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An Essay On Family

Writing an essay on the topic of family can be both a daunting and rewarding task. The challenge lies
not only in the technical aspects of crafting a well-structured and coherent piece of writing but also
in delving into the intricate dynamics of family life. Families are complex, diverse, and deeply
personal, making it difficult to capture the essence of this fundamental social unit in a single essay.

To begin with, defining the scope of the essay poses a considerable challenge. The concept of family
is broad and can encompass a wide range of relationships and experiences. From nuclear families to
extended families, from biological ties to chosen connections, the sheer diversity within the realm of
family complicates the task of creating a comprehensive and inclusive discussion.

Moreover, delving into the emotional and psychological aspects of family life requires a nuanced
approach. Balancing objectivity with personal reflections, and navigating the fine line between
sentimentality and critical analysis, demands a careful selection of language and tone. The challenge
is not only to convey the universal aspects of family but also to acknowledge and respect the
uniqueness of individual experiences.

Additionally, the essay must grapple with the evolving nature of family structures and dynamics.
Societal changes, cultural influences, and shifting norms contribute to the complexity of the subject.
Addressing these dynamics requires a deep understanding of the historical context and a keen
awareness of the contemporary factors that shape the concept of family.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of family demands not just linguistic proficiency but also
a sensitivity to the multifaceted nature of human relationships. It requires a balance between
generalizations and specific examples, between theory and lived experience. Despite its challenges,
the exploration of this topic can lead to a profound understanding of the ties that bind us together.

For those seeking assistance in navigating the complexities of essay writing, various resources are
available. Similar essays and more can be explored and ordered on platforms like,
where expert guidance can be enlisted to tackle the intricacies of any chosen topic.
An Essay On Family An Essay On Family
Blood Typing Lab Report
Stimulated ABO and Rh Blood Typing
Abigail Taylor
Anatomy and Physiology Lab 11
Dr. Bah. Boubacar

The purpose of this experiment is to identify the different blood types through the antigen
and antibody reaction by using the anti A, Anti B and Anti Rh serums we will be able to
identify the different blood types. We will also discuss how this can be used in the
clinical setting of this blood typing procedure, by doing so we will know how antigens
and antibodies relate to the blood typing procedure in the real world settings.
For this experiment student will identify the individual blood types through the
antigen and antibody reaction by using the anti A, Anti B and Anti Rh serums we will
be able to identify the different types of blood. Red blood cells also known as
erythrocyte are small cells shaped like an oval however they have a plasma membrane
but no nucleus. Hemoglobin is the protein that allows the red blood cells to bind easily
with oxygen. While hematopoiesis is known as blood cell formation. The independent
variable would be the Red blood cells. While the dependent variable would be the
Antibodies and the antigens

Hypothesis With the antigen and antibody reaction we can determine ABO and Rh blood
types by using certain antiserums. If an A Antigen ever comes in contact with an Anti a
antibody then the blood will have a reaction. Also if a B Antigen comes in contact with a
B anti body then the blood will
Ancient Greek Theater Architecture Essay
Ancient Greek Theater Architecture

Many aspects of ancient Greek theaters have long been studied and debated. Much of the
information about these theaters is based on speculation due to the fact that so little of
them still exist today. This lack of remnants especially applies to the architecture of the
early Greek Theaters. However, through archeological finds and years of studying the
people, the plays, and the architecture of the time, we are able to make many conclusions
about these early structures.

Greek Theaters are classified into three categories: The early Athenian Theaters,
Hellenistic Theaters, and Graeco Roman Theaters. Like most new inventions or creations,
the initial theaters built by the Athenians were very ... Show more content on ...
The skene of the fifth century theater is believed to have been a temporary structure,
erected and taken down for each festival. It was constructed using light and perishable
materials until later, when theaters were built in stone. At that point, a permanent stone
skene was built (Allen 28). More became known about the skene after it changed to a
permanent, stone fixture in the theater of the fourth century B.C.

Lastly, but likely the most important part of theater is the orchestra. In its simplest form
the orchestra is simply a circular plot of land designated as a place for dance.
In fact, this is exactly how many see the Greek Theater developing. The orchestra
appeared to have been circular in shape and possess supernatural powers. The surface of
the orchestra was originally earth and measured about 66 feet in diameter. When many of
the theaters were renovated, a raised stage was added, thus eliminating the need for the
old orchestra. Therefore, the old orchestra was converted into additional seating
(Betancourt). Obviously, this seating was needed because of the growing popularity of
the theater.

An altar (or thymele) was located in the center of the orchestra. It looked like a short
drum of marble decorated with low relief carvings of garlands and satyrs. It was used for
sacrifices in honor of the god Dionysus. The altar was primarily used prior to
performances. However, due to religious themes of
The Importance of Good Communication in the Workplace
Communication is any behaviour, be it verbal, non verbal or graphic which can be
interpreted by another individual or group (Dwyer 2013). Interpersonal communication
involves interactions within small groups or between two individuals in a one on one
situation, making it an essential part of everyday life, including in the workplace,
learning environments and personal settings. Understanding gender differences, the
importance of active listening and negotiation strategies as well as being aware of
potential barriers are all key aspects of being able to communicate effectively. These are
a number of examples of communication processes that I have encountered throughout
life, both professionally and personally that I am now able to reflect upon and learn
from. During my years as a student at Ulladulla High School on the South Coast of New
South Wales, interpersonal communication was a part of everyday life. As a result of
this, misunderstandings were unavoidable and most were minor misunderstandings,
however one incident provides a good example of poor communication strategies between
two individuals; myself and my mathematics teacher of the time. Over the past the
teacher and I had had a few minor discrepancies in communication, however on this
particular day the situation escalated beyond anything I had experienced to that date.
During class I was accused of speaking out of turn, something that normally wouldn t
have phased me, however due to the class behaviour that day
The History of Computers and the Internet
With the invention of the internet in the late 1960 s and early 1970 s, no one had a
clue what it would one day develop into. When computers started becoming an
everyday household appliance and the internet became more widespread, social
networking sites (SNS) were developed as a means of communicating with people
across the world. Friendster was launched in 2002, and grew rapidly over the course
of three months as people started connecting and networking over the internet instead
of in person. Myspace came out in 2003 as a competitor to Friendster, however
Friendster later crumbled due to the increase in the production of new SNS. Xanga,
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn all followed shortly after, making SNS
incredibly popular, with more than half of the world s adults using these sites. A
social networking site is described as a service that connects people from different
areas and builds relations with them based off similar careers, interests, beliefs, etc.
These social networking sites (SNS) have become incredibly popular for due to its
ability to connect people worldwide. Older individuals use it for reuniting with old
family and friends that they haven t seen in years, but SNS popularity lies primarily
with young adults. These young adults, especially college students, use SNS as a means
of communicating with people, both new and old, and use it for a variety of reasons.
However, the big question we asked pertains not only to these SNS and its use, but
What Is The Separation Of A Mixture Of Multi-Functional...
The Photopolymerization of a mixture of multi functional monomers or oligomers that
polymerize by different mechanisms leads to the build up of two interpenetrating
polymer networks (IPN). An obvious requirement is that the two monomers must be
fully compatible, and their polymers as well, in order to avoid segregation and the
formation of heterophasic materials. The major advantages of these UV curable hybrid
systems lie in their superior combination of properties which can be tailor made for a
given application by adjusting the proportions of the two components. The IPN formed
will exhibit the main features of the two polymernetworks, for instance the toughness and
scratch resistance of UV cured acrylate polymers and the elastomeric character of the
cross linked polyurethane vinyl ether, with... Show more content on ...
Improvement of the mechanical properties of single lap joints made of fluorinated
rubbers was obtained using a UV curable fluorinated resin and modifying the chemical
structure of the elastomers.13 OH groups and allylic groups introduced in the FPUs
reacted with the radicals formed in the resin under irradiation. Covalent bonds between
the elastomers and the resin were then created which increased the adhesion strength.
The concept of radiation curable PSAs can be simply described as a rapid photoinitiated
cross linking producing a viscoelastic material where the properties of tack peel strength
and shear resistance are predetermined. It is this tackiness that causes the adhesive to
stick instantly when pressed against a substrate. Depending on the peel strength, PSA
tapes are considered as temporary for values below 350 N/m, or permanent for peel
strengths above this value. A strapping tape, which is made from a strong glass fibre
reinforced film, uses a high strength adhesive, while carton sealing tape must be quick
grabbing to a paperbound and resistant to
Stereotypes And Media Analysis
Your television and computer are controlling every choice you make. Scary thought?
Everyday Americans log into their computer or turn on their TV and are fed
information from our trusted media. In fact, a Marshall survey states, By 2015, it is
estimated that Americans will consume both traditional and digital media for over 1.7
trillion hours, an average of approximately 5 and a half hours per person per day.
Unknowingly at times, we are allowing our media to shape the choices we make, the
ways we see others, and the way we view ourselves. With most of Americans unaware
of the media s control on their choices and views, this can be an alarming realization.
Media has a major impact on multiple parts of our society.

