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About Environment Essay

Crafting an essay on the subject of the environment is a task that demands a multifaceted approach.
One must navigate through a sea of information, encompassing scientific data, socio-economic
aspects, and ethical considerations. The complexity of this topic lies in its interconnectedness with
various disciplines, making it challenging to strike a balance between depth and simplicity.

Firstly, delving into the scientific aspects necessitates a comprehension of intricate ecological
processes, climate change dynamics, and biodiversity concerns. It involves translating complex
scientific jargon into accessible language, ensuring that the audience can grasp the gravity of
environmental issues without feeling overwhelmed.

Simultaneously, addressing the socio-economic dimension requires an understanding of how human

activities impact the environment and how, in turn, environmental changes affect societies. Analyzing
policies, regulations, and societal behaviors becomes crucial in presenting a comprehensive picture.

Furthermore, incorporating ethical considerations adds another layer of complexity. Discussions on

environmental justice, sustainable practices, and the moral responsibility of individuals and nations
complicate the narrative. Striking a balance between raising awareness and avoiding a didactic tone
becomes a delicate task.

Moreover, the ever-evolving nature of environmental issues adds an extra challenge. Staying abreast
of the latest developments, scientific findings, and policy changes is crucial to ensure the essay
remains relevant and impactful. It requires constant updates and revisions to keep pace with the
dynamic nature of the subject.

In conclusion, crafting an essay about the environment demands a nuanced understanding of

scientific, socio-economic, and ethical facets. It involves translating complex concepts into a
language accessible to a diverse audience while staying current with the rapidly evolving landscape
of environmental issues. Despite the challenges, addressing this crucial topic is essential for fostering
awareness and inspiring action for a sustainable future.

For assistance with essays and more, a variety of resources are available, including
, where similar essays and a wealth of other content can be explored and ordered.
About Environment Essay About Environment Essay
Erickson Reflection
This week we learned about Erickson and his theory on development. Erikson studied
under the Freud method, but unlike Freud, Erikson actually did research on infants
and children as they were developing. I really enjoyed learning about Erikson
considering I have a 5 month old at home growing away. It was interesting to compare
these videos to where my baby was in development. Another interesting thing about
this module was the James Marcia Identity Status which consists of 4 parts
foreclosure, achievement, diffusion, and moratorium. Diffusion is when you have
not really made a commitment to anything yet. This is typically a high school junior
/senior or even college freshman/sophomore. They have not yet figured out what they
want to do with life yet and honestly, aren t too worried about. In my diffusion score I
received a 5 meaning I guess I am in the middle. I m not too sure if I agree with this
accusation or not, but maybe that is why I scored this number. Although I had my
career path figured out and I was on the path to it up until a few months ago I feel as
though I have started testing the waters in other areas now. These areas are still very
close to what my original plan was. Now that I have a family I am focused more now
than ever to pick the perfect career for not just me, but my family. I feel as though I have
always been well organized planned women, but throwing a baby, husband, and other life
changing circumstances into the mix has lead me to this spot
Bonkers Chocolate Factory Essay
Capacity and Process Technology Strategy Advice for Bonkers Chocolate Factory:
A central aspect of the dynamic problem facing a business in an evolving and competitive
industry is the decision about additions to productive capacity. The purpose of this report
is to provide strategic advice for the CEO of Bonkers Chocolate Factory (BCF), the U.S
division of a multi national candy company operating in the highly competitive chocolate
products market. In late 2001, the main issue facing BCF management involves
determining and agreeing on an appropriate strategy for the purchase of extra conching
capacity, through the implementation of either new in house developed conching
technology or existing conventional conching technology. Other issues ... Show more
content on ...
For the operations vice president (OVP), from his perspective the new in house
developed process technology is too disruptive to production, maintenance, staff and
planning rules. Operations is the link between most areas of the business and typically
has a close relationship with the sales and marketing departments, in terms of setting and
coordinating production plans and marketing creating or generating the levels of market
demand. In the OVP s view, the operations area does not have the necessary resources to
successfully implement and maintain the new process technology option.
BCF s engineering vice president (EVP) can be seen applying his evaluation of the new
process technology option on three main areas of focus: how the new technology moves
the BCF closer to their various strategic goals, the technical improvements to operations
processes, and the estimated cost savings for operations as a result of implementing the
new process technology. From his evaluation, feasibility and acceptability factors
outweigh any of the vulnerabilities identified by the OVP, SVP and MVP associated with
the new process technology.
Review of Possible Capacity and Process Technology Configuration Options for BCF:
When considering the new process technology option, several factors discussed earlier
must be considered. The addition of one unit of extra capacity provides BCF the ability
Crucible Essay Example
Justice and The Crucible While justice is meant to be directed with upmost fairness and
equality, Arthur Miller s film The Crucible demonstrates that this does not always
succeed, and in many situations the forces of injustices are exposed. From different
points of views, justice can be formed or destroyed. In the film The Crucible, Arthur
Miller convinces his audience that reason, emotion, and character shows injustice
throughout the social hardship in a Puritan community. Justice is one of the main themes
that is shown throughout The Crucible. Justice is meant to be administrated with upmost
fairness and equality. It is also supposed to be based on ethics, rationality, law, natural
law, religion, or equity. In The Crucible, it... Show more content on ...
Abigail Williams is one of the characters who uses reasoning to get people put in jail or
put to death. The court uses inaccurate reasoning to kill people and to get people sent
to jail. The court also wants to see the reactions of the people. They make a big deal of
killing witches to make the people of the town feel more safe and to help the people
trust the court. In the end, it is just the opposite effect. Emotion is how anyone reacts
to a certain event or to what someone has to say. In The Crucible, Miller shows
emotion by the way he uses certain characters to over exaggerate things to get the
audience s attention in the court. By using emotion, he shows that through different
points of view, justice can be served or destroyed. In the film, Miller uses Abigail
Williams to show how using emotion can make someone get what they want. Abigail
over exaggerates things to get the audience and the judges to have a larger reaction
than normal. In the court, she and her fellow sisters do things to get the audience s
attention. She acts like she sees things and acts like people are torturing her to get them
killed or put into jail. To the court, they feel bad for Abigail which makes them believe
that justice will be served once they put the convicted witches in jail to be put to death. If
you looked from the convicted witches point of view, then justice would not have been
served. Character
Explain How To Create A Supportive Environment
To create a supportive environment that fosters our children s healthy, of course,
teachers must provide active play/activities every day whether it occurs indoor or
outdoor. Outdoor physical play, for example, the playground that has slides and swings
should be appropriate for the children s age, which means slides should touch the
ground to reduce the hazard of falls for younger children. Any broken toys should be
removed immediately for both outdoor and indoor play. Play equipment that is properly
designed, well maintained, and correctly placed can help minimize risk and provide
greater protection from serious injury. The space for the indoor environment is vital as
well because we want to keep the environment as free from stress as possible,
Reflection For Individualized Education Program
After collaborating with my mentor teacher about the curriculum, she asked me to look
over the 1st grade and 2nd grade curriculum and pick standards that I would want to
teach, and modify the standard to fit the education levels of our students. While I was
looking over the curriculum, I wanted to pick a standard that would target all of our
students Individualized EducationProgram (IEP) math goals in some way. There were
only three standards that would be benefiting all of my students at this time. I showed
my observations to my mentor teacher and she told me to do a counting standard
because this is something they work on all year long for each student to reach their
goals. The decision that I made was to focus on teaching students the concept of counting
to twenty (20). My student friendly objective will be: I can identify and count numbers
one to twenty. This will be written on the objective board and will assessable for my
student while I am teaching this content area.
The specific standard for first grade is 1.NBT.A.1, count to one hundred and twenty
starting at any number less than one hundred and twenty. In this range, read, and write
numerals and represent a number of objects with a written numeral. For second grade the
specific standard that would be in works is 2.NBT.A.2, count within 1000; skip‐count
by 5s, 10s, and 100s. Both of these standards came from the Arizona Department of
Education (ADE) website and are also a part of the Arizona College and Career
The Fairness Doctrine Essay
The United States Federal Communications Commission, also known as the FCC,
introduced the Fairness Doctrine to make broadcasters report controversial issues of
public importance in a manner that was equally balanced, honest, and fair. Broadcasting
companies were required to provide a certain amount of airtime reporting accurate and
fair information both for and against public issues. Broadcasters were not required to
provide equal time for opposing views, but were required to present opposing
viewpoints. Broadcasters were received broader boundaries as how to how they were to
provide those opposing views. Because under the constitutional right of free speech, the
government wanted to insure that broadcasting companies provided both... Show more
content on ...
They also were required to offer the affected party a reasonable amount of air time to
voice their opinions and defend themselves against the situation. The government also
attempted to control political bashing of any government representatives. Broadcasting
stations were allowed endorse or oppose whomever they desired, but they had to notify
the opposite political parties and provide them with the information that had been aired
and allow them an equal opportunity to respond in their defense. With the continually
changing methods of reporting information, such as the internet, regulators struggled
with monitoring and controlling the information that people were providing. On August
12, 2008, FCC Commissioner Robert M. McDowell stated that the reinstitution of the
Fairness Doctrine could be intertwined with the debate over network neutrality, a proposal
to classify network operators as common carriers required to admit all Internet services
applications and devices on equal terms, presenting a potential danger that net neutrality
and Fairness Doctrine advocates could try to expand content controls on the
Internet.(AuBuchon) The has always been mixed emotions with the public s opinions on
this issue, but with rapid increase in technologies it would possible that any viewpoint
could be aired through the many types of communication available to everyone, and go
Gummi Bear Lab Report
Question: Will changing the water temperature affect how quickly a gummi bear
dissolves in water?

