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Altruism Essay

Crafting an essay on altruism can be a challenging endeavor, as it requires a delicate balance between
exploring the philosophical underpinnings of selflessness and providing concrete examples that
illustrate the concept. Altruism, defined as selfless concern for the well-being of others, delves into
the complexities of human nature, ethics, and societal expectations. The difficulty arises in
navigating the fine line between idealistic notions of altruism and the practical challenges individuals
face in implementing it in their daily lives.

One must grapple with the various perspectives on altruism, considering both psychological theories
that delve into the motivations behind selfless actions and ethical frameworks that evaluate the
morality of such behavior. Moreover, the essay should explore real-world applications of altruism,
whether in personal relationships, community involvement, or broader societal contexts. This
necessitates a careful examination of case studies, historical examples, and contemporary scenarios to
illustrate the multifaceted nature of altruistic acts.

Balancing the abstract theories with tangible examples poses another hurdle. It requires a writer to
transition seamlessly between the theoretical foundations of altruism and the practical manifestations
of altruistic behavior. This synthesis demands a deep understanding of the subject matter, keen
analytical skills, and the ability to present a coherent narrative that engages the reader.

Furthermore, tackling the topic of altruism involves addressing potential criticisms and
counterarguments. Some may argue that true altruism is an elusive ideal, while others might question
the sustainability of selfless actions in a world often driven by self-interest. Addressing these
challenges requires a nuanced approach, acknowledging the complexities without diminishing the
significance of altruistic endeavors.

In conclusion, composing an essay on altruism necessitates a thoughtful exploration of its

philosophical underpinnings, practical applications, and potential challenges. Successfully navigating
these intricacies demands a keen intellect, a thorough understanding of the subject matter, and the
ability to communicate complex ideas effectively. While the task may be daunting, the rewards lie in
unraveling the layers of altruism and shedding light on its profound impact on individuals and

For assistance with similar essays or other academic writing needs, a valuable resource is, where professional writers can provide support and guidance tailored to specific
Altruism Essay Altruism Essay
Relationship between Real GDP Growth and Transfer
Transfer payments are government outlays, for programs such as Social Security and
welfare, for which the government does not receive any goods or services in return.
Transfer payments were designed as a way to provide a safety net to citizens in need of
assistance. In the last fifty years we have seen a consistent increase in transfer payments,
regardless of the economic conditions faced by the nation. Some of this continual
increase in transfer payments can be explained by demographics (Baby Boomers
collecting Social Security), changes in the political climate (immigration amnesty in the
1980s) as well as the economic climate of the last decade (extended unemployment
compensation). In this paper, we attempt to analyze the effect, if any,... Show more
content on ...
Finally and more importantly the results show that, statistically speaking, there is not
enough evidence to infer that transfer payments during times of recession contribute to
GDP growth. One of the surprising results from this model is the negative relationship
between non transfer payments and GDP growth. The model shows that during times of
economic recession, a $1 billion investment in non transfer payments actually decreases
per capita GDP by $12.88. The negative relationship still holds during times of
economic expansion: a $1 billion investment in non transfer payments leads to a
decrease in per capita GDP of $10.17. If we combine these results and the fact that we
found that transfer payments have no statistical significance, we can infer that an
expansionary fiscal policy in times of economic recession has a negligible impact on
GDP growth. During times of economic expansion, we found that non transfer payments
have a negative impact on GDP growth; on the other hand, transfer payments do have an
impact, albeit extremely small, on GDP growth. We can thus reject the proposition that
an increase in government spending helps fuel economic growth (recession or no). In
terms of monetary policies, the model shows that expansionary monetary policy during
recession is not statistically significant; the implication of this result is that during a
recession, there is no
Summary Of Ray Bradbury s Dandelion Wine
Everyone suffers loss at some point in their lives but, it affects people differently. Some
are more vocal about their feelings than others. Nevertheless, the pain of loss can push
growth and maturity in everyone. The harsh sting of loss however will never be as
strong as the love from friends and family. In Ray Bradburys novel Dandelion Wine, the
citizens of Green Town, Illinois endure loss in its many forms. There is the deathof a
loved one, extraction of an object no matter how insignificant, and the end of youth.
These are portrayed during the events of the book as they happen to twelve year old
Douglas (Doug) Spaulding.
Throughout Dandelion Wine, Doug loses some important people in his life. Some are
lost because of death and one is forced to leave. The first loss of a person Doug suffers
is Colonel Freeleigh. The Colonel, nicknamed the Time machine , is an old man who
has a very vivid and long standing memory. Doug and his friend love to visit him since
he able to tell wonderful stories of his past. He dies of natural causes, but his death
still comes as a shock for Doug. Later, his great grandma dies of old age. She is ready
to die and offers Doug some calming words about death. She tells him, Important thing
is not the me that s lying here, but the me that s sitting on the edge of the bed looking
back at me ... I am not really dying today. No person ever died that had a family. I ll be
around a long time (Bradbury 183). These words are to tell Doug that she is not
RealizaciГіn de limpieza general del rio en la poblaciГіn...
El agua dulce es un tema que tiene que ver con el futuro de nuestro planeta y de nuestra
propia humanidad, porque la disponibilidad de este recurso dado el calentamiento
global, va a ir disminuyendo. Vamos a tener que ver de dГіnde nos vamos a abastecer en
el futuro, para el consumo de una poblaciГіn creciente. Tengamos en cuenta que si hay
una demanda constante del recurso del agua, la disponibilidad de agua dulce va a
disminuir, ya que las fuentes que tenemos, como son los rГos y las lagunas se abastecen
porque hay nevados en la Cordillera de los Andes que son una fuente permanente de
agua. Pero si estos nevados se descongelan por el calentamiento global, ya no habrГa la
misma cantidad de agua en los rГos por escorrentГa.

TambiГ©n por los cambios climГЎticos, tendremos mayores tiempos de sequГas; el

clima se va a poner irregular. Ahora vamos a tener que empezar a ver quГ© hacer con
las fuentes de agua que tenemos, para que no se contaminen por el uso intensivo de la
agricultura, de la industria o por el uso del consumo humano.
Por este motivo principal, luchar contra la contaminaciГіn de los rГos es algo de vital
importancia, no sГіlo para la protecciГіn del propio medio ambiente, sino de la fauna y
de la vegetaciГіn que vive en ellos. la contaminaciГіn de los rГos vendrГa a consistir en
la incorporaciГіn, al agua, de materiales considerados como extraГ±os, tales como:
productos quГmicos, microorganismos, aguas residuales, residuos industriales y otros.
Women s Unequal Pay
Women s Unequal Pay
Equality. The definition of equality in the Declaration of Independence states that, all
men are created equal. According to this constitution that we live in correlation with, it
suggest and says that we are the same, no one is greater than anyone, whether it be a
woman or man. In response to the statement, why should women be paid less than men?
Woman should and deserve the right be paid equally for the same jobs they possess in
comparison to men.
Women have always been seen inferior to men, and in a result has impacted us in a
negative way that affects us by being paid lower. In Obama s State Address, he
mentioned that for every dollar a man earns a woman earns seventy seven cents
(Obama). Women nowadays take place and are in an environment where their jobs are
equal or even higher than men, yet they still get paid less. Personally I believe that it is
unfair for this situation to take place because women have transformed from the past. In
the past, women have been perceived as only the mother and that they should stay home
and take care of the children, and to have the food ready for their husband, to be the
typical wife. Back then women were not forced nor allowed to take place in the working
environment; this was the husband s job. Times have changed and so have women, now
that there are more advancements in our modern time, such as technology, we have taken
charge and made an impact in learning, working, and wanting to pursue
Intensive Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy ( Istdp )...
Intensive Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP) developed by Habib Davanloo
was based on Freud s second theory of anxiety (Della Selva, 1996). Freud s theory
suggests that anxiety is a danger signal to the ego, warming of the occurrence of trauma
(Malan Della Selva, 2012, p. 10). Freud defined trauma as separation from or loss of, a
loved object or a loss of it love(Freud, 1926, p.151). According to Davanloo, danger is
any feeling, impulse, or action that could threaten an attachment bond, usually with a
caretaker (Malan Della Selva, 2012). Essentially, any feeling, impulse, or action that
results in separation from a loved one is experienced as threatening. As a result, the
threat evokes anxiety in an individual and is consequently avoided. This gives rise to
intrapsychic conflict between expressive and repressive forces within the psychic
(Malan Della Selva, 2012). Client s symptoms are considered to be a compromise
between the competing need to express the feeling and to defend against it. Symptoms
and defenses keep the anxiety, and the feelings out of awareness.

