College Essay Art

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College Essay Art

Crafting an essay on the subject of "College Essay Art" can be a challenging endeavor that requires a
delicate balance of creativity, introspection, and academic prowess. The task involves delving into
your personal experiences, passions, and aspirations, while also adhering to the conventions of a
formal essay.

One of the difficulties lies in articulating your unique perspective on art and its significance in the
context of your college journey. Expressing your thoughts coherently, connecting your personal
experiences to broader themes, and showcasing your individuality can be demanding. It's not just
about recounting achievements or listing talents but weaving a narrative that resonates with the

Moreover, the challenge extends to meeting the expectations of college admissions committees.
Striking the right chord between self-expression and adhering to academic standards is crucial.
Balancing a distinctive voice with grammatical accuracy, clarity of thought, and coherence can be a
fine line to walk.

Researching and understanding the nuances of the college's values, culture, and academic offerings
adds another layer of complexity. Incorporating this knowledge into your essay to demonstrate a
genuine interest in the institution requires careful consideration and attention to detail.

In the end, the difficulty lies in presenting a piece that not only showcases your artistic identity but
also aligns seamlessly with the expectations of a college application essay. It's a process of self-
discovery and self-presentation that demands time, introspection, and a thorough understanding of
the art of storytelling.

For those finding the task daunting, it's worth noting that various resources can offer assistance.
Professional writing services, such as , provide support in crafting compelling
essays that resonate with your unique story. These services can guide you through the intricacies of
essay writing, ensuring that your narrative stands out in the competitive landscape of college
College Essay Art College Essay Art
Rise Of The Rocket Girls Analysis
Calculating trajectories is no simple task, but to Katherine Johnson and other computers
at NASA and JPL, it s just another everyday job. The film Hidden Figures focuses on
African American women who were computers at the Langley Aeronautical Laboratory
in Hampton, Virginia. Furthermore, the book Rise of the Rocket Girls is directed
towards women who were computers at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Southern
California. The connection between these two literary works are similar in terms of the
characters but different regarding background. Remarkable similarities between the two
stories include personal lives and long lasting teamwork. The women in Hidden Figures
and Rise of the Rocket Girls had to take on multiple roles including... Show more content
on ...
At JPL, racial setbacks were less prominent as women of different races and ethnicities
cooperated. On the other hand, the Langley Research Center was segregated and the
women in the West Area Computing Division were isolated from the rest of the
research center. This separation is shown immediately when Katherine Johnson is the
first colored women working with the Space Task Group. When Katherine enters the
room, she is mistaken for a custodian and handed the trash can. Later, when she pours
coffee for herself, all the white people in the department stare at her in disbelief. The
following day, she finds a separate kettle for herself labeled Colored . In addition,
when Mary Jackson is working with the engineers on the space capsule, one of the
head engineers asks her if she would like to be an engineer if she was a white man.
She responds that she wouldn t have to wish, she d already be one. Apart from the
racial differences between the two pieces of literature, the struggle for women getting
new positions during that time was depicted very differently. In Hidden Figures, both
Dorothy Vaughan and Mary Jackson underwent multiple barriers to be able to get
their desired position; Dorothy as a supervisor and Mary as an engineer. Dorothy was
promoted to supervisor by Ms. Mitchell at the very end and Mary had to go to court to
see a judge to be able to
Flash Memory Essay
The CFO of Flash Memory, Inc. prepares the company s investing and financing plans
for the next three years. Flash Memory is a small firm that specializes in the design and
manufacture of solid state drives (SSDs) and memory modules for the computer and
electronics industries. The company invests aggressively in research and development of
new products to stay ahead of the competition. Increased working capital requirements
force the CFO to consider alternatives for additional financing. In addition, he must also
consider an investment opportunity in a new product line that has the potential to be
extremely profitable. Students must prepare financial forecasts, calculate the weighted
average cost of capital(WACC), estimate cash flows, and... Show more content on ...
a.Any decision to invest in the new product line will require an estimate of the discount
rate (i.e., WACC). When estimating a WACC you should be clear on the inputs you used
to calculate the cost of equity, cost of debt, and the relative weights of equity and debt.
For this analysis use the target debt to equity ratio that is sought by the board of
directors. 3.Estimate the pro forma financial statements (i.e., income statement and
balance sheet) for the years 2010, 2011, and 2012 assuming that Flash takes the new
investment project and finances the project with debt. What issues might arise if Flash
only uses debt financing? If debt financing turns out to have problems what are Flash s

