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Academic Strengths And Weaknesses Essay

Writing an essay on the subject of "Academic Strengths and Weaknesses" can be quite challenging. It
requires a deep introspection into one's academic journey, assessing personal accomplishments, areas
of improvement, and the factors contributing to both.

Firstly, identifying and articulating one's strengths can be a daunting task, as it necessitates a humble
yet honest reflection on achievements, skills, and attributes that have contributed positively to
academic success. This involves self-awareness and the ability to objectively evaluate one's
performance, which can sometimes be clouded by personal biases or modesty.

On the other hand, discussing weaknesses requires a level of vulnerability and openness to
acknowledging areas where improvement is needed. It demands a critical examination of academic
struggles, obstacles faced, and habits or behaviors that may hinder progress. Admitting to
weaknesses can be uncomfortable and challenging, as it requires confronting shortcomings and
accepting responsibility for them.

Moreover, striking the right balance between highlighting strengths and addressing weaknesses is
crucial. The essay should not come across as boastful or overly self-critical but rather as a sincere
reflection aimed at self-improvement and growth.

Additionally, structuring the essay effectively to convey these reflections in a coherent and engaging
manner adds another layer of difficulty. It requires organizing thoughts logically, providing specific
examples to support claims, and maintaining a clear focus throughout the essay.

Overall, writing an essay on "Academic Strengths and Weaknesses" demands introspection, self-
awareness, humility, and effective communication skills. It challenges individuals to reflect on their
academic journey, identify areas of growth, and articulate their experiences in a meaningful way.

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Academic Strengths And Weaknesses Essay Academic Strengths And Weaknesses Essay
Police Officer Probation Officer
How does the ability to conduct legal searches differ between the police officer,
probation officer, and corrections officer in the performance of their duties? There are
vast and simiular reasons that all of these officers have to conduct legal searches.
For police officers as we learned in several chapters, there are issues that come with their
abilities to conduct legal searches, for example a police officer cannot just approach
someone on their front porch and demand to enter their home to search for illegal
substances or arms etc. However, if one was driving by your home and seen you in
your garage with what appeared to be a meth lab or marijuana grow operation then they
can stop to search as it would be a duty of theirs to protect the community. A search
where one person would feel that they have a reasonable expectation of privacy cannot
happen without a warrant. The police officers job abilities can ... Show more content on ...
They are able to make sure that you are not arround other people whom are convicted
of crimes and they are able to establish guidelines on where they may be at certain
times as well, most of the times this is ordered by the courts as part of their conditional
release but it is only the ability of the probation and parole officers legal positions that
they are able to enforce this. In their duties they do not have to observe the reasonable
expectation of privacy nor obtain a warrant they may enter your home and vehicle
search at any time.. A parole/probation officers responsibilities also help in issues where
the police get re involved in a case or where the courts are now moving forward with a
violation of an offender. A good example of collaboration with interagencies would be
when they are consistently caught with drugs any communication of this to prison/jail
officers and or police will allow for them to be aware and looking out for continued
violation or
Wizard Of Oz Analysis Essay
Wizard of Oz Analysis Scene: This scene in the film comes just after the house has
been picked up in the twister. Dorothy s house has been lifted up into the sky and
suddenly dropped back down to earth in the middle of the Land of Oz. In the scene
itself, Dorothy leaves her home to see that she is Not in Kansas anymore, and finds the
new and amazing world of the munchkin city in front of her. She also meets Gwendela
the good witch as her journey in Oz begins. Shot 1: Wide shot. View behind Dorothy in
black and white. Dorothy opens the door to the color world of Oz. She steps out into Oz
and stops. Straight on shot, camera moves into Oz first through the door, followed by
Dorothy appearing again in the foreground. Light... Show more content on ...
Shot 6: Wide shot. Dorothy is in the center of the frame with Toto in her arms. Puts
Toto down as a mysterious glowing orb far in the distance slowly hovers down, getting
larger in size as it approaches. Dorothy backs up out of the frame as the orb takes up
the entire shot. Gwendela the good witch appears instantly. Straight on shot, no
camera movement. Music is more haunting, eerie, and mysterious to represent the orb
floating down. Shot 7: Close up. Dorothy scared, nervous, and confused by this person.
Tight head shot. Straight on camera shot, no movement. Music still constant. Shot 8:
Wide shot. Good witch Gwendela walks toward Dorothy to talk to her. From right to
left she goes toward Dorothy. Camera is straight on, and then follows Gwendela to
Dorothy, then makes a close up on the two of them for a close, but not too tight two
shot. No sound heard at all other than their dialogue. Conclusion: I thought that what
was most interesting about the scene was how the director introduced us the viewer to
the world of Oz. This is a very important scene in the movie because it is the first time
we are seeing this magical place. It is important that we as the viewer find it to be just
as amazing and awe inspiring as Dorothy does when she walks into it for the first time.
We are supposed to identify with Dorothy here as she walks out of her home and into
Munchkin city to see this new world she has fallen
Immigrant Immigrants
Should Immigrants Assimilate or Not?

