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Abortion Essay Topics

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Abortion Essay Topics" is no easy feat. The complexity of this
topic lies not only in its sensitivity but also in the vast array of perspectives and arguments
surrounding it. The issue of abortion is deeply rooted in moral, ethical, religious, and legal
considerations, making it a multifaceted and controversial subject.

To write an effective essay on abortion, one must navigate through a maze of diverse opinions and
cultural contexts. The challenge lies in presenting a comprehensive overview of the topic while
respecting the various stances held by individuals and societies. Balancing empathy and objectivity is
crucial, as emotions can run high when discussing such a personal and divisive matter.

Additionally, it requires extensive research to provide a well-rounded analysis of historical, cultural,

and legal aspects related to abortion. The writer must be prepared to delve into medical, ethical, and
philosophical dimensions, considering the rights of both women and the unborn.

Moreover, addressing the potential implications of different abortion policies and their impact on
society adds another layer of intricacy. Navigating through statistics, case studies, and expert
opinions to support arguments and counterarguments demands a high level of research proficiency.

In conclusion, composing an essay on "Abortion Essay Topics" requires a delicate balance between
empathy, objectivity, and thorough research. It's a task that demands the ability to engage with a
polarizing issue from various perspectives while maintaining a respectful and informative tone.
Writing on such a nuanced and emotionally charged subject necessitates dedication, diligence, and a
nuanced understanding of the diverse viewpoints surrounding abortion.

If you find yourself struggling with such complex topics or need assistance with essays, various
resources, including professional writing services, are available. Similar essays and more can be
ordered through platforms like, where expert writers can provide support in
tackling challenging subjects with finesse and depth.
Abortion Essay TopicsAbortion Essay Topics
The Causes Of Juvenile Delinquency
Theft, vandalism, disorderly conduct, and possession of marijuana are common crimes,
offenses and violations of juvenile delinquency. Delinquency is the wrongdoing or minor
crime, especially committed by young people young people refers to term juvenile .
Delinquency may be committed by any individual regardless of the age group, but with
younger population it is handled differently in court system compared to adults. Most
states implement community based programs and school related activities for prevention
with educational subject matters such as consequences, impactful effects, and removing
oneself from provocative circumstances. Surprisingly, juvenile arrest rates continuously
decrease and reached an all time low according to Office of Justice Programs (Synder,
2004). Although, the statistics reflect positivity; the start of delinquency may lead to
serious criminal involvement later in life. Juvenile delinquencyis a societal issue therefore
effective measures must be in position to reinforce and educate the public to end this
ongoing predicament.

