Difficulties in Writing Essay

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Difficulties In Writing Essay

Writing an essay on the challenges associated with essay writing is a paradoxical endeavor, akin to
navigating a labyrinth of self-reflection and irony. The inherent difficulty lies in the very subject
matter itself, as one must grapple with the irony of articulating the intricacies and obstacles of the
very task they are engaged in. It is akin to a writer attempting to depict the intricacies of a tangled
web while being entangled within it.

The process of dissecting the difficulties in writing an essay reveals a multifaceted tapestry of
challenges. From the inception of ideation to the culmination of coherent expression, every phase
presents its unique hurdles. The initial struggle often arises in the form of topic selection, an ordeal
that demands a delicate balance between relevance, interest, and feasibility. The writer must navigate
through the vast sea of potential subjects, all while being mindful of the pitfalls of ambiguity and
over-explored themes.

Once a topic is chosen, the journey takes a precarious turn into the realm of research. The challenge
here is not merely in the collection of information but in the discernment of credible sources amidst
the ocean of information available. Distinguishing between reliable data and speculative content
demands a critical eye, adding a layer of complexity to the already intricate process.

With research in hand, the writer faces the daunting task of structuring thoughts and ideas
coherently. This demands a finesse in organization and a meticulous attention to detail. The narrative
must flow seamlessly, each paragraph serving as a stepping stone in the logical progression of ideas.
However, achieving this harmony is no small feat, and writers often find themselves wrestling with
the arrangement of concepts, struggling to strike a balance between depth and conciseness.

The challenge does not conclude with the last word typed; revision and editing loom as formidable
adversaries. The ability to objectively critique one's own work, identify weaknesses, and implement
improvements requires a certain level of detachment, a skill that is, ironically, a challenge in itself. The
constant oscillation between self-critique and self-assurance becomes a mental tightrope walk.

In the grand tapestry of difficulties in writing an essay, each thread intricately weaves into the next,
creating a complex narrative of challenges that writers must navigate. This exploration of the
difficulties, however, mirrors the very process it seeks to dissect, culminating in an essay that reflects
the struggle and triumph of the written word.

In the pursuit of overcoming these challenges, it's worth noting that assistance is not only available
but also a prudent choice. Similar essays, along with a wealth of resources and guidance, can be
sought from platforms such as HelpWriting.net , providing a lifeline for those navigating the
labyrinth of essay composition.
Difficulties In Writing Essay Difficulties In Writing Essay
The Role Of Bella In Her Pet Cheeseburger Ebenezer
Bella is in a fight with her pet cheeseburger Ebenezer because he got ketchup all over her
new white shirt. Though in the end, she concludes to solve her problem by eating him.
Primarily, Ebenezer, the cheeseburger, enters the digestive tract through the mouth in
which he is cut, torn, and grinded into pieces through mechanical digestion, in which
Bella can swallow by her teeth. Bella s saliva then helps her soften, moisten, and break
down the starches of Ebenezer so that she is ready to swallow him. This is when
ingestion happens or the process of taking in food. In swallowing Ebenezer, Bella closes
a trap door in her throat known as the epiglottis. Suddenly, Ebenezer is in her pharynx,
which hands him to her esophagus, which carries him to
Poverty Is A Global Concern And Its Eradication
Poverty is a global concern and its eradication is becoming surmountable. This is
primarily due to the challenges posed by international and national causes respectively.
Besides, the complexity of the phenomenon has not lend itself to be easily eradicated.
Little wonder the world continues to struggle to eradicate poverty. Africa is one of the
poorest countries on the universe and research and data show that Sierra Leone is one of
the poorest countries in Sub Sahara (UNDP, 2015). Sierra Leone s poverty has been a
growing concern in spite of its numerous natural resources and international financial and
economic interventions. It is therefore worth investigating the trends of the country s
poverty and how it has impacted its people in the country.

