these Hawthorne works.
These two ... Show more content on ...
However, Beatrice has one slight imperfection a crimson birthmark on her check. The
birthmark is small and delicate, Georgiana s lovers were wont to say that some fairy at
her birth hour had laid her tiny hand upon the infant s cheek, and left this impress there in
token of the magic endowments that were to give her such sway over all hearts
(Hawthorne, 2013). As state by Hawthorne Alymer become obsessed with the birthmark,
He actually hates it more than he loves Georgiana Since the birthmark blemishes his ideal
conception of her, he must eradicate it. (Hawthorne, 2013).
I am convince of the perfect practicality of its removal Alymer convinces his
Georgiana, and she agrees to the removal of birthmark. Alymer enthusiastically,
ignoring warning begins preparations for the removal experiment, telling his wife do
not doubt my power eagerly. With multiple warnings and failed attempts, knowing
there was a danger, even when Georgiana says she would drink poison from his hands
and is ready to die he continues to urge her to drink the elixir he concocted. Eventually,
elixir does work and the birthmark fades and Georgiana s life fades with it. Aylmer
succeeds in his scientific experiment of eradicating the birthmark, but kills his wife in the
The Beatrice in Rappaccini s Daughter is compare to the garden s flowers. The
My Semester Of Learning For Msmit Degree At Sul Livan...
Courses I Am Taking This Quarter
I am Pavan Nidamanuru. This is my first semester of learning for MSMIT degree at Sul
livan University. I have enrolled in two courses this Semester. First course is CSC560X
Elec tronic Commerce and Intranet Development , which is a fully online course being
taught by Professor Dr. Emmanuel Amadi. This course mainly teaches about how
businesses can be done over internet or online. Second course is MGT510Z Managerial
Communication Skills , which is a hybrid course being taught by Professor Dr. Mohamed
Abualhaija. This course re quires in class presence 3 times during the semester. This
course mainly teaches different strategies to enhance the communication skills of an
individual. Hynes (2005) stated effective business communication is the key to planning,
leading, organizing, and controlling the re sources of the organizations to achieve
objectives, and may be formal or informal in nature.
Applying Learning from Course #1 to My Workplace
Some of the ideas and techniques I learnt from CSC560X Electronic Commerce and
Intranet Development were applied to my Company Kaagaz . I would like to share one
example here.
I own a corporate gifting company by name Kaagaz which is a startup, located in
Bangalore city of India. It is a very small company which was known only to few locals
3 months back. As I started learning E commerce course, I understood how important a
website is for marketing a company. It is stated that the two main objectives

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