Agrument Essay

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Agrument Essay

Writing an argument essay can be a challenging task that demands a considerable amount of time,
effort, and critical thinking. Crafting a compelling argumentative essay requires not only a deep
understanding of the chosen topic but also the ability to present a well-structured argument
supported by relevant evidence and logical reasoning.

One of the difficulties in writing an argument essay lies in the need to thoroughly research and
understand the different perspectives surrounding the topic. This involves delving into various
sources, analyzing data, and staying abreast of current discussions to ensure the essay is well-
informed and up-to-date. Crafting a strong thesis statement that encapsulates the main argument and
sets the tone for the essay is another intricate aspect that requires careful consideration.

Constructing a coherent and logical argument is a significant challenge. Writers must ensure a
seamless flow of ideas, employing effective transitions between paragraphs and sections. Balancing
the use of evidence to support the argument without overshadowing the writer's voice can also be
tricky. Striking the right balance between being persuasive and maintaining objectivity is a delicate
art that skilled essayists must master.

Moreover, addressing potential counterarguments and effectively refuting them is an additional layer
of complexity. It requires anticipating the reader's objections and providing convincing evidence and
reasoning to counter those objections. This adds depth and credibility to the argument but demands a
nuanced understanding of the subject matter.

In conclusion, writing an argument essay is a multifaceted task that involves extensive research,
careful organization, and persuasive writing skills. It requires the ability to navigate complex issues,
present a compelling case, and anticipate and counter opposing viewpoints. While it can be
challenging, mastering the art of crafting persuasive arguments is a valuable skill that extends beyond
academia into various aspects of life.

For assistance with similar essays or any writing challenges, consider exploring resources like, where professional writers can provide support tailored to your specific needs.
Agrument Essay Agrument Essay
Designing A New Type Of Internal Combustion Engine
Chapter 1

The intention of Rudolf Diesel to provide a new type of internal combustion engine
operating with higher efficiency than conventional steam and Otto cycle engines, and
that could be operated on many types of fuels. The engine cycle developed by diesel
involves injection of fuel into a volume of air heated by compression. Over the course of
history, the durable and efficient diesel engine has replaced other less efficient modes of
power production, including steam engines in the railroad industry. A diesel engine or
compression ignition (C.I.) engine is an internal combustion engine that uses the heat of
compression to initiate ignition to burn the fuel, which is injected into the combustion

The global ... Show more content on ...

With any probable petrol crisis, for all the sectors the alternative fuel is vital to be
developed. In addition, pollutants have formed because of combustion of petroleum
based fuels in diesel engines. Pollutants from diesel engines include carbon monoxide
(CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), sulphur dioxides (SOx), oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and
particulate matter (PM). NOx and PM are the two primary pollutants of diesel engines.
It was stated by Lloyd and Cackete, that Diesel emissions contribute to the development
of cancer; cardiovascular and respiratory health effects; pollution of air, water, and soil;
soiling; reductions in visibility; and global climate change. Research on reducing
emissions resulted from diesel engines and studies on decreased fuel consumption are
being founded worldwide, especially in EU countries. There are many works on reliable
researching and implementations and useful results came to exist. Research and
developing alter native diesel engine fuel is one of the aspects of these studies.

An alternative fuel for internal combustion (IC) engines is considered as a viable option
because of the pollution effect amount of petroleum products available. As an alternative
fuel is biodegradable and renewable fuel, biofuel is the most suited substitute for
biodiesel. In developing countries the demand for
Character Analysis Of Padme Amidala
2. Evaluation (judgement)
Reflection on characteristic:
PadmГ© Amidala s costumes were the pinnacleй« з‚№ of haute
coutureй« зє§еҐіеЈ«ж—¶иЈ… and breathtaking design and they encompassed the many
different aspects of her character s journey. The archetypalеЋџећ‹зљ„ stages of PadmГ©
s life after she leaves the throne can be seen in these costumes: young senator, determined
government official, force for the rebellionеЏ›д№±, glamorous romantic
heroine女主角女英雄杰出人物, secret bride and pregnant wife, and, finally,
tragic martyr.

Her costumes also reflect the era in which she lives. PadmГ© is a young, idealized, richly
ornamented government leader at the time of a high civilization on the edge of total
corruption and destruction. ... Show more content on ...
It makes complete sense to have real world fashion inspired by her outfits but instead
there is a huge array of male character inspired apparel, featuring Darth Vader, Boba
Fett, Stormtrooper, and so on. With an impressive 37 different outfits in the films (even
more if you count cape/robe variations), plus more from the cartoon Clone Wars series,
there are so many of Padme Amidala s costumes to take inspiration
Battle Of Hamburger Hill Essay
The Battle of hamburger Hill
The Battle at Dong Ap Bia occurred during Operation Apache Snow during The
Vietnam War, which had the aim of clearing the People s Army of Vietnam (PAVN)
and Viet Cong (VC) from the A shau Valley in South Vietnam. This valley was situated
near the border with Laos, and it had become a haven for communist forces and major
infiltration route into the south. This operation was initiated on 10 May 10 1969 with
the specific purpose of destroying the PAVN and VC forces believed to be grouped in
the A shau Valley, blocking enemy routes of egress in Laos, interdicting enemy lines of
communication and locating and destroying known enemy caches. This valley was
heavily forested, and above the it stood Ap Bia Mountain, otherwise ... Show more
content on ...
Wright who replaced MG Zais as commander of the 101st Airborne in May abandoned
the hill on 5 June as the operations in the valley wrapped up. The debate over
Hamburger Hill reached the United States Congress, with particularly severe criticism of
the military leadership by Senators Edward Kennedy, George McGovern, and Stephen
M. Young. In its 27 June issue, Life Magazine published the photographs of 241
Americans killed in one week in Vietnam; this is now considered a watershed event of
the negative public opinion toward the Vietnam War. While only five of the 241 featured
photos were of those in the battle, many Americans had the perception that all of the
photos featured in the magazine were casualties of the battle. The controversy of the
conduct of the battle of Hamburger Hill led to a reappraisal of the U.S. strategy in South
Vietnam. As a direct result, to hold down casualties, General Abrams discontinued a
policy of maximum pressure against the PAVN to one of protective reaction for troops
threatened with combat action, while simultaneously President Richard Nixon
announced the first troop withdrawal from South
Strategic Leadership Development
Incorporating Strategic Leadership Development Into Company Culture While
supporting leadership development is admirable, incorporating strategic leadership
development into company culture can take organizations to exciting new heights.

While strategic leaders are certainly invested in the present, they have their sights set
squarely on the future. They research trends, things that are important to customers, and
what s happening in the world to create a vision that offers a strong platform for planning
and leading their team to desired outcomes.

Truly successful strategic leaders strongly consider the role culture plays in how far
their organizations can go. Culture is the result of habits and norms, and what people
say and do it s really a set of unwritten rules of behavior that are felt and can be shaped.

It s fairly easy to see whether strategic leadership development is part of a company s

culture if you listen to the kinds of ... Show more content on ...
Years ago, I worked at a company that was very future focused, and we went through
an exercise to revisit our mission and vision that demonstrates the value of strategic
leadership. We involved a diverse group of 15 18 people, asking them what it was like
to work in the organization and what it would have to be like for their talents to be

Once we had their answers, we added our board members to the mix, and we were so
proud of what we came up with; we couldn t wait to share it with the whole company.
We were dismayed when people just sat there, and we immediately realized our mistake:
no matter how on target something might be, people aren t apt to accept it if they haven t
had an opportunity to be involved in its
The F-Series And The Automotive Industry
F Series has been America s best selling pickup truck for 37 consecutive years, and the
best selling overall vehicle for 32 straight years. The heritage runs deep as does the
loyalty that consumers have for the brand of their choice. The company has been in
business since 1903, so they have weathered many storms. Going through the Great
Depression and the recent Economic Crisis of 2008, crushing all opponents in sales.
Ford is the best of the big three auto companies because: they didn t take the bail out,
world s best selling truck, and has had the same idea from the beginning. First, the fact
that General Motors filed for bankruptcy and received unusual treatment during the
process. The nickname Government Motors will certainly outlive... Show more content on ...
Ford Motor Company began a relentless drive to increase production and lower costs.
Henry and his team borrowed concepts from watch makers, gun makers, bicycle
makers, and meat packers, mixed them with their own ideas and by late 1913 they
had developed a moving assembly line for automobiles. The assembly line is a series of
workers and machines in a factory by which a succession of identical items is
progressively assembled. This idea has been in every automotive factory for many
Juveniles in the Criminal Justice System
Should Juvenile Offenders Be Tried As Adults? A Developmental Perspective on
Changing Legal Policies

