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Air Pollution Essay For Kids

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Air Pollution for Kids" may present certain challenges due to the
need for simplifying complex environmental concepts for a younger audience. Firstly, simplifying
scientific terminology without losing the essence of the information is crucial. This involves breaking
down complex ideas related to air pollution, such as the sources, effects, and preventive measures,
into digestible content suitable for children.

Secondly, maintaining a balance between educating and engaging young readers is essential. The
language used should be simple, yet captivating, to sustain the interest of kids throughout the essay.
Incorporating relatable examples and anecdotes can aid in making the content more accessible and
enjoyable for them.

Furthermore, creating an awareness of the importance of environmental responsibility without

overwhelming the young audience with grim statistics is a delicate task. Striking the right tone to
convey the severity of the issue while inspiring a sense of empowerment and responsibility is a fine
line to tread.

In conclusion, writing an essay on "Air Pollution for Kids" involves navigating the challenge of
simplifying scientific concepts, maintaining engagement, and fostering a sense of environmental
responsibility. It requires creativity and a thoughtful approach to effectively communicate the
importance of the topic to a younger audience.

For assistance with similar essays and more, you can explore resources on They
offer a range of writing services and materials to support various topics and educational levels.
Air Pollution Essay For Kids Air Pollution Essay For Kids
The Chinese Communist Party And The Peasant Class
The Chinese Communist Party took control of the government in 1949, after defeating
the Nationalist party and its un communist policies, laws, and views. During this time
period WWII was also going on bringing with it new ideas and technologies that changed
China for better or worse. With this change the peasant class experienced a major shift in
rights, power, and influence. The Chinese Communist Party and the peasant class
between circa 1925 and circa 1950 had a relationship that greatly benefited both sides, the
Chinese Communist Party empowered the peasants and advocated for social and
economic equality which strengthened the anti japanese viewpoint and instilled a sense
of nationalism. The Chinese Communist Party shaped and reinforced
Jamaican Culture Research Paper
The Culture of Jamaica
The culture of Jamaica has a strong religion, norms, values and lifestyle that governs
the Jamaican people. There is a rich culture in the island of Jamaica. The people are
friendly, the religion is strong, the weather is great, the music is loud, and the parties are
wild. The mixed culture is caused by an ethnically diverse society, arise from a history of
inhabitants beginning with the original Taino people. In 1492 the Spaniards brought
slavery to Jamaica, then they were overthrown by the English in 1655. Jamaica then
moved on to gain emancipation on August 1, 1838 which became a national holiday in
later years. African slaves became the cultural force as they tolerated and resisted the
unpleasantly rough ... Show more content on ...
Dance has always been important to the Jamaicans, from colonial times until the present.
Early folk rhythms and movements often enhanced Christian s religious celebrations or
were associated with Christian holidays. More recently, dances have become associated
with the music of Jamaica, particularly dancehall style. The dance derives from the
music. Dancehall, or reggae music has inspired several dance styles as well. To
understand the musical progression. Music with fast beats, has fast dances. The slow
rock steady also developed slower dances, allowing dancers to stay on the floor longer.
Reggae music plays a huge role in the Jamaican culture and the United States. Hip Hop
and rap was founded on the grounds of reggae music in the 1970s in the Bronx, New
York. Americans liked the idea of our beautiful sounds amplified by multiple amplifiers
and speaker boxes and made it their own, they called it what you know today as hip hop
music a large part of American culture. Biggie Small, Heavy D, KRS1, and Busta
Rhymes to name a few are all from Jamaican descent. Jamaicans are contributing in every
sphere of human activity, and distinguishing themselves in cultural activities, such as
music, and sports. In addition, Jamaicans have been accumulating significant quantities
of wealth in assets in the USA and other
The Benefits Of Technology In Education
If there were any facet of life that could be labeled as changing at light speed, that
industry would have to be technology. Technology is changing at such a rapid pace most
consumers can barely keep up. Gadget users are just getting used to their shiny new
smartphones when another upgrade is rolling off the production lines. Beyond hand held
technology, computing devices are light years better than technological tools of the past.
One area that technology has heavily impacted is that of education. While technology has
changed the landscape of the mainstream classroom, it has completely changed the realm
of instruction for children diagnosed with AutismSpectrum Disorder (ASD) and other
disabilities. Since 2015, I have served in various roles within the Special Education
department of Frederick County Public Schools. Having worked closely with some of
the most challenged students, I have personally witnessed the benefits of technology for
students diagnosed with Autism. Technology is beyond helpful; however, it is
continuously changing at a rapid pace that causes school staff and parents always to be
evaluating what tool is best for the student. Devices and applications are not only
transforming the classroom, but that are giving individuals with ASD more freedom and
confidence than ever before. Finally, parents and school staff must be intentional about
finding the correct device and apps for the students and integrate them with intentionality.

Since the internet

##thhnomethodology Of Gender Masculinity And The Role
performativity. As Butler describes The term relationality sutures the rupture in the
relation we seek to describe, a rupture that is constitutive of identity itself (Butler 2004,
19). In order for a man to perform his masculinity, it is easier when they are compared
to a feminine woman. The performance of masculinity or femininity will escalate once
these two genders are set side by side, ... power has certain broad historical
characteristics, and that it operates on genderas well as on other kinds of social and
cultural norms, then it seems that gender is but the instance of a larger regulatory
operation of power (Butler 2003, 41). Masculinity performed by men comes across as a
powerful characteristic in a relationship. Through history till now men play and perform
the role of the leader in the household for instance, being seen as the man of the house. In
most households, the man has the most control over trivial yet symbolically important
things such as the upper hand over the remote, sitting at the head of the table and
providing the family with the essentials.

Chris Brickell discusses the ethnomethodology of gender performativity and how Harold
Garfinkel analysed his understanding. The basic idea of a stereotypical woman would be
that she would cook, clean and look after the children while the man would work hard,
provide for the family and come home to rest after a hard day of work. Brickell
describes, This natural attitude requires one to be either a male
The Pros And Cons Of Peyton Manning
It was a freezing night, with snow glazing over the three hundred and sixty foot field.
The previously undefeated Patriots stood like goliath, immune to death glares and boos
echoing around the Denver stadium. The swirl of the snow made it difficult to see
exactly where the ball was, but near the end of the night, it was clear that the Broncos
would soon defeat their giant, all the while being lead by an intrepid, young quarterback.
This astonishing win wasn t just a victory for the Broncos, but for Brock Osweiler as well.

As much as Broncos fans were joyful for the win over the Patriots on November 30th, it
only deepened the conundrum that surrounds the mile high team. This issue lies around
Denver s two quarterbacks, Peyton Manning and Brock Osweiler. Peyton Manning, who
once seemed like a paragon for the sport is now slipping from football fame. After
leaving the Colts, a team where he had success, Denver seemed like the perfect place
to continue his legacy. With eager fans, a strong defense, and a former Bronco QB as
general manager, who wouldn t want join that opportunity. However, football is a
challenging and fickle sport, and this winter season especially seems to be a difficult one
for Manning. With too many interceptions, and a recent plantar fascia injury to his left
foot, he s ... Show more content on ...
I think I would stick with Osweiler. But not sure there s proof Denver offense is
playing significantly better with him around . Peyton Manning is one of the best
quaterbacks the NFL has seen, but is coming to the end of his career. Brock Osweiler
has had two lucky games starting for the Broncos, but no one is sure if he can continue
What Is The Similarities Of The Fourknocks In Co. Meath
This essay aims to compare and contrast the nature of the rituals that would have taken
place at any two of the sites that we encountered on our fieldtrip. The two megalithic
sites that will be compared and contrasted in this essay will be the passage tomb known
as Fourknocks in Co. Meath and the Proleek wedge tomb in Co. Louth. Both of these
megalithic tombs characterise the majority of the Irish landscape and are of great
importance to archaeologists as they give us an insight to the lifestyles and social
structures of the societies that would have constructed these wonderful megalithic sites.
Megalithic sites like Fourknocks and the Proleek wedge tomb are at the centre of
controversy within the archaeological profession. There is little or no doubt that these
large stone structures were erected in order to hold the remains of the dead but
archaeologists would also like to believe that there is more to these large stone structures
then just having a funerary orientated purpose (Brown, 1979). Other purposes that could
be related to these monuments include, links to the spirit world, astronomical, directional
or calendrical purposes (Brown, 1979).
Before we discuss the two megalithic sites already mentioned above we must first
understand what a megalithic site is and why they are so important for ... Show more
content on ...
Fourknocks 1 is a type of passage grave known as a cruciform passage grave with a low
kerb of drystone surrounding it (Hartnett, 1957). What was very unusual about this
passage tomb was that there was no exterior kerb. At the centre of the tomb there is a
post hole which may suggest that there was a pole placed here either to support the roof
or it was used as a marker to indicate where the tomb was to be built (Cooney, 1997). The
main burial chamber is very spacious. When you enter this amazing monument you feel
you cross into another
Rube Goldberg Research Paper
Our challenge was to create a Rube Goldberg Machine that could ring a service bell.
Additionally, we needed to document and turn in a team and individual folder. Once we
completed the evaluation of Rube Goldberg s life, cartoons, and machines, my team
worked through the challenges of trying to pull together as a team and create a successful
Rube Goldberg was an inventor, engineer, sculptor, author, and cartoonist. Born on
July fourth, 1883 in San Francisco, California, Rube grew up in an upper middle class
family of Jewish heritage, and he had shown a love for the arts ever since a young age.
At the age of four, Goldberg spent a lot of time creating things and tracing drawings.
Sadly, his mother died when he was a teenager and ... Show more content on ...
He even won the Pulitzer Prize for his work as an editorial cartoonist. Rube Goldberg s
cartoons depicted different types of complicated inventions. His success as a
cartoonist started when he became the San Francisco Bulletin s sports cartoonist. This
point in time was when publishers began to recognize his work. Rube also became the
co founder of the National Cartoonists Society. It was an organization that showed the
importance of cartoons and cartoonists, which made Goldberg want to be apart of it.
(rube, n.d.). Ever since 1988, students have participated in the Rube
Goldberg MachineRube Goldberg machine contest that brings out the spirit of
Goldberg and his unique cartoons (Raga, 2016). Rube Goldberg noted that the
machines were symbols of, man s capacity for exiting maximum effort to accomplish
minimal results (O Connor, 2015, A Simple Task, para. 11). Over time, his cartoon
inventions turned into real working machines, and millions of people became inspired.
An excellent example of what Goldberg s designs are and how they can operate is his
famous self operating napkin cartoon. It was a machine that used a chain reaction to
accomplish a simple task, and this was Rube Goldberg s vision for all the simple
machines (National Center for Families Learning,
Charlotte Caron Animal Portraiture Essay
In the duration of the production of my own art, imagery and inspiration was drawn from
Charlotte Caron s animal portraiture. As a result, my work is greatly influenced by her
enchanting portraiture in many ways, such as method of displaying conceptual ideas,
technique as well as subject matter but on the other hand, largely and importantly
different, varying in the core conceptual meaning . In the following essay, the extent to
which Charlotte Caron s and my own work diverges and converges with in the subject
matter, technique, conceptual ideaand method of conveying a concept, will be explored.
Charlotte Caron is a young French artist who embarked on the creation of several
portraits in which photographs of the human figure have animal faces painted upon them
in ... Show more content on ...
The use of photography and paint represent the mask and reality, however, via the use
of thin brushstrokes, the line between the mask and reality is blurred. This is
representative of how certain characteristics become a part of your reality once you
indulge in them. In these portraits Caron questions whether a mask (an act) that is put
on for too long becomes a part of the person s reality or was it always a part of their
In this way the core conceptual ideas of my work Half Truths differs largely from the
core concepts of Caron s animal portraiture.
Charlotte Caron s animal portraiture series shares many characteristics with my work
such as subject matter, themes and method of conveying the idea of duality ,however,
the key difference is within the core conceptual ideas of each artwork. Charlotte Caron
was a great inspiration to me during the time of the production of my work and as a
result there is a large amount of common characteristics but there are some true
differences as
Violence Against Clowns In Pennsylvania
As unsettling reports of clowns stalking the country have left many in fear, college
students in Pennsylvania have decided to turn the tables on the menaces and do
something about the creepy terrors.