Hypothesis: If the temperature of the water is warmer, then the gummi bear will decrease
more quickly in size than compared to cooler temperatures.


Gather the following materials including:

safety equipment including: goggles, gloves, and apron

two 25 mL beakers

one graduated cylinder

one thermometer

one hot plate

8 red gummi bears from the same brand

20 mL of normal tap water in each beaker

one balance measured in grams


paper towels


1.Gather all the materials listed above.

2.Include data tables in your experiment by doing two trials.

3.Record the temperature ... Show more content on ...

All four gummi bears had a mass of 2.5 g. Gummi bears one and two, which were our
control gummi bears, were placed in the same beaker of water which had an original
temperature of 26 degrees Celsius. After the 10 minutes had passed of keeping them
in the water, the mass of each gummi bear had increased slightly. However, when we
placed gummi bears 3 and 4 in the water, which measured 52 degrees Celsius, we
observed that both gummi bears had completely dissolved in the water even before
the 10 minutes were up. For trial two, we witnessed similar results occur. When doing
trial two, the mass of gummi bears number five and six had a mass of 2.5g. Then after
placing gummi bears number five and six in the the water, which sustained a
temperature of 25 degrees Celsius, the mass of both the gummi bears had increased,
similar to gummi bears one and two in the trial one. Then for the final part of trial 2,
we placed gummi bears number seven and eight in water, which had a temperature of
67 degrees Celsius. When the 10 minutes were completed both gummi bears had
dissipated in the water. In conclusion, from both of these trials we believe that the
temperature of the water plays a huge role in the increasing or decreasing of a gummi
bear s mass. When the temperature was lower it seemed as though the mass of the
gummi bear would increase from the absorption of the water that was in the beaker.
However, whenever the water was warmer, it seemed as though the gummi bears would
quickly disintegrate in the water. Overall, the increase in temperature of the water has a
great effect on the mass of the gummi
My First Time Of Sledding
The time my family and I went sledding. It was not my first time going sledding but it
was the most fun I ve had out off all the times I ve went. It was last winter around
Christmas time and my uncle brought an old car hood that he had in his garage to my
house and we tied it the the back of my four wheeler to pull across the snowbut my mom
thought it was dangerous so she was anxious about letting my sister brother and I ride
on the back of a nasty old car hood. So as any person in my position would do I called
my eldest brother to come and try it out first so my mom could see for herself that it
was perfectly harmless. I told my brother the predicament that i was in and he agreed to
help plus he really wanted to ride on the sledanyways. So he got on board the sled and
my uncle asked if he was ready and my brother gave a timid thumbs up and off they
went my uncle threw my brother all around on that crazy sled I surely thought he would
throw him off but he held on... Show more content on ...
After he was on the sled and ready to go I took off turning all the sharp turns and threw
the ruts previously made by the tires and sled but he wouldn t fall off so I kept trying
but nothing seemed to work. So I went to the very back yard and basically given up at
this point that he would get thrown off I wasn t really paying attention and in my
backyard we have a big ditch that fills with water but the cold weather had caused the
water to freeze so it was ice with snow over it and I turned a small turn and the sled
slipped right in to the ditch busting the ice so water was all over the sled and the sled
turned upside down when it went into the ditch luckily my brother let go before it went
into the ditch but i thought it was hysterical so I started laughing and then my brother
started joking about how i tried to kill him. We ended up going inside and telling my
mom the funny story but she didn t think it was as funny as we
Rate of Reaction Coursework Essay
Investigate if changing the concentration of an acid will change the rate of the reaction
when marble is dissolved in hydrochloric acid.


Marble Chips
Conical Flask
Hydrochloric Acid
Gas Syringe
Delivery Tube
Stop Watch

Fair Test

To make the experiment a fair test I will use the same amount of acid for each
concentration. I will do this by using a capillary tube because they are very accurate. I
will use 3g of marble in each concentration of acid. I will clean everything out before I
start the next experiment with a different experiment.


Magnesium is flamable and when it reacts with acid an exothermic reaction takes place
releasing a large amount of heat energy. Acids are corosive so saftey glasses must be ...
Show more content on ...
Therefore, when the concentration is double, the time taken for the reaction should be
halved. When the surface area of the calcium carbonate chips is doubled there will be
twice as much chance of it colliding with the
Hydrochloric acid. Therefore I predict that when the surface area is doubled, the time
taken for the experiment is halved. A temperature increase of 10 C will see the time
taken for the experiment halved because energy of collisions in the particles increases,
this means that there are going to be more successful collisions.


A reaction occurs when particles collide. This process is based on random particle
movement. So therefore, the more particles you have in a space, the more likely they
are to collide. Therefore making the reaction accelerate. This theory can be proved if
you compare the rates of reaction with marble in hydrochloric acid. If the acid is of a
higher concentration, the reaction will be quicker. Also if the particles have more energy,
they will be travelling faster, making them collide more frequently.

1. The amount of marble chips will not vary because more marble chips would produce
more gas when put into the HCL, so a weaker concentration of acid, could end up looking
stronger than a stronger concentration of acid.

