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Advantages Of Modern Technology Essay

Writing an essay on the advantages of modern technology can be both challenging and rewarding.
On one hand, the topic is broad and encompasses a wide range of technological advancements,
making it essential to narrow down the focus. Selecting specific aspects or examples to discuss can
be a daunting task, given the vast array of technologies that fall under the modern umbrella.

Moreover, it requires a thorough understanding of the subject matter, as discussing the advantages of
technology involves delving into various fields such as communication, healthcare, education, and
entertainment. Each of these areas demands careful research and analysis to present a well-rounded
and informed perspective.

Crafting a coherent and organized structure is another hurdle. A well-structured essay requires a clear
introduction that sets the tone, body paragraphs that delve into specific advantages, and a conclusion
that summarizes the key points. Maintaining a logical flow and ensuring that each paragraph
contributes to the overall argument requires a thoughtful approach.

Furthermore, staying updated on the latest technological developments is crucial to provide relevant
and timely information. Technology is dynamic, and new advancements can shape the landscape
rapidly. As a result, continuous research is essential to offer an accurate and up-to-date portrayal of
the advantages of modern technology.

Despite these challenges, writing an essay on this topic provides an opportunity to explore the
positive impacts of technology on society, fostering critical thinking and analytical skills. It allows
the writer to engage with contemporary issues and contribute to the ongoing discourse on the role of
technology in our lives.

In conclusion, tackling an essay on the advantages of modern technology demands careful

consideration of the topic's breadth, in-depth research, and effective structuring. While it poses
challenges, the process also offers a chance to delve into the fascinating world of technological
advancements and their positive implications for the modern era.

For assistance with essays, including topics like the advantages of modern technology, a resource like can provide valuable support. It offers the option to order essays and access a
wealth of information to enhance academic writing skills.
Advantages Of Modern Technology Essay Advantages Of Modern Technology Essay
Advantages Of Qin Shi Huangdi
Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi ruled Ancient China from 221 till 210BC and was the
founder of the Qin Dynasty. He came into ruling at the young age of thirteen after his
father s death. He was a very effective ruler who during his reign accomplished
unifying China and building monuments such as the Terracotta warriors and the Great
Wall of China. Although Shi Huangdi did numerous things to help China and make it
better, he also burnt books to destroy records of the past and punished those who did
not follow his rules. Even though some of Qin Shi Huangdi s methods were
questionable he impacted China in many ways and was an effective leader because of
his desire to unify China and make it better. Qin Shi Huangdi was powerful leader as he
was responsible for the unification of China. He took over the seven warring states in
221BC. He then unified all the warring states to create one country. Once uniting the
states, he unified the currency, the language, the units of measurements and consolidated
the law and writing systems that were already in place. He implemented anything he
thought would unite China. Shi Huangdi applied many reforms that improved China. He
made the language and currency the same to make trade easier. He also built better
roads and canals for people to travel around more freely. The changes also helped
agriculture. Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi was definitely an effective leader. Qin Shi
Huangdi created some of China s greatest monuments and historical sculptures.
A Comparison Of The Old South By Belle Reve
By virtue of drawing the parallels between the ideals of the Old South and Dubois
inherent struggle to actualize her irreconcilable beliefs, it becomes important to
understand the method that Dubois utilizes in order to cope with her internal struggles.
The loss of Belle Reve amalgamated with the failure of society to accept her ultimately
distorts her perception of reality. As aforementioned earlier, Dubois tries to maintain the
conventions of the Old South, struggling to internalize the notion that those set of ideals
had evanesced away from the society in which she had shoehorned herself into. The
social stratification of the Old South dictated that Southern Belles be wed with a
respectable and southernly gentleman; moreover, Allan... Show more content on ...
Moreover, the significance of selecting Mitchell as her man revolves around the fact
that he conforms to the collective consciousness of modern society. Her idiosyncrasies
and unorthodox presence in society dawn upon her as she makes haste to improve her
general perception from those surrounding her. Consequently, Mitchell plays an
instrumental role in preventing Dubois descent into insanity because he bridges the gap
between her intrinsic self and her false persona by serving as an empathetic figure
capable of understanding the plight of the Southern Belle. Dubois illusory nature is
fundamentally illustrated by her desire to emulate an artists cafГ© on the Left Bank in
Paris (Williams 88) whilst on a date with Mitchell; moreover, the significance of France
as the self perceived location of her romantic endeavors with Mitchell suggests that
Dubois is trying to retain an acceptable fragment of her identity. To elaborate on this
sense of identity, it is important to realize that Dubois takes pride in her French heritage
as characterized by her propensity to tell those around her that she is French by
extraction (Williams 55). Her reiterations of French culture and language serve to
illustrate two fundamental points: firstly, Dubois acknowledges the incongruous nature
of her Southern Belle ideals that hinders her ability to form meaningful relations with
people. Secondly, by virtue of
Atm Booth And The Security System Essay
The system detects the number of person in the ATM booth by using camera. If more
than one person is found it activates the full body scanner and a program detects the
weapon from the images provided by the scanner. It also scans eye to confirm the owner
of the credit card. If these two devices are set the ATM will be more secured.
People are attacked by the terrorist and their credit/debit card has taken away by them.
It was found that in February 2009, a strong group of criminals have been stolen $9
million from 130 ATMs in 49 cities over the world within 30 minutes [2]. Moreover, as
most of the people in big cities use ATM Booth for their money transaction that s why the
customer security on ATM Booth is very important. The technology which is being used
to identify the owner is very important and interesting. But it is a matter of sorrow that in
our country, there was no attention taken to upgrade the security system before on it.
These problems can be overcome by taking some technological devices. Such as, a body
scanner machine and eye detected device can be set into the ATM Booth. An alarming
device can also be placed there for which the authority can easily be informed.
As the ATM Booth technology is the blessing of modern science and the civilized people
use this technology for their banking, its security system should be up to dated. For the
safety of people and their money should be the main concern of such technology. For
this, the
The Importance Of Meat Eating
Meat is something that is seen as being detrimental for obtaining a nutritious and healthy
diet, however, as society has changed, we have learned that might not be the case
anymore. What this means is that when we look in our pasts, meat eating has been
something which has always happened; first starting with hunter and gathering societies
to when our grandparents and parents were growing up. However, now fast forwarding
to today s society, we can see that meateating is not something that is very common. The
reasons for this change of attitude towards meat eating varies and will be explored
later in this essay as part of how vegetarians have obtained their identity with their
eating habits. With that being said, we must begin this essay by looking at what it was
like for someone who consumes meat on a daily basis to give it up for a week and
become a vegetarian. We will close this essay by looking at the ways that doing this
experiential learning project has shaped the ways in which I think of the relationship
between foodand identity as well as food and environmental issues. I m going to start
by admitting that I thought this project was going to be an absolute walk in the park,
but as I started planning for my week of meals I quickly realized how wrong I was. As I
mentioned in the opening piece, I eat meat approximately twice a day, whether it be a
chicken salad sandwich for lunch or pork chops or spaghetti and meatballs for supper,
so altering this was for sure a
Habakkuk Chapter 2 Analysis
In this paper, I will discuss chapter 2 of the book of Habakkuk. The first few things I
will talk about will be the genre so what kind genre is used in the chapter as well has
the historical and cultural information obtained for the book. Following that, I will talk
about the literacy context and some significant meaning of words used in the passage.
Next, I will talk about is sentence structure and how it is relevant to the text. Finally, I
will come up with a meaning for the context as well as find my own personal application
to connect myself with this book.
The genre of Habakkuk is a mixture of dialogue and a narrative. I say this because it is
speaking of God s response to Habakkuk s cry to him. In the beginning, it s a dialogue
because ... Show more content on ...
The first woe involves theft and a lust. The second woe involves greed and the
wrongful gain. The Third woe is talking about violence. The fourth woe is talking
about lust, being drunk and the idea of someone corrupting another. The fifth and final
woe is about idolatry. The woes are important because of the way they each start
symbolize bad things that God is telling Habakkuk about what people should not do.
The significance of woe is very important through the chapter. God by saying these
things proved to Habakkuk that he is not inactive like Habakkuk thought. But the
response and woes given are not only a message for those then but also for the
generation now we live in. The second significant word in the passage I would choose
is vison because it is due to Habakkuk s vision we learned information about everything
to come for the kingdom of Babylon. Vision means oracle, prophecy, a divine
communication. As in the text we can gather the information but I think it s important
because it s a key thing God showed Habakkuk that vision. The vison is very important
in the historical part of the time period. Answer is the next word I find it important
because God showed himself by answer Habakkuk. The meaning is to answer, testify, to
sing, and to dwell. I think in the chapter the meaning that
Technology In A Dystopian Society
There are current events occurring in the United States that has given us the feeling as
if we are living in a dystopian novel. People are living in fear and many have their lives
controlled by what is going on. From having new technology control our lives, from
having robots taking over jobs, and hiding our true identify, the United Stateshas become
a place in where many do not desire to live in anymore.
In many dystopian novels, technology is viewed as a benefit for a society. Today
many people believe it has benefitted us but it has controlled our lives. People no
longer have face to face conversations or make phone calls. The use social media to get
in contact with their loved ones or simply send a text message. You walk out onto the ...
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With the new president, they have been one of the biggest targets on racial comments.
I have seen that as soon as people have heard the comments he would say they lost the
desire to be here. Their hopes and dreams vanished. They soon began to feel
discouraged knowing that him and many others will begin to discriminate against and
know they will not have the equal rights as they should. Some people are
undocumented but because of that they should not have issues on getting hired for a
job or simply getting the health care. Many leave their country because they believed
the United States was a better place to live but as soon as they step foot doors begin to
close for them. If they get sick they cannot go to a hospital because it is very expensive
and they cannot afford it. They try to get a decent job but they do not get hired because
they do not have the proper documents. Most of them pay taxes like any other citizen so
they should have the same opportunity to get hired, go to hospitals and even just live
without having those
Skipping Affecting Heart Rate
Title: How does skipping affect your heart rate.

