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About Global Warming Essay

Crafting an essay on the subject of global warming is undoubtedly a challenging endeavor. The
complexity lies not only in presenting well-researched facts and scientific evidence but also in
navigating the intricate web of perspectives, debates, and potential solutions surrounding this
pressing issue.

To begin with, the vastness and interdisciplinary nature of global warming require a comprehensive
understanding of various fields, including climatology, environmental science, economics, and
policy-making. Striking a balance between providing in-depth scientific insights and making the
information accessible to a broader audience poses a considerable challenge.

Moreover, the topic is highly polarized, with divergent opinions on the causes, consequences, and
necessary actions. Integrating these varied viewpoints while maintaining a coherent and persuasive
argument demands careful consideration and skillful handling of opposing ideas.

The rapidly evolving nature of climate science adds an additional layer of difficulty. Staying abreast
of the latest research findings and incorporating them into the essay requires diligence and a
commitment to up-to-date information.

Furthermore, creating a compelling narrative that engages readers emotionally and intellectually is
crucial when addressing a topic as urgent and impactful as global warming. Striking the right balance
between alarming the audience about the severity of the issue and inspiring them towards
constructive action can be a delicate task.

In conclusion, writing an essay on global warming necessitates a combination of scientific rigor,

diplomatic handling of differing opinions, staying current with research developments, and the
ability to weave a compelling narrative. Tackling such a multifaceted subject requires dedication,
critical thinking, and effective communication skills.

For those seeking assistance with essays on diverse topics, including challenging subjects like global
warming, various services, such as, can provide valuable support. These platforms
offer professional help in crafting well-researched and eloquently written essays tailored to
individual requirements.
About Global Warming Essay About Global Warming Essay
Leper In John Knowles A Separate Peace
Out of all the characters of A Separate Peace by John Knowles, I would be Elwin
Lepellier or who is more commonly known as Leper for several reasons. One reason is
that we re both artistic. For example, during Chapel, Leper was busy sketching birds
and trees, and thus, he didn t hear the announcement for wanted volunteers to shovel
the snow out of the railroads. Similarly, I enjoy sketching or drawing in my free time
or when I m bored. Another reason for why Leper and I are similar is that we re
peaceful. For instance, during a Blitzball game, Gene was desperate to pass the ball to
anybody, so the boys wouldn t maul him, in which he soon spots Leper. Leper! I threw
the ball past a few heads at him. Taken by surprise, Leper looked up... Show more content
on ...
Lastly, Leper and I are similar to how we handle pressure terribly. One example is in
the woods of Vermont, where Leper describes to Gene about his predicament in the
army, including his hallucinations, such as a man possibly coughing up his stomach
next to Leper at night, alongside his malnourishment and sleep deprivation. Leper
continues, recounting how one day, he supposedly saw the Corporal transform into a
woman. I was looking at him as close as I m looking at you and his face turned into a
woman s face and I started to yell for everybody, I began to yell so that everyone would
see it too, I didn t want to be the only one to see a thing like that, I yelled louder and
louder to make sure everyone within reach of my voice would hear you can see there
wasn t anything crazy in the way I was thinking, can t you, I had a good reason for
everything I did, didn t I but I couldn t yell soon enough, or loud enough, and when
somebody did finally come up to me, it was this man with the cough who slept in the
next cot, and he was holding a broom because we had been sweeping out the barracks,
but I saw right away that it wasn t a broom, it was a man s leg which had been cut
Breaking In A Glove Essay
I was five years old when I first put on a baseball glove. No, scratch that, I was five when
I first played baseball. From the time I could open my eyes and look at my dad, I was
wearing orange and black SF Giants gear. Once I had a handle on walking, I was learning
to throw and catch. As soon I was of age, my dad signed me up for T Ball and he gave
me my first real glove. Not a cheap faux leather/polyester mix glove, a genuine, leather
glove. I loved that glove, and I held onto it for years. During those years, I grew quite a
bit and it was obvious my glove needed to grow too. My dad took me to the local Sport
Chalet and we started to look at the different gloves. My dad is a veteran of the sport and
we thought we would know which glove would... Show more content on
But any I tried on felt foreign, especially if they were already broken in. My dad and
uncle both agree, concluding that the gloves that were broken in had trust from other
people already. Breaking in a glove is a recurring rite of passage in a player s career. It s
during this time where he becomes acquainted with the glove, which becomes customized
to the player. It is impossible to break in a glove the same way as someone else. The
shape of and way we move our catching hand, how we sleep on it, what kind of practice
balls we take, everything breaks down the leather and molds it to fit its player. It
becomes less of an extraneous object and more of a part of him.
In this sense, a player s glove can easily be seen as an extension of himself. When my
glove tore, my confidence in myself started to tear. When I can t trust part of me, I can
t trust the rest of me. Players don t like borrowing gloves because they aren t a part of
them. It belongs to someone else and will for years, both in the past and future. Gloves
are not simply leather stitched together to protect a hand. They are there to enhance the
hand on which they are placed. But they can augment a player s skill, if we put our trust in
The Perpetual Sequence Of Premises Euthyphro
Euthyphro, endowed with an abundant knowledge of things subject to divinity, provides
obscure reasoning for the concept of piety and premises thereafter. The perpetual
sequence of premises Euthyphro provided begat an explicit argumentative flaw that came
to be known as the Euthyphro Problem.
The Euthyphro Problem, which surfaced during casual discourse between Socrates and
Euthyphro, is, in essence, a result of the effects of the incredulous nature of the
Socratic method. In that the rapid questioning of Socrates spawned the flaw in
Euthyphro s definition of pious. After being asked by Socrates, Euthyphro explains that
his definition of pious is to be loved by the Gods and impious to be hated by the Gods.
However, as highlighted by Socrates, during this time it was the norm for Gods to be at
odds with one another, hence, one God may think one act is pious while the one God
may believe the act is impious. Which renders Euthyphro s definition of piety and
impiety inadequate. To this point, after further questioning and cross examination,
Euthyphro holds that a pious act is one loved by the Gods and that the act is loved by
the Gods because it is pious. This, in essence, is the Euthyphro problem. The circular
explanation of a belief in which one defines a premise on the basis of another premise
where that premise is justified by the premise it previously defined. Simply put, the
Euthyphro Problem is appealing to what you re explaining in the explanation. This is
commonly found
Metamorphic Rock
dia for this assignment. Answers to questions 1 through 6 must at least two complete
sentences in length. Your responses must be in your own words. You will earn zero
points on this assignment for copying and pasting responses directly from any online
sources. There are 10 questions:

1.Define metamorphic rocks. (2 points)

A metamorphic rock is a rock that has changed due to heat and pressure. The extreme
heat and pressure causes physical and/or chemical changes to the rock, hence the term

2.How do metamorphic rocks form? (1 point)

A metamorphic rock is formed from a protolith, that changes its form due to increasing
pressure and temperature.

3.List and describe the two main textures of metamorphic rocks. (1 point) ... Show more
content on ...
2.unfoliated does not have a layered appearance for the exposure of heat and pressure.

4.What is a protolith? (1 point)

A protolith is the parent rock for metamorphic rocks, all protoliths are unmetamorphosed
and become a metaphoric with heat and pressure.

5.List and describe the two most common types of metamorphism. (1 point)

1.One of the most common types of metamorphism is regional metamorphism, is also

called dynamothermal metamorphism.

2.The second one is contact metamorphism is the process by which rock that surrounds a
hot magma is metamorphosed.

6.Describe the characteristics of a foliated metamorphic rock. (1 point)

The characteristics of a foliated metamorphic rock is its high temperatures and pressures,
and its shiny crystallized look as well.

7.Put the four metamorphic rocks listed in the table from lowest to highest grade of
metamorphism. (2 points)

