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Agriculture Essay

Writing an essay on agriculture can be both challenging and rewarding. The difficulty lies in the
vastness and complexity of the topic itself. Agriculture encompasses a wide range of subtopics, from
traditional farming practices to modern agribusiness, environmental sustainability, technological
advancements, and global food security. Navigating through these diverse aspects requires in-depth
research, a solid understanding of agricultural systems, and the ability to synthesize information

Furthermore, the field of agriculture is dynamic, with ongoing developments in technology, policy,
and environmental concerns. Staying updated on the latest trends and incorporating relevant
information into the essay adds an extra layer of complexity. Additionally, addressing the
multifaceted nature of agriculture requires a balanced approach that considers economic, social, and
environmental perspectives.

Crafting a compelling essay on agriculture also demands effective communication skills to convey
complex ideas in a clear and engaging manner. Balancing the technical details with broader
implications and societal impacts can be a delicate task. Moreover, the writer needs to maintain a
coherent structure, logical flow, and proper citation of sources to ensure the essay's credibility and
academic integrity.

In summary, writing an essay on agriculture involves grappling with the extensive scope of the topic,
staying abreast of ongoing developments, and effectively presenting nuanced information. While it
may pose challenges, successfully navigating through these complexities can lead to a well-rounded
and insightful piece of writing.

If you find the task overwhelming or need assistance, you may consider seeking help from
professional writing services. Websites like offer services where you can order
essays on various topics, including agriculture, tailored to your specific requirements. These
platforms can provide support for those who need assistance in meeting the demands of complex
essay assignments.
Agriculture Essay Agriculture Essay
Family Life In Premarital Sex In Colonial America
Premarital sex did not exist in America, and young girls were likely to still be virginal
upon marriage and faithful afterwards, sadly that is just a traditional American myth. The
reality is that sexual activity before and outside marriage was a common practice, among
the Puritans, in the seventeenth century. Throughout the eighteenth century in America,
30 to 40 percent of brides walked down the aisle pregnant. Premarital pregnancy was not
just limited to the twentieth and twenty first century. Today, families are not quite the
same as what they use to be. They include a more diverse environment than in the past
and are more probable to be formed away from marriage. Beginning with the familylife in
colonial America, we examine the household structure between the families and colonial
communities, compared to the emergence of the modern family. We apply our attention
to the shift from agriculture based to industrial economy and the consequences for
family life that follow. The colonial society has a particular correlation among families,
these examples involve the family structure, married couples, and children. Looking at
the families through a micro level point of view provides a system to these examples,
where the internal workings of colonial period differed profoundly from those in our
modern days. A vast majority of Early America was associated with agriculture like
farming, because it was mainly a rural territory. On the New World conditions, family
was the most
Theme Of Brainwashing In Brave New World
What would a world be like if everyone was brainwashed? In Aldous Huxley s book,
Brave New World, he creates a dystopian world that people are controlled in. Huxley
used political and social issues within his book to create a theme of systematic
brainwashing within a controlled society. The author believes that the 1930 s was a
corrupt society to live in due to the
Great Depression. People were at their lowest and gave a lot up. He uses imagery and
illusion to show everyone what people should think.
In the beginning of Brave New World, the author of the book uses imagery to put an
image into our heads of a sexual exchange from everyone. In the first chapter the author
creates an image of a social interaction between the Director and Lenina ... Show more
content on ...
So they started to do whatever they wanted, which means sleep with who they wanted.
In Brave New World, everyone was very dependent on drugs and alcohol. A drug called
Soma was taken all the time to make them have allusions and leave all their worries
Huxley uses illusion to make people in the book take their minds somewhere else. Also,
in the
1930 s people started to be more dependent on drugs and alcohol to ease the pain from the
Great Depression. Mustapha made a claim about how Soma helped him, What i had to
suffer and not a gramme of Soma to be had. Only drink of mescal every now and then,
Pope used to bring it. It eases their pain from all of their worries just like another
normal drugs now help others to forget about their worries. People also started taking
pills like pain pills and other experimental drugs to get high. Lenina starts taking Soma
to get high and be happy , As soon as they got back to the rest house, she swallowed six
half gramme tablets of soma, lay down on her bed, and within ten minutes had
embarked for lunarity eternity. Drugs have gotten so bad that people have to start
taking them everyday because they re so use to it. They also have to take more than use
to because they have become so use to how one makes their body feel they have to take
two, The return to civilization was for her the return to though you d done
something so shamefully anti social that you could never hold up your
Autonomic Nervous System Research Paper
The vital organs of the body are controlled through a layered approach in which
successive levels of integration and organisation are done from the bottom up. The
bottom of the chain has the target tissues, that is, the organs of the body that are
innervated by the autonomic nervous system. During constant external conditions, these
tissue have the ability to operate, without help, due to the presence of intrinsic, reflex
control mechanisms. However, when there is a change in the external environment, there
is a need of a system that can detect these changes and notify the vital organs to respond
accordingly. The next level comprises of the ganglion, collection of cell bodies, of the
autonomic nervous system. These display a certain amount... Show more content on ...
Hypothalamus also receives inputs descending from the cortex and the limbic system.
These inputs lead to significant changes in the overall functioning of the body, especially
during the times of stress. Every vital organ has the ability to regulate its function during
alteration in the external environment. The most prominent example of this is the change
in heart rate during times of stress. The heart has the ability to control its own pumping
action by regulating the contraction rate. This regulatory action is an intrinsic property
of the heart, also known as the Frank Starling mechanism. According to this, a response
is carried out by the heart as a result of the inherent property of the cardiac muscle. This
inherent property allows the cardiac muscles to contract more upon excessive stretching
in times of stress. This leads to more flow of blood into the heart, which leads to more
filling of the arterial chambers before each beat. This in turn causes the ventricles to fill
in more leading to more stretch on the ventricular walls. This way the heart keeps up
with the growing demand of blood by the body by change in its coordinated
Negative Effects Of Student Loans
A student loan is every other kind, but there are subtle differences that make it more
dangerous than most debt. Loans are borrowed money from banks, government
authorities, and they help pay for higher level education. Due to a fear of debt, student
loans affect college students destructively by driving them away from dreams of
success. There are a variety of ways to equip a loan, such as local banks, online, or
through credit unions. With an assortment of ways to get a loan, there are also many
loans to choose from. By examining how student borrowers fare financially after
graduation, we attempt to further the existing knowledge of the costs associated with
education debtand the manageability of the typical debt burden (Hershbein, 2014, p. 292).
Unfortunately, loans are substandard to students who need financial help, because in the
end they only hurt your financial future. All student loans contain different requirements
and negative effects to various factors, some being the unpredictable success of
undergraduate, immigrants being unable to attain a loan, and the government being
piled with debt not being repaid; these are all elements that demonstrate the negative
effects loans display. Loans are difficult to choose from, especially if it effects future
financial status. As difficult as it may seem, many students and adults are able to obtain
a loan. One of the easier loans to get are federal loans that are also known as Stafford or
Perkins loans. Stafford
Pros And Cons Of The Presidential Debate
Extra Credit: Presidential Debate The first presidential debate was held in Hempstead,
New York on Monday of September 26. The two presidential candidates that clashed
that night was Republican nominee Donald J. Trump and Democratic nominee Hillary
Clinton. This night was meant to gain an advantage on your opponent in the polls.
The debate focused on three main points of discussion; America s Direction,
Achieving Prosperity, and Securing America. When asked about the topic regarding
America s Direction, the subject about jobs was really acknowledged. Trump brought up
how China is building almost all of our things and that jobs are leaving the US for cheap
labor. He as well promised to bring back 25 million jobs back. Hillary was for making
Themes and Images in The Awakening
The water of the Gulf stretched out before her, gleaming with the million lights of the
sun. The voice of the sea is seductive, never ceasing, whispering, clamoring, murmuring,
inviting the soul to wander in the abysses of solitude. All along the white beach, up and
down, there was no living thing in sight. A bird with a broken wingwas beatingthe air
above, reeling, fluttering, circling disabled down, down to the water. Chapter XXXIX