This theory utility the Triangle of Conflict and the Triangle of Person to conceptualize
clients presenting concern (see figure 1). The Triangle of Conflict developed by
Menninger in 1958 operationalized the notion of intrapsychic conflict in which impulses
and feelings, defense, and anxiety each occupy one of the three corners (Della Selva,
1996). At the bottom of the triangle are the core
Project Implementation Plan For A Successful Project...
Project Implementation Plan

For a successful project management, there is need to have a good project

implementation plan which is a singled document that particularize the duties, dates and
who is in charge. Project implementation can be referred to as a process in which project
inputs are transformed to project outputs as set out in the project charter. The process
involves a chain of activities, which need to be planned, operated and controlled. The
management of these activities is essential to the project manager so that the project can
be completed on time and at a cost consistent with the project plan.
Human Resources Plan Project Human Resource Management includes the processes
that organize, manage, and lead the project team. The project team is comprised of the
people with assigned roles and responsibilities for completing the project (PMBOK, Ch.
The human resources plan is a device which directs the management in details on the
responsibilities and the roles, acquiring of the human resources, training specialization
needed and individual time required per resource. A well planned and successful project
is dependent on the correct human resources as the major component, which comprises
of the following: i. Roles and responsibilities of the members of the team in the project
The responsibility is the assigned work that to be finished within given frameworks while
the role is detailed portion, which the individual member could give
Changes in the Environment Affecting the Marketing...
Changes in the environment affecting the marketing activities of Indian Industries

Marketing Management

Marketing Environment
The market environment is a marketing term and refers to all of the forces outside of
marketing that affect marketing management s ability to build and maintain successful
relationships with target customers. The market environment consists of both the macro
environment and the microenvironment.
The microenvironment refers to the forces that are close to the company and affect its
ability to serve its customers. It includes the company itself, its suppliers, marketing
intermediaries, customer markets, competitors, and publics.
The macroenvironment refers to all forces that are part of the larger society and ... Show
more content on ...
For example, financial publics can hinder a company s ability to obtain funds affecting
the level of credit a company has. Media publics include newspapers and magazines that
can publish articles of interest regarding the company and editorials that may influence
customers opinions. Government publics can affect the company by passing legislation
and laws that put restrictions on the company s actions. Citizen action publics include
environmental groups and minority groups and can question the actions of a company
and put them in the public spotlight. Local publics are neighborhood and community
organizations and will also question a company s impact on the local area and the level
of responsibility of their actions. The general public can greatly affect the company as
any change in their attitude, whether positive or negative, can cause sales to go up or
down because the general public is often the company s customer base. And finally those
who are employed within the company and deal with the organization and construction of
the company s product

Demography refers to studying human populations in terms of size, density, location,
age, gender, race, and occupation. This is a very important factor to study for marketers
and helps to divide the population into market segments and target markets. As India is
having one billion population and the purchasing power of people and the number of
such people being high than previous years the
Acrylic Nails Assignment

1. Assessing the client for treatment is a very important part of every client s
appointment. It ensures that the client is made to feel special and is also mandatory for
insurance purposes. What is imperative is the type of information gathered. A full client
consultation should be specific and detailed with the following important information.

Name, address and telephone number: this is obvious but a useful tool when sending
mail outs, invitations to special events, birthday cards etc. Date of birth: this is to
recognise an individual s identification. Some client s may not wish to disclose this
information but it is necessary when providing treatments for people who look underage
will need parental ... Show more content on ...
There are several pieces of equipment that fall into this category. For example: UV lamps
Foot spas Airbrushing equipment Paraffin wax baths Nail drills

3. Dangerous Goods (Storage and Handling) Regulations 2000: This addresses specific
areas within the workplace, such as ventilation and temperature, sanitary and washing
facilities, eating and changing facilities. It also refers to the many products used in nail
treatments that fall into the category of hazardous substances and every technician must
be aware of these hazards, how to manage them and how to protect themselves and their
clients from being harmed by them.

4. Accident Compensation Regulations 2001: Every employer must ensure all their
employees against any injury sustained or disease developed during the course of their
employment. The insurance certificate must be displayed for the information of all

5. The Environmental Protection Act 1990: Under this act, every technician has a duty to
dispose of waste safely.

3. These are the steps you would take in order to conduct a pre service sanitation
procedure of the service area before providing an acrylic nail enhancement service. It is
important to focus on creating a safe working environment by following manufacturer s
The Common Fallacies Of Reasoning
Common Fallacies in Reasoning The practice of allowing citizens to vote for their
leadership is currently used in two thirds of the world s countries. As such, it is
imperative to the basic freedoms of the public that those citizens are properly educated
on the matters they vote for. However, several cases of voter s remorse , such as that
over the American presidency of Donald Trump or Britain s decision to leave the EU,
imply that more work needs to be done in this regard. A good starting point might be to
raise awareness of logical fallacies, strategies that the media uses to sway opinion with
implication rather than fact. Several examples of these logical fallacies can be seen
during the 2016 Presidential Election, leading up to the... Show more content on ...
That s the Either/Or fallacy in action, where Trump is implying his policy to be a strictly
win/lose scenario, shutting down discussion of a potential compromise right then and
there. That s not supposed to be an admirable quality for the Presidency.
While this was going on, one would expect the Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton, to
be more well recognized by voters. Unfortunately, her campaign was haunted by scandals
from her previous role as Secretary of State, such as storing classified information on a
private email server, and leaving potential deals with foreign countries undisclosed. When
questioned about it at a Presidential Debate, Clinton tried to dodge the subject altogether:
Wallace: Secretary Clinton, during your 2009 Senate confirmation hearing, you promised
to avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest with your dealing with the Clinton
Foundation while you were secretary of state, but e mails show that donors got special
access to you...Can you really say that you kept your pledge to that Senate committee?
Clinton: Well, everything I did as secretary of state was in furtherance of our country s
interests and our values...But I am happy, in fact I m thrilled to talk about the Clinton
Foundation, because it is a world renowned charity and I am so proud of the work that it
does. (Medium)
Hillary s answer didn t match the question
Homemade Spaghetti Sauce Is Cheaper From Scratch Or From
As a frugal cook, I often make things from scratch rather than buying a mix or
packaged food item. This works well in many cases, but in others, it s actually cheaper
to buy the pre packaged item. Recently, I decided to look at whether spaghetti sauce is
cheaper from scratch or from a can. Canned vs. Homemade Spaghetti Sauce: Price
Looking at price alone, it s actually an easy call. At Winco Foods, I bought 26.5 ounce
can of Del Monte Mushroom Spaghetti Sauce for 78 cents. At most stores, in fact, I
can find canned spaghetti sauce for one dollar or less per can. For comparison
purposes, I also purchased one 14 ounce can and one 8 ounce can of tomato sauce, and
one four ounce can of mushrooms (stems and pieces). This came to over a dollar and
that doesn t even include the onions, herbs and spices that I already had at home. In
terms of price alone, the canned spaghetti sauce is obviously the better buy. But for me,
there s more to it than that. Canned vs. Homemade Spaghetti Sauce: Taste and
appearance Do my family and I actually prefer the canned sauce or the homemade
sauce? Based on taste and appearance, I would favor the homemade sauce. The canned
sauce is overly sweet, and the mushrooms in the mushroom sauce are nearly invisible
they must be finely minced (probably leftover bits from something else). Homemade
sauce has tasty chunks and pieces of mushrooms, and I control the herbs and spices,
adjusting them to my family s taste. Canned vs. Homemade
A Discussion On Emotions Versus Rationality Within...
Organisation Design Organisation Development

Title: A Discussion on Emotions versus Rationality in Organisations Drawing on Antonio

Damasio s Book, Descartes Error: Emotion, Reason and the Human Brain

Due Date: 05/05/2015

Lecturer: Dr. Phil Hanlon

Word count: (not including references, appendices or foot notes):

Declaration of Originality: We hereby certify that this material, which we now submit for
assessment is entirely our own work, except where properly referenced. In addition, we
certify that it has not been submitted in whole or in part for assessment for any academic
purpose other than in partial fulfillment for that stated above.

Student NameStudent Number

Valerie HouriganD13124040
Ella KelleherD13124507
Niamh O LoughlinC05611521
Emma Daly RonayneD13124454
Iveta AncaneD13125011

Table of Contents


Thinkers and Feelers


Damasio: Emotion, Reason and the Human Brain


Approaches to Decision Making


Emotional Problems in Organisations


Is Balance the Answer?


Ways to Achieve Balance




Appendix A

Decision making is an act that every individual practices as part of daily life, both in
their professional and personal interactions. Decision making is traditionally recognised
as being comprised of two parts; the emotional and the rational. Emotion is an experience
that affects individuals to varying degrees and is vital to human survival. For example if
Noble Gas Neon
Mitchell Adamson

