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A Hook For An Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic "A Hook For An Essay" can be deceptively challenging, as it requires
a delicate balance between creativity and precision. The task involves not just explaining what a
hook is but also delving into the art of creating an engaging opening that captivates readers from the

The difficulty lies in navigating the fine line between being too clichГ© or overly complex and
striking the right chord that resonates with the audience. A hook is not just a mere sentence; it's a
strategic choice that sets the tone for the entire essay. It demands a deep understanding of the subject
matter, audience analysis, and a creative flair to come up with an introduction that is both intriguing
and relevant.

One must grapple with the challenge of avoiding the commonplace and predictable while ensuring
that the chosen hook aligns seamlessly with the essay's central theme. It's about finding that unique
angle or perspective that compels readers to delve further into the narrative. This task necessitates a
thorough exploration of various techniques such as anecdotes, quotations, statistics, or rhetorical
questions, each requiring a nuanced understanding of their impact on the reader.

Moreover, the difficulty intensifies when one considers the diverse nature of readers and their
preferences. Crafting a hook that appeals universally is no easy feat. Writers must be attuned to the
dynamics of their target audience, understanding what will resonate with them and spark their

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic "A Hook For An Essay" is a challenge that demands a
blend of creativity, insight, and a keen understanding of the audience. It is about mastering the art of
leaving a lasting impression in just a few opening sentences. If navigating this terrain seems
overwhelming, fear not, as similar essays and a myriad of writing assistance can be found on, providing the support needed to conquer the intricacies of crafting a compelling
A Hook For An Essay A Hook For An Essay
Skinhead Subculture
Essentialism affects music in reference to race it sets an identity for ethnic groups of
people to act in. For instance Michael Jackson and Prince were boycotted by many
African American store owners because they didn t act a certain and were considered too
feminine. For instance many African American rappers usually have an intimating image

2a) Subculture is a cultural group that s part of a larger culture, often having beliefs or
interests in opposition with those of the larger culture [1]. subcultures can be political
because of the things it s followers stand for, for example punk has ties with skinhead
subculture and influences it. Whereas with disco, can be seen political in the sense that it
catered to Black and Latino homosexuals ... Show more content on ...
Jay Z stated that I m not a biter I m a writer for myself and others/I say a B.I.G. verse, I
m only biggin up my brother/Biggin up my borough, I m big enough to do it/I m that
thorough, plus I know my own flow is foolish. [2] Explaining that when he is sampling
other artist s music he is doing it out of respect.

There are different ways an musician can sample a song sometimes, musicians sample
the beat of a song and play it as background music that way it is not very recognizable
by the listener, a good example of this is Sean Kingston s song Beautiful Girls samples
Ben E. King s Stand by me. Sometimes musicians sample an entire song this is known
as a cover Gym Class Heroes does this in their song cupid s chokehold where they
sample Supertramp s Breakfast in America.

Copyright lasts a very long time, musicians need to either get permission to sample a
song or look for a piece that is no longer protected under copyright laws. Works
published before 1923 are now in the public domain [3], meaning anyone can sample a
song that was published before that date. Works published after 1922 but before 1978
are protected 95 years from publication date, however if the work was published after
1978 it will be protected for the life of the author plus an additional 70
Cinderpelt Personal Response
I m now on the last book of, The New Prophecy so far it s a great book! Squirrelflight
and Brambleclaw realize they really did love each other! I felt like I was going to
explode if they had one more fight! What brought them together was a fight against the
beaver s! When that beaver kill Cinderpelt I was bawling my eyes out. Though
Cinderpelt s death was terribly sad, I think Cinderpelt was an awesome characterand the
Erin s didn t have to kill her off. The cats in the booksaid she was a very young cat.
Cinderpelt was so kind but I feel like she didn t have to snap at Leafpool in the fifth
book. That s one of the reasons Leafpool went away from her clan, when Leafpool ran to
the Moonpool and Spottedleaf told her to follow her heart
Resolving Bioethical Issues Is No Easy Task
Resolving bioethical issues is no easy task. Depending on which ethical decision making
approach is employed, an individual can arrive at different moral conclusions. However,
whether an approach is monistic or pluralistic, all approaches stem from principlism.
Principlism is an approach often used within bioethics that appeals to general principles
or rules to arrive at a more specific moral conclusion through some form of inference
(Tomlinson 1). While principles are important in ethical reasoning, they are just one
method for analyzing bioethical issues. In this essay, I will explicate what is meant by
the statement, principles are necessary but not sufficient for work in bioethics and in
doing so, I will provide arguments in concurrence with the statement. In determining
what is meant by the statement, principles are necessary but not sufficient for work in
bioethics, it is essential to first unpack the terms employed in this statement, i.e.,
principles, necessary, sufficient and bioethics. Now, in regard principles, the four basic
principles most relied upon in bioethics are; respect for autonomy, beneficence,
nonmaleficence and (distributive) justice. Autonomy as a principle focuses on promoting
an individual s ability to choose their own life path. While beneficence promotes
individuals to act for the benefit of others, nonmaleficence promotes preventing causing
harm to others. Lastly, justice in the distributive sense, focuses on a fair, equitable and
Legal Status of Unions
Legal Status of Unions