Based on numerous research findings the causes of juvenile delinquency are among the
lines of family, mass media, and peer pressure. The cases of these causes range from
high to low and basic to complex. Transiting from preteen into adolescence is
accompanied with intense peer pressure. Adolescents seek acceptance from peers which
allows the pressure to succeed. In like manner, teenagers are easily persuaded to join
Deaf People Research Paper
Celebrated Deaf People in the Arts and Sciences We are learning more and more about
the deaf culture as it increases its presence throughout different areas of life. We are
able to better understand deafness today than we were many years ago, and the
cultural awareness is growing along with the community. With the help of various
mediums, and the openings of deaf schools throughout the nation, we have learned
that their lack of hearing is not considered a disability. Here are 6 celebrated deaf
people in the arts and sciences who have more recently helped to pave the way for
other deaf community members. 1.Marlee Matlin
This well known actress has played a slew of parts, some speaking rolls and some not.
She is probably most recognized by the younger crowd for her roll in ABC S hit show
Switched at Birth. Marlee has definitely paved the way for other deaf actors to be
recognized and taken seriously. When she was 21, she became the youngest and first
Deaf recipient of the Academy Award for Best Actress. 2.... Show more content on ...
Sean Berdy This handsome, young actor
stars along side Matlin in ABC s Switched at Birth, and actually plays her son. He was
nominated in 2011 for TV Breakout Star for the Teen Choice Awards. 3.Matt The
Hammer Hamill Hamill Hamill is a famous wrester
who was a 3 time NCAA national champion. At the Deafolympics in 2001, he took
home a silver medal in Greco Roman wrestling and the gold in freestyle, and ultimately
had a 6 year career as a UFC fighter. 4.Mojo Mathers
/Mojo_Mathers Mathers a politician who is the first deaf Member of Parliament in New
Zealand. She identifies herself as a lipreader, only learning Sign Language in the early
2000s. She typically prefers to communicate orally. 5.Heather Whitestone
National Security Requirements Exercised The Most...
National security requirements exercised the most significant influence on the
development of airpower in Europe and the United States before the Second World War
(WWII). Nations on both sides of the ocean had experienced the multifaceted disastrous
results of World War I (WWI) and airpower seemed to be the answer for future wars.
Understanding the context and consequences of WWI is vital to comprehend airpower
theorists like Douhet, Mitchell and Trenchard and their revolutionary thoughts on
airpower. The development of aircraft at the beginning of the twentieth century
challenged not only military leadership but also, more important, the national security of
modern states. The basic question was: How will strategic bombing of enemy territory
fit in to national security and military strategy? This paper will narrow the view on
Europe by selecting Great Britain as one of the most relevant nations in WWII
concerning strategic bombing. WWI was the first total war in the industrial age with
unprecedented casualties on all sides of the belligerent nations. In spite of gigantic troop
numbers, both sides expected a quick war with a decisive victory. However, in 1915, the
maneuvering part of the war was over and resulted ultimately in bloody trench warfare.
Furthermore, as the war continued, attrition of the adversary became the main goal as the
battle at Verdun highlighted. Consequently, aircraft offered an alternative to the static
warfare of the trenches. These newly
Henry Weeks Sanderson, And Edward Hunter
This is a true story of two men. And while not able to contain their whole lives in a few
small pages, much of their story will be told. The names of these two men are Henry
Weeks Sanderson, and Edward Hunter. Sanderson: a previous member of the Mormon
Battalion and mayor of Fairview, Utah. Edward Hunter: the third presiding Bishop of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and body guard to the LDS Prophet
Joseph Smith. These are only some of the major accomplishments and personas linked to
the listed men. These two people have changed my history, and the history of countless
others. Henry is my fourth Great Grandfather and Edward (while significantly more
distant a relative) is my fourth Cousin nine times removed. There is much... Show more
content on ...
During one of my rambles I went into the pasture, I presume to have a nearer view of
the horses or perhaps to give them a fright to see them run. But a large stallion
observing me, and no doubt thinking me an intruder, took after me with open mouth
and I barely sufficient time to make my exit through a hole in the fence
( stories). As is easy to see through this writing, Henry was a vivid
journalist, and He kept a highly detailed journey of his many life events
( Another easily pictured experience is shared by Sanderson.
During his childhood, at the age when I first began my rambles, there was a small dog
that was my companion and upon one occasion when we were out together I seemed
to have had occasion to crawl through a pole fence, and in doing so the pole above me
was dislodged and falling upon me, pinned me fast, and I could neither retreat nor
advance. The dog seemed to have the sagacity to see that I was in perilous condition and
needed assistance. It therefore went to the house and my it s antics attracted the attention
of my mother who came to my relief ( stories). Stories similar to these
are very common for the time that Henry was around, but his colorful descriptions make
the accounts much more lifelike and entertaining. Although much of Henry s life may
have contained several typical experiences, several factors of it make it remarkably
different from other children growing up in the
Frank Wedekind s Spring Awakening
Spring Awakening by Frank Wedekind pushed many envelopes when it was first
performed in 1906. The play, which is set in pre World War I Germany in 1890, touched
on many controversial topics such as teen sexuality, abuse, rape, homosexuality, suicide,
and abortion. Wedekind s blunt and dramatic use of the caseara in the dialog between
characters and in Mortiz s soliloquy in the resolution as well as the use of expressionism
helps further enhance the overall theme of the play. Wedekind shows this in a series of
short, frantic scenes that unraveled what lies beneath the surface of the regimented
German society at the start of the 20th century and discusses topics that no one wanted
to address on a global scale.
Benjamin Franklin Wedekind ... Show more content on ...
The town s pastor lacks sympathy for Mortz s internal downfall. It can be argued that
Melchior is the most positive character in the play. Despite the fact he is an atheist and
openly struggles with religious belief, he is one of the positive characters although
some of his actions counteract this statement. Wedekind shows the views of
christianity by showing Moritz, having committed suicide, not being able to go to
heaven, or even to rest. When Melchoir goes to the grave to see Mortz and discovers
Wendela s grave, the ghost of Mortz visits Melchoir alongside a man in a mask who
stays unnamed at that time and asked him to come join him on the other side. He
reassures Melchoir that joining him is a good idea because it provides a piece of mind,
a contentedness... (79). Melchior however does not listen to Mortz and accepts his sins.
This choice reaffirm his title as one of the more positive characters in the play. Him
acknowledging his faults and understanding his need for punishment makes it possible to
forgive and understand Melchoir as an
Ishmael Beal Book Report
In one particularly disturbing scene, Ishmael and the other child soldiers come across a
village that they have considerable trouble taking from the enemy. They were running
low on ammunition, so instead of wasting the bullets on those men, they decided to
hold them at gunpoint and force them to dig their own graves. The men dug for a long
time, getting more and more tired and fearful, and once the graves were dug, the
soldiers shot the men in the feet so they would fall back into the graves, and began to
shovel dirt onto them. Ishmael recalls that he did not feel guilty when he could hear
them struggling and clawing against the ground on top of them, and then go still.
Ishmael Beah included this scene to not only provide a clear image of... Show more
content on ...
Summarize the story and explain its significance to Beal s overall message for the
book. A complete answer will summarize the story in 3 4 sentences and identify its
significance to the overall message of the book in 1 2 sentences. You should use
Standard Written English (SWE) for your answers (i.e., grammar counts). When
Ishmael was young, the elders used to gather all the children to hear a story. They
would tell about a hunter, who came across a monkey in the woods, and had to decide
whether or not to shoot it. To complicate matters, the monkey could speak, and said if
the hunter shot him, his mother would die. If he let him live, his father would die.
Then the elders would pose the unanswerable children: do you shoot the monkey or let
it live? While none of the other children could come up with an answer, Ishmael had a
solution that he kept secret; he would shoot the monkey, so it would not be able to put
anyone else in the situation. The significance to the memoir here is that Ishmael was put
in a situation that seemed to have no clear solutions, just like the hunter. He struggled
with his own kind of monkey, but in the end, what he sees as important is that no one
else is ever put into that situation. Ishmael is essentially saying that no one else should
ever be forced to be a child soldier, and
Kraft Foods Group Mission Statement
Kraft Foods Group is a top fortune 100 company founded by James L Kraft in Chicago,
Illinois 3 years ago. They specialize in food and beverage products categorized by
beverages, frozen and refrigerated meals, dairy products, and other grocery items. Kraft
products are known worldwide and can be found in almost every home in the world.
Even though Kraft brand has been around for decades Kraft FoodsGroup is a type of
business subsection that adheres separately to each demographic in the world. Since they
provide for over 170 countries, they must divide and conquer to stay successful. Although
the company has been very successful they face many challenges including broad
competition and target markets.
Mission Statement
Kraft Foods Group produces annual revenues of about $18 billion or more. CEO, John
T. Cahillore ensures that with the spirit of a startup and the soul of a powerhouse, we
are on a mission to be the best food and beverage company in North America. Kraft
exists around that statement and every decision made for the business should reflect
being a powerhouse in food and beverages. So far, this company s strategies have made
that statement true.
The company may now be known as just Kraft Foods Group but the slogans make today
delicious and the old statements about healthy enjoyable food still stands true. Just like
everything in life, things must adapt and grow with time. So being the best food and
beverage company means having healthy and delicious food.
Jonathan Dayton s Constitution
Jonathan Dayton Signer of The Constitution
Jonathan dayton was born october 16th 1760. He was born in Elizabethtown New
Jersey. His father was Elias Dayton, Elias was an scorekeeper. He was also active in his
local state politics. I could not find any information on his mother. Jonathan attended the
college of New Jersey (Princeton University) he joined the continental army where he
fought in the Revolutionary War. At the age of 19 he achieved the rank of captain,
serving under his father. When the war finished Dayton studied law and established a
practice. Which took up most of this time. When he was done serving as a delegate of
the New Jersey, He became a prominent federalist legislator. In 1789 he was elected to
the U.S. House of Representatives. ... Show more content on ...
Jonathan Dayton did end up invest in $18,000 of cash in congress, but it did end up
going very bad after getting the money. The people in congress did end up tracking
him and all the money that he got. Dayton had to then give back the money, he had to
give back more than he had actually got. After the Continental Congress in 1788, He
became the most federalist legislator in the government. Though after being elected as
a representative, he did not want to serve in the First Congress in 1789. He instead to
later be a member of the New Jersey council as a speaker of the state. Soon after he
went in the Fourth and Fifth Congresses. He became apart of the Whisky Rebellion
and Jay s treaty, but he also was in other Federalist measures. Dayton purchased the
Boxwood Hall in 1795 as a place to stay and live in Elizabethtown and stayed until he
died. Aaron Burr fall out of the political grace. He did after shot Alexander Hamilton,
Burr did have to He opposed the repeal of Judiciary Act of 1801. In 1806 he became ill
from accompanying Aaron Burr s Where he expedition to the Southwest, when intended
to conquer Spanish lands and they made an empire. Dayton could not salvage his
national political career. Though he was popular in New Jersey and
Use of Statistics to Analyze the Motion Picture Industry...
Report on the Motion Picture Industry The motion picture industry is just like any
other industry and to be successful it must turn a profit on the movies it creates and
produces. Everyone loves movies and the motion picture industry does everything in its
power to produce movies that will bring in millions of dollars in profits. The motion
picture industry has created high grossing movies such as Spider Man 3 with a total
gross of $336,530,303 as well as flops such as Sea Monsters: A Prehistoric Adventure,
which only brought in $23,746,066. Diving into descriptive statistics we are able to
compare the 5 number summary, mean, mode, range, and standard deviationfor the
opening gross, total gross, theaters, and number of weeks for the... Show more content on ...
It was also determined that the movie Spider Man 3 brought in the largest total gross
with a total take of $336,530,303. The range of total gross was determined to be
$312,784,237 and the mean of the total gross came out to $85,096,526. The standard
deviation of $75,282,256 is about ten million dollars than the mean value of
$85,096,526. The movie Sea Monsters: A Prehistoric Adventure brought in the least
amount of total gross but appeared in the least amount of theaters at 252. The movies
with the highest total gross appeared in more than 4000 theaters. The mean for theaters
was calculated to be 2,856 so this is the average number of theaters the movies appeared
in and the mode came out to 2,529. The range was 4,110 theaters and this is the
difference between the smallest amount of theaters at 252 and the largest amount of
theaters at 4,362. The standard deviation was determined to be 766, which is roughly
25% of the theaters total mean of 2,856. Now turning to the total number of weeks that
the movies appeared in theaters, it was determined that the movie Sea Monsters: A
Prehistoric Adventure was in theaters longer than any other movie at 49 weeks. The
movie, We Own the Night appeared for only 4 weeks and this was the lowest number of