2. The amounts
Urban Sprawl
Urban sprawl and its effects on local finances are a trending topic of investigation
nowadays mainly because urban sprawl has been associated with negative
consequences to the cost of providing public services. Carruthers and Ulfarsson (2003)
affirm that urban sprawl is associated with higher providing cost of public goods
because of the considerable levels of investment required to expand basic infrastructure
and other public services over greater distances so as to reach relatively smaller
number of residents. Even though urban sprawl is an important issue to local public
finance, empirical evidences regarding this topic, in general, are relatively scarce and
concentrated primarily on US cities. Many of the empirical studies have adopted an
approach based on econometric techniques to quantify the effects of urban sprawl on per
capita local spending. However, the empirical results are still not conclusive and may
vary from study study. Carruthers and Гљlfarsson (2008), for example, pointed out
evidences that the density of developed land (a urban sprawl measure) in US cities has a
negative effect on five key measures of local government spending: total direct,
education, parks... Show more content on ...
Examples of works that used different measures of urban sprawl are Hortas Rico and
SolГ© OllГ© (2010) and Hortas Rico (2014), both investigated the effects of urban
sprawl on the provision of local public goods by the municipally in Spain. Hortas Rico
and SolГ© OllГ© (2010) used urbanized area per capita and Hortas Rico (2014)
considered the built up area per capita as a measure of sprawl. Both papers had the
same conclusion: there is a positive effect of urban sprawl on the cost of providing
public goods, both aggregated and disaggregated
Current Issues On Capital Market Essay
The Capital market all over the globe experienced crisis which started in United States
of America in 2007 following the collapse of subprime mortgage. The bankruptcy of
Lehman Brothers in September 2008, which led to the collapse of the US capital market
that later trickled to other part of the world with large organization asking for bailout and
also economies requesting for same from other economies or regional unions.
The Nigerian Capital market was not exempted in this global phenomenon with the
market capitalization which was over N13.5trillion in 2007 with market index of over
57,000 to as low as N4.9trillion in 2009 with ASI at 20827.17. Investor lost confidence
in the capital which was investors delight before the meltdown as market returns were
high compared to money market. The since meltdown, the capital market has not fully
recovered as market in not liquid as it used to be. Financial institutions especially the
Money Deposit Banks (MDB) in Nigeria who were the highest lenders to fund managers,
stock broking houses were badly hit and billions of funds were due to crash in the stock
prices and their operations became threaten since the collaterals which were stocks was
no longer liquid.
Asset Management Cooperation of Nigeria (AMCON) was established in July 2010 to
be a key stabilizing and re vitalising tool in the Nigerian economy to buy up toxic asset
of the bank to enable the banks liquid to lend fund to its customer group, one
John Koza And Daniel Bower s Business Model Of Scientific...
1. Introduction to the Organization John Koza and Daniel Bower founded Scientific
Games Corporation(SGC) in 1973. Formerly known as Autotote, Scientific Games
Corporation is the global innovator in the lottery and gaming industry. After they
launched the world s first instant lottery game in 1974, Scientific Games Corporation
has continued to develop their products and services worldwide. SGC currently
operates under a wholly owned subsidiary under Bally Manufacturing. Scientific
Games Corporation was incorporated in Delaware on July 2, 1984. Scientific Games
Corporation is a publicly held company that trades on the NASDAQ under the symbol
SGMS. In 1993, this equity went public at an IPO of $11 per share. Today on average,
SGMS trades for anywhere from $20 $24 a share. A few key people in senior
management positions today are: вћў... Show more content on ...
The organization s business model is laid out in their strategic blueprint for growth. The
business model of Scientific Games Corporation focuses on striving for global market
leadership, focuses on growing recurring revenue, focuses on upholding and promoting
leadership position, creating must have products, upgrading and improving business
processes, launching transformational innovation, motivating and recognizing talent
within the organization, and to promote and champion One Scientific Games culture.
Scientific Games Corporation is comprised of three business divisions: вћўSG Gaming:
Provides electronic gaming systems for commercial casinos as well as arcades across
the globe. Offer gaming device and casino management systems, and casino pit products.
вћўSG Lottery: Provides instant lottery games, sports betting, gaming systems, Internet
platforms, retail programs and mobile apps. вћўSG Interactive: Provides digital gaming
experiences and on the go casino
Essay on The Code of Hammurabi
The Code of Hammurabi is considered to be one of the most valuable finds of human
existence. In fact its very existence created the basis for the justice system we have
come to rely on today. The creation of the Code was a tremendous achievement for not
only Babylonian society but for the entire Mesopotamian region as King Hammurabi
was ruler over all of that area. Its conception can be considered to be the first
culmination of the laws of different regions into a single, logical text. Hammurabi
wanted to be an efficient ruler and realized that this could be achieved through the use
of a common set of laws which applied to all territories and all citizens who fell under
his rule. This paper will discuss the Hammurabi Code and the... Show more content on ...
Hammurabi improved on the measures implemented by Sargon through his idea of
centralization . Instead of controlling trade routes and resources like Sargon, Hammurabi
institutionalized regular taxation for all the territories. Hammurabi also ruled from
within Babylon while extending his authority to other territories through the use of
deputies placed in each territory. (Bentley and Zeigler, p. 29)
In regards to the Hammurabi Code of Law, Hammurabi claimed that the gods had
picked him to promote the welfare of the people cause justice to prevail in the
land, to destroy the wicked and evil, so that the strong might not oppress the weak...
His intention was to hold those under his rule accountable for their actions and inspire
appropriate behaviors . In fact, according to literature, the code functioned on the
principle of lex talionis which basically translates as the law of retaliation . The idea
was that the punishment would fit the crime, at least in theory. Similar to today s laws,
individual judges were allowed discretion and did not always follow the code
specifically. Never the less, the code was always utilized as a reference for solution.
(Bentley and Zeigler, p. 30)
The code prescribed punishment for various crimes to include lying, stealing, kidnapping,
murder, fraud and bribery with the highest punishment of death being recommended for
many actions considered to be criminal. Such crimes included
EHR Case Studies
Health information technology (IT) is a great entity in many ways. It has provided an
easier way for nurses and physicians to access healthcare records, provides a quick one
click system to view test results with all this information available with the press of a
button, and can prevent medication administration errors by utilizing the electronic
medication administration record (eMAR). But with this technology and ingenuity
comes a string of issues and problems that may arise in the electronic health record
(EHR) programs. For this discussion board the Journal by Wallace et al. (2013) will be
used to, identify and define the two types of IT related incidents, describe the type of IT
incidents in the case study, the potential consequences... Show more content on ...
Two errors typically apply either by a human user error or from a system error. The
presented case study shows the dangers that may come from errors in the electronic
system specifically the eMAR. The potential harm to the patient was lethal and could
have resulted in death from the overdose in medication given. As the case study teaches
it is the duty of all nurses to exercise an atmosphere of patient safety. Nurse leaders must
cultivate patient safety by assuring nurses understand how to properly use the online
system and assure they know to report any glitches found to the IT support team. Nurse
awareness and prompt reporting of IT errors are essential and could potentially save a
patient s
Why Dr. Are Improved Energy Security, Cost Reflective...
7.Conclusion and recommendation
This chapter provides an overview of this project, makes recommendations and suggests
further research areas.
DR is playing a big part in utilities around the world and is set to become even bigger,
enabled by the smart grid and the increase in penetration of DERs. South Africa has
already started on this journey and has several DR programmes running in the industrial
sector, mainly the larger consumers. The smaller industrial, commercial and residential
sectors remain largely untapped but have great potential. The stability of the national grid
will depend on larger integration of DR into all sectors.
The benefits of DR are improved energy security, cost reflective tariffs and more
integration of DERs, including renewable energy sources. DR is required to drive the
transition from a centralised power system to a decentralised, low carbon power system.
Technology, data analytics and computing enable the smart grid, opening the door for
effective and automated DR. There are however some significant challenges that need to
be addressed and lessons to be learnt to realise the full potential of DR.
Various mines in the coal mining industry were used to quantify the potential for DR
in the sector and included a mix of both open pit and underground mines. Each of the
typical process flows was discussed as well as a thorough analysis of their electrical
energy usage and costs. This led to the identification of DRAs as well as a
A Comparison of the Knight and the Squire in Chaucer s the...
In the medieval period that is described by Chaucer s Canterbury Tales, chivalry was
perhaps the most recognized quality of a true gentleman. This quality is explored in
Chaucer s two characters of the warrior class, the Knight and the Squire. The squire is the
son of the Knight; both ride gallantly and have the air of true gentleman warriors.
However, the two are very dissimilar despite their appearances. The Knight possesses the
true qualities of chivalry, devotion to service, constancy in humility, and honesty. The
Squire possesses none of these qualities truly; instead his demeanor is one that is less
honorable and virtuous. Although both claim the same vocation, the Squire and the
Knight display contradicting attitudes... Show more content on ...
The Knight s manner of speech also supports this: And though so much distinguished,
he was wise And in his bearing as modest as a maid. He never yet a boorish thing had
said In all his life to any, come what might; He was a true, a perfect gentle knight. (5)
Chaucer already summarizes the characteristics of the Knight as making up a perfect
gentle knight , and the many tales of courage add more credibility to Chaucer s summary.
The knight s behavior was as modest as a maid (5). This is contrary to the lad of fire and
although the Squire had wonderful strength and agility , he did not use it to the full
extent that his father used his own. In all aspects, in comparison with his own
contradictory behavior, and in comparison with the Knight s behavior, the Squire is
shown to be less than sincere in his chivalry. The Knight and the Squire have distinctly
different attitudes towards their vocation. As a result, they are complementing images of
the medieval warrior. The Knight is the romantic image that all true knights aspire to,
generously practicing such chivalrous qualities as dedication, humility, and sincerity.