Legal Status of Unions

The history of the American labor movement coincides with the development of labor
unions in the United States, from the initial local craft unions like the Federal Society of
Journeyman Cordwainers (shoemakers), to the formation of national unions such as the
National Labor Union (NLU) and the Knights of Labor, creation of the American
Federation of Labor (AFL), and the Congress of International Organizations (CIO), the
merger of the AFL CIO, and its breakup through the defection of the national unions that
formed the Change to Win (CTW) coalition (Fossum, 2012, pp. 27 34, 53 54).
Paralleling the union development was a series of national labor legislation: Railway
Labor Act (1926), ... Show more content on ...
While a labor political party could provide broader support for union members, it would
not focus on the primary concerns of labor members: wages, benefits, and working
conditions (Fossum, 2012, p. 28). While some believe establishment of a labor political
party would benefit the labor movement more than either the Republican or Democratic
parties, the reality has never resulted in an effective national labor political movement
(Levitt, 1955). Even national union efforts have not been entirely effective over time: the
American Federation of Labor, the Congress of Industrial Organizations, the merged AFL
CIO, and now the Change to Win coalition (Colorado State University Global Campus,
Leading Personalities in Labor Relations Contributing to the Definition of Labor
Relations in the United States
Leading personalities in the U.S. labor relations movement included Samuel Gompers
(1850 1924), who helped found and led the AFL for much of the period from 1886
until his death in 1924 (Online Highways LLC, 2014), Eugene Debs (1855 1926), who
led the American Railway Union through many strikes and helped found the Industrial
Workers of the World (Constantine, 1990), Walter Reuther (1907 1970), who led the
United Auto Workers starting in 1946 and was head of the CIO and negotiated its
merger with the AFL CIO in 1955 (Featherstone, 2014), George Meany (1894 1980), led
the AFL from 1952 until he negotiated the AFL CIO
Karl s Views On Social Science
Karl Popper became a popular philosopher in the twentieth century, known for his
emphasis on empirical falsification while studying the social sciences. He rejected
previously popular views from the prewar era, namely Historicism, which focuses on
only historical evidence in the observation of political and social events. In his book,
Popper Selections, Popper vehemently opposes ideas such as historicism, collectivism,
utopian principles, and the Marxian ideology. Popper s emphasis on empirical
falsification provides us the basis as to why he believes democracy proves to be essential
to a state. His emphasis on individualism, piece meal social engineering, interventionism
and sovereignty highlight Popper s direct opposition to Marx, which... Show more content
on ...
He asserts, there cannot, of course, be any rational discussion in a school of this kind
(Popper 1985). Popper then places emphasis on the importance on the rise of tradition,
meaning a tradition in places of learning that encourages critical discussion and new
ideas, perhaps even rewards them. Not only does Popper maintain that this rise of
criticism is important, he also states that those being criticized should be tolerant of
dissenting view points and seek to understand the opposition rather than rejecting it.
Furthermore, Popper states, the rationalist tradition, the tradition of critical discussion,
represents the only practicable way of expanding our knowledge (Popper 1985). These
ideas of critical discussion and critical rationalism essentially serve as the thesis to
Popper s theory. Popper s reliance on the testability, falsifiability, scientific methodology
and accumulating data and theories serve as the main components of Popperism. The
Popperian ideology seems to be directly in opposition to historicism. Popper defines
historicism as an approach to the social sciences which assumes that historical prediction
is their principal aim, and which that assumes that this aim is attainable by discovering
the rhythms or the patterns, the laws or the trends that underlie the evolution of history
Second Great Awakening
The Antebellum Period in America occurred between 1815 1860. During this time,
religion, economic expansion, and social reform all greatly changed the United States
and ultimately formed the nation that we have today. The Second Great Awakening
greatly impacted religion and provided an opportunity for social reform movements;
while the market revolution permanently changed the American economy. The preferred
belief of many of America s framers, Deism is predominantly hostile to organized
churches and saw a decrease in the amount of followers because Christianitybecame
predominant in American society. Led by established religious leaders alarmed by low
church attendance, the Second Great Awakening began around 1790 and gained
momentum in... Show more content on ...
The completion of the canal instantaneously attracted an influx of immigrant farmers
who gave birth to cities like Buffalo, Rochester, and Syracuse. Some people, however,
chose to move West during this time of economic revolution. Elizabeth F. Ellet writes,
My husband was seized with the mania, and accordingly made preparation to start in
January with his brother.
The completion of the Erie Canal in 1825 played a critical role in the Market Revolution
because it allowed trade and travel to occur more often, thus lowering prices and
encouraging economic competition. Overall, the Antebellum Period in the United States
is significant not only because it serves as a precursor to the Civil War, but also because
the Second Great Awakening, social reform, and the market revolution all occurred in
this time period. Ideas like temperance and total emancipation are controversial in the
Antebellum Period, partly because of the religious movement that was simultaneously
occurring. The market was growing quickly, and the invention of the steamboat and the
completion of the Erie Canal only made trade more accessible and affordable. The
Antebellum Period foreshadowed an American future in which slavery is illegal and
trade is more accessible. Together, the market revolution and the Second Great
Awakening strengthened American both morally and economically, and as Ralph Waldo
Emerson writes in 1837, We
Method Acting Vs Stanislavsky System
Method acting also known as the Stanislavsky system is a dramatic technique in which
actors identify as closely as possible with the characters played by correlating
experiences from their personal lives to the character. Method acting was developed by
a man named Lee Strasberg in the 1950 s at the Actors Studio. But in reality the
Stanislavsky system is the thing that is being taught more at schools now. Schools focus
more on the pure Stanislavskian system in other words a pre stanislavski actormay spend
hours figuring out how his characterwalked, talked, and dressed. Each Stanislavski actor
spends his time focusing on the character s inner life. Both of these methods are similar
but Method acting focuses in getting into their characters emotional state. In real life
actors will use both of these same techniques whatever works with and that the actor feels
comfortable with.... Show more content on ...
The first step which mostly pre stanislavski actors use is What does my character look
like? or how does my character sound? the second step is for also more a professional
Stanislavskian actor is What does my character want? but keep in mind that Method
actors also can use these too but most likely a method actor would use How does my
character feel? . Method actors are all about how their characters feel other than
appearance. If the method actor feels like he or she should be sad they will stop at
nothing to try to feel sad to fit the characters feelings for example they will think about
the time their girlfriend/boyfriend broke up with them or when their dog got ran over.
Method actors also use Sense Memory which the actor must imitate the way a bullet
wound might have felt or something physically painful to create more of a emotion and
sensation approach. Method acting teaches the actors to be more creative and to use
Labelling Theory Of Schizophrenia Essay
Schizophrenia is characterised by hallucinations, delusions, disorganised speech and
behaviour, and other symptoms that cause social or occupational dysfunction. these type
of symptoms must have been present for six months and have to include at least one
month of active symptoms. DSM 5 raises the symptom threshold, requiring that an
individual exhibit at least two of the specified symptoms. For example, catatonia will be
used as a specifier for schizophreniaand other psychotic conditions such as
schizoaffective disorder. This specifier can also be used in other disorder areas such as
bipolar disorders and major depressive disorder.