weeks that any movie appeared in theaters. The mean for the total number of weeks that
the movies appeared in theaters was 14 with a mode of
Theme Of Human Relationships By Anita Desai
Anita Desai presents to reader her opinion about complexity of human relationships as a
big contemporary problem and human condition. At the level of inner consciousness
words are not mere meanings recorded in a dictionary but are symbolic which trigger
feelings and meanings that an individual draws out of one s subconscious storehouse.
Her women characters make a reader look at them with awe with their relationship to
their surroundings, their society, their men, their children, their families, their
psychological make ups and themselves. Though not admittedly a feminist, Anita Desai
is well aware of the predicament of the Indian women and their relationship with men.
Running inward her fictiongrapples with the intangible realities of life. Man woman
relationship in the urban society is her concern and in novelafter novel she delves deeper
and deeper in this dilemma. D.H. Lawrence rightly points out that The great relationship
for humanity will... Show more content on ...
Anita Desai has added a new dimension to the achievement of Indian women writers in
English fiction through novels like Cry The Peacock, Voices In The City, Where Shall We
Go This Summer, Fasting Feasting, Fire On The Mountain and many more.
The contribution of Anita Desai is significant on account of the grater accent given to
The inner Climate which is more compelling than the outer weather (Srinivasa Iyengar,
In her first novel Cry The Peacock, Anita Desai s style is tinted with a curious
compatibility with her theme, because the narrator happens to be a hypersensitive young
become, tense and over wrought. K.R. Srinivas Iyenger says, Cry The Peacock, the
inner climate, the climate of sensibility that loud or clears of rumbles like thunder or
suddenly blazes forth like lightning is more cal geography or the visible action. (The
Banasthali Patricka,
The Odessa Steps Sequence
Sergei Eisenstein was a Soviet film director, who directed Battleship Potemkin. A
famous scene in the film is the Odessa Steps sequence. The Odessa Steps sequence is an
example of Eisensteinian attractions, which is a tactic that is used to shock or jolt the
audience, mainly through editing. The scene I am describing is segment C. Segment C
is the scene that consists of the cherub statues, the collapsing iron gate, and the lion
statues. Segment C consists of nine shots. The first shot is a cherub extending its right
arm above its head to reach a club. The cherub is looking straight ahead. Additionally, the
cherub is sitting with its legs wide open. The second shot in the segment is another
cherub looking to the left. The cherub is grasping... Show more content on ...
Yes, the narrative is disrupted by the cherubs and the lion statues, but compared to the
other segments the cherubs and the lion statues do not intensify the shots of the iron gate
collapsing compared to the occurrences in segment B and segment A, where those shots
together build upon the intensity of the shots within their own segments. In segment B
the shots continue to intensify the narrative especially seeing the helpless baby in the
carriage on the cusp of descending down the steps, and then the solider slashing people
with his saber, and the woman who was shot in the eye. In my opinion, these all
continue to intensify the narrative because the shots are brief but it s all shocking and
addresses the spectator especially when the woman who is shot in the eye looks at the
camera in horror. Segment B continues to shock one, whereas segment C disrupts the
continuity of the scene. Segment A is also disruptive like segment C because of the title
that says and suddenly, and the lady who is shaking her head and yelling, and then the
lady with the white parasol heading toward the camera, although this is disruptive it also
intensifies the narrative because the narrative completely switches from the people
waving to the people beginning to run for their
Violence In The Workplace Research Paper
Violence in the work place
Many people believe that violence in the work place only consists of physical actions.
Work place violence can be demonstrated through many acts. According to researchers,
violence in the workplace consists of any act where someone is being abused,
threatened, intimidated or assaulted in their place of work(Violence in The
Workplace, 2017). A few examples of these would be verbal threats, harassment,
verbal abuse or any physical harm to a worker. I have decided to research violence in
the workplace because I feel that it is a very important subject that I myself would like
to gain more knowledge on. Violence in the workplace is a great subject that I believe
everyone should know about. Also, I work at a fast food restaurant where we are
constantly dealing with customers and many coworkers. In an environment like this, it is
good to know how to identify violence in the work place. There are many factors that can
add to preventing violence in the workplace. By law, all places of employment must
contain a workplace violence protection program. Researchers tell us that the most
important component of any workplace violence prevention program is management
commitment (Violence in The Workplace, 2017, p.5). The best form of management
commitment is in a written policy. This written policy should be created by
management along with a few workers. A few things that should be included in this
written policy are any consequences for violent acts in the workplace, multiple ways to
prevent violence in the workplace and it should also inform workers on how to properly
report incidents confidentially. For a more detailed and full list ... Show more content on ...
is it still considered workplace violence if you are not at work but at a work event or
social outing?
Is spreading rumours a form of workplace violence?
Does an employee still have the right to refuse work because of violence in the
Functionalist Perspective In Pleasantville
The film Pleasantville had displayed a lot of importance in such a way we can relate
to the past, up until now. This film had given many examples of different perspectives
that I was able to capture and connect to. Although this film took place a while back,
the director of this movie casted actors and actresses that are acting in present movies
today. While these actors and actresses played their part, they portrayed their character
in such a way where I was able to grasp and add my opinions of perspectives of what was
going on. This filmwas mostly about change, so it was easier to get my personal
opinions of this show. I was aware to find three perspectives in this film which were a
functionalist perspective, internationalist perspective, and conflict perspective.
Functionalist perspective is a perspective where everyone contributes to society. There is
an approach that emphasizes the contributions made by each part of the society. In this
film I made a connection, a functionalist perspective where David (Bud Parker)
contributes to help put out the tree that was caught on fire. He contributed to help the
fire fighters because in Pleasantville, there were no such thing as fires . So when he
helped them out, by showing them how to use the water hose he became a hero to the
society. Later that day when people heard about his outrageous action they wanted in on
how he knew about the fire and what to do about it. Another functionalist perspective I
had was when later in the
A Personal Analysis Of My Little Baby Blogs
I could sit here for hours and I still would not be able to mention all of the blogs out
there that deserve it. There are so many unbelievable writers out there with amazing
pages, and I know they have worked incredibly hard to earn the followings that they
have. If it weren t for those blogs, I would not be doing what I love today without the
inspiration I ve gotten from these people. Personally, I have only had one major
interaction with an author, but there have been so many little run ins with them online,
and every single one has been so kind. Some will comment on posts when their books
have been featured, and others have even reposted my pictures. Every time this happens,
I am always sure to remind myself that they... Show more content on ...
That s why I follow over 700 accounts on my bookstagram. I am able to get a new wave
of different pictures every time I log in. My Instagram wouldn t be nearly as good as
it is today if I didn t have all the inspiration it needed to grow. If you didn t already
know, my dream job would be to design book covers, so the fact that I can be a part of
a community that thrives on the work of great graphic designers blows my mind. I
hope that one day the books that I ve designed are the ones that are shown off on social
media. Nothing is more satisfying than clicking on someone s profile and seeing a
beautiful theme put together. As a fellow photographer, I am so envious of other
people and their ability to put together such unique themes. The only reason I have a
theme is that I take almost all of my pictures in the sunroom of my house, so
consequently they all match. I love how all these different pieces fit together to create a
certain emotion or feeling in people. I LOVE SOCKS. And I can justify buying fun
socks that I would never wear out of the house by taking cute pictures in them for my
blog. These pictures usually end up being some of my favorites, and I can t wait to add
to my collection sometime soon. Even though I haven t been lucky enough to win one,
the book community is always giving away books. If there is a book
Examples Of Epiphany In The Dead By James Joyce
In 1914, James Joyce published a collection of fifteen short stories entitled Dubliners,
which depict with realistic detail the lives of middle class Irish citizens. Throughout the
tales, Joyce s use of the secular epiphany emerges as a key element. For instance, in the
final short story of the Dublinerscollection, The Dead, the protagonist Gabriel experiences
an epiphany in the denouement of the tale. Throughout the story, Joyce develops the
interpersonal conflicts and the character of Gabriel simultaneously to facilitate this final
epiphany; Gabriel s internal struggles mirror the external obstacles he faces, culminating
in his realization that his preoccupation with image and class has hindered his ability to
make connections with others. The story begins at the residence of Kate and Julia
Morkan, two elderly sisters who host an annual dance and dinner on the Feast of the
Epiphany. The sisters await the arrival of their favourite nephew, Gabriel Conroy, and his
wife, Gretta. When... Show more content on ...
At the beginning of the tale, he agonizes over the speech he will be giving later in the
evening. He worries that the other guests will think that he [is] airing his superior
education by quoting Robert Browning and that he [will] fail with them .... His whole
speech [will be] a mistake from first to last, an utter failure (Joyce 1246). Gabriel fears
humiliation and public disgrace, and how he appears to other people engrosses [him]
(Walzl 24). As such, he is cross with Miss Ivors for trying to make him ridiculous before
people (Joyce 1251). Molly Ivors may even be seen as Gabriel s foil (O Hehir 6).
Gabriel strives to maintain what he considers his public image of a well educated and
respectable man and, thus, is dismissive of Miss Ivors whose vivacious and unapologetic
manner so contrasts his own guarded and constructed personality. Like with Lily, Gabriel
fails to form a connection with Molly
An Abridged Story Of My Life
An Abridged Story of My Life I was born with a curious mind. When I was four years
old, I enjoyed dissecting insects. It was fun exploring the structures of living
organisms. Sometimes the grasshoppers I caught will blow a black liquid bubble from
their mouths, which looked like it permanently stained the grass hopper s upper body
when popped. That practice sounds cruel, but I wanted to know the physical
differences between humans and arthropods. During that same age, the importance of
religion intrigued me. I wondered the reason people devoted themselves entirely to a
religious book, that according to the religious believers, was created by God. My mom
always told me, God is a God, because he has never performed a sin . After my mom
telling me those controversial words, I did not understand why my Catholic Bible
book said that the people who have broken some of the ten testaments from the Bible
would go to hell. Why would they go to hell? I thought God supposed to always do the
right thing, but not forgiving someone is the wrong thing, right? Clearly, religion was a
very confusing topic to me when I was a girl. Soon, I started to go to school at Forman
Elementary. It was a fascinating experience. I enjoyed competing with other students in
extracurricular activities. My personal favorite were the spelling bee, art, music, math,
and science competitions. The school was full of surprises. In my classes, I would learn
how to draw weird illustrations called the alphabet. My
Immigrants in America Essay
America is traditionally a country of immigrants. Very few people today have relatives
who were Native Americans, many of them because of religious persecution, and others
because of they were just looking to start a new life on the exciting untouched frontier.
For instance, in Florida, the first arrivals were European, beginning with the Spanish
explorer Ponce de Leon who explored the land in 1513, following French and Spanish
settlement during the 16th century. From the past, America was seen as a country of
opportunities. People from all over the world have moved here looking for better
opportunities. There are a lot of reasons why immigrants should live in this country, but I
would like to mention three of them. Immigrants... Show more content on ...
These types of beliefs and strong traditions have been good examples for western
civilization absorbing their rules and respect. This has been ideal to help restoring their
family values. It has been said that Immigration damage the economy. This is not true
because foreigners help American economy to prosper. Immigration increases purchasing,
and increases demand for labor. Immigration not only takes jobs, but also creates them.
For instance, a man comes to America from Italy; this man opens a small Italian
restaurant, this restaurant becomes prosper during the years. Five years later, this Italian
man owns two more restaurants and employs twenty Americans. Similar stories, which
help our economy, have happened from the beginning of the immigration times.
Immigrants are what have helped America to be America. Being a multicultural society
standing united. We say that America is just a melting pot. This is what makes our
country exceptional and special. We have here many cultures: Chinese, Italian, German,
African, and Latin as well. We have many Ideas , traditions, but all of us have the same
dream which is the American Dream. Dream that share Americans in America and
immigrants before to come over here. Having a variety of cultures helps people
comprehend and discover from each other. Taking immigration away would hurt this
country not only economically but also socially. Immigration in
king a Look at Cancer
Cancer is a disease, caused by uncontrolled cell division to form a malignant growth or
tumour in the body.

