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5 Paragraph Essay On Global Warming

Writing an essay on the topic of global warming presents its own set of challenges and complexities.
The issue itself is vast and multifaceted, involving scientific, environmental, social, and political
dimensions. Condensing all the relevant information into a concise five-paragraph format requires
careful consideration and prioritization of key points.

Firstly, one must delve into the scientific aspects of global warming, understanding the mechanisms
and causes behind the phenomenon. This involves researching complex topics such as greenhouse gas
emissions, the role of human activities, and the impact on the Earth's climate systems. Translating this
technical information into clear and accessible language for a general audience adds an additional
layer of difficulty.

The second challenge lies in exploring the environmental consequences of global warming. This
requires addressing issues like rising sea levels, extreme weather events, loss of biodiversity, and
disruptions to ecosystems. Balancing the depth of information while adhering to the structure of a
five-paragraph essay can be demanding, as there is a need to cover a broad range of topics within a
limited space.

The social implications of global warming form the third aspect, involving the examination of how
communities, economies, and individuals are affected. This may include discussions on climate
justice, vulnerable populations, and the need for international cooperation. Weaving these elements
into the essay while maintaining coherence and clarity poses another layer of difficulty.

The fourth challenge arises in discussing the political aspects of global warming, addressing policies,
agreements, and the role of governments and international organizations. Analyzing the effectiveness
of measures taken to mitigate global warming and adapt to its impacts requires a nuanced
understanding of political dynamics on both national and global scales.

Lastly, crafting a compelling conclusion that summarizes the main points and leaves a lasting
impression adds a final layer of complexity. It's crucial to convey a sense of urgency, responsibility,
and hope without oversimplifying the gravity of the global warming issue.

In conclusion, writing a five-paragraph essay on global warming demands careful research, thoughtful
organization, and the ability to communicate complex ideas in a concise manner. It requires a delicate
balance between providing sufficient information and adhering to the structural constraints of the
essay format.

For those who find themselves overwhelmed or pressed for time, services like
offer assistance in crafting well-researched and customized essays on a variety of topics, including
environmental issues. Similar essays and more can be ordered through such platforms to help
navigate the challenges of academic writing.
5 Paragraph Essay On Global Warming5 Paragraph Essay On Global Warming
University Vs Northern Arizona University
College Search
Arizona State University and Northern Arizona University are two schools that I ve
been accepted in. I would like to go to GCU, but I m not sure if I ll be accepted. If I don t
get accepted I would want to attend Northern Arizona University full time. I would also
like to live on campus only at NAU. If I go to another university I will just plan on still
living with my parents.
School Profile
Arizona State University s tuition and fees comes to a total of $10,522 (ASU Tuition,
1). Housing costs will be $8,123 and meals will be $4, 872 The cost for book and
supplies will be $1000 every year depending on what courses that are going to be taken.
ASU has a total of about 71, 946 that including their other schools. ASU was the ... Show
more content on ...
If I attended ASU I will be able to live with my parents and save some money. I ve
visited the ASU campus and really liked how its close to home. Although there is a
large student population I would still like to attend ASU. They offer a very good
biochemistry program that I would like to major in.
Campus Tours
I have had a total of 4 university tours. The university that I liked was GCU and NAU.
I loved the NAU campus, it was so beautiful. I really liked how the camps looked after
they remodeled mostly all the buildings. It just made the place look at more modern
and I liked how that looks. Another reason why liked NAU was because the weather
up north is nice and cool. The appearance of the school would have to be my favorite
part of the NAU tour. During the tour we walked around the whole campus and were
told where the important places were. There was very interesting, the walk in sky dome.
The walk in sky dome is a public place open to everyone,
I also visited GCU and I went on tour to see their medical program. I got to see
cadavers that students use to study. The students would show us parts of the bodies
and would tell us what a specific part of the body does. I also liked the campus too, but
the 2 times I went to visit I went on a tour there was always some kind of construction
being done. The dorms were a bit small, but I know that I ll get used to living with
someone else that s not my parents.
The Ethics of Feminism Essay
The Ethics of Feminism

Just seeing more of life, just recognizing that there are an awful lot of things that are
common among people. There are certain things that you come to learn promote a better
life and better relationships and more personal fulfillment than other things that in
general tend to do the opposite, and the things that promote these things, you would call
them morally right.[1]

The normative questions that come to fill one s life, in this woman s account, presume
goals and methods that are inseparable from the history that creates a person as s/he is.
However, that, over time, people change in moral thinking does not mean that everyone
develops along a single track to moral enlightenment in a set ethical system. ... Show
more content on ...
Against these systems and instances of domination, feminists rally for what is morally
right . But what if the very concept of what is morally right is itself a part of the vast
interlocking system of domination that keeps women in the subordinate roles feminists
try to oppose?

The recognition of a complex system of political, economic, ideological, and social

domination is considered, while never sufficient, at least, hopefully, a first step towards
change and a new, better, world. The merry equation of knowledge of the wrong with its
correction presumes the neutrality of the omnipresent medium of ethical evaluation and
moral action. In an effort to avoid the theories that drive women s oppression, various
feminists have endorsed standpoint theories rooted in women s experiences as strategic
ways to rethink the world with the ultimate goal of opposing domination and crafting
some sort of better society. What I want to consider is the particular standpoint reworking
of the ethical that calls for ethics of care in the stead of ethics of pure reason. Ethics are,
in a sense, at least presently the basis for critiques of moral wrongs (and women s
domination in particular), and maybe inevitably so. If alternative ethics, based on care
rather than Reasoned Laws, fail to meet the criteria that originally validate the feminist
endorsement of feminine standpoints to begin
Taxable Income And International Transfer Pricing Essay
Taxable Income and International Transfer Pricing Business organizations increasingly
look to globalization to increase profitability and maintain competitiveness. Income from
such operations is taxed differently in the United States (US) dependent upon type of
income and the levels of said income. Such foreign corporations that are controlled by
US shareholders are considered controlled foreign corporations (CFC) which must
comply with taxrules instituted in 1962 (Doupnik Perera, 2014). Wholly owned
subsidiaries of US companies such as Bahamamama, Ltd, the subsidiaryof Mama
Corporation, are considered a CFC, and as such companies such as Mama Corporation
must determine income taxed by the US. Additionally, global organizations seek to
reduce tax liabilities through transfer pricing. Transfer pricing is used to determine the
price of transactions between subsidiaries and parent companies and is used to reduce
tax liabilities of US parent companies. As such, tax authorities intervene to ensure US
corporations report correct tax liabilities.
Mama Corporation Subsidiary Bahamamama, Ltd. Mama Corporation s subsidiary
Bahamamama, Ltd, is a wholly owned subsidiary. As a wholly owned subsidiary,
Bahamamama, Ltd is considered a CFC and as such must determine income taxable to
the parent company. The income taxable is subpart F income, which is income that can
be easily moved between tax jursidictions (Doupnik Perera, 2014). Such income includes
sales to customers
Old World Monkeys
Monkey, any of a large and varied group of mammals of the primate order. The term
monkey includes all primates that do not belong to the categories human, ape, or
prosimian; however, monkeys do have certain common features. All are excellent
climbers, and most are primarily arboreal. Nearly all live in tropical or subtropical
climates. Unlike most of the prosimians, or lower primates, they are almost all day active
animals. Their faces are usually flat and rather humanin appearance, their eyes point
forward, and they have stereoscopic color vision. Their hands and feet are highly
developed for grasping; the big toes and, where present, the thumbs are opposable.
Nearly all have flat nails. Monkeys habitually sit in an erect posture. Unlike the apes,
most cannot swing arm over arm (the spider monkeyis an exception) but move about in
trees by running along the branches on all fours; their skeletal structure is similar to that
of other four footed animals. Monkeys live in troops of up to several hundred individuals
and travel about in search of food, having no permanent shelter. As in apes and humans,
the female has a monthly reproductive cycle, and... Show more content on ...
Most are arboreal, but a few, such as baboons and some macaque species, are ground
dwellers. Some Old World monkeys lack tails; when a tail is present it may be long or
short but is never prehensile (grasping). The nostrils are close together and tend to
point downward. Many species have cheek pouches for holding food, and many have
thick pads (called ischial callosities), on the buttocks. Their gestation period is five to
nine months. Adult Old World monkeys have 32 teeth. The Old World monkeys,
sometimes called true monkeys, are more closely related to the apes and humans than
they are to the New World monkeys; the two monkey groups probably evolved separately
from ancestral
Dysphona And Self-Esteem Case Studies
Vicky has returned for review six weeks since the last appointment. Overall she has been
quite well during that time, but having paid closer attention, is reporting intermittent
episodes of laryngospasm/vocal cord dysfunction. Specifically after extended periods of
talking, Vicky is noticing some tightness in her larynxand at times dysphonia. She may
also become slightly breathless, but with slow breathing and resting her voice, her
symptoms settle within a few minutes. Separate to this, she has also noted intermittent
retrosternal tightness and mild dyspnoea that is consistently relieved with belching. She
is no reporting any exertional symptoms.