Edna Pontellier, a woman no longer certain of who she is. A woman no longer sure of
her position in life, of who she is supposed to be. Edna Pontellier is a woman trapped in
the bounds of her society, her culture, her time. She is confined in a box that possesses
no boundaries. The ... Show more content on ...
Details from this novel by Kate Chopin demonstrate how this quote aptly captures the
theme and spirit of The Awakening, as well as the situation of women in the
nineteenth century and even today. First, one most look to the white beach, Edna has
trod on her entire life. This beach is the safe and sturdy ground that Adele Ratignolle
thrives upon. Attired all in white, Madame Ratignolle embodies the very spirit of the
mother woman. They were women who idolized their children, worshiped their
husbands, and esteemed it a holy privilege to efface themselves as individuals and
grow wings as ministering angels. Ch. IV, pg 385. However, on this white beach,
where women in white brood over all, . . .Edna was not a mother woman. Ch. IV, pg
385. Rather than dig her toes into the colorless sands, Edna prefers meandering walks,
perhaps on the shoreline itself. The imagery of Edna walking along as the waters lap at
her feet is profound.

Edna is thus far trapped on the ground, not yet knowing how to swim, but wanting
desperately to swim into the boundless water. Therefore, she must be content with life
on land, experiencing only a portion of the fluid as it swirls around her ankles. So
Edna marries a man her father approves of, has children her husband approves of, and
mimes a life society approves of. Here and there, the water of living laps at Edna s feet
tempting her to jump in.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Research Paper
Henry Longfellow
In doing my research on Henry Wadsworth Longfellow I have composed my essay into
four parts. First, I started off by describing Henry s early childhood all the way to old
age. Then, I went on to giving a description of what the Romantic Period was. After
that, I explicated his poem Flower De Luce and talked about how it fit the Romantic
Period. Finally, I included a copy of his poem and a works cited page to show where I
found my material to put my essay together.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was born on February 27, 1807, in Portland, Maine. He
was the second oldest out of eight children. Everybody who met him found out that he
had a very imagination, and had an appetite for learning (Maine Historical Society 1).
When he ... Show more content on ...
He uses figurative language such as, allusions and metaphors. In his poem he says
And winged with the celestial azure, bearest / The message of some God. meaning
that he believes that the flower de luce is a flower for God (Longfellow 1). In the lines
...And down the listed sunbeam rides resplendent / With steel blue mail and shield.
/ Thou art the Iris, fair among the fairest, / Who, armed with golden rod... Henry uses
metaphors to show that the flower is strong and sturdy but, at the same time, it is soft
and fragile (1). Not only does he use figurative language, but he uses a major component
that defines poetry during the Romantic Period. Henry uses deep and true feeling
while writing Flower De Luce. He uses words like beautiful, radiant, joy, and says
things like ...fairest among the fair... showing his deep appreciation for the flower de
luce (1). Above all he uses nature, which is one the more important things that was
used in poetry during the Romantic Period. Henry s entire poem is about a flower. In
the lines O flower de luce, bloom on, and let the river / Linger to kiss thy feet! / O
flower of song, bloom on, and make forever / The world more fair and sweet. He talks
about how beautiful it is and how it brightens his mood and day when he is around it
(1). Along with nature, he uses imagery throughout the poem to paint a picture of how
beautiful the flower de luce is. Henry describes the beauty of the flower de luce by
saying Born in the purple, born to joy and pleasance,... (1). In the poem Flower De Luce
Henry focuses on the beauty of nature by dedicating a poem to the flower de luce, which
has elements of Romanticism throughout
The Atomic Bombs Released On The Doomsday Clock
Jadis Chavez Storrs
Professor Myers
English 1A
26 February 2017
Seconds to Midnight on the Doomsday Clock
The Atomic bombs released on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan by an American B 29
bomber, the Enola Gay, brought WWII to a significant end. During WWII, the United
States and Soviet Union served as allies against the Axis Powers. Though this wasn t the
only alliance standing against Japan, Italy, Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria; The United
States and USSR s relationship at this point in history was controversial because the two
nations never completely trusted each other although fighting common enemies.
According to historian Gar Alperovitz, The bomb made it possible for the United States
to do whatever it wanted to Europe because we ... Show more content on
My clothes were burnt and so was my skin. I was in rags. I had braided my hair, but
now it was like a lion s mane. There were people, barely breathing, trying to push their
intestines back in. People with their legs wrenched off. Without heads. Or with faces
burned and swollen out of shape. The scene I saw was a living hell. (Michiko 385). A
civilian who was exposed to the atomic bomb, Yamamoka Michiko, reflects on the
scene she so devastatingly was a part of the day the bomb was dropped. Her description
of the cities ruins gives us an idea of just how brutal and horrific the nuclear weapon
turned to be. Not only did the United States privately construct such a ruthless weapon,
but also used the Atomic Bomb as an unfortunate way to instantaneously end WWII.
The United States decision to bomb Japan was seen as directed against the Soviet
Union because during this time, Stalin had moved troops to the far East in order to
enter war with Japan to secure and strengthen a soviet strategic position for combat.
The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is seen as an unnecessary war crime because
allied nations were making moves to prepare to defeat Japan. Though nations such as the
Soviet Union worked vigorously to defeat Japan, the United States wanted to end the war
quickly while letting other nations know the they were in charge due to their possession
of the world s first nuclear weapon. The aftermath of WWII left many nations in a
Columbine High School Bullying Effects
Despite these warning signs, sexual abuse can sometimes occur in the same
household which complicates the problem of putting a stop to it even further; when
this is the case, it is up to the child to report it to an authority. One cause that occurs
directly in the school where the shootings take place, is bullying. Bullying can
severely lower a child s self esteem leading to a heap of other problems. A child that is
bullied may be subject to depression, drug abuse, self harm and other symptoms that
psychologically traumatize children. The child may begin a feeling of hopelessness or
start doubting his self worth; he may start fearing going near people or have pronounced
social anxiety; and finally, the child can develop a feeling... Show more content on ...
One of the most notable and gruesome high school shootings have been that of the
Columbine High School massacre on April 20, 1999 and the Heath High School
shooting on December 1, 1997. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold killed thirteen people at
columbine high school and later shot themselves before the SWAT teams were able to
reach the school. Prior to the attack, the two teenagers had made home videos
apologizing to their parents and stating what they were planning to do. According to
them, what drove them to commit this gruesome act was due to being bullied
throughout school. These two had also been arrested before for stealing items and had
been reported to the sheriff s office for threatening to kill a fellow student in the past.
Michael Carneal, a fourteen year old boy, was responsible for the deaths of three
people and several others wounded at Heath High School. After the shooting, Carneal
claimed he had been inspired by the movie Natural Born Killers and the video game
Doom . He was also diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and pleaded mentally ill in
the courtroom. Despite having different causes, Eric and Dylan lashing out their rage
at students who had bullied them and Michael being heavily influenced by violent
media, the effect was the same in both cases where many innocent people lost their
lives. Their parents also played a huge role as there was no noticeable effort made by