After rumors spread that a clown was on the loose on Pennsylvania State University s
campus early Tuesday, at least 500 students set out to find the source of so much
concern, Penn State Police Sgt. Mike Nelson told the Centre Daily Times.

Some people run away from clowns, Penn State runs towards them, one witness tweeted.

Footage on social media shows students running together in the streets, chanting We are
Penn State!

Read: 11 Year Old Girl Arrested for Taking Knife to Schoolas Protection Against Clowns

What the f*** is happening? ... Show more content on ...
The hurricane is expected to make landfall sometime this evening or early in the
morning as a category 4 storm. These are some of the photos of the day for October 6,
2016Photos: (from top) Adnan Abidi/Reuters, Biswaranjan Rout/NurPhoto via Getty
Images, Jim Young/Reuters, Maurizio Gambarini/EPA, Joe Raedle/Getty ImagesSee
more photos of the day on Yahoo
Piano Recital Proposal
The concert I decided to attend was a piano recital performed by Dr. Stephen Carlson, a
member of the Bemidji State University Music Department since 2006. Dr. Carlson is an
exceptional soloist who has performed at multiple venues and events across the United
States, including Carnegie Hall and Minnesota Valley Sommarfest. He is also an
exceptional teacher, providing workshops, master classes, and clinics to further advance
his students knowledge of playing the piano. Schools such as the University of Arkansas
Pine Bluff, Gustavus Adolphus College, and St. Joseph s School of Musichave had the
honor of calling Dr. Carlson their piano instructor. I attended his recent piano recital on
Friday, February 24th, 2017 at the Carl O. Thompson Recital... Show more content on ...
Carlson is FrГ©dГ©ric Chopin s Polonaise in A flat Major, op.53. I felt as if this
composition was a good definition of program music. I enjoyed this piece because it
seemed to tell a story throughout. The performer used tonality to help tell the story,
especially in this piece. Dr. Carlson would build the tension up multiple times throughout
this song, only to resolve it and give a sense of relief to the audience. I enjoyed it because
the song brought on multiple different emotions. One minute, tensions would be high and
the performance seemed frantic, when suddenly the tonality changes and big boastful
notes that make you feel proud and mighty thunder out of the piano. When I thought of a
piano recital, I was not expecting the emotion Dr. Carlson put into playing the piano, both
shaking the audience at times, and quieter than a church mouse at others. I think some of
the most memorable parts were the lengthy and mesmerizing solos Dr. Carlson displayed.
I found myself lost in the emotion of the piano, and lost watching his fingers play the
notes at super speed. Other memorable parts included loud, triumphant scenes, that
followed the quieter, more thought provoking segments. These parts usually caught me
off guard, which only improved the performance by immersing me deeper into the piece.
I would compare Polonaise in A Flat Major to the Preludes after the intermission. The
Preludes by Sergei Rachmaninoff used tonality as well to build up
Job Analysis Plan
Career Development Plan Part I Job Analysis and Selection

Tina de Leeuw Runk


December 20, 2010 Danielle Lombard Sims Career Development Plan Part I Job
Analysis and Selection


InterClean has just merged with EnviroTech and has taken on a new strategic
direction. The company will provide full service cleaning solutions for organizations in
the health care industry and no longer sell only cleaning products. As a midlevel sales
manager, I will need to select my sales team by developing a plan that will include the
analysis methods used to create a job analysis, and a workforce planning system on sales
development for the team. I will exploit internal ... Show more content on ...
Three salespeople will report to the sales manager.

Action Plan for Selection

To have a successful workplace planning system, the action plan will outline the
recruitment, selection, training, placement, promotion, development, and compensation
of employees (Cascio, 2006). Ten employees are reviewed to join the new merged
sales team. The salespeople from InterClean are experienced in selling products
whereas the sales people from EnviroTech are experienced in providing full service
cleaning solutions. I will formulate a talent inventory for each employee and determine
who already has the skills, abilities, and experience, and who will need additional
training and development for the sales team. I am responsible for developing the
compensation and benefits plan to reward their successes. I will determine the employees
who may qualify for promotions or may want a transfer to another position.

Identification of Sales Team Goals

InterClean s sales team must have established goals to accomplish the desired corporate
strategies. The goals below will help InterClean grow and achieve the sales quotas and
customer satisfaction:

1. Deliver InterClean s financial goals and revenue

Causes And Disadvantages Of Refugees
According to UNHCR (2017a), there are, currently, 22.5 million of refugees in the
world. Comparing to the world population reported in United Nations (2017), it can be
calculated as three refugees in every 1,000 people. Nowadays, most of the people who
have escaped from their own countries are Syrian. Since 2011, the beginning of Syrian
civil war, total registered Syrian refugees are 17.5 million people (UNHCR, 2017b).
From the UNHCR database, most of them are living in neighbouring countries such as
Lebanon and Turkey. Some of them seek asylum in developed countries, particularly in
Europe. Germany is the European country that holds the largest Syrian refugee
population, accounting for approximately 0.8 million (UNHCR, 2017b). The large
population of refugee can affect to economy, environment, society, and politics. Some
people say that new coming refugees can fulfil labour market and establish the
multicultural societies which motivate international trade. However, the host nations will
not benefit from refugees due to the needs of high cost of management for labour force
preparation and risk of social conflict caused by cultural difference.

Accepting refugees for work forces need a large amount of the budget for refugees
workforce preparation and not every country can support the cost. This is because the
budget needed for refugees as workforce s preparation is high, due to spending for
teaching courses (such as language, working skills, and social norm), as well as
Pros And Cons Of Buying Organs
While I agree that a persona has a right to choose what happens to/with their body, I do
not think patients should be able to sell and/or purchase needed organs. If people were
allowed to buy and sell organs, I think we would be opening a big can of worms, as the
saying goes, that we do not want to open. There are multiple reasons why this would not
be a good idea.
First of all, if we were to institute the system of buying and selling organs, a gap
between the upper class and those in the lower class would most likely form. It would
separate the people who could afford organs from the people who could not. This could
also interfere with the donor registry. For example, say you found a donor that matched
someone from the upper class and another patient from the lower class. If the person of
lower economic standing was next in line for the organ, but the donor (or the donor s
family, if diseased) was offered money from the wealthy recipient, that organ could go to
the wealth person, rather than the one who would have been next on the list (and
possibly having more of a need for it). Therefore, I think it is unethical to buy/sell ...
Show more content on ...
Once again, money is a significant incentive for people to do things they may otherwise
not have done. If someone is in need of money, and they are offered a large amount to
say, donate a kidney, I don t believe this would be considered ethical. It is reminiscent
of prostitution, in that a person is sell their body (or in this case part of their body) in
exchange for money. A couple reasons prostitution is considered immoral in society is
because it can involve exploitation and coercion. Similarly, those who are desperate for
money can be exploited and coerced into becoming involved in selling their organs. Not
only is this behavior immoral, but there may also be health consequences for the living
donors who sell their organs for
Equal Employment Opportunities In The US
Equal Employment Opportunities are a huge deal and there are many important
milestones the US has taken to get where we are today. Even though the working
industry is not perfect and there are still problems, the EEOC(Equal Employment
Opportunities Commission) was created and helps to prevent discrimination in
employment. The EEOC was created by congress in 1964. It was passed after the Civil
Rights Act in 1964. This was written and states that discriminationin employment based
on color, national origin, race, religion, and sex is not allowed. Almost immediately after
this was issued as the law, the EEOC received thousands of complaints more than
expected. It s crazy to think so much discrimination in the workplace happens but the
facts are
The Postal System During The 19th Century
The postal system played a crucial role in national expansion. It facilitated expansion into
the West by creating an inexpensive, fast, convenient communication system. Letters
from early settlers provided information and boosterism to encourage increased migration
to the West, helped scattered families stay in touch and provide assistance, assisted
entrepreneurs in finding business opportunities, and made possible regular commercial
relationships between merchants in the west and wholesalers and factories back east.
The postal service likewise assisted the Army in expanding control over the vast western
territories. The widespread circulation of important newspapers by mail, such as the New
York Weekly Tribune, facilitated coordination... Show more content on ...
As the Post Office expanded, difficulties were experienced due to a lack of employees
and transportation. The Post Office s employees at that time were still subject to the
so called spoils system, where faithful political supporters of the executive branch
were appointed to positions in the post office and other government corporations as a
reward for their patronage. These appointees rarely had prior experience in postal
service and mail delivery. This system of political patronage was replaced in 1883,
after passage of the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act.[19] Ten years before
waterways were declared post roads in 1823, the Post Office used steamboats to carry
mail between post towns where no roads existed.[citation needed] Once it became
clear that the postal system in the United States needed to expand across the entire
country, the use of the railroad to transport the mail was instituted in 1832, on one line
in Pennsylvania.[20] All railroads in the United States were designated as post routes,
after passage of the Act of July 7, 1838. Mail service by railroad increased rapidly
thereafter.[21] ~ Benjamin Franklin ~ George Washington ~ The First U.S. Postage
Stamps Issued 1847 The first stamp issues were authorized by an act of Congress and
approved on March 3, 1847.[22] The earliest known use of the Franklin 5Вў is July 7,
1847, while the earliest known use of the Washington 10Вў is July 2, 1847. Remaining in
Essay About Cafeteria
A cafeteria is a place wherein you can choose the food you want and buy it. In a
cafeteria there is a big variety of food to choose from. You can eat the food that you
bought from the cafeteria or that you brought from home in the dining area of the
cafeteria. I have been studying in FEU Diliman for two semesters now and I have
noticed how the cafeteria is for these two semesters.