A recent bronchoprovocation test has come back negative thus excluding asthma as a
The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) main purpose is to enforce all
controlled substance laws and regulations weather they are state or federal in the
United States. Marijuana is the most commonly used drug in the United States.
However, Marijuana is not legal to possess by federal law. The DEA s job is to
enforce the laws and regulations both state and federally, to punish at the highest max
of the law, and up hold the odds between the state and federal government. The DEA
was created by President Richard Nixon by Executive Order in July 1973. He
established a unified command to combat an all out global war on the drug menace. The
DEA s mission is to enforce the controlled substance laws and regulations of the United
Statesand... Show more content on ...
Five states have implemented way to minimize the amount of crime while people are
still able to use. Even though the states have made this determination though a vote. The
Federal government still sees it as a felony crime. Within the reform strict policies have
been set in place. Should marijuana be decriminalized or legalized? Should there be
restrictions based on age. There was an analysis done that compared five states that
implemented major marijuana reforms. Evaluating their effectiveness in reducing
marijuana arrests and their impact on various health and safety outcomes. The two types
of reforms that were evaluated: all ages decriminalization in the states of California,
Connecticut, and Massachusetts. The other reform was 21 and older legalization in
Colorado and Washington. From the analysis out of the five states all five state
experienced substantial declines in marijuana possession arrests. There were four states
with available data that also showed unexpected drops in marijuana felony arrests. All
ages decriminalization more effectively reduced marijuana arrest and associated harms
for people of all ages, particularly young people. The decriminalization in California has
not resulted in harmful consequences for teenagers, such as increased crime, drug
overdose, driving under the influence, or school drop outs. California teenagers showed
improvement in all
Equality In Sports Essay
Erika Becerra
English 201
March 31, 2017

Equality in Sports After winning the 2015 Women s World Cup, the United States
Women National team earned $2 million for winning while the Men s 2014 World Cup
Champion Germany won $35 million. In the 2014 PGA (Professional Golf Association)
tour the prize money total was $340 million and 2015 LPGA (Ladies Professional Golf
Association) tour prize pool was $61.1 million for winning. (Women s Sports Foundation,
2015) The question many female athletes ask themselves every day is why does the
media focus and support men sports more than women sports, when women sports have
grown so much in the sports industry? Different perspectives from athletes and daily
sport viewers giving their opinions on what ... Show more content on ...
As Dave Zirin, said in the article Why I m Done Defending Women s Sports , Every
damn Women s World Cup, every NCAA women s final, every Olympics, women s
sports again go on a media trial that would make the old judges of Salem blush. (Zirin,
2015) This quote goes on, but the main point is that it is tiring and embarrassing that
this is still a topic female athletes have to deal with. Having to prove that they are good
enough to get more media time or equal pay. These athletes all work hard for the same
positions a man plays, even though he doesn t have to try as hard because there are
more opportunities available for him to become a professional athlete. A male athlete
can get paid millions and on top of that get many sponsorships, unlike female athletes
who may get paid $3 7 thousand and if they are lucky they may get sponsored by big
brands like Gatorade, Nike, Monster Milk, or even
Homecoming Essay
Last September at Murphy High School during homecoming week I ran for
homecoming queen. I didn t know what I was getting myself into. All I knew, is that I
wanted to win and experience something I ve never experienced before. I always
thought it was so amazing how the queens dressed up with their crowns and sash, walk
across the filed during half time of the homecoming game with their dads. Not only
but walk in front of the entire football stadium filled with fans. Taking the pictures
would ve been my favorite part. While Papering for the voting day is was a lot of hard
work while working a part time job and going to school a full 8 hours a day. From
posters, flyers, candy, and t shirts homecoming week was much occupied. However, I
didn t mind
Example Of Funnelstak Review
FunnelStak Review A Wonderful Product That Can Satisfy Your Finance Demand

Funnel Stak is a new Business Funnel product introduced by Mark Thompson and
Keith Gosnell, which is going to be released on Jan 8, 2016. This is a complete
marketing funnel tool designed to meet every aspect of business conversion and in this
FunnelStak review, we will discuss the product s various contributions including the
anticipated negative points too. The review will certainly be helpful to you and work as
a guide how to develop your business and improve its presence in terms of market
conditions without affecting your business conversions.

What is funnel?
You might be heard about funnel or studied about various funnels. In this FunnelStak
review, let me explain you some of the fundamentals of funnels. Funnels are not a new
concept related to electronic marketing. Whatever is the type of business and if you have
customers, then you will certainly have a funnel. It doesn t matter ... Show more content
on ...
Since you have a business, then there is a process, and the process could be to acquire
new leads and prospects, convert the leads to business and seduce the buyer or seduce
them to buy more or entice them to buy quite often.

Every business has a funnel

Every business people engage into some other activities for the promotion of the
business or to seduce the customers to have more business. In digital marketing the
seduce practice is taken care of by optimization and improved web traffic. But in the
conventional style of business, some of the traditional optimization is carried out for
business conversion. That is the reason; we can say that every business has a funnel.
Reading further on the FunnelStak reviews will let you know how funnels are developed
and what way Funnel Stak can bring money for you.

Digital marketing and funnel

Two Sisters Struggles
Two Sisters Big Dream I had the wrong gender, looks, DNA, and hometown for music
business success in the era we grew up in. But aren t the sweetest parts about music
always what s wrong? said Ann Wilson of the band Heart at their induction to the
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2013. Heart did many great things that will never be
forgotten. Heart is a very successful band lead by two sisters, Ann and Nancy Wilson.
They showed the world women can rock by fronting a band, the hole band grew up in
the same area, they had many struggles, and they are known for several legendary songs.
Seattle, Washington is home to many of the bands musicsations. The Wilson sisters
spent most of their childhood in Southern California. They moved to the Seattle suburbs
when their dad retired. Ann was a singer and Nancy played guitar. The Wilson sisters,
original lead guitarist Roger Fisher, and bass guitarist Steve Fossen all lived in Seattle.
The heart of Heart changed over time but the music was ... Show more content on ...
Ann and Nancy came across problems everywhere they went because they were females
playing rock music. They did not think that if they were female they would be looked
down on. They thought if they were good at their instruments they would be treated as
real musicians.
Heart did many great things like awards and being woman rockers. From 1976 1982 six
of their most popular albums were Dreamboat Annie, Little Queen, Magazine, Dog and
Butterfly, Bebe le Strange Greatest Live Hits, and Private Audition. They had three
number one hits, What about Love , Never , and These Dreams. Another achievement of
Heart was they got inducted for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in the fall of 2013.
The thing they were most known for was having two woman as their leaders. Heart got
criticised for that but used it to their advantage. Instead they became a novelty because
there were few female rockers people wanted to see them play and they became rock
Opposition Between Art And Reality In The Tempest
Opposition between Art and Reality in The Tempest

The Tempest is a self reflexive play that explores the boundaries of art and reality.
Shakespeare s island is a realm controlled by the artist figure; where the fabulous, the
ideal and the imaginative are presented as both illusory and palpable, and where the
audience is held in an indeterminate state, a strange repose . The juxtaposition of the
world of art with political and social realities explored by representative characters is the
central contrast of the play, and is foregrounded by the use of non verbal techniques.
These techniques allow the audience to appreciate the art that facilitates the spectacle
they watch, as well as understand that the ideal remains an ... Show more content on ...
Additionally, Stephano, Trincullo and even Caliban have their own political plot to
murder Prospero. These subplots of usurpation are presented in a mimetic style and their
sheer number has the effect of giving The Tempest its characteristic density and brevity.
Brought about by Prospero s art, the storm is the first non verbal technique to which the
audience is exposed; giving us the opportunity to understand the way in which the
characters of the play are archetypes who are representative of their society.

