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Aldous Huxley Essays

Crafting an essay on Aldous Huxley's essays can be a challenging yet intellectually stimulating
endeavor. Huxley, a renowned English writer and philosopher, delves into a myriad of complex
themes, ranging from dystopian visions of society to the exploration of consciousness and
psychedelics. As a writer, dissecting Huxley's thought-provoking ideas and weaving them into a
coherent and compelling essay requires a deep understanding of his works.

One of the difficulties lies in navigating the intricate web of Huxley's literary legacy. His essays span
a wide array of subjects, each demanding careful analysis and interpretation. Moreover, the depth of
Huxley's insights often requires a nuanced approach, involving critical thinking and the ability to
connect seemingly disparate ideas.

Additionally, addressing Huxley's philosophical perspectives and literary techniques adds another
layer of complexity. Huxley's use of language, symbolism, and allegory necessitates a keen eye for
detail and an appreciation for the subtleties embedded in his writing.

Moreover, it's crucial to grasp the historical and cultural context in which Huxley wrote, as this
contextual understanding enhances the interpretation of his essays. This requires extensive research to
accurately capture the nuances of the time periods in which Huxley's works were composed.

In summary, composing an essay on Aldous Huxley's essays demands not only literary prowess but
also a deep intellectual engagement with the profound concepts he explores. Successfully navigating
these challenges can result in a rich and insightful essay that captures the essence of Huxley's

And for those seeking assistance in exploring such profound topics or any other writing needs, a
platform like can be a valuable resource. It provides the opportunity to access a
range of essays, including insightful analyses of authors like Aldous Huxley, allowing individuals to
expand their knowledge and understanding of diverse subjects.
Aldous Huxley Essays Aldous Huxley Essays
The Importance Of The Human Experience In William...
Can ones euphony construct the human experience that has bee concealed and forgotten
with the realisation that this self reflective process will be provocative and challenging?
A discovery is rarely the endpoint, rather it catalyses a chain reaction of subsequent
discoveries to take place, and it is this domino effect of discovering which allows us to
gain a new understanding of our world. In William Shakespeare s The Tempest it is
evident that Shakespeare is challenging the Age of Discovery itself, where he uses a
multitude of characters and the discoveries that they make to spark renewed perceptions
of society in the audience, hoping that they will come away questioning their world This
same message in Fahrenheit 451 , which highlights the battle between power and
humanism, something perhaps that has never been more relevant than in our very own
In The Tempest we see two distinct layers of discovery, those that the characters make,
and the resultant discoveries of the audience. Throughout history, we have witnessed
discoveries purely driven by materialism and personal glory, and through a post colonial
lens, we can see that The Tempest is aiming to challenge the values of Elizabethan
England to catalyse the discoveries of the audience. Shakespeare does this through the
good hearted Gonzalo, who attempts to impart his confidence and moral ideas of
equality and a utopian society into the other characters of the play. Gonzalo may seem to
be an
Axxes History
Axxess The Axxess from Nissan made its debut as the Stanza, and the Axxess
compact MPV was in production until 2004. It is a family van that offers a lot of
room for you and the kids, and since it is so economical, you make sure that you
replace worn parts with genuine OEM Nissan parts in order to extend its life. We carry
OEM Nissan factory parts for your Axxess. Body It is important that the body on your
van is kept in good condition. Dented or bent body parts like bumpers or doors should
be replaced. We have those parts and all other body parts that will keep your van looking
good. Electrical The alternator and battery keep the electricity humming along. If you
need to replace either of these parts, make sure that you replace them with... Show more
content on ...
This passenger vehicle has been on the road ever since, and it is one of the more
popular Nissan cars. You take great care of your Maxima because it is a family
vacation car, as well as an everyday work car. We offer genuine OEM Nissan parts that
will keep it on the road for years to come. Emissions As long as all of the emissions
sensors and other emission parts are working, you are going to get great gas mileage in
your Maxima. If one of those sensors fails, your engine is going to get a bad fuel air
mixture. We have replacement sensors and other emission parts for your car. Cooling
System Keeping the engine running cool is the job of the radiator. Water and coolant
circulates throughout the engine compartment from the radiator. An overheated engine
can become destroyed. We have fans, belts, hoses, radiators and thermostats for your
Maxima. Fuel System Getting the fuel from the fuel take to the engine requires a fuel
pump that is operational. If not, the gas is going nowhere. We have replacement pumps,
lines and more to keep it
Swot Analysis Of Hijing Hyundai
Building Distribution Channels One of the most important challenges for Beijing
Hyundai was to develop distribution channels, and to decide where channels should be
expanded geographically. Beijing Hyundai decided to adopt the 4S Shop model, but had
to decide where the company should locate the shops. The company classified the China
market into seven regions, north, south, east, northeast, central, southwest, and
northwest. These seven regions were then regrouped into two major categories, an all
cities expansion group (north, south, and east) and a core cities expansion group
(northeast, central, southwest, and northwest). The company then established a
sequential channel expansion strategy, following a hub and spoke pattern, for each of the
two groups of regions. With the hub and spoke approach for the all cities expansion
group, Beijing Hyundai‟s distribution channels made inroads into major hub cities in
the north, south, and east, identified based on the consideration of income level,... Show
more content on ...
Weaknesses of
Between Racism, Political Differences, Economic Status,
Between racism, political differences, economic status, the War on Drugs, and law
enforcement vs the public, is overwhelming. How can all these issued be resolved,
when there over 300 million people within the United States? Chicago has become the
world murder capital. There were over 700 murders committed in 2016. There have
been over 100 murders since the beginning of 2017. There is black on black crime and
cops against Black Lives Matter movement circulating the whole U.S. There are riots
occurring at college universities, causing physical injury to citizens. Viral protests against
President Donald Trump, also starting physical altercations due to the opposing opinions
of others. Violent protests and destroying properties after police... Show more content on ...
Drug dealers are illegal unlicensed pharmacists, and the stigma of drug dealers is they
ll either wind up dead or incarcerated. Law enforcement is supposed to keep the
community safe, and fight off crime. However, in today s society these characters
have lost some respect. Pastors are accused of raping and molesting young males, and
having affairs with women. Drug dealers are selling laced heroin and willing to sell to
minors and professionals. Anytime that a cop rolls by, is in your rearview mirror, or
across the street, it brings fear. Cops are looked at as murderers, pigs, racist, etc.
Nonetheless, there is no trust between any of these authoritative figures. In the film, the
white male police officer shot and killed the African American male because he was
running away. He stated that it was going to either be his life or the boys, and the only
color that matters is blue. This is antagonizing the Black Lives Matter movement, but
this represents the black community coming as a whole to unite and to make a
statement. But don t all lives matter? However, blue is the color of a uniform, not a
race. Once a police officer is out of uniform or not on duty, then they are the same
color they woke up as. Police officers should not be placed in neighborhoods where they
are scare to be or not able to handle certain situations that may occur. For instance, when
the police officer body slammed the young female outside of the club when she was
expressing her
The Conflict Between Good And Evil
Notions of good and evil appear in every social sphere of influence and each serve an
influential role in how humanity interacts within itself. Shakespearean works often rely
on a wrongful act being corrected, a specific moral dilemma that often revolves around
themes of death. Shakespeare s tragedy Hamlet, akin to Macbeth in tragic scope, explores
the idea of moralityas well as how it impacts the lives of each character, but is Hamlet a
play about the conflict between good and evil? Hamlet delves into the notions good and
evil by focusing on the spheres of politics, personal relationships and religion. Claudius
rise to power in Denmark, as well as how he chose to use his power and the end of his
rule are depictions of political and... Show more content on ...
However, now that he knows that Hamlet is coming back from England, Claudius takes
a different approach to the situation. He decides to tell Laertes that Hamlet killed his
father and essentially goads Laertes into killing Hamlet for him. Closely related to
Claudius manoeuvring is him sending Hamlet to England in the first place. Our
sovereign process; which imports at full, By letters conjuring to that effect, The present
death of Hamlet. (4.3, 64 66)

Instead of dealing with the problem of Hamlet himself, Claudius lies to Hamlet about his
going to England for safety: what Claudius actually intends is for Hamlet to be killed
there. Ultimately, the immoral and unnatural acts committed by Claudius politically
enable evil to infiltrate the lives and morals of the other characters, Hamlet in particular.