There are three types of cancers:

1)Carcinomas: A cancer that affects the skin and the epithelial tissues lining certain
organs and glands. It may spread to other parts of the body but generally stays in the
cells where it started.
2)Sarcomas: A cancer that affects bone, cartilage and muscle tissue.
3)Leukemias: A cancer that affects the blood and lymphatic system. Leukemia usually
starts in the white blood cells.
The Liver
The reason I chose to research liver cancer, was because both my Aunt and my
Grandfather passed away due to liver cancer and it may be hereditary so it would be
interesting for me to see what the main liver cancer causing agents are and how to lower
the risk of getting it.

Normal functions of the Liver:

A healthy liver is the largest gland in the body. It has many functions which include
storing vitamins and nutrients, producing proteins, creating bile for digestion and
undergoing the process called Deanimation, which removes the nitrogen from the excess
amino acids. The liver also breaks down alcohol, drugs, poisons, solvents and pesticides.
It also makes cholesterol, converts excess glucose into glycogen and convert glycogen
back into glucose if needed.

Liver cancer
Liver cancers are malignant tumours that grow inside or on the surface of the liver. They
form from the liver or structures inside the liver, for example, blood
Mediation and Peacekeeping Agenda in International Relations
MEDIATION AND PEACEKEEPING AGENDA In International Relations, mediation
and peacekeeping are the very essence of what are international relations itself,
international organizations and regional organization like the African Union. First
established by the United Nations decades ago, it has played an outstanding role in
the peaceful aim and determination of armed conflict around the world. It was at the
end of the Cold War that it mostly reached its peak as many long term conflicts were
finally coming to an end due to the political negotiations which were often broken but
were successfully applied after strong mediation and peacekeeping effort. For this
thesis of the Darfur conflict, to assess and examine the African Union s mediation and
peacekeeping agenda, we must first understand and differentiate between peacemaking
and peacekeeping. Then their role in the Darfur conflict could be analyzed and if they
have had an outstanding role as in many others armed conflict. Definition of Mediation
and Peacekeeping What is mediation? What is peacemaking? Peacemaking and
mediation are deeply intertwine and cannot be defined without one another. But what is
peacemaking? Peacemaking has been defined by many scholars and critics. For
Douglas Noll, an expert in peacemaking and mediation specialized in difficult and
intractable conflicts; he defined peacemaking as a complex concept as even peace can
be defined in so many ways. But however he described peacemaking as a concept
Bluegrass Music Research Paper
Bluegrass music has its earliest roots from the English, Irish and Scottish immigrants that
settled in the Appalachian Mountains. These people brought with them the traditional
folk songs of their homelands. This music blended and evolved into mountain, folk,
hillbilly and even country music. Only after the music became influenced by jazz and
bluesof the African American people did it sound recognizable for what today is called
bluegrass music. The men and groups of the first generation of bluegrass pioneered a
new sound while playing their old time music. In the 1930s, a popular group from
Kentucky named the Monroe Brothers was a successful country band. The brothers were
Charlie who played guitar and Bill who played the mandolin. The
In Response To The Globalization Of Superficiality Analysis
In his 2010 speech, Rev. Adolfo NicolГЎs, S.J., Superior General of the Society of Jesus,
said In response to the globalization of superficiality, I suggest that we need to study the
emerging cultural world of our students more deeply and find creative ways of promoting
depth of thought, and imagination, a depth that is transformative of the person.
Fr. NicolГЎs is reminding us to take a step back when learning new information. He is
reminding us to stand above the flood of information we experience faster and after due
to new technology. He stresses the need for thought out information over fast
information. The globalization of superficiality refers to this widespread trend of
disconnection between well thought out human interaction. Father NicolГЎs is stressing
the importance of considering sources and form our own analyses. But his concern
stretches even deeper, to the way young people are using technology to hide from the
world and connection with others. He is calling for Jesuit education to encourage deeper
evaluation and participation of life s experiences.
Computer Science is a rapidly growing field, not only in the US but all over the world.
Through a semester abroad I hope to learn more about the world as well as how CS is
growing overseas. Father NicolГЎs addressed how technology has increased the stresses
access to information as fast as possible, over the quality of the information.
Both through technology as my chosen field but also away from the world of zeros and
Although Father NicolГЎs is describing technology as the driving force behind the
globalization of superficiality, I want my experience abroad to increase how I use my
information to expand my depth of thought and imagination and use my computer skills
to help others do so too. Father NicolГЎs mentions a pedagogy of Ignatian
contemplation, how Ignatius asked us to look at all our senses when responding to a
new experience. I can employ this method to my new experiences while studying abroad,
in my studies toward my major and in exposure to another culture. Father NicolГЎs is
reminding us to stop and smell the roses when experiencing new things, to take time to
connect with others and our present surroundings. I fully intend
An Outline To Establish A Work Stoppage Prevention Plan

A.Establishes a work stoppage prevention plan and outlines or references positive

elements intended to prevent said work stoppages.
B.Establishes a work stoppage contingency plan, providing specific guidance to
supervisors and management officials regarding responsibilities when a work stoppage is
threatened or occurs.


