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A Modest Proposal Essay Topics

Writing an essay on the topic of "A Modest Proposal Essay Topics" can be a challenging task that
requires careful consideration and a nuanced approach. The difficulty lies in navigating the fine line
between satire and seriousness, as the essay typically involves proposing unconventional and often
absurd solutions to societal issues. Crafting a compelling and thought-provoking essay on this topic
demands a thorough understanding of the satirical elements present in Jonathan Swift's original
work, "A Modest Proposal," and the ability to apply those elements to contemporary issues.

The challenge is to strike a balance between humor and critique, ensuring that the proposed solutions
are outlandish enough to serve the satirical purpose yet still provoke critical thinking about the real
problems at hand. Additionally, one must be mindful of the potential sensitivity of certain topics and
avoid crossing boundaries that could be deemed offensive.

Research plays a crucial role in developing well-informed and convincing proposals. It requires
delving into current societal issues, understanding their complexities, and identifying potential
satirical angles that can shed light on the absurdity of certain situations. This necessitates a keen
awareness of the cultural and political context to effectively convey the intended message.

Furthermore, the essay should be structured in a way that captivates the reader's attention, introduces
the problem at hand, and gradually unfolds the satirical proposal. The language should be carefully
chosen to maintain the satirical tone while ensuring clarity and coherence in presenting ideas.

In conclusion, writing an essay on "A Modest Proposal Essay Topics" demands a blend of creativity,
critical thinking, and a deep understanding of the satirical genre. It requires navigating the delicate
balance between humor and serious commentary on contemporary issues. For those seeking
assistance or guidance in tackling such challenging essay topics, various resources are available.
Similar essays and more can be ordered on platforms like, where experienced
writers can provide support in developing well-crafted and thought-provoking essays on a variety of
A Modest Proposal Essay TopicsA Modest Proposal Essay Topics
The Role Of Birt Hogg Dube ( Bhd ) Syndrome
The Role of Folliculin in Amino Acid Sensing
Specific Aims
Birt Hogg DubГ© (BHD) syndrome is a rare autosomal dominant condition that s
characterized by the development of benign skin tumors and lung cysts. Moreover, these
manifestations increase patients risk to develop renal cell carcinoma (RCC) and/or
pneumothorax. Germline mutations in the Folliculin (FLCN) gene are responsible for
the onset of BHD, resulting in its loss of function. Furthermore, BHD clinical hallmarks
are similar to the clinical manifestation caused by mutations in tumor suppressor, TSC1
/2, such as: facial hamartomas and RCC. Although FLCN is predicted to be a tumor
suppressor, the exact function of FLCN still remains unknown.
FLCN expression is conserved throughout the eukaryotic system and is known to have
binding partners, folliculin interacting proteins (FNIP) 1 and 2. FNIP1/2 interacts with
AMP activated protein kinase (AMPK), a direct energy sensor and negative regulator of
mTOR, suggesting FLCN s role in AMPK and TOR signaling. Moreover, mammalian
cells with reduced expression of FLCN resulted in concomitant reduction of TORC1
activity, strengthening FLCN s probable role in TOR signaling.
Target of rapamycin (TOR) is a major signaling complex that coordinates intracellular
inputs with cellular growth. TOR is composed of two complexes, namely TORC1 is the
master regulator coordinating amino acid availability to anabolic processes required for
cell growth and maintenance. High amino acid levels
Launching Self Service Lockers Essay
Launching self service lockers
In a modern fast paced world, people seek instant gratification. On a national level this
can be seen in companies such as Mc Donald s which have adopted this notion by
preparing hot, quick food for customers. This can be delivered on a local level as well
as we see in a company like Comet Cleaners which offers a same day service.
According to Entrepreneur and Online Marketing Expert, Neil Patel, Humans are
hardwired to want things now. It s called instant gratification, and it s a powerful force.
The sensation associated with instant gratification is a delightful feeling. A feeling of
seeking pleasure, which can be easily fulfilled in today s world. One simple form of
instant gratification is the desire of wanting packages to arrive faster. While online retail
stores utilize standard mail carriers,, has found a way to meet faster
delivery demands. Releasing their new, self service lockers, Amazon is able to leverage
their title as the e retail giant.
With a majority of people wanting instant gratification, online retail businesses should
cater to and satisfy the wishes of consumers. Patel argues, The most important thing is
not necessarily to feed your customer s hunger right away, but to be completely
transparent with them about what you can and can t provide. Some online retail stores
can provide twenty four seven live chat while others can send out auto response emails.
These types of measures have become the
Dont Ask, Dont Tell
Homosexuals should be allowed to serve openly in all branches of the US Military Gays
should be allowed to openly serve in all areas and levels of the U.S. military because
logic and the tide of political correctness dictate that such should be the case.
The American armed forces had, since the early revolutionary war, held sodomy (then
generally defined as the conduct of performing anal or oral sexual act) as grounds for
discharge. It was in 1950, when the Uniform form Code of Military Justice prohibiting
homosexual and heterosexual anal and oral sex was passed, that the gay ban began.
Under President Ronald Reagan, the gay ban was more stringently enforced. In the
1990s, amidst vicious opposition to repeal the ban, President Bill ... Show more content
on ...
However, homosexual s open service should no longer be an issue of friction because
the American society is increasingly moving towards open acceptance of gay
developments that even include gay marriages and open military service. The fears of
the deterioration of heterosexual military members in the event of open service of
gays in all military branches are no longer supported by studies on civilian and enlisted
service personnel s attitude. No less than Service members Legal Defense Network
(SLDN) s Director of Law and Policy Sharra Greer have observed that in the present,
Heterosexual service members serve alongside lesbian and gay colleagues every day and
they are increasingly comfortable doing so (New Poll).
There is, in fact, a considerable presence of gay and lesbian Americans serving in the
armed forces. Despite the ban on open gay service, the different opinion survey results
reflect how both the American public and the enlisted personnel themselves either find
the matter of sexual orientation irrelevant to military performance, or recognize the
contributions of the enlisted gay members to the country s military.
An estimate places the number of gay and lesbian Americans serving in the armed
forces at 65,000 (New Poll). Since the gay ban began to be initiated in 1943, applicants
had been pre screened; for those who avoided or survived the pre screening, a
considerable number of homosexual
Philosophy 108 (Death and Dying)
Transcending Death
The anthropology of death is a fascinating field of study which depicts the
conceptualization of death, the modes of death, and from various funerary rites/rituals
that a Western society might even find repulsive or enchanting. Why is it that the most
appealing form of media among kids is about superheroes overcoming adversity or death,
and then the hero comes in to save the day? The answer is quite simple, because humans
find death interesting. Is it due to the fact that no one lives forever? Humans know this
fact of life but they still wish for this goal of cheating death. A common occurrence is
through funeral and mortuary rites where there is the belief in a future life and in the
survival of the ... Show more content on ...
One important note that can be positively taken from this context is that through these
tales of death and rebirth helps humans in understanding more about the concept of death.
Cross cultural studies with death has highlighted that the majority of each culture
believes that biological death is not the end of one s existence. Folktales and myths are
an important aspect of one s culture, because it is through this interpretations have helped
in solidifying their belief of transcending death or the thought of rebirth or reincarnation.
The Northern Cheyenne believe that the physical death does not equate to spiritual
death. The foundation for this belief is due in part to the Cheyenne s The Journey of
Life. This signifies the notion of rebirth through this cycle of life wherein one can
choose to be resurrected or stay in the spiritual plane (Straus 73). In addition, Duncan
notes that a suggestion that death is only a dissolution of the individual back into the
collective soul from which they came, from which they ll re emerge in a new form
(Duncan 1). Another support to Duncan s statement is the Cheyenne way that death is
defined as transformation, not termination of selfhood (Straus 76). It is then possible to
transcend death because death is a process / journey; and according to Duncan and
Strauss that if death is a process then it opens the avenue of reversing or averting death.
The Steel Industry In Pittsburgh
After being completely rebuilt and having one of the best steel industries in the world,
Pittsburgh is looking ahead to a great feature moving on to better things. Starting out as a
fort during the Seven Years War and event moving on to the steel industry, Pittsburgh
now has a great medical field. Pittsburgh is a very important historical area for
Pennsylvania, having a both good and bad history. Pittsburg has been one of the most
industrial cities in Pennsylvania, and has set an example for the rest of the state.
Often Pittsburgh is thought of as just a city home to the Steelers or the Pirates . Which
they are, but it has a much richer history. Pittsburgh has been a very important factor in
building Pennsylvania. There have been many industries in Pittsburgh, some of the best
industries. In 1790 was the boat industry, the start of Pittsburgh s industrial history. Then
the steel, coal, and iron ... Show more content on ...
Later a new fort was built named Fort Pitt after William Pitt in 1760. Pittsburgh was
originally established in 1760. WIlliam Pitt was a leader during the wars and was
determined to help save the country. Pittsburgh is part of the golden triangle that was
laid out in 1784. Pittsburgh did not become a city until 1816. After WWII Pittsburgh
was completely rebuilt Then becoming the eighth largest city in the nation by 1910.
With a Population of 533,905 ( Pittsburgh 1). From 1870 to 1910 was Pittsburgh s
Golden Age. Steel was a main factor in making Pittsburgh what it is today. But steel
was not the only industry in Pittsburgh. Wood, coal, limestone, sand, and flax were also
some of the resources they had. It was the steel capital of the world due to the
abundance of resources. With all of the big promising jobs many people did not want to
have the small jobs that were needed (Dietrich).
Don Quijote
Summary of Research Paper Topic and Works Cited The novel of Don Quijote by
Miguel A. Cervante is a book which illustrates different issues in Spanish society starting
from the 16th century. This research paper will break down the techniques Cervante
used through his writing skills to raise questions, unveil hidden realities with aim of
breaking different social norms. During Cervantes era gender inequalities and the
division of classes were unspoken issues. This research paper will demonstrate how
Cervante used writing as an instrument to become the spokesman for his society. Its
presumed that Cervante wrote Don Quijote while being in jail. So in order to be heard...
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Back in those days a woman who loses her virginity was seen as a disgrace to her
family and community. Her so called husband had disappeared and there was no real
witness to support her story. Here Cervante uses the misfortune of Dorotea to point
fingers at those who took advantage of women and got away with it. The irony here is
that the victim finds herself running while the oppressor continues his conquest of
destroying women lives. Cervante shows here how Don Fernando who represented a
threat for women in the society was untouchable and not seen as an abuser. Since Don
Fernando was a man a Hidalgo (Member of the Upper class), no one questioned him.
Cervante brings up the subject of rape that everyone in the Spanish society pretends to
not see. Cervante though Dorotea shows how women s lives are destroyed due to the
assail behavior of men. Don Fernando s banditry led Dorotea to exclude herself from
the society, she finds herself living in the mountains far away from home in order to
avoid insults. Cervante openly describes his disagreement towards this bullish behavior
towards women. Cervante tries to explain that it s not normal that woman who had lost
their virginity were regarded as sinners, considering that there may be different reasons
which led to
Essay on Stock Market and Paramount
Case Study Questions Paramount Communications Inc. 1993