Laurence Steinberg

Temple University and The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Research
Network on Adolescent Development and Juvenile Justice

Paper presented as a part of a Congressional Research Briefing entitled Juvenile Crime:

Causes and Consequences, Washington, January 19, 2000. Address correspondence to
the author at the Department of Psychology, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122,
or at

I d like to talk today about recent changes in juvenile justice policy that are being
implemented despite a full consideration of what research on child development has to
say about the wisdom ... Show more content on ...
Technically, this would not be considered a transfer. We know that there has been a
steady increase over the last 15 years in the number of cases waived by judicial
discretion the number has doubled but that the rate of transfer by this method has not
increased and is still very low. Less than 2% of cases are waived by judges. There is
still no national system of record keeping about juvenile cases transferred through
direct file or statutory exclusion, although we know that these mechanisms are
replacing judicial waiver as a mechanism for transferring juveniles to criminal court. If
we extrapolate from some regional studies of direct file, it appears that more juveniles
are transferred by prosecutors than by judges. Rough estimates suggest that about
27,000 juveniles were prosecuted in criminal court in 1996, but this does not include
adolescents who are under 18 but who are above the age of juvenile court jurisdiction
in their state. Some estimates place this figure at about 180,000 per year. In other
words, by one mechanism or another, more than 200,000 individuals under the age of
18 are prosecuted in criminal court each year. There are three trends in the data worth
noting. First, the proportion of juveniles prosecuted as adults is growing, primarily
because states are adding more and more offenses to the list of crimes that are excluded
from the juvenile court. Second, a very large
Stress at Work
Impact of work related stressors on employees psychological health Mona Rafiq
Marfani BBA Department of Business Administration Iqra University, Karachi
INTRODUCTION Job stress can be defined as the harmful physical and emotional
responses that occur when the requirements of the job do not match the capabilities,
resources, or needs of the worker. Job stress can lead to poor health (mental and
physical). 25% of employees view their jobs as the number one stressor in their lives.
Northwestern National Life. 75% of employees believe the worker has more on the job
stress than a generation ago. Princeton Survey Research Associates. Problems at work are
more strongly associated with health complaints than are any other... Show more content
on ...
WORK RELATED STRESSORS Stressors are the agents which trigger the various
stress reactions. Today s environment provides physical, emotional, and mental
stressors that set off the initial alarm reaction. Physical stressors in factories are
usually linked to noise and physical and chemical hazards. Emotional or mental
stressors can be unpleasant or pleasant. A promotion can be just as stressful as the loss
of a position. Stressors are additive and can build up. The way in which people are
affected depends on their values, experience, and adaptability (Julia Von Onciul, 1996).
|Work related stressors | | | |Physical stressors Emotional and mental stressors | |* Noise
* Fear (of sanctions) | |* Chemical hazards * Joy (about promotion) | |* Temperature
extremes * Anger (over injustice) | |* Physical trauma * Challenge (of a new
The Nexus Between Women s Land Rights And Food Security...
This research is interested in identifying the nexus between women land rights and food
security within West African states (ECOWAS states). The majority of ECOWAS
countries sustain their economies through agriculture. In 2012, agriculture accounted for
35% of the region s Gross Domestic Product (DGP), contributing $6 billion to its foreign
trade and represented 16.1% of products and services exported from ECOWAS region
(Salifou 2012). Agriculture also created 60% all jobs in the ECOWAS region in 2012.

Women accounted for 60 80% of the production, processing and marketing of

agricultural produce in the region. About 80% of the regional population s food needs
are met by regional produce, with the remaining 20% being met by import (Salifou
2012). Several imperial studies reveal that African women, compared with other
regions, are far more involved in agriculture (Adekaney, Otitulaiye and Opaluwa
2009). One study in Nigeria showed that men abandoned areas like food crop farming
because those sectors are considered as unprofitable (Afolabi 2008). Other studies also
revealed that 80% of all staple food consumed in Ondo State of Nigeria in 2005, and 80%
of all the staple food produced in Ghana were locally produced and processed by women
(Bravo, Seufferhand and Agunbiade 2011).

While women play a substantial role in the production, marketing and distribution of
agricultural produce, their access to land, an important means of production, is hindered
Army Varsity Team
Problem Identification: The problem identified in the HBR Case Study the Army Crew
Team was Coach P s assumption that choosing the most physically fit rowers would yield
a high performing team. Coach P. failed to understand how team dynamics, morale, and
overall emotional intelligence of the team can inhibit teamsuccess.