Contrasting this, however, is the image depicted by the Squire, that of an imperfect
knight who was to some degree boastful, lusting, or superficial. The Squire was never
directly criticized by Chaucer, but the implications that resulted from the description
amounted to an extravagant, un chivalrous
Examples Of Controversial Art
After reading about the controversial artworks, I found that most of these artwork are
labeled the way they are because they don t fit social norm or it is either related to a
touchy topic subject matter. In my opinion, I feel that artworks such as Marcel
Duchamp, Fountain (1917) and Dana Schutz s Open Casket (2016) are necessary in our
society, because they create new perspective, tell ignored narratives, and etc. The
Fountain is readymade urinal that is rotated and signed on the pedestal is R Mutt . This
artwork it challenges the boundaries of what should be considered art and redefine the
definition of art. I found the Fountain to be very fascinating because not only it was a
bought urinal, I am amazed on how Duchamp transformed a simple
Images of Love Expressed in the Poetry of Browning and...
Perhaps no other sentiment is so prevalent in poetry, as that of love. The mere word
brings to mind images of romantic affection, lovers entangled in each other s arms, stolen
sidelong glances, whispered words of endearment, and an all encompassing emotion that
transcends the physical, an emotion that is experienced within all realms of being.
However, in both life and poetry, the more joyous sentiments of loveare often
accompanied by images of loss and heartache, a contrast which heightens the imagery
experience. The fact that love exists more on a spiritual level than a physical one serves
only to heighten the difficult task of describing it adequately, for how can one articulate
each facet of such a wonderfully vague human emotion?... Show more content on ...
She is literally going to list the ways in which she feels love for thee. Instantly, the
reader is struck with the image of a woman preparing to proclaim the depth of her love
and devotion for another. One must also be struck by the sheer vulnerability of this
proclamation. Already, it is understood that this will be a listing of the ways in which
she experiences and defines love, however, the effectiveness of the image is
heightened as each way she loves thee seems to build upon the previous. She states she
loves thee to the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach (2 3). Here she is
using personification of the soul, an ambiguous all encompassing expression of one s
spiritual being, to state that she loves with her entire being both physically and
spiritually. By attempting to give physical boundaries to the height and length one s
soul can reach, she effectively broadens the image of the extent to which her love for
thee reaches. She furthers the image of her great love for thee by stating that she
loves thee freely (7) and loves thee purely (8). Her love is not encumbered by physical
restraints; rather it is a more spiritual love, experienced by the soul and possessing
freedom and purity of expression. The image of her great love for thee is completed
with the exclamation that I love thee with the breath, smiles, tears, of all my life (12 13).
This presents the image of a love that
Pathology of Tay Sachs Disease Essays
TAY SACHS DISEASE The disease is named after Warren Tay (1843 1927), a British
ophthalmologist and Bernard Sachs a New York neurologist. Warren Tay discovered a
patient with a cherry red spot on the retina of the eye which has become a clear signal
of Tay sachs disease. Later on Bernars Sachs described the cellular changes in Tay Sachs
disease. Tay Sachs disease is a rare autosomal recessive genetic disorderthat gradually
destroys nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. Mutation in the HEXA gene on
chromosome 15 causes Tay Sachs disease. The HEXA gene gives instruction to make a
part of an enzyme called ОІ hexosaminidase A, this enzymes plays a critical role in the
brain and spinal cord. The enzyme is compromised on an... Show more content on ...
Tay Sachs disease is also known as ОІ hexosaminidase A deficiency or GM2 ganglioside.
Mutation of the HEXA gene causes the О± and ОІ subunits to malfunction. In other
words if the О± subunit which is responsible for the degradation of GM2 ganglioside
into GM3 ganglioside is not produced then the hydrolyzing complex cannot form with
GM2 activator protein. Eventually the damaged caused by the accumulation of toxic
levels of GM2 gangliosides leads to the destruction of neurons, which causes the signs
and symptoms of Tay Sachs disease and at last causing death of the patient. The
progressive neurodegeneration depends upon the speed and degree of GM2 ganglioside
accumulation, which directly relies on the level of ОІ hoxosaminidase A present in the
body. Almost 95 130 mutations have been reported so far in the HEXA gene to cause Tay
Sachs disease. The mutation varies from base substitution, deletion, insersion to complex
gene rearrrangement. But the most common mutation that results Tay sach disease is a
four base pair delition located in exon 11. The second fairly common mutation is a splice
junction mutation found at intron 12. Most of these mutations are private mutations and
have been present in a single or few families. Only few mutations have
Bottled Water And Its Effects On The Human Body
Everyday millions of people will reach for a bottle of water, not thinking about the
effects it can have on many aspects of their life and others. Bottled water may seem
innocent but it needs to be treated with extreme care and caution. Even though bottled
water may seem safe, it could contain many toxins. By drinking from a plastic water
bottle, people should consider if it is really worth the cost of paying for the actual bottle
itself. People should also consider the long term effects it can have on the earth as well
as the effects it can have on the human body. Bottled waterhas always gave the
impression of being cost efficient and safe, but when put to the test are they harming
people more than what is suspected of the so called harmless water bottle? Many
people will enter a super market without thinking and purchase a case of bottled water.
On average a case of bottled water costs approximately six dollars, a normal family of
four will consume on average a whole case of water in a week. The cost of bottled
water for a month would be an estimated twenty four dollars and the average cost of
bottled water for a year would be an estimated 314 dollars. Bottled water is an important
choice in situations where there is a lack of water fountains or concern about the quality
but some families might question where else they could use this money and benefit from
it increasingly more (Lauria 665). Families could always turn to much unhealthier choice
such as sugary sodas
Force, Nameless Character
Use The Force, Nameless Character Originally released exclusively for the PC in 2011
as the simply titled Q.U.B.E., Q.U.B.E: Director s Cut is the official re release of the
game, this time coming to the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, Wii U, and
even iOS. The main difference between the original and this remastered version is that
this time Q.U.B.E. has a plot, and though I think that it is utterly uncalled for, I still got
to give the developers credit for some good plot twists and what I suppose is a
somewhat good/ok story. In Q.U.B.E., you can force push any wall that bugs you.In
Q.U.B.E., you can force push any wall that bugs you. In the end, both versions are all
about the same; completing puzzles that involve cubes and magic... Show more content on ...
There are multiple types of blocks, and whether or not they re interactive depends on
their color, which also determines the cube s function. From yellow stairs to blue
bouncing cubes, going through yellow elevators like parallelepipeds which really are
just a group of cubes Q.U.B.E. has them all, and you simply need these special gloves
to control and manipulate every single one of them. Most levels simply require you
jumping from one cube to another in the right order, but from time to time, the game
will want to reward you for your hard work by providing the most painful puzzles
related to balls I ve seen to date, and that s saying a lot. The puzzles involve you
changing a learning terrain where a green sphere will fall in order for her to always go
through little doors, causing the doors and walls to open. It can get really tricky
because it involves you turning the walls, which block the ball and may even be entirely
blacked out, making everything invisible to the player. I m not complaining too much,
however, because I found Q.U.B.E. to be simple and easy to master. Having these little
challenges from time to time is in no way
National Indigenous TV News Analysis
National Indigenous Television (NITV) shows many stories of the people of
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander decent. This channel is important for the
indigenous community to be able to presents a platform for these people to share their
issues. Two programs that share stories and contemporary issues are Mugu Kids and
NITV News. Mugu Kids shares the stories of Indigenous communities in an engaging
way to teach the young about their heritage, while NITV news shares the issues
currently being faced by these people and by the world. Both programs present the many
different faces for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People. Episode 1, Season 1 of
Mugu kids teaches children about language of different indigenous communities. This
The Gilded Six-Bits Symbols
Throughout our reading of the provided passage of The Gilded Six Bits, my attention
was drawn towards the gilded half dollar. I believe the gold piece is a prominent symbol
in the story due to its multiple appearances in the passage and its relevance in the plot
of the story. The golden coin was used by Slemmons, a wealthy resident of Eatonville, to
pay Missie May to commit devious, extramarital actions. Oh Joe, honey, he said he wuz
gointer give me dat gold money and he jes kept on after me. (page 732) It is later
revealed that the gilded piece, which was believed to be a solid gold token, was in fact a
50 cent piece plated in gold. The gold plated half dollar soon tears the love of Joe and
Missie May apart as it reminds them both of the
Air Station Kodiak Case Study
1. Air Station Kodiak experiences a significant shortage of personnel during transfer
season. The lack of personnel happens every year with 1/3 of the workforce who transfer
out. With the high rate of yearly transferees comes lack of personnel to fix aircraft,
support the flight schedule and handicaps the training program. Coast Guard Enlisted
Personnel Management needs to change overseas tour lengths for Air Station Kodiak.
2. The current policy ref. (b) sets a standard for three year tours for both accompanied and
unaccompanied personnel. Within that first year they can elect for a tour adjustment
increasing their tour length from three to four years. Although strongly endorsed by the
command, the adjustment is something that can t be relied ... Show more content on ...
Naysayers would object to the four years because other overseas air stations tours
wouldn t align. The truth is, Air Station Kodiak and the rest of the overseas air stations
are incomparable. Air Station Kodiak covers an area of response that is the size of the
lower forty eight, with deployments that are in excess of seven thousand miles away
from home unit. Its unique in that its mission requirements require the unit to maintain a
state of flexibility. The key component to making this happen is having a stable ebb and
flow of human capital. The financially fez able way to produce this affect is to prevent
high rate of yearly
Nuclear Technology Research Paper
The Discovery and Development of Nuclear Technology Man has always been
interested in how the world around him works. He wondered about the structure of
matter,of which his world, as well as our world, is made up. Countless scientists have
been pondering that same question ever since the beginning of time. In this paper you
will read about just a few of the men and women that broke the ground for the nuclear
technology of today.