Foucalt s work, although different, supports Szasz s idea that mental illness is a myth.
According to Foucault, ... Show more content on ...
The theory proposes that a stereotyped notion of mental disorder becomes learnt in
early childhood and is continually reaffirmed in ordinary social interaction and in the
mass media. Labelled deviants may be rewarded by doctors and others for conforming
to this idea of how an ill patient should behave and are systematically prevented from
returning to the non deviant role once the label has been applied. Labelling is seen as
an important cause of ongoing residual deviance. Being mentally ill is of course not
the only way of being deviant in society. The essential point of Scheff s theory is that
the person recognised as mentally ill is the deviant for which society does not provide
an explicit label. Labelling someone as mentally ill is defined by residual rule
breaking. Labelling theory has been challenged for several reasons. These include the
relative neglect of primary deviance , the process of becoming deviant in the first
place, and the said lack of evidence for the idea of a self fulfilling prophecy or a career of
deviancy. In particular, Gove (1980) has suggested that the evidence for labelling theory
is so overwhelmingly negative that it should be
Skin Moles Research Paper
Moles are, in essence, clusters of skin pigment cells which should be spread
throughout the body. Instead of locating themselves across the skin itself they group
together and form what we see as a mole. These are often harmless and may never
cause you problems in the long run. When they begin to form too often you may feel
there is a reason why they are continuously popping up and you might want to have a
professional see to them just in case they are harmful to your health. There are a
variety of causes that could lead to moles appearing on the body and while some of
these can be prevented at other times the causes are more complex and you may need to
look at a range of probabilities that may be contributing to the problem. At different
A Career As A Marine Biologist
Science has always interested me and i have been considering if for a career. If i was to
enter a science field for a career, these are the 3 fields i would be mostly interested in.
All of my life i had been fascinated with the ocean so i would highly consider going
into marine biology. Marine Biology is the study of all plants and animals that live in
the ocean. Marine Biologists study a wide range of organisms that varies from Whales
and Dolphins to single celled plankton and sea grass. They can also study specific
things like a single species of fish or all the fish that live in different ecosystems. Marine
Biologyalso has many places you could work at. One day you could dragging giant nets
behind a big boat and another time you coud be... Show more content on
I want to be an engineer and i really like science and im good at it so it would be a
good field for me. Engineering science is the study of engineering and science and
learning how the two interact. Engineering is using math and science to improve
modern machines, technology, and structures and to invent, design, and build new
things. Engineering has a very wide range of very specific fields. You could work as
an aerospace engineer which is when you design and work on airplanes, a hardware
engineer who design and test various computer equipment, or even a paper engineer
who design and test an array of paper products. Other engineering fields include plastic
engineering, river engineering, automotive engineering, and combat engineering ; just
to name a couple of them. When it comes time when you pick what field you want to
be in, the possibilities are almost endless because there are so many specific fields and
careers. The ones that interest me most are ocean engineering which is the design of
structures in the ocean, automotive engineering which is the design and testing of road
vehicles, and metallurgical engineering which is the study of metals and putting them to
use. Also, engineering is a very important thing in society because they solve all of
societies problems that we encounter. For example, if we didnt have medical engineers,
there would be no machines in hospitals to keep us alive and no cures
White Teeth by Zadie Smith
1. Samad s great grandfather, Mangal Pande was the first of the sepoys in the Bengal
army to fire a shot at a British soldier setting off a revolt against the British. However,
the circumstances of the events that unfolded are greatly debated as to whether he was
drunk when he shot the soldier and so on (209). However, for Samad, Pande represents
an unsung hero of eastern culture, preserving the culture of Bengalfrom the British (215).
Samad also views Pande as a name that he must live up to; Pande had a mark on history
and so Samad felt that he had to do his best to live to the name and be successful in the
military (76/77).
2. Clara was driven away from her old life because of Ryan Topps. Originally she used
him as a way of getting away from her old family and as a way of living a double life; the
life she lived at home (around her mother) and the life she lived around Ryan s
companions Merlin, Wan Si and so on (32). However, Ryan eventually becomes
enamored with the idea of the rapture and being saved from Gods fury and takes up
the beliefs of Jehovah s Witness. He soon joins forces with Clara s mother in an effort to
bring Clara back to God in a last effort to save her. This in turn drives Clara completely
away from Ryan and her family (36). It was after all this loss that she met Archie and
for her, it seems he was her last man on Earth (38).
3. Samad has a glorified idea of who he really was. Obviously he takes into account the
downfalls of losing the function of
The Role of God in Miracles
In the Christian faith, miracles are critical and authentic to the Gospels. A miracle is a
difficult term to define because it depends on the individual s perspective and
experience. Generally speaking, miracles can be considered to be natural and unnatural
acts of God or series of unlikely events occurring concurrently coincidences. I believe
miracles and coincidences can both be seen as a series of unlikely event, but miracles
have a Godcomponent to it. Coincidences on the other hand, do not involve God and are
non existent.
I view miracles and coincidences as epistemic. It is because of our lack of ability to
predict the future that when unexpected events occur, they can be viewed as either
coincidences or miracles. For example, if a woman was supposed to die because of a
failing immune system by a certain time period, but lived beyond that time period, then
foreseeing the woman s survival was impossible because human knowledge is limited to
the present. Furthermore, this incident can be considered a miracle for a religious person
or a coincidence for an atheist. From an atheist point of view, the woman s survival was
due her immune system coincidentally being able able to randomly support life longer
than expected without God s involvement. For a person of faith, the woman s survival is
seen as a miracle because it is an unlikely event that could have only occurred due to God
s purposeful intervention.
I don t believe in coincidences because every instance in life
Summary Of Paul David Tripp s Dangerous Calling
A church is a house of worship where Christians gather to worship and offer sacrifices.
Though all churches have a core function to serve God, they have different doctrines
and ways of worship this, therefore, leads to a difference in preference of the believers
as to which church to go to and to move away. For a church to stand, it has various
things that it should practice. Many authors have different views concerning the same.
This work is hence going to give a report on how to keep the church standing by
different authors. The biblical counselor Paul David Tripp in his book Dangerous
Calling addresses the challenges and temptations that are exclusive to or intensified by
pastoral ministry. In his counseling ministry, Tripp has seen all, too much proof of an
actual collapse in... Show more content on ...
They require the back up of members of the church; it is, therefore, a necessity that
whoever is called to accomplish a certain task in the ministry should adhere to it so that
everyone has the role to play. It requires prayers and nurturing of talents such as singing.
The church should hence be equipped with instruments so and youths be trained in their
operations such that pastoral ministry and other young ministries in a church are brought
together through various functions to do missions. Stetzer and Dodson in their book
Comeback Churches where they found out that a church grows exponentially at its
beginning, it then enters a plateau stage and finally it begins to decline. It shows that
there is an increasing trend of the un churched people. The book Comeback Churches
outlines the measures that the churches at a plateau stage should put in place so that they
begin to grow again and never decline. The book identifies five important tools to
rejuvenate the church, intentional evangelism, vibrant faith, leadership, lay ministry and
celebrating but orderly worship (Stetzer and Mike
Difference Between Vegetarianism And Vegetarianism
Vegetarian vs Meat eater Humans need substance to survive. Every single person has a
choice in the type of diet they consume each day. Certain lifestyles, such as
vegetarianism or a meat based diet, can affect a variety of issues that are common in
today s society. Both vegetarians and meat eaters make conscious efforts when eating
which affects animal agriculture, the environment, their health, and the economy. Studies
with staggering statistics have shown how much of a negative impact producing meatfor
consumption is having on this planet. It takes more than 2,400 gallons of water to
produce 1 pound of beef, while producing 1 pound of tofu only requires 244 gallons of
water (PETA). Factory farms create manure which produces runoff and is one of the
leading causes for the pollution in rivers and lakes. This also poses an issue for the air
that people are breathing. Studies have shown that [animal waste] lagoons emit toxic
airborne chemicals that can cause inflammatory, immune, irritation and neurochemical
problems in humans (Foer). Another issue is the land that is being wasted. Threats like
deforestation become a reality when crops are being used to feed animals and not
humans directly. Only 4 million acres are being used to grow plants that go directly to
humans, while 56 million acres are being used to grow feed for animals, and this is in
the United States alone (PETA). Vegetarianismis an option that promotes better health
and a positive environment for
Black Lives Matter Movement Thesis
Section #1 Introduction/ Thesis Trayvon Martin. Michael Brown. Tamir Rice. These are
some names of those who were murdered unjustifiably, sparking the new movement
against the racist actions still happening in modern day America known as the Black
Lives Matter movement. This movement has swept all over America becoming a hard
thing to just ignore with people protesting all over America for racial equality. The
inequality that people of this minor racial group face today did not just spark out of
nowhere, black Americans are tired of hiding behind their fear of being constantly
racially targeted throughout history. The police action was the spark igniting and fueling
the frustration of a group of people who demonstrated they would no longer... Show more
content on ...
The conceptual definition of the centralized effect is that some drugs like crack
cocaine may be associated with races such as African Americans and with the release of
new laws that target these drugs causes an influx in incarceration rates. The most
important cause of this literature is that the author focuses on how the past (slavery)
reflects back to the future (mass incarceration of black males). The definition of this
cause is to show how history can repeat itself and it is impossible to move ahead in
society. It also focuses on the fact that the past does have a major role in influencing what
can happen in the
Theme Of Judgement In The Scarlet Letter
The Rise and Fall of Judgment Judgment can be the the greatest plague of society.
Judgment kripples acceptance, forward growth and blinds entire communities. Though in
retrospect plagues are necessary, as is judgment. Without judgment humanity would be
blind to people s character exposing them dangerous risks unstable people present. In The
Scarlet Letterby Nathaniel Hawthorne, Hester dealt with the judgment repercussions of
adultery. Her sin caused society s judgment of her to rise and fall, in tandem producing
negative and positive effects for Hester. Throughout the novel the Puritancommunity
shifts their views of Hester. In Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter, judgment that
plagued Hester as a result of her sin evolved and shifted the communities views of her....
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Not only did they judge her harshly privately, but they judged her publicly as well. A
old hag in the crowd while Hester was leaving the prison heeded This women has
brought shame upon us all, and ought to die. (Hawthorn 36) There abrasive amounts of
judgment in part stems from their fear on how Hester actions reflect on the puritan
society as a whole. The community also viewed Hester with the slightest bit of pity
and during her first experience of public shaming The scene was not without a mixture
of awe, such as must always invest the spectacle of guilt and shame in a fellow creature
(Hawthorn 39) Even though much of the society was blinded by their overpowering
waves of judgment, many felt a small bit sorry for Hester situation. The puritan society
was riddled with corruption and sins much worse than Hester s, making Hester s
punishment hit close to home with many of the community. Hester s sliver of relatability
allows the community to grow warmer feelings for her as time wears
Personal Lessons Learned
From an early age I was taught the importance of personal integrity and the importance
of being adaptable and prepared for any stressful situation that life may throw at you.
During my time as a boy scout I was constantly taught to be prepared and to also to
always be at the service of others. At the end of our camping trips we would be told
repeatedly to leave this place, better than when you found it and this lesson has translated
into my own life. I want to make the worlda better (safer) place than when I found it. As
I grew up, these lessons continued to play a key role in the decisions I made and have
made me into the man that I ve become today.
While in middle school and into high school I had the opportunity to be exposed to many
cultures that were different than my own. I volunteered weekly through my church in a
predominately Hispanic community that was located in the Port of Houston. The
neighborhood was extremely impoverished and many of the students were involved in
gangs, or had one or more parents that were incarcerated. The more I worked with these
young men and women, the more I learned about myself and that the lesson I learned
years prior of making the world better than when you found it rang true. This community
was not like the neighborhood that I lived in, and I was definitely ... Show more content
on ...
Ideally, it would be with the CIA because I enjoy working with the best and brightest,
and feel that I would thrive in an environment working with some of the world s best. I
am extremely drawn to complex tasks and finding innovative solutions to overcome
obstacles. I also excel in high stress scenarios and work well under pressure. Working for
the DO sounds exactly where I would be able to use my knowledge and analytical skills
to the best of my ability to improve global
Rise Of American Feudalism
Feudalism was the predominant way of life before capitalism. During the feudal era,
everyone lived life according to the privileges and obligations that were associated
with their social standing. The interest of everyone one the manor was to please a
higher lord s: vassals sought to pay their debts and lords would provide residents of the
manor with the means of subsistence in exchange for their labor. On a manor, there
was no currency; all obligations were paid in kind or were done to repay someone else
for their service. In a capitalist society, the goal of the individual is to acquire as much
wealth for himself. He is only interested in gaining moneyfor his interest as opposed to
paying obligatory debts like in feudalism. After the change... Show more content on ...
With the rise of capitalism and the spread of money into rural areas, vassals began to
commodity their labor, and lords began to commodity their land. Commodifying land
and labor allowed lords and vassals to receive more cash on a regular basis, yet the
payments they received were still not steady and constant. As more vassals and lords
commodified land and labor, land and labor soon became regarded as commodities. In
feudalism, labor was seen as a relationship between the laborer and the lord, or the
person receiving the labor. With the spread of monetization, however, the concept of
abstract labor was introduced: a laborer could now sell his capacity/power and ability
to do labor and the purchaser would be the owner of anything that the laborer
produced (i.e. if someone buys someone s capacity to cook a meal, the meal that the
laborer produces with the boot capacity belongs to the buyer). This new way of
understanding labor soon became widespread and labor feudal perceptions of labor
were abandoned; labor had become a commodity, part of a capitalist economy.
Moreover, land was now thought of as a commodity that could be bought and sold,
unlike in feudalism where it was only seen as a lease from a higher lord that could be
exploited but never owned. Perceptions of property also changed; property, or the amount
of tangible goods someone had in their possession,
Banana Reef Bananas Essay
Banana farms along the Johnstone river, sending the reef bananas?

