After Apple Picking Essay

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After Apple Picking Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic "After Apple Picking" presents a unique set of challenges. Firstly, this
subject requires a thorough understanding of the Robert Frost poem itself, delving into its intricate
layers of symbolism, metaphors, and themes. Interpreting the poem's meaning and connecting it to
broader literary contexts demands a keen analytical eye and a deep appreciation for poetic nuance.

Furthermore, the challenge lies in conveying one's interpretation and insights in a coherent and
engaging manner. The writer must strike a balance between providing a comprehensive analysis of
the poem and maintaining a compelling narrative that captivates the reader. Transitioning seamlessly
between discussing the poem's imagery, exploring its thematic elements, and presenting a cohesive
argument requires skillful writing and organization.

Another obstacle arises when attempting to bring a fresh perspective to a well-studied and analyzed
piece of literature. Crafting an essay that stands out among the multitude of existing interpretations
requires creativity and a nuanced understanding of literary criticism.

Moreover, the task involves conducting research to gather relevant information and scholarly
opinions to support and enrich one's own analysis. This demands not only time but also a discerning
eye to distinguish credible sources from less reliable ones.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic "After Apple Picking" is a challenging endeavor that
demands a blend of literary acumen, analytical prowess, and effective communication skills. It
necessitates the ability to navigate complex themes, interpret symbolic imagery, and contribute
unique insights to the existing body of literary criticism.

For assistance with similar essays or other writing challenges, one can explore resources like, where a range of writing services is available to cater to different academic needs.
After Apple Picking Essay After Apple Picking Essay
Gavrilo Princip Essay
The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, heir presumptive (Links to an
external site.)Links to an external site. to the Austro Hungarian (Links to an external
site.)Links to an external site. throne, and his wife Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg (Links
to an external site.)Links to an external site., occurred on 28 June 1914 in Sarajevo
(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. when they were mortally wounded
by Gavrilo Princip (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Princip was one
of a group of six assassins (five Serbs (Links to an external site.)Links to an external
site. and one Bosniak (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.) coordinated by
Danilo Ilić (Links to an external site.)Links... Show more content on ...
Rade Malobabić (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Tankosić armed
the assassins with bombs and pistols and trained them. The assassins were given access
to the same clandestine network of safe houses (Links to an external site.)Links to an
external site. and agents that Malobabić used for the infiltration of weapons and
operatives into Austria Hungary.

The assassins, the key members of the clandestine network, and the key Serbian
military conspirators who were still alive were arrested, tried, convicted and punished.
Those who were arrested in Bosnia were tried in Sarajevo in October 1914. The other
conspirators were arrested and tried before a Serbian court on the French controlled
Salonika Front in 1916 1917 on unrelated false charges; Serbia executed three of the top
military conspirators. Much of what is known about the assassinations comes from these
two trials and related
Explain How A Sound Source In Space Will Stimulate Two
A sound source in space will stimulate both ears. Experiments with headphones have
suggested that the side on which a source is heard depends on timing and intensity
differences at the two ears. A sound source on one side will stimulate the nearest ear first,
because the sound path to that ear is shorter. This cue is particularly important for low
frequency sounds, because with low frequency sounds, the phase differences at the two
ears produced by the difference in path length are unambiguous. The intensity at the
nearest earwill also be greater, because the farther ear is shadowed by the head.
Localization depending only on these binaural cues lead to potential ambiguities, because
they do not give information on the elevation of a soundsource, or whether the source is
in front of or behind the head. Information on these is contributed by the pinna, which for
high frequency sounds produces further shadows and reflections. The cues from the
pinna also mean that some localization is possible when using only one ear.... Show more
content on ...
In the model of Jeffress, this is detected by the input from one ear being compared with
multiple time shifted versions of the input from the other ear. The time shift that
produces the maximum degree of similarity indicates the direction of the sound source in
the horizontal plane. In the formulation of Jeffress, the time shifts are produced by axons
of different lengths. The output neurons detect coincidence in the time shifted inputs
from the two
Controversy Surrounding Internet Fraud
An Internet crime can be a developmental scheme by the perpetrator, using different
elements of the internet, and false representation to deprive a person s property or any
interest (Kim et al., 2012). Although botched representation comes along, with the
provision of misleading information or anonymity of data. In the recent years, there has
been an increasing trust of consumers and businesses in the carrying out of particular
actions. The amplifying usage comes along with the electronic communication during the
act of major business rules. The increasingly rising internetcrimes have come along with
the global advancement that incorporates internet based conduct of business (Anderson
et al., 2013). In the digital era the crime perpetrators, have absorbed the idea of shifting
with times leading to the high number of the crimes. The reason that we cannot
distinguish between the self additionally the risk trader comes in with internet crime
given that a face to face communication and monitoring barrier. With that respect, the
associated internet fraudhas greatly affected by the general allowance, trust, and the
usage. The paper will center on the effects attached to social cost, trust, and usage
associated with internet fraud.

The society has ... Show more content on ...