Mr. Shipman

Hour 1

January 22, 2016

Tour of the Periodic Table

Can you believe that in 1869 Russian Chemist Dimitri Mendeleev arranged the
chemical elements by atomic mass and started the development of the periodic table.
After this Henry Gwyn Moseley was an English Physicist and Developed Mosley s
which sorted the chemical elements of the periodic table in a logical order based on
physics. Before all the naturally occurring elements were discovered the periodic table
was used to predict chemical and physical properties of elements in the gaps of the
table. The periodic table can now be used to predict properties of elements yet to be
discovered. It can also be used to predict types of chemical reactions. The Periodic ...
Show more content on ...
The Transition metals are the 38 elements between groups 3 and 12. Along with all
metals, these transition elements are ductile, malleable, and conduct electricity and
heat. Their valence electrons are used to combine with other elements that are present
in one shell. The element we are going to look at from this group is Beryllium. This
element has the symbol of Be and has the atomic number of 4. It is created through
stellar nucleosynthesis and is a rare element. It is a gray metallic color and is in period
2 of the periodic table. This element is very toxic and has one of the highest melting point
for one of the lightest metals. This element is very harmful for the human body, but is
good in nature. These are the Transition metals and the element
Asynchronous Transfer Mode Wireless Network
Project name: ATM wireless network ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) has been
advocated as an important technology for all types of services and networks. Most
people believe that ATM will be the standard for the future B ISDN (Broadband
Integrated Services Digital Network). From the service point of view, ATM combines
both the data and multimedia information into the wired networks while scales well
from backbones to the customer premises networks. To ensure the success of ATM,
lots of the design issues have been standardized by ATM Forum. Wireless personal
communication networks (PCN) has been growing very fast in the last decade.
Nowadays, laptop, cellular phone, and pagers are very popular. Many systems have
been developed to provide different services, such as, Personal Communications
Service (PCS), Portable Telephone Systems, and Satellite Communications System.
Usually, these services do not guarantee QoS (Quality of Services) so they are not
suitable for the fast growing multimedia applications. Due to the success of ATM on
wired networks, wireless ATM (WATM) is a direct t result of the ATM everywhere
movement. WATM can be viewed as a solution for next generation personal
communication networks, or a wireless extension of the B ISDN networks, which will
support integrated data transmission (data, voice and video) with guaranteed QoS.
WATM architecture and protocols are already being well discussed. The ATM Forum are
currently involved in defining the baseline
The American Medical Association (AMA) has declared...
The American Medical Association (AMA) has declared obesity a disease. Obesity
means that an individual has too much body weight that could possibly cause a health
risk. Having a body mass index (BMI) of 35 or higher makes an individual morbidly
obese. A healthy BMI would be from 20 to 24.9. The United States has one of the
highest obesity rates in the world with an estimated of 36% of American adults
suffering from it. It is important to not label obesity as a disease because it leads 78
million adults and 12 million children in America into feeling helpless, and takes them
away from believing it s importance as a condition that is the result of eating too much
and living sedentary lifestyles. Obesity is a choice one makes. If an... Show more content
on ...
There is a cultural stigmatization with obesity. When one thinks of obesity, they think
the obese person has no motives and are lazy and do not value achievement as much
as one that is not. Obese people are also viewed negatively in the media. Because one
out of every five American children ages 6 to 19 are obese, children are also
psychosocially affected. This can cause children to bully students who look like what
these people who are negatively viewed in the media, obese. Because of how obese
people are treated socially, it can lead to depression. The AMA s ruling to have obesity
classified as a disease is in fact a way to receive more federal dollars and to accomplish
this they get obesity treatments covered under government health plans. The way
federal government, health care payers, as well as confidential insurers cover obesity
will modify and open up various treatment alternatives for obese patients with financial
support for anti obesity initiative. With more than a third of U.S adults obese, the
AMA s Council on Science and Public Health cautioned that labeling obesity as a
disease could deepen patient and provider dependence on surgical treatments and
pharmacological to attain a specific body weight and they will persist on a path to
obesity if they do not foster a healthy lifestyle due to detracting. One might argue that
genetics plays a role in obesity and that it is not always a choice. There are studies that
Auschwitz Birkenau Experiments
Was auschwitz a cruel place? How was the death camp operated on such a large scale?
What experiments were conducted by the chief medical examiner? Auschwitz was a
concentration camp built in the nineteen forty, used mostly as a gas chamber, and was
known for the terrible human experiments conducted there. Auschwitz Birkenau was a
concentration camp built in nineteen forty controlled by the nazi party, built five
months after germany invaded poland. The camp was selected to be used a death camp
in february nineteen forty because of the location near another death camp called
Birkenau. Auschwitz was intended to be a short term holding camp until the prisoners
could be shipped to the gassing facility at nearby birkenau. Although prisoners were
supposed to be there for less than a month, in nineteen forty one the camp housed over
eleven thousand prisoners, by the end of the year the camp housed around eighteen
thousand prisoners. ( Deem 7). The camp was run by Rudolf Hoss, the first
commandant at Auschwitz. The camp had a gate in which new prisoners entered which
bore a phrase Work will set you free . In the beginning prisoners were instructed to run
through the gates in groups of five and the ones who couldn t keep up were shot.... Show
more content on ...
A small cottage near the perimeter of Birkenau was transformed into a gas chamber
capable of killing six thousand prisoners per day. Auschwitz Birkenau was the first
camp to experiment with zyklon B crystals which turns the air into poisonous carbon
monoxide. The gas chamber at Auschwitz Birkenau was next to the crematorium for
efficiency, so they didn t have transport the bodies of the gassed victims somewhere
else to be cremated. The small cottage used for gassing was built with a small hole in
the brick, in which they poured in zyklon B crystals. Zyklon B was proved the quickest
method of gassing the prisoners at
Theme Of Indian Camp
Indian Camp

This is a very well written and complicated short story. The short story is written by
Ernest Hemmingway, whom is a famous writer. The story features some themes like
growing up and bad marriages. The main character is Nick and the story is about his

In the short story Nick s father takes him out to an Indian camp, where a woman is
having difficulties giving birth. Uncle George is helping with the operation. The
pregnant woman s husband commits suicide short after the operation.

In the short story Nick is the main character. The story evolves around Nick s trip to
the Indian camp. Nick is very likely a young boy. We can see that by the conversations
he has with his father. For example Nick asks: is dying hard, Daddy? . Here Nick shows
that he is not old enough to be able to handle the concept of death and of dying. Nick
also looks away when his father operates the woman He was looking away so as not to
see what his father was doing , that is also an argument for his young age.

Nick s father is a doctor, possibly a very good doctor as he operates the Indian woman
without any tools. Nick s father is teaching Nick how to be a doctor. Nick s father is very
pedagogical as he is letting Nick decide whether he wants to see the C section. ... Show
more content on ...
He is probably the father of the child, and that is probably also why Nick s father bothers
to take all the way out to the Indian camp. Uncle George smokes a cigar in the start off
the story Uncle George was smoking a cigar in the dark . Smoking cigars is a tradition
when your baby is born. Nick s father also says, Pull back that quilt, will you George ,
he said. I d rather not touch it George replies, and it seems like George has had
something to do with the woman before. Uncle George looked at his arm. The young
Indian smiled reminiscently , it seems like George maybe raped the Indian woman,
because a young Indian smiles when George is in
Ruth Chris Market Development Model
Ruth s Chris is a steak house that has been franchised all over the world, with a
consumer recognizable name that is widely popular for their brand and calling. Ruth s
Chris began in 1965 when Ruth Fertel mortgaged her home and bought a steakhouse
that had 60 seats called Chris Steak House in New Orleans (Peter Donnelly, 2013).
Twelve years later, in 1976, the restaurant suffered a kitchen fire and was destroyed.
Ruth had the drive not to let that destroy what she loved. She purchased another
property shortly after and called it Ruth s Chri. One of her regular customers
convinced her to allow him to franchise the restaurant, and by the 1980 s Ruth s Chris
was a global brand.Ruth s Chris targets business professionals, and well to do beef
eaters in their local markets (Peter Donnelly, 2013). Ruth s Chris Steak House has
always put a focus on families and local patrons... Show more content on
After exploring the four different models, the market development model is best
aligned for them to succeed, more of the same restaurants in new markets. When they
realized this was the model that needed to be followed, they altered the way they
market and who they market too. First, they market to the Beef Eaters, those looking
for high end prime products. Their primary customers enjoy beef. Second, they have to
market to places that are able to have U.S beef imported to them. Third, the average cost
for just an entrГ©e is $70, so they need to market to people with high disposable income
(Peter Donnelly, 2013). Competitors Ruth s Chris has two main competitors. Morton s
and II Fornaio (Bhosale, 2016). Ruth s Chris still controls a majority of the fine dining
business because they have almost double the amount of restaurants compared to their
competition. Ruth s Chris continues to be innovative and is always trying to become a
better company (Bhosale, 2016). Factors for Success/Improvements to be
The Theme of Control in Shakespeare s Othello Essay
The Theme of Control in Othello

Throughout history, powerful empires with boundless control have had a tendency to fall
victim to corruption. It is common knowledge, among political scientists and historians,
that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. William Shakespeare s
Othello, the Moor of Venice (reprinted in Laurence Perrine and Thomas R. Arp,
Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense, 6th ed. [Fort Worth: Harcourt, 1993] 1060 1147)
contains several themes, but one theme in particular supports the truth of this knowledge.
In Othello, the Moor of Venice, the theme of control is one that causes corruption.
Othello s control is stolen by Iago and, Iago s overbearing control of Othello s ... Show
more content on ...
Othello speaks of their love in Act I, Scene 3: She loved me for the dangers I had
passed, And I loved her that she did pity them (1.3.166 67). Othello believes in his wife
s loyalty. All in all, Othello is in complete control at the beginning of the play, but this
will change dramatically.

Iago is often regarded as Shakepeare s most consummate villain. This is

understandable; it is hard to imagine a villain capable of matching the combination of
diabolical nature and supreme skill that Iago uses to systematically take control. Iago
s first attempt to gain control is a retaliation against Othello s promotional decision.
When Michael Cassio is chosen for the position of lieutenant, Iago becomes furious
and tries to place Othello in danger; he informs Brabantio of Othello s elopement with
Desdemona in a very clever way: Zounds, sir, you re robbed. For shame, put on your
gown, Your heart is burst, you have lost half your soul. Even now, now, very now, an
old black ram is tupping your white ewe (1.1.86 89). Iago uses sexual imagery to fuel
Brabantio s anger. This extra anger, caused by Iago, has potential of harming Othello.
When this evil scheme fails, Iago results to a new plan. In Act II, Scene 1, Iago
convinces Roderigo that Desdemona actually loves Cassio, and persuades
Rural Development Case Study
Case Study Of A Rural Development:

The Agrarian Reform Infrastructure Support Project (ARISP) III





Table of Contents

Case Study Abstract


Definition of Terms


Project Beneficiaries

Analysis of the project

Development Framework

Expected Outcomes

Recommendation for Sustainability



This case details the implementation of Agrarian Reform Infrastructure Support Project
(ARISP) III in the province of Quezon 1. The vision of writer is to initially determine the
effect of the on going implementation in the ... Show more content on ...
It also includes the replication of Agrarian Information and Marketing Center (AIM
C),when and where feasible, to provide marketing assistance, information service,
training and financing services to the ARBs.

Agrarian reform is defined to mean the redistribution of lands, regardless of crops or
fruits produced, to farmers and regular farm workers who are landless, irrespective of
tenurial arrangement, to include the totally of factors and support services designed to
lift the economic status of the beneficiaries and all other arrangements alternative to the
physical redistribution of lands, such as production or profit sharing, labor
administration, and the distribution of shares of stocks, which will allow beneficiaries to
receive a just share of the fruits of the lands they work.

ARC Connectivity is a new strategy wherein development in the ARCs will radiate to
non ARC barangays that will benefit more ARBs and communities. Each barangay will
complement the development concept of the cluster barangays which is conceived to
undertake agro industrial development endeavor focusing on production, processing, and
marketing of products where they have competitive advantage.


intervention designed to propel and sustain national growth through a people centered,
concentrated, holistic approach in community development.