Why a paramount is a takeover target?

Several Strategic Reasons

Cost reduction: through combinations of similar business and economy of scales
Sales increase: a) cross promotions of each company s brand and utilization of each
company s channels, and b) cooperation in international businesses.

2. Which of the two firms (Viacom or QVC) would make a better fit with Paramount?

Viacom: Overlap in the business creates synergies regarding cost and revenue. However,
cannibalisation may happen in the near future.

QVC: Small rooms for synergies (cost reductions may be limited to non business
section.). Volatility may high regarding the realisation of ... Show more content on ...
5. What is Paramount worth to Viacom?
Theme park (cross selling)
Film Library/Film Distribution Business

6. What is Paramount worth to QVC?

New business opportunities in Entertainment
Film Library/Film Distribution Business

7. Compare your valuation with Smith Barney s. What assumptions do you have to make
to get the terminal value EBITDA multiples used by Smith Barney. Is there any benefit of
their method relative to FCF method?

Smith Barney is using EBITDA of 14 to 16X. Since EBITDA multiple tends to revert
to a certain level over the year, we need to assume that the market will keep pricing the
company at the same level of 1993.

The merits of EBITDA multiples:

They don t need to assume the perpetual growth rate which is hard to calibrate but has
substantial impact on pricing.
They can ignore the capital structure change
Easier to understand (it is market consensus )

8. What doe 30% premium suggest? Is it reasonable?

30% of premium over the market price may be reasonable given;

a) control premium
b) the nature of takeover (it can be considered as Insider Trading , and to avoid litigation
by shareholders, an acquirer may need to pay premium)
c) consideration of synergies through a takeover.

9. How should Redstone proceed? What price should he offer? Should the offer be a cash
offer, a stock offer, or
The World Of The Babylonian Captivity
During the time of the Babylonian captivity, throughout the inter testamental period,
until the death, burial and resurrection of Christ, Israel endured abject and inhumane
persecution at the hands of fellow citizens, government officials, and other nations.
Although at times, they were miraculously delivered, this was not always the case, as
demonstrated in the Maccabean revolt. The events that led to the Maccabean revolt
are among the foremost of such degradation and persecution and shall be given
particular attention in this discourse. Israel s was a united kingdom under the
monarchal reigns of Saul, David and Solomon who ruled for forty years each.
Solomon s reign was considered the golden years for Israel and it was during this time
that the first temple was built for Yahweh. With detailed plans from his father David,
which were received from God through the prophet Nathan, the temple was
constructed and no hammer or chisel or any iron tool was heard in it as it was being
built (1 Kings 6:7). It was modeled after the tabernacle instituted by Moses in the
wilderness and took seven years to complete. The beauty of this temple can be
imagined by the following passage in the Old Testament: So Solomon overlaid the
inside of the temple with pure gold. He stretched gold chains across the front of the
inner sanctuary, and overlaid it with gold. The whole temple he overlaid with gold, until
he had finished all the temple; also he overlaid with gold the entire altar that was
Immigrants Affect Vancouver
How do immigrants affect Vancouver ELLA 0460 300248349 Aofu Liuпј€Steveпј‰
Vancouver is a multi cultural city which has increase lot of foreigners. Some people
argue that foreigners and immigrants influence them negatively such as the high price of
houses, insurances, and living budget. However, immigrants have contributed to the
development of this city when the issue is exam from another perspective because this
group of people plays an important role in the whole society. (Requal, 2017). Immigrated
people brings new job opportunities and labor force to Vancouver. On the other hand,
they lead new funds to develop the economy and urban development. It make people earn
more income and improve their living standard. Immigrated people who came from
different countries celebrate their unique festivals making Vancouver to be a
multicultural city. First of all, immigrants help the economy grows fast in Vancouver. As
the increased population has moved to Vancouver over the past hundreds of years, they
have already created the cultural coexistence and make Vancouver a multi cultural city.
This phenomenon triggers Vancouver to create and operate a diversified consumption
environment (Brent, 2016).In fact, it shows that more than 50% of people were from
China and living in the Richmond in the last population census. As a result, more and
more Chinese businesses are established in Richmond. Over time, more and more
national and international companies set business in
My Favorite Cartoon Essay
Oh how I remember the days where I would wake up at 8am to watch my favorite
cartoon shows. I would eat my breakfast in front of the tv and watch the new episodes
that would air. Whether it be the classics like Tom and Jerry or Looney Tunes, or some
new shows like Foster s Home for Imaginary friends or the PowerPuff Girls. Watching
these cartoons brought me solace and joy. It would bring me to its world of wonder and

To this day, these shows have taught me many values and morals that I follow and
helped shape me into a better person. It made me think that I would like to give that
same feeling to another person. In that moment, I decide that I wanted to do the same
thing and create cartoon shows that will invoke the same ... Show more content on ...
Once they saw the picture, they stood there speechless just looking at me and the drawing
. When they finally said something. They said that it was meh. I was once again
devastated by what they had said. This time I was sure that I had gotten them to change
their minds. I actually thought that this would be the one to shut them down. So, I went
back to the drawing boards and wondered about what it was that I had messed up on. I
sat there looking down at the drawing, when I noticed that it looked like it had been
rushed. It was covered with curved and out of sync lines. The eraser marks made the
picture look all dark and muddy with all of the smudges that they had left. I finally
realized what was so wrong with my draws. I had rushed all of them.

At this point, I didn t know what to do. I had hit a roadblock with nowhere to turn. I
felt like my dreams were over and that I would never be able to animate my ideas. The
next couple of months I spent my time on other things as I looked for a new pasion.
But, none could fill the emptiness of drawing. The joys of sending your ideas down the
pencil expressway to its stop at paperway station. It felt amazing and nothing could
replace that feeling for me. So, I thought that I would give it another go and this time I
would take my time.

Once again I was back at it, only this time I would be rolling down a snail s pace and
drawing with ease. After every correction, I would wipe off the eraser
An Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living
An unexamined life is not worth living. (Plato, trans. 1871, pa.68) As Socrates stands
against the court, on his final moments, he stands against his firm beliefs, and his
insubordinate teachings. He feels that it is his mission, by God, and his purpose, to seek
for this truth within both himself, and other men. It is often asked what makes life worth
living? In the eyes of Socrates, this unexamined life is one who lives with ignorance, and
is not willing to live through experiences, and constantly searches for the truth. Both self
reflective and self critical, they walk on a path that seeks for answers to the bigger (and
sometimes smaller) questions. The thirst for knowledgeand, through examining his own
life, encouraging and reflecting on others lives, and being critical of those who do not
examine their own, Socrates drew to the assumption that an unexamined life is certainly
just not worth living.
Socrates finds that once evaluating his own life, he begins to have a new and deeper
thought on life itself. Through his life, he has been held to be by many people, one of
the wisest men to exist. The Oracle of Delphi had even spoke on this when asked by
Chaerephron if there was even a wiser man, then Socrates (Plato, trans. 1871). This didn
t stop him in the search to find the wisest man, asking politicians and such around him,
and even decided to talk with one who he had believed was to be wiser then him. After
conversing with him, however, he saw that
Curly Hair Research Paper
5 tips to care for your curly hair

Straight hair is boring but if you ask a curly haired girl about her hair; she is no less
sulky! Not only is curly hair difficult to manage, it also becomes equally challenging to
style and change the look of curly hair. The length of your hair is one of the most
important factors in styling your hair. Everyone has a different length and a different cut
according to the face cut and the texture of their hair. Some women have soft curls
while others have corkscrew curls. There are others whose curls are z shaped or S shaped.