The negative impact come from the perspective of financial losses. With that respect,
there has arisen challenges about the usage of transaction that deals with indirect
contact, for example, romance fraud and the investment fraud. Romance fraud arises
where the relationship is through diverse social media platforms. Take an instance of
a 58 year old UK man who committed suicide by lying on a train tracks after losing $
82,000 in an online romance fraud. The two times divorced man had deceived into
paying for many medical bills for a woman he believed he had come to recognize over
the internet (Anderson et al.,
SPA 6 Case Study
South Los Angeles County, also known as SPA 6 (Service Planning Area) has a current
and approximate population of, 1,307,402 persons including homeless residents (Los
Angeles County. Office of Health Assessment and Epidemiology, 2017). SPA 6
measures 71.3 square miles and is the densest area in Los Angeles County (TCCSC,
2017). The population is evenly distributed among men and women, with over half of its
residents speaking Spanish at home, and with only one fourth having a high school
diploma. This population is disadvantaged as they have little access to healthcare, live in
impoverished neighborhoods, experience a lack of reliable childcare, have low
emotional support, rarely seek medical and dental care, and report a poor health status.
Essay on Johannes Kepler
Johannes Kepler was a German astronomer and mathematician who lived between
1671 1630. Kepler was a Copernican and initially believed that planets should follow
perfectly circular orbits ( Johan Kepler 1). During this time period, Ptolemy s geocentric
theory of the solar system was accepted. Ptolemy s theory stated that Earth is at the
center of the universe and stationary; closest to Earth is the Moon, and beyond it,
expanding towards the outside, are Mercury, Venus, and the Sun in a straight line,
followed by Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and the fixed stars . The Ptolemaic system explained
the numerous observed motions of the planets as having small spherical orbits called
epicycles ( Astronomy 2). Kepler is best known for introducing three... Show more
content on ...
His first law states, The orbits of the planets are ellipses, with the Sun at one focus of
the ellipse. As shown in Figure 1, The Sun is not at the focus of the ellipse, but is instead
at one focus [usually there is nothing at the other focus of the ellipse]. The planet then
trails the ellipse in its orbit, which implies that the Earth Sun distance is continually
changing as the planet goes around its orbit. Kepler s second law states, The line
joining the planet to the Sun sweeps out equal areas in equal times as the planet
travels around the ellipse. As shown in Figure 2, an imaginary line from the center of
the sun to the center of a planet sweeps out the same area in a given time. This means
that planets move faster when they are closer to the sun. Kepler s third and final law
states, The time taken by a planet to make one complete trip around the sun is its
period. The ratio of the squares of periodic times for two planets is equal to the ratio of
the cubes of their mean distances from the sun. Kepler s third law indicates that the time
taken by a planet to orbit the Sun increases quickly with the radius of its orbit ( Johannes
Kepler: The 1 4). Kepler s laws challenged Aristotelean and Ptolemaic astronomy. His
statement that the Earth
Tim Horton s Failure
There are many reasons behind when any organization fails to meet what is perceived as
their CSR. These statements are called forward looking statements, statements
concerning management s expectation. Tim Horton s can fail if
I.Expectation of company investors, securities analysts is not up to the mark.
II.Same store sales growth targets, which are critical to achieving financial targets.
Companies performance is highly dependent on Canadian operating segments. Tim
Horton s have various competitors like Starbucks, and McDonald s. Somewhere in the
hustle, Tim Horton s lost some focus as it dabbled in alternative food and drink items to
mixed success. Tim Hortons launched smoothies and frozen lemonade drinks as the
response to the more extensive
The Gospel Of Mark s Gospel
When you read the Gospel of Mark, there are things that can be taken away in the
sense that they serve as a purpose for explaining the honor and shame within Mark s
Gospel. The Gospel of Mark starts out with the baptism of Jesus and ends with the
burial of Jesus in the tomb. While Mark s gospel is short and sweet, it is the shortest
Synoptic Gospeland is meant to be heard, not read. Going through the Gospel of Mark,
Mark focuses on how to have trust, whether that s trusting God or trusting yourself as a
human being. There is a lot of challenges that are shown in the Gospel of Mark.There is
a lot of quoting of the prophet Isaiah in Mark s Gospel that can relate to the many things
you read about later on in Mark. Looking at the very... Show more content on ...
The leper must have had an idea of who Jesus was originally because due to the fact that
he would not have come up to Jesus in the first place. The next time was when a
random person came running up to Jesus, knelt down to him and asked What do I
have to do to inherit everlasting Life (Mark 10:17). Jesus looked at the person and
asked why he thought Jesus was good, and that no one except God was good. The last
time was when Jesus was becoming crucified and people in the crowds were getting
on their knees and bowing down to him, solely due to the fact that Jesus was the true
Son of God. Jesus suffered on the cross and died for our sins, and anyone who still
believes will get down on their knees for Jesus. In the episode of Herod, Herodias, and
the daughter, there is a certain type of honor shame interaction that occurred. The
honor shame interaction that is seen here was how the King heard about Jesus
bringing back John the Baptizer. The king believed that it must have been a miracle
work in the act of the prophet Isaiah. When Herod found out about this, he knew that
he previously had John arrested, and put in a dungeon to suffer. Herodias, Herod s
brothers Philip s wife, had a grudge with John the baptizer and wanted to have John
killed, but she knew it would be hard with Herod being very afraid of John. Herod was
celebrating a festival and he sees the daughter and asks, Ask me for whatever you wish
and I ll grant it to
Into The Wild Chris Mccandless Character Analysis
Chris McCandless comes off as a different person to every reader. Some see Chris as
crazy, and some see him as naive. Shaun Callarman saw Chris as crazy. Shaun states, I
think that Chris McCandless was bright and ignorant at the same time. He had no
common sense, and he had no business going into Alaskawith his Romantic silliness. He
made a lot of mistakes based on ignorance. I don t admire him at all for his courage nor
his noble ideas. Really, I think he was just plain crazy . All the aspects of crazy ,
which Shaun listed about Chris, are not things that make people crazy, they are things
that make people naive. Chris was naive because he had a passion that blinded him so
much that it caused him to be cocky, ill prepared, discrete, and lack expertise and
experience for this type of adventure. Throughout Chris s life he was the type to be
good at everything he did, whether that be academics or sports. At the age of ten, Chris
entered a 10K road race and beat thousands of adults placing in sixty ninth place. Once
Chris reached high school he was bringing home A s with ease. On the cross country
team, he was captain, and was one of the top preeminent distance runners in the region.
Chris s father Walt often expressed concern for his excessive confidence. Walt once said,
He was good at almost everything... Show more content on ...
It was a jump he couldn t handle. Alaskan native Jim Gallien once gave Chris a ride
and was bewildered by the intentions he had. Jim took once glance at Chris s half
empty pack, and low powered .22 Remington rifle, and knew he wouldn t make it two or
three months with what he decided to bring (Brown). He was about to walk into the wild
without even having proper shoes, but luckily Gallien lent Chis a weather abiding pair.
Chris had been on many expeditions before, but never one that was completely
uncivilized and
The Case Buck Versus Bell
Many people have heard of the case Buck versus Bell. This was a land mark supreme
court case in 1927. This case basis is eugenics, which is the science of improving a
human population by controlled breeding. Most people today would disagree with
this on premise alone. In the case Buck versus Bell the decision being heard was can
doctors sterilize patients that were feeble minded or have epilepsy. As Carrie s story
unfolds you will see not only is feeble minded a broad term She was wronged not only
on the merits of the case, but in the process of justice.
Carrie Buck was placed in a home called Virginia Colony for Epileptics and
Feebleminded alongside her mother. Now at the time there were other states practicing
eugenics. This was the first case to challenge Virginia s 1924 ruling allowing it. Carrie
and her mom were labeled feeble minded and promiscuous. They would later go on to
label Carrie daughter Vivian feeble minded also.
Let us take a step back. Carrie was born in Charlottesville Virginia. Her birth took place
on July 2, 1906. Her father Frank W. Buck passed away when she was only a young
girl. Her mother was committed, when Carrie was still young. The mother was
committed for feeble mindedness. This was not a medical decision, but the doctor s
belief that Carrie was an illegitimate child. Carrie was placed into foster care at the age
of three.
In other words, Carrie had a rough childhood. She was not an illegitimate child which
can be proven by her parents
A Personal Philosophy Of Nursing
Philosophy of Nursing Nursing is a dynamic career field with endless opportunities
associated with it. Working in this field allows those seeking a job in a variety of
working positions. Whether it is working at the bedside of a patient, going into a
community and teaching about disease prevention, or in researching clinical
outcomes, nursing has a wide variety of options to get into for those who are
interested in this career. However, with those opportunities and options available,
there is more to nursing than just performing the job. Exploring reasons why a person
chose nursing, as a career, is needed to give insight into this profession. As a nurse, I
take on a responsibility of putting an individual s care in my hands. This is a job that
demands hard work and dedication in making sure each and every patient s well being
is a top priority. Nurses take on a duty to ensure that each patient is given the best care
possible while under their supervision. However, before a nurse can give the best care
possible, understanding a personal philosophy of nursing is essential. A personal
philosophy of nursing is how a nurse defines his or her practice. It looks into the... Show
more content on ...
Nursing knowledge should be a foundation into this practice. According to Sochan
(2011), nursing knowledge is defined as both the theoretical and experiential
knowledge that is required for disciplinary development and for professional practice.
(p. 178). This gives insight into what nursing knowledge is based upon when it draws
from theories and experiments, which can be used to implement into nursing practice. In
addition, nursing knowledge is important for nurses to have because it is what nurses
use to guide their practice. Knowledge of certain disease processes and knowing how to
intervene are vital in achieving the best outcome for a patient and is essential to the core
Technical Analysis
Constituent of symbiosis International University
Accredited by NAAC with A Grade
Established under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956, vide notification No: F.9.12/2001 U
3of the Government of India.



Internship Report submitted to SIU in partial completion of the requirement of MBA

Banking Management at Symbiosis School of Banking Management
Pune 412115.