We all come from different places and ethnicities, and because of having a dream,
people fled away from their home to seek for something to make their life better. Going
to a country like United States, is not only a dream but also, an opportunity because
many people think that America is the best place to settle in, where work, and education
are an easy access. Though this statement is partly true, it is not that easy. Everyone
envied because America is a great nation because it s a country of opportunity, but a part
of it also is a mixture of feelings that are hard to explain especially if you are
immigrant. Every day in your life, you are fighting for something in order to fit in and
survive. However, in the process of fitting in or blending to a certain place, people, and
culture, it requires a lot of personal choices and a lot of effort as an immigrant. It does
not only affect you as a human, but also it draws a lot of attention, conflicts and tension
between the government and community. Most immigrants have a harder time to adjust
or assimilate even though they speak fluent English and eat American foods. Whenever
you see a person of white complexion, people assumed that blue eyes and blonde hair
are the characteristics of an American, though these are how we perceived American
long time ago, this are still the standards of a few now and doesn t make a big change
at all. The judgement of how a person look physically and how they
Film Critique Of Spike Lee s Malcolm X
Isabella Pirl
Malcolm X
Spike Lee
Film Critique 3
Spike Lee s Malcolm X celebrates an American life that began in sorrow and bottomed
out in prison before the hero reinvented himself. Watching the film, I understood more
clearly that people really do have the power to change their own lives, how fate does
not deal all of the cards, and that we have strength within us to be the change that the
world needs we don t always have to rely on a hero to come along, we can be that hero
ourselves.. The film is both inspirational and educational while also very entertaining,
something movies must be before they can be anything else.
The hero was born Malcolm Little. Malcolm became a minister later in his life, but
first he had to go through a series of identities and conversions and hard lessons of life.
He became a victim of violence. He was the brightest student in his classes but was
steered away from any significant career choices by white teachers who told him that, as
a Negro, he should look for something where he could work with his hands. In Harlem,
he became a small time gangster.
During that stage of his life, in the late 1940s, he was known as Detroit Red, and ran
with a fast crowd among this crowd were some white women who were there for
burglaries and sexual pleasure. Malcolm was sentenced to prison one ... Show more
content on ...
The movie gains force as it moves along; the beginning scenes portraying his early life
could have come from the lives of many men, but the later scenes show a great hero
coming into focus. Denzel Washington did an incredible job in a performance of
enormous breadth. He never seemed to be trying for an effect, and yet he was always
so convincing and natural. He was as persuasive early in the film, wearing a bright red
velvet zoot suit and prowling Harlem nightclubs, as later, disappearing into a group of
pilgrims to
Shake Shack Case
Market research denotes a systematic and an objective collection as well as analysis of
data regarding a certain target market. This is inclusive of the level of competition and
the environment. Market research plays a significant role in gaining an increased
understanding of the issue under scrutiny. The importance of market researchwhen
implementing a new business strategy cannot be ignored. This is particularly important if
a business wants to establish new operating locations as a diversification strategy.
Therefore, it is important that when implementing the geographical expansion plan,
Shake Shack should conduct effective research. Effective market research needs to be
grounded on such factors such as the geographical location of the new operational area,
population and target consumers.
Geographical Location
California forms one of the states in the United States where eating drinking joints are
doing well. In addition, the competition for the high level income people has become
quite intense due to the attractiveness of the market. California was ... Show more content
on ...
Each branch can be assigned the customers in their particular region so as to create
long standing relationships to increase efficiency and productivity. Notably, the major
target for Shake Shack is the high income individuals that live and shop around the
urban centers. Shake Shack will particularly focus on individuals whose income level
exceeds 60,000 dollars. The family income in California in the year 2014 was $71,015
which reflects a good income level. On the other hand, the target market comprises of
98% of persons living in the urban areas. These are the major consumers since they are
normally ready to spend money of good dining. Notably, California is the second most
crowded in the Western Hemisphere making it a suitable market. It had a population of
39.1 million as at December
The Role Of Education In Waiting For Superman
One of Superman s famous quotes is, [The symbol] is not an S, on my world it means
hope. Hope represents the foundation on which children and adults cling to day by day.
People all across America wait for Superman to save them from the evils in their lives.
For the children highlighted in the documentary Waiting for Superman, hope is the only
thing driving them to achieve a commendable educationin today s failing school system.
Davis Guggenheim, an American film and tv director, produced this documentary in
hopes of eliciting a worried response for the future of education in the United States. He
reflects the individual struggles of students as well as a general view of the education
system through animations and the overall structure of the documentary. Guggenheim
urges the audience to notice the system s detrimental aspects and take action in order to
save our prospective students.
Animation: a dynamic visual medium produced from static drawings, models, or objects
posed in a series of incremental movements that are then rapidly sequenced to give the
illusion of lifelike motion. Within the documentary, Guggenheim portrays clips of
animation, specifically during moments when a great amount of facts and statistics are
presented. These clips are included within the film to break up the scenes of real life
footage. For example, Guggenheim uses hand drawn images to make the claim that it is
less expensive to send students to private schools than it is to pay for inmates at
Lord Chesterfield Letter To His Son Analysis
Lord Chesterfield express his values in an effort to guide his son throughout this letter
of advice. Chesterfield uses this letter to help his son understand all of his concerns
and how he is so disappointed in how his son turned out. He wants his son to be the
best and excel in everything he puts his mind to.Lord Chesterfield uses diction and
pathos to reveal that he values compliance and success. Lord Chesterfield selects the
most cacophonous diction to reveal how he values compliance.He reminds his son that
he has authority by saying Dear Boy . This already makes the son feel powerless and his
father is more dominant. This shows how Chesterfield values compliance because the
word choice boy emphasizes that Lord Chesterfield
Negative Effects Of Photoshop On Teens
The Effects of Photoshop on Teens
To stop the negative impact of Photoshop on teenagers, photographers should only use
Photoshop for the good of photography and not to give false images of the social norm.
In opposition, many would state that Photoshop provides beauty and promotes
financial in marketing. The primary objective is to get money for false looks.
American culture is highly obsessed with beauty. Everywhere you go there are
advertisements and misleading images. Whether it s for models or food alterations
are used to sell the image. Models appearances on these photos are admired and sought
after from the society. Jessica Walker stated in an interview I do not think Photoshop
is bad I use it to make my photos better, but I don t like what people use it for...The user
and its intentions are bad not the program itself (Walker). The issue is defined as the
images being presented giving a false perception. These photos have been tampered with
by professionals, in which they think that their model is what society wants to see. Both
genders are being affected by the medias view of body image. However, women and
teenagers changed the most. Teenage girls have continuously been presented with images
that they are supposed to look like, which is unrealistic images. Photoshop causes some
teens to have self esteem issues and many other disorders.
In opposition, many would state that Photoshop gives beauty and promotes financial in
marketing. America is surrounded by money. For instance, studies show that America s
primary export is entertainment, while other countries exports include textile, spices,
etc. In opposition, many other countries are putting a stop to the false advertisement of
models. For example, France has proposed a bill asking editors to put a health warning
on ads or photos that have been retouched, so that women know that their bodies can
no look that way. Editors of magazines portray their models as being thin, young, and
full faced, which are from technology, not the actual model. For example, when Meghan
Trainor appeared on a past cover of a magazine, she seemed to have a bigger hip than
usual. She then took this issue to the media and put the actual picture side by side. Many
Animal Gas Exchange Lab Report
All living things need to respire in order to survive, this is necessary for energy and
this is called Gas exchange. This is the exchange of different gases oxygen (Oв‚‚) and
carbon dioxide (COв‚‚). During respiration oxygen is diffused into the cells of the
organism and carbon dioxide is the waste product. However there is a form of
respiration called anaerobic respiration where the oxygenis not used but the waste
product is still carbon dioxide. If respiration did not occur the blood would not be
oxygenated therefore energy wouldn t be able to change the state of the cells to enable
life processes.

In this report I will be covering the adaptations of animal gas exchange across three
taxonomic groups (mammals, fish and worms) and how their ... Show more content on ...
They have hair on their bodies and the females have mammary glands to produce milk in
order to feed their offspring.