Location and current status

The Johnstone River catchment in far North Queensland is one of many rivers that is
destroying the great barrier reef, it and many other rivers in North Queensland are the
home to banana and sugarcane farms. When the area gets large amounts of rainfall,
sediments run off the farms and into the Jonstone or other rivers it has been placed next
to for irrigation. The sediment contains nutrients, nitrogen and chemicals meant to rid
the farms of pests and increase productivity. These all enter the river and eventually the
sea. To Quote Martin Cunningham The Johnstone river has died the sediment is
causing the animals that usually live in the river to die or leave, the birdlife is dieing
down and it is getting progressively harder to fish in the river. Other people say that the
Johnstone river is not dieing, there is a large crocodile population. They say that there
must be plenty of life in the river for the crocodiles, if there wasn t the crocodile s would
What are some of ... Show more content on ...
Reef 2050 is a long term plan to manage the reef, return water quality and reef life to its
former glory and the protect it in the period between 2015 to 2050. This plan was being
finalised and sent to the world heritage committee by the end of the year, when proposed
to the committee at which time they said it was a good plan however the Government
would need to be able to take funding seriously as the cost will be extreme.The Reef 2050
Plan was developed by the Australian and Queensland governments with input from
scientists, communities, Traditional Owners, industry and non government
organisations. Public comment was then invited on the draft plan for six weeks until
October 27,
Preferred Provider Organization (HMO)
Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)

An HMO delivers all health services through a network of healthcare providers and
facilities. A primary care doctor to manage the care and refer to specialists when we need
one so the care is covered by the health plan; most HMOs will require a referral before
we can see a specialist. The plan may require us to pay the amount of a deductible
before it covers care beyond our essential benefits. There are no claim forms to fill out.

Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)

We do not have to get a referral from a primary care doctor to see a specialist. Higher out
of pocket costs if we see out of network doctors vs. in network providers. More
paperwork than with other plans if we see out of network providers.
Analysis Of The Wicked And The Just
The book written by J. Anderson Coats called The Wicked and the Just, is about a girl
named Cecily who moves to Caernarvon with her father, leaving her relatives and
friends. They moved to a manor there and her father received a job to prevent any
conflict that the Welshmen causes. On the other hand, another girl named Gwenhwfar
is a Welsh who becomes Cecily s maid instead of the mistress of the manor that Cecily
moved into. There are many ways to share the point of view of characters like in first
person and third person. In this case, the story was written by the author in a dual
narrativeof both girls, but mainly narrative from Cecily. Since she wrote it in dual
narrative, there must be a purpose to it.
J. Anderson Coats s purpose ... Show more content on ...
Gwladys and Cadwollon of Llanrug were good as dead, accosted at the city gate with
the baby they d been wringing their hands over. The baby they d been tending with the
last of their milk and borrowed oatbread. Though they both had evidence to prove their
innocence. From Cecily s aspect, Nessy hadn t been hurt but beside that she had no other
evidence to prove their innocence. Compared to Gwenhwfar s angle, she has reasons to
prove their innocence like them giving some oatbread and the last of milk, tending to
her, and returning her with no harm done.
The last purpose of the dual narrative was the style can be very effective for the
readers. The technique helps reader get a more understanding of what s going on and
reveals thoughts about the characters to help show what mood, character traits, and
more elements. On page 44 on the top, it says, I grin outright. I can do better work
with my feet in the dark. I spent all winter on it, Emmaline says proudly. By this
textual evidence, Cecily is unappreciative because spending all winter on it is pretty
impressive to do and Emmaline did do her best. Another example is on page 176, it
states, Gruffydd brings some bread. Gnarly. Half moldy. He won t say where it came
from. Have learned not to ask. The mood set here is gloomy and depressing because they
are so poor that they had to eat anything they could
Spring Grand Tasting Research Paper
Spring is upon New York City, and that means barbecues, roof parties, and backyard
gatherings are just around the corner. If you ve ever wanted to learn a little more about
selecting great bottles of wine for events, and even pairing food and wine together, check
out the annual Spring Grand Tasting at Martin Brothers WineSpirits.

On Saturday, April 16th, the Upper West Side s favorite specialty wine shop will be
hosting a free walk in wine tasting between 3:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., and it s the perfect
time and place to learn about wine in a laid back atmosphere. Throughout the course of
Martin Brothers Wine Spirits Spring Grand Tasting, you ll get to enjoy a variety of
excellent bottles that are perfect for warm weather refreshment.
Pursuing A Bachelor s Degree In Speech-Language Pathology
Colin Powell once said, There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation,
hard work, and learning from failure . My undergraduate career was not a typical one, I
have struggled and worked for everything I have achieved. At the end of the finish line, I
have gained a Bachelor s Degree from Molloy Collegein Speech Language Pathology
and I am extremely proud of all the knowledge in which I have learned throughout this
time. Throughout my first 3 years of my undergraduate career, I had an enormous
amount of difficulty trying to figure out what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. I
attended CUNY Queensborough Community college from the Fall 2009 semester to
December 2011. After graduating with my Associates Degree in Liberal Arts, I attended
CUNY City College of Technology as an architectural technology major for the Spring
2012 semester. During the first semester at City Tech, I was admitted into the hospital for
two major surgeries, which was a huge hindrance on my education. For the remainder...
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There is no excuse for the lower grades that I recieved, but I know that I have made
tremendous strides and made sure that I did not receive a low grade after having
initial difficulty. As a transfer student, my credits were all over the place and my
course of study was very complicated so I did not follow a typical Molloy student s
course of study in the major. Secondly, after I had difficulty in those three classes, I have
developed much better study habits during the spring 2016 semester where I began to
understand how I will succeed. After the initial trouble in my undergraduate degree and
learning how to study better, I have had much better grades which showed how
successful I can be while in this field. I know that I can be successful in a graduate
program and I will be a great addition to NYU@Speech s
Roul Monologue
Alex P.O.V.
I just got finished packing, tomorrow my sister, Aaron, and I are moving to Seoul to
live with our brothers and their band members. My sister and I are twins along with
our brothers. Our brothers are part of the famous K Pop boy group called BOYFRIEND.
I can t wait to meet the others, especially Minwoo because he s my bias.

I m so nervous. I said to myself.

*Time skip**Incheon airport*

We just got off the plane and were walking to meet up with BOYFRIEND s manager.
When we walked out of the airport, we were surprised at who we saw. Instead of the
manager we saw our brothers. We ran to them, giving them a huge hug, leaving our
suitcases behind and in the way of everyone.

We ve missed you two so much! our brothers said as they gave us a huge bear hug.

We ve missed you too! we breathed as the hug was too tight.

They let go, realizing they were squeezing too hard and apologizing. They told us we
had to get going as they grabbed our suitcases. We haven t been in Seoul for about 4
years, due to our mother s job, and we forgot how beautiful is was.