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TECHNICAL ANALYSIS19 The Differences19 1. Charts vs. Financial Statements19 2.
Time Horizon19 3. Trading Versus Investing20 The Critics20 Can They Co Exist?21
Trend23 Trend Lengths23 Trend lines24 Channels25 The Importance of Trend26
II.SUPPORT AND RESISTANCE26 Why Does it Happen?26 Round Numbers and
Support and Resistance27 Role Reversal27 The Importance of Support and
Resistance27 III.THE IMPORTANCE OF VOLUME28 What is Volume?28 Why
Volume is Important29 Volume and Chart Patterns29 Volume Precedes Price29
IV.THE USE OF CHARTS.30 Chart Properties30 The Time Scale30 The Price Scale
and Price Point Properties31 V.CHART TYPES32 Line Chart32 Bar Charts32
Candlestick Charts33 VI.CHART PATTERNS34 Head and Shoulders34 Cup and
Handle35 Double Tops and Bottoms36 Triangles37 Triple Tops and Bottoms38
Rounding Bottom39 VII.MOVING AVERAGES39 Types of Moving Averages40
Simple Moving Average (SMA)40 Linear Weighted Average41 Exponential Moving
Average (EMA)41 Major Uses of Moving Averages42 VIII.INDICATORS AND
OSCILLATORS44 Aroon45 Aroon Oscillator45 Moving Average Convergence
Divergence46 Relative Strength Index47 Accumulation/Distribution Line48 IX.OTHER
Ratio48 The Mathematics48 The Fibonacci Studies and Finance49 1. Fibonacci
Carpe Diem Poem
Carpe diem is Latin for seize the day and can be translated into YOLO or you only live
once in modern day society. The Passionate Shepherd to His Love written by
Christopher Marlowe conveys this message the best compared to the other mentioned
Carpe diem poems due to its tone, syntax and symbolism. However, the Carpe diem
poem To The Virgins, To Make Much of Time written by Andrew Marvell appears to be
least persuasive out of the other Carpe diem poem due to its hasty tone, figurative
language and presumed audience. Also the poems have their similarities due to their
diction and underlying themes along with difference among their conceits and rhyme
The Passionate Shepherd to His Love written by Christopher Marlowe ... Show more
content on ...
However, throughout the rest of the poem the tone is seen as playful yet serious. Also
within those lines it claims flowers smiles, which is just a personification because we
all know that flower do not smile.The targeted audience for this specific poem would be
toward young naive lovers, who would appear as virgins. These literary factor were not
highly supportive of this poem and therefore makes it less persuasive.
The Passionate Shepherd to His Love has some similarities to To The Virgins, to Make
Much Time , such as their diction, and underlying theme. For instance, in The
Passionate Shepherd to His Love the diction, or choice and use of words the author
conveys is to come live with the protagonist and he will provide passion within your
life. This appears similar to To The Virgins, to Make Much Time message of give me
your virginity and it will be worthwhile within your life. Both poems use diction to
convince their lovers to go with them. However To the Virgins, to Make Much Time is
not as soothing as The Passionate Shepherd to His Love . Both poems share an
underlying theme of making the most of the time presented or seizing the day.
The Passionate Shepherd to His Love also has some differences compared to To The
Virgins, to Make Much Time , essentially its conceits or expression and rhyme
The Importance Of Family Life In A Mormon Life
Investing time and energy into a spiritual practice can be draining. To better
understand a practice is to study every aspect and every angel of what is to come. A
woman s journey can be difficult when they are a part of the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints (LDS) going back all the way to 1980 s. Within Mormonism, there is
the salvation and kingdom but to get there, the support of both men and women being
equal does not exist unless women obey certain rules within the roles of the family, look
upon the authority of one male God within their church and values the importance of
this religion. Pears (1998) expresses how the examples of childhood, educations, church
organization and obedience are some of the most important pieces to have in a Mormon
life but most important is the patriarchy that is obeyed. It is the ultimate authority of all.
To keep woman s spirits up per say, women especially feminist women, have a very
difficult time going through their spiritual journey while being Mormon. Pears (1998)
explains how the importance starts with soteriology and the roles between each gender.
This is found in every aspect in one s life as a practice Mormon (p.89). Family life is the
most important role to enter the highest kingdom which is called the Celestial Kingdom.
A woman must look upon the patriarchy within her family which always be her husband.
The most important authority is the male gender in the areas of the church organization.
As a women, this makes it
Impact of Science on Society
James Burke Jules Bergman Isaac Asimov



James Burke Jules Bergman Isaac Asimov

Prepared by Langley Research Center

Scientific and Technical Information Branch


National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Washington, DC

Library of Congress Cataloging in PublicationData

Burke, James, 1936The impact of science on society. (NASA SP ; 482) Series of
lectures given at a public lecture series sponsored by NASA and the College of William
and Mary in 1983. 1 . Science Social aspects Addresses, essays, lectures. I. Bergman,
Jules. 11. Asimov, Isaac, 1920. 111. United States. National Aeronautics and Space
Administration. IV.College of William and Mary. V.... Show more content on ...
In many cases, it has been the awareness that change was even happening at all, the
understanding that the solid base from which prediction was being made might be
about as solid as quicksand. Even the most apparently immutable system or structure
may be experiencing change even as you look at it. By change I mean, of course, not
just change in the sense of bigger and better models and new ways of doing the same
things you were doing before, but qualitative change in the structure and behavior of the
society in which you live. I mean new philosophies as well as new gadgets. I m not
saying that the appreciation of change is easy; far from it, particularly today. As one of
your more respectable social forecasters said recently, If you understand something today,
that means it must by definition already be obsolete. Our general relationship with the
present accelerating rate of change reminds me of the postcard from the patient on
holiday to his psychiatrist at home: Having a wonderful time. Why? The difficulty
Fractional Distillation Lab Report
Fractional Distillation of Esters
Fractional Distillation is a method used for the separation of mixtures by each of the
components. This method separates mixtures with pure substances of similar boiling
points by heating the mixture and trapping the vapor in a condenser after it passes
through the fractioning column. This ensures that the substance being condensed is fully
separated from the mixture (Holmquist, 2007).
This experiment studied the fractional distillation of a butyl acetate and ethyl acetate
mixture and analyzed the fractions obtained at different temperature levels. Specifically,
this experiment sought to analyze the retention times and peak areas of ethyl and butyl
acetate in each fraction and compare these ... Show more content on ...
Once each fraction was collected, it was immediately transferred to a flask, which was
sealed with sealing tape and ParaFilm. After all of the fractions were collected, the
flasks were placed in a larger graduated cylinder to prevent evaporation. The graduated
cylinder was stored for one week before analysis (Holmquist, 2007).
Part II
Goggles, a small glass syringe, and a LabQuest were all obtained, along with the
fractional vials and containers of an ethyl acetate/butyl acetate mixture, acetone to
prepare the syringe, and pure ethyl and butyl acetate respectively. The LabQuest was
attached to a Vernier Mini GC and turned on. Before the analysis began, the Temperature
Pressure profile was set according to the parameters below.
Start Temperature40В°C
Hold Time1min
Ramp Temp10В°C/min
Final Temperature 65В°C
Hold Time5min
Total Length8.5min
Done was then selected so the Vernier Mini GC could begin warming up. Nothing was
injected until the screen read Inject and select Collect Simultaneously (Holmquist,
2007). While the Vernier was warming up, the syringe was prepared and flushed with
acetone. This was accomplished by depressing the plunger fully, filling it about one
third of the way with acetone, and expelling the liquid onto a KimWipe. This process
was done about three times to ensure that the syringe was clean. This same process was
also done with ethyl acetate before it was injected. After preparing
The Beast In Lord Of The Flies
William Golding s Lord of the Flies effectively creates a world that portrays the flaws
in society and the struggle between order and chaos. Amidst this world lies many
important symbols that are vital to the interpretation of the story. The main symbol I
have chosen to focus on is the beast. A symbol that is a necessity to this novel s
characters, themes, and overall meaning, as it triggers the series of events that
eventually lead to the character s downfall.The beast comes to mean different things, but
for the most part the beast is a representation of the darkness that dwells within every
person. The reader is first introduced to the beast in chapter two by a small boy (who
dies later that chapter) with a mulberry colored birthmark
The Importance Of Physical Fitness
Understanding the level of fitness a person initially exhibits prior to beginning a fitness
regimen is extremely important in helping them improve their well being. Hoeger and
Hoeger (2015) include the current methods for testing an individual s baseline of physical
fitness include body composition, cardiovascular, flexibility, muscular strength along
with endurance benchmarks. Additional important benchmarks such as mental healthwill
be investigated, with research completed by Gomez Pinilla and Hillman (2013), that
connects exercises influence on cognitive ability. Pedersen and Saltin s (2015)
publication of the implementation of exerciseto combat chronic disease will help the vast
benefits of exercise as a prescribable health option. Getting an evaluation of physical
fitness is not something most people will think about when they decide to begin
following a fitness regimen, but this can be an important first step in achieving a healthy
lifestyle. YMCA locations often offer health assessments, along with physical fitness
tests for a small fee. Using the individual s physical attributes to compare them with peers
of the same group. Before beginning the exercise portion an examiner will complete a
health screening to determine height, weight, resting heart rate, resting blood pressure
and a body composition examination. This health screening can be helpful in
determining risk factors an individual may be susceptible to based on the test results.
Body composition
Ralph Trouillot s The Presence In The Past
The essay, the Presence in the Past, authored by Ralph Trouillot addresses the relation
between the time and the written text by elaborating the relationship between the past
and the representation of the past, including written texts and other media. Trouillot
challenges the fixity of pastiness, stating the pastis continually renewed by the ever
changing presentwhere the narrator is positioned. Therefore, the text about the past shall
not be taken for granted as authentic simply due to its empirical exactitude (144), but
needs to be examined whether its relation with the past is moral.
Trouillot takes Disney s Virginia park, themed as Afro African slavery, as the major
example to illustrate what kind of text is appropriate to represent
Curriculum Standards Should Align College and Work...
The low percentage of high school students, who successfully transition to college
without requiring developmental courses, supports the rationale for action research on K
through 12 curriculum development ability to produce college ready students. The
Pennsylvania Common Core clearly notes that curriculum standards should align college
and work expectation. Unfortunately, the inability to meet the demands continue at the
forefront. As a result, I chose to approach this research from Problem Based Learning
Theory (PBL). PBL focuses on the investigation and resolution of messy, real world
problems Curriculum Development (http://www.learning based
learning pbl.html). Comparison data from the K ... Show more content on
Who teaches the newly mapped curriculum to your staff? We have a Teacher Leadership
Council, formally a Curriculum Council, whose job it is to lead department colleagues in
the writing, implementation, and evaluation of curriculum and assessment. All
committees require one administrator (Minnich). In a similar manner, higher education
and K through 12 both have procedures in place through DACUM facilitators and
Leadership Council members. The level of development differs between institutions due
to the level of education and training obtained by those leading and planning invigorating
ideas that support change.
Is there an articulation between grade levels? Yes, we have vertical collaboration
meetings between grade levels on a regular basis. This includes meetings between the
same subject areas in other buildings to ensure that the curriculum is aligned from one
level to the next (Minnich). However, higher education maps specifically for one major
verses foundational matriculation that requires retention and transferable skills
throughout their learning experience. In addition, the mapping process is initially
reviewed for rigor by the department chair, library liaison, and curriculum compliance
/catalog editor Erika Steenland, (title). Followed by, the Associate Provost, Academic
Council, and Academic House/Faculty Senate for approval.
How much is the actual curriculum based on the written curriculum? We
Comparing Anne Bradstreet s To My Dear And Loving
Religion during the 1600 s seemed to dominate the literary world at the time. Poems by
Anne Bradstreet such as, On the Burning of Our House and To My Dear and Loving
Husband display the significance of Puritan belief within her life. Eavan Boland s
Becoming Anne Bradstreet speaks of the influence that Anne Bradstreets works had on
her own world views. Though the titles of Anne Bradstreet s writings are vivid, the
religious meanings within the stanzas of both are fairly contradictory. On the Burning of
My House mentions the involvement of religionwhile To My Dear and Loving Husband
only briefly speaks of religion within her marriage. Anne Bradstreet s works impacted the
verses of Eavan Boland s Becoming Anne Bradstreet not religiously, but with the
influence that her poems easily had upon others.... Show more content on
The theme revolving around this poem, while directly speaking of the fire, also
correlates with the idea of God, And to my God my heart did cry (Hutchinson 1666).
Religion seemed to be the main component of Hutchinson s 1666 poem. Within the poem
she mentions the depth of her faith, recording that she viewed the burning of her home
as destruction of a materialistic luxury rather than a need. Her faith in God s path and
his ability to comfort her in times of despair shows how heavily religion influenced her
mindset and
Essay on Educational Goals and Philosophies
Educational Goals and Philosophies