Schist Gneiss

Phyllite Slate
Slate→ Phyllite→Schist → Gneiss

8.Site your sources. Visit APA Citation Style Formatting, EasyBib, or Purdue Online
Writing Lab for help with citations. (1
Postmodern Pluralism
Postmodern Pluralism and its Effect on Truth and Reconciliation Art: Going Home Star
In 2008, the government created a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, hereafter
referred to as TRC, committed to the tasks of discovering the truth about Canada s Indian
Residential Schools, revealing this truth to all Canadians, and attempting to reconcile the
relationship between Indigenous and non Indigenous Canadians. One of the ways the
TRC suggested to facilitate this reconciliation process is through the creative arts.
Indeed, in the last few years, Canada has seen a host of artistic projects launched which
seek to heal and reconcile this relationship, these projects will hereafter be referred to as
reconciliation art . One of the most prominent ... Show more content on
In addition to representing different cultural traditions, postmodernism tends to combine
and present both classical and vernacular traditions, within a culture (classical in the
colloquial sense, not just music belonging to the classical era). In doing so, it sets itself
up as anti elitist, as it does not distinguish between high and low culture in the same
way modern music did. Postmodernism is, at its core, a rejection of modernist traits;
therefore since modernism was only for an elite few, postmodernism aims to reach out
and appeal to a larger audience. Going Home Star explores many different genres of
music throughout the piece. Take, for example, the opening sequence. In the first twenty
minutes, we hear influences from big band music, dubstep, hip hop, Swan Lake and
anything in between. Swan Lake is an example of classical music while big band,
dubstep, and hip hop are all forms of vernacular music. This notion of anti elitism was
very important to Hatzis when composing Going Home Star, because he wanted any
audience member to be able to connect with the music, even if they aren t trained in
classical music. His main consideration was to not alienate our native population.
Reconciliation art must fight against elitism in order to not alienate any audience
members. Anti elitism, through pluralism of genre, is another element of
The Housing Type Built On Lands Development
Toronto is largely a residential community. Of 641.45 KM2 of land, 50% (321.43KM2)
is zoned for residential uses. On these lands development is restricted to those permitted
under the appropriate section of Chapter 10 or 15 of City of Toronto Zoning By law 569
2013, or active former by laws of municipalities amalgamated into Toronto. These former
municipalities are currently referred to as the communities of Toronto (former), North
York, York, East York, Scarborough, and Etobicoke.
The (R) zoning category is the most permissive, whereas (RD) and (RA) are the least
permissive. This zoning structure makes it difficult to predict the housing type built on
lands zoned (R), (RM), (RT), or (RS). This is because across neighbourhoods these zones
... Show more content on ...
Demographic Changes, 1961 2016
The capacity difference between housing types is magnified by our changing
Decline in Children per Women
The declined fertility rate has greatly reduced family sizes across the City. Between
1951 and 1961 Canada s fertility rate peaked at just under 4 children per woman.
Between 1961 and 1971 the fertility rate plummeted, resulting in the fertility rate
halving to just under 2 children per woman between 1971 and 76. Since then, the
fertility rate has remained low, and for the last 30 years it has remained between 1.75
and 1.5 children per woman (Statistics Canada, 2017). This has contributed to the
decline in the number of people per private dwelling, and growing issue of over housing
where many houses have unfilled rooms because there are too few residents within them
(Canadian Centre for Economic Analysis, 2017). This is troubling because despite over
housing in certain areas, most residents struggle to find affordable housing and are forced
outside the City or into housing with too few bedrooms.
Residential Zoning and Number of People Per Dwelling
In this calculation, the communities of York and Toronto are not included, because it is
more difficult to predict residential land
Oedipus Hamartia
In the play Oedipus the King by Sophocles, Oedipus exemplifies a man whose
hamartia is that he does not know himself. Hamartia is a fatal flaw leading to the
tragic downfall of a hero, and Oedipus s fatal flaw is how he does not know his real
self. In the play, the truth about many parts of his life are revealed; such as how King
Polybus and Queen Merope of Corinth are not his real parents, that he was the one who
killed King Lauis and caused the plague to the city, and that his prophecy was
unknowingly fulfilled because he killed his birth father, King Lauis, and married his birth
mother, Queen Jocasta. Oedipuss lack of knowledge about these parts of his life gives rise
to his tragic downfall as the hero of Thebes.
For instance, a messenger sent from Corinth visits Oedipus and Jocasta, from which they
learn that King Polybus has died. His death was due to sickness, not at the hands of
Oedipus, so they believe that ... Show more content on ...
A similar quote made by the author of Guardian of Lost Souls, Pamela Theresa
Loertscher, says, Know thyself and all will be revealed. If one knows who they are, all
truths must be revealed. This connects to Oedipus hamartia because in order to know
who he really is, he had to reveal everything. In Oedipus the King, the truth about who
his real parents are, how he was found, and who killed King Lauis were all revealed.
The truth divulged the secret of Oedipus adoption, that his birth parents were King Laius
and Queen Jocasta, and that he was the one to kill King Lauis. Although Oedipus was
finally able to learn about who he really was, the divulgence of these truths caused harm.
A known saying states that truth hurts, which relates to Oedipus because his lack of
knowledge led to his downfall. Oedipus hamartia is that he does not know himself, and
once he learns is when he meets his
The Invention Of The Self Driving Car
Have you ever asked yourself, Are self driving vehicles even possible? Well, the
simple answer is yes. In fact, the self driving car and other self driven forms of
transportation, like autopilot, have already been invented. The exception being that the
self driving car is still being tested before becoming commercially available. It truly is
amazing how much has been done in such a short period of time. Go back 20 years and
some of these ideas seemed completely impossible. Autopilotand the self drivingcar are
significant inventions to our world because they make transportation safer, they make it
easier to get around, and provide a newer, simpler solution. Now before you hear why
these inventions are important, I m sure you want to hear how they even work. However,
before you can understand the invention you should know some history about their
inventors! First let s start with autopilot, which was invented by Lawrence Sperry. You
should know that he was a pilot himself. Lawrence Sperry was also the last performer
in the Concours de la SecuritГ© en AГ©roplane (Airplane Safety Competition).
Lawrence Sperry was born on December 21, 1892, in Chicago, IL. He died on
December 13, 1923, in the English Channel, after crashing his plane while flying. Sperry
was only raised by one parent, his father, Elmer Ambrose Sperry. His assistant s name
was Emil Cachin, who was French, Sperry did not understand any French and Cachin
didn t understand any English, despite this they hit it
Citizen Kane
Citizen Kane is an American drama film released in 1941. It follows the life of the
main character, Charles Foster Kane, and the investigation into rosebud the last word
spoken before his death. Kane was a wealthy newspaper tycoon who lived a reserved
lifestyle; he had many possessions but isolated himself from the public eye wherever
possible towards the end of his life. The director s portrayal of the films main themes
are shown in such a way that a Year 12 group of students would be able to understand,
and therefore can easily make links with society and even their own lives. I would highly
recommend Citizen Kanefor a Year 12 book club.

I will be talking about 2 main points shown in Citizen Kane that I believe are good ...
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But instead of being happy in the white snow, he is alone in a dark mansion. This is a
theme that I think is one that could be discussed in depth by a year 12 book club.

Another theme portrayed in Citizen Kane is the idea of materialism, and I believe this
is a theme that Year 12 Students would be able to understand and form opinions upon.
In the film, Charles Kane lives in a huge mansion filled with many expensive goods.
He was an avid statue collector, a hobby only the very wealthy could pursue. Charles
Kane said in the film, They ve been making statues for some two thousand years, and I
ve only been collecting for five. The director s uses of depth of focus to exaggerate
Kane s many possessions, and in one shot near the end we can see rooms full of crates
with items he never unpacked. In his mansion, the rooms are perceived to be large,
with dark shadows cast all around. Perhaps this is a metaphor to suggest that Kane s
excessive amount of materialistic possessions have now begun to own him. This leads
to a link a Year 12 group of students will be able to make with the modern world today.
Advancement of technology has skyrocketed in the past few decades. The invention of
smart phones, tablets and other household technologies have created a culture in which it
is deemed necessary to own as many of these items as possible. It would seem that
Social status is moving from humanitarian values to being based on your
Evaluation Of An Sec s Voluntary Filing Program
Bortiz No (2008) examined whether XBRL documents, furnished to the SEC s XBRL
Voluntary Filing Program VFP on EDGAR, conform to the suggested XBRL
taxonomies and specifications as well as requirements for XBRL filings and whether the
quality of XBRL filings improved between 2005 and 2007. Their examination include 9
points investigated to achieve their goal, use of extension taxonomies, notes and MD A,
agreement of XBRLrelated documents with official filings, consistency, validation tests
for extensions taxonomies and instance documents, FRIS and FRTA tests, and other
Related to the use of extensions after analysing 68 companies in the VFP as of
December 31, 2007, they found all 304 filings contained extended taxonomies. On
average, companies used 163 approved taxonomy elements and 190 extension elements,
which represents 55.4% of the total elements used. So, the needs to create customised
taxonomies to enable their XBRL filings to fit the official filing is needed.
The authors recognised that it was not possible to justify all the extensions noted
because of the absence of any statement by the company or an assurance provider about
the extensions. Related to Notes and MD A, they found that only 13 XBRL documents
included notes, and only one of these also provided MD A. None of the companies had
an accountant s report or assurance report, although three earlier filings by two
companies had assurance reports.
They found a discrepancy between the two XBRL software
Taking a Look at Toxoplasma Gondii
Toxoplasma gondii is one of the most interesting parasites known to date. It has a
facultative heteroxenous life cycle and it can infect all warm blooded animal including
mammals, birds and humans. T. gondii is prevalent in most countries of the world and is
of medical importance, because it may cause abortion or congenital disease in its
intermediate hosts (Tenter et al. 2000). In its intermediate host, T. gondii undergoes two
phases of asexual development. During the first phase tachyzoites multiply in different
types of host cells. The last generations of tachyzoites initiate the second phase of
development, which results in the formation of cysts in the intermediate host. Within the
cyst, bradyzoites multiply rapidly and these cysts readily form in the neural and
muscular tissues of the host. However, they may also be found in visceral organs such as
the lungs and liver( Tenter et al. 2000). These cysts are immediately infectious to the
intermediate host. In many intermediate hosts the cysts may persist for the life of the
host giving rise to a latent infection. If the cysts are ingested by a definitive host, the
bradyzoites initiate another asexual phase, which consists of repeated endopolygeny in
epithelial cells of the small intestine (Tenter et al. 2000). Then comes the sexual phase of
the lifecycle. Oocyst formation takes place in the epithelium of the small intestine and
unsporulated oocysts are released into the intestine and passed out with defecation.
How Should Dress Codes Be Changed
In the past days as the weather has improved, I have noticed a plethora of girls being
dresscoded, to a standard I believe is inaccurate and biased. Girls are being removed from
classroom settings to no one s benefit, strict dress codes are promoting stereotypes and
negative ideas, and dresscode almost never affects guys I believe our dress codeshould be
changed due to its unfair and shaming nature. I have personally had experiences with
being removed from a classroom due to dresscode, who is that helping? The teachers,
who will have to catch me up the next day. Is it helping me? The student who is missing
vital information. Is it helping those who may be distracted by my risque clothing. The
clothing they can t see because i m sitting down.... Show more content on
This is the kind of thinking that leads to slut shaming girls, oppressive gender roles,
and promotion of rape culture. I know that sounds dramatic and over the top but, all of
these deep rooted issues we have in society have to start somewhere. What are we telling
our youth by treating girls based off their sexual value from a young age?
Despite all the issues with the female dress code I have never once seen a boy
prosecuted for his clothing. I have seen boys with surfer tank tops on that are far less
than three fingers. I ve seen boys nipples from cutout shirts that they are not wearing
anything underneath, and I have seen boys with sagging pants so low you can see their
underwear and despite that being a strict no no in the handbook they are not punished,
not to mention derogatory T shirt with sexist, racist, and homophobic things written on
them, that boys constantly get away with
Definition Essay-Possible Levels Of Anger
Anger is not an uncommon human emotion. We all do feel it at different times in our
lives. However, if your anger has reached such proportions that verbal and physical
abuse to those around you has become common, you quickly need to curb this emotional
state. It is finally you yourself who needs to take the first step towards bringing your
state of mindback into reasonable levels on anger.

