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Education Argumentative Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of education, particularly in an argumentative format, can be quite
challenging due to the multifaceted nature of the subject. Education encompasses a wide array of
issues, ranging from pedagogical methods and curriculum design to societal impacts and economic
considerations. Crafting a compelling argumentative essay requires a thorough understanding of
these complexities and the ability to articulate well-supported points of view.

One of the challenges lies in navigating through the diverse perspectives on education. Different
stakeholders, including educators, policymakers, parents, and students, often have conflicting
opinions on what constitutes effective education. Addressing these varied viewpoints while
maintaining coherence in the argument can be a daunting task.

Moreover, the dynamic nature of educational trends and reforms adds an additional layer of
complexity. Keeping abreast of the latest developments and incorporating relevant information into
the essay requires extensive research and critical analysis. Balancing a historical context with
contemporary issues further adds to the difficulty, as it necessitates a nuanced understanding of the
evolution of educational systems.

Constructing a well-organized essay also poses a challenge. Ensuring a logical flow of ideas,
providing solid evidence to support each point, and effectively countering opposing arguments
require careful planning and meticulous execution. Additionally, striking a balance between passion
for the topic and maintaining an objective tone is crucial in presenting a persuasive and credible

In conclusion, writing an argumentative essay on education demands a comprehensive understanding

of the subject, the ability to synthesize diverse perspectives, and adept writing skills. Successfully
tackling this challenge requires time, effort, and dedication to delivering a thought-provoking and
coherent piece of work.

