College Level Argumentative Essay Topics

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College Level Argumentative Essay Topics

Crafting a college-level argumentative essay on the topic of "College Level Argumentative Essay
Topics" itself can be a challenging endeavor. The complexity lies not only in the requirement to
present a coherent and persuasive argument but also in selecting a topic that is not only relevant but
also sparks intellectual discussion. The task demands meticulous research, critical thinking, and the
ability to articulate ideas effectively.

Firstly, identifying suitable topics involves navigating through a plethora of possibilities and selecting
one that not only aligns with your interests but also has ample credible sources for support. The
challenge is to choose a topic that is not overly broad or too narrow, striking a delicate balance that
allows for in-depth analysis within the confines of an essay.

Once the topic is chosen, the next hurdle is conducting comprehensive research. This requires delving
into academic journals, books, and reputable online sources to gather information that supports your
perspective. It involves sifting through a vast amount of information, discerning what is relevant and
credible, and integrating it seamlessly into your essay.

The writing process itself demands clarity of thought and expression. Crafting a compelling thesis
statement that encapsulates the essence of your argument is pivotal. Structuring the essay with a
coherent introduction, body paragraphs that develop the argument, and a persuasive conclusion
requires a keen understanding of essay organization and effective communication.

Moreover, engaging in counterarguments and addressing opposing viewpoints adds an additional

layer of complexity. It necessitates anticipating potential objections and incorporating them into the
essay, showcasing a nuanced understanding of the topic.

Editing and refining the essay to meet the high standards of college-level writing is another
challenge. Ensuring that the arguments flow logically, the language is precise, and the evidence is
effectively presented demands a meticulous review process.

In conclusion, writing a college-level argumentative essay on the topic of "College Level

Argumentative Essay Topics" requires navigating through the intricate process of topic selection,
research, argument development, and refinement. It is a task that demands intellectual rigor and
effective communication skills to produce a piece that not only meets academic standards but also
contributes meaningfully to the discourse on the chosen topic.

If you find yourself overwhelmed or pressed for time, it's worth noting that assistance with similar
essays and more can be sought from professional writing services like . These
services can provide support in various aspects of the essay-writing process, offering a helping hand
for those navigating the challenges of academic writing.
College Level Argumentative Essay TopicsCollege Level Argumentative Essay Topics
Religion can be described as a social institution built up around the idea of a supernatural
being or beings, and the relation of human beings to them. In addition, religion provides
individuals a belief to which they understand their existence as well network of
emotional support during times of distress. Moreover, religious institutions provide
individuals a proper perspective of life and establish values. Religioninvolves three
major aspects: A conception of the nature and character of divinity (2) A set of principles
concerning the duties and obligations between divinity and humanity. (3) A set of
behavior patterns designed to conform to God s will (Thorman, 154). The theme of
panopticisim is to assert and maintain power by being... Show more content on ...
According to Protestant theology the bible is a holy scripture, being God s own Word,
written by men prepared and by His Spirit. It is to be believed, as God s instruction, in
all that it affirms, obeyed, as God s command, in all that it requires; embraced, as God
s pledge, in all that it promises. The ideology of the bible being solely verbally God
given, Scripture is without error or fault in all its teaching. (Wisse 476) God is deemed
perfect there are not flaws in his teachings. The bible sets principles that individuals must
follow. The main laws in the bible are stated in the Ten Commandments:
1.Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
2.Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in
heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
3.Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain
4.Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
5.Honour thy mother and thy father
6.Thou shalt not kill.
7.Thou shalt not commit adultery.
8.Thou shalt not steal.
9.Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
10.Thou shalt not covet
Furthermore, Christians do not commit sins based on their belief that God is always
watching them. In addition, priests, nuns, and other members of the clergy that could be
watching them at any moment. Moreover, Christians refrain from committing sin in fear
that they will become not allowed to enter heaven, and sent to hell if
Evaluation Of A Use Case Analysis
The Use Case analysis is a method which focuses highly on the systems functional
Requirements and when completed will consist of a Use Case Model. The model
consists of actors, Use cases, use case scenarios and other criteria which helps represents
the use case. Within a use case Model there are many relationships (generalization,
include and extends) which help represent the flow and functionality of the system and
its entity s.
A Use case describes the behaviour of a process within a system and usually has
relationships with actors (external sources who interact with system). A Use Case
scenario is identifying the specific executions carried out during a Use Case and these
help create and gather requirements.
Requirement Specification Approaches Evaluations VolereO BrienUse Case analysis
AdvantagesReduces Risk Of Requirements not being executedEasier for business
directors to understand approachManages the complexity of the system Follows a highly
recommendable structureHighly supported for TestingShows interaction with the system
in an understandable way Reduces Risk of Scope changesFocuses from the start on
business goalsHelps envisage the outcomes from the system by analysing processes
Allows for the business requirements to be modifiedEasy to organize architecturally
important requirementsShows inputs to the processes and is the basis for requirements

