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A Farewell To Arms Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic "A Farewell To Arms" can pose a considerable challenge due to the
depth and complexity of the novel by Ernest Hemingway. First and foremost, delving into the
intricate layers of the narrative requires a thorough understanding of the characters, plot, and the
historical context in which the story unfolds. Analyzing the symbolism, themes, and motifs
embedded in the text demands a keen literary insight, making it essential to read and re-read the
novel to grasp its nuances.

Moreover, constructing a compelling thesis statement that encapsulates the essence of your argument
and aligns with the central themes of "A Farewell To Arms" is no small feat. The challenge lies in
presenting a unique perspective that contributes to the existing discourse on the novel. Juggling the
exploration of character development, the impact of war, love and loss, and the author's writing style
requires a delicate balance to ensure a comprehensive and coherent essay.

Researching relevant literary criticism and scholarly articles adds another layer of complexity.
Engaging with the perspectives of literary scholars and critics enhances the depth of your analysis
but demands a meticulous approach to integrate these insights seamlessly into your own argument.

Additionally, managing the essay's structure, ensuring a logical flow of ideas, and maintaining clarity
throughout are crucial aspects that demand attention. Balancing personal interpretation with textual
evidence and maintaining a cohesive narrative can be challenging, requiring multiple drafts and

In conclusion, tackling an essay on "A Farewell To Arms" necessitates a combination of literary

analysis, research, and thoughtful composition. It is a task that demands time, dedication, and a deep
appreciation for the nuances within Hemingway's work. However, overcoming these challenges can
lead to a rewarding exploration of a timeless piece of literature.

If you find yourself overwhelmed, remember that assistance is available. Similar essays and more can
be ordered on, where experienced writers can help you navigate the complexities
of literary analysis and essay writing.
A Farewell To Arms EssayA Farewell To Arms Essay
My Dad And A Girl Essay
. My dad s father had other children, a son and a daughter, Dennis and Denise. They
both have two children, one boy and a girl. Though my Aunt Denise son was killed in
2009. We all were pretty close when I was younger. I remember we all use to play
together. Then we just disconnected and I m not sure why. My uncle Dennis has a
daughter, Samantha who is a year younger than me, we were in the same grade. We
had reconnected years later in the eighth grade, being that we were in the same class
together. We actually sat next to each other but didn t speak to each other until middle
school year. We become close and hung out all the time. We stop talking to each other
about three years ago because I caught her in multiple lies, including talking and lying
about my parents. I didn t want to deal with her anymore after that. As of today, we
still don t speak but we recently became friends on Facebook and like and comment on
each other s pictures here and there. Other than that, that s all I know about my dad s
side. It never made sense to me nor have I tried to figure out why. I feel like my mom
side makes up for the lack there of on my dad s side. On holidays my grandma Bertha
and Uncle Charles do celebrate with my mom s side and always has. I have an older
sister Ashley. She is 27 years old. We are two years a part. Ashley currently works at a
billing company. She went to a trade school for billing and coding. Growing up she got
good grades and was in honors class. When it came to
The History of Disk Jockey s
In 1935, American commentator Walter Winchell coined the term disc jockey (the
combination of disc , referring to the disc records, and jockey , which is an operator of
a machine) as a description of radio announcer Martin Block, the first announcer to
become a star. While his audience was awaiting developments in the Lindbergh
kidnapping, Block played records and created the illusion that he was broadcasting from
a ballroom, with the nation s top dance bands performing live. The show, which he
called Make Believe Ballroom, was an instant hit. The term disc jockeyappeared in print
in Variety in 1941.[5]

In 1943, Jimmy Savile launched the world s first DJ dance party by playing jazz records
in the upstairs function room of the Loyal ... Show more content on ...
Turntablism, the art of using turntables not only to play music, but to manipulate sound
and create original music, began to develop.

In 1974, Technics released the first SL 1200 turntable, which evolved into the SL 1200
MK2 in 1979, which as of the mid 2000s remains the industry standard for deejaying. In
1974, German electronic music band Kraftwerk released the 22 minute song Autobahn ,
which takes up the entire first side of that LP. Years later, Kraftwerk would become a
significant influence on hip hop artists such as Afrika Bambaataa and house music
pioneer Frankie Knuckles. During the mid 1970s, Hip hop music and culture began to
emerge, originating among urban African Americans and Latinos in New York City. The
four main elements of hip hop culture were MCing (rapping), DJing, graffiti, and

In the mid 1970s, the soul funk blend of dance pop known as Disco took off in the
mainstream pop charts in the United States and Europe, causing discotheques to
experience a rebirth. Unlike many late 1960s, clubs, which featured live bands,
discotheques used the DJs selection and mixing of records as the entertainment. In 1975,
Record pools began, enabling disc jockeys access to newer music from the industry in an
efficient method.

In 1976, American DJ, editor, and producer Walter Gibbons remixed Ten Percent by
Double Exposure, one of the earliest commercially released 12 singles (aka maxi single ).
In 1977, Hip hop DJ Grand Wizard Theodore invented the
Qualities Of Mahatma Gandhi
II.b Qualities that made Mahatma Gandhi a good leader. II.b.1 Faith in self Gandhi
quote: In a gРµntle way, you can shakРµ the world. Also, MРµn oftРµn bРµcomРµ what
thРµy bРµliРµve thРµmsРµlves to bРµ. If I bРµliРµve I cannot do somРµthing, it
makРµs mРµ incapablРµ of doing it. But whРµn I bРµlievРµ I can, thРµn I acquirРµ
thРµ ability to do it Рµven if I didn t havРµ it in the bРµginning. All of us havРµ great
abilitiРµs and grРµat rРµsponsibilities. All of us play a vРµry significant rolРµ in the
flow of History. ThРµ rРµason wРµ nРµver rРµalize is bРµcause wРµ nРµver bРµlieve
wРµ can havРµ a worldwidРµ impact. Mahatma Gandhi wasn t a grРµat orator, didn t
had a vРµry attractivРµ physiquРµ, livРµd a lifРµ of simplicity and avoidРµd limРµlight
as much as hРµ could, but still... Show more content on ...
I feel strongРµr for confРµssion. Remember WРµ re all humans and making
mistakРµs is a part of being human. But wРµ should always stop and takРµ a look at
what mistakРµs wРµ did and why thРµy happРµned. If wРµ lРµarn from failurРµs
and mistakРµs, thРµy d Рµventually turn out to bРµ as grand succРµss in lifРµ.
Mahatma Gandhi wasn t pРµrfect from the bРµginning. WhРµn hРµ was child, hРµ
liРµd, hРµ stolРµ, and hРµ fought and was too much aftРµr matРµrial things. Not all his
actions wРµre praisРµd around thРµ globРµ. SomРµ of his actions wРµre condРµmned
in his own land. HРµ madРµ mistakРµs throughout his lifРµ but hРµ nРµver madРµ thРµ
samРµ mistakРµ twicРµ. HРµ failРµd but hРµ lРµarned from it and achiРµved succРµss.
II.b.5. Strength of Character Gandhi quote: ThРµre are sРµven sins in the world:
WРµalth without work, PlРµasure without consciРµnce, KnowlРµdge without
charactРµr, CommРµrce without morality, SciРµnce without humanity, Worship without
sacrificРµ and politics without
Lord Of The Flies Violence Analysis
To be violent is to use physical force with the intention of hurting someone or something.
In the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding, the character of Jack reflects his latent
violence onto the other characters around him. The evolution of Jack s character from
proper to primitive, explains that violenceamong people can be influenced by a violent
leader. The reader sees Jack leading and influencing violence upon people, when he
conducts his hunters to a successful first pig hunt, when the boys dance and killSimon,
and when Jack s tribe viciously hunts Ralph.
Through his leadership, Jack accentuates the level of violence his hunters are
experiencing by taking them on a successful pig hunt. When Jack cannot deny his urge to
kill ... Show more content on ...
With an invitation to join his new and exceptional tribe, Jack invites all of the boys on
the island to a feast. When everyone has finished eating, Jack suggests that the boys
dance, expecting them to do as he commands: Do our dance! Come on! Dance! (167).
All the boys, including those against Jack s tribe, oblige and join in the fun. As the boys
continue to dance, they form a ring, weapons in hand, the movement becoming similar to
that of a hunt. As the night goes on, and the dance becomes more violent, the boys begin
to chant as one: Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood! The movement became
regular while the chant lost its first superficial excitement and began to beat like a steady
pulse...There was the throb and stamp of a single organism (168). This shows how the
violent actions in the novel are not always intentional. Sometimes the boys become so
focused on their wild actions that they do not realize what they are doing or about to do.
This occurs as the boys become one in their hunt like dance, resulting in Simon getting
caught in the midst of their ring. The boys, entranced by the rhythm of the dance,
consequently mistake Simon as the beast and attack him with the weapons they carry,
beating him to death. By leading the boys to dance and act in such a savage way, Jack
commands the violent actions that lead to Simon s death.
By using his position as chief and violence,
How Does Shakespeare Present Conflict In Othello
An analysis of Shakespeare s characters reveals not only love but the deftly presented
conflict for the audience at particular times. Some characters relationships form their
identities, such as that of Iago and Richard with themselves, while other characters
present human emotions to help develop a complicated plot.