Here are a few tips for caring and styling your curly hair:
1.Detangle without breaking Discard that brush and use a wide toothed comb to
detangle your hair. This helps to prevent the hair from breaking. Start combing at the
ends and gradually move up towards the roots. The best way to detangle is to do it in
the shower. Apply a lot of conditioner on your hair and comb through it while you re
showering. Not only does it prevent breakage; it also helps to avoid frizz.
2.Avoid Frizz Curly haired girls always struggle to avoid frizz. If it s a rainy day, skip
the hair wash. Just use your hands to wet the hair slightly and spray a little bit of leave in
conditioner. This will ensure that your ... Show more content on ...
Lock in the moisture Curly hair lacks moisture and needs that extra conditioning.
Applying a conditioner before showering is a great way to lock the moisture in to
curly hair. Take small amount of a sulfate free shampoo along with a deep conditioner
and apply it on your curly hair sparingly. Massage it thoroughly on the scalp and cover
your head with a shower cap. Rinse after a few minutes. This will help to cleanse the
hair without removing the natural oils of the hair. For hair that is extremely dry,
shampooing is not required. Just use a conditioner as often as you like. Applying
coconut oil on your hair before showering or while styling is a great way to condition
dry hair and add an extra shine to your
The Film Moonlight By Barry Jenkins
It s more than difficult living in a drug plagued, impoverished community. These places
are often ignored, but just as important as anywhere else. The film Moonlight, directed by
Barry Jenkins, is meant to demonstrate the hardships of living in a difficult community.
Thematically, it highlights the already difficult nature of being black in modern America,
while simultaneously showing the hardship of also being gay in said tough community.
The film is comprised into three acts surrounding the development of the protagonist,
Chiron (in order of acts: Alex R. Hibbert, Ashton Sanders, and Trevant Rhodes).
Following him as he struggles with his own sexuality. Consequentially, each act circles
back to Chiron at a local beach, which for him, is... Show more content on ...
The blocking in this scene is also a foreshadow for the rest of the movie. In the
beginning, Chiron is scared and unsure of who he is, turning to the help of others like
Juan and his girlfriend, Teresa. However, after trial and tribulation, Chiron learns how to
swim on his own. He slowly starts understanding how to cope with his sexuality even if
he s not accepted. And unfortunately, for most of the film, Chiron is subjected to the sad
realities that engulf everyone around him.
As expected, this happy scene is cut short as Chiron is dropped off at home to find his
mother with drugs and a stranger in the house. The scene is meant to immediately draw
the viewer back to the real world, the one Chiron has grown up in. In actuality, Chiron
can t just escape the situation he was born into. The mise ГЁn scene used in this moment
is meant to demonstrate how the mother is quickly losing grasp of a happy life; trying
to escape their reality by any means necessary. The blocking of Paula portrays her as
anxious and angry, grabbing what appears to be drugs from her dining table. The
lighting is also dark and the house is dirty, reinforcing the idea that her life is slipping
away. This is just one of many situations in which Chiron is snapped back into reality
after feeling accepting for who he is.
Act two cuts to Chiron as a high schooler. Like before, his quiet nature seems to get the
The Role Of An Aging Population In The United States
The United States population over 65 years of age is increasing as the baby boomers
reach retirement age. Greater life expectancy is a result of people living longer with
better nutrition, healthcare, and management of chronic diseases. In the primary care
setting, where I work, we have a large patient population of older adults. Caring for
middle aged and elderly patients requires greater time and intensity than caring for most
younger patients. It is not unusual for an elderly patient to have six or more chronic
conditions and twelve or more prescription medications which require coordination and
monitoring. Updated HIPAA consents and HealthCare Proxy documents are essential to
providing seamless care. Since primary care involves repeated encounters with patients
over time, I am quite familiar with many of my patients and their families and, when
appropriate, assist families to assure that these are documents are current. Additionally, I
have had personal experience caring for an agingfamilymember.... Show more content on ...
We constructed an in law apartment for her which allowed her to maintain a sense of
independence and privacy. Ma, as everyone called her, remained with us for four years
before spending her last few months in a skilled nursing facility. I know from personal
experience that caring for an aging family member is difficult. There were times when, as
the primary caregiver, I questioned the commitment that we made to do this. In hindsight,
despite the difficulties, this was the best decision for our
George Smith Wealth Of Nations
By this he meant that if they can sell the items the public will buy then the result will be
to make money. If they can satisfy the needs of the consumers then they will receive
bountiful rewards. In Smith s head this system not only makes the baker, butcher, and
brewer wealthy, but also the nation as a whole. When the citizens are working
productively to make themselves better then the nation will prosper too. In today s
society the invisible hand theory seems to lead capitalism and free markets efficiently
through controversy of supply and demandfor deficient resources, other than for the
benefit of an individual.
The Wealth of Nations argues that division of labor and the specializing in work will
yield abundance. Smith states, It is the great multiplication of the productions of all the
different arts, in consequence of the division of labor, which occasions, in a well
governed society, that universal opulence which extends itself to the lowest ranks of the
people . The ideas that Smith presents in The Wealth of Nations has effectively changed
the import and export livelihood. Smith constituted the idea that is currently known as
GDP or Gross Domestic Product and he fought for free commerce.
Before Smith wrote The Wealth of Nations , all countries used gold and silver as a basis
of wealth. Although, Smith disliked ... Show more content on ...
We do know that they both agree on the rent theory but many the disagreements are rarely
based on theoretical criteria but rather the policies and interpretations. Another equally
argued disagreement between the two was the economic method and exchange value.
Ricardo used costs to figure the value but wanted labor to be the one significant exchange
value. Malthus argued that there should be a cost analysis integrated with the supply and
demand scheme. Malthus tried to explain the measure of value and the exchange of
Astrology And Greek Mythology
. Whether astrology is accepted as true has yet to be determined. For centuries, astrology
has been used to provide a deeper understanding of nature and identity.
Astrology originates from Babylon developing from the belief that the heavens ruled man
s fate. The Babylonians were the first to apply myths to constellations and astrology. The
Egyptians refined the Babylonian system of astrology and the Greeks shaped it into its
modern form. It was through studyings of Plato, Aristotle and others that Babylonian
astrology was introduced to the Greeks in the 4th century B.C.. The Greeks borrowed the
occasional component from the Babylonian structure in order to invent their own system.
It is the Greeks who ... Show more content on ...
98 percent knew their sun sign 45 percent believing it to describe their personalities, 25
percent claiming it can make accurate forecasts, and 20 percent with the impression
that the stars influence life on Earth. Regardless of beliefs, the proven validity of
astrology seems to have no effect on the impact of astrology. Providing partial
reasoning for the popularity of astrology is social media and the ability of networking
to reach a large number of people. Courtesy of social media, astrology has been turned
into a meme. Astrologist and astrology meme generators collect followers by
categorizing signs as literally anything, from cat breeds to hair aesthetics. Despite being
turned into a joke by modern technology, prominent figures that have researched
astrology with great depth have made a science out of it. Aristotle and Einstein did such
and put their thoughts on display for people to adapt as their own. Aristotle stated that
this world is inescapably linked to the motions of the worlds above. All power in this
world is ruled by these
Analysis Of The Large Blue Horse And The Fighting Rhino
The Large Blue Horse and the Fighting Rhino and Four Horses While visibly observing
both Fighting Rhino and Blue Horses, one can clearly see that both portraits of the
content of the imagery consists of animals, specifically Horses. Blue Horses, depicts
three vividly colored blue horses looking down in front of a landscape of rolling red
hills, is characterized by its bright primary colors and a portrayal that simplicity, and a
profound sense of emotion. While, Fighting Rhino and Horses consists of red, with a
few black engraved animals. According to , In the deeper part, the
animals are mostly black, with far fewer rock engravings and red figures. There are
groupings and features of specific animals consisting of the usual horses, bison, aurochs,
ibex, reindeer, red deer and musk oxen. Another similarity between the two portraits is
that, respectively both artists seemed to have had a certain fondness and love for
animals. Whether that is something contributed from their culture or personal interest, it
also exhibits both artists sensitivity towards nature. The two portraits also fall into the
category known as Abstract Art. However, some few differences that is presented, is
that both portraits are made from two different people of two different backgrounds, and
eras. Blue Horses, made by artist Franz Marcin 1911, while Fighting Rhino was estimated
to have been created in 30,000 BC with an unknown artist. Another difference, is that
William Gibson s Pattern Recognition
Globalization is the process of combining people politically, economically and culturally
into a larger community. Over time, globalization has brought people together as
technological innovation dissolved barriers of time and distance, and enhanced flows of
information promoted greater awareness and understanding (2002). However,
globalizationalso has a negative side to it as it produces economic and social
dislocations. Global mass media, movies and television do not represent the world
and its people in a realistic way, however consumers still learn from media important
perspectives on what life is like. Media often makes it hard for people to access and
imagine the real . The success of neoliberal globalization depends on what is called,
the image which is deployed by media corporations. These images can create illusions
in which the masses can be governed. In William Gibson s novel, Pattern Recognition,
we are given a clear understanding about some of the cultural problems posed by
neoliberal globalization also known as what Gibson puts it as, logo maze . In The
Precession of Simulacra by Jean Baudrillard, he argues that our postmodern... Show more
content on ...
We see them everywhere: on billboards, in magazines, at bus stops, in the mail, on
television, and even in stadiums. Images are everywhere and they are so compelling that
we cannot not watch them. They are very seductive that in fact they have revolutionized
human social communication forever. Oral and written communication are in decline
because a new form of communication has emerged which is communication by image.
For example, a flag works as an image because it suggests a long history of stories that
are buried inside us that will evoke emotions and memories deep within us. However,
today s images have taken on new meanings in the modern American culture and
illustrate the power of today s
Fire Breathing Dragon Study
Effects of a Fire Breathing Dragon In a land far, far away, an evil elf named Lindsay
lived in a stone house. Lindsay enjoyed causing trouble around the village; in fact, she
was notorious for her wrongdoings. Because she was mischievous, Lindsay gained
enemies and lost her friends. It was also difficult for her to find a job, so money was
an issue for her. All of her problems began to weigh heavy upon her heart, so she
decided to do something about it. Lindsay set out on a quest to find a companion. While
walking through the forest, she stumbled upon an object that appeared to be some type
of egg. After much study, Lindsay discovered that this object was a dragonegg. Instead of
being frightened, Lindsay expressed her pure joy by doing the... Show more content on ...
Yes, a house fire could become a possibility; however, this fire could be used as a very
elite weapon. As mentioned previously, Lindsay creates very many enemies. She has
betrayed the trolls under the bridges by not paying her toll to cross. Also, she has
angered the giants by stealing their large produce. Therefore, Lindsay has too many
enemies to go without any protection. A fire breathing dragon could provide all of the
necessary protection. The dragon s fire breath works substantially well to burn down
enemies. Because the dragon has wings, the giants will not be a threat; the dragon can
fly high to be face to face with the giants. The wings will also provide the dragon with
agility to miss the giants punches. A dragon owner will be heavily protected with the
presence of their dragon. In addition to protection, the dragon can also provide
transportation. Lindsay s home is in a very distant land. The nearest market is 50
miles away, and the nearest hospital is 40 miles away. Lindsay may be an evil elf, but
she still likes to visit her parents who live even farther away. With her dragon, she can
just ride the dragon to any destination. This way of transportation is cheap too; she
does not have to pay any bridge tolls or anything. Also, Lindsay can train her dragon to
hunt, so that she does not have to buy the dragon or herself food. The dragon can
provide a cheap, fun way of
T Is Common For People To Doubt The Trinity Of God
t is common for people to doubt the Trinity of God because the word Trinity itself does
not occur in the Bible. It is reasonable to think a concept that is so important to the
Christian faith would have a formal definition included as a Bible verse so that it can be
learned and memorized. In spite of the fact that there is not a verse that defines the word
Trinity, the Bible does clearly show that Godexists as three equal persons as God the
Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The Old Testament constantly insists that
there is only one God who must be worshipped and loved as the only God. The New
Testament agrees. I think the concept of God being the Father is easy for Christians and
peoples of other religions to accept... Show more content on ...
The Old Testament descriptions of God are applied to Jesus by both Matthew (Matt 3:3,
Isa. 40:3) and John (John 12:41, Isa. 6:1). Jesus disciples were convinced He was God
because he possessed the attributes of God: Life (John 1:4), Self existence (John 5:26),
Immutability (Heb. 13:8), Truth (John 14:6), Love (I John 3:1), Holiness Luke 1:35),
Eternity (John 1:1), Omnipresence (Matt. 28:20), Omniscience (Matt. 9:4), Omnipotence
(Matt. 28:18). Dr. Wallace s textbook also provides examples in Scripture where a) the
works of God are ascribed to Jesus (John 1:3, Col. 1:17), b) honor and worship due only
to God is given to Jesus (John 5:23, Rom. 10:9, Heb. 1:6, Phil. 2:10 11, Rev. 5:12 14,
and c) Jesus name is associated with that of God on an equal basis (Matt. 28:19, I Cor.
1:3, II Cor. 13:14, John 5:23, John 14:1, Col. 3:1, John 5:18). Jesus promised to send a
helper to carry on His work. The promised Helper was the Holy Spirit. From the start He
was recognized as the third divine Person, as one who receives honor due only to God (I
Cor. 3:16) and is associated as an equal to God (Matt. 28:19, II Cor. 13:14). Peter said in
Acts 5:3 4 that to lie to the Holy Spirit is to lie to God. The Holy Spirit also has God s
attributes ascribed to Him, such as Life (Rom. 8:2), Truth (John 16:13), Love (Rom.
15:30), Holiness (Eph. 4:30), Eternity (Heb. 9:14),
Human Aggression And Violent Behavior
Jadinia Perez
PSY2012 06
Human Aggression and Violent Behavior
Causes of conformity between individuals have long been discussed over the past years
and recent times of today s lives. Many are the times an individual beliefs to be better
and unique unlike anyone else. It s true we all possess specific behaviors that
differentiate us from every other person in the universe. However, imaginations,
thoughts, and wishful thinking, for most of the people goes hand in hand with certain
rules of the society in numerous cases. Some examples of conformity include children
attend school and adults go to work; cars will stop at a red light and move once it turns
green. If we never complied with any set rules in the society, the whole entire structure
would break down. The research examining this piece will fit various model categories to
derive five main reasons that motivate conformity.
First, every individual has a desire to be correct. An individual stands to be correct and
accurate in both their observations and judgments. It s often, one depends on the social
cues that are around to help in making interpretations of a given situation. It s observed
that, when a task that is not difficult is imposed to an individual, their morale to
correctly do the task lessens the effect of a pressure from a group that answers it
wrongfully (Basil 264). Even though each person answers differ, the subject knows the
correct answer and feels less pressure to side with the group
Professional Development Scenario
No deficiencies noted.