One of the first people to do this was a Greek philosopher named Anaxagoras in five
hundred years before Christ. He questioned what would happen if he cut in half a sample
of matter, gold in his case, and then half the halves and continue doing this. Anaxagoras
theory stated that it would be ... Show more content on ...
It was not until the renaissance that the ideas of Aristotle began to be disputed and
people started to accept the atomic theory of Democritus. One of the first people to
speak out against Aristotle was Francis Bacon. Bacon criticized the scientific thought of
the ancients because it relied too heavily on the philosophy behind things rather than
experimental aspect of them. He did, however, side with Democritus because the
minute experimentation pointed in that direction. Another key figure in the
advancement of early atomic theory was Robert Boyle. Boyle ran experiments with
gasses in pumps and he studied the behavior of the volumes of the gasses as pressure
was applied or taken away from it. He observed that when a great pressure is applied,
the volume of the gas decreases. From these experiments he concluded that the gasses
must be made up of small particle with a somewhat large space in between them. Those
particles were thought to be atoms. Another great mind, Issac Newton, heard about Boyle
s experiments, reviewed the observations, and supported Boyle s theory. After years
groundbreaking work by these great minds on Democritus theory of an indestructible,
eternal atom, it was finally accepted universally in 1895.

Now that everyone was sure that there were atoms, people could now start to learn more
about them and use them to better their daily lives. One of these men was a German
scientist named Wilhelm Rontgen. His major
Bravery And Themes Vrence In Beowulf s Vengeance
Beowulf s Vengeance
The Anglo Saxon culture was known for blood and war. They were a people that
celebrated heroic traditions and admired outstanding courage. They were also proud of
their culture and loyal to their tribe. The tribes were known to take revenge against
someone who did them wrong. This can be what kept them together, or tore them apart.
Beowulf is about a person in this time and he seeks glory by taking revenge for those
who can not do it themselves. Wealth, fame, and glory go hand in hand with the success
in battles. The value of vengeance is important in Beowulf in the attack on Grendel,
Grendel s mother, and the dragon. Bravery and courage are an attribute of what is takes
to make these attacks possible.
Beowulf is a Geat known for his strength and courage. The Danes are a people who are
being killed by a monster named Grendel. Beowulf seeks to kill Grendel in revenge for
the Danes and all the suffering Grendel has caused them. Beowulf talks about
avenging the loved ones and says, It is always better to avenge dear ones than to
indulge in their morning (62). By stating this he is saying that to try and avenge loved
ones and die is better than to mourn and do nothing. When facing Grendel, Beowulf
uses only his hands because he says, Grendel is no braver, no stronger than I am! I
could kill him with my sword I shall not, easy as it would be... I will meet him with my
hands (33). Beowulf is stating that Grendel is no better than he is and he
Unit 39 M2 Business
Unit 39; The Sound and Music Industry Assignment 3
Business Plan This business plan will go through the process of producing an album
through to the launch party. This will include rehearsals, recording, mixing and
mastering, marketing and, as mentioned before, the launch party.
My niche is Keyboard led Pop Punk. This is unique because it is uncommon for songs
in this genre to feature keyboard, let alone to use one as the lead instrument. This should
appeal to both audiences who enjoy pop punk, as well as those that simply enjoy the
tones produced by a keyboard.
My product is a 15 minute, 4 track EP. The songs featured on this album will be original
with the instrumentation being predominantly keyboard, guitar, drums and possibly ...
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It will last for four hours and my goal is to sell as many tickets as possible, as selling
every ticket would give me around ВЈ20,000, which would greatly contribute towards
paying for the costs. Even without reaching this ideal, it allows for a far greater
expansion in all areas of the project. The launch party will also provide some
advertisement for my product, as the marketing ideas should build up enough attention
for people to acknowledge my product. The launch party will also be used as an
opportunity to sell merchandise, as people would associate the merchandise to the artist,
and the memory of attending the live event. This is a key opportunity to sell
merchandise, as it is the beginning of an artist s career, and merchandise from the
beginning of an artist s career can be both a sentimental, memorable object, as well as a
collectors object, and both hold values in different ways. In order to transport instruments
and musicians to and from the venue, travel would cost around ВЈ200 to rent a vehicle
for a weekend. This would be vital, as it is a cheap and efficient way to get everything
to the live performance, and without it, there would be no live
The Role Of The French Revolution In Modern Day Europe
Modern day Europe owes much of its concepts from the the French Revolution that
started in 1789. At that time Europe was ruled by absolute monarchies, the clergy and the
aristocracy, and the rural class was greatly suffering from over taxation and social
injustice. The French Revolution was a crucial turning point in european history, both
politically and economically and set Franceon a different path from the rest of Europe.
Politically, the french revolutionallowed the absolute monarchy to be replaced by a
republic while the Estates general was replaced by the National Assembly. Economically,
the french revolution helped solidify the french economy through nationalizing the
church lands and issuing assignats instead of paper money and left France stable for the
years to come.

