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Description Essay Examples

Crafting an essay on the topic of "Description Essay Examples" can pose a unique set of challenges.
At first glance, the task might seem straightforward, as one might assume it involves merely
describing examples. However, the difficulty lies in the intricacies of striking a balance between
vividly illustrating the examples and providing meaningful insights.

To begin with, selecting the right examples is crucial. The choices must be compelling, relevant, and
capable of engaging the reader. This requires thorough research and a keen understanding of the
topic. It involves sifting through a multitude of potential examples, evaluating their significance, and
determining their appropriateness for the essay's purpose.

Another challenge is the art of description itself. The writer must master the skill of painting a picture
with words, appealing to the senses and emotions of the reader. This demands careful attention to
detail, precise language, and a creative approach to convey the essence of each example effectively.
Striking the right balance between providing enough detail to captivate the audience and avoiding
unnecessary verbosity can be a delicate task.

Furthermore, organizing the essay is a challenge in its own right. There must be a logical flow to the
examples, ensuring that the reader can follow the narrative seamlessly. Transitioning between
examples and weaving them into a cohesive and compelling storyline requires thoughtful planning
and execution.

Additionally, achieving originality in the essay is a hurdle. Given the familiarity of the topic,
avoiding clichГ©s and providing a fresh perspective on each example demands creativity and critical
thinking. The essay should not read like a mere compilation of facts but rather offer a unique insight
that adds value to the reader's understanding.

In conclusion, writing an essay on "Description Essay Examples" demands a blend of research skills,
creativity, and a nuanced understanding of the art of description. It's a task that involves navigating
through the challenges of selection, description, organization, and originality to deliver a compelling
and informative piece.

For those who find themselves overwhelmed by such tasks, it's worth noting that
provides a solution. Similar essays and much more can be effortlessly ordered, saving time and
ensuring the delivery of a high-quality essay.
Description Essay Examples Description Essay Examples
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Excicessing
Pharmaceutical Excipients Coprocessing

Nowadays, there is an increasing demand on multifunctional excipients that replaces the

need and use of multiple excipients. There are two ways that can fulfill this requirement,
first, the development of new excipients with new chemical entity that has good
properties including stability, flowability, compressibility, etc... and is compatible with
other excipients in the formulation and with the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API).
The second way is to make new grades of exisiting excipient, or to modify it in a way that
meets the needs of development. Excipient modifications can be categorized into
chemical and physical modifications. The chemical modification deals with chemical
reaction that add, ... Show more content on ...
Table 1 shows the general advantages and disadvantages of coprocessing. As shown in
the table, if an excipient has certain limitation such as poor flowability and
compressibility, coprocessing could be the solution to overcome this problem. On the
other hand, coprocessed excipients ratio is fixed and can t be changed. Sometimes this
ratio may be incompatible with the API or with the dose [2].
In general, coprocessing is carried out for one plastic and one brittle deforming excipient
in order to minimize the elastic energy stored during compression and to decrease
capping or lamination of the tablet, in addition, this combination is reflected positively
on the compressibility of the powder. Coprocessed excipient use in direct compression
tablet manufacturing process combines the advantages of wet granulation with the fast
processing of direct compression[6]. As mentioned above, the ratio of initial excipients
included in the coprocessed excipient is fixed, the particles of the excipient with the
lower percentage can be processed on the surface or in the core of the other excipient.
Excipients must be homogenized and then coprocessed
So This Is Nibraska
So this is Nebraska is a poem by Ted Kooser in the postmodern age. The poem had been
written in present tense, probably to emphasize the current state of rural Nebraska, which
is a small village in America.
The poem describes a Sunday afternoon in July in Nebraska and this is mentioned in the
third stanza of the poem all the other descriptive language in the poem is used to explain
this setting.
The very first paragraph is a compound complex sentence. The purpose of this is to slow
the pace of the poem. In the first line the gravel road rides, the road is being
personified, further description of telephone lines is given to create the image of a long
monotones. A visual image below of dust and redwing blackbirds exposes the reader to ...
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Tactile imagery is used with the phrase squeezing the air, this immediately makes the
reader identify with the environment and feel like he/she is there in Nebraska. In the 4th
line of this stanza anthropomorphism has been used because the meadowlarks are
waiting and the author had given them human qualities. The word waiting suggests that it
is very still and silent in Nebraska.
The fourth stanza talks about a shelterbelt of cedars and a visual image is used here to
make the trees seem big and protected. An auditory image is used to describe the staring
up of the engine of the pick up truck.
The 5th stanza the phrase you feel has been repeated several times to elaborate the
feeling that the u in the poem is yearning to feel which is laid back and care free. The
5th stanza also suggests that the u in the poem wants to fit into the environment. The
phrase tires go flat implies silence and lack of movement. The 5th stanza is also one big
long compound complex, which runs into the next stanza to slow the pace and
contribute to this feeling of silence. The tone of this stanza is laid back suggesting that
the u in the poem wants to be off card and calm. The 6th stanza starts with an
onomatopoeic word clucking to describe the various sounds in the environment. The
narrator says that the u in the poem feels like holding a skinny old man in his/her lap...
Waiting for someone to wave to.
Recluse Quotes
He lived year in and year out, covered with moss, in a remote village down in
Lincolnshire, never coming up even for the Eton and Harrow match. {PG Wodehouse})
(Someone who lives in voluntary seclusion or isolation from the public and society
/ hermit/reclusive/ isolated/ retired/ withdrawn from public life/ cloistered/ ascetic/ lazy
/ leisure/ antisocial/ loner/ solitary/mouldering/ eremite= a hermit or recluse, especially
one under a religious vow/ off the beaten track: in or into an isolated place {Oxford