Leadership: Claudia enlists the support of her unit in moving forward with change.

Problem Solving/Judgment: Claudia evaluates other courses of action prior to providing

a resolution.

Initiative: Claudia seeks out additional responsibilities in order to reach the section s

Liaison: Claudia is sought out in other areas of the department to resolve issues with her
performing the necessary research in the TOK OPEN and/or Front End Scanning (FES)

Flexibility/Adaptability: Claudia continues to accept change for improvement in a

positive manner.

Accountability: Claudia continues to improve on taking accurate documentation to

convey information to her unit as well as updating the Standard ... Show more content on ...
No deficiencies noted.

Job Knowledge and Execution: Claudia adheres and abides by the Confidential policy,
section 05.75.00; as set forth in the General Manual (GM). She abides and adheres to the
laws/statutes/regulations and policies as set forth by the Criminal History Record
Information Processing (CHRIP) Bureau, Crime Records Service (CRS) guidelines and
the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) manual. Claudia maintains accurate leave
accruals when logging and calculating time into the Centralized Accounting and Payroll
/Personnel System (CAPPS). She continues to use appropriate proficiency with the
utilized software.

Planning and Organizing: Claudia continues to meet with her employees that are not
meeting the performance goals, on a bi weekly basis to review and discuss their
previous week work performance. She formulates a detailed calendar of all assigned
tasks for her unit, including any contingencies for necessary changes.

Delegation: Claudia delegates inbound and/or outbound requests from other areas of the
Summary Of Our Heroes Tale
Our heroes tale begins in the small magical community of Enchantia, situated deep within
the Enchanted Rainbow Forest, far away from normal civilization. This forest is thick
with massive trees that bare a multitude of differently coloured leaves and vegetation as
far as the eye can see. Even though the forest is expansive, the vegetation manages to
remain fairly well kept, giving off a peaceful and calm vibe. Scattered throughout the
forest are large caves (some containing treasure!) and other small animal communities.
But, this story is not about the other communities, it is about Enchantia and its residents.
In particular, the small green dragon who goes by the name of Grassy, and her best
friend: Fluffy, the tiny ... Show more content on ...
The idea that maybe they should leave their calm little community and go on the largest
adventure they could think of. It would lead them to new, interesting, exciting, and
unexplored lands; lands where they could live out their wildest dreams. They would have
to venture into completely unknown territory, that could potentially pose a threat to the
two friends. But nonetheless they decided that they would take the day to prepare and
leave by morning of the next day.
Come morning, the duo of friends were both very eager to embark on this adventure.
Since there were no maps of this secluded area, they decided that to start this adventure
they would pick a direction and just walk until they found something interesting. After a
few hours of talking, walking, and occasional snacking, the two creatures stumbled upon
the entrance of a large and somewhat dark looking cave.
I m not too sure I want to go in there Grassy, it looks pretty dangerous. What if we get
hurt? Remarked Fluffy.
Grassy, being the more courageous one of the duo, managed to convince Fluffy by
reminding her, We wanted an adventure right? Well, a dark and unexplored cave is the
best place to start!
You know what Grassy, you re right. This cave looks rife with adventure! And so, they
entered the cave, leaving all worry and hesitation behind them at the entrance.
After a few quiet minutes of walking down the cave, they reached the main cavern. The
Theory Analysis
Theory Analysis

Sigmund Freud Psychosexual Theory

В·Basic Philosophy The basic philosophy is that the sex instinct is the most factor
influencing personality; sexual instinct is present at birth, but it occurs in stages. The sex
instinct provides the driving force for thought and activity. If conflicts from these stages
are not resolved fixations may occur. If overindulgence at a stage may result in a person
remaining at that stage. Certain personality traits develop from difficulty in one stage or
another, for instance the anal stage can give the obsession for a person to be excessively
neat and clean.
В·Key concepts

Oral Stage (birth to 12 or 18 mo.) mouth used for sexual pleasure

Anal Stage (1to 3 ... Show more content on ...

Despair (late adulthood) individuals review their lives, and if they they are satisfied and
feel a sense of accomplishment.

В·Strengths and Usefulness This theory gives life stages definition and helps locate
where problems may arise and help them be resolved. Theory is structured around
relationship with environment . В·Weaknesses Once a person passes a stage they can
regress backwards. A person can be in more than one stage at any time in their life. Trust
vs. Mistrust is something that occurs when any substantial relationship is formed.

В·Applications Can be used to help a person identify a problem so it can be resolved

such as shame or guilt. Used mainly in therapy or counseling.

Jean Piaget Cognitive Development

В·Basic Philosophy Cognitive ability develops in four stages, each of them representing
a qualitatively different form of reasoning and understanding. Stages are universal and
sequencial, children may advance at a different pace. Children are solitary explorers,
internally motivated to formulate and test their ideas in the world.