Alternative Analysis: Coach P. was baffled why the Varsity team performed poorly as
opposed to the non Varsity team. While he put much thought with selecting the most
physically fit team mates, he failed to understand the importance of recognizing and
working through issues in relation to emotional intelligence. The Varsity group kept
pointing the finger on others, failing to recognize and take accountability for their overall
subpar performance. Rather than work through the negative team dynamics, they often
emailed their complaints to the coach. An emotionally intelligent group would have
worked through their issues together as a group. If someone is acting out of line, the
team members must feel comfortable calling the foul. The team needed to build positive
norms such as responding constructively in emotionally uncomfortable situations
(Amabille, 2013). The team did not share ... Show more content on ...
Coach P. should better understand the importance of establishing positive emotional
intelligence with the team, and lay out clear groundworks to establish this. As mentioned
earlier, an emotionally intelligent team will hold eachother accountable with working
through negative areas. If someone falls out of line, the team would need to agree to
call eachother out on behaviors that add no group value. Coach P. would need to lead by
example, and call members out if they are not in line with the agreed upon expectations.
The group would need to commit to lead eachother
General Electric
Mini Case Study
Can GE Remake Itself as a Digital Firm? General Electric (GE) is the world s largest
diversified manufacturer. Fortune named GE America s Most Admired Company in
1998, 1999, and 2000. Jack Welch, GE s CEO and Chairman since 1981, is often cited as
the most admired CEO in the United States. Headquartered in Fairfield, Connecticut, the
company consists of 20 units, including Appliances, Broadcasting (NBC), Capital,
Medical Systems, and Transportation Systems. With the acquisition of Honeywell,
announced in October 2000, GE became a company of $155 billion in revenue and
460,000 employees in 100 countries. Despite GE s size and old economy businesses,
Internet Week awarded GE its e Business company of 2000. Did GE ... Show more
content on ...
Reiner ordered GE units to come back with alternative approaches that enhance value to
the customer and reduce total costs. The Internet initiative started by changing GE s
culture at the very top. GE s internal newsletters and many of Welch s memos became
available only online. To give blue collar workers access to the Net, GE installed
computer kiosks on factory floors. One thousand top managers and executives, including
Welch (who also had to take typing lessons), were assigned young, skilled mentors to
work with them three to four hours per week to make them comfortable with the Web.
They had to become able to evaluate their competitors Web sites and to use the Web in
other beneficial ways. Every GE employee was given training. Welch announced in 2000,
that GE would reduce administrative expenses by 30 to 50 percent (around $10 billion)
within 18 months through use of the Internet. Many projects came out of the initiative.
For example GE Medical Systems, which manufactures diagnostic imaging systems such
as CAT scanners and mammography equipment, identified its DYB threat as aggregators,
such as WebMD, which offered unbiased information on competing products as well as
selling them. GE products on these sites looked like just another commodity. The unit s
major response was iCenter,
Lethal Injection Vs. The Electric Chair
required signed petitions to get the issue back on the ballot. Fifty eight percent of the
people in Nebraska oppose the death penalty and only thirty percent support it (Balko
1). Nebraska currently has ten death row inmates (Balko 1). They are waiting anxiously
for the results if they have to be executed or if they can have life in prison.
The two most common ways of execution is lethal injection and the electric chair. The
electric chair is much more painful because it feels like you are getting electrocuted. It
also takes longer for the person to die. At the end of the nineteenth century electricity
started to become more effective. For more than a century the lethal effects of electric
current was interesting researchers. Benjamin Franklin
The Dangers Of Alcoholism And Alcoholism
What motivates someone to drink and how can they overcome alcoholism? Are a
person s emotions the motivating factor to suppress depression or hate? Are social
groups, peer pressure, or the need to fit in the primary motivator or is it a result from
the type of environment the drinker was raised in? Is it possible to overcome alcoholism
and live a happy and normal life? Let s take a look at a few of the factors that could
motivate someone to fall victim to alcoholism and the chances of overcoming this
dreadful condition. According to the National Institute on AlcoholAbuse and Alcoholism,
results from several different studies they have conducted show that children from
alcoholic families report higher levels of depression and anxiety. These same children
also show more symptoms of stress than children from non alcoholic families
(Alcoholism). What these studies indicate is that if a child grows up in an atmosphere of
constant alcohol consumption, the child has a higher likelihood of developing
undesirable psychological disorders as they continue into adulthood. This apparently
creates a never ending cycle of alcoholism within the family; however there were some
positive results in these same studies. It was found that the emotional stress of parental
drinking on children decreases when the parents stop drinking. Although the children of
relapsed alcoholic parents reported higher levels of anxiety and depression, emotional
functioning in these children was similar among
The Death Of The Elm Tree
Death is a natural part of life at least that is how the saying goes but many tend to possess
a skewed perception of death. The thought of death generally unnerves and frightens
people. Scientist Lewis Thomas addresses this in his 1979 essay On Natural Death. In his
essay, Thomas establishes himself as a liable source of information through his scientific
background and impressive schooling. Aware of his audience s unease regarding this
topic, Lewis Thomas dispels their trepidation by referencing various deaths, beginning
with the simplest forms of life and then moving to the complex, and logically proving,
through testimony and science, that the circumstances surrounding the deaths may
change, but the deaths themselves are still painless and, therefore, nothing to fear. Lewis
Thomas introduces his readers to the concept of deathby referring to the easily
overlooked deathof an elm tree. The death of the elm tree is not traumatic; it is
undoubtedly natural. No one gives the elm tree s death a second thought: The tree
surgeon came by yesterday with his crew of young helpers... took it down branch by
branch and carted it off in the back of a red truck, everyone singing. This death is so
insignificant that the people who are essentially attending the tree s funeral sing
cheerfully as they proceed. No intense emotion results from the death of the tree. Neither
fear nor sorrow encompasses this relatively uneventful death. The tree is here one day
and gone, passed over,
Slavery in Aristotle s Works Essay
Before a serious investigation of any aspect of Aristotle s political theories is undertaken,
we must take a moment to acknowledge that many of the institutions and doctrines he
defends have been repudiated in modern political thought. In fact many such institutions
are appalling and simply morally wrong. One such institution is slavery. Aristotleargues
in the Politics that slavery is just. No argument is needed to conclude that Aristotle
made a terrible ethical and moral error in defending slavery. Further we must accept that
the argument of the abolition of slavery was available to him as his defense of slavery is
in response to criticswho claim slavery is unjust. What sparks intriguing debate is
questioning why... Show more content on ...
I also feel it is necessary to include a brief summary of Aristotle s conception or theory
of slavery, how he would apply the institution of slavery in his ideal city. The remainder
of the paper will include discussion and commentary on the validity of Aristotle s
defense of slavery, including both criticisms as well as limited support for the logical

The Context of Slavery in Aristotle s Time:

As theory cannot escape the social, economic and political of the time in which it was
developed, one cannot truly consider critiquing Aristotle s natural theory of slavery
without some knowledge of slavery in Aristotle s world. First and foremost, slavery was
ubiquitous. Furthermore, they were employed not only as household servants and
stewards, but in Aristotle s Athens, they are worked in the fields, the mines, as
craftsman, traders, secretaries, accountants, teachers, doctors, public servants, and
participated in the arts. Hence they were indispensable for satisfying the needs of
Athenians of even modest affluence. The perfect household was one that had slaves
(Politics 1253b 4). Without their exploitation, the middle and upper classes good life
would cease to exist. Moreover, the Aristotelian, ideal citizen would not be free to
engage in the rational activities prescribed. While Aristotle s defense of slavery can be
considered morally repugnant to
For many people or even societies, the usage of two or...
For many people or even societies, the usage of two or more languages in a single
conversation is not an astonishing occurrence, it is fairly normal. Code switching is
referred to the switching from the linguistic system of one language or dialect to that
of another. Code switching is a common form that is used by bilinguals. Community
members that take part in code switching pass on a shared message by the simple act
of code switching. It is particularly common in social and relaxed settings, and also
might be used where mechanical difficulties appear within a conversation. Why do
bilinguals code switch? And how can code switching be used in an ESL classroom? In
the following articles, the portrayal of the topic will be further discussed.... Show more
content on ...
The researcher used the questionnaire as a main tool for obtaining data and the process
of data collection took almost three months. Moreover, the researcher collected the
views and opinions of the subjects from different regions of the country (Pakistan).
(Gulzar 2010) Further into the paper I will plan to discuss real life code switching
examples from Lebanon.
The term code switching varies from other language collaborations, for example lexical
borrowing. Lexical borrowing is the consequence of the lack of lexical terms in the
speaker s repertoire (or as most people call it tricks up their sleeve) while in code
switching, as Janet Holmes states, speakers have a genuine choice about which words
or phrases they will use in which language (Holmes, 2000). Therefore, a speaker who
uses code switching has a widespread variety of lexical terms and phrases that allows
them to shift codes easily in different situations and for different reasons as well.
What most non bilinguals ask bilinguals themselves is why do you happen to code
switch? I for one at times do not know how to answer this question once asked.
However, after an extensive research, am able to answer the previous question. Now to
get to the main point of this paper, why do bilinguals code switch? Bilinguals code
switch for many reasons.
Janet Holmes references in her book Introduction to Sociolinguistics that, a speaker
may...switch to another language as a signal of group membership and shared ethnicity
Costa Raca Essay
Costa Rica, Central America
Weather: 80 s Dry season with little rain
Costa Rica is one of the top honeymoon destinations in the world. It s filled with
beautiful beaches, abundant wildlife, lush rainforest, lovely waterfalls and dozens of
volcanos. It s known by many to be one of the friendliest locations on earth, being one
of the few countries without a standing military force. If these facts don t sell you then
knowing that it is also one of the cheapest travel capitals in Central America sure will.
There is almost never a bad time to visit Costa Rica but in January it is not only the
perfect weather wise but also in the midst of a Shoulder period making hotel prices and
travel cost much more affordable!

Koh ... Show more content on ...
With all these great attractions it s no wonder it is a top honeymoon destination! April
is the perfect time to visit Florida. It s right after a busy period and right before
hurricane season. It s not too rainy or hot. Like I said, perfect!

Rome, Italy
Weather: 70 s Occasion rain, mostly sunny.
Rome has always been one of the top travel locations. It has gorgeous architecture,
intriguing history (and historic places), and amazing sights. It is one of the most culture
rich places in the entire world and no matter when or where you go it s bound to make
an amazing trip! With cobblestone everything and delectable food, it is a huge charmer
for new couples. Being an extremely popular tourist location, expect to find an extremely
tailored experience that you will never forget!

Paris. France
Weather: 70 s On an off rain
Even without all the attractions, events, and food, Paris would still be an amazing place
to honeymoon. It is an absolutely gorgeous location known for its art, history, culture,
architecture, and delectable French eats. Being one of the top honeymoon destinations
ever, it has hundreds of accommodations for new couples to take advantage of. The
weather is supremely warm in June but it does rain a fair amount. However, that is a
small price to pay for this amazing experience!