The media effects politics. ... Show more content on ...
As seen in Effects of Disney s Gender Stereotyping it said Disney has created many
movies that make people sacrifice for others. Ariel gave up her voice and many other
things just so she could be with Prince Eric. This shows that even companies that are
so innocent like Disney are creating these wrong stereotypes. In another video called
Always #likeagirl it stated when people say like a girl it s almost always a bad thing.
Like you run or throw like a girl it s normally a bad thing. So many people want to make
it a good thing. This illustrates that people want to reverse things. 2nd, 3rd, even 1st
graders take part in these wrong stereotypes. According to a graph in Middle Eastern
and Muslim Stereotypes in Media it said According to Southern illinois university out
of 1000 films from 1896 to 2007 that contains Middle Eastern references 12 were good
and over 900 hundred were bad. This demonstrates that to many people are being way to
stereotypical. Out of 1000 films there was only 12 good references and over 900 bad
references! There are such things as good Middle Easterns. Media plays a role in the
shaping of our society s stereotypes and one s views of others, but also contributes to
people s body
Swat Team Research Paper
America was first introduced to the first SWAT teams in the year of 1966. SWAT,
which first stood for Special Weapons Attack Team, and then was later changed to
Special Weapons and Tactics, was founded by Daryl Gates who was a police
commander for the Los Angeles Police Department. SWAT teams are different from
regular law enforcement in the fact that they are far more advanced and handle far more
advanced and dangerous situations. They use more powerful weapons and more
experienced policing tactics. They could be considered the elite members of law
enforcement. SWAT teams do not just deal with the normal criminal. They handle the
extreme criminals who often defy law enforcement. SWAT teams were founded in an
effort the lower the massively high crime rate that was dominating the late 1990s. These
specially trained policeofficers are an example of the paramilitary policing which also
first arose during this time period. Paramilitary policing can be defined just how it
sounds. It is a style of policing that is similar... Show more content on ...
Here, people were poor and gangs such as the Crips and Bloods, and Mexican super
gangs, roamed the streets wreaking havoc. Drugs, especially cocaine, were a huge
problem. People were being shot and killed, and police officers were also being
increasingly targeted, particularly by African Americans. Something had to be done.
Ultimately, the VCSU stepped in, took control of the situation, and brought the crime and
drug rate under control on the streets of south Fresno. The VCSU was important in this
case perhaps because they give of a more intimidating vibe; dressed in full armor,
camouflage, and carrying large automatic weapons. This might make criminals and
perpetrators think twice, instead of there being just a regular police officer with a
handgun patrolling the streets, who may not give off the same intimidating
The Pros And Cons Of Flag Burning
On August 22, 1984, Gregory Lee Johnson was arrested for setting the U.S. flag on fire.
His simple act of protest led to the Supreme Court ruling that flag burning is protected
under the First Amendment as free speech, thus overturning his conviction. The flag
symbolizes freedom, and part of that freedom is being able to express dissatisfaction
with the government. However, some see flag burning not merely as a demonstration of
opinion, but as an attack on national unity and American values. Should it be illegal to
burn the U.S. flag as an form of protest, or is this method within the rights of American
citizens? Johnson set the stars and stripes ablaze at the 1984 Republican National
Convention after participating in a protest march against... Show more content on ...
Concerning the outcome of Texas v. Johnson, Justice William Brennan delivered the
opinion of the court: If there is a bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment, it
is that government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society
finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable. Flag burning may be offensive to loyal
Americans, but it is not threatening enough by itself to justify punishment. Brennan
also stated that we do not consecrate the flag by punishing its desecration, for in so
doing we dilute the the freedom that this cherished emblem represents. In Johnson s
case, the Supreme Court valued constitutional principles rather than patriotic
preferences. The Supreme Court s stance on flag burning has remained the same since.
Nevertheless, thirty years after United States v. Eichman, there is still controversy
over whether or not it should be legal. A recent example of the present discussion on
flag burning is a tweet made by President Donald Trump in 2016: Nobody should be
allowed to burn the American flag if they do, there must be consequences perhaps loss
of citizenship or year in jail! However, without a reason to change the law besides
personal opinion, the Supreme Court is not likely to reverse their decision and make flag
The United States Government Federal, State, And Local...
LEGISLATIVE PROCESS Jill Golinski Ohio Univeristy Professional Nursing
Practice 4510 Kristen Morgan September 03, 2015 LEGISLATIVE PROCESS The
United States government federal, state, and local plays a significant role in
developing and delivering health care policies. Today s issues associated with health
policy stem from individual health, the overall health of the country, and economic
problems associated with health care (Rosenbaum, 2011). Being a nurse it is
important to understand the legislative process, and how political health issues affect
how we care for patients. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the legislative process,
and current political issues affecting health care today. Part 1 Legislative Process The
legislative process starts first with an idea. This idea might be from the public, or
from government officials. This idea is then turned into a bill, and introduced by a
representative to a committee for review. The bill is given a number and is referred to
the appropriate committee. If the committee decides the bill should go on further in
the process then it continues to a hearing to be voted on, debated or amended. At any
point the bill can be killed, and is no longer up for review. If the bill should pass it is
then brought to the House or Senate for further review. The bill must be voted by the
simple majority (218 of 435) , and if this occurs it is moved onto the Senate. In the
Senate, the bill is assigned to another committee and,
Freedom Is A Basic Human Right
Freedom is a basic human right, but nevertheless it is obvious, that not everybody is in
the position to make use of it because it has been disregarded and trampled on throughout
the ages.
Freedom is also the circumstance of being internal control. A major conflict that comes in
when the freedom appears is when non white people are being discriminated or self
discriminated. Throughout time mankind had to fight for freedom, because there were
always human beings who considered this basic right to be reserved for themselves
and a few other like minded individuals. I don t espect for everyone to agree with me
base on my difinition. There s many different types of freedom, Freedom of the press,
Freedom of the assembly, Freedom of expression, Freedom of speech, Freedom religion,
and many more. Being from a different country that wasn t similar to the United State
has seem to really own up my eyes a lot. Living here in America if I had count how
many times I had hear the phrase America is a free country America is the country of
brotherly love America is this, America is that . American Is not what it had seem to
made itself look like or sound like. There s no freedom in America, well there was but
not anymore. Here are some reason why America had lost their freedom.

1. We no longer have the right to personal time.

The US is one of the few developed nations that doesn t require employers to offer paid
vacation time to their employees. Many employees are unable
Who Is Responsible For Meriwether Lewis s Death
Meriwether Lewis s Death

Meriwether Lewis s death was caused by a murder by conspiracy. Lewis was carrying
secret messages between him and President Jefferson. General Lewis and President
Jefferson used code in their secret messages, no one in the government could understand
or figure out how to decode the letters and this made everyone suspicious. Lewis was
also holding a fortune which would encourage someone to murder Lewis even more to
get this fortune and have hands on the secret letters between Lewis and the president.

During the time of Lewis s death on October 11, 1809 there was two guns used to shoot
Meriwether Lewis. One shot was found on the back of the head taking off part of Lewis
s skull and exposing his brain. The bullet did not exist the head which means the bullet
would have been stuck in the brain. The second bullet was found in the stomach
destroying organs, ... Show more content on ...
Also if Lewis was on a mission he would not want to quit his mission. It is very unlikely
that he could ve taken both the shots himself because the shot left him incapacitated.
Each interview of the suspects of Meriwether s death turned out to be slightly different.
For example, James Neely s quote stated that he heard 2 gunshots at the same time.
Gilbert Russell s quote stated that there was one gunshot then a loud thump to the
ground then he heard the words Oh Lord cry out before the second gunshot was fired.
His death could not have been a suicide because he couldn t have shot himself once then
talked because if the first shot was fired in the back of his head he would be dead
instantly from the back of his skull and brain being blown off. If the first shot was
towards the chest then he might be alive for a little longer but still would be unable to
speak. This evidence is from the biopsy of Meriwether Lewis s
Theism in a Postmodern World
Theism in a Postmodern World by Billy Bush Religious Worldviews RELS 402
Professor W. C. Calhoun June 22, 2009 Abstract In today s postmodern world, ideals
of being consumed with self and self appropriated ideas of truth leave God forgotten
and to them, God is dead. This same thought process see s no reason or logic to bring
God into the picture let alone into their lives. The pervasive postmodern worldview
today includes precepts such that self decides who we become, as well as, is not
necessary to have a God who should be in control of our lives. It is difficult for a
Christian to live out his theistic worldview in today s postmodern world, but it can be
done because of our beliefs in God. Like... Show more content on ...
(John 3:16, NIV). Many people ask If God is just, why is there evil? (Forte, 2003). The
answer to this is simple, evil exists because humans choose to disobey and fall into sin.
The disobedience of man is the original cause and current cause of evil in this world,
not God.Christian theism includes what happens to a person when they die. For each
person death is either the gate to life with God and His people or the gate to eternal
separation from the only thing that will ultimately fulfill human aspirations (Sire,
2004). Inevitably, there are only two destination choices; either we will go to heaven
or hell. Hell was not only created by God for Satan and those angels who chose to defy
God s will but also for those who have chosen to reject Christ s love and to follow
Him.Christian theism defines how ethics relates to the role of humans. Ethics is
transcendent and is based on the character of God as good [holy and loving] (Sire,
2004). Theism teaches the universe is moral and there is an absolute standard by
which we should all judge things. God is the standard and all issues should be judged
next to His standard.Christian Theism teaches us, History is linear, a meaningful
sequence of events leading to the fulfillment of God s purposes for humanity (Sire,
2004). History, as we know, began when God created this world. History is not simply a
story seen as possibly or potentially true, depending upon from who
Iphone Story
Apple Launches New iPhones Media Coverage Sep 2014 miss apple unveils new iphones latest

product launch?DCMP=EMC CONPRWeekUKDailyNews

Article 1
Hit or Miss? Apple unveils new iPhones at latest product launch
Added 2 hours ago by Max Tatton Brown ,Be the first to comment
September 12 2014
This week saw Apple s latest product launch event, with the unveiling of its new iPhone
models and Apple Watch.
[pic]Apple launch: Included new iPhone designs and Apple Watch
At the event in California on Tuesday, Apple CEO Tim Cook revealed the bigger screen
iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, and other products including Apple s first wearable device
the Apple Watch and mobile payment ... Show more content on ...
The collection, titled It Doesn t Take a Genius which makes reference to Apple s in store
Genius bars features two employees moaning about the new devices, while promoting the
features of the Galaxy Note 4.
One video also mocks the fact Apple s live stream crashed on Tuesday.
Scroll down for videos
In a bid to steal Apple s thunder this week, Samsung has created a series of adverts
mocking the new iPhone features, while promoting some of its own. The collection,
titled It Doesn t Take a Genius which makes reference to Apple s in store Genius bars
features two employees moaning about the new devices (pictured)
Each of the adverts have been designed to promote Samsung s Galaxy Note 4 device,
which was unveiled at last week s IFA event in Berlin.
The first video in the collection shows one of the employees stuttering and freezing, to
make reference to the fact Apple s live stream failed repeatedly during the launch event
on Tuesday. More... Rush for iPhone 6 pre orders crashes Apple s site
The Origins Of The Oldest Civilization
The oldest civilization was in Mesopotamia between two rivers. Mesopotamia means the
land between the rivers. Hence the name, Mesopotamia is found in the Fertile Crescent
between the Tigris and the Euphrates Rivers, which is now known as Iraq. Since the
land was very fertile in Mesopotamia, the crops grew incredibly well and that helped
lead to the development of civilizations. Mesopotamiahad eight civilizations: Sumer,
Akkad, Babylon, Hittites, Assyria, New Babylon, Phoenicians, and Israel. Sumer lasted
from 3200 b.c. until 1900 b.c. Sumer was ruled by a king who had the responsibility
of maintaining the city walls and the irrigation systems. Once the king passes, his
power is then passed down to the next eligible son in the family which is known as
hereditary rule. Sumer was a Theocracy, meaning that the religious leaders were in
charge of the government and ruling system. The officials or ruler of Sumer kept
records, led armies into war, enforced laws, and collected taxes. The people of Sumer
were Polytheistic; they believed in many gods. There was also a large religious
stepped platform dedicated to every city state s chief god or goddess named Ziggurat.
Sumerians came up with the style of Cuneiform writing and in addition they used a
system of pictographs for communication. This helped them document and keep records.
They also had ideas and theories of Astronomy and math. Sumer farmed and traded and
it had the world s first cities, Ur, Uruk, and Babylon. Overall ,
Operation Blue Star Essay
Operation Blue Star , only the name represented the pleasant color. The result of the
Operation Blue Star was the bitter part of the Indian history. Born in the violent year of
1947, Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale was the unfortunate spark of the biggest communal
riots seen in India. The khalisthan movement for a better and republic state for Punjab
was still going on, opposing this were the Indian congress party, which was dominated
by Indira Gandhi and her son Sanjay Gandhi. In 1977, Indira asked Sanjay to break the
khalidad in the province of Punjab.
Sanjay looked upon someone, who could have set up rival fashion. In the list of 20
names, he was given, the new leader of the Akal Takht, Jarnal Singh Bhindranwale, in
fact the strongest of them. ... Show more content on ...
When there was political turmoil, he was forced to be a revolutionary and a potential
terrorist. He gradually became well known to his community, and people came to see
him along with their kids seeking his blessings. He made Amritsar his strong hold and
he turned out to be an intractable for the central and state government. The local police
force never tried to take an action on him. He was out of their league. When things grew
worst, Rajiv Gandhi in an interview told him to surrender. As a reply Bhindranwale
challenged Rajiv and government to take any measures possible on him. The reply for
Rajiv Gandhi itself indicated that he was well equipped and looking forward for a combat.

