Critical Writing Examples Essay

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Critical Writing Examples Essay

Undertaking the task of composing an essay on the subject of "Critical Writing Examples" proves to
be a challenging endeavor. The difficulty lies not only in the intricacies of critical writing itself but
also in the comprehensive understanding required to exemplify its nuances effectively.

Critical writing demands a profound grasp of the topic under scrutiny, coupled with the ability to
dissect and analyze various components critically. Crafting an essay that not only illustrates the
principles of critical writing but also provides compelling examples requires a meticulous approach.
One must navigate through a myriad of literary works, scholarly articles, and diverse perspectives to
unearth examples that aptly showcase the art of critical evaluation.

Furthermore, the challenge lies in striking the right balance between exposition and analysis. A
successful essay on critical writing examples should not merely showcase examples but also delve
into the underlying methodologies, theories, and ideologies that inform the critical approach. This
necessitates a keen eye for detail and an aptitude for synthesizing information from disparate sources.

The task is further complicated by the need to present a coherent and well-structured argument.
Critical writing is not just about pointing out flaws or strengths; it involves constructing a persuasive
narrative that guides the reader through a thoughtful exploration of the subject matter. This requires
careful planning, organization, and a mastery of language to articulate ideas concisely and

In conclusion, composing an essay on "Critical Writing Examples" is a formidable challenge that

demands a combination of research skills, analytical thinking, and eloquent expression. It requires
navigating a complex landscape of literature and ideas, synthesizing diverse viewpoints, and
presenting a cohesive argument. Despite its difficulties, successfully crafting such an essay can be
immensely rewarding, showcasing not only one's writing prowess but also a deep understanding of
critical thinking.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other writing challenges, it's worth exploring
services like , where expert writers can provide guidance and support in navigating
the intricacies of academic writing.
Critical Writing Examples EssayCritical Writing Examples Essay
Case study of Boeing Dreamliner
Title of case: Boeing 787 Dreamliner
Critical Facts:
Boeing is the world s largest manufacturer of military and commercial aircraft, which
was founded in 1916 by William Boeing and Navy Engineer Conrad Westervelt in the
name of Pacific Aero Products Company in Seattle, which after active participation in
World war I was renamed to Boeing Airplane Company (Frederick, 2014).
Boeing produced several hundreds of B 17 Flying fortress during World War II which
became the U.S Bomber. In 1950 s Boeing faced a tough competition from its opponent
McDonnell Douglas which was good at manufacturing propeller aircraft. Due to the
increased reputation of its competitor, Boeing entered into the field of manufacturing
commercial Jet aircrafts in a ... Show more content on ...
Because of this tool, Boeing wanted to collaborate its partners planning schedules and
progress in work so as to ensure that no delay in manufacturing. But Exostar which
opted by Boeing posed problems during its runtime. Also as a part of cultural difference
and due to lack of trust on other suppliers some of the vendors involved in 787 design
did not input accurate and timely information. As a result of this inaccurate information
Boeing had not discovered the problems at the early stages and in a timely fashion
(Zhao, 2012).
Boeing during 2003 lost its share value to Airbus which is a strong opponent to it
(Boeing Corporation, 2014). In order to regain its value in the market Boeing decided
to design an aircraft by enhancing its customers. So in the process of designing a new
aircraft Boeing decided to use composite carbon fiber instead of regular aluminum to
an large extent which had not been implemented in the past. Because of this composite
fibers Boeing estimated to decrease the cost of travel for its passengers and to increase
fuel efficiency. But this step backfired in getting air bubbles on the skin of fuselage and
nose during assembling of aircraft which resulted in delay of 787 Dreamliner (Pearlson
Saunders, 2013)
Boeing in the process of reduction in time and cost it opted a supply chain process in
which it adopted from Toyota. Toyota manufactures its products with short development
life cycle with minimal risk and cost. Boeing in
The Roots Of Sonata
The Roots of Sonata The name Sonata or known as first movement appeared in the early
17th century, when instrumental music began to separate instrument or composition of
the piece from vocal music. Sonata means a work to be played, which is derived from
the Italian word suonare. At first, Sonata formis made for dance movements and used as a
church music, but eventually this form changed and became really popular among
composers of classical music from the 17th century until the early 20th century. Sonata
itself consists of three parts. First, exposition which is the introduction of the theme of
the music and is sometimes split into two parts. The second part is a reflection of the
first part of the piece. Usually in this section, the pattern will repeat itself. The second
part is development where the music is developed, in exploration. This is usually the
part that feels different from the other sonatas. This section is allowed to change the key
signature and time signature (Hepokoski Darcy, 2006). The third part is recapitulation.
This is the stage of completion of the sonata. In this stage, the section of a movement in
which the keys and the themes in the exposition and development part are repeated then
combine to the final coda (Hepokoski Darcy, 2006). Moreover, the historical
development of the Sonata form is divided into three parts Baroque era, Classical era,
and Romantic era. Every part of the Sonata form has itself unique characteristics.
Factors That Affect The Child
A child is somebody under the age of 18 who is dependent on their parents. According
to the NSPCC, the UN Convention on the rights states that a child is anybody under the
age of 18. All around the world the age of a child depends on the culture in which the
child is born into. In some societies, they believe that children are socially constructed
which relates to the historical, cultural and social factors. It depends on where the childis
born for their construction and what it means to the child, this then relates to the birth
lottery. The birth lottery can cause problems for the child which could affect their life
chances. There are three factors that could affect the child; economical factors (this
concerns a lot of the time money and social status), cultural factors (religion and
ethnicity) and social factors (social class). All three of theses factors can impact the child
massively, again it depends on the birth lottery; where the child is born; what the race
of the child is; whether the child is born into poverty or wealth and also the gender of
the child. A lot of things goes off children s parents so, for example, social mobility,
where it goes off the parent s income and social status, the child just follows their
parents. Low income can affect the child s health, living and education. If children living
in poverty it could mean they are dealing with harsh experiences. In the UK alone there
is 3.9 million children living in poverty (Child Poverty
Examples Of Figurative Language In Once More To The Lake
Once More to The Lake Figurative Language In the essay Once More to The Lake by
E.B. White, figurative language allows the reader to more successfully visualize the
central idea of progress and change. Progress can be seen as a form of change that is
advancing forward. It can either be physical such as how far an object is in relation to
where it started and where it needs to end up. On the other hand, progress can also hold
mental implications of the same caliber like how much someone s mind has advanced in
intellectual aspects. White shows the reader his fictional character s thought process by
morphing one thing into something entirely different. In this case, that thing is the reader
s view on progress, and the way the morphing ... Show more content on
This is prominently seen in the passage, Summertime, oh summertime, pattern of life
indelible, the fade proof lake, the woods unshatterable, the pasture with the sweetfern and
the juniper forever and ever, summer without end. In this passage, White uses metaphors
to describe the lake and the woods; he uses more hyperboles to exaggerate the general
magnitude of life, sweetfern, juniper, and summer. He not only tells the reader how the
setting looks, but he also shows it with figurative
Rq How Does Different Wavelengths Of Light Affect The
Absorption spectra of chlorophyll