Bali, Indonesia
Weather: 80 s Dry season
Meaning Of Life In The Giver
Imagine a world without any pain, any complexities, and everything that makes life
bitter. But imagine that world where they sacrifice color, common holidays, freedom,
music, and the true meaning of life to make life safe and easy. In The Giver, a book
written by Lois Lowry, Jonas is the one person who stopped all of this and gave all those
painful and amusing memories back to the people in the community by leaving the
community. Jonas did the right thing due to the fact that the community needs to know
all the memories that the Givertransferred to Jonas to deal with the meaning of life, since
Gabriel was going to be released, Jonas saved his life, and after Jonas escaped, the
community will know how much better and worse life can be.
Identical Twins And How The Epigenomes Can Be Affected
I feel stress is something that can overtake a person when an event or problem happens
in their life that becomes difficult for them to handle. However according to Soomo
(2014. Chapter one) we learned about the epigenetics of identical twins and how the
epigenomes can become affected by environment, health and even stress. These things
do change the epigenomes they just trigger signals that turn the epigenomes on and off,
which in much later years of life can make identical twins become quite different from
each other. According to Soomo (2014. chapter two) we learned about the sympathetic
system and how if something alarms you like stress your sympathetic system will
increase your heart rate, high pressure, raise your blood sugar (Soomo, 2014) Even
prolong effect of stress can cause brain changes that may lend to anxiety, depression, and
even addiction (Harvard Health Publishing, 2011). It also works together with the
parasympathetic nervous system when stress lessens to create an opposite effect
Stress can also play a part in our intelligence. According to Soomo, (2014 chapter three)
when someone who has high general intelligence has suffered from brain damage due to
a tumor, their emotional intelligence can diminish. In Neuroscientist Antonio Damasio
(1994) case of Elliott a successful businessman, he showed no emotion and no response
to others feeling after the brain damage which, lead to job lost, bankruptcy, failed
marriages, placed in the care of
Environmental Racism And Environmental Justice
Environmental Racism and Environmental Justice
Environmental Racism and Environmental justice is one of the biggest global issues that
the world has facing and dealing with and critically hits the world as a result
inconsistency implementation from the government. It has many issues that out of
control and unprecedented and discriminating in the process. the government hasn t want
to stabilizing the issues and environmental discrimination, and environmental policy
making are one of the top critically impact the affect the global issues and confronting
environmental racism in our generation twenty first century.
According to Bullard, R. (2002), despite significant improvements in environmental
protection over past several ... Show more content on ...
Moreover, the consideration of the problematic equation associated with environmental
injustice is not only concern of the movement. For example from the statement of
Bullard, when stated about the environmental justice practical reality, advances
environmental justice is not a social program , nor it and affirmative action program and
that ultimately the central concern of the movement is the implementation of justice (
American Environmental Justice Movement | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy ,
2016). The statement of environmental justice, originated with a great passage of the
Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Title VI, which stated that the illegality of any act against
the passage that not permitted or allowed the federal government to discrimination any
bases of race, color and national origin. Nevertheless, the reality and actual practice has
been differently and the global environment issues have many conflicts that critically
influence and move the world in critical movement. ( j
/#H3) As a result today there is no place in the world have environment is protected and
resistible because of intentional governmental
Rastafarianism Religion
Rastafarianism religion has been around for quite a while and it has certainly impacted
many lives all around the world. Rastafarianism is a religion that resides in the
Caribbean and has become a big religion among the people of the islands.
Rastafarianism is a religion that has roots that go back to Jamaica and the 1930s. The
Followers of the Rastafari movementare also known as Rastafarians, Rastafaris, Rastas,
or Ras Tafarians. The Rastafarian movement is named after Ras Tafari Makonnen, who
was crowned Emperor Haile Selassie I of Ethiopiain 1930. Rastafarianism is an
interesting and purposeful religion that many admire and follow in the Caribbean. This
research will explore the religion that Rastafarians practice, how Rastafarianism became a
religion, and how it is practiced throughout the Caribbean.... Show more content on ...
African religious tradition has heavily influenced the culture of Rastafarianism around
the Caribbean. Biblical themes have greatly influenced the religion s belief and its
system. The founder of Rastafarian religion to many is known as Marcus Garvey.
Marcus Garvey was born in 1887 and died in the year 1940. Marcus Garvey was a
black Jamaican who taught in the 1920s and is considered a second John the Baptist
up to this day. The philosopher of Rastafari and the origin its philosophy comes from a
man named Leonard P. Howell. There are many who speak of Rastafari and never
understood its philosophy without ever bothering to recognize the philosopher, Leonard
P Howell. Many adherents to the Rastafari movement are so lost in the Bible that they
are not aware of this philosopher and the origins of the philosophy. Howell was one of
the first preachers of the Rastafari movement and is sometimes known as The First
How To Write An Essay About The Battle Of Bataan
The Battle of Bataan: The Japanese Arrive What brought America into World War II
was the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Immediately after the attack, The
Japanese began its many attacks on the the Philippines because it was property of the
United States. After these air attacks, the Japanese fourteenth army invaded the
Philippine island of Luzon on December 12 1941. A larger attack, on December 22,
1941, followed in the Lingayen Gulf. The lieutenant of the Japanese 14th army was
General Masaharu Homma. The attack consisted of 43,000 Japanese soldiers. The
Japanese army was able to push back the Northern Luzon Force, commanded by Major
General Jonathan Wainwright. General Douglas Macarthur was the commander of the
Philippine army after being appointed by President Theodore Roosevelt because of his
successful contributions in the past. General MacArthur initiated War Plan Orange ,
which was the retreat of the United Statesand the Philippine Army troops to the Bataan
Peninsula if the japanese could not be held back. General Macarthur began moving the
supplies to the Bataan Peninsula and General George M. Parker was in charge of
preparing the defenses of the peninsula. As the week passed, Wainwright s men were
getting gradually... Show more content on ...
Many of the Philippine troops had very little equipment, such as no guns or even
shoes. They were not very well trained either. At the beginning of the attack, they tried
to move as much supplies as they could from the Lingayen Gulf to Bataan, but they
were low in transportation. Many veterans, such as Edwin Ramsey, described the
situation as disorganized and chaotic. Edwin Ramsey said, You don t know what to
expect yourself whether or not you re going to be afraid, whether you re going to be
able to stand up to it or not. So there s a great deal in the beginning that is simply
chaotic, and as a matter of fact, war is sort of controlled
Comparing the Use of Light and Dark by Melville, Poe, and...
Use of Darkness and Light by Melville, Poe, and Hawthorne

Melville, Poe, and Hawthorne all tend to focus on the darker side of humanity in their
writings. In order to allow their readers to better understand their opinions, they often
resort to using symbolism. Many times, those symbols take the form of darkness and
light appearing throughout the story at appropriate times. A reader might wonder how
light functions in the stories, and what it urges the reader to consider. If we look
carefully at these appearances of light, or more likely the absence of it, we can gain some
insight into what these subversive romantics consider to be the truth of humanity.
Hawthorne uses this technique to its fullest; however, it is also very ... Show more content
on ...
Melville explained in his essay Hawthorne and his Mosses : this great power of
blackness in him derives its force from its appeals to that Calvinistic sense of Innate
Depravity and Original Sin, from whose visitations, in some shape or other, no deeply
thinking mind is always and wholly free. Melville is claiming that this is a part of
Hawthorne the man, but this undoubtedly carries over into his work as well.

If this wasn t enough symbolism, Hawthorne soon introduces us to the people that
YGB encounters on his journey. In his book Power of Darkness, Levin suggests that
in this piece, the darkness is symbolic of the deep mystery of sin (54). The people who
are representative of the sins are those who are cloaked in darkness, and who appear
grave and dark clad to the reader the elder witches. Considering that the story deals with
the loss of faith replaced by doubt (Levin, 54), we can only assume that these dark
clothed characters represent the sin that humanity has brought upon itself. YGB has been
drawn to the sin, but hasn t yet partaken of it he doesn t actually join the witches in the
end. Nonetheless, Hawthorne wants us to understand that he was drawn to the dark side
of human nature, with all it appears to promise, and yet turned it away at the last minute
to the goodness (represented by the light pink color of Faith s ribbons).