The proceedings at Punjab provinces were seemingly dangerous for the Indira s congress
government. She gave the order to Commander General Kuldip Singh Brar to neutralize
Bhindranwale and his militants. Bhindranwale was accused for storing a huge amount of
weapons at Gurudwara in order to start a major armed
Many scholars have written about the particularly intimate...
Many scholars have written about the particularly intimate connection between food and
family prevalent in Italian American culture. Herbert Gans interprets this to be a legacy
of the traditional Southern Italian peasant culture that the immigrant generation
successfully passed down to the younger generations in America. Thus, the connection is
implied to be a transplanted cultural trait. However, when viewed in light of the social
changes in America, this bond was inevitably affected by the Italians experiences in
America. Italian American food culturewas a tradition shaped by changes outside and
inside the family. An examination of the Italian American family of the interwar years
(c.1919 1940) demonstrates that the critical role... Show more content on
Therefore, the character of the period is defined by the experiences of this single
generational grouping. A common set of opportunities and constraints frames these
experiences given that each generation tends to come of age within a short historical time
period. The first portion of this essay, the will focus on the Italian American family of the
interwar years. Tracing the development of such a family demonstrates how
intergenerational negotiation was necessary for food to transcend its status as a marker
of social inferiority and point of family conflict and become a unifying family force. As
the large influx of Italian immigrants came to an end in the 1920s, the immigrants bonds
with their home country became weaker and the second generation became numerically
predominant. This change, as Alba points out, shifted the focus of communal concern:
The immigrants anxiety about finding a niche, however temporary, in American society
was succeeded by that of passing on a way of life to the new generation, one whose
members were being raised in an environment vastly different from that which lived on in
their parents memories. Accordingly, major generational conflicts erupted within the
Italian American community during the earlier portion of interwar years. The children of
the immigrant generation were socialized under genuinely dual cultural pressures. They
were raised in the home of their
Perseverance In Divergent
The war was terrible, the whole world was destroyed. The last city left divided
themselves into five factions to keep the peace. The smart ones are classified Erudite.
Amity are always kind, Candor value honesty, Dauntless are brave, and Abnegation are
selfless. The system works because everyone knows where they belong; everyone
except for Tris. In the novel Divergent, by Veronica Roth, Tris demonstrates
perseverance; this is shown through how she is able to step out of her comfort zone,
always remains undeterred, and can overcome obstacles. Tris steps out of her comfort
zone several times throughout the book; when she changes factions, jumps off a roof,
and becomes a leader. Tris has always known that she does not belong, especially when...
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Abnegation has very strict rules that ban anything that makes one selfish. Tris has a rare
condition called Divergent; which means she can belong in more than one faction. The
government think that it is dangerous, so they try to kill anyone who has it. Tris has to
hide it, so even though being curious is selfish; she secretly asks different sources for
help, some of which question her curiosity, Never net a curious Abnegation before (Roth
12). By doing this, she feels that she has improved her understanding of it, and can
conceal it. Dauntless are known for being tough, so in initiation they are taught to fight.
Tris is not strong, so she gets knocked out very fast during her fight. While in the
hospital she is told that she is not aloud continue training, and that she will have to
leave. She felt discouraged because she did not risk everything just to quit now. Tris
was not going to take no for an answer, so even though she was in extreme pain, she
continued initiation. The last occasion that Tris remains undeterred is when she goes
zip lining. To take their minds off of initiation, everyone decides to go zip lining. No
one wants Tris to go because they think that she does not fit in, but she stands up for
herself and reluctantly, they let her go. She was petrified, because if she backed down,
she would be made fun of; but she went down the zip line and proved herself as an
equal. It is tough to always remain undeterred, especially when you have to go through it
alone; but because Tris persevered she is able to stay
The Vietnam War Was A Tragic Part Of The United States
P.O.W/M.I.A.s of the Vietnam War

The Vietnam War was a tragic part of the United States history that to this day holds a
great deal of mystery and a lack of information. It was an unpopular war, taking place
from 1955 to 1975, with surmountable losses on each side. Forty years later, the
consequences of the Vietnam War are still prevalent in the side effects of Agent Orange,
post traumatic stress disorder of soldiers, and the national debt. Though those are
significant problems, the biggest influence of the Vietnam War that impacted Americans
was the staggering number of soldiers killed in action, missing in action, or taken as
prisoners of war. Vietnam was a danger zone where no life was guaranteed, bodies were
hard to recover dead ... Show more content on ...
North Vietnam, South Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and China incarcerated many
Americans, holding them in barbaric conditions ( The M.I.A. Issue ). The prisoners that
survived the torture and eventually were freed shared chilling stories when they
returned. James Bond Stockdale was held for seven and a half years as a prisoner of war.
On September 9, 1965, Stockdale was, flying his A 4 Skyhawk on a mission over
Vietnam when his plane took fire and hurtled down ( The M.I.A. Issue ). He ejected
from the plane and broke his back when he landed in a small village. He was then
brought to Hao Lo prison, which the American prisoners referred to as the Hanoi Hilton .
As Stockdale was a senior ranking naval officer, the Vietnamese singled him out. James
Stockdale spent four years in solitary confinement (Yablonka). During his imprisonment
he underwent unimaginable torture. Stockdale and the other prisoners were starved or
fed watery soup that was, laced with pebbles or feces (Callahan). The call for decent and
humane treatment of prisoners of war laid out at the Geneva Convention in 1949 did not
apply to Vietnam. The Vietnamese continued the ruthless torture of their captives by,
Beating them with fists, clubs, and rifle butts, flaying them with rubber whips, and
stretching their joints with rope in an effort to uncover information about American
military operations. The
Beowulf Versus Batman
Beowulf vs Batman Beowulf was the first superhuman ever to be written about; he s
basically the great grand father of all modern day fictional heroes. But does that mean
that all heroes are modeled exactly like Beowulf? Well, let s take a look at Batman
whose known by every kid and adult out there. He like Beowulf had years of rigorous
training in order to become too strong muscular herothat we see; and that is where they
split apart Beowulf s and Batmans back stories are as different as their personalities. In
the end though everyone comes to the point where they realize that they aren t as
young as they used to be and with their line of work it can come quick and fast. So as
they re final act they name a successor to protect the people in their charge. These heroes
both protect people but they do it it for different reasons entirely.

In the story of Beowulf, the time is about 700 A.D during an era when ... Show more
content on ...
Since Beowulf lived in a time where it was survival of the fittest, he is proud to show
everyone that he can fight anyone or thing that challenges him. He proved himself to
be a hero and so he what people to remember his heroic last deed to his people. So with
his dying breath he told Wiglaf , As a memory mark to the men I have governed, Aloft
it shall tower on Whale s Ness uprising. Bruce Wayne on the other hand, does not want
fame so he made Batman. Bruce Wayne is a wealthy billionaire playboy who inherited
a corporation from his dad. While Batman is a dark knight who uses the fear of the
unknown to take down criminals. The normal people can t decide whether he s an urban
mythic or if he is real. Then after sometime the city of Gotham turns on him, saying that
he is a vigilante that uses aggressive force to hurt people. That doesn t stop him from
trying to protect the city, Batman even says, I m what the city needs, but not what it
Juanes Activist
Is Juanes know as artist of activist? Some artists use their songs and fame to
demonstrate to people their opinions and stand on an issue. By issue one means a
problem that affects a considerable amount of people. One of this artists is is Juanes. His
real name is Juan Esteban AristizГЎbal VГЎsquez and he was born on August 9, 1972,
in Carolina del PrГncipe, Antioquia, Colombia. He started his solo career and became
known in the 2000s. On one hand, he has done a lot of humanitarian work to help the
world, but on the other hand, his most popular songs aren t about the work he has
done. Juanes is a solo guitarist and singer, he has won 20 Latin grammy awards. He
became known by his music. He has also raised awareness about an issue in Colombia
What Is Hunting Persuasive Essay
I ve always thought that hunting was one of the best ways to calm a person down.
Most people will never get the thrill of going out into the wild and hunting for some
animal, whether it be a dove, a duck, a good, a deer, a pheasant, or even a turkey, most
people will never get to experience how relaxing it is to just sit and relax. With my
experience in hunting, I ve found that shooting a gun or a bow is a very relaxing thing
to do. It relieves a person of their stress and helps them calm their nerves in many
different ways. Hunting in general from my perspective helps in teaching a person
many different life skills, such as being able to survive in the wilderness for a long
period of time if say, the person s flight ended up taking a nose dive into the Earth and
that person got out alive and alone.... Show more content on ...
When I get to wake up at 5:30 in the morning to go get some hot chocolate and
something to snack on while sitting in a duck blind, it gives me a thrill in which i can
not get rid of till I get back home later that day. Setting up decoys early in the morning
and getting to watch the sunrise come up is the most amazing thing a person can
witness, that is one of the main reasons most hunters do what they do, the sunrise is a
mesmerizing experience. Most people would think waking up at the crack of dawn is too
much commitment, but I find it one of the most fun things a person can
The Importance Of Masculine And Feminine In Dr.
Anu Karavadi
Professor Morgan
AMS 421
3 November 2016