Although Claudius actively worked against Hamlet, Hamlet himself was not immune to
immoral behaviour. In fact, Hamlet has caused much undue hardship and even death to
many of the characters, but he caused the most pain to Ophelia. Throughout their
tempestuous relationship, Hamlet treated Ophelia poorly and even continued to do so
once the relationship was over. I
How The And Start Right From The Beginning Here Essay
I m going to try and start right from the beginning here. When we think of data
communication nowadays, we think of digital information. We live in a world where
technology is so abundant, that we couldn t possibly imagine what life would be like
without it. I m not talking about having to write letters, or use the telephone exchange, I
m talking about the beginning. Before there was data communication, there was simply
communication. So much about our evolution is unknown, that we can t simply piece
together the entire history of communication, but we as humans today do have a brief
understanding of how our species learnt to communicate, and how this has shaped our
world today. One of the first methods of communication (besides verbal) was paintings.
Painting (or drawing in general) is one of the earliest methods of communication, and is
still very prominent to this day. The act of turning thoughts or ideas into a physical
representation develops in humans at a very young age, and is the main form of
communication used by babies up until they can speak. In my person opinion, painting
isn t a the best form of communication today, as writingis far easier to understand.
Painting is useful if you wish to convey your ideas through the use of metaphors, but the
practicality of using it today as a direct method of communication is limited. The next big
advancement in communication was the development of writing. Writing was developed
in two stages. The first forms of writing were
Labor Unions Revolutionized
When looking at labor unions as a whole one must first identify where unions originated
from, why they were formed, how they were established in the United States, and how
labor unions have revolutionized since their implementation into the United States. In
Europe during the eighteenth century, the industrial revolutionwas in full effect
throughout the country and what this did to and for Europewas the transition to new way
in manufacturing items which included going from hand production methods to
machines, new chemical manufacturing and iron production processes. Not only did
this provide new ways to produce goods for the economy, but this also increased the
chance of injury for the workers and during this time there was a huge surge of... Show
more content on ...
If unions grew to a point to where they were strong enough, it was only then that the
unions and the workers they represented would go on the offensive and demand pay
raises. This all came together with the passing of the National Labor Relations Act of
1935 which guarantees basic rights of private sector employees to organize into trade
unions, engage in collective bargaining for better terms and conditions at work, and take
collective action including strike if necessary. The act also created the National Labor
Relations Board, which conducts elections that can require employers to engage in
collective bargaining with labor unions (also known as trade
Analysis Of The Blackbird Calls In Grief
Irish poetry is a special and distant literary genre. The many aspects of folklore and
tradition evident in the poetry create unmistakably Irish verse. This evident in three
poems from The New Oxford Book of Irish Verse: poem 67 referred to as The
blackbird calls in grief , poem 108 referred to as There are three , and All That is Left...
by Michael Hartnett. Death is the topic of numerous poems throughout history,
however, these poems address the taboo topic in an authentic and unpredictable
fashion. Through verse, death is given a new exploration without clichГ©. This is
accomplished using Irish voice, nature, and religion. The blackbird calls in grief is an
anonymously written poem from the twelfth century. The narrator laments the death
of loved ones. In the poem, the narrator begins by lamenting to a blackbird. He mourns
the passing of both the birds and his own family. The bird is personified and the two
share in their grief. The harm now happened to him/ not long since happened to me
(Kinsella 85). An analogy is created equating the loss of the two families and the
injustice of the loss. The bird is removed from the poem after the sixth stanza, the grief
is only the narrators to bare. The seventh stanza questions God, O You who made the
world, / Your bias is hard to bear:/ friends all around me are spared, / their woman and
young survive (Kinsella 86). This poem is distinctive compared even to more modern
poems. This is perhaps why the author chose to remain
Stretching Technique Lab Report
1. Introduction (200 words)
Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) is one of the many different types of
stretching techniques out there. This specific technique has basis in a method known as
contract and relax. This method involves relaxation and an isometric contraction of the
involved muscle. Another component of PNF is that it in order for it to be performed
correctly, there must be two individuals involved in the process, the first doing the
stretching (their partner) and the second getting stretched. The complete procedure
involves four steps, the first being a passive force being applied by the partner, keeping
in mind that said force does not include the entire range of motion (ROM). Next, the one
being stretched would apply ... Show more content on ...
Hindle colleagues have found that the technique of PNF assists in increasing the ROM
of a muscle by increasing both the neuromuscular efficiency and length of the muscle
being stretched. This effect is achieved due to the gate control theory, which is the effect
that occurs when two different kinds of stimuli activate each of their receptors at the
same time. It is believed that the gate control theory works with the golgi tendon organs
(GTOs) that work to prevent injury to a muscle when it is stretched beyond its normal
limit. In PNF stretching when one stretched the muscle to the end ROM in the first and
third stage, this stretching sensation is perceived by the GTO to be a dangerous stimulus
so it forces the muscle stretched to relax after the stimuli has been felt for around eight
seconds. The GTO also comes into play in the second stage in that when the muscle
stretched is forced to contract the immediate stretch afterwards is greater because the
relaxation of the muscle is maximized. According to the study conducted by Minshull
colleagues, a conditioning program using PNF stretching that lasts eight weeks has the
possibility of reducing one s susceptibility to muscle damage that is exercise induced. The
reason for the reduction is thought to be due to the ability of joint and muscle related
connective tissue to handle a
Cults are often seen as an alternative religion. A cult is defined as a religious or secular
group that employs unethical and extreme measures of manipulation to recruit, control
and retain its members (Study Resources). Most cults are started because someone
doesn t like the way the world is and want to create what they feel the perfect world is.
Then this person strives to make others believe as they do so they will join. There are
somewhere around 3,000 to 5,000 of these cults throughout the United States, but only 75
to 100 are documented (Study Resources). The most commonly known cults are
Reverend Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple, Heavens Gate, and Charles Manson and the
Family; these cults were able to drag people in and ... Show more content on ...
The cult recognized most in America is the one created by Charles Manson. Manson
grew up with no official name in a house with his mother who was a teenage, bisexual,
alcoholic prostitute (Charles Manson). Growing up, Manson was shown the cold sides
of the world. His

mother would trade him for beer, and his uncle would force him to put on a dress and
go to school. Events like these caused Charles to become a troubled child and start his
rap sheet at a young age. By the time he reached the age of 35 he had spent more than
half of his life imprisoned (Charles Manson). Upon his release from yet another stint
in jail, Manson moved to San Francisco where he was paroled in 1967. There Manson
became known as the God of F*#k . He was able to surround himself by many beautiful
girls who thought of him as god (Charles Manson, 2). Not long after moving to San
Francisco, Manson relocated himself and the women that adored him to the Spahn
Ranch. They began to call themselves The Family . The Family grew rapidly to more
than 30 girls with more joining every day. Every night Charles would sleep with a
different girl as they all got high. They obtained food by stealing it from garbage cans
and would shoplift for all other things they needed. During the building of his family,
Manson tried to launch his career as a folk singer. The music industry rejected Manson
and this
Book Review on the Third Side by William Ury
Book Review of The Third Side: Why We Fight and How We Can Stop by William Ury

Reviewed By: Syed Shahzad Ali

Class: M.Phil ( DPA)

Review Submitted to: Dr. Anila Amber

Dated: 17th October 2012

Book Review of The Third Side: Why We Fight and How We Can Stop by William Ury

This is a state of the art book on conflict management and negotiation by well known
negotiator and mediator William L. Ury, an American National, who is world s leading
negotiation expert, he has mediated situations ranging from corporate arena to wildcat
strikes, and from family disputes to ethnic wars in the Middle East, the Balkans, N.
Ireland and many other places. He has also worked on the problem of how to prevent ...
Show more content on ...
Tone amp; Expression of author was strong in beginning but it has become soften
when third segment of book started from How can we stop? And at the end again tone
amp; expression of author found strong. Ideology of an author is ideal which might be
varied from culture to culture amp; Society to Society. Argument presented in the
paperback with lot of enthusiasm amp; conviction, one should appreciate it as well.
Grip on content were sufficient within a single part of book and linkages among thr
paragraphs were better but among the three parts it bit distracted as first part of book
was bit lengthy amp; over detailed and reader may lost the direction if he is not reading
it in a one sitting. Conclusion has been depicted in a very persuasive amp; suggestive
manner which left the profound impression on the reader mind about the third side amp;
Conflict Management.

It s a significant contribution by William Ury to the domain of conflict Management. It

s not only give the new meaning to manage the relationships while dealing with
difficult people which is need of today s world specially for the society of Pakistan, but
also it is equally instructive for the students of social sciences or psychology. One should
read it once in his/her life whether one is
Research Paper On Rugby
Rugby Should be a School Sport Imagine it is a Friday night underneath the lights, in
October, and you are walking into a stadium packed with fans cheering. But the only
noise you can hear is the sound of your cleats hitting the pavement as you are marching
up to the field, and the only thing you see is the other team and the end zone. It is such a
stimulating feeling, it is unforgettable. Now, you may think I am talking about an
American footballgame, but I am not. I am talking about a rugby match. Believe it or
not, football derived from rugby. Differences are in rugby, there are no pads, the ball
does not have laces, fifteen men to a side, and above all else, it is an international sport
and it is safe compared to football. How come... Show more content on
President Barack Obama is worried about the future of the sport, he told interviewer
Homa Khaleeli with The Guardian. He said if he d had sons he would have thought
long and hard before allowing them to take up the national sport, insisting the game
should become less violent, and adding that he was particularly anxious about college
players. (Khaleeli). One study that The Guardian used to expose the trauma that
football players receive is that out of 35 football players that was examined, 34
showed signs of brain trauma. In rugby, players are taught to use their arms to wrap a
player s legs and let the momentum of that player cause him to go to ground.
Furthermore, in rugby there is no blocking, and so players who don t have the ball
don t get hit when they re not expecting it. (Micheli). Lyle Micheli is a doctor of fifty
years and played rugby himself, he stated the tackling technique that is used in rugby
because he wanted to expose that the technique is very different and much safer than
how football players tackle. To be sure, rugby players get lots of bloody noses, chipped
teeth, broken fingers but they like to show off these injuries, so one might come under
the impression that rugby is a very rough sport. (Mckenna). Jim Mckenna is a doctor and
rugby coach. He brought up a valid point, sure rugby
Disadvantages Of Japanese Education
According to WEF, Japanese education contains as a top 11 school systems in the world.
they say the system of compulsory education in Japan, and the cognitive skills for
literacy, science and math is excellent.In fact, japan is one of the top performing for
paper tests.
However, students are not compelled to go to high school but most of students pass the
school entrance exam and participate in high school. In this essay I ll focus on this
statement and few other advantages and disadvantages of japanese educational systems
to determine whether japanese education is benefit or not.