During the Old Regime, France was ruled by Louis XVI under an absolute monarchy
where the population was divided into three estates. The first was composed of the
clergy, the second of the aristocracy and the third of the peasants. Each estate had one
vote to cast for each decision and the clergy and the aristocracy would always outvote the
third estate when it came to protecting their rights and the third estate would never
benefit from this voting system. The third estate became the National Constituents
Assembly in hopes of reforming the voting system. The ... Show more content on ...
France was also helping America with the revolution and thus was suffering from debt.
Most of European economy during the Old regime came from the land economy and
agriculture. Peasants worked on their lord s land and were required to pay feudal taxes
to the owner s land. These landowners were not always fair to the peasants and
rebellions like Pugachev s sometimes appeared. Agriculture was the base of economy in
Europe and France. During the French Revolution, cities began to form and rural
peasants came to the cities in search of
Episodic Health Challenge
The hospital is seen as generally seen as a place of sickness, disease and a place where
people are going through some of the most challenging hardships of their lives. As they
endure these hardships, there is a significant amount of physical and mental stressed
place upon the patient and subsequently placed upon their loved ones. Despite how
unappealing a hospital may seem, they are a pertinent part of society focused on
improving the overall healthof the population, the World Health Organization describes
health as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well being, and not merely the
absence of disease or infirmity (World Health Organization, 2014). Being admitted to the
hospital for any of amount of time can be stressful and challenging. This paper will
explore the challenges of an older adult woman under the pseudonym, Mrs. A and her
family regarding her transition from living in her home in Port Coquitlam to having an
unexpected long term stay at the hospital.... Show more content on ...
A is an 87 year old women, with a long history of health troubles including chronic
kidney disease, congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease, a pacemaker insertion
for her atrial fibrillation, type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, colon cancer, breast cancer, mild
cognitive impairment and most recently paranoid psychosis.
Canadian Mental Health Association (2014) defines paranoid psychosis as a serious but
treatable medical condition that reflects a disturbance in brain functioning. A person with
psychosis experiences some loss of contact with reality, characterized by changes in their
way of thinking, believing, perceiving and/or behaving. For the person experiencing
psychosis, the condition can be very disorienting and distressing. Without effective
treatment, psychosis can overwhelm the lives of individuals and families.
Jack Ma Leadership Profile Paper
Huaqing Ying
Professor Timothy F. Grainey
Leadership Profile Paper

Jack Ma Leadership Jack Ma an entrepreneur of China, and he is one of richest man in