Here is the first thing you need to realize people don t like people who cannot control
their anger, If you cannot stand being around a person who unleashes verbal abuse at the
slightest mishap, chances are your anger does not go unnoticed either. People tend to
start avoiding such characters, and that is why angry people do not often make good
Ariana Sparks Research Paper
Ariana Sparks, is a 12 year old girl who possesses a sweet voice that reveals her talent .
She has been a resident of Creeks of Willow Bend for 8 years and she is currently
attending at the FairHill School. Ariana is living with her mom Leah, her dad Justin,
and 3 loyal furry Maltese, Spencer, Cooper and Oliver. Ariana loves animals and she
would love to be a veterinarian but she also has a talent that can t can t be hidden...
Ariana is a busy young lady, who seems to be very clear on what she wants in life. I
enjoy everything about singing, there is not anything particular that I don t enjoy and
I am really competitive she says. With an impressive authenticity Ariana explains how
commited she is about becoming a great singer. She is very mature, structured and
organized about her activities. Her favorite singer is Michael Jackson. She admires
how great the king of pop was. I love his professionalism and his acomplishments she
says. Ariana sings all genre of music. She has sang in Six Flags, at Cherry Wood Coffee
House in Austin and at Carnegie Hall in New York City with her choir group. She has
been attending a music school taking vocal classes at the Septeien Entertainment Group
with her coaches Linda Septien Brielle Pogue.... Show more content on
A: Sometimes it can be hard but education is above everything After I come from
school, I do my homework, have dinner and then I take time to practice
Daoist Use Of Social Media
Social media allows us to connect with others and to expand our knowledge about
ourselves and the world around us. The rise of social media has led to an increased
amount of interactions between people of different ages, races, and nationalities. It
has also been used a source of news. In fact, most people in today s world use social
media sites such as Facebook and Twitter rather than newspapers and news reports to
gain new insight into global and local events. However, the expansion and widespread
use of social media has its costs. Cyberbullying is the harassment and targeting of person
through online media and technology. It is a growing problem in today s world, as a
result of our technological advancements. However, various solutions towards... Show
more content on ...
Bullies, based on Hanh s teachings, should be required and encouraged to practice
meditation and mindful thinking on a daily basis. As a result of this way of thinking,
one is capable of appreciating all aspects of life and developing a sense of
understanding of the world around them. It will, in addition, give them the ability to
acknowledge, accept, ease, and release his or her negative feelings, feelings that might
have had a helping hand in causing online harassment. In addition, Hanh stressed the
idea of interbeing, which is the idea that we cannot just be by ourselves alone. We
have to inter be with every other thing . Since we are all connected, we are obligated to
treat everything and everyone with kindness and respect. When we don t do so, we are
not only harming the person or thing we negatively affected but also ourselves. In other
words, when one bullies another person online, they are not only causing harm to their
victim, but also negatively affecting their own sense of peace and happiness. Buddhist
teachings will help to give bullies a new mindset that is kind and
Flag Burning Argument Essay
How many of you would stand up for your friend who needs help? How many of you
would stand up for your country? There shouldn t be a difference. Our country is as
much of a friend as our friends will ever be. This is why we all need to stand up to our
nation s bullies, the flag burners, and those who kneel during the National Anthem.
Whoever takes part in these actions need to be arrested and put in jail for 3 years.
People burn the American Flag or kneel for the National Anthem never have gotten the
military experience veterans have. Many people have been disrespecting our American
flag to protest. It is an unfair way to protest because many men and women have fought
hard, left their loved ones, and risked their lives to protect our country. Many students at
Brown University on Veterans... Show more content on ...
Flag burners tend to burn the flag because they are angry for many different reasons.
One reason they do it is because they express their grief over the violent deaths being
suffered in this country. People get offended because they pay attention to the White
on Black crime. That is when the Black lives matter chaos came into place. It is
coincidental that the cops happen to be white and the people getting hurt or even
killed by the cops are african american. If a cop tells you an order, you must follow it
even if you do not agree. If you don t follow a cops order, that gives the cop the right to
give consequences. Another way flag burning can cause violence is that it can cause
damage to public places. It can cause damage by the angry people setting objects on
fire, fighting one another, tearing up cars and buildings, etc. To stop the rioting, we all
need to come together as a nation instead of harming one another and be civil people.
Just because everybody see s different perspectives doesn t mean we all aren t the same,
we are all human and need to stop killing each other because we believe
Reflective Account On Personal Learning Goals
1. Personal learning goals strategies to achieve these goals.
My aim for today was to make more time for one on one sessions with the residents.
This actually ended up working quite well as 5 of the 12 residents in cottage #3 went
out for a bus outing from 0930 1100. I came back from my first break and was entirely
done all the AM care, including that morning s shower, so I was able to take an hour to
file and paint the nails of two residents.
2. Self Care Practices.
This evening I made time to update my car iPod with new songs to listen to while
driving. I made this a priority because good music can make the difference between a
good and a bad day. Music is often linked to mood. A certain song can make us feel
happy, sad, energetic, or ... Show more content on ...
For example, nonverbal indications can be used to backup, enrich, substitute, and even
contradict what you are saying through your verbals. Nonverbal cues can place the
verbal message in a framework that provides a support for how the message should be
understood. When you are working with someone who has complete or partial
deafness, enunciating your verbals and coupling them with hand or body gestures to
convey a message can be beneficial, when done correctly. As an illustration, if you are
trying to communicate to a person that you are about to wash their face, you could get
down to their level, speak the words, and additionally use a hand with a cloth in it to
hover to over your face in washing motions. This strategy could be applied to a countless
number of situations to enhance communication between you and a
Counseling Psychology
Counseling psychology is one of the many subfields of psychology, but it is the most
thought of when one thinks of a psychologist. This special field helps clients to explore
the positive side of themselves and their lives and understand the negatives. Counseling
psychologists focus their work on the overall wellbeing of their clients. This subfield also
has many benefits to society. CounselingPsychologyhelps people to improve their life,
and while they do not solely focus on mental disorders, they can focus on physical,
emotional, and mental needs. An average individual who is experiencing troubles in his
life may seek out guidance from a counselor.
While counseling psychologists focus work on the general mental health on an
individual, environmental psychologists solely focus on how the way people act and
react and how that affects the plants and environment. Environmental psychologists study
responses to different environments and how the environments affect one s emotional ...
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Forensic psychology goes along with public service psychology and it helps to make
daily decisions. The people that contribute so much to life deal with forensic
psychology when they help with laws, court orders, or even with people working to help
others. This particular division helps several day to day jobs such as public safety,
diverse organizations, and so much more.
Rehabilitation psychology is another crucial component of psychology. The
rehabilitation aspects work with people with disabilities, both born with and acquired,
to help them succeed and to help them make the most of their lives. Sports, war, and
many other environments .. These special version of psychologists are able to take all
parts of one s life into consideration when helping them to improve their wellbeing. This
field is able to help people from all types of backgrounds with a variety of
Samurai Dbq
Who would come out victorious in a one on one battle between two of the fiercest
warriors in history, a knight or a samurai? Feudalism began in Japan and Europe when
landowners gave land to warriors in order for protection. The knight or samurai would
then let peasants live on their land. The peasant would pay for it by giving them a
portion of their crops. In a one on one battle, a samuraiwould win because of their way of
living, training, and armor/weapons.
The first way that samurais were superior in battle through their way of living. In
document A1 written by Christine de Pizan, it states, Therefore it is not doing wrong if
he does for himself the same right he is obliged to observe for one other which is to say,
he avoids his own death. This shows that in the midst of battle, a knight would be more
focused on surviving than trying to kill the samurai, therefore he would be more cautious
and have more defense than offense. The knight would be more careful while in battle to
try to make sure he would get out alive. An additional piece of evidence that supports this
claim is in document A2 written by Yamamoto Tsunetomo it states, If by setting one s
heart right every ... Show more content on ...
In document C1 written by PBS, it states, the young warriors practiced kendo but also
Confucianism, loyalty to one s master, respect for superiors, ethical behavior, and self
discipline. This shows that samurai did not only practice physically but also mentally.
Mental training would put them in the correct mindset in a fight and their fighting skills
with many different weapons would place them with high advantage. Another piece of
evidence that supports the claim is in document C2 written by PBS it says they would
go with their master knight into battle, dress him, feed him, and care for his horses in
all hopes he would be deemed worthy. This proves that a knight was busy with chores,
therefore he had less physical
Essay On Program Evaluation
Program Evaluation The Educational Leadership and Policy Studies program at the
University of Texas at Arlington has helped me to grow both personally and
professionally. The top three take aways from this program that I feel can be utilized
in any career path include the knowledge I gained on how to conduct and present
action research, the writing skillset I developed which aided me in becoming a better
writer, and the training I received on how to be an effective leader. At the beginning of
this program I expected to learn how to be a principal. However, during the process I
realized I learned much more. For example, I learned how to lead using content
knowledgeand interpersonal skills in order to create lasting and effective... Show more
content on ...
These chats should include a moderator who is a current and experienced administrator
within a school district. Online chats would be an excellent way to make connections and
/or friendships with people who will be impacting the future of education. Lastly, I
believe that students would benefit from conducting an action research project in a
group versus completing a project alone. During our program we learned about allowing
for different formats during assessment or classroom activities. Therefore, I believe that
some students may have preferred working with a group on such a significant project.
The fact that students would be allowed to work with people from different backgrounds
and with different personality types to complete a project would equate with real world
experience. The opportunity to work with people is why the practicum is such a
valuable experience. However, one cannot carefully evaluate the practicum for this
program without a brief discussion about mentors. The mentor I chose for this program
was approachable and generous with her time and knowledge. I felt comfortable enough
to ask questions or admit mistakes in order to learn. At the onset of the practicum my
mentor was just my boss. At the end of the practicum I esteemed her as a colleague and
friend. I believe that I was able to experience so much during the
Jabberwocky Essay
Lewis Carroll(1832 1898) is a British writer with impressive works including, Alice In
Wonderland as well as Jabberwocky . In Jabberwocky , readers are taken on an
adventurous journey through sounds and images of a world all its own. His main
purpose when using those details was to to make a creative world in which the reader
would feel not only like they re reading the poem, but that they re actually going through
the same journey as the main characters. He achieves the purpose by using the poetic
devices; imagery, onomatopoeia, and alliteration.
Carroll s use of imagery not only made the poem better, it helped the reader grasp the
main purpose. When a young character is being warned by his elder of the dangers that
plague their world ... Show more content on ...
When explaining the dangers of the jabberwocky it is mentioned that the monster has,
claws that catch! (6). Both of the words start with the letter c, which seems to have a
dangerous and harsh ring to it. The sound is aggressive in the way that it is a very
pronounced syllable in many words that envelope fear such as; cut or kill, and almost
sounds like actual claws snapping together. When heard it exerts a feeling of danger,
therefore letting the reader interpret the sounds to the jabberwocky s physical and
mental traits that mirror those of a big and scary monster. He used alliteration to further
the feeling of a creative world that the reader feels a part
The war on terror Essay
Ever since the beginning of the terrorist attacks on American soil, the War on Terror has
been involved in the lives of Americans and nations near us. The War on Terror s
background originated through conflicts between warring countries in the Middle East;
U.S. involvement started when a terrorist guided plane crashed into the World Trade
Center on September 11, 2001 in New York City. The attack was suspected to be the
work of the middle eastern terrorist group Al Qaeda. The U.S. military, under the
leadership of then commander in chief George W. Bush, declared a War on Terror on the
terrorist group and the fighting began. Over ten plus years human rightsand civil liberties
have been violated as thousands of innocent of civilians have... Show more content on ...
According to the UN only 9,759 civilians have died in Afghanistan, but the Lansing
medical journal reports that 654,965 civilian casualties occurred in Iraq from 2003 to
2006 so these reports should be taken with a grain of salt. On the pro Saddam side of
the war 76,778 Islamists fighters have died; these deaths were made of security forces,
private contractors, Sons of Iraq, and most were made up of other supporters of the
regime. According to the U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Armed Forces have suffered
4,487 deaths and 32,223 were wounded in action as of May 2012.
As seen by these studies the people suffering are more so the families of the innocent
civilians than those who fought in the conflicts, and a lot of them were not killed by
soldiers. As shown by sites like WikiLeaks many civilian deaths are caused by mines or
drones. These numbers show the amount of devastation caused by the War on terror and
more than ten years later these numbers are still rising. Ultimately there are still over
50,000 troops in Afghanistan and there are still plans to remain there for a while.
Another consequence of the war is that in a combination of regarding the safety of the
homeland and getting an edge against possible threats, civil liberties have been violated
and human rights have been abused. After the 9/11 attack on Twin Towers and the
Pentagon the U.S. government has called for new forms of defense against possible
Wine Analysis of Fining Agents Chemistry
CHEMISTRY WINE MAKING| Investigating the effectiveness of common fining agents
on homemade fruit wine with respect to Turbidity, Sediment level, Ph and Alcohol
content.| | Year 12 Chemistry| Extended Experimental InvestigationA comparison of
chemical flocculation agents| Mario Mitov| Mrs Cullen 2011| |

