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Ads Analysis Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of "Ads Analysis" can be both challenging and intriguing. The
difficulty lies in the multifaceted nature of advertising, requiring a comprehensive understanding of
various elements such as visual appeal, psychological strategies, target audience analysis, and the
broader cultural context. Analyzing ads necessitates delving into the subtle nuances of design,
rhetoric, and the underlying messages conveyed.

One challenge is deciphering the intended impact of an advertisement and identifying the techniques
used to achieve that effect. It requires a keen eye for detail to dissect visual elements, including color
schemes, imagery, and layout, while also considering the textual components such as slogans and
taglines. Moreover, understanding the psychological tactics employed to influence consumer
behavior adds another layer of complexity.

Research becomes a vital aspect of crafting a compelling ads analysis essay. Investigating the brand,
its history, and its previous advertising campaigns provides valuable context. Furthermore, exploring
the target audience's demographics, psychographics, and cultural preferences is crucial for a
comprehensive analysis.

Constructing a coherent essay involves organizing thoughts cohesively and presenting arguments in a
logical sequence. Balancing the analysis of individual ads with broader industry trends and societal
influences requires a careful blend of specificity and context.

In conclusion, while challenging, crafting an "Ads Analysis" essay offers an opportunity to explore
the dynamic world of advertising and its impact on society. It demands a synthesis of visual literacy,
critical thinking, and research skills to unravel the intricate layers of persuasive communication within

For assistance with similar essays or any academic writing needs, you can explore,
where a team of professionals is ready to provide support tailored to your requirements.
Ads Analysis Essay Ads Analysis Essay
The Capture Of Jerusalem
The Crusades were a series of wars over the holy lands such as Jerusalem between
European Christians and the Ottoman Empire between the 11th and 15th centuries. They
fought for many reasons such as control over religious sights, access to trade and
protection of fellow christians. According to the Christian Faith Jerusalem holds
significant religious importance due to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and many other
important religious sites. This is detailed in The Capture of Jerusalem by John France
Jerusalem had a special place in the religion and culture of medieval europefor it was the
place Christ had died and his empty tomb in the church of the holy sepulchre was the
very symbol of christian belief . Pope Urban II called for the crusadesto secure these sites
for christians in that area and around the world. These sites also hold a religious
importance to the Islamic Faith to this day, which is also seen in The Capture of
Jerusalem For Jerusalem is sacred to islam: its name al Kuds, the city of the sanctuary ,
refers to the important shrine we now call the... Show more content on ...
Up until this point Europeans had to pay high cost for trade items from Asia that
traveled along the silk road such as, silk and fine china, etc... If Europe controlled these
trade routes they could get these goods at cheaper prices and make a profit at the same
time. At the same time they continued to garner support for the war behind the cause of
reclaiming Jerusalem for Christians while they fought to make money. On the other side
of the war the Ottoman Empire was trying to protect the land that they had owned for
many years and trade routes that they had also controlled for many years. Causing the
war to drag on between the two for many
Lab Report On Osmosis
In this lab, we performed two experiments to understand the process of osmosis and its
relationship with solute concentration, and how water potential is affected by
temperature. In the first part of our lab (there was no hypothesis for this experiment),
where we used dialysis tubing to model osmosis and its relationship to solute
concentrations, we observed how the percent change in mass increased as the solute
concentration of the solutiondid. The percent change in mass was positive, meaning that
the dialysis tubing had gained mass after being submerged in the distilled water solution.
This means that the dialysis tubing gained water, which was the result of osmosis. The
water diffused from outside the tubing, through the semipermeable membrane, into the
tubing in all of the cases. Because we know that water diffuses from high water
concentration to low water concentration, we know that the sucrose solutions in the
dialysis tubing had less water concentration than the distilled water surrounding the
tubing. Furthermore, the molarity of the sucrose solutions inside the tubing increased
from 0.2M to 1.0M, which means that the sucrose (solute) concentration was increasing,
so the water concentration was decreasing. This explains why the percent change in mass
increased as the molarity increased; more water was flowing into the tubing as the water
concentration got lower and solute concentration got higher. In other words, the water
was flowing from a hypotonic solution to a
Patriots Marching Band Case Study
1. Why do you want to be in a leadership position in the Patriots Marching Band?

I am a Patriot at heart and I want to do all I can to serve this band to the best of my

2. What do you believe are your greatest leadership strengths and greatest leadership

One leadership strengths I possess is that I am a very good public speaker and am able to
easily address a group of people whether it is a big or small one. I also believe that I am
quite approachable and friendly. One of my challenges would be trying to show the band
that I could be a fun, as well as effective and productive leader. Even when I am feeling
tired and slightly irritable, which I can be when tired, I will have to work hard to keep a
positive attitude and to not let the negative side show though to the band. I am also not
very good with names ... Show more content on ...
How would a member of Patriots marching band perceive your worthiness as a section
leader or commander candidate? Specifically in term of your leadership qualities,
commitment to band at your school, your history with Patriots and the consistency of
your attitude and efforts in all three areas?