First, I will show you many kinds of advantages of japanese education.As I mentioned
earlier, Japanese school system has 9 years of compulsory education. However, from high
school, students have to pass the high school entrance exam to enter the school. High
school is not compulsory. Despite that, ... Show more content on ...
As I told before, Japanese cognitive skills ranks as one of the top high level quality.
Cognitive skills are the base of study. If you are good at cognitive skills, it will be
more easier to approach something use non cognitive skills.In other word, only having
cognitive skills is not good, but cognitive skills help you to get non cognitive skills, and
it support you a lot in some situation as school, and at a work office where you work in
the future.

In addition, the indulgement what is the feature of japanese students also can be a benefit
on education.The trend of japanese students seem to depend on their mothers or
teachers.Because of this, the support of the people around the students make students
with less stress.Less stress leads students to keep the children s brain from getting
This allow students to grow their cognitive skills and non cognitive skills. Such as
concentration and self control.This makes children to cope with something difficult.

The biggest benefit of japanese education is Homeroom

Tolerance In To Kill A Mockingbird
As much as people try to avoid it, fact is that no one in this world is born equal; there
is always something unique that sets one different from another. It is those differences
that require us, as Barbara Jordon says, to accept people who are different that
ourselves. Jordan emphasizes the importance of tolerance and how it helps us develop
into better societies and people. During the 1930 s, different races in the United States
were being discriminated against their skin tone and placed on separate levels. In more
modern times, people were still being criticized for having different ideas and while
acting upon them. Even all the way in Iraq, discriminationis presented once again
towards Jews and their independent country. Anything contrasting oneself will never be
the same as he or she would like, creating a necessity to tolerate. Barbara Jordan s
quote helps reveal that tolerance is essential to avoid conflict, to unite with others, and
to change for the better. The award winning novel To Kill a Mockingbird, written by
Harper Lee, teaches through the eyes of a young girl that problems originated from
intolerance. Atticus, a man defending a negro, poses to the jury the idea why the case is
unfair. He argues that The state has not produced one iota of medical evidence proving
Tom guilty and in turn has relied instead upon the testimony of two witnesses , whose
claims have been flatly contradicted by the defendant (Lee 271). To translate, the
accusation was
Marketing Strategy For Green Mountain Coffee
1. What marketing approaches could Green Mountain adopt in order to expand its
customer base? Green Mountain Coffee, which is now known as Keurig Green
Mountain, Inc. (KGM) since March of 2014 after acquiring Keurig, Inc. in 2006,
currently sells to its Away From Home (AFH) channel and At Home (AH) in the United
States and Canada (9). The company targets coffeedrinkers who wish to enjoy the speed,
convenience and quality of Keurig brewed beverages (9) in its AH channel. The AFH
channel, on the other hand, primarily targets the office coffee channel that serves the
workplace, food service and hospitalities industries in the United States, while its Canada
segment markets to these industries through its AFH distributors (9). KGM utilizes
numerous marketingprograms such as circular advertising, online promotional
campaigns, merchandising features, in store demos, mobile marketing, display and
local and national advertising, and its website and social media pages (9). The
company also has a loyalty program called Club Keurig, offers free samples of its
products through its website and has feet on the street brand ambassadors (8, 10). KGM
implements a variety of marketing approaches to increase the awareness and trial of its
products and convert leads into buyers and thus it is challenging to suggest marketing
approaches the company can use to expand its customer base. Nonetheless, KGM could
implement cause related marketing to increase awareness among additional
The Causes Of Urbanization And Poverty
Urbanization causes financial problems to the overwhelming majority of the people. This
is because problems with money are widespread in urban areas. First of all, urbanization
leads to the extreme growth of unemployment. For instance, as reported by the
International Labour Organization, International unemployment rose to 210 million
people in 2010 (David Vicente 2012, p.154). According to David Vicente (2012, p.156)
vast amounts of unemployment results in human resources not being used efficiently
across cities which cause social inequality. This evidence shows that urbanization causes
unemployment. Urbanization leads to significant overpopulationin the central cities,
which causes high competition and as a result lower job opportunities for most people
in the labor market. As businesses and governments cannot produce enough jobs to
meet the demand of a fast growing population, a lot of individuals are faced with a
shortage of employment and deprived of a vital source of income. As a result, lack of
revenue leads to inequality in society. Secondly, urbanization leads to a lack of
affordable housing for the overwhelming majority of urban people. According to Gan (et
al., 2017, p.427) in the forthcoming future, the global urban population will reach around
6.3 billion people in 2050, and about 94% of them will be in developing countries.
Furthermore, approximately 828 million people from developing countries currently live
in inadequate housing and this number will rise
M16CAB Research Investigation
The application of reinforced soil structures for highway infrastructure M16CAB
Research Investigation Beghal Rasool (4096005) 2014/2015 Coventry University Faculty
Of Engineering and Computing Department Of Civil Engineering, Architecture and
Building Table of Contents 1.0Introduction1 1.1 Basal reinforcement(Embankment)2 1.2
Retaining wall3 2. Method of construction4 2.1 Method of construction for embankment4
2.2 Consideration failure zone for embankment4 2.3 Method of construction for
Retaining wall4 2.4 Consideration of failure modes for Retaining wall4 3. Comparison
criteria4 3.1Advantages of the types of geosynthytic... Show more content on ...
Figure2.4.a: Bearing capacity failure for retaining wall Failure principles for retaining
walls are similar to those for embankment when bearing capacity of the foundation is
insufficient to carry the load pf soil block and facing wall failure will occur. Sliding
out at the base Sliding failure will occur when the friction between the reinforced soil
and sub grade is low and the retaining wall can simply slid side way. Figure2.4.b:
Sliding failure. Overturning Overturning is the most common failure mode for retaining
wall. The horizontal earth pressures behind wall exceed the capacity of geogrid to
restrain. The wall will rotate forward pivoting on its base. Figure2.4.c: Overturning
failure. Using anchor in retaining wall will help to reduce the thickness of reinforcement
by introducing the anchor which can provide with a good passive resistance. Figure
2.4.d: Anchor used to provide passive
Volcanoes And Climate Change Today
January 18, 2017, New England s 1816 Mackerel Year, Volcanoes and Climate Change
Today england s 1816 mackerel year volcanoes and
climate change today A study was regulated by the USGS in regards to the large catches
of mackerel by fishermen, a volcano eruption at Indonesia s Mt. Tambora and climate
change. The article explains that the eruption that occurred at Mt. Tambora over 200
years ago and the effects that it left at the Gulf of Maine that intertwined human natural
systems facing climate change. The study showed that the eruption in 1815 caused a long
lasting extreme climate event in 1816 (which is also known as the year without a
summer) that caused the Northern Hemispheres crops to fail.... Show more content on ...
The article also suggest that the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere are
different in regards to climate changes. Lewis believes that the southern hemisphere is
more likely to have an intermediate average summer with temperatures of 83 degrees
and an average winter temperature of 78 degrees. This indicates that the climate here is
similar year round and the only fact that keeps Sydney from ranking higher on the list is
the fact that it is too wet of a place.