The initial reactions of the characters when arriving on the island are important
representations of the ideologies they have carried with them from their society.
Ferdinand scarcely notices his surroundings, absorbed instead by the sight of Miranda.
Antonio is morose and cynical, remarking that it is as if the island twere perfumed by
a fen and has everything save means to live . The most interesting reaction is from
Gonzalo, whose comic vision of an impractical but ideal commonwealth t excel the
Golden Age is the first utopian dream in the play, with clear similarities to Thomas
More s utopia. His view of the island setting as idyllic and full of promise is given
credibility by madrigals, short lyrics dealing with aspects of pastoral life, which present
images of pastoral beauty. The most famous madrigal, Where the bee sucks, there
Physician Assisted Suicide Should Not Be Permitted Because...
From the view of Christianity, physician assisted suicide should not be permitted
because it is against God s will. PAS is reducing of human values, especially for old
people. PAS makes those people have the wrong understanding, such as when they think
they are too old and they cannot do anything for their society, they feel they are useless.
But in the view of Christianity, deathis not the end; death is the place to start a new life.
Human values not only depend on what can be made out under the view of society; it
also depends on the prayer every day, to make inside the soul becomes more beautiful.
In the denomination, it teaches that human s life would only ends according to God s
determination since life is God s sacred gift for all human. According to Edgar R. Lee
We simply feel that it is not our prerogative to end life, the church does not frown on
the use of pain medication to alleviate suffering, even in cases where it might
contribute to hastening death , ( qtd . Religious Groups Views on End of Life Issues). I
am a Catholic person and I strongly agreed: Nobody has the power to take life of oneself
or others because no one is the owner of one s life.
I interviewed Hanh Pham, he is a priest, and he analyzed: First, PAS is an ultimately
wrong act because it goes against the Hippocratic Oath since the 3rd century BC and
still is respected by western doctors today. One of the lines in the Oath says: I will use
treatment to help the sick according to my ability and
Persuasive Essay On Neutering
IM Content Neuter
The decision to neuter a pet doesn t come easy for some people in Colorado Springs,
but there are a wide range of excellent reasons to consider this procedure. Neutering is
an irreversible procedure that prevents a dog or cat from reproducing, but it can also
improve your pet s health, safety and their quality of life. When you neuter your pet,
you will be doing your part to help control the homelessness crisis for pets, which
ultimately results in millions of healthy animals in the United States being euthanized
each year, because there simply isn t enough housing for all of the animals. Here are just
a few of the reasons why you should take your pet to the veterinarian to be neutered. ...
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It will also help lower his risk of prostate problems, such as prostate enlargement. Taking
your pet to the veterinarian to be neutered will eliminate the risk of him getting testicular
cancer, and testicular torsion, which is a painful, life threatening condition. By having
your pet neutered, you may be increasing his lifespan studies have shown that neutered
pets live as much as 3 years longer than pets who have not been neutered.
Benefits of Neutering
As difficult as it be to make a veterinary appointment for neutering, there are several
benefits that come with the procedure. Neutering has been shown to reduce aggressive
behavior in some males and it reduces the tendency for them to roam. By eliminating or
significantly reducing your pet s natural instincts to roam, you will be protecting him
from accidental injuries resulting from encounters with other animals or vehicles. It is
offers peace of mind in knowing that neutering can reduce the possibility of temporarily
or permanently losing your pet.
Neutered animals may still mark their territory, but many people report that the procedure
significantly reduces or completely eliminates marking/spraying inside the
White Noise Identity
DeLillo s White Noise focuses heavily on the idea of identity in a technologically
advanced world. Jack Gladney struggles with his own identity throughout the novel,
and he desperately tries to hold onto ideas that make him feel human. He believes
children have a stronger sense of identity because they have not yet been corrupted by
technology or society. Many of his children were born from different mothers and
represent different phases of Jack s life, thus different identities. When Babette, his most
trusted and beloved wife reveals her affair, Jack struggles most of all and becomes
obsessed with the identity of her new lover. Personal identity becomes something
clouded and hard to decipher in the world of White Noise, where media permeates...
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This kind of community transcends the poisonous media and the objectification of
human life. For a small time in the book, white noise becomes inaudible. This ends
when everyone discovers that the media took no notice of their suffering, making
them angry.The final forms of identity in White Noise are love and trust in others.
From Babette, Jack gains strength in himself. He believes Love helps us develop an
identity secure enough to allow itself to be placed in another s care and protection.
Babette and I have turned our lives for each other s thoughtful regard (DeLillo 29).
This passage truly emphasizes why Jack feels shattered later on at the mention of her
affair. Babette also struggles just to tell him, and she constantly interrupts his
statements and questions to tell him what the story is not this is not the story of a
wife s deception in order to save her own identity as a devoted wife (Wiese 12). Jack
then becomes obsessed with knowing Mr. Gray s identity most likely because he
lacks security in his own. He almost dies due to his need to confront this mystery man.
To Babette he asks Do I kill him and feel better? He doesn t have to know who I am. I
make up an identity, I invent a context (DeLillo 225). Once again, Jack shows his desire
to be someone other than himself, to escape his life. In losing his total love and trust in
Babette, Jack also loses more of his own
Edwards Primary Audience
What does Edwards mean by natural men ? How do you know? Describe his primary
It sounds as though Edwards if referring to those who aren t repenting and who are not
seeing any wrong in the supposed sins they are committing. I know this partially because
of the research I did to answer question number one. I also know this because in the first
sentence, he describes how these kinds of people deserve to be in hell. Also, in the fourth
paragraph he gives a description of why the audience of his sermon is lucky to be alive
and not in hell still. The reason he gives for this is that they are sinners and lustful
people. His primary audience is those who are not already members of the Puritan church,
as he wants to convince them that ... Show more content on ...
His text is effective in persuading you that he is right as it provokes thoughts that
make you start to sway towards his side. He also talks about the effects that would
come about from your decision to not repent of sins in such a visual way that it makes
you almost feel the pain of being there for, according to him, an eternity. He also
repeats his most critical points in a way that they stick in your head and continue to
come up whenever you have a question that is opposite what he was trying to convey. A
persuasive text is one that not only presents their points effectively, but also pulls you
into their side of the argument because of their ability to make you call into question
your previous motives for being on the other side of the
Definition Of Professionalism
Professionalism as Profession
After I ve scored the job in MBPS, a new experience in a new work environment
together with different people is expected. Surely, what I wanted is to make a positive
impression on my leaders and co worker as I make my way to the career that I want. I
had a chance to meet a lot of new faces with different personality. Through this, I have
learned that professionalism is a uniform behavior, Act as Professional .
The word professionalism started my journey toward a certain goal. How will I fit in
to this new organization? Followed by the question, how will I exhibit
Professionalism? I start by learning and understanding what it means. The Merriam
Webster dictionary defines professionalism as the skill, good judgment and polite
behavior that is expected from a person who is trained to do a job well ; and it defines a
profession as a type of job that require special education, training, or skill. ... Show more
content on ...
For almost four months staying here in MBPS, I have met a lot of wonderful people.
They show personal traits that show me how to act professionally. I still remember my
final interview and the first time that I ve met two of the leaders of our function. It was
a warm feeling having an opportunity to talk to them personally. I d felt like I already
belong to this organization. They show genuine kindness that let me talk to them with
genuine sincerity. So I looked forward meeting them soon and I
British Colonies In North America Analysis
The document I found was A Proposition for the Present Peace and Future Government
of the British Colonies in North America , published in 1775. This proposition was
written by a man in London and meant to be distributed among the citizens of Britain.
The writer s hope was if the document was well received by the public it would be more
favorably received by the government. The proposition first explains the situation in
America, and the hostility the colonists feel towards the British government. The writer
feels that the hostility is growing and it could lead to an all out war if something is not
done. His suggestion is to increase the number of British troops in the colonies to stamp
out the protests of the colonists. It is the
Estimation of Production Function of Public Sector Banks
Economics I Project| Estimation of Production function of Public Sector Banks | |


1.INRODUCTION3 2.Methodology4 2.1General Approach:4 2.2Data Collection:4

2.3Data Processing:5 2.3.1Nature of Banks:5 2.3.2Nature of Variables:5
2.3.3Assumptions in the treatment of Variables:5 2.4Data Analysis:5 2.4.1Objective of
the Analysis5 2.4.2Production Function Relationship:5 2.5Limitation8 3.Data analysis
and Results9 4.Conclusion15 5.Bibliography16


The structure of the banking industry has undergone sweeping changes in the past two
decades. In response to heightened competition from non bank financial firms enabled by
technological progress among ... Show more content on ...
Also, only two input variable at a time is used, though several regression analysis have
been done for different combinations of input and output to get the most reasonable and
best approximate relationship. However, a bank uses any number of variables as input