For the past seven years, I have had the same dream to someday be a high school math
teacher. I am finally on my way to turning that dream into a reality. Along the way, I am
learning a lot of things and forming a number of opinions. One of the main areas in
which I am forming new beliefs is in relation to what methods I will use in teaching my
class and what aspects of what philosophies I will employ. First of all, however, I must
reach the point where I have a class to teach.

How am I going to reach my goal of becoming a teacher? I believe I am taking the most
important step right now by attending a good college where I am gaining further
knowledge in many areas, ... Show more content on ...
I believe these subjects are necessary for a well rounded education, and as a math teacher,
I will be teaching one of these basic subjects. I do not believe there should be a
curriculum that excludes one form or another of math. It is important for our students
to know math and these other basic subjects if we want to be able to compete with the
rest of the world economically and technologically. Not only must students sit in a
class where these subjects are taught, but they also need to master the material before
they move on to the next grade. This is the job of the teacher. It is up to the teacher to
make sure that his students understand the material and can do it on their own before he
moves on to something else. I believe that the grade a student makes reflects the teacher.
If a student makes an F, the teacher has failed in his teaching of that student. This does
not mean that the teacher should make his class easy. I still agree with the essentialist
that academic rigor is an essential component of education. However, I do not agree that
this necessitates a great amount of homework. The level of work can be tough and
stretch the minds of the students, but if the teacher is able to teach his students well in
class and they comprehend the material and can practice it during the class period, I do
not think a lot of homework
Comparing Yahir Rivera Chavez And My Scientific Speech
Scientific speech to the church

I am Yahir Rivera Chavez and my scientific is Nicolaus Copernicus I pick this

scientific because i think is the best because if he did discover that the sun is in the
middle i think that nobary it was going to discover the. Their theory was that the sun
was in the middle. The church was no because we are in the middle because god like as
more that s why we are in the middle.

First of all Nicolaus was the greater scientific because he discovered think that other
people could not discover. The church got mad because the other people was like if we
are not in the middle god not like as.That s why the church got mad at the scientific

Secondly, why did the church got mad at Nicolaus

The Biafra Election In Nigeria
With the upcoming governorship election on November the 18th in Anambra State,
South East Nigeria, renewed international attention has been given to the unsolved
Biafra question . In fact, actors from separatist movements such as IPOB and MOSSOB
clearly stated that they will proceed with a boycott of the elections as a response to the
refusal of the Federal Government of Nigeriato hold a referendum for Biafrarestoration
before then. Supporters of the referendum claim that the Muhammadu Buhari Presidency
is failing to address the self determination request of the Igbo population in the South
Eastern area of the State, bringing about new tensions in the area. Moreover, the results
of these election can have a profound impact on the... Show more content on ...
The movement in fact exploits ethnic categories constructed ad hoc by British
colonialism to dismiss the Nigerian state as the sole provider of security, law and order
and as the creator of social norms and values regulating day to day life in the country. In
practice, since 2000, MASSOB has embarked on various forms of civil disobedience in
an effort to dismantle every infrastructure that supports the Nigerian government in the
region. Boycotting the upcoming election in Anambra state therefore represents an
attempt to assert the Biafra s quest for self determination.
Nonetheless, when it comes to analysing the identity claims of the pro Biafra
movement, it is difficult to discern how far the construction of narratives has
undergone while trying to transcend the existence of the Nigerian state. In doing so,
the movements frame Igbo origins in a way that historically correspond to present day
Igboland. In fact, MASSOB not only traces the origins of Biafra back to Judeo
Christian traditions and history by invoking biblical examples such as David and the
Goliath, but it also depicts Igbo speaking people as the Jews of Africa . This narrative
stem from the myth of Nri, king of Eri, popularly described as the founding father of the
Eva Peron Essay
Evita: The Real Life of Eva Peron
Evita: The Real Life of Eva Peron by Nicholas Fraser and Marysa Navarro is a life
story of one of the popular political figures in the recent Latin American history. Eva
Peron is among the most controversial women in the modern history and a significant
Latin American political figure, has also been portrayed as a cultural symbol through
movies and popular music over the last decades. The biography exposes Eva Peron s real
humanity, and it does not only focus on her achievements but also her failures and
Fraser and Navarro s book carries the life of Peron from birth to death in a chronological
sequence. The first chapter of the biography gives the details of Peron s family survival
on the ... Show more content on ...
Marysa Navarro and Nicholas Fraser, however, maintain that there is no record of
Magaldi performing in Junin in the year 1934.
The Peronist version of Evita s participation in crisis placed her in the traditional
Argentine woman s role. Evita was depicted as a supportive and a faithful wife even in
Peron s darkest hour. The opposition s version was that it was Evita who resisted Peron
s arrest and led the organizing his release. On the surface, Evita s role description by the
opposition appear to have some positive qualities, they also had negative connotations
that were disparaging both to Evita and her husband. The actions of Evita taking the role
assigned to Peron, she emasculates him and reveal her masculinity.
Nicholas Fraser and Maryssa Navarro recognize the negative connotations of Evita s
portrayal in the Argentine context. This element alerts the reader to the meaning of the
current Latin fascination with Eva Peron. One the surface Evita seems to be a strong
woman who is a role model to others, but Both actors reveal her real self and attack her
character of a woman who leaves her traditions. Until the publication by Fraser and
Navarro, Evita had been viewed as an uneducated, obscure and a vulgar woman who used
men to climb the gutter. She is depicted as a scheming woman who manipulated herself
into her powerful
Lincoln Electric Culture Case Analysis
Lincoln Electric Culture Case analysis.