3. March 3, 2017, Monitoring Alaska s Remote and Restless Bogoslof Volcanohttps:/

/ alaska s remote and restless bogoslof volcano A
study conducted by the USGS was conducted in regards to the Bogoslof Volcano
which is an active volcano that is located in the Aleutian Islands which is located just
northwest of the Dutch Harbor. This volcano has had active eruptions in sequence
since December of 2016. There has been numerous explosions from the volcano, which
has shot ashes to altitudes soaring over 30,000 feet in the air. The area is a major fly
zone for aircrafts and the ashes from the eruptions has caused jet engines to fail. The
unknown is how long will these eruptions from the Bogoslof Volcano continue to erupt.
Past events have occurred from the Bogoslof; the prior eruptions lasted from July 6, 1992
through July 24, 1992, therefore, this current eruptions had already surpassed the prior
eruptions that occurred in 1992. However, the
Electronic Helmet Research Paper
Helmets have been used for many centuries of bike users, football players, and other
sports. The concept of the helmet was to protect your head if you fell off your bike or
fell from other sports. Since the 1800 s, people have been using helmets for when they
ride their bikes and since then helmets have been evolving and being used in sports and
in warfare. In the earliest days the material by the name Pith was a material that was used
for the earliest helmets. It s a crush able material that was used for the first generation of
bike helmets. These helmets had leather straps (which had padding) and also had a
leather and wool ring around the head. After that, the styles of helmets started changing
and becoming more protective and could be used for other sports for protection. For
example, in World War 1 a significant defense armor piece was the Brodie Steelhelmet. It
was the first combat helmetto be specifically designed for Western Front battle field
conditions. Also, helmets were then used for sports such as football, baseball, and
hockey. Today, about 6% of people that die from head injuries is from a bicycle accident.
Our vision... Show more content on ...
This football helmet is more indestructible comparing both of these to each other, they
are completely different. One is more techno logic like, and the other is just a boring,
plain helmet. Our electronic helmet is better than the boring one. The electronic
helmet functions by a remote or just by your hands. The normal, and boring helmet,
functions just like a regular helmet. All you do is put it on your head and play your
sport or whatever else you re doing. Ours is more fun, safer, and more compatible with
today s technology. The electronic helmet is going to be big in the future! Believe it or
not, you might even own one, one day. this helmet is like no other helmet. It will more
than likely be the best invention of all time for any type of
Osteosarcoma Essay
Osteosarcoma is the most frequent type of malignant bone tumor in adolescents and
young adults [1]. Osteosarcoma has highest frequency in U.S affecting approximately
four persons per million per year [2]. It has been reported that about 2.4% of all
malignancies in pediatric patients and 20% of primary bone cancer[3]. The highest
incidence correspondence with the pubertal growth spurt, occur mainly in females than
males. Osteosarcoma can affects any bone but frequently sites are femur, tibia and pelvis
[4]. It target at sites of rapid bone growth. The most common risk factor is tall stature and
soaring birth weight [5]. Osteosarcoma also associated with other inherited syndrome
such as hereditary retinoblastoma syndromes, Rothmund Thomson syndrome and Li
Fraumeni syndrome.
MACF1 (microtubule cross linking factor 1) is large cytoskeletal linker protein (608
kda) that can closely linked with actin microfilament and microtubules (MTs). MACF1
gene is located on human chr 1p32, composed of about 110 exons and give rise to four
major isoforms with slightly ... Show more content on ...
It is a powerful tool in regulating the differential expression of genome in different tissues
of the same organisms. Mechanisms of chromatin remodeling and post translational
modifications of biomolecules play an important role in regulating expression of
particular set of genes in particular tissues (Bryan, 2001). Role of posttranslational
modifications such as acetylation, phosphorylation and methylation etc determining in
any peculiar phenotype is well documented; and impairment of these modifications (epi
mutations) may result in number of diseases. Thus, epigenetic regulation necessitates
reconsidering the definition of phenotype, and it is already known that a particular
cellular phenotype is not solely defined by the DNA sequence present in the
The Shawshank Redemption And The Marriage Of Figaro
What does one imagine when viewing a comic opera? A ornamented opera house?
Patrons dressed in black tie apparel? However, would one imagine a comic opera playing
in a maximum security prison? Would uneducated prisoners appreciate the music? In The
Shawshank Redemption both of these events occurred. In The Shawshank Redemption,
Andy Dufresne plays an duet from Mozart s comic opera, The Marriage to Figaro, as its
Enlightened ideals represent Andy s prison experience and its Classical characteristics
evoke a sense of hope in the repressed prison. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozarts The Marriage
of Figaro reflects the social and musical influence of the Classical period. Socially, The
Marriage of Figaro reflects the ideals of the Enlightenment. The Enlightenment was
was a period that saw the institutions of Europe religious, political, social, educational,
industrial, financial and artistic slowly but inexorably lower their focus from the ruling
aristocratic and clerical classes to a new class of people. For want of a better term, we
call this new and rising class of people the middle class (Greenberg Opera Buffa). The
Enlightenment placed an emphasis on the natural man or the common man, not just the
aristocratic class (Kerman and Tomlinson Listen 153). Consequently, Mozart focused
his comic operas on lower to middle class protagonists like the servants Figaro and
Susanna whose marital bliss is delayed by nobles ( Synopsis: Le Nozze di Figaro The
Metropolitan Opera). Another
Ferdinand Of The Thirty Years Of War
Sixteenth century Europe was amidst the most prominent religious changes, stemming
from a single German priest who started the domino effect now known as the
Reformation. Embraced by Northern Humanism, a Renaissance ideal that spread to the
Holy Roman Empire, Martin Luther picked out the major corruptions of the Catholic
Church and began his own branch of religion known as Protestantism. Protestants and
Catholics became stone cold enemies. The battle for legitimacy of Protestantism was a
strenuous battle, but finally came to the light at the end of the tunnel in 1555 when the
Peace of Augsburg was signed and issued, giving German princes the power to choose
between Protestantism and Catholicism (Coy). Yet, just when the worldwide feud began
... Show more content on ...
Before the war, Germany was actually amidst a period of economic success. The rivalry
of feuding neighboring princes who engaged in the Protestant vs Catholic battle fueled
the national economy in trade and industry. Yet, post Thirty Years War, we see financial
limitations on a regional and national level, from the studies and collections of 17th
century wages in Germany from Moritz J. Elsass. Inama Sternegg stated the population
decline in the Holy Roman Empire throughout the Thirty Years War was about two thirds.
Urban populations took to the economic decline the hardest. Magdeburg shrunk in
population by 96% (Rabb). There were no gains in population or economic prosperity,
mainly losses and at best stagnation. Nowhere did the Holy Roman Empire benefit from
the Thirty Years War. The population decline was the panic button, where the big trouble
hits when citizens cannot even continue to live in these environments. Poverty was a
plague that spread throughout the Holy Roman Empire, and was a key factor in the Holy
Roman Empire s disintegration and ultimate
The Hards Among Usa Analysis
A stressed magazine journalist has to debunk his own family curse that predicts he ll be
dead by his next birthday.


THE DARKNESS AMONG US is a compelling paranormal thriller horror tale with an

excellent concept. The plot presents with a solid hook with the idea of a journalist
debunking his own family curse. The goal is clear and the stakes are life and death. There
s a natural ticking clock tension with the idea that the protagonist will die by his next
birthday. The audience is fully engaged with the plot from the opening until the very end.
One can easily envision the script as a feature film.
The script uses some smart techniques that make for a successful film: an ominous,
foreboding tone, tease attacks, spooky ... Show more content on ...
His name is mentioned on page 57, but it feels a bit jarring and then conveniently Chris
connects Tanner with the psychic s office. It might work more effectively if the picture
of Tanner is planted in the opening scene at the psychic s office or if Tanner is going
into her office as Chris comes out.
Also, show Chris researching Jynx on the computer. It s a bit unclear how he s able to
come up with the name Tanner too.

The story needs a strong midpoint. Consider killing the character of Dorothy to provide
for a stronger payoff and add more tension (consider that it looks like a suicide) or kill
someone else. This type of story really needs a midpoint point inciting event that changes
things for Chris and takes the story in a new, but related direction.
The finding of Gabriel, around the midpoint, helps to take the plot in a new, but related
direction, but the story needs a more compelling plot beat, something that s scary/exciting
(a death) to push Chris into the direction of Gabriel.
Also, remember the opening scene makes it look like a suicide, so the twist about the
death certificate and Chris learning his father died from a suicide vs. murder, isn t a
twist for the
Essay about The Virgin by Sappho
Critical Analysis: The Virgin, by Sappho

Bearing a child is the biggest responsibility that will happen in life. Providing time and
protection of the child is a major part. But the most important thing is that they do not
become lonely and forgotten. When being a parent, this is their job, to keep them
welcomed and to never forget about them. In the fragment titled, The Virgin, Sappho uses
vivid imagery to show how an apple tree has a relationship like mother and child. How
the tree would be the mother, and the child would be the apple. Like a mother and
child, it is the responsibility of the tree to hold on to the apple and make sure it gets
taken care of, no matter what. Sappho uses imagery right away when she uses the words,
... Show more content on ...
Critical Analysis: The Virgin, by Sappho

