Abortion Definition Essay

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Abortion Definition Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of abortion can be a challenging endeavor, as it involves delving into
a highly sensitive and controversial subject. The difficulty arises not only from the emotional and
ethical aspects associated with the topic but also from the diverse perspectives and opinions that
surround it. As a writer, you must navigate through a complex web of arguments, societal norms,
legal considerations, and individual beliefs to provide a comprehensive and well-reasoned
exploration of the subject.

The multifaceted nature of the abortion debate requires extensive research to present a nuanced
understanding of the historical, cultural, and medical aspects related to the practice. Addressing the
varying definitions and interpretations of abortion, along with its implications on reproductive rights,
can be intellectually demanding. Moreover, considering the ethical dimensions involves a careful
examination of moral frameworks and philosophical perspectives, adding another layer of complexity
to the writing process.

Beyond the research and analysis, one must also tackle the challenge of maintaining a balanced and
objective tone. Striking a fair balance between different viewpoints while articulating your own
stance, if required, requires a delicate handling of language and a keen awareness of potential biases.

In conclusion, composing an essay on the topic of abortion demands not only strong writing skills but
also a deep understanding of the intricacies involved. Successfully navigating through the emotional,
ethical, and intellectual complexities requires a thoughtful and nuanced approach to present a well-
rounded perspective on this contentious issue.

For those seeking assistance with essays or exploring various topics, resources likeHelpWriting.net
offer a platform where similar essays and more can be ordered. These services can provide valuable
support for individuals looking to navigate the challenges of essay writing or seeking expertly crafted
pieces on a variety of subjects.
Abortion Definition Essay Abortion Definition Essay
The Effects of Sin in The Scarlet Letter Essay
The Scarlet Letter is a study of the effects of sin on the hearts and minds of Hester,
Dimmesdale and Chillingworth!

Examine The Scarlet Letter in light of this statement.

In your assignment you should consider:

1 The historical, political and cultural significance of Puritanism in America

2 Hawthorne s links with the Puritans

3 Methods through which Hawthorne presents the theme of sin and its effects of the
main characters in The Scarlet Letter

4 The views of other readers and critics of The Scarlet Letter

Nathaniel Hawthorne s unforgettable tale of The Scarlet Letter takes place in the Puritan
village of Boston, Massachusetts during the first half of the 17th century.

Hawthorne himself is a man of ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...

Throughout Hawthorne s anecdote we witness how sin changes the sinners. It darkens
their vision and weakens their moral defenses against further temptation.

The powerful theme of sin is echoed continually throughout the whole of the novel, in
actual fact it plays the main theme throughout. Sin in my words would be the intentional
or even the unintentional breaking of divine or moral law and indeed in this novel this
meaning is shared with the grim Puritans in their iron period . The
iron visaged Puritans were obsessed with their faith and religion and their laws covered
just about every aspect of life and if rebelled against punishment was their only answer as
during this time any secrets amongst its people was forbidden thus explaining the
transaction of punishment of the scarlet letter for Hester.

Not only does Hawthorne present many powerful themes throughout his novel but he
uses a lot of powerful symbolism throughout as well. The main symbol, of course, being
that of the scarlet letter. Hawthorne uses fantastic language to describe the scarlet letter:

An elaborate embroidery and fantastic flourishes of gold thread appeared the letter A .