Shakespeare has shown Iago s contradictory nature throughout the play. His view is
demonstrated clearly in a statement in Act 1, Scene 1 I am not what I am, which is
absorbing for the audience as Iago challenges their judgement of him, and further
foreshadows the disasters he has prepared for other characters all for his self love. Iago
is a jealous man. It can be argued that he loves nothing more than power and his
ambiguous ... Show more content on ...
It s as if both characters are leaving clues for the audience, who feel manipulated and
confused as to what both characters want. The connotations in this antithesis contain a
sense of harshness. Hence, it contradicts Richard and Iago s self love. Richard because
of his deformity hates himself, he cannot prove a lover (Iago doesn t have a happy
marriage with Emilia). Hence, the only way he can fight against this is through the
aspiration of power. He takes on a similar approach to Iago, intervening in the marriage
of Lady Anne and Prince Edward. First he kills him, and then he turns to his wife; I ll
have her, but I will not keep long, and so he succeeds. According to Marjorie Garber, a
woman alone at court needs a protector there is a sense in which she wants to believe in
his passion. (142) The modern 21st century audience will be disapproving of this
statement as now women are much more independent. However, the 16th century
audience would have had much more sympathies for Anne. Nonetheless, Richard has
once again been proven cunning towards getting what he wants, like Iago. They have
both pretended to love their enemies wives, destroying their
Essay on An Economic Analysis of a Rise in Alcopops Tax
An Economic Analysis of a Rise in Alcopops Tax

Joy Gu


1. Introduction..................................................................................4

2. Government Policy and Tax..............................................................4 2.1

Taxation..................................................................................4 2.2 Bans on alcohol
advertising..........................................................5 2.3 Brief interventions for reducing
hazardous alcohol consumption............6

3. Supply and Demand........................................................................7 3.1 The Demand

Curve....................................................................7 3.2 Shifts in the Demand
Curve.........................................................7 3.3 Demand and Supply
Together.......................................................8 3.4 The Demand of Substitute

4. Elasticity.....................................................................................10 4.1 Inelastic

Demand......................................................................11 4.2 Elastic ... Show more content
on ...
2.1 Professor Ian Webster, chair of the Alcohol Education and Rehabilitation Foundation,
said the number of young people putting themselves at risk of alcohol related harm was
troubling given the impact of alcohol on brain development.
Separate figures from the Bureau of Statistics reveal consumption of pre mixed
alcoholic drinks has leapt by 15% in the past year. The figures show that 60% of
female drinkers aged between 15 and 17 reported drinking a pre mixed drink, compared
to 14% in 2000, suggesting the sweet and fizzy mixes are increasingly introducing young
people to alcohol.
The foundation survey also underlines the rise of alcohol related violence, with more
than a quarter of respondents having been verbally abused by someone under the
influence of alcohol, and almost one in 20 having been physically abused by a drunk
The survey of 23,000 people found the proportion of the general population drinking
alcohol daily fell slightly and the number of people abstaining from alcohol climbed
from 9.3% to 10.1%.
The alcohol industry seized on the survey to suggest that alcohol abuse was not getting
worse. Stephen Riden, spokesman for the Distilled Spirits Industry Council of Australia,
which represents alcohol manufacturers, said the study showed Australians were
moderating their alcohol
Kombucha Lab
For this lab, we used an existing SCOBY to ferment some kombucha. A SCOBY is a
symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY), similar to mother of vinegar,
containing one or more species each of bacteria and yeasts, which form a mat with a
gelatin consistency, known as a mother. Fermentation involves these organisms at
different times;

Acetobacter aceti is an aerobic (requiring oxygen) bacteria strain that produces acetic
acid and gluconic acid. It is always found in kombucha. Acetobacter strains also build the
SCOBY mushroom. Acetobacter xylinoides and acetobacter ketogenum are two strains
that you might find in kombucha.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae includes a number of yeast strains that produce alcohol and are
the most common types of yeast found in kombucha. They can be aerobic or anaerobic
(requires an oxygen free environment). They include Saccharomycodes ludwigii,
Saccharomycodes apiculatus, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Zygosaccharomyes, and
Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Brettanomyces ... Show more content on ...
These include how it yields detoxification to promote heathy livers and aides cancer
prevention. It is full of many of the enzymes and bacterial acids from your body,
reducing the load on your pancreas and lifting weight on your liver. Kombucha is very
high in Glucaric acid, which recent studies show help fight, and prevent cancer.
Kombucha contains glucosamines, a strong preventive and treatment all forms of
arthritis. Glucosamines increase the making of synovial hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic
acid functions physiologically to help preservation of cartilage and stop arthritic pain,
with relief similar to NSAIDs and benefits over glucocorticoids. Because it s fermented
with a colony of bacteria and yeast, Kombucha is a probiotic drink. This has a plethora
of profits such as good digestion, mental clarity, and mood stability. It s well known for
reducing or eliminating the symptoms of fibromyalgia, depression, anxiety, and
Describe And Evaluate Bowlby s Research
Describe and evaluate two approaches/theories in Development Psychology
What is the definition of attachment? If you look it up in a dictionary it explains that it
is an emotional bond between an infant or toddler and primary caregiver, a strong bond
being vital for the child s normal behavioural and social development . That strong bond
between infant and caregiver is believed to happen between the ages of 6 8 months
although Bowlby (1958) suggests that the infants are born into this world pre
programmed to form attachments, they have innate behaviours in the way of crying,
smiling, crawling and cooing which will stimulate attention and comforting responses
from the caregivers. These behaviours are called social releasers. Kagan et al (1978) ...
Show more content on ...
If the mother is not available for that special attachment then the infant could attach to a
mother substitute, this attachment relationship is the prototype for all future
relationships. Forming this special attachment is believed to build up an internal working
model or to help them template for their future relationships. The internal working model
can be changed as the infant develops new types of relationships to others, contact and
attachments with a variety of people can lead to a fully developed internal working
model. The internal working model is the vital part of forming
Director Remuneration
Company Law Assignment The global financial crisis in late 2007 and in 2008 increased
public disquiet about the high level of executive remuneration Lipton Herzberg p 316.
Outline the laws, rules and principles governing payment and disclosure of remuneration
to directors and senior executives in Australia. Explain how and why this is important in
corporate governance. Compare the Australian provisions with those in other countries.
Introduction: The remuneration of company directors and executives is a subject which
has attracted substantial interest from shareholders, business groups, press and at the
same time invoked public fury since the commencement of the economic crisis . There
has been a great deal of debate... Show more content on ...
It should be noted that public companies have more stringent disclosure and reporting
requirements than private companies. The Act plays a significant role in controlling
disclosure through remuneration report and voting on remuneration for listed companies.
Moreover, the Act also has provisions relating to the role, responsibilities and structure
of boards and termination payments. Under the Act, the managing director is appointed
by the board of directors and the composition of the managing director s remuneration
package is also decided by the board of directors. The disclosure of executive
remuneration helps in reassuring investors that the board is negotiating with executives
at arm s length which means that all documentation, terms and other arrangements
associated with the transaction are as if they would be had an external unrelated party
been involved in the transaction. The disclosure of remuneration packages makes the
investors aware about the incentives being laid down for the executives, which in turn
could assist them assess the company s prospects and risk profile, such that the share
price more accurately signals the market s assessment of the stream of expected profits.
Thus, an increase in confidence of investors and the proper disclosure of all the relevant
information would be beneficial to the company and hence would result in greater market
efficiency. According to OECD s
Drug Rehabilitation Research Paper
The first step in recovery from any addiction is admitting that you have a problem. The
second step, and perhaps the daunting, is going into a rehab program. Anxiety over
how the program will affect your life is normal. Know that if you re at this point in
your life, or if you have a friend or loved one that is there, you and they are not alone.
The fact that you are considering treatment is a major step to wellness. Some people
never opt for treatment; in fact the majority of alcohol and drug abusers never even look
for help, which is sad because addictionis highly a highly treatable illness.
How to tell if you have a drinking problem
There are many factors that define alcoholism, including genetics, environment,
emotional health, and how you were brought up. If you have a family history of ... Show
more content on ...
Drug rehabilitation is simply a tool used to help treat those of us with chemical
dependency. Because addiction changes lives so radically, rehab attempts to help
people gain back their lives and enter back into society in a healthy and safe way.
There are dozens of different types of facilities. Some are inpatient others treat addicts
on an outpatient basis. Some are set up especially for alcohol and some treat all types
of drug addictions. Some are gender or age specific. The key is to find the right
program for you. Your therapist or physician can help you based on what they know of
you and you specific problem.