A bank measures its performance among other parameters on how much Loan or Credit
it has disbursed in a fiscal year or how much Deposit it has collected from the customers
etc. Though such data in isolation may not be a true estimate of the efficiency of the
business because unregulated disbursal of loans may cause Non Performing Assets
(NPAs) which will lower the Retained Earning of the Bank but since the report is
concerned only with the Production function of the PSBs hence no comment will be
made on this aspect. Similarly how competitively the Deposits have been taken will not
be a subject matter of this report. The Methodology of the report is to be first gather
relevant input/output data from authoritative source. The data so obtained are processed
and any assumptions made for their subsequent analysis is clearly defined. In the next
phase the data analysis is done wherein suitable regression technique is used to generate
the relationship between the input variables and the Production output. Finally the
Interpretation is done to assign the meaning to such endeavor. 3.2 Data Collection: The
data for the Public Sector Banks (PSB) in India for the following
The Ethics Of The Body Shop
Much of the drive of The Body Shop comes from its values system, and is summarized
in the Values Report. The company believes it has a moral responsibility to be open
and honest about what it does, and face up things which need to be improved. In this
report the company reviews all actions it takes in the social, political and
environmental arenas, and proposes possible actions for the future. The company
issues a value report every two to three years, the last one being published in 1997.
This report was hailed as trailblazing by UNEP (the United Nations Environmental
Programme), received the institution s top award for social and environmental
reporting. The Values Report is divided into three sections, which outline the basic was
the company views its responsibilities: the environmental audit, the animal protection
audit and the social audit. Locally, the company has focused much of its environmental
policies in using green energy sources as well as limiting water use and reusing
wastewater. The Body Shop s most impressive efforts, however, are on the social arena.
The company is engaged in a multitude of programs that range from pure monetary aid
to establishing production facilities in impoverished areas. The aid programs take place
close and far from the company s southern England headquarters. Close to home, the
company donated over ?.5 million to charities and took action ranging from conservation
work to providing massages and counseling for people with AIDS.
Media Negative Influence
Do you ever feel like our media impacts the way you live? If it does, it probably has a
negative impact. The media in today s society has a bad influence on America s
teenagers especially girls. It sends wrong messages to its adolescent viewers about
today s society and culture. The media should act as more of a positive influence
towards America s teenage girls. The media has a strong influence on how girls view
themselves and their peers. The media magazines, television shows, music videos,
billboards, etc sends the message that the only way to look good and be happy is to be
skinny (Kirchheimer). Girls who have a healthy weight feel uncomfortable with how
they look and feel that they are not skinny enough to be accepted by society s
standards. age thirteen, 53% of American girls are unhappy with their bodies.
This grows up to 78% by the time girls reach seventeen, says J.J. Brumberg. (qtd. in
National Institute on Media and the Family). This statistic is overwhelming; it is
upsetting that young girls can not be comfortable in their own skin. According to D.
Hargreaves, many thin models have a weight that is mistaken as the best way to be
beautiful and causes young girls to have a low self esteem (qtd. in National Institute
on Media and the Family). In order to get to this perfect weight, many girls fall to
eating disorders to attain their desired weight. Unfortunately, this method of losing
weight is unhealthy and extremely dangerous to the human body. These different
methods include fasting, skipping meals, excessive exercise, laxative abuse, and self
induced vomiting (Media Awareness Network). The fact that girls go to these
extremes to get thin is scary and heartbreaking. This is why the media needs to send a
more positive message about body image to young girls. Alcohol plays a huge role in
today s media. Alcohol advertisements are everywhere from television and magazines
to billboards and signs that everyone, including children can see. According to the
Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth (CAMY), ...90% of youth 12 20 saw on average
more than 280 alcohol ads in 2002, 50% saw an average of 507 ads, and the heaviest TV
watching 32% saw an average of 780 ads (qtd. in
Voting Rights
In the early years of the United States, voting rights were vastly different from how they
are now. The original Constitution of the United States was signed on September 17,
1787 (National Constitution Center). Article Two, Section Three of the Constitution
permitted the states to implement their own voter requirements (Tannahill). As a result,
most of the states granted voting rights to only white males who owned property. Any
other type of person did not have the right, including women. One hundred and thirty
three years later, on August 18, 1920, the Nineteenth Amendment was ratified. The
Nineteenth Amendment prevented the states and the federal government from rejecting
voting rights to citizens based on their sex (19th Amendment). The ratification greatly
impacted American voting rights; however, African Americans still struggled with voting
rights. The Fifteenth Amendment granted suffrage to African American males (15th
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Voting Rights (1870)). Although it was ratified on
February 3, 1870, many things were implemented to create difficulty for them to vote.
Two of those things were literacy tests and a test of understanding. A literacy test was a
test that verified that the citizen could read and write prior to registering to vote
(Tannahill). A test of understanding measured the citizen s understanding of the United
Statesor state Constitution prior to registering to vote. At first thought, these
requirements conveyed legitimacy;
Jasper Jones Monologue
I was broken. I had nothing left inside of me, my life was slowly disappearing and I
couldn t stop it. As I lied on the cold wooden floor of my room the pain from where he
had hit me was erupting inside of me. Every part of my body ached in agony, I
struggled to suck in air. As my eyes flooded with tears and I looked at myself in the
mirror I was horrified at the person looking back at me. Blood was running off my face
and onto my nightdress. Deep purple welts had already started to form across my fragile
body from the forceful impact of his rough fists that consistently made contact with my
small figure. But living day and night in this torture couldn t hurt me anymore than it
already has, but what does is that it was him that did this to... Show more content on ...
However, tonight was slightly different there was a feeling of emptiness within me
that only jasper could fill, but he was know where to be seen. As I walked towards the
smooth grey eucalyptus that presided over the small dam on the far side, I peered into
the broad hallow space at its base where I knew Jasper stayed. But there was no sign of
jasper or even the slightest amount of evidence that he had been here. I felt my body
shatter for what felt like the millionth time tonight as the tears started to fall down my
cheeks, I didn t know how much more I could take before I simply couldn t handle this
anymore. As I sat slumped along the water s edge with my head on my knees, I felt
betrayed and heartbroken. Jasper Jones was really gone, he had left me and gone to the
city by himself, a plan that we were meant to do together. I was distressed, filled with
anger and heartbreak. He had broken his promise. But the truth is what hurt me the most,
I thought he loved me, I thought what we had was real, but I was wrong. Tonight was
going to be the night I tell him everything, the night I was going to beg him to leave
with me. Because I was in trouble. I couldn t do this alone. I needed him more than ever
but he wasn t there. As these thoughts kept running through my head I begin to write it
down. One way or another
Taking a Look at Emmanuel College
Founded 1584 by Sir Walter Mildmay. Named after Jesus (Emmanuel). Sister College
Exeter College Oxford. Men and Women Undergraduates 487 Postgraduates 140.
Emmanuel College, affectionately referred to as Emma, only ever gives the casual
passer by a brief glimpse of its gorgeous site, keeping most of its vast spaces a secret.
Hidden behind the college owned houses and high walls, is a lush and green site
complete with a lake containing giant fish and cherished ducks; neither ever having
featured on the hall menu. There is some dispute with Lady Margaret Hall in Oxford
as to who produces the most intelligent mallards in the country. The informal gardens,
known as the Paddock, provide the social epicentre in the warmer weather and
students are allowed to work and play on the grass. This contrasts with the formal
Front Court, which is sacrosanct and only ducks and the occasional fellow are allowed
to venture. The snowmen that appear, as if by magic, in the bleak mid winter nights are
tolerated as long as they deliver their essays on time. Strong equal opportunities policy
The college is right in the city centre next to the bus station and is home to 140
postgraduates and 487 undergraduates, in a roughly equal gender divide. Women were
first admitted in 1979. Emmanuel boasts an excellent academic record, which results in
around five times as many applications as there are places. It has a strong equal
opportunities policy encouraging a diverse and vibrant community
The Fight for Bilingual Education and Women’s Rights
The Civil Rights movement, during the 1960s and 1970s, created many changes for both
American society and its schools. The transformations were the result of such
movements as Bilingual Education, women s rights activity, and the passing of the
Public Law 94 142 legislation. The incorporation of these new laws and ideas into
society all came with their own consequences. Each of them helped, in some way, to
lessen the inequality of minority groupsin America, like students whose primary language
was not English, women, and handicapped children. They also faced opposition by
certain groups, who did not feel that their inclusion in American life was necessary. Those
fighting for the minorities, though, were steadfast in their... Show more content on ...
The third approach, bilingual education, suggested teaching the student s native language
and English equally.
According to Urban and Wagoner in American Education: A History, advocates of this
last approach sometimes emphasized biculturalism as well and bilingualism (ibid.).
These attempts were both supported and opposed by various parties.
Those who defended incorporation of bilingual education into American schools included
politicians and other Hispanic leaders, who were trying to prevent assimilation. Opposers
included teachers, Anglo politicians, and some
Hispanic intellectuals , who thought that it was important for the children to assimilate in
to the society (ibid.).
Women s rights activity also became popular in the 1960s, but did not have many large
effects on the schools. Teachers did not want to be involved with the feminists, and so the
activists also distanced themselves from the teachers. The hard work and determination
of the feminists did though, bring about the passing of the Title IX of the Higher
Education Act in 1972 (ibid., 320).
This act instilled gender equality in institutions of higher education, and has played a
monumental role in regulating fairness among the sexes in colleges and universities. The
Title IX
Galapagos Vacation Essay
Galapagos cruises when you visit the Galapagos Islands is not to be missed!. It is the
highlight for many peoples trip when visiting not only Ecuador but the entire continent
as well. The unique combination of fearless wildlife and outstanding scenery make for a
truly memorable experience during your Galapagos Cruise. When is the best time to
reserve your Galapagos Cruise? Well to be honest there isnВґt a bad time to visit the
islands in a Galapagos Cruise!. Being close to the equator the islands experience good
weather year round. Having said that there are times of year when the islands are busier.
The high season for Galapagos cruises is from July to August and again from December
to January. During these times you can expect higher prices... Show more content on ...
We recommend that in order to avoid any problems with flight delays, cancellations,
etc. This is especially important with Galapagos tours because you may end up
missing several days of the tour. Then you probably haveto wait for the boat to reach a
port closer to one of the islands. What can I expect when I get there for my Galapagos
cruise? The Galapagos Islands are renowned for its fearless wildlife. The reason for
this unique circumstance is that the local wildlife population has never had contact
with humans until recently. Therefore they have never developed a fear for us, for
example while you are doing your Galapagos cruise. This is fantastic for wildlife
enthusiasts as you have the ability to get extremely close to wildlife. That could be
both, in the sea if you book a Galapagos cruise and on land with a Land Tour. What kind
of wildlife can you expect to see on Galapagos cruises? HereВґs just a short list of some
of the top animals: humpback whales, whale sharks, hammerhead sharks, waved
albatross. Also blue footed boobies, green sea turtles, giant tortoises, land and marine
iguanas, penguins, frigate birds. And of course sea lions you can find in a Galapagos
Cruise!. Normally peoples favorite animals as they love to play in the ocean and are very
Effective Communication As A Health Care Professional
Communication is about more than just exchanging information. It s about
understanding the emotion and intentions behind the information. Effective
communication is how you convey a message so that it is received and understood by
someone in exactly the way you intended (L. Robinson, J. Segal, Ph. D., M. Smith.
2015). This paper looks at the requirements of effective communication as a health care
professional and the essential concepts to have as a registered nurse. Effective
communication assists with many circumstances in clinical situations. Arnold, Boggs,
Barraclough, Levett Jones and Grover have discussed that different communication styles
can be used to create stronger therapeutic relationships. Ideas supporting this argument
are the effects of establishing a strong client nurse relationship and understanding the
bridges to help construct and build a therapeutic relationship. Effective communication
benefits us to enhance our understanding of a person. Determining the appropriate
communication style to be used enables us, as a health care professional to resolve
differences, build respect and trust, and be key in producing environments in which
problem solving, creating ideas and caring can flourish. A therapeutic relationship is
professional, interpersonal alliance in which the nurse and client join together for a
defined period to achieve health related treatment goals (Arnold and Boggs, 2011 p. 38).
The authors evaluate basic communication concepts and how
Male Pattern Baldness Research Paper
Article Body:

How to distinguish best male pattern baldness items?

Our general public is coming bare; you can locate an uncovered individual in each
alcove and corner of your territory. You don t have to look, in the event that you are the
one. Male pattern baldness is an insufficiency that can make any individual uncovered.
Prior, it was the men, now it is influencing the ladies likewise in equivalent extent. At
some point kids likewise endure with balding. Actually, male pattern baldness is a
characteristic marvel and furthermore occurs as organic clock ticks however in the event
that this clock ticks every now and again, then it is known as an insufficiency, the hair
loss. This may happen due to shameful nourishment, low cleanliness, ... Show more
content on ...
On the off chance that you are the one, and speculation to get some home grown male
pattern baldness item then ensure that the item you will attempt will reestablish dead hair
follicles and bolster hair development. In any case, in the meantime recall that these
home grown cures may bring about symptoms, so it is best ideal to you to go for your
specialists recommendation before attempting any home grown male pattern baldness
Discuss the importance of data accuracy. Inaccurate data leads to inaccurate
information. What can be some of the consequences of data inaccuracy? What can be
done to ensure data accuracy? Data accuracy is important because inaccurate data
leads may lead to such things as the closing down of business, it may also lead to the
loosing of jobs, and it may also lead to the failure of a new product. To ensure that one s
data is accurate one may double check the data given to them, as well as has more than
one person researching the data they are researching.
Project 3C and 3D
Mastering Excel: Project 3G
CGS2100L Section 856

MAN3065 Section 846 | |

1. (Introductory) Do you think Taco Bell was treated fairly by the mass media ... Show
more content on ...
2. Reynolds were at arm s length they did not believe that the FDA would be able to
keep up what they proposed, Altria was cooperative for they believed that the bill would
pass any way the difference between the two is that one saw that the bill was going to
pass and just wanted to make sure cigarettes as a whole wasn t banned.
3. Television advertisements, Rolling Stones Magazine, store displays
4. I don t think that it alone will stop it but I think it s a step in the right in direction for
this along with other strategies will lead to the stoppage of teen smokers.

MAR1021 Section 816

Listed here are three different products in various stages of the product life cycle. What
marketing strategies would you suggest to these companies? (a) Canon digital cameras
growth stage, (b) Hewlett Packard tablet computers introductory stage, and (c) handheld
manual can openers decline stage.

The product manager of GE is reviewing the penetration of trash compactors in

American homes. After more than two decades in existence, this product is in relatively
few homes. What problems can account for this poor acceptance? It may be due to
deletion the product could have been dropped from the company s product line and it
could be harvesting in that they only have those limited
Textiles Hsc External Internal and Factors and...
1) Factors that influence the success or failure of designers include both internal and
external factors. Identify and describe two internal and external factors.
Internal factors: Expertise
Designers may develop their skills by completing courses at TAFE or university in
design and / or manufacture. Other designers are self taught and gain their skills
through on the job training. Depending on the size of the company, designers may work
alone or collaborate as a member of a team working towards a common design goal. To
be successful, all designers must have an understanding of the market place in order to
ensure their final products meet a consumer need or want.
The sectors of the textile industry are dusters, and designers usually ... Show more content
on ...
2) Choose one contemporary designer and describe their sources of inspiration.
Contemporary designer: Mary Katrantzou

Mary Katrantzou s spring 2011 collection was one to be remembered. Her first
inspiration for the collection was the highly stylised photography of Helmut Newton
and Guy Bourdin. She was looking at 1970s images of women in incredible interiors
when she came up with the idea that the interiors were just as important as the models.
I want to put the room on the woman, rather than the woman in the room , Katrantzou
said referring to the show. Katrantzou is a master of digital printing when it comes to
her garments, and she used it to her advantage. The photographs printed onto the
pieces were inspired by old issues of Architectural Digest and World of interiors.
Photographs of the most expensive homes were recreated onto her pieces in a vivid
and symmetrical way and the images seen depict a perspective and quality that make
them appear real and inviting. She made her pieces as 3D as the room itself. She added
accessories to the garments in the form of interior details, such as a neckline as a
window frame, swaths of chiffon as curtains, lampshades with dangling crystal tassels
and wall sconces reconfigured as necklaces.