Economic freedom is a term used in economics which

Environmental And Sustainability Considerations For Very...
Environmental and sustainability considerations for very large systems
As mentioned above, the demand for faster and smaller devices with higher
performance is increasing. However with increasing devices, there is increase in data
generated. Large companies like google, amazon, Microsoft and many others generate
huge amounts of data which is stored in large storage centres called Data centres. It is
estimated that by 2020, around 35 zettabytes of data will be generated every year [6]. To
store and manage such large data, huge data centres are required. However there are
many challenges faced while operation of these datacentres.
One of the challenges faced by the data centres is land occupied by these data centres.
Due to increasing amounts of data, larger and more number of data centres are being
built. For example, one of the largest data centre by digital realty occupies 1.1 million
ft2 of land and require 53 generators [6]. It is estimated that by 2017 there will be
around 8.6 million data centres around the world and although the numbers might
decrease after 2017, the space occupied will increase. Data centre swill occupy around
1.94 billion ft2 by 2018 [7].
Second and the most important challenge faced by the companies are the amount of
energy required to manage data centres. All the data centres around the world use around
30 billion watts of energy on average, which is equal to output by 30 nuclear power
plants [6]. By 2020 it is expected that, US datacentres
Home Care Aide Or Personal Care Assistant
Home Health/Care Aide or Personal Care Assistant Jacqueline Caldwell
Continued Issues Trends Health Law Ethics in Health and Human Services HHS435
Elizabeth Kane March 14, 2011

Home Health/Care Aide or Personal Assistant Our elderly population is living longer
than ever before and not all of them are entering into a nursing home. They are choosing
to stay in their own home or their caregiver is choosing it for them. Some caregivers are
choosing to move their ageing love one in the home with them. Whatever the case may
be, there is an increased need for some type of home health as it applies to the elderly
population. Medicare will pay the full cost of professional help only if the physician ...
Show more content on ...
are also required skills that a worker may have to perform on a daily basis or each visit.
In addition, a worker
... should be responsible, compassionate, patient, emotionally stable, and cheerful. In
addition, aides should be tactful, honest, and discreet, because they work in private
homes. Aides also must be in good health. A physical examination, including State
mandated tests for tuberculosis and other diseases, may be required (BLS, Other
Qualifications, para. 1). A home health aide, home care aide, or personal care assistant
is a human service profession. According to Harris, Maloney, and Rother, human
service workers require the same characteristics as architects, nurses, Wall Street
brokers, carpenters, or any other workers (p. 67). These qualities include, being
responsible and reliable, addressing the work in an organized way, listening carefully,
paying attention and focusing energy on the task at hand, having a constructive and
supportive attitude, and forming a positive working relationship with others (Harris,
Maloney, amp; Rother, pg. 67 68). As a human service professional, the home health
aide, home care aide, or personal care assistant should also have the ability to use
oneself to help others in a positive direction and communicate with clients, colleagues,
and others (Harris, Maloney, amp; Rother, pg. 68). Historical Perspective on Federal
Laws The word law refers to a rule or rules that
The Importance Of Formative Assessment In The Classroom
Incident two demonstrates a range of different assessment strategies which were used
within the maths carousel lesson. The intentions and learning outcomes of this lesson
were to explore and identify key concepts of division as well as being able to recall prior
knowledge to help the children with their comprehension of the topic which would
continue throughout the week. The learning objectives were outlined at the beginning of
the lesson to the children to ensure that they understood what was expected ofthem and
so they would be able to reflect upon these throughout the lesson (Williams and Cliffe,
Formative assessment, which was used to help improve teaching and learning, can be
viewed as an effective way to determine and improve the quality of learning within the
classroom (Black and Wiliam, 2009). However, it could be argued that formative
assessment is infrequently used within the classroom, suggesting that summative
assessment is the focus within education, as it helps to capture accurate results which
can be compared against a specific standard (Graham et al., 2017) (Marsh, 2007). This is
also exemplified in the work undertaken by Yan and Cheng (2015) as they state that some
teachers may give up on the adoption of formative assessment due to short time frames
and the pressures of summative examinations. William and Black (1996), Torrance and
Pryor (2001) and Taras (2008) observe that formative assessment eventually leads into
summative assessment, as learning
Last Night
The start of my morning way pretty shitty to say the least. Waking up alone in a big
bed sucked, like really sucked. I had to start my day off knowing that I d never see Swirly
again something I was both okay and not okay with; and to make matters worse, I had
some explaining to do to Neon and Octavia, who had no idea where I was last night

It was so stupid. I almost put everything on the line, and for what? A taste of
vengeance? A destroyed heart? Loss? Pfft, if I had known I was gonna get all that, I
would ve stayed with Octavia last night and comfort her essentially destroying my
dreams, which would wreck my heart completely, losing them, and try and have my way
with her. That would ve been one helluva night if it had turned ... Show more content on ...
Why not do it now?

Inserting my key card into the door, I pushed my way in and I saw Octavia on the bed.
She was reading the newspaper, but she quickly looked away from it when she saw me
come in.

Vinyl! she said, leaping off the bed and coming toward me. Where in Celestia have you
been? I ve been worried sick. I even asked Neon if he knew where you were, but he said
he didn t. Where were you?

I was... I sighed, looking away from Octavia, after which I sat on the bed. If I wanted
to actually be with Octavia, I had to tell her the truth. No lies. Just honesty. I was with
Swirly last night. She dropped by during my gig, and we talked for a bit after I was
done. Then that s when one thing lead to another and...we kinda did it on stage, and
Neon caught me.

As of right now, I had a feeling that Octavia would hate me for telling her the type of
pony I really was: An easy mare that would do it anywhere if it moment was right. But
that wasn t the case. At. All. Instead, she said, And then?

Was she asking me what happened next? I thought she would...never mind that. Well. if
you really want to know, she took me to her hotel room, and that s when it all happened.
She made love to me, and we held each other close. We talked about us and if there was
a chance of us being together again. But I told her it wouldn t work out because there
was no trust.

After that, I pretty much told her that we were done. I never saw her in the morning
when I woke up. So yeah, that
Third Breaking Down His Most Important Philosophies
Michael Diaz Professor Keedy April 17, 2015 Core Comp. II Discovery Draft Part 2
Third Breaking down his most important philosophies: I.Present and explain in depth the
each of the following: A.How he came up with such ideas. B.Provide example/ apply to
life: 1.Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals 2.Metaphysical Foundations of Natural
Science 3.Critique of Practical Reason 4.Critique of the Power of Judgment 5.Critique of
Pure Reason a.Knowledge b.Metaphysics Topic: Critique of Pure Reason In order to
understand Kant s position, we must first understand the philosophical environment that
influenced his thinking. There are two major historical movements in the early modern
period of philosophy that had a very large impact on Kant: Empiricism and Rationalism
(Kemerling). Kant argues that both the method and the content of philosophers
arguments contain important flaws. A central epistemological problem for philosophers
in both movements was determining how we can escape from within the confines of the
human mind and the immediately knowable content of our own thoughts to acquire
knowledge of the world outside of us. The Empiricists sought to accomplish this through
the senses and a posteriori reasoning (McCormick) . A posteriori reasoning depends
upon experience or contingent events in the world to provide us with information. For
example Obama was president of the United States in 2010, is something that I can know
only through experience. A priori
Impact Of Natural Resources On Economic Growth

Natural resource and its effect on economic growth and dynamics of conflicts.

1.0 Introduction

Natural resources are raw materials extracted from the earth. They are useful in many
different ways for its diversified opportunity of benefit and profit for economic
development. Examples of natural resources are mineral, oil, waterways, land, timber,
diamonds, coals, coltan and genetic. Majority of developing countries, distributions of
natural resources vary from one geographic location to another. The variability of
location has caused greed and grievances in economic development. This was attributed
to more risk of conflict, weak governance, and poor economic performance.

2.0 Effect of natural resources on economic growth.

According to Collier and Hoeffer (2003), there are three major factors that depend on the
primary commodity exports such as income per capita, rate of economic growth, and
structure of the economy, the higher the rate of primary commodities exports the higher
the level of risk of conflict. Developing countries that are dependent on natural resources
are more liable to terms of trade shocks, which leads to instability and dissatisfaction
within the groups that suffer the shocks. Since natural resources are wealth and unevenly
distributed causes the rebel groups ventures in various forms of extortion, exploitation,
and trade of primary commodity. The best known types of conflict are the diamond of
Angola and
Summary Of Bilingual Childhood By Richard Rodriguez
Approximately 37 million people speak both English and Spanish in the United States
and have experienced a feeling of discrimination or rejection. Richard Rodriguez s
memoir called Aria: A Memoir Of A Bilingual Childhood demonstrates this with a
personal experience. This memoir was taken from the book Hunger Of Memory which
was originally published in 1982 . The events in this memoir occur specifically in the
1900s, when the author was a young boy, entering an American schoolfor the first time.
One of the main issues displayed in his memoir is when Rodriguez recalls being
labeled as a problem student being a Hispanic American student in an all white school.
Another issue displayed in this memoir is the difficulties he had had to learn English
meantime he felt more comfortable with Spanish. Being discriminated and not being
able to adapt to two different languages is a struggle more than half of the world deals
with. This is truly a serious issue because this could potentially be the origin of socially
feeling uncomfortable. The purpose of this memoir was to tell the reader that
individuality can come from both one s private and public communities, but that does not
mean that one loses himself. The audience attracted to this memoir are foreigners in
America. This memoir is directed to immigrants and other foreign people who have
experienced the same difficulty of learning a new public language in America. Rodriguez
wrote in his memoir about the struggles he
Misrepresentation Of Beautiful Women In The Film The
Lastly, the misrepresentation of the ideal vision of a beautiful woman is the last nail
in the coffin that sends The Devil Wears Prada over the cliff into the void. In the very
beginning of the film all that fills the screen is a close up shot montage of skinny
women putting on lingerie, designer clothing, luxury makeup, and saying bye to their
male counterparts. The writers also spared no expensive to throw in passive aggressive
comments from secondary characters to Sachs over her weight and her sense of fashion.
The constant snide comments, giggling, and alienating lead Sachs to eventually
conform to their standards and is finally seen as beautiful by losing weight from a size
six to a size four, and changing her wardrobe to include designer
The Stranger
Finding Joy in Albert Camus The Stranger:
A Different Perspective