The Importance of Masculine and Feminine in Dr. Strangelove

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) is a
dark comedy film by Stanley Kubrick. The film deals with nuclear war which was a hot
topic during the 50 s and 60 s. Americans were very paranoid about communists and
nuclear war at this time. This film shows how ridiculous the paranoia about nuclear war
through a sexual relationship allegory. The allegory deals with the masculine and the
feminine. The masculine is an important part of the nuclear war efforts while the
feminine takes a backseat. The feminine is displayed in men as a negative. The sexual
allegory becomes funny through ... Show more content on ...
Strangelove are all shown as weak and impotent. The characters are either physically
handicapped or just weak minded. Mandrake and President both are represented as meek
while Dr. Strangelove is physically impaired in a wheelchair with a prosthetic arm.
These characters are all hesitant in some way to wage war which is shown as a
negative. They are seen as incapable when it comes time to take control of the situation.
Mandrake couldn t stop Jack D. Ripper from launching the nuke. The President couldn t
seize control over his own army. Dr. Strangelove couldn t control his arm at the very end.
These are all deliberate to show their submissive femininity.
The president and Mandrake are both feminine in their demeanor and personality. They
don t want to go to war, but they also cannot take control and stop the war. This can be
seen as the female of the relationship not wanting sex. This leads those masculine men
frustrated. The masculine characters in the film, Buck and Jack D. Ripper, are quite
enthusiastic for nuclear war and sex. Their desire for sex and war allows them to go
forward in the war effort in an energetic manner.
Buck is always energetic when talking about the war, so much so, that he literally fights
in the war room. Buck wrestles with the Russian diplomat due to his enthusiasm for war
and his sexual frustration. This causes the president to say There is no fighting in the
war room. The movie uses this line for
The Plan For Get Climate Change Denial Into Schools
Climate Change Denial
Clare Foran author of The Plan to Get Climate Change Denial Into Schools writes about
activist that want the education system of Texas to teach their children that climate
change is an opinion rather that a fact. Emily McBurney, member of the Truth in Texas
Textbooks coalition, is rating textbooks that do not meet her standards of education. She
and other members are hoping that they influence the state not to purchase the material.
That will serve about five million Texas public schools for at least a decade. Most parent
want the best for their children and that includes an education, but how can they deny
climate change and call it an opinion if there is sufficient evidence to say otherwise?
Children should be ... Show more content on ...
The entire world is experiencing these changes and it will not vanish just because some
individuals are ignoring the causes. We have to face reality and admit that it is
happening before we can change it.
Some might argue that the Green House Effect is needed because it allows the earth to
trap greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, which are needed in order for the earth to
stay warm and avoid extremes; however, it has never resulted in year that has been
labeled to be the hottest year on record (Rampell). Some argue that it s just a part of
the natural process the has been occurring since the beginning of time, the earth warms
up and cools off it happens. However, not at such an alarming rates NASA has been
looking at records that indicate that the warming trend over the last 50 years is nearly
twice that for the last 100 years . Meaning the earth is warmer today than it was 100
years ago. The larger the amount of carbon dioxide, one of the greenhouse gasses, that is
in the atmosphere the warmer the earth becomes (Talking to Children about Climate
Another member of the Truth in Texas Textbooks coalition, Karin Gililland, expressed
that young children are vulnerable and what they hear they believe is the truth , which I
agree when children are young they are like sponges and absorb all that is presented to
them (Foran). However, they will be in a
Credit Card Debt Research
In the world of personal finances, credit cards play an important roles in lives of many
people. Sometimes, it s out of choice while other times it happens out of necessity.
Regardless of why it happens, the numbers surrounding credit card debt are worthy of
scrutiny in order to determine whether having or using credit cards is a sound financial

Federal Reserve Numbers

On a periodic basis, the Federal reserve releases key statistics related to credit card debt
in America. With almost 2,000,000,000 credit cards in use while in the hands of almost
200,000,000 individual credit card holders, there is no denying the popularity of these
little pieces of plastic. Through May of 2015, Americans were responsible for $901
billion in credit ... Show more content on ...
In the case of credit cards, they can do irrevocable damage if not handled in the proper
manner. If you tend to be an impulse buyer, they provide access to buying power that
might exceed what you can actually afford to spend. After rolling up large debt
balances, the monthly interest charges can become financially debilitating, especially if
you get in the habit of making minimum payments. If you make late payments or miss a
payment or two, your credit score is subject to a material hit, which compromises your
ability to secure credit in the future. Finally, the stress you might experience as your debt
troubles related to credit cards start escalating have the potential of causing you both
mental and emotional hardships. The bottom line is you need to avoid credit cards if you
can t handle them responsibly.

When dealing with credit cards, it is important to understand the potential for serious
financial problems should you make any poor judgement calls when using them. For
more information on credit cards and how to avoid falling prey to debt issues surrounding
them, you might consider scheduling a consultation with one of our professional debt
counselors here at
Glow Worm
Common name: Glow Worm
Scientific name: Arachnocampa

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Coleoptera
Family: Lampyridae

The glow worm is a medium to large sized invertebrate that is famous for having a green
and yellow coloured light on the end of it s tail.
Glow worms are found inhabiting dense woodland and caves around the world with the
exception of the Americas and glow worms are one of the few insects that are found
inside the colder Arctic Circle. Glow worms are nocturnal animals which means that they
are active during the dark night which is when their glowing rears can be seen.
Glow worm is the common name for various different groups of insect larva and adult
larviform females which glow through bioluminescence. Glow worms may sometimes
resemble actual worms, but all are insects as one species of glow worm is a type of fly
but most ... Show more content on ...
Legend says that early humans used to use glow worms to mark paths and provide light
in huts. Glow worms were thought to have some kind of magical power and so people
would also use the glow worm in medicines.
Glow worms are omnivorous animals but they tend to have a very meat based diet.
Glow worms predominantly prey on snails and slugs which make up the majority of the
glow worm s diet. Glow worms also prey on other insects and small invertebrates.
Due to their small size and the fact that they glow in the darkness, glow worms have
numerous natural predators within their environment including spiders, large insects,
birds, reptiles and centipedes.
Typically, the female glow worms lays between 50 and 100 eggs in moist areas, over a
period of a few days. The tiny glow worm eggs are yellow in colour and can take between
3 and 6 weeks to hatch depending on the climate (the warmer it is, the faster the glow
worm eggs will
Controversy Over Eating Habits
Everyone has some habit that they are not proud of, the poison of choice . If someone
were to ask me to pick my poison I would choose food. Ever since I can remember,
going out to eat has been by favorite pastime and I have used celebrations, holidays, or
emotions as an excuse for unhealthy foods and over eating. Breaking this habitwill be an
especially difficult one but can be achieved using the following five steps: denial,
awareness, planning, implementation, and maintenance (p. 593). Denial is how a bad
habit starts in the first place (p.593). For me, this started by acquiring a taste for the
finer things in life and having the successful metabolism of one in their younger years.
I would go out to eat with family or friends for special occasions, we would order an
appetizer, full meal, and desert, sometimes having finished off every last crumb. If I don
t feel good or I am unhappy I crave unhealthy foods, turning foodinto an emotional
crutch. To top things off, through my childhood and adolescent years I have always
maintained a good figure no matter what I ate, thus giving me... Show more content on ...
Awareness must come from the person directly, can sometimes appear from a
breaking point, and criticism from others can be detrimental to success (p.523).
Awareness has emerged for me because during this last year of inactivity I have
gained weight and am tipping the scales at a weight that I am embarrassed about. My
clothes don t fit and I don t feel good about myself. I have become self conscious about
my weight and have realized that something needs to be done before I end up obese
like most of America. This motivation is intrinsic and in order for me to be successful I
need to sure of my ability to change my eating patterns (p.593). When others do
criticize my current figure and laugh at my new curves that does make me feel worse
and I can see how it could jeopardize being
Essay on The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory

Why is the Universe expanding? What is Cosmic Back Ground Radiation (CBR)? There
are many questions asked about our Universe, which we know so little about. Scientists,
in their attempt to answer these and other confrontations, have found one idea that seems
to explain much of what we don t understand: The Big Bang Theory.

An explosion of incomprehensible speed was the beginning of our known Universe and
existence. At that time matter as small as the head of a pin inflated to become larger
than the visible Universe of today in less than one millisecond. The newly born Universe
cooled very quickly and continued to grow. Still, the heat was too great for normal
elementary particles like protons and neutrons to ... Show more content on ...
There were many people who worked together to come up with the present theory of
creation. Edwin Hubble, Arno Penzias, Robert Wilson and Alan Guth all contributed
greatly to the formation of the Big Bang theory.

Edwin Hubble used his large telescope to see far away stars and galaxies. He knew that
the elements in the stars reflected back specific colors, and you could tell what a star
was made of by its color ?DNA?. Hubble noticed that this pattern had been slightly
shifted to the red side of the spectrum, otherwise called a red shift. He knew, based on
the Doppler effect, that a red shift was caused by the stretched wavelengths of an
object moving away from a point. If the galaxies he had observed had shifted to the red
side then it meant that they were moving away from Earth. He also discovered that the
galaxies were moving away from each other, as well.

With these observations in mind, Hubble announced that the universe was expanding. He
then came to this syllogism: If the universe is expanding, then at one point it was smaller.
The result of his postulations was the Big Bang theory.