Contents: 1.0 Abstract 2.0 Introduction/Background 3.0 Aim 4.0 Hypothesis 5.0 Safety
analysis 6.0 Equipment and Materials 7.0 Procedures/Methods 8.1 Initial wine making
procedure 8.2 Addition of clearing agents including ratio conversion ... Show more
content on ...
1997). Ultimately, the yeast which are facultative fungal organisms provide enzymes
that break down sugar molecules while releasing Ethanol and Carbon Dioxide as by
products through the exothermic reaction: C6H1206 gt;2CH3CH2OH + 2CO2 + 115kj
/mol. Winemakers will usually stop the fermentation process once a desired alcohol level
is achieved however the fermentation can naturally stop after reaching a certain level of
alcohol that subsequently becomes toxic to the yeast thus killing them (Smith, D. 2009).
Once fermentation is over, many wines may display signs of turbidity or cloudiness. This
is due to suspended particulates such as proteins, tannins, phenols or dead yeast cells that
cause haziness in wine when not removed. These particles can precipitate out of the wine
naturally under the influence of gravity however this is a lengthy process and those that
want fast results rely on chemical clarification.
Chemicals for the purpose of wine clarification are known as fining or flocculation
agents and are widely used in the wine industry. These agents are commonly derived from
Earths, Proteins, Carbons, Synthetic polymers, Polysaccharides and other substances
(Zoecklein, B. 1988). It is extremely important that a commercial wine be cleared of any
suspended impurities so that it appeals to the consumer. Fining agents generally clarify
the wine in three different
Craigslist Joe Analysis
Craigslist Joe is a documentary about a man named Joe that puts society to the test in a
social experiment. The main question in this documentary was if Joe had nothing, how
would he get by? He is mainly relying on people who are willing to take a chance.
Society is constantly changing and sometimes it takes a filmlike this to really show the
world it is time to change. This film demonstrates at least two different social change
theories that help explain the aspects and attitudes of the different groups. CraigslistJoe is
a documentary released in 2012, it s about a man named Joe who leaves home for 31
days with only his laptop, cell phone, toothbrush and the clothes on his back. He has no
money and no contacts on his phone, he will be relying entirely on the items obtained
from Craigslist. Craigslist is an American classified advertisements website with
sections devoted to jobs, housing, personals, for sale, items wanted, services,
community, and discussion forums (Craigslist, 2017). There were only one and a half
nights had to sleep on the street. Joe was going out in the world to test the world s sense
of community and the goodness of society. What he was doing was depending so much
on the fact that he wanted to see and prove that at a tough time, society can still be
generous. He relied on society for transportation, food, shelter, and friendship mainly.
Society was really under the microscope in this documentary and is put to the test.
There were many different types of people seen in this documentary, a lot of them are
free spirited and wanting to start new beginnings. Even if they had their own struggles
going on in their life they were willing to help no matter what. Dylan is the man who
drove Joe to Chicago, he was just looking for a new start somewhere. There were also
people like Fran who were just trying to get by in a crazy world, she has been called
crazy so many times in her life she decided it s just time to accept it. There are many
people who are kind hearted, such as the man who ran the organization that helped
refugee children, Gina in the soup kitchen and Brittany, who runs Kids of Promise and
accepted all the clothes on behalf of the band of elves that Joe got together. He also met a
Advantages Of Simulation In Healthcare Systems
Simulation has been used to analyze many issues in the healthcare sector for over 40
years [1]. Such issues that have been addressed by simulation include, but not limited to;
improving patients workflows and throughput time, reducing waiting times, resources
allocation and optimization, staff scheduling and development of decision support
systems (DSS). Discrete Event Simulation(DES), Agent Based Simulation (ABS) and
System Dynamics are the main simulation methods that have been used for healthcare
systems modelling and analysis [2]. Although each of these methods has its own
capabilities, they exhibit some limitations [3]. Table 1 summaries some of the capabilities
and limitations of DES and ABS methods in healthcare applications.
Recently, several hybrid/integrated simulation models have been introduced. In such
approach, multiple simulation methods are combined in one model. This combination
/ integration of individual methods enables the symbiotic realization of the strengths of
individual methods, while reducing their limitations [4].
Chahal and Eldabi [5], [6] identified three different formats for the integration between
DES and SD: Hierarchical format (data passes between two distinct paradigms), Process
environment format (two distinct paradigms, ... Show more content on ...
From the comparison provided in Table 1, neither the DES method nor the ABS
method is capable to capture such details and complexity in healthcare systems on its
own. However, both methods together may be capable of capturing these details. In
this paper, a framework for a novel DES ABS hybrid approach for modeling healthcare
systems is proposed with the aim to enable modeling of the complexity of healthcare
systems considering the concepts of flows and queues, and also humans decisions and
interactions. Then, a case study for one of the famous radiology centers in Alexandria,
Egypt is
Prophetic Vision in Edmund Spenser s The Faerie Queene
Prophetic Vision in Edmund Spenser s The Faerie Queene

In the First Book of The Faerie Queene, Edmund Spenser reveals his prophetic and
apocalyptic vision for the fledgling British Empire, personified in his hero Redcrosse. As
the secular instrument of Gloriana, the Faerie Queene, Redcrosse takes on the sacred task
of Una (representing religious truth) to free her parents, Adam and Eve, from their bonds
of sin. Before he can achieve his task, the Redcrosse knight (representing holiness) must
mature as a Christian knight as he and Una encounter inhabitants of Faerie Land and
interact with them. With his allegory, Spenser unveils the secular and sacred obligations
of Queen Elizabeth and her courtiers as they lead Protestant England and ... Show more
content on ...
After Redcrosse strangles religious Error at Una s urging and kills the monster with his
sword, Spenser separates Redcrosse and Una by way of Archimago s wicked
machinations. Una cycles through a sequence of traveling companions: a lion,
Archimago as false Redcrosse (the Roman Catholic Church), Sans Loy (a Muslim),
satyrs, Satyrane, and Prince Arthur. Spenser implies that participants of each religion, no
matter how primitive, believe its truths are divine. In her latest incarnation of supreme
religious truth, Una needs Gloriana s knight to defeat the dragon of sin, to obtain Christ
s redemption for Adam and Eve and their descendants. While England amasses vast
wealth conquering and colonizing the primitive races, the real battle is not against flesh
and blood, but as Paul stated in his letter to the Ephesians, against principalities
(Saracens), powers (Lucifera), rulers of darkness (Error and Despair) and spiritual
wickedness in high places (mythological or primitive gods demons).

When Redcrosse finally attains sufficient holiness to fight the old serpent (the dragon
Satan) of Revelations, Contemplation takes him to look on the New Jerusalem. Like
Jesus, Redcrosse is an historical human being (Saint George). Unlike the imaginary
characters of the poem, Redcrosse is entitled to everlasting life provided his name is
written in the book of life, as stated in
The Grand Inquisitor Summary
The Grand Inquisitor sees the humans as very lowly creatures. When discussing the
repercussions of Jesus having allowed humans free will, he mentions how You [Jesus]
judged men too highly, for they are slaves, of course, though rebellious by nature (137).
He previously had told Jesus that he had failed to enslave the people by miracle. If Jesus
had shown miracles as the work of Godand not let people have their own free will, Jesus
would have enslaved the people thousands of years ago by showing them true power and
might. They would have followed the teachings of religionbecause they had seen before
their eyes. Now the church had to wait for the people to have faith freely in their minds.
Because of Jesus failure to enslave the people after
1. Over The Course Of The Past Semester, We Have Discussed
1. Over the course of the past semester, we have discussed a number of different ways in
which the colonial and, subsequently, Canadian authorities have attempted to impose
their vision of public order on Indigenous peoples. Discuss two examples of this.