Existentialism is often defined as a philosophical movement that emphasizes individual

existence, freedom and choice. Existentialism is a philosophy that emphasizes a few
main points, such as the freedom to choose and how the choices you make should be
made without the assistance of another person or standard. From the existentialist point
of view, you must accept the risk and responsibility of your choices and follow the act
and result to wherever it takes the individual. Someone that is put in a certain situation
understands it far more than someone looking in on that same situation; one commonly
used situation that appears often in existentialist works is ... Show more content on ...
As he says: I looked up at the mass of signs and stars in the night sky and laid myself
open for the first time to the benign indifference of the world, we can see the blending of
reflection and triviality within himself, and therefore a sense of passion, in a more
unconventional sense, but passion nonetheless. The fifth theme involving existentialism
within Camus novel is individuality. An individual is a single unique member of a
collectivity. Meursault lives out his individuality. The strongest display of
individuality is at the end of the novel when Meursault wants a large crowd of people
to witness his death, and he also wants them to greet him with cries, but those of hate.
I had only wished that there be a large crowd of spectators the day of my execution and
that they greet me with cries of hate. By being hated Meursault preserves his
individuality. If Meursault goes out there begging for forgiveness he would just
become a member of a collective group. The final theme is reflection. It refers to the
capacity to bring that which we are unaware of into awareness. Meursault leads a pre
reflective life. This means that he goes through his daily events and is so absorbed in
each moment that he never reflects on them. Meursault does this until he looks at a
reflection of himself for the first time in prison. Meursault looking at himself shows his
transition from pre reflective to reflective. And, a
Reflection On Special Education
Throughout sequence three, we touched on two main topics: policy and assessing
diverse students. In the policy module, we focused on learning about policies that will
affect all students, including minorities. We went over policies like No Child Left
Behind (NCLB) and Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and saw how these policies
and others like them played out in the classroom. The objective of the class was to
learn how policy affects teachers and schools at the micro and macro level. During
TLSC 220, we learned about assessing and supporting students with diverse needs,
mostly English language learners (ELL) and children with special needs. In the ELL
section, we were assigned a studentwho was identified as ELL and assessed them on their
... Show more content on ...
Teachers are impacted by national policies as well. One of these policies is the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). This is a policy that provides
resources for students with disabilities. These services include pull out/push in teachers,
school therapy, extra time, and many others. It keeps public schools accountable for
doing the most they can to protect students with special needs. This act can impact
teachers in different ways as well. It can hinder them because students are periodically
leaving the classroom and missing parts of the lesson to go to a pull out service or
therapy. My student I was observing at St. Benedict had to leave class for pull out
classes every day along with three other students and my cooperating teacher expressed
to us how frustrating it is to have those students gone for the lesson and then having to
teach them separately. These services do, however, help teachers because the students
are getting what they need in school. If they were not getting special help they might be
more disruptive to the rest of the students and the teachers so overall it is good for
them. Other local policies, like IDEA, can impact both the way students learn and the
way teachers teach. Lastly, international policies have the ability to impact teachers all
over the world. Because policies are different in every country it is impossible for all
students to be on the same level at the same time. For example, in America, most states
implement common
How Did The Chicago Outfit Impact Society
During the Great Depression, What Contributed to the Impact On Society Made By Al
Capone s Chicago Outfit, and To What Extent?

By Ethan Haupt
Word Count: 2,514


To what extent did Al Capone s organized crime group, The Chicago Outfit, impact
society of the roaring twenties , and what contributed to this Impact? This question is
what this essay attempts to analyze and explain through an investigative exploration of
the Chicago Outfit s means of conducting business and how this group impacted the rest
of society.

Table Of Contents Page
The Outfit s Impact On Society6
Outfit s Business9
The ... Show more content on ...
These officials had more power than local law enforcements. The government
continued to spend countless amounts of money trying to enforce the alcohol
prohibition, but all that money spent was proving to be a waste of valuable money
and resources. These prohibition agents were very vulnerable to accepting bribes from
many bootleggers due to their low wages. Bribes from these gangsters were very
beneficial to these prohibition agents, because it meant they could make more money
and not get killed doing their job. This brought about trust issues, because people knew
there were these corrupt cops and no one knew who was clean and who was crooked;
causing the people not to trust local law
Free Will In A Clockwork Orange
A Clockwork Orange
The freedom of choice and the rehabilitating form of corrections secures the domain of
A Clockwork Orange by Burgess. It produces the question about a mans free will and
the ability to choose ones destiny good or evil.
Burgess emphasize the thought that man can not be completely good or evil and must
have both in order to create a moral choice . The book is based on revamping a criminal
with only good morals and programing an automated response to evil. If he can only
perform good or only perform evil, then he is a clockwork orange meaning that he has
the appearance of an organism lovely with color and juice but is in fact only a clockwork
toy to be wound up by God or the Devil or State (Burgess ix). Burgess believes ... Show
more content on ...
So when word spreaded around about a new experimental reforming process and a
possibility of an shorter sentence it quickly caught Alex attention .Meaning for Alex
to be chosen he would have continuously put up with being question and under pressure
while conveying the state officials that he s trying to amend himself . You ve been
very helpful and, I consider, shown a genuine desire to reform. You will, if you
continue this manner, earn your remission with no trouble at all (Burgess 94). But
Alex intention on reforming was not in a religious manner but the quickest way
possible . Alex realizes an new way to get out and start to question the proceedings . . I
don t know what it s called, I said, All I know is that it gets you out quickly and makes
sure you don t get in again (Burgess 95). Although the minster start to have doubts
about the medical treatment which involves in forcing a persons to be morally better ,
he brings up an question for Alex What makes an real moral person . I must confess I
share those doubts. But the curiosity leads whether an experimental treatment can really
make a man good or not . Goodness comes from within. Goodness is something chosen.
When a man cannot choose he ceases to be a man (Burgess 95). This does not stop Alex
from the thought of being releases early but only deepens his desire . With his
Smallest bird on earth Hummingbirds are fascinating birds that are always fun to watch.
These birds are able to hover in mid air, dart from side to side, go straight up or down, or
even backwards. They can out fly and out maneuver birds hundreds of times their size.
There are many factors that contribute to the hummingbirds ability to fly so easily
through the air. A hummingbird s wings are shaped so that they are slightly rounded on
the top. Their wings flaps 15 80 times per second, depending on the type of species
they are. The Giant Hummingbird s wings beat 8 10 beats per second, the wings of
medium size hummingbirds beat 20 25 beats per second and the smallest beat 70 beats
per second. ... Show more content on ...
The Venturi effect is evident when the hummingbird holds it s wings close to it s body.
The rapid air flow helps the bird maneuver quickly. Hummingbirds are durable only in
life. In death they are delicate, their wings are hollow and fragile, thus almost never
fossilize. This was one of the reason that the recent discovery of 30 million year old
fossil bird that remains may include an ancestral hummingbird. . Its fossil specimens
had long, slender bills ,and shortened upper wings bones topped by a knob.
Surprisingly, fossils were found in the southern part of Germany which was far away
from the modern hummingbird territory. Hummingbird s aggression were shaped by
sipping nectar as often as every minutes. They compete by challenging and bullying
each other in mid air; post up and pirouette, dive to the grass, and paddle backward in
dances of dominance that end suddenly as they begin. They will compete each other up
in tall mountains near the equator that offer rich ecosystem at a variety of elevations. .
Hummingbirds are very small birds with a high metabolism, with heart rates can reach as
high as 1,260 beats per minutes, therefore they must be fed constantly. http:/
/ . Both nectars and insects are the source energy
and protein for hummingbirds. Hummingbirds can consume up to 50% of their weight
in sugar, the nectar solution every each single day. It is important to keep any nectar
feeder clean and always filled
Greed In The Necklace
There are many moral issues in society. Though not many people realize it, acts like
selfishness and greed affect people in major ways. Throughout history greed has been a
huge problem, as displayed in The Necklace many people live wanting to be accepted
into society, although the bible is against greed and selfishness it is still an ongoing issue
in society.
The short story The Necklace portrays greed and selfishness through the life of
Mathlide Loisel. This story was written in the 1800 s in Paris, which is also believed
to be when the story takes place. Life in Paris during this time was all about your rank
and where you stood in society. This want for acceptance made many people desire
unnecessary things, leading to more greed and envy for others.
Much like the author of The Necklace Alfred, Lord ... Show more content on ...
She expressed greedy and selfish behavior leading her to great pain and suffering.
Throughout the story she was selfish and did not consider how her husband felt. She
was too busy trying to figure out why she couldn t have everything she wanted as she
was living in self pity. Mathlide Loisel was angry, unhappy, and humiliated. She was
distressed at the poverty of her dwelling (Maupassant p1). She was not happy with her
life and everything that she was provided, she felt as though it was not enough. Many
men and women felt the same way as Mathlide. Guy de Maupassant lived from 1850
1893. He was in Paris when he was born and when he died. Maupassant also lived most
of his life in Paris. While he lived there he got inspiration for many stories. Maupassant
was very aware of what was going on in Paris during the time he wrote The Necklace.
His stories strikingly captured various aspects of day to day life in France during that
time (Bio. Maupassant В¶1). Most of what he wrote was based off of real events
making the story a reality. He knew of the moral issues at the time and he addressed
Essay on Censorship in Television and Radio
Censorship in Television and Radio

For our group project we, group 6, decided to focus our attention on censorship in
television and on the radio. We showed most of the attention to the Janet Jackson
incident in Super Bowl 38 when looking at television, and for radio, focused on the FCC
and disc jockeys like Howard Stern. Here are the television articles as done by three of
our group members.

If there is a single most important event that happened in television that caused major
ramifications, it would be the Janet Jackson s wardrobe malfunction during the halftime
show at Super Bowl 38. In this incident Janet Jackson exposed her right breast. Worst of
all the Super Bowl was broadcast on CBS, a non cable free channel, where ... Show more
content on ...
The white house supports these ideas saying This legislation will make broadcast
television and radio more suitable for family viewing by giving the FCC the authority to
impose meaningful penalties on broadcasters tat air obscene or indecent material over
the public airwaves .