When we arrived at the dorm the rest of the members were waiting outside for us. When
I looked at Minwoo he looked at me and I started fangirling and hid behind Kwangmin

Donghyun walked over to me and told me I shouldn t be shy around them, but I guess he
didn t notice I was ... Show more content on ...
We decided to watch a horror movie, we decided on Evil Twins. Our seating was me in
between Minwoo and Kwangmin oppa on the couch, Aaron in between Donghyun and
Youngmin oppa on the other couch, and Jeongmin and Hyunseong on the floor. I
never been scared by a horror before, but I think I used the movie as reason to cuddle up
to Minwoo. He put his arm around me and let me bury my face in his should. He smelled
so good, I didn t even realize when I fell asleep when I felt someone shaking me. I looked
around and I noticed nobody was
Should The United States Use Chemical Weapons In Syria
During the civil war that broke out in Syria between the Syrian Government under the
Assad Regime and the various rebel groups each backed by differing allies, fatalities have
been common with firefights often erupting between the groups. However, the most
terrifying weapon that has arisen from the fighting was the resurrection of the long
prohibited use chemical weapons. In an article by Anthony Deutsch of Reuters it states
The findings provide the first official confirmation of use of sulfur mustard, commonly
known as mustard gas, in Syria since it agreed to destroy its chemical weapons stockpile,
which included sulfur mustard... Syria is supposed to have completely surrendered the
toxic chemicals 18 months ago. Their use violates U.N. Security Council resolutions and
the 1997 Chemical Weapons Convention. Similarly, in an article comparing the use of
chemical weapons to conventional... Show more content on ...
In the Vietnam War the United States employed millions of gallons of Agent Orange, a
substance containing the highly toxic dioxin, to defoliate the jungle of Vietnam, but the
large amounts spread and used has caused dioxin to still be found to this day in the
soil, rivers, and animals especially fish of South Vietnam, seriously affecting the
ecosystem. Chemical weapons are comparable to that of an atomic bomb as a similar
property shared with each other when they are used, an irreversible force takes over
resulting in the mass destruction of their target. Therefore, just as there are strong
protocols on nuclear weapons so should there be on chemical
The Synthesis And Processing Of Ceramics And Ceramic...
Polymer derived ceramics (PDC) were first introduced over thirty years ago, and are a
fundamental material in high demand today. Over the years, these materials have been
heavily studied to better understand how to manufacture them and determine their
desired properties. Such materials include coatings, ceramic fivers, and ceramics
containing properties that allow them to have high stability at high temperatures. Desired
properties of PDC typically include high resistance to decomposition, phase separation,
crystallization, high chemical durability, semi conductivity, and creep. [4]
This paper will discuss the synthesis and processing of ceramics and ceramic
composites using soft materials such as pre ceramic polymers. The potential for
materials for a large variety of applications in harsh environments, pertaining mainly to
the mechanical properties of PDCs, will also be discussed.
There are three basic steps in order to process PDC. These include synthesis of
preceramic from a specific monomer, crosslinking of polymers at low temperatures
which allow for networks to form, and finally ceramization by pyrolysis.
Some of the most common monomers which can be used consist of polysilanes,
polycarbosilanes, polysiloxanes, polysilazanes, and polysilylcarbodiimides. There are
several procedures in order to attain these figure 18.1 indicates some of the methods of
creating some preceramics through various methods outlined [1].

Political Ideologies On Current Day Topics That Are...
Growing up, I was raised in a white, conservative, upper middle class, Christian home.
At a young age I listened and asked questions to what my parents and family members
were discussing when the news came on, normally politics. As I got older and started
thinking more for myself I did research on what actually I was blindly agreeing with
just because that s what my parents believe. I came to the conclusion that my ideology
was similar to theirs. It wasn t until about sophomore year in high school that I started
questioning every topic that came up in politics or society. Slowly my heavy
conservative feeling became less. Today I still declare myself as a conservative, but
not extreme and do side with some liberal views. When getting ready for this paper I
came across the article Conservative vs. Liberal Beliefs from the Student News Daily.
In this paper I will discuss my political ideologies on current day topics that are disputed
between politicians and members of society. To start off I will start with a sensitive
subject, abortion. From my moral feeling and religious background I would say no
abortion because it s murder; I believe life starts at conception. This being said I think
it should be legal, to a degree. If a woman is raped or has been part of incest, I believe
that it should be okay for that woman to have an abortion. Another circumstance that I
believe should apply is if that baby the woman is carrying is possibly fatal to the
pregnant woman. I do believe
The Role of Directors and Officers
There are a number of people that are critical to the corporate process. These include
the directors of corporations, officers, and shareholders. The primary role of the
directors is that of oversight (Loewenstein, 1998). The directors are hired by the
shareholders, and their duty is to oversee the actions of the corporate executive. The
directors hire the CEO and set his/her salary and benefits. The directors also play a
role in oversight of the strategy and operations this tells them about the merits of the
executive that they have hired. Since Sarbanes Oxley (SOX) was enacted, directors
have seen their oversight role expanded (Skinner, 2006). There must be within the
director group some financial experience to provide explicit financial oversight of the
firm. The law prescribes certain committees as well, including audit and compensation
committees, and SOX has also increased the liability that director s face, while
expanding the role that directors play in the firm. It should be noted that Sarbanes
Oxley only applies to public companies. For company that are not publicly traded
(closed companies), the provisions of SOX do not apply. There are fundamental
differences between closed companies and public companies. The former probably has
a board of directors but the role and function of such a board can vary dramatically from
firm to firm, something that is not the case with public companies. Closed companies are
subject to different standards because there are no
Vladimir Lenin s Role In Russian History
Vladimir Lenin played a very important role in Russia s history. Lenin had almost the
same exact views about government as Karl Marx did. During Lenin s rule he made
decisions that really changed the nation. However, Lenin not only played an important
rule in Russian history but in universal history as well. He has been known as the
greatest revolutionary leader behind Karl Marx, the one who opened up everyone s eyes
to communism (Vladimir LeninBiography).

Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov was Lenin s birth name. He took on the last name Lenin when
he was working under the table with his government party. Lenin was born in Simbirsk,
Russia, on April 22, 1870. Simbirsk was renamed Ulyanovsk in his honor. Lenin had six
siblings of whom he was the ... Show more content on ...
He believed that only a revolution caused by the working class people would help the
government, but the others believed in a revolution of the rich (Vladimir Lenin). Lenin
believed that the working class needed to cause the revolution, because they carried the
country on their backs. Without the working class the country wouldn t prosper. The
working class consisted of merchants, soldiers, peasants, farmers, etc. If Russia took out
that class of people Russia would soon deteriorate. The working class was very vital to
Russia and that s why Lenin believed that they needed to cause a revolution
Us National Debt Essay
The U.S. National Debt