It is funny to note that note once does Hawthorne himself describe the scarlet letter
himself as something we would perceive
Republican Party Dbq Essay
In the past, the Democratic party was known as the conservative, traditional party that
fully supported state government while the Republican party was a supporter of the
federal government control. The Republican party began as Lincoln s party which caught
the attention and support of the colored voters. In contrast, the Democratic partywas
predominantly white during this time with ideas to keep the rights of the state and the
traditions of the South. Though these two parties have opposing views, they began to
clash and redirect their beliefs. Over time the two main political parties have changed
their platforms based on the issues of desegregation, racism in the South and placement
of federal government.
A major issue that was predominant ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
As the Democratic platform changed, the Republican party became very conservative
and defended state s rights due to its opposition to what was called big government
(Rise of Rep. Party, p. 567). On the issue of race, the Republican party fully supported
that the white race was superior and the state had its own right to remain segregated. A
key politician that represents this change was the former Senator Jesse Helms. Religion
was the driving force of his political views and he was very vocal about his opinions.
His campaign developed the concept of the New Right which refers to the Christian
church stepping into the realm of politics (Jesse Helms Doc). In the 1970s and the 1980s,
many organizations became available, such as the Christian Coalition and Moral
Majority, to support the church having political influence. Since the church became a
part of political campaigns, politicians became more reserved in their discrimination in a
perception known as Southern Strategy. This popular technique was used mainly by the
Republican party that was extremely traditional known as the Tea Party or far right . The
first politician to introduce the idea was President Nixon in 1960, through his speeches to
the people. The Southern Strategy technique is used when the speaker uses choices of
words to convey a negative, underlying meaning without blatantly stating their opinion
(class discussion). As an example, Nixon expressed his support of state s rights as a way
of admitting that he supported the continuation of segregation in the
Music Piracy Should be Illegal
Many people are in discord with the polemical statement, music piracy should be
legalised. It is a topic that provokes arguments, as some believe that it should be free and
accessible whereas others believe that it should be paid for and should remain illegitimate.
Music piracy is the act of illegally downloading music for free, bilking sites such as
iTunes and iMesh that lawfully sell music to millions of people worldwide. It is one
of the most frequently committed crimes. According to an article in the newspaper
The Guardian in 2009, ninety five per cent of music available online is downloaded
illegally with no payments made to the artist and over 40 billion files were illegally
shared in 2008. It may be a free service but is it ethical? Is it something that society
should continue to do or something that should be discouraged? The downloading of
songs using the Internet is a large source of income for musicians. Without this, they
would not be earning as much as they currently are. If artists begin to lose money to pay
record labels and advertisers, loyal fans end up paying more money to help support their
favourite artists. It can be argued that many renowned and creditable musicians earn the
majority of their money from tours and concerts rather than sales. However, there are
also an abundant number of musicians who have neither the money nor the fame to go
on tour. Therefore, if the revenue from sales is taken away from them, they could be left
impecunious and
Analysis Of Frank Baum s The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz
In Frank Baum s The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, a tornado rips Dorothy from her home
in Kansas and drops her in the Land of Oz. To get home, she must seek answers from
the Great and Powerful Wizard of Oz in the Emerald City. In similar fashion,
Mississippi has been caught in the grips of a tornado that has left both public school
educators and state legislators looking for answers to the state s education problems.
Unfortunately, many legislators seem to be more interested in taking on the role of a
vengeful wicked witch than truly finding answers. While state educators are steadily
inching their way along the yellow brick road to the Emerald City, state legislators
have lost themselves in their own self proclaimed righteousness, contentious leadership,
and omniscient swagger. Unlike Dorothy who is directed by the Good Witch and the
Munchins to the yellow brick road leading to the Emerald City, most Mississippi
legislators have bought into their own eminence and chosen to find their way on their
own. As a result, they are so far off the yellow brick road that they are forever lost in the
land of the Munchkins. These legislators, primarily Republicans, talk big about
improving education in the state, but they are actually more like little Munchins
floundering behind giant lilies, towering sunflowers, and tall weeds. They cannot see
beyond party politics, pettiness, shallowness, and personal biases to get the job done.
Instead of waging a war to improve public school
The Technological Advancement Of Surgery
In this day and age, which is plagued by technology, life only seems to be getting better.
Technology has played a tremendous role in our society, to the extent that almost
everything appears to have been revolutionized. Surgery has long been awaiting a
change, just as everything in this world. With surgeryhaving so many complications and
areas left for improvement, the idea became that technology can be used to make a
difference in surgery. Carpentier, Loulmet, Aupecle, Berrebi and Relland (1999)
claim that the introduction of robotic surgery was due to the difficulty of using long
instruments in the heart. Similar to Carpentier et al. (1999), Baik s (2008) findings
confirm that the da Vinci robotic system is the new technological advancement in
surgery. This new system is going to reduce post operation pain and complications.
While this technology is still new and has already began to make an impact, there is
still more to research and a lot to consider as far as insurance coverage, and cost of
robotic surgery. HISTORY Over the last century, technology has been the new baby
boom due to electronics and computers. The need for robotic surgery first began in
neurosurgery and orthopedic surgery, brain biopsies, and hip replacement were
difficult, as many complications would arise during those surgeries. Robotic surgery
has been dated back since the 1980 s, and even then robotic surgery was able to make a
difference in surgery. In 1985 there was the use of the Puma
New Sound Equipment During The Film Industry
Once the Vitaphone staked its claim in the film industry the research and application of
new sound equipment began to grow rapidly. First moving to even louder speakers for
the audience to enjoy the music even more. Then moving to stereo speakers having
different sounds coming from different speakers. Then moving to surround sound where
the audience is engulfed in musicand sound effects from all around them. Finally to our
current technology of IMAX sound adding even more speakers and pushing sound to the
point of shaking the seats in the theaters. One of the most important contributions that the
talkies provided was the technique of sound mixing. Going back to the rituals of the
Sumerians and through Greek and Roman period through classical and romantic opera
the instrumentalist would either have to play soft or not at all when there was singing or
talking because the instruments would drown out the voices. Now with sound mixing
that is not the case. They can always raise the voice and lower the instrumental music
from machines instead of the singers trying to sing over the orchestra. A perfect example
of this explanation was given by one of the greatest filmmusic composers of his time
Bernard Herrmann, For by separately recording music and sound and voice, we are able
to mix them together at the proper volume. The speaking voice and the music can
achieve a perfect balance. That is the greatest contribution of the genuine sound film .
Without this invention the
Coriolanus Caesar Volumnia Character Traits
It could be argued that Coriolanus difficult personality is due to his up bringing.
Volumnia is a character that plays Coriolanus mother and plays a large role in his life.
She is seen as a masculine character that is easily persuades her son whom her
qualities could add attributes towards his difficult personality. There is no doubt that
Volumnia is the most influential person in Coriolanus life. She raised him to be Rome
s most fierce warrior, she pushes him towards a career in politics, and she s able to
convince him to spare Rome when he seeks revenge against his own city. Volumnia
was a mother was plays a role of a father in a way she s not the loving type to look after
her son, but she rather loves it when Coriolanus is wounded and even keeps count of his
scars. Volumnia states, (it becomes more a man than gilt his trophy. The breasts of
Hecuba, when she did suckle hector, looked not lovelier than hectors forehead when it
spit forth blood at Grecian sword, contemning.) Basically Volumnia is saying that
bloodshed and violence is more beautiful than a mother nursing her child. This could
suggest that Volumnia did not nurture Coriolanus when he was a child and would have
raised him in such a way to toughen him up.... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Not only that but she brags about how she had raised her son to be the most deadly
warrior when she says, (I sprang not more in joy at first hearing he was a man child than
now in first seeing he had proved himself a
Paul Revere s Role In The American Revolution
I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country! This famous quote from
Nathan Hale was an example of bravery to show the love he had for his country, just as
many other colonists had. Paul Revere, Boston, and the First Continental Congress all
played important roles in the American Revolution.
Paul Revere was a genial man that saved many lives by warning them of the British s
attack. Racing through the dark, Revere warned the colonists. Paul Revere rode
swiftly, carefully, and vigorously to warn the colonists. He was on a mission. Everyone
must be warned. Time is of the essence. In 1760, Paul Revere became a Freemason and a
member of the Sons of Liberty. Paul Revere was very intelligent. Paul Revere s notorious
Midnight Ride took place on April 18, 1775. ( Paul Revere ). Paul Revere was captured
by the British during his remarkable ride, but he was released hours later. He was also
known as a Boston messenger, which played a massive role during the war. Paul Revere
was certainly ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
From April 1775 to March 1776, militiamen from the colonies laid siege on British held
Boston. On June 17, 1775 the Battle of Bunker Hill, an imperative battle during the
American Revolution, took place. The American Soldiers tried to parry the British, but
they could not. ( Siege of Boston ). The Boston Massacre, a fight that helped sparked the
American Revolution, occurred on March 5, 1770. While the Red Coats stood watch,
the colonists began throwing rocks at them. The Boston Tea Party was another event that
had a major impact on the rebellion. Sons of Liberty members dressed as a local Indian
tribe and began throwing British tea off a boat in the harbor, which angered the British
greatly. The Boston Harbor inhaled all of the British tea. ( The Boston Massacre ).
Boston held many fights during the American Revolution, but the First Continental
Congress played an extensive role in the Revolutionary
Short Bowel Syndrome Case Study
Short bowel syndrome (SBS) is a heterogeneous, malabsorptive disorder that occurs after
an extensive small bowel resection surgery (2). Conditions of the small bowel which may
warrant this type of surgery include Crohn s disease, post radiation enteritis, ischemia
/other vascular issues of the bowel, malignancy, trauma, tumors, and complications from
previous abdominal or gastric bypass surgery (1, 2). Once the bowel has been resected,
the normal processes involved in absorption of nutrients, electrolytes, and fluids are
altered (1). A variety of long term complications related to SBS exists and is dependent
upon which sections of the bowel remain, the amount of remaining bowel, and the
functional and structural adaptations that occur post surgery... Show more content on
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For example, the jejunum only has the ability to adapt functionally, but the ileum has
the ability to adapt functionally and structurally (3). Therefore, the more ileum
remaining after a resection, the better the outcome. The severity of SBS symptoms is
largely based on the type of small bowel resection surgery that has been performed.
Three distinct bowel resections are known to result in SBS: jejuno ileal anastomosis,
jejuno colic anastomosis, and end jejunostomy (3). The adverse symptoms created by
SBS vary based on the type of resection that has occurred, the phase of post resection in
which the patient is, and the extent of adaptation of the bowel that occurs.
The Critique Of Ode To Solitude, By Alexander Pope
Alexander Pope was a British poet well known for his very meaningful pieces that try
to reach out to the world and change it on of them is the essay on criticism which was
a very impactful piece. We can see this cling out to Ode to solitude on how he writes
about solitude being so great and so wonderful to him.Ode to solitude really describes
the wonders of a relaxing, calm and solitary live where a man can live in bliss. He
instantly goes into a pleasant mood with Happy the man, probably because he thinks
the same way about solitude and wants to express his feelings about this subject.All
throughout the poem, he describes how someone can life in solitude wanting to spread
his opinions about it as well as praising it. He is able to write about the life of men in
solitude in such a wonderful way in makes the reader feel somewhat appreciation
towards it. The first two stanzas show the reader that the man living in bliss and
happiness doesn t own much and was mostly inherited by family in his birthplace, as
well that he can live a humble life with just enough food and attire but that solitude can
really make it wonderful. The first stanzadescribes where he lives while the second
describes what he owns which altogether comes to just essentials.We can see how the
use of the words like own and his
Sizwe Bansi Is Dead Critical Analysis
In their creative works, African writers usually deal with issues concerning their various
societies. They talk and discuss social, political, economic and many other problems
that affect their immediate societies. For many dramatists, exploring different
techniques to discuss issues of utmost importance to them is a big problem. The reason
is that the techniques define the success or otherwise of the play they write as far as
literary style is concerned. Athol Fugard and his co writers Winston Ntsona and John
Kani lived and wrote the play Sizwe Bansi is Dead during the era of apartheidin South
Africa. They witnessed many of the injustices that happened during the apartheid era. In
steering their play to a conclusion that leaves their readers... Show more content on
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In other words, a prop refers to all the movable things used on stage to act out an
episode. This includes but not limited to costumes, tables, chairs and electrical
equipment. A Set, however, is the stage and setting that brings out the scenery in any
play. Brauer (2002) explains that the Set refers to all the scenery, furniture and props the
audience sees at a production of a play.