DisadvantagesRequires a high amount of business time and resourcesMethod

Rationale Sample
Automated Subject Evaluation and Class Management System of Bohol Island State
University Main Campus

Chapter 1
Almost everything has been influenced by technology. In the current era of rapid
development, technology facilitates peoples lives and creates more comfort. It has
remarkably improved the quality of life. Due to this advancement, young people of this
generation are getting used to find the easiest and most convenient way.
As for the students and faculty of Bohol Island State University Main Campus, finding
the easiest and the most convenient way in relation to subject evaluation process and
class management is a challenge. These parts are critical. Most often in subject ... Show
more content on ...
The researchers will be using questionnaires as research instrument in gathering data
needed for the appraisal of the study, and will be used to test its speed, accuracy, stability
and convenience of use. The researchers conducted actual tests to evaluate the accuracy
and stability of the project.
Environment and Participants The gathering of data is to be done at Bohol Island State
University Main Campus. The respondents of the study will be the students of the
engineering department.

Instrument To acquire the necessary data for the assessment of efficiency and
acceptability of the project, the researchers will be formulating self made questionnaires.
The questionnaires consist of statements regarding to performance of the system. The
researcher will present their questionnaires to their English critic and will be used for
pilot testing for the validity of the questionnaires. The data that will be gathered in the
pilot testing will be used for testing purpose only. The suggestions and recommendations
from the chosen respondents will be applied in the revision to questionnaires to further
improve the material and the validity of the Instrument.
Phase I. Observation of the problems of the school The researchers observed that the
students from Bohol island State University experienced inconvenience in the
Lizabeth And Elizabeth Alternate Ending
While I was lying in my bed one night, I heard a voice that had woken me up. At first, I
thought I was crazy until I heard it again. This time I was sure it was a voice. It
sounded like a little boy. Lizabeth I heard a little boy say. It sounded like it came from
the garden. The garden! I screamed. I leaped out of bed and ran outside, where I saw
the little girl that taunted me today. Then I looked at the garden. It was absolutely
destroyed. At first, I was enraged but then I saw the little girl was crying. Lizabeth,
stop, please stop! The little boy said. I was about to ask what was wrong, then the little
boy noticed me. Lizabeth, look! he said Lizabeth glanced at me and quickly got to her
feet. M miss Lottie! she stuttered. Lizabeth
Weaknesses Of Ir, It Is Not The Silver Bullet That Will...
Weaknesses of IR
Although there are a lot of strengths for IR, it is not the silver bullet that will
completely change accounting forever. One of the main weaknesses of IR is the
expenses that come with measuring such a comprehensive range of factors that include
non monetary factors that can be hard to actually measure (Eccles Krzus, 2010). It can
be unappealing for smaller companies or organisations to set up all of these systems in
order to provide a wider perspective of their business or organisation just to please
stakeholders, when the costs will outweigh the potential profits of attracting new
Another issue would be potential information overload for less knowledgeable
individuals who will simply be overwhelmed by all the information provided by IR.
There is a question of how important is it to report more comprehensively if the end user
will simply be unable to use all of the information to their advantage, which raises
another question of if it is worth reporting in an IR format at all.
Time is also a major issue for some companies who may have less labour to spare in
order to report on what can be considered less important aspects of an organisation,
especially if it is a small to medium sized enterprise. There have been reports of some
integrated reports being three times as longer than estimated to be completed (Eccles
Saltzman, 2011). It can be very hard to justify allocating that many hours to prepare a
report that some may find unnecessary or
Cancer Vaccines
Can cancer really be prevented with a simple vaccine similar to a flu vaccine? Author
Sandra Gordon composed an article entitled, How Cancer Vaccines Work explains how a
recent study proves a vaccine can be made to help in the prevention of cervical, liver, and
other cancer types. To follow is research done by professionals to describe how cancer
vaccines work.
Many American s receive flu vaccines annually and now studies have proven, cancer
vaccines are possible too. A question that comes up to researchers quite often is; How
do these vaccines work? The answers to these questions researchers say is actually
quite simple, they say cancer vaccines work just like flu vaccines and are used to
prevent cancer. These; however, are a bit different than a flu vaccine because they do not
attack cancer cells directly, instead teach your body to fight off the viruses that could end
up being cancerous.
People also question if they can actually lead to cancer prevention. The answer;
researchers suggest, is actually quite simple, they claim the following, with the cancer
vaccines, the immune system is hit with an unknown noncancerous copy of the virus ...
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With that, people question, what am I injection into my body with a cancer vaccine?
Research states the cancer vaccine targets the cancerous cells themselves and the
vaccine contains pieces of the cancerous cell and your immune system will treat the
cancer cells similarly to how the flu vaccine attacks the flu. The immune system will
release leukocytes from the immune system to aggressively fight off the unwanted
disease. Another question arises from this, how are we going to get cancer cells to put
in the vaccine? Cancer cells are sly and they have a way of making themselves so the
body does not know it is dangerous , states
The Joy Luck Club Identity
The process of identity formation embodied in the characters of Amy Tan s The Joy Luck
Club illustrates the key concepts found within postcolonialism.