Bearing a child is the biggest responsibility that will happen in life. Providing time and
protection of the child is a major part. But the most important thing is that they do not
become lonely and forgotten. When being a parent, this is their job, to keep them
welcomed and to never forget about them. In the fragment titled, The Virgin, Sappho
uses vivid imagery to show how an apple tree has a relationship like mother and child.
How the tree would be the mother, and the child would be the apple. Like a mother
and child, it is the responsibility of the tree to hold on to the apple and make sure it
gets taken care of, no matter what. Sappho uses imagery right away when she uses the
words, Like a sweet apple ripening in line 1. It is saying that since the apple is
ripening, it is then growing like a child does. How in the beginning of life it goes
through changes in its appearance and size and grows out to who they are today, and
become more mature as time goes on. They become a delightful blessing as they come
into the world and grow up.
In line 1, when Sappho uses the words, on a high branch, it is showing that the apple
may be forgotten about because it can be hard to see, since it is so high. It will
especially be forgotten when people from below see the tree. They will not notice it
sitting there. Also, in line 2, when Sappho uses the words, on the tip of the topmost
branch and forgotten, since it is on the tip of
Federal Government Research Paper
1.what is the basic structure of the U.S Government? The federal government is
composed of three distinct branches: legislative, executive and 3judicial. These powers
are vested by the U.S. Constitution in the Congress, the President, and the federal courts,
including the Supreme Court and it is comprised of the president and his cabinet. It is his
or her job to enforce the laws of the constitution. It is composed of the entire judicial
system, and not just the supreme court. It is their job to make sure that the laws are
constitutional and not encroaching upon the rights of the citizens. Lastly, it is made up
of both the senate and the house of representatives. It is their duty to create laws that will
benefit the country. However, sometimes... Show more content on ...
It contains rights designed to guarantee individual freedom, several of which apply to
criminal procedure. The original text of the constitution generated some opposition on
the ground that it did not include adequate guarantees of civil liberties . In response to
this, the first amendment along with the rest of the Bill Of Rights was adopted on
December 15 1791. Many, but not all of the criminal law rights apply to the federal
government and all state governments. For example, the Fourth Amendment prevents not
only federal officers, but also their state officers, from carrying out unreasonable
searches and seizures. in addition to this it also prohibits the unreasonable search and
seizure ban ,the prohibition against double jeopardy the privilege against self
incrimination, the right to a speedy and public jury trial. (page 38) 5. Where in the
constitution can the due process clause be found? The due process clause can be found in
the 14th amendment of the constitution, it states something similar the provision in the
Fifth Amendment, which only restricts the federal government. It states that no person
shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. In other words
due process is the legal requirement that the state must respect all the legal rights that are
owed to a person. (page
The United Kingdom s War Essay
Section One: The United Kingdom s war memorials in the twentieth century
Memorials show an interesting aspect of the political and cultural memory of war in the
United Kingdom over the course of the twentieth century is because there was a drastic
change in what memorials looked like, who funded them, and the inscriptions carved in
them. Each of these changes illustrates how the individual need and desire to mourn
overtook the political desire to show the triumph of the state.
The First and Second World wars as well as the Gulf War were chosen because of the
impact each war had on the United Kingdom and because each war happens at a very
different point in British history. At the time of World War One, the United Kingdom
was facing a potential civil war, making nationalism, and unity a top priority for the
British government. Around 8.7 million men in the British Empire served in World War
One with over 900,000 men dying. This greatly impacted the United Kingdom, as the
generation of men who were of fighting age were later known as the Lost Generation .
The United Kingdom was still trying to recover from the First World War twenty years
later when it found itself pushed into another conflict in Europe. The Second World
War left Europe in a worse state than the First World War, with millions of people dead
across the globe and major infrastructure destroying, the United Kingdom was deeply
affected after the end of the war. Nearly 500,000 British people died in the war,
Influences In Developing The Goth Subculture
The word Goth dates back to a group of ancient Germanic people who resisted the
Roman Empire, however the Goth subculture first emerged in Britain in the late 1970s
and early 1980s. Punks and Goths have coexisted for decades and continue to be, distinct
social movements built upon different music, films and fashion characteristics. It is
difficult to say which of these post punk and early goth bands were the most influential in
forming and developing the Goth subculture but certainly among the most influential
were Fields Of The Nephilim, The Sisters of Mercy, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Alien
Sex Fiend,Killing Joke, Fields of Bauhaus, The Cure, Rosetta Stone, UK Decay and The
Shroud. All of these bands, although showing quite a wide variation
Market Analysis for Digital Photography Industry
Eastman Kodak Company: Funtime Film Case Study, BEP 430 Marketing 20030059
Dong ock Kim1, 20030071 Min geuk Kim2, 20040054 Keehyung Kim3, 20040535
Yohan Jo4, 20076006 Huang Qiuling5, 20076035 Dorjsuren Bayarmaa6 Marketing Team
A1 2 3 4 5 6 erst_licht99@hotmail.com1, kmg0702@hanmail.net2,
keehyoung@gmail.com3, zukjimote@gmail.com4,
sharlin_huangqiuling@hotmail.com5, gordok_88@yahoo.com6 Professor: Wonjoon
Kim Date submitted: April 10, 2007 TO: George Fisher, chief executive officer,
Eastman Kodak Company FROM: Dong ock Kim, Min geuk Kim, Keehyung Kim,
Yohan Jo, Huang Qiuling, Dorjsuren Bayarmaa RE: Eastman Kodak Company: Funtime
Film DATE: April 10, 2007 First of all, we ve analyzed about Kodak s circumstances and
problems.... Show more content on ...
The implementation of this strategy is so simple. If consumers purchase over 25 rolls
of film at once, Kodak give them a coupon that they can print 5 rolls of film for free at
the next time visit. At least 13% of each household can print 5 rolls of film for free, so
Kodak should bear the expenses. It means that Kodak s variable cost increases and net
profit decreases. In the short run Kodak ma y lose some profit; however, in the long
run, I m sure that it could reinforce the qua ntity of consumers who want to purchase
Kodak s products. In addition, only Kodak has capabilities to do this strategy, because
Kodak is exclusive company in film market which has the highest profit (gross)
margin. If this strategy makes a great success, Kodak s competitors may reduce the
price. They has lower profit margin even now, so it means a shortcut to get bankrupt
for them. You can find other real cases using this strategy2. success of other classes.
This effect is called Bowling Alley Strategy because it looks like a bowling pin that is hit
by the bowl at first. The first pin makes other pins fall down. Moore, Geoffrey (1991),
Crossing the Chasm, Harpper Business. 2 л°•мІ (2005), 도서무료배송을
통한 мќён„°нЊЊнЃ¬мќ мќён„°л„· 도서시장 м„ м ђм‚¬лЎЂ ,
마케팅 과학연구 м њ15집 м њ2н ё, pp. 227 244. 5 Exhibit 1. SWOT
analysis Favorable Internal Strength High brand name value High market share High
gross margin Weakness High price
Essay on September Eleventh Forever Changed My World
September Eleventh Forever Changed My World

It was an early autumn morning in early September in the year of 2001. The day
started off like any other at that time of the year, getting up really early in the morning,
cursing the gods because high school had to start so early. After eventually waking up
enough to drive into school, I would fly down the road picking up all my friends and
then all of us having to run into the building because we tried to milk those last minutes
of sleep every morning. It certainly started out just like any other day at that time in my

Once school started, it again seemed like a normal day in the life of a high school student.
This was all until third period. That year I had study hall third ... Show more content on ...
As the day wore on we pretty much just watched the news during every period, it was
truly riveting television because everybody was glued to info spewing from the screen.
Teachers, students, administrators, we were all in the dark, but we were in the dark
together and there was a certain comfort in that. But that comfort soon turned to a vast
array of different emotions. I can vividly remember sitting there watching the news
and just feeling chills roll over my body, I was speechless, I didn t know what to say or
do or how to act. That comfort that we all felt before we knew what really went on soon
turned to a sense of utter helplessness and confusion.