Another technique which Athol Fugard uses in his play Sizwe Bansi is Dead is
limited sets and simple props. They present the picture of an area or locale for the
performance of an event in a play. Thus by using limited set and props, Fugard shows
only a small photographic studio with a few things arranged there to occupy limited
space. Most plays are written with well developed sets and props to enhance the actual
message being presented in the story. However, for a playwright to use minimal sets and
very simple props, one gets the impression that the playwrights aims at cutting cost to
present a simple
Getting The Mold Remediation Process
Getting The Mold Remediation Process Done written by: freddie44
Mold and mildew are all around us especially in the environment that has lot of
moisture and in colder climates. It s important to have a mold remediation process in
case you suspect that your home has been invaded by mold. In fact many allergies can
be directly started by the mold. Those that suffer from various allergies will see a great
change when they get the mold remediation process in their homes done. There are over
10,000 varieties of mold that have existed through the centuries. Many of the molds are
extremely dangerous to general population such as black mold, while many others aren t.

If you have seen that the mold in your home has exceeded the normal levels then you
should call the mold remediation company to ensure that it goes away. Mold needs
moisture and water to grow. If you take away the moisture and give proper ventilation,
then the mold won t grow and you won t need the mold remediation process at all. The
mold remediation process should be done by those companies that have accreditation and
they experience in doing the process.

The Process Of Mold Remediation

In any case if you sense that the mold population in your house is going beyond the
accepted levels then you should contact the mold remediation service provider and
ensure that these are removed well in time. Mold grows in any place that provides water
and moisture that is essential for its development. The easy and practical
The Battle Of The Sexes
Are you male or female? Depending on your answer which is a 50/50 question, it may
determine the amount of money you earn, authority (or respect) you have and the roles
you take on. Since the beginning of time women have voiced their dilemma in how
they are not equal with their male counterparts. Many have questioned where this
ideology has come from. The Battle of the Sexes is not only a board game that can be
purchased, but a psychological battle that we face that in cases surpasses race and
ethnicity issues. The book of Genesis written before 4000 B.C. states Then the LORD
God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the
man (Genesis 2:22) this quote and this context has been interpreted... Show more content
on HelpWriting.net ...
Women Writers, many female writers are recognized in this collection of stories and
poems from their opinions, stories and subtle or not subtle cry for equality. In
Margaret Fuller s Educate Men and Women as Souls it states Had Christendom but
been true to its standard, Women would have not only equality power with man (Fuller
430). Even Fuller who in the 1800s wrote this piece expressed that because of the lack
of understanding in scripture, it created misunderstanding in our view of men and
women and equality. For in the book of Galatians it states There is neither Jew nor
Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in
Christ Jesus (3:28). Being in this case a supreme being; Christ Jesus to which the bible
is the story representing his love especially in the gospel, to him we are equal, but it
was through our eyes from the illustration of Eve being created from Adam that we
concluded that we were less important or valued because he were created second or
created from Adam. Margaret Fuller in her writing Educate Men and Women as Souls
uses the technique of being very literal to convey her message of how men and women
are created equal. In her quote Sex, like rank, wealth, beauty, or talent, is but an
accident of birth she is concrete in her message and uses creativity to express that for
example but an accident of birth (430). In her other essay titled Household Nobleness
she explains the women s role of the
The Beginning of the Cold War Essay
After all the invasion of different countries in Europe and the killing of so many lives
of innocent people, Adolf Hitler was finally put to stop. One result of the end of WWII
was the division of Germany into four zones controlled by Great Britain, France, Soviet
Union, and the United States. Lack of agreement and compromise with the Soviet Union
about the agreement of Germany led to the beginning of the Cold War. U.S and USSR
became focus in an Arms Race to have the greatest nuclear capability. This lead to the
Space Race where another heated competition to whoever get to the moon first and to
have the best space technology. Focusing to the whole world U.S reasoned that if one
country came under the influence of communism, then the... Show more content on
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Soviet attempted to launch their creation, Kosmos 60, but it failed for it did not leave
the Earth s orbit due to lack of power supply ( Kosmos 60 n.pag.). Ranger 9 was the
last of the Ranger series, it s objective was to explore the moon and designed to image
and impact the moon s hole. It pointed its cameras directly in its direction of travel,
taking spectacular photographs of the lunar surface (Nelson n.pag.). Data from the
mission improved scientists understanding of the moon ( The Ranger Program n.pag.).
On the other hand, Soviets attempted more of their Luna Mission but the results weren t
as good like the U.S ( Exploration of the Moon n.pag.). NASA s creation of the Ranger
Mission was one of their priority during the Cold War in order to be more experienced
and ahead with the Space Race against the Soviets. President Kennedy s contribution to
the expansion of U.S space program was critical to helping a man land on the moon.
On May 25, 1961, he stood before the Congress to say a special message on urgent
national needs . He asked for an additional $7 billion to $9 billion over the next five
years for the space program ( Space Program n.pag.). President Kennedy understood the
wanting to bring back America s confidence and not planning just to match the Soviets,
but to go beyond them. Project Apollo became NASA s priority after President Kennedy
announced I believed this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this
decade is
Essay on Public School Choice Improves Student Achievement
School Choice Improves Student Achievement

In his new budget, President Obama proposed to substantially increase federal spending
to improve public schools. Yet steady spending increases of the last three decades
resulted in little change in the poor achievement of students that worries many citizens.
Much research, however, shows that what works well is parental choice among schools
fairly competing for students as in the case of traditional, tuition based private schools.
Rigorous studies comparing students randomly selected or not to oversubscribed private
and charter schools as well as large, statistically controlled surveys show that these
schools excel in achievement and parental satisfaction.

Surveys show the majority of ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Viewing charter schools as competitors to the schools they run directly and under
teachers union pressures, district school boards further restrict charter schools. Viewing
them as competitors, they impose dysfunctional regulations on charter schools and deny
applications for new ones. For these reasons, the numbers of charter schools have
stopped growing at their initial fast pace.

Unions, public school authorities, and legislators have even more successfully resisted
even successful school vouchers that provide scholarships for parents to send their
children to independent or parochial schools. The advantages of vouchers are that they
largely bypass the dysfunctional regulations and practices of the public sector and allow
parents to choose the schools most suitable for their children, which they best know and
care about.