First, being a five year veteran will certainly show people of my commitment and the
skills that I have more than likely picked up along the way. I have always tried to support
people in band where I can, especially new comers, and hope that many people in the
band program respect me as both a musician and a leader. I also make an effort to be
inclusive and get to know the various people in the program, for respect is largely earned
not gained. This year more than ever, being a senior, I have pushed myself to lead by
example and to be a positive force within the bands as well a force that younger kids can
look up to. I have always held pride in all of my bands and I believe that many people
know this. I by no means keep my musical passions a secret, it is a large part of who I
am, and every band I play in likewise plays a role in
Coming Of Age In Mississippi By Anne Moody
Would you stay silent when society punishes you for it s faults? In the book Coming
of Age in Mississippi by Anne Moody, tells of a story of a girl told to remain silent and
unseen. She lives in Mississippi of early 1940 s. Anne Moody stayed on a plantation
with her heart breaking mother, brutal father. and infant brother. Anne is a young,
curious, and humble child, but will soon grow into a fiery, determined young woman
from Centerville, Ms. At the age fifteen, Anne Moody s fiery spirit began to spark, but
flames did not take shape, yet. I hated the white men who murdered Emmett Till and I
hated all the other whites who were responsible for the countless murders...But I also
hated the Negroes. I hated them for not standing up and doing something about the
murders (Moody 136). Anne did not agree with either side, but deep down within her.
She knows something can be done if we just take the action needed. Anne has a feeling
that the blacks where just to scared or did not care how they were treated, but she does
and it won t sit well with her. ... I ll surely get sick if anything like the Taplin burning...
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I arrived in New OrlГ©ans hoping to earn enough money at Maple Hills, so I could go
to one of the inexpensive colleges there. (Moody 235). Anne is a determined, young
woman now. Not only did the fire feed off angry, fear, and disbelief, but it also grew
from courage to keep fighting even if working herself to mental exhaustion, she
would. Every evening, I got sick as I counted my tips. I was averaging only two or
three dollars a day. At this rate, it would take me a whole year at the restaurant to save
enough money for college,... (Moody 235). She was anxious to make it into college.
She was not going to let this moment go to waste. Anne did what she knew to do best.
But finally late in August, a second letter came. telling me that I had gotten a
scholarship, ... (Moody 236). Now Anne s life was just beginning to end a terrifying life
Essay On The Deaths Of Romeo And Juliet
Throughout time, there have been many tragedies caused by romance. William
Shakespeare s Romeo and Juliet is an example of a romantic tragedy, in which two
feuding families cause the deaths of their children, Romeo Montague and Juliet
Capulet. The play contrasts hatred and revenge with love and a secret marriage,
ending with the young lovers tragically dying. The deaths of Romeo and Juliet can be
blamed upon Friar Lawrence, the parents of Romeo and Juliet, and Tybalt. To begin,
Romeo and Juliet s deaths should be blamed upon Friar Lawrence. In the play, Romeo
asks Friar Lawrence to marry him to Juliet. The friar tells Romeo to slow down and
think about this decision, but he still agrees to marry them. Shakespeare writes, I ll thy
assistant... Show more content on ...
They may feel that Romeo and Juliet should have made better, more rational decisions
because the evidence shows that after they meet, they want to be married immediately,
but keep it a secret from everyone in Verona (в…Ў.iii.57 64). However, the deaths of
these teenagers should be blamed upon the parents of Romeo and Juliet because they
wouldn t have to make those decisions if the parents ongoing feud was not existent. The
text shows, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny/... And the continuance of their
parents rage,/ Which, but their children s end, naught could remove (Prologue.3 11).
This explains the parents are the reason for all the bad decisions because their feud
only ended because their children died. In addition, after Romeo and Juliet are found
dead, the parents and Prince discuss the situation. According to the play, the Prince
states, See what a scourge is laid upon your hate,/ That heaven finds means to kill your
joys with love (в…¤.iii.291 293). The quote indicates Prince is telling the parents that if
they had ended the feud or never had it no of this would have happened. Therefore, the
parents of Romeo and Juliet should be held accountable for the deaths of the two
teenagers because of their unnecessary
Reflection For Individualized Education Program
After collaborating with my mentor teacher about the curriculum, she asked me to look
over the 1st grade and 2nd grade curriculum and pick standards that I would want to
teach, and modify the standard to fit the education levels of our students. While I was
looking over the curriculum, I wanted to pick a standard that would target all of our
students Individualized EducationProgram (IEP) math goals in some way. There were
only three standards that would be benefiting all of my students at this time. I showed
my observations to my mentor teacher and she told me to do a counting standard
because this is something they work on all year long for each student to reach their
goals. The decision that I made was to focus on teaching students the concept of counting
to twenty (20). My student friendly objective will be: I can identify and count numbers
one to twenty. This will be written on the objective board and will assessable for my
student while I am teaching this content area.
The specific standard for first grade is 1.NBT.A.1, count to one hundred and twenty
starting at any number less than one hundred and twenty. In this range, read, and write
numerals and represent a number of objects with a written numeral. For second grade the
specific standard that would be in works is 2.NBT.A.2, count within 1000; skip‐count
by 5s, 10s, and 100s. Both of these standards came from the Arizona Department of
Education (ADE) website and are also a part of the Arizona College and Career
Bugsy Siegel Scandal
Eventually Wilkerson was forced out as an owner. He was so thoroughly intimidated
that he flew to Paris and stayed in a hotel under a fake name. That wasn t a wise move
as Bugsy Siegel was a powerful criminal, but struggled to stay afloat in the legitimate
business world. Despite Bugsy s reputation for violence, he was reportedly ripped off
repeatedly by construction contractors. They sold him supplies at three times the market
price. They also stole his supplies and then sold them right back to him. As a result,
there were lengthy construction delays and the budget eventually ballooned to $6
million from the original $1 million budget. The Flamingo didn t open until five years
later on December 26, 1946 and it was a complete disaster. The... Show more content on ...
Cuba s Fulgencio Batista was a notoriously corrupt dictator, but he valued Lanksy s
reputation as an honest casino operator. He begged Lansky to remove the shady
operators who had cheated tourists out of their money. Lansky, a protГ©gГ© of
Arnold Rothstein, differed from his mentor and several other short sighted crime
bosses. Lansky recognized that it was more profitable in the long run to not cheat your
clients, thereby avoiding bad publicity. On the other hand, there was plenty of negative
publicity in the newspapers surrounding who actually owned the casinos; although,
that only added to the appeal for many American tourists. In fact, George Raft, a
Hollywood actor whose name was synonymous gangster roles, was hired by one
Cuban casino as a host. To sum up, Fidel Castro and many Cubans viewed the casinos
as a symbol of American imperialism. Therefore, the casinos were raided immediately
during the revolution that took place on December 31, 1958. In fact, Castro s forces
captured the Tampa crime boss, Santo Trafficante, in the aftermath of the revolution and
Trafficante would likely have been executed if he had not bribed his way out of
Scarlette O Hara Charater Analysis
SCARLETT O HARA Analysis Essay 02/13/12 SCARLETT O HARA Scarlett O
Hara is a woman who does what it takes to survive no matter what the case may be. In
the book Gone with the Wind, Scarlett O Hara plays a role of what most people might
think is crazy. This upper class southern belle living in the country side of Atlanta,
Georgia just before the Civil War takes place. She embarks on an adventure of turmoil,
death, and deceitfulness. In this era of time during the Civil War Scarlett did not care
for it, in fact she pitied the fool to do such a act as war. Scarlett went from this simple,
but yet complicated teenager to an extremely deep and dark woman of desperate needs.
Scarlett possesses a remarkable talent for leadership, optimism,... Show more content on ...
Scarlett repeats variation of this line several times over the course of the novel when
hardships plague her. She knows that she often acts immorally and that she faces
absurdly difficult circumstances, and to avoid feelings of guilt and helplessness she
simply avoids reflecting on her life. Scarlett knows eventually she should mull over her
plight, but she always puts it off until another, different day, which never truly comes.
But this refusal to reflect is crucial to Scarlett s survival. Her attitude contrasts directly
with Ashley s obsession with the past and inability to let go of nostalgia and adapt to
new times. Scarlett s determination tomorrow is another day indicates her fundamental
optimism about the future. Because Scarlett represents the South, her optimism
indicates Mitchell s general optimism about the South s ability to survive the face of
change. An America soon to be upended by revolutions in attitudes toward race, gender
and sexual morals (Keller, 2009). Scarlett manages to overcome adversity through brute
strength of will. She emerges as a feminist heroine because she relies on herself alone
and survives the Civil War and reconstruction unaided. She rebuilds Tara after the
Yankee invasion and works her way up in the new political order, taking care of helpless
family members and friends along the way. Scarlett gave birth to Melanie Hamilton s
baby alone and while invasion of the Yankees thru Atlanta was happening. Overcoming
Compare And Contrast The Effects Of Khat And Liver
Khat and liver;
The effect of khat on liver can be considered as herbal induced liver injury but the big
dilemma is whether the insult is due to the active components themselves or the added
fertilizers and pesticides. Unfortunately no studies are available comparing the effect of
khat on liver disease in both conditions. Amphetamine is known to exert different forms
of hepatotoxicity in vivo and in vitro when tested on hepatocytes (Carvalho et al., 1997;
Vitcheva et al., 2009).
In the short term (3 months) Catha edulis induced cytotoxic effects on the cells of liver
and kidney, but seems the liver to be adapted in the long term (6 months) with this
toxicity (Al Habori, 2005). The liver has ... Show more content on ...
Other causes of liver injury were excluded and all had similar histopathological findings
characterized by multilobular necrosis; two of them had a background of chronic liver
disease. Unfortunately, all patients had resumed chewing khat before their second visit
resulting in further liver damage, a high concentration of cathinone was identified in a
sample of damaged liver tissue from one patient. Five patient developed fulminant or
subfulminant hepatic failure and underwent orthotopic liver transplantation, (Chapman et
al., 2010).
Three case series from the United Kingdom and Netherlands reported severe liver
injury due to khat use (Stuyt et al., 2011). Studies in Somalian khat chewer s patients in
UK have revealed many cases of acute idiopathic severe liver damage (Peevers et al.,
2010). Another study has shown a high prevalence of cryptogenic liver disease among
Somalian khat chewers. Moreover, some of them who had autoimmune antibodies like
SMA failed to respond to therapy with immunosuppressants and those who stop khat
chewing recovered markedly and needed no for more immunosuppressants (Bajubair,
Doris Behrens-Abousef
Doris Behrens Abouseif argues the façade located at Al Aqmar Mosque, financed by
Al Ma mun Al Bata ih in 1125 and one of the most important mosques of Medieval
Cairo, is the most significant element at the mosque. The author says that the façade
was demonstrated to depict Fatimid art and history, and that it has two important
characteristics; it is the earliest façade with lavish decorations that still exists today, it
somehow follows the alignment of the street, and its interior faces Mecca. She explains
that the façade s alignment and the way its interior faces mecca both bring out or show
the Cairene architectural style. According to Behrens Abouseif s article, Al Aqmar
mosque was built in the middle of Al Qahira, or Cairo, so it would
Shaving Razors
For many women having hairless legs is part of their self identity. Without thinking
countless women all over the world pick up their razors and shave their legs everyday.
This essay aims to analysis the occupational performance skills necessary for completing
the grooming task shaving legs, it will firstly be identifying through the Model Of
Human Occupation (MOHO) and again after a condition is applied.

General overview
The occupation will be anaylised once the individual is in the shower, with satisfactory
water temperature, exfoliated and shaving cream applied to each leg.
вћўInitiates movement to collect the razor
вћўLocating razor on niche
вћўReaching right arm
вћўGrasp razor
вћўReturn arm to self
вћўBend at hips
вћўRearrange razor to ... Show more content on ...
Kielhofner, G 2008. At a young age a female may experience shaving their legs for the
first time, if the individual successfully completes the task without cutting themselves
they could potentially feel satisfied by being mature and self efficient as well as the
physical values of feeling clean, smooth legs with the sense of feminine. For an
individual that has a negative experience with the outcome of razor rash or cuts could
lead to anticipation with completing the task in the future possibly creating an
undesirable mindset or

Performance capacity
Refers to the combination of cognition ability and the body systems that are active during
a task.