them to seek out help for the two teenagers despite having a troubled past before or for
Michael who had been displaying signs of mental illness prior to the shootings. School
shootings are mostly carried out by children with violent pasts or abuse, but children
who may not act on their rage at an early age may still be subject to later on lash out
during adulthood, which introduces several other threats towards the people around
The Performance Of Tone Mapping
Because of the great interest of HDR images and their advantages, tone mapping
techniques are used to display these images on LDR devices. Many researchers made
different studies for evaluating the performance of tone mapping algorithms. Debevec
and Malik proposed that a HDR image can be created from three or more LDR images
of the same scene under different exposures. Through technological advances and the
development of photograph technology, we can get access to HDR cameras which can
take HDR photos and videos directly now. Therefore, there is an increasing demand
for tone mapping algorithms. There are two types of tone mapping algorithm: global
operators and local operators. The global tone mapping methods are simply mapped the
input HDR image I^h (x,y) to an output LDR image I^l (x,y) = f (I^h (x,y)) , where f () is
a global compression function which is spatially invariant, such as gamma function,
linear function, histogram based function and the function adapted to tone
reproduction curves. Hence, the local tone mapping methods decompose the input
HDR image into multiple layers or areas, apply different compressing algorithm in
different layers or areas and recombine all the layers or areas into a LDR image.
Similar with Durand, Farbman which segmented the HDR image into two layer a base
layer and a detail layer, while the base layer is obtained by applying an alternative edge
reserving smoothing operator and the detail layer is obtained by
Annotated Bibliography On Japanese And English
This commentary is compressed form of a thesis on annotated translation. The object of
this task is to present a complete annotated translation of a pamphlet that introducing
Japanese culture, in particular tea culture. The key difficulties of this translation are what
issues are faced up when translating the original texts , and how these issues are figured
out in the translation.
When translation is processed, I encountered several difficult problems such as a word
has two or three definitions and meanings, a word cannot be translated literally, a
peculiar idiom, and proper nouns. Nonetheless, to state the grammatical order is different
between Japanese and English. In the following section will present these problems, and
how I solve.
Occasionally a Japanese word has more than two meanings and definitions. When I
encountered that situation, I cannot translate that vocabulary immediately. To solve this
issue, it is important to recognise a sentence as well as a paragraph. For example,
гЃЉиЊ¶г‚’гЃЁгЃ«гЃ‹гЃЏг‚€гЃЏйЈІг‚Ђ (continue to drink and enjoy tea). In this case, I
interpret г‚€гЃЏ for continue to , however, definition for г‚€гЃЏ is decent or often . If I
translate decent for this word, the sentence does not make sense. Therefore, it is
important to understand sentences and paragraph.
Other words for this issue remain; г‚€г‚Љ, which means more or other than . гЃ§г‚‚,
which means but or even . й–‹иЉ±, which means a flower bloom or become popular .
One of the common issues for translating
A Novel Tree Based Method For Data Hiding And
A Novel Tree Based Method for Data Hiding and Authentication in Medical Images
Sreejith.R Dr.S.Senthil Research Scholer Associate Professor Reva University Reva
University Bangalore Bangalore. Abstract
Telemedicine focus on use of information and communication technologies in the
situation when health care center and the patient are remotely located. That means that
health care services are provided remotely over the distance. There are several
telemedicine services which include transmission of information about patient s health
through text, sound, images and other data forms for the diagnosis treatment, prevention
and follow up of the patient s health status. The role of telemedicine services contributes
a lot in health improvement and its application should be considered favorably valuable.
However, it is so much necessary to be aware that the utilization of different telemedicine
solutions includes processing of patient s data and transferover open network. Thus, this
issue should be considered from the perspective of data protection. Medical images which
are stored in health information systems, cloud platform or other systems seeks attention.
Privacy and security of such images
The Sex Of Sex Work
The world of sex work has been around for countless years. Hollywood portrays it as a
normal way of life in all the cowboy movies and put a glamorous feel around it.
However, Hollywood is about selling dreams and fantasy, though the reality is quite
different. The reality is that sex work is dangerous. The act in and of itself is not usually
dangerous, nevertheless, the situations in which it needs to be conducted are. Today s
sex work incorporates more than just prostitution; the adult film industry, Dom/Sub
work, phone sex operators, together with exotic dancing are all considered sex work.
The focus of this essay has been narrowed down to just the prostitution aspect of sex
work and the decriminalization for the means of creating a safer environment for the
worker. Decriminalization of this particular type of sex work would render the job safer
for the workers given that they would have the ability to screen clients, an established
place of employment, safety in numbers, a positive relationship with law enforcement,
and enhanced means to protect themselves from health risks.
Screening of the clients is a key aspect of keeping the sex workers safe. Screening the
clients is a lot about reading people, their clothes, their attitude, how they hold
themselves and trusting the experience of the worker s instinct. The screening process
will not work every single time, however, the ability to make the decision to go with a
client or not can save the workers life. Escorts and
The Classical Version Of Skepticism
Skepticism is a method of equal and opposite arguments that has been used to investigate
truth. It is believed that nothing should be assumed true without enough evidence. In the
world of skepticism, all conclusions are premature.
The classical version in skepticism is called Pyrrhonism. It was named after an early
advocate known as Pyrrho (365 BCE 270 BCE) became so frustrated between two
arguments, not being able to choose which to follow due to reasonable views on both
side, and decided to make a decision to drop his concerns with the subject. With this, he
figured that the frustration that came with picking sides and choosing what to believe
was not worth it and believed that you cannot be certain about the truth. Once admitting
this to himself, he achieved the inner peace he was looking for that was later called
Socrates (470 BCE 399 BCE) was one of the first religious skeptics. He questioned the
existence of the various gods the people in his society believed in and the religious
authority. He was seen as an anti religious enemy of the state that was poisoning the
younger generations minds, which led to his arrest, trial, and ultimately his death.
However, Socrates was only skeptical of religious beliefs and practices because he was
unsure of the truth behind it and not because he was anti religious. And throughout his
life, even up til his death, he claims that he only knows one definite truth, which was that
he knows nothing. This is the reason for
Examples Of Alienation In The Thin Red Line
For instance in James Jones s novel The Thin Red Line (1962), the inhuman and brutal
acts , such as the disinterring of a Japanese corpse for fun, the extraction of their
corpses gold teeth, and the summary execution of Japanese prisoners, all of these
explore the idea that each soldier suffers the emotional and physical predicament of war
by himself. However, some readers will be grateful to an author who has honestly
attempted to tell the truth in his own artistic way. One such person was Romain Gary
who expressed his appreciation of the novelin his April 22, 1962, letter to Jones.
The Thin Red Line, the line between man and beast, so easily crossed, is a realistic
fable, symbolic without symbols, mythological and yet completely factual, a sort of
Moby Dick without the white whale, deeply philosophical without any philosophizing
whatsoever. . . . The book belongs to that vein of poetical realism which is the rarest and
to me the most precious thing in the whole history of the novel , it is ... Show more
