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Equus Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of "Equus" can present a unique set of challenges, requiring a delicate
balance of literary analysis, psychological insight, and theatrical understanding. The play "Equus,"
written by Peter Shaffer, delves into the intricate complexities of human psychology, religious
symbolism, and the consequences of societal expectations.

One of the primary difficulties lies in navigating the intricate layers of the play's narrative.
Unraveling the psychological intricacies of the main characters, Alan Strang and Dr. Martin Dysart,
demands a keen understanding of the human psyche. Analyzing the symbolism behind the horses
and their significance in the narrative adds another layer of complexity, as it requires a nuanced
interpretation of Shaffer's allegorical intentions.

Furthermore, delving into the play's exploration of religious themes and the clash between societal
norms and individual desires can be intellectually challenging. It necessitates a comprehensive
understanding of both psychological and sociocultural aspects, making it crucial for the essayist to
seamlessly blend these elements to construct a coherent and insightful analysis.

Expressing ideas with clarity is another hurdle. The essay should not only dissect the various themes
but also articulate their interconnections, ensuring a fluid and comprehensible narrative. Juggling the
psychological depth of the characters, the symbolism of the horses, and the broader socio-religious
commentary requires careful consideration to avoid a disjointed or confusing essay structure.

Researching external sources to support arguments and enhance the depth of analysis is essential but
can also be time-consuming. Finding scholarly articles, critical reviews, or relevant historical context
demands a dedicated effort to ensure the essay is well-informed and academically robust.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Equus" demands intellectual rigor, a deep
understanding of psychology and literature, and the ability to weave together various thematic
elements cohesively. It is a task that requires both analytical finesse and expressive clarity to truly
capture the essence of Peter Shaffer's intricate and thought-provoking play.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or a variety of academic topics, professional writing
services like offer a convenient solution. Expert writers can provide tailored
support, ensuring that essays meet high academic standards while alleviating the challenges that often
accompany complex topics.
Equus Essay Equus Essay
Symbols In A Worn Path
Symbolism of the Literature You are about to be taken on a journey as I tell of two
short stories, A Worn Path and I Used to Live Here Once . One story will keep you in
suspense wondering about this little old ladies purpose of walking a dark path, while
the other story seems to be taking the character back in time to find she is only having
an after death experience. As you read of the two stories, you will find they are similar
in the fact that both have a symbolism of death. The short storyA Worn Pathsurrounds the
character Phoenix Jackson. The setting of the story is in December on a very cold day
early in the morning. The content of this story suggests Phoenix Jackson is a very old
woman who walks from the old Natchez... Show more content on ...
For a minute Phoenix was confused of the reason for being there. She suddenly
remembers and in her imagination brings him back to life. She makes a comment that
suggest she is remembering an image of her grandson when she says I remember so
plain now. I am not going to forget him again, no, the whole enduring time. I could tell
him from all others in creation (AN Q). After getting the medicine from the nurse, she
speaks briefly of a paper windmill for her grandson. The story ends with her going
down the stairs. Phoenix taps the floor with her cane before going down the steps just
as she did in the beginning of the story when she taps the frozen ground with her cane.
Her desperate need for companionship is demonstrated when she has a vision of a
boy offering her a piece of cake on a plate. It is believed the boy in the vision was her
deceased grandson. Phoenix s imagination of her grandson still existing is her way of
coping with the hardness of her life. We find at the end, the journey may have been more
of a necessity for Phoenix than for her grandson. She made this journey to meet her own
needs, and what started out a life sustaining journey ends in
Summary Of Using Positive Behavior Support To Design...
Designing Effective Classrooms The article, Using Positive Behavior Support to
Design Effective Classrooms, focuses on three specific areas to create an effective
classroom. The focus is on creating rules and teaching those rules to students,
acknowledging positive behaviors, and dealing with discipline problems. This is all
done, according to the article, after a classroom assessment has been completed. If your
classroom runs smoothly, learning takes place. I agree that teachers should create rules
that specifically define our behaviors expectations. I think rules should be positive. Being
positive creates an atmosphere where students want to be positive also. Before we can
hold students to high standards we must teach them the rules
Group Minds Lessing Analysis
Doris Lessing Group Minds explains that when we re in a group, we tend to think as
that group does: we may even have joined the group to find like minded people.
(Lessing 5) Lessing stresses that people who have experienced a few groups, often
observe their own behavior, they may agree that the hardest thing in life is to stand out
against a group of one s peers. (Lessing 9) Lessing s article shows how an individualcan
lose their sense of self and objectivity that are affected by group pressures. Lessing
describes how the human race is in possession of a great deal of hard information about
ourselves. (Lessing 7) Her point of my mind is my own, my opinions are chosen by me, I
am free to do as I will, and at the worst the pressures on me are economic, that is, I...
Show more content on ...
reading the articles, each person captured the attention of their audience, with
validating arguments and examples on social and group pressures. In society today, I
see individuals all the time switch their way of thinking, body movements, and who
they socialize based on what the majority of their group declares. Reading Group
Minds, The Power of Situations, and Opinions and Social Pressure it forced me to