For those seeking assistance, it's worth noting that there are platforms like where
one can find support for similar essays and a variety of other writing tasks. These services can offer
guidance, resources, and even custom essays tailored to specific requirements, providing valuable
support in navigating the complexities of academic writing.
Education Argumentative Essay Education Argumentative Essay
Tax Reform Essay
The United States is in a recession; it has been facing some of the worse economic
times since the Great Depression in the 1930 s. One option to fix the economy is to
change the corporate tax rate. To lower it or to raise it, that is the question economists
have been speculating. America s high corporate taxrate and worldwide system of
taxation discourages U.S. companies from sending their foreign source revenue home,
which makes U.S. companies defenseless to foreign acquisition from the international
opponents (Camp). Corporations and United Statescitizens have been fighting for a tax
reform, which would hopefully help the American economy; either by lowering the
corporate tax, or by raising the tax.
The United States corporate tax ... Show more content on ...
A tax haven is a country that offers foreign corporations and individuals relatively low
corporate and income tax rates, with a politically and economically stable environment.
Some tax havens are Switzerland, Hong Kong, Bermuda, Ireland, and the Cayman
Islands. Although the businesses have moved across seas, the United States forces them
to pay the corporate tax. Fortunately for the businesses, it they keep their income and
money across seas they do not have to the pay the American corporate tax, Unfortunately
this is ghastly for the United States Government businesses keep their products and
profits over seas.
One proposal for the lowering of taxes in the United States is Herman Cain s 999 Plan.
Herman Cain is a republican politician running for president in the year 2012. The 999
Plan is a tax reform plan that would change personal income tax, national sales tax, and
corporate sales tax all to nine percent. (Astor) The argument for the plan is that it would
strengthen the economy and create jobs because it would lower taxes by 26 percent on
businesses, therefore giving them incentive to start hiring, therefore creating new jobs
for Americans. Currently the United States Unemployment rate is at 9.1 percent. Also
corporations would be more willing to bring their profits home due to the lower
Rhetorical Analysis Of Blackfish
The controversial documentary Blackfish, directed by Gabriela Cowperthwaite rose to
popularity four years ago in 2013, when it was released. Blackfish tells the stories of
killer whales, or orcas, that were caught and kept in captivity, and the effects that arose
due to their capture. The documentary focuses on Tilikum, an orca caught in 1983, who
was kept in captivity in SeaWorldOrlando since his capture for 34 years. Blackfish does
an excellent job in using all three rhetorical appeals, providing many real life examples
and statistics, to defend their argument that orcas should never be captured or held in
captivity. Blackfish does a great job at using all three rhetorical appeals in defending
their argument for the abolishment of orca captivity. First, ethos is widely used
throughout the documentary. Almost every speaker in the documentary had a first hand
experience with Tilikum or other captive orcas, giving the document major credibility.
Actual SeaWorld trainers who worked the shows gave their personal first hand stories in
working with the orcas. They themselves explained how they saw Tilikum s behavior and
health deteriorate. Former amusement park managers who were either worked with
Tilikum or dealt with the business in capturing and trading orcas also gave their first
hand accounts of what had happened with Tilikum and other orcas. An OSHA expert
witness was also included in the documentary speaking about the horrible conditions
that SeaWorld had put the orcas in. All of these experts in their respective field talking
about the dangers of orcas in captivity is a great use of ethos in Blackfish s argument
against orca captivity. In terms of pathos, Blackfish is also strong in delivering an
argument appeal to emotion. These SeaWorld trainers gave their personal stories in the
documentary, all sharing how they were so excited to work with the animals when first
applying and getting the job. They all explained how they truly were able to develop
relationships with Tilikum and the other orcas during their time at SeaWorld. When
talking about the incidents between Tilikum and trainer Dawn Brancheau, the trainers
emotion is shown when they stutter in their words, cry, and give their deepest regrets
Group Vs. Individual Decision Making
Group vs. Individual Decision Making Business success is fairly uncertain but it helps
when there is collaboration in the working environment. This means that inputs must
come from all members of the organization because everyone has something to
contribute. Inputs do not merely refer to raw materials but contributions of employees
based on their opinions and suggestions about the company s future or direction. Thus,
the success of a business is not solely based on how raw materials are efficiently
converted into outputs. This is because business processes can be automated.
Automation of these processes can only add efficiency and lower costs but there are
other aspects of a business that require decisions to be made. In fact, decisions are
important to organizations and making the right ones especially on important issues
are crucial. In any organization, decision making serves as a factor which could either
break it or make it. Hence, it is important that sound decisions are made so that the
goals of a certain organization or company are realized. Aside from that, profits and
productivity are expected to increase if decisions are able to meet the demands of
business trends. In traditional organizational structures, decisions are lodged in the
topmost stages of the ladder. In other words, only the top executives make the decisions
for the company s future and direction. In some instances, only the chief executive
officer will only decide for the company. As a
Prediction Of The Dollar And Euro
Prediction of the Dollar and Euro
What is an exchange rate? Exchange rate is a price for that one country s currency can
be traded for another country s currency, which involves always two currencies. The price
of a currency is determined by the country s currency s demand relative to its supply in
the market. Furthermore, there are many factors that impact exchange rates but the most
influential factors are inflation rates, interest rates, income levels, government controls,
and expectations. Due to rapid economic developments and changes and many factors
that impact exchange rates, it is hard to determine exchange rates.
There are 196 countries in the world. Each of them has its own currency but some of
them share the same currency ... Show more content on ...
The highest rate was in February, but it has been falling slowly. There are four categories
that exchange rate can be forecasted in long term followed by technical, fundamental,
market based, and mixed. Technical forecasting involves the use of historical exchange
rate data to predict future values. Then, fundamental forecasting is based on
fundamental relationships between exchange rates and economic variables. On this
category, exchange rate is influenced by change in inflation rate, interest rate, income
level, government controls, and expectations of future exchange rates between two
countries, United States and Europe. These factors will be discussed in details later on
this paper. Next forecasting category is market based which the process of developing
forecasts from market indicators, such as the spot rate and the forward rate. The spot
rate is basically today s spot rate that may use in forecasting. A forward rate is quoted
for a specific date in the future to forecast a spot rate on that future date. Lastly, mixed
forecasting is a combination of forecasting techniques that is preferred to use in the
market. As I mentioned above, the factors of fundamental forecasting are the major
determinants for long term prediction of exchange rate, specifically, relationship between
the US dollar and the euro. Change in the differential between United States inflation rate
and the European
Managing Employee Resistance to Change
Managing resistance to change The top obstacle to successful change is employee
resistance at all levels: Front line, middle managers, and senior managers. A change in
employee attitude IS possible! Garrison Wynn, I just wanted to say Thank You! You
will never know the impact that you have made on my life. I started back to work
today with a new attitude about my job. I am more confident in myself and my ability
to do my best. I do have an important job and it is important to learn how to deal with
the stress that comes along with it. I feel like a new person. My husband told me that he
could see an improvement in my attitude and that I looked happy. Thanks to you I am
that new person. Please do more seminars in the Houston area. ... Show more content on ...
Awareness of the business need to change is a critical ingredient of any change and
must come first. If someone had taken the time to explain that the old software would
no longer be supported by the vendor, and that new software was necessary to meet the
needs of your customers, then your reaction (based on this awareness) would likely be
very different: * How soon will this happen? * How will this impact me? * Will I
receive new training? Take this same example one step further. Assume you were
made aware that a change was required, but you had no desire to participate or support
the change. * What s in it for me. * I doubt they are really serious about this. Now the
tables are turned, and you may become the target of an emotional response from
individuals within the organization. You may be labeled as difficult, inflexible or
unsupportive. Some may say you lack initiative or vision. You may be called a cynic or
pessimist. Awareness and desire are two critical components of the change model.
Resistance to Change Most people prefer predictability
Mobil Commerce Essay
Mobil Commerce