The following identify the physical aspects required of an individual to complete the
grooming task of shaving;
вћўIt is essential for an individual s body to have adequate muscle strength to balance,
stabilize and maintain posture of the core whilst standing and bending in the shower
вћў45 degrees range of motion (ROM) in the shoulder to lift arm, ROM in elbow to
extend to reach niche
вћўMuscle contraction of the digits to grasp razor
вћўSensation to feel where the razor is located and force requirement to collect it
вћўComplete ROM in the hip to bend and reach the base on the ankle to begin shaving.
вћўMuscle contraction (flexion and extension) to maintain force whilst pulling the razor
Ford Motor Company s Movement
Ford Motor Company s movement in a global market is the next frontier in the world
of business; its overall objectives are clear and concise. However, the implementation,
development, and execution strategy are complicated, consisting of many layers, with
the proper performance one can only hope the end result is concise operations,
established market share, and profitability. Our company will move forward with a
strategy to out preform, produce, and provide a competitive product in global markets.
The company will need a working and functional operation plain that will provide the
tools necessary to pave a path forward to a successful transition into global markets.
The implementation of a recommended strategy which will be ... Show more content on ...
Our recommended strategy will allow for us to sell goods on a global market with
little to none local adjustments to the end product. Therefore, our products will be
produced in full prior to embarkation, then to key locations for distribution; all
production will take place in one central location. A global strategy in the auto industry
drives markets in a uniform fashion; the production of automobiles from region to
region is effectively allowing managers to achieve optimal effectiveness and profitable
gains within a global market. One of many key objectives is to see the world as one
large diverse market; furthermore, our goals are to implement an extreme cost reduction
in production while champing a robust and solid design. 3D printing technology has only
been recently available to us with the onset of new development skills and production
methods. This sharp reduction in cost of production will allow Ford Motor Company to
sell its vehicles at a lower cost than can be obtained in any other parts of the world.
In order for our implementation to expand into a global market our management will be
conditioned to achieve cost leadership . Our leadership in cost efficiency will cut an
expensive value chain design down to a lean operative of bare essentials. The precise
distribution of goods from inside the country of origin will yield low
Informative Speech About Batik
I respect the jury.
Mr. teacher s Companion whom I respect.
As well as fellow escort that I respect.

First of all let us praise panjatkan the presence of Almighty God, on plenty of grace,
Taufik, guidance as well as inayahnya, who has been assigned to all of nature s creatures.
Solawat as well as greetings hopefully always expressed our Prophet keharibaan great
prophet Muhammad SAW. That is where he always brings his people.
Namely, bringing his people out of the dark ages a period toward the brightly lit, from
the times of zahiliyah towards modern all round times.

Perkenankanlah I stand here to deliver a speech with the theme:

Preserving National Culture And Heritage

Fathers and mothers

Preserve national culture and heritage, it is obligated ... Show more content on ...
In addition, Indonesia has a cultural heritage of art, good art music, art or dance
performances. In the field of music have such cultural heritage Indonesia gamelan and
angklung that is already very well known in the world. Even many foreign citizens who
are interested in wanting to learn the art of music. Indonesia dance art such as dance,
pendet jaipong dance, plates etc. The art of staging such staging Indonesia wayang golek,
wayang kulit etc.
Rich cultural diversity that we have sometimes make another country amazed, but many
of our culture that is often in another Country by Gonzalo, as does the batik got around
in a few countries, by Gonzalo and finally UNESCO determined that batik is the cultural
heritage of Indonesia. Pendet dance, angklung also in other Countries by Ibrahimovic as
their cultural heritage. In addition to the culinary heritage of art, we also never admit by
other countries as well as beef rendang field.
Should we as the younger generation helped to preserve the cultural heritage that exists
in our country. We appreciate and preserve our culture our culture might not in another
State by grant as their cultural
Androcles And The Lion, Overruled, Pygmalion
Joseph Murnane
Shaw, George Bernard. Androcles and the Lion, Overruled, Pygmalion. New York:
Brentano, 1916. Print.
In Pygmalion, language is used as a mark of distinction between the various characters.
Elizabeth desires greater language proficiency as a means to achieve a better career. In
contrast, Professor Higgins, a distinguished and scholarly gentleman who used language
as a career, did not speak kindly to others. Finally, Elizabeth s father, an eloquent garbage
man, is forced into the middle class when he gives speeches. The experiences of these
characters demonstrate that language does not define one s character.
Elizabeth wants more comfort in her life. After seeing a glimpse of prosperity after
Professor Higgins gives her enough ... Show more content on ...
The moment he learned where his daughter was, he dashed over to see if he could sell
her, claiming, as a daughter she s not worth her keep (149). His speech shows that he
is a disreputable character, and would sell his daughter to oblige a gentleman (150),
though not a common man. It could be that this is his method of making sure that she
has a stable home with success. Conversely, he could be trying to tap her later for
money, as he replies to an aghast Colonel Pickering that he can t afford (148), manners.
Higgins, however, admires Doolittle s rhetorical skill, which is praise indeed from
the professor. Just as the professor promised his daughter, Higgins claims that he can
make him a middle class man, offering him a choice between a seat in the cabinet and
a popular pulpit in Wales (151). Doolittle declines, however, claiming that he would not
want to be a member of the middle class and be tied with morality. Surprisingly, he also
desires only five pounds, rather than ten pounds, as neither he nor his wife would ever
want to spend such a sum. As a joke, Higgins recommends Doolittle as an original
Symbols In The Liberty Bell
Five symbols that represent America are; the Statue of Liberty, she symbolizes hope
and freedom for Americans (What does the Statue of Liberty, n.d.). Her face shows
grace and power, the crown is believed to represent the Colossus of Rhodes, which are
amongst the wonders of the ancient world, and the spokes on the crown are a symbol
that is believed to represent the seven continents in the world. The Statue of Liberty
has shackles laying at her feet, which deeply signifies freedom (What does the Statue
of Liberty, n.d.). It reveals how the Statue of Liberty (which symbolizes America) has
been set free, and progressing. Another symbol that represents America is the Liberty
Bell, an abolitionist publication known as the Anti Slavery Record, referred first to
the bell as the Liberty Bell in 1835 ( The Liberty Bell , n.d.). The bell s inscription
gave a rallying cry for abolitionist hoping to end slavery. It symbolizes pride in a new
nation. The bell served as a reminder to Americans of wars that were fought together for
independence. Embracing the Liberty were movements such as Women s Suffrage, and
Civil Rights. Today the Liberty Bell is a worldwide symbol whose message of liberty is
still very powerful Proclaim Liberty Throughout All the Land Unto All the Inhabitants
thereof ( The Liberty Bell , n.d.).
Americans can also recognize the Great Seal of the United States as a symbol that
represents America. This Great seal can be found on every dollar bill that is
How Does The Author Use Descriptive Adjectives In The...
Don t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass. said
Anton Chekhov, said to be one of the greatest short story writers in history. Description
is one of the key things in a story. By describing a scene instead of telling what happens
in the scene, you enable the reader to use their imagination. In the stories The Pigman by
Paul Zindel and Treasure of Lemon Brown by Walter Dean Myers, the authors use
descriptive adjectives to set the moods of the stories, establish the characters and develop
the setting. In The Pigman, the author uses descriptive adjectives to develop the setting
and establish the characters. In the story, the main characters,(Lorraine and John), visit a
man named Mr. Angelo Pignati, who they nickname The Pigman . While at his house,
they notice that he has an... Show more content on ...
In this part of the story, the author says Some were from Germany and Austria and
Switzerland. There were pigs from Russia and lots of pigs from Italy, naturally.There
were little pigs and big pigs. Ugly ones and cute ones. There were blue, black, yellow,
orange, striped, green, rainbow colored pigs. Pigs, pigs, pigs! The author uses the
different colors, shapes, sizes, etc., to further explain that the room was filled with
pigs. The reader can infer that the man has too much time on his hands, so he collects
these pigs. He lives alone at the moment, and if he has this much time then the reader
can also infer that Mr. Pignati is lonely. Earlier in the story when Lorraine and John
have just met Mr. Pignati, the author describes him by saying He was in his late fifties
and was pretty big, and he had a bit of a beer stomach...great big smile on his face and
the author continues to describe him through John s words where he says He would ve
made one ... of a santa claus if you put a
Short Term Memory Recall
The aim of this experiment was to analyse the effects of an external auditory stimuli on
a humans ability to recall and retain visual stimuli, as well as to investigate the effects of
age on the brains ability to retain and recall the same visual stimuli for short time periods.
Memories are the brains ability to retain information, whether that be long term or short
term. For a sensory input such as an image or a sound to be retained long term, it has to
go through 3 main stages or processes, where at each stage it can either solidify its
position in or towards the long term memory or be disregarded and forgotten. These 3
main stages are; sensory memory, short term memory and long term memory, and to
progress between stages ... Show more content on ...
Millers Law states that the short term memory can hold on average 7 distinct pieces of
information at a time give or take 2. These 5 9 fragments of data can be retained for up
to a few minutes (3 5) but unless a conscious effort has been made to remember the
information it will only stay for approximately 30 seconds. Within the prefrontal Cortex,
the central executive has been found to play a significant role in the short term memory.
It serves as the temporary storage for information as well as calling on information from
the long term memory from other parts of the brain, These older pieces of information
can then get
International Student And High Tuition Essay
Studying with those from another background other than our own provides opportunities
for greater discovery, understanding, and cooperation. International students bring a
variety of ideas and new perspectives to the classroom, aiding in the educational process
for all and are an important component to many universities campus climate. Beyond the
important cultural components they bring to campus, International students are also a
source of high tuition revenue for universities. Students are often charged multiple times
the rate of tuition that in state domestic students pay, such as the Universityof
Washington, where international students pay almost three times as much per year
(Lewin, 2012). The retention and graduation rates of all students are important to
universities; however, research on international studentpersistence has largely been
missing in the literature (Andrade 2009; Andrade and Evans 2009). Interestingly enough,
the Institute of International Education (IIE) and other government agencies do not
report data on international studentpersistence rates (Evans et al, 2009). The majority of
universities report their student graduation and retention rates on their websites, with
many universities including their percentages by ethnic groups; however, very few
universities identify the specific rates for the international student population. According
to the IIE, the international student population in the United States comprises only about
3.5% of the total
Feminism In Wonder Woman
Who doesn t love a good superhero? The perfect figure, the spandex suit, the flowing
cape, flawless looks, and the powers we can only dream of having. Superheroes have
been around for ages now, leaving an everlasting imprint on our hearts. It is no secret that
males dominate the superhero industry; both the heroes themselves and those who create
them. Superman, Batman, Ironman, and Spiderman have become the top heroes of all
time; there is nothing wrong with them holding the spotlight, but female heroes are
underrepresented. There are notable female heroes, but they tend to be drawn with a
busty figure that few women are naturally blessed with, and show little emotional
rational in fights. Take Black Widow (Marvel) for example, anyone would love for her
figure and kick ass moves. Wonder Woman is our hero of the hour, she has made her
way onto the big screen; casting her into the spotlight more than ever. She screams
fights for love, promotes peace, is a beacon of hope, and screams feminism. What s not
to love? The new movie released on June 2, 2017, has called more attention to the
American spirited, Amazonian woman than ever before. The movie is the first fully
female directed movie, Patty Jenkins brings a great female to the big screen. Although
the movie is great and supports feminism, is the movie the depiction of Wonder Woman
that should be idealized? Feminism isn t some new, hip trend. It has taken control of
mainstream media, it s impossible to go on the internet
Solar Energy Disadvantages
Now we will talk about the experiences of some developed countries in the exploitation
of solar energy as renewable energy and their planes for development in this filed and the
areas in which these countries planning to use the solar energy. ( )