content on ...
Wright has exposed the human predicaments of his individualism through his
characters with their sufferings that they underwent due to their color, as well as he
exposed the reality by bringing out the hidden pain of the blacks. The effects of
alienation in a society can be noted through the novels of Wright such as, Black Boy
and Native Son. In the novel Black Boy, Richard Wright had a constant feeling of
alienation. Richard expresses his physical or emotional hunger, his disagreements with
injustice, or his unwillingness to conform, he always felt this way. Racism plays a
strong role in Wright s Black Boy, due to the fact that this thought was very popular in
this time period. Richard struggled to liberate himself from the alienation of white
people and the working system because it was strongly looked down upon by whites and
Minimum Wage And The Cost Of Living Essay
Today we live in a society that tells us what and when we can do it, with the complex
of living in the United States which is supposed to be the land of the free. The cost of
living now these days have put those who only make minimum wage in poverty stricken
situations, which now they have no choice but to depend on the government to live. We
either have to lower the cost of living so that people can live a somewhat sustainable life,
or raise the minimum wageso that we can afford the cost of living that is provided to us.
Somethings got to give, it s obvious that we cannot have both. About 77.2 million
people ages sixteen and over worked for hourly wages in 2014, according to the US
Department of Labor s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). These workers make up 58.7
percent of the US workforce. People earning the federal minimum wage or less (people
earning less than the federal minimum wage are not necessarily a violation of FLSA as
there are exceptions) totaled 3 million in 2014, or 3.9 percent of all hourly workers .
It s the glass half full concept tells us that we must want one thing and not the other
then we have to see that over time we will want things that is called price indices , is
we want satisfaction in the things we buy which cost more, and if the prices are up for
the things we buy and they do not get better that is where we see that the cost of living
goes up with it. More like a tix for tack scenario we want nice things like anyone would.
If the median
Transformation Of Hester Prynne
All wrongful actions have consequences, furthermore, the consequences of one mistake
has the power to flip one s life upside down and ultimately change their life forever.
This is what happens to Hester Prynne in Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter.
Hester has been found guilty for adultery, a sin punishable by death in the Bible, and is
forced by the Puritan society in which she lives in face major repercussions. Hester is
forced to atone for her sins through prison time, public humiliation, and the forced
wearing of a scarlet letter. Despite this, Hester Prynneis a resilient young woman,
determined to overcome the circumstances thrust upon her, although she slowly becomes
less of a woman and loses her ability to love, she remains... Show more content on ...
The scarlet letter, the judgement from the public, and the seclusion all combined to
take away something from Hester that she may never get back. Seven years after she
is forced to withstand public humiliation for many hours, a sad transformation
overcomes Hester. Hester s emotional transformation is so drastic that it makes her
less of a woman. The seclusion that Hester has been living in for the past seven years
has resulted in her losing her ability to love, the emotion that makes you the most
woman. It was due in part to all these causes, but still more to something else, that there
seemed to be no longer any thing in Hester s face for Love to dwell upon; nothing in
Hester s form, though majestic and statue like, that Passion would ever dream of
clasping in its embrace; nothing in Hester s bosom, to make it ever again the pillow of
Affection (Hawthorne, 1994, pp. 112). However, it is apparent that this needed to
happen to Hester in order for her to survive what had happened to her. Some attribute
had departed from her, the permanence of which had been essential to keep her a
woman. Such is frequently the fate, and such the stern development, of the feminine
character and person, when the woman has encountered, and lived through, an
experience of peculiar severity. If she be all tenderness, she will die. If she survive, the
tenderness will either be crushed out of her, or... crushed so deeply into her heart that it
can never show itself more. (Hawthorne, 1994, pp. 112). The reader watches Hester
slowly become less and less of herself, making this transformation exceedingly difficult to
The World Of The New Country
The city would have theatres, churches, restaurants, schools, a football stadium and a
Marine zoo. The outer massive concrete wall was curved to deflect the wind above it.
All around the city, except for a gap to let ships through, would be a line of sausage
shaped canisters. These would be positioned at some distance from the wall, and being
part filled with water, would float low in the sea. These were designed to break the
large waves coming towards the sea. Oceania: The Atlantis Project Appropriately
named Oceania, this new country is expected to be built off the coast of Panama, 50
miles due east. Oceania will utilize ocean pontoon floating technology, similar to that
used by the Saigon Floating Hotel, off the coast of Saigon, Vietnam, which was
designed by Sten Sjostrand. This country will be devoted to the value of freedom, and
will first exist as a sea city in the Caribbean. Mike Oliver and Eric Klein were the
founders of the Alantis Project. They visualized a country where there would be no taxes.
It would be a haven for free thought and free enterprise. They imagined a place where one
could invest or run his business without the interference of government bureaucrats and
tax extortionists. The only people one needed to answer to would be ones customers and
contractors. The architect of the project, Sten Sjostrand designed the city taking the
hexagon as a module. His structure was feasible for very large structures, but inefficient
for small communities. An
Piaget s Report On Cognitive Development
Piaget s Report Jean Piaget (1896 1980) was the first psychologist to make a systematic
study of cognitive development, he was an employee at the Binet Institute for the
Development of French versions of the questions on intelligence tests, and he became
interested because of the provision of the kids for the wrong answers to questions that
require logical thinking. Piaget showed that children in the ways of thinking in different
ways for the strikingly than adults, he contributed to the creation of a series of simple
tests that were ingenious for the detection of various cognitive abilities in children.
Cognitive Theory Children are born with a basic mental structure (genetically inherited
end evolved) There are three elements of his... Show more content on ...
Observation Task I observed my brother Mohammad; he was born on January 31, 2010
so he is 5 years old. He study in first academic school in Ajman, he is in KG2. I choose
four of Piaget experiments the fils experiment, the water experiment, the lines experiment
and the flowers experiment. пЃ¶The fils experiment: First I prepare the materials, my
brother sat on the chair and the table was in front him I started to put the coins, first I
put 5 coins in a line then I put the other 5 coins in other line under the first one with the
same space between the coins, he asked what is the game that we will play? I said I
will ask you some questions. I asked him where is more coins first line or the second
one? He said the two lines are same and have same coins, and then I make more spaces
between the coins in the second line so it was like a taller line, then I asked him where
are the more coins first line or the second one? He said the second line, then he was
quiet for few seconds and he starts count the coins in each line then he said they are
Muhammad Ali Biography Essay
Muhammad Ali was born on January 17, 1942 In Louisville. One day Ali s bike had
been stolen. Someone had suggested that he should report it to a nearby police. Ali
reported it to a traffic cop named, Joe Martin. Joe ran a boxing gym in the basement of
the convention hall. He took Ali to the basement. Right when Ali got there he was in awe
of all that the boxers were doing. The sights and sounds and smell of the boxinggym
excited him so much that he almost forgot about his bike. Right then at that moment was
when Muhammad Alidiscovered boxing.