The national debt is the total amount of money the United States Treasury Department
has borrowed and currently owes to the federal government s creditors (Sylla). These
creditors are mostly comprised of the public, including individuals, corporations, as well
as state, local and foreign governments. They also consist of various government trust
funds, such as Social Security and Medicare. Additionally, they include the Federal
Reserve, mostly in the form of treasury bonds, bills and notes. Currently, the U.S.
national debt is estimated to be $8.5 trillion (ZFacts). This ever growing figure brings
with it several social and economic implications. Therefore, the national debt is a
frequently debated topic ... Show more content on ...
The debt rose fifty percent between the Spanish American War era of 1893 and 1899.
In World War I, the debt increased another twenty one fold between 1914 and 1919.
The debt increased an additional six fold during the World War II period of 1939 to
1946. At the end of World War II, the national debt was $260 billion, equal to 128
percent of the Untied States Gross National Product (GNP) (Wieczorek). After World
War II, the debt continued to rise, but until the 1980s the GNP rose much faster. By
1981, the national debt was $1 trillion, equivalent to 33 percent of the GNP. From
1981to 1988, the national debt began to increase dramatically. Some argue the
potential reasons for his rise can be associated to the policies put into effect by the
Reagan administration (1980 1988). These policies included a large increase in
defense spending, reluctance to cut spending on inflation, and enlarged entitlement
programs. In 1988, the national debt was $3 trillion, equal to 53 percent of the GNP.
From 1988 to 1993, the national debt s average annual increase was approximately
$400 billion. From 1993 to 2001, the average annual increase was less than $200
billion. Some argue this period of debt reduction can be linked to the policies carried out
by the Clinton administration (1992 2000). These policies incorporated several tax
increases and a reduction in government spending (Nordhaus). From 2001 to the present,
the national
Tyson Food Advertising
False Marketing in the Food Industry
Advertisements play a vital role in a company s success. It is a marketing strategy
used to increase awareness as well as the sale of a product or service. In the early 1990
s Tyson Foods released TV dinners featuring the cast of the Warner Brothers, Looney
Tunes. On the print ad, they suggested that this quick and easy form of dinner was
nutritious and healthy for children. Despite the claims that Tyson Foods had made on
this particular advertisement, the ad redirects children and parents from the real truth
and leaves them clueless as to what a healthy meal really is. This type of invisible
advertisement has begun to jeopardize the health of our youth. There should be a ban put
on campaigning food ads ... Show more content on ...
Though they claim that their foods are nutritious, the film states otherwise by taking the
audience to tour several Tyson chicken farmhouses. In a chicken farmhouse ran by
Vince Edwards for Tyson, hundreds of chickens were raised in an enclosed area with no
room to walk and no light to take in. Prior to filming, Edwards agreed to let cameramen
in the houses, however after Tyson got news of what was happening Edwards was not
able to allow any cameras in. A Perdue chicken grower let cameramen into her chicken
house and was able to show the harsh conditions that chicken must endure. It is
mentioned that due to the high demand of white meat, the chickens are injected with
hormones and sometimes get too tired to stand because of the extra weight put onto their
legs. Other then this, hundreds of chickens are cooped up with little to no space to roam
free. They often step in and lay in their poop. Though the company claims that their
products are nutritious they definitely are not
Essay about Assisting Support Customers with Food and Drink
Unit 4222 222 Support individuals to eat and drink

Outcome 1 Be able to support individuals to make choices about food and drink

Outcome 1

1. To establish with an individual the food and drink they wish to consume is always
done by chose but also considering any dietary issues that need to be incorporated.
The use of customers care plan will first give you a brief outline of there allergies (if
any), likes and dislikes so no what not to include within there choices.
Then the next step would be direct communication with the customer themselves using
there chosen form of communication. This could be verbal, both (words or sounds), then
there s Mackiton , sign language or pointing to an object. Also use of eye contact, ...
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The hand washing procedure includes, wetting hands up to the higher point of the wrist,
use the ant bacteria hand wash provided paying attention that all areas of the hand and
wrist rinse thourally and then use the hand towels provided to dry the hands/wrist.
3. When Supporting customers to prepare to eat and drink you must be aware of there
individual needs, this information can be found in the customers care plan and
communicating with other carers, parents/gardens and working professionals.
The correct form of communication for that individual is needed to ensure they fully
understands there choices and we understand there response. Also knowing what level
of support is needed for each customer so we can work in a personal centred way helps
to empower an individual and helps them progress and gain more independence.
4. Providing suitable utensils to assist the individual to eat and drink may be providing
such as a ridged plate from an individual That may find it difficult to scoop up food
independently or providing a plastic coated spoon for a customer to reduce the risk of
any accident and provide comfort when assisting them with eating and drinking. Different
materials types and sizes of cutlery may be needed to assist indicial customers with there
eating and drinking, such as plastic cups if the weights are to heavy for them to handle

Outcome 3

1.To promote an individuals dignity, comfort and enjoyment while eating

Research Paper On Beauty And The Beast
Beauty and the Beast In todays s film industry Walt Disney motion pictures are
recreating original animated Disney movies back to the live action screen. Disney has
had success with the box charts and profits of other live action Disney movies such as
Maleficent, Cinderella, and Alice in the Wonderland. There latest filmis Disney s princess
movie, Beauty and the Beastwhich topped box charts and bringing millions of money
in the first week. With the success, I hope watching the film it keeps its charming plot
and the story line stays close to the original animated movie. My expectations are going
in with an open mind and hoping to like the remake. The Beauty and the Beast if you
don t know the story. It s one of Disney s famous princess... Show more content on ...
Emma is such an ideal Belle she not only is a good actress in the movie with her
singing and acting. She s also a feminist, where she clearly stated she didn t want to
wear a corset and wanted Belle s role in the new film to be an inventor. This shows
young girls they are capable to be smart and different. Luke Evans with his attractive
facial features was perfect for Gaston. His acting was hilarious making the audience
laugh of his arrogant tole. I can never picture other actor to take place of the cast than to
The Populist Party and the Farmer Reform Movement
Question: Detail the farmer reform movements of the Midwest and South in the
1870s, 1880s, and 1890s. Why did these groups emerge? What were the goals of these
groups? Discuss each major group from this era and the reforms they inspired. Were
their goals reasonable or too radical? The Populist Party had its origins in the agrarian
West. A lengthy and devastating drought, followed by a depression, exacerbated the
tensions between urban and rural interests and farmers began to unite under the
Populist banner. In the 1880s, as drought hit the wheat growing areas of the Great
Plains and prices for Southern cotton sunk to new lows, many tenant farmers fell into
deep debt. This exacerbated long held grievances against railroads, lenders, grain
elevator owners, and others with whom farmers did business. By the early 1890s, as the
depression worsened, some industrial workers shared these farm families views on labor
and the trusts (Edwards, The People s Party, 2001). The Populists advocated a more
radical platform than either of the two major parties of the time, demanding a free silver
platform, federal intervention to help farmers, greater restriction upon corporate
monopolies and anti poverty social support legislation. They also supported female
suffrage, statehood for the District of Columbia, and Cuban independence. Although the
Populists were often demonized as hayseeds in the popular press, many of the issues they
were concerned about became more, rather than
Going After Cacciato Analysis
Going after Cacciato is an anti war novel written by Tim O Brien that expresses the
dread of the Vietnam War. Paul Berlin, a young and inexperienced soldier, was being
torn apart at the seams with the guilt of killing his comrade Caccatio. a person who
appeared to be plagued by Post Traumatic Stress Disorder creating an effort to justify the
war to himself.
Paul Berlin feels the necessity to imagine chasing Cacciato, as a result of he fired the
shots that killed him, accidentally. Cacciato, who is seen as an irresponsible reasonable
person by Berlin and his comrades in arms. His actions are seen as those of an
individual who isn t that smart, however, he s not involved with the war occurring
around him, nor can he have queries of the war itself.
Paul Berlin, throughout one night, whereas on watch duty, regarding the past and events
that lead him to daydream concerning aiming to Paris. the entire journey of aiming to
notice Cacciato was all a daydream thought up by Berlin to deal with the guilt, but in
addition decide to come back to terms. Berlin usually finds himself explaining the actions
or behavior of Cacciato. Once the boys initial leave and initially spot Cacciato at intervals
the mountains on their journey, they see through binoculars that he opens his mouth to
speak; then thunder roars. the alternative soldiers speculate that Cacciato is creating an
effort to emulate a chicken, trying to squawk and fly. it s Paul who tells the lieutenant
that what Cacciato aforesaid
Early Supplier Integration in the Design of the Skid-Steer...
integration is not happening, the future is bleak and getting darker.1 There is a lot of
value that is trapped between the processes trading partners use to transact business, and
when companies work together, they can unlock that value and share its benefits.2
LEARNING OBJECTIVES After completing this chapter, you should be able to: Discuss
and compare internal and external process integration. Discuss the requirements for
achieving process integration. Describe the barriers to internal and external process
integration, and what can be done to overcome them. Understand the importance of...
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Q: Ideally, what would you like to get from your suppliers? Noshirwani: When I look
at my integrated supply chain of the future, I m going to use a phrase: a netted
integrated supply chain. What does that mean? As Raytheon IDS works to become a
Joint Battlespace Integrator, we will have expertise over multiple domains. The
challenge for our supply chain organization, then, is to take the suppliers who are
expert in certain domains and knit them together to allow us to create solutions to
satisfy our customers needs and support our business vision. Q: Does this mean that
suppliers will be working with other suppliers? Noshirwani: In some cases, absolutely.
Then the question is: How do we broker them to partner with each other to bring us the
best result? Q: With this new business focus, what sort of measures do you use to
determine your success? Noshirwani: Previously, the majority of our metrics were
internally focused on the supply chain. While we still have some metrics that are
internally focused, we now have an organizational perspective that measures the value
we provide to the business. These metrics are in the area of effectiveness, efficiency,
capability, and capacity. We ve also now established metrics that are linked directly to
our business performance and to our customer s expectations. The key focus is: How do
we create value for our customers and
Lighthouse Coffee Advertising Campaign
The purpose of the advertising campaign is to increase Lighthouse Coffee awareness.
to increase awareness a Facebook page, an app and a website. Since these advertising
strategies all include long term forms of digital media, they will all exist for the
remainder of the business s life. With the use of all these media types the awareness of
the business will increase.
On a slightly different note, the sales promotions will include online loyalty rewards and
premiums. The online loyalty program would include the use of the app and website. For
every $100 you spend online you will receive $5 of Lighthouse Rewards and would
continue to run as long as there is an app or website for the business. For every large
coffee you purchase you get a free cookie would serve as our premium and would last
from November 30th to January 31st. Although both of these promotions are slightly
different they both help in several ways because ... Show more content on ...
Females within the age range of twenty five to forty are the primary market. They often
stop for a drink and maybe a snack just to enjoy as they shop, or simply because it is a
daily habit. The secondary market contains two different sections of people. Males within
the ages of thirty and fifty. This section would be either shopping with their wife or
holiday shopping. Therefore, the section is rather small, but there are enough people to
target. The other section in this region includes teenage girls ages thirteen to eighteen.
These girls are at the mall regularly shopping or hanging out with friends. They often buy
drinks as they shop, which makes them another portion of Lighthouse Coffee s target
Sample Reflection For Volleyball
What is the purpose of this presentation?
The purpose of this presentation is to research and analyse what type of practice
environment is best suited to my needs and which one will bring the best results for
the future in the sport of Volleyball. The purpose is also to find out what level of
serving I am up to (cognitive, associative and autonomous) and how I can improve me
serve. They will also see an analysis on my serve and what details I need to fix on it
compared to a gold medallist volleyball player. Editing needed
In brief, what will the audience will hear about?
The audience will hear about what stage of serving I am up to and what I need to
improve to get into the school volleyball team. I also need to find which type of
practice is best suited to me and to allow me to gain knowledge in the sport volleyball.
They will also hear about my serving technique and what I need to do to improve it.
They will also hear about what type of practice I am going to do (massed or
distributed) to best suit my needs. My accuracy tests will help show what stage of
learning I am up to in relation to the volleyball serve.
Stages of Learning
What stage of learning you are at?
Out of the 3 different stages for volleyball (which include the cognitive, associate and
the autonomous stage) I am at the associative stage for serving. Looking at the footage
of my serve I can determine that I know how to serve it is just getting my consistency
higher to allow me to get to the next stage of
The And The Dark Knight And Shows Like The Walking
Comic books, in todays rise of all that is geek it is hard to avoid hearing about the next
comic that is being adapted into a movie or TV show. With films like The Avengers
and The Dark Knight and shows like The Walking Dead comic book based properties
are taking over most of pop culture today. Yet, despite all the attention on these
properties there is still an overwhelmingly popular misconception that comics are kids
stuff. Yet, unbeknownst to the overall public in western society comics are more than
tales of men in tights fighting the bad guys like in your child s favorite saturday
morning cartoon. Quite the opposite in fact with many comics being the source of more
mature story telling like David Cronenberg s History of... Show more content on ...
You leave immediately with your son and from than on you vow never to take your
young son to another comic book store. Why to this day do most people not
understand comics go beyond that as children s picture books? Well, to answer this
question we have to start by looking were idea of comics being kids stuff began with a
book by Fredric Wertham, Seduction of the Innocent, and the formation of the CCA.
Fredric Wertham was a German American psychiatrist who s specialty was in child
development and behavior. Wertham was a major member of the anti comics revolution
that was forming amongst literary critics and fellow psychiatrists during the 40s and
50s. During his time at the Lafargue Clinic Wertham interviewed many child patients
which were all admitted for various forms of metal problems and juvenile delinquency.
Some of the patients included a young woman who dreamed of killing her own brother
and said she looked at crime comics for inspiration and others included homosexual boys
that said they saw the Batman and Robin relationship as something they always wanted.
From his observations at the clinic Wertham would write and publish in 1954 what is
considered the book nearly ended comics in Seduction of the Innocent. In Seduction
Wertham describes the dangers comics had on young minds by depicting acts of sexual
intercourse and extreme violence.
Relationship Between Coriolanus and Volumnia in William...
The Relationship Between Coriolanus and Volumnia