Large scale studies, moreover, show that the higher the percentage of students attending
private and charter schools within states, the higher the average achievement of all
students. Studies of countries show the same pattern; the greater the percentage of
students attending private schools, the higher the country s achievement. As shown in
comparisons of public and private provision of services in many industries, private
competition works well for consumers, allows successful contenders to thrive, and causes
failing organizations to change or close.

The next logical step in school choice is for profit

Apple Computer s Loan
Details of requested loan
Apple Computer s needs a loan amounting to one fourth (25%) of current shareholders
equity as of December 31, 2002. This translates to $1.024 billion and will raise the
company debt level to $3.223 billion. The loan is expected to enable the company carry
out long term asset expansion and will carry an interest at the prime rate plus one percent
payable annually at December 31. The principal repayment when the note comes due in
ten years (January 2013).
Granting this loan will raise the company s debt to equity level from the current 54% to
79%. Besides, the note will also reduce the company s interest coverage ratios especially
at this time of relatively high interest rate. However, the company has adequate ... Show
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Of the three companies, Apple had the highest proportion of current assets relative to
fixed assets. On average, Apple s current assets stood at more than 85% of all its assets.
This compared to Dell s 76% and Gateways 72%. The high investment in current assets
points to high inventory lagging the companies stores.
Total assets relative to total liabilities have been relatively stable at around 53 69 for
Dell 35 62% for apple and 42 53% for gateway. It is only Apple s ratio of total assets
relative to total liabilities that has been on the rise. On average, the other two companies
have shown a slow downward trend. This indicates their preference for financing using
equity rather than debt.
Part B
Computer industry
The global computer industry is at its growing phase of evolution. The industry is driven
by high rate of product turnover and short product cycle. Forms invest heavily in research
and development to come up with products that satisfy customers frequently changing
tastes. Continued success in the industry requires cutting edge innovation, short product
development time, ability to mass produce to realize low per unit cost and ability to
manage costs. Going forward, companies that invest in research and development are
likely to have the highest potential for growth (Shelly, et al., 2007).
Stage of the industry
The industry is at a growing phase of development. Given its wide product range, there is
enormous room for growth in
The Contributions Of Daphne Varela
It is hard to overstate the meaningful contributions that Daphne Varela has made to
Westgate High School and the surrounding community. As both her 10th and 12th grade
Science teacher, I ve had the pleasure of seeing Daphne make profound contributions
both in and out of the classroom. Her school and community service is motivated by a
strong sense of ethics, which she informs through a nuanced and sophisticated
understanding of historical trends and events. I can say with confidence that Daphne is
one of the most caring and driven students I ve ever taught.
During her career at Wetsgate High school Daphne has excelled in academic excellence,
shown school pride and given back to her community. She is a two year member of Spirit
Committee, where
Life Is Beautiful Analysis
The film, Life is beautiful is about a man named Guido, a man who has a great sense
of humor which causes women to fall for him. This trait helps him gain the love of a
very beautiful and smart girl. He ends up starting a family with her and then has a kid
with her a son named Joshua. His imagination and personality end up helping him and
his son get through the tough times that are going to happen during World War 2.
They are taken to a concentration camp where the little boy must hide so he does not
get killed with the rest of the children by the Germans. Guido father dies when they
first get to the camp because he is old. While there Guido does everything he can do to
protect his little boy. Which in the end winds up getting him killed by the German
solider. Joshua ends up getting picked up by US soldiers in a tank, he finds his mother
while the soldiers are guiding the Jewsto safety. The film address how poorly the Jewish
race was treated during World War 2. It shows that one incident can change you whole
perspective on life, you can go form have everything you need to have nothing at all, to
not even having enough food to keep you heathy. This film is addressed to the people
who really do not understand how badly things were for the Jew s. Or for the people
who believed that the Hitler and the Germans were not doing anything wrong. It targets
them to help them better understand how the Jewish people were judge because they
believed in a separate way, that was out of
Project Scope Of A Project

1.Explain what is meant by the following: The project scope statement should not be
built in isolation .
When the PM is developing the project scope, he/she be aware that the project s scope
come from many sources; stakeholders, the entire team contributing ideas, SME s giving
their concepts, among others. It s not the PM entire responsibility and he/she must
involve all the players when is appropriate. When every single person directly related
with the project collaborate to build the project scope, the PM could frame an accurate
scope statement describing items that will be included and those that won t be included
in the project.
5. Discuss project management related problems created due to scope creep
Scope creep can be avoided if the scope is built correctly with help from the entire
team. If I as a project manager not define with clarity what is going to be included, the
project scope will change again and again, affecting both, the duration and the cost of
the project. The triple constrain concept here is key, given the fact that time and cost
will be affected. The best strategy to avoid scope creep is develop and use a correct
scope management plan.
8. Describe each of the methods for creating a WBS and describe advantages and
disadvantages of each.
There are 4 methods in order to create a WBS for our project. The first one, is the
analogy technique. Here, the first step is looking for a similar project done in the past
and use it s WBS as a
Namioka Character Foils
Mortifying occurrences at a birthday party or at school as a child can haunt a person until
they are an adult. What made the experience traumatizing? Was it the way they handled
themselves? Potentially, yet, it s usually because of the reaction of the people
surrounding them. Others ignorance is key to swerving away from humiliation. Which
explains why people can find themselves more comfortable around friends for their
purpose is not to laugh at them but with them. Meg Gleason never exposed the narrator s
mistakes that she made or insulted her traditions, even when the narrator disliked her
own traditions. With the All American Slurp, among differing themes, Lensey Namioka
manifested throughout her story the theme of how friends understand... Show more
content on HelpWriting.net ...
Authors use character foils to convey major differences between various characters;
the technique works especially well when discussing cultures. For instance, the Lin
family s behavior at the Gleason s dinner party in contrast to the assumed American
born guests. Based off of their different backgrounds, the Lin s ended up confused
about how the theri evening meals. We never ate raw celery, or any kind of vegetable
raw. We always had to disinfect the vegetables in boiling water first. When we were
presented with our first relish tray, the raw celery caught us unprepared. (55) Mrs.
Gleason announced that the dinner was served and invited us to the dining table. It
was lavishly covered with platters of food, but we couldn t see and chairs around he
table. So we helpfully carried over some dining chairs and sat down. All the other guests
just stood there. (57) Instead of adding to their embarrassment, Mrs. Gleason politely
informed them by whispering how dinner is conducted in their household. Although
there may have been of few stares, the dinner scene was incomparable to the
happenstance in the Lakeview restaurant. The Lins found themselves victim of another
cultural difference. The Lakeview was a French restaraunt which contributed to the
family s helplessness. Ordering four meals at random, the Lins received a plate of soup
each as an appetizer. Knowing that soup generally comes in bowls, the siblings were
puzzled. Fortunately, wanting to adapt quickly, the two elder members of the family
prepared by reading books on western etiquette before they moved to America.
Nonetheless, their cultural habits still followed. As any respectable Chinese knows, the
respectable way to eat soup is to slurp. This helps to cool the liquid and prevent you from
burning your lips. It also shows your appreciation. (63) Hence their untraditional behavior
according to American standards. The shock
Essay about Skin Cancer and Expert Knowledge

Write a report on the disputed role of expert knowledge in understanding and managing


1. Introduction Page 3 2. What is risk? Page 4 3. Risk Society Page 5 4. Evidence of risk
in contemporary society Page 6 1. Allotment example Page 6 2. Sun tanning example
Page 7 5. Conclusion Page 8 6. References Page 9