Another Hawthorne tale that uses light and

Lydia Diary Entry
So what really happened? Why d you do it?
I don t even remember killing her
You know, Inquisitor, you got off lucky with the Mark and having your memories taken
from you then. Saying you don t remember once when we re on the brink of the
apocalypse is one thing, but to say it again after you publically assassinated the Empress
isn t going to win you any favours.
If you don t believe me, Varric, then why are you here?
The dwarf raises his hands in defence, hey, I believe you, I m just saying the rest of
Thedas won t take the amnesia reason so easily a second time. Some people still blame
you for Divine Justinia s death.
Lydia sighs and massages her temples. What has she gotten herself into now?
Despite Varric s crude analogy, ... Show more content on ...
She has spilt so much blood in the name of th inquisition, and now she has destroyed an
alliance by killing a friend. Should she not be punished for it?
Look, Lydia. You are the Inquisitor no, you re the frigging Herald of Andraste! You
stopped the end of the world. Everyone has been lining up to kiss your ass since the day
you defeated Corypheus. You can get away with this. Even if its just long enough so they
can cool their heads and thnk rationally.
Before Lydia has a chance to answer, she feels a sharpened point press to the back of her
Turn around, slowly. Sera s voice is serious, not a hint of humour.
Lydia does as she s asked, but she is glaring when her eyes meet with the elf s.
Didn t I tell you never again , Sera?
Shut it, Lady Inquisitor . Sera does not lower her bow, You go and drink from the
effing Well of Sorrows and make a deal with some might not even be an elven god thing
and you go and kill the Empress of Orlais? I ain t crying over Celene s death but you,
you cared about the alliance, then you go and stab her and pass out? Just like that? You
killed her and left us to clean up the messy bits while you took a nap? What the fuck do
you expect me to do when you wake up, huh?
I m me,
Determinism in Nella Larsen’s Quicksand Essay
Determinism in Nella Larsen s Quicksand

During the Harlem Renaissance, many literary works concentrated on celebrating African
American heritage. However, many other writers also began concentrating on the darker
theme of naturalism. Nella Larsen s Quicksand illustrates many elements of this
movement. These include a biological determinism, where man is conceived of as
controlled by his primitive animal instincts and a sociological determinism, whereby the
weak are destroyed and the strong survive in a world of struggle and chance. Helga
Crane, Larsen s protagonist in Quicksand, illustrates the elements of both biological and
sociological determinism in her inability to suppress her natural animal instinct to flee
uncomfortable ... Show more content on ...
Clearly, Helga is internally struggling with her sexual desire for Dr. Anderson by
disguising it with anger towards him. However, instead of confronting these emotions,
Helga again allows her natural instinct of flight to take over in order to deal with the

Helga also illustrates her inability to control the instinct of flight in Copenhagen. During
her stay, she is incited to make an impression and to inflame attention and admiration
(74). Helga s desire to attract attention is overshadowed by her internal struggle with her
natural instincts. In Copenhagen she instinctively...wanted to combat this searching into
one thing which, here, surrounded by all other things which for so long she has so
positively wanted, made her a little afraid. Started vague premonitions (79). Helga is
searching for happiness but she intuitively knows from her premonitions that her search
is futile because of her inability to remain in a place that becomes uncomfortable.

By the time Helga s desire to leave Alabama is evident, it is clear that Helga s natural
instinct to constantly escape the reality of her life has become her downfall. This time,
she has responsibility towards her children who she wanted not to leave if that were
possible (135). Perhaps, when she began to have her fifth child , Helga decides to stay in
Alabama, thereby fighting the inner demons that have controlled her life (135).
Indigenous People Rights
The Australian peoples recognition of indigenous citizens has changed over the last
decade. Prior to the government in charge, Kevin Rudd made a formal public apology to
the indigenous people regarding the stolen generations. As the apology was long overdue,
it does not directly confront the issue within the constitution or legislative shortage of the
recognition of indigenous people . As this essay will demonstrate and concentrate on
parts of the constitution in regards to the protection of indigenous peoplesrights. It will
demonstrate the constitutional movement and a reformation of the Australian
constitution. This essay will also consider any faults within the races power (s51(xxvi)
and consider the changes to reform determents into benefiting the... Show more content
on ...
This would not be the same for Aboriginal People. It was thought that the laws of the sate
should regulate and maintain Aboriginals.

The people from the 21st century now agree that in our day and age this is to be
considered to be clearly racist. The first Australian Prime Minister Sir Edmund Barton,
one of the original colleagues of the high court made his views vibrant in 1897 1898
Constitutional Convention that the race power was essential to police the affairs of the
people of coloured or inferior races for them who live within the
commonwealth.(University of Western Sydney Law Review [vol 17:13] Professor
George Williams 20 August 2013)