The television has responded to the scrutiny that they have been put under, not by
rebelling, but complying with these new rules and censoring themselves. For starters
Victoria s Secret cancelled its annual fashion show, on television, this year. Fox is
trying to clean up its act by employing people to monitor its star reality show, American
Idol , as well as other reality shows. Comcast Corporation told Congress that it will
increase its efforts to assist parents in choosing the right programming for their
children. In an interview with Survivor host Jeff Probst said that the producers were
told to enlarge the digital blur over Richard Hatch, who spent part of his time on the
show naked. NBC planned to show a woman s exposed breasts on ER, but from
pressure from their affiliates the scene was edited. ABC also planed on showing a
racy sex scene on their show NYPD Blue, but because the show was played before
10:00 in Central and Mountain Time the scene was darkened to show less. Stemming
from the Janet Jackson incident many live shows were put on a delay. MTV will used a
Foils In Beowulf
Foils in literature are characters that contrast another character, highlighting important
traits or flaws. Foils are often mine characters that are polarized from the main
protagonist/antagonist. In Beowulf, Unferth is the foil to the hero, Beowulf; he s a
complete opposite to the hero. Unferth is jealous and seeks to disparage Beowulf, has
lesser morals and isn t a hero. When Beowulf arrived, Unferth was immediately jealous
of him for his infamy, with Beowulf s coming, / his sea braving, [making] him sick
with envy: / he could not brook or abide the fact / that anyone else alive under heaven
might enjoy greater regard that he did (44). Unferth wanted to remain the hero for his
people, and felt challenged by the arrival of Beowulf
Food For The Whalers By Herman Melville
Food for the whalers was not as appetizing, many of the food that was described in the
beginning of the story consist mainly of biscuits. The real life whale ships included
salted meat, dray tea, coffee, sugar, and biscuits. The hard work of the whalers gave
them a big appetite and would eat anything that was available. Sea horse was
something that is also mention in the story, it is mainly heavily salted pork, beef, and
horse. When the doctor and the narrator approach the ship, they gave them a bag that
turned out to be well filled with sweet cubes of salt beef and pork and a famous sailors
pudding, what they call duff , made of flour and water, and the consistence of an
underdone brick (Melville 160). The foodthat was in the bad is
Yellow River Piano Concerto
The Yellow River Piano Concerto Xian Xinghai * Xian was born in 1905 in Pungu in
China. * He joined the communist party in 1938 where he composed the Yellow River
Cantata. * The Yellow River was considered by the Chinese as the cradle of China s
civilisation and its sorrow. * The cantata was an eight movement work for chorus
orchestra and soloists with narration in between. Yellow River Cantata * The cantata
aimed to express the troubles of the people who lived on the banks of the Yellow
River who had to battle against flooding and the Japanese invaders. * The piece was
composed in four days. * It made use of traditional folk melodies as well as using
western techniques (Xian studied abroad). * Each... Show more content on ...
| D| 55 59| 52 crotchet beats per minute, piu moso, modulates to G minor (relative
minor)| E| 60 66| 69 crotchet beats per minute, B flat major, rit.| Coda| 67 73| 88
crotchet beats per minute, rit pause on final note, B flat major. | Characteristics of
Movement 2 * The opening of March of the Volunteer is used twice by horn 1/trumpet
1 in bars 61 64. March of the Volunteers is the Chinese national anthem and was a
revolutionary anti Japanese song. * Mostly Composed in B flat major. * Apart from
the restatement of the opening 16 bar melody, only tiny snatches of material are
subsequently repeated. * The phrase structure is unusual with changes between 3/4
and 4/4 apart from bars 1 9 and 17 25. There is little use of conventional question and
answer phrases. * The orchestra mostly accompanies the piano which plays a
figuration based on the underlying harmony. * There are textures for orchestra alone
at bars 1 15 and 67 73 and for the piano solo at bars 17 23 and 27 30. * The movement
is slow and is lyrical in nature with ballad like melodies. * There is the use of a B flat
pentatonic scale (B flat, C, D, F and G). * The movement was heavily influenced by the
romantic period (Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninoff) * The movement matches the second
movement of the Yellow River Cantata and depicts the image of travelling down the
river. Movement 3 Analysis Section| Bar
Strategic Plan For East Noble School Corporation
East Noble School Corporation is located in Kendallville, IN. The corporation consists
of one high school, one middle school, and five elementary schools. The current
Strategic Plan for ENSC is for the years spanning 2013 to 2017. The ENSC Strategic
Plan has three main goals:
1.East Noble School Corporation will expand students educational experiences with
diverse learning opportunities to ensure preparation for their successful future.
2.Establish the culture of community ownership in East Noble School Corporation.
3.Provide and maintain facilities that meet the academic and extra curricular of the East
Noble Community while being fiscally responsible. (ENSC)
In addition the three main goals, several strategies for achieving each goal are listed. For
goal one, the strategies include: improve academic performance, increase consistency
with district initiatives, evaluate school calendar options, develop student personal
management skills, and create an online school. Secondly, the goal two includes the
following: create an East Noble Story for all stakeholders, and provide opportunities for
stakeholders to experience East Noble stories. Finally, goal three has one strategy: to
develop and maintain facilities to effectively serve the students of ENSC.
The Strategic Plan for East Noble School Corporation can be found on the corporation
website at . After reading the ENSC
Strategic Plan, along with the Partnership
Malthus Theory And The Earth s Theory Of Overpopulation
The Earth s population is growing rapidly leading to a state where human population
exceeds the Earth s carrying capacity. Thomas Robert Malthus was the first economist to
start the theory of population and the idea of overpopulation. He wrote his views and
explanation about population and its consequences in his essay on Principles of
Populationwhich was published in 1798. The book explained the relationship between
food and population, and their growth patterns. His views on the theory of overpopulation
and its impact influenced many political economists and earned economics the label of
the dismissal science . Malthus was concerned by the condition of poverty in the British
cities during his time and the increase of population in the industrializing societies. The
main idea of Malthus theory was to maintain balance between the population growthand
the food for human existence, as the human population tends to grow quicker than the
power in the earth to produce subsistence.
Malthus was the first economists to present the views and ideas on the matter of
population growth and its effect on food and the surroundings. According to Malthus
Theory, human population grows exponentially at a geometric rate i.e. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and
so on, doubling the number at each time period, whereas food production grow in much
slower rate than the population, which grows at an arithmetic rate i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, and so
on. Thus, Malthus shows that population grows much faster than the
India Is The Largest Nation
INDIA India is the seventh largest nation in the world and is located in the continent of
Asia (web). Although India is not the largest nation, it has the second largest population
in the world, India is home to more than one billion people (web). Landscape in India
made up of the Himalayas, which are the highest mountain range in the world, plains,
desert, and surrounded by the Indian Ocean. The climate can vary due to the different
landscapes, from tropical, monsoons, or snow in the Himalayas. Mark Twain stated India
is the cradle of human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the
grandmother of legend, and the great grandmother of tradition. Our most valuable most
astrictive materials in the history of man are... Show more content on ...
Some people would find this awkward, as if they were staring, but I knew this was their
way of showing respect. There were times other Indian families would come to the store
to visit, and in American culture when greeting someone we would use a hand shake
and a simple Hello , however in Indian culture a slight head bow with hands pressed
together and a Namaste is most common (Edith Cowan University). Namaste is used as
a greeting and it means: I bow to you (Edith Cowan University). Sometimes physical
contact is considered inappropriate or could make someone of India background feel
uncomfortable. Working for Indian people, I have learned and see that physical contact
can make them uncomfortable.
India is highly spiritual country, with rich and diverse culture and tradition (Edith
Cowan University). There were always some kind of celebration or party my co
workers were preparing for. One of the biggest events that I have seen them prepare for
are the arranged marriages. I thought it was strange that still in the 21st century that
arranged marriages still took place. However, they told me it is not as strict as it was
years ago. It is usually the oldest brother of the family that will find a husband for his
sister. He will go and meet with the potential husband s family, if he and the family
agree to move forward, a date will be set for the two to meet. If the woman or man
really do not seem to like each other, then they do not have to marry. Talking to
Hollywood Sexism
Power in Hollywood
Women are more than 50 percent of the population in America. Everyday woman face
sexism but, Hollywood in particular has many cases of misogynism. Despite Hollywood
projecting progressive ideas they severely lack in the sexism part. Misogynist portrayal
of women in Hollywood results from men having the power in Hollywood.
Women are a low percent of those behind the camera. In 2014, a whopping 85 percent of
films had no female directors, 80 percent had no female writers, and one third lacked
female producers, according to a San Diego State University study (Davidson). How
can there be strong women characters if there are not that many women working
behind the scenes? With the lack of women behind the camera, the roles women play
are often degrading and sexist. Women are often portrayed in service jobs such as
waitresses instead of in leadership roles. In the top 500 films from 2007 2012, 28.8
percent of women wore sexually revealing clothes while men only accounted for 7
percent (IndieWire). TV and movies teach girls from a young age that they are meant
to be a wife or homemaker and not much else. It is hard to dream to be a doctor or a
CEO of a big company if you do not see it when you turn on the TV. And it is not that
women are not qualified to work behind the camera, they are just not given the chance. It
is hard to change your portrayal in film and TV if you are not the one writing the
characters or directing.
Shonda Rhimes, the creator of Scandal
Conflict Management Style Analysis
My conflict management style is best characterized as avoiding. It is best described as
not paying attention to the conflict or pretending it does not exist. People who use the
avoiding strategy generally keep quiet during a disagreement as they view speaking up
as not worthwhile and believe little will result from it. This accurately describes my
style with people I am not familiar with, but it is wrong for people that I am close to.
My roommate, who I was randomly assigned with, made it a habit of coming in late each
night. Coming in at midnight was early for him. I avoided saying anything to him for
approximately a month. After getting to know him, I felt comfortable bringing up the
subject. He brushed it off the first time, and
Challenges of the Automobile Industry of USA Essay
As we all know, automobile industry plays an important part in the economy of USA;
however, this industry is facing some environmental challenges. In this assignment, I
would like to discuss about the challenges that the automobile industry of USA is
struggling with. Specifically, there are four main challenges that will be looked into
details which are global competition, new technology, emission s effect on the
environment and the government s reaction, and the consumers opinion about the
Firstly, the automobile industry of USA is facing an intense global competition. Beside
some American brands of automobiles such as Ford, General Motors (GM), there are
other foreign brands which are proving their positions in the automobile ... Show more
content on ...
As we can see, the automobile industry of USA is affected by the economic depression
in 2009, and there are more competitors trying to compete in the automobile industry.
Secondly, what is the role of new technology in empowering the automobile products?
It is the fact that USA is one of the countries having the best technology which is
always updated for new innovation. Nowadays, the means of shopping is not just
going to the stores, looking at the catalogues and talking to the dealers. Everything
now can be done just by a click. All the big automobile companies have their own
official websites where customers can get the information about the newest trends
with all the detailed information. By this way, it can save customers a great deal of
time and they have more selection over a wide range of products. That is the reason
why there are more and more customers turning to online shopping. According to a
survey done by J.D. Power and Associates (2002), there were 60% to 80% of customers
went to the company website to search for information before going to the store and
take the test drive. Another good point about the Internet is that new customers can look
for the review from those who already purchased the products to see if that product is
worth its cost, as stated in the same survey there is 60% of the buyers refer to the
internet before making their purchase (J.D. Power and Associates, 2002).
Racism In Freedom Writers
Racism is as relevant an issue today as it ever was. Old wounds have opened, and the
dark side of America is being brought to light. Freedom Writers, a 2007 movie
adaptation of the 1999 book The Freedom Writers Diary (Freedom Writers), illustrates
just how large an issue racism is in society. Freedom Writers was directed by Richard
LaGravenese and stars Hilary Swank, Scott Glenn, Patrick Dempsey, and Imelda
Staunton (Freedom Writers). Set in Long Beach, California, a first time teacher
educates her at first unmotivated students in English while giving them life lessons and
showing them the larger world around them. Those students live in an area that is a
battlefield, many of them embroiled in the ongoing gang wars. Freedom Writers deals
with racism by showing the students that they are all very similar and deal with the
same problems, regardless of their race. The movie opens with footage of the 1994 Los
Angeles riots, then transitions to the childhood of the narrator of the film, a Mexican
American girl named Eva. It shows how racism and gang violence has shaped her life,
with her father being arrested for a crime he didn t commit and being shot at and beat up
among the various examples. We then meet Erin Gruwell, an enthusiastic young teacher,
whose class is comprised of Eva and other at risk teens. Gruwell has difficulty getting
through to her students, who self segregate into racial groups within the classroom. Many
students stop attending class when she forces them
Siberian Tiger Thesis Statement
Topic: The Siberian Tiger
General Purpose: To inform
Specific Purpose: To inform people about the physical characteristics, the habitat, the
hunting and diet as well as the family structure and the conservation of Siberian Tiger.
Thesis Statement: The three most important things to know about Siberian tiger are: (1)
The physical characteristics; (2) The habitat and the hunting and diet; (3) and the family
structure of these wildcats.