Aim: How does skipping affect the heart rate.

Background: When you begin to work out a couple things change in your body, you
start to breathe faster, and your heart begins to beat faster, which delivers more oxygen
rich blood into your muscles. Each time you inhale, you fill your lungs with oxygen. That
oxygen goes into the blood and is pumped around your muscles, where the oxygen is
used to break down carbohydrates and fat into energy. Your body also makes
carbohydrate at the same time. The less oxygen rich blood is then pumped back to the
lungs where it exits the body when you exhale.

A normal heart rate at rest can range from 60 100 beats per minute (BPM) for adults.
Most of the time a
Isaac Asimov, Mind of a Child Essay
Throughout history man has always had a vivid imagination. In prehistoric times, old
man used to write stories, tales and such upon their cave dwelling walls. These were
performed through the use of symbols. These symbols, called hieroglyphics, portrayed
the thoughts and creativity of their authors. Boszhardt once said while talking about the
cave pictures in Wisconsin, quot;When I first visited the cave, I was skeptical about the
possible art that Daniel had written to me about, But once my flashlight came upon some
of the drawings, there was no question that this was authentic Native Americanart. The
birds, deer, and bow hunters are of styles that had to be prehistoric, and the charcoal had
been... Show more content on ...
He was graduating from Columbia University in 1939 and taking a Ph.D. there in 1948.
He then joined the faculty of Boston University, with which he remained associated
thereafter. Asimov began contributing stories to science fiction magazines in 1939 and
in 1950 published his first book, Pebble in the Sky and his first science book, a
biochemistry text written with two colleagues, in 1953. He turned to writing full time in
1958. He authored some 500 books for young and adult readers, extending beyond
science and science fiction to include mystery stories, humor, history, and several
volumes on the Bible and Shakespeare. His trilogy of novels, known as The Foundation
Trilogy (1951 53) , Foundation, Foundation and Empire, and Second Foundation (1951
53), which recounts the collapse and rebirth of a vast interstellar empire in the universe
of the future, is his most famous work of science fiction. In the short story collection I,
Robot (1950), he developed a set of ethics for robots and intelligent machines that greatly
influenced other writers treatment of the subject.
As you can imagine his many works have significantly affected the course of modern
science fiction. In the following I will attempt to show you the many examples of his
influence upon this vastly expanded genre of works. In his robot stories, Asimov coined
two new words,
What Is The Critical Lens Of Hybridity
Post colonialism is defined as the study of texts to discover themes and reasoning that
were prevalent during the post colonial period of literature. The way one observes
these texts is by using a specific critical lens. This essay will focus on the critical lens
of hybridity. Hybridity is the mixture of two equal cultures that evolve together
contrary to viewing them as separate. The lessons the characters undergo help the
reader to understand the change or conflict and how to resolve it. The reader will be
able to understand what the characters will experience to solve similar conflicts in the
future. The Tempest, The Epic of Gilgamesh, and Heart of Darkness will be reviewed
using the lens of hybridity. There are various cultures exemplified in these texts,
including uncivilized natives, godlike men, royalty, powerful people, powerless
people, people of color, and people whose color is dominant. All of these cultures
create a power struggle for one of the opposing parties. Overall this power struggle
between cultures creates the struggle and new formation of hybridity. The first example
of hybridity is found in the epic of Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh was his name from the day he
was born, two thirds of him god and one third human ... Show more content on ...
He allowed his boy an overfed young Negro from the coast to treat the white men,
under his very eyes, with provoking insolence. (Conrad, 1902). This boy is mentioned
because this is unusual to have a black person rule over white people. During this time
period, this behavior is viewed as unacceptable. Marlow mentions this act because it is
out of the ordinary. This is also showing how the culture of the white men has changed
this boy. The boy mistreat others because of the power he obtained from the white men.
He is viewed as possessing higher power than other white and black men. This boy is no
longer a part of both original culture
Social Reforms, India
The reform activities united people and the attack on institutions like caste which
hampered social unity created a sense of oneness in the people. But most of these reform
movements had certain limitations. The questions to which they gave primacy concerned
only small sections of Indian society. Some of them failed to emphasize or even
recognize that colonial rule was inimical to the interests of the Indian people. Most of
them worked within the framework of their respective communities in a way tended to
promote identities based on religion or caste. Many of these limitations were sought to be
overcome during the course of the national movement with which many social and
religious reformers were closely associated. Indian nationalism... Show more content on ...
Swami Dayananda Saraswati, the founder of the Arya Samaj was one of the maker of
Modern India. His Arya Samaj gave emphasis on the liberation of the Hindu Society. He
called people Go back to the Veda created consciousness among the people.

He strongly opposed Idol worship, ritualism, practice of animal sacrifice, the idea of
Heaven etc. This movement also challenged the Christian Missionaries who tried to
convert the uneducated, poor and depressed classes of the Hindus.

6. Annie Besant
Annie Besant was of Irish origin and made India her second home. She fought for the
rights of Indian and was the first woman president of Indian National Congress. In 1893,
she left for India having been influenced by the Indian culture and civilization. She was
famous as a social worker, educationalist, journalist, prominent Theosophist, social
reformer, political leader, women s rights activist, writer and orator. She fought for the
Human Rights of Indian women.

7. Dr.Bhimrao Ambedkar
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was born on April 14, 1891 in Mhow (presently in Madhya
Pradesh). Dr. B.R. Ambedkar is viewed as messiah of dalits and downtrodden in India.
He was the chairman of the drafting committee in 1947. Bhimrao Ambedkar experienced
caste discrimination right from the childhood.he was the first who reduce the bridge
between tribal non tribal.