Katrantzou s Fall 2010 RTW collection took her expertise in digital printing one step
further. This time, however, this collection was inspired more from the woman in the
room , the designer said, it
Aristotle s Four Causes
The theory of the Four Causes refers to an influential Aristotelian principle whereby the
causes of movement and/or change are categorized allowing us to have knowledge of our
existence and everything around us. Aristotle wrote that we do not have knowledge of a
thing until we have grasped its why , that is to say, its cause. He provided an account of
the operation of various individual substances in the universe. Distinctions were made
between things of two sorts: those that are contingent on something else s movement and
those that necessary in their own movement. Aristotlenot only suggested a proper
description of these but also attempted to answer particular questions such as Why does
this event happen? and Why is this object as... Show more content on ...
The Final Cause causes movement and gives purpose to everything in the universe. It
could be argued that the final cause given by the Prime Mover is for everything to
simply change. However, Aristotle describes the prime mover as God, implying that it
obtaining goodness is our purpose. Therefore, it is God that attracts everything to himself
while remaining unaffected. Aristotle supposed God s existence to be necessary,
inferring that God does not depend on anything else for existence. He lacks the potential
and therefore does not change, exists outside our temporal reality, making him eternal.
Aristotle stated that eternal beings are essentially good; there can be no imperfection in
something that existing necessarily. Evil originates from a lack of, something which
should exist. This would have to be the mere absence of actuality that Aristotle stated God
Silent Spring By Rachel Carson
With the 1960s came a need for change, as an immense amount of smog and toxic
chemicals used in agriculture and industry caused, the blue to fade away from the sky
and water in America. Rachel Carson provided the catalyst for this change with her
book Silent Spring published in 1962, which revealed the harmful impacts of pesticides
on almost all wildlife and human beings. People reading a book wouldn t be enough,
though, for twenty million Americans came together on April 22, 1970, to celebrate the
beauty of Earth and raise awareness about increasing concerns for the environment and
declining quality of life. (maybe add a sentence about structure and diversity of the
movement) Without these key events leading to the Environmental Movement s diversity
and unique structure through the 1970s, American values in politics and way of life
would not have been able to change. Rachel Carson played a pivotal role in shaping the
Environmental Movement and American culture because of her honest, direct disclosure
of the matters at hand. Although Carson was not the first person to make these scientific
discoveries, she was able to radically change the way millions of Americans perceived
the environment and the dangers of toxic chemicals to themselves through vivid,
articulate, yet easily understandable language. For instance, in her chapter titled Elixirs
of Death, she says For these chemicals are now stored in the bodies of the vast majority
of human beings, regardless of age. They
Compare And Contrast Mrs. Dubose And Mrs. Dubose
Mrs Dubose is represented as a mean old lady but in reality she s just struggling with
her health. Mrs. Dubose has suffered many years with addiction and is trying to take
care of her health but the kids do not believe that because she is a mean person. Jem
and Scout try to avoid walking by her house because she s really rude to them. One day
when Scout walked by, she said: Hey Mrs. Dubose, I would receive for an answer, Don
t you say hey to me, you ugly girl! You say good afternoon Mrs. Dubose! she was
vicious (pg 115). Scout judges Mrs. Dubose based on how she behaves towards her
without getting to actually know her, this is seen when Mrs. Dubose uses the word
ugly to describe Scout. However Scout similarly describes Mrs Dubose negatively by
calling her vicious, although Scout has never made the effort to understand her
personal struggles. Likewise After Mrs. Dubose s death, Atticus said to Jem I wanted
you to see something about her I wanted you to see something about her I wanted you
to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun
in his hand. (pg. 112). Atticus wanted his kids to see the side of Mrs. Dubose that he
knew himself. Atticus wanted them to see the courage she had and how strong she was
in reality. The kids thought she was just a mean old lady, but behind closed doors, she
was a hero. Jem and Scout thought that Mrs. Dubose was a mean old lady. They did not
believe or see what Atticus saw in Mrs. Dubose.
How The Pig Farming Industry Affects Our Environment
The hog farming industry has always been one of controversy when it comes to its
effects on the environment, and with the green house gas emissions a pig farm produces
and the spread of disease through swine this is with good reason. Although the truth is
that the industry has come a very long way in the past 50 years in regards to its
sustainability. The pigfarming industry as a whole has been able to reduce its overall
environmental impact and natural resources use by 50% in the past 50 years according
to a study done by Garth Boyd a well known researcher on environmental footprints
(Boyd). Even with the improvements made by the pig farming industry there is still a
need for change and major improvement in sustainable practices. First I will discuss how
the pig farming industry effects our environment. Although it is true a pig farmneeds
water and land to operate, the use of those natural resources is not the major problem
with pig farms. It is what goes in the air that is of concern. The pig manure and the
decomposition of the manure over time release three major gases of concern, methane,
ammonia, and hydrogen sulfide. There are other gaseous compounds that may be
emitted from decomposing manure but these three are the principal gases in emissions.
The level of emissions released by a farm will vary based on the amount of manure
being managed as well as the type of manure management system the farm has in place.
Flush pit with lagoon, deep pig with below building
Ireland Is The Pot Of Gold
At the end of the rainbow, there lies a pot of gold called Ireland. Ireland is a European
country thought to be full of luck, but instead it is a country rebuilding its economic
identity from a devastating tragedy. This country is a land of kindness, tradition, tenacity,
and ineffable beauty. Ireland is the pot of gold in this world with a royal history, a firm
government, a reviving economy, a verdurous geography, ancient landmarks, and a wide
variety of culture with competitive sports, extraordinary art, many leisure activities, and
undying traditions that introduced many well known foods. The first evidence of human
occupation began in the later state prior to the European history. Based off of records that
scientists have found, the... Show more content on ...
Hill fort building was also a main a characteristic of the Iron Age. In early celtic Ireland,
the land was divided into clans. Each clan was independent under an elected king.
Sometimes clans would join together and the king who ruled over both clans received
respect and honor rather than sovereignty. In the tenth century there was finally a king
of all Ireland. The land was then divided into five different clans known as the Five
Fifths which appeared in the proximity of the Christian era. The five clans were Ulster,
Meath, Leinster, Munster, and Connaught. It was not until the eleventh century that
Munster took supreme kingship over all of Ireland. The higher class lived around the
kind and lived under clearly defined laws. Other society classes took care of the cattle
and fields of those from a higher class. Early Celtic Ireland was full of rearing cattle
and growing crops. For other food, fishing, hunting, fowling, and trapping was
necessary. The transportation of goods was done by the means of packhorses for land,
and curraghs for water. A currah is a wicker framed boat that is covered with animal
hides. However, a dug out was the normal watercraft. Dwellings were built using the
post and wattle technique. Due to excavations, there has been proof found that some of
these lodgings may have appeared as early as the Bronze Age until medieval times. Fast
forwarding to the mid 1800 s, a devastating catastrophe hit Ireland: a disease called
Analysis Of Poem Anthem For Doomed Youth By Wilfred...
Throughout history, wars have been an important factor affecting many people s lives.
The two sonnets Anthem for Doomed Youth by Wilfred Owen and Trench Duty by
Siegfried Sassoon are two tales inspired by their experiences fighting in WW1 and all the
horrors that war made them experience. Both poets use different sonnetstructures, yet
convey quite similar messages. In addition, these poets develop powerful images and
metaphors, but in subtly different ways. Sassoon and Owen use structure, imagery and
metaphor to show his audience the horrors of war and also how unfortunate going to war
To begin both sonnets, Sassoon and Owen develop stanzas which argue how they
represent all war disgraces. Sassoon s sonnet is composed by multiple heroic couplet
rhymes, which makes the sonnet more fluid. This could relate to the lack of focus by
part of the soldiers, as to show that everything was happening too fast in order for the
soldiers to focus on anything else besides fighting: why did he do it?... Starlight
overhead ( Trench 13), this is a very clear example on how soldiers cannot focus, since
at the moment that the soldier starts thinking about the purpose of war, he gets
distracted by a Starlight overhead ( TRENCH 13). Another really characteristic aspect of
this sonnet is that it lacks of stanzas, as well as of voltas. This makes the sonnet even
more fluid. Owens sonnet has a much more erratic rhyme scheme than Sassoon s.
Anthem for Doomed Youth has a Petrarchan
Colonialism And Imperialism In Europe
The industrialization and the great technological development of Europe, especially at
the time of the second industrial revolution, the generation of the world in two large
groups: the industrialized countries and the non industrialized industrialists. The former
ended up imposing themselves on the latter, who remained under their direct or indirect
dependence. Industrial Europe, thanks to its demographic vitality, its industrial, technical,
commercial and financial superiority imposed its economic model, its values, ideals and
its culture to a large part of the world.

Imperialism can be defined as the system in which the politics, economy and culture of
one part of the world are organized according to the domination of some countries ...
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These conditions were found in the most backward territories, without technical and
weaker means from other continents, especially from Asia and Africa. We must bear in
mind that the crisis of 1873 caused the industrialized countries to develop protectionist
policies, so it became indispensable to look for these new markets, more raw materials
and places to invest and find profitability. Currently, this classical economic theory is
being qualified in relation to imperialism. There are studies that consider that most of the
foreign investments of the developed countries were not directed towards the new
territories but towards other industrialized countries or in process of being it, like the
United States. Moreover, always according to this new theory, most of the foreign trade,
both industrial and agricultural products, continued to be among the industrialized
countries. Finally, the economic profitability of some empires, like the British, the
principal of them all, is in doubt. It would have been proven how the costs to maintain it
administration, army, etc. did not justify the benefits obtained. In addition, imperialism
did not benefit the entire population or all British economic sectors equally. The main
beneficiaries were the economic sectors that invested in colonial companies while their
contribution to the
Urban Outfitters Case Study
History CJ was informally assessed by means of the Making Action Plans Inventory in
the area of family history. CJ disclosed that her mother passed away a few years ago
and she has a very disconnected relationship with her father. For the time being, she
resides with her older brother who delivers pizza. Additionally, CJ specified that she
has a new boyfriend, Mateo, who works at Flesh Wound, a tattoo parlor outside of the
mall. She further explained that she was fired from Urban Outfitters because she made
an impolite remark about a customer s clothing. Since the incident at Urban Outfitters,
CJ now works part time at Mateo s tattoo parlor after school. Dreams Fears From the
Making Action Plans Inventory, CJ was informally evaluated in the content area of
dreams and fears. Results concluded that CJ still dreams of moving to Manhattan, New
York. She gave a detailed explanation of how she fell in love with the New York skyline
through the many pictures that she has seen over the years. CJ also indicated that she
wants to travel to Manhattan because of the many opportunities that New York has to
offer.... Show more content on ...
However, this is conflicting because she later declared her hatred of cleaning. As a
second career, her dream would be to become a tattoo artist. CJ then explained that she is
not extraordinary in art, but would like further information on art institutes close to New
York. Though CJ believes that an art institute would further her artistic abilities, she then
expressed her concern of not having suitable grades to be accepted into an art program.
Additionally, CJ identified that she lacks the ability to be financially stable. She also
expressed her worries about finding appropriate housing in New
Female Gender And Sexuality Constructed Through Sport
How is female gender and sexuality constructed through sport? Within sport, as
throughout society, gender differences exist. The socially constructed phenomenon of
gender dictates a dichotomous system whereby females are feminine and males are
masculine. Focusing on females specifically, society determines the feminine traits
and roles ascribed to this gender. Being domesticated, slender, passive and
heterosexual are a part of the desirable appearance that society has formed surrounding
femininity (Wolf, 1991). On the other side of the dichotomy is the masculine realm
that sport plays into. Sport is fuelled by muscle, power and aggressiveness, which are
behaviours and images associated to masculinity. Sport therefore, defies all existing
female gender ideals. It would be assumed that females have no place within this
institution due to the gender clash. However, female athletes do exist, and many are
very successful. For this to work, sport has established and reinforced the social
constructions of gender that exist in society. Female athletes are viewed as inferior and
are pushed into gender appropriate sports. Furthermore, they are often labeled as
masculine until they can prove otherwise, and so great attempts are made to reassert
femininity. The stigma associated to being masculine or homosexual for female athletes
is so great that many have become irrationally fearful of this label. The sexualisation of
the female body and overt displays of heterosexuality are used in
Year of Wonders; While Many Characters in †Year of...
Madison Howlett
Year of Wonders; Essay

While many characters in Year of Wonders display admirable qualities, Anna Frith is the
true heroine of the novel

Throughout her novel Year of Wonders , Geraldine Brooks presents readers with many
characters that are viewed as admirable in their village of Eyam, during the time of the
plague. Set in 1665 66, Brooks creates an environment that many people would not be
able to cope with. Numerous deaths and a village that is crumbling around you can push
many people to their limits and bring out the worst in human nature however Brooks
creates allows characters such as Michael and Elinor Mompellion and Anys and Mem
Gowdie to defy the odds and remain admirable and strong throughout the tough ... Show
more content on ...
The independence and strength that the Gowdie s exude are seen as admirable qualities
given the century that the women are living in. Brooks positions the Gowdie s as
characters who other women are envious of given their independence and strength in
such a criticising society. Although the Gowdie s are defeated in the end, their
determination and willpower allow readers to admire them and respect them as valuable
characters who have been wrongly victimised.