I.Do you know what is the largest wild cat in the world?
II.Siberian Tiger is considered as the largest kind of wildcat in the whole world.
a.Siberian Tiger is also known as Amur Tiger or Pathera tigris altaica by by its scientific
b.This animal can be found in the Sikhote Alin Mountain ... Show more content on ...
III.Females usually give birth to about two to six cubs with a little or no help from male
a.Cubs will stay for 18 months with their mother because they are still incapable of
hunting their own food (
b.The mother is tasked to train the cubs to hunt food.
c.These animals will reach sexually maturity at four years old (

Transition: Now that we have learned a lot about Siberian tiger, let us try to sum it up.
I.Considered as the largest wildcat in the world, Siberian tigers are known for their
strong ability to catch prey and.
a.They are able to travel several miles to catch their prey.
b.They are carnivorous and love to stay in forested areas..
II.Since there are only 400 500 Siberian tigers left in the world, they are considered
endangered species and need to be protected.
a.In order to live, they need to have massive and well preserved landscapes of forests to
look for preys.
b.Let us be aware of their dying conditions and help them in our own little ways.

Work cited

Siberian tigers: pathera tigris altaica. Web. 21 Sep. 2015.

The Siberian tigers. Web. 21 Sep.

Josh Waitzkin In Searching For Bobby
In the movie, Searching for Bobby Fischer, the main character, Josh Waitzkin, had many
exemplary moments that defined his character. Determination, humbleness, and empathy
are few of the many words that can be used to describe Josh. With these values
embedded within the young chess player, Josh began to show everyone who he really is.
One of the many challenges that Josh faced and overcame was the constant pressure from
his father and his chessteacher. After learning that his son was quite the chess player, the
father signs Josh up with a teacher to further enhance his abilities. While this may seem
harmless, it began to take a toll on Josh. The boy no longer wanted to participate in chess
due to new ideas and systems implemented by his teacher. Furthermore, the father s
exaggerated desire to win put even more strain on Josh. However, throughout the whole
ordeal, Josh... Show more content on ...
This is where Josh s humbleness contradicted that supposed mindset. Throughout the
film, Josh ends up playing a numerous amount of opponents in chess. One game in
particular really emphasized his value of humbleness the game against his own father.
It was evident from the beginning that the father had no chance to beat his son.
However, Josh did not want to hurt his feelings and held back, allowing his dad to
win. When asked for a rematch with no holding back, Josh won without even being
present at the chessboard his opponent was too easy. Another example of humbleness
would be the final battle of the movie: Josh vs Jonathan. In the final scene, Josh ends up
finding a way to beat Jonathan and offers him a draw before carrying out his final
attack. These two scenes successfully represented Josh s value of humbleness. He does
not insult his opponents or think lowly of them, he respects each and every one of them
to the fullest
The Effect Of Self Esteem
Effects of self esteem

What is self esteem?