8. Medha Patkar
Medha Patkar was born in Mumbai. On 28 March 2006,
How Did George Washington Won The American Revolution
The conclusion is the guide which I will never abandon. George Washington.
This helped the Americans strive to never give even if times were rough. The
Revolutionary War took a big toll on America. The War made the Americans big in
debt. Getting closer to thesis idea lucky for them they made some allies along the way
those allies were France and Spain. As, the French and Spanish helped the Americans the
more they came together. They helped do lots of things for the Patriots.The patriots won
the Revolutionary War because France and Spain gave them troops,money and supplies
to get revenge on Britain. France helped the colonies. While, Benjamin Franklin was in
France getting the treaty of alliance signed. The treaty of alliance claimed France and
America allies against Great Britain. Between 1778 1782 the French provided troops,
uniforms, ammunition and naval support. During the war French sent 12,000 troops and
32,000 sailors to help the Americans. The most famous soldier was Marquis de Lafayette
who became a good friend with George Washington. ... Show more content on ...
France was angry at Britain because they lost colonial territory. This is how the French
helped the Patriots during the Revolutionary War. Spain helped the colonies. Although,
King Charles lll didn t want sign the treaty of alliance with the United States.The reason
why he didn t want to is because he thought it was a game. The French foreign minister
Charles Gravier managed to get Spain to join the Americans in the war. Spain managed
to explained the Spanish border in North America so British troops would have thin out
their resources.On February 7, 1783 the British drove the Spanish out of
Life Expectancy In Australia Essay
How long are you expecting to live for? 60, 70 or 80 years? Maybe 100? In 1881, life
expectancy for women in Australia was around 47 years (Australian Bureau of
Statistics, 2011). With each year, life expectancy at birth has grown by three months,
and now, the current life expectancy for a woman sits around 83 years (Easterbrook,
2014). These trends have numerous factors playing a part in the escalation, but nothing
along the lines of an anti ageing drugs or advanced body part replacements. What will
begin to happen when technology enhances far enough that organs can be grown in a
laboratory and all limbs can be replaced with bionic parts? We are already so close to
achieving such things (Arrison, 2012), so could this possibly cause a speedy... Show more
content on ...
Many disabled people today live in a world where they are seen as incapable of
completing normal daily tasks. Life is a struggle however they can t do anything else
but to carry on. The future of bionic body parts could indefinitely enhance a disabled
person s life. It would allow for them to be more mobile/active, and within that, gain
many health benefits to securing a longer and healthier life. At a conference session
discussing the future of robotic, a speaker called Harding showed his exoskeleton
work in progress. It allowed a paraplegic man to simply stand up and walk with a little
bit of aid. In future, products like this could allow paraplegics to get up and walk
completely by themselves. This would have a positive impact on physical and mental
health (Gibbs, 2015). A future product like this will benefit a diverse group of injured
people, whether it s military injuries or car accident injuries. At this present time,
society faces a major problem with organ donations. More people are on an organ
transplant list than what is going around, and every year lots of those people die before
they get a transplant. Our future body parts made with advanced technology such as
computer aided jet based 3D tissue engineering would solve this problem. Less people
would be dying and more would be living longer. With these positive aspects does come
some negative
Refluxing Lab Report
Reflux Introduction The purpose of this lab was to perform our first organic synthesis of
an acetylation reaction through the technique of refluxing. Reflux is a technique that
involves heating a mixture to the boiling point temperature of a solvent, causing the
solvent to condense back into the reaction round bottom flask by using a condenser.
Refluxing is a very efficient way of maintaining a solution at a constant temperature. In
order to avoid losing any of the solvent, a water jacketed column was used. + HEAT The
product N acetyl anthranilic acid was synthesized through the reaction of anthranilic acid
with acetic anhydride, which was hydrolyzed leading to the formation of the white
crystalline product. The reaction of anthranilic acid with acetic anhydride lead to
acetylation of the amino group. Our percent yield... Show more content on ...
Often times reactions may not finish to completion or reactants may be too impure so
percent yields are necessary to calculate the amount of product produced. A percent
yield can be calculated by the amount of product that was actually produced divided by
the expected amount of product also known as the theoretical yield. Our percent yield
for N acetyl anthranilic acid was 84.61%. This is a good percent yield. This signifies
that our reaction occurred and our reactants were converted to our desired product.
Even though this is a good percent yield of N acetyl anthranilic acid we could have
improved our percent yield by refluxing our solution for longer as well as making sure
our reflux was hot enough. There were instances where our watch glass came off during
the reflux so this could have made us lose some product through evaporation. Another
way to improve our percent yield would have been by making sure that we added the
methanol slowly so as to not lose a lot of product when washing and drying the product
on the Buchner
Hp Under Carly Fiorina
Hewlett Packard Under Carly Fiorina, and After Her
Carly Fiorina became first outsider CEO of Hewlett Packard in July 1999. Three years
later in May 2002, under her management HP merged with Compaq Computer. While
this merging period she had faced various problems such as goverment regulators in both
US and Europe.
Carly Fiorina got her bachelor at Stanford, received MBA at University of Maryland
and MS at MIT. She had worked for AT T and Lucent Technologies for 20 years.Fiorina
is known for having silver tongue and an iron will which means being articulate and
Carly Fiorina selected from 300 candidates.Each member of search committee listed 20
qualities for potential CEO then boiled these down to four ... Show more content on ...
Of course many changes are made to processes within operating level work units. When
they are made, care is usually taken to make sure that the work leaves the area in the
same format that it has been so that it will not cause problems in the next work area that
receives it. Often this means retranscribing some of the data or maintaining double
records. As these local changes accumulate, a process becomes increasingly cumbersome
and subject to breakdown.

What should we do to get the best world class work processes? Use organized common
sense, the Work Simplification approach. This means chart the process, at a level of
detail that shows all of the steps that people take to process each of the records in the
process. This detailed process chart provides a well organized and comprehensive
display of the work that the people do in the process, something that is thoroughly
familiar to the employees who do this work. Then form a team of veteran employees
whose experience collectively covers the entire process. If there is technology involved
in the process that the team does not understand simply pull up another chair or two and
have people join the team whose experience covers these areas. And, they join the team
as equal members. They don t take over the project.

Walter Hewlett, who originally voted in favor of the merger as an HP director, offered a
laundry list of reasons
Fyodor Dostoyevsky Essay
Throughout his tenure, Fyodor Dostoyevsky frequently explored the elaborate and
pressing questions of where is Russia going? and what is to be done about Russia?
through the [creation of] landscapes that reverberate[d] with these questions (Stanton and
Hardy). Typically writing in the capacity of a quasi pundit, Dostoyevsky s writings often
examined and critiqued the excessively turbulent Russian society of the late nineteenth
century through his portrayal of several underlying themes that proliferated during the
time. Fyodor Dostoyevskys brilliant commentary Crime and Punishmentis rich in [both
the] themes that dominated the periodical press of the time and in its rigorous
assessment of the evolving roles played by several human... Show more content on ...
The conflict of and with one s self, as illuminated by Dostoyevsky s Crime and
Punishment, is a quintessentially human trait shared by, and known by all cultures
and in all eras. Constantly afflicted by this internal struggle, Raskolnikov frequently
catches himself babbling and sputtering to himself about this, that, and the other. He is
so conflicted that directly after he is introduced, Raskolnikov babbles and argues to
himself about doing a mysterious, and later revealed to be murderous, thing he calls
that saying can I really do that, really? is that serious? (1.1.2). This question consumes
him, and in his obsession eventually drives him to delirium and eventually illness.
Smiling strangely as he does when thinking about his crime, the factions of his mind
preoccupy themselves as often as they can with this question as he sizes up the job [he
has] in mind, (1.1.1). Fyodor Dostoyevsky paints this central struggle as one that taxes
and tolls the individual, one that occupies all facets of thought and drives one to
irrationality; the struggle and obsession to make the right decision is one made by all
people, one that is understood across all cultural and societal boundaries. Despite the
extreme degree that it is taken to in his book, the author is able to effectively engage
his audience in Raskolnikov s self conflicted decision process and, in doing so,
establishes a basis of understanding from which any audience can relate to the story and
I-Search Narrative Essay example
I Search Narrative