В·Key Concepts

Sensorimotor (0 2
The Philosophy Of The Religion Of Buddhism
Religion essay In many religions they are similar principles and philosophy that we
live by. The philosophy of the religion of Buddhism, is to live is to suffer. Often
people ask what is the meaning of life? and different religions find a way to interpret
the answer to this question in their own way. For example, the Christianity religion
often answers this questions by saying that we are here on earth to help those in need
and to do Gods will. Others questions may be how can I live my life, so that I would be
free of suffering? and this is where the Buddhismreligion comes in. As part of this
religion, the Buddhas find a way to stop or lessen the suffering of one, by following
very simple laws, principles, or simply by following suggestions. However, it is not
mandatory to follow these alternatives, therefore if you wish to not follow them, then
you don t have too although its would be in your benefit too. To live is to suffer in a
Buddhist point of view is the idea of the inevitable suffering, that no matter who you are,
in your life you will experience suffering. Suffering is depicted in the religion itself by
the origins of their founder Siddhartha Gautama, through their principles, and lastly
through any other general aspects of the religion of Buddhism. Firstly, what does the
term Buddha really mean? A man once asked the Buddha Not who are you but what are
you and the Buddha answer, I am awake meaning that he is awake, aware of everything
(insight). The
The Battle Of Northern Virginia
22, 717 total casualties, the Battle of Antietam will go down as the bloodiest battle in
American history, even surpassing Pearl Harbor and even to the surprise of many, D
Day. This battle was one of many in the Maryland campaign for the Confederacy, but this
battle will cost the Confederacy many lives that will be of more significance to the
Confederacy then the Union, as they have a larger population to pull troops from. The
Battle of Antietamwas fought in the city of Sharpsburg, Maryland in September 17,1862.
There are many factors that played into the outcome of the battle, such as the advantages
and cons of each army, the battle and tactics used, and the overall conclusion of the Battle
of Antietam. The Confederate army that is... Show more content on ...
Now the Union army had one major advantage, which you can also see throughout the
whole war, and that is the sheer numbers the Union had and could produce compared to
the Confederacy. In the Battle of Antietam, the Union army consisted of 65,000 men,
where as the Confederacy only consisted of 40,000. One huge advantage that the Union
had in this before the battle is originally General Robert E. Lee planned on fighting
somewhere else, but Confederate curries lose the opord for the attack which Union
cavalry found bringing it back to General McClellan giving him a massive advantage.
Another advantage the Union army has in this battle is the battle occurred in
Maryland, which is Union territory giving them the better advantage of using the
terrain to their advantage. The beginning of the battle started at the Battle of South
Mountain. This was an attack led by 38,000 Union soldiers against only 12,000
defending Confederate troops, where the Confederate soldiers ended up being pushed
back around dusk before the main battle began. By the end of this pre battle the Union
ended up with 2,500 Union casualties and the Confederate taking a loss of 3,800
casualties. The significant factor of this was General Lee made it look like he
outnumbered General McClellan, but if he were to use his full mass to to go over the
Mountain and attack from there he would have had a much greater chance of ending the
battle with a major Union victory. Although he didn t because of the
The Main Causes Of Childhood Obesity
All over America childhood obesity has become a huge problem over the years one
out of three children are obese. Most people tend to induce their children by giving
them whatever they want and that s where obesity starts. Society should work together
to figure out a way to help child obesity. Childhood obesity should be taken more
seriously because of the negative effects it has on children, how parents are unaware of
their child being obese, and how poor eating habits for children have become more
prominent. Due to the negative effects childhood obesity has on socially and mentally, it
should be taken more seriously. Kids who are overweight have a higher chance at getting
picked on and having mental health issues (Lee). Mental problems... Show more content
on ...
The primary problem is that most people do not have a lot of time to prepare healthy
food so most choice to go out for fast food (Bishop). Almost fifty percent of children
eat fast food have a larger intake of meat, potatoes, and soda which in turn they have a
lower consumption of healthy food. Kids that eat fast food are more likely to get
obtain six extra pounds each year. The number of kids who eat breakfast in the
morning has been decreasing over the years especially for those who have mothers
who work outside of the home (Bishop). Kids who skip out on breakfast could be a
sign of a bad diet, which can contribute to weight gain. When kids they have have
decrease in energy so they will not be able to go about their daily functions. Also when
skipping breakfast the stomach tells the body it is empty and one will then experience
pangs of hunger. Research shows that kids do not intake the necessary amount of
nourishment needed, which alters the choice of what kids drink and eat (Bishop).
There is a strong relationship between the diet of the parent and the diet of their kids.
The bad habits of parents are taken in by the kids and follows the bad choices of
unhealthy foods that are in school. Eating habits of family have became less personal
like be in the old days, now families do not have definitive meal times or eat together as
a family. Most children eat in front of the television not noticing what they are eating and
it makes them take a longer duration of time to feel
Should Lgbt + Americans Have Refugees In Canada
Should we offer LGBT+ Americans refugee status in Canada?
When we think of refugees entering Canada, we picture people from war torn countries
fleeing persecution from their homeland to lead a better life here. With this image in
mind, it is unsurprising that Canada does not typically accept refugees from the United
States. The U.S. is considered a safe country, according to our refugee guidelines, and is
on the list of designated countries of origin in which the minister of immigration has
deemed should not be producing refugees. However, there is a group of Americans
who share some of the same concerns held by those who meet our criteria of what a
refugee is. While the US has made progress in their protection of lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgendered, queer, two spirited and other sexual minorities (LGBT+) under the latest
presidency of Barack Obama, there are still laws that exist (or do not exist) ... Show more
content on ...
Currently, LGBT+ people from countries not designated safe, qualify for status under the
convention refugee definition as being members of a particular social group who have a
well founded fear of persecution, as defined in the Immigration and Refugee Protection
Act. While LGBT+ Americans are treated much better than their counterparts in countries
where homosexuality is illegal, the danger of persecution still exists in some states.
One example of persecution is the legal subjection to conversion therapy. Sometimes
referred to as reparative therapy, or Sexual Orientation Change Efforts, conversion
therapy historically used extreme measures such as institutionalization, castration, and
electroconvulsive shock therapy in an effort to change a person s sexual orientation.
Today, some counselors still use physical treatments like aversive conditioning. While
less extreme than some methods used in the past, this method is still void of any
scientific validity (The Lies and Dangers of Conversion
The Interpretation Of Woodrow Wilson
The interpretation of Woodrow Wilson (1913 21)
I have taken this from an external source to show the power of idealism, and how
Woodrow was perceived.
Wilson abandoned the imperialist policy and brought to the White House a new way of
looking at America s relations with the outside world. Wilson believed that the United
States was the most politically enlightened in a sense under god, he felt that people
throughout the world had their right to choose their own governments. Wilson was only
protecting people rights to democracy.

Primary Source Analysis

6. Wilson Defends the Peace Treaty and League, 1919 (Indianapolis, Indiana September

As I read in between the lines of the text it comes clear that U.S appears to be the Super
country and not only that, I believe that Woodrow Wilson is protecting the interest of
countries by making them sign a Treaty explaining them not allowed to go to war for no
reason of any sort.
The text conveys the talk of economic boycott I believe what he was trying to convey
was that anyone who economically trades with a country that has started a war with a
country but another country and helps them with the economy, will be part of the
country of war and will not be funded and also isolated and cannot take their decision
In text 5 talks about articles of the league of Nations Covenant 1919. Article 10 to
article 14, talks about any member of league to act hostile or aggressive, is declared a
matter of concern and if becomes serious then
Juxtaposition In Alice s Adventures In Wonderland
Juxtaposition: Juxtaposition is a literary device that places two persons, places, ideas,
concepts, or themes close together for contrasting effect. Juxtaposition is placing two
things side by side to be compared and contrasted.

