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Concept Essay Ideas

Writing an essay on the topic of "Concept Essay Ideas" can be a challenging task, requiring a
combination of creativity, critical thinking, and effective communication skills. The difficulty lies in
the abstract nature of the topic itself; it calls for the exploration and elucidation of concepts that may
be intangible or complex.

To start, one must carefully choose and define a concept to focus on, considering its significance,
relevance, and potential for exploration. The challenge intensifies as the writer attempts to convey
abstract ideas in a clear and engaging manner, ensuring that the readers can grasp the intricacies of the
chosen concept. It demands a careful balance between depth and accessibility, making the essay
intellectually stimulating while maintaining clarity.

Moreover, the process involves extensive research to provide a comprehensive understanding of the
chosen concept. The writer must delve into various sources, extracting relevant information,
examples, and perspectives to support their arguments and enhance the essay's credibility. This
research-intensive aspect adds another layer of complexity to the task.

Crafting a coherent structure is crucial, as the essay should unfold logically, guiding the reader
through the exploration of the concept. Developing a thesis statement that encapsulates the essence
of the essay and weaving it seamlessly throughout the text requires careful thought and refinement.

Furthermore, achieving a nuanced analysis and interpretation of the concept can be daunting. It
demands the ability to think critically, consider different angles, and present a well-rounded
perspective. The writer must anticipate potential counterarguments and address them effectively,
contributing to the overall depth of the essay.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Concept Essay Ideas" is a challenging endeavor that
demands a blend of creativity, analytical skills, and effective communication. The writer must
navigate the abstract nature of the chosen concept, conduct thorough research, and present a well-
structured and nuanced exploration. Despite the difficulty, the end result can be immensely
rewarding, offering valuable insights and contributing to the broader understanding of the chosen

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing challenges, various resources are
available, including professional writing services like , where expert writers can
provide support in crafting well-researched and well-written essays.
Concept Essay Ideas Concept Essay Ideas
Counselling Case Study by Silva
Counselling case study
Jayadeva de Silva.M.Sc, FIPM.FITD

Let me introduce Bandara. Bandara has been working as the number two in a medium
sized organization for ten years. It has always been intimated that when Jeremy his boss
retires or leaves, Bandara will slip into the number one position and lead the
organization. Barry has always had some clear ideas on how he is going to take the
organization forward when Jeremy is not there; ideas that have not been taken up in the

Life being perverse, it had been decided to advertise the job externally and guess what? A
better candidate came up who has now been in post for three weeks. Bandera s new boss
is a great guy, very friendly and supportive . . . but, he is not Barry. ... Show more content
on ...
Counsellor: Bandara, if I were in your position, what would you advise me to do?

Well done again counsellor. Getting an objective view on this.

Bandara: Well that is simple. Think through the ideas you have always had, refine them
and get them out of your head and onto paper (or a Word document). Not too long. Do
not spend too much time on it and keep it very brief an overview. Arrange to see the
new number one, preferably off site at a neutral venue, and tell him that you have always
had these ideas but never shared then and you would now like to share them and if
anything was that good, maybe the organization can adopt them.

You will either get an acceptance, in which case you will achieve what you have always
wanted or you will have a debate as to what can or cannot be adopted and you will have
at least cleared the air for yourself.
Counsellor: So Bandara what are you going to do?

Bandara: Crafty you have got me to resolve my own dilemma. Clearly, I shall take my
own advice and do just what I have recommended.

Thanks sir. I have gone from tragic to magic as Walt Disney would say and it s all down
to you. Thanks.