We are all familiar with risk. In fact, it is a key component in our everyday material life
and we often manage it automatically either when dealing with mundane tasks or major
hazards. ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
After a four year wait, Tim Jordan and his family were given an allotment close to their
home in which they grew vegetables and happily ate them. However, they received a
letter from the local authorities stating that the soil on the allotment was poisoned with
lead and arsenic, and was therefore unsafe. After months of consultations, the local
council sent off samples of the soil to multiple laboratories to get it analysed. The results
of which tests deemed the levels of toxins in the soil to be low enough not to prove a
threat to human health, and so normal gardening was resumed in the allotments. Jordan
and his family decided to give up the allotment because expert knowledge in the field of
science was reliant on assumptions about the soil and they were uncertain of the risks
posed by the poisoned soil. But the validity of the scientific tests was questioned by the
UK Government s environmental agency (EA) who claimed that the results of the tests
were questionable because the tests seem to find differing levels of toxins, and so the EA
submitted the same samples to nine laboratories in the UK and Wales, to one in the USA,
and one in the Netherlands. The results they produced demonstrated enough variation
between the laboratories to suggest that such tests may be underestimating the poisons.

By applying the fundamental points of Beck s risk theory to this example, we can see
that expert knowledge did in
Short Story Essay
Short Story

Once in a small cottage deep in a thickly overgrown forest there was a young boy who
lived with his mother, his father and his elder sisters, two of the most beautiful girls in
the whole of Ireland. This forest was different to the many others that form a blanket
over this enchanted land. The young boy often quarrelled with his sisters and felt that
their talents overshadowed him. The two beautiful girls were not only very fair of face
but also always endeavoured to do well in their studies and were a great help to the
mother around the cottage.

One day, a day which seemed unusual to the young boy from ... Show more content on
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The young boy now very intrigued by the fairies his sisters were discussing started to
skip along more hurriedly behind the girls so that he also may catch a glimpse of a fairy.
As Luke begun to run faster his footsteps became louder and more noticeable until
eventually the elder of his sisters turned around to see if they were being followed. The
elder sister was extremely vexed to see that Luke had followed them and begun to scold
Luke, forgetting that they might disturb a hidden fairy. All of a sudden the three
siblings became overwhelmed by the presence of a minute and delicate creature. Luke
thought to himself that this must be one of the fairies his sisters had set out to see. The
pocket sized creature was female and perfect in form. The small fairy women or Banshee
in Gaelic had long golden hair and had beauty comparable to his sisters. Fairies were
widespread in Ireland however some only were found in solitude and dislike the
company of other fairy folk and especially mortals. The fairies pale skin was intensely
distinct against the black of the densely wooded forest. Luke and his sisters were in awe
of the tiny creatures presence but almost as suddenly as she had appeared the Banshee