Germany Ten thousand megawatts: Germany is one of the most countries use of solar
energy, and plans because the rate of use will be 100% by the year 2050. In view of the
year 2009 alone, we find that Germany has installed 3,806 megawatts of solar power
generators; any more than the full capacity of solar energy Spain, and nearly eight times
what the United States has recently install it.
( )
3 500 megawatts: for as long as Spain was the leader in the field of solar energy use in
their capacity of 2008 amounted to the equivalent of Al2605 megawatts, but abandoned
this position in favor of Germany, so the sharp decline in that year s event in 2009,
where Spain is the time did not ride only 69 megawatts only. However, Spain is expected
to return to the top spot this year.
( )
2,700 MW: Maybe it is the sudden occupation of Japan to third place, but it plans to
achieve an ambitious goal through access of 28 gaga watts by 2020 and 53 gaga watts
by the year 2030. Note that Japan has in 2009 invested $ 9 billion for the program of
solar energy is currently planning the government for the use of solar energy in 32
thousand schools.
( )
Literature Review On Pigeon Pia
Literature review

Pigeon pea is one of the most commonly grown pulses crop in different agro ecological
region. It contributes 16% of total pulse production in India, standing second place after
chick pea. In India, pigeon pea cover an area of 4.42 m ha, occupying 14.5% of area
under pulses production and productivity around 707 kg/ha (Mula et al., 2014). Pulses
are known to have high protein contain and pigeon pea has 20 22% protein contain
(Saxena et al., 2010). But due to lack of proper rainfall the per capita productivity of
pigeon pea hsa declined in India from 64 g per day ( 1951 1956 ) to 36 g per day ( 2002
2003 ) which lies below the average the world productivity ( Asthana et al., 1999 ).
Pigeon pea is a multi purpose crop which ... Show more content on ...
Continous use of chemical fertilizers can affect the soil property which later cause
decrease in productivity, low nutrient recovery for plants uptake which cause higher cost
of production and environmental pollution ( Sarkar et al ., 1997 ).
On the other hand, vermicompost is easily degradable and it has the almost same
property with the inorganic material. Vermicompost also has nutrients like nitrogen,
phosphorous, potassium, calcium, iron, zinc, sulphur etc ( Marta et al ., 2009 ). It
increase the microbial activity as well as increases the soil properties which is the
benefit property of vermicompost from inorganic fertilizers . And it leaves no residue to
the field. But there are times where we cannot satisfy field needs with vermicompost
alone. So, this purpose work is to find out the effect of combined application of
vermicompost with inorganic fertilizer on pigeon
The Nasca Lines
Nasca Lines

The Nasca lines are geoglyphs and biomorphs, there is 70 different animals. The Nasca
lines are figures carved into the ground from the ancient times. Who made these lines?
How did they make these lines? What do the figures mean?(Hall, Stephen. Nasca.
Nasca Lines.) These are very common questions everyone wonders about the Nasca
lines. These fascinating mysterious lines are located in the Nasca Desert, it is a high
plateau that reaches between the towns of Nasca and Palpa on the Pampa (a large flat
area of Southern Peru) These amazing figures can only be seen from the air. The Nasca
lines are man made. (Rosset, Georges. Nazca Lines and Cahuachi Culture)

How the Nasca lines were man made. The Nasca lines were made by people ... Show
more content on ...
The Nasca people praise the gods while standing and walking on the Nasca lines. They
made the giant figures carved into the ground to represent water. They also had water
ceremonies, singing and dancing. (TKrystek, Lee. The Lines of Nazca in Peru.
Unmuseum) The Nasca people believed that if you praised the water gods the gods
would give them rain.

On the other hand, some people claim that aliens created the Nasca lines in the nasca
desert. The nasca lines look like runways for aircrafts. And aliens would use there
aircrafts to construct the Nasca lines and figures. Some people believe aliens had
aircrafts and technology. How could aliens have aircrafts with no such thing as ancient
technology. There is not as much evidence on aliens constructing the Nasca lines. And
anyway, aliens aren t real. They are just made up creatures. ( Nasca Lines. World