The colonial and Canadian authorities have on many occasions, historically, and recently
worked in an attempt to impose their vision of public order on Indigenous peoples or the
so called problem population. One of the multiple ways that these authorities have done
this is through residential schooling. Woolford describes residential schools as a manner
of genocide, in which the goal was to rid the land of the Indigenous population.
Residential schools were created with the aim of ... Show more content on ...
The conflict with this small portion of land was the inquiry of, who actually owned
this land. The city of Oka, consisting of mostly French peoples, had bought this land,
although on the other hand, the local Mohawk community insisted that this piece of
land was actually theirs. Although the Mohawk community fought for the land they
believed was rightfully theirs, their pleas for justice were ignored and disregarded
completely. The property was to be used in order to expand a golf course that was
already close to there, but the Mohawks found this land to hold spiritual meaning to
them, and so put up blockades to protect their important land. This challenged public
order because the blockades were causing ruckus for the other people living in Canada,
and the Indigenous peoples were being treated as second class citizens, and not given
any importance or say in where this land should and should not be used. Belanger et. al.,
argued that Canada was able to implement their idea of public order onto many of the
Mohawks as well, as the long and strenuous process of attempting to reclaim their land
seemed to just cause more problems, and so a lot of the Mohawk community members
pushed to just follow instructions by the Canadian authorities and live in peace.

2. The authorities have a long history of attempting to prohibit the people of Canada from
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Brew had accelerated its business in very short span and now it has become the most
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freshness, which matters first. Introducing exciting flavours every day, HonestBrew has
become the master of beer, natural cider as well as supplies the Gift ... Show more content
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This way HonestBrew came into existence. Now, HonestBrew deals with almost 300
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The Palace Of Versailles Housed The French Government
The Palace of Versailles housed the French government and all its royalty during the
reigns of Louis XIV XVI. After the French Revolution in 1789 however, it was no
longer a permanent royal residence for the government or royalty in France. It is located
about 10 miles southwest of Paris, beside the settlement of Versailles. Before Louis XIV
inherited it, it was little more than a hunting lodge built by Louis XIII, which he turned
into a chateau. Soon however, it became one of the largest urban centers, and the housing
for many important officials in France. The Complex included the palace, gardens,
fenced in royal hunting ground, a structure known as the Grand Trianon, the Royal
chapel, an estate for Marie Antoinettethe queen an even an... Show more content on ...
However, because of the water they had to supply for the fountains they were only used
for special occasions. The Versailles was dressed to impress for shore, with the
impressiveness the main goal of the palace.
The king built himself a Grand Trianon a mile northwest of the palace as a place for
him to work in private. People could only visit him there if invited, and it is said the
garden of tuberoses there had an overwhelming sent that drew people away. King
Louis XIV s bedroom was built on the upper floor, located centrally along the east west
axis of the palace. It was considered was the most important room in the palace. There
they also had two of the3 important ceremonies there, the lever and the coucher. They
were just ceremonies for when the king woke up and when he went to sleep. The king
also had a ceremony for when he put on and took of his hunting boots. People would
attend the ceremonies as much as possible and did not desire to be absent. the beauty
of the palace itself complemented the ceremonies. The beauty emphasized the
achievements and power of the king himself. The king s bedroom and apartment were
located near the Hall of Mirrors which told a narrative of Louis XIV as King of France,
and depicted many of the battles fought in France. The king s throne was also located at
the Apollo salon , and he worshiped at the Royal chapel at the palace.
The queen of Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, built the estate
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Dry Bulk Cargo
From grains to coal and from sugar to cocoa, dry bulk cargo cover a range of produce
and raw materials that have two features in common: they are unpacked and are
homogeneous. These two properties make it easier for dry bulk cargo to be dropped or
poured into the hold of a bulk carrier. Figure: Dry Bulk Carrier

Without the estimated 500 million DWT of dry bulk shipping transported by sea
annually, life today would be altered dramatically. Just having breakfast would be a
very different event, with the ingredients of bread and cereal coming from dry bulks,
as well as coffee and the sugar to sweeten it. Even the metal elements of your toaster
and kettle come by sea and the coal to generate the electricity supply to power both
appliances is likewise shipped in. Other dry bulk cargo include iron ore, alumina
fertilisers, scrap, sulphur and cement, as well as a large number of agricultural products
for the human and ... Show more content on ...
However, in 2011, the Vale Brasil , the first in a series of VLOCs entered service. This
vessel has a deadweight of 402,347 tonnes. (Source:
/58 trades.html) Figure: Vale Brazil the largest Dry Bulk vessel

Bulk and Break bulk are two terms that are being used incorrectly and interchangeably
during the course of day to day business. These terms cannot be used interchangeably
because there are distinctive differences between Bulk and Break Bulk in terms of cargo,
nature, size, capacity, handling, trade, customers, ports, terminals, equipment,
infrastructure etc.
The difference between Bulk and Break Bulk
The term Bulk relates to trades where dry cargo such as Iron ore, Grain, Alumina and
Phosphate are carried in loose form (i.e. cargo is not packed) and loaded directly into the
holds of the vessel, see
Protein Phosphatase Receptor Analysis
Its function is regulated by dopaminergic and glutaminergic receptors. When stimulated
by dopaminergic receptors it is a potent inhibitor of PP1О± (Hemmings, 1984). In
contrast, when stimulated by glutaminergic receptors, the inhibitory activity of DARPP
32 against PP1 is reduced (Halpain, 1990). DARPP 32 is regulated by brain derived
neurotropic factor as well as the Akt pathway and CDK5/p35 pathway (Stroppolo, 2001)
(Bogush, 2007).
Protein Phosphatase Inhibitor 2 Protein Phosphatase Inhibitor 2 (I 2) I 2 is a heat
stable protein that can inhibit the catalytic subunits of PP1 (Huang, 1976). When
unphosphorylated I 2 is inhibitory to PP1c however, phosphorylation of I 2 can
induce PP1c activity (Cohen 2002). It has been shown to be important in cell cycle
regulation and is found at the centrosomes during interphase (Eto, 2002). The
consensus as to the purpose of I 2 is to act as a regulator of PP1 to control the kinase
/PP1 balance and activate different cellular events. It has also been shown to play a role
in tubulin acetylation in the cilium of retinal epithelial cells. Wang and Brautigan
showed that I 2 localizes to the cilium of human retinal epithelial cells with PP1. RNAi
knockdown of I 2 showed ... Show more content on ...
In order to answer the question from the introduction How do such a small number of
phosphatases regulate the phosphorylation of thousands of proteins while also allowing
each protein to be regulated independently? PP1 has evolved mechanisms to bind
numerous different subunits in order to function the way it needs. There are many more
regulatory subunits than discussed above. The subunits discussed above are the major
subunits involved in PP1 dynamics. It is a near certainty that more regulatory subunits
will be discovered. If PP1 could only form a complex with one subunit at a time there are
~42 different holoenzyme structures possible with the subunits discussed
Theoretical Perspective In Psychology
Without society, there cannot be a self (132). That said, the way one presents himself
should be examined in terms of the interplay between both the individual and the culture
he is immersed in. Symbolic statements used by the self, for example, are often
constrained or shifted to convey a meaning that aligns with the institution such a self
belongs to. With this in mind, I observed the office doors of the 3rd floor Psychology
Department in the Brogden Psychology Building by taking photos of such doors to
examine how such statements can reflect one as an individual and as a member of a

Perhaps some of the most fascinating office doors amongst the ones I observed were
those covered in humorous decor. One lab office door in particular ... Show more content
on ...
Thus, along with deductions made about the individuals, the observed symbolic
statements can also be examined through the lens of the subculture of the department as
well. For example, although there was an overall variety in content, the majority of the
office doors observed contained personal/humorous statements rather than informational
/structured ones. Since these statements are seen by other colleagues of the department, it
is reasonable to assume that the department is playful in nature. Similarly, many of the
directions and lab doors were disorganized, exhibiting a uniform nature of disarray rather
than structured organization. Another form of content that was plentiful in numbers was
that of posters concerning mental health itself. This sentiment stresses passion for the
department s subculture itself, showcasing the department s pride in their research and
its importance on society as a whole. This department differs from others I ve seen in
terms of personality. The unique additions of humor and passion concerning the
department set the psychology department apart from many
Reality Tv Phenomenon Essay
One of the most famous quotes from 1982 Nobel Prize winning chemist Aaron Klug is,
Human curiosity, the urge to know, is a powerful force and is perhaps the best secret
weapon of all in the struggle to unravel the workings of the natural world. But in the
modern world we live in today, where the media has become an indispensable source for
information, has human curiosity been given too much power? Reality televisionhas
become its own phenomenon through the human craving for social survival, stimulation,
and self justification. Through thorough research, it is discovered that these three inner
desires with which we all live are the main sources of fuel for the Reality TV
As humans, we naturally strive to find status in society. We have an innate wanting to be
noticed by our peers. Reality television is now seen as a gateway to participation in ...
Show more content on ...
American psychologist Leon Festinger s Social Comparison Theory states that We
determine our own social and personal worth based on how we stack up against others.
As a result, we are constantly making comparisons between us and others. This theory
comes into play in analyses of reality television s popularity because it is something
viewers habitually do when they are watching reality shows. Seeing the stars of a
show engage in violent fights and horrid screaming matches gives viewers justification
for the life they are living. If you were to ask several people who watch reality shows
why they routinely do it, a majority would say it either makes them feel better about
themselves or the stupidity of the show gives their mind a break, the former response
being the most popular. According to one study, 19% of 18 24 year old viewers use
reality tv as a self esteem boost. This self justification is so prevalent because it is
humanity s involuntary weakness to look for
The Ethics Of A Code Of Ethics
Any organization operating in the global marketplace is subject toscrutinyy in the way it
does business. This scrutiny can be both internal and/or external to the organization, with
the advent of the internet and social media any infraction by an organization can be
made public within seconds of it surfacing. To help offset negative public relations and
to foster a working environment that employees, managers and major stakeholders can
be proud of, codes of ethics are created as a set of guidelines for every involved
stakeholder to follow and adhere to.
In his conclusion (Lambert, 2009) states that the development and subsequent
implementation of a code of ethics is a critical part of establishing a value system within
the commercial crime prevention discipline. He further goes on to say that, as a value
system, the success of this endeavor lies not in whether the code makes staff behave, but
rather more importantly, that each of them develops his or her own moral compass to do
the right thing.
As stated in their article (Duggan Woodhouse, 2011) that a bottom up approach to
creating a code of ethics was an important preventative effort to help lessen the odds of
ethical stumbles and was adamant that in order for a code of ethics to pack a punch,
there should be some substantial input from the employees as a way to arrive at a set of
codes that would be meaningful and relevant to employees.
Google is one of the leading and most prestigious organizations in
The Liberty Of The People, Drawn By Delocroix
The painting I chose was The Liberty of the People drawn by Delocroix. This was
drawn in 1830 and was a response to the government inacting laws that were prevalent
in from the French Revolution back in 1789. The painting is of a woman holding a
French Flag and marching towards the opposition. At her feet are dead men that
appear to be dragged from their homes because they are in their night clothes and
behind her are people fighting the French government. This picture is really powerful
and radical at the same time. It sort of mirrors the Statue of Liberty that we have here
in the United States. The woman is the embodiment of Justice and Peace while she
fights a group of soldiers with bayonettes coming toward her in the foreground. She
carries a bayonette in her left hand as she carries the French flag in her right hand
holding it high into the air. She wears a... Show more content on ...
At seventeen in 1815 he entered the school of Pierre Gutlein and excelled so much in
his studies that by 1816 he entered the school of Ecole des Beaux Arts. Liberty of the
People by Delocroix. The gentlemen in the black top hat is of the middleclass and the
gentleman behind him is of the poor class yet they are fighting on the same side. A
young boy fights behind her with a gun thus showing everyone took part in this war.
Delocroix was from the French Romantic movement. This painting was a direct
reflection to what was happening in the July Revolution. Delacroix looked out of his
window and saw this happening right before his eyes and was inspired to draw this
painting. Jacquies Louis David (pronounced Daveed) was from the Neoclassical style
of painting. He preferred clear drawing and shading. He drew the Oath of Horatii in 1785
and was considered in response the Rococco style of painting. In 1789 France was on
the brink or a Revolution and David wanted to show his support for the rebels and so this
painting was
Everyday Use Essay
RR: Everyday Use