As a college student of FEU Diliman, I must say that there should be a lot of changes
in the cafeteria of our school. Our cafeteria should have a larger variety of foods to
choose from. The variety of foods that are in our cafeteria every day is not much and
people would opt to buy food from outside the school instead. They should make more
food to sell everyday since there are a lot of elementary, high school and college students
buying food from the cafeteria everyday. The cafeteria should sell foods that have
proper protein and that are nutritious. They should also sell food that has vegetables
because it is healthy for example they could make vegetable stew. Different types of
fruits should also be sold because sometimes the students wants to buy fruits but the
cafeteria person says that the fruits are only for the varsity players. Varsity players and
students don t have a ... Show more content on ...
In my opinion they should not sell soft drinks at all at the cafeteria. If college students
want to buy soft drinks they can buy it from outside the school instead. Elementary and
high school students would get tempted to buy soft drinks because they see it in the
cafeteria but they can t so they would buy it outside the school instead. Soft drinks are
not good to drink because they contain a lot of sugar in them and the student might
become hyper or have a lot of energy because of that. If the student will buy the soft
drink at school he or she might become addicted to drinking it because of the
How Social Media Influenced A Community And A Country
Breaking news... fire took two young boys lives and destroyed the family s home and
all their belongings. Brother s, age six and eleven, trapped unable to get out of their
room, while mother and father along with the two sisters watched helplessly outside as
their lives completely changed. Within hours, like wild fire through technology and
social media, millions of strangers come together to support this broken family
financially and physically. The story flooded social media, as friends, family, and
friends of friends shared this tragic story. Donations were collected to help the family
and monetary donations came in over several weeks and months from all over the world
(Lincoln). This is one example of how social media influenced a... Show more content on ...
The social media explosion led to a trend of sharing everything with everyone, promoting
products and service, and ultimately improving the success of humans. Privacy advocates
began to question this new trend and how it was affecting the user. New regulations,
which continue to evolve, were placed on social networking sites, but it has not slowed
down the growing popularity of online social media. Social media is inexpensive and
user friendly, therefore many individuals use this form of communication to socially
interact with family and friends who live thousands of miles away (Hertlein 382). This
causes concerns that individuals will no longer connect physically to one another, and
will ultimately eliminate face to face communications. However, individuals are still
communicating with others, it is just in a different form. Social media does not alter
social bonds, it allows for users to communicate and express themselves differently.
Published in the International Journal of Relational Perspectives in 2011, S. Harman
stated, Relationships facilitated by technology appear to provide the same sense of well
being as is associated with other types of close associations. The Internet may elicit
some changes in how people communicate, but not why they do so (Zilberstien 152).
Those whom are using social networking sites tend to also be social in real life. This new
communication does not replace other forms
Desert Fathers, Early Monasticism Essay
Desert Fathers

Early in second and third century Christian history, violence against Christians by the
Roman Empire, struggles against pagan ideology, practices that were corrupting the
Church, and certain lax spiritual discipline had crept into many areas of the Christian
faith. As some leaders attempted to control the faith by growing their personal power and
influence on the political front, others sought escape from the spiritual darkness they
perceived among the world to retain their own spiritual purity.
Many men fled life in mainstream culture in an effort to purify their hearts and minds
by practicing asceticism, or a self denying way of life for Christ s purpose as stated in
Matthew 19:21 when He stated, If you wish to ... Show more content on
Occasional visits from Christian brothers who brought small amounts of food allowed
them to hear a saying or short teaching from him during their stay. These sayings and
teachings frequently made their way back to mainstream culture.
Anthony began to realize that the more and more frequent visits from those outside
were interfering with his time of worship to God, so he moved to an oasis in the Eastern
Desert of Egypt where he completed his days on earth.
While Anthony himself was not the creator of monasticism, a large community grew
around him in following his example. Others took to the desert to the point where there
were so many hermits in the deserts that the caves were all taken . Those who followed
his lifestyle found that they needed others around them in order to persevere through the
difficult conditions of the desert.
Shortly after the time of his death in the middle 4th century, a formal monastery was
constructed on the burial site of Anthony. This monastery is the oldest Eastern Christian
monastery in the world. His influence led to many other traditions founding communities
across the East which brought monks into life together for the purpose of working,
studying and worshiping.
When religious persecution began to be quieted and the time of martyrdom ended, the
monastic movement became popular as an example of self denial and stringent
discipline. Asceticism somewhat replaced, in my opinion, the
This Side Of Paradise Analysis
This Side of Paradise describes the struggling life of Amory Blaine from having great
fun until he became of age to discover the world and experienced different life
problems towards how he has changed. In this book, it really expresses the true nature of
F. Scott Fitzgerald towards his writing and including the use of allusions, personification,
shift in plot, and great imageries to show the way the character Amory has been
progressing and also facing his challenges.
. During the book, it really explains and describes an allusion of the time during the
World War 1 where Amory himself had been sent to war; but the side note would be that
the actual explanation of details of the war weren t really shown since the plot was
mostly concerned to ... Show more content on ...
Seasonal and nature imagery are used in the novel in order to enhance the way the
reader could be imagining how everything is set and feel as though there are in the
book. In the book the way Fitzgerald uses the presence of season and times is to
explain a change of mood of a person in the book, in which characterizes their actions
in life. For an example in the book Eleanor distinguishes summer from spring in her
statement that Summer has no day...We can t possibly have a summer love...Summer
is only the unfulfilled promise of spring, a charlatan in place of the warm balmy
nights I dream of in April. It s a sad season of life without growth (173). While spring is
seen as the upcoming birth of life around the world, summer is the opposite which is
decay and loss which is shown throughout the book. An example of the utilization of
nature imagery is in Amory s observation of nature, in which he describes it as
composed largely of flowers that, when closely inspected, appeared moth eaten, and of
ants that endlessly traversed blades of grass, [the scene] was always disillusioning
(211). This quote really amplifies imagery where Fitzgerald is really explaining the
perspective of age and how things can be quite different up close than seeing it from
afar. When looking at what he has written, for example moth eaten, he shows that it
was quite beaten and ugly or weird than what an eye can see at a distance. And ants
endlessly traverse blades of grass, shows the construction of growing up with
responsibilities and always moving the gears. When Fitzgerald was using this type of
imagery in the book when there was a change in Amory s life, was because he wanted
to show in what way Amory was seeing life as and how he was living as well to keep
going and finding a way to complete his happiness after there was only sadness in his
life while adapting to his surroundings, while being at the top at first
Omaha Tribe Research Paper
The Omaha Tribe was one of the most powerful, successful, and popular tribes of the
Great Plain Indian Tribes. In the Great Plains, the Omaha Tribe settled in current day
western Iowa and partly in northeastern Nebraska. The land on which they lived, had
plains covered with grass and rivers and streams all over the area. The climate of this
place consisted of hot summers and cold winters. They used their areas resources by
fishing, hunting, and farming for food. They used the animal skin to make clothing,
blankets, shelter, shoes, and more. The Omahatribe used everything around them to make
what they needed.
The Omahas original land was in Ohio where they were doing well with farming and
living well in longhouses. When they relocated, they ... Show more content on ...
He was the chief and impacted the Omaha tribe very much. He helped his people with
many issues and serious problems. For example, he helped with threats from the Sioux,
diseases, and European/American encroachment. He made many good allies and tried
very hard to become close with the United States, but the U.S. didn t pull through and
work with the deals Big Elk was offering. Blackbird was also a very important chief for
the Omaha tribe. He commanded many trade routes used by the British, Spanish,
American and French. Blackbird was one of the first chiefs to trade with white
explorers and used the trade as success for the tribe. While Blackbird was alive and
ruling, the Omaha tribe was the most powerful Great Plains tribe. Other important
people of the Omaha tribe were Iron Eye, Francis La Flesche, and also many
Warren Buffett s Assassination
Warren Edward Buffett on August 30, 1930, in Omaha, Nebraska. Buffett s father,
Howard, worked as stockbroker and served as a U.S. congressman. His mother, Leila
Stahl Buffett, was a homemaker. Buffett was the second of three children and the only
boy. Buffett demonstrated a knack for financial and business matters early in his
childhood. Warren often visited his father s stock brokerage shop as a child, and
chalked in the stock prices on the blackboard in the office. At 11 years old he made his
first investment, buying three shares of Cities Service Preferred at $38 per share. The
stock quickly dropped to only $27, but Buffett held on tenaciously until they reached
$40. He sold his shares at a small profit, but regretted the decision when Cities Service
shot up to nearly $200 a share. By the age of 13, Buffett was running his own
businesses as a paperboy and selling his own horse racing tip sheet. That same year, he
filed his first tax return, claiming his bike as a $35 tax... Show more content on ...
This donation became the largest act of charitable giving in United States history. In
2010, Buffett and Gates announced they had formed The Giving Pledge campaign to
recruit more wealthy individuals for philanthropic causes. In 2012, Buffett disclosed
that he had been diagnosed with prostate cancer. He began undergoing radiation
treatment in July, and successfully completed his treatment in November. The health
scare did little to slow the octogenarian, who annually ranks near the top of the Forbes
world billionaires list. In February 2013, Buffett purchased H. J. Heinz with private
equity group 3G Capital for $28 billion. Later additions to the Berkshire Hathaway
stable included battery maker Duracell and Kraft Foods Group, which merged with
Heinz in 2015 to form the third largest food and beverage company in North
Annotated Bibliography On Human Memory
Baddeley A. (1990) Human Memory. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, London.

