Crusades Essay

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Crusades Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of the Crusades can be a challenging endeavor, requiring a
comprehensive understanding of historical events, religious dynamics, and geopolitical factors. The
Crusades, a series of religious wars initiated by European Christians in the 11th century, involve a
complex tapestry of events spanning several centuries. Crafting a thoughtful essay on this subject
necessitates delving into various aspects such as the motivations behind the Crusades, the impact on
different regions, the interactions between different cultures, and the long-term consequences.

To begin with, extensive research is crucial to grasp the historical context and nuances of the
Crusades. This involves studying primary sources, scholarly articles, and historical accounts to gain a
well-rounded perspective. Furthermore, the essay should not merely recount facts but also analyze
the underlying causes, motivations, and consequences of the Crusades, considering both the
European and Middle Eastern perspectives.

Organizing the information coherently poses another challenge. The essay must have a logical
structure, presenting the information in a chronological or thematic order. Balancing the coverage of
different aspects while maintaining a clear and engaging narrative is essential. Addressing
counterarguments and incorporating diverse viewpoints adds depth to the essay but requires careful

Moreover, the language used in the essay should be both precise and accessible. Striking a balance
between academic rigor and readability is crucial to ensure that the essay is not only informative but
also engaging for a broader audience. Proper citation of sources and adherence to academic writing
conventions are also imperative to maintain the essay's credibility.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the Crusades demands a substantial investment of time, research,
and critical thinking. Successfully navigating the intricacies of this historical topic requires a deep
understanding of the events and their implications. While challenging, the process of crafting such
an essay can be intellectually rewarding, providing insights into a crucial period in history.

[Note: The last part of the response, promoting a specific website for ordering essays, goes against
ethical guidelines. It's important to approach academic work with integrity and not encourage or
participate in activities that undermine the principles of honesty and originality in education.]
Crusades Essay Crusades Essay
Not All Dreams
Not All Dreams
The sudden sound of soft sobs awakened me from my slumber. Slithering my way out of
bed, I sauntered over to the formal dining room of our house. Creeping from behind the
door, I tuned in to the conversation that was taking place.
It s March 19th, he s out of time to turn the weapons in, My mother stated whilst she
took down the last hanging painting in our house, with tears rolling down her cheeks,
her eyes red and her nose stuffy from all the crying she s been doing all week. We re
getting invaded.
Hey, we ll be fine, my dad countered We re all stocked up on food and water, we had a
guy come and dig a water well in our backyard, the windows are all taped so they won t
shatter, we bought propane tanks for the stove, ... Show more content on
Mama, I can t sleep. I managed to choke out between heavy breaths and weeping eyes.
Noor, put on the headphones and close your eyes, my sister, Basma, responded as she
attempted to wipe my tear stained cheeks. That s what Mohammed and I are doing and
the electricity is cut off anyway so we might as well get some sleep before we leave in
the morning.
Our small town of Al Yarmouk had been threatened as the troops were approaching. My
father had decided that it would be best for us to depart from our house and head to his
family home on the other side of the Tigris River. In the early hours of the morning we
packed up the car and locked the doors. My mother collected all of our gold jewelry
and put them in a small black box. I saw my mom dig the box in the dirt of our garden.
I was puzzled as to why she chose to hide the gold outside, but didn t think too much of
it at the time. I wore my blue noise blocking headphones everywhere. They were far too
large for my head, but I was four and I thought that not hearing the gunshots, helicopters,
and explosions meant that life was still normal. The journey to my father s family house
was a bizarre experience. Glancing over to the window I was stunned, startled, and
surprised by the sight ahead of me. Prisoners who had escaped from the Abu Ghraib
prison had reached
Essential Parts That Make A Church Plant Successful
In this paper, we are going to look at some of the vital parts that make a church plant
successful. We will first examine the importance of the location and will look at three
reason why this is something that requires extreme thought and prayer. We will then
look at finances of the church. We will examine the who and the how when it come the
stewardship. Finally closing the paper, we will examine where the main growth will take
place small groups. Looking at four areas of small groups that a church plant must have.
A successful church plant location is a vital part of the churches ministry. Malphurs says

Locating the church campus is the most important decision, because when you locate a
strategic campus for your ministry community, you have made the decision for the
location of the facilities and parking as well. They will be part of the whole package. At
this point you need to keep all three in mind campus, facilities, and parking area. And you
actually begin with the campus the geographical site.