The Constitutional amendment in 1967 brought a 90.77%(Refrence) yes vote to have the
eight specific words removed from S 51 (xxvi) (other than the aboriginal race in any
state). But unfortunately this did not mean the change had to be a positive change.
Subsequently the scope of the Race Power prior to the referendum entailed that the
indigenous people were excluded from voting and being citizens of the
Why the 2014 FIFA World Cup Should Not Take Place in...
Since it began in 1930, the FIFA World Cup has been the largest single event sports
competition in the world. Every four years FIFA, the FГ©dГ©ration International de
Football Association, calls upon thirty two of the world s greatest soccer teams to
compete in the stadiums of the host country. In addition to having one of the top
competing teams, Brazilwill also be hosting the 2014 FIFA World Cup. The 31 day
tournament begins in Sao Paulo on June 12th and ends with the championship match in
Rio de Janeiro on July 13th. In recent months Brazil has been busy preparing to host the
tournament in twelve brand new stadiums around the nation. The World Cup will cost
Brazil an estimated fourteen billion dollars, an amount that continues to... Show more
content on ...
Since this change there has been a significant increase in drug related offences, a
problem that the public health department has been unable to control. The parties and
the festivities of the World Cup will be sure to increase illegal drug sales and
consumption, without the funding to keep the issue under control. The money the
nation is giving to FIFA for the World Cup could be used to better train law
enforcement officials and establish security programs that would keep citizens safe.
Brazil has become a nation that cannot provide the proper security for its citizens, but is
quick to hand over 3.5 billion dollars to refurbish sports stadiums. Law enforcement and
police training aren t the only areas where Brazil is lacking an education. Brazil was
ranked 53rd in an international study of education systems, an accurate placing due to
the amount of children receiving a low level education, or no education at all. In the
poorer regions of Brazil, children receive a lower level of education due to the lack of
amenities and resources. Children in wealthier cities receive much better schooling
because the education system is based on the area the students live in. This inequality
causes some children to feel like school isn t worth their time, and instead spend their
days at home or working in a child labor job. Attendance issues have been a result of
poverty, many malnourished children don t attend school because it is difficult for them
to adjust
Development of Musical Instruments
Throughout history, music has been influenced by the different events that transpire
across the world. As civilizations rise and fall, cultures combine and change; and with
that, new music and musical instruments are brought into existence. From each corner of
the world and from all time periods, music has grown. The places that music has
dramatically developed the most are in China, Europe, and America. Musical instruments
in these locations have gone through a musical revolution and have eventually become
what we know so well today. China One of the earliest locations that musical
instruments were created and developed was China. Many of the instruments during this
period (500 1100 A.D.) that were being made were classified as zithers of idiophones.
Zithers are very similar to guitars since both share the quality of having strings, but do
not have a neck. Idiophones are instruments where the body itself vibrates to create the
sound much like modern day percussion instruments. These types of instruments were
brought into being by the beliefs and teachings of people like Confucius, Mencius, and
Laozi. These men believed that music was an essential part of character and community
and helped the creation of new instruments (1). Many different styles of instruments
came out of this time period. Instruments such as the Guqin, Xiao flute, Sanxian, and
Pipa were all created and modified with the rise of a style of music Nanguan. Nanguan
was a style of Chinese classical
Misogynistic View Of Women In Medieval Literature
Art imitates life, but life also imitates are. Throughout all of history, the words written
about women have had a profound effect on women s place is society. To better
understand the sexist and misogynistic views held in the western Judeo Christian world,
examining the literature of the medieval European period is valuable. Many of these
views that are challenged today are features of medieval stories written about women
shaped how society views women and these lessons have lasted centuries. Aside from the
obvious misogyny, an important issue with this literature is that it rarely contains women
s voices, meaning women characters are silent, passive participants in the world around
them and few of these works are written by women, and when... Show more content on ...
Before Griselda speaks to support her husband in killing their son, the author states
that all women should hear her next words and take example. After repeating that she
and their children are her husband s possession Griselda adds, When I first entered
your palace, I divested myself of my threadbare and clothes and my own will and
affection and put on your, and for that reason everything that you wish I wish, Indeed
were it possible for me to know your thoughts and desires before you told them to me,
whatever they were I would carry them out to the best of my ability (p. 112). Here,
Griselda s voice teaches women that they must abandon their own identity and beliefs
and take on those of their husbands once they are married. A woman s independent
identity was lost after marriage and she was instead expected to become a mirror of her
husband s. Women also learn from these sentences that a wife is expected to put her
husband s desires before her own and their children s no matter how cruel or unjust his
wants are. Even in the home, a man was put above everyone
Fescn2 Reaction Lab
The purpose of this lab was to figure out what the formation constant (Kf) was for
FeSCN2+. To answer this guiding question, Le Chatlier s principle, volume, absorbance,
and concentration all effect outcomes of equilibrium. For this reason, all three
components will be collected in order to solve for the average formation constant.
Equilibrium is the rate at which the forward reactions and reverse reactions become equal
at a constant rate. Equilibrium constant, denoted by K, is the relationship between the
concentrations of product over the concentrations of reactants raised to their specific
coefficients. In the balanced equation of Fe3+ (aq) + SCN (aq) в‡Њ[Fe(SCN)]2+(aq), an
excess of Fe3+ is used to move the reaction into completion. In other... Show more
content on ...
From data table 3, Kf values range from 327 to 362, averaging out to be 345. [Fe3+]
and [SCN ] initial concentrations were first calculated using Beer s Law M1V=M2V2
dilution equation. Then [FeSCN2+] was calculated using the found concentration of
[Fe3+] and [SCN ]. After that, [FeSCN2+]eq. was solved by (A eq.)/(A sd. )
[FeSCN2+] was then used in an ICE chart to determine the final concentration changes
for Fe3+] and [SCN ]. This allowed for the calculation of Kf = ([products])/([reactants]).
The sample calculations from beaker 1 are as written: initial [Fe3+]= ((0.00200 M)(5.17
ml))/(10.28 ml) = 1.01 п‚ґ 10 3 M and initial [SCN ]= ((0.00200 M)(2.00 ml))/(10.28 ml)
= 3.89 п‚ґ 10 4 M в†’ [FeSCN2+]eq. = 0.318/0.818(2.00п‚ґ гЂ–10гЂ—^( 4) M) = 9.36
п‚ґ 10 5 M. The ICE chart from table 4 provides [Fe3+] and [SCN ] in which Kf=(9.36
п‚ґ гЂ–10гЂ—^( 5) M)/((9.16 Г— гЂ–10гЂ—^( 4) M)(2.95 Г— гЂ–10гЂ—^( 4) M))
= 346. Furthermore, the large concentration of Kf supports the notion of the reactants
being used up and shifting the reaction towards the right. When comparing Kf values,
others had values within the 300 to 350 range. Sources of error could consist of cross
contamination of solutions and inaccurate pipetting
The Use Of Gamma-Ray Coputed Tomography
A single gamma ray computed tomography (CT) technique, which is a part of unique
dual source gamma ray computed tomography (DSCT) scanner, was used in this study.
This DSCT was originally developed in house and designed by Varma [49] and the team
of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) to allow researchers to image and quantify
the internal distributions of two or three phase flow, which is encountered in different
multiphase reactors or flow systems at different operating conditions in a noninvasive
way. This technique has been applied successfully to different multiphase flow systems in
our laboratory (mReal) at the Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Department at
Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S T). Examples... Show more
content on ...
These dimensions of collimators for the Cs 137 source and their detectors were
designed to provide enough open area to acquire counts (photons) with sufficient
statistics (high signal to noise ratio) on the selected frequency and sampling rate [59
61]. Both gamma ray sources and their arrays of the detectors were mounted and
installed on a motorized rotatable circular plate. This circular plate was attached to a
lift unit (square plate), which allows for the whole system (circular plate, gamma
sources, and their detectors) to perform CT scans in different selected axial planes
automatically. Together the circular and square plates have a central opening space,
which is dedicated to the objects to be examined. During the scanning of the
investigated bubble column that was well balanced and centered inside the circular
opening area of the CT technique, the Cs 137 source and its detectors were rotated
around the column by rotating the circular plate in a stepwise movement (approximately
1.83В° for each step) that was controlled by utilizing a programmed automated step
motor. For a given step of rotation (each source view), the array of the Cs 137 source
detectors was moved automatically 21 times in an arc of 0.13В°/step that was achieved
by another independent automated
In society jobs are very important to the communitiy .Jobs...
In society jobs are very important to the communitiy .Jobs are nessary to obtain a
society and for people to prosper and advance in society .When we look at Industrial
organizational psychology to a specific job we muse ananlysis a specific job in a
particular work organization. First ,we must understand the meaning of industrial
/organizational psychology is described as the I O psychology this foucuses on the work
place producitity and realted issues like for instance mental and physical .The
psychologist mainly study the attidudes the actions of the employees .Investaging
compaines .when someone thinks of industrial organizational psychology there are two
componets to this there is the industrial side to this that mathes people... Show more
content on ...
Secondly ,we must explain and describe how employees are recruited and selected by the
organization.Anylasis the recrutitment practice of primary schools .The first factor that
is reconized in a primary school is the canidate eduction background ,that is reconized
first this will decide if the candate will be reviewed further and they review other skills
that the canidate has to offer,such as computer skills or bilangua ,what other quifications
do they have to offer the orgainization.After reviewing journal it explains the factors that
are needed for requrting a primary teacher .They have created eight questions that lays out
the factors of requirements for requitment .the first question explains the characteristics
of the canidates ,what sets them apart form other teachers ,or what do they have to offer
the primary school.The
Labor Law Case Study
INTRUST Bank Blog #7
August 10, 2015

What labor laws do I need to know about before I hire employees for my business?

State and federal labor laws can be overwhelming and are ever changing. It s crucial for
business owners to invest time and attention to ongoing awareness and understanding of
laws that govern the hiring process. Sticking your head in the sand dramatically increases
your company s risk of being sued, dealing with stiff fines, and ending up with a tarnished
business reputation.
Commit time and resources for you and your management team to learn about and get a
handle on these labor law issues before you hire.
Data breach laws.
Relatively new worries are hacking and fraud. Weakness in your company s record
keeping ... Show more content on ...
Keep abreast of your state s worker s compensation requirements. Avoid litigation by
knowing your rights and responsibilities in the event an employee files a claim.
EEOC guidance.
While not a hard and fast law, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission served up
some strong guidance on hiring practices within the last year. Certain hiring practices
have shown a disparate impact on certain minorities. As a result, the instances of
negligent hiring lawsuits have exploded, with the employer frequently ending up on the
losing side. Employers must review the EEOC guidance and adjust their hiring practices
to fit within the boundaries of acceptable procedures.
Who gets it? In what amount? How to figure it? Dealing with overtime can turn into a
litigation nightmare for employers who fail to grasp the current federal laws. These are
expected to change again in 2017, so it pays to continuously refresh yourself on the
newest legislation.
Workplace safety.
Accidents in the workplace is a serious issue, and you pay dearly if an employee is
injured or killed due to an unsafe or dangerous working environment, especially when it s
caused by company negligence. You and your management team must understand the
laws surrounding the safety of the workplace, and put education training in place for
what if situations that protects your employees and
Guinea Pig Cage Analysis
How To Clean Your Guinea Pig s Cage Do you own guinea pigs? If you do or are going
to, then you probably know that their cage must be cleaned. If you don t know how to,
that is ok. Raed these few paragraphs on how to do so. Trust me, I have had guinea pigs
for over a year. I know that after you clean them, it is all worth it. To start, you should
remove all houses, food bowls, and water holders from cage.You should then take the
litter box outside. Dump all contents into the dump. Wipe down the litter box and lay a
thick layer of newspaper in the litter box. Dump a couple handfuls of pine shavings in
the litter box, and make sure to leave room for the food bowl. Take it back inside and put
it back where it was. Next, you need
Summary Of Texas Woman s University
Kenya Freeman
Dr. Moore
English 1013
22 September 2014