Chapelle C.A. (2001) Computer Applications in Second Language Acquisition:

Foundations for Teaching, Testing and Research. Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, UK.
Chinnery G.M. (2006) Emerging technologies: going to the MALL (Mobile Assisted
Language Learning). Language Learning Technology 10.

Collentine J. (2000) Insights into the construction of grammatical knowledge provided by

user behavior tracking technologies. Language Learning and Technology 3, 40 67.

Dempster F.N. (1987) Effects of variable encoding and spaced presentations on

vocabulary learning. Educational Psychology 79, 162 170.

Greene R.L. (1989) Spacing effects in memory: evidence for a two process ... Show more
content on ...
Chan T.W. (2005) Introduction to the special issue on wireless and mobile technologies
in education. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 21, 159 168

Thornton P. Houser C. (2003) Using mobile web and video phones in English language
teaching: projects with Japanese college students. In Directions in CALL: Experience,
Experiments Evaluation (eds B. Morrison, C. Green G. Motteram), pp. 207 224. English
Language Centre, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.

Thornton P. Houser C. (2004) Using mobile phones in education. Proceedings of the

Second International Work shop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, pp.
3 10. IEEE Computer Society, Jungli, Taiwan.

Thornton P. Houser C. (2005) Using mobile phones in English education in Japan.

Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 21, 217 228.

Traxler J. Riordan B. (2003) Evaluating the effectiveness of retention strategies using

SMS, WAP, and WWW student support. Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Conference,
pp. 54 55. LTSN Centre for Information and Computer Science, Galway, Ireland.

Waring R. Takaki M. (2003) At what rate do learners learn and retain new vocabulary
from reading a graded
It Is Just A Business With A Mission
It is just a business with a mission

In the hospitality industry, the purpose of the company s mission statement is clear, as
the day when a new employee is hired, but sometimes it can be lost in translation as time
passes on. It is a standard practice in this industry when companies hires a food service
worker their new employers go over the rules, regulations, along with reviewing the
company s handbook. Within that handbook, there is a paragraph or two that explains
the mission statement. Some companies mission statements are rather long and tedious
while others are short and sweet. However, the general concept of the mission statements
is to provide great dining, atmosphere, and service to each and every one of their
customers. However, most employees only see their companies mission statement when
they are hired, and that can lead to an employee forgetting the purpose of their company.
Nevertheless, this forgetfulness is troubling and a problem to most food service
managers. As manager of my parent s liquor establishment developing a clear formal
mission statement, understanding, and executing our mission statement was a top
priority of mine when I was hired. Upon my hiring, I noticed that the business did not
have a mission statement. I developed a mission statement that states, A passion to serve.
This mission statement is simple, easy to memorize, and very useful. This mission
statement is a formal statement, but ties into the vision, core values, and
Defining a Hurricane Essay
Defining a Hurricane

A hurricane is a tropical storm that has winds of 74 miles per hour or more. The winds
can sometimes reach up to 155 miles per hour. Another characteristic of hurricanes is
their massive size that measures from 200 to 300 miles in diameter. In the center of each
storm there is what is called the eye of the storm (Image to Right). The eye of the
storm is usaually between 20 30 miles and is the calmest part of the storm. Winds here
may only be 74 miles per hour. Some hurricanes can last for two weeks or more over
open water and can run a path across the entire Eastern Seaboard.

Hurricanes that develop in the Northern Hemisphere rotate in a counterclockwise motion

and in the ... Show more content on ...
Some hurricanes can even develop in the winter time, but that rarely happens, only three
have been recorded since 1886.

Hurricanes are not only very violent storms but they are also very dangerous. The
primary dangers of the storm are the rain/flooding, high winds, the occasional tornado,
flying debris from buildings and nature (i.e. trees), and the storm surges . Storm surges
can be between 50 to 100 miles high. These surges may be even more dangerous than
any of the other hazards because they can wipe out an entire community near the ocean.
Nine out of ten deaths are caused by such surges and annually 17 people die from
hurricanes in the United States alone. The deadliest hurricane in United States history
was at Galveston Island, called the Texas Storm of 1900. It was a Category 4 hurricane
and there was more than 6,000 deaths occured with this storm.

Hurricane Andrew

Vitals: Hurricane Andrew cost the United States more than $25 billion dollars. Andrew
also claimed 26 lives and left more than 250,000 people homeless. It lasted eleven days
from August 16 27, 1992 and hit land in the Bahamas, southern Florida, and southcentral
Louisiana. This particular hurricane originated off the West Coast of Africa in early
August, 1992. On August 17, 1992 it became a tropical depression halfway between
Africa and the eastern islands of the Carribean. Later on
Notes On Communications And Networking
Department of Computer Science

Assignment 2

1.What is crosstalk? How is it minimized in case to twisted pair of wire?

Crosstalk can be defined as the interference to a signal path from other localized signal
paths. When several lines are close together, the current passing along one line may
cause current to flow in one or more adjacent lines. This may be the result of capacitance
between the two lines or the effect of inductance. This effect is known as crosstalk, and
often occurs in multi cored cables and in the ribbon cables used for connecting computers
to peripherals.

The term crosstalk is often limited in its use to circuits/conductors in close proximity,
where the coupling path may be characterized by the mutual capacitance and mutual
inductance of the circuits. It may be eliminated in multi cored cables by having each of
the cores enclosed in a separate earthed shield, though this makes the cable considerably
more expensive.

Twisted pair cable consists of one or more pair of twisted wire and comes in two forms:
STP (shielded twisted pair) or UTP (unshielded twisted pair). STP consists of several
pairs of twisted wires that are surrounded by a foil shielding and an outer jacket or
sheath. When a signal travels down the wire it produces a magnetic field and can
produce unwanted interference with other pairs of wire within the same cable (cross
talk). The twist in each pair of wire helps to reduce crosstalk and
How Does Racism Affect Melba
Racism makes up most of the story and is the main obstacle for Melba. As she recalls
her life as a teenager, she tells about how she suffered almost all of her school year.
This is meaningful mainly because readers today need to learn about how hard her
life was as a result of racism. Readers need to learn about what racism can do to people
and society when it is an extreme. Melba went through hardships every day at school
and still chose to go even when the she had to live in misery every day. When Melba
sees how the kids at school treat her, she later says It s hard with little rock white
people. I don t know if i can do this integration thing forever. Melba may doubt herself at
first but she does survive the school year. The kids abuse
Jazz And The Past, Present, And Future
Jazz and the Past, Present, and Future
One of the most profound paradoxes that Jazz as a musical genre has spurred by way of
its mere existence is contained within the connotation of the word Jazz itself. Attempting
to unravel the mysterious history of this familiar word is a sisyphusian task due in part
to the contested nature of the word, yet as Alan P. Merriam and Fradley H. Garner
postulate in their article Jazz The Word from the journal Ethnomusicology: studying the
problems associated with the contested nature of the term reveal critical information on
the history of Jazz, the music and the stories of the disenfranchised people who forged
Jazz (Merriam, 373). Merriam and Garner establish in Jazz The Word that Jazz has a foot
firmly rooted in the past and owes itself considerably to the experiences of Africans
brought to the New World by Europeans under the brutal imposition of slavery, among
many other injustices in the annals of history; However, the volatility of Jazz means that
the contributions of the past are tightly intertwined with the events of the present, and
predictions in the future. In this paper I will be using the model of past, present, and
future to compare and contrast what Jazz means to different people at different times,
and argue that the past, present, and future are tightly intertwined and the relationships
between these events make up what Jazz is. In order to make this comparison, I will use
several interviews with musicians and
What Are The Pros And Cons Of The Internet
The Internet, a Good Invention or a Bad One At All?