The Nasca lines were man made by Nasca people in the ancient era. The Nasca people
made these lines for religious reasons and religious ceremonies. (Rosset, Georges.
Nazca Lines and Cahuachi Culture) The nasca people also made these figures/animals
carved into the ground to praise the gods asking for water and rain. The Nasca people
would dance and sing to the gods well on the lines. The nasca lines were man
The Spread Of Child Labour During The Industrial Revolution
Child Labour
During the late and early eighteenth and nineteenth centuries Great Britain started to
industrialize. When the industrial revolution started the history of child labour
changed fiercely. Children of all ages were forced to work in some of the worst known
conditions known to man. These poor children would work for hours and hours on
end only ending up with only the smallest amount of pay. They would return to work
each day for month and months just to save up for enough money to get a good
education for themselves. I will be researching on how so many kids ended up working
in factories and what it was like to work in them. I will then discuss some of the
comparisons of child labour these days.
Child labour had been around for
Ray Kurzweil Accomplishments
Who ever thought that a man who came from humble beginnings could end up one of
the most important people in the field of technology? Well, in fact, it has been done. A
man by the name of Ray Kurzweil has rose up through the ranks and has become of the
most influential and important people in the field of technology. Ray started out as any
normal child did, and now sits at a staggering 27 million dollars net worth in U.S.
currency. He has wrote accurate predictions about future technology, created inventions
that are major breakthroughs in the medical field, and so much more. These are just a
few of why he has become a major influence and role model not to just myself, but
millions of people around the world.
Kurzweil s parents were of Jewish background, and happened to live in Austria right
before WWII erupted. Hitler, at the time, began to gather the Jews up and send them to
various camps. The Kurzweils fled to New York before they were captured, and sent to
a camp. Living in America, they had no worries of the Nazi s, and eventually had a
child. They named ... Show more content on ...
He finished his high school years, and decided to continue pursuing his interest in
computers. He was admitted into Massachusetts Institute of Technology after graduating
high school. When he got to his sophomore year, he created a program that would help
match high school graduates to colleges. This program presented potential applicants
with a 300 question survey, and matched their answers with details from every college
that was compiled on a data base. This data base eventually became a company owned
by Ray, and when he turned 20, he sold the company to Harcourt, Brace and World
educational establishers for a six figure digit. Kurzweil graduated after that with two
degrees from Massachusetts in computer science, and also in
Comparing Two Movie Versions Of Romeo And Juliet
In this essay I will be comparing two different movie versions of Romeo and Juliet.
The two films I will be comparing are Romeo and Juliet directed by Carlo Carlei and
Romeo + Juliet directed by Baz Luhrmann. The points that I will be comparing are the
props, setting, and costumes. Within each movie there are good things and there are
bad things and I will be comparing those good and bad things. The props in the two
films of Romeo and Juliet are extremely different which make them a good point of
comparison. Luhrmann s version of Romeo and Juliet is a more modern take on the
play. I think this because they use guns, cars, television and newspapers. By using guns,
it brings a more dramatic and forceful feel to the movie. It makes every death... Show
more content on ...
The costumes in Luhrmann s film are defiantly more modern and beached themed.
Some of the men/boys in the film wore floral patterned Hawaiian shirts, but most of
them would wear plain black jeans and a tight t shirt with their gun belt. They also
would have their hair slicked back. The women/girls would wear mainly what girls
would wear now. Juliet in particular had some scenes where she was just wearing a
boyfriend tee look and in others she was wearing just a simple sailor looking outfit.
For a lot of the movie it was a ball so both Romeo and Juliet were in costumes. Romeo
was wearing a knight costume. I think that his costume is kind of playing a tribute to
the older more play like costumes that they would have worn in the plays. Juliet
costume was an angel. I think they chose this costume for Juliet because it represented
her innocence and how she was innocent before she went off with Romeo a boy from
the rival family. In Carlei s version of the film the men/boys wore the jackets and pants
with the shirts with the puffy white sleeves and also they would wear their sword belts
with every outfit. Definitely what you would typically think of from the original play.
The women/girls wore the puffy elegant ball gowns that the little puff on the shoulders.
The ball in this version was a masquerade ball so they were all wearing masks. But the
women/girls were still wearing big, huge ball gowns and the men/boys were still wearing
their outfits. I definitely think that the costumes from both movies were different from
each other but good in their own
Development of Human Language, Neurolinguistics and...
Most people take it for granted that children will develop cognition, language and
communication skills when they reach a certain stage in their life. In fact, various studies
have been conducted regarding these aspects of human development. A common topic
for debate is the issue of nature versus nurture, wherein some groups support the idea that
language and cognitive development is as natural as breathing while other groups
contend that external factors influence these characteristics of humanprogress.
Researchers are given the opportunity to dig deeper into this issue through cases
involving feral, isolated and confined children.
A normal child develops in a variety of domains that are closely linked with each other.
They influence ... Show more content on ...
Language development among humans normally occurs rapidly from the time the child
is born to around the age of five. There are generally accepted language learning
milestones that every child has to achieve even though the pace and age at which these
are achieved may vary from child to child ( Language Development ). There are several
theories regarding language acquisition and development. Chomsky theorized that
people have an inborn ability to learn language through a special biological mechanism,
a species specific biological endowment, which he referred to as a Language Acquisition
Device that is found in the brain. He likened this to a universal grammar that is
recognized by all humans. His theories were also considered as Nativist in comparison to
the Behaviorist theories which stipulate that language acquisition is achieved as a result
of providing rewards for imitations (Rieber ; Theories About How Young Children
Acquire and Develop Language ). Piaget contends that cognition precedes language
development and children simply use language to represent what they are thinking.
Vygotsky argued that language is primarily a form of social communication, which
eventually leads to language and cognition. More recent theorists claim that the child is
an active part of their holistic development with language acquisition being the result of
cognitive, emotional and social interactions ( Theories About How Young Children
Acquire and Develop Language ).
An Analysis of Policy and Business Solutions to Global...
As scientific research contends, discrepancies in the earth s climate will have a
significant impact on the environment and humans. Human habitation and economic
patterns will all have to shift as entire ecosystems are altered because of these climate
trends. As scientists continue to present the case that climate changeis a serious problem
that must be addressed through societal efforts, members of the public and private sector
are beginning to recognize their obligation to take action. Yet, in order to make sound
managerial decisions regarding climate change it is important to understand the nature of
the problem. This report will consider the causes of climate change and evaluate the
political response to climate change on an... Show more content on ...
Further, research reveals that the levels of greenhouse gases has increased between the
base periods of 1961 and 1990, with a warming of the atmosphere accompanying the
increase in carbon dioxide levels (University Corporation for Atmospheric Research,
2014). These trends will have serious consequences for humans around the globe.
The reason that climate changes impact human life significantly is that climate interacts
significantly with the ecosystem. The climate system is composed of the atmosphere, the
hydrosphere, the physical Earth, the biosphere, and the cryosphere, a term designating
solid forms of water that are permanent landmarks on the Earth s surface (Lutgens
Tarbuck, 2013). Thus, when a change to the Earth s atmospheric temperature occurs, it
not only impacts the atmosphere, but all components of the environment are impacted as
well. For example, if a drop in temperature takes place over a series of time, this
modifies the features of the Earth s surface, which can make it uninhabitable for entire
species. This also impacts the food and plant sources that humans rely upon to survive
while making different locations less desirable for habitation. Thus, humans are
profoundly affected by global trends in climate.
Causes of Climate Change The causes
Bob Dylan Rhetorical Devices
Rhetorical Analysis You that never done nothin / But build to destroy/ You play with
my world/ like it s your little toy, (Dylan) is just an example of the powerful lyrics used
in the song Masters Of War by Bob Dylan, that were used to reveal the disappointment
and anger that Dylan felt towards the US government and military officials during the
Vietnam war. Bob Dylanwas a folk singer who was well known for creating political
protest songs about then current topics throughout history. After analyzing the lyrics,
rhetorical devices, and music of the song Masters Of War by Bob Dylan, the anti war
political message was revealed to be prominent throughout. Masters Of War was released
in1963, during this time America was heavily involved... Show more content on ...
This song has a powerful anti war statement that can still be considered relevant to
today s society and war culture. The song Masters Of War by Bob Dylan uses
rhetorical devices, melodic rhythms, and different types of appeal to express the
political message of the song. The meaning and message of the song is an anti war
political song against the government. The communicator is Dylan himself who uses his
song to convey the unmorality of the government to the audience through the lyrics and
haunting vocals. The intended audience is the government, who Dylan feels is
responsible for a lot of death and must learn from their mistakes. The song Masters Of
War carries a resentful message towards the government, and after analyzing the lyrics
and music of the song the message was made clear in all aspects of the
The Yellow Wallpaper Psychoanalytic Analysis
Analyzing works of literature through different literary lenses allows one to retrain his
or her mind to think critically. One s ability to think critically while reading literary
texts is pivotal, especially since literary criticism requires his or her mind to read a text
through a specific literary lens. When one applies a particular literary theoryto a text, he
or she embarks on a unique journey; a voyage that allows him or her to question both
the text and its author in order to discover the text s essential message. For instance, if
one decides to view a literary text through a psychoanalytic lens, he or she is required to
apply the ideas of psychology to the text. How so? Think about it: One can choose to
either focus on the psychology... Show more content on ...
In fact, analyzing this particular story is intriguing, mainly because the author of the text
is a female. Charlotte Perkins Gilman was the United States most prominent feminist
thinker during the late seventeenth and early twentieth century. Today, Gilman s novels
and short stories force one to think differently; her literary works attack the role of
women in society; therefore, when reading and analyzing The Yellow Wallpaper, one
should keep the following question in his or her mind: Why are women portrayed like
this? (Dreier 1). Having knowledge regarding the feminist theory is pivotal, especially
since Gilman depicts gender inequality throughout the text. The feminist theory argues
that men and women should be equal politically, economically, and socially (Feminist
Romance Related Texts
I have chosen Romance as my genre for my connections report. I will be linking the
three texts, Pride and prejudice written by Jane Austen, P.s I love you by Cecelia Ahern,
The notebook by Nicholas sparks and my one chosen visual text, Titanic directed by
James Cameron. Romance books usually follow similar routines to fit within the romance
genre. The plot, character, and happy endings will be the three connections I will discuss.
I will link them to form my final analysis of the connections between romance genre