The speech patterns of Coriolanus reveal the title character s psychological turmoil.
Churning with self doubt about his determination, his relationship with those around
him, and his relationship with his mother, Coriolanus is a man at the mercy of his
environment. The environment that shapes Coriolanus is the instruction he receives from
his mother Volumnia.1 In his relationship with his mother, Coriolanus plays the weak
and subservient role. Volumnia s treatment of Coriolanus during his childhood and later,
when he is an adult, profoundly molds Coriolanus. Even when absent in scenes,
Coriolanus s mother acts as an invisible force, shaping Coriolanus s interactions with
other ... Show more content on ...
Volumnia, unlike the other women in the play such as Virgilia, does not recoil from war
and the battlefield. Instead, Volumnia both identifies with the war hero and delights in
both his triumphs and his pain. In describing the pride she would gain from her sons
deaths in battle, Volumnia separates herself from the other women in the play who
want nothing to do with war, I had rather eleven die nobly for their country than one
voluptuously surfeit out of action. (1.3.20 21). Thus the pride that Coriolanus derives
from his own wounds and wounded body is a product of his mother s pride in having a
wounded son. Volumnia describes with pride Coriolanus s bloody brow, Though you
were born in Rome! His bloody brow/ with his mailed hand then wiping (1.3.31 32).
The pride that Volumnia procures from her son s victories and injuries winds up
reflecting itself on Coriolanus who describes these victories and wounds with equal
pride. By the end of the first act, Volumnia s descriptions of mothering demonstrate the
warlike spirit she has channeled into her raising of Coriolanus. The imagery she uses in
Act 1 Scene 3 also separates her from the other women in the play. Volumnia speaks of
blood, swords, and death, while women like Virgilia speak of sewing and butterflies.

Volumnia s speech patterns put her in the commanding position in her relationship with
Coriolanus. In Act 5 Scene 3,
Operational Planning for Wal-Mart
Operational Planning for Wal Mart

The first Wal Mart was opened in Rogers, Arkansas, in 1962. By 1969 it was
incorporated into Wal Mart Stores, Inc., and in 1972 went public on the New York
Stock Exchange. The company grew steadily across the United States, and by 1990
was the nation s largest retailer. In 1991 and 1994, Wal Mart moved into Mexico and
Canada respectively. By 1997 it was incorporated into the Dow Jones Industrial
Average. As of 2005, Wal Mart has stores in the United Kingdom, and Puerto Rico, and
brings in revenue of close to 300 billion dollars a year. In 2006, Wal Mart invaded the
China and India s markets. During the last two decades, Wal Mart has been able to take
advantage of the rise of information ... Show more content on ...
Wal Mart works with it s sellers until they feel they have the best quality for their
money spent (Hoffman, W. 2006). One example, Wal Mart has an automatic recording
system that is in connection with one of their clients which lets Wal Mart know when it
is time to re stock product. After notification, the store orders a re supply at the closest
Procter and Gamble factory. The product is then transported straight to the branch of the
store that separates the product to go to each receiving store. The current plan of
operation between this receiving store and Proctor and Gamble creates better
coordination which allows Proctor and Gamble to cut its costs giving savings to the
buying store (Bolan, C. 2005).