The Internet has been developed for two decades. It provides a new platform for goods
and services to exchange among the world (Morozov, 2010). There is no doubt that the
Internet becomes one part of our daily life, especially for those developed countries.
People cannot live without it because of its wide usage. However, the Internet causes
some negative impacts to our life as well as to our society. In order to discuss whether
the Internet helps in developing a better life to us, this essay will begin with examining
the pros of the Internet on both the social relationship and the development of the
Internet. Then, it will consider its cons and will conclude that the Internet is a modern
trend to provide a better life to us as well as our next generation.
As long as we mention modern communication, the Internet will occur to ... Show more
content on ...
Although Wortmann and Fluchter (2015) highlights that this term becomes more
popular than the past but there is no specific definition for it. In fact, Internet of
Things changes from business driven to life oriented (Kim, 2011). It combines
physical and digital components to create a new service to people. With Internet of
Things, additional IT based digital services is added to those primary physical
functions, which not only reach the local basis but also to a global level ( Wortmann
Fluchter, 2015). Taking shopping as an example for the changes to people by IoT. It
turns the shopping experiences from physical stores to online one. Products and
services can be searched and delivered to customers in a minute. It also acts as a
platform for people to explore new goods as well as seeking discounts. From this,
Internet of Things not only provides a range of opportunities to business, but also
enhances people s living quality with an innovative and convenient
The Crucible John Proctor Character Analysis
It might be said, The Crucible has the structure of a traditional disaster, with John Proctor
as the play s appalling legend. Genuine, upright, and limit spoken, Proctor is a decent
man, yet one with a mystery, lethal imperfection. His desire for Abigail Williams
prompted their undertaking (which happens before the play starts), and made Abigail s
envy of his better half, Elizabeth, which gets the whole witch mania under way. Once the
trials start, Proctor understands that he can stop Abigail s frenzy through Salem however
just on the off chance that he admits to his infidelity. Such an affirmation would demolish
his great name, and Proctor is, most importantly, a glad man who places incredible
accentuation on his notoriety. He inevitably makes... Show more content on ...
Offered the chance to make an open admission of his blame and live, he nearly
surrenders, notwithstanding marking a composed admission. His gigantic pride and
dread of popular supposition constrained him to withhold his infidelity from the court,
yet before the finish of the play he is more worried about his own uprightness than his
open notoriety. Despite everything he needs to spare his name, yet for individual and
religious, instead of open, reasons. Delegate s refusal to give a false admission is a
genuine religious and individual stand. Such an admission would disrespect his
kindred detainees, who are overcome enough amazing declaration to reality. Maybe
more appropriately, a false affirmation would likewise shame him, recoloring his open
notoriety, as well as his spirit. By declining to surrender his own uprightness Proctor
certainly broadcasts his conviction that such honesty will convey him to paradise. He
goes to the hangman s tree recovered for his before sins. As Elizabeth says to end the
play, reacting to Hale s request that she persuade Proctor to freely admit: He have his
decency now. God deny I take it from
Lead Poisoning In Children
Introduction There are a number of health factors that affect children throughout their
childhood. Different illnesses, diseases, and stress could all be some of these factors.
Another factor is lead, it is a soft metal that is a silver color. It is one of the four metals
that has the most damaging effects on human health. (Lenntech, 2016) Lead is toxic to
everyone especially newborns and young children. Lead can be found in a variety of
products and toys from other countries. In the United States lead is most commonly
found in paint from old houses, old lead pipes, and soil. Children can get lead poisoning
from consuming items that contain lead. Such as small children eating lead paint chips,
or drinking water that contains a high amount of... Show more content on
(The A.A.C.A.P, 2012) Regularly taking the child to the doctor to test their blood
levels will help as well. The test will be able to tell if the child s lead levels are
decreasing. ( Editorial Staff, 2010) One way to get a child s blood
lead levels to reduce is by eating a healthy diet, making sure to intake high amounts of
iron, calcium, and vitamin C. These types of foods help change the way the body
absorbs lead. The doctor may prescribe supplements if there is not a sufficient
consumption in their diet. There are some types of medications that help to lower lead
levels such as succimer, and a chelating agent which chemically binds lead to make it
weaker. When to body is weaker the body can get rid of the lead naturally. (Kids
Health, 2015) Although the child is receiving treatments, it does not mean the damage
already caused by lead will be undone. So children really need to be protected from being
exposed at all. (NIH,
Ethiopi The Country Of The World
Considered one of the most important beverages in the world, the people of the world
run on coffee. However, the process of coffee making from bean to brew, is
tumultuous and a cause of mass hardships for the farmers and agricultural workers
who grow, pick, and sort coffee. Coffee is grown in over fifty countries of the world, but
it s origins is in Ethiopia. For the past ten years, Ethiopia has been trying to raise the
quality of life for its coffeefarmers and workers, where it is a source of livelihood for
somewhere around 15 million people. Most the people involved with coffee trade in
Ethiopia get paid less than two dollars a day for their work and contribution while prices
for arabica brewed coffee soar in Europe, America, and parts... Show more content on ...
Many traditions and celebrations have coffee as the centerpiece. Much of the coffee
grown and produced in Ethiopia are considered to be speciality coffee which to
consumers in places like North America and Europe means a higher price tag but
better quality and taste. Coffee is seen as the backbone of the Ethiopian economy,
contributing 41 per cent of total foreign exchange earnings in 2005 (Petit, 2007),
however, many of those earnings are not going back to the people who work within
the coffee industry there. It is reported that the coffee industry in Ethiopia is
sustaining the livelihoods of more than one million coffee growing households and an
estimated 15 million people in total (Petit, 2007) but many of these peoples are living
in destitution and poverty in the past few decades. For the farmers in Ethiopia the
earnings they get from coffee is estimated to be around US$1.50 while in the first
world the coffee from Sidama, Yirgacheffe and Harar coffees are being sold in the retail
market for up to US$26 per pound (Arslan, A., Reicher, C. P. , 2012)