I made myself reclusive at the function. (A recluse is a person who lives in voluntary
seclusion from the public and society {Wikipedia}/ describes a desire for seclusion or
privacy/ isolated/ cloistered/ solitary/ withdrawn/ ... Show more content on ...
They are humanitarians
(Implies that to apply a law to the letter, without taking any extenuating circumstances
onto account, is a form of injustice)

Too far east if west

From the sublime to the ridiculous is only a step

Extremes are dangerous

A balanced diet is a cookie in both hands


When the wine is in, the wit is out

Drunkenness does not produce faults; it discovers them

When wine sinks, words swim

Wine does not intoxicate men: men intoxicate themselves

Bacchus has drowned more men than Neptune

Water is the king of food

Adam s ale (water) is the best brew

Of all victuals, drink digests the quickest

Dieting is just wishful shrinking

Why buy a cow when milk is so
Planet Nine Research Paper
Planet Nine is a hypothetical large planet in the far outer Solar System, the gravitational
effects of which would explain the improbable orbital configuration of a group of trans
Neptunian objects (TNOs) that orbit mostly beyond the Kuiper belt.

Planet Nine does not have an official name, and it will not receive one unless its
existence is confirmed, typically through optical imaging. Once confirmed, the IAU will
certify a name, with priority typically given to a name proposed by its discoverers. It will
likely be a name chosen from Roman or Greek mythology.

The newest, potential member of the solar system , Planet Nine may have tilted the entire
solar system, researchers say.
On january 12 2016, astronomers revealed evidence for the ... Show more content on ...
This discrepancy has long been a mystery in astronomy.
Bailey and her colleagues ran computer simulations that suggest that the tilt of the eight
official planets can be explained by the gravitational influence of Planet Nine over the
4.5 billion years ish lifetime of the solar system, Bailey mentioned.
Bailey did note that there are other potential explanations for the tilt of the solar system.
One alternative is that electrically charged particles influenced by the young sun s
magnetic field could have interacted with the disk of gas and dust that gave rise to the
planets in ways that tilted the solar system. Another possibility is that there might have
been an imbalance in the mass of the nascent sun s core.
However, all these other ways to explain why the solar system is tilted are really hard
to test they all invoke processes that were possibly present really early in the solar
system, Bailey said. Planet Nine is the first thing that has been proposed to tilt the
solar system that doesn t depend on early conditions, so if we find Planet Nine, we will
be able to see if it s the only thing responsible for the tilt, or if anything else may have
played a
Environmental Threats To The United States
There are many problems facing the world today. One of the biggest issues facing future
state leaders is the management of environmental threats to the United States land, water
and air quality. Combating pollution in our area will take more than picking up
discarded trash from the sides of our roadways; it means looking to the water and air, as
well as the land. Davidson County in Tennessee alone hosts approximately 2,500 total
miles of streams. Of these, an astounding 350 miles were placed on the Environmental
Protection Agency s (EPA) list of impaired waters in 2009 meaning that pollutionhas
altered properties of the water to the extent that it does not meet quality standards and
cannot meet its designated uses. Pollutants such as... Show more content on ...
Curbside Composting: The program caters to more than 5,000 commercial participants
and many thousands of domestic households. Compost items include food waste, used
paper products and garden clippings, all of which are transported to the Jepson Prairie
Organics composting plant where they are reduced to a rich compost material. This
material is then used by farms and vineyards as fertilizer to provide nutrients for plant
life. This decreases the amount of trash in landfills and also gives back to the farmers
which produces food. This has already been adopted by many cities across America and
will continue to grow.

Ocean Cleanup: Founder and CEO of The Ocean Cleanup, Boyan Slat, announced that
his organization will be deploying a world first by next year the first system to safely
remove plastic waste from oceans. The structure he has designed will float, buffered
along by the oceans currents, and snare plastics and other debris, which will then be
picked up via a conveyor belt. At over 2,000 meters (6,561 feet), this debris trapping
system will be the longest floating structure in the ocean. The Ocean Cleanup plans to
deploy the floating structure off the coast of Japan in early 2016, where it will be in
operation for at least two
Chinese Current Event Research Paper
Jessica Grassano
Chinese Current Event

A recent study found that an average 1.6 million people die every year in China because
of the growing smog and manmade air pollution that clouds over the country. While
global warming and reducing our carbon footprint has become an almost world wide
effort, China has been one of the main countries associated with pollution especially air
pollution or smog. A research team based out of California discovered that a majority of
people in China are breathing unhealthy air because of the pollution mainly due to China
s coal factories. The smog has also been related to diseases such as cancer which has
killed tens of thousands of Chinese people. Even with the evidence and studies
conducted, the Chinese

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