Humans are an example of a mammal, their fundamental niche is relative to the human
s personal tolerances, whereas their ecological niche varies from the harshest to the
most tolerable climates and conditions as technology is forever developing and it
allows us to live in many different places. Humans are unlike any mammal in this
sense. We live predominantly on land and interact with many living organisms such as
plants and other animals whether that be for pets or for food, as Humans are active
they need a lot of energy and their bodies need to be efficient in gas exchange in order
to carry out life processes. Gas exchange happens as the diaphragm contracts pushing the
rips up and out creating more space in the lungs with a pressure difference. Then the air
which is high in oxygen and low in carbon dioxide is sucked in through either the mouth
or nasal cavity. It goes to the pharynx (throat) then passes through the larynx (voice box).
It then pases through the trachea which is held open
Cultural Imperialism In Chile
Imperialism is commonly defined as the policy of extending the rule or authority empire
or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies and dependencies.
Therefore, one can assume, cultural imperialism can be defined as the promoting of the
culture or language of one nation within another. Mass media incredibly influences how
countries are seen by other parts of the world. It allows for what Under the government of
Salvador Allende Gossens, Chile was undergoing a revolutionary transformation. Chile
attempted to break out of its economic and cultural reliance on the United States, and part
of this process included critiquing the propaganda and mass media exported by the
United States to the third world.
Best Waffles Research Paper
Best Waffles Ever
These waffles are everything I want a waffle to be, and tons of my blog readers say the
same. They are perfectly crisp on the outside and fluffy on the inside. These waffles
are made with oat flour, which you can easily make yourself (see Note). Oat flour lends a
lightly creamy texture to the interiors of the waffles, and confers all of the health
benefits of oats as well. This recipe yields a modest number of waffles (perfect for two
servings), so double it if you re serving a family. MAKES THREE 7 INCH ROUND
1ВЅ cups oat flour*
2 teaspoons baking powder
ВЅ teaspoon fine sea salt
Pinch of ground cinnamon
Вѕ cup milk of choice
5 tablespoons coconut oil or unsalted butter, melted
A Report On The Mobile Clinic
The mobile unit itself must be equipped with one or more dental chair and an x ray
machine and a self contained Piezo scaler. There are two options. The first is a fully
functioning readymade dental clinic. These units can cost up to $300,000. They are
completely self contained and ready to begin service once delivered. The alternative
are portable clinics that pack up into a van, are unloaded at the secondary site and then
broken down with this use. (Mobile Dental Clinics, 2005) One is shown in figure 1.
Even though the dental clinic is more tedious, it is an affordable option, it allows for
the more patients to be seen with more chairs and allows customers to use building
facilities as needed. Therefore, the mobile clinic will use this option. Business hours
will be from 8 pm to 8 pm with hours 5 8 devoted to preparing for the next day. Walk
ins will only be accepted on specific day, when the mobile clinic is open for free
services to those who are in need. The cost of the dental van and this basic equipment.
6.3Legal Environment The laws that lay out the requirements in order to practice as a
dentist in New York City are found in Title 8, Article 133, Section 6604 of New York
State Education Law and Part 61 of the Commissioner s Regulations. In general, a dentist
will have to pay the fee of $377, meet the degree requirements, have completed the
residency requirements, pass parts I and II of the National Board Dental examination.
Additionally, legal requirements
Tomorrow When the War Began- John Marsden Essay
Tomorrow when the war began John Marsden Novel essay. Tomorrow When The War
Began by John Marsden, is a novel of survival, friendship, love and war. He uses many
language techniques (e.g. simile, metaphor, personification, oxymoron, irony, symbol,
allusion etc.) to get across to the reader the importance of each of the themes discussed.
He also uses these techniques to set the mood in each chapter and to help emphasise
each major point in the novel. We ve learnt a lot and had to figure out what s important
what matters, what really matters. Ellie Survival in Tomorrow When The War Began is
a very important issue. The whole novel is about Ellie and friends learning to become
independent and to fend for themselves in a world... Show more content on ...
They must go through a series of challenges to get from point A to point B by stealing
vehicles and food. When Ellie and Robyn pick up Lee from his restaurant they have to
kill soldiers to get away. Same as when Ellie, Kevin and Corrie blow up the
lawnmower, they also blow up soldiers in order to stay safe for a little while.
Friendship is another major theme in the novel, John Marsden uses this theme to
overlap with other issues like survival and war. The characters of the novel all depend
on those around them for help and support in everything they do. Friendship provides
people with strength, hope and love, and all these things help a person overcome
tragedies, death, and moments when it seems life isn t worth living. An example
from the novel would be when Corrie s house is blown up, she is devastated and it is
only with the support of the others that she can continue. A real life issue about
friendship/love and survival would be the incident with the Beaconsfield miners. The
miners were sure they would die, but with the thought in there heads of family and
friends outside waiting for there arrival, they continued on battling for there lives,
relying only on the support of loved ones. When Lee was shot in the leg by soldiers,
Robyn carried Lee over her shoulder until it was safe enough to treat the wound. Robyn
overcame her fear of blood and cuts, to save Lee from infection and disease. John
Marsden uses techniques like first person
A Genealogy Of Modern Racism Analysis
Power can be displayed through architecture in a wide array of forms i.e. wealth, class,
cleanliness, and structure. Power is described in many ways and portrayed by others
differently based from experiences. In regards to architecture, my definition of power is
described through overall structure and the vibe of the building. When returning to
downtown Tucson, I went to the building which I thought portrayed this power, was The
Cadence apartments. During my return trip to downtown Tucson I visited my favorite
place and the one which I felt held the most power. The Cadence apartment gives anyone
who enters it the feel of a five star hotel. The apartments gave the ambience of upper
class with its constant cleaning crew working to keep it in prestige condition and
multiple amenities only the nicest and most powerful of places would possess. When
entering, you are welcomed to a long all white hallway with multiple fireplaces and flat
screen televisions. The all white building gives the impression of a sleek and clean
upper class building. After continuing down the hall, you are greeted by a fully equipped
gym and a large pool and hot tub. Overall, with grand sweeping hallways, five star
amenities, and classy atmosphere, The Cadence possesses much of the attributions that
lead a building to be architecturally powerful.... Show more content on ...
A main point in this reading is that power is created through people s beliefs and
physical characteristics. This reading ties this power to white supremacy which holds the
most power over other cultures because of people s belief of white colored skin holding
the most power. Other physical characteristics can be portrayed through architecture as
well. These physical characteristics can be portrayed through architecture through color,
such as white being sleek and expensive, and structure, having tall and big being most
A Brief History of Guitar Music and Composers
Luis Milan lived from 1500 to 1561 in Valencia, Spain. He was a Spanish renaissance
composer who was the first composer to write and publish music for the vihuela.
In 1536, Milan published a book entitled Libro de MГєsica de Vihuela de Mano
Intitulado de Maestro. This book is his most famous, and is the first book in history that
consisted of vihuela music. It included many villancicos, pavanas, and over 40 fantasias.
It also included vocal pieces with accompaniment provided by the vihuela. It was
organized so that the harder pieces were towards the end of the book and the easier
ones were first. It also contained alternate passages in some of the pieces for more
advanced players.
Milan wrote various other books besides the one mentioned before. The first book that
he wrote was called El Juego de Mandar. It was published in 1535 and was a parlor
game book that also included music in it. His last written publication, El Cortesano, was
written in 1561. It did not include any music but instead was a book that described the
typical life of a professional musician at the time that he was working for the court,
which was before 1538.
Not much is known about Milan s life, except that he lived in Valencia for the majority
of his life and worked for the ducal court up until the time he began to publish music.
He dedicated his book of vihuela music to King John III of Portugal, which could mean
that he visited or lived in Portugal for a while.
Milan was not only
Argument and Persuasion Essay
Morgan O Neal

December 13, 2011

ENC1101 22

Argument and Persuasion Essay

Price for Healthy Living

Eating unhealthy foods is one of the major causes of obesity today; but should there be a
higher tax on all soft drinks and junk food? Should people be punished for eating what
they want? Yes, there are health risks involved with an unhealthy diet but is a higher
taxing on these foods the right alternative? With the price of healthcare raising maybe the
extra tax could help alleviate it, maybe not. Perhaps the higher tax will turn people away
from buying unhealthy foods and drinks. Consuming unwholesome food can lead to
clogged arteries, heart attacks and many other fatal illnesses. Buying the healthier
substitute may help our ... Show more content on ...
Obesity is not only a cosmetic problem; it is also a health hazard. People eating
themselves to sickness are a disgrace. It is a choice that many will continue to make.
Not listening to the doctor and just sneaking by on the hospital visits is not going to
be the outcome every time. People who are overweight or obese are at an increased
risk for chronic disease compared to normal weight individuals ( Weight Loss ), and
problems get extremely severe; 40 percent of overweight people are twice as likely to
die prematurely, compared to a normal weight person ( Weight Loss ). Doctors tell
patients everyday they need to change their diets and the answer is always the same I
will next time, well maybe there might not be a next time? Now that this information
is present and Americans are aware of the higher tax rule, we need to sit back and look at
our options. Can a large coke be replaced with a glass of water? Will a salad replace a
large double cheeseburger? Can I be disciplined enough to watch my diet and care about
my body? These are all questions that the society and country need to answer, before it is
to late.

Works Cited

Farkondepay, Keyana. Junk Food Tax Gains Support. Inews6 American Observer.
American Observer. 01 Nov. 2009. Web. 13 Dec. 2011.

Weight Loss: Health Risk Associated With Obesity. WebMD. WebMD. 04 Jan. 2011.
Web. 13 Dec. 2011.