Elinor Mompellion is one of the most highly regarded characters in Year of Wonders .
Brooks presents Elinor as an angelic character through Anna s eyes. Readers are
positioned to love Elinor just as Anna does. Through descriptions such as she
reminded me of the blow ball of a dandelion readers get an insight into the gentleness
that Elinor possesses. Married to Michael Mompellion, the rector of Eyam, Elinor has
a sense of power in the village but never does Brooks position Elinor to abuse that
power. Brooks presents readers with the warm hearted qualities that Elinor holds and the
relationship that she shares with Anna Frith, her servant. Readers are positioned to
admire and respect Elinor for how she conducts herself and how she allows Anna to
grow as a person. Elinor showed Anna the warmth of a motherly concern and through
this, Brooks positions readers to feel a love admiration of Elinor; much like
Essay Jack London s To Build a Fire
Jack London s To Build a Fire

Nature is always pushing man to his limits. When man heeds the warning signs that
nature has to offer and those warnings of other men, he is most likely to conquer
nature. When he ignores these warnings, nature is sure to defeat man. To build a fire is
a prime example of this scenario. In the short story, To Build a Fire by Jack London, an
inexperienced traveler in the Yukon travels alone with his dog, even though it is ill
advised to do so. The man is strong and smart but nature humbled him during his quest to
reach his friends. The man s inexperience with traveling in the cold subzero temperatures
doomed him from the beginning, but his strong focus under extreme pressure and his
keen sense of ... Show more content on ...
He had the book smarts about walking through the Yukon but he lacked the street smarts.
He may lack experience and imagination in traveling in subzero temperatures but his calm
nature allows him to stay focused, even when the fire is snuffed out by the falling snow
from the tree and he thought of it as hearing his own death sentence. It was as though he
had just heard his own sentence of death. For a moment he sat and stared at the spot
where the fire had been. Then he grew very calm. (London, 529) Furthermore, when he is
sure he will lose his toes and fingers, he does not lose sight of his most important goal,
surviving. London tells how, even when in grave danger, the man regroups without
panic and strong belief in his own abilities. Well, it was up to him to build the fire over
again, and this second time there must be no failure. Even if he succeeded, he would
most likely lose some toes and Such were his thoughts, but he did not sit and think them.
(London, 529)

When his inexperience exposes itself to him, he remembers the old timers words of
wisdom. The man did not realize the prudence behind the old timer s words of wisdom.
He ignored the old timers cautions and dangers of traveling alone, making him foolish
and naГЇve to his situation. That man from Sulphur Creek had spoken the truth when
telling how cold it sometimes got in the country. And he had laughed at him at the time!
(London, 528)
The man blinds himself with his
Cyrus The Great Influence
Cyrus the Great like any other king; was a formidable warrior during his reign. Unlike
any other kings before him, Cyrus s Empire left behind a legacy unlike any other. The
clever but obvious thinking lead to the creation of a legendary empire. Cyrus did the
impossible, uniting all the sounding kingdoms and empires under one command. The
Persian Empire that he sculpted was widely recognized from for their effective system of
government, tolerance, collaboration among many cultures and beliefs (Judge, Langdon
120). Even after his reign and Cyrus s ruling left an everlasting influence on the Islamic
culture which is present day Iran.
The Great King of the Persians, Cyrus came from a long line of rulers and has his own
unique legend story within ... Show more content on ...
While expanding his empire there was a kingdom that resisted the influence of Cyrus
rule and actually disliked the Persian s ideas and ways of control. The Massagetae
which were a kingdom of nomadic people with Sythian origin in northwest India. This
kingdom was different from the others, besides being all nomads their ruler was a
woman named Tomyris. A female ruler was uncommon during that time frame. Unlike
any other battle Cyrus charged in with brute force for a chance. Rather quickly it
seemed that the Persian Empire had the advantage and Cyrus was the first successful in
defeating the ruler of the nomads Massagetai but some source indicate that the battle
went terribly wrong. Cyrus supposedly won and he captured the queens son, being held
under Cyrus s command he committed suicide. However each theory on whether on not
Cyrus won has the same ending, each source had the same ending of an angry queen of
Massagetai. The end of Cyrus the Great rule was from the queen of Massagetai
knocking Cyrus off of his horse, beheaded him and later returned his decapitate body to
the Persians. Thus ending the reign of Cyrus the Great and beginning the reign of
Archetypes In Kingsolver s The Bean Trees
Because flowers go in cycles of life and death, we can look to them as archetypes. The
cycle is really closely related to the circle which is a very prominent archetype in the
world today and the past. The other thing I think of when I hear the word flowers is
gardens. When I looked for the garden archetype I found that gardens symbolize love
and fertility (YourDictionary 2). Flowers and gardens also have many symbols associated
with them depending on who you ask.
Missy and her mother are shelling peas together talking about Missy getting a job
(Kingsolver 5). This section reminds me of when I shelled peas with grandma. There
aren t any bean plant specific archetypes but the color green symbolizes earth and growth
(YourDictionary 3). Shelling beans can constitute a change. In the book The Bean Trees
this means that Missy is likely going to come out of her shell and show who she really
is. This foreshadows a little about how likely she is going to start a life of her own and
leave. This use of the symbol really adds to the story because it shows a growth of the
main character early on. ... Show more content on ...
When I think of the marigold I think of the time when I was a child and I loved to see
marigolds. They remind me of grandma s house and the beauty of the garden. When I
looked it up I found that the marigold is the flower that is most associated with the
desire for riches (Month 2). By the end of the book Missy is still interested in riches,
but it s different than we would expect. Missy is interested in the riches of knowing
and raising a child who she loves and cares for. This adds depth to the story because
there is a drastic difference between the beginning riches and the riches at the end of this
Lesson Plan For A Small Group Of Three First Grade,...


This lesson is designed for a small group of three first grade, classified English
language learning (ELL) students. The students are ages six through eight years old
and are in a first grade classroom. They spend 90% of their time in the regular
classroom, and the other 10% outside of the classroom receiving instruction from the
ESOL teacher. All three of these students are female, two of which are Latino and the
other of Arabic descent. Only one of the Latino girls was born outside of the United
States, and the other two students were U.S. born. They attend Andrew Jackson
Elementary School in South Philadelphia. The two Latino students have gone to
Jackson from the time they were in Kindergarten, while the Arabic student entered
Jackson this year after the school year had already begun. All three of these children are
below grade level in all content areas, especially literacy. In terms of this lesson, math is
the content area being addressed. The concepts of less than, greater than, and equal to
will be taught. Prior to this lesson, the students have learned how to count and label their
numbers 0 through 100. They have worked briefly with $#$#1$#$# lines and understand
the cardinality of numbers.