Luke had been so scared of his sisters anger at him for causing the Banshee to spot them
that he fled away back to the
The Two-Track Mind
Thinking critically, possessing a biopsychosocial approach and a two track mind, as well
as exploring human strengths continuously emerge in psychology as the four main ideas.
Critical thinking refers to inspecting any ideas given and not automatically believing
those concepts. The biopsychosocial approach discusses human conduct and the
perspectives of its examination. Those perspectives include biologically, psychologically,
and socially. Every human shares a similar biology, but differences arise psychologically
and socially. The latter two views differ due to one s experiences, social interactions, and
the culture with which one identifies with. The two track mindrefers to the way the mind
stores and sorts information. The human mind does this two ways, knowingly and
unknowingly, hence the term two track mind . Finally, exploring strengths... Show more
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Additionally, the relationship between the number of miles driven and the condition of
the vehicle s tires represents a negative correlation because as the number of miles driven
increases, the state of the tires decreases. Furthermore, the relationship between hair color
and number of vehicles owned represents a zero correlation because one has no relation
to the other.
Correlation does not provide proof that one variable causes another because it merely
predicts the likelihood of the relationship. Although two ideas can relate to each other,
other factors can also produce those two original elements. For example, low self
esteem could lead to depression, just as depression could lead to low self esteem.
Additionally, life experiences and hereditary traits could lead to both low self esteem
and depression (Myers and DeWall 17). In brief, correlation can give some insight on
how two ideas relate to one another, but it does not support a
ISSA Case Study Essay
RATE: 80 bpm HEIGHT: 6 2 WEIGHT: 180 lbs BODY FAT PERCENTAGE: 20% Chad
is an avid golfer. He wishes to improve his golf game and is very motivated to get
started on a training program. Chad has exercised regularly for the past 8 years and is
in good physical health. Most of his exercise has been aerobic in nature with only a
small amount of resistance training. 1. Using the information above, calculate the
client s BMI 23.16 2. Calculate the client s BMR. 1865.04 3. Calculate the client s
target heart rate at 60% and 80% using the Karvonen formula. THR @ 60% = 131 THR
@ 80% = 148 4. Discuss fitness tests or methods of evaluation that should be used to
assess... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Seated Hip Rotation Stretch, Spinal Twist Stretch, Butterfly Stretch FRIDAY Lat Pull
Downs +5 10% lbs (10 x 3) Reverse Fly +5 10% lbs (10 x 3) Seated Row +5 10% lbs (10
x 3) Seated Dumbbell Overhead Extension (12 10 8 x 3) Overhead Dumbbell
Extension +5 10% lbs (10 x 3) Reverse Superman (10 x 3) Woodchopper (10 x 3)
Kettlebell Swing (25 x 3) 6. Discuss nutritional strategies and supplement
recommendations with a rationale for your choices. As Evermore is coming already
in good physical health it is likely his diet is already acceptable and may need only
minor tweaks at most. The 1 2 3 approach to meals would be suitable for him, with 3
meals a day and 2 smaller snacks in between if he so chooses (this allows for variances
in day to day schedules). For Evermore s goals supplementation won t specifically be
necessary if he remains on a proper nutrition plan. If he does have the budget and interest
though I would recommend the following: Men s multivitamin making sure his
Bad Jews Play Analysis
Bad Jews, written by Joshua Harmon, directed by Dana Friedman Resnick, and
produced by PURE Theatre Company, is the story of a broken, modern day Jewish
family in Manhattan, New York Upper West Side. In the wake of their grandfather s
death, three surviving grandchildren must work out their differences over the possession
a family heirloom. I believe the play explores the concept of religion and how each
cousin deals with the ideas and beliefs instilled in them through their Jewish background.
To me, it seems the playwright was attempting to explain the importance of accepting
other peoples beliefs and cultures, most importantly those of family. However, Harmon
put a negative spin on the lesson by giving his characters pessimistic attitudes... Show
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By making the sleeping area the main focal point of the set Heffner implied that it
would be the most important part of the play. The large stereo, tv, and gaming system in
the bedroom also show off the families money. Heffner was able to capture the families
money just as Spencer was able to do with the costumes. The lighting, also done by
Heffner, captures the time of day perfectly. The room is lit by lamps and ceiling lights
implying night while the window above the table changes between several shades of blue
to imply the setting of the sun. Heffner does and amazing job of capturing the viewers
attention by dimming the lights in the apartment and drawing the gaze of the audience
out into the hall when the characters are outside the
The American Red Cross Organization
The American Red Cross was founded on May 21, 1881 by Clara Barton and her close
colleagues. Barton s inspiration came from The Swiss Global Red Cross organization.
When she returned for Europe she partitioned for what would be the beginning of The
American Red Cross.
The first domestic and overseas disaster efforts began with The Spanish American War,
and shortly after their first congressional charter in 1905. Since then they have had two
renewals of the charter in 1905, and the most current in 2007. The charter includes
responsibilities such as providing relief to and acting as a bridge between military forces
and their families, and also supplying national/international relief. Since then programs
emerged like water safety, first aid, and additional programs like helping veterans after
the war.
Through both the first and Second World War the American Red Crossplayed a major
role with more than thirty million adult and junior members combined. In addition, the
organization provided substantial aid during the great depression, the great influenza, and
many disasters alike.
Today the Red Cross work closely with Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
alongside government agencies and communities to manage contingency plans, provide
aid, and continually help those effected during and after the disaster.
Finally, the Red Cross aims to support in five vital aspects. They include:
People affected by disasters in America
Support for Family
Blood Collection,
Loggerhead, Leatherback, And Kemp s Ridley Sea Turtle
Sea turtles can be very interesting. There are seven different kinds of sea turtles.
Three of them are the Loggerhead, Leatherback, and the Kemp s Ridley sea turtles.
The Kemp s Ridley sea turtle Is endangered along with another 3 species of turtles.
They are also th the smallest of all the sea turtles. They only measure about 2 feet in
height and only weigh about 100 pounds as adults. When they are born they are almost
black and are only about 2 inches big. They reach maturity at about 12 years old. The
Leatherback is the largest living turtle. The reach about 3.9 6.2 ft and weigh around 441
1116 pounds.The have dark shells with lighter spots. They are called leatherbacks
because their shells are leather and not as hard as other sea turtles. A Loggerhead turtles
grown to be about 350 pounds. They are called loggerhead turtles because they have big
heads and very... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
The like to be around Texas, Georgia, New Mexico, and even Florida. You can find
them all the way to New England during Summer. They like to live in shallow waters
so that they can find food in the mud easier. Leatherbacks have the widest distribution
out of all of the sea turtles. There are eastern pacific leatherbacks that mostly nest in
Costa Rica. They travel to South America around Chile and Peru and to California.
There are also western pacific leatherbacks who like to nest around indonesia,
Malaysia, and Mariana. They travel to the south pacific to find food. Leatherbacks
have the a certain type of blood flow through their bones and cartilage which makes
their blood warmer so if they had to they could live in colder waters. Loggerhead turtles
are found in coastal tropical and subtropical. They often travel to temperate waters to
look for food. They are mostly found in the Atlantic ocean from Argentina to Nova
Scotia. They places they are mostly found in North America is North Carolina and Florida
The Case Of Jack And Samantha
In the case regarding Jack, Samantha and Nicole, there are many different factors that
appear regarding Jack and Samantha appealing their convictions. After reviewing the
case, it states that Jack had often taken his anger out on Samantha s daughter, Nicole.
Nicole had been hospitalized on six different occasions for different injuries that were
caused by Jack. While all this had been going on, Samantha was aware of it. She was
aware of the abuse that her daughter suffered by Jack and did nothing about it. The
fact that Samantha knew that Jack was abusing Nicole and did nothing about it was
what I would considered the leading factor to the courts decision to convict her of
knowingly endangering the welfare of a minor. Nicole did exactly that, she was a
parent that was supervising the welfare of a child under the age of 18 years old and
knew that someone was endangering her child s welfare. Nicole did not care, protect
or support her daughter in the situations that occurred with Jack instead he just turned
her head and looked the other way. While studying the case more indept we learned
that the reason Nicole did not fight back and defend her child was because of fear that
if she left Jack he would severely hurt Nicole. Although Jack had only beaten Samantha
once she still lived in fear of what he would do to her if she ever spoke up. One night
however things took a turn for the worse, Samantha was working and Jack began
attacking Nicole. While trying to get away from Jack,
Liability Insurance Essay
One thing that liability insurance providers require is an extensive application that
allows the providers to acquire data in eight categories: general information (i.e.
population of municipality and areas of operations like university or amusement parks),
policies and procedures, education and training requirements and accreditation, 911
dispatching protocols, jail operations, personnel, prior insurance information, and claims
history. All of this information will affect the underwriting and ratings process, which
allows insurers to evaluate a riskto decide what coverage, if any, to offer or renew, and
for what price (Rappaport, p. 1587). The underwriting and ratings process create an need
for municipalities to act favorably because... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
There is one final section in the article, and that section pertains to questions and
implications idea proposed at the beginning of the paper.
This section starts by asking whether or not police insurance reduces actual police
misconduct. Unfortunately, there seems to be a lot of speculation as to whether or not
this is the case. Rappaport (2017) goes back and forth in this subsection detailing how
this could be possible and how it might not be possible. For example, he mentions there
is just cause for skepticism in that, not all loss prevention to the insurance company
results in loss prevention to society (p. 1599). In other words, just because something is
seen as loss to insurance providers does not mean that municipalities will view the same
thing as a loss, and therefore, this thing would not give the insurers the power to
regulate the police. Skepticism does not fill the brim of this subsection, as there are ways
in which this notion could be affirmed, as well. Essentially, Rappaport (2017) quotes a
scholar, Carol Heimer, who proposes that municipalities might allocate the implementing
or discovering of loss prevention strategies to outside entities to avoid neglecting them
and that through this it can be seen that police agencies would utilize these strategies to
reduce covered harms. Overall, it could also
Analysis Of Herbert David Kelleher Co. Air Southwest
On March 15, 1967 Herbert David Kelleher co founded Air Southwest Co.
incorporated. The year of 1971 was a game changer as Lamar Muse joined Air
Southwest as President and Air Southwest changed its name to Southwest Co. The
mission and vision of Air Southwest during this time was to eliminate unnecessary
services and to utilize secondary airports in order to offer the lowest fares in the
industry. Fast forward to 2016 and Herb has stepped down as the chairman for
Southwest, the mission however is still the same, dedication to provide the highest level
of customer while delivering a sense of warmth, friendliness, individual pride, and
Company Spirit. Which embodies the values Southwest has exhibited for years and that s
to live the Southwest Way, to have a warrior spirit, a servant s heart, a fun LUVing
attitude, and to work the Southwest way.
In order to ensure a successful merger, Southwest must ensure that the current culture is
maintained regarding both organizations and to merge the benefits and compensation
plans. Completing such as task will require cultivation of talents and to preserve its
business culture. Expanding Southwest Airlines to accommodate AirTran means
discussing the strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats regarding the expansion of
such a sizable merger. Lastly, a merger of this magnitude will require recruiting and
hiring to address the expansion level impact and minimize error.
SWOT Analysis
A SWOT analysis is a calculated planning
Judgement Day, Or The Judgement
A huge concern for most people, Christ follower or not, is the question of what
happens in the end? What happens when humans die? It is a question that many
people do not want to discuss because it brings up fear. Regardless of what people
believe, all humankind will be judged in the end. Judgement Day, or the Judgement, is
something that will happen in end times where God has selected a day to judge the
world in righteousness. All people who have lived upon the earth, including fallen
angels, will stand before Christ and give an account for his or her actions, thoughts, and
words. The Judgment will be discussed in order to describe how it has been interpreted
and studied as well as why it is important in life today.
In order for one to believe that there will be a final judgement, one must have a specific
worldview. One must believe that there is a God. This does not necessarily mean they
are Christian as a person can believe in a God without actually following Him. One
must believe in the Bible and that it is the inerrant word of God. One must also believe
in Heaven and Hell and a basic belief in Eschatology. Eschatology comes from a Greek
word eschados which means last and logia which means the study of . It is the study of
what happens in end times. One must believe that when they die, he or she s soul will
leave their body and go to Heaven. From there, they will then be reunited with their body
at the resurrection, and then await final judgement.
Walden Bridge To Terabithia
In the movie, Bridge to Terabithia, by Katherine Paterson, the story begins with two
friends who come from different worlds and are both troubled by the fifth graders in
their class. WIth the combination of both of their minds, they are able to create a magical
kingdom that they name, Terabithia. To them, this all seems real and they are able to see
in their eyes, monsters instead of trees, and are able to hear people through the wind. The
two kids use this imaginative land to connect to nature and run away from their daily
situations. Similar to this, American essayist, poet and philosopher, Thoreau, writes in
his famous essay, Walden, how one can finds and connects to one s self by connecting
through nature. Nature teaches us that one must... Show more content on HelpWriting.net
They are able to do so by using the nature to distract themselves from the problems in
their life. As Harper Collins writes, Terabithia is a magical place in the woods where
Jess and Leslie go to get away from day to day problems of life. In Terabithia, they can
live in their imaginary world where everything is perfect. Jess is made king of the
magical place and Leslie is the queen. In order to get to Terabithia they must rope
swing across a creek bed, not too far from their homes. It is doing these visits to
Terabithia that Jess and Leslie develop a unparalleled friendship (HarperCollins). Here
it is said that one must be able to leave the real world, and dream or think of
possibilities to be able to make it through the real world. Valerie Kuklenski also
touches upon Katherine Paterson story on why it s important to get away from
everything. One might wonder, then, why Jess and Leslie dash off their school bus
every afternoon and sprint toward this otherworldly realm in The Bridge to Terabithia.
It turns out to be less a refuge than a training ground where they learn how to stand up
to their schoolyard oppressors (Valerie Kuklenski). Similar to Thoreau s work, doing so
can convey the understanding of man s existence in the natural world is able to give
someone a deeper connection with the world. This movie goes way past what nature also
has to
Away From The Island Cole Analysis
One example of people must forgive in order to be happy is when Cole finally forgives
his mom. He realizes that his mother does love him and quits drinking. She apologizes
for the abuse he has gone through and not have tried to stop it. She wants to start a new
life with Cole. She visits him in the hospital after the spirit bearattack, but also during
his second stay on the island she writes him frequently and expresses her care and
concern. Cole chooses forgiveness and grows to love his mother, even hugging her
warmly when he is able to after he is released from the hospital. This shows that Cole s
ability to forgive and move on results in him feeling more secure and is a major first step
to him letting go of the anger that has imprisoned... Show more content on
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In the beginning he realized healing was a game and never thought to learn from his
mistakes but let them get the best of him. He believed no one cared about him and it
had a big impact on him. He committed crimes and blamed others. Later he realizes to
heal Cole has to forgive himself and help others for his mistakes. He understands that
rotting in jail won t solve the problem. He realizes the animal dances has shown him
respect for nature and his environment. He realizes it wasn t his fault he got beaten up
by his parents and has bad influences in his life. He understands he didn t choose for his
father to get beaten up and didn t center his anger on Cole. He believed all his troubles
have been Peter s fault for sticking his nose everywhere. He also believes he wouldn t
have his banishment if he knew how to defend himself. He later realizes he won t be
able to forgive himself unless he aids Peter in his mental healing process. Cole admits
he wanted to heal along but could not find it in himself. He started to heal after the
maul from the Spirit Bear. He realized that Peter wasn t healing, so he suggested that
Peter come to the island to heal like he did. Cole finally showed that he forgave himself
for beating up Peter when he brought him to the island and helped him heal. He
becomes more happier when he let go of his anger on himself. Cole has been angry
forever. The fact that
Essay about America’s Broken Immigration System
There has been lots of controversy on the issues concerning a solution to America s
broken immigration system. Democratic and republican parties can t seem to agree with
one another, leaving reform at a stand still. Democrats are focused on giving illegal
immigrants a path to citizenship while Republicans are focused on border security. The
fact is both of these approaches should work in unison with each other to provide the
most efficient route in fixing immigration. Providing a path to citizenship has been
labeled as granting amnesty. In 1986, President Ronald Reagan introduced an amnesty
plan similar to the one being proposed as a solution for America s current immigration
problems. The 1986 bill required immigrants to prove they were... Show more content on
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Fines in the new immigration bill are expected to be around $3,200 for the first
offense and range all the way to $16,000 for three or more offenses (Matthews). There
is question on whether or not the immigrants will help or hurt the economy. Some say
immigrants will take jobs from Americans and damper U.S. tax rolls because they aren
t as skilled or educated. The fact is immigrants actually increase overall wages and the
pool of jobs and add to the U.S. revenue (Dwoskin). In 2006 there was a suspected 21
million immigrants, about 15 percent of the labor force, [that] h[e]ld jobs in the U.S.
However, the U.S. only had about seven million unemployed. So the majority of
immigrants can t literally have taken jobs; they must be doing jobs that wouldn t have
existed had the immigrants not been here, (Lowenstein). Roger Lowenstein also presents
a valid and insightful point in stating that immigrants who take these jobs that wouldn t
have existed , relative prices could be lowered in a similar way that global trade does.
Through amnesty policies such as the DREAM act, illegal immigrants will have more
access to a better education. This act will allow students who have been living in the U.S.
since they were young, a chance to contribute back to the country that has given so much
to them and a chance to utilize their hard earned education and talents, (Basic
Information about the DREAM Act
The Swing Era
My audience was my life. What I did and how I did it, was all for my audience , these
words came from the well known and never forgotten Cab Calloway. His style and mix
of blues, swing and scat spread like wildfire and filled many peoples lives with joy,
excitement and happiness. Cab Calloway broke the boundaries of racial barriers and
become a very popular and influential household name. As stated in the JazzProfiles from
NPR, A truly larger than life figure in American pop culture...Calloway also led one of
the greatest bands of the Swing Era (Ossman).