Rheuban, Jacob. Arguments For and Against

Beard Hair Transplantation Essay
Mustache hair transplantation
Some men complain from irregular hair growth in the mustache area. This is considered
a problem that affects self confidence for many of those who experience this; the
mustache is a sign of masculinity and attractiveness in men.
There are some traditional non surgical methods, in addition to some non surgical
therapeutic and medical methods to thicken the mustache, but when these methods fail,
the solution will be surgery for thickening the mustache.
Men may experience a decreased density of the mustache for several reasons, such as:
Hormonal causes or food balance disturbances that lead to hair loss from different places
of the body including the mustache area
Some genetic cases where the mustache ... Show more content on ...
Beard hair transplantation
Beard hair transplantation is the only way to solve the problem of the lack of beard hair
in men, and to fill in the gaps in the beard naturally and completely.
The surgery is performed under local anesthesia and is painless. The strong hair follicles
from the donor area at the back and sides of the head, which have the same genetic
structure as the chin hair follicles, will be used for this surgery.
The donor area will be anesthetized and the required amount of follicles will be taken
according to the size of the area needing transplanting. These follicles will be prepared
in a special sterilized environment. The specialist will make small cuts in which the
follicles will be planted respectively in the chin area.
The time required to conduct the surgery is estimated between 6 to 8 hours.
The day following the surgery is for rest, the first washing session will be after the
resting day, and then the patient will continue to take care of the planted beard according
to the instructions provided by the medical
Analysis Of saturn His Son, At The Museum Of El Prado...
I first saw this painting, Saturn Devouring His Son, at the Museum of El Prado
alongside the other Black Paintings. My initial reaction was of fear. These are artworks
that should not be simply seen in front of a computer screen. The thickness of the paint
and the careful attention to details; these are things that are missed if not seen in person.
Upon walking into the small room the first paintingthat draws the attention of visitors is
this painting. Not only is this a grotesque piece in an otherwise frightening room,
Saturn also looks like he s rather enjoying this action, and his intense glare from his
bulging eyes gives the impression as if you (the viewer) are the next target. The goal for
this essay is to show Goya s way of depicting events that have affected not only society
but him personally.

It is a mythological subject that literally shows Saturn devouring his son. Light is very
important as it focuses directly on the face of Saturn and the body of his son. It is a
blinding light that leaves the dark background with a feeling of gloominess. The
composition revolves around a single plane in which Saturn is placed devouring his
victim. The dark background marks the sense of depth. Violent motion appreciates both
his posture, and his mouth. His face reflects an expression of drama and tenebrism. The
predominant color on the drawing emphasizes the dark tones that contrast with the clarity
of the body of the victim. His deformity produces more drama in the scene.
The Hubspot Case
One of the key challenges that start ups face is the demand to grow rapidly. This will
make most the management challenges that are to some extent present in all new firms,
but if you have a lot of VC money the managerial pressure is even more fierce. The
company needs to have evidence that it will grow and acquire new customers to keep its
positive status. In Hubspot case, they had problems to keep up with sales targets and
keep the customer base growing. A customer base and growth figures are one of the main
things that are measured in start ups and much of the hype around the company is
justified by growth prospects, not profit or real financials. In Hubspot, the growth
problems were solved by setting up the traditional telemarketing function... Show more
content on ...
The critical thing to keep up the hype is to have good publicity in the press and media.
To secure that there needs to be a certain kind of professionalism in the firm to support
managers and handle PR issues. In Hubspot case, this part was a real challenge mainly
because of people related issues. Managers had a big ego (like Halligan) and the said
things in the interviews that were harmful to Hubspot. Or quite common thing is that
people do not get along. When the company is a small and possible reward is high (in
the case of IPO) some people want to secure that they are in the positive spotlight. An
example of this kind of behaviour was when PR people did not train managers to deal
with press issues and that caused a lot of pressures for the firm, especially when the
IPO was approaching (and to be fair Mr Lyons was also, with some of his Facebook
comments, ausing some problems for Hubspot imago).

Another kind of human resource management challenge can be if the founders do not
contribute fully. In Hubspot, Shah (CTO) was not very active to contribute day to day
management of the firm. This was not reported to be a big deal in Hubspot case, but in
some start ups, this kind of thing could be the real
Long John Silver In Treasure Island
He had taken me aside one day and promised me a silver fourpenny on the first of
every month if I only keep my weather eye open for a seafaring man with one leg, and
let him know the moment he appeared. Change can be positive or negative, it is
unpredictable, and it is inevitable. Silver in the book Treasure Island changes in
positive and negative ways such as standing up for Jim when the rest of the mutineers
want him dead, turning on Jim and the rest of the non mutineers, and taking off with a
sack of gold. Long John Silver from Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
changed by the forces and his identity changed because of friends such as Jim and fellow
buccaneers, the greed for the buried treasure, and the conflicts between good and... Show
more content on ...
Silver said, I ll finish with em at the island, as soon s the blunt s on board, and a pity it
is (61; ch. 11). Silver change for the worst because in the beginning Silver seemed to
be a better person. He seemed to be a better person in the beginning such as But one
look at the man before was enough. I had seen the captain, and Black Dog and the
blind man, Pew, and I thought I knew what a buccaneer was like a very different
creature, according to me, from this clean pleasant tempered landlord (43; ch. 8). At
the end of the book he was impacted for the worst by greed. Ben Gunn said, The sea
cook had not gone empty handed. He had cut through a bulkhead unobserved and had
removed one of the sacks of coin, worth, perhaps, three or four hundred guineas, to
help him on his further wanderings (194; ch. 34). Greed transformed Silver back to
his old, buccaneer, self. Silver was impacted by the conflicts between good and evil.
Thank ye kindly, doctor, says he. You came in in about the nick, I guess, for me and
Hawkins (187; ch. 33). Silver became more thankful because doctor, Gray, and Ben
Gunn saved him and Jim from the mutineers. When Jim told all the mutineers that it
was he that had found out about their plan and told Squire and doctor (156; ch. 28) it
angered them. After that Morgan got up to kill Jim because of what he did but Silver
had Jim s back (157; ch. 28). The conflicts between good and evil made him a better
Infertility Research Paper

This paper exhibits various factors that may affect fertility problems over the age of 35
including age, education, nutrition, weight, contraceptive usage and miscellaneous
reproductive concerns. The focus is to illustrate each factor and identify the effects that
are imposed on women to prohibit conception. There are several ways to explain the
increasing prevalence of infertility. The most controversial concern is the extend and/or
duration of using contraceptives. In today s society, it is typical for a woman to delay
her first pregnancy until the third decade of life which place her at risk for STD s,
uterine fibroids, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, and chronic anovulation. As a
result, research has proven that ... Show more content on ...
Many lifestyle factors such as the age at which to begin a family, nutrition, weight,
exercise, psychological stress, environmental and occupational exposures, and others can
have significant effects on fertility. lifestyle factors such as cigarette smoking, illicit
drug use, and alcohol and caffeine consumption can negatively influence fertility.
Women frequently choose to pursue a career, and wait for the stability of permanent
employment before establishing a family. According to the CDC, many women are
waiting until their 30s and 40s to have children. In fact, about 20% of women in the
United States now have their first child after age 35, and this leads to a growing cause
of fertility complications. Research has proven that approximately one third of couples
in which the woman is older than 35 years have fertility problems. Aging not only
decreases a woman s chances of having a baby but also increases her chances of
miscarriage and of having a child with a genetic
John Donne s The Good Morrow
John Donne wrote The Good Morrow was written in 1633, and it was part of John
Donne s famous Songs and Sonnets which was consider the corner stone of his career.
Donne was a very passionate writer when it came to his love poems. He was born in
London in 1572 and educated in many subjects and it showed in his poems with his
very strong imagery, puns, and paradoxes. He was considered one of the best
metaphysical writers ever. He liked to show his vast array of knowledge in many of
his works. His love poems were a little different from his later works when he became a
preacher. His earlier love poems were very passionate and dramatic it seemed to
express how extreme his youthful years were. Donne was said to be part of many
sexual rumors during his youth, and the audience he wrote could see that in his poem.
Donne s early life he was branded as an outsider and it did not really change throughout
his life; his place in society seemed to jump around all his life from passionate bachelor
to a preacher. His current status in life seemed to influence his work tremendously.
Looking at his life it tells us that youth is the part of life that the idea of love is mainly
concentrated during this time. Later in his life he seems to settle down with his ideas on
love, and his ideas of love become more subtle. Even though Donne has study the
sequences in the love poems and sonnets of Petrarchan. He has chosen a different style
when writing his love poems, instead of writing about every
Sitting Bull Research Paper
Sitting Bull

