Equal Rights Essay

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Equal Rights Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of equal rights can be a challenging yet rewarding task. The
complexity lies not only in the research and analysis required but also in navigating the nuances of a
subject that spans historical, social, political, and legal dimensions. Achieving a balanced perspective
while addressing the various aspects of equal rights demands a thoughtful and informed approach.

To begin with, delving into the historical context is essential. Understanding the evolution of equal
rights and the struggles faced by different groups throughout time lays the foundation for a
comprehensive essay. This may involve exploring movements, legislations, and pivotal moments that
have shaped the narrative of equality.

Furthermore, addressing contemporary issues adds another layer of complexity. The dynamic nature
of society means that equal rights are an ongoing conversation, encompassing issues related to
gender, race, sexual orientation, and more. Analyzing current events and debates within the context
of equal rights requires staying informed and being adept at connecting theoretical frameworks with
real-world applications.

Researching various perspectives is crucial, as the concept of equal rights is often interpreted
differently by different individuals and groups. Striking a balance between presenting diverse
viewpoints while maintaining a coherent argument is a delicate task. This requires the ability to
critically assess sources, recognizing biases, and presenting a well-rounded perspective.

Structuring the essay itself poses its own set of challenges. Balancing the historical background,
current issues, and varying perspectives necessitates a clear organizational framework. Creating a
seamless flow of ideas and transitions between sections is vital to ensure that the essay is cohesive
and easy to follow.

In conclusion, writing an essay on equal rights demands a combination of historical awareness,

critical analysis, and an understanding of contemporary social dynamics. It requires the ability to
navigate a complex landscape of ideas and present them in a clear and compelling manner. While
challenging, successfully addressing these aspects can lead to a thought-provoking and impactful
essay on the topic.

For those seeking assistance with essays or exploring similar topics, various resources, including
professional writing services, can provide support. Platforms like HelpWriting.net offer the option
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Equal Rights Essay Equal Rights Essay
Lit1 Task 310.1.2-01-06 Essay
Part A (The report) Part B (The memorandum) Student Name Western Governors
University Part A (The report) Determining what type of business venture to either start
or invest in can be challenging. Over the next several pages we will evaluate the various
types of business organizations and at the end of this report; you should have an initial or
better understanding of the different types of business forms. Sole Proprietorship: The
word proprietorship can sound intimidating. It is important to remember that most things
are simplified with knowledge. If your business is a sole proprietorship then you as an
individual are the owner and operator of that business. This means the sole proprietor
handles everything from setting up... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Control: A sole proprietor has total control of the company and they make all the good
decisions and they must deal with decisions that did not turn out the way they intend.
The other notable factor in being a sole proprietor of a business is what would happen
to the business if the owner became ill or died; typically the business would stop
operations based on the structure and debts would need to be resolved as well as
customer commitments would need resolving based on the type of business. Profit
Retention: In addition to reaping the profits from the business, the sole individual is
also responsible for all debts incurred and for paying expenditures of the business.
Location: In addition to federal laws that govern business a sole proprietorship is
governed by the state laws in which it operates. If the proprietor opens another business
location in a different state. The new state laws will govern the other business location
therefore requiring the proprietor to understand and be compliant with more than one
state laws based on the location of the business. (Beatty Samuelson, 2007, pp. 755 756)
General Partnership: Occurs when two or more individuals get together to operate a
business with the intention of making profit. Each individual is a general partner of the
business and all profits and losses are shared between the partners. General partnership
agreements can be a written or verbal agreement.
Sony And Its Effects On The World Essay

In 2006, Sony; the second largest manufacturer of laptop batteries in the world was in the
headlines as major laptop manufacturing companies such as Apple, Dell, Compaq, and
Lenovo were forced to recall their products containing the faulty batteries manufactured
by Sony, due to safety concerns. [1], [2], [3], [4]

A.Saftey Concerns
Between December of 2005 and August of 2006 there were six fires in Dell laptop
computers, including one that burst into flames at a conference in Osaka. [1] This
incident was caught on tape and viewed worldwide, prompting Dell to recall 4.2 million
laptop batters on August 14, 2016 [1], with this number rising later in the year to almost
10 million.