Not crafty, just a great counselling session. The counsellor was faced with what
appeared to be a somewhat intractable problem which was solved by some excellent
Identity vs. Role Confusion Essay
In today s Western society, self identity and social roles are important dimensions that
are at times challenging to face. Social roles have always been a fundamental part of
society and yet as time goes on, it seems to be increasingly difficult to understand. As
discussed in class, in the medieval period, people were assigned roles based on family
status. In modern days, however, societal roles have expanded and opportunities are
endless, which raises the question: Is there more uncertainty about identityin modern
society? In entering adolescence, people heavily contemplate their ego identity. In the
early 1900s, theorist Erik Eriksonbelieved in eight stages of ego development from birth
to death. For the purpose of this paper I have... Show more content on ...
Exploring different aspects of yourself in the different areas of life has never been so
pertinent. As previously mentioned, there has undoubtedly been a shift of roles when
comparing the past to the present. Traditionally speaking, men and women s roles have
been that of providers and nurturers respectively. Although through time, these
traditional mentalities have transformed, allowing for more possibilities. Even though
men s roles have altered, women have emancipated themselves from a very narrow
view of appropriate social norms and can now enjoy the freedom to choose from an
array of roles. The quest for self identity is very significant in this time of my life,
which is the reason I have chosen this topic for my project. I am a definite opportunist
and I seize every occasion if the possibility of learning something new arises. Although it
is very exciting to experience moratorium, it is also at times stressful and daunting
having to continuously explore different roles and opportunities. Along with my peers, I
am attempting to resolve many existential dilemmas such as What career path should I
follow? or What roles apply to me? These questions give rise to the feeling of identity
uncertainty and role confusion. Coming from an art background, I felt most comfortable
expressing myself through sketch. Therefore, I chose to convey my internal struggles
through a drawing of a ballerina who is surrounded by my inner thoughts. The
How Surface Conditions Affected Temperature, Moisture,
The objective of this lab was to observe how surface conditions affected Temperature,
moisture, and wind.
The materials that were used to complete this lab was an instruction packet, probe
thermometer, IR gun, the Kestrel weather instrument, and a finger.
For this lab my classmates and I all had to go to different locations to collect the data
that was needed. Some of us were out in the sun, others were in the shade so we all got
different answers on our sheet. For my location I was out in front of the Center for
Environmental and Life Sciences (CELS). At that location we looked at three sub
location for our data, there were the grass, mulch, and rocks. The sites had many
characteristics but the three that my group choose to focus on was the location had direct
sun light that happened to be shining from the right side. The wind was blowing at CELS
but it felt like it had a tunnel breeze. The last thing that we said was it had a very
diverse landscape. We also gave characteristics for the three sub locations that we
observed. For number one we looked at the grass and it was yellow with wet soil.
Number two was the mulch and it was black, brown, and dry. Number three was the
rocks and they were large, smooth, and greyish. The characteristics of the three sub
locations affected out data in many different ways.
For my three locations the surface temperature was greater than the air temperature. I
would expect that because the surface is absorbing
Weimar Influence On Germany
The German army (The Reichswehr) contributed to the considerable social, political and
economic changes that took place in Germany between 1919 and 1934. The German
army was one of the strongest nationalistic organisations in the country following WWI
and became essential in the Weimar Republic, providing defense against revolutionary
communist forces in the early stages of the democracy. However, while the German army
aided in preventing the success of communist uprisings and the strong right wing
situations that prevented the attacks on the right wing assaults, Weimar militarism was a
key contributing factor to increasing political chaos surrounding the final moments of the
Weimar democracy.

The social influence of the signing of The Treaty ... Show more content on ...
Weimar Germany came into power in an environment of severe external pressure,
creating a political crisis. Political betrayal and injustice trigged revolutionary coups
throughout 1920 that intended to bring about the downfall of the Weimar Republic. The
political issues led to the rise of Hitler and strengthening of the right, which the
development of a powerful military state was altered by need of Hitler for the Army in
order to remain in power. The Rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party was promised the
development of a powerful military state with the incorporation of building up the
army despite restrictions placed by Allies. Adolf Hitler knew that he needed support of
the German army to remain in power. The political party was an anti Marxist and
opposed to the democratic post war government of the Weimar Republic and the
Treaty of Versailles. The army budget increased 75% in the period between 1923 6 due
to the political influence from Seeckt. Hindenburg the major army leader oversaw a
situation that implied a threat that led Hitler to order the Night of the Long Knives ,
which saw dozens of people arrested and killed. The Reichswehr leadership was
conciliated and their confidence in Hitler reinforced, all those who would like to fight us,
now serve us in the Reichswehr . Hitler however achieved army support, which
eliminated the potential threat
End of Life
End of Life Nursing
Donnie Barnes
Oklahoma Wesleyan University