The greatest wealth in the 21st century will not be made from products or services, but
rather by the company that creates the conduit for international m commerce through the
mobile device (Unknown author)

As defined by market analysts, mobile commerce is the natural extension of e commerce

that allows consumers to make business via a wireless mode anytime, anywhere and
always on. It uses digital cellular phones, PDAs, pagers, notebooks and even cars can
already be online wirelessly, all this developing another channel of the value added chain.
It is the innovation to meet the evolving customer needs of wanting to escape the
personal interaction eyeball to eyeball pressure of ... Show more content on ...
In this scenario, consumers are recognized by the signals they emit, most likely from
their wireless phones or PDAs, and they can purchase goods and services from
vending machines and businesses without having to use a checkbook, credit card or
cash. But making the wireless wallet a reality will require an evolution of both
technology and consumer attitudes that is still far in the distance. Moreover, at the
commerce phase, in which consumers should realize that using wireless devices to
purchase real goods in the physical world does not necessarily deliver those goods to
their wireless device. It will be a challenge to convince consumers to leave their credit
cards at home and let their phones do the purchasing. In addition to this, consumers will
need easy to carry wireless devices that they will always have with them, and terminals
will have to be available at stores or in vending machines. Both of these devices must
have the necessary infrastructure to enable transactions. Last, and most difficult, there
must be a worldwide standards initiatives. However, the most important aspect is to
explain to the consumers, what is their bennefit to use the services of m commerce,
instead of the brick and mortal
Wastewater Technician
Not many people know where the water that we use in our everyday lives goes to and
how it gets treated and comes back to us. Wastewater technicians are specialized
technicians who treat wastewater or process or dispose sewage. These technicians are
very important to the environment because they purify the water and bring it back to the
environment making it a healthier and cleaner place. One of the most popular cities for
wastewatertechnicians is Providence,RI. Wastewater technicians are needed we depend
on them to help clean the water. Employment rate for wastewater technicians is projected
by 8% from 2012 to 2022 about as fast as the average for all occupations. These men
have many other duties than just clean wastewater they inspect their... Show more content
on ...
If you are willing to relocate you could be moved up in a higher position same thing
with continuing your education it will improve your chances on moving up. If you re
improving your education trying to get higher licenses you could work in bigger
plants and maybe be in control of it. In this career one being is your mechanical skills.
Wastewater technicians operate a lot of machinery everyday so that skill that they use
not only it could relate to their job but in their life if they quit that job they already
have some experience with machinery. Another great thing working in this career you
will become a good observer these technicians observe many data they observe a lot of
the water doing a lot of testing and see the progression of wastewater and look at a lot
of meters and gauges. Becoming a wastewater technician you will become more detail
oriented you manage to monitor everything and pay close attention to some things and
they learn how everything works. Like all jobs there are pros and cons but becoming
a wastewater technician you will have to sacrifice some things first is your health. In
the a plant where these technicians work in an area where its easy to get injured and
get a high chance of getting ill. These technicians are surrounded by loud noise and
dangerous gases the hallways might be slippery and you could fall as well. Another
sacrifice you will have to make is your time. Wastewater

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