As sales of Flash Memory Inc. (Flash) increases rapidly in the first few months of 2010,
additional working capital is required to ensure smooth operations and maintain their
current growth rate. However, Flash currently has almost reached its notes payable limit
of 70% accounts receivables with its current commercial bank and thus, need to look for
various alternative financing means to provide the required amount of funds it needs to
finance its forecasted sales for year 2010 onwards. This report is written to provide an
insight to Flash s financial position for the following 3 years (2010 till 2012) through
the use of pro forma income statement and balance sheet. For Flash to be able to keep up
with the
Joseph And The Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat is a play about the biblical story of
Joseph and his coat of many colours. It is told by a narrator, and the show starts with
Joseph and his eleven brothers on the farm with their father, Jacob. Joseph is Jacob s
favourite son, he gives Joseph a colourful coat as a gift, which makes the brothers
jealous. Joseph also discusses the dream he has, about him being the ruler of his
brothers. This leads to the brothers decision of killing Joseph, but before they do, they
see a group of Ishmaelites, and sell Joseph to them as a slave. The brothers stain Josephs
coat with goat blood, then return it to their father to declare that Joseph has died. Joseph
is taken to Egypt, where a powerful man named Potiphar,
Informative Essay About Mexican Food
Who doesn t love food? With there being a lot of different cultures around the world,
comes their amazing food. Most cultures center their activities on food and celebrate
many things with it. Now days you can find a variety of ethnic foods in every country. A
few of the most popular ethnic cuisines are Mexican, Italian, and Chinese.
Since there are a variety of cultures, we have an array of ethnic cuisines, with the best
being Mexican. Mexican cuisine uses bold and exciting flavors. Chilies are a primary
ingredient in Mexican cooking. When the topic of Mexican food comes up, the first thing
people think of is salsa. Salsa is a condiment made from tomatoes, chilies, and other
Mexican inspired flavors. Charles E. Erath of New Orleans, Louisiana ... Show more
content on ...
One of the main vehicles for Mexican food is the tortilla. Tortilla is the name given by
the Spaniards to the unleavened flat bread they found in Mexico among the Aztec in the
sixteenth century. Tortillas date back as far as 10,000 B.C. Corn, also known as maize,
is a dietary staple in Mexican cuisine. Jeffrey Pilcher, Ph.D., is a professor of History at
the University of Minnesota, who studies in Mexican culture and food. According to
Pilcher, since corn is an easy crop to grow, the natives used corn for many things. They
popped it, grilled it on the cob, and made an alcoholic beverage called chichi with it.
Beans are also a main staple in Mexican food; they add protein to your diet, especially
when eaten with corn. Fruits and vegetables native to Mexican cuisine include tomatoes,
squash, avocados, pineapple, and papaya
Catawba River Basin
What is a river basin? A river basin is an area of land that water flows across or under to
make it s way to a river. Just like a bathtub, it catches all the water that falls within its
sides, and its sends all falling water to a central river or to its estuary. It drains all of the
land around a major river. There basins can be divided into watersheds, or areas of land
around a smaller river, stream, or lake. North Carolinais made up of many watershed that
are connected to each other. In each watershed, all water flows to lowest point, to a
stream, lake, river, or ocean. Everyone lives in a river basin and the actions you
perform could help or harm the water quality of the river basin. You have an ecological
address, and you can change what... Show more content on ...
The Cape Fear River Basin is one of the four river basins completely contained within
North Carolina, and is over 9,164 square miles. Cape Fear s quality ranges from 35% of
the streams contained in this basin considered to be threatened and 18% to be impaired
by pollutants. Many toxic spills throughout the years have been one of the main causes to
the low quality.During the last 5 years, investigators have reported 43 different incidents,
which resulting in about one million fish being killed. The Catawba River Basin begins
on the eastern slopes of the Blue Ridge Mountains and flows east into Lake Wylie on
the North Carolina South Carolina border, ranging to 3,285 square miles in size. The
Catawba river contains the most major dams of any North Carolina river. This river
basin was named after the first tribe that settled in its banks. Today, the Catawba is the
most densely populated river basin in the state, and is home to large variety of species
that are very unique are rare. 16% of Catawba s basin is impaired from polluted runoff
from agricultural activities, construction, and stormwater. Agriculture and home or road
construction are typical sources of sediment pollution. Several of the Catawba lakes are
showing stress from excessive amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus in runoff. In small
amounts they are beneficial, but to much can trigger algae blooms. These can affect the