The world s undisputed world champion of boxing, Muhammad Ali, did not let his race
stop him from reaching his goals of becoming the best. One of his big obstacles was Ali
getting drafting into the ... Show more content on ...
Fortunately, some of the local Louisville aristocracy had noticed Ali s success and
taken an interest in him (Conklin 26 27). One of these people were, Billy Reynolds,
who would inherit the Reynolds aluminum foil future. He became a supporter of sorts
to the ambitious young boxer. After High School, Reynolds saw Ali s talents and was
interested. He offered him to let him train with him for no money and to give him a job
so he would earn money as well.

In 1967, after twenty years since Jackie Robinson and Joe Louis. Ali had set the
standard for behavior for the JRstar black athlete (Conklin 14). Ali also got married to
Sonji Roi, a beautiful cocktail waitress and model. She was a year older than Ali and
had an eight year old son from a previous marriage. The marriage only lasted less than a
year because, Roi refused to listen to the Muslim strict dress and dining codes. In 1970,
when Ali got his boxing license back, a outspoken segregationist tried to block it
(Conklin 74). That day he declared a statewide day of mourning.

Muhammad Ali is still here today. Unfortunately, in 1984 Ali was diagnosed with
Parkinson s syndrome (Conklin 91). It is a neurological condition similar to Parkinson s
disease but without the disease s degenerative pattern. After that, Ali rarely talked about
boxing. His days as a boxer were behind him. But the sport in general will always be with
Benefits Of Being An American Essay
America is a providing country and will support anyone who wants to have their
freedoms. People that come or live in America for this reason and many more are
called Americans. Unlike other countries, our government isn t strict and you can do a
lot of stuff that you can t do in other countries. Also, most people in America are here
to work and to meet their life goals. Americans like to work to meet life goals and in a
lot of countries you don t have the opportunities that America gives them. Lastly, another
reason that people come or live here is for a better lifestyle. A lot of countries have strict
governments and poverty which would make your lifestyle horrific. In America you have
the benefits and freedoms to make your lifestyle better. As... Show more content on ...
If you are an individual that is living or came to America to live a free life, then
consider yourself an American. In the letter What is an American? by J. Hector, he
says These lands confer on them the title of freeman; and to that title every benefit is
possible (32). Hector is basically saying how Americans is titled to free people and
have any benefit they need or want to accomplish achieving. So if you want to be free
and want multiple benefits, then come to America. In the short story America and I
by Anzia Yezierska, she says I arrived in America. My young, strong body, my heart
and soul pregnant with the unlived lives of generations clamoring for expression (19).
In this quote, Anzia says how her personal experience of coming to America was
surprised by how much freedom and benefits people could have just by coming to
American to be free. She is glad that she came to America because she knows as long
as she works hard, she will be a free American with multiple benefits. These are proud
examples of what an American is and what America could do for an
Essay on Adolescents in the TV Show Freaks and Geeks
The media portrays adolescents in television shows as being rebellious, sex crazed,
and unreasonable people. Freaks and Geeks, created by Paul Feig and produced by
Feig, himself, and Judd Apatow, is a one hour TV show that aired on NBC from 1999
2000. The show centers around the siblings, Sam and Lindsay Weir, and their friends
while they all attend McKinley High School. Freaks and Geeksis a show that portray
adolescents in a way that the media doesn t because of the lessons the characters have to
learn , the choices that they choose to take, and the struggles they have to endure. Many
adolescent have to learn many things from the events in their lives. Freaks and Geeks
show characters adapting to the changes in their life and learn... Show more content on ...
Amy Campbell, in episode 17, tell his boyfriend, Ken Miller, that she was born
intersex. This causes Ken to question his sexuality, but later on to learn that Amy was
the perfect girl for him. This shows that Ken makes a decision to actually show that
adolescents make many choices that aren t just exaggerated out of proportion but are
life changing and confusing to one. Another character having to make a hard choice is
when Lindsay Weir, also in episode 17, had her question for the Vice President
declined. Lindsay in the end makes the choice of asking the Vice President why he
decline her question and what he is avoiding. This shows that choice by adolescents
are not all about relationships but of politics. This also pushes away the stereotype of
youth not being politically aware and have no view on the government. This choices
affect her life in a way where she can help her make decisions in her future. Many
adolescent have to endure many struggles that may affect the person in a whole.
Lindsay Weir in beginning of the TV series had her grandmother die in which she starts
to wear her dad s old army jacket and hanging out with the freaks of McKinley High
School. Lindsay enduring the event of her grandmother s death because through the
course of the show, she shown no depression that her grandmother was gone or she have
accepted the death of her grandmother. This make the show different from other because
many show doesn t show death often because of the
Analysis Of D C 121-26-31
At the time the verses in D C 121 26 31 were written in 1839 only 22 of the 100+ major
bodies in the solar system that we know of today had been documented. By 1899, nine
more would be added bringing the 20th century in with a grand total of 31.
In the first verse it talks about God giving knowledge by His Holy Spirit. It does
appear as if the Holy Ghost is revealing knowledge to the world. It seems to be revealed
though a select group of individuals that have not only great passions for science and
extremely brilliant minds. But can grasp and could perceive what could not be seen or
yet proven. Who possessed a courageous tenacious soul that held on sometimes against
great opposition and trials . Some of these great men like Le Verrier ... Show more
content on ...
That control has permitted orbiting of Ceres at around 240 miles from surface
(Interesting fact this is closer than the Space Station to Earth) which permitted even more
data to be gathered. So much more data, that new measurements had to be created to
meet the data that is being collected on the mission. Scientist have even made
adjustments to the axes to allow greater efficiency and conservation of resources so that
the craft has a time extension for the mission. As an added bonus this craft will also
benefit commercial and government manufactures of spacecraft and geostationary
satellites, they will be cheaper to produce and give them new maneuvering capabilities.
For now Electric propulsion is the only way to transport data for scientific research
across enormous distances and conduct interplanetary travel to outer regions of the Solar
Dawn s final destination is Ceres. Ceres was once thought to be an asteroid but was
reclassified (2006) by scientist to a Dwarf Planet because Ceres has a special property
call Hydrostatic equilibrium , which means Ceres shape is directed by how it rotates.
Viewed from a distance there appeared to be a shining beacon coming from Ceres that
mesmerized scientist, the beautiful glow turned out to be a complex reflective material
in a 57 mile crater called Occator . It is thought that following the huge impact that
formed the crater, underground briny salt water came up to
Chinese Food Vs Ancient Chinese Food
Have you ever wondered what people ate a long, long, long time ago? Personally, I
have wondered this for a long time, but today I will tell you about them, and compare
and contrast them. Also, I will be showing you evidence to as why I think ancient
Chinese food is more advanced than ancient India food.
Ancient Chinese food was very healthy. They ate very little fish or meat, and they ate a
great quantity of vegetables. They sometimes ate duck, turtle, fish, eggs, and wild game.
Noodles and rice were very popular at the time. Rice was usually eaten on festivals and
anytime else. Rice dumplings were usually eaten at the initial full moon in the new year,
mostly so the people of China could make a wish on the dumplings. Rice soon became
very popular and was nearly eaten every single day. The noodles were made out of
wheat, and were very tasty and very thin. China came up with the idea of tea. So, the
rising of tea in China ongoingly and very swiftly grew. The time period that it grew, was
from the 4th to the 8th century. No longer was it only used for medical reasons, the tea
actually became valued for pleasure and refreshment. A fair amount of tea plantations
grew swiftly across China, and the tea merchants became rich. In India, they also had a
very healthy diet. The people of Indus Valley grew lots of different crops. Some of
these crops were peas, barley, wheat, dates, and lastly melons. Plus, they also raised pigs,
sheep, cattle, and grew cotton. Each of the towns had
The Paradox Commandments Analysis
A poem is often defined as an art form used to express yourself, which evokes emotion
in its reader. However, there are poems with another purpose besides making the
audience feel something. Some poems are used to educate, inspire, or give advice to it s
readers. Two poems that offer excellent advice about how to live life happily and
successfully are If by Rudyard Kiplingand The Paradoxical Commandments by Dr. Kent
M. Keith. Rudyard Kipling, the author of If and Dr. Kent M. Keith, the author of The
Paradoxical Commandments give both similar and different advice, but this advice is
directed at two different audiences because of the way it is presented in the poems.
The largest difference between these poems is the demographic they are written for.
If is undeniably male dominant in comparison to The Paradoxical Commandments
which has advice directed at anyone who chooses to read it. The first indication that If
has advice specifically given to males is in line three when Kipling says, If you can
trust yourself when men doubt you, This line could have easily been adjusted to ...
when people doubt you, to allow all readers to relate to it. The second time Kipling
makes it obvious his words are for male readers only is the second line of the final stanza
Or walk with Kings nor lose the common touch. Kings are clearly masculine, and as
powerful as a person can get in Kipling s eyes. The final line of the poem And which is
more you ll be a man, my
Compare And Contrast The Relationship Between Milkweed...
Symbiotic relationships are referred to a special type of partnership between a lot
species. These relationships can sometimes be beneficial or sometimes even harmful.
These kinds of cohesion are essential for many ecosystems and organism today. They
provide a working balance that can only be achieved by working with each other.
When two different species somehow finds a way to coexist and it s beneficial for
both sides, is often referred to a mutualistic relationship. A good example of this in
Mother Nature is the relation between a milkweed flower and a monarch butterfly. If
we compare it to human relationship we usually can compare it to the relationship
among men and their call girls. Why do they have so much in common? How is the
relation between a milkweed flower and a monarch butterfly mutualistic? Adult
monarchs often look for a milkweed flower to lay their eggs, and when they find a place
usually they leave their eggs... Show more content on ...
Women who get into the field of sexual services or at this point, prostitution are there
for many reasons. A lot of women finds out about how much money they can make
while there are still young and gets obsessed with money. Others see it as a way to pay
for something, like education or loans that need to be paid back. A lot of women leave
the business after their reach their desired goal. For many of them they see themselves
as rescuers, giving men something they want and need. Despite being about the money,
a lot of other women do it because it s the only way to survive. From drug addicts to
girls involved in human trafficking. So they really don t have a choice, because it s the
only way to make a living and not die. So all in all women do it because they want the
money and men want the sex, kind of a win and win situation right here. You may call it
a mutualistic relationship, both sides understands what they need and what they want,
there are both benefitting from this
Computer Virus and Prentice Hall Essay
AssignStudent# 11469947Name: Neel NandSubject:ITC595 Assessment#: 1
Student# 11469947Name: Neel NandSubject:ITC595 Assessment#: 1 ment 1 ITC595
Information Security

Question 1.
Reports of computer security failures appear frequently in the daily new. Cite a reported
failure that exemplified one (or more) of the principles listed in the chapter: easiest
penetration, adequate protection, effectiveness, weakest link.