In this lesson, I am trying to accomplish teaching the students the key concepts of less
than, greater than, and equal to. I want them to understand that each number holds its
own value and that a specific number may hold
Catcher In The Rye Materialism
The Catcher in the Rye, J.D. Salinger s American classic that has found itself on many
Banned Books lists because of its profane language and seemingly dark concepts, raises
many questions for readers and critics alike surrounding antihero, Holden Caulfield s
cynical disposition. Alex Pitofsky, a professor of English at Appalachian State
University, explores a potential cause for Caulfield s temperament in his 2011 review,
Masculine Competition and Boarding SchoolCulture in The Catcher in the Rye. By
analyzing how Caulfield responds to certain characters and situations in the novel,
Pitofsky concludes that a major source of Caulfield s dissatisfaction with society stems
from the importance of materialistic success and masculine competition that is imposed
on students in private Boarding Schools. Pitofsky draws on Caulfield s experiences to
form his argument that perhaps it is not the phonies or hot shots that agitate Caulfield the
most, but rather their success. He begins his essay by discussing how American
audiences have a tendency to misread important literary figures, and Holden Caulfield is
no exception, often pinned as a young man that despises phonies (67.) Pitofsky argues
that this judgment is hasty and must be looked through a closer lens. First, Pitofsky
looks at Caulfield s natural tendencies. He argues that Caulfield is an intelligent student
who lacks academic motivation, quoting one of Caufield s teachers, Mr. Antolini, who
points out that
Borders By Thomas King Analysis
In the short story Borders by Thomas King there is a predicament with First Nations
identity while attempting to cross Canadian and US borders. These problems can relate
with an article by Brian Kolva titled Lacrosse Players, Not Terrorists: The Effects of the
Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative on Native American International Travel and
Sovereignty . In this article there is the same identity predicaments occurring as found in
Borders. These two readings are similar when displaying the issues First Nationspeople
face when addressing who they are because of policies put in place by governmentthat do
not include everyone s personal identity. The governments of the world need to be
aware of these many different identities and policies must change for the inclusion of
all people. Firstly the most clear piece of evidence supporting the topic is the overall
denial of entry into the countries. In Borders the Canadian and US borders will not let a
mother and her son through because she identifies as Blackfoot (King, pg 284 line 8).
This denial factor can be seen in LacrossePlayers, Not Terrorists also; the Iroquois
Nationals team was denied access into Britain due to their Haudenosaunee
passports(Kolva, para 1). The options given to these two different groups were
extremely similar, in Borders the mother and her son were asked to identify as
Canadian or American to cross and the lacrosse players were asked to use Canadian or
American passports to gain access into
How To Build A Snowman Essay
The Snowman It was a frigid day in December. I wore so many clothes that I looked
like a penguin. Every breath I took makes a small cloud and scattered. The gloves I
worn seemed to be mildness like paws. The buildings behind me were covered by the
thick snow. The wall became more brick red because of the spotless white snow. Some
snowflakes drift down on my hair gently. The snow was heavy, but not much wind.
My friends bounced from worm house and laughed to me. We should build a
snowman. The snow is heavy enough. One of my friends advised. We all cheered and
started to pile the snow together. It s not a hard job for us to build a lovely snowman. I
splashed some water on snowman s body, the water congealed to the ice speedily. The
Hazards of Robots in Manufacturing
Robot Hazards
Introduction: the aim of this assignment is to gain general awareness and an
understanding of the legal requirements and responsibilities that are involved in the safe
working practices associated with robotic assisted manufacture. This is to be achieved by
the identification of associated hazards with robotic applications and provide an
understanding of how these hazards are overcome.

Typical sources of hazards associated with robotic operations within the working
environment include.

В·Entrapment / entanglement
В·Process hazards such as toxic fumes, welding flash, lasers, dust, coolant, high pressure
water jet, unguarded abrasive wheel etc.
В·Fire В– if the robot is function s by ... Show more content on ...
Laser scanning devices
These are single devices which function by the use of a scanning laser beam to view and
map an area.
This works by use of a two dimensional sensing zone, this zone is programmable thus
enabling it to recognise any stationary equipment within the scanning zone.

Guards / Physical Barriers

The standard barrier used to prevent access to a robot consists of a perimeter fence that
is made from 2 m high rigid panels securely fastened to the floor or to some convenient
structure and positioned so that it is not possible to reach any dangerous parts of
The possibility of component ejection should also be considered when designing this
type of barrier. Fixed transparent barriers may be adequate. For most purposes, a hollow
section steel framework in filled with mesh is satisfactory.
Where regular access is required, the fencing may be provided with sliding or hinged
interlocked access gates; and/or an opening protected by a trip device.

Brakes or hydraulic/pneumatic stop valves

Should be incorporated to prevent the robot from moving or cause the gripper to release
the load when power is removed. Such as that in the event of an emergency stop.

Brakes should be provided where there is the danger of

Propaganda Against Propaganda Essay
Title: Propaganda against Propaganda: Deconstructing the Dominant Narrative of the
Print Media during the Biafra War.1967 1970
The news coverage of the war has been of particular relevance to media and
communication researchers.This interest is due to the violence in conflicts, its
importance to the people, the vast amount of finance, men and equipment poured into it.
The study of media and war has spurred a contention on the role of the objectivity
during a conflict. For a journalist covering a war, the ideal should be, according to
Howard Tumber in Handbook of Journalism states that The accepted norm for individual
reporters, based on their professional values is that they should adopt a neutral role in
reporting conflict, avoiding bias and ... Show more content on ...
Miller.(2005) Propaganda. Brooklyn, NY: Ig Pub.
Cohen, B. Agenda Setting.(N.d.) Retrieved 4 February 2017.10:31.From http:/
/ Theories.
Communication for Development (N.d.). Retrieved January 23, 2017, from
Development in Nigeria: A Political and Economic Challenge ... (n.d.). Retrieved January
23, 2017, from McQuail, D. (2005). McQuail s mass
communication theory. London: Sage Publications
Garth S. J., Victoria, O.(2012). Propaganda and persuasion. Los Angeles. Sage
Publications, Inc. Routledge.
Kamalipour, Y. R., Snow, N. (2004). War, media, and propaganda: A global perspective.
Lanham, MD: Rowman Littlefield.
Littlejohn/Foss Theories of Human Communication. (N.d.). Retrieved August 09, 2016,
from search/isbn/0495383988/
Lane, D. Mass Communication Theory.Retrieved from
Lorgulescu, A. (2014).The paradigm of propaganda.International letters of social and
human sciences. Volume 28.Retrieved from
McKernan, L. (2014).New World Encyclopedia.Retrieved from
Contemporary Information Security Systems And Computer...
According to, almost 15 million Americans have their identity used
fraudulently due to information leaks and information insecurities. With the growing
dependency on computer systems to store confidential information across the world, it is
only necessary that that the information be protected by strong securitysystems which
include both hardware and software so that both the businesses and the consumers feel
safe in the transportation of information over the inter webs. Contemporary Information
securitysystems use many different components involving both hardware and software
Primarily, User Access Control or UAC systems are combinations of identification,
authentication, and authorization that helps restrict users to what information they can
access in a database system with certain read and write rights. Most of the identification
systems operate by using a simple serial ID followed by an identity challenge such as a
password (Blanding F. 2004). UAC is the most fundamental access control technology as
without it, there cannot be further information systems.
Within the UAC system, the system administrator designates users rights and accesses
which helps develop the login authentication aspect. The system administrator is the
primary local account that authorized personnel can use to create system logins for users
with certain privileges. It most cases, the administrator is only responsible for creating
the username , often designated as the
3 Baskets Of The Buddha
A few hours into conversation with the Buddhist nun was still not enough to grasp and
comprehend every teaching of the Buddha. She just came to America and the dialogue
was strictly in Vietnamese. I had a hard time trying to understand Vietnamese Buddhist
terminology. She discussed Buddha teachings regarding the Samsara, the Eightfold
Path, and the Five Precepts. She particularly emphasized on the Tripitaka (Sanskrit for
three baskets ; Tipitaka in Pali). The Tripitaka/Tipitaka consists of three sections
/baskets of the Buddha s Teachings. They are the Vinaya Pitaka/Discipline Basket, the
Sutra Pitaka/Basket of Discourses, and the Abhidharma Pitaka/ Basket of Discourses. I
went home and searched for the English version of these Baskets and read about it for
a deeper understanding of her sharing. I learned that the first basket the Vinaya Pitaka
/Discipline basket contains hundreds of monastic rules for monks and nuns. It consists
of five books: Parajika Pali, the Major Offences; Pacittiya Pali, the Minor Offences;
Mahavagga Pali , the Creater Section; Cullavagga Pali, the Smaller Section; Parivara
Pali, the Epitome of the Vinaya.... Show more content on ...
The Sutra Pitaka/Basket of Discourses is separated into five Nikayas/collections: Digha
Nikaya, the Collection of Long Discourses; Majjhima Nikaya, the Collection of Middle
length Discourses; Samyutta Nikaya, the Collection of Kindred Sayings; Anguttara
Nikaya, the Collection of Discourses arranged in accordance with number; and the
Khuddaka Nikaya, the Smaller Collection. This fifth collection is divided into the
following fifteen books: Khuddaka Patha, Dhammapada, Udana, Iti Vuttaka, Sutta
Nipata, Vimana Vatthu, Peta Vatthu, Theragatha, Therigatha, Jataka, Niddesa,
Patisambhida, Apadana, eBuddhavamsa, and Cariya
Who Is Vitruvius A Positive Leader
Vitruvius has a positive role in the film the Lego movie. Vitruvius plays the role of
positive leader as he tries to enlighten the world around him. Vitruvius first appears at
the start when the film shows villain of the movie and one of the main heroes that
demonstrate an important role in the movie. When Vitruvius next appears in the
middle of the movie it shows that he is the man to go to, to learn how to be a master
builder. Wild Style states in the movie how he is the only man that would know how to
help them. The directors Phil and Christopher both showed how The Lego Movie
demonstrate[s] that those in a role of leadership can have the power to rule in positive or
negative ways? This sentence can be related back to Vitruvius as
Ribavirin Vs Interferon Research Paper
Until 2011, the main therapy against the infection was Pegylated interferon (Peg IFN)
and the ribavirin (RBV) treatment (11). Interferon is a type of protein that stimulates the
immune system and helps halt the virus from spreading throughout the body. Pegylated
interferon is a combination of three types of interferon, including polyethylene (PEG),
which helps the treatment remain in the body for a longer time period. Ribavirin is a
medication that helps stop the HCV virus from replicating. It is commonly used in
combination with interferon, which is referred to as the Peg/riba therapy. This
combination therapy is more effective than the interferon itself. However, these
medications do not have a one hundred percent cure rate and it was reported

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