In 1831 an indian child was born, of the Sioux Nation and the Hunkpapa Tribe. His
father, Sitting Bull, and mother, Her holy door, did not name him Sitting Bull, he was
named Jumping Badger. He was never called Jumping Badger, he was called Slow
because of his willful and deliberate ways.

When Slow was fourteen he insisted on going along with the adult warriors into battle.
Usually the untrained youths were errand boys while learning about battle conditions.
Slow, screaming a war cry, jumped into the battle when he saw a Crow splitting away
from the main battle and knocked him from his horse, earning his first coup. Another
warrior swarmed in for the kill and counted the second coup. This coup elevated Slow to
the ... Show more content on ...
He was married to Snow on Her and Red Woman at the same time. The two women
were very jealous of each other and fought all the time. Life was not pleasant in that
tipi. Sitting Bull eventually threw Snow on Her out of the tipi. After Red Woman
died, Sitting Bull allowed his sister to move in with him and adopted her older son. Still
needing a wife Sitting Bull offered some of his best horses to Gray Eagle for his sister
Four Robes. Four Robes wanted her sister, Seen by the Nation and her two sons, to live
with her. Sitting Bull agreed and also adopted these two boys. He also agreed to marry
Seen by the Nation. He again had two wives.

Sitting Bull and his wives lived in Tipis which were conical dwellings made of buffalo
skins stretched over a framework of lodge poles. They stood with other tipis of the
band near rivers or creeks. In cold weather a fire burned in the center of the tipi where
cooking took place. In nice weather the fire was built outside. The women of the tipi
were in charge of cooking, cleaning, and raising the children. She was in charge of the
girls until they married and the boys until their voices changed. The women were not
considered beneath the men. They each had jobs to do. In fact, the mother ran the tipi
affairs, after all she owned the lodge and all the family belongings, not the husband.

Sitting Bull was a Wichaska Wakan , a holy man, he saw things in visions and in dreams
and what he saw came true. He could predict the
1998 Dbq
During the early 1800s, two parties were developed having different perspectives on
government and the Constitution. The Democratic Republicans, led by Thomas
Jefferson and James Madison, were always characterized by following the strict
construction of the constitution. The Federalists, led by Alexander Hamilton, were
characterized by following the broad construction of the constitution. The presidencies of
Jefferson and Madison proved this characterization to be somewhat accurate. Although
the Democratic Republicans and the Federalists did support their own ideas and views,
they also did many things that contradicted them. The Democratic Republicans started
out by supporting their ideas fully and confidently. In Jefferson s letter to... Show more
content on ...
He recommended a charter of the national bank and a tariff to protect young industries.
In Document F, John Randolph implies that Madison has surrendered his republican
ideals and is emulating a more federalist point of view when the administration called
for the tariff of 1816. In conclusion, Madison s actions did not coincide with the original
ideals of the party. The Federalists also were greatly confident in their views of the
Constitution and the government. Once again, in Document A, Jefferson states that the
views of the Federalists were wrong. By stating this, it simply displays the views of a
Federalist. The letter shows that the Federalists had different perspectives and the
disagreements the two parties had. During Jefferson s term, John Marshall became the
most dominant Federalist figure in the federal government. Under Marshall s domination,
the Supreme Court retained a Federalist outlook even after Democratic Republican
justices achieved a majority in 1811. The Court consistently upheld federal supremacy
over the states and protected the interests of commerce and capital. Over the years,
Marshall significantly increased the Supreme Court s power over the country,
demonstrating the idea of a Federalist, the idea of a powerful central government. Just
like the Democratic Republicans, the Federalists also had a hard time with their
principles. In the speech by
A Research Project On Christ Calls Us Essay
Research Project Christ calls us to make disciples of all nations, whether that is locally
or globally. The problem however is that many Americans especially those aged 16 29
are very hostile/ resistant to the idea of Christianity. With that being said, rhetorically
speaking how could an individual like myself reach the 16 29 year olds; those in my
age group? Before I begin to tackle on that question, I would like to investigate the
notion of how exactly this specific age group is hostile/ resistant to the idea of Christianity
According to David Kinnaman President of The Barnia Group, non Christians aged 16
29 years old when asked What is your current perception of Christianity? 91% said
antihomosexual, 87% said judgemental, 85% said hypocritical, 78% said old fashioned,
75% said too involved in politics, 72% said out of touch with reality, 70% said
insensitive to others. In addition 84% of non Christians who are friends with Christian,
only 15% said that the lifestyle of the Christians is not different from their own. In
identifying, the truth about Non Christians, roughly 80% of non Christians have attended
a church for three months in their life and roughly 50% of non Christians have
considered becoming a Christian. Many however, decided against Christianity due to
unfavorable circumstances experienced within the church.
Furthermore, in regards to what churches can do to reach the lost, Kinnaman stated that
instead of focusing on flaws, focus on
Jesus, God, And The Dead
In addition to Jesus specific claims about Himself, His disciples also acknowledged
the deity of Christ. They claimed that Jesus had the right to forgive sins something only
God can do as it is God who is offended by sin (Acts 5:31; Colossians 3:13; Psalm 130:4;
Jeremiah 31:34). In close connection with this last claim, Jesusis also said to be the one
who will judge the living and the dead (2 Timothy 4:1). Thomas cried out to Jesus, My
Lord and my God! (John 20:28). Paul calls Jesus great God and Savior (Titus 2:13) and
points out that prior to His incarnation Jesus existed in the form of God (Philippians 2:5
8). God the Father says regarding Jesus: Your throne, O God, will last forever and ever
(Hebrews 1:8). John states that... Show more content on ...
If it is YHWH who is pierced and looked upon, and Jesus was the one pierced and
looked upon, then Jesus is YHWH. Paul interprets Isaiah 45:22 23 as applying to Jesus
in Philippians 2:10 11. Further, Jesus name is used alongside God s in prayer Grace
and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ (Galatians 1:3;
Ephesians 1:2). This would be blasphemy if Christ were not deity. The name of Jesus
appears with God s in Jesus commanded to baptize in the name [singular] of the Father
and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19; see also 2 Corinthians 13:14).

Actions that can be accomplished only by God are credited to Jesus. Jesus not only
raised the dead (John 5:21, 11:38 44) and forgave sins (Acts 5:31, 13:38), He created
and sustains the universe (John 1:2; Colossians 1:16 17). This becomes even clearer
when one considers YHWH said He was alone during creation (Isaiah 44:24). Further,
Christ possesses attributes that only deity can have: eternality (John 8:58), omnipresence
(Matthew 18:20, 28:20), omniscience (Matthew 16:21), and omnipotence (John 11:38 44).