My Sister, My Enemy

Often siblings are brought up in the same environment and turn out completely different.
This is the case in Alice Walkers, Everyday Use . Although two sisters, Maggie and Dee,
are raised by the same woman and in the same home, their similarities end here. Both are
different in their appearance, personalities, and ideas about family heritage. Each having
opposing views on value and worth of the various items in their lives. Walker uses this
conflict to make the point that the use of an object and of people, is more important than

As the story begins, Walker introduces Mama . She, the narrator of the story, describes
herself as a large, big boned woman with rough, man working hands ... Show more
content on ...
Before her name change, she frowned on the items in her home because of their lack of
beauty and style. However, when she becomes Wangero, she now sees the same items,
such as a dasher and butter churn, as part of her family heritage. She insists on taking
these items because she plans to use the churn top as a centerpiece for the alcove table
(359). Sadly, she fails to consider that she is taking away her mothers butter churn, a
useful item, for selfish use instead.

Unlike Dee, Walker s description of Maggie is seen as an unattractive and awkward

girl. Her mother notes good looks passed her by (355). Furthermore, she carries herself
with low self esteem, chin on chest, eyes on ground (355). Besides her appearance,
when Maggie is first introduced in the story, Mama points out that she is nervous about
her sister s visit and will stand hopelessly in corners, homely and ashamed of the burn
scars down her arms and legs, eyeing her sister with a mixture of envy and awe (355).

However, the one thing both sisters have in common are the family quilts. These quilts
are described by Mama as being made from family members who have passed, which
enhance their value. Maggie values the quilts because she learned to quilt from her
grandmother and aunt. She hints that she sees the quilt as a reminder of them when she
mentions, I can t member Grandma Dee without the quilts (360). Dee,
Characterization In Bao Ninh s The Sorrow Of War
How a work of literature is organized affects the deeper meaning of the work. HoГ ng
бє¤u PhЖ°ЖЎng is a Northern Vietnamese veteran of the Vietnam War. Under the pen
name Bao Ninh, he is the author of The Sorrow Of War. In his fictional memoir, there is
no chronological order and the memoir transitions from event to event based on what
triggers the next memories. Ninh recounts the hardships of the war and life after as a
catharsis for the trauma he is inflicted during the war. As the memoir is a reflection of
Ninh s traumatized mind, Ninh utilizes an intended fragmented and non linear narrative
structure to illustrate the chaotic and emotional experiences of war. As all works of
literature that are translated from one language to another... Show more content on ...
The difference between the English and Vietnamese versions of The Sorrow Of War and
The Destiny of Love is that those with the English edition do not possess the original
work that Bao Ninh intended to be read. The narrative structure that Bao Ninh purposely
imposed onto his memoir is conjoined together with a narrative structure born from
multiple translations and retellings of the same story. Although Bao Ninh incorporates an
unorthodox format for his memoir, the english version manipulates Ninh s original
narrative structure. The structure originally composed by Ninh is meant to compliment
the memoir s purpose as a metaphor for the mind of the protagonist, Kien and by
extension Ninh. The linear format is intentionally interrupted so that the stream of
consciousness created by the memoir reflects their damaged minds due to the Vietnam
War. As the memoir was written as a catharsis to Ninh s experiences in the Vietnam War,
the narrative structure of the memoir is made to mimic the effects of Post Traumatic
Stress Disorder (PTSD). The symptoms of PTSD involve vividly recounting trauma
through flashbacks and nightmares, as well as attempting to avoid prompts that would
trigger a victim s memory of the trauma they faced. The flashbacks can occur at anytime
and often immerse the victim as if the recollections are reality (NIMH). As PTSD was
not yet recognized as a mental health
How Does Lincoln Use Diction In The Gettysburg Address
Abraham Lincoln inspires hope with the morning citizens at Soldier s National
Cemetery by using diction in The Gettysburg Address. Lincoln addresses his audience
by using the word we. This connects everyone in his audience and mainly unifies the
people. Lincoln mentions in the second paragraph that they are there to dedicate a
portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who gave their lives that that nation
might live. He specifically says how it is altogether fitting and proper that we should do
this. Lincoln uses this quote to portray how everyone has this duty to uphold. The duty to
honor those who died. Lincoln accomplishes this, all while unifying those in front of
him. Later in the address, Lincoln talks about the... Show more content on ...
To be specific, Lincoln uses epizeuxis. This repetition of one word throughout a piece
can easily achieve what Lincoln wants. The main word repeated throughout the
address is dedicated. Lincoln rallies the Nation by explaining how it is rather for us to
be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us that from these honored dead
we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the full measure of
devotion. The definition of dedicated is to devote to a particular task or purpose. Thus
the word devotion in the address can be swapped out for dedicated. This makes it even
more evident that Lincoln is inspiring hope, and telling his audience to not give up. As
mentioned before, Lincoln wants his audience to not be worried about the fate of the
Nation and the legacies of those lost protecting it. This message comes up again in this
quote from the terms task and dedicated. The word task can be seen as the duty of the
American people to uphold the Nation s ideas, while dedicated can be seen as honoring
those who have fallen, by supporting their cause. Overall, Abraham Lincoln generates
hope after the Battle of Gettysburg in The Gettysburg Address by using specific diction
Essay on The Good Life
Achieving the good life John doe PHI 208 Ethics and Moral Reasoning Daniel Beteta
1 February 2013 I grew up in a small Midwest town called Anderson Indiana. Whenever
people ask where I m from and I say Indiana they think corn fields and country living
but that s far from the truth. In my experience I have seen corn fields everywhere but
my home state. I have yet to see any farms or anything that would suggest country. One
could question the dialect of Indiana residents. It has been said that most of the people
migrated from the south to work at Guide Corp, a car plant that was the one good job in
the city. Throughout the years Anderson has changed. The one good job that we had has
left and with that so have the people. Most people... Show more content on ...
This couple sounds like they are one of the most charitable people in the world and
giving that amount will help a lot of people but are the motives around there giving
actual genuine? It s something to debate because a lot of people in the higher tax
bracket are almost required to give up some of their earnings. When they file their
taxes the charitable giving deduction effectively operates as a federal matching
program, when you make a charitable donation you will receive a tax break. So do we
know if they are giving because they feel like they need to spread the wealth they
made or lower their taxable income by giving? It is not for us to determine their
motives. The bottom line is that if it is be generous or to receive the tax cut the money
is used for less fortunate people, therefore in the end charitable work is being done.
Some people give to their church when they start to earn more. If you are truly
religious and involved in church then you follow what God says. One verse in the bible
states Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the first fruits of all your produce
(Proverbs 3:9). This in turn makes people believe they should tithe a certain percentage
of their pay to the church. Now nothing is wrong with giving to the church, the only
problem I see is when the church starts to run more like a business then a
Act 1 Scene 1 Homework Essay
Act I Scene 1 Homework Graphing a Wave

A vibration is a wiggle in time; a wave is a wiggle in space and time. In this exercise, you
will explore that connection by transferring the motion of the second hand of a clock (a
vibration, even if a slow one), to a wave.

Print out the image of a clock and open the spreadsheet called Grapher. You will find both
of them in the same item where you found these instructions.

Use a metric ruler to measure the displacement of the tip of the second hand every five
seconds. That s the distance above or below the center line that connects the 3 and the 9.
Count the number as positive if the tip is above the line (towards the 12) and negative if
(towards the six). Enter each ... Show more content on ...
Nothing would change at all.
The frequency would change.
The amplitude would change. X

8) If you had plotted the motion of the second hand on your watch instead of the clock
that you printed out, what would change about the graph?

Nothing would change at all.

The frequency would change. X
The amplitude would change.

9) Since you are plotting displacement on the y axis and time on the x axis, this is an
example of a _____ graph.
Snapshot X frog on a post 10) Are you old enough to remember the 90 s television series
Improvement, starring Tim Allen? He was always saying more power and blowing up
one electric tool or appliance after another by trying to make it work faster.
Suppose that he was able to make a clock run so fast that the second hand made one
full lap in only one tenth of a second (0.10 s), and suppose that it tapped a water surface
each time it reached the bottom of its motion. If the waves it produced were 4.0 cm
apart, at what speed (in cm/s) would they travel?