At the tender age of two I moved from a development in the town of Mechanicsburg,
Pennsylvania to the vast stretches of farmland that make up the area between
Mechanicsburg and the neighboring town of Dillsburg. It was not a big move
distance wise, but it would forever change my life. If I would have stayed where I was
I would have went to a different high school, had a different set of friends, and who
knows where I would be today. While I did not know it at the time, (I was only two, cut
me some slack.) my family and I moved within earshot of one of the most prestigious dirt
tracks in the country. Each and every Friday night from early spring to late autumn
thousands of people congregate at this track surrounded ... Show more content on ...
I also know that twice each year The Outlaws come to town, and it is an incredible
party. The Outlaws are a group of the best sprint car drivers in the country that tour
around to different tracks all around the United States. Whenever they come to the Grove
it is usually their only stop in the midstate and they race against each other and the local
drivers who band together into what is known as the Pennsylvania Posse. In our local
paper they usually have a write up about The Outlaws whenever they come to town, so
this is where most of my basic information comes from. For living so close to the track I
should probably know more than I do, but that s about the extent of my knowledge.

In my quest for knowledge my first stop was pretty easy to find. I went to the Williams
Grove website because it seemed like a logical place to start my search. On this website I
found a lot of information on drivers, tickets, past grove winners and many other
topics. One section of the website that was particularly interesting to me was the page
with sprint car specs on it. These specs are what Williams Grove requires if you are
going to race there so this seemed as good a place to start as any. According to Williams
Grove s website a sprint car is defined as a racing vehicle of single seat design, built upon
a racing chassis and mounted on four racing wheels. Specifically for Williams Grove all
Strategic Cost Advantage And Competitive Advantage
According to Michael Poter (cited in David 2011) the value chain can be best described
as the business of a firm, in which total revenues minus total costs of all activities
undertaken to develop and market a product or service . A strategic cost analysis is the
process whereby a firm determines the costsassociated with organizational activities from
purchasing raw material to manufacturing products to marketing those products (David
2011, 119). The goal of this analysis is to determine whether or not a company has a
competitive advantage over its competitors. This is done by identifying where, low cost
advantages or disadvantages that exist anywhere along the value chain from raw material
to customer service activities. Also the strategic cost analysis also enables the company
to better identify its own strengths and weaknesses.
Once a company is capable of producing goods at lower costs than the market price
within the industry, the company earns profits and it has a competitive advantage. This
advantage gives a company an edge over its rivals and an ability to generate greater
value for the firm and its shareholders. A company can also achieve a competitive
advantage if their core competence is ... Show more content on ...
This money invested over the years has allowed Procter Gamble to grow into a
successful business earning $12.7 billion in 2010 and have at least one of its products
used in 99% of the households in United States and Canadian. Although research and
development has played a major role in Procter Gamble s success in having 250 branded
products. Producing the products customers need with simple ways to use them, is what
keeps the customers continuously buying the products over the years causing a product
produced to become a well known branded one over
The Bergen-Belsen Camp
There were about 900 concentration camps created by Nazi s throughout the course of
1933 1945. The main ones were Auschwitz, Bergen Belson, Dachau, Sobibor, Treblinka,
Theresienstadt, Buchenwald. The Auschwitz camp complex was the largest
concentration camp. It included three main camps. 1,095,000 Jewswere in Auschwitz
between 1940 and 1945, and 960,000 of them were killed. The Germans isolated all the
camps and sub camps from the outside world and surrounded them with barbed wire
fencing. All contact with the outside world was forbidden. Auschwitz could hold more
than 150,000 inmates at any given time. It was established by the Nazi s in 1940 and
was in use until its Allied liberation in 1945. The Nazis marked all the... Show more
content on ...
The camp was divided into three parts, the reception area, the living area, and the
killing area. The living area contained housing for German staff and the guard unit.
One section contained barracks that housed those Jewish prisoners selected from
incoming transports to provide forced labor to support the camp s function, mass
murder. Samuel Willenberg, the last of only 67 survivors of the Treblinka
extermination camp, passed away in Israel on February 21, 2016, at the age of 93.
Willenberg was brought to Treblinka in 1942 at age 19, and survived because he was
strong and told the guards that he was a
ROLL # 10I 0207

The Evolution of the Human| The universe is constructed from a multitude of various
materials. It is dynamic in form and shape due to a multitude of various processes and
interactions between these materials. To the human, however, in his need to establish his
place and purpose in the universe, the most important material is biological and the most
important process is evolution, far it is only here that the human can learn to understand
himself, an understanding that is vital to his survival.