There has been a lot of reports of security breaches in the news, for example the Sony
Playstation Network, RSA Lockheed Martin compromise, Hyundai and so on, these
have been of recent and these all show how vulnerable we are to security threats out
there on the world wide web which has very little to do with ... Show more content on ...
| | e| | | | | | | e| r| | | | e| r| | | | | | | a| r| | | e| | | | | e| | | | | | | e| r| a| d| d| e| r| | | | | | | o| r| s| | e| |
| | s| e| s| | | | | | e| r| o| f| f| e| r| Posiible Combinations| | | | | | a| r| s| | e| | | | s| e| s| | | | | | e|
r| a| d| d| e| r| | | | | | | o| r| n| | e| | | | n| e| n| | | | | | e| r| o| f| f| e| r| | | | | | | a| r| n| | e| | | | n| e|
n| | | | | | e| r| a| d| d| e| r| | | | | | | o| r| t| | e| | | | t| e| t| | | | | | e| r| o| f| f| e| r| | | | | | | a| r| t| | e|
| | | t| e| t| | | | | | e| r| a| d| d| e| r| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | h| | | a| r| t| | e| | | |
t| e| t| | | | h| | e| r| a| d| d| e| r| | | | h| i| | a| r| t| | e| | | i| t| e| t| | | | h| | e| r| a| d| d| e| r| | | | h|
n| | a| r| t| | e| | | n| t| e| t| | | | h| | e| r| a| d| d| e| r| | | | h| o| | a| r| t| | e| | | o| t| e| t| | | | h| | e| r|
a| d| d| e| r| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | i| | | a| r| t| | e| | | | t| e| t| | | | i| | e| r| a| d| d| e|
The Significance Of The Spread Of Christianity
Everything has a beginning, and in the beginning there was the word and the word
was with God. The Bible is the religious scripture for Christianity which is followed
worldwide by 2,000 million people. Each religion has its roots but Christianity claims
it is different. With over 2,000 million followers we will explore how Christianity
came to be and the spread of such a widely followed religion today. In my paper I will
be exploring the important roles in the spread of Christianity along with important
figures and events in the religion as well. Dating back to 1900 BCE a man named
Abraham and his wife Sarah moved to the city of Canan. Some say Abraham is the
very start of Christianity because he plays a key role in the beginning. Sarai, Abram s
wife was a barren woman and they both wanted more than anything to have a son.
Sarai felt awful because she could not supply her husband with a son so she told
Abram to go and make her maid Hagar his wife. Hagar was egyptian and very
beautiful, apparently daughter of a pharaoh who was gifted to Abram and Sarai
throughout their travels through egypt. Together her and Abram had a son whom they
named Ishmael. Throughout time Sarai grew very jealous, she prayed and prayed to
God to let them have a son. Eventually when Sarai was 90 her prayers were answered
and she bore a son whom they named Isaac. After God answered their prayers he
changed Abram s name to Abraham meaning father of many and Sarai to Sarah meaning
princess .
A Study On Venture Team
Venture Team
1. The founders. NB has two founders, one is Gupta Gautam, who worked in the
venture capital company General Catalyst Partners for a long time; the other is
Kenneth Chen, who once served as an investment analyst and sales manager. He also
founded a company in 2009, called W Media. These experiences are beneficial for the
development of NatureBox because its founders know how to start a new business and
how to attract investment but also be the benefit for their network resources. On the
other hand, GG and KC are familiar with each other and their work is more efficient.

2. The management team. From some of the online survey and staff feedback, NB s early
management team is progressing. In 2014 and 2015, NatureBox recruited ... Show more
content on ...
Investigation of O2O share of global sales area
After investigation, major regions worldwide annual sales percentage is as follows: Asia
Pacific: 13 years, 14 years, 15 years, 16 years, respectively, 33.4%, 36.2%, 38.2%, 39.7,
showing an upward trend.

2. US mobile e commerce sales forecast analysis (From 2013 to 2017, unit: one billion
US dollars)
The US e commerce sales was 38.84 in 2013; the sales increased to 53.41 in 2014; it
grew into 71.16 in 2015, while it increased to 92.39 in 2016. It will reach as much as
108.56 in 2017.

Therefore, we can draw a conclusion:

(1) The online shopping has become popular;
(2) The consumer desire for snacks and the demand for health;
(3) Market demand: in the snack food industry, the demand for healthy snacks is unmet.

Industry Analysis
Michael E. Porter, Author of five forces model, said Understanding the competitive
forces, and their underlying causes, reveals the roots of an industry s current profitability
while providing a framework for anticipating and influencing competition (and
profitability) over time, The following industry analysis of NautreBox is based on the
Porter five force model.