My parent s generation s first real powerful memory was that of Kennedy being
assassinated, my grandparents before them recalled the United States diving into world
war two. My generation has the unfortunate distinction of having our first truly earth
changing event in our memory that of the crisis that was September Eleventh. It will
forever be embedded in a sad corner of my memory. I can remember having the next
day off of school. It wasn t for the attacks, our school just was found to have ecolii in
the water system so they had to shut down school for a day and clean out the system. It
was probably the best thing that could have happened to our school community. The time
off gave us all a chance to watch the news
Legal Positivists And Natural Law
An unjust law cannot be a valid law In the light of Natural Law and Positivist theories,
assess the accuracy of the above statement. To what extent are legal positivists and
natural law theorists accurate in terms of the idea that an unjust law cannot be a valid
law ? In this essay i will attempt to define the concept of the validity of law in relation
to both natural law theorists and positivist theorists. For the purpose of this essay I
will define validity of a law as Having legal force; effective or binding (The Free
Dictionary). The main reason for the continual debate between both theories is that
they are both very similar although they may appear to be at contrary ends of each
spectrum. Natural law theorists believe that in order for a law to be valid it must have
some moral principle therefore if laws which are enacted in statues have no authority,
they are not moral. Whereas positivists support and emphasise the importance of a
division between morality and law. I will begin by outlining both theories. I will then
move onto asses the accuracy of the following statement, An unjust law cannot be a
valid law this includes establishing the similarities and differences of both theories; in
order to do this effectively it is essential that a thorough understanding of both theories
has been developed. Finally I will summarise my findings, An unjust law cannot be a
valid law true or false? The first question we need to address in order to be able to assess
Democratic Peace Theory
Intro: US Presidents have made it a goal during their term(s) in office to establish a good
relationship with foreign countries and even try to improve upon existing connections
with our allies. Some believe it is to prevent conflicts between the countries while others
dispute that it is a threat assessment by the United Statesto pick and choose their friends
and enemies. Preventing conflict between two democracies or countries that practice
democracyis called Democratic Peace Theory. However, research has begun to show
that Democratic Peace Theory is ineffective and needs to be brought to an end as a
model for how international relations are formed or destroyed. Democratic Peace
Theory needs to be abolished as a support for forming... Show more content on ...
Gleditsch asks the question if democracies really do keep the peace and he found out
that they try to but also sometimes have problems within their own house (Gleditsch
289). This could explain why rebellions within a country usually win because the
government is torn if they should quiet the rebellion or concede because they do not want
to be thrown out of office.
Shouldn t leave the football with a passionate fan: Democratic Peace Theory cannot
work as a solution for unsuccessful talks when it comes to foreign policy because when
deciding if democracies should go to war with one another, having the citizens decide
is bad because the average person does not think rationally, they think emotionally
which leads to more problems. Take the Cold War of the United States against the
USSR as an example of how emotions almost destroyed two nations. People were
spying on their own family members out of fear of being branded a communist and the
fear of nuclear annihilation was ever present danger that children were doing drills in
case of nuclear fallout. Had it not been for Gorbachev assuming power in Russia and
letting his people see what freedom was about through his policies, we would not be
here today. Mr. Layne, author of Kant or Can t, furthers the point by stating that
Democracies behave differently against non democracies (Layne 4). Democratic Peace
Theory cannot be a solution to resolve foreign
Fatty Acid Is Good For Human Health
fatty acid, which has excellent nutritive value. There are other substances in insects that
are good for human health; for example, antibacterial protein and peptide, enzymes and
hormones. Certain insects constitute superior health food. As a nutritional resource,
edible insects and their industrialization should be focused on in future studies.

4.1.1Protein and amino acids

Protein is the basis of all organism activity and constitutes numerous essential materials
such as enzymes, hormones and hemoglobin. It is a principal constituent of antibodies as
it bolsters the immunity role of the body. It is the only material that produces nitrogen for
maintaining acid and alkali balance, transforming genetic information and transporting
essential materials in the human body. It can also supply energy due to its ability to
produce heat. Insect bodies are rich in protein and the proportion are higher than that of
most plants; the protein content of several insects is higher than that of commercial meat,
poultry fowls and eggs. It is composed of more than 20 types of amino acids that benefit
the human body; among which eight are necessary for human nutrition as they cannot be
synthesized in the body (Jin 1987).
Fat is an important element that stores and supplies energy to the human body, as well as
supporting and protecting various organs in the body. Fat can also aid in the absorption
of vitamins.
Phosphate, carbohydrate and cholesterol are components of many tissues and
Essay On Government Shutdowns
Government shutdowns are complicated, but with the increase of Government
shutdowns per decade, Americans are frequently asking questions such as What problems
can be caused due to increased Government Shutdowns and why do they happen so
often? , or What might we face in our future and how will this effect possibly all aspects
of the American life we know today. , more often than not, leaving most Americans
clueless as to what all this means and why it keeps happening. To truly understand what
government shutdowns are and why they happen, we must first reflect on the history of
government shutdowns and what led to the frequency at which they occur today.
Government shutdowns have a short history of happenings, looking back into Americas...
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The word Omnibus is a term frequently used to explain a proposed law that covers
several diverse or unrelated to government topics. This is the hinging factor that leads to
Government shutdowns in most cases. Complicated topics like funding abortion through
Medicaid, act as continuous causes for spending gaps through disagreement. Though
these issues typically come to be resolved, many of the leading issues cause if not one,
then multiple shutdowns until an agreement is made. Government shutdowns throughout
the past have had many impacts on jobs, vets, active military, disabled, and average
American workers. A seemingly simple 6 day government shutdown costs Americans on
average 800 million dollars. In lost revenue alone 400 million dollars as well as another
400 million dollars to furloughed federal employees according to D. Matthews of the
Washington Post is lost. () Some people argue that a Government shutdown is healthy on
the economy. On the contrary Government shutdowns increase Government spending to
balance the amounts owed to employees and businesses as well as halt basic progression
in U.S. funded programs. Basic functions that play crucial roles in Americans lives are
affected during these times such as Social Security, Healthcare, Military, Loans, Veterans,
and Food
Mare Nostrum Research Paper
Salvete! Mihi nomen est Valerie Nguyen Crispina. My topic, number 29, is the Mare
Nostrum, which is the Mediterranean Sea. I m going to talk about the geography, some
civilizations connected to it, and why it is just as important today as it was in the past.
Romans called it Mare Nostrum because in Latin, it means our sea . In Latin, the
Mediterranean means in the middle of the earth . According to Bible, the
Mediterranean covers approximately 965,000 square miles with an average depth of
4,900 feet. It is almost completely surrounded by three continents: Europe, Asia, and
Africa. Only a narrow strait connects the sea to the Atlantic, according to the website
English Some of the first notable civilizations, such
Capstone Project Report Example
Capstone Project Report Project Definition: The purpose of this project was to design
and construct a robot that would demonstrate the skills we ve learned in our program
up until this point. This includes following pin diagrams for components, wiring
circuits, soldering, programming, and troubleshooting on both a physical and digital
level. To demonstrate those skills, Josh and I decided to create a product that would
have the ability to detect and avoid obstacles using an ultra sonic frequency generator.
Practical applications: An excellent real world application for this type of program
would be in an industrial manufacturing setting. With the rise of automata in
manufacturing a microcontroller designed and programmed to actively avoid
obstacles is a must. With this technology, technicians and other employees operating in
the vicinity of high speed machinery would be much safer, as beforehand, you would
need to bring the operation to a halt in order to move into a machines operational area,
because there would be a chance that people could be injured or even killed by the
machines inability to recognize their presence. The best part about it, is that its
already being implemented by some companies. Another great application for a more
complex program that is designed around this one is self driving vehicles. Flowcharts:
Autonomous mode: Feedback mode: Autonomous Code: //define motor ports #define
ENA 5 #define ENB 6 #define M1 7 #define M2 9 //forward executon void forward(){
digitalWrite(ENA,HIGH); //enable motor A digitalWrite(ENB,HIGH); //enable motor
B digitalWrite(M1,HIGH); //set M1 high level digitalWrite(M1,LOW); //set M1 low
level digitalWrite(M2,LOW); //set M2 low level digitalWrite(M2,HIGH); //set M2 high
level Serial.println( Forward );//send message to serial monitor } //stop execution void
stop(){ digitalWrite(ENA,LOW); //disable motor A digitalWrite(ENB,LOW); //disable
motor B Serial.println( Stop );//send message to serial monitor } //back execution void
back(){ digitalWrite(ENA,LOW); digitalWrite(ENB,HIGH); digitalWrite(M1,HIGH);/
/set M1 high level digitalWrite(M1,HIGH);//set M1 high level digitalWrite(M2,LOW);/
/set M2 low level
Florida Californi A Great Impact On The Most Diverse...
California has been known for it s beautiful golden coast, stunning mountain ranges, and
the always wonderful sunny weather. The state houses the largest and second most
diverse population of people in the United States. The large diversity of the people could
be contributed by the vast differing landscapes that stretch across the state. Northern
Californiain particular, is home to a variety of enormous mountains, mountain ranges,
beautiful lakes, and forever flowing rivers. People come from all over to witness these
breathtaking views. As for Southern California the alluring beaches, rolling grass
valleys, and various other attractions make for a significant difference to northern
California. The difference in environments has a great impact on the type of people that
live in each region. An individual s race, ethnicity, hobbies, political views, job, etc. all
can have an impact on what area of California they live in. Some people, including
myself enjoy a lot of outdoor activities that fit well in Northern California areas such as
hunting, hiking, snowboarding, etc. Meanwhile, people that live in southern California
may have much different outdoor hobbies due to the change in climate. The contrast
between north and south almost creates a split in the state. In 1941, the proposal of a
new state, named the State of Jefferson would take the very upper most part of California
and the southern most part of Oregonto create a 51st state. Today, that proposal has
Analysis Of Sal Castro And Maria Tula s Hear My Testimony
Blowout!, by Sal Castro and Maria Tula s Hear my Testimony are both testimonios,
meaning that they are told in the first person narrative. They provide an accurate
representation of the attitude and ideology of not only their own, but others at that
time period as well. In both books, the testimonio helped tell a fuller story because it
provided a deeper first hand view of socially significant scenes and demonstrated,
through their own voice, first hand how characters identities were developed. These
individuals were transformed because they faced realizations of larger political
pictures. Cesar Chavez was a civil rights activist who organized the earliest Chicano
movements. In an essay by Jorge Mariscal, Chavez s political ideology is... Show more
content on ...
He explains an encounter where a teacher told him, Sit in the encounter until you learn
English (Garcia Castro, Blowout! pg32). This quote shows that even in the first grade
Castro realized that racism was alive and present, and it was wrong. He believed that it
was wrong for the school to be treating him a certain way (badly), simply because of his
culture. Through the testimonio, these early encounters show us how Castro s identity
and core values were shaped. Furthermore, Castro s testimonio allows him to tell a
fuller story of social activism. For example, Castro vividly recalls the Watts Riot that
took place in Los Angeles. The Watts Riot was the result of the community reacting to
allegations of police brutality against an African American motorcyclist. Castros
explains, If you lived or worked anywhere near Watts, located south of the downtown
area, you saw and smelled the smoke from the burning cars and buildings. (Garcia
Castro, Blowout! pg131). This demonstrates how the testimonio gave us a different view
of social activism that was occurring during the time period. It is portrayed to us through
a personal response of someone who experience it first hand. As the Blowouts progressed
the Chicano students attitudes changed. A student explains after the movement, were the
first time that we began to develop consciousness...It was very affirmative. Thats where
you began to have an identity (Garcia Castro, Blowout! pg 322). The Chicano
Bide The Witches Oath Of Thee Analysis
Bide the Witches Oath of thee, In perfect love and perfect trust they be. Known of
walking the days and nights, Circle in and circle out our right. Cast thusly Circle held,
For bonded spirit will it weld. To bend or bind the will of place, And demon spoken to
its face. Marking set in book or tome, For all is given when thee roam. Backwards set
the moon of dark, In knowing dreams will it spark. To face the morning sun or moon,
Gather up the gypsies rune. The witches of fashioned new, Triangle of three will you
do. If the memory is what thou seeks, Candle lit light will finds its peak. Heed the
Goddess and her note, Or the self you find remote. From the four you know so well,
Walls break free, secrets tell. Sent from North
A Note On Different Relation Of Function
Recursions with Folds
Apart from using the recursion directly, fold is available to occur recursion scheme,
which applies a function to data structure/Functor to manipulate its contents. Figure 1
The above illustrates the summary of different relation of function. Below we will focus
on further explaining of how to isolate the recursions from the code in order to gain the
benefit of convenience, which is easier to control, repair and further develop the code.
In (inception) Fix (fixpoint)
The whole idea if In and Fix is all about where the recursion of code performs in the data
type, which isolate the recursion to a single spot, usually represented by parameter k.
First of all, we would have a simple code with direct recursions and ... Show more content
on ...
The idea of writing the value of type fix List a is shown as below:
As compared with List a and List a. we can make a assumption of:
List a в‰… List a k в‰… (Fix (List a))