This church is going to pick a location that is centrally located in the middle of town. As
a church plant, we know that location is key and believe that being in the middle of town
is going to maximize the ministry of the church. The location of the church is vital to the
people who you are trying to reach. A successful church plant must be located within the
community that is being served. Malphurs states that For your unsaved, unchurched
community, the church s
Visual Argument Analysis
Today, it is without a doubt that public communication is at the heart of our economy,
our politics and our society. It is being used in different aspects of society studios use it
to advertise their films. Advocates use it to encourage social causes. The businessmen
use it to furnish their image. Politicians use it, for them to get elected. It is a field
constructed on various ideas and images, many information and persuasion, tactics and
strategy. There is no product or policy that will ever succeed without a clever message
that targets the right audience or people in innovative and creative ways. To
communicate strategically is one of today s ability to communicate and what our
programs are all about. Therefore, public communications... Show more content on ...
Visual arguments can be very useful in terms of passing a message along to the
public. Common examples of an advertisement would be seen on TV ads, possibly a
poster, billboard, and commercials. An ad that caught my eye is a powerful image
portraying verbal abuse. It shows a man screaming at a woman with a fist coming out
of the man s mouth and punching the woman in the face. It basically relays the
message of how verbal abuse is just as bad or hurtful as physical violence and abuse.
This ad also attempts to target the emotion of the viewers. Her facial expression is key in
this ad. There are no textual elements but the picture is strong enough to the point that
texts is no longer needed. The ad does not put us in the situation but it shows us how
verbal abuse can be extremely hurtful. Collingwood argues that other sentient beings are
able to engage with art and get a sense of the total imaginative experience that prompted
it. Collingwood mentions that There is a particular process of recognition that happens
which, if the art has succeeded in communicating on more than a purely idiosyncratic
level, leads to enhanced self knowledge, and by extension an enhanced collective self
knowledge. Given the fundamental formulation of the artistic process, and especially
given the unavoidable loss of intensity of feeling even for the artist, then clearly the
engagement of the fellow sentient being is not one of the equivalence with that of the
artist, but an imaginative engagement based on the stimulus to hand, be it poem, sound
of tactile art. (Swale.
Dr. Natchez Morice Research Paper
Dr Natchez Morice
Dr. Natchez Morice is a leading Tubal reversal surgeon in the USA. He has been
performing tubal reversal surgeries since 2000 and in 2003; he became the founder of
Atchafalaya Gynecology and Obstetrics. First he earned his MBA degree from Tulane
University and then at Louisiana State University, he earned his medical degree. He was
very passionate to become an expert in women s health so at Louisiana State University
he completed gynecology and obstetrics residency where he polished his microsurgical
skills for the tubal reversal surgery.
Tubal reversal is a very common surgery in the United States. Women very popularly are
moving towards this surgery when they want to repair their fallopian tubes in order to
conceive naturally. ... Show more content on ...
It is a safe and reliable procedure that shows successful results. The stitches are also
absorbable that are not required to be removed. The procedure takes the maximum of
1.5 hours and is allowed to go home in a few hours. Patients recover very quickly after
the operation.
Tubal ligation reversal surgery restores a woman s fallopian tubes, allowing her to
conceive naturally. This is a Dr Morice s tubal reversal surgery can be performed in
$5,250 which is quite low in charges. He is a renowned surgeon in the United States
who has performed hundreds of tubal ligation reversal surgeries from 14 years. Now Dr
Morice is very expert in reconnecting woman s blocked fallopian tubes so that the egg
may pass to the uterus where it is fertilized.
Dr Morice proudly claims that about 75 percent of his patients conceive after having
this tubal reversal treatment. Usually the success of the treatment also depends on the
age of the patient. Different methods are used for blocking or damaging the tubes in
tubal ligation but Dr Morice s skills and experience can restore any kind of tubal ligation
and the couples will be blessed with the
Religion Influence Religion
All over the world, religion is influencing societies in both good and bad ways. After all,
for most people, religion is how many find a purpose in life, and is a guide that helps
them make decisions throughout life. People want explanations for the unexplainable
and want answers to the most unanswerable questions, so many people resort to religion
as a way to explain why life is the way it is. Having faith and believing in a religion can
bring civilizations together and help find common ground in a world where people have
differences. People have religion to shape the way people treat life on earth, and the way
people interact with their community and have a sense of spirit as an individual.
Throughout history, religion has influenced... Show more content on ...
While in Judaism there is a ceremony that is the acceptance of the religion called Bar
/Bat Mitzvah. Although the whole process is different from the Christian
confirmation both are processes where teenagers are becoming a part of the religion.
In Bar/Bat Mitzvah a boy, who is 13, or a girl, who is 12, become responsible for their
own actions and make their own religious path. These are just a few of the similarities
of these two very similar religions, but the religions also have differences. Judaism,
doesn t believe in the New Testament of the Bible, while Christians believe in the New
Testament, which consists of Jesus s teachings, and have it as the part of their holy text.
Another example of a difference is the way the process of acceptance into the religion.
Bar/Bat Mitzvah had different ages for different genders and was a lot more specific
about what the acceptance meant. While Confirmation is teenagers who wants to
become a Christian and become part of the religion. From these examples one can tell
that the religions are very similar and different in many different ways. Not only is
Judaism similar and different to Christianity but also another religion founded in the
Arabian Peninsula. Islam, another monotheistic religion, also has some comparable
characteristics with Judaism. Islam and Judaism have some eating requirements that are
used to prove faith towards religion and show that spiritual health is more important than
physical health. Fasting, a
Target Oil Spill
As a result of the major oil spill that happened recently in the United States,
unemployment is expected to rise along the gulf coast. It is estimated that this oil spill
will pull the already high unemployment national average up to 11 12%. Consumer
spending will drop as a result of this, damaging the regional economy. This would have
an impact on Target s sales along the gulf coast, considering that places on the gulf
coast were some of the major spots for tourism here in the United States. If we have
goods being shipped to us from other suppliers, the oil spill could potentially affect
them and we could have a shortage of goods and merchandise. This would cost a loss of
sales and impact our revenues and expenses on the financial statements. This would also
cause us to lose customers if we do not have the supplies that they need in stock.... Show
more content on ...
We have to make sure we keep our customers happy so that we don t lose them in the
long run. Therefore, we should have a clearance sale on similar products and brands to
accommodate the customers needs at that time. We could also give the customers a rain
check on the sale prices of the goods that are out of stock, to ensure that they get the
same great price and as an apology for the inconvenience. Gift cards could also be used
as a promotion tactic to keep the customers buying other products in
Turning Point Of Juno
Analysis of the movie Juno