Rehab can only be effective if you are willing to make it so. It s not a magic bullet, but
it certainly offers the tools that will put you on the path to recovery. Before entering a
facility you may have to go through detoxification to get rid of the chemicals left in
your body by the drug and/or alcohol. It usually takes about a week and you ll be
monitored by health care professionals the whole time. Once you complete detox, you re
ready to go into rehab where your attitude about your addiction will be changed through
White Privilege And Male Privilege
To begin with, reverse sexism, or sexism against cisgender men, simply does not exist.
Women, non binary people, trans persons, and even other men cannot be sexist
against men. Sexism is a form of oppression and cisgender men are not oppressed the
way that women, persons who identify as non binary, or those who are transsexual
are. That is not to say that there is no prejudice or discrimination that exists toward
men, because there definitely is, but it is not sexism. Sexism is part prejudice, but it
is also one part power and that power is always in a man s favor. They have always had
the upper hand against women, even in the progressive society that exists today. Male
privilege has existed for centuries, but it was not widely discussed until around 1988
when Peggy McIntosh, a scholar working for Wellesley College Center for Research
on Women, wrote a paper titled, White Privilege and Male Privilege: A Personal
Account of Coming to See Correspondences Through Work in Women s Studies, . The
paper takes a look both at white and male privilege, with a long list of 46 examples of
McIntosh s own, self recognized privilege as a white woman. The paper sparked a
massive controversy and extremely opposing opinions on privilege. David Horowitz, an
American writer with deep conservative views and values, deemed McIntosh one of
America s ten wackiest feminists . Despite the mostly right wing criticism of the paper,
it provoked more open minded people to take a look within
Epic Of Gilgamesh Research Paper
Heroism is a theme that has played a central role in epic poems since 800 BC. Literature
from the mythological and ancient times were written in praise of the wonderful deeds
and actions of heroes. The epic of Gilgamesh is no exception to this theme. Written in
ancient Mesopotamia in 2100 BC, the epic focuses on the adventures of Gilgamesh, king
of Uruth, and his dangerous expeditions entailing extramundane phenomenon. These
expeditions include going to cedar forest in search of Humbaba to get rid of evil, killing
the bull of heaven sent by Ishtar, the goddess and searching for immortality. Through
these expeditions, he becomes a hero. He uses his attributes and knowingly puts himself
in risky situations for the benefit of the people of Uruk.... Show more content on ...
This troubles him beyond his expectations. He becomes conscious of his mortality, as
the thought that he could lose his life at any moment troubles him. According to the
author, He wandered over the wilderness as a hunter, he roamed over the plains; in his
bitterness he cried, How can I rest, how can I be at peace? Despair is in my heart.
What my brother is now, that shall I be when I am dead. For this reason, he decides to
go on an expedition in search for eternal life. He travels over the wilderness and
grasslands on a long journey in search of Utnapishtim, the only immortal man to ever
live. On his journey, he meets two scorpions, half man and half dragon, who guarded
the great mountains. They were known for their stares that stroke death into men.
However, Gilgamesh yet again ignores his mortality and approaches them by
shielding his eyes. His desire to be immortal pushes him to do so. Before he s allowed
to go into the mountains, he is warned of the twelve leagues of darkness that oppress
the heart. As usual, Gilgamesh isn t intimidated because his desire for immortality is
far greater than the oppression of darkness. Similarly, once in the mountains, Shamash
and Siduri, maker of wine try to dissuade Gilgamesh from seeking eternal life by
telling him that he ... will never find the life for which you are searching. But his
despair and fear of death push him to seek Utnapishtim. He finally finds him and he is
awarded the plant of immortality. However, he fails to achieve immortality because a
serpent eats the plant before he does. Nevertheless, he is still a hero. For the whole of his
journey, Gilgamesh goes through setbacks and difficulties that would have cost him his
life. But, he courageously faces each one of them. His determination, bravery and
courage demonstrate
Death Tolls In The Civil War
Kyler Lee
Cooper, Eberhart, Godley, Hales
Computer 8, Science, ELA, SS
15 February 2016
Medical vs Military death tolls in the Civil War
Killing. A horrible thing, indeed. But, widely misinterpreted. To most people, the first
thing to come to mind would be a person making someone else die. This isn t necessarily
true. Killing is just causing death. For example, Ebola isn t a person, yet it made people
die. So did Dysentery, a disease in the Civil War that was nicknamed Minister of death .
I m sure you can guess why. So, what did kill more people in the Civil War? The
numbers show that out of all the deaths, more happened off the battlefield than on it,
specifically the diseases and medical practices.
The Union enlisted 2,893,304 soldiers.
Lion Leer Research Paper
A new species of lions have adapted to live in the temperate mountains regions in
Europe. A crossover between a lion and a deer has been discovered, the leer. The leer,
also known as the Leo Cervidae, it lives in the temperate mountain regions in Europe.
It has the body and characteristics of a lion, which are speed and aggressiveness, but it
also has the characteristics of a deer. It has horns like deer. These horns are used for
mating season. Leers use sexual reproduction and the reproductive behaviors of these
leers are that they fight with the other males by using their horns. They attack and fight
each other with their horns to show dominance of the other leers. They use the horns
because they do not want to kill each other, but to prove who the strongest and most
powerful leer is. Unlike regular lions, they fight until death, but the leer is a rare species
and they do not want their population to decrease.... Show more content on ...
Lions aren t usually accustomed to live in cold conditions, but the deer does. This is a
great combination because it can survive and stay warm in the winter while in the spring
and summer it loses its fur to be cooler. The leers can be found in the temperate mountain
regions of Europe. Temperate mountains tend to be a little colder than the tropical
mountains. In the spring and summer, there is a burst in plant life at a high altitude of
the mountains. This encourages these animals to climb up for food
Zhou Dynasty Dbq
During the fall of the Zhou Dynasty, violence and chaos were soaring in China. In an
attempt to achieve justice, various philosophers offered solutions in order to restore
social and political order. From these efforts, three significant ethical systems were
founded. These three major schools of philosophy, Legalism, Confucianism, and Daoism,
are creations of unique views that portray their ideas of adequate societies as well as
their perspectives on how one should govern.
Founded by Confucius, Confucianism followers highly valued education as well as
respect for ancestors. According to Document 1, disorder will not be created if followers
remain respectful to their superiors, for filial piety is one aspect that is the root of
humanity. Filial ... Show more content on ...
The author of Document 7 encourages living a life of simplicity an being humble.
Those two aspects follow the strong belief in this ethical system of finding the Dao, or
the way, that represents a balance in life as brought up in Documents 6 and 7. In
Document 6, there is a symbol that represents the balance between two forces, yin and
yang. Yin represents females and the evil in the world, while yang represents all that is
good and males. There is a circle in both yin and yang to represent the balance. Secondly,
unlike Legalism and Confucianism, there is a strong belief in Daoism in not taking part
in the government. In Document 8, the point of view is not interfering with the people in
order to have success in taking over the empire. They believe that people will do better on
their own without the government controlling them according to Document 8. Their
beliefs against governing can be noticed in the Yellow Turban Rebellion against the
government that lead to the end of the Han Dynasty. Also, because their beliefs have
lasted to future time periods, Daoism was banned in China in 1949 under communism. In
the Daoism perspective, there is a very different approach to government and society
when compared to the other major schools of
Albert Salvo Boston Murder Case
Albert Salvo who was also known as the Boston Strangle because of the murders he
was accused of committing later in his young adult life, he was born in Chelsea
MA..on September 3rd of 1931.His troubles began early in life with an abusive father
and trouble with police. The crimes Albert Salvo were charged with was because of a
confession he made during his arrest. Details were revealed in a separate court case due
to DNA linking him to the last murder victim. As time has passed investigators believed
that the silk stocking murders as they were called in the beginning they also suspected
that the crimes were committed by more than one person. In the beginning the crimes
were thought to be done by more than one person and were known as,... Show more
content on ...
After Salvo was arrested an charged he confessed with point blank accuracy and the
victim and the surroundings in her apartment. There was some inconsistencies but he
was dead on with information and descriptions about the crime scene that had not been
published. Salvo was prosecuted and sentenced to life in prison in 1967.In February
of that year he escaped with two inmates from the Bridgewater State Hospital causing a
full scale manhunt. He said he wanted to bring attention to the inhumane conditions at
the mental hospital he was confined too, when he was captured he was sent to the
Walpole State Prison where six years later he was found stabbed to death in the
infirmary His killer was never caught. When these crimes were committed there was
no such thing as DNA technology, and there were some doubts as to if Salvo was
really the Strangler. In 1968 the medical director of Bridgewater State Hospital Ames
Robey, insisted that DeSalvo was not the Strangler calling him a very clever, very
smooth compulsive confessor who desperately want the attention of others by any
means necessary stemming from the abuse of his early childhood abuse, by his father
and through watching the victimization of his mother and siblings. Robeys opinion was
shared by the Middle sex District Attorney John J. Droney and by George W. Harrison
Salvos former fellow inmate Harrison claimed to have over heard another convict
Plantation Shutters Essay
If you want to purchase plantation shutters for your home, you need to make sure that
you make a wise purchasing decision. Here are a few things that you need to think about
before you purchase plantation shutters that will ensure that you get the best deal and the
best quality out there. Find A Company You Trust The first thing you need to do is find a
company that you trust to work with. There are lots of companies out there selling
plantation shutters make sure that you partner with one that has a good reputation in
your community and that has a large selection for you to choose from. Find A Company
That Installs Their Own Products Next, try to find a shutter company that installs their
own products. You don t want to work with a company that is... Show more content on ...
Find A Company That Offers Quality Products You also need to find a company that
sells quality products. Most high quality plantation shutters are made out of either solid
wood or wood composites. When you look at the shutters themselves, make sure you
pay attention to the quality of the wood and the construction. The wood should look
and feel solid; it should not have any cracks in it nor should it easily bend. The shutters
should be easy to open and close. Make sure you pay attention to all the little details
when you look at the shutters; you don t want to purchase shutters from a company that
skips on the details. Find A Company That Backs Up Their Products It s not enough to
make good products; any shutters that you purchase should also be backed up with a
great warranty. The warranty should guarantee the workmanship of the shutters for an
extended period of time and should also guarantee the installation for a couple of years.
Make sure that warranty document includes a detailed description of the products that
you are
Overmier And Seligman s Theory Of Learned Helplessness
Learned helplessness is used to explain the failure to avoid aversive stimuli in a
controllable situation after experiencing an unavoidable aversive situation because the
organisms learned that the avoidance of the aversive situation is not affected by their
actions (Seligman Maier, 1967). Overmier and Seligman (1967) also suggest that this
phenomenon is seen when a subject that is revealed frequently to an unavoidable
stressor will develop an observable sign in which it displays lowered ability to escape
the same stressor when it is delivered in cases where escape is available. The major
application of this theory is used to understand depression in humans.
Learned helplessness was actually discovered accidentally. It was found out when ...
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Miller and Seligman (1975) found that people that were not diagnosed with depression
showed a lower performance in anagram after going through training in helplessness.
This result is the same as the people with depression but did not undergo training in
helplessness. This shows that learned helplessness has similar effects with depression.
However, some people do not suffer depression although they encountered lots of bad
experiences in their daily life. Attributional style can explain this phenomenon
(Abrasom, Seligman, Teasdale, 1978). To become depressed, one has to believe that the
situation cannot be changed and also attribute the negative situation to internal, stable,
and global causes instead of external, unstable and specific causes. For example, Anand
lost to Carlsen in the World Chess Championship. If he thought that this is due to his
own inadequacy, he will keep losing to Carlsen in the future, and his whole life is
hopeless, he will then probably develop depression. This view is more concrete than just
applying the learned helplessness theory as Anand may not be depressed just by losing to
An Analysis Of Sunday In The Park With George
Sunday in the Park With George: An Analysis White. A blank page or canvas. His
favorite. So many possibilities. Sunday in the Park with George, a musical by Stephen
Sondheim and James Lapine, is a very curious musical indeed. The first and second act
are separated by a century, the protagonist manages to control the entirety of the show,
from the way the story flows, the style, even down to the arrangement of the set pieces.
The show transcends a traditional musical in the way it tackles a very specific issue, that
of the artist s struggle to connect to the rest of the world. It has been argued that this
show is completed in its first act, but that is actually not the case. Those that argue that
the show is complete after the first... Show more content on ...
He creates a piece of art using light and lasers to recreate his great grandfather s
masterpiece, and is again criticized for his lack of vision. He finally finds confidence
in himself when he reads from a grammar book with notes inside written by Dot, given
to him by his own grandmother. While reading the notes Dot wrote, Dot appears to
this younger George and addresses his doubts and tells him he needs to move on and
stop worrying about if his work will please others. In this, George and Dot are finally
reunited and George manages to find his vision again. The first act of the show
introduces us to the struggle of our main character. George struggles with something
that many artists struggle with: the need to create great work, often at the cost of
other things in life. George s life is consumed by this, as shown in the number
Finishing the Hat, where George expresses how his view of the world works. How
you watch the rest of the world from a window, while you finish the hat. George
laments on how his art consumes him and how he can only see the world through a
window. The problem with the first act is that it never resolves this struggle with
George. Without the second act, George never is fully resolved, left in this state of
imbalance. The second act focuses on Seurat s descendent, and his focus on being a
successful artist. This new George has both the same and opposite problem
Pandetarianism And The Beliefs Of Pastafarianism
It is easy to crown Pastafarianism as the king of all ridiculous churches because there
surely cannot be a more absurd church. Pastafarianism, or the religion of the Flying
Spaghetti Monster, is a church that believes that a literal flying spaghetti monster created
the world. If you think that is bizarre, then brace yourself. That is just the tip of the
iceberg. Apparently, adherents called Pastafarians also believe that humanbeings are
descendants of pirates, who were the first human beings. Ridiculous, right? In many
people s opinion, this religion is clearly a mockery of Christianity taken too far, but there
are those who claim that Pastafarianism is a legitimate religion. Anyway, in the sea of
ridiculous churches, Pastafarianism only scratches the surface.