Coming to TWU (Texas Woman s University) this fall for college was a good decision
on my part. Not only are the staff and faculty helpful but they are also there when you
need them. When I came on move in day I learned that my LLC (Living Learning
Community) had a PA (Peer Advisor) and an RA (Resident Assistant). Rachel (the PA)
was and is always there when I need her and had never let me down, and even though it
is her job as a PA you can tell that she really does enjoy what she does and likes helping

Becoming a PA is a way to not only help the new incoming students but also a way to
know and interact with the new residents, which is exactly why Rachel decided to
become one, I wanted to interact with the residents and get to know them but not on the
same level as an RA. There is a huge difference between being an RA and being a PA,
well at least to me there is. A PA links residents to academic resources on the campus and
helps the residents transition from high school level to college level. PAs serve as
permanent extra resources that are available 24/7; if you do not know how to study or
build up your study habits they are there to help you with that. Not only are the PAs
living in the dorms with residents but they also share and serve as teacher assistants in
the UNIV 1231 course with the residents they are assigned to. The PAs are almost like
academic advisors in a way, they assist the residents with
Explain Why The French And Indian War Prompted The...
The French and India War prompted the Revolutionary War in two ways. Initially,
financing this war prompted a colossal national obligation for Great Britain, which they
felt the Americans ought to pay. Parliament chose to benefit the obligation by passing the
Stamp Act, an unpleasant disappointment which irritated natives on both sides of the
Atlantic and started the crack amongst Britain and its pioneers. This break, obviously, in
the end prompted the Revolutionary War. Second, the French, driven from North
America amid the French and Indian War, upheld the exertion for American autonomy
with cash and supplies, then happily joined the fight after the Battle of Saratoga gave
them trust that the Americans may really win. Pontiac s Rebellion
Smooth Collies
The collie is a dog breed which is native to Scotland. The dogs were used for water
rescue, herders, guiding cows and sheep to market and for guarding the flock in
Scotland and England. The exact origin of its name is not known, but historians think
it comes from the word Colley which is a Scottish black faced sheep. There are two
types of collie: The rough and smooth collie. The only significant difference between
the two is the fact the rough collie has more hair than the smooth collie which has a
shorter hair and doesn t shed as much. The collie is most known for in its role in Lassie .
The collie is large and lean dog. The top of the skull is flat and the eyebrows are arched.
Their eye color is dark brown except for the blue merles.
Amish Ethnic Groups
1. I chose the Amish ethnic group 2. Pennsylvania, PA United States 3. Population:
74,250 in 2017 Some food that the Amish people eat are homemade cornmeal, eggs,
cooked cereals,fruits and juices.
All amish harvest their food whether it is a vegetable or an animal. Sometimes the
Amish people eat bologna, cheese, soup or fruit for a lighter meal rather than the foods
listed above.
The Amish spend their days doing manual labor and are not concerned about the fat in
their diets.

Amish men wear dark suits with trousers that have buttons rather than zippers. The men
always wear suspenders as belts are not allowed. The men and boys wear straw hats and
white shirts.
Amish women do not wear jewelry. Their entire wardrobe consists of only four dresses.
Women do not wear shoes in ... Show more content on ...
They depend on propane or natural gas for lighting and refrigeration. They have very
large family rooms and the floors and walls are covered in linoleum. They have large
basements where they store food and vegetables. They often live in their basements
during warm Summer months to keep cool. The Amish are skilled carpenters and they
build beautiful wooden houses and barns.

Amish people speak both German and English. They generally write in English and they
may include some German words as well. The elders speak Pennsylvania German
amongst themselves and speak in English when doing business with non Amish people.
Some Amish people living in Indiana speak a Swiss Amish dialect which other Amish
may find difficult to understand. Amish bibles are written in High German, a language
that is spoken in the central and southern highlands of Germany, Austria and
Formative Vs. Summative Assessment
Formative vs. Summative Assessment In today s schools, teachers are trying to decide
which form of assessment, formative or summative, is a better measure of student s
abilities. Teachers are constantly pressured to make sure their students are doing well on
state wide assessments, therefore, making sure their students have the skills they need to
succeed on these tests is extremely important. Formative assessmentgives the student and
teacher feedback as the information is gathered (Cotton, 2017). Where summative
assessments are better for capturing the amount of material learned and the quality of
learning at the end of a large unit or amount of information (Dixson and Worrell 2016).
Teachers are on the warpath researching which method is the most effective way of
assessing students. In the article Formative and Summative Assessmentin the Classroom ,
the authors Dixson and Worrell discuss the differences between formative and summative
assessment (2016). They explain that the goal of formative assessment is to guide
instruction and summative assessment is more intended to show... Show more content on ...
Knowing when to use each is imperative to the success of students. It is the teacher s job
to decide when to use each of the types and subtypes of assessments. Through the
research presented in this literature it has been found that formative assessment is a more
helpful form of guiding instruction. Summative assessment is used to see what students
know about a particular topic at a particular time, such as a cumulative exam. Students
and teachers alike feel the pressure that high stakes testing can bring. Teachers make all
the difference when it comes to testing. So, in order for teachers to have classrooms
where testing is used efficiently they must work diligently to make sure their assessments
are balanced and carefully
Feminism Is An Interdisciplinary Idea
Feminism is an interdisciplinary idea. In sociology, feminism broadens our ideas on
gender and transforms it into a major field of study. George Ritzer, in Contemporary
Sociological Theory and Its Classical Roots, breaks feminist theory down into four major
varieties, gender differences, gender inequality, genderoppression, and structural
oppression. He then explains the different forms of feminismseen in each variety.
The first variety, gender difference, describes, explains, and traces the implications of
how men and women are or are not the same in behavior and experience. Women s
location in, and experience of, most situations is different from those of men in the
situation. (Ritzer, 201) Cultural feminism is one of two theories Ritzer discusses under
gender differences. This theory explores and celebrates the social value of women s
distinctive ways of being. The core idea of theory is that a woman s way of being may
be better for society; better than those of the androcentric culture. Cooperation, pacifism,
and nonviolence in the settling of disputes, these virtues of women can be argued better
for governing a society. Another form of feminist theory Ritzer places under the variety
gender difference is feminist interactionist theory. In this theory ethnomethodology
claims that institutional order, culture, and stratification are maintained by the ongoing
activities of individuals in interaction. (Ritzer, 204)When this concept is applied to
gender it creates the
Registration Of Sex Offenders Is Mandatory Under The Sex...
Topic 1
Registration of sex offenders is mandatory under the Sex Offender Registration and
Notification Act (SORNA). It provides the general qualifications of one to be
registered as a sex offender. It requires registered sex offenders to give updated
information on their addresses, place of work or school and to make physical
appearances at legible offices to verify the updates. SORNA determines the information
that a registered sex offender should submit and makes it available to the public
The constitution of Massachusetts is a subordinate to the constitution of United States, as
would any other state s constitution be. It is therefore mandated to register sex offenders
within its borders. The presence of decentralized statutes in the different states however
results to different regulations on registration of sex offenders among many other laws.
The constitution of Massachusetts abundantly outlines what is considered as sexual
crimes and offenses. Not all of them, however, require their perpetuators to register as
sexual offenders. Some examples of the major crimes that would mandate registration are
such as rape, assault with the aim of committing rape, kidnapping a child and introducing
a minor to prostitution. The rest of the crimes mandated for registration are further listed
an outlined on prev personal sfty/sex offenders
/information for sex offenders.html
Topic 2
Registration of sex offenders
Man Utd Essay example
Manchester United lost the Premier League title on the last day of the season, but
they still lay claim to another title, though: The world s most valuable sports team.
Forbes estimates Manchester United (Man Utd) is now worth $2.23 billion, 19%
more than No. 2 Real Madrid, which is worth $1.88 billion. *What are the main
sources of equity for the Man Utd? Brand equity is the most important asset of
organization. Why a number of world wide fans are fanatical about Man Uted? It is
hard to choose the one thing, but I d like to tell that Man Utd s main source of brand
equity is Good Perceived Quality. Perceived quality drives financial performance, often a
major strategic thrust of products, and linked to and often drives other... Show more
content on ...
They will give customers strength, magic and beauty to wonderful sport Manchester
United. пЃ¬Man Utd give priority to person who has season ticket when they sale ticket.
***What does Man Utd s brand identity (prism) look like? 1.Physical пЃ¬high league
position пЃ¬good performance пЃ¬famous, Manchester United grew as a global brand
because of the legendary players which played for the club were popular sportsmen and
were crowd favorites names like Ryan Giggs, Paul Scholes, David Beckham, Cristiano
Ronaldo, Wayne Rooney etc. are brands themselves. All players from different countries
playing as a united force gives presents the club as a strong unified team. Thus, their
presence in the club made the brand positioning of Manchester United as an elegant,
energetic, lethal and strong football club. 2.Personality пЃ¬Historical пЃ¬experienced
Manchester United was like any other football team but it rose from the darkness to
become a global power brand after the Munich air tragedy where most of the champion
team players died. The team was rebuilt from a scratch and due to its strong foundation
and great players, it emerged a winner. Also, since Ferguson s takeover, ManUtd has had
much success on the field, becoming the most respected club in England and maybe even
the world. 3.Relationship пЃ¬With business customers: expensive,
Case Study-Hubbard Foods-Fake Company