face a reality that wasn t realized until now. In high school, you don t realize how
much being accepted by your peers is important, a nonentity wants to feel ostracized in
any point of their lives. In your adolescence stages, individuals feel a sense of belonging
and not fathoming that shadowing what people do can essentially be damaging to an
individual. In Group Minds , Doris Lessing brings forth an issue of children, teenagers,
and adults on a global situation, that will not have a tendency to drop. Based on many
experiments of individuals that rather follow a leader than have a neutral viewpoint on
different personalities they may come in company
The Evolution Of Drama In Everyman, Dr. Faustus, And...
The evolution of Drama happened as far back as 6th century BC in Greece. The
Ancient Greeks took entertainment very grimly and utilized drama as a way of
investigating the world they lived in and discovered what it is like to be a human. The
Greeks composed dramas into three types which include comedy, satyr plays, and
tragedy, the most important type of Drama. The most well known plays include
Everyman, Dr. Faustus, and Twelfth Night. These plays utilizes themes such as the
struggle of good and evil for the human soul, power, society and class, and gender, all
which represent humanism.
Everyman utilizes The dominant theme of good and evil for the human soul
(psychomania), usually depicted in the life span of a representative figure with a name
like Mankind and Is devoted entirely to the day of judgment that every individual human
being must face eventually (Norton 507). The theme of good and evil for the human
soul represents humanism because it is known that everyone has sinned and still fear
death because they do not know where they will be when judgment day comes, but at the
same time, they know no one will live forever except God. Everyman significantly
utilizes the character Death throughout the story, only to be met with utter recognition
and incomprehension. For example, Everyman s
Martin 2 incomprehension is humorous even as it reveals him to be deeply unready for
Death s summons : he asks Death, Sholde I not agayne shortly? (Paulson 121). Everyman
Styles Of Fashion
shirt that many women wear today. The dresses worn by women were of long, sheer
fabric with either a V neck in the front or V shape in the back with a fabric lip,
resembling what one might see at a red carpet event today. Woman would also wear thin
stockings or paint on their legs to resemble the stockings, resembling tights or pantyhose
worn today, and high heels that were black in color with ribbon or accents that may be
seen in business professional attire or paired with dressestoday. Women s hair was
styled as short cuts with tight curls made on the sides and on the back of the head. Hats
were also very commonly worn with these hairstyles, tilted to one side to reveal one side
of the face more, resembling a fedora type style.... Show more content on
Men could also be seen wearing button up sweaters which resemble a sweater that
could be seen worn by high school jocks similar to the ones in the movie Greece. Pants
were very much fitted during this era and had a saving grace for men in a multitude of
ways, a zipper (Marketti and Angstman, 2013, Marketti and Tortora, 2015, Riding, 2013,
Young and Young, 2012, and 1930s Fashionfor Men: Style Shaped by the Great
Depression, 2015).
Men could be seen wearing shoes, called brogues, with the same basic colors or
combination of colors that their suits reflected and are an influence to shoes called
loafers that many men sport today. Men also sported socks that were newly revised with
Lastex that kept the socks up on the legs and were decorated with patterns such as argyle,
chevron, and diamonds (patterns also saw in women s suits of this time), which are
patterns seen in many different clothing items of today s age. Men would be seen with
durable gloves made of leather, compared to working gloves of today, and scarves of
silk, which could be compared to a Wild Rags commonly worn for style and warmth
today in the western industry. Men also dressed up their suits with tie pins or cuff links
that many men wear when dressing up today, paired with a wrist watch, sometimes rings,
and most importantly sunglasses. Men had
Good Ole Day Research Paper
I love to tell stories about my childhood. Looking back now, through all of my life s
experiences, it almost feels like I was living in a fairy tale. It brings both joy and
sadness to my heart when I share these memories with my daughter. The joy comes
from remembering how things were back then and how those things impacted my life
today. The sadness comes from knowing that she will never get to experience those
things, therefore, she will only get to live them through me. Even now as a young
woman, she will say to me from time to time, mom, tell me a story about the Good Ole
Days ! I grew up in a small town across the Florida/Georgia line. The trees towered over
the dirt roads like canopies and you could follow a creek in the woods... Show more
content on ...
Saturday was cleanup day and I helped my grandfather shovel the sawdust off of the
meat market floor. After the morning rush of customers, I took the shovel and began
my journey. For most kids, this was a lot of hard work, but I loved being my
grandfather s little helper. I would take the giant shovel and slide it across the floor,
scooping more sawdust than I could pick up. I would spill half of it back onto the
floor. After the old sawdust was picked up, we would put new sawdust down so the
floor would be nice and clean. It was time for my favorite part of the day. After we
cleaned up everything, my grandfather and I would walk downtown to the Dime Store
so I could spend my savings! The Dime Store was like the Dollar General store is to us
today. To me it was the biggest toy store in the whole world! My grandfather would
say ok, you can pick two things, that s it . He knew he had to set a limit or my arms
would be loaded down with items when we reached the cash register. I would have spent
my limit and more. My grandfather taught me not to spend all of my money. He would
tell me, save some for a rainy day . I often wondered what that meant. As I placed my
items on the counter, my grandfather said are you sure that is what you want ? It was
the same items every month, a bag of play money and a new receipt book, so I could
pretend I was a cashier like the lady that worked at the grocery
Olympus Station
Olympus Station Somewhere between Earth and Mars Six years ago...