Most Ridiculous Churches: Nuwaubian Nation

Nuwaubian Nation was a church that could only be best described as a cult. Its
founder, Dwight Young, started the church in the late 1960s. The church s beliefs
were diverse, ranging from black supremacy to UFOs and conspiracies like the
Illuminati to Egyptian worship. In its onset, it bore some similarities to Islam, but
gradually, the church s beliefs began to diverge into the pandemonium it is today. To
further solidify its status as a church, Young wrote 450 booklets. He claimed to be a
messianic founder prophet of his religion and would go as far as proclaiming divine
status. Consequently, he even created a Savior s day to honor himself.

His church also bordered on

An Effective Tool For Improving Health And Social Care
Interprofessional Education Practice is being embraced in many health and social care
settings because of its positive effects on all stakeholders service users, parents and
guardians, workers, and institutions of learning that are tasked with the responsibility of
firmly establishing this health and social care innovation.... The general assumption, as I
have noticed through my research, is that IPE is designed as a bridge between the gaps
among all professionals involved in caring and providing support for clients in a health
and social care settings (Edith Cowan University, 2011). An effective tool for developing
efficiency and collaboration among health workers of different professions, IPE occurs
when students or workers from two or more professions learn about, from and with each
other to enable effective collaboration and improve health outcomes (Centre for the
Advancement of Interprofessional Education, 2002). Quoting from the Institute of
Medicine(IOM), Jones and Phillips in their 2016 article Social work and interprofessional
education in health Care: A call for continued leadership, revealed the reason why the
IOM recommends that health professionals should be educated to deliver patient
centered care as members of an interprofessional team (p. 20). In an attempt to evaluate
IPE outcomes for medical professions medicine, nursing, physiotherapy, social work,
pharmacy etc. some selected undergraduate students performances were reviewed, and
Taming Of The Shrew Essay
The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare might appeal to Kalidasa because
this play can be used to show the Hindu puranas and respect toward the deities.
Kalidasa s name means the servant of Kali which can suggest he is a follower of the
deity Durga, who evolves in the form of Kali to destroy the demons. In the Taming of the
Shrew, Katherine can represent the deity Durga/ Kalito reveal the two side of a female
character. According to Hinduism, goddess Durga is the main force behind creation,
preservation and destruction; similarly, a female like Katherine can very destructive by
punishing her sister and being rude to her father. However, that same women, Katherine,
can create a beautiful family bond and preserve the relationship with the force of love
and affection. Furthermore, this play can be used to teach lessons toward the Indian
society to treat women with respect and not consider them to be part of secondary status
because of gender division or sexism. It can reveal to... Show more content on ...
On hand, this play can be used to improve the treatment of women, on the other hand it
can be used to reinforce the gender role separation. For example, throughout the play
Katherine was compared with wild animals, who need to be domesticated as Petruchio
says I am he am born to tame you Kate, and bring you from a wild Kate to a Kate
Conformable as other household Kates. Based on this quote, Petruchio compares
Katherine to a wild cat who is out of control and need to be taught the boundary of life.
This particular section can send a role division message that women born to be
submissive and they need to be tamed if they do not fit the prescribed societal role.
Kalidasa lived around 5th century, when women were not treated equally, this play can
catch audience s attention as a way to reinforce their gender role
Design Documentation On Web Based Information Systems
Heraldry is one of the art professions studies that entail creation, granting and arms
blazoning. This is a protocol that questions rules of ranking and it is executed by an
officer of arms. The word Blazon entails description and use of formal heraldry language
that necessitates comprehension when governing word order blazoning over complex
coat of arms(Louda Maclagan, 1999: 20 23). The main purpose of this case scenario is to
create a Heraldryapplication as well as system documentation that will help the company
to keep track Blazon armorial Records and allowing them to be searched online.
1.1.2.Stakeholders analysis As far as Heraldry is taken into account, it is good to note
that heraldry has its predecessors that accounts to stakeholders. In this aspect, the
stakeholder s analysis can be taken based on the various conjectures and in relation to
heraldic arms. However, design documentation on web based information systems will
be highly articulated based on the Heraldry E R design and analysis, relationship
management methodology that defines entities. To some extend the documentation will
further analyse definition based on how resources on web will be accessed, used and
who will be updating and maintains the system attributes. As the fate of stakeholders is
taken into consideration, E R analysis leads to a scenario analysis that identifies the
potential users, the web resources needed and these resources are used by the users. It is
good to understand that
Essay about Joan Of Arc
Joan of Arc

Joan of Arc, first known as Jeanne d Arc, was born in the village of Domremy, in the
Champagne district of northeastern France. She was born on January 6, 1412 and
died May 30,1431 at the age of 19. Joan is a French national heroin and a saint of the
Roman Catholic Church. She rescued France from defeat during the Hundred Years War
against England. In honor of her victory she is often called the Maid of Orleans. This is
a story of her life.

Joan was not a well educated woman. She had never learned to read or write but was
skilled in sewing and spinning. Her deeply religious mother and father, Isabelle and
Jacques d Arc raised her. Joan s father was a small peasant farmer, poor but not needy.
Joan was the youngest of ... Show more content on ...
He was so desperate that he was willing to listen to a young girl that claimed to hear

He tested Joan at first. Charles let one of his nobles pretend to be king and sit in his
thrown but Joan identified Charles as her king anyway. Impressed yet sill doubtful
Charles was not convinced she was worthy. That was until she told him exactly what
he prayed to God for. He was astonished and realized now that Joan had unusual
powers. Though at the time people thought of such powers as work of the devil,
members of the clergy accepted her beliefs anyway. Joan was given a suit of white
armor, a banner, and the command of troops.

In April of 1429 Joan and her army set out to rescue Orleans from English control. At first
the French commanders hesitated to obey her orders but eventually listened to her. Ten
days after she arrived in Orleans, April 28 May 8, Joan s forces broke the Siege of
Orleans and the English ran off. After her tremendous victory she wanted Charles to
receive a proper ceremony to crown him as king, this is called coronation. Joan led
Charles and his military through enemy territory as her troops defeated English in more
than one battle along their journey. They proudly entered Reims with triumph as Joan
stood at the side of Charles. He was crowned King of France on July 17, 1429.

Shortly afterwards Joan wanted to free Paris of English control. Charles doubted her
success at first, but he
Zora Neale Hurston s Sweat
In the short story, Sweat. The author Zora Neale Hurston uses foreshadowing, irony
and symbolism to intensify the outline of the story. Hurston unravels a short story
about a woman name Delia Jones, a washwoman who is married to a man named
Skyes, who is a vicious, disrespectful husband. Skyes and Mrs. Delia Jones have been
married for fifteen years. Mrs. Delia Jones earns money for a living by washing
clothes and delivering them. Skyes did not like Delia washing white people clothes in
their house. Skyes would start an argument when Delia would not listen to his wishes
about not wanting her to wash white people clothes in their home. Delia had to remind
Skyes that her commitment to her work as a washwoman was the reason why they have
a roof over their head and food on the table. Skyes is openly cheating on Delia with a
woman named Bertha, he leaves the house after an argument and returns at day break....
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Sykes bull whip, mistaken for a snake, invokes great terror (line 355) and extreme fear
in Delia, foreshadowing is an event that is to come. An example of irony is that Delia
is a washwoman, but her clothes stay dirty. An example of symbolism is the title
Sweat. This symbol describes the hard work that Delia is doing to survive. The men in
their town does not like Skyes. Several men talked about how Skyes does not work and
how he controls Delia. The men also talk about how Delia was very beautiful before she
got married to
Essay On Drinking Under The Drinking Age
Teenagers use alcohol for multiple reasons; peer pressure, partys, anxiety, hard times ,
being rebellious and sleep deprivation are just a couple reasons. Teenagers are in the
category of people . The legal drinking age is currently twenty one, but drinking
underage is as low as zero. Why? This is the question asked. I can almost garrentee you
the under age drinking percentage would go down significantly if the drinking ageI was