Wise men, psychologists, philosophers and theologians have surmised and conjectured
about the human over the centuries, and ... Show more content on ...
A great ape will rarely kill another member of the same species. On the other hand, music
and art are peculiarities of the human and have no counterpart in any ape society.History
of Man SPECIES| TIME PERIOD| Ardipithicus ramidus| 5 to 4 million years ago|
Australopithecus anamensis| 4.2 to 3.9 million years ago| Australopithecus afarensis| 4
to 2.7 million years ago| Australopithecus africanus| 3 to 2 million years ago|
Australopithecus robustus| 2.2 to 1.6 million years ago| Homo habilis| 2.2 to 1.6
million years ago| Homo erectus| 2.0 to 0.4 million years ago| Homo sapiens archaic|
400 to 200 thousand years ago| Homo sapiens neandertalensis| 200 to 30 thousand years
ago| Homo sapiens sapiens| 200 thousand years ago to present|
The times of existence of the various hominid shown in the chart above are based on
dated fossil remains. Each species may have existed earlier and/or later than shown, but
fossil proof has not been discovered yet. There is also dispute concerning many
overlapping species, for example, the overlap between Homo habilis and Homo erectus.
It could well be that the two are continuing examples of the same species. The same
dispute exists with Homo erectus, Homo sapiens archaic and homo sapiens sapiens. If all
species have been discovered and the lineage of man lies within them, the most probable
lineage would include all but the robust Australopithecines and the neandertalThe
Neandertal |
How Evolution
The Lost Leprechaun Analysis
The lost leprechaun Once upon a time there lived a leprechaun.He was a good
leprechaun and rarely did anything bad. But he was a very poor leprechaun. So one
day he met puss in boots. Puss in boots was not the best role model he liked to break
the rules and so he tricked the leprechaun. He said that their is a millon air and he
gives away free money. So the leprechaun trusted puss in boots and he went to find the
millon air. So he started to go on his journey to find the millon air. But on the way he ran
into a bear this bear was purple and the leprechaun got scared and started to run but the
bear just kept running after him. He ran for he thought hours which was only a few
minutes. Finally the leprechaun had to stop running and the purple bear caught up to him
and... Show more content on ...
The leprechaun was frustrated with the purple bear which he found out his name was(
lots I hug bear ). But after a little while the lots I hug bear said where you going and the
leprechaun said that he is going the get money from the millon air. And that s just
when the lots o hug bear went crazy and said if he could come along. The leprechaun
said sure and the leprechaun and lots o hug bear went on the journey to find the millon
air to get money. So they started to walk and walk and walk until they walked into this
super sand place they did not know what this place was because they were so used to
the grass. Lots o hug bear was so scared of it that he jumped into the air and was
holding onto the leprechaun head. The leprechaun threw the bear into the sand and
said stop being CRAZY!!! So the lots o hug bear said he will so they began to walk
and walk and walk until they could not walk any longer and then lots o hug bear saw a
snake and he said I am done and left the leprechaun alone through the
Sleeping Beauty Analysis
In The Royal Ballet s video, The Sleeping Beauty: The Challenges of technically
demanding roles, principal dancers Sarah Lamb and Steven McRae as well repetiteur
Alexander Agadzhanov and former director and producer Dame Monica Mason discuss
the technical challenges of the lead roles in the ballet The Sleeping Beauty and how
dancers must balance the technical difficulty of the roles with their artistry. Ballerina
Sarah Lamb notes that one of the most difficult aspects of dancing the role of Aurora in
The Sleeping Beauty is the stamina that the role requires. Particularly, the repetitive
movements that she must complete. In order to prepare, she works with Agadzhanov, the
repetiteur, on repetition of the choreography in Act 1 so that she can build stamina and
not be tired during the actual performances. This strategy is similar to the structure of
balletstudy in general. Every class, we start by working the basic movements (plies,
tendus, etc) on the barre to train and prepare our bodies for the work we do in the
center such as petite allegro. Obviously it takes an immense amount of preparation
and training at the barre in order to see the results in the center. Personally, I have been
taking ballet classes since I was a toddler, but if the petite allegro we do in class is very
quick, it is as if I have never taken a ballet before. The music demands my body to
move so fast that my technique cannot quite keep up. Suddenly, my toes are not
pointed and my alignment not held. Like Lamb, I must do countless repetitions to
build up my stamina and technique so that my body is ready when I come to the
center of the studio just as she does when she goes into performance. During this short
documentary, Lamb really emphasizes how as a role, Aurora is both an artistic and
technical challenge. She describes how the steps that she does look so simple, yet it is
is difficult to do them with lightness and finesse. Particularly, the characterization of
Aurora requires a lightness and buoyancy because she is sixteen year old girl on her
birthday. I have never performed a ballet before, only group ballet dances in dance
recitals, so I have never explored character development in relation to ballet dancing;
however, I do
Nicki Minj Hyperbole
Onika Tanya Maraj, better known as Nicki Minaj, created a song called The Crying
Game to tell a significant part of her life. She s been in a relationship with safaree
Daniels for 10+ years and they ended their relationship shorthanded because of her long
time heart break. Once Minaj became famous she started to realize that the man she
knew treated her differently and started to become distance. Minaj uses the singer, Jessie
Ware, to create a smooth transition to the climax of the song to let the people know the
song makes her miserable. Nicki Minajis known for her use of rhymes, significant bars
and hyperbole. Nicki Minaj and Jessie Ware uses The Crying Game to describe the after
math of a relationship that ended badly.
As the song starts you hear a piano play soft and slow letting you know that is song
will be a gentle moving ballet. Once the beat drops you hear the first line, Here we go
again, and it s the game we love. As you can see she uses a form of consonance with the
words, go, again, and game. The game she refers to would be the ... Show more content
on ...
Nicki exclaims, That they were just planning a wedding, Caucasian doves. Saying that
they wanted to take their relationship to the next level with a symbol of doves which
means love and happiness. Minaj ends her 1st verse by murmuring, You was just
telling your mans that you hate the clubs; now we in the crying game heart laced with
slugs. She s basically saying that they were at a point that they felt as if it was no need
to go clubbing when they had each other until they broke up and entering the crying
game with their hearts broken or lace with slugs. Minaj uses a form of rhyme again with
clubs and slugs. Slugs would be another word for bullets and their heart broken means it
has been
L Anse Aux Meadows
L Anse aux Meadows, a UNESCO World Heritage Site is located at the tip of the Great
Northern Peninsula of the island of Newfoundland (UNESCO). This site is significant
because it is evidence of the earliest known European prescence on the American
continent (UNESCO).
Figure 1: Map of the location of L Anse aux Meadows (Wallace 2003:7) The first set of
excavators were Dr. Helge Ingstad and his wife, Dr. Anne Stine Ingstad, who were in
search for archeological evidence of Vikings in North America in 1960 ranging from the
New England area and upwards into Canada. The second set of excavators was Bengt
Schoenbak and Birgitta Wallace the time for the second excavation is unclear. Schoenbak
and Wallace were able to find out more about ... Show more content on ...
I initially thought that the only ancient cultures in North America were the Native
Americans in the Mesa Verde area, or the Aztecs and Mayans in Mexico. I was
completely unaware of the thought of Canada having ancient cultures. I don t know why,
I just haven t thought about. So, once I was searching the Internet for an artifact, when I
found this one from Canada, I knew it was the one I wanted to research. I didn t realize
that the Norse were the first Europeans to actually set up a settlement on the North
American continent. I always thought it was Columbus, but according to Vinland
Archaeology, the Norse came over from Greenland and Iceland roughly 500 years prior to
Microsoft Office
Marketing Strategy : Marketing is a very unique set of doings which shows a great and
valuable impact on the entire organization. The marketers and experts of these fields
have developed three prospective of this after a deep sea research. This environment
influences the organization directly. Caster guitar is a big name in the field of
transporting the guitars worldwide .A company cannot sell its all products to a single
customer or at a same market. The customers are many and they all are diverse according
to their demand and buying requirements. This is why, each company needs to identify
its market segmentation, market segmentation procedure, pattern of segmentation, basis
of segmenting consumers and business market. Many companies use... Show more
content on ...
At the start, subcompact cars were the targeted strategy adapted by Toyota, which were
small and easy to buy vehicles. Now, with the use of adjacent segmentation strategy,
Toyota is able to move from one specific car manufacturing to another, relative to large
cars, such as a station wagon. Toyota first expands its market by introducing Sedan cars
which are large and luxurious than its previous cars . Porters Five Forces of Toyota:
Target Market: Toyota seeks to attract a new type of consumer with the Matrix, one
whoembodies a trendy, youthful edge, but also insists upon practicality andreliability.
Using PRIZMВ®, Velocity Communications segmented the targetaudience into four
components: Motivated Students, Aspiring Singles,ActiveIntellectuals and Domestic
Achievers. This enabled us to dig deep into thetarget market s motivations and habits and
allowed us to develop an effectiveplan that truly speaks to our intended target
markets.The members of the target audience are going places.They are 20 30 year olds
who welcome the qualityand dependability that Toyota promises to bring totheir
changing lives. They have expressed an interestin the cross over utility market because
such vehicles will accommodate their active lifestyles at anaffordable price. This
youthful market is highlyeducated and thinks both critically and progressively.Like the
Matrix, these young men and women are practical, innovative and prepared for the road
Explain The 9 Ways Dogs Tell You They Love You
9 Ways Dogs Tell You They Love You. Relationship between dog and human have been
existed for thousands of years, studies shows that the first domesticated dogs came
about 33,000 years. It also revealed ways that the bond between dogs and humans has
created many ways in which dogs express how much they love their family. So here are
the 9 Ways Dogs Tell You They Love You. 1. When staring at you. Your dog stares is an
expression of love. I think Brian Hare, a well known dog expert said it all, that when
dog looks you in the eyes, he is hugging you with his eyes . Research also proves that
such natural looks release oxytocin, the same hormone that help mothers bond with their
2. Bringing you his Favorite toy. When your dogs bring you his favorite toy, it means
more than just wanting to play. They want to offer their greatest possession for your
enjoyment because they love you. ... Show more content on ...
Yawning when you yawn: As contagious as yawning is between human. It can also
happen between dog and people they love. A study found that when dogs mimic people
s yawns it is because the dog is bonded with that person. The study also found that dogs
were more liable to yawn when their owners yawned, than when a stranger yawns.
4. Lifting and wiggling eyebrows: According to recent study carried out in Japan, dogs
were introduced to their parent, a stranger, a dog toy, and an item they didn t like. The
research proves that, when seeing their owner, the dogs immediately lifted their
eyebrows; this suggests the dog is more reserved and in love with their owner than when
they are engaging someone they don t
Not a Perfect Marriage in A Streetcar Named Desire, by...
In the play, A Streetcar Named Desire, by Tennessee Williams, Stella and Stanley
Kowalski have a far from perfect marriage. In the Kowalski household ranking is set in
stone; Stanley is the alpha and protects his ranking by emotionally and physically
abusing Stella. Stanley is an aggressive husband but signs of a softer side peak through
Stanley s hard exterior creating two personalities. Stanley has destroyed the meaning of
sex, using sex for physical satisfaction and creating a sense of desire for Stella. By
using sex as a type of desire Stanley has created an animalistic need for sex. Stanley has
contrived authority over Stella, creating a strained marriage. Out of panic, Stella has
become Stanley s enabler, returning to him regardless how hard the hit, Stella accepts
the abuse. Stella has become so manipulated by Stanley that she believes that the abuse
is a large part of marriage. Stella has grown so dependant on Stanley that Stella grows
panicked by the thought of being without Stanley. The Kowalskis have become trapped
in an endless cycle of domestic abuse. Stanley Kowalskis control over Stella Kowalski
creates an environment of fear. Stanley Kowalski created gender roles to maintain
control of Stella Kowalski and will allow nothing to get in the way of feeling superior.
Stanley wants to live as lord of his domain, in sexual union with his wife. He wants
nothing to interfere with his dominion (Welsh 27). When Stanley s status is threatened,
the frustration
Principle Beliefs
Explain the importance of the 3 aspects (1.Principle beliefs, 2.Sacred Texts Writings,
3.Core Ethical Teachings) in the lives of contemporary (meaning now) Muslims
Principle beliefs: (6 Articles of faith)
Tawhid (belief in the oneness of god) o The Tawhid refers to the belief that Allahis god o
It mentions that Allah is the one true god o Allah is unlike anything else, and nothing
can be compared to him. o Allah is powerful and all knowing o Tawhid declares that
everything happens for a reason o Tawhid ultimately leads to greater surrender to Allah s
will. o This is a reminder to Muslims that they are responsible for their actions.