One of the world s biggest maker of welding machine and electrodes is the Lincoln
Electric company. Since 1965, has seen the higher net income and incentives. Employees
turnover is nonexistent except for retirement and Lincoln s organization culture
supported on closeness, trust, percentage control and classless tone is one of the reason
why its so prosperous. History and influence of ownership
In 1895, John C. Lincoln took out his second patent and began to fabricate his improved
motor. Establishing his new business with two hundred dollars he had earned designing a
motor. John Lincoln rather than being a manager preferred being an engineer and
inventor. That s why in 1907, he give the General ... Show more content on ...
Lincoln claims levels of productivity more than double then the other manufacturers from
1945 onward.
The golden rule
James F. Lincoln was the son of a minister and Christian values were at the middle of his
philosophy. However, nothing pointed that he attempted to evangelize his workers,
customers or the public. His slogan was the actual is limited, the possible in immense ,
which didn t display any religious beliefs. He also had different views on customers,
stockholders and union members. He believe that customers interest should be the top
priority and that stockholders should be the last priority which is still the philosophy til
today. He also Excused mistreatment of union power as and believe that there must be
absolute honesty and understanding between the hourly worker and management if high
efficiency is to be acquired.
The incentive management plan
It is a sort of complex scheme of management with an incentive program that has taken
the company a lengthy time to evolve to the point that new employees will trust it. It has
four central elements the open door policy, the merit based bonuses, the use of piecework
and the believable promise of guaranteed employment. The four policy elements strongly
strengthen each other out on the factory floor.
Open door policy
The open door policy consist of representatives elected from various
Nanoparticles Essay
Nanoparticles are materials with overall dimensions less then one hundred nanometers,
they are also known as zero dimensional materials. These particles differ from other
nanomaterials because all their dimensions are in nanoscale, apposed to one dimensional
or two dimensional nanomaterials which have one or two dimensions greater then a
nanoscale. Nanoparticles have amazing applications in medicine pushing the boundaries
of what we can accomplish in areas like medical imaging and drug and gene delivery.
Nanoparticles are replacing conventional organic dyes used to dye tissue and cells for
imagining with quantum dots. In drug delivery, they are using natural nano polymers
delivery methods to increase the solubility of drugs and prolong the... Show more content
on ...
One of the most advanced applications of QD s is its use in drug and gene delivery,
methods like polymer and liposome based drug deliveries. Polymer based delivery is
the use of a natural polymer that is known to be or have antiviral or antitumor
characteristics, these are referred to a PEG. PEG is known for there high water
solubility and biocompatibility, these PEG s are attached to drugs to increase their
solubility, increase drug uptake by cells and decrease their renal clearance of the drug.
The PEG s ability to do this prolongs the half life of a drug and reduces dosing
frequency. Liposome based drug delivery, is the formation of vesicles where an
amount of fluid is trapped inside a Nano phospholipid molecule. Vesicles can range in
size from tens of nanometers to thousands of nanometres (Torchilin and Weissig 2003).
Liposome and polymer delivery methods are being used to treat cancer, Paclitaxel is
an anti cancer drug that had to be administered with a verity of other drugs due to its
side effects. In 2005, it was improved and a form of Paclitaxel was loaded within a
nanoparticle of a natural polymer, in tests it eliminated some of the side effects of the
drug but also provided some additional benefits. In treatment of tumors that have become
resistant to specific delivery methods, Paclitaxel can be loaded into different forms of
polymer nanoparticles and this ability to provide a drug in a
A Government contractor with top secret information is accused of being a spy after he
meets a mysterious and seductive woman and now he has to prove his innocence.


DAN STEVENS (50 s) works for a government agency that sales advance weapons
systems. He has information that is considered top secret. His job relocates Dan and his
sons to Geneva. Dan meets his neighbor HANK, who introduces Dan to MICHELLE, a
mysterious and seductive woman.

Dan becomes smitten with Michelle, but every time they get together, she abruptly
leaves. He also sees her with a mysterious man that she claims is her ex husband, PAUL.
Dan s not sure what to think.

They eventually grow closer and make love, but the next morning Dan finds Michelle
gone and his ... Show more content on ...
However, Dan takes the kids on a houseboat vacation with GABBIE and her daughters.
He grows closer to Gabbie. Gabbie warns Dan about Michelle taking advantage of him.
They become friends. Michelle doesn t go on the vacation. When Dan returns, Michelle
is angry with him.

Dan discovers that Michelle has moved out and taken her belongings. He searches for
her, but can t find her.

Eventually, the CIA picks up Dan. It turns out his neighbor Hank is really an agent.
They accuse Dan of being a spy. Dan s attorney gets Dan released. Dan knows that
Michelle set him up. He goes looking for her to prove his innocence. He goes to her
work, but she hasn t shown up. He finds her ex husband Paul, but it s not the man that he
saw Michelle with earlier. Paul explains that Michelle got involved with another man
named ALEXIS. Alexis is a communist.

Dan locates a mailbox for Michelle that contains a copy of a government blueprint. He
eventually tells the CIA agent, who retrieves the blueprint and the agent believes that
Dan was also framed. He warns Dan to protect his kids from Michelle. Dan discovers that
he was actually set up by his work to be the bait for
The First Monthly Coaching Program
Chris, Once again, I would like to welcome you back. This is the first monthly
coaching you ve had since you went on workers compensation. You cannot have come
back on a more exciting and challenging year. As you have already noticed, there are a
few things that have changed since you left. Our new rework goal is 7.5%. Of course,
because of the time you have been since you came back and started pulling routes, you
haven t had enough time to accumulate enough work to have a rework percentage.
Other areas that are also considered for quality are your whole house compliance and
whole house in range. For this month, you scored 100% in whole house compliance
and whole house in range. The new goal in this area compared to last year of 94%. Is
95.8%. So this has increased based to last year s percentage. Currently your yearly
average are 94.9 and 95.2% respectively. So based on your current yearly percentage on
rework and whole house compliance and the range. You are very close to meeting the
goal in all three areas. Let s continue working on improving our customerservice so
everything else will fall in place. Again, if there s anything I can do to help you let me
knowand I will give you what you needto succeed at your work.