Apple also recalled some 1.8 million batteries on August 24, 2006 [after] nine reports of
batteries overheating including two incidents of minor burns. [1] Companies such as
Fujitsu, Lenovo and Toshiba also reported incidents similar to the previously mentioned
and undertook similar measures. [1]

A.Lithium Ion Batteries
A Lithium ion battery is a battery where the negative electrode (anode) and positive
electrode (cathode) materials serve as a host for the lithium ion (Li+). Lithium ions move
from the anode to the cathode during discharge and are intercalated into (inserted into
voids in the crystallographic structure of) the cathode. The ions reverse direction during
charging. [2]

In a lithium ion cell, alternating layers of anode and cathode are separated
Demographic Segmentation
Study of a demographic segment and its sub segment falling in the age group 18 year to
25 years Saneel Gaonkar IBS Gurgaon

Study of a demographic segment and its sub segment falling in the age group 18 year to
25 years

Different kinds of people display different buying patterns even in a segment of age
group 18 years to 25 years. This truth is well understood by those people who are
responsible for market research, product development, pricing, sales and strategy. Market
segmentation is the identification of portions of market that are different from one
another. Every individual falls under one or other demographic segment ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
(The Registrar General Census Commissioner, 2011)Sixteen major languages of India are
also spoken in Mumbai, most common being Marathi, Hindi, Gujarati and English. The
religions followed in Mumbai include Hindus (67.39) , Muslims (18.56%), Buddhists
(5.22%), Jain (3.99%), Christians (4.2%), Sikhs (0.58%), Parsis and Jews making the
rest of the population. (Mehta, 2004) Mumbai is also home to the largest population of
Parsi Zoroastrians in the world, with about 80,000 Parsis in Mumbai. ( The world s
successful diasporas ) Looking at the data it is clear fact that Mumbai is a large market
with intelligent customer. Amount of exposure to brands and products a person goes
through in Mumbai is vast.

This Research also includes finding new potential markets in the age group of 18 to 25
years, for this purpose knowing the culture of Mumbai is also essential. The culture of
any place is always determined from its people, cuisine, religion, language and festivals.
Mumbai has a mixture of people from various communities and subsequently they follow
different religions. The metropolitan observes modern trends; here people enjoy
participating in all festivals irrespective of caste, creed and color. Mumbai is the
birthplace of Indian cinema. The influence of the Bollywood in the cities culture is
observed. The cultural
Different Types Of Mental Disorders
Thesis: When a crisis occurs it is important that it be handled as safely as possible. The
less danger police can prevent the better. Subsequently, that cannot always happen,
people can be injured in the process of de escalating the crisis. This statement is
especially true in regards to the mentally ill. When the offender is mentally ill they are
volatile, unpredictable and can also fall short in thinking rationally. According to
official FBI Uniform Crime Reports, during the period from 1997 to 2006, there were
1058 officers assaulted in America, and 13 feloniously killed while responding to
calls involving mentally ill people (Harmening, William M. ,2014). This paper will
discuss the different types of mental disorders such as thought, mood and anxiety
disorders. To add this paper will discuss the problems these disorders cause for officers
and what strategies should be used to combat these disorders in crises situations.
Categorization: Approximately five percent of the residents in the United States have
been diagnosed with a severe mental illness (Cordner, G. ,2006). There are many
different types of mental illnesses which can be tested for in a psychological evaluation.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) helps psychologists
determine what type of mental illness a person has be stating the characteristics of the
disorder. Mental illness is not a physical characteristic. Furthermore while a person may
look normal, there could be a serious
Disney Princess Role Model Essay
For most parents, it is important for their daughters to grow up with strong female
influences around them. The role models would impart on the young girls the necessary
standards to compare themselves to learn their intrinsic worth and fight the opinion that
women are inferior to men. Many times they look to the media for such influences.
Disney princesses have for decades been the representation little girls see; however, not
all of them are positive. The Disney Princess brand is broken down into three generations,
or waves. The first generation, including Snow White, Cinderella, and Aurora, perpetuate
sexism because they teach young girls that their value lies in their beauty and their
relationship with a man. The second wave... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However, when a few steadfast women publicly demanded equality for the sexes, the
feminist movement began. (Archer 2). The women became known as suffragists, and the
believed women could have important roles outside the home (Giele 117). They
pressured for women s entrance into the public sphere and for equal opportunities (Giele
xi). However, their efforts were belittled by men who feared for their status. The men
discredited the women s femininity by calling them mannish (Giele 129) but still
exploited their bodies in the media (Archer 15). In order to take control over women s
representation, feminists started wearing bloomers instead of the restricting and
confining skirts (Jules 7). By 1989, women started getting even more positive images in
media with TV show sitcom heroines. Roseanne, an overweight, funny, working mother,
captured her audience by yelling, I am a women. Hear me roar! (Archer 18). Society has
advanced considerably since then, but woman and girls still search for positive influential
role models in the media to disrupt the notion that men are superior to women.
Tiana, from The Princess and the Frog, displays admirable personal qualities that are
uniquely present in third wave Disney princesses. She exudes confidence and is
unbothered by others opinions, and she proudly sings people down here think I m crazy,
but I don t
Negative Aspects Of Technology Gadgets
Now I am going to be listing the negative aspects of technology and some specific
technological gadgets. This is the part of my report that should be paid the most attention
to, because, due to these reasons many problems arise.