Insha Allah (fate/predestination. Whatever happens is god s will) o Insha Allah, when
translated says, if god wills
o ... Show more content on ...
Sacred texts writings:
Qur an (the principle scriptures of Islam containing the words of Allah spoken to the
Prophet Muhammad by the archangel Gabriel) o The Qur an is the principle scripture of
Islam o Muslims believe that it contains Allah s revelation which is thought to be
complete and unchanged o The Qur an is the word of Allah spoken to Muhammad
through the Angel Gabriel o The main message of the Qur an is a declaration of the
complete sovereignty of god. There is only one god (Allah) and his power and authority
has no restrictions. He has full control over the entire universe and therefore humans owe
him complete submission o Hadith (are written accounts of the sayings and actions of the
Prophet Muhammad)
The Paper Bag Princess
The Paper Bag Princess , a fairy tale by Robert Munsch, reveals the truth how dumb the
people appear, to others after their gratitude to them. The prince, Ronald, behaves to the
princess, Elizabeth, the same way. In the beginning of the story, both have a very good
relation, are about to marry to live happily. All of a sudden, upon a gigantic, fierce
dragon s arrival, their plan gets shattered. The dragon blows their big castle out with fire
and takes the princeaway with him, leaving the poor princess alone there.
Elizabeth puts on a paper bag, the only unburnt thing she can find in the castle, and steps
out to look and rescue the prince. It is just easy for her to know the path because of the
burnt forest and the horses bones that the
User Assistance Paper
User assistance is an important part of any product that helps to improve user experience
with a particular product. Many products that are released for global markets require that
user assistance help and documentation be translated in multiple languages for specific
target locales. This paper presents the process of optimizing user assistance help content
for translationin the following two categories: writing suggestions and technical

Writing suggestions 1.Use a style guide. A style guide defines the grammar, syntax and
tone translators should use to facilitate a higher quality of translation and convey the
source content accurately.

2.Develop a terminology glossary. A glossary should provide a comprehensive set of

terminology that includes product names, trademarked terms, ... Show more content on ...
Simplify the written language. To make documents clear and easy to translate, keep
headlines and sub headlines parallel. Use the same term to mean the same thing
throughout the documentation. This can be implemented through the utilization of a
source style guide and glossary.

4.Include universal units of measure. Different countries use different units of measure.
Lack of clearly defined units of measure can cause significant confusion and costly errors.
Therefore, it is important to include both metric and imperial measurements in the