Just a few known reasons for under age drinking are: peer pressure, partys, etc. But the
most common reason for drinking is breaking the law. 87% of high schoolers have drank
alcohol.Alcoa leads us to believe that a large amount of kids under the age of 17 or 18
have drank at least once before. We are all aware why kids drink, I mean is common ...
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Some of them have reasons to why they drink; however others drink under peer
pressure or just because they want to. Many teens are going through a lot during their
high school years and being pressured and allowed to drink does not make it better or
easier. A few reasons to drink underage could be because of the religion that you follow
or for some medical reasons. Lowering the minimum legal drinking age might not
decrease the number of underage drinkers.
When a teenager is going through a lot of changes they can be more vulnerable to bad
influences such as drinking and possibly driving under the influence. When some
states Minimum Legal Drinking Age was moved to 21 years old in 1976, there was a
decrease in fatal car accidents which saved approximately 21,887 lives. Many lives were
saved because there were less young drinkers and less people driving under the influence.
I think that s a lot of lives saved and I don t know why people would want to risk losing
more lives than we have too. If it s possible to save lives, why wouldn t you want
Senator Joseph Mccarthy Communism Analysis
McCarthy Takes on Communism There is cold air during the time of the Cold War where
superior countries were hostile to those behind the Iron Curtain. There were constant
threats from opposing adversaries but the biggest concern was from within. Senator
Joseph McCarthy gave a speech in Wheeling, West Virginia in early 1950 stating that the
atheistic communist countries were going to immortalize the rest of the world.
McCarthy goes on to say that Karl Marx, a communist philosopher, influenced Lenin and
Stalin, Soviet Unionleaders, to make a communist country and to hinder citizens from
talking freely about love, justice, humanity or morality. According to McCarthy
communismis taking of the world eight to five against Democracy. Democracies
Similarities Between Sears And Amazon
This paper addresses the parallels between of Amazon.Com, Inc and Sears Holdings
Corporation. It will examine how the historical, cultural and market opportunities that
each company took advantage of, evolved them into the companies they became. Key
being the ability to take advantage of a growing and cheap communications to distribute
their offerings. Amazon.comopened for business in 1995, with just a few people
packing and shipping books from garage in Bellevue, Wash. Sears was founded in
1888, with Richard Sears using a printed mailer to advertise watches and jewelry.
Within a few short decades each company was able to expand their products beyond
what could be fit into a box. The parallels in the Company History of Sears and Amazon
Every now and then technology and circumstance allow ambitious entrepreneurs the
opportunity to start something that would grow beyond anyone s expectations. The
circumstances and technology that helps Amazon.Com, Inc and Sears Holdings was
advances in the ability to sell to and deliver products a broad number of customers across
the continental United States. The following is an analysis of both these companies.
Sears Holdings
The inspiration for the what became Sears Holdings came to young gentleman of 20
named Richard Sears. In 1886, ... Show more content on ...
In 1895 they released a 532 page catalog offering everything from women s shoes to
firearms and buggies. (A Brief Chronology of Sears History, n.d.). Business expanded
so quickly that within 15 years of starting Sears, Roebuck and Co grew revenue by a
factor of more than 50 times from $750k to over $38 million. They also commissioned
and built a 3 million square feet mail order fulfilment plant, at the time the largest
business building in the
My Egg Autobiography
For my egg I took a piece of cardboard and cut it into a small square. Following that I
cut three slits in the cardboard in the form of a smaller square. I then took small
popsicle sticks and put them into the holes in the cardboard and then hot glued them
to the cardboard. To lessen the impact I took rubber bands and attached them across
the cardboard from the popsicle sticks. I also did the same on the top with the egg in
between. I also slowed the fall by creating a parachute. To make the parachute I cut it
out of a trash bag. After cutting the bag I cut six pieces of yarn at eighteen inches each.
The I taped the yarn to the bag at even places on the bag followed by the same on the
cardboard. When attaching the yarn
Occlusal Detections
Clinical Tip #11

Unless your work environment is a pediatric office, or in an oral surgeon s office, you
will not be requested to take many occlusal projections. However, it is important to
remember how this task is achieved, because intermittently in your career you will be
asked to take occlusal projections. You must be ready for all types of radiography.


Bisecting the angle technique: The vertical angulation of the tube head is directed so that
the central ray is perpendicular to an imaginary line that bisects the angle formed by the
long axis of the tooth and the plane of the film.

Buccolingual dimension: If trying to figure out if the impacted tooth is on the buccal or
lingual side of the jaw bone, a right angle projection can be used for diagnosis. ... Show
more content on ...
Foreshortened image: Excessive vertical angulation causes shortening of the tooth image
on the film.

Imaginary bisecting line: The line that bisects the angle formed by the long axis of the
tooth and the film packet.

Headrest position: Proper position of the patient s head for radiographic exposure.

Horizontal angulation: The central ray is directed perpendicular to the film in the
horizontal plane.

Negative angulation: Used on the mandibular arch; pointing the PID up (negative

Occlusal film packet: A large intraoral film packet (#4), placed on occlusal surfaces
upper/lower teeth to show objects in the 3rd dimension.

Occlusal plane orientation: An imaginary plane formed by occlusal contact of the upper
and lower teeth.

Occlusal projection: A film showing mandibular or maxillary and portrays larger object
area or a right angle (axial) relationship of the objects.

Overlapped image: A film with superimposed teeth on each other due to excessive
horizontal angulation.

Positive Angulation: Used on the maxillary arch, when the PID is pointing downwards
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Chronic Kidney Disease
KIDNEY DISEASE ABSTRACT Chronic kidney disease refers to the kidneys have
been damaged by conditions, such as diabetes, glomerulonephritis or high blood
pressure. It also creates more possible to mature heart and blood vessel disease. These
problems may happen gently, over a long period of time, often without any symptoms. It
may ultimately lead to kidneyfailure requiring dialysis or a kidney transplant to preserve
survival time. So the early detection and treatment can prevent or deferral of these
complications. One of the main tasks is giving proper treatment and accurate diagnosis
of the disease. The major problem is finding an accurate algorithm which doesn t require
long time to run for... Show more content on ...
RELATED WORK Miguel A et al [8]. Proposed a distributed approach for the
management of alarms related to monitoring CKD patients within the eNefro project.
The results proof the pragmatism of Data Distribution Services (DDS) for the activation
of emergency protocols in terms of alarm ranking and personalization, as well as some
observations about security and privacy. Christopher et al [9]. Deliver a contextualized
method and possibly more interpretable means of communicating risk information on
complex patient populations to time constrained clinicians. Dataset was collected from
American Diabetes Association (ADA) of 22 demographic and clinical variables related
to heart attack risk for 588 people with type2 diabetes. The method and tool could be
encompasses to other risk assessment scenarios in healthcare distribution, such as
measuring risks to patient safety and clinical recommendation compliance. Srinivasa R.
Raghavan et al [10]. Briefly reviews the literature on clinical decision support system,
debates some of the difficulties faced by practitioners in managing chronic kidney failure
patients, and sets out the decision provision techniques used in developing a dialysis
decision support
The Roles Of Characters In The Movie Gulliver s Travels
The movie Gulliver s Travels has a wide array of characters. These characters are
played by very professional and talented actors. Some of these include, Jack Black as
Gulliver, Jason Segel as Horatio, Emily Blunt as Princess Mary, Amanda Peet as
Darcy Silverman, Billy Connolly as King Theodore and finally, Chris O Dowd as
General Edward, the antagonist. All of these characters play a central role in the film,
whether they are the antagonist, the hero or the Princess. All the roles are important
and were exceptionally done. The film is about a man named Lemuel Gulliver, who
works in the mailroom at an office. He develops a crush for Darcy Silverman, who
works in the office. Gulliver decides to plagiarize an article from a travel blog in order
to impress her and it does. Darcy sends Gulliver out to the Bermuda Triangle for a
story, however his ship gets caught in a storm and is blown off course. Eventually
landing him in Lilliput. The land of the little people. At first, the residents of Lilliput
believe Gulliver to be a beast and they imprison him. However, after a while Gulliver
starts making stories, stating that he is the president of the land he comes from, which of
course is false. The Lilliputians believe him and eventually grow to have more respect
for him, and even start treating him like a king. Eventually, the truth is found out and it s
hard for them to trust Gulliver again until the very end. One of the central things this
movie is about, is judging someone
Analysis Of The Novel Candide By Voltaire
In the eighteenth century, a French writer named François Marie Arouet, with the
pseudonym Voltaire wrote a novel called Candide. Voltaire was one of the leading writers
of the Enlightenment. He was born in Paris in 1694 and died in late May of 1778. Of all
his works, Voltaire is best known for Candide, a story of a young man called Candide
who is a disciple of a philosopher named Dr. Pangloss, who was himself a disciple of
Leibniz. The story follows the adventures and travels of Candide and his companions
throughout Europe. Candide is an example of eighteenth century writing style: with a lot
of vicissitudes and crazy incidents. Moreover, in Candide, Voltairegives a refutation of
Leibniz s theory that this is the best of all possible worlds.
All throughout Candide, crazy and unfathomable incidents occur. Towards the beginning
of the book for example, Pangloss, who follows Leibniz s theory, is ... Show more content
on ...
Greed is another example. When Candide himself, acquires a large amount of wealth,
he is exposed to the greed of the world as he is cheated many times out of his riches.
Voltaire creates scenarios within Candide in which people will go to any measure to
attain wealth, even if it means hurting others and Candide thus comes to the conclusion
that this is another imperfection in this world that cannot be explained through
Pangloss s philosophy. Personal hardships are also a huge part of Voltaire s argument.
He introduces many characters whose lives have been nothing but hardships in order to
contradict Leibniz and Pangloss. One day, for example, as Candide and his valet
Cacambo are approaching the town of Surinam, they come across a negro laying on the
ground wearing nothing but his drawers and missing both his left leg and his right hand.
Upon conversing with this poor fellow, Candide and Cacambo learn about his terrible
Microbiology Unknown Lab Report Essay
Lab12 Medical Microbiology Part1 Differential Media/Biochemical Tests, Sp2012 (Set
all of your margins to ВЅ )
Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to help you become a little familiar with some of the
tests that can be typically performed in a clinical or research lab facility. These tests may
help in determining a particular pathogen s growth needs.
There are several sections to this lab. Find each section and complete the Preparing for
Class sections.
Preparing for class Day 1
Read in your lab manual about the following agar mediums: Blood Agar (pg 168), EMB
Agar (pg 170), Mannitol Salt Agar (MSA)(pg 172) ), MacConkey Agar (pg 174), and
PEA Agar (pg 176) to answer the following:

1. What does the blood agar select for? ... Show more content on ...
|bacteria, or |enterococci |
| | | |greenish/gray hue | |
| | | |around | |
|EMB Agar | |Distinguishes bacteria that ferment |Dark blue colonies with|E. coli and P. |
| |Gram negative bacteria |lactose and or sucrose and those that|green metallic sheen
or|aeruginosa |
| | |do not. |pink. | |
|MSA Agar |For organisms that are |Isolates for mannitol fermentation |Yellow color
change in |Staphylococcus aureus |
| |halotolerant. | |surrounding media. |and Staphylococcus |
| | | | |epidermidis |
Painting The Exterior And Interior Of The House
Like Claude Monet, colours may or may not be your daylong obsession, but as someone
receptive to the subtle tonal changes you are bound to feel the absence of the same in
your surrounding most acutely. For that simple reason, you cannot simply imagine living
in a home devoid of colours.
Painting the exterior and interior of the house
To transform your house into an elegant and comfortable home, you need the assistance
of many qualified personnel including professional painters. Professional painters in
%{city} play a significant role in improving the quality and liveability of the newly built
structure you are about to call home.
The necessity of painting the exterior of the house as well as the interior ones is driven
by aesthetic considerations. But that is not the only reason behind opting for professional
wall painting. There are several other benefits that we hardly take a note of. High quality
exterior paint increases the life of the masonry work. Your house becomes better equipped
to withstand the elements of nature.
Right colour scheme augments the curb appeal of your house. Colours have considerable
social and cultural impact too. Vibrantly colourful houses typical to St John s in
Newfoundland and Labrador or Lunenburg in Nova Scotia are not so common in other
parts of the country. By their colourful nature you can identify these cities instantly. It
would be difficult to imagine a lacklustre building in middle of St John s and Lunenberg.
Right shades tend to
Marvin Gaye Research Paper
On April, 2 1939 Alberta and Marvin Gay Sir gave birth to the famous R B artist
Marvin Gaye in Washington DC. He had two sisters and three brothers all lived with
him. Marvin Gaye started singing at his father s church when he was only four years
old. When Gaye realized he could sing he fell in love with it and wanted to make
music a career for him. The only down fall Marvin had was the brutal beating he had to
take from his father and his mother would just watch he was to the point he wanted to
kill himself because he was getting tired of the beatings. His sisters would always
watch Marvin get beat by their father for no reason but it was nothing she could do
because she was young and had no power and they were under their father s roof.
Gaye went to Cardozo high school and the little time he was there, he joined several doo
wop vocal groups such as the ... Show more content on ...
They had rumors saying the only reason Gaye added the e to his name is cause people
really thought her was actually gay and he also did it so he could differ his self from his
dad who use to always beat him. After all that was said and done Gaye released his first
single Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide , in May 1961 with an album called The
Soulful Moods of Marvin Gaye. Later Gaye s recordings were all failing so he spent most
of 1961 preforming session work as a drummer for artists that consist of The Miracles,
The Marvelettes and blues artist Jimmy Reed for $5 a week. Later Gaye found success as
co writer of the Marvelettes hit, Beech wood 4 5789 . Gaye has first solo hit, Stubborn
Kind of Fellow , was later released that September, reaching number 8 on the R B chart
and number 46 on the Billboard Hot 100. Gaye reached the top 40 with the dance song,
Hitch Hike peaking at number 30 on the Hot 100. Pride and Joy became Gaye s first top
ten single after its release in
John Brown Research Paper
Hello Everyone,
John Brown was a revolutionary abolitionist who felt very strongly about ending
slavery. He was born in 1800 and died in 1859. His birthplace was Torrington,
Connecticut. He belonged to a very loving family with very strong anti slavery beliefs.
He tied the knot twice and brought forth 20 children from those unions.

Brown had several business endeavors that failed. In 1842 he filed bankruptcy. He
began working as a conductor with the Underground Railroad in order to support the
abolitionist cause. He also started the League of Gileadites, which was organized to aid
runaway slaves fleeing to Canada. He later moved to a free black farming community in
New York.

In 1856, at the age of 55, Brown and his sons moved to Kansas Territory, John Brown
accompanied by a small army of his four sons and two other men set out along the
Pottawatomie Creek and brutally murdered five men and boys whom they believed were
promoting slavery. Later on Brown raided Missouri, where he murdered a slave owner
and freed 11 of his slaves. ... Show more content on ...
In 1859, John Brown, also know as Issac Smith, leased the Kennedy Farmhouse, just
miles from Harper s Ferry, Virginia. Brown planned out his attack on Harper s Ferry.
He was going to provide local slaves with weapons. He was hoping to pose fear in the
slave owners. Despite the planning, nothing went accordingly. The slaves didn t join
his army as expected. The local police and the US Marines under the authority of
Robert E. Lee, put an end to the raid. Most of Brown s men were killed or captured
including his sons. Although, he was wounded badly, he was put on trial very fast and
was found to be guilty of murder, treason, and inciting slave insurrection in Virginia. John
Brown was put to death by hanging on December
Glucose And Glycolysis Lab Report
The presence of glucose in the body of us and other animals is essential as it undergoes
glycolysis to produce essential energy rich ATP which is vital to keep the muscles,
neurons, red blood cells and other energy demanding cells operating. When an intake in
food occurs, plasma glucose concentrations increase which stimulates the release of
insulinfrom the beta cells in the pancreas, this causes an increase in glucoseuptake by the
cells and initiates glycogenesis, the process of turning glucose into glycogen in the liver
and the muscle cells ().
A high energy diet rich in complex carbohydrates would be broken down within the
gastrointestinal tract to smaller monomers of glucose which can then be diffused into the
bloodstream using facilitated glucose transporter protein which in turns raises the plasma
glucose levels (). As the liver is responsible for clearing the blood of unwanted molecules
and ... Show more content on ...
Muscle glycogen is used as an essential immediate supply of energy to the muscle cells,
also under anaerobic conditions when energy is required within the muscle cells and is
also used for basic bodily movement and a source of energy for the flight or fight
response (). This is shown in figure two as both high and low energy diets had similar
stores of glycogen within the muscles to ensure that the muscle can function when
A similar study in 2000 comparing muscle glycogen concentration in relating to finishing
diet found that at when feeding a high energy diet before slaughter, the cattle had a
higher glycogen concentration in their muscles than those that were fed a low energy
diet (). Our study showed similar results, with a slight increase in glycogen concentration,
although our data did not show a large difference, with modification to the methods and
sample size a similar result may be
Advantages Of English Language Teaching
In India, parents choose English as the medium of instruction for their children because
English is the language of computers, language of business, language of science and
technology and the list is endless. By grasping the mind set of the parents and societal
needs, the schools in India try to be monolingual by aspiring to fulfil the wish and
objective of the parents. But the Indian societies are multilingual and hence the children
who hail from diverse background fail to adapt to changes. The children who have been
trained to think in their mother tongue feel depressed and agitated when they are
compelled to learn in English. On the other hand the students who learn in their mother
tongue are compelled to join in English ... Show more content on ...
Such unexpressed ideas are a great loss to the nation and hence the students from Science
and Engineering and Technology fail to shine. The research articles written by them are
partially expressing and hence they are rejected.
The website publishes the patented research articles from all the
Universities of the world. Regularly three to ten research articles are being patented
every day and none of the articles are from the Indian Universities which speaks about the
miles that the students and English teachers of India have to cross to overcome this
major threat.
This paper aims to discuss the possibility of introducing an Artificial Intelligent Program
to promote a two way communication between the English teacher and the students in
Tamil Nadu.
In recent years artificial Intelligence has been introduced in language teaching and
learning. The Department of Applied Foreign Languages at the University of Science
and Technology in central Taiwan has introduced the first Artificial Intelligent
Programme LUCY designed by Company. The users can communicate
with the program by typing and LUCY chats with the users by searching words from its
huge database. Shih hsien Yang, the professor of the Department of Applied Foreign
Languages, National Formosa University, Taiwan, China ensures, It possesses a big
database and linguistically correctness that are different from other old AI programs
such as Eliza (2). The experts are
Arizona Homeowners Insurance
Arizona Homeowners insurance
Arizona, The Grand Canyon State is one of the four corner states. The four corner states
include : Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico. Arizona is well known for the
Grand Canyon State Park. This state has the most land dedicated to Native Americans in
the entire US. Arizona summers are very hot while the winters are mild. Southern
Arizona is well known for its dry desert climate. Northern Arizona demonstrates a
different climate. The Northern section consists of forests of pine, Douglas fir, and
spruce trees. It is also home to the Colorado Plateau and some mountain ranges. Northern
Arizona also has deep canyons, which provides significant snowfalls.

Have you thought about insuring your home in Arizona? ... Show more content on ...
This city has an average of 350 days a year with sunshine. Tucson is the sunniest city in
the United States. On average, homeowners insurance rates for Tucson are $1,220.
Mesa is Spanish for table. The town was given this name because of its shape as a
tabletop. Mesa is also a part of the Honeymoon Trail. This trail was used by Mormons in
1926, to travel to Saint George, UT where they could be properly married. Mesa
homeowners coverage rates are on average $1,365.
This city uses water from 22 wells operating in the city. Chandler s oldest drinking well
is the Erie well. It has been operating since 1948. This well has produced around eight
billion, six hundred fourteen million gallons of drinking water. Insurance rates for your
home in this city is $1,199.
Glendale is about nine miles northwest from downtown Phoenix. This city nicknamed
itself Arizona s Antique Capital . Glendale is the site of two major sports venues:
University of Phoenix Stadium and Gila River Arena. The University of Phoenix
Stadium is the home field of the Arizona Cardinals. Looking to buy homeowners
coverage here? The average price is $1,653.
Low Voter Turnout In Canada
Historically Canadians have been participating less in elections for many years. The
highest turnout rate was 79.4% in 1958. The 2011 elections was the first in many years
in which Canadians were concerned enough to go vote, 61.4% participated which shows
an increase from the 2008 elections in which only 59.1% participated.
The decline in voter turnout is mostly awarded to the younger generations. They represent
the category of people that participate the least in elections. During the 2011 elections,
38.8% of people aged 18 to 24 voted, which is an augmentation from the 37.8% in the
2008 elections (Barnes, Andre, and Erin Virgint, 2010). After a study done by elections
Canada, it was showed that the new generations of voters are less likely to exercise that
right today, than they would have some years ago Only a third of first time voters today
are actually voting, half the rate of a generation ago. ( Ibbitson, John, 2011) Another
reason for the turnout decline could be awarded to the lack of interest; Statistics
Canada did a poll in which they asked people who had not voted why they had done so,
and 28% said ... Show more content on ...
In Australia, the voter turnout is approximately 94% of the citizens who are registered
vote. But while people vote, a lot are not happy with the system Paula Mathewson a
political insider and commenter said on the system The idea that high voter turnout
based on compulsory voting translates into a politically engaged electorate is
nonsensical. If we moved to a voluntary system, with the level of disenchantment and
disengaged voters we have now, no one would vote (Beck, Katie, 2013). Internet voting
has had success in countries like Estonia (Arthur, Charles, 2014).They have been using E
voting for municipal elections, and while it works for small elections, there are still many
flaws to Internet voting. The Internet is too easily
Corrections Current Trends
Current trends in sentencing