Above is a diagram in which there is data about the internet users of developing
countries. Something that is seemingly alarming is that these are all countries who have
unstable economies, many people have no feed to eat, and a huge number of their
population are on social networking sites? The reason for this is cheaper rates and high
accessibility. In the light of these questions a survey was conducted by ABC, it reported
that in the 21st century 7,279,236,500+ human population witnessed a decrease in the
prices of technological items.This means that gadgets are getting cheaper, therefore they
are getting more accessible and easier to buy. It is not considered a luxury anymore
rather it is become a necessity.
According to general reliable statistics, the top four countries that have the most internet
users are China, India, United States and Japan. These four countries are also the
countries that face the most cyber crimes compared to other countries around the
world. This is a dangerous situation as this makes us think, is the internet really
helping us? Or even if it is, do we know how to use it for the right purposes?. An article
in the India Times newspaper predicted that the crime rate of India will double to 3 lakh
in 2015 due to use of
The North American Musical Film
The North American Musical Film The musical film in the United States is largely
associated with Broadway theatre. Broadway is an area in New York City where the
biggest theatres are located, accommodating at least 500 people. Smaller theatres are
said to be located Off Broadway and even smaller theatres are called Off Off
Broadway. Some notable musical films such as Chicago (2002), My Fair Lady (1964)
and West Side Story (1961) were adapted from musical plays and trace their origins to
Broadway where they first started their production. Some Off Broadway productions also
enjoyed a surge of popularity that warranted their expansion to filmsuch as Rent (2005)
and Fame (1980). Some musical films were adapted from West End productions which
is the British counterpart of Broadway in London. Examples of such films are The
Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975), Oliver! (1968), and Mamma Mia! (2008).
But not all musical films were adapted from the stage. When the musical genre enjoyed
its peak of popularity, Hollywood was churning out original musical compositions. It
was hard to resist adapting iconic compositions like Singin in the Rain (1952), Meet
Me in St. Louis (1944) and 42nd Street (1933) for the stage. Given all these variations
and just the sheer number of films originating in the United States, it is safe to say that
North America has a very rich history of musical films.
The musical film burst into the scene at a time when the United States was undergoing a
revolution of
The Role Of Tuberculosis In The 1950s
This surgery helped prolong the life of some people. Other treatments included bedrest,
special diets, and fresh air through pneumothorax which means they would collapse a
person s lung. In 1921, Calmette and GuГ©rin developed a weakened strain of
Mycobacterium bovis, which many countries have used as a vaccine. Another major
method to prevent tuberculosiswas to treat people with a tuberculous infection without
the disease. Many patients in the 1950s did not receive appropriate treatment because
their conditions were never properly diagnosed as tuberculosis. While there was
effective chemotherapy for tuberculosis, patients were diagnosed with untreated
tuberculosis. At the turn of the century, it was estimated that 450 Americans died of
tuberculosis every day, most between the ages of 15 and 44. Tuberculosis was usually
compared to death itself. While tuberculosis was never completely eliminated, there was
a significant drop in cases and death rates, as a result of the BCG vaccine and new anti
tubercular drugs in the 1950 s.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Nowadays, medicine is tested and approved before it hits the market. Back in the days a
person would pass treatments through word of mouth and could seriously injure or
make the disease worse. People in historical times would believe that illnesses
involved certain spiritual, psychological and social aspects of a person. This was back
in the time where there was no scientific evidence that traditional medicine could aid
an affected person. Traditional medicine has been around much longer than modern
medicine and they were an important part of recorded history. People back in the old
days had to dispel and challenge folklore with scientific evidence. Doctors back in the
old days had to not only find a way to dispel folklore, but also get ordinary people to
listen to them and to help them believe in their practices. Without all of these people,
medicine would be nowhere near as it is

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