Another mystery of the universe was the Cosmic Background Radiation (CBR). CBR is
made up of photons throughout the universe that are floating for no apparent reason in
space. Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson spent their lives trying to explain the origin of
this radiation and why it is still existent today. Their discoveries
Gun Control Disease
Gun Control: The Cure for America s Disease Shots ring out in the distance. Fear sweeps
through the hearts of bystanders. What happened? Am I safe? Where should I go? What
should I do? Another life has been claimed by guns. Another tragedy has been engrained
in the minds of Americans. Unfortunately, life will continue to be this way unless
significant change is made. America has watched guns tear its society apart for too long.
Immediate and comprehensive gun control is an effective and constitutionally valid
method of reducing crime in society, even though some may feel that it violates their
Second Amendment rights. Before one delves into the heart of the gun control dilemma,
he or she must first understand America s long history relating... Show more content on ...
In 1996, Australia created the National Firearms Act of 1996 in response to a major
gun related massacre. The NFA makes it illegal to own a gun solely for personal
protection. A person may only own a gun if it is needed for a specific occupation or
reason, such as law enforcement (Hirsh 88 89). Ever since the NFA was enacted, the
Australian government has reported a 65% reduction in homicide rates and a 65%
reduction in suicide rates. In addition, Australia experiences one tenth of the number of
gun deaths as America (Hirsh 90). Gun control, in particular the NFA, has been
overwhelmingly effective in Australia. Additionally, gun control has proven successful
in other nations. Criminologist, Greg Lee Carter stated, Further statistical analysis of
those data reveals strong correlations between gun prevalence and murder rates when
explaining a study conducted in thirteen nations that shows significant reductions in
death rates after gun control was implemented (69). Carter later goes on to explain that
these nations require extensive background checks and safety courses (Carter 69). It
is important to note that the nations were developed countries, which is why some
have questioned the validity of Killias s (the main researcher s) results. Killias s data
was used by Carter to formulate his theory. In fact, some of the data used by many
opponents of gun control, including that of Gary Kleck, a criminologist at Florida State
University, tends to show that a lack of access to weapons does not directly correlate
with a higher death rate. This claim was derived because the study Kleck used did not
involve developed nations (Carter 69). While his methodology is appropriate in a certain
context, its use in relation to America remains limited, given America s developed status
and number of guns in
Silent Spring Research Paper
Silent Spring writing piece. Lis San Emeterio Silent Spring writing piece. Lis San
Emeterio If you haven t read the book Silent Spring by Rachel Carson, you re missing
out on an informative journey about pesticides and the effects that it has on the
human body, on animals, and the reason why insecticides, pesticides, and all other
sorts of chemicals have become such a controversial issue in our world. Rachel
Carson eloquently wrote 50 years ago about how humans are the reason that pesticides
have gotten out of control the way they have. Now 50 years later, the use of pesticides
has increased constantly, but the amount of farms using said pesticides has actually
decreased according to agricultural reports from 2002 to 2007. So, one might wonder
whether or not she had an impact on our modern day world. You see, on a greater scale
Rachel Carson doesn t seem to have had an impact. We ll be looking at the impact her
book has had through a closer and more personal spectrum, then you... Show more
content on ...
So what does this mean? It means that less farmers are using pesticides on their farms.
Sounds like a good thing right? Well there s one sick twist which is that other farmers
are increasing the amount of pesticides they use on their farm. Rachel Carson writes in
Silent Spring 1962 that small doses of a chemical periodically is more harmful
because it gives the chemical time to mutate the cells in the body over time. This
versus when there s only one big dose of a chemical which will probably cause no long
term genetic damage (p. 121). Just when you thought it couldn t get any worse, you find
out you are probably consuming a large quantity of chemicals periodically. The worst of
both worlds. Either way Carson s entire book stresses that chemicals are horrible for our
Similarities Between King Lear And A Thousand Acres
King Lear and A Thousand Acres both have many strong characters. Some would argue
that the women in the novels are the strongest characters. Both sets of sisters in these
novels are independent and strong in different ways making them somewhere between
well liked and hated. A Thousand Acres and King Lear could be read as feminist works.
Both novels show a mistreatment of women making the problem apparent. A Thousand
Acres and King Learboth show the cultural critique of the mistreatment of women. King
Lear and A Thousand Acres are set in different times, but both novels have similar
methods of the treatment of women. Susan Shapiro explains that women during the
Elizabethan era were property to men, until the women started to rise up and revolt...
Show more content on ...
McDermott says that Shakespeare made his readers sympathetic to the family feud s
in the play rather than one specific person, although for the most part the readers felt
sorrow for Lear (395). When Smiley wrote A Thousand Acres it was taken as a
feminist work because instead of focusing the emotional appeal to the feud s, Smiley
focuses it towards Ginny and what has happened to her and Rose. Brauner states that
Cordelia was damned if she speaks and damned if she does not, similar to in A
Thousand Acres silence is sometimes just as frightening as speaking (659). The men in
both novels are often free to speak their mind while the women are punished for saying
what they feel. There are many examples of the wrongful treatment of women that these
novels bring to
The Second Oldest After The Westin
The Sheraton name is a long standing brand under Starwood hotels and is currently the
second oldest after the Westin. The headquarters for Sheraton hotels is located in
White Plains, New York, but was founded in Springfield, Massachusetts, in 1937.
Ernest Henderson and Robert Moore adapted to the name Sheraton Hotel after
acquiring an earlier hotel with that same name. According to them, their was a large lit
sign on the roof that bore this name, but it was too heavy to move and too expensive to
change and so from there on they decided to call all future hotels, Sheraton. By 1939,
three hotels had been established by Henderson and Moore and more wore opening up
on the east coast at a rapid past. In 1945, the Sheraton hotel chain... Show more content on ...
The hotel has eight meeting rooms, including 15,000 feet of function space, and is
great for any event. The staff here can help anyone throw an amazing event that is
tailored to all their needs. Also, in order to stay connected there are personal
computers in the Smart Rooms with High Speed Internet Access. After a long day
working or sightseeing it is also nice to come back and relax in one of the six hundred
guest rooms and suites. A great night sleep is sure to satisfy anyone, especially when
soft duvets, crisp cotton sheets, and down pillows of the Sheraton Sweet Sleeper Bed
are provided. Here at the Sheraton Shanghai Hongqiao Hotel it is easy to enjoy all the
comforts of home. In regards to my observations on the company s structure observed
and experienced, I have noticed many factors inherent to Chinese business, much
different than those in the United States. Noticeably, there is clearly a hierarchy in order.
Everyone reports to their own manager and that manager reports to their manager and so
on until they reach the general manager. For example, there was this one incident where
one guest wanted his old room rate, but was soon informed that he had to make prior
arrangements in order to receive it again. Unfortunately, since he did not make prior
arrangements this time the guest became very angry and started yelling at the front desk
Women s Influence On Women Essay
Nothing can prevent or alter what is predestined and that when a women desires
something, no one can stop her. Individuals, scholars, and groups concerned with human
rights and feminism, often criticize Islam over the treatment of their women. Westerners,
such as former first lady, Laura Bush, began a social political crusade in the name of
saving Muslim women from deliberate human cruelty. In literature, they were depicted as
stubborn, unfaithful, fragile, whose actions were based on the fear of the male figure. In
everyday life, women are faced with genderbased restrictions, debasement, and seclusion
from men. Some of these claims are undoubtedly accurate, however, what most overlook
is that these are perceptions, and renditions through western foreign eyes. While these
intentions might be from a genuine source, the etic anthropological approach, which is
where and outsider studies and interprets a culture, is a biased approach. Emic, or as
you guessed it, the study from within one s culture, is also plagued with bias, as nothing
is as it ever was. One must look deeper and analyze the past in multiple dimensions.
What does and did a culture believe...? Suddenly, the lines of reality might just begin to
blur. I will attempt to illustrate that, in piteous parts of Islam, power and responsibility is
divided ways which transcend the West s reality. Folktales from the Middle East, such as
the stories in One Thousand and One Nights, seem to reiterate
Tcos Play A Key Role In The Production And Distribution Of...
TCOs play a key role in the production and distribution of counterfeit products and
engage in this activity because it produces high profits comparable to other illicit
activities such as drug trafficking but with a greatly reduced risk for prosecution and
penalties associated with these types of crime. Evidence has been gathered to prove that
numerous well known TCOs from such countries as Italy, Japan, and Hong Kong have
engaged in the counterfeitproducts business with a direct link to other illicit activities
from these groups such as money laundering. Many of these TCOs have the tactics,
techniques and procedures to manufacture, distribute, and sell counterfeit products on a
global scale through their other illegal activities such as drug,
Genetically Modified Organisms Rhetorical Analysis
The use of images and other visual aids has become an effective way to stake one s
claim on a situation since the popularization of media in all its forms. Companies, as
well as different organizations, use images on their websites in the same way
advertisers use websites, to persuade people to buy a certain product or believe in a
certain cause. Genetically Modified Organisms have been a topic of negative
commentary and The Non GMO Project wishes to bring awareness of this topic to the
public, utilizing their Verified stamp of approval as well as their website, which
highlights many ways to live a GMO free lifestyle. The Non GMO Project, a credible
stakeholder in the fight against Genetically Modified Organisms, uses images on their
website to persuade people to live a healthier lifestyle by avoiding products containing
these harmful Genetically Modified Organisms. The website is full of images that could
make even the unhealthiest of people want to eat GMO free foods. The Non GMO Project
... Show more content on ...
Logos is used in this image because of how the image is organized. The image is
centered around the label and draws you to read the text and by reading the text, one
could logically assume that this specific chicken may be healthier than some of the
chickens displayed in the grocery store. The compositional choices of this image
(centering of the label and blurring of surrounding parts) allow the audience to receive
the stakeholders message clearly (Moxley 1). Ethos plays a role in proper analysis of
this image because the label adds to the credibility of the organization and its
accomplishments across the food industry. Figure two allows people to see that the Non
GMO Project has already made extensive headway in achieving their overall goal of a
world free from
Theme Of Personality In Frankenstein
A human being is born neither good or bad. They are simply brought into the world
without knowing anything. However, as they grow up, they will eventually create a
mindset that has been developed from their various experiences in their lives. For
example, a baby who was raised up in a hard working environment, will eventually
develop that same quality as they grow up. In the novel, Frankenstein, we are able to
observe how a persons character/personality is developed by the problems and
experiences they have encountered. An individual s mindset and other attributes are
shaped by the ones that have most influenced their lives. Mary Shelley shows us in the
novel, that people become who they are based upon the experiences they encounter
throughout... Show more content on ...
At one point during his pursuit of knowledge, he said in other studies you go as far as
others have gone before you, and there is nothing more to know; but in a scientific
pursuit there is continual food for discovery and wonder (Chapter 4, Par. 2). This was
during Victor s early years at Ingolstadt, and he was just getting started. As time
passed, he became increasingly obsessed with certain subjects that eventually led him
into creating the monster. While doing so in the process, he was slowly losing control
of his mind, and other people became very suspicious of what he was doing. When
Victor was finished creating the monster, his entire personality had changed from
when he first started attending the university. Since he put his heart and sole into his
creation, he was weak and a bit odd in the end. Which concerned his parents, since he
had not written a letter back to them in so long. Due to his pursuit of knowledge,
Victor had a different outlook on life and abandoned his creation. However, Victor was
the only individual that had a different outlook on life due to knowledge. We must
remember that the monster also changed his mindset from reading specific texts, such
as: Sorrows of Werter, Paradise Lost, and Plutarch s Lives. After reading these books,
the monster said they produced in me an infinity of new images and feelings, that
sometimes raise me to ecstasy, but more frequently sunk me into the lowest dejection (
Chapter 15, Par. 4). The monster had no knowledge of the world he was living in. By
reading these books, he started thinking about his life thus far, and how it has affected
him. When the monster the read Paradise Lost, he considered it a history book of about
the how the world was created. In doing so, he felt sympathetic for Satan s character. In
his defense, he had
The Orphan Train Movement Essay
Starting in the 1850s, there were great increases in urbanization. Movements such as The
Great Migration lead to huge populations in newly industrialized cities. In addition, there
was a great increase in immigration, especially from families of eastern and southern
European descent. The Orphan Train Movement s purpose was to give the thousands of
children in New York Citythat were left without homes due to increased urbanization
and industrialization a new family out west with good living conditions and values and
to increase the number of farm workers. The children mostly were placed with good
families, but some children were treated as slaved by their families. Additionally, most
of the children were excited to work; however, some were... Show more content on ...
With the five dollars that Archbishop Closkey gave to start the program, Sister Mary
Irene formed the New York Foundling Hospital. The Adoption Agency of the New York
Foundling Hospital was dedicated to finding suitable homes for the orphan children left
on their doorstep. After hearing of Brace s orphan trains, Sister Mary Irene started her
own mercy trains in which children would travel west to live with a good family and to
get a Catholic upbringing. This was the start of the Orphan Train Movement. Contrary to
its name, the Orphan Train riders included not only orphans, but also children with only
one parent, children that were given up because their family was too big, and runaways.
These children often underwent parental death, abandonment, or prostitution. Still other
orphans were immigrant children. They suffered from the overpopulation of New York
and lack of job availability. Even the jobs they could get did not pay enough for them to
survive. Many of the orphans turned to selling small items such as newspapers or
matches to survive on the streets. These children often formed gangs to protect
themselves from the sometimes violent world of street life in New York City. Police,
after finding some of these gangs,
Comparing Rembrandt And Eakins s Anatomy Of Dr. Tulp
Introduction: Rembrandt and Eakins The similarities, and differences, between
Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn s Anatomy of Dr. Tulp (1632) and Thomas Eakins
The Agnew Clinic (1889) are both uncanny and unprecedented. Painted in 1630 s
Amsterdam during the Dutch Baroque period, Rembrandt sought to preserve the rare
occasion in which a real human body was used as an academic tool in order to prove
anatomy theories. On the contrary, Eakins piece was painted in 19th century America
during the realist movement to memorialize a retiring professor. However, it is their
similarities that make them comparable; they were both commissioned by academic
institutions, they both depict a surgery in progress, they both celebrate the careers of
notable... Show more content on ...
The subject of the yearly autopsy was always a criminal who had just been executed for
their crimes, and autopsies had to be performed immediately due to the time sensitive
process of the decaying corpse. Rather morbid in his interpretation of the event,
Rembrandt sought to reproduce the curiosity and surprise he witnessed through the use of
an asymmetrical pyramid so that no face is hidden. This sort of asymmetry is
characteristic of the Baroque period.
There is no truer adaptation of a Baroque painting than this. During this time there were
great revelations of science which catapulted further interest in the sciences. The
Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp portrays a scientific discovery. As Dr. Beth Harris points
out and as seen in Fig. 3, Dr. Tulp s left hand is moving in a way that would show how
the tendons of the dissected hand would work (Smarthistory, 2015). Additionally,
Baroque period artists often sought realism in portraits, with an attention to physical
details, and a focus on the dramatic including the contrast between light and shadow and
the use of rich, deep colors (MindEdge 2.01). A real test of its time, this portrait is almost
photo like in its adaption of realism and the physical detail exemplified through the facial
expressions of the onlookers. Furthermore, Rembrandt sought to emphasize the action
depicted in this portrait through by almost illuminating the corpse
Gender Discrimination In Sports
Gender discrimination in the sports industry has always been a controversial topic.
Gender equality in sports has come a long way. Like when UNESCO recognized sports
and physical activity as a human right in 1978. Discrimination is defined as unjust
treatment of different categories of people or things. Discriminationtowards people has
been around for a long time and it s affecting the entire world and has taken large steps
towards being demolished. These large steps have been taken to make the world a
better place and a lot of these discriminations have gotten smaller over time, but many
of these are still seen in everyday life, unfortunately. Discrimination against females
has been a constant battle due to the world being extremely male dominant. Women
have had to fight against discrimination for many things, such as freedom of speech,
the right to vote, and equal rights to work. Women were expected to be stay at home
parents, taking care of the cleaning and housekeeping, and raising the kids, and were
not allowed to be on the workforce, do things they enjoy, or even get a little freedom.
Female discrimination in sports is a common issue all around the world, women are
seen as not as good as males, equality in sports is unequal, and the amount of pay and
media coverage is different for each sport and gender. We believe in making sure that
women have the equal opportunity to enjoy the benefits of sports by tackling sexism in
sports at all levels. This includes challenging
National Youth Organization Case Study
Jpz777 04/17/2013 Order # A2091736 1.) Understanding the composition of your
board and the history and culture of your organization, how would you go about laying
the groundwork for the significant changes you believe need to be undertaken?Г‚ The
process of engineering a fundamental shift in the way a complex organization
conducts its business is an enormous task, one which requires both an ability to
independently deliver management directives, and to work collaboratively with key
stakeholders who have a vested interest in the organization s eventual restructuring. As
the president of a large youth services organization with over 100 chapters in local
communities across America, it is my responsibility to ensure that the organization s
collective goals are prioritized ahead of those devised by individual local chapters and
their elected leaders. When the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) was confronted with
similar financial and organizational difficulties in the early 1990 s, for example, Chief
Scout Executive Ben Love was forced to make several targeted cuts and consolidations
to the BSA s national apparatus, including the merging of six regional chapters into four,
and a reshuffling of leadership positions within the group s Relationships Division
(Thompson, 1992). Considering the construction of my organization s board, which is
comprised of 51 individuals, ranging from the 30 elected representatives from the
organization s largest chapters to the 21 business leaders
What Is There Love In The Great Gatsby
The word love is over used in today s society. What is love? Love is a strong affection
for another person. Love is what someone says to another that means a lot to them and
who they see their future with. In The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald some people
believe that the characters are in love with each other. Is Daisy actually in lovewith her
husband Tom?
Trying to find love and happiness is harder than Gatsby and Daisy imagine. Gatsby gets
to a point when he has an obsession with a green light that represents his hopes and
dreams with
Daisy. He loves Daisy so much he tells her husband that your wife doesn t love you, she s
never loved you. She loves me (pg. 130). When Daisy said, I love you now isn t that
I can t help what s past. I did love him once but I loved you too (pg. 132). Daisy did not
even ... Show more content on ...