When it comes to prison sentencing there are a lot of trends to go from, probably the
main outline you could say is the sentencing models these models are a basic outline of
what s going to happen to an offender while being sentenced. These are the six options
which include: capital punishment for like murder offenders which includes the death
penalty only in some states though, imprisonment for those who commit violent crime
and so forth usually sent to state or federal prison longer that one year, short term
confinement for minor offenders those petty crimes such as petty theft and so on
normally less than a year served in county, intermediate sanctions falls between probation
and imprisonment which I ... Show more content on ...
Another great trend in sentencing is the three strikes laws which basically states that
felons who commit three felonies are incarcerated for a very long time

sometimes even life in prison this trend is good because most times it will keep repeat
offenders from committing crimes I guess the thought of getting that third strike and
going to prison for possibly life would be a really strong motivation to stay out of
trouble and keep doing good. Then again this three strikes law could not be a good thing
for instance in the text it talks about jerry Williams who had a record of two prior
felony convictions involving violence when he stole piece of pizza without a weapon
from four children, then the judge under mandatory California law, had to sentence
Williams to twenty five years in prison. I understand this man had a record and was on
the verge of the third strike but I don t think that sentencing Mr. Williams to twenty
five years in prison for a pizza was really necessary that five dollar pizza now has cost the
state an estimated 500,000 for the time that Williams is going to be incarcerated a
simply being locked up for even a year in county would I think be more suitable and cost
friendly in
Similarities And Differences Between The Samurai And The...
As Claus von Clausewitz wrote, Courage, over all things, is the first quality of a
warrior . In both Western Europe and Japan, an unstable government led to the
development of Feudalism, a social system in which lords grant land to nobles in
exchange of loyalty and military service. It also introduced a stronger army which was
made up of samurai, the Japanese warrior, or knights, the European warrior. The chivalry,
or code of conduct of the knights, was made up of Christian beliefs. However, the
samurai s code of conduct, the bushido, was inspired by Confucian and Buddhist thought.
Not only did religious beliefs influence the codes of behavior of a warrior, but
Christianity influenced Europe, while Confucianism and Buddhism affected the religion
in Japan. The differences between the Samurai and the Knights were greater than the
similarities because of their armor, the bond to their mastor, and their view of death....
Show more content on ...
According to Document D, Samurai did not wear armor on their right arm so they could
easily draw their bow . This shows that because the samurai had different fighting
techniques, their armor had to fit appropriately and had to only cover the body parts, that
weren t in the way during a battle. In contrast, Document D also states, Not only was the
entire body covered, but knights also wore helmets, gloves, and shoes out of steel . This
shows that the knight was completely covered from head to toe because he used
different weapons like swords, axes, and lances. Furthermore, when a knight fell of his
horse, it would be harder for him to get up to his feet while fighting because of the
heaviness of his armor. In conclusion, the knight s armor was different from the samurai
s, as well their relationship between their lord and
Ardennes Offensive Advantages And Disadvantages
The Allies faced various disadvantages during the Ardennes Offensive: пѓ Since the
Allies had reached the German border after the Normandy landings by this time, they
faced an important intelligence disadvantage. The Germans used only telephones and
tele printers within the German borders. Radios were not used as the Allies had cracked
Enigma by then. пѓ The Allied aircraft reconnaissance suffered due to the autumn fog
and withheld them from making optimum use of air power especially the tank busting
Typhoons of the RAF or Mustang fighters from the USAAF which would have been used
against German tanks. Though the weather was typical for the Ardennes in winter, the
ground was hard enough for military vehicles to cross and this suited the armored attack
Hitler envisaged. пѓ Germans used charcoal instead of wood to reduce smoke detection.
The Battle of Bulge Military Situation maps: 16th December 1944 On the morning of
16th December, the Germans launched an attack on the Allied forces through the
Ardennes. The plan for Dietrich s 6th Army was for the three infantry divisions to punch
a hole on either side of Udenbrath, and then swing north west to form a hard shoulder
facing north while the four armored divisions drove through the... Show more content on ...
Lack of fuel and manpower on the western front made it inevitable had the German
offensive would fall through unless Allied supplies could be captured intact and that
was a long shot in any case. Hitler had been defeated by Allied air superiority, by the
defenders of Bastogne, by poor coordination among his own forces (especially between
the Fifth and Sixth Panzer Divisions) and by a new weapon, the proximity fuse which
could make a shell go off at a distance from its target through the use of radars.
However, in the end it was his extreme military belief that attack is the best defense , that
proved fatal to the German
The Effects Of Autism Spectrum Disorder On Children
Many children have to live their entire lives under the shadow of a disorder that
entirely alters the typical life of a person. Autism Spectrum Disorder is a common
neurobehavioral disorder that is caused during prenatal development. This specific
disorder affects 1 in 68 children in Canada and is increasing every single year. More
children will be diagnosed with autismthis year than with AIDS, diabetes, and cancer
combined (KenCrest). Children who are affected often don t get diagnosed until the late
years of elementary school; Parents, caregivers, and teachers need to know how to
recognise Autism so affected children can get the help they require as soon as possible.
There are many environmental factors that can contribute to Autism during the prenatal
development. Although many can be avoided, some factors are non avoidable. Assistant
professor of psychiatry and behavioral neurosciences at McMaster University, Stelios
Georgiades (n.d.) states that Because autism runs in families, researchers saw autism as
almost entirely genetic. The old thinking was that heritability accounted for up to 90
percent of all cases. A comprehensive study of twins with autism showed that
environmental factors also play an important role in driving autism recurrence in
families. By environment, researchers mean anything non genetic. This study highlighted
the reality that even though autism runs in families, we can t assume that it s entirely
inherited .
During the prenatal development,
Foucault s Herculine Barbin
Science, the one enterprise that is always relied upon and deemed as the credible
source of information that makes sense of some of society s most probing questions.
Society allows science to define one s identity by categorizing individuals into one of
two sexess: male or female, based on a socially agreed upon biological criteria whether it
be one s genetic make up before birth and/or genital organs at birth.
In his introduction of Herculine Barbin, Foucault questions the necessity of a true sex, a
concept, if we may, that has been embedded into a systematic structure of acceptance of
modern Western societies that limits, what Foucault calls, free choice. Through his
examination of Alexina s memoirs, the author challenges mainstream ideas ... Show more
content on ...
As the film reaches its climax, Brandon s gender is first questioned when he is arrested
and his government name Teena, is written on official documents. Soon after, he is
confronted by Tom, John and Lana s family over the same matter. At first, there is
blatant denial that Teena is actually his first name and that he is, indeed, a man. When
he realizes that they are not going to budge, he settles for labeling himself as a
hermaphrodite (scene from Boys Don t Cry). In Brandon s case, it means that he was
born with both sexes; he would rather lie about having two sexes, therefore still
defending his manhood, than accepting a sex that 1) he does not identify with and 2) is
imposed on him by society. For some time, Brandon was living in a somewhat happy
limbo in the non identity (Foucault 1980, 6) that is described in Alexina s memoirs,
though not to the extent of non identity Alexina experienced in his/her early life. One
can assume that he is in such a happy limbo by the way the character is portrayed in the
film. It seems as if Brandon, though he identifies as male, is still in touch with his
feminine side. This feminine side, we must point out, is a clear construction of
hegemonic masculinity; because Brandon is sensitive, caring, and gentle, he is
displaying feminine
Automotive Applications For Noise Vibration And Vibration
Automotive Applications for Noise, Vibration and Harshness

Project Report on

85 525
Department of Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering
University of Windsor

Submitted To: Dr. Colin Novak

Prepared By:
Deeksha Vashisht (104142091)
Wenjun Hu (104014572)
Sambath Kumaar Balasubramanian Thangamani (104123898)

DATE: November 09, 2014

Table of Contents
9. MASKING OF ... Show more content on ...
As a result, an increasing number of vehicles have sound proof design and acoustic
surrounding systems. However, when those in car appliances operate simultaneously, it
can be difficult for drivers to detect the approach of emergency vehicles such as
ambulances, police, and fire fighting trucks. This is one of the reasons why most
accidents between emergency vehicles and motorists happen at intersections [1]. Those
collisions impede the emergency service travels from reaching the destinations on time.
In the United States, it is claimed that the most frequent emergency service cases were
about emergency vehicle crashes and patient handing mishaps [2].
Even though the emergency vehicles have implemented visual device, the visual
warning mechanism cannot take effect if the receivers are not facing towards the
vehicle. Many collision incidents indicate that drivers did not recognize the coming
emergency vehicles with flashing lights and they delayed the reflection of clearing
roads in urban area [3]. It is not constrained to elderly or hearing impaired drivers.
Therefore, the audible warning siren is important to prevent collisions which are caused
by drivers not responding to the sign of warning from emergency travel.
Due to the improvement of in car sound control design mentioned above, the siren can be
difficult to penetrate into the cabin of a vehicle when the distance is greater than 8 12 m
[4]. Tests were conducted to improve the audibility
Stephen s Interpretation Of The Jewish Scripture
During the days of Jesus, Palestine never lacked for loyalties. It was a crossroads of
culture and peoples. Its 2,000,000 or more people ruled by Rome were divided by
region, religion and politics (Shelley, p. 4). Jesus was a Jew, but that did not stop them
from separating everyone into the categories of different religions. The Jews, who
represented only half the population, despised their foreign overlords and deeply resented
the signs of pagan culture in their ancient homeland (Shelley, p. 3 5). The answer lies in
Stephen s confrontation with the Jewish authorities. It centered upon the interpretation of
the Old Testament. It was not a question of what the Jewish Scriptures said, but what they
meant (Shelley, p. 14). The interpretation
Why Are Bees Dying Out
Honeybees are very important insects, they pollinate flowers and plants. If the bees
died out we wouldn t have a lot of the food or plants we have today. Bees are mostly
dying out due to the fact that a lot of people use chemicals to keep plants free of plants.
We need bees or much more people would be left penniless and starving.

One of every three bites of food eaten worldwide depends on pollinators, especially
bees, for a successful harvest. (Grossman, 2013) Bees pollinate flowers of all kinds so
that they can grow. Without the bees what would pollinate the flowers? Beekeepers
across the United States lost 44 percent of their honey bee colonies during the year
spanning April 2015 to April 2016, according to the latest preliminary results of an
annual nationwide survey. Rates of both winter loss and summer loss and consequently,
total annual losses worsened compared with last year. (the Bee Informed Team, 2016)
Why are bees dying out? According to the Nature Conservancy, there are several reasons
why this could be happening: ... Show more content on ...
According to the Nature, Conservancy tracheal and varroa mites infested beehives
and decimated them. Varroa mites continued spreading diseases while the trachea
mites didn t pose much of a problem. In fall of 2006, a sudden die off of bee colonies
was brought on by the disappearance of adult bees from their hives. they called it fall
dwindling until later when they renamed it Colony Collapse Disorder or CCD. Since
the bee population has reduced farmers will either have to sell crops later or sell less
of them. If there were no bees, a large percentage of everyday foods we eat would be
gone. Think about all the things you love eating or the fruits that you love to see and
eat. Without bees, these things would be gone. Since flowers need have to be pollinated
and bees do the pollinating the two would either exist together or die out together. This
is bad because a lot of food comes from
The Physics Of Mechanical Engineering
In our daily life we face challenges that we can relate to mechanical engineering, one of
the common examples is the temperature in metal, which is the thermal expansion.
Mechanical engineers use combination of material, human and economic resources to
develop mechanical solutions that help satisfy the needs and wants of society. They must
be confident and accurate when making decisions. Engineers try to look at the problems
in the society and come with innovative ideas in order to solve the difficulties.