5.Include international phone and date formats. Because phone numbers and date
formats vary from region to region, these formats should be displayed correctly in the
source and translated copies of documentation. For example, in the U.S., phone numbers
are expressed as (425) 517 2577. However, international customers also need to know
the country code, which for the US is +1. Thus, displaying the phone number as +1
425.517.2577 helps international customers. Likewise, many countries use dd/mm/yyyy.
To avoid confusion, it is necessary to indicate clearly which date format is used or to
spell out the
Analyzing Hadoop Framework Is A Solution For Big Data
Abstract Hadoop framework is a solution for big data problem. In a large cluster,
thousands of servers both host directly attached storage and execute user application
tasks. Big data is only not about storing the data, it is also about execution and analyzing
of data.
Keywords Hadoop, big data, Map Reduce, Name node, Task tracker.
Hadoop it is not a language or technology, it is a frame developed by Yahoo and
maintained by apache for big data problem. Data in the web, internet will be of different
formats. Data will be of image, text, media files. Data can be of many structured,
unstructured and semi structured formats. In the current world than static data, the
streaming data is more and capturing it is a challenge for today s world.
Before jumping into Hadoop I like to discuss, I like to discuss why big data? And it
characteristics and challenges.
What is big data? In late 2000 the world in running on manual data, people use to update
records in books and files. In 2000 many small companies converted there regular
business structures into computer systems. And data started floating due to increase in
the system usage.
Characteristics of Big data:
The four characteristics of big data are volume, velocity, variety and veracity[1].
Volume is the amount of data generated. The speed of data generated is velocity,
Variety refers the format or types of data generated. Veracity is considered as uncertainty
of data. Figure 1: The 4 V s
Technology In Early America
Technology in Early America revolutionized and changed the way that people saw the
world that they lived in. From the early North American societies in present day Mexico
to the Early American societies in the 19th century, humans have wanted to improve the
world that we live in through the different inventions created to solve some of the
problems of the world. Through the use of technology, such as through astrological and
maritime technology, transportation and communicational technology or through
agricultural technology, societies have been affected economically and socially,
depending on their worldviews, and they have impacted the technologically based lives
that we live today.
Since the beginning of time, humans have used technological ... Show more content on ...
In the early 1820s in Early America, water transportations such as the steamboat were
becoming the cheapest way of transportation. Robert Fulton and Robert R. Livingston
created the Clermont, the first successful steamboat. This was an important technological
innovation because it allowed ships to make downstream and upstream trips, unlike the
flatboats, which had to be taken apart after reaching their downstream location. Soon,
more and more steamboats started to appear, allowing America to save money since
they were no longer destroying the ships that they had paid people to build, and by
creating a transcontinental market and an agricultural empire, which all improved the
nation s economy. Around the 1830s, railroads were starting to replace the use of
steamboats and canals. Many enjoyed railroads to its speed, carrying capacity, and
reliability. In addition, they were less expensive to build than canals and they were
reliable because they relied on steam than relying on animals. This then created
societies to obtain new settlements and expand farming. As a result of railroads, a lot
of corrupted politics took place such as bribing legislatures. Since railroads led to
more people exploring the west, there was a faster decline of the Native American
culture in the west and it quickened the speed and mobility of life. In 1845, the first
clipper ship, the Rainbow, was launched as a means of improving ocean transportation.
The clipper was mainly built for having a faster speed than any other boat had. As a
result, the doubled the speed of older merchant ships. This began the clipper boom,
which allowed people to make fast journeys from across the world and it allowed for
perishable items to be able to make the trip and to be sold in America. This prompted an
increase in the societies economy and it
The Gilded Age Of America
Throughout history, America was faced with many problems socially, economically,
politically, and technologically. But America has also experienced many great successes
in these areas as well. Some opportunities were seized, while others were wasted. We
can learn from our past failures and successes and take what we have learned from them
forward with us into the future, to help build and maintain a better America. The Gilded
Age, during the late 1800 s, was a time in America where we experienced explosive
economic growth, serious social problems, new innovative technology, and the rise of
corporations and corruption in politics. We have learned from some of these things that
we went through in the Gilded Age and fixed them, but we are still facing some of the
problems we faced back then, today. During the Gilded Age, America experienced many
economic and technological successes. For example, the second industrial revolution
helped America achieve huge economic success. The country enjoyed a surplus of
natural resources, an expanding supply of labor, a growing market for manufactured
goods, as well as the availability of capital for investment. There were many other
factors contributing to the rapid economic growth during the Gilded Age. The expansion
of railroads were one of these contributing factors. From 1860 to 1880, the number of
miles of railroad tracks tripled in the United States, stemming from private investment and
large grants of money and land by the
Why Did Kitty Genovese s Neighbors Fail For Take Action...
On March 13, 1964, a woman named Kitty Genovese was stabbed repeatedly while
several neighbors were vaguely aware of the unfolding events occurring outside. The
lack of action on the neighbors part led to Genovese dying shortly after. Why did Kitty
Genovese s neighbors fail to take action quickly?
The psychologists John Darley and Bibb LatanГ© (1968) were interested in the
Genovese incident and sought to find the answer to this psychological phenomenon. In
their experiment, Darley and LatanГ© hypothesized that the higher number of bystanders
would decrease helping behavior and vice versa. The two manipulated the number of
confederates during each trial and recorded the time it took for the participants to report
the simulated seizure. Their results confirmed that if were more confederates, each
participant would feel less pressured to help, leading to the discovery of the bystander
The bystander effect is defined as the higher the number of people who notice an
emergency, the less of a chance that those bystanders will help the victim (as cited in
Aronson, Wilson, Akert, Sommers, 2015). The importance of the bystander effect is
unparalleled because it determines whether humans will still help in a situation when
there are other people available. Bystanders can deal with situations ranging from the
mundane to the dire, but what matters is the number of those who take action.
Inspired by the Genovese case, my partner and I wanted to see if the Tufts community,
Increasing the Diversity of Plants
According to the Simpson s diversity index calculations of all the sites in figure 7, Site
3 had the highest index reading of 0.701 out of 1. With 1 being the highest possible
value, it indicates very high diversity while 0; the lowest possible value, indicates no
/very low diversity. This suggests that 0.701 is a high reading, indicating high diversity of
plantspecies. The analysis of the first hypothesis There is a direct correlation between the
diversity of plant species and the relative humidityat each site , will help explain why
site 3 had the highest diversity index reading when compared to the other sites. To
answer this hypothesis, data will be used from graphs in figure 2, 3 and 4. It can be
suggested from figure 2, 3 and 4 that the abiotic conditions of site 3 have proven to
increase the diversity of plants when compared to other sites. For plant A, according to
figure 2, the humidity (rH) decreases from 64% in site 2 to 50.1% at site 3 while the
total number of plant A increases from 9 in site 2 to 80 in site 3. Even though the
diversity of plant A increases with a decreased relative humidityin Lamma Island, this is
not supposed to occur in general according to theory as higher levels of relative
humidity are supposed to increase biodiversity, not decrease biodiversity. Theory
suggests that a higher level of humidity is supposed to decrease the effect of solar
radiation while a lower level of humidity is supposed to increase the effect of solar
The Process Of Emergence The European Union Essay
The process of emergence the European Union marked the commencement of an
innovative era, for instance job creation effective trade, free market, enhanced security,
sustainable development, protecting human rights, economic cohesion etc are major
objectives. Though all these positive aspect in the mind, the reality of global depression
reveals that there is much to be improved and that the imbalances between Member
States is extending further. In this position, to solve these troubles the European
Commission launched its suggestion for the future multiannual post 2013 financial
agenda. It is think that this framework will work towards increase and competitiveness
by dropping the budget in some areas and directing the expenses towards areas of
interest for the Union. The Romanian govt. obeyed by the policy and come off its crisis
in great deal.
Chapter One:
The joining of Romania into European Union is a new hot issue to the European
economists. European communities become under a big umbrella unitedly to associate
one another in their daily life and develop economy jointly. Where Romania was a
communist country and change itself a revolutionary change and agreed to cooperate to
the European social associations. After 2007, by joining in European Union, Romania
become a greatest opportunist state among the East European countries.
European Union, a great and developed regional organization, has name and fame over
worldwide for its free market
Archetypes In Weimar
One of the main factors limiting cultural cross pollination is language. It acts as a barrier
keeping people of different ethnicities from interacting and, therefore, cross pollinating.
However, due to its lack of a reliance on language and its focus on universal images, film
has been easily cross pollinated throughout different cultures. Since it first came about,
filmhas served as a metaphor for something greater than itself. The time period between
1919 and 1933 acted as the Weimar Republic in Germany; the loss of World War I bred
creativity that was amplified to global culture. As a result of this increase in creativity,
Weimar films was created. Weimar films created archetypes that still inform world
culture today. Primarily, the one Weimar film that gives us the most global images is
Metropolis. This film set the stage for nearly every science fiction film since its release.
Most of the science fiction elements in Back to the Future are direct lifts from
Metropolis. The film created an archetype of the mad professor that manifests itself in
the Back to the Future series. The mad scientist holding back the hands of the clock to
hold... Show more content on ...
While the novel may have depicted what a vampire acts like, Weimar films brought the
vampire to life, therefore establishing the now stereotypical vampire appearance. The
widow s peak at the top of their head, the sharp top canine teeth, the mysterious voice,
and the cape with a red interior are all vital characteristics in creating the vampire we all
know and love today. These characteristics were a result of the film Nosferatu. Everyone
pictures a vampire as an old white man, not as yourself, therefore illuminating the
archetype created by Weimar films. Without Weimar films, the archetype of the vampire
would not have been created or
Benefits And Benefits Of Compensation Packages
What is a compensation packages? Compensation packages are a group of different
benefits that employees gain for employers. Compensation is needed for every
business no matter what it is to be successful; I do not know anyone who would work
for free. ( Cost benefit analysis assesses the profitability of a financial endeavor by
considering the present value of each cost and benefit. Present values are used under the
assumption that money available now is worth more than money in the future. That is
generally true in an economy with positive inflation, so values need to be discounted for
this effect. Cost benefit analysisuse ratios for assessing the investment, but a positive
cost benefit ratio does not necessarily mean you have a positive expected return. ) (
How to Determine Whether the Cost Benefit Ratio Is Positive or Negative |,
2015) Cost benefits are use to compare programs with many different units of programs.
Cost benefit ratio gives an indication stating if the benefits given outweighs the
company. As far as cost benefit ratio this is what I found researching, ( A total of 148
patients acquired NI (88 before and 60 after the intervention). The Mantel Haenszel
stratified relative risk for NI in the period before the infection control program, compared
with the postintervention period, was .61 (95% confidence interval: .53 .69). By
applying the preintervention stratum specific rates of infection to the days at risk in the
postintervention period, an
Western Symbolism In John Wayne s The Searchers
Iconography is the standard visual elements used repeatedly in films that have a specific
meaning. Outside of the genre or independently these symbols hold little significance.
The Western genre is an obvious. The surface appearance of the film signals the film s
genre. For the Western these include can horses, pistols, holsters, wide brimmed hats,
spurs, saloons, sheriffs, and stagecoaches. This iconography situates the filmfor the
audience. The westernlandscape is likely the most important and recognizable symbol of
the genre. Rather than shooting within a studio set and soundstage, most of the action is
shot on location in New Mexico. Though shooting on location has its drawbacks, it
facilitates capturing the true grittiness of nature... Show more content on
3:10 to Yuma follows this tradition of the quest or captivity narrative, as the plot is
structured around getting Bed Wade on the 3:10 train heading to Yuma prison. As a
notorious criminal and murderer, if he makes it to Yuma he will be sentenced to death,
intensifying the consequences. The film follows the Classical Hollywood convention
of using deadlines and appointments to drive the film s narrative and plot. The goal of
Dan Evans is to get him on the train or die trying. The contracts states that Evans only
needs to get Wade onto the train to receive his reward. The film creates the sense of an
epic journey from the Evans ranch to Contention, centred on the building of the
transcontinental railroad. The film s ending is an ambiguous one. Wade surrenders
himself and his weapons when boarding the train to Yuma. As the train takes off around
the bend, Wade whistles, summoning his trusted horse that gallops alongside the train.
It is suggested that Wade will escape as he has escaped from Yuma prison twice before.
3:10 to Yuma follows the narrative strategy of an ambiguous ending typical of the genre.
The hero either departs or is killed at the end of the film. He does not, however, conform
or assimilate to the dominate values of the community. The hero holds to his
individuality strongly to the bitter end. As Wade departs and Evans dies,
Sects Vs Cults
There are different types of groups that you can branch off of your religion, there are
sects and cults. A sect is a group of people with some different religious beliefs from the
group larger to where they actually belong, like a Church. A Cult is usually a small
group of people who have religious beliefs and practices observed by others as bizarre. A
cultis founded by a powerful leader also known as a charismatic. Sects have a high
degree of pressure with the surrounding society unlike churches.
Sect determines from the Latin word secta which is characterized as school of thought .
It too comes from the English dialect from the Old French secte which is alluded to as a
particular framework of convictions. While a cult is a completely different interpretation.
Cult comes from a Latin word cultus which implies labor, adore, veneration, or culture .
It too entered the English dialect through the French word culte which is characterized as
specific form of worship . At that point later on in the English dialect it came to mean
devotion to an individual or thing . ... Show more content on ...
One difference that has stood out is that a sect is a small group that follow a different
doctrine than the larger group they separated from. While a Cult is small wannabe
religious group that has very untraditional beliefs, rituals, and practices. This shows that
a sect just derived from a larger group and they branched off by themselves to practice a
different doctrine, some of the sects I found are from Islam they have Sunni and Shia
sects, Judaism has the Karaites, and Hinduism has Shiyaism and Shaktism sects. While
cults are looked at weird and unusual because of how they practice their own type of
religion. Cults have leaders and their leaders make their people follow them and be
The Moral Issue Of Vivisection
Paige Simone English Research Skills Atrocities are not less atrocities when they
occur in laboratories and are called medical research. ~George Bernard Shaw (1856
1950) Introduction The everyday products we use such as toothpaste, makeup, and
medicines have more than likely been tested on an animal in a laboratory before being
available for human consumption. These animals suffer greatly and live lives of
isolation and torture. They endure cruel treatment all in the name of scientific
research. Many people believe that these tests are necessary to discover cures for
human illnesses. This is simply not the case. There is a large amount of research that
indicates that animal experiments often lacks validity and do not stand up when
transferred to human beings. In addition, the moral issue of vivisection is one that we
must all struggle with as human beings. Mohandas Gandhi said I abhor vivisection
with my whole soul. All the scientific discoveries stained with innocent blood I count
as of no consequence. and To my mind the life of a lamb is no less precious than that of
a human being. I should be unwilling to take the life of a lamb for the sake of the human
body. I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to the protection by
man from the cruelty of man. Scientists and all human beings alike have an obligation to
develop alternative methods of testing drugs and products that do not harm animals.
Paige Simone English Research Skills
My Experience Of A Summer Camp
It was a humid, and hot July day. It was an exciting day because my parents, my
brother, and I was going to go to Bermuda very soon. My brother kept yelling at me
telling me to hurry up. Really, I was just too excited, there was not much time left and
the great marine adventure awaited. From when summer started, to July, I was at
summer camp. This trip would be the first time this summer that I actually got to
travel with my family. The summer had been pretty boring so far and it was my last
year at this summer camp because I was going to be in 6th grade soon. My brother,
Robert, spent more time there than me because he was going to be in 4th grade in
September. I would miss my summer camp, but at the same time, I wouldn t because it
was... Show more content on ...
It looked like the ship was tipped over and that was why it was so vertically straight.
The boat looked very old. The instructor told us that the boat carried lots of goods, but
then it crashed. Then, they drove for another 10 minutes. Where are we going? I
thought as they were driving. I was looking at the floor of the boat because it was
glass. As I looked down I noticed that when we were in shallow parts we could see
marine animals, but when we were at deeper parts of the water we could only see
water. We drove right on top of the Bermuda triangle. How can we now go on the
Bermuda Triangle? I thought. The Bermuda triangle was said to have sucked people
into it and then the people were never seen again. There are many myths about the
Bermuda Triangle but, no one is sure if any are true. The instructor stated happily, We
are now going to the snorkeling sight! A loud cheer erupted. It was about a 10 minute
drive to the snorkeling place. When we got there it was a big space there were rocks
on one side that was the island. Which meant we were close to the island. The most
important part the instructor had cautioned us was, Always have your noodle with you.
If you didn t have your noodle with you it wasn t safe. We were learning on how to be
safe in the water. When can we finally start? Robert groaned sitting next to me listening
to the instructions. After a few minutes of gibbering and
Strategic Geometry Essay
International Relations of Asia