So what s the deal, Cap? You not gonna unwind a little bit while we re here? Wyatt
McKenzie looked at his young navigator and smiled slightly. At six one, he stood
considerably taller. I d just rather read a book and catch up on some sleep, Gavin.
Read a book? The young ensign shook his head. The flight terminal of the space
station was packed with humans and more. Gavin Teague was barely in his twenties
and had a headful of wavy black hair, unlike the bald McKenzie. His eyes scanned the
crowds of people excitedly. We ve been cooped up on that ship for nearly two weeks,
Cap. The crew needs a chance to unwind more than the passengers do. Even you.
We re schedule to return to Earth in three days, Wyatt reminded him.
Gavin followed his captain onto the tram platform and looked down the magnetic tracks
to look for their transport. With all due respect, sir, that s three days from now. There s
a lot of fun to be had between now and then. Another three hundred passengers making
their way back home from here, Mars and beyond. We have plenty of work to do making
sure the Agamemnon is shape before we do. Wyatt reminded him and he saw the young
man s shoulder slump in defeat. Relax. That doesn t mean you don t deserve a break. It
just means I m too old to join you. Go have some fun. Meet me at the hotel tomorrow
The American Dream By Dan Kadlec
The American Dream is steadily changing as time goes on and some say this is a bad
thing. As different generations come about the dream changes with the people. As
stated by Dan Kadlec in the article Millennials Put Their Surprising Stamp on the
American Dream the American dream is now seen as having control over your daily
life. Today s generation has seen some of the main aspects of the original American
Dream fail greatly so they have made up a new dream. With the things Millennials have
seen change and go wrong they only believe that they can achieve a day to day lifestyle,
but should this really be the case? In another article named The Hourglass Society it s
stated by Stewart Lansley that the middle classis going backwards. The idea of the
hourglass is that there are large amounts of people on the top and the bottom, but not
many at all in the middle representing the middle class. This article also states that the
American Dream is now only a myth and this generation only has a fear of failing .
Many say the American Dream is dead but is the dream really dead or are people too
afraid of failure? Millennials of today have seen so many bad things happen to their
parents that they just settle and this shouldn t be the case. The American Dream is only
going to die if we let it happen.
Stewart Lansley, author of The Cost of Inequality: Why Economic Equality is Essential
for Recovery speaks very seriously in The Hourglass Society article about inequality.
The Issue Of Global Politics
What do you believe to be the most pressing issue in global politics today?

Climate change is a large scale, long term shift in the planet s weather patterns or
average temperatures . In 2006, Al Gore highlighted a problem hinted at for years,
climate change, in his documentary The Inconvenient Truth, and this essay will
explain why this problem is still the most important issue in global politics, despite
receiving less coverage in world press. With major problems such as rising sea levels
and more extreme temperatures already being seen in many areas across the world, it
seems that global politics could not face a more pressing issue, as this potentially effects
everyone in the world, it s not a discriminatory problem, be that ... Show more content on ...
This distraction away from the problem of climate change has been crucial in actually
making climate change even more important to discuss now, as we can see the effects
that it is having across the world now, and in our predictions for the future. With the
melting of the polar ice caps, rising sea levels and greater threats of natural events such
as hurricanes and earthquakes; it seems that this is the problem that effects the most
people, and the one very few are talking about, explained by Alan Rusbridger here The
changes may be happening too fast for human comfort, but they happen too slowly for
the newsmakers and, to be fair, for most readers While difficult to dismiss the vast
amounts of issues we all face, be it in the UK, in Europe or Internationally, it is hard to
understand why out of the 5 large UK parties standing in the General Election, only the
Liberal Democrats and the Green party have included climate change reducing measures
in their manifestos to any great length. In the United States both the Democrats and the
Republicans have declined to include any substantial measures for the 2016 Presidential
election so far, the trend is the same across most western democracies. So despite the
impeding threat of this serious issue, it as taken a back seat, as the electorate s thoughts
and opinions are often directed by the media they expose themselves to, and there are
very few

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