Cab Calloway arose from an era where racism against black jazz musicians was present
and drug addiction seemed to consume the majority of these musicians lives. It was no
surprise that Cab Calloway pursued a career as an entertainer. He grew up in a family
that consisted of musicians and performers, although it was expected that he would
follow in his fathers foot steps and become a lawyer. Around the mid to late 1920s Cab
Calloway assembled his own band and they were known as the Alabamians. Although his
time with the Alabamians was short lived, he eventually became bandleader of a big band
called the Missourians. Cab Calloway and the Missourians became an instant hit and
sensation. They performed in popular clubs such as Savoy Theater and The Cotton Club.
As stated in the article Cab Calloway and The Cotton Club written by Kinsley Suer, Cab
quickly became so popular that his band, which had been
The War Film Genre
The war film genre includes films about warfare, including naval, air or land battles.
Films in this genre may focus on the battles, prisoners of war, military training, life
during wartime or morality and humanitarian issues of warfare. This genre commonly
includes works of fiction, works based on historical facts and occasionally works based
on alternate history fiction. According to American Cinema/American Culture, the genre
also includes four narrativeelements: the suspension of morality during times of war, the
prioritization of collective goals over individual motivations, the rivalry between men and
their objectification of women and the issues of reintegrating veterans. (Belton 165 71)

The 1986 Oscar winning film Platoon (Stone) is a classic example of this genre and
why it is so popular. As such, Platoon is a fictional work that follows Chris Taylor, a
young American who gives up college and volunteers for combat duty in Vietnam.
Following Taylor s tour of Vietnam, the film s main focus is not only his life during the
war, but also the mortality issues he must find a way to deal with. Furthermore, Platoon
includes all four of the narrative elements necessary to fit into this genre.