Subaltern designates the lower or colonized classes placed deeply in the shadows
outside of the hegemonic power structure of the ruling class as they have little access to
their own voice. Likewise, in The Joy Luck Club, the Chinese mothers who are at the
boundaries of society, are dependent upon western intellectuals to speak for them as they
do not adopt the dominant point of view or vocabulary as expressive with their own
identity. In particular, Lindo Jong states It s hard to keep your Chinese face in America.
At the beginning, before I even arrived, I had to hide my true self. I paid ... Show more
content on ...
To illustrate, all mothers in The Joy Luck Club were born and raised in China. They were
instructed to follow the Chinese path and expectations of their parents, rooting the culture
deeply in their mind. Although the mothers were capable of holding their traditional
values, as they became American citizens, they ve interacted and mixed with the
American culture, causing new forms of identity and experience. For instance, at the end
of the novel, Lindo Jong is competent to use her two faces, Chinese and American, to
accommodate her potential to convey a thought or feeling in words in multiple situations.
Her display of the two faces blur the borderline of having one cultural identity over the
other, allowing her to move between worlds. As a matter of fact, the daughters deal with
hybrid identity as their mothers still preserve, practice, and teach them Chinese culture at
home, regardless of living in an American society. Despite this, their way of thinking is
influenced by American culture as they receive American education, form relationships
with American people, and are introduced to American media. This failure in full
assimilation into American culture, allowed them to inhabit a double consciousness that
is Chinese in its particulars but universally American. For example, Waverly Jong, a
model of success, possesses greater critical thinking when playing chess using Chinese
and American strategies. In conclusion, this hybrid characteristic is built in the story as
both the first and second generation have discovered how to acknowledge and appreciate
both their oriental origin and their existence in a white dominant
What Is Gender Roles In A Streetcar Named Desire
The great disparity between the societal roles of men and women within different
historical contexts, is a controversial topic that has been explored by literary
masterpieces from all time periods. A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams
is a post World War Two play set in New Orleans, Louisiana. It focuses on the lives of
Stella and Stanley, a stereotypical post war American couple, and Blanche, Stella s sister
who intrudes in the couple s home and ultimately in their marriage. A Doll s House, a play
written by Henrik Ibsen, a Norwegian playwright, in the year 1879, also manifests the
male female dynamic. The playdepicts Nora, a wife and mother who lies to keep her
marriage and her family together, yet is shunned for her sacrifices... Show more content
on ...
In A Streetcar Named Desire, Blanche evades light as she says off the bat And turn
that over light off! Turn that off! I won t be looked at in this merciless glare. For
Blanche, light embodies not only the truth of her age, but also the reality of her tragic
life she attempts to escape through her delusions. She covers a naked lightbulb with a
Chinese paper lantern just as how she wraps truth with lies. Music also is a prevalent
symbolism throughout the play. The most significant piece that is used in the play is
the Varsouviana polka, which plays whenever Blanche is confronted with her tragic
past. The music carries undertones of foreboding disasters that eventually befall her.
FInally, the streetcar Blanche rode on is a symbolism in itself. Blanche says in the first
scene, They told me to take a streetcar named Desire, and then transfer to one called
Cemeteries and ride six blocks and get off at Elysian Fields! This symbolism
foreshadows what becomes of her life when she lives with Stella and Stanley. Her final
destination here can be considered the afterlife, and cemetery the mental institution she
was admitted

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