Quote: Alice sighed wearily. I think you might do something better with the time, ...
If you know Time as well as I do, said the Hatter, you wouldn t talk about wasting IT. It s
I don t know what you mean, said Alice.
Of course you don t! replied the Hatter, tossing his head contemptuously. I dare say you
never even spoke to Time!
Perhaps not, Alice cautiously replied: but I know I have to beat time when I learn music
(Alice s Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll,
Argumentative Essay On Hurricanes
I have this ticket in my hand and to the outside world that is what it looks like just a
ticket. To me, however, this ticket means so much more. This ticket is a key. This
ticket will open the door for me to help those people who are in need. This ticket will
illustrate for me why it is important to think of others before yourself in a world where it
is so easy to be egocentric. With this ticketI will travel not to far from where I am now
to Rockport, Texas. This area is one that is in desperate need at this time. It has been
rocked by one of the most detrimental hurricanes the United States has seen in awhile
which is hurricane Harvey. I chose this area to go to, because unlike Houston, it has not
gotten the television coverage and has not received as much money for reparations either.
This is a small town that has seems to have gotten brushed under the rug even though
people there lost homes, schools, places to eat and shop, and places that held some of
their sweetest memories and they need help.... Show more content on ...
Whether that be helping someone sort through the mud and dirt that is their house in
order to find what is salvageable, rebuilding houses for people, or even handing out
meals to people who need food. I will do what is needed of me and just try to help in
anyway I can. I cannot completely relate to these people that have lost everything, but at
least I can try to help them find some kind of normal in this time of pandemonium and
chaos.Simple as that, I will help people feel better about the awful situation that they are
enduring at this time. I would think that viewing these situations and the catastrophic
damage would change me somehow. It could teach me lessons about empathy or why it
is so important to enjoy the good times in life because times will not always be
Dell E Marketing Strategy Essay
Introduction The objective of an e Marketing Strategy is to create a sustainable
competitive advantage and improve performance by capitalizing on technology and
enterprise resources. The E Marketing Strategy is essential to good business and a
companies overall E Business model. According to Wilder (1999), Many companies are
struggling with the most basic problem: What s the best E business model? They re
experimenting with different formulas. Some are incorporating E business throughout
the organization. Some are creating E business subsidiaries, then spinning them off as
separate online entities. Others are investing in or merging with Internet startups. Some
are even moving their businesses entirely to the Web. ... Show more content on ...
This has allowed them to have a closer relationship with their customers so they can
understand their needs and constantly improve service. Dell sells a variety of goods
such as desktop and notebook computers, their own brand of televisions, handhelds,
printers and various other electronics and accessories. Computer equipment arrives
with a large color coded diagram showing the customer exactly how to hook up
equipment. The customer can also pay to have someone come to his or her home to set
up the equipment leaving the computer ready to use. Dell also markets equipment such
as servers and storage solutions to small and large businesses but their main customer is
the home consumer. Dell s target audience for their website is consumers around the
world. Dell has done an effective job with their website by allowing the consumer to
choose which country they are from on the companies home page. Once selected, the
website appears entirely in that country s native language. If that country s first language
is Spanish and second language is English, the website will appear in Spanish but also
give an option to display the site in
Alex In A Clockwork Orange
In Depth Character Analysis on Alex Besides the protagonist in A Clockwork Orange,
who is Alex? Many times we only look at main characters with an outsiders perspective.
The characteristics of a character are important, but the main characters are often made to
be so much more in the inside by the author. Most simply, from an outward perspective,
who is Alex? What shaped Alex to be violent? How might have other characters
influenced him to be the leader of a gang? Where did Alex s actions leave him and did
Alex understand that where he was left was avoidable? And finally, in his actions, good
and bad, was there personal growth? These are all questions to explore while diving in
to who Alex is from the inside.
Most simply, ... Show more content on ...
Alex is eventually shown, although the hard way, that violence (and overall, evil) is
not the way one can live their life forever. After getting away with countless crimes, two
of his droogs set him up. Alex is rightfully taken into the hands of the police officers and
put in prison for the killing of an innocent woman. In this prison he is the first to be
chosen and tested on with the Ludovico Technique, a correctional technique for
criminals. This technique was a two week process of torture. Insuring that Alex couldn t
move his body to interfere with the technique, two scientists had Alex put in a straight
jacket and strapped down with his eyes held open by metal clamps. The scientists gave
him nausea inducing liquid and would then play movies in front of him of crimes he had
committed in the past, beating men and women profusely and raping women. This
technique was thought to retrain and reform the criminal s brain. However, one of the
more horrific movies was accompanied by classical music, the only nonviolent enjoyment
Alex ever connected to. QUOTE From then on Alex gagged at the attempt to raise his fist
to another person in the same way that he gagged at the sound of classical music. The
doctors though, deemed his treatment to be successful and sent him out into the world a
reformed man . Alex s violence resulted in treatment that then resulted to him not being
able to
Wood Playset Research
If you ve just moved into a house or just recently had kids, you re probably thinking
about different things you can do to help keep them entertained. While there are a lot
of different ideas, purchasing a swing set for your backyard will help provide your kids
with plenty of things to do! The problem, however, lies in the number of different
playsets that are available. From wood playsets to metal playsets, the number of options
never seems to end.

When you do choose to purchase a playset, make sure you choose one with the right
amount of activities for your kids and their friends. Odds are you ll want a playset that
offers a swing, slide and other options to keep them entertained. The following reviews
below will help provide you with a ... Show more content on ...
While some people will want a full playset because it provides more things for their kids
to do, some will find their kids plenty entertain with a playhouse like this one!

The Backyard Discovery Columbus All Cedar Wood Playhouse features a half door
opening with a working door knob to give it the feel of an actual house! The half door
is convenient because it allows the door to open and close, but still allows parents to
see into the house and provides plenty of open air for the house. It also features
flowerpot shelves on the front side in order to make the front look really nice!

This cedar playhouse by Backyard Discovery also features a play burner and a toy sink
to help give kids the feel of an actual house. With the different accessories and features
provided by the Backyard Discovery Columbus All Cedar Wood Playhouse, your kids
will have plenty of opportunities for their imaginations to work!

In addition to the half door, there are large window openings on multiple sides of the
playhouse and also a ledge to provide a place for your kids to set all of their stuff on!
This is the perfect option for anyone looking to provide their kids with a play house area,
rather than a
How The CIA Killed The Bay Of Pigs Invasion
After ousting U.S. supported Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista in 1959, Fidel Castro
came to power and began to nationalize American assets in retaliation to a trade
embargo. The CIA and the Eisenhower administration began to formulate a plan to
remove Castro from power. While Eisenhower had started the process for the Bay of
Pigs invasion, it would take place 3 months after Kennedy was sworn into office.
Inspired by an U.S. led revolution in Guatemala in 1954, the CIA and the White House
sought to create a revolution in Cuba without any ties to U.S. interference. Lyman B.
Kirkpatrick, CIA inspector general, stated no one seriously studied whether it was even
possible to overthrow Castro in the first place. Strong indications existed that it wasn t
(Wyden, 322). This investigation will show that the CIA ruined the Bay of Pigs invasion
by neglecting fatal flaws in the invasion plan.

Going into planning for the invasion, the CIA looked to repeat what it had
accomplished in Guatemala in 1954, where it successfully established a coup d etat to
remove Jacobo Arbenz from power. In a meeting with the Bay of Pigs Project Director
Jake Esterline, Dave Phillips, who had coordinated the propaganda for the Guatemala was
informed to attempt to repeat the Guatemala ... Show more content on ...
waffled as to how aggressively to salvage the operation (Bass). However, this
perspective is misdirected as to who to blame. The CIA constructed the Bay of Pigs
Invasion, they were the ones who failed to get presidential support for their plan in its
entirety, to grasp that they did not have the support of the Cuban people, and to maintain
secrecy of the invasion plans, not the Kennedy administration. The CIA had failed to
properly inform Kennedy about the necessity of air support, which was a direct cause of
the failure of the invasion (Fursenko and Naftali,
Blindness In Cathedral By Raymond Carver
Looking But Not Seeing
The title of the story Cathedral by Raymond Carver is a far cry from the themes that run
through the story. Naturally, one would expect the story to centre on worship but it does
not only mentioning it in passing. Admittedly, one of the themes that clearly come out of
the story is an apparent blindness of the narrator who though physically had sight could
not see the deeper things in life. On the other hand, Robert, the physically blind man was
very insightful able to appreciate the beauty of life. Robert, the blind man finally assists
the narrator to see through drawing of the cathedral.
An interesting development in the story is the narrator s apparent blindness though he
possessed good eye sight. The narrator views blindness as a serious limitation and could
not bring himself to a point of imagining that he will ... Show more content on ...
The fact that the narrator s wife could trust him, to pour out her emotional turmoil was a
clear indication to this. It can be safely said that Robert s responses to the narrator s wife
kept her strong and made her overcome her challenges. Another interesting character of
the blind man was his keen desire to learn new things. After all, the smoking of cannabis
was his first time.
Undoubtedly, the story captures the narrator as a person who is very cold in his
associations with people. The description of the wedding between Robert and Beulah
as not worth attending by anyone is utter insensitivity on his part. Further, the way he
describes the blind man s eyes is very distasteful, As I stared at his face, I saw the left
pupil turn in toward his nose while the other made an effort to keep in one place...
Further still his insensitivity is revealed by him saying that he knew blind men to be led
by dogs. He was that
From 1975 To 1979 Pol Pot Was The Leader Of The Khmer
From 1975 to 1979 Pol Pot, the leader of the Khmer Rouge regime, had a goal to create a
society that was completely self sufficient. In four years the Khmer Rouge killed, tortured
and starved to death somewhere between 1.7 and 2 million innocent Cambodian civilians,
ultimately destroying any trace of humanity within Cambodia. Forty years later the
people of Cambodia are still suffering and the country is still trying to put the pieces back
together, both physically and emotionally.

When visiting the killing fields, where approximately 1.4 million people were taken to
be executed, I was listening to a tape recording and in it, one of the speakers said During
the Khmer Rouge, life had no meaning. I see myself as a broken glass and only I can
A Letter Of Credit Analysis
In the situation that an exporter is untrustworthy about the ability of the importer s
payment under the international sale contract, the mechanism to reduce risk and fear is
a letter of credit which the exporter will require the importer to arrange for the cost. A
bank has an obligation under a letter of credit to pay an exporter the cost of
commodities shipped by the exporter to the importer. The risk of the importer unsucceed
to pay the contract cost can be reduced by the letter of credit. It is an assurance by a bank
of instant or future payment against specified documents on terms that the bank will be
reimbursement by the buyer. A letter of credit is often issued from a bank in the exporter
s country. If the particularised documents are presented, the bank or the issuer have to
pay without question.

Main features of a letter of credit transaction The undertaking of the bank The bank will
arrange a letter of credit by the request of the applicant and has an obligation to pay to
specified person (beneficiary) and specified amount upon specified documents that are
presented. The applicant will get a commercial transaction with the beneficiary. The
commercial transaction is usually an international trade agreement that the importer is
required to arrange from his bank to issue a letter of credit to pay in the amount of the
contract cost for the benefit of the exporter. The undertaking of the bank is independent
from the importer and exporter s rights and liabilities
Gabriel Diary Entry
Entry #1
Earlier today the angel Gabriel came to me and said that I will have a child, and his
name is to be Jesus! Also he is to be born in a stable in swaddling clothes! I am not
without fret however, because under Jewish law, women who have children outside of
marriage are executed by means of stoning. I must hope God is on my side and that he
comes through for me in the end.

Entry #2
While I have decided to tell my parents about all of this, I do not want them to be mad
at me, so, if they do not accept me, I will flee to my aunt Elizabeth, maybe she will
accept me! But I can t just go around assuming my parents won t accept me now. I must
tell them and see what will happen.