Chris, your CSAT this month was 100%. This is exactly where you need to start to
improve in all other areas. Your current yearly average is 97.8%. based on the current
departmental goals, which I have already given you, this particular area is now at
Stocking In Tim O Brien s The Things They Carried
The Things They Carried by Tim O Brien, is a book of a collection of stories about
what O Brien encountered during his time in the Vietnam War. In many of the stories
they, talk about things they had and good things that they want back. One of the
stories that I connected closely to was Stocking . No sweat, the magic doesn t go
away (112). In the end, they carry on with the memories of something good or major to
them, but all good things must come to an end, at least that s what i ve been told.
Similar to an experience I had not too long ago, I had a best friend from kindergarten,
then the relationship went south when we got older. But the fact that we had so many
good times together when we were younger is something that won t be forgotten or
hated. It can be hard knowing someone so well and then just feel like they are slipping
through your fingers over night. In... Show more content on ...
Because you know someone s background, and what their life is about, you may have
more guilt when making a decision. In the short story about Tim O Brien, having to
ambush a young man while on a trail during the war. While on that trial, he watched
the man just wander along and noticed it was from the opposing side and was not
trying to play into factor anything personal. I did not hate the young man; I did not
see him as the enemy; I did not ponder issues of morality or politics or military duty
(126). This quote is very different, but is also connected to my situation so much. I
looked at it as moving forward and not thinking about the old friend as a bad person
and just accept what happened and have no hard feeling. You didn t think about the
thick and thin that you move on to what is current. The quote is talking about how a
hard decision can be made easier if you don t take or make anything personal. And
sometimes that s the best way to make a
The Conjure Woman By Charley Chesnutt Analysis
Superstitions and Folklore: Bibliography Essay on Superstitions
And Folklore in Charles W. Chesnutt s Stories Charles Waddell Chesnutt is an African
American writer who writes many novels and short stories about African American
superstitions and folklore of the south in The Conjure Woman . The Conjure Woman is a
collection of folk tales that explore complex issues of racial and social identity in the
post Civil War. Chesnutt writes these stories in vernacular forms to represent the oral act
of storytelling and express Chesnutt s black identity and cultural heritage of African
American people. Chesnutt s folktales are narrated either to teach the readers lessons or
to represent how African American people are treated by whites ... Show more content on ...
On the other hand, Church states that Chesnutt writes about slavery days in order to
clarify the truth. Church adds that Chesnutt knew well the unsentimental truths of racial
oppression; as a writer, he also recognized the romantic appeal of the region and its
history, but determined to use it to attract white readers and get them to see rather than
escape their part in the unjust spirit of caste (122). Further, Chesnutt represents that
Uncle Julius uses his conjure tales to protect himself and his people. In other tales, Uncle
Julius seeks to protect his
Fice Of Juvenile Justice And Delinquency Prevention
Youth gang issues has been around for almost several decades and data showed the
proportion of youths joining a gang increased significantly. In order to prevent from
newer generations of youths from joining a gang and essentially ruining their future,
communities formed together to create a blockage to direct them to a successful future
and be a law abiding citizen. The federal government even formed an office called the
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention that operates under United States
department of Justice to attempt by supporting states, local communities, and tribal
jurisdictions in their efforts to develop and implement effective programs for juveniles .
(Howell, J. C., Wilson, J. J., Reno, J., Marcus, D., ... Show more content on ...
School Based programs is a program that operates in the respective school to prevent
students from joining gangs. Most school in the United States have some sort of school
based activities to keep young students out of trouble and under surveillance if a parent
or a guardian is not home to monitor the kids. The strategy the Office of Juvenile Justice
and Delinquency Prevention recommends is in school safety and control procedures to
interfere and identify students that might ve been exposed with gang, experience more
meaningful, effective, and enjoyable by hosting gym activities for students to participate
and play sport games as well as be orientated on playing the game and having fun, and
formal links to community based programs which leads to opportunities for getting a job,
references, contacts to become successful in life.
Afterschool activities is a targeted outreach specifically towards adolescents to join
clubs or organizations that allows them to incorporate a skill that they can use in the
near future. For example, painting or joining the debate team that may very well lead
to being an art major or a political science major. The policy is implemented by an
organization called Boys Girls Clubs of America. The BGCA is a community wide gang
prevention program that showed to be successful due to the ability to match the individual
Photojournalism is Subjective NOT Objective Essay
Photojournalism has long been considered to have a tradition of reflecting the truth. It
has been a major element in newspaper and magazine reporting since the early 20th
century. It was probably only about a century ago when people believed that what they
saw in photographs was factual. This impact of visual image as seen by the viewer was
based on the old belief that the camera never lies . Wheeler says that photojournalism
has acquired a special standing in the public mind, a confidence that photo can reflect
reality in a uniquely compelling and credible way. (Wheeler T, 2002, p. 3) This
acquisition is formed by a creation of a powerful picture, which is the combination of
both truthfulness and visual impact. In general,... Show more content on
Photos are just recorded information and how it is presented is actually based on
individual interpretation by the photographers themselves. It is not absolute reality
because the viewers themselves are not there to witness the event; therefore it is not
entirely factual. The meaning of a photo illustration is also dependent on viewers
individual views and assumption. As the old metaphor says, is the glass of milk half full
or half empty?

Gatekeepers such as publishers and the government play a role in photo manipulation.
As Newton (Newton J, 2001, pg. 74) suggests that those who tend the gates of
reportage tend power . These people are the ones who decide what the public В‘needs
to know , what is В‘appropriate , what is В‘news and also what the public needs to
В‘see . Gatekeepers as such must answer questions like: Will publishing a picture of the
body of a drowning victim prevent others from drowning at the same spot, or will it
only exploit a tragic situation to sell newspapers? (Newton J, 2001)

Another significant reason that has played a vital role in photojournalism of recent times
is the emergence of imaging technologies. Imaging technologies has undoubtedly played
a major part in the works of a photojournalist today. Based on earlier accounts on how
photography itself is an inherent manipulation, the question is no longer directed on
В‘how has imaging technologies manipulate photojournalism but В‘how much more has
Utilitarianism And Deontological Ethics In The...
Researching new medicines and discovering new techniques to heal people can be very
difficult with all of the rules and stipulations placed on utilizing human subjects for study.
In the movie, Extreme Measures, two doctors with opposing morals fight over what they
believe is right. Dr. Lawrence takes more of a utilitarianism viewpoint, while Dr. Luthan
takes a more strict position closer to Kant s ethical system, deontological ethics. The
movie contrasts utilitarianism and deontological ethics through the two opposing doctors
and portrays Dr. Luthan as the most ethically correct. This considered, following the
standards of moral literacy Dr. Luthan would be following the standards, while Dr.
Lawrence would be in the wrong. Dr. Lawrence... Show more content on
In this sense, Dr. Lawrence subconsciously utilizes the greatest happiness calculus. Dr.
Luthan is an ordinary doctor with an extraordinarily inquisitive nature that finds one of
his patients, Claude Minkins, missing after the patient mysteriously dies of unknown
causes and with radical lab results. He begins asking about the mysterious case and
asking questions surrounding Minkins inexplicable departure drawing attention from the
TriPhase organization that had two patients escape. This began Dr. Luthan s search for
the hidden truth behind TriPhase and his discovery of the kind of research happening
there. After discovering that Dr. Lawrence was conducting unlawful research and forcing
homeless people to be his subjects, Dr. Luthan took a moral stance close to that of Kant s
deontological ethics. Kant s ethics relied mostly on reason and a person s sense of duty.
In deontological ethics for something to be considered reasonable it must meet the
criteria of being universal, autonomous, and it must not use others. With this, Dr. Luthan
argues that Dr. Lawrence s research is unethical because his research only chooses the
homeless people that would not be missed when gone, meaning the moral is not
universal, the research is also not autonomous because
Advantages Of Enzymes
Enzymes are biological catalysts. Catalysts are substances that increase the rate of
chemical reactions in all living things without being used up. Enzymes are also proteins
that can be folded into different shapes that let smaller molecules fit inside them (BBC
news). Without enzymes, many reactions would not have occurred in our body, or would
have occurred very slowly. Chemical reactions are reactions that occur in your body
when two or more molecules meet and their molecules change. The bonds between atoms
are broken in order to form new molecules (Chemical reactions). Activation energy is the
amount of energy required to start a chemical reaction (SlidePlayer).