My first connection, that love conquers all, is shown, though my visual text in the film
Titanic. We watch as Jack and Rose are forced to hide their love and true feelings from
each other when they are faced with obstacles ... Show more content on
The river was still as I walked across the bank and neared the house. I edged closer to
the front door with each step I took. I had known that I was forbidden to see Hamlet,
but that hadn t stopped me from visiting him in the late hours of the night. I did worry
about him sometimes, I wondered if he was lonely or sad, I wondered if he wanted to
see me, but he knew he couldn t because if my father saw him. Oh, the consequences
would be grave. I opened the front door with both of my hands to ensure I made as
little noise as I could. The housed looked the same as it always had. Small and
cluttered though there was only a little bit of dust here and there. Hamlet had lived
there all his life, he was born in the bedroom left of the kitchen and had learnt to crawl,
walk and run in the hallways of that house. I stepped past the door, closing it behind
me, and walked towards the other end of the living room. I remembered playing tag
around his mother s sofa, we would stand on both sides of it and watch each other
trying to anticipate one another s movements. His eyes were a deep blue that almost
looked like the water furthest depths of the ocean and when he smiled, his teeth shone
like the richest pearls hidden inside a sea clam. I walked down the familiar hallways
with light footsteps when something pressed against my shoulder. It did frighten me a
little and had made me imagine if my father had caught
Analysis Of The Movie Slumdog
peaceful as Boyle portrays in his movie, but more fearful and terrifying like Boo
described in Behind the Beautiful Forevers.
Slumdog Millionaire shows Jamal s slumdog childhood as an exciting adventure,
carefree, always finding ways to acquire food or money, and narrowly escaping
punishment for his deviant acts every time; however, the reality of childhood in the slum
is better illustrated in Boo s book since it expose the danger of problems such as
hunger, illness and childhood deviance. Behind the Beautiful Forevers describes
numerous children s tragic death due to the pressures of their hardship and social
injustice. Sometimes leading them to unjust death on the road without clear cause.
For example, Sanjay, a young boy in the slum was pressured to end his life after he
thought that he was going to be captured and tortured by police or killed by gangsters
for being a witness to a crime. Boo described, [Sanjay] was convulsing on the floor.
Pulling Sanjay up, thinking that he was having a seizure, his mother caught a chemical
reek on his breath. His sister retrieved a white plastic bottle from the corner of the
room...But the empty plastic bottle was rat poison...He lived for two hours after reaching
the public hospital (Boo 171 72). The tragic death of Sanjay shows the immense pressure
of living in the slum which can lead to a young boy taking his life away without second
thoughts. On the other hand, Slumdog Millionaire shows Jamal stealing and scamming
with his
The Black Greek Life in College Essay
The smell of carnival foods, music blasting through the tall speakers, and the crowd
going wild is the first thing one hears as one enters the stadium. Shortly, one hears the
sounds of clapping, stomping, and yelling as the Greek organizations compete for the
grand prize, title of recognition, and bragging rights. People are dancing and supporting
their favorite groups as they perform the routines the groups have been practicing for
days. The final group performs and walks off stage drained with all the energy they put
into the performance. Everyone crosses their fingers hoping their Greek organization
won. Different colors, like salmon pink and apple green, surrounds the stadium
representing the different groups. The MC (Mic Controller)... Show more content on ...
This definition Ross provides and informs one with the true and deep meanings of what
the sisterhood may define sorority. A sister may tell one that a sorority may appear as a
partying thing, but in reality a sorority is a group that gives back to the community
while having fun at the same time. Many resources do not talk about sororities in
general. The resources mentioned a special group called the Divine Nine. Together these
nine societies make up what is known as the National Pan Hellenic Council (NPHC)
(Barker 17). The NPHC contributes abundantly to the community from: improving
health care, raising scholarship funds, and promoting literacy to working for women s
rights, aiding the NAACP, and organizing social justice and civil rights, ... (Fine 2).
There are only four societies in the Divine Nine that are sororities. These were the first
sororities formed on college campuses and have successfully made a massive impact in
every community. The first sorority to be born is known as the Alpha Kappa Alpha.
Everyone has seen their bright colors and heard talk about their fierce attitude. Right?
Alpha Kappa Alpha was born on the campus of Howard University on the date of
January 15, 1908 (Ross 163). The AKA Sorority, Inc. was meditated upon one college
student, but it took nine college women to collectively make this organization transpire.
The names of the women that helped find AKA are as
Power Of Love In Sonnet 55
Anja Kroon
Mr. Signorelli
Honors British Literature
23 October 2017
The Immortal Power of Poetry
The Shakespearian Sonnets, written circa 1600, follow ideas and beliefs present during
the Renaissance (Mary). During this time period, god, religion, and superstition were
driving forces of everyday life. Nearly everyone in Shakespeare s audience believed in a
branch of Christianity and the effects of the faith are evident in his writings, especially
Sonnet 55. Sonnet 55, sometimes known as Not marble not the gilded monuments ,
emphasizes the true strength of literary works as they stand against the test of time. The
poem specifically asserts that the power of love and poetry is stronger than the strength of
death through the use of imagery and descriptive writing (Mary). Shakespeare s famous
sonnets followed the standard English sonnet pattern of 3 quatrains with a rhyme scheme
of ABAB followed by a rhyming couplet. Each quatrain in the sonnet discusses a new
idea regarding time and the relationship between death and immortality.
At the time this poem was written, time, in the eyes of the people, seemed to move
toward a single event, the last judgement (Mary). The last judgment is a belief in the
Christian faith that all souls will face a day of judgement for their sins. The first
quatrain discusses the concept of time wearing on in conjunction with the negative
effects of death and decay (Mary). Although time itself cannot be physically
manipulated, there is still an ever present hope burning inside humans to control time.
Ultimately, humans long to live forever but as reality dictates, all living things must
die. Shakespeare works around this reality by channeling that hope into the immortality
of literary works specifically poetry. This message is conveyed early in the poem with
the lines, Nor marble nor the gilded monuments / Of princes shall outlive this powerful
rhyme (1 2). This powerful rhyme (2), is a reference to the poem itself and Shakespeare
compares its endurance to that of monuments and grave stones (Almedia). These lines
indicate the strength in the poetry itself as monuments and grave stones are items that are
considered to exist for a time close to eternity. The discussion of time is
The Youth Center Helps Develop Social Skills And Positive...
Youth Development

The Youth Center helps develop social skills and positive youth behavior in various ways
and on a daily basis.
1.At Fort Belvoir Youth Center the staff plan activities that always incorporates
teamwork or interaction with other youth. These activities teach the youth the importance
of being reliable and working together.
2.They are presented with numberous opportunities to speak in front of their peers in a
group setting and to express themselves and their opinions. This helps youth develop
listening and public speaking skills. It also helps our youth understand how others think
and to respect each other.
3.Youth participate in various community service projects in the community and within
the youth center. These events gives the youth the opportunity to intectact with different
people from different backgrounds.
4.The youth compete with other youth from different centers. This gives the youth
opportunities to mingle amongst their peers and to establish new relationships
5.Youth learn to become leaders by coordinating their club meetings and become solely
responsible for the success or learning experience that comes with leading.

Children Advocates (Outside Agencies)

(703)324 7400.
We provide a centralized, family friendly location for the investigation of child sexual
abuse and severe physical abuse allegations, bringing together law enforcement, child
protective services, and other critical
Social Networking


An enthusiastic, hard working and competent healthcare professional who possess the
required level of nursing experience needed to deliver high quality, customer focused,
and clinically effective patient care in a modern well equipped clinical setting. Key
qualities include being able to continually assessing a patient s needs and wishes, coping
with frequent interruptions in high pressure situations, and being able to respond quickly
to emergencies. Having a real passion for nursing, with a strong desire to provide the
highest level of care service to patients.


Flacq Hospital ( Year 2005 2009; General Nursing)

Moka Hospital ( Year 2009 upto now; Ophthalmic ... Show more content on ...


|Exposure to lots of different areas and environments within nursing such as general
wards, casualties and operating theater. |
| Comprehensive understanding of clinical governance and risk management systems. |
| Observing hygiene codes demonstrating good infection control and hand hygiene. |
|Good written verbal communication skills. |
Hilcrest Auto Case Essay
Hilcrest Auto The Importance of Quality Issues Hilcrest Auto is a manufacturing
company specialized in producing specific parts for automobile assemblers. Hilcrest Auto
is currently facing quality control issues, possibly leading to financial issues or threats of
losing future contracts. Quality control has been an essential concern for most
manufacturing industry. Low quality control in the manufacturing process could increase
the cost of good manufacturing and returns from customers. However, quality control is
especially critical in the automotive supply industry. One reason is that there are only
limited numbers of consumer firms dominated by Ford, GM, and Daimler Chrysler.
Producing parts that are not up to spec could result in... Show more content on ...
This discrepancy would be significant to Hilcrest Auto, which is not considering
overtime or third shift under the current circumstance. There are several potential
solutions for Bailey, the quality manager and business unit manager of the Small Parts
Division of Hilcrest, under this circumstance of the quality issue and shortness of
supply. First, Bailey is considering imposing an immediate improvement in quality
control. Bailey is also considering adding the third shift or purchasing a new machine
to increase productions. Immediate Improvement Bailey is considering adding two
more steps to the production for Hilcrest in order to improve the quality of heater core
tubes: the re shaping process and the gauging inspection. The re shaping process takes
seven seconds per tube, which is not constrained by capacity. The gauging process, on
the other hand, will take virtually no time, but scrap five percent of finish parts. On a
good day level of production, Hilcrest will reject 65 tubes per shift, resulting 650 units
deduction in the weekly supply. Bailey is facing a situation to sacrifice production
level in order to ensure quality control. In addition to that, Hilcrest is required to hire an
additional full time operator for $48,000 to supervise new operating processes. Third
Shift In order to meet the market demand, Bailey can also add a third shift to increase
the production level. By
The Music Of A Live Music Show Essay
Most people can agree that going to a live music show is awesome. You not only see
the musician play, but also feel the music flowing through your veins. Another energy
boost is when you know the person performing. When I saw John Puckett play I was
overwhelmed with happiness for him as well as the energy to dance. With a smile,
swirl and a stomp, my evening was full of excitement. In this article, I will introduce
you to this talented guy and hopefully turn you on to some awesome music. John is a
one man band who will knock your socks off if you get a chance to see him preform. He
was so kind to take a few minutes to answer my Q A interview. Let s see what John had
to say. SM Okay John here ya go. Thanks again for the interview!! SM Give me a brief
history of how you got into the music scene. JP I got into playing guitar when I was
about 14 or 15. I started out learning with other musicians in a band. It was more like a
group of friends. I played with a few different bands from age 15 til about 22. I had a
fall out with this one group I was in, and that sorta pushed me in to making music by
myself. I started trying to write songs more for me than for a group. And eventually
put it together into what I do now. SM Thank goodness for fall outs huh? Okay, In three
words, describe your music style. JP Funk World Stew SM I ve seen your live one man
band jams and they are amazing. How do you prepare for a show? JP Actually, I don t
really prepare for a 4 hour
Foil Characters In Pride And Prejudice Character Analysis
Zoe R. Ganis
Mrs. Schroder
English IV Honors
13 February, 2018