1. Threat of Substitutes. UrthBox and Gra are more representative competitors on the
market. Compared to NB, UrthBox s snacks are relatively weak and can only be
delivered once a month; Gra s prices are slightly higher and there is no box of choice.
Another competitor, Love With Food, offers a meal for the
Executive Summary Example
| | | | | | | | | | Good and poor examples of executive summariesThis is a GOOD example
from an Accounting Finance assignment. Footnote Executive Summary This report
provides an analysis and evaluation of the current and prospective profitability, liquidity
and financial stability of Outdoor Equipment Ltd. Methods of analysis include trend,
horizontal and vertical analyses as well as ratios such as Debt, Current and Quick ratios.
Other calculations include rates of return on Shareholders Equity and Total Assets and
earnings per share to name a few. All calculations can be found in the appendices.
Results of data analysed show that all ratios are below industry averages. In particular,
comparative performance is... Show more content on ...
These claimed to offer the consumers a healthy alternative. These factors appear to be
the major causes of the decreased sales volume of Choice Chocolate. Slim Choice is the
latest chocolate range put forward by the R D Department of Choice Chocolate. The
report evaluates this range and concludes that it would be an ideal candidate to meet the
Traditional Terrorists
When I think of the word terrorism, the first thing that pops into my mind is 9/11. A day
I will never forget, as I am sure countless other Americans will not as well. I never took
the time to truly think about a terrorist, what they are thinking, what their motives are, or
whom they are trying to hurt or even why they are terrorist. In doing this research, I have
acquired knowledge about not only the traditional terrorist but also the cyberterrorist. In
some ways these criminals are similar, and the reasons behinds their actions sometimes
overlap, yet they also are different. Although some people, including myself, could get the
two of them confused, they are not the same.
In looking at both a traditional terrorist and a cyberterrorist, a clear definition is not
universal which could account for the reason that some people get them confused or
overlap them. Once cyberterrorism terms are determinable, we would have a clear view
on how to deal with such malicious acts. The only way to avoid that ... Show more
content on ...
The traditional terrorist had to find their followers or incite them to follow them by
means of printed literature. Cyberterrorist hide behind a computer screen, this group can
cause extreme damage to our computer infrastructure without moving out of one place.
Traditional terrorists are out in the physical world, although they may use the Internet to
help commit or assist with the crime, they physically do the damage. Cyberterrorist
destroy their targets as well, they just do through the Internet. One primary difference
between a cyberterrorist and a traditional terrorist is that the former would have a
sophisticated knowledge of hacking and information technology vulnerabilities or would
have the funds to employ people skilled in those areas (Poremba, 2011). Cyberterrorist
are smart individuals, they have the knowledge or training to be a master at destroying
any infrastructure with a few key
Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin Assassination
From peasant to supreme mystic, Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin rose through the Russian
hierarchy using his captivating appearance, charm, and supernatural ability. Rasputin s
quick surge of reputation frightened many and rumors started to grow. The divided
population recognized Rasputin as either a healer and prophet or a mad monk with
malintent. Questioning Rasputin s motives and influence, government officials plotted
against him. Eventually came a day that the aristocrats assassinated Rasputin after several
failed attempts. Considering the possibility of assassination, Rasputin left behind
prophecy with consequences that would soon follow. Prior to Rasputin s assassination,
extraordinary events unraveled in the realization of his power. Under unfortunate
circumstances, Rasputin was immediately born into poverty on January 21, 1869. Being
within the small boundaries that a Siberian peasant family provided, Rasputin... Show
more content on ...
Recently learning of this mysterious man and having few options, the Czar and his
wife called upon Rasputin for medical assistance. On the day of Rasputin s arrival,
Nicholas II recorded an entry that stated, we have got to know a man of God Grigori
from the Tobolsk Province. The Czar s confidence and belief in Rasputin was a result
of his seemingly miracle work. Rasputin was able to prevent further bleeding of their
son Alexis. Mosolov, a bystander, spoke of his incontestable success in healing. Alexis
previous nurse, Teglova, also commented saying, Call it what you will, he could really
promise her [the Empress] her boy s life while he lived. Although many were impressed
by Rasputin, he by no means had complete influence over the noble family. Rasputin s
only duty was to mitigate the disease of Alexis. Inevitably though, Rasputin became a
close advisor to Alexandra and began to represent his true influence (Encyclopedia of
Quantitative Research And Qualitative Method
These research will be conducted using qualitative method and quantitative method. In
depth interview will be done to identify the factors of unemployment and the way student
overcome that situation. Under these method, in depth interview and survey would be
used to evaluate the perception of Final Year students in Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
(UNIMAS) regarding the issue of unemployment among graduates. According to Denzin
Lincoln (2008), qualitative researchmethods focus on discovering and understanding the
experiences, perspectives, and thoughts of participants . Qualitative researchmethod is
used in this research to identify the perception of the students regarding
unemployment. Qualitative research is also called as descriptive research. Qualitative
research method is normally used for people with similar characteristics. This type of
method will help to describe the research in a more comprehensively way. Qualitative
method of research is used to seek answers about a topic based on the perspective of the
local people in that particular area. Qualitative research method are able to describe
peoples experience on topic been researched. The... Show more content on ...
A design is used to structure the research, to show how all of the major parts of the
research project the samples or groups, measures, treatments or programs, and methods of
assignment work together to try to address the central research questions . Quantitative
research method is normally used in the social research to identify the level of intensity
of a situation. For instance, in this research, the researcher will use quantitative research
method to discover the factor of unemployment and also method that student would take
to overcome unemployment issue. Quantitative data will help to discover the reason
behind the unemployment issue with the support of numerical
This I Believe In Music Analysis
This I Believe

I believe in music. The sound of a solo instrument, a band, a voice, or a combination of

all three filling the ears with beauty, heard but not seen, is subjective as the concept of
art itself. I believe in it because the message it can have and it s ability to be broadcasted
anywhere, or maybe because of the gears behind the music teach a lesson all by itself as

Those gears consist of teamwork, a pretty vital skill if you ask me. They also involve
hive mind like thinking, connection to make sure they hit the down beat or the up beat
with the rhythm that is within them. I say this because I m a band student myself.