Entry #3
My parents were appalled. At first they were confused, and then they realized that I
could be stoned to death because of the Jewish law. I feel like they cast me away from
the family, ... Show more content on ...
By this time I have told Joseph, he was very skeptical, I didn t quite know what to say!
I heard there has been a census, so in a few days I must go to Bethlehem along with
Joseph to register there.

Entry #7
The journey has been hard so far, I m using my only resting time to write in here, so
this won t be a very long entry. We still have many miles to go! I hope we make it there
in well time.

Entry #8
We did our census a few hours ago, right now we are simply resting from our trip. I am
grateful for this time to rest. Nothing much is happening other than this.

Entry #9
The time came for the baby to be born yesterday and I gave birth to the child, Jesus! It
was strange, lots of people that I didn t know came to see me, Shepherds, animals and
even some magi. I am very grateful that God has protected me from the laws of my
culture and that we are now safe. We will soon register Jesus at the temple, another long
journey. But currently, I am thankful for all of
Christine De Pisan s Accomplishments
Christine de Pisan was born in 1364, in Venice, Italy. During the time of the
Renaissance, she was one of the most notable women writers and poets. During a time
when women did not earn a lot of respect, she fought for her gender s rights. She was
known as a pioneering feminist writer. De Pisan also wrote many books, biographies,
and poems. Renaissanceliterally means rebirth , because it was a rebirth of renewed
interest in learning. The Renaissance was a period in European history that lasted from
the 14th to the 15th century. It is known as the cultural bridge between the Middle Ages
and modern history.The Renaissance was a time of renewed interest in art, music,
architecture, and learning, De Pisan, a women s rights activist, author and poet had many
accomplishments that impacted the world of literature and poetryin many ways, and
reflected Renaissance values. She became the first woman in France to earn a living by
Christine de Pisan had many accomplishments during her time. She wrote many many
books, biographies, poems, religious commentary, and prose. She wrote many poems
about women s rights, such as their lack of respect, women s oppression, lack of
education for women, and a more equal world. ... Show more content on
Some of her most famous pieces were Le Livre de la CitГ© des Dames, and Livre de
Trois Vertus (The Book of Ladies). Growing up, de Pisan went to live in France with
her father, and was taught an education. She grew up to be very knowledgable, and
wanted to fight for women s rights. Christine further fights for her rights in her book,
The Book of Ladies. Not all men (and especially the wisest) share the opinion that it is
bad for women to be educated. But it is very true that many foolish men have claimed
this because it displeased them that women knew more than they did. De Pisan s
accomplishments during her life did not go unnoticed, and are recognized and
appreciated even
Plato s Arguments for Proving the Inmortality and...
Plato argues for the immortality of the soul in the Phaedo. He provides 3 arguments for
his theory, the arguments from opposites, recollection, and affinity. Each argument
proposes an intriguing account for his claim that the soul must exist past death. His
evidence and proposal for each account leave no room for counterarguments. Fellow
philosophers like Simmias and Cebes provide two different counters for Platos claim,
however he accurately disproves them by using his 3 arguments as rebuttal. Plato s three
arguments for the proving of the immortalityand longevity of a soulprovide clear and
concise reasons to agree with his approach.
Phaedo was set in a prison. While in prison, Socrates contemplated whether or not there
is an ... Show more content on ...
Like, the body and a being being dead or alive. The soul is what remains the bridging
factor between the two.
Socrates second argument is the Theory of Recollection. He explains that the soul
plunges in the body and as it corrects itself, it loses clarity. Thus allowing experiences
in the body to recollect the past memories. The active intellect can exist when the body
ceases to be. It separates from soul and body and conjoins with the unmoved mover
also known as God who moves the active intellect by thinking. Socrates explains how
the soul existed before birth, but not necessarily after death. He elaborates that all
learning is a matter of recollecting what we already know, what our soul already knows.
We forget much of our knowledge at birth, and can be made to recollect this knowledge
through proper questioning, experiences, and sensations. The fact that we had such
knowledge at birth, and could forget it, clearly proves that our souls had to have existed
before we were born.
For instance, when a baby is born the first thing it does is cry. A new born baby is not
taught to cry when in pain, hungry, or thirsty, dirty, too hot, or too cold. It is perhaps the
first and easiest behavior to remember and do. This innate behavior comes from a
recollection of a learned behavior. From this moment on, as the being learns and gains
knowledge, it continues the cycle of recollection from the soul.
Socrates third argument is the Argument from Affinity. He concludes this
Mike s Market Site that is a Visual Representation of a...
There are currently sites dedicated to farmers markets, however, these sites are focused
more on informing the community of their locations and products than actual sales. This
leaves in opening in the market to capitalize on people s desire to eat locally and
organically. In addition to being for mainly informational purposes these sites are
visually unappealing. Sites like have an appearance like that of and are reminiscent of the days of the early internet. The market can be
captured by offering consumers a site that resembles a real farmers market visually.
SWOT Analysis Strengths
1.Knowledge of marketing and markets is a strength held by the individual involved in
the start of Mike s Market. This strength will help with the formation of the company
since one of the price points for users of the site is marketing expertise and help with
online sales. This strength will also come into play in creating initial buzz about the site
to drive traffic and increase awareness.
2.Logistics and transportation support is another critical part of the online farmers
market so that users can concentrate on growing and selling their goods. The starter of
the site has over five years in logistics and transportation ranging from local shipping to
international shipping.
3.The passion to see this site from an idea to reality is a strength possessed by the sites
founder. This passion will aid in forming bonds with initial farmers and creating
Essay Comparing Hollow Men And Heart Of Darkness
The poem by T.S. Elliot, The Hollow Men and the novel by Joseph Conrad, Heart of
Darkness represent both nonchalance and insouciance. Both Elliot s hollow men and
Conrad s Station Manager present an insightful rationale and emotional indifference as
well as being bereft of discernible humanity. The two pieces underscore the crucial
characteristics of both the station manger and the hollow menby exaggerating the details
of their empty eyes as well as death s other kingdom, (III.8) of which they both reside in,
their obscure characteristics and their emptiness. In the Heart of Darkness, the station
manager is a very ordinary man who has no qualities that stand out from the norm.
Despite, his generic actions, he encompasses the harmless face of evilness. His innate
vagueness such as his and his ability to make the simplest phrases incapable of being
understood. However, it can be noted that his main strength was being ambiguous.
Marlow uses multiple paradoxes to describe his ambiguousness, such as He originated
nothing...but he was great and he was neither civil nor uncivil. Likewise, the hollow men
are quiet and meaningless, taking shape without form, shape without colour, paralysed
force, [and] gesture without motion ... Show more content on ...
During my eighth grade year at Dawson Middle School, our school counselor
encouraged all eighth graders to challenge themselves to writing an essay for the
purpose of earning a $2,500 scholarship to the college of their choice. The essay
prompt required research and thought regarding someone other than a family member,
of a person we most admired. I chose the President of the United States, Barak Obama,
because at the time I was inspired with his visionary approach to politics. He showed our
world a new potential, even in the face of a distrusting nation. His own citizens distrusted
him, yet he
Use Of Social Media Platforms By Airlines
The use of social media platforms by Airlines in the UAE Abstract Purpose of the
study: the study explores the use of social media platforms by airlines, specifically
Etihad and Emirates airlines according to service quality, Efficiency and customer
satisfaction. Strategy/ approach/ procedure: the content exploration of the Airline
websites will form the foundation of the study. The sample consisted of airlines in the
UAE, specifically Emirates airlines and Etihad airways. Results: almost an eighth of
UAE airports use at least one type of social media platform; Facebook users of
Emirates airlines constituted 15% while Etihad constituted 10%, 25% use twitter for
Emirates airlines while Etihad airways only 19% preferred twitter, using LinkedIn for
Emirates Airline stood at 9% while Etihad airways recorded a 6% use, the use of
YouTube for Etihad airways was at 4% while for Emirates airline was at 5.5%,
instagram use was also noted with Emirates airline recording 11% use while their
counterpart Etihad airways, 8% use was noted, the airlines official websites was taken
into account during the study where Emirates airline recorded 25% use while Etihad was
at 20%. According to the results, Emirates airlines recorded the highest percentage in
terms of all the social media platforms use. This could have been attributed to the fact that
they offer much better quality services, efficiency and customer satisfaction to their
clients compared to their competitor Etihad airways, another
Essay on Clothes
Clothes Essay
The short story Clothes is written by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni in 1995. Clothes is
about a young Indian woman called Sumita, and she is having an arranged marriage.
The story takes place in Calcutta, India, where Sumita lives with her family and her two
friends, Deepali and Rhada, before she gets married. Her father has found a great husband
from California for her, Somesh Sen. She travels to California with her new husband,
and is astonished how USA is, compared to India. Somesh works in a store called 7
eleven. Sumita and Somesh live with their in laws, and want to move out. Somesh takes
night shifts at 7 eleven, the earn some more money. One night, a robber comes in and
shots Somesh in the chest so he dies.
Sumita ... Show more content on ...
It shows it is a very archaic culture, where women have no voice of their own, and no
right to make their own decisions.

Sumita has great expectations for USA, but sheВґs absolutely also anxious about what
her new life will be like. Her husband owns a 7 eleven, which is a lousy drugstore in
reality, but she pictures as something magical, with romantic lightning and a cozy
environment. She views America as a land of opportunities, but also danger.