By applying the assumption into Empty and Cons,

Empty :: List a k
Empty :: List a (Fix(List a))
Cons :: a k List a k

By substituting an integer, 20, into a and Empty into k,

Cons 20 Empty :: List Int (List a k)

Instead of this presentation, we want to make this in one level deeper via In,
Cons 20 9In Empty ) :: List Int (Fix (List a))
In Cons 20 (In Empty ) :: Fix (List a)

Thus, applying this idea into the case, we can conclude that In is a function to construct a
new value of type Fix f giving the functor of f.
Data Fix f = In(f (Fix f)) 1
In :: f(Fix f) Fix f Here is another example for using Fix, In to isolate the recursion: data
Fix f = In (f (Fix f))

data List a k = Empty | Cons a k toList :: [a] Fix (List a) toList [] = In (Empty ) toList
(x:xs) = In (Cons x (toList xs))

Applying 1 to this, data Fix List [a] = In ((List a)k) where k is the parameter for
recursion size. toList = foldr f k where Foldr:
Foldr :; (a b b) b [a] b

In order to abstract from f(Fix) to Fix f, k :: Fix (List a) k = In (Empty )

f :: a Fix (List a) Fix (List a) f x ys =

Piggy Symbolism
Generally, novels are used to convey a deeper political or moral meaning. In many
novels, their characters are used to cover up the disputed topics that the author wants
to display. The characters, in Lord of the Flies by William Golding, symbolize many
political events that took place in Golding s life. Three character s in particular, Ralph
and his democratic standard, Jack being an authoritarian man, and Piggy and his
intelligence. These characters in the story held deeper meaning about our real life
society with instead of just kids on the island. The theme of Lord of the Flies can
depict the flaws of society being directly diagonal to the flaws of human nature. For
example, Ralph is the main protagonist of Lord of the Flies and is a symbol for
democracy and proper structure. Golding writes, By now, Ralph had no self
consciousness in public thinking but would treat the day s decisions as though he were
playing chess. Ralph was always stressing... Show more content on ...
Piggy could think. He could go step by step in that fat head of his, only Piggy was no
chief. But Piggy after all his ludicrous body, had brains. Without intelligence in the real
world, caveman and modern man would be considered the same. Piggy is the one that
found the conch and used it in a smart way to unite everyone and speak in turn, it held
the kids together for as long as possible until the conch was killed with Piggy. Piggy is
described by Golding as short and very fat, but it is mostly because of his appearance
that his intelligence was not acknowledged. It s no accident that the fat boy s nickname
is Piggy, the staggering feeling that Jack and his hunters had to kill the pig is a clever
and indirect metaphor that Golding used to suggest the boys are also going to kill Piggy
and the nickname is a unintentional symbol that meant vulnerable which, Piggy was
while he was on the island with the
Schools Need 21st Century Materials And Resources
Schools need 21st century materials and resources to serve 21st century students. There
needs to be a change in ideology regarding the function of the library in todays society.
For centuries, libraries have remained essentially separate, even competing with one
another to establish and maintain the greatest collection, and now they need to recast
themselves as platforms rather than storehouses. (Palfrey, 2015) With the introduction of
the internet and online information libraries need to rebrand themselves. Libraries
around the world can now share information with one another in real time, and the
competition for resources has ended. That said, there is still value in networking with
other agencies devoted to educationand information. John Palfrey, author of Biblio Tech
suggests that, Libraries must act as ambitiously networked institutions, connecting their
network effectively with partner intuitions: archives, historical societies, museums, and
other cultural heritage organizations. (2015) More agencies are partnering up to give
their patrons access to the best and most credible information.