I joined my school s marching band while back. It was the hardest thing I ve done and I
actually enjoyed
Innocence And Idealism In Treasure Island
Jim Hawkins in Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson, possesses an innocence
and idealism as he sets off on a voyage for treasure; Jim fights against the Pirates to
survive, leaving him with a new realistic knowledge and experience of the world. Jim
first experiences the death of his father; then in the same time frame, he loses Billy
Bones. After Billy Bones death, Jim discovers a treasure map, he, the doctor and the
Squire set off to find the treasure. When Jim first meets Long John Silver, he appears
as a clean and pleasant tempered landlord (45). Jim has a clear image in his head of what
a pirate looks like, and Long John Silver appears to be completely different. This
reassures Jim s fears. Jim never sees what will occur after the
The Family Leave Act
In this situation, the employee requested and was granted leave to be with his spouse
who had given birth to premature twins. The Family Medical Leave Act, requires that
Company X provide the employee with up to 12 weeks of leave per calendar year to
care for his own health needs, or those needs of an immediate family member, such as
a spouse, parent or child. Employees are eligible for up to twelve weeks of FMLA if
the company has more than fifty employees, who commute within seventy five miles of
the work location. Company X and it s employees met this qualification. FMLA leavecan
be taken be continuously, intermittently or even at a reduced schedule, such as half days.
In order for any employee to request FMLA leave they must have worked for the
company at least twelve months prior to requesting the leave, and they must have worked
at least 1250 hours. The FMLA provides job protection for employees needing to take
time off in order to address any personal sicknesses, health issues, or those of their
immediate family members, such as the one presented in this situation. FMLA
guarantees that the employees current job, current salary, along with their health benefits
remain intact during the time they are on leave and while they are attending to the health
situation. When the employee returns they must be put back into either their former
position or a position that is equal to the one that they left if their former position was
required to be filled. According to
Hester Prynne Scarlet Letter
In On the Scarlet Letter, D. H. Lawrence criticizes Hester Prynne, the protagonist of
Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter, for deceiving the public about the nature of
her sin of adultery. He perceives Hester Prynne as a mere seducer who disguises her sin
with a pretense of purity. In his essay, Lawrence effectively demonstrates that Hester
Prynneis not a character that deserves our sympathy through the use of choppy, repetitive
syntax, relevant allusions to other literature, and a biting, sarcastic tone. One method that
Lawrence uses to effectively criticize Hester Prynne s actions is the use of blunt,
redundant syntax. Throughout his essay, he condenses his ideas into brief sentences that
directly introduce the point. For instance, Lawrence succinctly summarizes the... Show
more content on ...
In the beginning of his essay, Lawrence references The Deerslayer, a novel by James
Fenimore Cooper, in which the Deerslayer [refuses] to be seduced by Judith Hutter
(Lawrence). Lawrence alludes to the Deerslayer and Judith Hutter to assert that
seduction does not necessarily have to succeed in wooing men. Therefore, Hester
Prynne s act of adultery could have been avoided and thus should not be excused and
forgiven. Furthermore, Lawrence mockingly refers to Hester as Mary of the Bleeding
Heart and another Magdalen (Lawrence). In both instances, he alludes to biblical female
figures who are perceived as repentant and innocent. However, Lawrence sarcastically
incorporates this analogy, implying that Hester Prynne is the opposite of a pure woman.
By comparing her to women who are known for their abstinence, Lawrence ironically
emphasizes Hester s adultery, which negates her supposed purity. Throughout his essay,
Lawrence alludes to characters who have overcome temptations of sexual desires in
order to provide a stark contrast to Hester Prynne s immoral
Auto Liability Insurance
Auto Liability Insurance | Auto Insurance Companies Grapevine
When in the market to purchase a new home, consider talking to a Box insurance
agent about the liability limits on your car insurance policy. If your auto liability
insurance limits are too low, your home could be at risk in the event of an accident
you are responsible for causing. If you are sued, and a judgment rendered against you,
the responsibility to pay the amount in excess of your policy s liability limits will be
yours. Our agents represent one of the area s oldest leaders in auto insurance companies
in Grapevine; and are available to discuss your current auto liability coverage, and to
ensure the protection of your assets. For more than 90 years, Box Insurance Agency has
been one of the region s best known auto insurance ... Show more content on ...
Call 911 and notify the police. Notification of the police is necessary in order to obtain
an accident report. Uninsured motorist coverage will only pay in the event of a hit and
run when reported to the police.
3.Do not admit fault, or discuss the car accident with anyone other than the police and
your insurance company.
4.Exchange the following information with the other driver involved in the car accident
(If the other driver is unwilling to share information, the following should be on the
accident report):
i)Name ii) Address iii) Telephone number iv) Tag number and driver s license number
v)Full insurance company name vi) Insurance policy number vii) Get the names,
addresses, and telephone number of witnesses to the accident
5.Contact your insurance company and report the claim.
Our agents provide an umbrella of protection in personal, small business, commercial,
industrial, and life insurance for our clients in Grapevine, Fort Worth, Dallas, and
surrounding areas. Contact the leader in auto insurance companies in Grapevine today. A
Box Insurance agent is ready to take your call, and provide a quote for auto insurance
liability, or your other insurance
Accounting-Pest Analysis-Political
PEST Analysis
The international IT and electronics industries have been characterized with intensive
competition. Electronics and IT companies are constantly reviewing their achievements
as well as the competitors in order to come up with better business strategies in an effort
to best all other existing industry rivals. With the merger and acquisition strategy
between HP and Compaq, members of the IT and electronics industry all over the world
were threatened with the intensified effort that could result from the integration. Others
were surprised because mergers and acquisition strategies may also result to negative
implications on the part of the merging companies particularly when differences in the
context of strategies, ... Show more content on ...
With the conglomerate efforts between the new HP Compaq corporation, it is expected
the substitute products and services that competes with the provisions and offers of HP
Compaq will be lessen due to better production and manufacturing processes and
technological infrastructures that cannot be afforded by small rival companies.
New Entrants
New entrant in the electronics and IT industries are confronted with relatively more
difficult entry to the international market due primarily to highly aggressive competition
between and among large corporations. It is common knowledge that business operations
and facilities that characterize both the international IT and Electronics industries are
very expensive and sophisticated. Such factors serve as strong barriers of entry to the
industries where HP Compaq belongs.
SWOT Analysis
The merger between HP and Compaq will increase the companies competitiveness when
it comes to the possible new product lines and services that they will offer as a single
company to the clients and customers. The integration strategy likewise resulted fewer
market competition within the context of large international corporations that also
belong to the international IT and electronics industry. Costs will be reduced as
expenditures in business operations such as manufacturing
Geography Of Mali Essay
Mali is completely different from other countries. Mali has a unique place to live
because of their geography, politics, social/religion and economy. Mali has a unique
geography. Mali is 478,842 square miles. This causes the state to be the 8th largest state
in Africa! The average day temperature is about 100 degrees fahrenheit. Whereas, the
normal night temperature is 50 degrees fahrenheit. This is unique because the
temperature can change so much in one day. Malidoes not get much rain. In the center of
Mali, there is limited vegetation. There main resources are rice and corn. People in Mali
normally have vegetation along riversides. Some environmental issues in Mali include,
desertification, deforestation, soil erosion and droughts. All of this is caused because of
people and the blazing heat. Mali s social behavior and religion is unique compared to
other countries; starting with their religion. About 95% out of 17.8 million(population in
2016) people are muslim in Mali. Islams spread through Mali because of the northern part
of Mali. And Christianity came... Show more content on ...
The head of state is President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita. Also, the head of the
government is prime minister, Abdoulaye Idrissa Maiga. The type of system that they
run is Semi presidential Republic. If you get elected you can only be a president for the
maximum of two five year terms. Mali has independence in the northern region in Mali.
Plus Mali has COR periphery of Islam. In 2012 2013 there was a political military crisis.
There has been many attacks on their government. In 2017, Soldier killed 15 suspects!
Also, in 2017 150,000 people denied the right of this is why Mali is different from other
countries, education. In Mali they have many child soldiers. This is unique because they
have children killing other people. Malinis working on improving women s rights and
schools are closing due to threats from people and
Dna Repair Mechanisms And Cell Cycle Control
Saccharomyces cerevisiaes, or baker s yeasts, unicellular fungi are useful in
understanding genetics and molecular biology, due to the ability to quickly map a
phenotype producing gene to a region in their genome. Yeast mutants are used a tool for
the study of cellular function, DNA repair mechanisms and cell cycle control. As a
model organism, S. cerevisiae is one of the simplest eukaryote organism, having not only
most major signaling pathways conserved, but also consisting of a genome of
approximately 12.1 million base pairs in sixteen chromosomes. S. cerevisiaes, like other
model organisms, have properties that make them suitable for biological studies: rapid
growth, easy mutant isolation, a sequenced genetic system and a versatile DNA
transformation system, as homologous recombination is used almost exclusively as their
DNA repair mechanism. Fully sequenced back in 1996 by Francis Collins, yeast genes
are easily engineered and, through bioinformatics and Next Generation Sequencing, are
used to investigate the possible genefunctions of all the different genes in the yeast
genome. This is done by studying the phenotype of strains with disrupted genes, caused
by gene knockout or mutations. Furthermore, S. cerevisiaes are useful as a genome
reference towards the sequencing of higher eukaryotic genes. These characteristics allow
yeasts to be easily exploited for the analysis of gene regulation and the systemic analyses
of structure to function relationships of proteins.
Essay about Honored Irish Immigrants
For many people, the American dreams and promises brought ideas and new hopes of
a better life. For the Irish, the American dreams and promises weren t just ideas and
hopes, they were the way to a new beginning in America, a way to start over and forget
the horrifying past they encountered. The Irish struggled day after day to pay for fair
travel to America. To many people, the challenge the Irish overcame seemed to deserve
praise. Today, the Irish are honored and commemorated for their hard work and desire
for a better life.
The start of the Irish peoples struggles began when the British came and destroyed their
way of life. The Penal laws of 1691 stripped Irish Catholics of their freedoms by taking
away their rights to become officers ... Show more content on ...
People worried about the potato crop. At first, the potatos seemed fine, but after further
examination the potatos were rotten. In October of 1845, Britain s Prime Minister, Sir
Robert Peel, established a scientific commission to discover over half of Irelands
potatos had been ruined by wet rot. The potato crop failed time and time again. Irish
people began to lose hope in receiving better living conditions, but the shipping lanes
opened to America after they had been closed by the war (Philip). Irish began to think of
the American dream and promise.
The American dream and promise changes a nations state of mind. It originally comes
from the Declaration of Independence. The promise is all men are created equal, that
they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights. The dream: Life,
Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. All of which were things the Irish desired (Pendry).
According to Philips, between 1815 and 1816, around 20,000 Irish traveled to the
Americas. These emigrants were mostly professionals and shopkeepers, because
farmers couldn t afford travel. Over the next two decades shipping fees continued to
have outrageous prices, but between 1823 and 1825 more people, such as the
merchants and farmers, were able to travel because free passage and land grants were
allowed to Catholics. The largest emigration was in 1827 when nearly 400,000 Irish
traveled to the Americas on Coffin Ships; overcrowded ships filled

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