Gatsby never loved Daisy, he had an obsession over her, she was his dream girl, she was
the first nice girl he had ever known
(pg. 148). Daisy never truly loved Gatsby. She was only there by his side because he said,
he had money. She liked the idea being by a man who makes her feel safe and happy.
Once Daisy wasn t staying with Gatsby anymore, he started to see the green light fade
Being married to someone doesn t always mean you re in love with that person. We
see this with Tom and Daisy. They both cheated on each other. When she found out
that he cheated on her she said, I know you didn t mean to, but you did do it. That s
what I get for marrying a brute of a man, a great, big hulking physical specimen (pg.
12). People told Daisy that her husband that she loves got some woman in New York
(pg. 15). Tom is not really in
The De Beers Mining Company And The Attawapiskat
The most important actors in the negotiation are the De Beers Mining Company and the
Attawapiskat community that lives in the area. Some other actors that may make an
impact during the negotiation can include the provincial government of Ontario, and
the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society s Wildlands League. They are all needed to
understand the main actors, which are the DeBeers Company as well as the aboriginal
community, as they can help explain the context of what is happening and why each
demand is necessary in the negotiation. Negotiations are a game of chess and in order to
win you need to have a good strategy and trying to counter each other moves in order to
become successful. It should also be noted that there are many... Show more content on ...
As it was stated, DeBeers was attempting to mislead the public by only providing
information about certain water sources that they did not contaminate, but decided to
hide information about the ones that had various chemicals in them that were released.
(Bridge, 2016) This is quite concerning as mercury and methylmercury, which is a
relative to mercury are both highly toxic, and can both pose a danger to not only the
animals, fish and vegetation in the area, but humans as well if it builds up in the
waterways. Their reports can be used not only with the Ontario government, but with the
company as well showing that they previously did not follow their agreements, allowing
the community to have a stronger voice during the negotiation process.
It should be noted that the Ontario government requested the company to self monitor
itself and report on the mercury and methylmercury levels near the open pit Victor mine,
but the Wildlands League reports otherwise and this is a concern for the community
these events can happen in their area as well. This also raises concerns with the
government failing to provide proper oversight on the company s operations. If the
government sees that DeBeers did not follow their previous agreement that they signed
then this will mean stricter rules and oversight on the company. Plus there will be harsher
fines if they do not follow.
Starting Position and Reasoning
The most concerning part that should be
The Relationship Between Sam Spade And The Maltese
Both Dashiell Hammett s development of Sam Spade in the Maltese Falcon and
Dorothy Sayers development of Harriet Vane in Gaudy Night, leave something to be said
about the way British and American detective novels create their characters in line with
different views of life. Whether that perspective is relative to the time period and country,
or just the views of the author, it is clear that the American hardboilednovel focuses
strongly on the self interest of most of the characters, and the self development of Sam
Spade and what his perception of life is. Dorothy Sayers develops her protagonist
Harriet Vane in a similar way. She too is trying to understand her place in the world and
is given the opportunity to do so at Shrewsbury. The two novels contrast either drastically
in plot development and the types of crimes, which influences the character s views of
their own lives.
The Maltese Falcon begins by quickly establishing Sam Spade as a morally complex
character after his affair with his partner s wife, even though he is supposed to be the
protagonist. Sam Spade s opening description as a blond devil let the readers begin to
picture his cynicism. Readers can t expect the normal actions of a protagonist as they can
in Gaudy Night. In a sub genre of Mystery, this moral questioning plays on the emotional
mystery of not knowing fully that the protagonist is actually going to be the hero. Not
only questioning if he s the hero, but questioning if he might possibly be the
Hershey Foods Company
1. Introduction The Hershey Company is famously known for being the biggest
manufacturer of chocolates and confectionery products in USA, having hired over
15,000 employees worldwide and exporting their products to ninety different countries
over the world. The Hershey Company has several popular brands, some of most
notable ones being Hershey s Chocolate Bar, Kit Kat, Hershey s Kisses, Reese s, York
Peppermint Pattie, Rolo and Krackle Bar. With the help of these brands, Hershey gained
success and popularity making the company s net , worth over $4 billion dollars.
Hershey s products include chocolates, confectioneries, food and beverage related
products such as baking ingredients, toppings etc. The company lives by its mission
statement,... Show more content on ...
Labour, 2006). Result opened new channels to export and distribute cocoa to
international countries. 3.2 Economic Analysis In 2006, due to hurricane impact, the
price of refined sugar decreased from $0.38 to $0.31 per pound (Hershey s 10 K, 2009).
This allowed companies to cut retail costs and redistribute the savings. A lot of waste
material is produced, and companies spend thousands of dollars on disposing it.
However, there is a new opportunity born due to recent developments in biofuel. Since
2007, Lovell discovered a new method of production that can use the by product of
chocolate manufacturing companies. 3.3 Sociocultural Analysis Consumers want a
larger variety of chocolates and healthier alternatives to the traditional chocolates. Dark
chocolates provided several health benefits by adding a flavonoid in the chocolate that
prevents various cardiovascular problems (Chocolate Trading Co., 2005). 3.4
Technological Analysis The chocolate and cocoa industries lack supports of Non
Government Organizations (NGO), which restrict the farmer s access to business
guidance, funding, and continuing education. Farmers can t learn new technologies
making them less efficient. This prevents the chocolate manufacturers from gaining
cocoa efficiently to create more chocolates
Life in Ancient Egypt
Life in Ancient Egypt was very different from today Religion was key and was an
important part in the everyday life of Egyptians This was shown in all aspects,
particularly in the form of gods, temples, belief in the afterlife, mummification, tombs,
pyramids, weighing of the heart and the journey to the afterlife The gods were the
foundation Egyptian religion The ancient Egyptians had hundreds gods and
goddesses whom they believed in and worshipped every day They believed that life
would crumble without the gods To keep them happy they provided them with
offerings They offered food, drink, clothes and even jewels in hopes that they would
help them when they needed it The Egyptians believed that different gods goddesses
were responsible for different events that happened naturally For example, the
Egyptians believed that gods and goddesses took part in the creation of the world They
believed that some brought the flood every year, some offered protection, and some took
care of people after they died The Egyptians believed that they could call on their gods to
ensure a good crop, a victory in war, help in a crisis or any other worthwhile purpose
Other gods that they believed in were either local gods who represented towns, or minor
gods who represented plants or animals For example gods like Osiris (god of the dead)
Nut (goddess of the sky) Ra (god of the sun) and Geb (god of the earth) played major
parts in the life of an Egyptian These gods were what held Egyptian
Drug Calculations for Busy Paramedics
calIV and Drug Calculations for Busy Paramedics By Kent R. Spitler, MSEd, RN,
NREMT P EMS Educator Charlotte, North Carolina Introduction Medication calculations
can cause frustration for EMS providers. Math and pharmacology can make it difficult to
succeed on course exams, in the clinical setting, and in the field. There is a solution to
make medication calculations easier. The answer to this problem is simple by showing
students how to perform calculations using a simple process. While there are plenty of
good drug and solution textbooks, study guides, and presentations available showing the
methods of medication calculations, It seems that it much of it causes mathematical
confusion often called math mental blocks for many EMS... Show more content on ...
Let s look at the other methods and see if it makes sense. Think about the 60 drop per
milliliter set (60 gtts/ml.) Now think about the answer you want which drops per
minute. A protocol or medical control will give you fluid amounts to administer most
2 commonly in ml/hr. You already have the amount and the time to be infused. All you
do now is choose the appropriate drip set, using a simple formula you can come up
with a quick answer: Amount of Solution (in ml) X drip set (gtts/ml) = x drops/min
(gtts/min) Looking at an example, your medical control states you need to establish
an IV on a cardiac patient complaining of chest pressure at a rate of 80 ml/hr using a
500 ml bag of Normal Saline solution. The drip set you choose is a 60 gtts/ml minidrip
set. The formula is as follows: Divide 60 into 4800 80 ml (amount) X 60 gtts/ml (drip
set) 60 (divided my time in minutes over 1 hour) = 4800 60 = 80 gtts/min When
calculating IV drip rates remember that you can reduce to the lowest common
denominator by dividing the same number into both the numerator and the denominator
to make your calculations much easier. All samples shown from now on demonstrate this
throughout. Simply remember that the numbers are consistent with the 60 minute clock
and you will catch on rather quickly. The sample problems will show you by dividing
the same number into the drip set and the time. As you see the answer is
My Adventure Essay
As blood ran through my system like race fuel, as I raced around the ancient temple.
The pounding of my heart upon my chest like a v8 in a stock car, meant I was running
at 110%. I stared back at the temple was crumbling, I was almost to the window I
could taste the humid jungle air already.I could feel my legs burning, my feet losing
sensation and my lungs gasping for air. Finally, with the last of my energy I push off
of the ledge and plummeted towards fate, as my life rested in God s hands as I fell
150ft into the abyss. I could bring these tall tales to college, but I rather talk about my
personal adventure. The story of my adventure to Paristo experience the rich French
culture. To explore the Spanish culture while I was in Spanish immersion. I may not
be an explorer of ancient ruins,however I still explore different cultures, as well as
explored unique opportunities that expanded my knowledge and skills, all this has
added up to unique attributes I hold, and are willing to share. Traveling around the
world may be a dream for some, but for me I rather explore the world. I ve been to
many tourist spots, it a devastating sight to see so many people take a photo, stare at
whatever it is and then leave. They never stay and learn about the cultureand history of
that spot. I m so grateful that I was a part of the Spanish immersion program of my
school. I was able to learn so much, and I gained a greater view of the world. Currently I
m no longer enrolled, however I took
Compare Three Phase And Six Phase Induction Motor
Abstract: The area of the multiphase motor has experienced a significant growth in last
decade numerous interesting development have been reported in the literature in this
chain this paper is an attempt to mathematically model both three phase and six phase
induction motor for comparison of their characteristics. Using this mathematical
modeling a Simulink model is created whose results shows that the six phase induction
motor can sustain more than four times the torque that can be sustained by three phase
induction motor of same design parameters. The six phase motor is better not just in
torque handling capacity but it also has inherent advantages of the multiphase induction
Keywords Induction motor, Modelling, Multiphase, Simulink, ... Show more content on ...
A.Three phase induction motor
A motor is an electromechanical device which converts electrical energy into a
mechanical energy. The induction motor is the workhorse of the industry. In case of its
three phase AC operation, they do not require any starter. They are self starting Induction
motor. Every Motor consists of two major parts: (a) Stator(b) Rotor
(a)Stator: Stator of three phase induction motor is made up of cast iron. It has numbers
of slots to construct a 3 phase winding circuit in them which is connected to 3 phase AC
source. The three phase winding are arranged in such a manner that they produce a
rotating magnetic field hen a 3 phase AC supply is provided to them.
(b)Rotor: The rotor is the moving component of the induction motor it is made up of
laminated steel in the core with evenly spaced bars of copper or aluminum placed axially
around the periphery. Conductors are short circuited using the end ring made of thick
aluminum or copper
Civilization Vs Civilization Essay
The sun sets on a magnificent secluded island with rushing ocean waves, warm
lagoons, exotic fruits, and more privacy than one could imagine that is, until a plane
filled with dozens of boys aged six to twelve comes crashing down from the sky. Lord
of the Flies, a novel by William Golding, starts on the boys dream island, a place with
plenty of food to eat, plenty of friends to play with, and plenty of freedom, considering
that there are no grownups for miles. The novelexhibits a theme centered around
civilization. William Goldings use of symbolism in the forms of the conchshell, the
character, Jack, and Piggy s glasses create the theme that the perfect civilization doesn t
The conch, a shell used to call other members of the ... Show more content on ...
The next symbol, Jack, stands for savagery. Jack started on the island as the head of a
small choir and left as the chief of a savage tribe. Jack s tribe believed that hurting and
killing was a better way to control a society rather than rules and reasoning. Jack
begins to become savage when he applies a face paint mask to successfully hunt a pig.
Golding writes, He capered toward Bill, and the mask was a thing on its own, behind
which Jack hid, liberated from shame and self consciousness. (83). The face paint
allowed Jack to embody a savage hunter, his desire to kill a pig becoming an obsession,
and once he killed, he craved drawing blood from whatever and whoever he could. The
fundamentals of Jack s society rely on using force to achieve what is necessary.
Robert states, I don t know. He didn t say. He got angry and made us tie Wilfred up.
He s been he giggled excitedly he s been tied for hours, waiting (223). Tying Wilfred up
shows Jack s affinity towards harming others for no reason, exemplifying a savage
mentality simply for his own benefit of being viewed as powerful. His civilization
revolves around killing and threatening, forcing the boys into the group and making
them pay in their own blood to leave. Jack represents savagery because of the way he
acts: he harms others for no reason and is far too eager to draw blood. His tribe, run by
savagery, is not
Cute Cupcakes One Must See !
Cute cupcakes one must see!
Cupcakes have become a household name and most of us love to have it, anybody who
has got a sweet tooth can t live without these cute little cupcakes. For someone like me I
can t imagine an evening without tea and my favourite cupcake. That s how the bond is.
Without a doubt, it s a delicacy gifted to us by English, and like most of the English
stuff we fell head over heels with these tiny little bundle of joy.
These days they accompany us at every event, parties and even in our bad phase. Who
does not want to have that little sugar rush after a bad day at work, or post break up ,or
a birthday , weddings , get together etc. cupcakes have been there with us in all our thick
and thin. Don t you think these are the reasons enough to love them and indulge in them
every once in a while.
First of the cupcakes were made in as early as 1796. But they gained popularity in
nineteenth century. Also known as fairy cakes or patty cakes, they can be baked in small
and thin butter paper or aluminium foil. The major ingredients are butter, sugar, eggs and
Any recipe, which can be used to bake a layer cake, can be used to create the cupcakes.
One can also use flavoured batter for baking the cupcakes, mixed with raisin, nuts,
berries, chocolate chips etc.
Because of their tiny size, they are really easy to bake. One can also top these with
frosting and decorate them with fruits, dry fruits or cream.
There are number of variety of cupcakes like cake in a mug
Anime Vs Japanese Appime
Lately, in today society, anime are being dubbed faster than the past. Usually, it takes
about a year for an anime to be dubbed. Patience was killing me more, than waiting for
the latest episode. This is why I prefer Japanese version than the English dubbed
version. I prefer subtitle anime because I only wait once a week for a new episode, it
contains the original context and it helps me learn more about the language and the
culture. Japan is an amazing culture that makes you want to visit at least once in your
lifetime. Not only is Japan the country of animebut it also has its own sense of fashion,
art, food, hot spring, tea ceremony, and much more that would peak anyone
interested. I was into learning the Japanese culture when I first started watching
anime. Watching anime is one of my hobbies. It is an animation produced in Japan. A
few years ago, when a new anime is released, it takes time for the dubbed version to be
uploaded. Depending on how popular the anime is or how demanding the fans are, the
release dubbed version could take up to 3 months or more. It also depends on many
episodes there are, which could take months or years to complete it. For example, the
dubbed version of Hunter X Hunter (one of my favorite anime) had just begun last
year and it is being aired on Toonami every Saturday at 1 am. The show is currently in
episode 72, while the Japanese version is completed with 148 episodes since 2014.
Instead of waiting for the new dub episode, just watch the
Law Regarding Health Safety And Safety
Law regarding to Health Safety in the work place can be found in the Act 1974. The
Act is the primary legalisation governing health safety. Employees and employers have
responsibility for each other at work. These rights and responsibilities relates to Health
Safety legislation. This legalisation allows government to issues rules and regulation for
employer. This will set out the responsibilities for employer in every aspects of
workplace health and safety. In this Act, employers are expected to stand by a range of
requirements such as, providing safety of machinery and equipment, carrying out regular
health safety checks. In the Act of 1999, management of health and safety put the main
requirement for employers. The main... Show more content on ...
Both have rights and responsibilities to work in a safe environment. (Business Case
Studies, 2015). Employment contract and its relevant legalisation The relation between
employer and employee is based on the contract. This agreement sets out their
employments rights, responsibilities and duties. These are called the terms of the
contact. The legal part of the contract are known as terms . Within the employment
contract terms come from different sources: Implied terms Expressed terms Written
document Implied term is not clearly agreed between employer and employee about a
particular issue and it may covered by an implied term. For example, employees not
stealing from their employer and employer providing a safe and secure working
environment. This is automatically making a point of a contract even it is not in a
written statement. Expressed term is specially mentioned and agreed by both employer
and employee. This can be a written statement or oral statement. For example, hours of
work, and sick pay. That written statement of employment has to give to employee
within 2 months. It will have Brief outline of the contract and most important key facts.
Common law is made by judges Common law implies in certain terms into contract of
employment. It imposes duties of employee and the employer. Common Law requires
employees to do such things: 1.Do job in reasonable care and skills. 2.Obey all
Communication And The Effects Of Nonverbal
amount of touching can accumulate pieces of information to the closeness of your
connections. In short, we agree with Morreale, Spitzberg, and Barge when they write,
people use nonverbal cues to define the social and emotional nature of their relationships
and interactions (Larry, 2010, pp. 245). nonverbal communicationis vital as it oversees
creating impressions such as an interview or anniversary date. You make judgments about
other individuals such things as the color of their skin, sexual orientation, outward
appearance, the way of dressing, complement. Your nonverbal activities, regardless of
whether purposeful or accidental, offer you and your accomplice pieces of information
about your discussion.
Since the investigation of nonverbal correspondence has moved toward becoming a piece
of famous culture , this mind boggling and multifaceted subject is frequently trivialized
and misjudged. It is quite a sensitive topic and so that we have to determine some of the
potential threat that is related to the topic. One of the possible threat is that nonverbal
communication is vague. For instance, you may take part in an irregular signal like
swatting a take off your arm and somebody may see that activity and accept you are
waving at them (Larry, 2010, pp. 247). Regarding nonverbal interaction, Beamer and
Varner note the following: Nonverbal communication is influenced by a number of
factors, including cultural background, socioeconomic background, education, gender,
age, personal preferences and idiosyncrasies (Larry, 2010, pp. 247 248). By
understanding social contrasts in nonverbal conduct, you won t just have the capacity to
see a portion of the messages being created amid the connection, however, you will
likewise have the capacity to assemble intimations about hidden mentalities and qualities.
Smiling and shaking hands discloses to us that a culture esteems pleasantry. It isn t by
chance that Hindus welcome each other by putting their palms together in front of
themselves while tilting their heads somewhat descending; this greeting demonstrates
that the god exists in everybody.
Concentrate nonverbal conduct can help us in confining our own particular
ethnocentrism. Many nonverbal messages divide into
The Genetic Inheritance And Discovery Of Rheumatoid
The Genetic Inheritance and Discovery of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Abigail L. Atkinson
B7 Biology 5/22/17