Now, it is one thing to claim to be God or to fool someone into believing it is true, and
something else entirely to prove it to be so. Christ offered many miracles as proof of
His claim to deity. Just a few of Jesus miracles include turning water to wine (John 2:7),
walking on water (Matthew 14:25),
Nineteen Thirty One Analysis
Nineteen Thirty One Echoing the economic difficulties that face the country at large,
Ernest Marsh writes in Walker s Monthly December 1931. It is by wise spending on
our own products, which will help materially in these difficult and anxious times to keep
our native crafts alive and active. The collectors of Vyse pottery can rest assured that
their expenditure is justified.4 Marsh, further remarks on the satisfaction collectors will
feel from the acquisition of a Vyse figure or a stoneware vase when visiting their
exhibitions at Walkers Galleries. Furthermore, it was Marsh s opinion that the monetary
expense, mitigated the purchase of a figure of the highest quality, which was of course
totally British. Vyse Clown During the 1930 Christmas... Show more content on ...
Vyse made sketches and numerous clay models based on this theme, but did not
finalise the figure group until this year. However, this figure group chimes with two
previous compositions by Harry Parr, his Boy and Turkey of 1921 (Fig. 38) and his
Chanticleer of 1927 (Fig. 81). It would appear from the similarity of these designs, and
as previously suggested by the author, the game of one up man ship, by Vyse and Parr,
is i the basis for these recurring designs. Whereas Parr established a factual incident on
which to base his first composition, it is unlikely that Vyse could claim a similar
experience. Possibly, that in an attempt to out do his former friend, Vyse,
condescended to model a variation on the concept originated by Parr. If this hypothesis
is correct, Vyse, who abhorred such borrowing by other artists, also stooped to conquer.
The Vyses exhibited The Sleeper Awakes decorated with an off white ash glaze (Fig.
113) promoting it as a fitting companion to the Falconer of 1927. The subject, however,
lent itself admirably to a coloured treatment, and prompted by the demand of collectors,
it was also issued in a decorated
Essay On Undocumented Immigrants
Amnesty for Undocumented Immigrants
Put yourself in the place of an undocumented immigrant or a family member. Would you
then advocate for amnesty? Amnesty, which is a pathway to citizenship for
undocumented immigrants, has been a very controversial topic that has been debated
since the foundation of the United States. People argue against amnesty because
according to their sources they take jobs from American citizens. They are violating the
law of the United States and they live of taxpayer dollars. Should illegal immigrants be
granted a pathway to citizenship? Yes, they should because illegal immigrants will
stimulate the economy, most illegal immigrants are otherwise law abiding and the
amount of illegal immigrants in the united states ... Show more content on ...
In a statement given by Judge Goodlatte titled Immigration Reform he opines that
undocumented immigrants should not be granted a pathway to citizenship because they
have violated the immigration laws of the United States and that those laws must be
enforced. However, on a recent report requested by ICE it is shown that between the
dates of January and August 2015 about 1,800 undocumented immigrants that were
released were rearrested. The immigrants however, faced charges that were associated to
non violent crimes. Also, a Wall Street Journal opinion piece done by Jason L. Riley
claims that about 1.6 percent of all immigrant males between 18 and 39 years old were
incarcerated, compared to 3.3 percent of the native born population . These studies
suggest the contrary to the point of Judge Goodlatte that undocumented immigrants
should not be granted amnesty because they have broken the immigration laws of the
United States. Undocumented immigrants are statistically shown to be more law abiding
than native born citizens and although some were charged with felonies, they were non
violent and charges were ultimately dropped. Due to this undocumented immigrants
should be granted amnesty to remain in the united states legally and keep benefiting our
economy as well as our
Misconception Change The Game Project Analysis
Part One Summary In various sports around the world, discovering the worthiest and
most gifted individuals to embark on the journey of becoming an elite level athlete is no
small feat. For many organizations in sport, this process known as talent identification
(TI), is based on the evaluations of often very young individuals potential, and whether or
not the attributes they possess can be groomed to produce success in later years. With the
ever growing demand to watch a winning team, owners are pressured to find an attraction
with low investment and high reward. The efficiency of this talent assessment provides
teams with the commercial benefit of recruiting youth at very young ages, eventually
selling them for massive transfer fees. Therefore, the use of such programs have
tremendous impact on the overall sporting experience and careers of many young
players, stressing the need to understand the fundamentals of talent identificationnot just
on a business level, but also with regards to youth involvement in sport. One of the
common... Show more content on ...
It s a way of ending what O Sullivan (2014) calls the Race to Nowhere , in which
parents constantly critique the performance of their children and demand more effort at
younger ages to achieve elite level status. In order to reverse the effects of the ever
growing scrutiny in youth activity, O Sullivan (2014) proposes that with the use of the
phrase I love watching you play, we can drastically change the currently demoting
mindset of youth sport participation worldwide. In doing so, kids with no longer see
sport as a sole means of being identified as talented, but rather as a welcoming
environment which provides equal opportunity for youth to participate in competitive
activity, and encourages failure as means of overall
An Investigation Of Foreign Direct Investment
An Investigation of Foreign Direct Investment in Indian Banking Sector L.Kannan

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) plays an important role in the economic development of
a country. The Indian banking system is radically different from those common in other
countries due to its unique geographic, social and economic characteristics. India has a
huge population, different cultures in different parts of the country and also disparities in
income. In this research paper discuss about the role of the Foreign Direct Investment in
the Indian Banking Sector and the Rules and Regulations for Foreign Direct Investment
in India. To encourage the saving habits ... Show more content on ...
Also in India the population spread among rural and urban areas is also skewed in the
favour of urban areas. All these features reflect in the volume and structure of the Indian
banking system. Further in order to fulfill the requirements to the government policy it
has been subjected to different nationalization schemes at different times. RBI credit
policies form the guidelines for banks in India. Since they had to satisfy the domestic
obligations, the banks have so far been confined within the Indian borders. Banking in
India originated in the last decades of the 18th century. The first banks were The General
Bank of India, which started in 1786, and Bank of Hindustan, which started in 1770;
both are now defunct. The oldest bank in existence in India is the State Bank of India,
which originated in the Bank of Calcutta in June 1806, which almost immediately
became the Bank of Bengal.

Foreign Direct Investment as seen as a main source of non debt inflows and is
increasing being required as a vehicle for technology flows and as a means of attaining
competitive efficiency by creating a meaningful network of global interconnections. FDI
plays a critical role in the economy since it does not only give opportunities to host
countries to enhance their economic development but also opens new vistas to home
countries to optimize their earnings by employing their ideal resources.

In India, FDI is considered as a

Link Between Viruses, Trojans And Worms 6
Table of Contents
Definition of the Internet3
The Internet s Origins3
How the Internet Works3
The Trojan Horse5
The Computer Worm5
Differences between Viruses, Trojans and Worms6

Definition of the Internet

The internet is the global system by which computers communicate and organizes
computer facilities, anywhere throughout the world. For this communication to be
performed a standard Internet protocol suite is used to link the devices to each other
along with detected routers and servers.
The Internet s Origins
In the early 1960s, packet switching which is a digital networking communications
method that groups all transmitted data was researched and the late 1960s, early
1970s, many packet switched networks such as ARPANET, CYCLADES, Merit
Network along with others were developed. Multiple separate networks could have been
joined together into a network of networks, merely because the development of
protocols for internetworking happened through ARPANET. The first two nodes which
were interconnected to later become the ARPANET were between Leonard Kleinrock s
Network Measurement Center (at the UCLA s School of Engineering and Applied
Science) and Douglas Engelbart s NLS system (at SRI International in Menlo Park,
California) on 29 October 1969. The third site on the ARPANET was the Culler Fried
Interactive Mathematics center (at the University of California at Santa Barbara) and the
fourth was the University
Alcoholin Cyst Research Paper
A Bartholin cyst is a fluid filled sac that forms on a Bartholin gland. Bartholin glands
are small glands located within the folds of skin (labia) along the sides of the lower
opening of the vagina. These glands produce a fluid to moisten the outside of the vagina
during sexual intercourse.
A Bartholin cyst causes a bulge on the side of the vagina. A cyst that is not large or
infected may not cause symptoms or problems. However, if the fluid within the cyst
becomes infected, the cyst can turn into an abscess. An abscess may cause discomfort or

A Bartholin cyst may develop when the duct of the gland becomes blocked. In many
cases, the cause of this is not known. Various kinds of bacteria can cause the cyst to
become infected and lead to an abscess.