I wanted a blue one for the journey, because blue is the color of possibility, the color of
the sky through which i would be traveling. But mother said there must be red in it
because red is the color of luck for married women. (P. 174 L. 28)

To wear for the flight, Sumita chooses a blue sari because it represents the color of
possibility and it also matches the color of the sky ... through which I would be
travelling . But her parents decide, and she wears a midnight blue with a thin red border.
Once Sumita is in America, the transition from wife to woman begins. Her husband,
Somesh, buys her American clothes, and she proudly tries them on and shows them of in
the mirror for him. The American clothes is a sunrise orange t shirt and it says Great
America on it, and a matching pair of jeans. At this point, Sumita realizes that she is a
young and beautiful Indian woman. She has beautiful breasts, hips and curves on her
body. Sumita is more independent, then when she left from
How To Write An Essay About Being Homeless

There are many types of crowds. Living in the city since you were 15 years old has
taught me that. Some crowds are friendly and full of energy, the kind that makes
excitement bubble beneath your chest, it s almost contagious. There are angry crowds
too, that are rushing and impatient. I found my life to be like an angry crowd, but I
ve always been kind of slow. It trampled over me like a herd of bull when i just wanted
to take a break and slow down by the cool streams that flowed through my mind. The
cool streams are gone now. I don t know how to describe what it s like to be homeless,
now marking your second year on the streets you still can t fully describe it. Although
being homeless is described as temporary , it sure ... Show more content on ...
Families laughing in the red stoplight, reflecting down onto their smiling face. A
woman walks by. Strong and element looking. She looks like she was at least high
middle class. Her shoulders were wide, a stern look plastered her face. You offer a tender
smile at her, you re not as pretty as her and it is very intimidating. She makes eye
contact with you and walks away, not smiling back. Then, not to your knowledge
walked back to her small, small apartment. Her low income jobs, all in fast food, left
her with virtually nothing. That tended smile, even if she didn t return it, made her
night. The smile warmed her heart and haunted her dreams. Like a new person, a new
insight, not all homeless are violent. The small act of kindness not most would give to a
woman of color, or a woman at
Pros And Cons Of Devolution
Lawmaker, Braulio Guerra, climbed the border between the United States and Mexico
to send a message to President Donald Trump . He says that the fence that s there now
is 20 feet high and is easy to climb, so he could easily get into the United States. It s
going to take l 15 million dollars just to build the wall between the U.S. and Mexico.
President Trump said he would make the Mexican government pay for it, which they
refused. Braulio Guerra message is that the wall is unnecessary and is a waste of
money . President Trump is mentioned in this article . Guerra is a member of Mexican
President Enrique PeГ±a Nieto s ruling political party. I feel that we shouldn t build a
wall between the U.S. and Mexico. It is unnecessary and a waste of
Physical Activity Is Important For The Population s Health
Physical activity is important for the population s health, emotional well being and
achieving a healthy weight. It has become increasingly clear that a person s health and
well being are improved by physical activity, as well as by a well balanced diet
(Centres for Disease Control and Prevention National Centre for Chronic Disease and
Health Promotion, 1996). Physical activity and diet are related in order for the human
body to be able to cope with the stresses of exercise a well balanced diet with the
correct nutrients must be consumed (Coyle, 2000). However, exercise alongside a
balanced diet is said to improve weight loss (Kirkwood et al., 2007; Shaw et al., 2006),
where as the relationship between different types of diet and performance or between
musclehypertrophy and fat loss is still controversial (Manninen, 2006; Pitsiladis
Maughan, 1999; Wolfe, 2000).
In order to achieve optimal performance levels consuming the correct nutrients before
a competition is vital. It is well evidenced that carbohydrate rich intake before and
during exercise can improve endurance performance by delaying the onset of fatigue
(Kotsioulou and Vleck, 2002; Febbraio et al., 2000; Jeukendrup, 2004). This ergogenic
effect is mainly caused by the increased accessibility of blood glucose for the delivery
of energy to the active muscles (Coggan and Coyle, 1991). Therefore, fasting before high
intensity training is not recommended because it rapidly depletes liver and muscle
glycogen (Kang,
Literary Techniques Used in a Very Old Man with Enormous...
Literary Analysis: A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings In the story, A Very Old Man
with Enormous Wings, writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez intertwines the supernatural with
the natural in an amazing manner. This essay analyzes how Marquez efficiently utilizes
an exceptional style and imaginative tone that requests the reader to do a self
introspection on their life regarding their responses to normal and abnormal events.
Marquez sets the tone of the story with an occurrence that is unusual and unsolicited: a
newborn caught in bad weather. The introductory writing style is striking as Marquez
gives a hint of the bad weather: The world had been sad since Tuesday. (MГЎrquez 13)
He introduces a supernaturalelement by describing a bizarre old man with massive
wings. He shatters the assumption that angels are powerful and divine by describing the
old man stuck in the mud as, ...impeded by his enormous wings (MГЎrquez 13) and
unable to free himself. Marquez uses irony as an element of tone to show the reader
that the wings, which were supposed to aid the man, are now his source of anguish. It
is evident when a woman, having concluded that the peculiar old man was an angel,
decides to put him to death by bludgeoning. Marquez utilizes ironic wording in
describing the actions of the couple who felt noble after their decision to put the old
man on a raft with food and leave him to his fate on the high seas. (MГЎrquez 14) In
sections of the story, Marquez s tone indicates regret.
The Common Ground Between Christianity And Mormonism
Bibliographic Entry

Blomberg, Craig L., and Stephen E. Robinson. How Wide the Divide?. Downer Grove,
IL: InterVarsity Press, 1997.
Content Summary
This book attempt to show the common ground between Christianity and Mormonism by
examining the individual areas of Scripture, God, Christ, the Trinity and Salvation. The
summation of the author s findings is that although there are great differences there is
also much common ground that can be used to strengthen our relationship together and
bring unity to the ecumenical community.
The book is written in a point, counterpoint style where Craig L. Blomberg is bringing
the point with an accusational tone from an Evangelical point of view, and Stephen E.
Robinson the counterpoint with a defensive tone from a Mormon point of view.
Blomberg pretty much stays with major areas of disagreement between Evangelicals and
Mormons, but also gives a strong basis for Christian orthodoxy while Robinson tries to
correct he disagreements, identify our similarities and blur the edges of difference
between them.
In the area of Scripture, Blomberg points out that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
day Saints (LDS) believe the Biblical Canon is still open. He states that the canon must
considered open at least in principle, but adds that it is closed in practice (p. 58).
Robinson would argue that the canon remains open and that the Prophet Joseph Smith
was given divine revelation from Jesus himself to fill in the blanks in the canonized
Contribution of Indian Financial Institution Towards Economy
Contribution of Indian Financial Institution towards Economy

Banks over the year play an significant role in development of Indian economy. After
liberalization, the financial depression, the position of banks have become all the more
important in the course of working of the money market and hence the economy of a
nation.. The economic reforms totally have changed the banking sector. RBI permitted
new banks to be started in the private sector as per the recommendation of Narasimham
committee. The Indian banking industry was dominated by public sector banks. But now
the situations have changed. New generation banks with used of technology and
professional management has gained a reasonable position in the banking industry. In ...
Show more content on ...
It is the foremost monitoring body in the Indian financial sector. The nationalized banks
(i.e. government owned banks) continue to dominate the Indian banking arena. Industry
estimates indicate that out of 274 commercial banks operating in India, 223 banks are in
the public sector and 51 are in the private sector. The private sector bank grid also
includes 24 foreign banks that have started their operations here. Under the ambit of
the nationalized banks come the specialized banking institutions. These co operatives,
rural banks focus on areas of agriculture, rural development etc., | | unlike commercial
banks these co operative banks do not lend on the basis of a prime lending rate. They
also have various tax sops because of their holding pattern and lending structure and
hence have lower overheads. This enables them to give a marginally higher percentage
on savings deposits. Many of these cooperative banks diversified into specialized areas
(catering to the vast retail audience) like car finance, housing loans, truck finance etc. in
order to keep pace with their public sector and private counterparts, the co operative
banks too have invested heavily in information technology to offer high end
computerized banking services to its clients.| |

Functions of banking unctioning of a Bank is among the more complicated of corporate

Strategies For Reform Throughout Managed Health Care
Aubrey Runnels
Summary Form #2
Group focus: Strategies for reform in managed health care
Reading Sections: Chapters 3 4 (M W), Chapter 2 (C,C C), Chapters 3, 4, 5 (J), and Ted
Talks: Aaron Huey: America s native prisoners of war

1.Summary of each assigned reading and video:

Ted Talks: In the Ted Talks video of Aaron Huey, Huey makes the point that the Lakota
people are now suffering due to the damage that the U.S. has done over many years. This
damage includes the following: The Wounded Knee Massacre, which was when the U.S.
killed 300
Prisoners of war . When the Lakota people felt like prisoners on their own land when
they were forced to live on the Pine Rich Reservation which is known as a war camp,
most unemployed ... Show more content on ...
What has nature ever done for us?: Chapters 3,4, 5
Chapter 3:
Plants and animals are very important to human life. Plants and animals developed
natural forms of protection against biological attacks. Unfortunately, when we modify
plants some can t fulfill their normal duties. We need to keep our plant and animal life as
pure and natural as possible.
Chapter 4:
In this chapter the author stresses the importance of creatures that pollinate such as
insects, birds, bats, and bees. Bees are the primary source of pollination for much of our
plant life. Without bees we wouldn t have plants and the dropping numbers of the bee
population is negatively affecting our food production.
Chapter 5:
This chapter starts off talking about the drop of numbers of vultures in India. Most of
which became extinct. This was due to a new anti inflammatory drug that was given to
sick animals.
Vultures eat dead carcasses which was a good thing for everyone. After the vultures fed
on the bodies of other animals that had been given this drug they died. Without vultures,
the bodies of the animals were buried or burned. Not to mention that the bodies of the
dead animals sitting in the sun was a public health hazard. When the population of
vultures disappeared, the population of feral dogs increased. This was a bad thing. This
brought on multiple diseases with one of them being rabies. Noted in the chapter (
47,395 48,886 additional deaths from rabies). Ultimately,

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