Finding the cause of arthritis is important because 31 million people in the United States
of America are affected. The definite cause is still unknown, but in this paper recent
scientific studies regarding rheumatoid arthritis will be discussed and explained.
Rheumatoid arthritis a serious, crippling disease that comes in many forms. Many people
have heard of arthritis, but don t know exactly what it is. Arthritis is a autoimmune
disease that is a combination of over 100 diseases. What happens is the immune system
fights against the body and causes inflammation while deteriorating the synovium around
the joints.(Compton s by ... Show more content on ...
Youngson) Children can have rheumatoid arthritis too. People under the age of 16 are
diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis or JRA. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is
the most common form of arthritis in young people. There are 3 main types of
juvenile rheumatoid arthritis; pauciarticular, polyarticular, and systemic.
Pauciarticular JRA typically affects the larger joints such as the knees. It affects less
than 4 joints and is the most common form of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. It is most
common in females under the age of 8. 20 30% of people with this type of arthritis
develop eye disease as well. Polyarticular JRA affects 30% of children with juvenile
rheumatoid arthritis. This type occurs in 5 or more joints and typically affects the
smaller joints such as the fingers. This form also has a tendency to be symmetric. For
example, the left and right wrist are both affected. Systemic juvenile rheumatoid
arthritis is an odd form of arthritis. It is also known as Still s disease. It is serious
because it often affects the child s internal organs as well.(Dr. Glass, Dr. White, Dr.
Serrate Sztein, Dr. Pachman, Dr. Giannini, Novemeber 9, 2013) Treatment for juvenile
and adult rheumatoid arthritis are similar. There hasn t been a discovery on how to cure
the disease, but there are ways to minimize the symptoms and slow the progression of
joint damage. Treatment
What Was Mesopotamia s Major Achievements
Mesopotamia means, the land between the rivers . Located between the Tigris and
Euphrates rivers in the Middle Eastern Region of what is now Iraq, Mesopotamia is the
oldest ancient civilization known to man. Mesopotamia thrived from 2300 BCE to 500
BCE and is rich in achievements and history.