 The year of the Learning Commons is ablaze on social media. Teacher
librarians are embracing technology as a way to reach new audiences and share
resources. The social media of choice for these tech savvy teachers is Twitter, and their
hashtag is YearLC. (Loertscher, D., Koechlin, C., 2015) Twitter is being used as a
marketing tool to rebrand
Nt1310 Unit 8 Blocks
Blocks are the logical records which breaks the area used by a partition; clusters are
physical bodies of a hard disk. Hard disk is usually broken in to cylinders and cylinders
are broken down in to clusters. Most HDD arrive from the factory with a low level
pattern where, block size = 512 bytes. The NTFS file systemcan produce cluster sizes of
a multiple of 512 having a default of 8 blocks for every cluster. Size of a block is
multiple of size of cluster, such that a logical block will fit a definite number of
physical clusters one file one cluster . That is, in every cluster will be installed
information belonging at most to a single file. As an aftermath, when scripting a file in
a hard disk, some cluster remains incompletely filled or fully unused. As the operating
system can only write an entire block, it pursues that the idle space should be fit with
some strings of bytes that can be used by others. It should be remembered that these
data are saved in a disk because of the operating system curbs to write only on an entire
block, they could be detected by locating... Show more content on ...
Again, the manner in which this functionality is served depends from file system to
file system. The operating system utilizes the free space only to save new data, since
if there is no file linked to that block then there will be no information to manage. Data
present in the free space will be translucent to nearly all the applications. It is essential
to observe that operating systems provide capability to read random blocks from the
file system, whether they are termed as free space or not, so data saved in free space
are not translucent to the operating system. A proficient user could hide meaningful
information inside blocks recognized as free space by the file system; these data are not
related with any files, so they cannot be located by a file searching
The Role Of Competition Law And Its Effects On The Local...
My interest in this paper is to consider a complex network prospective; the application of
Competition Law, and more specifically related to its effects on monopolistic
competition, and its effects on the local market and South African economy as a whole.
South Africa (SA) was distant from many other major markets and production centers.
This made it complex for international trade to compensate for these conditions, even
though trade has expanded since 1994, mainly with the European (EU) and the United
States (US). Tariff levels have declined on average, but anti dumping duties protect key
industries such as steel, where the state has long had an interest and an exclusive export
agent can prevent arbitrage between export and local markets. SA s history of import
substitution and the attendant habits of business practice and government policy favored
local insiders thus challenging other market entrants. This encouraged the new SA
government to review the SA competition law regime in the White Paper on
Reconstruction and Development in 1994. The need for a new competition policy in SA
was because of excessive economic concentration and ownership, collusive practices by
enterprises and the abuse of economic power by firms in dominant positions. A need for
further transition emanated from the effects of globalization and trade liberalization and
the need to redress past inequality and non participation in the national economy. Thus
fundamental principle of competition policy
Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Essay
Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Organizational behavior In today s
challenges at work and an organization has become more than just a place where eight
hours of a day is spent, but a place where behavior is a major contribution to the success
behavior and what it means and the effects on the climate of an organization. of a
company. In this paper we will discuss organizational Organizational behavior is the
study of human behavior in organizations. It is an academic discipline devoted to
understanding individual and group behavior, interpersonal processes, and organizational
dynamics with the goal of improving the performance of organizations and the people in
them (CITATION). The process of organizational... Show more content on ...
In the past companies placed a great amount of emphasis on the numbers and how to
achieve those numbers. The people who actually helped achieve those numbers were
graded on their technical skills, productivity, and budgets. Employees were
moneymaking machines and how they achieved those numbers was not a concern of
their managers as long as the numbers were being met. Organizational behavior studies
have become more important today than in previous years because corporations must
learn to adapt to the rapidly changing business cultures that have stemmed from a
competitive and fast paced market. Organizational behavior was a topic that was not
discussed until an employee s behavior changed, productivity changed, or sales
decreased. In today s business world, managers are paying more attention to how
employees react to situations rather than if they respond. They are beginning to view
organizational behavior as an intricate piece of training and development of the
workforce. Soft skills were never a part of management training and it was rare that
managers were commended for having those skills. In the business world today, I feel
organizational behavior is an essential tool for managing effective
Cause And Significance Of The Triple Alliance
The Triple Alliance, which was also known as the Triplice was a secret political and
military alliance between the Germany Empire, Austria Hungary, and Italy formed on
20 May, 1882 and renewed periodically until World War I. Germany and Austria
Hungary had been closely allied since 1879 while Italy desired support against France
shortly after it lost its North African ambitions to the French. Each nation promised
mutual support in the event of an attack by any other great power. The treaty stipulated
that Germany and Austria Hungary were to assist Italy if it was attacked by France
without prior provocation. In turn, Italy would assist Germany if it was attacked by
France. In the event of a war between Austria Hungary and the Russian Empire,... Show
more content on ...
It guaranteed that both parties would remain neutral towards each other if war broke out
between other nations. The alliance between Russia and France and Bismarck′s
exclusion of Russia from the German financial market in 1887 prevented the treaty from
being renewed in 1890, ending the alliance between Imperial Germany and the Russian
Empire. This allowed the Russian Empire to enter into an agreement with the United
Kingdom and the French Third
Summary Of The Next Towns Don t Last Long
The next towns don t last long. None of them quite matching the thrill of Tokyo, the
companionship he found in Spain, or the memories he made in Brazil. He becomes a
bit of a nomad, only staying in one place long enough to take up a new hobby. He takes
advantage of his enhanced healing ability and strength with extreme sports and a
daredevil attitude. Hiking, mountain climbing, snowboarding, motocross, all fill his free
time until the rush of adrenaline begins to diminish. Eventually, he moves to hobbies
more fitting of someone who has lived the fullness of their life and are looking for
something to keep busy with. He tries his hand at woodwork, and then poetry, before
settling on instrument repair. He likes it. It keeps his hands... Show more content on ...
Five decades later and Luke finally manages to master the skill, so he doubts the
accuracy of what he read. _______________________ But he pushes the questions of
accuracy out of his head as he lays beside his partner. The arms around him are strong
and protective, the perfect representation of the man they belong to. Ashton is roughly
fifty years his senior, but he looks like he s still twenty one. He shares the same color
hair as Luke, but it is longer and it twists into natural waves towards the ends. His
tanned skin matches Luke s from the hours spent outdoors on hikes, road trips in the
Jeep with the top down and days passed on the beach. With Ashton, Luke embraces his
vampirism in ways he never has before. They work with a fraction of the Clave located
in California mentoring newly turned vampires, Bottle Feeders , as the fraction has
nicknamed them. Luke enjoys it and learns more about himself than he ever thought he
would. The greatest of discoveries was that who he was before didn t die in the
accident, he evolved. Twenty stories above street level stands Luke and Ashton on the
rooftop of their apartment building. No words are being spoken, however the silence is
not uncomfortable between them. Maybe it is the view that makes him feel so miniscule
in the grand scheme of everything that leads to or it could be the beer in his hand. Which
Essay On Computer Operating System
Computer Operating System

The working framework is the most noteworthy basic of all the framework programs, it
controls all the PC s assets and gives the base whereupon the application projects can be
composed (Tanenbaum, 1992). Consequently, it is essential for PC clients to choose a
powerful, tried and true, stable working framework, which can execute programs in an
advantageous and productive way. Linux working framework, which is generally
utilized as a part of late years, has turned out to be progressively well known in the PC
world. The improvement in Linux working framework started in 1991, when a Finish
understudy, Linus Torvalds, composed and dedicated Linux, a little yet independent part
for the 80386 processor, the main ... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, the framework libraries characterize a standard arrangement of capacities
through which applications can connect with the part and that execute a significant part
of the working framework usefulness that does not require the full benefits of piece
code (Silberschatz et al., 2003, p.701). Many sorts of usefulness are given by the
framework libraries, which enable applications to influence part framework to benefit
demands. Besides, the libraries may likewise supply more mind boggling variants of the
essential framework calls and schedules that don t relate to framework calls by any
means, for example, arranging calculations, scientific capacities, and string control
schedules (Silberschatz et al., 2003). setting up the framework for the establishment
procedure. Most importantly you tap on download instrument now to get the most recent
media creation device then you make an establishment media for another PC, at that
point you run the downloaded apparatus and go to Microsoft windows 10 download
pages. Pick make establishment media for another PC the snap by setup the dialect,
release and engineering for windows 10, either utilizing a USB or an iOS document,
here we will utilize the usb drive and embed the blaze streak drive to start establishment
process. The last part of Linux is the framework utilities, which are programs that
perform individual, specific
Evaluating Physical Activity
Journal Article Critique #1
Brittany Richards

Journal: Evaluating the Responsiveness of Accelerometry to Detect Change in Physical

Montoye, A. H., Pfeiffer, K. A., Suton, D., Trost, S. G. (2014). Evaluating the
Responsiveness of Accelerometry to Detect Change in Physical Activity. Measurement In
Physical Education Exercise Science, 18(4), 273 285. doi:10.1080
Increasing physical activity levels in both children and adolescents is crucial since
physical activity is associated with many health benefits, even if only by a few minutes a
day. In order to determine effective interventions for increasing physical activity in both
age groups, first an accurate measure of physical activity must be performed. ... Show
more content on ...
Approximately 26% of the participants in the study were considered overweight/obese
as based on their BMI percentiles gathered by the height and weight measurements
conducted. Differences in the times spent in each of the levels of physical activity
intensity were significant, showing that the study design was effective in inducing
more physical activity in the high intensity visit as compared to the low intensity visit.
The SRM values for the Actical accelerometer were at or above 1.2 for all cut points
and at all intensities of physical activity indicating high responsiveness to change for
the Actical accelerometer. Comparisons between the cut points for epoch length and
between the 15 second epoch and 30 second epochs were made for each cut point. The
results showed there were no differences in SED responsiveness among cut points for
either epoch and that there were no significant differences in SRM values for any of the
various intensities of physical activity when comparing between the two epochs. As for
the ActiGrapgh accelerometer, the SRM values were at or above 1.1 for all cut points,
intensities, and epochs indicating a high responsiveness to change in physical activity for
this accelerometer as well. The same comparisons were made with the ActiGraph as with
the Actical and the same results were
Panopticon Analysis
Target through the View of Panopticism In the article The Panopticon in Encyclopedia
of Criminal Justice Ethics, Karol M. Lucken described Panopticon the idea of Jeremy
Bentham, father of Panopticism , a social philosopher as a power of mind . Farther than
schools, workplaces, poorhouses, and hospitals which kinds of social institutions
Bentham believed his Panopticon could be used for, as society has progressed, the
Panopticism has applied into other institutions such as online social networking service,
or Retail Corporation. Indeed, based on the Panopticon, Target, a retail corporation is
consolidating their power under surveillance by the cover of coupon advertising. In the
article How Target Figured Out A Teen Girl Was Pregnant Before... Show more content on ...
In his essay, Karol M. Lucken stated, In effect, the tower was emblematic of power and
surveillance that was simultaneously visible and unverifiable. It is a tall observation
tower in the center of a circular building, and the outer wall is made up of cells which
would hold inmates who always to be visible, but the guards in the tower are not
distinguishable, thus creating more effective surveillance. The idea of Panopticon was
applying by Target which could control the people s pursuit of reward and utility.
Actually, reward and utility led people accidentally follow utilitarianism, and people
don t know that they are under control of other. An example, my mother became a
faithful adherent of Target where she buys supplies and never give a chance to another
retail because Target s coupons always delivered on time. Exactly, you give Target the
power to know your likes, who you are, where you are, items with you at every stage,
and even what you need. Become a member, or using credit card, you have provided
Target all the information which needed to figure out your life. Unfortunately, customers
are prisoners and they locked themselves in the cells which are their information and
would be readily distinguishable and visible to Target invisible covered behind the
coupons. Analyzing the catalog items which you bought, Target uses that towards luring
you into the coupons, and it slowly control

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