A.Despite the prohibition against strikes by employees of Your Way Property Services,
slow downs, sick outs, and other forms of work stoppages could possibly occur. The
prevention of this ensures continuity of services to our clientele, efficient operation,
employee well being, and constructive and cooperative relationships between field staff
and management.
B.A sound labor management relations program is the foundation of our prevention plan.
The Action Plan for Labor Management Relations, which sets forth our policy and
philosophy concerning labor management relations and prescribes specific procedures
and responsibilities for implementing the policies, shall be considered the foundation of
Your Way Property Services work stoppage prevention plan.
C.In addition, the following elements form an integral part of Your Way Property
Services work stoppage prevention plan:
1. Maintenance of equitable conditions of employment by evaluation of personnel
practices and work rules and regulations.
2. Fair and equitable administration and enforcement of established rules, regulations,
and laws.
The Influence of Books on the Past and Present Literacy
The article describes the influence of religious books such as the bible on the past and
present states of literacy. Past literacy based on religious books shows the origin of the
biblical practices of exorcism and the culture of Protestantism in England. It describes the
superstitions surrounding the early forms of education and the difficulty they bring as
regards the understanding of religious books. The article shows that the understanding of
the bible influenced the presentstate of literacy by introducing prudence and
enlightenment. The article is important in the research as it will provide enough
information on how the western culturehas reformed the present literacy by drawing its
roots from protestant Christianity.
The article describes how the past literacy played an important role in adult education.
For instance, the educators linked several issues to past literacy and adult education.
The bone of contention emerges between the impact of theory and practice on policy
making. The research provides the basis of how the three coexist in the world of
literacy. It provides the platform where literacy meets adult education. The aspect of
literacy in this context relates to classrooms, workplaces, cyberspace, and tutorial
sessions. The scholar article is important as it will provide a basis for understanding how
the past literacy practices evolved into present literacy on the issue of adult education.
More importantly, it links policy making to literacy.
The article
Benetton Group Essay
Benetton Group is a worldwide fashion brand, located in Treviso, Italy. The real name
originates from the Benetton family who founded the business in 1965. Because the
1980s Benetton has launched various shock advertising campaigns that contain whipped
up controversy and stimulated debate. These group of stunning adverts have helped
Benetton gain recognition and reputation and be a worldwide fashion large. Various
messages and themes have been found in these campaigns, but the key idea has always
been focused on controversial social issues, that concern socially conscious individuals at
that time the business releases the campaigns. In the centre 1980s, world renowned
photographer Olivero Toscani designed for Benetton the to begin his multiracial... Show
more content on ...
The plan, in Sept 2012 that was launched, centers around a contest where unemployed
teenagers can gain EUR5,000 to use a project which has a positive effect on their
community. It really is reinforced by posters depicting close ups of (entirely attractive)
teenagers, with captions like Valentina, 30, non lawyer from Italy. The competition was
also recognized by some TV advertisements centered on the problem of lack of
employment and an comprehensive social media advertising. Benetton explained the way
the campaign presents an authentic family portrait of today s population by positively
tackling an up to date problem, that of youngsters non employment and the actual
conflict between decades, in order showing it in a fresh light and create value for the
huge human being capital of teenagers. The basic aims of advertising are to secure,
develop, innovate and create adverts to market a product. That is done by informing,
persuading, and reminding customers of something. Advertising builds brand equity, the
advertising goals of Benetton aren t to market more but converse the company s beliefs.
Benetton targets politics and cultural issues. Benetton centered on undertaking corporate
An Investigation Of Foreign Direct Investment
An Investigation of Foreign Direct Investment in Indian Banking Sector L.Kannan

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) plays an important role in the economic development of
a country. The Indian banking system is radically different from those common in other
countries due to its unique geographic, social and economic characteristics. India has a
huge population, different cultures in different parts of the country and also disparities in
income. In this research paper discuss about the role of the Foreign Direct Investment in
the Indian Banking Sector and the Rules and Regulations for Foreign Direct Investment
in India. To encourage the saving habits ... Show more content on ...
Also in India the population spread among rural and urban areas is also skewed in the
favour of urban areas. All these features reflect in the volume and structure of the Indian
banking system. Further in order to fulfill the requirements to the government policy it
has been subjected to different nationalization schemes at different times. RBI credit
policies form the guidelines for banks in India. Since they had to satisfy the domestic
obligations, the banks have so far been confined within the Indian borders. Banking in
India originated in the last decades of the 18th century. The first banks were The General
Bank of India, which started in 1786, and Bank of Hindustan, which started in 1770;
both are now defunct. The oldest bank in existence in India is the State Bank of India,
which originated in the Bank of Calcutta in June 1806, which almost immediately
became the Bank of Bengal.

Foreign Direct Investment as seen as a main source of non debt inflows and is
increasing being required as a vehicle for technology flows and as a means of attaining
competitive efficiency by creating a meaningful network of global interconnections. FDI
plays a critical role in the economy since it does not only give opportunities to host
countries to enhance their economic development but also opens new vistas to home
countries to optimize their earnings by employing their ideal resources.

In India, FDI is considered as a

What I Had A Year
I had a month to finish my research paper. It was a long term assignment, so I didn t
have to start doing it right away. Surprisingly, I put it off for 26 days and now I only
had 4 days to finish it. Knowing the due date was near; I jumped up on my table and
started to write. Unfortunately, I couldn t believe that picking up a tiny topic for my
paper was a challenging task for me. Then, I decided to shift it into another day. 3 days
left. It was Saturday, so I had to go to work and came home late at night, too tired to use
my brain for anything. Consequently, I ended my day with a box of pizza and my
favorite show on TV. 2 days left. Hey, today is Sunday and I deserve a day of rest after a
hard working week. 1 day left. I had 2 classes today and came back home late again, so
I had to fill my stomach up before starting my paper because nobody can work well with
an empty stomach. Finally, I had to spend all night for picking a topic, finding
information and writing six pages about procrastination. Since I commit that I am a
procrastinator, I want to know more about procrastination. Plus, I want to understand
how procrastination can push me far away from achieving my goals as well as its
negative effects; I decided to make a research about it. And my question was What is
procrastination? I already knew that almost everyone, especially are college students
have procrastinated at least once in their college lifetime. We either kept on pushing our
homework, projects and
The Status Of Onset Of Somali Syllable Structure

The onset in Somali syllable structure provokes considerable argument among scholars
who are interested in the syllable structure in this language. Owrin (1996) and Saeed
(1999) agree that onset is mandatory in this language whereas Zetterholm and Tronnier
(2012) state onsets are as optional as codas in this language. Therefore, this research is to
investigate whether onsets in Somali syllable structure are mandatory or optional in light
of Optimality Theory (OT), as a framework. This study primarily depends on data taken
from extant literature including books, articles, and theses. Furthermore, 10 Somali
native speakers were consulted about the fact of data. This study concludes that consonant
epenthesis as well as resyllbification manifest the importance of onsets in Somali.
Consonant epenthesis occurs initially when a monosyllable word begins with a vowel
(onsetless syllable), e.g., /ГЁj/в†’ [К”ГЁj] dog . Likewise, this type of epenthesis is
found in the intervocalic position when syllables of the form CV are associated with
vowel initial suffixes, e.g. /ma a:n/в†’ [ma.ЙЃa:n] not I . The process of resyllabification
in Somali is motivated by syllable types CVC and CVVC that are associated with vowel
initial suffixes, e.g. /na:ЙЎ i/в†’[na:.ЙЎi] woman , /war.qad u:/в†’ [] formal
letters .

Keywords: Somali language; syllable structure; onset; Optimality Theory (OT).