Asia. Jack Ma is absolutely effective leader; not only because of his success, but also
that he is known as good reputation. Ma is the main founder of Alibaba, and he is the
CEO of Alibaba now. Alibaba is one of the global (B2B) electronic commerce between
enterprise and famous brand, to provide millions of electronic retailing opportunities
and online trading market. Ma and his 18 employees founded Alibaba in March 1999,
in Hangzhou, China. In 1999 2000 Alibaba started rising from Softbank, Goldman Sachs
and other companies of $25 million. In 2003, in the Ma s flat, the personal e commerce
site, Taobao was founded. And by 2016, Taobao become the most popular online
shopping site in China, and the numbers of Alibaba s employees have extended from
eighteen to thirty five thousand. His background is kind of different from other
entrepreneur, since e is a self made that he didn t get any family support and also did not
have a lot of savings. He was an English teacher in college for two decades years, and in
that time, he got opportunity to visit the United States for business translation. And this
trip really influenced him, because he firstly knew internet, and people can find
everything on the internet. So after that, he decided to found China page. And at the
same time, internet business was the aim goal of Ma and
To Kill A Mockingbird In To Kill A Mockingbird
1. The tiny, sleepy, worn out, dingy, slow moving town of Maycomb, Alabama is
where the novel takes place. The novel takes place in the early 1930s, during the Great
Depression. 2. Arthur Radley, or Boo Radley , the son of Mr. Radley is a distant,
lonely, isolated man who isn t ever seen by people outside his house. People in
Maycomb perceive him as an awful person, with a terrifying appearance who fills
them with aghast. 3. One word describing Scout Finch is intelligent. Although, all of
her first grade class is illiterate, Scout is capable of reading books past Ms. Caroline s
expectations. I suppose she chose me because she knew my name; as I read the
alphabet a faint line appeared between her eyebrows, and after making me read most
of My First Reader and the stock market quotations from The Mobile Register aloud,
she discovered that I was literate and looked at me with more than faint distaste. Miss
Caroline told me to tell my father not to teach me anymore, it would interfere with my
reading. (Page 22, Paragraph 4) 4. In fourth grade, a girl my class often bullied me for
what seemed to have no logical reason. After getting to know her better and asking her
why she often bullied everyone, I realized the struggles she was experiencing and
understood why she answered that way out of jealousy. 5. Walter Cunningham and Burris
Ewell both come from poor American, white families. Within the community, people don
t regard them with high respect within the community. However, Walter Cunningham is
respectful to those around him and Burris Ewell is disrespectful to those around him.
One example that shows how Burris Ewell is disrespectful is when he responds in a
rude way to Ms. Caroline when told to wash his hair, come to school, bathed the next
day. Moreover, when Ms. Caroline tells him to sit in his seat he snorts and taunts her. She
consequently cries and threatens to report his behavior to the principal since he seems
problematic. An example showing that Walter Cunningham is respectful is when Walter
Cunningham and Atticus talked together like two men when they talked about farming
and how he could pass first grade since he must help his father who is a poor farmer. 6.
When the kids sneak into The
High Artistic Merit Films Exude Special Effects That Take...
High artistic merit films exude special effects that take Hollywood by storm. The
American Film Institute lists Forrest Gump as one of the greatest American films of all
time. Released in 1994 by Paramount Pictures, Forrest Gump tells the story of a
Southern, mentally challenged man named Forrest Gump who experiences many
tribulations in his life, such as having a low IQ of 75 and wearing braces on his leg as a
child. Throughout the plot of the film, Forrest adheres to a signature phrase coined by
his mother, Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you re gonna get. His
willingness allows him to participate in some of the most iconic American events in the
1960s and 1970s. Throughout the film, Forrest serves in the Vietnam War, masters table
tennis, met erstwhile presidents, opens a shrimp business, and even journeys across the
country. Above everything else, the character played by Tom Hankswants to marry his
childhood sweetheart, Jenny Curran, who he always cared about. With a budget of $55
million, the lighthearted comedy drama s use of special effects paid off as the Academy
Award winning film remains one of the most iconic American films in history. Director
Robert Zemeckisexploits special effects such as zoomed in shots, computer generated
imagery, and blue screens to enhance the theme of a defined destiny as one deals with
chance elements in life.
By zooming in on a white feather arbitrarily floating in the air that ultimately lands on
Forrest s
Vasovagal Syncope
Generally, before fully losing consciousness, presyncopal symptoms include feeling faint,
dizzy, lightheaded, hearing ringing, darkened or faded vision, and decreased hearing
ability. The victim is overpowered by unsteadiness and weakness before blacking out.
Inevitably, symptoms of the episodes continue until the vertigo (dizziness) overwhelms
the victim, literally sending them into a whirl. One can know when to worry if
symptoms like chest pain, dyspnea (difficulty breathing), low back pain, heart
palpitations, severe headache, ataxia (loss of body movement control), or slurred speech
occur. After the victim wakes up from fully losing consciousness, he or she feels a
sensation of warmth, nausea, lightheadedness, temporary visual changes,... Show more
content on ...
If there is no obvious or known cause, a non invasive cardiac test, echocardiography,
ambulatory monitoring, stress test, and tilt table test are necessary. If the fainting is
triggered by a certain position or movement like stretching or valsalva, it would be
very helpful to do that specific maneuver to trigger the symptoms while being
monitored by a doctor (Hain). Valsalva is a forceful exhalation, like one might do if
their ears are plugged. While performing a tilt table test, the doctor will record the patient
s blood pressure at a 70 degree tilt using a motorized bed. The results are considered
abnormal if there is a neurally mediated response like a sudden onset of hypotension
(very low blood pressure), bradycardia (very slow heartbeat), or both when the patient
is kept in the upright position which is the most common abnormality. The doctor will
also monitor if there is positional orthostatic tachycardia or dysautonomia, which is a
gradual decrease in blood pressure with little or no change in heart rate while moving
from a lying down position to an upright position.. The tilt table s main purpose is to
confirm autonomic dysfunction. Autonomic function is the term used to describe the
processes in our body that we do not control ourselves, like blood pressure, heart rate,
and digestion. Another test called ventilation perfusion scanning is used for suspicions
of pulmonary embolism, which is a large blood clot blocking blood flow to organs. The
last experiment doctors may use is called Holter monitoring. This requires that a small
device that records every single heartbeat is to be worn for 24 hours along with a written
log of any symptom.There are many variations of Holter monitoring which extends the
time and strictness
The First Impression Of A Raisin In The Sun
My first impression of A Raisin In the Sun was that it was bland and uninteresting. The
first scene in the story consisted of a woman waking up her son and husband and
feeding them breakfast. This scene was uninteresting to me because there was no
conflict. Another reason why the scene was not engaging was because it was typical for
any family. Therefore, I found the beginning of A Raisin In the Sunto be dull because it
was a scene with no conflict and it was a typical family scene.
Similar to many plays, A Raisin In the Sun is told through a third person narrative while
still providing facial expressions and actions that are usually not told in a book.
Mama is the oldest of the family and has a close relation to God. Ruth appears to be
the lady that keeps the family in check. Walter is a very ambitious man. Beneatha is a
strong woman who can stand up for herself and will defend her beliefs. Travis is a
young boy (around 8 years old) who is still naive and witnesses all these problems.
Mrs.Hansberry uses side notes in the script to show emotion which would obviously
be shown through the actor on stage. Many of my friends say that they hated Walter as
a character. Admittedly, Walter was very rude and blinded by money. However, I felt
that I could relate to him in the sense that he had a dream and a goal that he would not
stop until he achieved. He was still reckless due to his ambition, which could lead to
some bad decisions. For example, when Walter was suppose to
Male Body Demographic Research
Research has shown that men who are exposed to more media images tend to have
more body dissatisfaction than those men that are not exposed or not exposed as
much to media images. I will examine the impact that media images have on college
males, and their desire to be more muscular. Specifically, I will examine the effect of
media images that come from movie shoots and fashion magazines which the man s
performance is based on their appearance compared to images of regular, everyday
males. I plan to sample of 100 malestudents (Mage = xx.zz years, age range: 18 25 years,
SD = x.zz) from the Introductory Psychology course at a State University in the
Northeastern part of the country. I will measure their body/muscularity satisfaction using
the... Show more content on ...
After the informed consent form is obtained by the researcher, participants will
receive three images of either men who are representative of the general population or
three images of men who are not representative of the general population (e.g.,
bodybuilders, models, actors). The participants will then be asked to answer a
questionnaire that assesses questions about their desire to be muscular and body
satisfaction in general. The frequency of their desire to look a certain way will be on a
1 5 scale corresponding whether they agree or disagree about wanting to be lean and
muscular. A response of one will be strongly disagree , a response of two will be
disagree , a response of three will be don t know , a response of four will be agree and
a response of five will be strongly agree . Participants will be answering the Drive for
Muscularity Attitudes Questionnaire (DMAQ, 2004), which was developed to measure
the drive for muscularity, which is defined as the desire, typically found in males, to
achieve a mesomorphic body. The DMAQ has demonstrated validity and reliability. The
authors generated 41 items to assess individuals attitudes toward muscularity. The item
generation process was informed by a review of the available literature on male body
image and inspection of the kinds of attitude statements. An
Effects Of Colonization On Indigenous People
Imagine having your identity and culture stripped away from you. This is what has
happened to many Indigenous people throughout history in Canada. This has been done
through the process of colonization. There are many devastating impacts of colonization
that has affected Indigenous people all over Canada including racism and stereotyping
as well as the downfall of the health of Indigenous people. Racism against Indigenous
people has been a major impact of colonialismthroughout the years. The racism and
institutionalized racism has grown over the years and has made it complicated for many
Indigenous people to practice their spirituality and culture. There are also many health
consequences of colonization including starvation, disease, mental illness and addiction.
There are many impacts of colonization that have affected Indigenous people throughout
history and continue to impact them today.
Racism is very prevalent in today s society against Indigenous people in Canada. They
face many forms of individual and institutionalized racism. According to LaRocque,
Racism is prejudice or discrimination based on the belief that one or one s group is
innately or genetically superior to another. Racists believe that race determines qualities
such as intelligence, innovation, creativity and even morality (N.D). People have been
taught the stereotypes of Indigenous people whether it be from the educational system,
health system, court system and many other institutions in Canada.
Mastery Learning Policy Analysis
On the first day of school the student of AHS walked in to discover the Mastery Learning
policy being put into effect.
Mastery Learning exercises the students newly acquired right to retake tests and also
makes an adjustment to the weight of formative, summative and final assignments to
better fit the students needs. Mastery Learning was not implemented by the Department
of Education, but by the administration of District 7 all in efforts to produce successful
and well rounded students. However, some students expressed the negative impacts this
new policy that have on them while others are thankful for the second chance.
Similarly, the mastery learning policy changes the weight of formative, summative and
final from the combination of two card marking grades and the final exam score (better
known as 40 40 20) to a trimester s grade and ... Show more content on
Despite these concerns, AHS students still welcome their new ability to retake tests.
Now I can keep an A .... this [policy] should have been done a long time ago. says junior
Kayla Roberts.
It gives us another chance to bring up our grades. says freshman Kristina Marin adds.
The remediation assignment actually helps me relearn the material. junior Kayla Dean.
Principal Howard expressed her support of theses statements when she declared the
mission of Mastery Learning as To allow students to master the content with extra time to
improve their grades. Students will take responsibility for their education.
The other part of the mastery learning policy, change in the weight of a formative,
summative and final grades, is one that AHS students still side together as they proclaim
its extreme difficulty.
It is harder to keep grades for that long, says freshman Mauricia Schofield.
40 40 20 gave more opportunity to bring grades up. junior Cameron
Conflicts In A Decade Of Fear By Sam Roberts
Sam Roberts in the article on A Decade of Fear , argues that McCarthyism turned
Americans against each other. Roberts supports his claim by illustrating fear, describing
betrayal, and comparing it to other U.S. internal conflicts. The author s purpose is to
point out a vulnerable period in American history in order to demonstrate that Americans
fell prey to McCarthy s negative propaganda. The author writes in a tragic tone for an
educated audience. I strongly agree with Roberts s claim. McCarthyismcaused the
American people to turn against each other because of self preservation, bomb threats,
and paranoia. Clearly, McCarthyism resulted in Americans betraying each other which
led to the self preservation of everyone. In fact, it is said... Show more content on ...
McCarthy forced the people to betray one another so they wouldn t get charged for
anything. Self preservation is a natural instinct on wanting to protect yourself from
others, so it would kick in whenever you are fearful of something. Bomb threats are
alarming to hear, especially in the time of McCarthyism. This added onto the fear and
helped push it to the limits in people s minds. Paranoia exaggerates things to the extreme,
this happens because of fear causing it to. Americans were paranoid of who were
communists, they couldn t trust anybody because of it. In the end, McCarthy pushed his
accusations of communists to the extreme. It was definitely pleasing to know that their
was eventually an end to
The End of Global Strategy
end ofPergamon


European Management Journal Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 333 343, 2001 п›™ 2001 Elsevier
Science Ltd. All rights reserved Printed in Great Britain S0263 2373(01)00035 4 0263
2373/01 $20.00 + 0.00