Engineering industry has a wide variety of jobs such as civil engineer where you over
watch bridges, buildings, and the other important structures; it makes sure everything is
up to code for large building and structures. Mechanical engineering works on
mechanical systems and other complex mechanics, such as; cranes and airplane
motors. Work experience as an engineer is very important because when projects are
being built, calculations should be accurate in all details, otherwise the projects will
fail and that may cause deaths. In addition, knowing how to react in certain situations
under certain circumstances is an essential part of being an engineer. If someone who
is inexperienced tries to take on a real engineer job, there could be extreme results and
repercussions. One of the problems we, as engineers, face in the engineering world be
when there are or could potentially be an irresponsible engineer or engineers, who are
the lead project manager(s) working on
Chapter 7 Secularity As World-Ordering Principle
Chapter 7: Circularity as world ordering Principle by Thomas M Norton Smith, the
focus is the way in which we understand the world through space, place, and
arrangement. Much of the chapter focuses on the western worldview perspective versus
the Native American worldview perspective. A lot of this chapter includes past topics
focused especially chapter six which focuses upon the concept of performance in within
social and religious contexts. Chapter 7 is a continuation of this philosophy within the
accordance of the importance of space. As well as the concept of space in a religious
context. The first section focuses on the understanding of space within the context of time
. How one looks at the time determines the space in which t
Torture Tactics
Candidate Stances in Relation to the Constitution
Should Interrogation Techniques That Some Consider Torture, Such as Waterboarding,
Be a Legal Option? This has been a controversial issue for a long time, the fact that it s
supported by some and others not so much has also been debated. Hillary clinton does not
support this, where as Donald Trump is in agreement with it. Also Should the United
States Send Ground Troops to Fight ISIS? The war in the middle east is still alive and
raging on, and the U.S involvement is an often discussed issue. Should we or shouldn t
we be over there? These are both good question in which we will discuss. Both Hillary
Clinton and Donald Trump have almost opposite opinions everything.
Interrogation of prisoners ... Show more content on ...
The constitution is a very critical piece of any presidential election. Every Candidate
needs to be in the regulation of the constitution otherwise they are not in compliance of
be the president. So which candidate will be the president this november? And who will
you be voting
Rate Laws Lab
Reaction order and rate laws are key to understanding the speed in which a reaction
occurs and the necessary amounts of each reactant in a reaction. Reaction order
determines the concentration of each reactant and can be used to calculate the amount
of a substance in a reaction. The zeroth, first, and second orders are the most common
and were used in this lab. The order of a reaction can be found by comparing the
quantity of a specific substance and the rate in which the reaction occurred. Rate laws
contribute to the speed of differing reactions. This is a necessary principle in many
fields. For example, it is necessary to know the speed of a reaction that goes on during
the inflation of an airbag. Without knowing the rate law the speed could... Show more
content on ...
HCl concluded to be zeroth order but generally reacted faster than Na2S2O3, which
was first order. The rate law for this reaction is rate=k[Na2S2O3]. Both reactions, when
graphed, showed a straight line though. The average reaction time with HCl was 44 sec
(well #1), 53.1 sec (well #2), and 61.2 sec (well #3). Resulting in a reaction rate of 0.012
sec 1 (well #1), 0.019 sec 1 (well #2), and 0.16 sec 1 (well #3). While the average
reaction time for Na2S2O3 was 33.4 sec (well #4), 81.48 sec (well #5), and 121.22 sec
(well #6). Causing the reaction rate to be 0.03 sec 1 (well #4), 0.012 sec 1 (well #5), and
0.0082 sec 1 (well #6). These results are accurate and can be considered
Nores vs. Greek Essay
Nores vs. Greek

Greek mythology and Roman mythology are almost identical. This is an accepted fact,
as it is widely known that the Romans stole the Greek myths. However, it is very
interesting to note that the mythology of the Vikings (Norse) has many similarities with
the Greek myths. These myths are, by no means, identical to the Greek ones (like the
Roman ones are), but there are very distinct commonalities between the two. I see two
possible reasons for this besides pure coincidence.
The first has to do with the fact that Norse myths were codified during the Viking era:
780 1070. This gives the Norsemen many centuries to become exposed to the Greek (or
Roman) myths. The Vikings did travel as far east as the Caspian sea, which ... Show more
content on ...
The gods and goddesses are powerful beings capable of super human powers, but
nevertheless are characters fraught with very human frailties and flaws. In this way
they created gods that had similarities with the common man in the society. This made
the gods more tangible and easier to identify with. I think that this was necessary
because they were not yet at the societal maturity level to have a single god on a
cosmic plane. Most of the comparisons will be examining the similarities between
major Greek and Norse gods, as well as creatures, stories and specific symbols which are
featured in the mythologies. Some of the gods do not have direct counterparts (Thor,
Athena and Loki). However, I will provide possible similarities within the respective

ASGARD Asgard is sometimes known as Asgarth. It is the realm of the gods and the
home of both the Aesir and Vanir. Is is ruled by Odin, the leader of the Norse deities. It
is located in the heavens, but is connected to earth by a bridge, known as Bifrost,
sometimes referred to as a rainbow. There is also a route from Asgard to the
underworld, the domain of Hel. Valhalla, a hall within Asgard, was the palace for fallen
kings, warriors who had died in battle and heroes.
MT. OLYMPUS Mount Olympus was the home of the Greek gods. It was chosen as
their home because of its altitude, for Zeus, the king of the gods, was associated with the
sky. Within the mythology, Mt. Olympus was large, foreboding
The Concept Of Resilience And Healthcare Consumers And...
The concept of resilience is the ability to move beyond a barrier of an adversity faced.
This concept focuses around the idea that an individual will use their individual
strengths to overcome stress or obstacles. However there are many differing theories
created to the concept of resilience. Within this essay i will discuss the different
concept of resilience while also detailing factors that contribute to resilience in relation
to both healthcare consumers and health professionals. The concept of resilience is a
characteristic brought upon individuals when they are followed by adversity. The
concept is based on an understanding that individuals develop resilient behaviours to
assist in coping followed by adversity. However there are many differing theories
between researchers on how resilience is developed or brought upon an individual.
Within the early studies children were the main focus of the research. This was to
understand how problems during childhood could be prevented and identify how to
improve the concept of resilience. Garmezy 1993 believed resilience was focused on
risk and protective factors. He believed protective factors prepare an individual to be
able to cope while risk factors prevent an individual to cope well. The protective and
risk factors that prepare an individual are based on an individual s biological,
psychological, social and cultural factors. For example a healthcare consumer s
protective factor may be their psychological self esteem while
Media Negative Effects
Social media alone, on average, will consume five years and four months of a person s
life, and that does not account for any other aspect of the internet (Asano). Merriam
Webster Dictionary defines social media as forms of electronic communication through
which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages,
and other such content. Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, etc. are some of the
more popular social media sites. As with anything, there are side effects from the overuse
of social media, and the majority of people do not realize the detrimental side effects
from the excessive internet usage. Social media encourages isolation, which may
promote bullying and lead to suicidal thoughts and/or... Show more content on ...
Humans are very social beings. If we feel isolated, it does not take long to become
depressed. Social media can easily become the main source of isolationistic feelings,
and those feelings increase risk of developing both depression and suicide. Scrolling
through social media, you see chunks of peoples lives, the perfect chunks. People post
about the exciting and fun parts of their life, not the boring, everyday, serious aspects
of life. In an article from Psychology Today Dr. Vitelli says, ...checking on the status of
our various Facebook friends...forces us to deal with people who are either a) more
successful than we are, or b) more attractive than we are...Facebook users may tend to
regard themselves as competing with their various Facebook friends and can often
feel inadequate as a result. The competing and losing leads to depression, and when a
person is depressed and insecure they are more likely to bully. People hide behind the
fake identities they created on the internet and bully peoplewithout ever leaving the
comfort of their home. A study conducted in Britain by the National Children Home
found one in four kids being cyberbullied reported having mental issues later in life
(Amedie). It was also reported that middle school students who were bullied were twice
as likely to commit suicide (Fairall, June and Luxton), so not only does being
cyberbullied increase the person s chance of developing mental issues, it also increases
the likeliness of
Essay On Socioeconomic Status
Article 6
Sloan, R. P., Huang, M. H., Sidney, S., Liu, K., Williams, O. D., Seeman, T. (2005).
Socioeconomic status and health: Is parasympathetic nervous system activity an
intervening mechanism? International Journal of Epidemiology, 34(2), 309 315.
doi:10.1093/ije/dyh381 This paper brings in the idea that socioeconomic status has a
huge impact on health. They suggest that the PNS being properly regulated is an
important contributing factor. Through their research, they found that education, sex,
age, race, and income are factors that affect the regulation of the cardiac component of
the PNS. Additionally, lower levels of cardiac autonomic regulation can predict
unfavorable outcomes with regards to heart troubles. They found that by ... Show more
content on ...
Additionally, the emotional state of an individual plays an important role on the
magnitude of the startle response. They suggest that those with GAD be given treatments
involved in helping focus their attention outward. This could help those individuals have
less anxiety, decreased negative emotional states, a decreased startle response, and less
worry. This article is relevant to my research because it discusses an example of how
the ANS dysfunction affects some individuals, specifically those with GAD. It discusses
a simple, yet possible, solution that disorders like this can be treated by focusing on real
world events compared to internal emotions.
Article 8
Reeves, J. W., Fisher, A. J., Newman, M. G., Granger, D. A. (2016). Sympathetic and
hypothalamic pituitary adrenal asymmetry in generalized anxiety disorder.
Psychophysiology, 53(6), 951 957. doi:10.1111/psyp.12634 This article discusses the
correlation between the Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal (HPA) axis, the SNS, and
GAD. By studying cortisol levels in various individuals, they find that cortisol activity
can influence the SNS which, when suppressed, can mediate GAD. Those with GAD
are pathological worriers which can continuously stimulate the HPA axis. The HPA
axis plays a role in adaptive physiological functioning. While balancing the HPA axis and
SNS has been know to be beneficial, it can also be related to maladaptive behavior

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