The first and third narrative elements, the suspension of morality during times of war and
the rivalry between men, even though demonstrated throughout the film, really becomes
prevalent when the platoon discovers a food and weapons cache in a village. While
searching this village,
Respiratory Pharmacology Alupent
Respiratory Pharmacology Alupent Alupent is also known metaproterenol sulfate USP;
a generic name. It is an inhalant that is administered orally. It is composed of a
micronized powder that is good for 100 inhalations per tube. While inhalants are more
common, it can also be administered intravenously. This is mostly used when a woman is
going to give birth and needs her uterusto contract. The ingredients include
dicholodifluoromethane, dichlorotetrafluoroethane, tricholomonofluoromethane, and
sorbitan trioleate. It is used to treat bronchial spasms in patients with COPD, bronchitis,
emphysema, and chronic asthmatic conditions. Each dose must be carefully prescribed
because of specific symptoms and their counteractions. This is an adrenergic drug
because it stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, which stimulates the ОІ2
receptors. These receptors consist of adenyl cyclase, which is an enzyme that converts
ATP to cAMP. These cAMP levels relax the smooth muscles inside of the bronchial tree.
They also inhibit the release the mediators of hypersensitivity from mast cells. If taken
with any other sympathetic drugs, it may ruin its cardiovascular effects. These ОІ2
receptors may also end up antagonizing metaproterenol which is the main ingredient
included in Alupent. This is the reason that it needs to be administered with caution.
Also, only about... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
One of the most common side effects includes dysrhythmia. This is because the drug is
causing the heart to vasodilate, which may lead to tachycardia. This can lead to heart
palpitations that can last for an elongated period of time if left untreated. Further side
effects may be nervousness, irritability, and headaches. These are all due to the
sympathetic fight or flight response from the sympathetic stimulation that occurs when
taking this medication. Alupent should not be taken with any other bronchodilators
because it may increase side
Value Of Sacrifice Research Paper
The word sacrifice means that something is given up in order to benefit another
person. Sacrifices are placed into categories based upon what is being given up in
order to benefit someone else. There can be political, personal, and in this piece of
literature, religious sacrifices. Therefore, I will be discussing the vital values of
sacrifices established in bible stories along with when they are to be taken place.

As mentioned previously, sacrifices can vary in types such as personal, political, and
religious. A personal sacrifice comes from within someone such as a someone giving up
a get together with friends to help their mom around the house or helping out a friend
study for future exams instead of going to the movies. Next are political sacrifices
which are all about political events, obviously, and it all can go from quitting your job,
giving up money and joining a simple protest to raging mobs all depending on the drive
of the people and their reaction to the event. Now religious ... Show more content on
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Take Abraham for example, a patriarch, who was a very devotional and humble servant
of God, willing to exchange his wealth and comfort from living in a nice home and in
the suburbs to living in a nomadic lifestyle. He was willing to do this because he had
faith, love and trust in God who asked him to do this life changing action. His sacrifice
pertains value of Abraham s relationship with God. Furthermore, Abraham also had to
give up his son. He and his wife Sarah had given out hope of parenting, but God had
promised Abraham that he and his descendants were going to be blessed. His
supposedly blessed son was asked to be offered as a sacrifice to God, Jehovah. Not
only was Abraham making a sacrifice, but his adult son Isaac was also willing to obey
his father in giving his life without questioning. The value of obedience and trust are
portrayed with this sacrifice. Though, when is it proper to make a
Will Rogers Research Paper
Will Rogers is honored in Oklahoma because he was a humorous person who did
newspaper columns, radio shows, was an Indian and cowboy, and he helped raise
awareness for the rights and needs of Native Americans Indians. He was a caring person
who wanted the best for everyone. Rogers did a lot to make some of these things happen.
He always wanted to be the person who was always helping. Also he was a person who
people were confused about because he was a cowboy and an Indian, but he wanted to
show people that you could be both. Rogers was a comedian who liked to crack jokes all
the time. Lots of people would say that he was a very humorous person. He did
newspaper columns that had some of his jokes in them. Rogers also did radio shows and
talked... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Will Rogers was an Indian and a cowboy. Most people would only be one of them and
not both. A lot of people didn t like the fact that he was both. Rogers never let that stop
him from doing things that he enjoyed. Most people thought that he was very
interesting. By him being both they really only recognized him as a cowboy and not
an Indian. Will Rogers also helped raise awareness for the rights and needs of Native
American Indians. He felt as if they were not getting treated equally. He was very
passionate about this since he was Indian. This was also like his way of proving that he
actually was an Indian and not just a cowboy. All he wanted was for everyone to be
equal and not worry about race being a problem. He tried very hard to make sure that all
Native Americans Indians needs would be met so that they would live a great life like
everyone else could. Will Rogers was someone who was very important to lots of people
in Oklahoma. People respected him a lot for all the things he had done. If he hadn t had
done some of those things people might not have even known who he was or why he
was important. The history of Oklahoma could have been changed drastically if he had
done just one thing different. For what he has done there are schools named after him
and other thigs with his name on it. Now people can always remember him so that he
will never be
Intertextualism In Paris Is Burning
In this essay I am discussing Jenny Livingston s 1991 film, Paris is Burning, in terms of
genre, representation, gender, ideology, hegemony and intertextuality. Paris is Burning is
a documentary film following the lives of those involved in Drag Ball culture, a
subculture among some black and Latino occupants of Harlem. The documentary
provides its audience with an invitation to these balls, allowing us to attend and indeed
judge ourselves, the regimented competitions which involve the transformation of these
men into different social roles of the everyday. The queens featured voluntarily open up
their lives to the camera, public, performative and private, Livingston represents their
culture, thus representing herself through her handling of... Show more content on
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(Pryluck, 1976, p.22) Marcus Ophuls, Oscar winning documentary filmmaker, spoke of
his own ethical position in regards to filming documentaries, As a film maker you re
always...exploiting. It s part of modern life. He finds personal discomfort in knowing
people s great urge to communicate, because of loneliness, because of insecurity, because
of bottled up complexes, and they re exploited through documentary film, discussed by
Pryluck, (Pryluck, 1976, p.23) it could be said that the men featured in Paris is
Burning are examples of those who wish to communicate their hopes and dreams,
Livingston facilitates their expression, although it is her who became a filmmaker
after the success of Paris is Burning, and that s something I wasn t before, she
characterises herself in Jesse Green s New York Times article. Livingston uses the
footage of these individuals, it is their faces, their thoughts expressed and consumed
by the public, but according to Jesse Green, they remain[ed], at best, exactly where
they were when filmed. Although, it can be argued that Livingston exploits her own
status and self as a wealthy white woman in order to give these men a voice, which
seems to be what she s claiming, so I have the ability to write those grants and push my
little body through whatever door I need to get it through... If [the queens] wanted to
make a film about themselves, they would not be able, in Green s article, discussed by
Harper. ([Green, 11] Harper, 1994, p.98 102) She is responsible for the representation of
the partaking queens and they have entrusted her with this

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