The End of Global Strategy

ALAN RUGMAN, Indiana University, and Templeton College, Oxford RICHARD
HODGETTS, Florida International University
Recent research suggests that globalization is a myth. Far from taking place in a single
global market, most business activity by large п¬Ѓrms takes place in regional blocks.
There is no uniform spread of American market capitalism nor are global markets
becoming homogenized. Government regulations and cultural differences divide the
world into the triad blocks of North America, the European ... Show more content on ...
19, No. 4, pp. 333 343, August 2001


is not so. MNEs are not monolithic; in fact, the largest 500 multinationals are spread
across the triad economies of NAFTA, the EU, and Japan/Asia. Recent research shows
that of these 500, there are 198 headquartered in NAFTA countries, 156 in the EU, and
125 in Japan/Asia.6 Additionally, these triad based MNEs compete for global market
shares and profits across a wide variety of industrial sectors and trade services. And
this process of regional competition erodes the possibility of sustainable long term
profits and the possibility of building strong, sustainable political advantage (Rugman,
1996; Rugman and D Cruz, 2000). A third misunderstanding about globalization is the
belief that MNEs develop homogeneous products for the world market and through their
efficient production techniques are able to dominate local markets everywhere. In
truth, multinationals have to adapt their products for the local market. For example,
there is no worldwide, global car. Rather, there are regionally based American, European,
and Japanese factories that are supported by local regional suppliers who provide steel,
plastic, paint, and other necessary inputs for producing autos for that
Discrimination Against Homosexualsandafrican- Americans
Discrimination against homosexuals and African Americans both entail feelings of
shame and pain for the victims. Back in the 1960s, homosexuality and being an African
American caused people to look down on you. Racial segregation was in full swing, with
the black population being victimized, brutalized, and essentially being considered
second class citizens. Being a homosexual during this time also meant that society would
shun and also consider you as a lesser human being. James Baldwin(1924 1987) was an
African Americanwriter, novelist, and playwright who also happened to be homosexual.
An imperative social context to point out would be the lack of opportunities for the black
population along with an accumulation of criticism.... Show more content on ...
Instead of self evaluating himself, David chose the convenient path of being married to a
woman he doesn t even love without much of an internal fight. The social construct of
racism also forced affected individuals to choose a path which is convenient or even safe
from all the brutality.

The Fire Next Time is a narrative which is composed of two essays. In the first essay,
Baldwin is writing a message to his nephew and young African Americans in general
describing and evaluating racism from a personal viewpoint in America. The essay is
meant to educate his nephew with the practice of compassion and patience in these
horrible times which endorse this social separation due to misconception of inferiority.
James Baldwin offers an analysis of the causes of racism, why the concept has
perpetuated in the United States, and how African Americans can positively bring an
end to it. A term which was used was the Negro Problem, which was used at the time to
describe the severe racial tension. As the reader progresses into the work, several
relationships are analyzed by James Baldwin. Through each of these relationships, James
Baldwin emphasizes how these individuals choose to live conveniently and in power
falling to the status quo. The second essay describes Baldwin s personal experience
growing up in the Harlem Ghetto, which
How Did Joseph The Transformer
Wahab 1. Qudus Wahab Mr. Snader Biblical Reflection 01 15 2017 JOSEPH THE
DREAMER Out of twelve children, Joseph was the favorite of their father because he
is believed to be a special child and he is the son of his most loved wife (Rachel).
Joseph s dad (Jacob) pampers and gives Joseph a lot of gift which made the other
children to be jealous of him. Joseph had a dream which translated to him becoming a
king and a leader to his elder brothers. The jealous brothers tried to avert it by killing
him but God has his own plan for Joseph. You will find out what happen next as you
continue to read this interesting story. The setting of the story began when the boys
planned to get rid of joseph, because they don t want him to fulfil his destiny written
by God. they tried to hurt him but Joseph survived. Joseph was discovered by a slave
trader who took him to Egypt and sold him to a man known as Potiphar, one of
Pharaoh s officers. Joseph served Potiphar well and accepted him as his master so he
gained great favor. Joseph was later imprisoned because Pharaoh s wife tried to seduce
him but he rejected, so she went to Pharaoh and falsely accused Joseph. Joseph is a
man of faith so God proved his presence and protection over him even in the prison.
The prison keeper became a close friend with Joseph, the prison keeper have also
noticed Joseph ability to interpret dreams, on a fateful day Joseph was called upon by
Pharaoh to interpret a dream that has so much troubled him. None of the wise consults
was able to... Show more content on ...
Joseph s brothers thought they have the power to change Joseph destiny, but little did
they know that their jealous actions to stop the dream from coming to past will only
lead Joseph to fulfilling his destiny. God is a merciful Lord, because even with the
terrible actions of the brothers they still received
SNAPDEAL Case Solution Final
Account Management
Case Study


AM s Performance Measurement

Seller s Classification

Seller Evaluation Framework

Challenges Faced Sellers


Account Management

Initiatives to Increase Sales

[SNAPDEAL Actions]

Initiatives to Increase Sales

[Sellers Actions ]

Proposed structure AM Sellers alignment

Account Manager

Number of Sellers Handled









Account Manager

High Revenue Account


Unit Sales












Medium Revenue



Current Account Management Team is currently aligned on total revenue size or ... Show
more content on ...
This will help to judge the performance of the sellers across different matrix
Top 25 Sellers Performance Selection Criteria
Order Completion Rate
This is the number of order delivered divided by the total order placed with the sellers
Order Cancellation
This is the number of order cancelled divided by the total order placed with the sellers
irrespective of the cancellation reason
Order Stock Out Rate
This is the number of order was stock out by the seller and was fulfilled by a different
vendor divided by the total order placed
Refund Rate
This is the number of order for which the refund was provided out by
Beh 225 Week One Language
One way Ken can open this conversation more productively is by owning his feelings
and thoughts. Ken can do this by using I language instead of you language (Wood,
2012). By doing so, Ken would take responsibility for his thoughts and feelings,
therefore making the conversation more productive (Wood, 2012). Another way Ken
can make this conversation more productive is by expressing his emotions. First, Ken
must first learn to identify how he is feeling to properly express his emotions (Wood,
2012). This would be a good start by making this conversation productive. However, Ken
must decide whether or not expressing his emotions would be beneficial in this situation
(Wood, 2012). I believe Ken should express his emotions speaking with Jan... Show more
content on ...
There are many different ways Jan could have convinced Ken to forgive her. I do not
believe that these attempts to apologize our genuine. Jan could have been more honest
with Ken when she was asked why she told others about private matters between them.
Jan could have taken responsibility for not keeping a secret Jan uses chronemics as
one of her nonverbal cues. Chronemics is how time is perceived what shapes our
identities and interaction (Wood, 2012). One way she uses this nonverbal cue is when
she compared the time was Shannon and the present time with Ken. Another nonverbal
cue she uses his physical appearance. The two nonverbal cues Ken uses is kinesics and
environmental factors. These cues impacted the message by influencing how the
message was communicated. Jan and Ken s conversation was in a win lose orientation
to conflict. However, their conversation can be moved to a win win orientation. To do
this, they must first identify their feelings, needs, or desires (Wood, 2012). Next would
be to find out what the needs, wants, or desires of the person you are conversing with
(Wood, 2012). Lastly, is to use words that promote cooperation and respect (Wood,
The City Is The Nuclear Power Plant
The day began like any other. A city full of life woke up to continue its normal routine.
Early morning sunlight glinted off of surroundings along the horizon. Shiny cars crawled
through the streets. Pedestrians exited their homes and walked along the sidewalks.
Bright, luscious green trees and colorful gardens lined the streets. Children crossed the
roads to get to their favorite playgrounds. Teenagers headed to the beaches that bordered
a lake in the center of town. Massive concrete flats, serving as apartment buildings,
created grids throughout the city. As usual, workers constructed new buildings for an
ever growing community. A giant Ferris wheel, one of the city s most iconic landmarks,
towered over the fairgrounds in the distance. Statues stood in the many public squares
that occupied space between buildings. One of the most noticeable features of the city is
the nuclear powerplant, centrally located near the middle of the metropolis. The town of
Pripyat, Ukraine, home to almost fifty thousand people, was developing into a model
city. Little did the citizens know that their lives were about to change. In the case of the
Chernobyl nuclear reactor accident in 1986, the calamity came as a complete and utter
shock to the people involved. Far too often, this is also the case for individuals involved
in other disasters. Lives are built for the purpose of moving forward, and one unfortunate
mishap can send them spiraling in the opposite direction. Problematic factors that

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