You may be at an increased risk of ... Show more content on ...
An incision is made in the cyst or abscess so that the fluid drains out. A catheter may
be placed inside the cyst so it does not close and fill back up with fluid. The catheter will
be removed after following up with a specialist (gynecologist).
в—‹ Marsupialization. The cyst or abscess is opened and kept open by stitching the
edges of the skin to the walls of the cyst or abscess. This allows it to continue to drain
and not fill up with fluid again.
If you have cysts or abscesses that keep returning and have required incision and
drainage multiple times, your health care provider may talk to you about surgery to
remove the Bartholin gland.


Take medicines only as directed by your health care provider.
If you were prescribed an antibiotic medicine, finish it all even if you start to feel better.
Apply warm wet compresses to the area or take warm, shallow baths that cover your
pelvic region (sitz baths) several times a day or as directed by your health care provider.
Do not squeeze or apply heavy pressure to the cyst.
Do not have sexual intercourse until the cyst has gone
How to Analyze the Regression Analysis Output from Excel
How to Analyze the Regression Analysis Output from Excel In a simple regression
model, we are trying to determine if a variable Y is linearly dependent on variable X.
That is, whenever X changes, Y also changes linearly. A linear relationship is a straight
line relationship. In the form of an equation, this relationship can be expressed as Y =
О± + ОІX + e In this equation, Y is the dependent variable, and X is the independent
variable. О± is the intercept of the regression line, and ОІ is the slope of the regression
line. e is the random disturbance term. The way to interpret the above equation is as
follows: Y = О± + ОІX (ignoring the disturbance term e ) gives the average relationship
between the values of Y and X.... Show more content on ...
The stronger the relationship between the two variables, the closer is the value of R2 to
1. t value: A rough rule of thumb to determine the significance of X in explaining Y is
that the t value of the slope coefficient, ОІ, should be at least 2. The greater the t value,
the more is the evidence that X is significant in explaining Y. Significance F: The
lower this value, the stronger is the evidence that there is indeed a relationship
between X and Y. If this value is less than 0.05, we would be safe in accepting that
there is a relationship between X and Y. P value: Look at the p value of the
independent variable (and not the intercept). If this p value is less than 0.05, we would
be safe in accepting that there is a relationship between X and Y. 95% Confidence
Interval: Look at the 95% confidence interval of the independent variable (not the
intercept). If this confidence interval does not contain zero, we would be safe in
accepting that there is a relationship between X and Y. However, if the 95% confidence
interval contains zero, there is a big chance that we would making a mistake by assuming
that there is a relationship between X and
Importance of Education
1. Education has various implications. Given the fact that it provides a communication
channel through which information is accumulated and knowledge is shared among
members of a smaller or larger community, education is benefic for some and destructive
for others. For instance, students and the young educated generation have started some of
the most important revolutions in the history of human kind. One example in this sense
is the Tiananmen Square Student Rebellion or the Arab Spring. In such cases, education
has enabled the young generation to look beyond everyday realities and opened their
eyes to new political and social perspectives. Education can be destructive especially if
education is used as a means of propaganda. One example in this sense is the way in
which the communist forces used education in schools and universities to determine a
transformation of the ruling power into an idolatry figure or adapt history reports and
perspectives to such an extent that it would serve the Party s objectives and own
accounts of history and realities.
2. bell hooks perspective provides a new understand of the learning process in considering
the dynamics of learning as well as the different types of students and academic
interactions. One aspect is the extraordinary potential the learning process if there is a
convincing belief that students are a constant source of innovative thinking and that
education should promote such thinking and not limit the education to mere
Essay on We Real Cool, Poetry Explanation




We Real Cool: Poetry Explication

We Real Cool is a poem written by Gwendolyn Brooks in 1959, and published in her
book The Bean Eaters (We Real Cool, pg 1). A simple and light poem, We Real Cool is
vague enough to allow readers to visualize their own characters and setting, but specific
enough to keep a consistent rebellious image. Brook s attitude toward the characters is
undecided, as the tone is neither tragic nor victorious, but more so just balanced and

We Real Cool is written from the perspective of the involved fictional characters. It is as
if the reader is in the presence of these characters as they introduce themselves. They
speak with confidence and ... Show more content on ...
The second half of this stanza is, We left school. This is an obvious statement of action,
but leaves the reader questioning whether they left a not yet dismissed school day or a
school day that had come to an end. As a third option, the reader might also assume they
left school for good.

The couplets continue in the next stanza with, We lurk late. With this line we can
assume the verb lurk is meant to represent a much less gracious movement, an almost
monstrous, but comical way of walking. In the poem s consistent three word lines, the
word late is included to end the sentence. This gives the reader an idea of when the
poem can possibly take place within the time of day. Although it may not be a literal
statement regarding the time of day, as it can also translate to a rebellious activity the
characters wish to point out. The second sentence within this stanza is, We strike straight.
This line can also have multiple meanings depending on the usage and perspective of the
words strike and straight. Two possible literal translations can be deal with fighting, as
strike means hit or punch, while another meaning of strike is how one lights a cigarette.