Pride and Prejudice: Character Foil

In order for a novel or other literary work to become popular for its time and for an
author s audience to stay engaged and interested in the plot, there must include some sort
of conflict or some sort of contrast that creates that conflict. This conflict attracts the
reader to the novel, wanting to read more. This juxtaposition is achieved through a foil.
Foil characters are characters that directly contrast the traits or qualities of another
character. Foil characters usually are the main character, the protagonist shows traits that
are opposite and emphasize the plot of the story, or even another character even further. A
foil, in the novel ... Show more content on ...
Bennet characters when Mrs. Bennet pressures Elizabeth to marry her cousin, Mr.
Collins almost immediately after she learns about Elizabeth s rejection of his proposal.
No matter how much Mrs. Bennet talked to Elizabeth again and again; coaxed and
threatened her by turns (Austen 76 77), Elizabeth would not budge: Though her manner
varied, however, her determination never did (Austen 77). This phrase shows the
characterization of the scene. Mrs. Bennet s faith and determination in her beliefs show
the true the meaning of marriage in her eyes. Elizabeth shows the traits of a true,
independent character because she could have, like her friend Charlotte Lucas, buckled
under the pressure that outside forces were putting on her, but she believed in herself
and how she was feeling, instead of others influence on her decisions. Once again, Mr.
Collins character indirectly brings out the strengths in Elizabeth Bennet personality. This
serves Austen s purpose because Elizabeth goes against the social norms of the Regency
Era and the opposite of what a woman was expected to be liked. Although Jane Austen
still creates Elizabeth to be a very likable character, Austen exemplifies the traits of
herself through Elizabeth s
Transcontinental Railroad History
The first transcontinental railroad began was building in 1863. Half of this railroad was
built by Chinese immigrants. The Chinese immigrants came to find jobs because there
was famine in China. Since the Chinese workers were hard workers and they would do
the same job for less, there were soon thousands of Chinese workers. The transcontinental
finished building in 1869, but by that time, there were too many Chinese workers in USA
looking for jobs. After the railroad was built, the Chinese started taking other jobs around
the country. This made the nativists hate the Chinese. They wanted to kill the Chinese
and stop Chinese immigration because of the Chinese taking their jobs. Some states
started designing special taxes and regulations to... Show more content on ...
The Chinese Exclusion Act excluded Chinese laborers to immigrate and prevented the
Chinese from becoming citizens. The Chinese laborers that are already here can stay
but laborers cannot come back in if they exit. This separated the Chinese people here
from their families. The Chinese could only bring their families back if they were
merchants, so they Chinese worked and saved up in order to see their families. However,
the law tightens up for the Chinese. In 1888 the Scott Act was created. The Scott Act
prevented Chinese from visiting China. If the Chinese left the United States, they won t
be able to come back anymore. Some Chinese fought the Scott Act by refusing to register
their exiting and entrancing. Wang Chin Fu (зЋ‹жё…з¦Џ) fought back by putting
himself out there for the nativists to get him. He challenged a white man and showed up
in Chicago to ask for the right to vote. However, this man left and no one knew where he
went. After зЋ‹жё…з¦Џ left the Chinese started fighting back by using the words of the
constitution to repeal the laws that the USA created for the Chinese. For example, no
state shall denied to any person equal protection of the law . The Chinese used this law
to fight back in the courts of many
Aspects of Contract and Negligence for Business Essay
2013 Aspects of Contract and Negligence for Business Aspects of Contract and
Negligence for Business Table of Contents
Introduction...................................................................................................4 Explain the
importance of the essential elements require for the formation of a valid
contract................5 Discuss the impact of different types of
contract................................................................................................5 Analyze terms in
contracts with reference to their meaning and effect.........................................................6
Apply the elements of contract in given businesses
scenarios.........................................................................7 Apply the law on terms in
different contracts.....................................................................................................7
Evaluate the effect of different terms in given
contracts..................................................................................8 Duty of care in the tort of...
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This is because it allows the courts to award damages in tort in some circumstances
where it is not possible to do so in contract. It has also been used creatively to
compensate people for п¬Ѓnancial losses in business contexts where no other remedy
was available. 1.1 Explain the importance of the essential elements require for the
formation of a valid contract Agreement (containing offer and acceptance): The presence
of an offer and an acceptance are a method of dissect the procedure of arrangement to
choose whether an agreement has been made and assuming this is the case, when it was
made. Common consent of the party is the essential of an understanding. Consideration:
This is the worth given by the party for the guarantee that is constantly made. Generally
thought takes the manifestation of cash, property and administrations. Capacity: Only
party who have limit have the ability to enter the introduction a legitimate and
enforceable contract. Persons who are under time of have genuine mental incapacity don
t have lawful limit to enter into contract. Consent: If the party doesn t enter onto the
assertion readily, the understanding could be viewed as invalid. Certified assent into an
agreement might be influenced by various issues. Certainty: All the terms of an
agreement ought to be clear and exact such that the party realize that they are consenting
to. Lawfulness: any consent to disregard the law or any assertion
Fabrication Of Pcb And Pcb
FABRICATION OF PCB The Printed Circuit Board (PCB) provides the electrical
interconnections between various components and as well provides mechanical
support to the components. The components are soldered to the PCB. The quality of
the soldering directly affects the reliability of the circuit. The procedure for
fabricating the PCB for any general project is described below. 7.1 PCB MAKING
Making of PCBs is as much as an art as a technique. The making of PCB essentially
involves two steps. Preparing the PCB drawing Fabricating the PCB itself from the
drawing. 7.2 PCB DRAWING Making of PCB drawing involves some preliminary
considerations such as placement of components, locating holes, deciding the
diameters of various holes, the optimum area that each component should occupy, the
shape and size of pads for the components, track size and spacing, full space utilization
and prevention of overcrowding of components at a particular area etc. There is no
other way to arrive the conclusion than by trial and error. With these details the sketch
of the PCB is made. 7.3 PCB FABRICATION The fabrication of the PCB starts with
transferring the PCB drawing onto a copper clad sheet. For small number of PCBs, a
direct photographic transfer of the PCB drawing from a negative image of the drawing
to a photo sensitized copper clad sheet is carried out. The copper from the unexposed
area is latter etched away. For large quantity production, screen printing method is
A Brief Look at Scientology
1. What is a cult?
There is no exact, unified definition of a cult. Some people even believe that a cult isn t
a religious group. How I feel I could describe a cult is as follows. I feel a cult is
negative for the outsiders and people that distance themselves from a cult after joining
one for a while. But I feel that a cult is a very positive place for someone who is loyal
and cooperative to the said cult. People change to the absolute extreme when joining
/entering the cult. Any family member who is not part of the cult is to be banished
from the Scientologist part of the family never to be talked to again. If you re a part of
said cult, and you would like to not be part of the cult or any of cult activities, you are
banished from any family members in the cult, and any friends in the cult. When you
leave a cult, you are blackmailed to the point where some have left wherever they re
living at the time. They believe that they have to show how everyone is so happy. In a
cult, they basically control every single thing they do, or that is how I feel as an
outsider. Cults send members to recruit others, as said before, and the so called
recruiters are always so positive when talking about the cult they have joined and the cult
they would like you you join. Once you join a cult, you are controlled to everything you
2. Is Scientology a cult?
Scientology is a cult, or at least, as I would understand it to be in my mind. So, yes.
However, the faculty and followers of the Church
Silence Of The Lambs Comparison
Hey, what movie do you want to watch tonight? A common phrase spoken amongst
most households on a Friday night; families getting ready to watch the newest
animation, blockbuster, or even a romantic comedy. Yet, most individuals pass off the
idea of watch a horrific, nightmarish movie before he or she falls asleep. Well, my
mother and I do just that. We always bicker over what we want to watch, like an old
married couple, but our fights are over a physical horror movie like Nightmare on Elm
Street (her choice pick) and a psychological horror filmsuch as Silence of the Lambs (my
choice). These two movies, though within the same genre, are completely different. A
Nightmare on Elm Street is simply. But, Silence of the Lambs, is always, rather quite
frightening. The superiority of Silence of Lambs emerges when the lights in your room
stay on till dawn. Dr. Hannibal Lecter, a forensic... Show more content on ...
The special ingredient to movies, conversations, or forms of media that set it apart.
My English teacher once said something along the same lines, he said, flava. This fun,
little phrase was stuck in my head for days, worse than Call Me Maybe. If a movie
doesn t have this same effect then is it even worth seeing? Silence of the Lambs is yes.
It s flava is the themes of taboo; there cannibalism, which is a worldwide cultural taboo,
there is also a transvestite, mental health issues, the topic of gay relationship, and so
much more. When these taboos are put on top of murder and psychological games,
you ve got a sundae of a well done horror movie. Silence of the Lambs discusses taboos
that are only talked about between adults and he or she may even deny it. This adds
edginess and a sense of there are things so outside of our comfort zone. Viewers
reanalyze what his or her life really is and the darkness hidden within. The introspection
of self after being exposed to taboos separates Silence of the Lambs from many films,
including Nightmare on Elm
Analysis Of Mexican Whiteboy
Book Summary:

Mexican Whiteboy is a contemporary story that takes place in National City,

California, part of the San Diego metropolitan area. The main characters in the story
are sixteen year old Danny and Uno, who are both biracial; Danny s mother is white
and his father is Mexican, and Uno s mother is Mexican and his father is African
American. Over the summer, Danny and Uno find that they have a lot in common and
even though they both go through similar hardships in life, each reveals contrasting
ways of meeting a problem. Uno tries to overcome his obstacles with courage and
boldness, whereas Danny habitually digs into his wrist until it bleeds. Danny is also an
incredibly talented pitcher who could be signed by a college recruiter. However, he
always shuts down and loses concentration when he is on the mound. His uneven
pitching is a metaphor for his internal struggles. Over time, Danny s summer experiences
help him to believe in himself and find his pitch: his focus.