From the 1960s to 1989, the price of coffee was stable and was used to help the
development of coffee growing and producing nations, including Ethiopia. This was
because of the International Coffee Agreement was used in both importing and exporting
nations where there were quotas and price controls were used to strengthen and empower
coffee growing nations (Black Gold). However, in 1989 drastic changes
Salsa Boom Essay
In the mid 1970s the New York Media warned the public to a Latin Boom in New York
City. Back then it was the Salsa Craze, the coming into view of a new wave of
politicians and (people who use action and strong words to support or argue (against)
something), and the going past of the one million (dividing lines/points where things
begin or change) in the Latino population. Since then, each passing ten years has brought
on new statements of an (exciting and new) moment.
Forty years and over a million Latinos later, we seem to be almost at the point of
another boom, Booms suggest an (only lasting for a short time) burst in activity, as in
the high tech part/area or housing market of the last few years. Those booms led to
crashing busts. But the growing Hispanic presence reflects a long term steady rise. The
population may eventually reach a (flat land/stop getting better (or worse)), but there will
not be a bust. There is no going back as new (things reaching their destinations) keep
coming as the next generations of native Latinos make the city their home. In 1950,
Latinos contained/made up less than 5% of the total population and by 2010 they ... Show
more content on ...
We do not know, for example, how the new immigration legislation, if indeed there is any
reform, will affect the future. Recent reports show that the net migration of Mexicans to
the United States is no longer growing. We do not know what the impact of the Great
Recession will be on others contemplating a move here. The virtual collapse of the
Puerto Rican economy has led to a new wave of migrants from the island, unhampered
by migration restrictions. Much attention has been directed at Florida, where rising
numbers of Boricuas contributed to Obama s victory there in 2012, and where Disney
World has become a major employer of distressed islanders. But Puerto Ricans are
fleeing to New York and elsewhere in the northeast corridor
Why Do You Think They re Called For Profit Colleges
In general, for profit schools cost more to attend, because they are run like businesses.
And it definitely does not take a college degree to see that these high prices plus low
income students equal greater risk of default. For profit colleges began as family owned
trade schools but over the years they have expanded into educational businesses that
accept any student, regardless of their financial wellbeing or aptitude. On the other hand,
traditional schools have neglected to notice the rising need for an educationthat is
flexible and convenient. In his article Why Do You Think They re Called For Profit
Colleges, Kevin Carey writes to an audience of higher educationstudents and faculty to
convince them the pros and cons of both traditional and for profit schools using
different rhetorical, organizational, and stylistic strategies. The audience Carey writes
to is based off of the readers of the magazine he writes for. He writes for The Chronicle
of Higher Education so it is easy to see how his audience is mainly of those involved
with the higher education system. This audience is educated and free thinking. Carey
keeps this in mind throughout his paper, and allows his audience to reach their own
Carey uses logos as a rhetorical strategy to make his article more persuasive. He begins
by describing a man named Michael Clifford who never went to college but sometimes
calls himself Doctor (Carey para. 1). He uses Clifford as a symbol throughout his paper to
The Cheapest Farm Fair Money Can Rent
There she is, Rachel. Grunkle Rob said. The cheapest farm fair money can rent. I
spared every expense. There was a clicking sound and a yell, and Rachel s twin brother,
Garrett, crashed down next to Grunkle Rob in a cheap Sky Tram carriage.
I think the Sky Tram is broken, he said. Also most of my bones.
Ha ha! This guy. Grunkle Rob chuckled. Alright, alright. I got a job for you two. I
printed up a bunch of fake safety inspection certificates. Go slap one on anything that
looks anything like a lawsuit.
Grunkle Rob, is that legal? Mable asked.
When there s no cops around, anything is legal. He turned around and walked away.
Soos! How s that Dunk Tank coming along? Soos flipped up his safety visor.
Almost ready to go, ... Show more content on ...
Oh... Boo. I ll be right back.
I ll be right here. Garrett laughed nervously. When Wendy was a fair distance away, he
whispered: I love you.
Look at you two, getting all romantic at the fair. Garrett saw Rachel appear with a huge
cone of candy floss in each hand.
Come on, it s no big deal.
Yeah it is!
Ok, you re right, it is! Isn t it amazing? I just dove in; I said Hey, want to hang out at the
fair and you know what she said?
Yeah, I guess so. It totally worked! All your advice about just going for it; it has finally
paid off!
When are you going to learn, Garrett? I m always right about everything. Suddenly, she
frowned. Hey, do you smell a gallon of body spray?
Hey, have any of you dorks seen Wendy around? asked a voice behind them. At once,
the twins knew it was Garrett s rival, Robbie. They turned around to see a stereotypical
moody teenager with shaggy black hair in a typical eye covering emo style hairdo, pale
skin and several piercings in his ears.
And why do you want to know? Garrett asked agitatedly. Robbie plucked a generous
amount of candy floss from one of Rachel s cones.
Hey! Rachel protested.
I got some super tight jeans. I just though she might want to check them out. He stretched
and so did his jeans.
I think I saw her in the Bottomless Pit, Garrett said. You should really jump in there.
Maybe I will, smart guy. He glared and barged
Sports Leads
For me, the best sports leads are ones that either raise a question or evoke an emotion.
Most people are easily distracted in this era filled with constant distractions and people
with the attention spans like squirrels. I can even attest to having one of these squirrel
attention spans, and as such, if I am reading a story that does not entice me quickly
enough, I usually just move on. I have found that the best way to maintain the attention
spanof a reader is by posing an irresistible question or by making them so emotional,
that they cannot resist reading. I found three good examples of a sports lead that are
able to raise questions to peak a reader s interest, and one example of a sports lead that is
able to move the emotion meter of a... Show more content on ...
There always needs to be a reason for me to care about anything that I read, if I do not
care about it, then why should I spend my time reading it? A prime example I found of
invoking emotion in a lead was in a story about the Marlins game earlier this week. On
Sunday, one of the Marlins prized players tragically passed away after a boating
accident. The lead read The Miami Marlins had to take the field Monday night. They
had to in a rather crass view not for themselves, and not to honor their beloved
teammate, Jose Fernandez, who died early Sunday morning in a boating accident in
Miami Beach. I have no connection to the Marlins baseball team at all, but this lead
made me want to care, it made me want to sympathize with the family, team, and fans of
Jose Fernandez. The lead demonstrated the pain that the team was suffering through by
the statement had to take the field . They did not have to take the field because they
owed it to Fernandez or to the fans, they had to because it was their job and they had no
other option about it. They were clearly suffering and wanted nothing to do with the
game and had to force themselves through their own pain just to play, that is a powerful
Case Study Of Walt Disney
Walt Disney opened the first Disneyland in Anaheim, California, on July 17, 1955, he
created a unique and completely new destination unlike any of its time. Since then Walt
Disney Parks and Resorts (WDPR) has become a world leader, opening 6 Disneyland s
with 12 theme parks and 52 resorts across North America, Europe, and Asia. The
Disneyland involved in this case study was the second built in Asia, Hong Kong
Disneyland (HKD). The problem facing HKD and moreover WDPR was their inclusion
of sharkfin soup in the Chinese banquet style reception of their Fairy Tale Wedding
package. Although, culturally this dish is a Chinese staple HKD faced severe backlash
from environmentalists worldwide including Hong Kong. The reason for conducting
their program was because of protests and worldwide criticism from environmental
groups. Disney s program was reactive because the addition of shark fin soupin their
Chinese wedding reception banquet was an attempt to incorporate a cultural mainstay
which obviously rebounded resulting in their reacting to criticism instead of
anticipating it. It s unclear from the case study whether HKD researched this topic
before it became an issue but it is evident they did research this topic during the
campaign consisting of secondary research that was regurgitated as part of their
program. Although in hindsight it is hard to believe HKD would have been oblivious to
what seemed like a very controversial dish in Asia. The publics for HKD was
Causes Of Coronary Artery Disease
The number one leading cause of death is heart diseases but more importantly the
main heart disease, Coronary Artery Disease. Coronary Artery disease has been
recorded to to cause chest pain, chest pain, and irregular cardiovascular functions.
Coronary Artery has affected 500, 000 people in the last year. Coronary Artery disease
affects families lives and there way of living as they see it. The disease itself creates heart
failure and irregular heartbeats leading to Atherosclerosiswhich is Artery walls thicken
largely. There are little treatments to efficiently cure or solve the complex heart
disease. The disease has taken many lives away as it progresses in the world. There
has been a total of 8.9 million deaths recorded to be the highest in the last years. The
disease causes risk more than any other disease ever recorded to affect people s lives.
The risk factors that could lead to Coronary Artery Disease are common factors that
many individuals in the world can acquire. Factors include high bloodpressure, smoking,
diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol, depression, etc. Factors such as smoking is very
common for people to do... Show more content on ...
The disease leads to an extreme chance of having heart attack s or heart palpitations. A
cure or solution needs to be created in order to decrease the amount of people
contracting the disease and or the deaths leading into them. A solution would save
individuals from suffering from hospital payments and health changes. Health concerns
frighten patients dealing with Coronary Artery Disease and they should be eliminated
from people s lives. Coronary Artery Disease is the biggest disease known to affect
millions of individuals. The disease is very complicated in analyzing and understanding.
Coronary Artery disease is my main point in saying it needs to be further researched and
Paquackaway State Park Research Paper
It only happens once a year. Our annual fall camping trip to Pawtuckaway State Park,
one of the best nature gateways specifically to observe spectacular fall foliage. A lot of
people are timid by a thought of taking a camping trip that late in the season at the end
of October when the temperature at night falls to smoldering thirty degrees and only a
thin layer of a polyester fabric of a tent to keep you sheltered from the cold
temperatures, wilderness and the elements. It does seem a little extreme, but I
absolutely love it and it s the event I wait for the whole year. We set on our journey
early Saturday morning. The park is situated in the state of New Hampshire, a short drive
up north. A vigorous smell of pine trees slipped in through... Show more content on ...
We are finally here. First, we check in at the camp office, we had online reservations
for a specific site, so the registration went with ease. Then we stock up on firewood
purchasing five bundles. Being somewhat of a regular here we know exactly how to
get to our destination campground. We drove on a narrow, winding dirt road, the
gravel under the tires made a popping sound to our site and the drive was gorgeous fall
foliage at its best. A coating of vibrant red, yellow, and orange covers the terrain.
Panoramic views of the sprawling Pawtackaway lake are breathtaking to witness.
Wooded campgrounds line the shore of the lake and most of them come with a private
view of the water. You get the feeling of being secluded in forest and lake environment
with a relaxing and picturesque atmosphere. The lake is spotted with numerous various
size islands mainly created from post glacier rock formations. Much of the topography is
boulder spawn giving it a New Hampshire mountain feel. There actually is a small
mountain you can hike. Hiking trails overlooking the rim of the rambling lake. There is
a no better place to escape to the great
Animal Testing Should Be Banned Essay
Animal Testing Should Be Banned Throughout the decades, animals have been used in
medical research to test the safety of cosmetics including makeup, hair products, soaps,
perfume and countless of other products. Animals have also been used to test antibiotics
and other medicines to eliminate any potential risks that they could cause to humans. The
number of animals worldwide that are used in laboratory experiments every year exceeds
115 million animals. Unfortunately, only a small percentage of countries collect and
publish data concerning animal use for testing and research, so the exact number of
animals used in experiments are unknown. (Author, Year). Whether we should or shouldn
t use animals in medical research has been a heated debate for countless generations.
Many American s value the achievements that animal experimentation has provided but
new understandings about the nature of animals have caused people to reconsider the
ethics of using animals for human gain (Driscoll and Finley para 1). Despite the
numerous benefits of animal experimentation, there are many negative aspects. Animals
should not be used in medical testing because they are abused, many drugs/antibiotics
that are tested on animals and were deemed safe were not safe for humans and lastly,
there are alternate ways that are more cheap and effective in testing the safety of
products. Animal experimentation can sometimes be driven by curiosity, the belief that
animals do not experience pain or
Petrarch and Machiavelli Essay
Thoughts on Ruling: Machiavelli VS. Petrarch In the fourteenth century, the humanist
philosopher Francesco Petrarch wrote a letter entitled How a Ruler Ought to Govern
His Sate. Nearly a century later, another philosopher by the name of Niccolo
Machiavelli wrote a book about governing, The Prince. The two documents show many
similarities in content and theme. While the two wrote in similar subject matter, it is
clear that these philosophers possess distinctly different viewpoints on how a ruler
should govern. In Petrarch s How a Ruler Ought to Govern His Sate and Machiavelli s
The Prince, both philosophers possess different opinions on how a ruler ought to govern.
In particular Machiavelli pays specific attention to the importance of... Show more
content on ...
In The Prince, Machiavelli repeatedly brings up the theme of importance of appearing
like a virtuous ruler. In chapter XV Machiavelli discusses how it is important to appear as
a virtuous ruler, but to not actually possess these qualities. He states, one is considered a
giver, the other rapacious; one cruel, another merciful; one treacherous, another faithful;
one effeminate and cowardly, another bold and courageous; one humane, another
haughty; one lascivious, another chaste; one trustworthy, another cunning; one harsh
another lenient; one serious another frivolous; one religious another unbelieving; and
the like. And I know that everyone will admit that it would be a very praiseworthy
thing to find in a prince, of the qualities mentioned above, those that are held to be
good; but since it is neither possible to have them nor observe them all completely,
because human nature does not permit it, a prince must be prudent enough to know how
to escape the bad reputation of those vices that would lose the state for him (The
Portable Machiavelli 127). In this chapter Machiavelli is suggesting that a good ruler can
t be virtuous at all times because it would not be in the best interest of the people.
Machiavelli received much criticism from this suggestion, but he saw nothing wrong
with it. To Machiavelli, the definition of virtue was anything that receives praise from
Harval s Placid Room-Personal Narrative
Boooooooo! Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaa! There were 2 things going around in Harval s brain:
one was to write a postcard to his friends, and another was to relax in his placid room.
But getting shoved into the propulsion of inertia on a zip line was not on the list. That
presumably might be one thing he was going to do. Whoa, we re in Wyoming , said
my dad, Jack in a loud voice that even the car following us could probably hear. Due to
my dad being so loud, I woke up in the middle of a dream but couldn t forget my dream
since it was very terrifying. It was about me climbing up 1000 ladders and swinging
onto a terrifying zip line and falling. Phew! I hope that I don t need to do that today, but
you never know, life is a surprise. How much more time, I asked in... Show more content
on ...
Finally, in the distance, I saw a massive sign in the air about 15 ft. high that said Come
over and notice our wonders Then, I remembered my dream again and thought about
the height of a zip line and about people afraid of heights (like me) could actually go
on that ride. Honestly, I couldn t go on that zip line. Here we are, said my dad. In front
of me were just green, lush trees with some animals just roaming in its fertile forest.
This is not very intriguing, said my brother Mayis in a very firm tone which I thought
would lead to him being grounded. By the way, when my brother gets grounded, he
starts crying like a young child who didn t get what they wanted. As my dad turned the
ignition of the car off, we all opened our black doors and put our feet on the asphalt
surface of Wyoming State Park. As I thought that this was no fun, I had no idea about
how much FUN I m going to have with a mountain full of sarcasm in that. As my dad
checked into the booth, my brother and I inspected a flower. Consequently we were
going to start fighting over if it was a rose or not my dad came and gave us each a
Technology Panacea For Cancer
Although there is not a cure for cancer, but cancer research treatment and early detection
has been greatly improved by technology over the year. Improving health care and
decreasing cancer related death. Technology has enabled researchers to understand
cancer in ways never before, allowing more innovative treatment with less side effects
and even ways to help cope with the side effects. Also, letting researchers create
treatments that are more effective and personalize against the many types of cancerout
there. More importantly, technology has improved cancer screening and detection at an
early stage, which help increase people s survivability. In addition, relieving people of
their pain and suffering if the cancer is diagnosed at a later stage.... Show more content on ...
However, it is not guaranteed that in that amount of time there will be findings, but
technology can surely improve the process of finding the panacea for cancer. Even
though there isn t a real cure for cancer, there is a possible cure to cancer in the future.
A community of dwarfs living in a remote corner of Ecuador could hold the key to
curing cancer, according to scientists. The Laron dwarfs, who are in perfect proportion
but grow only to an average height of 4ft, appear to be immune to all forms of the disease
and are long lived. Now scientists studying a hormone present in other humans but which
is lacking in the dwarfs believe their findings could lead to the development of an
Cry, The Beloved Country
Alan Paton s Cry, the Beloved Country takes place during the late 1940 s in Southern
Africa. Specifically, in High Place, Ndotsheni, and Johannesburg. It takes place during
a time of social change. There is racial inequality taking place during the late 1940 s.
The novel shows what it was like to be living during this time. Cry, the Beloved Country
has an urban and crowded feeling for most of the novel. This novel is written in past
tense, third person omniscient point of view. Occasionally, the narrator would shift from
characterto character. Since it is written in an omniscient point of view, the reader gains
better knowledge on not only the plot; but a better understanding of the characters, too.
It also helps the reader get a well rounded perspective of what the setting was like. Cry,
the Beloved Country consists of thirty six chapters that vary in length. This novel has a
simple plot. The characters in the novel are very believable and are revealed simply by
stating their name and a description, or with background knowledge of the character.
There are quite a few characters in Cry, the Beloved Country and their role is to help
move the plot along. The central characters are Arthur Jarvis, Theophilus Msimangu,
AbsalomKumalo, James Jarvis, and Stephen Kumalo.
Stephen Kumalo is a sensitive, humble, and godly man.Sometimes, his anger can get the
best of him but he always apologizes immediately after. He goes through a lot of suffering
throughout the novel. He is the
A Research On Social Network Marketing
Social Network Marketing Introduction Publicizing when all is said in done it is the
methodology to make sense of what things or organizations can be of excitement to
client. Casual groups or Social Media help in upgrading the elevating of relationship to
new bits of learning about the brand, which offers inventive ways to deal with realize
the key publicizing undertakings, and also new methods to win in online dialogs of basic
business. Casual group promoting is an attempt to use interpersonal association to actuate
purchasers that one s association, things and/or organizations are beneficial.
Interpersonal association publicizing is strategy for advancing things using online
gatherings, casual groups, and that is only the starting. Casual group is hot. Long range
interpersonal correspondence is at present the example. Besides, for associations it
addresses an advancing open entryway that transcends the standard go between and
interfaces associations particularly with clients. This is the reason each business on the
planet from beasts like Starbucks and IBM to the area solidified yogurt shop are
researching internet systems administration showcasing exercises. A year back,
associations were questionable about casual group. In a matter of seconds it s diving in
for the whole deal and associations are rapidly grasping interpersonal association
advancing. Much like email and destinations at first empowered associations, casual
group is the accompanying advancing wave.
Priestess Religion
A priest or priestess is defined as a full time religious specialist formally recognized for
his or her role in guiding the religious practices of others and for contacting and
influencing supernatural powers. They are authorized to perform sacred rituals and
mediate between fellow humans and supernatural powers, divine spirits, or deities.
They also control holy sites of worship, supervise prescribed rituals, and maintain
possession of regalia, relics, statues, images, texts, and other representations of holiness.
In many cultures, such as Judaism, Islam and the Roman Catholic Church, religious
leadership positions are reserved for men only because their deities are identified in
masculine terms. Female religious specialists are found in societies where women are
believed to greatly contribute to the economy, as well as to the gods and goddesses that
the culture believes in. Some cultures even go as far to form all female convents, such as
nunneries.... Show more content on ...
These societies do however have a shaman. A shaman was originally referred to as a
medical religious specialist, or a spiritual guide. Shamans were found among the
Tungus and other Siberian nomads with animist beliefs. Unlike priests and priestesses,
shamans perform ritualistic dances and chant and also utilize hallucinogenic
mushrooms to enter into dream like trances to contact spirit beings such as guardian
animal spirits. Priests/priestesses and shamans are similar in the fact that they both
need their cultures to believe in them in order to be recognized. If a tribe does not
believe in the healing powers of their shaman, than that shaman will not be greatly
referred to. Also, if a culture does not believe in their priest or priestess, then they will
likely no longer be formally recognized and may be asked to relieve themselves of their
Comparison Of Nuggets And Wendy s
If you want to be happy, be happy. This quote connects all my topics because all of my
nouns are based on being happy. Bob Ross tried to always be happy since his show
was revolved around happiness. Chicken Nuggets are suppose to make you happy
since they are delicious. McDonalds is suppose to be a happy place since they serve
you great food, and some people eat delicious food to become happy. Wendy s is
related to happiness because they want to you to be happy after you eat at their
restaurant. Happiness is related to being happy since it is a way you feel about
something. This research is connected to Bob Ross, McNuggets, McDonalds, Happiness,
and Wendy s. Bob Ross
This paragraph is about Bob Ross, and all of the struggles he had to got through to get
where he was. Bob was born in Florida in 29 oct,1942.when Bob turned 18 he joined the
air force, he stayed there for almost 3 years( Bob Ross ). when he grew up he had 3 kids
all of them boys. He was married twice, his first wife had 2 kids with him then they were
divorced. His second wife had 1 kid, but she ... Show more content on ...
The nuggets are made of red rhode island chickens. The chickens are condensed into a
pink paste, the original name of chicken nuggets were chicken sticks. These golden
nuggets can give disease, some of the diseases are cardiovascular disease, cancer, and
having to high of cholesterol ( Chicken Nuggets ). The original item was going to be a
onion nugget, so it be like a chicken nugget except it would be a onion ring. The
chicken nugget was the first fried food to exist. When Robert Baker was a kid he lived
on a farm all of his life this is how he knew to cook chicken, since that was one of the
main things he ate( chicken nuggets ). The batter for the nugget is made of coating of
eggs. That is how chicken nuggets came to be in this world and how Robert Baker made
them. Another place that sells chicken nugget is also a famous fast food
The Themes Of The Difference Between Modern And Post...
Modernity And Post Modernity

