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Discipline In Schools Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of "Discipline in Schools" can pose both challenges and opportunities
for the writer. On one hand, the subject matter is broad and multifaceted, encompassing various
aspects of educational systems, behavioral management, and societal perspectives. On the other
hand, the abundance of information and diverse opinions can make it challenging to narrow down a
focused and coherent argument.

One difficulty lies in striking the right balance between acknowledging the importance of discipline
in schools and addressing concerns about potential drawbacks or overzealous enforcement. The
writer must navigate through a sea of contrasting views, attempting to provide a well-rounded and
unbiased perspective.

Moreover, the essay demands a comprehensive exploration of historical and cultural contexts, as
disciplinary practices in schools are influenced by societal norms, educational philosophies, and
evolving pedagogical approaches. Analyzing how discipline has evolved over time and its impact on
student behavior and academic outcomes requires thorough research and critical thinking.

Creating a compelling essay also involves addressing the practical aspects of implementing discipline
in schools, such as the role of educators, administrators, and parents in fostering a disciplined
learning environment. This requires a nuanced understanding of the challenges faced by educators
and the potential consequences of various disciplinary methods.

Additionally, the essay should reflect an awareness of contemporary issues related to discipline in
schools, such as the influence of technology, cultural diversity, and the ongoing debate surrounding
punitive versus restorative approaches. Keeping the content up-to-date and relevant adds another
layer of complexity to the writing process.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of discipline in schools demands a thoughtful and
balanced approach, incorporating historical context, diverse perspectives, and a keen awareness of
current challenges. Despite the difficulties, successfully navigating these complexities can result in a
well-rounded and insightful exploration of the subject.

For assistance with essays and more, consider exploring the services available at .
Expert writers can provide support and guidance on a wide range of topics, ensuring that your
academic needs are met with quality and professionalism.
Discipline In Schools Essay Discipline In Schools Essay
Summary Of Cathedral By Raymond Carver s Cathedral
Cathedral narrates the story of a blind man (Robert) who recently lost his wife and
traveled to visit her relatives in Connecticut. In his trip, the blind man visited the girl
who took care of him back in Seattle ten years ago, and who has developed a very
special friendship with her ever since. This girl, who took care of him all summer, is
now married to a guy named Bub who is not enthusiastic about the visit, but annoyed.

The author of Cathedral , Raymond Carver, describes Bub at the beginning, as a guy
who is often lonely You don t have any friends, she said. Period indifferent Her officer
why should he have a name? and somehow ignorant since he sticks with stereotypes
about people. And his being blind bothered me. My idea of blindness came from the
movies. In the movies, the blind moved slowly and never laughed. Sometimes they
were led by seeing eye dogs. A blind man in my house was not something I looked
forward to. By Bub s description, the author allows the readers to easily connect and get
familiarized with this character. Also, the readers knowledge of Robert s hard situation
and witnessing Bub s insensitive behavior towards it, gives them the liberty to judge him
and feel angry towards Bub, converting him the villain of the story. Being aware of the
tension in this meeting, the readers can easily make an assumption about the ending of
the story Bub insulting Robert and making him leave .

But, as the night goes by, and both characters interact in a respectful way with each
other You say you when you want some strawberry pie, I said. I will, he said , the
readers doubt about the end that they previously speculated. Afterwards when Robert
and Bub have a close interaction He found my hand, the hand with the pen. He closed
his hand over my hand. Go ahead, bub, draw, he said. Draw. You ll see Bub s initial
perception changes. With this plot twist, Carver creates a dilemma on the readers
whether they sympathize with Bub or not and whether he continues to be that ignorant
and insensitive working class American that the readers thought he was or if he is really

Besides, the author humanizes his characters the most. In his book, he includes the
A Study on Barclays Bank
Barclays financial service group came to life in the United Kingdom approximately
300 years ago. It started out first as goldsmith bankers and grew and expanded after
that. After it became one of the best banks back then, Barclays began acquiring other
banks across UK, such as Bolithos in Cornwall and the South West in 1905. By doing
this Barclaysbecame known throughout the company and so increased its market shares
and profits. Whatever this company did was related to the fact that it wanted to increase
its ability to perform its business effectively. Another great move made by Barclays is its
acquisition of UK s largest bankwith its head office outside of London, Martin s Bank, in
1969. There were many great banks within the... Show more content on ...
Also based on an analysis of the resources of its competitors, Barclays can tell if they
would be a threat. Information of its competitors can come easily of their websites,
brochures, media etc. so it will be easy to do a complete analysis of them to gain some
leverage and information.