taste of water and odor and
Analysis Of Augustus Of Prima Porta
Located in the Vatican Museums of Rome is Augustus of Prima Porta. This statue is
approximately 2 meters tall, made of marble, and depicts Augustus Caesar of Ancient
Rome. The statue is estimated to have been made in the first century AD, and is
possibly a replica of an original bronze version of the statue. The artwork was lost for
centuries, and the original artist is unknown and may never be determined. It is theorized
that the artwork was commissioned by Roman emperor Tiberius(42 BCE 37 AD) to give
to his mother as a gift. The statue is currently located in the New Wing of the Vatican
Museum in Rome. This branch of the museum was created in the early 20th century
following the return of artwork taken by Napoleon. Depending on the time of its
creation, ranging from 27 BCE to 37 AD the political system in Rome was an empire
ruled by Augustus Caesar or Tiberius Caesar. A work of this significance would not have
been created for an ordinary citizen. Historically, sculptures in ancient Romebuilt upon
previous Classical Greek sculptures. Roman sculpting however, strived to make their
sculptures more realistic and lifelike. Augustus of Prima Porta embodies this desire for
realism in the sculpture. The social climate at the time was strict and traditional.
Ancestry, property, and wealth were important aspects in the social structure. The
technology at the time of the art s creation had advanced in the Roman empirefrom
previous western civilizations. Portraits in specific
Fashion And Fashion Design
Has man exceeded the power given to create? Gluttony and lust for material objects had
lead to overconsumption leaving a world full of accessible goods behind, human
production processes and man made products has invaded the natural world; having an
catastrophic impact on the environment as well as causing ethical strains within
communities. This essay aims to explore the contribution fashiondesign has to
perpetrating dark times as well as highlighting the critical environmental and ethical
crisis that has emerged from the consequences of human action. With the exploration of
new product innovation and alternative natural renewable resources, this essay also
endeavors to highlight the pressing need for a more enhanced sustainable future.
Design plays a crucial role in product creation as it is the first process where new ideas
form before they develop into a physical object. ... God as having made nature but also
having made man in his own likeness, giving him the capacity... to imagine and make
things beyond nature (R Williams, 1997:82). By having the imagination and power to
create, humans have produced an abundance of material objects to meet the constant
demands of consumers. In todays society, value retailers are now encouraging fast fashion
by constantly releasing new designs at low prices, High street brands such as Primark,
Zara and H M are just a few examples that are contributing to the mass production of
clothes. The size of the fashion industry has
Joan of Arc Essay
Joan of Arc In the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City the painting Joan of
Arc by Jules Bastien Lepage hangs in the B. Gerald Cantor Sculpture Gallery. This
Piece is rather large and was done with oil paint on canvas, its dimensions being
approximately eight feet tall with a width of ten feet. When walking toward Bastien
Lapage s painting, it s size and realism grabs one s attention, and then holds it while this
scene of Joan of Arc seems to take place right before one s eyes. The corridor where the
painting is displayed is part of the museums permanent collection. The galleryis
composed of many sculptures with paintings placed between them; almost all of the
work is French and done sometime in the 1800 s. This long... Show more content on ...
St. Michael is positioned perfectly upright with a majestic look as he is holding a
sword away from his body horizontally with both hands. His body is covered with a
golden body suit of armor except for his head, which is turned toward Joan and has a
full halo behind it. Margaret and Catherine are both wearing white silky and flowing
veils on their heads. There are white flowers in their hair, and both have golden circles
over their heads as halos. Their dresses are also flowing and painted with light pink and
blue. Margaret is positioned upright, her hands clasped by her chest, and her head to the
side looking towards Joan, while Catherine is bent over with her head facing down and
both hands over her face.

Bastien Lepage showed his ability for capturing the naturalistic look of Joan, but he
did not use this ability to its full extent with the saints. The colors used on the saints
are not quite as vivid as with Joan. Michael s golden body armor and silver sword are not
really shining at all, and all three halos seem to be placed there without any real signs of
glowing. The shadowing and detail work in their clothing and skin are also not quite as
life like as Joan. All together the three images of these saints appear to be somewhat hazy.

The rest of the painting is a landscape of Joan s garden with the back wall of her house
in the distance, and in front of the saints is a stool

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