End of Life Nursing

Every life will end in death. It can happen anywhere or anytime along the human
lifespan, but it will definitely happen. Death is never an event in life that is encouraged
or hope for, however when faced with impending end of life circumstances, it can be
faced with dignity and decency.
Many people associate end of life care with treating physical pain and discomfort. While
that is an important part, complete end of life (EOL) care also includes helping the
dying person manage mental and emotional distress. An elder who is nearing the end of
life who is alert might understandably feel depressed or anxious. Encourage
conversations, so the elder has an ... Show more content on ...
338). Also, it is important to remember that family caregivers are unpaid providers who
often need help to learn how to become competent in their delivery of care, while at the
same time exercise safety to protect themselves, other family members, as well as the
patient. The experienced nurse must always be an available resource when needed. The
family caregiver must also be responsible enough to know their boundaries and when it
is appropriate to ask for assistance.
According to the Journal of Nurse Practitioners (2009), one common nursing diagnosis
related to end of life care is ineffective family coping related to prolonged disease
/disability progression that exhausts the supportive capacity of significant persons. Some
nursing interventions that can be employed towards this diagnosis are 1. Determine the
level of impairment of perceptual, cognitive, and/or physical abilities of the patient. 2.
Evaluate illness and current behaviors that are interfering with the care of the patient. 3.
Establish rapport and acknowledge difficulty of the situation for the family. 4. Involve
significant other in information giving, problem solving, and care of patient as feasible.
Instruct in medication administration techniques, needed treatments, and ascertain
adeptness with required equipment, and 5. Include all family members as appropriate in
discussions. Provide and/or reinforce information about terminal illness and/or death and
future family needs (p.
Ikea Brand
IKEA has created a global brand focused on low prices and contemporary designs. In
2009, Interbrand ranked IKEA 28th on its list of the top 100 global brands (# 35 in
2008 indicating 10% increase in brand value over just year). IKEA s success is attributed
to its vast experience in the furniture retail market, its product differentiation and cost
leadership. The brandIkea has become iconic in consumers minds. CEO, Anders
Dahlvig, states the awareness of our brand is much bigger than the size of our company
(Kling, K Goteman, I., 2003). IKEA is growing aggressively around the world and at
each of the store openings there are wacky promotions. For example, at an Atlanta store
opening (2005), the company offered a $4,000 gift... Show more content on ...
As IKEA is expanding rapidly around the globe, it faces a number of challenges in
terms of varied cultural, demographic and market specific needs. The one design suits
all global expansion strategy might not be suited for the culturally diverse markets, yet
the brand is perceived in a similar way by the customers around the globe exhibiting
low price as the core brand value. As IKEA expands globally, the branding strategies
revolve around providing value (quality and design) to the customers at affordable
prices. References Capell, K. ( November 14, 2005). Ikea, How the Swedish Retailer
Became a Global Cult Brand, Business Week, pp. 96 101. Retrieved from http:/
/ Lee, S. (2007). IKEA:
A Branded Experience Is More Important Than Customer Centricity. Retrieved from
Essay On Telemedicine Improving Quality Of Care In
Telemedicine Improving Quality of Care in Obstetrics

When a woman finds out that she is pregnant she becomes overwhelmed with emotions,
worries and a busy schedule compiled with numerous doctor visits. As a working
mother to be it can be hard to find time off of work to make it to and from every
appointment, especially when appointments are once a month. This is just for a woman
with a healthy pregnancy, with no complications. A low risk obstetric patient usually has
12 14 prenatal visits, depending on when they start their prenatal care and when they
deliver. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) has a
recommended schedule for prenatal care. ACOG recommends that patients are seen
monthly from weeks 8 28, every ... Show more content on ...
It also allows the patient the opportunity to ask the physician about any questions or
concerns she may have, at the same time, the physician can talk to the patient asking her
any additional information that may be needed. Through telemedicine, the physician
can review the digital ultrasound in real time on the monitor and can direct the
sonographer to obtain additional views or to capture a specific image, if needed. These
live scans allow the physician and patient to view the image together and discuss any
concerns that may arise. Other specialists will be able to join in on the video conference
if needed, such as a diabetic educator and genetic counselor.
Many women are diagnosed with gestational diabetes mellitus during pregnancy.
Pregnancy complicated with GDM is accompanied by risks of adverse maternal and
fetal outcomes including preeclampsia, cesarean delivery, excessive fetal growth, and
shoulder dystocia (Harrison et al., 2016, p. 351). Because of these risks these women
need to be followed closely and counseled on how to achieve and maintain glycemic
control. This is done by providing patient education, lifestyle modifications, glucose
monitoring, and use of insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents when indicated (Harrison et
al., p. 351). All of this can lead to an increase in office visits for these individuals. In a
How Did David Berkowitz Commit Crime
David berkowitz was an american serial killer during the 1970 s. He killed six victims

and wounded seven others by July 1977. As the toll mounted, Berkowitz eluded a massive

police manhunt while leaving brazen letters that mocked the police and promised further

crimes, highly publicized in the press. He terrorized New York and achieved worldwide

notoriety.He was known as the son of sam or the 44 caliber killer. in the mid 1970s,

Berkowitz started to commit violent crimes. He bungled a first attempt at murder using a

knife, then switched to firearms and began a lengthy crime spree throughout the New

boroughs of Queens, Brooklyn, and the Bronx. He was apparently a misogynist and

out young female victims. He was ... Show more content on ...
David berkowitz was arrested by new york city poilce in August 1977 and was indicted
for eight shooting incidents.

he confessed to all of them and claimed to have been obeying the orders of demon ,

manifested in the form of a dog (harvey)who belonged to his neighbor (sam).

despite his explanation, berkowitz was found mentally competent and incarcerated

in state prison for murders In the course of further police investigation, Berkowitz was

implicated in many unsolved arsons in the city.

Intense coverage of the case by the media lent a kind of celebrity status to Berkowitz, and

observers noted indignantly that he appeared to enjoy it. In response, the New York State

legislature enacted new legal statutes, known popularly as son of sams law , designed to

keep criminals from profiting financially from the publicity surrounding their crimes.

various amendments and legal challenges, the statutes have remained law in New York,
and similar laws have been enacted in several other states.
Berkowitz has been imprisoned since his arrest and is serving six life sentences

consecutively. In the mid 1990s, he amended his confession to claim that he had been

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