The Waves would travel

An Anatomical Analysis of the Tennis Serve
Tennis serve is the shot that starts off the point. It is normally instigated by pitching the
ball into the air and thumping it into the diagonally opposite service box exclusive of
touching the net. This act is attained underhand or overhead. It is the only attempt
where a player takes his time to position up, instead of reacting to an opponent s shot.
In doing this, high percentages of the efforts are normally exerted at the upper extremity
of the body, while the rest at the lower extremity of the body. the serves comes in five
main types of which includes; cannonball or flat serve, topspin slice serve, slice serve,
American twist serve and the topspin serve. The paper will focus on the some of the
types of the serves and the ways in which the upper extremity are involved in the game.
With this, it will look at the movements that occur at each of the upper extremity together
with the muscles that are in use at the joints.
The upper extremities are linked to the shaft by means of the shoulder girdle. These parts
of the body includes; the shoulder girdle together with the shoulder blade and collar bone,
the upper arm together with the humerus, the lower arm with the radius, the hand with
carpus and lastly the metacarpus and fingers. During the implication of the different
types of the serve, the extremities are used in different ways in that, they are involved in
different movement and different types of the muscles in them are also required
participating in the
Right Stuff History
The historical events that the film depict is the Space Race and how the Russians got
someone into space first also the film represents the Mercury Project. The people the
film The Right Stuff represent a test pilot named Chuck Yeager who was a war hero in
World War II and in 1941 was the first man to go supersonic speed and break the sound
barrier by flying the Bell X 1. Gordon Gordo Cooper who was one of the seven original
astronaut for project Mercury he was also a pilot in the United Statesair force. Cooper
was the last man to orbit the earth solo and was also the first man to fall asleep during
the 34 hour orbit around the earth and for a while Cooper was the best pilot in America.
Virgil Ivan Gus Grissom was one of the original... Show more content on
The next test was a breath test which they blew into a tube and so a ball can go in
between both lines and find out who can last the longest. The next test was a panic
room of some sort where everything going wrong in the room and seeing who can
stay in there the longest without panicking. After those test they asked for a sperm
sample and after the sperm sample the woman ask him how his home life was and
asked for a meeting with his wife. After that they took more test and the last test was
the test pilots to hold them a balloon and told them that the bathroom was on the two
floor up which was also testing how long they could go without having to go to the
bathroom. The astronauts in the Mercury Project were finally chosen which where John
Glenn, Alan Shepard, Gus Grissom, Gordon Cooper, Scott Carpenter, Wally Schirra,
and Donald Slayton. Americans wanted to be the first country to send a person in space
but the Russians beat them on April 12, 1961 and sent someone to space. After that
situation the seven astronauts wanted to start up the Mercury project as soon as
possible. Alan Shepard was the first American to reach space. Gus Grissom was the
second person to go into space just like Shepard but Gus had blown the hatch and the
capsule got filled with water and sank but the Gus had gotten out in one
Genetic Engineering Is The Precision Of Gene Transfer
As defined by Halford and Shewry (2000), genetic Modification is the manipulation of
organism development, structure or composition by the insertion of specific DNA
sequences. This may be for the purpose of expressing a gene that is not naturally found
in the plant or to modify endogenous genes (Halford et al., 2000). In a way, we have
been genetically modifying our food for thousands of years. Since the dawn of
agriculture, our ancestors were selecting and breeding plants and livestock with the
desired phenotypes, such as bigger cows or plants. One particular difference between
conventional methods of obtaining better crop yields and modern genetic engineering is
the precision of gene transfer. Getting a child plant with the desired... Show more content
on ...
The new DNA found in this genetic plant can be referred to as recombinant DNA.
According to Hillis, Sadava, Hill and Price (2013), recombinant DNA is a single DNA
molecule containing DNA sequences from 2 or more sources.

According to Woosley (2012), genetic engineering as we know it today relied on our
knowledge of DNA. DNA was discovered by Russian scientist Andrei Nikolaevitch
Belozersky in 1935. In 1973 a student at Stanford came up with revolutionizing idea
that DNA could be man made (rDNA). In the 1970 s 80 s a conference was held to
create guidelines for the safe use of genetically modified DNA and a genetics engineer
gained a patent on a living organism, a bacterium that eats crude oil (Woosley, 2012). In
1982 the first GMO was approved by the FDA; Humulin, insulin which is produced by
genetically engineered E. coli bacteria (Woosley, 2012).

How GMOs Are Created

In order to make a genetically engineered or transgenic organism, scientists must first find
the desired trait, be it frost resistance or salinity tolerance, and identify an organism with
this trait. Scientists then take a sample of the plant or organism and use genome mapping
technology to find where the trait is located within the DNA. Restriction enzymes are
used by scientists to cut the DNA into fragments that can then be manipulated in the
The, Pastel Blues, By Nina Simone
Nina Simone s 8th studio album, Pastel Blues, is an album featuring a fusion of
sistering genres: blues, jazz, soul, folk, and gospel. Nina, being the brilliant arranger she
was, is known for her ability to blend these genres into her signature sound. A sound
most struggle to classify due to its avant garde nature. She got her start in music by
playing the pianoin church. One evening her church had a recital where her talents
were recognised. Which lead to her starting piano lessons. Nina and her teacher s goal
was for her to become the first black classical pianist. However after being rejected from
school for being black, her dream died and she had to pick up jobs at clubs playing piano
and later singing. From there she never stopped singing. As her fame grew in pop
music she became more depressed. Later in her life she discovered she was riddled with
mental illness. Manic depression being one of these illness.
Nina Simone was a troubled woman but she was a gifted one. Simone was often looked
at as difficult while others would say she was just extremely honest. She was a very
controversial character in history along being a strong political figure. She was one of
the well known civil rights activist along Lorraine Hansberry, Dr. King, and Malcolm
X. She made it known that she was not non violent. When she met Dr. King for the first
time, she walked up to him and said I m not non violent! He replied, kind of ticked,
saying That s okay sister. You don t have to be!
The American Red Cross Club
1. Tell us about a Community Service project which was personally significant to you.
Describe your involvement. As a member of the American Red Cross Club, I have great
opportunities to actively engage in many community services that give me chances to
make profound contributions to the society and effectively develop leadership skills
along the way. Throughout my time serving in the American Red CrossClub, I have
participated in a number of different projects, range from supporting the military
members and their families, assisting the animal shelters, to hosting monthly blood
drives. Yet, the Spooky Skedaddle Halloween Carnival , an event that raises funds for the
Texas School for the Deaf Foundation during Halloween time, left the most significant
and remarkable impact on me. During the service, I learned how to effectively run a
fundraising event. I learned to use sign language to communicate in the deaf culture. The
service helps me grow and build long lasting relationships with people, whom I was
greatly inspired by. It was my pleasure to be able to work and have close interaction
with many talented and passionate deaf people, who never cease to do amazing things
regardless of their disabilities. The only disability in life is a bad attitude, I learned.

2. Tell us a time when you held leadership role in a significant group project or task, in
professional setting or extra curricular activities. Describe how you led the efforts. In
summer 2015, I was the
Nt1310 Lab Report Material
MRI uses the body s natural magnetic properties to formulate an image of the soft
tissues. It does this by using the hydrogen atom nucleus which has a single proton and is
a spinning charged particle. The human body is made up of 70% water, which is
hydrogen and oxygen. Those hydrogen nuclei (protons) spin inside the body, creating
their own magnetic field. They are orientated randomly and cancel each other out when
no field is applied.

When the patient is placed inside the MRI, protons will align parallel or antiparallel
with the primary magnetic field. There will be more protons in parallel (low energy)
than in anti parallel (high energy). Protons will spin on an axis of the primary magnetic
field and will perform a motion that resembles wobbling, this is called precession. The
precession frequency is dependent on the strength of the external magnetic field and its
rate is described in the Larmor frequency; the stronger the magnetic field, the higher the
precession frequency. Protons that align and process together are known as in phase,
those that process separately are known as out of phase.

The gradient coils generate a secondary magnetic field to enable images directionally in
the z, x, y planes. These are ... Show more content on ...
This action results in a disturbance of the proton alignment (low energy flip to high
energy). Once RF pulse is stopped, they switch back and release what was absorbed as
electromagnetic energy. This energy is released as protons relax . Relaxation is defined
as the time it takes for protons to return to the original state. The relaxation time is used
to formulate the image as different tissues and organs have different relaxation times. All
the information is then sent to the computer system, which applies a mathematical
equation to turn the data into a 3D image on the
What The Title Of Hobsbawm s Book Can Indicate At A First...
Despite what the title of Hobsbawm s book can indicate at a first glance, his work is
neither a step by step textbook of factual information about how history should be
written nor a series of directly given guidelines that historians should follow. Instead it is
a book composed of twenty one essays that represent his own work transformed from
their previous form as lectures, contributions to conferences or articles and reviews in
different journals. As Hobsbawm himself explains, his reflections on historyfor the better
of his fifty year career in history have brought together this collection of papers. His
essays deal with issues like the uses and abuses of history in both society and politics
and concerns with historical interpretation while also looking at the history of the
discipline itself from the 1890s when it became an academic subject to the newer
historical trends and fashions like postmodernism. When looked at separately, the
chapters in the book appear to be too different to fit in the same volume and developed
by themselves each can form a new book. However, Hobsbawm explains his reasoning
behind adding each of them to the book. Chapter one stands out as Hobsbawm addresses
future generation of historians (it was at first an introductory lecture given at a university
in Budapest), warning about the dangers of writing history wrongly and outlining the
main responsibilities of historians. Chapters two, three and four focus on the historian s
concern with
Software Requirements Specifications For Emergency Calling
Software Requirements Specifications

Emergency Calling

VersionPrimary authorsDescription of Version

1.0Lavanya Yellapragada(w930339),
Venkata Kodali(w927197)Software requirement specification document

1.1 Purpose of the document
The purpose of this software requirements specification document is to provide a
detailed description of the functionalities of the Emergency Calling application. This
document will cover each of the applications intended features, as well as offer a
preliminary glimpse of the software applications user interface (UI). This document will
also cover hardware, software and various other technical dependencies.
1.2 Scope of this document
The Emergency Calling Application is to help people who are stuck up in the
emergency situations. This is a GPS based mobile application as it can send a text
message mentioning the location of the user and also it has feature of calling people who
are in the emergency contact list. Furthermore the software needs both internet and GPS
connection to fetch the location. This application is also called LIFE SAVER in time of

2.General Description
2.1 Product functions
This application is to help people who are in emergency situations. The main
functionality of this product is to call people who are in the contact list and also send a
message to them regarding the location where the user is. This whole process is done
when the application is activated.
2.2 Similar System
Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension ( Ph )
Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) belong to group 1 in the classification of
Pulmonary Hypertension (PH). It is a chronic progressive disease caused by narrowing of
the minor pulmonary arteries due to vascular proliferation and remodeling.