Immobilized enzymes:
An immobilized enzyme is an enzyme whose movement ... Show more content on ...
Advantages of using biodiesel:
1.Biodiesel produces fewer particles when burnt
2.Produced from renewable resources
3.More health benefits, as it causes less air pollution
4.Biodiesel cleans dirt that s in the engine (What is biodiesel)
5.Biodiesel fuel is ready to use. That means that there are no engine modifications
required to use biodiesel fuels.
6.Immobilized enzymes can be used repeatedly without getting used up, so that saves
cost as enzymes are very expensive (Saritha Pujari)
7.It is environmentally friendly as it does not produce excessive waste material that can
damage the environment
8.Since enzymes are not present in products, companies don t need to purify it
9.Enzymes become more stable during immobilization, so it is easier for companies to
work with it (Gary Kierans)
10.By immobilizing enzymes, people can have better control of the reaction
Disadvantages of using lipase enzymes in biodiesel:
1.Costlier than normal fuel
2.Food production is reduced economically
3.Barely available around the world (Maija Beguhl)
4.If the immobilized enzyme is not kept in a controlled temperature, which is 50 degrees,
the enzymes will stop
Analysis Of Revelation By Liz Lochhead
The poem Revelation, by Liz Lochead, is a gripping story about a chance encounter
that leads the reader into a deeper understanding of the poem s underlying theme. The
poem focuses on a girl who is visiting a farm and is given the opportunity to see a bull
that is kept out of sight. Lochhead manages to grasp the reader s imagination by the use
of wordchoice, sentence structure, imagery and personification. This allows the reader to
visualize the recurring theme of sexual awakening within the poem. Liz Lochhead,
creates a deeper understanding of the poem s theme by her word choice, which helps
explain the events leading up to the young girls encounter with the bull. She uses the
word threshold , which describes the girl standing at the opening of the barn. The
word has connotations of a crossover from innocence to experience. At this point in
time the girl is standing at the edge of purity, about to step over to the other side
revealing something unknown to her. This describes to the reader that she has
reached the stage in her life where she is ready to be exposed to her sexual awakening
and the evil that is prominent in the world. The writer then builds on this motif by the
way she structures the poem in the lead up to the girl meeting the bull. In stanza one
she adds the hot reek of him. Then he was immense . The use of the caesura adds a
dramatic effect to the poem causing the reader to pause, instilling fear. It makes the
reader realise that this isn t just a chance encounter after all, as it has a great impact on
the young girl. From this one encounter the girl remembers the bull s overwhelming
smell body heat. This explains, further, that the girl is no longer at a stage of innocence.
She has been introduced to the fear and dread that surrounds her, that she was once
oblivious too. The use of imagery throughout the poem also helps the reader gain a
further insight to the underlying meaning. She uses imagery particularly well when the
girl has experienced the bull. Lockheed uses the words darkness roar to describe the bull
in more detail. Although, this helps the reader create the image of the bull, the words
also portray thoughts of the dread and panic the girl has over this new chapter
Literary Fiction And Commercial Fiction
In the genre of fiction there are two categories Literary fiction and Commercial
fiction.Literary fiction contains complex characters, philosophical messages and endings
are unsettling or unresolved.The other category Commercial fiction is the complete
opposite of Literary fiction because the characters are almost always protagonists or
villains, the endings have closure and the theme is straight forward.In the short storyThe
Destructors by Graham Greene the theme is that seeing others do better than yourself
will make you want to tear them down.This short story can be categorized into the
Drama category because when the gang is still destroying the house Mr.Thomas
comes home early the gang devises a plan to trap him in his own loo.The short story is
different from others because it s about tearing down a house that has survived the
destruction of World War II.The story begins when the gang has a meeting to talk
about their operations and that s when T comes and tells the gang that Mr.Thomas
showed him his house and he will be leaving on holiday break so they should try to
break in and destroy the home.He tells them that he found a way into the house without
making much noise.All of them agree that destroying the house is the way to go by
voting for it then T gives everyone orders to get tools in order to make destroying the
house a lot easier.As they are close to finishing the home Mr.Thomas unexpectedly
comes home early and the gang scrambles to come up with a plan to
Practical Philosophy And Conversational Counseling
Practical Philosophy and Conversational Counseling For the past 5 years the writer, on a
volunteer and informal basis has been given access to clients of a Homeless Shelter,
Veterans Residential Center and Addiction Treatment Center in Phoenix, Arizona. At
these locations the writer has conducted individual and group weekly sessions with an
emphasis on the abuse of alcohol and drugs utilizing Practical Philosophy and
Conversational Counseling to supplement meditation sessions. Group size averages
around 10 participants. In order to compare effectiveness of Practical Philosophy and
Conversational Counseling with participants who have no known current diagnosis of
alcohol and/or drug abuse, the writer has during the same period conducted a group
comprised of successful business men and women also in Phoenix, Arizona meeting on a
weekly basis. Additionally, one time per month an Open Meditation group is held, open
to all. Up to 20 individuals attend this group. Individuals and participants in all three
group categories respond favorably to the experience of supplementing meditation with
Practical Philosophy and Conversational Counseling. Particularly appreciated is the
opportunity to share personal reflections of the meditative experience together with
discussions on matters that are personally relevant to them arising from Practical
Philosophy. This helps to establish deeper levels of knowledge within each participant. In
addition to the individual benefit of these sessions,
Department Of Defense Case Study
The Department of Defense (DoD) chose to incorporate open source software (OSS),
in their approach to the software development for the military organizations (O Brien
Marakas, 2011). The OSS approach is beneficial, because it allows users to study the
computer code as a way to enhance and redistribute modified versions of the software
to other users (Chief Information Officer, 2009). The DoD wants software to be open
for peer review to strengthen the software reliability and be open to the public as a
secure source. John Scott of Mercury Federal Systems, helped to incorporate the DoD s
open source changes to be used by the public, which was an effort to speed up software
development and improve the cost to make it more affordable to... Show more content on ...
CMIS is utilized by 16,000 users, which consist of DISA employees and military
contractors, and is used on modern Web based platforms for data input (O Brien
Marakas, 2011).

Any business looking to conduct business with the DoD would be wise to choose to
work with OSS, because the software is being tested by the military and would be a
strong system. The ability to collaborate across multiple platforms keeps the software
updated and efficient for businesses to stay ahead of technology. The ability to use cloud
computing would benefit businesses by allowing their information to be accessed from
any location. Cloud computing with CMIS would be especially important to a business
so that they could access trainings and payment information from virtually anywhere (O
Brien Marakas, 2011).