Barclays, in terms of reaching set goals and objectives can also look at its market. As
was mentioned before, this company does a little of everything to accommodate
almost each individual s needs. By focusing on specific needs of its market, Barclays
can gain more information, try as much as possible to provide for these needs. It is seen
that Barclays has segmented its market, one good strategy used, in order to provide for
its specific needs В– young, old, rich, poor, etc.

There are other external factors which affect Barclays financial group s ability to
reach its set goals and objectives. These factors are Political, Economical, Social and
Technological. The political factors which can affect Barclays is the fact that there are
wars within the country. The business operation that will most likely get affected by
this is its offshore banking. Within the world now, as it is now becoming a smaller
place with almost one market with countries as buyers and sellers, there are many
conflicts arising between and among nations. Take for example the new rift between
USA and Venezuela, for oil no one knows what this may spark but as a global bank in
these countries,
U.s. Treasury Bond Market
2.U.S. Treasury Bond Market
Yields on U.S. treasury bonds especially on the bonds with a maturity up to one year
decreased significantly between 2007 and 2009 as shown in the graph below. The one
month treasury bond yield decreased from 4.79% in January 2009 to 0.04% in
December 2009. In the beginning of 2007 bond yields were very high and therefore
mortgages takers with adjustable interest rates had high interest payments. All this led
to a high number of default and strong decrease in house prices. This general weaker
economic situation led to a decrease in Bond yields. The decrease became even faster
at the end of 2007, when the more creditworthy borrowers were also unable to repay
their mortgages. As reaction to the bad economic situation in 2008 the FED has
opened its discount window and lowered the discount rate by 1% in order to make it
cheaper and easier for banks to access money. Both lead to a further decrease in the
bond yields as people had no more trust in the products sold by investment banks and
therefore looked for save ways to invest their money. One of this save options to invest
money is lending money to the U.S. government in forms of U.S. Bonds. So the change
in yields basically happened because there was a high demand for save ways to invest
money and therefore a high demand for U.S. bonds. The high demand for bonds resulted
in high prices and thus low yields.