Figure 1: Changes occur in blood vessels in PAH.

The estimated prevalence for PAH is 15 50 cases per million although it is a rare disease.
The female to male ratio is 1.7:1 with higher prevalence between 30 40 years old. To date
there are 52 cases per million population of Scotland diagnosed with PAH. (1)
The current treatments available for PAH are prostaglandin (PG), calcium channel
blocker (CCB), Endothelin Receptor Antagonist (ERA), and Phosphodiesterase 5
inhibitors (PDE 5 I). The need for new drug therapy is due to the drawbacks of the
current treatment as shown in the tables below. (3) This has led to the development of
Opsumit (Macitentan), a new drug therapy for PAH.

Table 1: Drawbacks of using Calcium Channel Blocker (CCB) in PAH

Calcium Channel Blocker (Nifedipine, Diltiazem)The proportion of patient benefited
from this drug is too little.(2)

Table 2: Drawbacks of using Prostaglandins (PGs) in PAH

Epoprostenol I.VIloprost nebulizedTreprostinil S.C
Inconvenience administration through IV route which requires hospitalization
Unpresentable body image
Administration of the drug might be associated with high risk of infection (need to be
given through continuous I.V infusion due to short half life)
Dulce Et Decorum Est, By Wilfred Owen
Owen s war poetry is a passionate expression of outrage at the horrors of war and of
pity for the young soldiers sacrificed in it. It is dramatic and memorable, whether
describing physical horror, such as in Dulce et Decorum Est or the unseen, mental
torment such as in Disabled . His diverse use of instantly understandable imagery and
technique is what makes him the most memorable of the war poets. His poetryevokes
more from us than simple disgust and sympathy; issues previously unconsidered are
brought to our attention. One of Owen s talents is to convey his complex messages very
proficiently. In Dulce et Decorum EstIf in some smothering dreams you too could pace
/ Behind the wagon that we flung him in the horror of witnessing... Show more content on ...
The moment when the women s eyes / Passed from him to the strong men is
wonderfully picked out by Owen, the women s embarrassment at staring, and the man
s misery at no longer being seen as a valid person. Though sleep is relief from his
tortuous life in Disabled , sleep becomes a hell for many of the poems. In Dulce et
Decorum Est In all my dreams . . . He plunges at me and in The Sentry the persistent
memories I try not to remember these things now .

The detail in Owen s poetry puts forward his scenes horrifically and memorably. His
poems are suffused with the horror of battle, yet finely structured and innovative. His
bleeding cough a scene unimaginable by us, something only a true witness would see
and puckering foreheads crisp more than frozen to death, Owen acutely describes the
impact on the skin and face. The scene witnessed by Owen is so detailed we feel
familiar to it ourselves. As with the unseen scars, Owen delves beneath the surface of
cover ups and expectations. As in Disabled and S.I.W. , the full horror behind these
unemotional terms is described.

The particular techniques adopted by Owen in his poetry underline his messages. His
use of speech and present tense give his poems urgency and directness. All the senses
are utilised by Owen, a constant input of sound, smell, touch as well as sight increase the
dimensions of his images and overwhelm us as he must have been. Owen s
The Benefits of World War One on Australia Essay
It is well recognised that World War 1 was a traumatic experience for the Australian
nation. It claimed 60,000 young lives and another 156,000 men were wounded, gassed,
or taken prisoner. But when the trauma abated, it became apparent that Australian society
had been changed permanently and positively. Some of the gains realised by Australiaas a
result of her involvement in WWI included a newfound maturity as a nation, the respect
and recognition of other nations, new opportunities for trade and industry, a greater
recognition of women s rights and a massive economic and population boost due to post
war immigration programs. This web site has been created to show you some of the
benefits of World War One on Australia.

Economy and Trade: ... Show more content on ...

This was good for both countries, as Britain was struggling with the repatriation of many
of its soldiers, and unemployment was at record highs in that country, and Australia
desperately needed its population to rise to help develop a new nation. This incentive
program was ultimately very successful, with over 300 000 (Bereson, 2000) British
nationals emigrating to Australia, bringing skills, labour force and population growth to
drive the economy forward. One component of this immigration program was that offered
involved land settlements to Allied ex servicemen, and 17 000 ex soldiers took this
opportunity. This led to greater farm and industry production, which fed the growth of a
young Australia.

International Standing
Prior to World War 1, Australians on the whole suffered due to their geographical
isolation, which technology had yet to defeat. Transport was solely by arduous sea
journey, which restricted travel and communication with the rest of the world. The mass
transfer of Australian youth to fight in Europe enabled the world to see for the first time
the unique culture which was developing in this far away land. Recognition and respect
was quickly given for the courage, good humour and strength in adversity displayed by
Australian soldiers. The easy going egalitarian troops challenged the military norms of
their British counterparts. While this
Polygraphs Are Better Than Lying
Polygraphs measure bodily functions in order to evaluate whether or not the subject is
telling the truth. It combines three readings to achieve results: heart/blood pressure,
respiration, and skin conductivity. The heart and blood pressure is measured with a
blood pressure cuff around the wrist, respiration is judged using pneumographs around
the chest, and skin conductivity is found by electrodes placed on the fingertips. The
subject is then asked a series of preliminary questions to set readings and ensure that the
equipment is working. Once the polygraphis set up, the interviewer begins one of the two
primary types of polygraph tests.
The Control Question Test (CQT) is the more popular of the two. The interviewer will
ask both relevant ... Show more content on ...
Aldrich Ames, a Soviet spy who passed the test said that his method was to Get a good
night s sleep, and rest, and go into the test rested and relaxed. Be nice to the polygraph
examiner, develop a rapport, and be cooperative and try to maintain your calm. He also
stated There s no special magic....Confidence is what does it. Confidence and a friendly
relationship with the examiner...rapport, where you smile and you make him think that
you like him. Other countermeasures exist, such as memorizing the questions as they are
reviewed by the examiner, then artificially raising your heart rate during the irrelevant
questions, and remaining calm for the relevant ones in order to give the illusion of
Aldrich Ames was not an exception either, there have been many other guilty people
who have passed the test. Karl Koecher, Ana Belen, Montes, and Leandro Aragoncilla
were all spies who successfully tricked the polygraph test. The test also failed to catch
Gary Ridgway who became known as the Green River Killer . Ridgway was only caught
20 years later from DNA evidence that was
Russel Wangersky s An Accident Of Birth
Russel Wangersky s An Accident Of Birth (The Telegram, Jan. 10, 2009), provides a
insight on how lucky people are to live in Canada. He uses an example of a
stereotypical Toronto taxi driver, a foreigner who moved to Canada for a means to
find a better life. However, this taxi driver is revealed to have a master s degree in
business administration, who has more education than the majority of the people he
drives. Although he doesn t work in marketing, he is perfectly okay with working as a
taxi driver this because he wants to live in a peaceful place, that is full of opportunities
and to give his daughter the best life possible. Ultimately, Wangersky s article is
successful because it illustrates how pure luck can overcome any hard work,... Show
more content on ...
Although the taxi driver s life is not what he imagined it to be, he s still proud to be a
Canadian citizen and proud that his daughter gets to grow up in Canada. Some people
need to make big sacrifices in their life just to get what others get from luck.
Wangersky then directly states We re lucky to live here, and, it seems, many of us are
luckier still to actually have grown up in this country and to work here and get credit
for training and education. He can t be anymore right because Canadian citizens are
some of the luckiest people in the world because we are born into a peaceful,
developed and free country without having to work hard. Other people in the world
are born into terrible living conditions, but were not chosen that life, they were given
it. Children born in Syria for example, are born into war and this is the only life they
will know. These people could work extremely hard to try and escape the country, but
they could fail and never make it out. This brings Wangersky to his next point that
people should be grateful for the blessing of being born in Canada. Few people
understand how better off they are than others, so they take their citizenship for granted.
He ends with the quote It would do you well to keep that in mind. telling people to
recognize and appreciate their citizenship because it is not something that they had to
work for, it is simply given to them at
Emulating the Work of the Limbourg Brothers’ Through...
The Belles Heures of Jean de France is a prayer book also called a book of hours, which
was made for Jean de France, the Duke of Berry by Herman, Paul and Jean de
Limbourg, more commonly known as The Limbourg Brothers. The Limbourg Brothers
were actively making artwork in France during the early 1400s. Though they were all
still teenagers they were very skilled as artists, and so they were hired to create a
personal Bible for Jean de France by his brother Philip the Bold, Duke of Burgundy.
The book was to be used as a private devotional to the Virgin Mary; in fact Belles Heures
actually translates to beautiful hours. This title is not only used because the book is
dedicated to the Virgin Mary, but also because the Belles Heures is ... Show more content
on ...
The precise folio I copied from the Belles Heures of Jean de France, Duke of Berry
comes from the Hours of the Passion. The folio, numbered 142r, is entitled Christ
Offered the Sop . This folio is one of three folios in total that depict in Crucifixion of
Christ in the Belles Heures. The scene portrayed is taken from an account in the
Gospels in which Christ on the cross calls out that He is thirsty. The soldiers standing
by soak a sponge in vinegar that they stick onto a spear or a reed and offer to Him.
Flanking either side of the cross are the Virgin Mary and the young apostle John the
Beloved (Saint John) who are weeping as Christ suffers.
As I looked at other illuminations from this book of hours, I noticed that the foreground
of each usually appeared to be very small and limited in space while I found that many
of the background spaces were filled with some type of pattern. This folio is a perfect
representation of this style that the Limbourg Brothers implemented in their manuscript
work which I kept in mind to include as I did my own recreation of the folio.
The materials that the Limbourg Brothers used in creating this folio were ink, tempera,
and gold leaf on vellum. I substituted a few of these materials in the making of my own.
Instead of vellum, I used calligraphic parchment paper, which I found had a color similar
to the

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