How Does Umberto Giordano s Andrea Chenier Relate To
Music has the power to portray the emotions someone feels. It has the power to bring
different people together; it allows to empathy and sympathy among other strong
emotions. Umberto Giordano s Andrea Chenier is a beautiful opera because of the fact
that many who watch and listen to it can relate to its story in some way. In on scene of
the 1993 filmdirected by Jonathan Demme, Philadelphia, Andy Beckett, the protagonist
listens to the operas aria, La mamma mortal, with his lawyer, Joe Miller. Andy identifies
greatly with Maddalena, the character who this aria in the opera. His passion for the
piece is obvious as he talks throughout the piece about what he hears. As a non musician,
he does not use the correct terminology to describe the... Show more content on ...
Maddalena continues to sing about hope and love for the rest of the song mostly in
major keys. In the movie scene, the camera angle on Andy changes, looking down on
him from a higher position. The lighting changes to red as Andy shows intense facial
expressions, continues to cry and shouts out the lyrics that he connects with emotionally.
The lyrics in this section are incredibly powerful and motivating, especially for a person
facing hardship like Andy is. The voice that Maddalena hears proclaims wonderful,
inspiring, loving things such as I am divine...I am oblivion...I am the god that comes
down from the heavens to the earth and makes of the earth a heaven...I am
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Gas Chromatography
Gas chromatography:
GC is used to separate volatile organic compounds. The use of GC for the direct
analysis of intact phospholipids are not possible because of the non volatile in nature.
Therefore, most methods rely on diacylglycerol hydrolysis by phospholipase C. This is
followed by methyl trans esterification to produce fatty acid methyl esters (FAME),
which are then analyzed by GC (Tserng and Griffin, 2003). The first application of GC
fatty acids was in 1950 (Bondia Pons et al., 2004).
GC using a solid stationary phase and a gaseous mobile phase. Hydrogen is preferred
as a carrier gas because it is a lower temperature which allows elution shorter analysis
times and less chance of thermal degradation of samples (Hoving, 1995). The first ...
Show more content on ...
(1975). HPLC uses either a solid or liquid coated solid stationary phase and a liquid
mobile phase. Separation of analytes is achieved by adsorption of the analyte to the
stationary phase. HPLC provides speed, resolution, high sensitivity and specificity (Lima,
HPLC also be a lower temperature than GC methods; reducing the risk of isomerization
of unsaturated fatty acids. HPLC has an immediate advantage over TLC, because reduces
the exposure of the sample to atmospheric oxygen, reducing the risk of auto oxidation of
phospholipids (Pulfer and Murphy, 2003).
Beside, separated fractions are collected for further analysis (Robins and Patton, 1986).
HPLC is used mainly for lipid class divisions; Some methods for the separation of the
molecular species of a certain class developed using reverse phase chromatography
(Olsson and Salem, 1997).
However, these reverse phase HPLC methods are time consuming and provide poor
resolution as a result of the wide range of polarities that due to the different carbon chain
lengths of the fatty acid chains and degree of saturation of phospholipids. This section
will discuss the components HPLC method and optimal conditions for the analysis
The Surveillance Of Law Enforcement Officers
Recent media stories have caused uproars among communities and riots against law
enforcement agencies due to publications of pictures or video footage of law
enforcement officers exhibiting the use of force. Due to these recent cases, many are
requiring a reform in the surveillance of law enforcement officers to provide viable
evidence to support their case on the degree of force they used during the incident in
question. One of the majorly used and promoted reforms is the use of body worn
cameras on all officers during their shift. Research and studies have promoted this
technique as it offers many advantages to help resolve the issues faced. Body worn
cameras provide agencies with video footage of all occurrences as if through the... Show
more content on ...
Complaints of officer behaviors clutter the paperwork in law enforcement agencies since
numerous reports are filed daily and previously, investigations were based on the officer s
statement of events and the defendant s recollection of the events. Therefore, both
statements conflict due to no reliable evidence to prove the officer s innocence or guilt.
The recordings found from the body worn cameras provide reliable recordings to help
investigate the complaints, resolve complaints with evidence, strengthen officer
accountability and improve law enforcement agencies transparency (Coudert, Butin,
Metayer, 2015). To aid in the transparency of law enforcement agencies to the public and
to build the rapport between the two parties, all recordings through police body worn
cameras are considered to be public access. The Freedom of Information Act allows
anyone to request access to recordings and images from the cameras. Although, each
request requires significant police workforces to add to their work load to protect
privacy of all involved. All faces must be blurred, sensitive information removed or
mute the audio all together is required prior to submitting the recordings to the
requestor. Storage only keeps recordings of incidents using force, incidents in question
of complaint, or possible misconduct in which only these recordings allow public
disclosure (Smykla, Crow, Crichlow, Synder, 2016). The use of force is compared to a
The Four Paths Of Ancient Religions In The Wizard Of Oz
In the 1939 film The Wizard Of Oz, Dorothy Gale is a farmer s daughter living with
her family and dog Toto in the plains of Kansas when suddenly a tornado strikes,
sending her into an alternate reality from which she must figure out how to return home.
The story proves itself to be pretty trippy like many epics and sacred texts of ancient
religions, as it involves munchkins, haunted forests, flying monkeys, a tin man, and a
yellow brick road. But imagine The Wizard Of Ozas having a religious twist not hard to
picture, as there are many parallels in the film that can easily relate to those found in
ancient southeastern Asian religions. As she is a benevolent and careful girl who casts
no ill intent toward anyone she meets, and eventually... Show more content on ...
All measures are taken to avoid killing anything at all, including bugs outside at night,
during which contemporary Jains try to stay indoors in order to see where they re
stepping. Jains primarily practice non violence through their diet, eating only foods
harvested or grown completely ethically, in that no animal or entire plant was killed in
the process from farm to table. This means they do not consume roots or nightshades, and
obviously no meat from any animal or insect of any kind. To further support the Jain like
qualities of Dorothy, it is important to note that every instance of violence involving
Dorothy in the film stems from someone or something other than herself: Toto bit the
neighbor, the water she was using to extinguish the fire burning the Scarecrow
transitively killed the Wicked Witch of the West, and the house from which Dorothy
exited into Oz which squashed the Wicked Witch of the East went flying dangerously
in the first place only because of the tornado. She even preferred running away from
home to prevent Toto from being put down! The second Great Vow, truth, is central to
Dorothy s entire story as the premise of her and her friends whole adventure was to
discover their own truths the Tin Man always had heart, the Scarecrow didn t need a
brain, the Lion was always capable of courage, and there is no place like home. Jains
tend to collectively assert that truth requires solid morality and sincerity no acts of greed,
rage, or
Drinking Age Essay
Drinking Age When teen agers turn 18, they are told that they are adults and are sent
into the world. They go to college, get a job, marry or join the military. They do grown
up things like vote, pay taxes and become parents. But they can t go to the pub for a
beer because when it comes to liquor, they are still just kids. Where s the fairness in
the 21 and older drinking law? First, it is necessary to question this law. Why is 21 the
magical age that makes one intelligent and mature enough to consume alcohol? Surely,
some adults abuse alcohol and some teenagers would be perfectly able to drink
responsibly. This seemingly arbitrary number is associated with adulthood, as if the day a
person turns 21 they know everything and... Show more content on ...
When they have the opportunity to drink, they do so in an irresponsible manner
because drinking by these youth is seen as a badge of rebellion against authority and a
symbol of adulthood. Clearly, this kind of devious attitude does not encourage
responsible drinking. While young people in foreign countries learn to regard
moderate drinking as an enjoyable social activity, young Americans view it as
something they have to sneak around to do. If 18 year olds do not have legal access
to even a beer in a public place, they are ill equipped to deal with the responsibilities
that come with drinking when they do have the right. The drinking age should be
lowered because the current age has no real basis. With a lowered drinking age, fewer
problems will be present. Safe drinking needs to be taught, along with drinking in
moderation. All of the arguments for having a raised drinking level or retaining the
current one are weak. The problems that make a drinking age limit necessary are
better solved through a lowered drinking level. Tightening the laws on underage
drinking is wrong, as laws will still be broken and people 20 years, 364 days and
younger will continue to consume alcohol. The answer to the problem of underage
drinking is not to add more restrictions, rather, it is simple: get rid of the underage part.
With the thrill of breaking the law gone and the access to the bar granted, people,
especially college
Argumentative Essay About Monsters
Monsters. They appear in nightmares, under beds, and in the distance lurking around.
This is how the world perceives monsters, but according to Webster dictionary it s a
powerful person or thing that cannot be controlled and that causes many problems. There
are constant encounters with them every day because they make up who someone is.
They re everywhere, in plain sight and other times disguised, sometimes it s easier to see
some more than others. Every monster has malicious ways even if it s not intentional, it s
humanreaction, from little behaviors to extreme ones.