The fourth stanza begins with, We sing sin, a line that can also have multiple meanings.
If taken from a paradox angle, the gentleness and innocence of singing contradicts with
the literal meaning of sin. This method of verbal irony is what keeps the tone consistently
light throughout
History Of Nursing Anesthetists And The Administration Of...
History of Nursing Anesthetists
Nurse anesthetists are nurses that have specialized in the administration of anesthesia.
They have completed the additional schooling, and other requirements necessary to
prepare them for this career. Nurse anesthetists have a challenging career that they are
fairly compensated for. It is a respected profession that is estimated to grow significantly
in the future. Furthermore there are many options for growth and promotion
opportunities. This career comes with a certain amount of autonomy that can be
appealing to certain people. It can also be a very stressful job as many times the patients
life is left in the hands of the anesthetist. Nurse anesthetists give amazing care to their
patients and they ... Show more content on ...
When they returned to the United States Hodgins created Lakeside Hospital School of
Anesthesia where the price of tuition was $50.00 and the training only lasted 6 months
(History of Nurse Anesthesia, 2011). One hundred years later the price and amount of
training needed has gone up significantly.
In the year 1931 the National Association of Nurse Anesthetists (NANA) was formed by
Agatha Hodgins; although it is now known as the American Association of Nurse
Anesthetists (AANA) ( Timeline of AANA History, 2011). The AANA is the only
professional association for nurse anesthetists and has helped implement school
requirements and guidelines, a mandatory recertification program, and continuing
education along with many others. The AANA requires a minimum of 40 hours every
two years of continuing education in order to remain a nurse anesthetist (History of Nurse
Anesthesia, 2011). The first dues paid by members were $5.00, whereas those dues
today are $645.00; at this time only caucasian women were allowed to become
members. ( Timeline of AANA History, 2011). It wasn t until the 1940 s that African
American s as well as men were allowed to join the association ( Timeline of AANA
History, 2011). Through these years nurse anesthetists passed on information and
techniques for the different anesthesias they knew.
Theme Of Socialism In An Inspector Calls
Published in 1945 and set in 1912 An Inspector calls is a play that holds a lot of social
and political messages. The writer of the play, JB Priestley was a strong believer in
socialism and used his work to convince the public to his way of thinking. He wrote
this play when Britain was ruled by a labour government and socialist policies were seen
as the ideal way to go. Although socialism was a common way of thinking during that
time period, there were still some members of society that believed differently, and with
An inspector callsPriestley intended to convert their views. Priestley s main aim was to
bring attention to the problems that society faced in 1912, and through this play he
expressed the importance of taking responsibility... Show more content on ...
And ... He predicts a future that is hell like, one full of fire and blood and anguish .
Priestley uses dramatic irony in the inspector s speech to deliver his message across to
the audience as the audience is well aware of the catastrophic war that took place
afterwards that was indeed full of fire and blood and anguish . There are two
possibilities for what fire and blood and anguish could represent. The words appear in
the Bible multiple times to represent hell, this could be priestly talking through the
inspector to warn the audience that if individuals were unwilling to take the
responsibility for their actions on earth, they would be taught that lesson in hell. This
interpretation fits in with the Inspector s name, Goole, as it could indicate that he was
a ghoul from the afterlife or an angel sent from god to warn the Birlings of their sins.
The phrase could also refer to war as all three words are associated and give
connotations of war and could be a warning to both the Birlings and the audience that if
everyone in society did not look after one another then it could result in a war. The war
that Priestly was referring to could be based on the buildup of fear about a revolution
where the poor labour workers would seek revenge from the employers that mistreated
Descriptive Essay On Animals
On October 19th 2017, my classmates and I had the opportunity to visit the Lamar
Bruni Vergara Environmental Center. During our visit, we toured the facility and
were privileged to have an employee inform us on the grand diversity of the species
found in our region. Throughout the tour, we observed and discussed a variety of
animals, however in this paper I decided to focus on five: The first species we
encountered during our tour was a bobcat or Lynx rufus. The bobcat s phylum is
chordata and from the class mammalia. It belongs to the order carnivora, which consists
of meat eating organisms. The bobcat then falls under the family, felidae commonly
referred to as the family of cats. Found all throughout North America, from southern
Canada to central Mexico, the bobcats can live in habitats like mountain ranges,
prairies, and deserts. These habitats are favorable to bobcats because they can
camouflage with their environment and have more success as hunters. Bobcats are
known for their brown reddish coat with black spots and a few stripes. Apart from their
coat which allows them to camouflage, bobcats are also efficient hunters because of
their speed and intelligence. When approaching its prey, a bobcats tends to creep on its
victim and attack once it is close enough. Using its sharp teeth, claws, and strength, this
wildcat can kill prey much larger than its size. Their diet consists of mostly rabbits, hares,
and mice. Aside from those animals, bobcats sometimes prey on
The Maze Runner, World War Z, The Hunger Games
Bravery Bravery is the theme that indicated in the texts The Maze Runner, Tomorrow
When The War Began, World War Z, The Hunger Games. These four texts has shown
that sometimes it s a risk to your own life to be brave. In the book The Maze Runner
written by James Dashner, Thomas woke up and finds himself amidst a group of men
in large open spaces surrounded by huge concrete walls that will lead him to the maze.
It opens every morning and closes when the sun sets. Later in the book, Minho and Alby
(the two runners) went into the maze they didn t return on time as usual. People were
waiting for them at the gate including Thomas. At the last second they finally came out,
however Alby was injured and the gate was about to close. Thomas thought he had no
choice but to sacrifice himself for Alby. Thomas knew he had no choice. He moved.
Forward. He squeezed past the connecting rods at the last second and stepped into the
Maze. Dashner want... Show more content on ...
This idea was shown near the end of the film when Gerry sacrificed himself to help
other people by walking through all the zombies to get to another side of the hospital.
This was to find the right vials with the cure to help people hide from zombies. Then
when he made it to lab and he held up a sign saying TELL MY FAMILY I LOVE
THEM to the security camera. He then injects himself with one of the vials. He didn t
know if it was the right vial but he takes a deep breath before he opens the security
door to face the zombies that were outside. Forster want us to think that Gerry s brave
because it s his job to risk his life for other people since he was an united nations
investigator. But he could of escape and survive with his family without helping other
people because he quited the job. He was being very brave and he also has risk his own
life to help other people like Ellie in Tomorrow When the War
Oxidase Enzyme Lab
Title of lab: Temperature Affects the Activity of Enzymes
Name: Vanessa Derner Date: January 26, 2017

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise was to determine the effect of temperature on
catechol oxidase enzyme activity. The optimal temperature range was also determined for
the same enzyme in this experiment.
Results and Discussion: In this experiment, the effect of temperature on the rate of
reaction was determined as well as the color changes at the different temperatures both
for the catechol oxidase enzyme. The tubes were different temperatures. Tubes 1
through 4 were 22 В°C, tube 5 was 4В°C, tube 6 was 40В°C, and tube 7 was 80В°C.
The color in the different tubes varied due to the different conditions of each tube. Tube 1
had ... Show more content on ...
At 0 minutes, tube 2 had an absorbance of 0.175 because it only contained the clear
catechol substrate. Tube 3 had an absorbance of 0.775 because the catechol oxidase
enzyme made the solution darker. Tube 4 had an absorbance value of 1.081 because
this tube contains both the catechol substrate and the catechol oxidase enzyme, which
react to form benzoquinone. The same was true for tubes 5 through 7. Tube 5 s
absorbance was 1.065, tube 6 s absorbance was 1.078, and tube 7 s was 1.059. At 10
minutes, Tube 2 had a decrease in absorbance to 0.106 due to little to no reaction
occurring. Tube 3 had an absorbance of .955 because it also had very little reaction
occurring. Tube 4 s absorbance was 2.110 due the reaction between the catechol
substrate and the catechol oxidase enzyme, which was turning the solution brown. Tube
5 had an absorbance of 1.645 because the enzyme substrate reaction was also taking
place, but at a slower rate than tube 4 due to the lower temperature in tube 5. The
absorbance in tube 6 was 1.833, which means that the reaction at this temperature was
occurring faster than tube 5, but slower than tube 4. Tube 7 had an absorbance of 1.155
because the high temperature was denaturing the enzyme causing the reaction to slow or
even stop. At 20 minutes, the absorbance of tube 2 stayed about the same with 0.091.
Tube 3 had an absorbance of .902, which did not change much
La Ley Del Deseo
The movie La Ley del Deseo by Pedro AlmodГіvar, recreated the image of gender
representation in the 21th century. His movie focus on the tension between subjective
experience and the bigger social collectivity. There is a gender based framework that
occur if looking into depth in the movie. It is clear that AlmodГіvar wanted to challenge
repressive stereotypes and practices in the film. He did a wonderful job defining male and
female subjectivity in cinema and in a wider society. To me, he is what we should call
the creation of the new Spanish cinema . The way AlmodГіvar represent the perception
of gendered identities can be viewed as society moving forward with our ways of
thinking, like a sense of sophistication. The fact that during the
Bernard Courtois Iodine
Iodine was discovered by Bernard Courtois in 1811. Later the English chemist Humphry
Davy and the French chemist Gay Lussac studied the substance separately and ended up
identifying it as a new element. Both chemists gave the credit to the Courtois discovery.
Iodine is a non metal and it is part of the halogen group in the periodic table of elements.
Iodine is the second less electronegative of all the elements of its group, behind astatine.
Iodine is a smooth black solid with a slight metallic sheen, which is sublimated under
normal conditions to form a violet gas

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