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats in Wal Mart s

Operational Planning

Wal Mart has established their selves as a market leader by using simple strategy of
offering merchandise at lower prices. By the use of efficient logistics that consist of the
latest technology and inventory management processes, Wal Mart improve its buying
power, scale of operations, and minimizes cost for the company as one of their strengths
(Wal Mart Stores, Inc. SWOT Analysis 2006). One of company s weaknesses is the
declining prices and diminishing margins. With the increase in operational efficiencies
and import of Chinese goods in the US market, Wal Mart has been suffering from
The Era Of The Common Man
The era of the common man was a period between, 1824 through 1848, described to be
the era of wealth, hope and power. During this period Andrew Jackson s presidency
helped United States grow as a nation and live up to the era s name; through the
economic developments, changing politics that benefited the common man, and different
reform movements. The Tariff of 1828 commonly known as the tariff of abominations
decreased the Southerners economy drastically. The Southerners had to pay for raw
materials allowing the Northeast to prosper, by eliminating them from foreign
competition. Jackson and his Democratic Republican Party were able to use this to their
advantage by luring colonist against the economic aristocracy that was growing in the
Northeastern states. As president of the common man , Andrew Jackson believed
economic aristocracy was blocking opportunities to the common man. Jackson also
believed that his biggest enemy was the National Bank, managed by Nicholas Biddle.
The National Bank had a wide range of power and Biddle planned to use this power on
less well managed banks. Jackson in order to stop this monster pulled out all of the
government s deposits going into the bank, he also refused to renew the bank s charter
before 1836, causing a short depression. At the beginning of 1835 a nationwide
economic boom was taking place. Canal, railroad building, and an abundance of land
contributed to this economic increase, as a result of this the government was
What Is Oracle s Vision Statement
Introduction Oracle Corporation is a $38.2 billion company (2015) in the business of
providing database management software and technology as well as computer
hardware systems. It was founded by Larry Ellison, Bob Miner and Ed Oates in 1977
as Software Development Laboratories, later renamed Oracle Corporation, in Santa
Clara, California. It released its first commercial SQL (Structured Query Language) in
1979, revolutionizing data management as this allowed companies to store large
amounts of data and large number of users to access this data. In those days, computers
were enormous and complex machines and data input/ output was only done by trained
professionals whereas, software engineers wrote their codes on paper. The company was
re christened as Oracle, named after the flagship product. As the IT boom took off,
customers demanded innovation as well as security for their business data. To... Show
more content on ...
Noting the fact that most corporations spend about 75% of their IT budget on
maintenance, spending less on innovation, Oracle seeks to be the partner of such
corporations so that it can change this spending mix. This freed capacity can then be
used to invest in innovation. It seeks to do so by providing services across cloud
applications, platform services, and engineered systems. The Oracle CEO, Mark Hurd,
recently spoke about the benefits of simplifying IT system of an organization. He
believes that complex IT systems prove detrimental to an organization as they tie up a
lot of people, money and time. However, using new technology such as cloud for data
storage and engineered systems, frees up the resources of the organization, allowing it to
spend on innovation. Oracle offers these IT solutions to their partner organizations,
allowing them to specialize in their fields and leaving the IT maintenance to Oracle.
Values and
The National Customer Service Organization
The National Customer Service organization has enhanced its customer service tools over
the past three years. The customer service tools have been consolidated from 10 separate
platforms into 1 tool that is consistent company wide. This consolidation lent itself to the
National Customer Service Business Intelligence department having the ability to
analyze agent performance from a One Comcast perspective. Specifically, the evolution
of business intelligenceand performance dashboard capabilities from vendors provided a
unique opportunity for the company to expand insights from headquarters directly to the
users in the field. The continued evolution of dashboard functionality over the past few
years now provides additional... Show more content on ...
Although the advanced analytics professionals could pull the data together in one
consolidated view via Tableau for the executive team, the underlying data did not lend
itself to a larger deployment of Tableau. Business users that were outside of the IT and
analytics profession were not prepared for the level of complexity involved in self
service analysis.

One of the trends in performance dashboards was that Visual data discovery tools have
become synonymous with self service BI and are growing at three times the pace of the
overall BI market . Fortunate for the customer service team, the Tableau tool that had
been implemented was reviewed as one of the top Leaders in the Gartner Magic
Quadrant in 2013 and continued to expand its functionality. After the consolidation of the
customer service tools under one system, the Tableau dashboard tool provided the
infrastructure to expand insights across the organization in a more meaningful way. The
business intelligence team, therefore, deployed Tableau to the field given that self
service BI was not only the trend in the industry, but because it was also the most
effective and efficient way to relay insights and results. Within the field, the HQ business
intelligence team first deployed the dashboard tool to the BI teams to provide them with
the flexibility to slice the data in a multitude of ways to provide insights directly to their
Steve Wozniak And The Macbook Pro
The aim of this assignment is to give a brief analysis and description of the life and
work of Steve Wozniak and how his work on electronic devices such as the Apple II
and the Macintosh computer have contributed to society and have changed and
developed the world for good. To conclude, he made a significant impact on society
during the late years of the 20th century, the early years of the 21st century and the
present days. 2. Introduction Life goes on and we all develop, but along with the human
race, something else continuously develops as time goes by. That is technology. From
Vinyl records to CDs, the Nintendo GameCube to the PlayStation 4, and the IBM
computer to the MacBook Pro. Technology changes as time goes by but the question...
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If Steve Wozniak hadn t put his creativity into use, what would we be doing right now?
3.1. Early Life and Family Steve Wozniak was born in San Jose, California on August
11, 1950 to Margaret Kern and Jacob Francis Wozniak. His Father s ancestry is Polish
and Swiss German and his mother s is German, Irish and English. Wozniak has been
married four times but only has children with his second wife Candice Clark; these are
Jesse, Sara, and Gary. Wozniak and Clark divorced in 1987. In 1989, he started to date
and eventually marry Suzanne Mulkern in 1990. His first wife was Alice Robertson
and his fourth and current wife is Janet Hill. Wozniak now spends his time teaching
children about computers, hoping that they will follow in his footsteps. Wozniak
discovered his interest in Mathematics in the Fourth Grade and the recognition and
encouragement of his parents and teachers aided the development of his self esteem.
He cites his father and Tom Swift Junior as role models in the engineering world; both
these men were engineers who invented airplanes and rocket ships. 3.2 Education In
the fifth grade, Wozniak started to build his own radio transmitter and receiver and at
the age of 11, he began building a machine, which he named a ticktacktoe computer. A
book about a ham radio operator inspired all of these things he made at a young age.
When Wozniak started Junior High School, he won a blue ribbon at the Bay Area
Science Fair for designing a
Pete Rose Research Paper

The rise and fall of Pete Rose has always been an interesting topic brought up in the
world of baseball. However, I have never looked into for myself and have always been
curious how he became a king of baseball during his time, and how he grew his legacy.
Consequently, he fell after being caught for betting on his own team, receiving the
penalty of being banned from the MLB for life. After researching this topic, I am
excited to learn what all went down with this ordeal and how Pete Rose has tried to save
face after being caught.
Baseball Career
Growing Up. Peter Rose was born on April 14, 1941 in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was one of
four children to Francis and LaVerne Rose. Francis Rose was nicknamed Big Pete and
had been ... Show more content on ...
Rose was able to win back to back World Series titles, the MVP award, consistently
hitting above .300, lead the league in many stats, named Sportsman of the Year in Sports
Illustrated magazine, and many other achievements. Rose was earning one of the highest
salaries in the league with the Reds. Rose loved the Cincinnati Reds and wanted to sign a
lifetime contract with the team, however, the Reds were not interested in doing so, and
Rose would go on to leave Cincinnati during free agency (Sturgill,
Analysis Of The Ted TalkHow America s Public Schools Keep...
In the Ted Talk How America s public schools keep kids in poverty, by Kandice Sumner
she uses her personal experience to show frustration with the education system and how
it s racist or biased against blacks and browns. Throughout her whole speech, she talks
about educational systems and her kids and how segregation is becoming a thing in
She a starts off by saying that her kids are the best then she states the following
However, because their real parents aren t rich and, I argue, because they are mostly of
color, they will seldom get to see in themselves the awesomeness that I see in them.
(Sumner, 2016). Here Kandice makes the point that color students won t see their full
potential like she does. Then she keeps on going saying that she lived in a family that
wasn t wealthy so her neighborhood wasn t wealthy, so her school wasn t necessarily the
best; however that didn t stop her from going to school she would take an hour long bus
ride to get a better education. She thought everyone had a life like her but she didn t
notice this until she was older how she had access to certain things her kids didn t or
her friends from her neighborhood didn t. Then she asks the following Why is a high
quality education only exclusive to the rich? (Sumner, 2016) This question is pretty easy
to answer. Education is exclusive to rich people because they have money and their
parents have connections or know other important or rich people which can help them
out. This

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