3.Bear Stearns
The failure of Bear Stearns began in 2007 as two hedge funds managed by
My Personal Communication Philosophy
My personal communication philosophy includes two factors that will support improved
comprehension among those attempting to connect. The following paper will discuss
these two elements: merging communication styles to aid in understanding and
communication intent vs. perception.
Everybody, either knowingly or unknowingly, utilizes a preferred communication style.
My style is centered on merging my preferred communication techniques with the
communication style of those to which I am relating. We all have preferred methods to
send and receive information. If you choose not to communicate with someone utilizing a
method that they appreciate and understand, your message will not be understood, heard
or valued.
I communicate in a very practical, concise way. Give me the facts, make it simple and I
will happily receive your communication. I once worked with an individual who did not
appreciate facts or concise conversations. She preferred large, sweeping hand gestures,
flowery stories and lengthy conversation to communicate a concept. She and I have very
different communication styles. I quickly learned that if I used my concise techniques,
she did not understand nor appreciate the conversation. If I wanted to effectively
communicate with her, I had to adopt her style, tempo and verbosity. Once I adopted this
method, ... Show more content on ...
The initiator typically has a clear vision of the intent of the message. The receiver will
either decipher the message as intended, or assign an alternate meaning to the message.
It is the equal responsibility of both parties to understand the intent of message and not
rely on the perception of the receiver. Words don t mean things, people mean things
(Griffin, 2012, p.7). Words and the delivery of the message can often be misconstrued, so
we must be accountable for clear message delivery and committed to understanding the
message as intended. First perceptions are not always accurate
Cs Lewis Influences
C.s Lewis was influenced of the old English literary movement in which they apply a
lot of worshiping god principles. The reason why Cs Lewis was influenced was because
he wrote a lot of Christians books, he even tried to find a way people believe in
something ,that was god .Therefore they are some books like Mere Christianity,The
Problem of Pain , The Great Divorce , this books are just examples of many books that
he wrote during he s career .Another good examples of many more of his great work ,
his poetry was well craft with develop which included themes about that literary
movement that he was following. Well when Cs Lewis was writing he created quotes that
included Christianity themes in it, for example like this quote that he wrote I believe in
Christianity as I ... Show more content on ...
During that era, writers used to write a lot about god in their writings and so Cs Lewis
view those amazing writers that had such talent to express their feeling so much and to
believe in a being such as god that is not visible to the human eye. Therefore he acquired
this mentality of wordship
God and then he became a Christian by viewing that writings of poets and also for
reading the bible of that era, this thing got his brain mechanism to work and develop
books that it was mention before and also poems that are so popular today. We can
infer that he is obviously had a great influenced in him because when people get impact
of what they read phytologically they change their way of thinking and make such
changes in their lives .Sometimes even by reading people change or want to become
like those people in the story or poem or any other type of literature .In conclusion Cs
Lewis was so convince of what he believed and also of what he read from that type
literature movement that he took all those great ideas that were accumulated in his brain
and writer in poems and books that were such a great inspiration form this upcoming
writers or this new
Life Of Pi Vs. The Story Of Keesh
In the Life Of Pi Excerpt and The Story Of Keesh, both characters share many
similarities, such as survival and worst circumstances. In The Story Keesh, Keesh faces a
variety of situations while hunting in the Arctic. In the Life Of Pi, Pi undergoes many
obstacles in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Life in the extreme environment is very
challenging and life threatening.
In the Life of Pi there are several examples of Pi experiencing life in the extreme
environments and demonstrates his reactions based on his current circumstances. For
instance, in the the excerpt it states, In English it said the ration consisted of eighteen
fortified biscuits of baked wheat, animal fat, and glucose, and that more than six should
be eaten in a twenty four hour
The Ethics Of The Hippocratic Oath
From the first time that the Hippocratic Oath was used among Greek physicians
practice Hippocratic Medicine, it was clear that life, including that of the unborn child
(fetus) deserved protection in medicine. The paragraph four of the Oath stated: I will not
give a lethal drug to anyone if I am asked, nor will I advise such a plan, and similarly to
give a pessary to cause an abortion (North, 2002). Centuries later, many nations adopted
their abortion laws, at times forcing their physicians to perform abortion as a treatment
procedure of a disease called pregnancy. Some states or nations even ventured at
specifying the biomedical boundaries to exercise such treatment. One such biomedical
boundary is genetic defect.
In ... Show more content on ...
Then, I will also anticipate the potential refutation of the abortion proponents to my

Arguments for abortion

Despite assurances, the risk for fetal defects due to chromosomal aberration remains,
physically (tallness, low fertility, infertility, and breast enlargement), mentally (potential
manic depressive problems), and behaviorally (tendency towards behavioral disorders).
Purdy (1995) argued that every child should be provided with at least a minimally
satisfying life, and genetic defect and its physical, mental and behavioral consequences
cannot provide that level of satisfying life. Otherwise, the child will be socially outcast
among the defectives, she will feel unloved, feels resentment for the short end that her
birth had given her. The mother also will blame herself for giving birth to her, watching
her suffer from such burdensome conditions. Her descendants too will be burdened with
her genetic defects and the resultant woes. Purdy (1995) also insisted that, until there are
assurances and certainties that the risks are not going to happen, it is the moral duty of
the mother to not bring defective babies into the world, and burden the society for their
Lippman (1991) noted that people do not believe society has an obligation to adjust their
lives to the comfort of disabled people. The society has the right for public health, which
can only be achieved through a reduction if not elimination to the birth frequency of
children with genetic

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