RQ How does different wavelengths of light affect the rate of photosynthesis?

Background information
Photosynthesis is an enzyme controlled process where autotrophs convert light energy to
chemical energy. This chemical energy is stored in the form of organic compounds i.e.
carbohydrates. Carbon dioxide + water + light energy в†’ carbohydrate + oxygen
Photosynthesis is performed differently in different organisms, however the initial stage
is always the same that is, and energy from light is absorbed from proteins called reaction
centres, which contain green chlorophyll pigments, which are present inside chloroplasts.
It is this organelle which allows this process to occur in certain organisms. Pigments
inside chloroplasts absorb the light. There are three types of pigment which allows the
absorption of light of different wavelength, chlorophyll A, chlorophyll B and
Carotenoids. They absorb light energy and thus help in initiation of the process through
excitation of electron in the photosystem. Light coming from sun have rays of different
colour of different wavelengths and the amount of light absorbed from chlorophyll might
alter the rate of photosynthesis. To understand which wavelength chlorophyll absorbs the
most we have to study the absorption spectra of chlorophyll. ... Show more content on ...
Hypothesis I predict that blue light will be absorbed the most hence will have the
highest rate of photosynthesis as it has the shortest wavelength which means it will the
most energy. The least rate would be in green because chlorophyll reflect green light
and doesn t absorb it that is the reason plants appear green to us. Yellow and orange will
have moderate rate as they have moderate energy levels. However red will have high
rate as chlorophyll is able to absorb red light efficiently.
How To Write A Story Chapter 1
I needed to assess the situation. I thought back to the time when I was with Salim at
the eye and realized that I never saw him get on the Eye. If we couldn t see Salim
come out of the capsule and he wasn t still in it, then that means he never got in it! I
immediately shared my brilliance with Kat. But why would he not get on? Maybe
because the ticket wasn t his! The real question is where he went. I sprinted to the
security guardby the gate to the eye with Kat close behind. Did you see a young man,
about 10 years old, wearing a green t shirt and a pair of blue jeans around here? Yeah.
Andy, the head guard took him to the police station for using a fake ticket. Did you
know him? Kat and I started to jog towards the police... Show more content on ...
The alarm was blaring louder now. I was hyperventilating and worried. I pulled him out
and started to run home with Kat and Salim when we stopped dead in our tracks.
A man stood in front of us. Another stranger. Couldn t trust him, couldn t trust the man
who gave Salim the ticket. We can t trust anyone that we didn t know.
As I looked at the man he had an innocent aura around him, but I had a feeling he was
going to call the guards on us. We stood there for a couple of moments, just staring at
each other. Suddenly I could feel the tugging of Salim and Kat. I snapped back into
action and started to sprint.
I looked back and could see and hear the man shouting. It can t be long before someone
comes to get us. Around the corner of the building I could see the guard, presumably
Andy running towards us and gaining. The security guard looked as scary as a biker. I
dragged Salim to an alleyway with Kat close behind. I jumped up on the fence and tried
to vault over it but failed miserably. I could hear it laughing at me like I was a clown in
a circus. Scrunched up my face and tried once more. I could hear shouting and glanced
behind me to see him getting closer.
I finally got over and could see Salim and Kat at the end of the alley. Come on! Salim
shouted as he rounded the corner. My chest was heaving by the time I reached them. We
ran to the stairway to the subway and peered out to see if Andy had followed us.
Andy gave a few glances
Optimism And Pessimism In The Great Gatsby
I believe that the three texts that I have studied contained moments of optimism and
pessimism which in turn have shaped my opinion of the general vision and viewpoint.
This alludes to the feelings and emotions portrayed through the omniscient camera in The
King s Speech , the morally inclined narrator Nick Caraway in The Great Gatsbyand the
protagonist in the novel Foster . I was very intrigued to find out more about these
societies and the vision the author/director hoped to convey.