This is the only region in the world where so many combinations and permutations of
two three and four and even two plus four or three plus three power games can be played
on the regional chessboard with all their complexities and variations.


The concept of strategic geometry comprises the notion that that the interactions and
interconnections between a number of political actors within a particular system of
international relations, either global or regional can be seen in terms of geometric
patterns of strategic configurations. It can be a case of simple geometry, in which A
interacts with B: but in a more complex system such as that of ... Show more content on ...
Geopolitical and politico economic factors have in some cases changed the content, but
not the form of the particular strategic configurations and in some cases however, we
find both form and content are changed. In my essay I will focus on this dual analysis
of the content and form of the major patterns of strategic geometry and their change over
time from Cold War to post Cold War.
In order to assess the usefulness of the concept of strategic geometry, we must first see
how well the concept is expressed in the international relations of
Asia. Firstly I will briefly outline the general strategic concerns or tenets of the Cold War
era, the roles and interactions of the actors involved, and the major strategic geometric
patterns this produced. The second part of my essay will comprise an analysis of the
evolution of the system, and the tenets of the new post cold war system, drawing
attention at the same time to the usefulness of the concept of strategic geometry to
explain the transition. One may even conceptualize pre Cold War international relations
in strategic geometric terms: the past is replete with instances of three way interactions
between Japan, China and the Soviet Union. According to Mandlebaum, the fate of the
region has for the last two centuries depended on the fate of three major powers China,
Japan and Russia, on the stability and tranquillity of their mutual
The Rings of Saturn by W.G. Sebald
W.G. Sebald s novel The Rings of Saturn explores the relationship between toleration
and persecution through a first person narrative. The novel is preoccupied with loss and
the ways we have tried to come to terms with mortality. It is a meditation on the
destructive nature of history, the human lives affected, and the restorative power of art.
However, his work is not simply a record of these humaninduced catastrophes, but also
attempts to fashion new representational tools for the purpose of acknowledging and
coming to terms with the realities of modern human history. Sebald s critcism tends to
focus on the biographical and psychological backgrounds of the writers he mentions. He
draws heavily on the canon of twentieth century Marxist thought, including works from
Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer. His complex thesis draws specifically on their
work The Dialectic of Enlightenment. The Enlightenment was an intellectual movement
that spread through Europe during the eighteenth century, which involved a radical
change in the way that philosophers and others understood the role of reason. It valued
independent thought and promoted reason to a higher status and for some came to
replace faith. Intrinsic in Sebald s work is the idea that the Enlightenment project was
programmed by violent distrusts of the non identical and a coercive desire to eliminate
otherness. Specifically, Sebald draws on Horkheimer and Adorno s critique of
civilization articulated in The Dialectic of the

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