O Brien, J., Marakas, G. (2011). Management of Information Systems. New York, NY.
McGraw Hill Irwin. Retrieved from

Chief Information Officer. (2009). Retrieved November 17, 2017, from http:/
/ Source Software FAQ

Nimmer, C. (2015). How changed the way the US DoD develops software.
Retrieved November 17, 2017, from
forgemil changed way dod develops software Open source software is read by
programmers to modify and redistribute an evolved format
The Law Enforcement System In The United States
The United States has almost 18,000 law enforcement agencies.Each agency is limited
by law. Law enforcement is also limited by the procedural law derived from U.S.
Supreme Court decisions. Like much of the criminal justice system, this limited law
enforcement model came from England. The United States has more policedepartments
than any other nation in the world. Settlers to the new American colonies brought with
them the constable watch system, which became common in cities. In many rural areas,
a sheriff and posse system was commonly used. America developed with two separate
law enforcement systems. In 1844, New York City created the first paid, unified police
force in the U.S. It was not until after the Civil War those police forces routinely
Environmental Issues Surrounding The Use Of Biofuels
A biofuels is a fuel that is produced through biological processes, such as agriculture
rather than a fuel produced by geological processes. Hence a biofuel is a fuel which is
gained from the living matter. A biofuel is a hydrocarbon that is made from a living
organism hence we humans end up using this to power something. In a short amount of
time, if a hydrogen fuel is produced from organic matter hence this is known as a biofuel
being produced. Biodieselis an fuel which is similar to fossil diesel. Therefore biofuel is
any fuel from which energy is gained through a process of biological carbon fixation.
Biodiesel can be produced from vegetable oil, animal oil/fats and waste cooking oils. A
well known process used to convert these oils... Show more content on ...
Biodiesel has many environmentally impacts. One of the main benefits is that it can
be described as carbon neutral. Therefore this helps me understand that the fuel
produces has no net output of carbon in the form of carbon dioxide. The reason for
this effect to occur is that when the oil crops grows it gains the same amount of CO2
as is released when the fuel is combusted. However this is not exact as CO2 is released
during the production of the fertilizer require to fertilize the fields in which the oil
crops grow in. fertilizer production is not the only source of which is attached to the
production of biodiesel, other sources include the process which is called esterification
process. No matter what all these processes requires an energy input either in the form of
electricity or from a
The Corporate Structure Of Puma
Puma is one of the world s leading athletic footwear, apparel and accessories companies.
The history of the company began in 1948, when Rudolf Dassler, the founder of Puma,
had separated from the existing business assets GebrГјder Dassler Schuhfabrik .
Throughout the years they were the first to introduce many new footwear innovations,
including vulcanized soles on soccer shoes, uniquely shaped soles on running shoes
to enhance natural motion, athletic shoes with a Velcro strap, and the Puma Disc
system, which replaces laces with a series of wires. Thereby gaining a great success in
football and athletic boots . In 1986 company went public under the leadership Armin
Dassler. In 1993 a new CEO Jochen Zeitz manages to turn the company from the law
price to premium company that is ranked as one of the three leading brand in the
sporting goods industry . External Analysis Since PUMA is an international
organization there is a range of environmental factors that can have an impact on it. The
analysis of such challenges is to be conducted with the help of various tools such as
PESTLE and others. These tools will help take a look... Show more content on ...
Such a form of operations is especially appropriate for a company that has expanded its
activity across the domestic borders within the EU. This structure also allows the
company s management to have greater control over the company s actions and therefore
prevents the issues discussed earlier in the paper. Moreover, it basically reorganizes the
company into a much more flexible nature allowing the company s subsidiaries to take
advantage of the occurring opportunities with a greater authority. Yet the flexible nature
of the company allows the top management to fully monitor the activities of the
What Makes George Herbert Hoover A Good President
Alexandria Helms
Dr. Endsley
HIST 1302
24 June 2016

Herbert Hoover was elected as president in 1929, but before that he was much more.
Hoover was born a Quaker in Iowa, which makes him the only Iowan president. He had
a hard childhood due to both of his parents passing away and leaving he and his two
siblings orphans at the age of 9. He then moved in with his uncle in Oregon until he
attended college at Stanford, making him one of the first people to go there. He
graduated with a degree in geology and became an engineer. After awhile Hoover got
deeply involved with humanitarian work and was then appointed by president Woodrow
Wilson in 1917,when the US entered WW1, as head of Food Administration. His success
in that position allowed him to ... Show more content on ...
He won that election by a landslide and even though he had done an incredible job his
first term, the Great Depression was still a huge deal and the economy needed help..
This new wave included the Social Security Act, which provided Americans s who
weren t working or couldn t work income for when they were older. It also included the
Works Progress Administration, which provided jobs for the unexperienced and
unemployed. They were not allowed to work with private industry so instead they put
their focus on construction of public things such as schools, roads and parks. They also
gave employment opportunities to artists, writer, theater directors and musicians (The
New Deal). Then, in July of 1935, came the Wagner Act which created the National
Labor Relations Board in order to oversee union elections and make sure businesses were
treating their workers fairly. Workers all over the nation grew to be more violent and
forceful. They started strikes that would eventually grow to multiple cities at once. They
were demanding their rights and fighting for what they wanted. The conservatives on the
Supreme Court argues that they were in unconstitutional extension of federal authority.
Roosevelt, with the purpose of protecting his programs, came out with a plan to add
liberal justices in order to neutralize the conservatives. It
Environmental Impact On Environmental Effects On 280...
After using this approach, some criteria for mitigation activities of mitigation banks are
issued. It promoted the watershed approach which required landscape level plans and
ecological strategic decisions about compensation. Then, it emphasized on wetland
functions and values, and created the online database of mitigation projects.
US wetlands compensation system highlights on qualifying potential bankers which will
meet the biodiversity offsets goals. This system proved that banking will provide more
offset credits. Through this approach, U.S. has a great experience of biodiversity offsets.
The third representative biodiversity offset mechanism case is a Canada based project,
Bruce to Milton Biodiversity Initiative by Hydro One ... Show more content on ...
Moreover, as a result of cooperation with these groups, Hydro One chose to financially
support 23 locally designed projects that are proposed by 13 different groups for better
improving the local area. The offset project works through quantifying the relevant
habitat loss due to the reinforcement construction and the relevant habitat gain by the
offset. Because of the trans regional property of the line construction, the quantifications
are used independently in very watershed traversed for achieving the no net habitat loss
in each local watershed area. Moreover, besides the sole quantification of habitat changes,
the social factors also have been taken into the consideration of habitat loss and gain
assessment. The social factors include the related changes in local educational
opportunities, First Nations participation opportunities, local entertainment utility.
Consequently, Hydro One not only met the requirement of no net loss, but also made a
net gain to habitat via this offset project.
There are more detailed points of Hydro one project that are worth to mention.
The cost is another essential factor in consideration of project application. Hydro one
costed 16 million dollar for the total environment expenditure which includes fixed and
variable cost, because cost structure indicates the types and relative proportions of fixed
and variable costs that a business expends. Fixed costs remain the same despite that the
amount of goods
The Third Industrial Revolution
The danger is that employees in high skilled, like blue collar manufacturing jobs will be
displaced by using machines before the dust of the third industrial revolution. Today, for
example, a patient in Washington may have his MRI sent digitally to, say, India, where a
highly skilled radiologist reads the scan at a quarter of the cost of what a Washington
radiologist earns. How long before a computer can read those images faster, cheaper and
better than that Indian radiologist can? The third industrial revolution, additionally
correspond with different systematic changes taking places in the economy. As an
example, a revolution is additionally under way in the transportation which is being
revolutionized with the aid of technology. In a matter
Dissociative Disorder Essay
Dissociative Disorders
Dissociative disorder like any other mental disorder is not a perspector of person. It
may affect an individual of any age, socioeconmomic, racial, and ethic backgrounds.
Dissociative disorder affects approximately two percent of the population each year and
approximately half of the population experience at least one episode of dissociation in
their lifetime, yet do not meet the criteria for a diagnosis (National Alliance on Mental
Illness, 2017). Dissociative disorders and their symptoms many times may be linked to
traumatic experience. Dissociative disorders are generally characterized by a disruption
of and/or discontinuity in the normal integration of consciousness, memory, identity,
emotion, perception, body representation, ... Show more content on ...
The assessment is a twenty eight question self report questionnaire which exams the
frequency and severity of dissociative symptoms (Bernstein Putnam, 1986). It is
emphasized the assessment be completed when the individual is not under the influence
of alcohol or drugs (Bernstein Putnam, 1986).
Question Consistency with DSM V. The questions in the Dissociative Experiences
Scale show consistency with the DSM V. Examples of this can be seen as questions 1,
3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 25, and 26 all would be consistent with symptoms of amnesia which is a
criteria of dissociative disorder. Questions 7, 11, 12, 13, 27, and 28 all show
consistency with depersonalization or having a feeling of being detached . Questions 2,
14, 15, 17, 18, and 20 all would be consistent with an intrusion into the awareness whether
it be from trauma or from something

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