The Great Gatsby opens in the boom years in the summer of 1922, commonly known as
the Jazz Age . The opening is conveyed as a mix of optimism and pessimism. At first we
are introduced to Nick Caraway,
A young man in the bond business who is ebullient ... Show more content on ...
In T.K.S, Bertie faced a barbaric upbringing which he solemnly shared with Logue.
This is evident when he revealed how cruel his nanny was, tunelessly singing She
pinch me so I d cry, and be sent away at once, then she wouldn t feed me, far far away.
(speaks) Took three years for my parents to notice. As you can imagine, it caused some
stomach problems. This left me feeling much more sympathetic towards Bertie and
further implemented my pessimistic opinion of the portrayal of children in the past.
This is also seen in T.G.G as Pammy, Daisy s daughter is only seen once during the
entire 1920 s novel and we realise that she, like Bertie, had nannies who took care off
her rather than her parents. A sense of negativity is also conveyed towards children
here as Gatsby ,when first introduced to Pammy, was described as looking at the child
with surprise. I don t think he had ever believed in its existence. she is described as an
it and Gatsby then realises that he can t repeat the past with Daisy and that his
obsessive longing for her was a waste of time. I believe that this pessimistic feeling
was a factor in his volatility towards Tom in the Plaza. Similarly in Foster , Mildred
like a predator, pounced on the innocent protagonist and questioned her about the
Kinsella s personal affairs such as where does the old dog sleep, Is she allowed to
spend.... . Mildred then inconsiderately informed the little girl of the Kinsella s boy s
passing, stating sure didn t he follow that auld hound of theirs into the slurry tank and
drown...... The soft hearted fool. in a callous tone. Personally I feel that each of the
narrators set out to portray children s lives in a negative
Why Is Gun Safety Important
Gun Safety Gun safety is knowing how to use and what to do with a gun and keeping
them away from people who do not know what to do with a gun and could possibly
misuse it. Gun safety was brought to attention when more kids started killed themselves
from the gun not being kept safe. This could involve someone you know and could
resolve in their death. Gunsafety should be influenced by keeping them in a safe and
educating people about them, if not, someone could be charged with murder, even if
they re not the one who pulled the trigger. Guns need to be in a safe away from
children. Children under age 12 die from gun accidents in the U.S. about once a week, on
average (Martelle). Almost every death begins with the same basic circumstances:
Gilgamesh Archetypal Hero
Gilgamesh is often characterized as the archetypal hero s story. But is Gilgamesh
truly a hero? Some would call him a villain which side do you take? In Gilgamesh
chapter one talks about how Gilgamesh is terrifying and overpowering. He sacrifices
warriors whenever he feels like fighting. He also rapes his noble wives and takes
whatever he wants from people and doesn t feel bad. He also tramples and kills anyone
who gets in his way. In the book an old man named Urule states, A king is supposed to
protect his subjects like a shepherd, not harass them like a wild ox. The gods then
listened and then told the god of creation Aruru since she made Gilgamesh, that she must
make someone strong enough to stand up against him. The god of... Show more content
on ...
Enkidu is incensed and travels to Uruk to intervene at the wedding. When Gilgamesh
attempts to visit the wedding chamber, Enkidu blocks his way and they fight.
The elders give advice for is journey. Gilgamesh visits his mother the goddess Ninsun,
who seeks the support and protection of the sun god Shamash for their adventure. Ninsun
adopts Enkidu as her son and Gilgamesh leaves instruction for the governance of Uruk in
his absence.
To conclude the story Gilgamesh, it was a hard and understanding book that had lots
of big words. The book Gilgamesh is a story continued by books called Aneid and the
Odyssey. The book the Gilgamesh is one of the best poems that is written but is really
long. It has war scenes, love scenes and other interesting parts that make it a nice story.
Gilgamesh is a good guy when it comes to the last half of the story but in the first half
he does bad things. What made Gilgamesh an overall good person is how he repaid his
people of all the wrong doings that he had done in the past. Also Gilgamesh is really
smart when it came to

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