Therefore, task of this paper is to examine the trend in which poverty in Sierra Leone is
either changing or stagnating and the disadvantages associated with poverty among
children. Consideration will also be given to policy in relation to the findings.
The first part of the essay will give a summary of the historical background of the
country. This chapter will throw light into the socio political and economic foundations
of Sierra Leone.
Chapter two of the essay will concentrate on the definition of poverty as perceived by
different authors. These definitions throw light into the different perspectives of poverty
and discuss various measurements in assessing poverty especially in developing countries.
The third
TFCC Injury Essay
When diagnosing a TFCC injury, it is very important to get information of all past
injuries this patient has had. Without proper knowledge, it is possible to miss diagnose
TFCC. The most prominent symptom of a TFCC tear is wrist pain so it can rather vague.
To help with this vagueness, they do have tests that you can run to evaluate the TFCC. To
test the stability of the distal radio ulna joint (DRUJ), they can perform the Piano key
sign and ulnocarpal ballottement test. They also have the Ulnocarpal compression test
that tests the maximum extremes of both pronation and supination. Although just a few
examples of tests that they can perform, they are very important when they are trying to
figure out what in the wrist is injured and to what degree is has been injured. As for
determining what the different tears are after testing, Tears are... Show more content on
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An MRI is short for magnetic resonance imaging and it uses a magnetic field and radio
waves to create very detailed images of the tissues within the body. Conventional MRI
has demonstrated inconsistent diagnostic performance in detecting SLL, LTL, and
TFCC tears. The low sensitivity for SLL (40 75 %) and LTL (50 75 %) tears is largely
due to their small structure. The accuracy of MR imaging for TFCC tears is higher, at
about 71 100 %. (10) Although they would like to have less invasive techniques like
the MRI, they need to get more accurate results like they do from the arthroscopy,
before they rely on the MRI only. With such a small area that they want an image of
for the TFCC injury, they must really refine the sections of images that they make so
they can get a clearer picture. As for using a radiograph as another form of diagnosis,
they are not useful in a TFCC injury and they will only help determine if there is
osteoarthritis. This is usually a go to for any other injury to see if any big damage has
happened, however, it will not be helpful in this
Esther Greenwood Character Analysis
1.In the novel there are several factors of Esther Greenwood s life that help contributed
to her descent into depression. One of the main factors is that Esther had a mental
illness that was left untreated for quiet some time. The time she spent dealing with it on
her own helped contribute to her spiral into insanity because she had no clue how to
deal with what was happening. Another contributing factor was the identity issues Esther
had to deal with while growing up. An example of this was how Esther felt like an
outsider in American society because of her parents German background, My mother
spoke German during her childhood in America and was stoned for it during the First
World War by the children at school. My German speaking father,... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
Esther s first thought of suicide occurs when she goes skiing with Buddy. The thought
of killing herself first formed as she was standing on top of the mountain about to ski
down for the first time, The thought that I might kill myself formed in my mind
coolly as a tree or a flower (97). This is the first time Esther thinks about suicide
because it was one of the first times where she was placed in a potentially harmful
position and it was up to her to ski down the slope or stay where she was. The thought
of killing herself also forms here, because while standing on top of the slope, Esther is
in a very calm state of mind and it is at this time that her mind is blank and she is able
to think about her deepest thoughts that aren t usually revealed because of how hard
she is thinking about everything else in her world. After this first instance, Esther s
subsequent thoughts and plans of suicide occur when she practices cutting herself
with a blade in front of the bathroom mirror, when she visits her hometown, when she
almost attempted to strangle herself, when she tried to drown herself, and when she
tried to overdose on pills. All of these attempts were completely unsuccessful except
for her attempt with the sleeping pills. Esther was left undiscovered and almost dead
in the basement for several days before she was found. This last attempt is significant
because it shows how desperate Esther was to escape not only from society but mostly
her mother. Esther hid in the basement of her house and took her mom s sleeping pills.
The reason Esther even considers suicide in the first place is because she is unhappy
with her life and feels as if she has no purpose. Along with this, Esther is just upset with
her mother and society s expectations of women and she feels as if she doesn t

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