Mexican Whiteboy s theme is developed through the main character s growth. Over
time, Danny learns the way to overcome his obstacles and how to move forward
despite the drawbacks in his life. The author uses Uno and Danny to teach the reader a
life lesson. Over the summer Uno guides Danny to learn the way to overcome his
hurdles and how to progress despite drawbacks: to believe in himself. After reading the
story, I have decided to use a black lock box that teaches the theme of the
Japanese Sports Research Paper
1. Introduction
The country that I investigate is Japan. The element I choose is the sports in Japan.
The development of sports in Japan started from the Edo period. Sports is a popular
way for people to spend their free time at that period. Although the sports in Japan is
developing, the problem was that people were always accompanied by gambling.
However, after the Meiji restoration and the end of the second world war, with the
economic recovery and growth, the sports development in Japan become rapidly. Some
western sports were introduced into Japan, such as the track and field events, basketball
and football. Nowadays, the sports in Japan has become strong in Asian countries.

2. Unique characteristics of the cultural element

There are ... Show more content on ...
After the Meiji restoration, western sports become flow into Japan through the
educational system, such as baseball, football and tennis. These sports had become the
most popular sports in Japan nowadays. For example, the strength of the baseball in
japan is the first in Asia based on the baseball rankings of March 2017 of Baseball
Federation of Asia. This sport was introduced in Japan as a school sports in 1872 by an
American English professor, Horace Wilson. From that time, Japan start the
development of baseball. Moreover, another example is football. According to an article
(The 8 most popular Sports om Japan, 2016), it mentioned that there was an ancient kick
ball sport called cuju that developed in China and spread to Japan. At the 19th century,
football was introduced to Japan by Lieutenant Commander Archibald Lucius Douglas of
the British Royal Navy, who taught it to Japanese navy cadets between 1873 and 1879.
So, started from that time, Japan develops football and become one of the strongest
football team in the world. Thus, we could see that the modern sports in Japan are
introduced by other countries. Although they are not the original, Japan can develop
them effectively and become popular and strong in Asian countries. And I think that s
why the modern sports become a major in the sports of
Bigger Thomas A Tragic Hero
Bigger Thomas as a Tragic Hero When analyzing Bigger Thomas, Richard Wright s
protagonist in the novel Native Son, one must take into consideration the development
of his characterization. Being a poor twenty year old Black man in the south side of
Chicago living with his family in a cramped one bedroom apartment in the 1930 s, the
odds of him prospering in life were not in his favor. Filled with oppression, violence, and
tragedy, Bigger Thomas life was doomed from the moment he was born. Through the
novel, Bigger divulges his own dreams to provide for his family and to be anything but a
nobody. Although Bigger struggled to fight through obstacles to pursue his dreams for
the future, his chase for a better life came to an abrupt... Show more content on ...
She tells Bigger, I think I can trust you (Wright 64) in order to toy with his emotions
and disobey his boss orders as Bigger, Mary, and Mary s communist boyfriend Jan
Erlone take the car out for a night in the loop. After a rousing evening on the town
filled with booze and conversations about communism that left Bigger offended and
ashamed to be black, it became Bigger s duty to make sure that Mary was placed safely
in her bed after being too intoxicated to stand on her own. Because Bigger strives to
obey his boss, he feels inclined to personally place Mary in her own room in order to
avoid trouble. This shows that Bigger Thomas took Mary to her bedroom with no
intention of causing any problems in his new workplace reminding the reader that
Bigger is not an evil human being, just a product of his environment. After being in
Mary s bedroom, Bigger decided to overstay his welcome due to his curious arousal
with white women. To Bigger s surprise, a hysterical terror seized him (Wright 85) as
Mrs. Dalton makes an appearance in Mary s bedroom to check on her daughter. Bigger
automatically assumed that if he was caught in Mary Dalton s bedroom at an odd hour
of the night he would be immediately fired and accused of raping a white woman that
could ruin his already tragic life forever. Due to her blindness, Bigger was not seen
immediately, but he realized if Mary kept mumbling, Mrs. Dalton would make her way
Never Give Up In Heat, By Mike Lupica
The book Heat was written by Mike Lupica and was a very inspiring book. In the book,
this young boy named Michael, who was going through something really awful and he
just wanted to give up. After the incident Michael wanted to mope around, give up, and
just feel frustrated with himself. The theme is when something bad happens never give
up because in the end something wonderful could come out of it. In the beginning of the
book, Michael was an all star baseballpitcher. Game after game he pitched very
excellent even though they re only allowed so many pitches a week because they are
in little league. Michael is a twelve year old boy that can pitch eighty miles per hour.
Michael saw this bad kid running from the cops, so Michael throws the ball from home
plate all the way past the field and hit the guy in the head knocking him to the ground.
Michael meets this wonderful girl one day and later on founded out that she was his hero
s daughter and wasn t too happy with her when he found out because she didn t tell him.
... Show more content on ...
They had to bench Michael till they got his birth certificate, but since he is from Cuba
it would be hard to get it. Especially since his dad had died a few months ago and his
mom died a long time ago before they came to America. Throughout the middle of the
book he tried everything he could to get it. This guy who works for the child services
got curious about him and his seventeen. Michael has been telling everyone that his
dad was in Florida taking care of his sick uncle. The guy wanted to talk to dad to see if he
was real. Luckily, Michael had his best friend relative to pretend that he was his
Kagemusha(Shadow Warrior) by Akira Kurosawa Essay
Research Paper
Shadow Warrior by Akira Kurosawa The film Shadow Warrior also known as
Kagemusha was made by Kurosawa in the year of 1980. The film recounted the actual
historical event about the death of a great samurai Shingen Takeda who was known as
the head of Takeda family. The film started in the year of 1573 while all samurai
families competed with each other and the final goal was to unite Japan as a whole.
The period was also known as Sengoku period. The story began in Shingen s place
while his younger brother, Nobukado found a thief who looked almost exactly like his
brother. The safety for the head of family was top priority during Sengoku period.
Therefore, the using of substitute in order to confuse enemies was a common ... Show
more content on ...
These four signs are exclusive for Shingen himself or the head of family. During last
battle fought by Shingen s son and alliance of Oda Nobunaga and Tokugawa Ieyasu,
Kurosawa emphasized on these four sign heavily and tried to parallel different armies
action with the meaning of the signs. So we could actually feel the speed of the wind
while Takeda Family s cavalry was moving. The rows on rows of cavalry bewitching
the world with noble horsemanship, the brilliant ensigns in their primary colors
representing the different noble houses, the incomparable swiftness of the warriors in
their movements and their swordplay, the peremptory long distance shouts, the
precision of the gunfire, the instantaneous obedience of the foot soldiers to their
commanders: all bespeak the beauty, glory, and efficiency of an elegant warfare, even
in defeat. (Manheim)The heavy emphasis on the signs also showed us steps one by
one how Takeda Family was defeated. Because the strong connection between these
signs with the Takeda Family, while the Kagemusha found the flag with those 4 signs
in the water we immediately understand Takeda Family was defeated totally with
nothing left. One other great scene was when most of Takeda family s army was
defeated by enemy s gunmen, the wound soldiers and horses lying on the ground
struggled to die. In Kagemusha he adds the very effective shots of dying horses to be a
Aliens In Area 51 Essay
Most of us have heard about the mysterious Area 51 and the rumors of the Aliens and
UFOs that are hidden within. However, there is not much evidence to show that these
rumors are true. On the other hand, there is a lot of evidence that shows that there are
no aliens in Area 51. Before a reader can understand this essay, they must know a little
background about the subject. For a long time, what went on in Area 51 was kept top
secret. This led to many people speculating that the government was hiding things such
as aliens and crashed UFOs there. These speculations led to things such as movies and
TV shows being made on the subject. The creation of these led to more people learning
about and believing in the rumors of Aliens and other extraterrestrial beings in Area 51....
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One example of physical evidence is the OXCART spy plane, which had features that
could easily allow it to be mistaken for a UFO. The aircraft s titanium body, moving as
fast as a bullet, would reflect the sun s rays and make anyone think, UFO. Another
example of physical evidence is the U 2 spy plane, which many features that could
allow it to be mistaken as a UFO. The reports of UFOs often came from pilots from
commercial airliners in the early evening hours, with the U 2 plane s silver wings
reflecting the rays of the sun. The last example of physical evidence is the S 71
Blackbird, which could fly extremely high, causing it to be mistaken for a UFO. Area
51, known among spooks as Paradise Ranch , became headquarters for risky games of
cold war intrigue as the Americans surveilled its enemies and rivals from more than

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