Some might feel like monsters were put here to destroy and tear humanity down, and
that they ve been that way since the beginning of their known creation. However, this is
not true. To give a common example, Darth Vader (also known as Anakin Skywalker)
was once a heroic Jedi Knight, ... Show more content on ...
That voice inside saying to kick that little kid or go take a dollar from mom, she won t
notice . It s always there it never goes away, because it s apart of who we are, in our
DNA. An old writer, Wes Craven once said A lot of life is dealing with your curse,
dealing with the cards you were given that aren t so nice. Taking from this that no matter
the situation people can t judge others just because somebody s curse is larger than
others. Everyone has moments when the other side comes out, it just the matter if you let
it consume you. This philosophy has stood true as early as the 18th century and earlier
for example in I was firmly convinced in my own mind that Justine, and indeed every
human being, was guiltless of this murder. after this quote Frankenstein goes on to
explain how he feels guilty that it was his creation that killed his brother he still wasn t
going to say anything because they would blame him. There s things people do on a
daily bases that make them the monsters they are it doesn t have to be something drastic
it can be a little white
Research Paper- Negative Effects on Children by Watching Tv
We do not believe there is anything sexist or violent about the World Wrestling
Federation. I think it s unfair of you to insinuate it when there are so many shows and so
many different movies, and so many different social problems that really do contribute to
violence in this country.
UPN president Dean Valentine in 1999 after a 7 year old child in Dallas killed his little
brother with a clothesline maneuver he had seen on a wrestling show.
One fact should not be in dispute: TV is violent! Guns, shootings, murders, hitting,
punching, slapping, screaming, kicking, stabbing, explosions, car chases, car smashes,
disasters and death are shown daily throughout TV programming. Most violence is not
even in nightly news programs and nearly ... Show more content on ...
3. TV is a World of Good and Bad
Even though both criminals and cops can both commit justifiable violence television is
still a simple medium. TV presents good guys and bad guys. On average, there are 15
minutes of commercials for every one hour of TV programming, so producers only have
a short amount of time in which to establish plot, story, characters and resolution. Good
characters and bad characters must be quickly and simply established.
Deeper, more realistic, more ambiguous characterizations make it hard for viewers to
know who to root for. It also requires more screen time that takes away from on screen
action, states the Center for Media Literacy. As a result, TV and film criminals are
reduced to caricatures. They are l00% bad. No one could care about them. They have no
families. Many of them don t even have full names, only nick names. They deserve no
sympathy and they get what they deserve.
The bad guys, whether they are cops or robbers, have to be 100% bad to justify the
violence against them. Television violence is the struggle of good versus evil. It s OK
to shoot the bad guy after all, he s the bad guy.
According to the study by the Center for Media and Public Affairs, the most violent
show observed in 1999 was CBS Walker, Texas Ranger. This show took the top spot for
overall violence with a rate of 112 acts per show, over two thirds of them (82) serious.
Almost every episode of this long running Chuck Norris cop show includes
Summary Of In Praise Of Shadows
Throughout author Jun ichirЕЌ Tanizaki s In Praise of Shadows , he expresses his firm
belief that simplicity and contrast common Japanese values have immense beauty, even
as these elements become less common in a changing society. As the world around him
shifts away from these values, and more towards values of innovation and uniformity, he
feels Japanese traditions deserve to remain appreciated and understood. As a result,
Tanizaki utilizes shadows to represent not only literal shadows but also the various
traditions in Japanese culturethat are becoming more underappreciated, as time goes on.
Similarly to shadows, these Japanese customs seem to go unnoticed and are no longer a
significant aspect of everyday life. Tanizaki s use of metaphors and repetition throughout
In Praise of Shadowshelp to exemplify his high gratitude of traditional Japanese Culture.
For many portions of the essay, Tanizaki is praising the beauty of shadows within the
world around him. This is quite prevalent in the section about gold. Although he speaks
often about how he doesn t enjoy the beauty of lustrous metals that shine aggressively,
Tanizaki has a differing opinion when it comes to gold. He beckons, And surely you
have seen, in the darkness of innermost rooms... how gold leaf... will pick up a distant
glimmer... (22). In this certain lighting he feels the shine of gold is not aggressive, rather
inviting; absorbing light in beautiful ways that seem almost impossible. Tanizaki
Broad Ripple Vintage Competitive Analysis
Competitive Queen Bee Vintage and Broad Ripple Vintage are the only two brick and
mortar stores that directly compete with Madison Street Vintage. Queen Bee Vintage
is located just north of downtown Indianapolis on E 16th St and is open from 11:00am
6:00pm. Their main avenue of advertisement streams from Facebook and their
YouTube channel. Queen Bee Vintage is similar in size as Madison Street Vintage,
but is out of the geographical target market that I will be advertising to and does not
offer an online presence to compete with potential customers of e commerce. Broad
Ripple Vintage is in Broad Ripple Village and like Queen Bee Vintage is similar in size
as Madison Street Vintage. Broad Ripple Vintage does not offer online retail but does
acct 201 test 1
On October 1, Keisha King organized Real Answers, a new consulting firm; on October
3, the owner contributed $84,000 cash. On October 31, the company s records show the
following items and amounts.

11,360 Cash dividends
2,000 Accounts receivable 14,000 Consulting fees earned 14,000 Office supplies 3,250
Rent expense 3,550 Land 46,000 Salaries expense 7,000 Office equipment 18,000
Telephone expense 760 Accounts payable 8,500 Miscellaneous expenses 580 Common
stock 84,000

Also assume the following: a.

The owner s initial investment consists of $38,000 cash and $46,000 in land in exchange
for its common stock.
The company s $18,000 ... Show more content on ...
On August 31, the company s records show the following accounts and amounts for the
month of August. Use this information to prepare an August income statement for the

Accounts receivable 22,360
Consulting fees earned 27,000 Office supplies 5,250
Rent expense 9,550 Land 44,000
Salaries expense 5,600 Office equipment 20,000
Telephone expense 860 Accounts payable 10,500
Miscellaneous expense 520 Common stock 102,000

Income Statement
For Month Ended August 31
Consulting fees earned

Total Revenues
Rent expense

Salaries expense

Telephone expense

Miscellaneous expenses

Total expenses
Net income

Statement of Retained Earnings
For Month Ended August 31
Retained earnings, July 31
Add: Net income

Less: Dividends
Retained earnings, August 31

Balance Sheet
As of August 31
Accounts payable
Accounts receivable

Office supplies
Common stock
Office equipment
Retained earnings
Total assets
Total liabilities and equity

Identify the financial statement(s) where each of the following items appears. Use I for
income statement, E for statement of retained earnings, and B for balance sheet.
Analysis Of Gwendolyn Brooks s Poem A Lovely Love
Love is not always an easy adventure to take part in. As a result, thousands of poems
and sonnets have been written about love bonds that are either praised and happily
blessed or love bonds that undergo struggle and pain to cling on to their forbidden love.
Gwendolyn Brooks sonnet A Lovely Love, explores the emotions and thoughts between
two lovers who are striving for their natural human right to lovewhile delicately revealing
society s crime in vilifying a couples right to love. Gwendolyn Brooks uses several
examples of imagery and metaphors to convey a dark and hopeless mood that
emphasizes the hardships that the two lovers must endure to prevail their love that
society has condemned. The most prominent use of imagery that Brooks uses
throughout the sonnet is the reference to locations such as alleys, halls, and stairways.
The sonnet begins with the line Let it be alleys. Let it be a hall (Brooks 101). Alleys
are usually thought of as dark and hidden passageways that are hesitantly used. They
are often linked to negative connotations such rape, theft, fear, and murder which
makes alleys avoided and empty. However, in the very same line, Brooks mentions
that it could also take place in a hall (101). Now in contrast to alleys, halls are located
in apartment complexes, hotels, houses, and buildings that are heavily visited and used
to socialize throughout the day as they are the passageway to people s homes, rooms,
and offices. In line 5, Brooks writes, Let
Corporate Business Finance
Corporate Business Finance

Seminar 5
Project Finance

Lauren Leigh Essaram

Ruvimbo Mukorera

27 September 2010

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the duly performed requirement of International

Business Finance, School of Economics and Finance, University of KwaZulu Natal
Non recourse financing has grown in popularity, especially in developing countries. It
has done so more specifically in the basic infrastructure, natural resources and also in the
energy sectors. Large scale investments are mostly financed by project finance, due to the
costs and complexities that face the standard sources of finance. The main feature of
Project Finance is in the accurate estimation of cashflows and a precise ... Show more
content on ...
There are a diverse range of definitions given for the term project finance, but in essence
the underlying theme that runs through them all is that it involves the creation of a
legally autonomous project financed with equity from one or more sponsoring firms and
non recourse debt for the purpose of investing in a capital asset (Esty, 2006: 213). In
simpler terms, according to R. J. Herring (2006), project finance can be defined as a
form of financing structure that is specialised in order to offer a few cost advantages
when there is a large amount of capital being invested. Project finance involves the use
of funds that are raised for a specific self contained venture such as construction or a
developmental project (Qfinance, 2009: 1). It is a useful and innovative financing
technique that has helped with the timely financing of many important and high profile
corporate projects such as EuroTunnel, EuroDisneyland, Enron s Dabhol Power Plant,
Iridium, Globalstar, Global Crossing the Atlantic Crossing and Pacific Crossing
cables, Canary Wharf and so forth (Esty, 2006: 214). This type of financing can help
with the facilitation and start of projects anywhere in the world, but is especially good
for projects that are undertaken in developing countries in which great difficulty arises
when trying to secure financial resources for a new project (Henrique and Sabal, 2006:
5). Project finance uses a well engineered finance mix in order to
Battle of Calabria


1.In the history, the Struggle for the Middle Sea describes the naval war fought in the
Mediterranean and Red Sea with five great navies that participated: a.Great Britain s
Royal Navy. b.Italy s Regia Marina. c.France s Marine Nationale. d.United States Navy.
e.German Kriegsmarine. 2.It examines the national essential that made the
Mediterranean such a vital theater for each of these powers and it analyses their actions
and performances over the entire five year campaign from 1940 to 1945. Particularly in
this coverage of naval surface combat during that time is filled with fresh perspectives
and same supported by wide ranging research in ... Show more content on ...
Later Axis plans to invade the island so invaluable to the Allied cause came to nothing.