Self esteem is confidence in one s own worth or abilities and self respect. Self esteem
is how a person feels about his or herself. A person s self esteem can be high, low, or in
between. Someone with high self esteem might be more confident in seeking out new
friendships. However, someone with low self esteem may not even try to have a social
life because they tend to feel worthless. If a person self esteem is in between they are
very observant to everything. Self esteem can affect ones mood, health, relationships,
comfort zones, and low resilience. Importance of valuing yourself According to
person to person the self can be broken down into physical self, mental self, emotional
self, and social self. Physical self is more than just your appearance. People who
neglect their own needs and forget to nurture themselves are at danger of deeper
levels of unhappiness, low self esteem, and feelings of resentment. Also, sometimes
people who spend their time only taking care of others can be at risk for getting
burned out on all the giving, which makes it more difficult to care for others or
themselves. Taking time to care for yourself regularly can make you a better caretaker
for others. Mental health is a level of psychological wellbeing, or an absence of mental
illness. It is the psychological state of someone who is functioning at a satisfactory level
of emotional and behavioral adjustment . Mental self is performed
The Performance Of The Symphony
Barenboim s Beethoven s 9th was a BBC production of the Beethoven s last symphony.
The buildup to the final performance is great and this is partly explained by the fact that
Beethoven s 9th was different in that it contained song and chorus. Daniel Barenboim
will be conducting the West Eastern Divan Orchestraat the Royal Albert Hall. The hall is
beautifully decorated for the occasion. The main theme of the symphonyrevolved around
the human conditions and unity (Swafford, 2014).
I think the performance of the orchestra was above average. I enjoyed all aspect from
when the conductor was welcomed by members of the orchestra to when the choir joined
towards the grand finale. Both the orchestra and the audience played their role
exceptionally. I watched the orchestra play over and over trying to grasp the meaning
of every movement while enjoying the choral. By looking at the members of the large
orchestra I could tell they were eager to please. Also the fact that they had rehearsed
gave them confidence which was fully in display.
On the day of the rehearsals, I see people everywhere (on the orchestra and audience
setting) mingling with each other and the murmurs take over the hall. The orchestra is
about to begin rehearsing for what will be the last symphony. I notice that the orchestra
is composed of young and older people of different ethnicity. Even the audience display
this diversity in terms of age, gender and ethnicity. This goes to show that orchestra is not
Canadian Politics In Western Canada
Introduction: Canadian politics has always been defined by the federal government s
interactions with the various regions and provinces within Canada. Over time, Canadian
politics has evolved to be focused on three individual issues: the federal government s
attempt to keep Quebec within the federation, the economic, political, and cultural
dominance of Ontario, and, from a Western Canadian point of view, the subordination of
the West. The popularity of the latter notion has become increasingly prominent within
the Western provinces over the previous decades, due to the government s focus on the
former two issues. And, for many Western Canadians, their relationship with the federal
government has largely been defined around Ottawa s refusal... Show more content on ...
Prior to 2011, the two wealthiest provinces in Canada were Alberta and Saskatchewan,
with British Columbia and Manitoba still wealthier than most of Canada. And, much of
this growth is fueled by oil revenue. As a result of this, much of the equalization program
is paid for through the contributions from the Western provinces, with Alberta paying the
highest per capita contribution in the country. In comparison, central Canada has become
reliant on these equalization payments, with Quebec, the single largest beneficiary both
in the calendar year as well as all time, receiving 8.552 billion dollars in 2010. And,
while Ontario had once been the largest contributor to the program, in 2010 they became
reliant on equalization funds from Western
Biological And Most Aggressive Type Of Brain Malignancy
Recent studies including a genome wide study of certain cancers have come to
demonstrate that the most common and most aggressive type of brain malignancy, or
glioblastoma (GBM) comprises a shared link: alterations in the catalytic protein, isocitrate
dehydrogenase (IDH) (1). The focus of such research is the mutant forms of NADP
dependent homologous enzymes IDH1 and IDH2 (2) localized predominantly in
cytosolic and mitochondrial regions, respectively. Both of these heterozygous point
mutations modify the amino acidresidue present at the active site of the original enzyme.
Subsequently, neomorphic activity of the enzyme IDH is established, replacing its
original function with the conversion of the О± Ketoglutarate (О± KG) to D 2
hydroxyglutarate (D 2 HG), an oncogenic metabolite (3). The presence of IDH1/2
mutants in cells is consistent with abnormally high levels of this tumor progressor, D 2
HG, which inhibits catalytic proteins that are О± KG dependent (4). As a result, D 2 HG
indirectly influences epigenetic regulation, the formation of collagen as well as histone
methylation. Transgenic mouse models are now advancing to provide insight into the
effects of IDH mutations in tandem with other cooperating mutations better understand
glioma pathogenesis (5).
The biochemical pathways involved in IDH mutant forms (IDH1m, IDH2m) reveal that a
substitution of the arginine residue 132 with histidine is responsible for the pathogenic
changes due to IDH1 mutations (6) (Figure 1).
ADHD In Childhood
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder has a complicated and interesting history and
because of that it is important to understands this disorders implications and
comorbidity to better treat and diagnose it. Research done by the Centers of Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that 11% of the US population between the
ages of 4 17 are affected with ADHD; that s 6.4 million children and the prevalence of
diagnosis is only increasing (2016). It was generally assumed that ADHD was
something children would grow out of but new studies show that approximately 4% of
the adult population in the US are still suffering from ADHD or have developed ADHD
(Breyer, J. L., Lee, S., Winters, K. C., August, G. J., Realmuto, G. M. 2014). ADHD is...
Show more content on ...
In a study published by Hung Pollock and Karalunas, they created an experiment that
tested children with and without ADHD s working memory (WM) to better understand
how their executive functioning (EF) developed (2010). In order for an individual to
use and learn an executive function, that individual must first use WM to remember
and practice that function until it becomes automatic. Hung Pollock and Karalunas
used two types of test to measure reaction time (RT) and apply that data to WM. The
first test was alphabet arithmetic (AA), a computer program that would present a
question with a number and a letter (i.e A+1=?) (Hung Pollock C. L., Karalunas S. L.
2010). Children were expected to replace the letter with the number associated with its
position in the alphabet (i.e. A=1, B=2, C=3) and solve. The children were told to press
that enter button with would record their RT and then say their answer aloud to the
research assistant who then recorded answers (Hung Pollock C. L., Karalunas S. L.
2010). The second test, called finger math (FM), was another computer program that
presented children with the same math problems as the AA (Hung Pollock C. L.,
Karalunas S. L.
An Experiment On How Fast The Pressure Generated By
Shapiro and Dinske(2009) stated that this equation could enable geoscientists to know
how fast the pressure generated by the introduction of fluid is travelling into the rocks
to be broken. Meanwhile, this equation can only be applied to a homogenous, isotropic
medium but in real life, geologic media are hydraulically heterogeneous. For this case,
times greater than t0(time at beginning) are considered because if the injection stops at
t0, the earthquakes and tremors will gradually cease to occur. These times (t) also
describe the propagation of a maximal pore pressure perturbation in the space. The
surface here separates the domain which is still active from the spatial domain which
was already active which yields the back front of... Show more content on ...
Langenbruch and Shapiro(2015) stated that seismic events occur in rock sections with
high Young s Modulus and low Poisson s ratio. Young s modulus refers to the ratio of
amount of stress to strain while Poisson s ratio is the ratio of lateral strain to longitudinal
strain. They stated that a significant amount of rock stress originated from elastic rock
heterogeneity, and that the heterogeneity index of rocks indicates these rock sections.
Langenbruch and Shapiro(2015) concluded that seismicity induced by fluid injection can
be of two ways. One is by the shear reactivation which explains the linear diffusion
seismicity explained previously and the other is by tensile opening which only occurs
when the minimum effective stress becomes tensile. The reactivation probability of a
preexisting fracture is given by CFS calculation which involves cohesion, shear and
normal stress, coefficient of internal friction and pore pressure. If CFS is greater than 0,
the fault is in a stable state; if CFS is less than 0, the fault is unstable and if CFS is equal
to 0, failure occurs. According to Langenbruch and Shapiro(2015), a test was conducted
where only the friction coefficient and cohesion were kept constant while the other
parameters were altered. This was done because there is no direct measurement for
Learning A Second Language Education Essay
We live in a world surrounded by people of various cultures, countries, and ethnicities,
who all speak different languages. As a young child, I attended a Spanish immersion
program through my pre school and elementary school. I was absorbed into a new
culture much different from my own. I grew up learning words in Spanish before I
knew them in English. I also developed unexpected friendships, spending much of my
childhood in Spanish speaking households. As a college student, I look back on this time
and greatly appreciate the skills and lessons I cultivated from learning a second language.
Second language educationshould be required in elementary schools. Learning a second
languageleads children to become successful students with prosperous futures and
connects people of different cultures. Studies have shown that students who receive
second language education do better on standardized tests. A study conducted by P.W.
Armstrong and J.D. Rogers in 1997 declared that third grade students who received thirty
minute lessons in Spanish three times a week, scored higher on the Metropolitan
Achievement Test in the subjects of math and language than their peers who did not
receive Spanish education (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages).
Another study that took place in 1981 by P.A. Eddy shows that students who have
received second language learning, do better on SAT sub tests and on the verbal section
of the SAT than students who did not study a second
Casturn Systems
Casturn Systems (A) (B) Group Case #3

1. What went wrong with Casturn s first two auction attempts?

Casturn hired a consulting company that possibly didn t have the best interest of Casturn
as its core motivation. The consulting company was paid on POTENTIAL cost savings
and identification instead of a results oriented contract. Due to this structure, it became
about quantity of parts that can be included in the bid instead of identifying the top say
twenty percent of parts that, if managed well, could have yielded both companies a
lucrative cost savings in the resourcing effort. In addition, the consulting company exited
the process after the initial stages giving no one accountability to carry the resourcing
effort to fruition. ... Show more content on ...
This probably further solidified the attitude that auctions were not going to be something
Casturn takes seriously and therefore bidders would in turn not be committed to
participating in the effort.

2. Can e RAs be used for sourcing highly engineered parts?

As seen in the cases above with castings and O rings, even the simplest of parts can pose
complications in the auction process. Potential for successful reduction in cost can be
recognized with a more concentrated event and management effort. This can be true for
engineered parts as well but on a less likely basis. The primary key to success to an
auction of this nature would be to not have any surprises or to anticipate suppliers
behavior. Building on this idea would be to truly know your suppliers, which can get
cumbersome in a company with a lot of growth through acquisitions and locations.
However, with regional procurement managers, it is not impossible. There should not
have been a question if an incumbent was going to bid, good vendor management would
have assured that a last minute entry by way of an incumbent would not have happened.
Applying this thought to the engineered parts, an auction would only be effective if
suppliers invited to bid have been fully vetted. An auction can speed up the process of
getting time sensitive information to suppliers, but it also may open
Examples Of Insider Advice For Shopping Smarter
8 Hacks to fill up your wardrobe when running out of money
Shopping is what every girl thrives for. No girl wants to wear the same old clothes. We
even get tired of wearing an outfit even if we have worn it just twice. But money always
gets in the way, more clothes mean more expenditure. But not anymore, here is some
insider advice for you to get new clothes but spend a little!
Here is some insider advice for shopping smarter:
1.It s not always malls where you find amazing clothes
In markets like Janpath and Sarojini Nagar you get to do the best of street shopping.
The clothes are generally export surplus sold at cheap rates. You will get products like
ethnic wear, daily wear, dresses, junk jewelry, silver jewelry, leather footwear in janpath.
... Show more content on ...
Try pairing up your tops and tees with different pair of jeans and skirts. Accessorizing
differently with the same outfits can also make you look all shiny since the people will
focus more on the accessory rather than those clothes. You can wear the same dress again
just by teaming it up with some shrug or jacket and turn your otherwise boring outfit
something fun.
7.C mon! You can let go of those old clothes now.
You can compensate money for new clothes by selling off the old ones on sites like
EBay. With so much social media these days, it s not hard to find girls who d go crazy
about those clothes you ve outgrown or gotten bored of. What else? You can even buy
some there!
But make sure those clothes you are trying to sold are not too old and are in good shape.
8.When will those cousins and best friends help?
Do you like the way your best friend or that cousin of yours dresses up? If you are the
same size as your cousin and she lives in some other town and if your friends are in
different colleges then you can always exchange your clothes with them and score some
amazing outfits without spending a single penny. And who knows? Maybe her clothes
suit you
My Hero Academia Character Analysis
Character from My hero academia, Midoriya Izuku analytical,stubborn, careless when it
comes to his own physical wellbeing in exchange for others

Analytical kept 13 hero planning notebooks in which he filled info about every hero and
their quirks, running gag of muttering to himself, able to come up with plans on the fly
and exploit analyzed weaknesses

stubborn Was relentlessly bullied for a lack of a quirk, but refused to give up in
applying for the top school in the nation, and refused to give up in the hopeless situations
hes faced with later

selfless Repeatedly injures himself to protect others, Uraraka, all might and tsuyu at usj,
todoroki in their fight at the festival

As of last year, a new ani manga, Boku No Hero Academia, or My Hero Academia took
the world by storm. Originally a manga KЕЌhei Horikoshi, the creator, began in 2014;
the story was well received and began airing as an animated series later in 2016. In the
series, we follow Izuku Midoriya, a boy born without powers in a world dominated by a
superpower society, torch of the number one hero s power passed on to him. Midoriya
is introduced as a superhero fan boy, diligently taking notes on various heroes and their
Quirks, as the powers are called. This is only a drop in the bucket of Midoriya s
analytical abilities. Midoriya is shown in several episodes to have a knack for
analyzing and high levels of intelligence. In the opening of the first episode, we see
Midoriya running to the scene of a villain

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