Hubbard Foods Ltd started up in mid 1988 and a private limited company. The company
was originally named Winner Foods Ltd and only 4 employees at that moment, now
currently has staff about 150.
In 1990, DickВЎВ¦s decision was made to introduce the Hubbard brand as the main
brand for breakfast cereal products. The companyВЎВ¦s products set the price at both the
high price range and low end of the cereal market.
HubbardВЎВ¦s has consistently built a culture around caring for others, creating
employment and being socially responsible. In 2000, the company increased pay and
allowances, and increased communication between management, the union and
In 2000/2001, the company exported 14.4 per cent of its production ... Show more content
on ...
In fact, it doesnВЎВ¦t have enough power to do the acquisition. Licensing is one of the
good way also because it is both low in cost and risk, it only license out the production
way is enough. However, the consideration is the returns are not high.
Actually, exporting rate is low; it have to see the internal strategic and external strategic
position first if they analysis this problem. There has a major change in internal
strategic position from no production line to a systematic production way, this would be
the significant change. In an external way, the extension of the production would let to
export product to the world wide where is an untapped market. It should be a major
change because it is only export to Australia, U.K., Singapore and Hong Kong only if it
is not have a systematic production line. Now, which way should take if enter into a new
market. Using exporting way; itВЎВ¦s a high cost and low control method because they
need to spend a lot of marketing and distributing expense to form the channel for them to
export, however, ВЎВ§no pain, no gainВЎВЁ. (Hanson, 2005)
A strategic alliance is a good way for the company because it allows sharing the risks
and the resources with the alliance that mean does not have to bear all the risk of the
exporting. In addition, the alliance can help it to develop the new competencies maybe
the new product or
Wendy s Menu Analysis
On Wendy s menu, there is an item called Dave s Triple Cheeseburger. The biggest on
the menu, this monster of a burger is loaded with three beef patties, three slices of
cheese, and some vegetables so you feel less guilty eating it. This burger might look
appealing on the menu, but don t be fooled. This Вѕ pound burger will give you a lot
more than just an extra Вѕ pound of mass. The Dave s Triple is loaded with unhealthy
amounts of fats and calories. A single one has 67 grams of fat total, 30 grams of
saturated fat, 4 grams of trans fat, 255 milligrams of cholesterol. The amounts of 42
grams of carbohydrates, 3 grams of fiber, 10 grams of sugars, and 72 grams of protein.
All of these add up to about 1,060 calories, and over half of those calories come from
fat. Despite the good amounts of protein and carbohydrates, the absurd amounts of fats
and cholesterol still make this burger bad for you... Show more content on ...
Trans fat both raises LDL ( bad ) cholesterol and lowers HDL ( good ) cholesterol, and
increases the chances of getting heart disease and type 2 diabetes. The 30 grams of
saturated fat is also an issue. A 2,000 calorie diet should only contain 2 grams of trans
fat and 16 grams of saturated fat, according to the American Heart Association, so
eating one of these burgers double the trans fat and close to double the saturated fat that
is acceptable. By eating a Dave s Triple, you are not only gaining weight, you are also
increasing your risk of certain
The Interesting Narrative Of Olaudah Equiano, A Rose For...
Evolution of American Literature: Survey to 1870
Most everyone would agree that the circumstance of America today differs tremendously
from that of the early Americans. The modern America is more advanced and
technological than ever before. However, the core of people in this society remains the
same. Despite the altered buildings and new religions, American literature has reflected
the same egocentric race no matter the year. The prize at the end of the line has changed,
but the blood thirsty people running the race have not. Specifically, from survey to 1870,
the different snapshots of society shown in The Interesting Narrative of Olaudah Equiano,
The Crucible, and A Rose for Emily show the consistent theme of human greed amidst the
ever changing ... Show more content on ...
Americans rushed to settle and expand their property, fought to keep their slaves, and
searched for gold to grow their wealth. The keyword is their; their property, their slaves,
their wealth. All of these actions show an egocentric personality. The heart of humanity
will remain the same no matter what goes on around it, and American literature paints
that perfectly. Though it may seem The Interesting Narrative of Olaudah Equiano, The
Crucible, and A Rose for Emily may have been written in an unrealistic, dark light, each
piece of literature shows an accurate representation of the times and illustrates the
consistency of human
A Study of African Short Story
A Study of Two African Short Stories: The Garden of Evil by William Saidi and The
Wicked Tongue by Mohammed Moulessehoul The stories incorporated in the book, Hot
Days Long Nights, which also comprises the two stories to be studied, relate different
scenarios and pictures of the African continent. They are compact and precise, giving
the readers an insight to the customary laws and traditions of its people. Some of them
depict the painful collective memory of wars, while the others narrate the story of an
individual or the encounter between different people, even on the level of the colonized
and the colonizer. At the same time, every story is pervaded with a sense of pain and
longing, a justification of Chinua Achebes assertion in... Show more content on ...
And it tormented me, pursued me, disturbed me, angered me .[vi]
In The Garden of Evil , Old Mwanza s concept of truth becomes a reflection of the white
master s influence and also the inept recognition of his inferiority. The truth that he hangs
on to is the supremacy of the whites. He even tells his sons not to take so much part in
the ongoing revolution against the white people; he believes that it would be a worthless
cause. This stance takes on such an intensive impact that even his own sons are
described as creepy, crawling monsters who said they were his progeny and bore no
resemblance to him. [vii] At the end of the novel, it is perceived that Mr. Parker and
his family are reduced to nothing; Mr. Parker has been brutally killed in front of his
wife and children by Old Mwanza s sons. This act and scene stupefies Old Mwanza:
All the truth that Old Mwanza had gleaned from him, which Old Mwanza had
embraced as universal truth, was being challenged. Old Mwanza tried to cling to his
belief in Mr. Parker s invincibility.[viii] There is a hint of violence projected in the story
which can be aligned to Fanon s concept of violence. According to him, decolonization
was always a violent phenomenon. The native who was engaged in anti colonial struggle
was ready for
The Orchid Thief, An Ironic Analysis
Many individuals often have a strong inclination to pursue their own unconventional
beliefs and values rather than conform to the mainstream society. Through their peculiar
thoughts, they will be able to embrace their individualistic characteristics that vastly
differ from others. In the excerpt from The Orchid Thief , Susan Orlean suggests that
despite an individual s unique, strange actions that others may be unable to comprehend,
they are capable of instigating positive changes within themselves and society. Because
of their eccentric actions, they receive the questioning of outsiders; however, as others
begin to gradually understand the individual, they eventually begin to accept their
distinctiveness actions. Due to their strange, unfamiliar

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