9.Major naval strengths and command control function of the belligerents of allied and
axis are the United Kingdom, Australia and Italy navies are tabulated below:

Description| Belligerents| | United Kingdom, Australia| Italy| Commanders and leaders|

Admiral Andrew Cunningham| Admiral Inigo Campioni| Aircraft Carrier| 1| |
Battleships| 3| 2| Heavy Cruisers| | 6| Light Cruisers| 5| 8| Destroyers| 16| 16|


10.The Battle of Calabria, (known to the Italian Navy as the Battle of Punta Stilo) was a
naval battle during the Battle of the Mediterranean in World War II. It was fought
between the Italian Royal Navy (Regia Marina) and the British Royal Navy and the
Royal Australian Navy. The battle occurred 30 miles to the east of Punta Stilo, the toe of
Italy (Calabria), on 9 July 1940.

11When World War II opened, it was much to the surprise of the Italian forces who, like
many in Europe, did not expect conflict until 1941 at the earliest. At the time their
forces in Libya were ill equipped for war, and the Italian fleet was forced to start large
supply operations in order to bring them up to fighting condition.
Foreign Direct Investment Or Export And Import...
Allan s bistro is one of the premier roasters and retailers of coffee and coffee products
in the USA. Founded by Allan smith in the 1950 s in the USA, it has become well
acknowledged for its great quality of coffee, genuine service and expertly brewed coffee
from the best coffee beans on the market worldwide. Due to increased competition in the
coffeeindustry today, it has become necessary for Allan s bistro to expand, increase
market share and build up and even stronger reputation. This need has led Allan s bistro
to broaden its reach into developing economies in search of more opportunities for trade
and/or investment. For this, Rwandaseems to be a desirable choice.
This report aims to analyse the possible interests of foreign direct investment or export
/ import possibilities and how this would be beneficial for Allan s bistro. The study will
consider the economic and political national institutional systems in Rwanda and USA,
in addition, the report will scrutinise the exchange rate regimes of Rwanda and USA
and how they may affect Allan s bistro. Lastly, it will assess the corporate social
responsibility issues Allan s bistro may encounter in Rwanda as a foreign counterpart in
the coffee industry.
The results of this study advocate that it should be implemented.
Coffee industry.
Global demand for coffee has been on the rise in recent years and there several big
consumers such as USA, Brazil, japan among others, in fact the demand may be higher
than the supply.
Nurses Practitioners And Physician Assistants
With advances in medicine, Americans are living longer and with chronic illnesses that
require long term medical maintenance. As the population has grown with patients that
are aging and becoming sicker in the process, there has presented a shortage of
physicians to manage this rise in demand. Now, with the passage of new legislation such
as the Affordable Care Act, more patients have access to health care than ever before.
Many experts have suggested increasing the utilization of Nurse Practitioners and
Physicians assistants as a cost effective resource to tackle to rising cost of healthcare
amid a physicianshortage in America. Several studies have been performed to assess the
viability of these options, to address the advantages and... Show more content on ...
NPs are not only moving into increased roles within the acute care hospital setting, but
also into roles in the community as Primary Care Providers (PCPs). The anticipated
shortage of physicians to handle an increased number of aging patients already affects
my position as a staff nurse at a hospital. A career in nursing offers countless paths to
further your education, whether it is to become a specialist in a field of practice,
foray into research or to pursue a position as a nurse practitioner. I was interested to
learn more information about how expanding the role of Advanced Care Nurse
Practitioners (ACNP) may relieve shortages of physicians and lessen the burden on
our current healthcare system. Increasing the roles of ACNP would only be feasible if
patients are still receiving quality care while decreasing the cost of healthcare. As a
nurse returning to school to further my education, I would like to know if pursuing a
career as an ACNP would be a viable option for me to continue to interact with patients
in an acute care setting in a more specialized role.
Nurse Practitioners as an untapped resource
Nurse Practitioners have been providing primary care since the 1970S, but with recent
changes in legislation, they are able to practice with a greater level of autonomy. This
leads many to question whether ACNPs are able to meet the increasing
Serial Killer Environment
What leads a person to want to kill? Specifically, could it be the genetics or could it the
environment. Although a person s genetics could play a role in future actions,
everything that is done is based on a decision and a choice. A person s environment
dictates the likelihoods of them becoming a serial killerbecause of their relationships with
family members, the environment in which they grew up in and their relationship with
friends, if there was any.
Relationships with family members have been shown to have a great effect on a
person s mental health and later in life, their actions towards others. There are many
examples demonstrating the effects of family on a serial killer s future. For example,
Aileen Wuornos. she had a difficult childhood from the beginning. Her mother
abandoned her when she was 6 months old while her father was convicted of
kidnapping and rape. He later committed suicide in prison. Wuornos was left with her
grandparents but when her grandmother passed away, her grandfather kicked her out of
the home for being pregnant at thirteen years old. She was left to sleep in the woods
during the winter or sleep with men to have somewhere to stay. At school, Wuornos was
made fun of constantly for having a child at thirteen and being a ... Show more content on ...
For example, Donald Gaskins was called Pee Wee and teased at school. While at home
he was beat by his father. By the age of 11, Gaskins had quit school and worked fixing
cars. He made two friends and they were known as The Trouble Trio who robbed
houses and raped little boys. This is an example of a child leaving school due to
bullying but he was also rude to the other children because he was being beat at home
(Donald Pee Wee Gaskins, n.d.). Gaskins felt as if he could not trust the people around
him so he resorted to being mean until he found his group that was just a mean as
An Example Of Compromise In History
There have been many conflicts in the past. Some of which make a large impact on
history through compromise. Compromise is an agreement reached by two parties so
they both get want they want. You could think of it as halfway happy. An example of a
compromise is when Britain doubled the tax of salt in India. This ultimately affected
everyone, but mostly the poor. It was already illegal to gather salt yourself and now
they must buy salt from the British. However, someone wouldn t stand for this. He led
himself and 78 others on a Salt March to defy the British Government. This man was
Mohandas Gandhi. He and his followers walked to the town of Dandi and began to
gather salt. But, thousands were arrested. Gandhi agreed to call off the march for... Show
more content on ...
He would not support the British and would commit an act of civil disobedience. He
led 78 supporters and himself to gather salt rom the beaches of Dahndi. They walked
240 miles and hathered more people every mile. Reconising this civil disobedience,
police tried to prevent them from hgathering salt and pushed the salt deeper into the
mud. However, Gandhi did not see this as a setback, and he continued to pick up mud
and pick salt from the mud. Soon, salt gathering broke out all over India. Over the next
few months a total of 60,000 Indians were arrested. Among these included Gandhi
himslef who was arrested on May 9. In conclusion, this Salt March and arresting led to
Gandhi s role in India s government.

Following the salt march, Gandhi was asked to call off his supporters. He agreed to
cancel the march under one condition. The Lord Irwin Gandhi Pact was signed on
March 5th 1931. This stated that Indian s could now collect their own salt for personal
use. Gandhi s agreement was that he got a role as a representer at this years London
Confernce. The aim of this conference was now to discuss the changes in rule in India.
As Gandhi said, Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from
indomitable will. In conclusion, Gandhi s peaceful protest brought india 240 miles closer

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