Many people ask what is the difference between the past, the modern and the post
modern ? Nowadays, all what people think about is what is going to happen in the future
and how technology would get more advanced. Furthermore, technology had evolved
throughout the past years which helped in making life a lot easier for humans. People
differ in their opinions about how the world will change in the future, some may think
the technology will bring us the comfort and the easiness out of life; however, others
think technology will let us become the sluggish humans on earth which will lead to
destroying the real meaning of life. The answer to how would the past be different from
the post modern varies because ... Show more content on ...
Pace of life the way of how people changed humans in their daily lives, how technology
made people become faster in everything they participate in their lives. Charle Chaplin
had explained the pace of life in his movie Modern Times . The factory manager in this
movie used to shout to his workers because he wants them to work as hard as no man
could handle just so they can produce the amount of work that satisfies him so he
could feel that he succeeded. Also, Chaplin was a character his movie, he was facing a
lot of pressure due to the huge amount of work he used to do in a very small time so he
could satisfy his manager, this shows the pace of life and its effects on us, humans.
Moreover, Blade runner is also a movie that shows the pace of life. it also shows how
much we would depend on the technology in the post modern times. The scene that
officer was trying to get any information from the picture, he used technology to
identify a girl from a mirror that was located far away in the bathroom from the camera
that took the photo. This scene showed how technology could make our lives a lot easier
and faster in many actions that we need. Blade Runner include a lot of scenes which
showed robots helping people and getting things easily and lastly done for humans.
Furthermore, Brazil was another movie that shows the advantages of
Deep architectures are algorithms that apply successive...
Deep architectures are algorithms that apply successive non linear transformations to
data, in an attempt to discover higher and higher level representations of this data [1].
The most common example is an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) with multiple
hidden layers. While deep learning is an old concept, learning algorithms on deep
architectures were slow and thus impractical [2]. Discovery of new training methods
and improved processing power in recent years have allowed for state of the art
empirical results in computer vision and speech recognition. Most famously, a group of
researchers from Stanford and Google trained a deep network on millions of unlabeled
images, which was then able to detect human faces, bodies, and cats [3]. Deep... Show
more content on ...
Last summer, Google released word2vec, a tool that analyses input text and produces
such word representations using a deep neural network. Interestingly, these
representations capture many linguistic regularities. For example, vector( king ) vector(
man )+vector( woman ) is close to vector( queen ). These vector spaces are similar
between languages, and could be used for machine translation. To go further, deeper
networks need to be used to understand word phrases and syntactical relations between
phrases. The Stanford NLP Group has for instance studied recursive neural networks to
understand not only words but also how they interact to form a complete sentence [5]. We
come now to the object of my research. What kind of deep architecture is suited to
machine translation? I want a model that can manipulate and understand word phrases
and sentences in the same way that existing systems understand words. Simply
expanding upon existing neural network language models by making them deeper is
ineffective because it is too computationally expensive. We also do not understand well
how deep architectures model the data in their hidden layers, so simply adding layers
and neurons seems like a naГЇve approach. How can I include hand engineered features
to complement such a system? Can I parallelize computations in this model to efficiently
use GPUs for
Union University Art Gallery Analysis
Union University Art Gallery plays host to several different artists galleries
throughout the year, for free and open to the public. Currently on display is
Hodgepodge , a collection of about ten canvases by Brian Bundren. While Bundren has
been painting and displaying his artwork for quite some time (his first gallery was in
the mid 1990s!), Hodgepodge contains paintings only from 2013 2016. All of the
artwork shows great precision and attention to detail. The colors are vibrant and rich.
That is not to say the colors were bright or cheerful (only one paintingwas particularly
bright ), but the colors were all pure and distinct. Most of the paintings, in my opinion,
would fit under the umbrella of surrealism. Walking into the gallery immediately starts
to produce feelings of unease and perhaps feelings of being threatened. The individual
objects in the paintings are very realistic but mashed together in unnatural ways. Only
one painting, J.V. s Thunderbird , felt calm ; it did not cause me to personally feel
discomfort, even though it was not peaceful. It was a large canvasdisplaying an
underwater scene in bright blue. A Thunderbird was half visible along the bottom edge
of the canvas. A deep sea diver was present,... Show more content on ...
There is a muzzle, open and snarling, behind a few peonies. At first glance, it appears
to be the muzzle of a dog, but careful inspection of the shape of the nostrils, mandible,
and placement of what appears to be the eyes, it looks more to be a baboon, one of the
great ape family. Pink peonies (there are two in full bloom and one bud) commonly
represents love and honor, while white peonies (there is one at the bottom) represents
shyness or bashfulness. For me, this painting shows that for every good thing there is in
the world, there is the other behind it: an oft uncontrollable, primal force that is hidden
beneath the
The Canada s Food Guide Essay
The Canada s Food Guide has been in place since 1942, and nearly a decade has passed
since the release of the current Eating Well with Canada s Food Guide (EWCFG)
(Mortillaro, 2016). Critics believe that the time has come for the revision of the
second most downloaded document in Canada in the interest of reflecting the
changing lifestyles of Canadians (Mortillaro, 2016). At the time of its launch during
World War II, male female roles differed vastly, with stay at home moms preparing
home cooked meals. However, according to latest information provided by Statistics
Canada, 69% of households with families are dual earners today (Statistics Canada,
2015). The effect of dual earning has taken its toll on Canadian food consumption
patterns (Mortillaro, 2016). Consequently, the existing food guide has received mixed
reviews and immense criticism by several researchers, and has even been declared
obesogenic (Corby, 2007; Kondro, 2006; L Abbe Mahsa, 2015). This is particularly
disturbing because according to the 2004 Canadian Community Health Survey, 59% of
the adult population is overweight and 1 in 4 is obese; the numbers are even more
alarming regarding children and adolescents (Karmali et al., 2010). The cause of the
obesity epidemic might be right at our fingertips with the Unhealthy Food Guide that is
imposed on Canadians. One strict change that must occur to the food guide includes
disassociating 100% fruit juices as vegetableand fruit sources, and thereby removing
Who Is Alexander The Great Dbq
Alexander the Great lived over 300 years before Jesus of Nazareth. Alexander the
Great was born in 356 B.C.E. His father was King Philip of Macedonia, so Alexander
grew up inheriting his father s fighting skills/warfare. Once his father died, at age 20
Alexander took over the throne. Although he was still very young, he soon went on to
become a military commander. When he got on the battlefield, he continuously won
war after war. He lead his troops to victory; he was determined to win every war, and
train his army with intense labor. He was known as the most powerful military
commander to ever live. How Great was Alexander the Great? Alexander the Great
was a military genius, and he was an inspiring leader to others. Alexander altered his
followers with his military skills. Alexander crossed from Macedonia to Asia with an
army of about 40,000. (Doc.A). He had pushed his army so they would beat their
rivals. He trained them, and forced hard work on the group. Even though it sounded
challenging, it did bring his army to the top. At night he would take most of his cavalry
to various points along the river bank where he would create a clamour. (Doc. B). As
alexander lead his army, he also took part in sneaky... Show more content on ...
Alexander, like everyone else, was tormented by by thirst, but he was nonetheless
marching one foot at his men. (Doc. D). Although Alexander was exhausted just like
the others, he still went out of his way to lead his army to greatness. The army was
crossing a desert of sand; the sun was already blazing down upon them, but they were
struggling on under the necessity of reaching water, which was still far away. (Doc.D).
Despite the fact that Alexander had to deal with the harsh conditions, he was still
determined to win. At no time would he let his army down, he was there to support, and
advise them. Alexander influenced his followers with his ways of
Symmetric Generalized Biderivations On Jordan Ideals
Abstract. Let R be a prime ring with charR 6 = 2. A biadditive symmetric map B :
R Г— R в†’ R is called symmetric biderivation if, for any fixed y в€€ R, the map x в†’
B(x, y) is a derivation. A symmetric biadditive map G : R Г— R в†’ R is a symmetric
generalized biderivation if for any fixed y в€€ R, the map x в†’ G(x, y) is a generalized
derivation of R associated with the derivation B(., y). In the present paper, we investigate
the commutativity of a ring having a generalized biderivation satisfying certain algebraic
conditions. 1. Introduction
Throughout this paper R denotes an associative ring with center Z(R). Recall that R is
prime if aRb = (0) implies that a = 0 or b = 0. R is semiprime if aRa = 0 implies a = 0.
As usual, [x, y] = xy в€’ yx denotes the commutator, and x в—¦ y = xy + yx denotes the
Jordan product. A ring R is said to be n torsion free, where n 6 = 0 is a positive integer, if
whenever na = 0, with a в€€ R, then a = 0. An additive subgroup J is said to be a Jordan
ideal of R if u в—¦ r в€€ J, for all u в€€ J and r в€€ R. Clearly every ideal of R is a
Jordan ideal of R but the converse is not true. An additive subgroup U of R is said to be
a Lie ideal of R if [u, r] в€€ U , for all u в€€ U and r в€€ R. If charR = 2, then [x, y] = x
в—¦ y, so assume through this paper charR 6 = 2.
A derivation d : R в†’ R is an additive map such that d(xy) = d(x)y+xd(y) for all x, y в€€
An additive
California Irrigation System Analysis
Water drainer
With an everlasting reputation of droughts, California has caused their citizens to
struggle through their droughts in exchange of money. Peaking at 34 billion dollars in
revenue in 2013, California means business when it comes to agriculture. California is in
fact the largest agricultural producing state in meaning a large amount of water from the
state is going towards irrigation systems. As a result, the amount of land and water used
has a huge impact towards the state of California physically. If California s agriculture
business continues as it is now, the little amount of ground water they have will cease
sooner than it should naturally. By creating a new irrigation system for farmers, the state
can have more water to use for citizens and allow their aquifers to rest.
Irrigation systems account for 70% of water usage in the world. By creating a new
irrigation system for agriculture, the system will be focusing on using as little water
necessary per plant. Farming uses a large amount of unnecessary water per plant as their
current system lacks efficiency. The typical irrigation system, flood irrigation, is one of
the most common irrigation systems used despite being one of the oldest. The problem
with this ... Show more content on ...
Out of all the irrigation systems California uses for agriculture, 13 percent of them is
drip irrigation. What stops farmers from changing their systems is the low cost of
water itself. With the prices being low agriculture companies are not pressured
whatsoever to help reduce the water usage in California. While increasing the price of
water seems like the actual solution, doing so would depend on those who have better
practices on the competitive market drive. Those who are originally well off will
continue to survive and those that are not will be
A Report On The Panamanian Law Firm
The Panamanian law firm has long been a well recognition across the global elite
society, and the Mossack Fonseca is not also confined in its households, a huge team of
hundreds of journalists . Are poring over the documents in International Consortium of
Investigative Journalists and disclosed a massive 2.6 terabyte leak of confidential papers
that they are calling the Panama Papers (, 2016).
The firm drives its operations diversely and internationally in scope, but they are
famous for their specific specialty by helping foreigners obscuring the real identities of
the owners to set up Panamanian shell companies to establish their financial assets. It
was established in 1977 and since its establishment it has expanded its interests outside
of Panama to include more than 40 offices worldwide, by helping a global client to make
a basement for working with shell companies in Panama, Bahamas and the Virgin Islands
of British, and other notorious tax havens islands in the world (, 2016).
The papers bring out details about Russian shocking acts of corruption, hint of massive
corruptions in a range of developing nations at scandalous goings on, and lead to a
prompt of political crisis in Iceland. They willingly allowed the wealthiest persons of
Western society to hide their huge amount of wealth from government taxation and in
some cases divorce or bankruptcy settlements (BBC News, 2016).
And they also over look the international law of money
The Roles Of Monogatari
Male domination even in the world of literature is a widely accepted fact in the West
prior to the 19th century. However, it does not purport the same phenomenon that
women were not writing literature in the far eastern Asian continents. Japan, being one
of the many, produced literature such as Japanese folk tales and fables locally known as
monogatari. History even tells that men were often disinterested on these, so, in cases
when the author has not been identified or the identity of the author has not survived the
test of time, all archived monogatari may be attributed to women. Incorporating all the
western classics will take decades, centuries even and it is, quite possibly, the main
reason why a very few scholars and citizens are, more... Show more content on ...
One of the scenes in the second chapter is the famous rainy night conversation between
Genji, his closest male companion (the Secretary Captain), and two other men of little
consequence as they discuss women and past love affairs. The scene is immediately
painted following the first chapter, serving to introduce Genji s background and
position him at the center of the narrative. Hence, the rainy night conversation is
essentially allows the readers to dig in further into the plot. Frequently, in between
conversations, direct allusions are made to women who will later become significant
figures in at least an episode if not in the entire tale. For example, the Secretary
Captain expresses the view that even among those known as Governors can be found
a house [which] boasts every luxury, and all those daughters of his, showered with
love and dazzling wealth, grow up in grand style. Girls like that often do better in
palace service than you might imagine (Tale of Genji 23). Readers who are familiar
with the characters in the novel will find themselves remembering Genji s Akashi Lady
who goes on to do so well in Genji s service that she achieves the unheard of (for a
Governor s daughter) rank of birth mother to an
How General Motors ( Gm ) New Leadership Help Bring The...
The following research paper is about how General Motors (GM) new leadership help
bring the company out of bankruptcy and into profitability. This paper will explore the
different styles of leadership of the various CEOs and Executives that contributed to the
restructuring of the organization and brining GM back to profitability. Can different
leadership styles affect a organizations revenue?
In 2009, GM filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy and was actively seeking financial
assistance from the federal government. The following year it returned with a $4.7B
profit and underwent changes in its corporate governance. The first step was to replace
the current Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at the time, Rick Wagoner, as part of the
bailout deal (King Stoll, 2009). Wagoner was criticized for his stubbornness to be
adaptable in the automotive industry where the market constantly shifts from cars to
trucks. This meant that he was relaxed and did not challenge the changing market, but
instead when along with the market and continued to play along. He was also ridiculed
for not pushing his employees to come up new ideas to challenge the market. Because of
this Wagoner allowed GM to fall into complacency, and eventually leading to the
organizations bankruptcy (Baldoni, 2009). Wagoner s unwillingness to connect with his
employees and unwillingness to challenge the market lead to the bankruptcy of GM, also
his lack of experience in the automotive industry or
Strategic Analysis of Yahoo Inc!
1) Yahoo! Inc. The Internet Giant