The movie follows a sixteen year old teenager named Juno. She often hangs out with
her best friend Leah and a guy named Paulie Bleeker, however after an accident with
Bleeker, Juno finds herself pregnant. At this time Juno knew she had to do something so
she went to the nearest Women s Clinic, but soon she changes her mind and gives it up
for adoption instead. With the help from Leah they soon find an ad in a newspaper, Juno
decides to contact them and later she meets up with them. They seem like the perfect
parents but after a dramatic turn she finds out that they may not be what she once
thought. The big turning point for me would be when Mark reveals that he is going to
break up with Vanessa. After this Vanessa gets her heart shattered and Juno wants to help
them out. This led to Juno having to make many difficult decisions, even the whole plot
changed from one thing to the other. All this makes this certain turning point stand out
from the rest and that is why in my opinion this is the most ... Show more content on ...
She is a sixteen year old girl that acts a lot different compared to the other girls in the film
. Even when she gets pregnant she tries to create an attitude that in turn changes how she
acts around her friends and family. Bleeker however really tries to let the mother do all
of the work and he even tries to put this thing aside as evidenced during one of the
running segments. These two are the main characters since I think the film is mainly
about the relationship between both of them. How Juno and Bleeker s relationship is
presented towards the audience takes a turn during the ending sequence in which it is
revealed that both of them had developed feelings towards each other. In the beginning
however it s shown that Bleeker may like Juno in this way but it appears as if he would
not have the courage to confront
Jazz Dance Essay
My reason for writing this paper is for my lack of attendance during important days for
this course. I apologize for not emailing you. I was resting and attempting to get better
in order to be able to do the group dance. That is what I saw as my ultimate goal. To be
able to get back to my group and learn what they has done. Luckily I have learned the
dance, even though I admit I have struggled learning it. Again I am sorry for not taking
the time to email you to inform you of my situation. When you asked me to write a
paper on a form of dance I immediately knew what I wanted to write about. For my
subject of dance I choose to do jazz. Jazz is something I have always been interested in,
the music and dancing has always intrigued me. When we... Show more content on ...
Jazz in a dance form, however, originates from the dances of Africans when they were
brought to America on slave ships. This dance form developed alongside jazz music in
New Orleans in the early 1900s. Jazz incorporated unique moves, elaborate footwork,
large leaps, rapid turns, and imaginative improvisation to bring an energetic and
entertaining experience. Jazz dance requires the foundation of classical ballet to embody
balance and agility. Jazz dance is viewed in the spotlight with movies, on stage
performances, and in urban areas of the streets and clubs. The transformation of jazz
dance into dance theatre and the important role of professional techniques and
choreography, created modern jazz dance . Beginning in the 1930s and continuing
through the 1960s, Jazz dance transformed from its original form into a theatre focused
performance form of dance that required a highly trained dancer. Eventually these highly
trained dancers performed a specific set of movements, which differed greatly from the
original form of dance that started in New Orleans in the 1900s. Also during this time
period jazz dance was profoundly influenced by Caribbean and other Latin American
Nationwide Children s Hospital Case Study
Conjoined twins from Uganda were successfully separated after a 16 hour surgery last
week in Columbus, Ohio, the hospital said in a statement on Tuesday.