Mesopotamia was located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in the Middle East in
Asia. It was apart of the Fertile Crescent. It s location provided rich soil and irrigation
for water, and the location was protected from invasion by other nomadic groups or

With Mesopotamia s great soil, it made agriculture a leading role in their economy.
Another factor in Mesopotamian economy was trading. Mesopotamians also made
bronze tools, and ... Show more content on ...
They developed cuneiform, which is wedge writing, they also made a system of
pictographs. Additionally, they made advances in mathematics and astronomy. They
invented the wheel and advanced irrigation systems. They developed swords and plows
and they starting making clothing from flax. They also created boats.

Mesopotamia was always ruled by a king. Within the generations, the throne was
inherited from father to son. Sargon was the ruler of Akkad, he conquered and invaded
neighboring states in 2300 BCE developing the first empire in history. After his death,
the empire fell apart. In 1790 BCE, Hammurabi, King of Babylon bought most of the
Sumerian region under his control. He established a set of laws and is known for the
Code of Hammurabi.
Hittite was the next king and he moved out of the asia minor in 1400 BCE, he is known
for bringing knowledge of how to extract iron from ore. Assyria was the most feared
warrior in history, he conquered many regions and established a well ordered society.
Nebuchadnezzar rebuilt the city of Babylon.

Mesopotamia brought forth many innovations and advances in not only technology, but
basic human living too. Mesopotamia being the first civilization, provided many items
and systems we still use till this
The Birth Control Movement Essay example
The Progressive Era was a period of social and political reform beginning in the post
Gilded Age 19th century and lasting through WWI. Industrial and urban growth of early
19th century America while representative of opportunity and future advancement
simultaneously posed many difficulties for working class citizens. Prior concerns over
the conditions of working class citizens were multiplied and magnified by overpopulated
and impoverished urban communities. During this era many new Progressive agendas
were introduced with the goal of reforming dated and unregulated policies, the most
prominent of these, the birth controlmovement. The documents from chapter six of
Constructing the American Past show that at its core, the birth control... Show more
content on ...
In document three from The Case for Birth Control Sanger s rhetoric changes, relying
on facts, statistics, and knowledge based reasoning. Document three proves to be a
much more reliable and comprehensive argument than document one. Sanger advocates
small families for the working class as a means to eliminate poverty (due to large
families), illegal abortions, child labor, and to protect the health of women from
overwork and the strain of too frequent child bearing (6, 3,124) The argument shifts
from a pseudo socialist agenda to simply the right of a woman to control her own body
and choose her own destiny. Following the release of The Woman Rebel, Anthony
Comstock spearheaded an anti birth control campaign with the aid of the Society for
the Suppression of Vice, vice as Comstock described it intemperance, gambling, and
evil reading (6,1,122). Document 2 is an interview with Comstock by Mary Alden
Hopkins of Harper s Weekly on the issue of birth control and the laws against its
distribution and publication. Comstock approaches the birth control issue as a religious
zealot, arguing that it is the moral and spiritual obligation of the people to stray from
vice and practice abstinence as the only means of family planning. Comstock s
conservative rhetoric appealed to the Victorian era principles of self control and moral
fortitude. Moreover, Comstock employs the ideology of rule by fear, by

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