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Alex Ellender

ENVS 1126
The Plastic Problem

1) According to Rochman, we began our “addition to plastics” after WWII with large-scale
production. Plastics were popularized because it was a new, ease to use, and cheap material.

2) The global rate of recycling, according to the video, is only estimated to be about 9%. The way in
which we recycle is not only a poor solution but could be a negative contributor. This is because
even though we may reuse some plastics, it will inevitably have to be disposed of. The most
obvious solution to the plastic pollution problem is to manufacture less plastic.

3) Large companies, like Coke, who make products that contain predominantly plastics are among
the largest contributors to plastic pollution as a whole. As stated above, the only way to reduce
plastic disposal is to have large companies introduce less plastic into landfills and the
environment. Companies should explore alternatives to packaging and product composition.

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