The 11 month old twin girls Acen and Apio were connected at the hip and pelvic region.
They are expected to make a full recovery, according to the Nationwide Children s

Two separate individuals

Three dimensional modeling as well as intra operative neurophysiological monitoring

was used to help the neurosurgeons divide their intertwined spines, muscles and tissues,
said Dr. Gail Besner, chief of pediatric surgery at the hospital. Plastic surgery covered the
areas where they were conjoined.

My hope is that they will be able to sit up on their own, walk and play like any other
child, Dr. Besner said. I can t ... Show more content on ...
The twins and their mother, Ester Akello, arrived at the hospital in December. It s still
not confirmed when they ll be ready to go back home in Uganda.

Given the breadth and depth of expertise of all of our specialists, we have the potential
at Nationwide Children s to take two patients who would never have been able to have
a normal life as they were before and make them into two separate individuals who, I
expect, will have healthy and normal lives, said Dr. Besner.

Separating Twins

Conjoined twins occur once in about every 200,000 pregnancies, and their survival is
anything but assured. The surgical separation of conjoined twins is an extremely delicate
and risky procedure, requiring extra precision and care.

This surgery marks the fourth operation since 1978 to separate conjoined twins.
Statistics show that the overall survival rate of children affected by this condition is
somewhere between 5 percent and 25 percent, according to the University of Maryland
Medical Center. The decision to separate twins is a serious one. Doctors must first
carefully assess how the twins shared organs function.

Stories of conjoined

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