Following the success of Netscape and its web browser, Internet became a resource and
communication platform idolized by many IT students in the universities. What started
off as a hobby cum research[1] work by Jerry Yang (now Chief of Yahoo!) and David
Filo (Co founder of Yahoo!) for their Ph.D. dissertations; has evolved and became an
Internet sensation over time. What they did was to compile all their favourite web links
to form an online directory for easy navigation in the World Wide Web. The duo s work
immediately garnered a lot of attention from many surfers in the Internet world and
before they realized it, Yahoo! became one of the most highly visited websites of all
time. The duo saw the ... Show more content on ...
Messenger to stay in touch with the world loved ones, friends and colleagues. This level
of services does not provide any direct revenue source to the company except to build up
the membership base and attract more unique visitors (number of eyeballs attraction) to
enhance the visibility of the portal which can help to build up the brand and reputation.

Advertisers and publishers form the main source of revenue for the company. They
consist of both pure clicks and bricks and clicks merchants and retailers wishing to
capitalize on the Internet as a form of marketing tool to push their line of products and
services to the consumers. Online publishers may include small time business operators
that attempt to sell their products or services to the customers as well. The revenue
source includes advertising fees, transaction fees and referral fees to affiliates.

Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) wishing to build an online presence at Yahoo!

website by subscribing to the Yahoo! Merchant Solutions program which help SMEs to
create and run a virtual store front in under an hour! The package comes with a domain
name parking service, a business application suite such as business web mail service as
well as all the hosting needs all rolled into one simple solution. The revenue source will
include the monthly subscription fees of the SMEs for the running, maintenance and 24
/7 support extended to the merchants. This greatly reduced the transaction costs involved

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