Educational and Career Goals Essay

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Educational And Career Goals Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of "Educational and Career Goals" can be a challenging yet rewarding
task. It requires introspection, thoughtful planning, and the ability to articulate your aspirations
clearly. The difficulty lies in effectively conveying your educational and career ambitions while
demonstrating a strong connection between your past experiences, current skills, and future

Crafting a compelling essay involves presenting a well-defined roadmap for your academic and
professional journey. It necessitates aligning your goals with the specific attributes of the educational
program or career path you are targeting. Articulating your vision requires a delicate balance between
being ambitious and realistic, showcasing your passion and determination without sounding overly

Moreover, the essay should not only outline your goals but also explain why those goals are
meaningful to you and how they contribute to your personal and professional development. This
depth of reflection adds complexity to the writing process, as it involves exploring your values,
interests, and motivations.

Furthermore, maintaining clarity and coherence in the essay is crucial. The challenge is to organize
your thoughts logically, ensuring a smooth flow that captivates the reader's attention from the
introduction to the conclusion. Additionally, the essay should avoid clichГ©s and generic statements,
as these can weaken the impact of your message.

In essence, writing an essay on educational and career goals demands self-awareness, strategic
thinking, and effective communication skills. It is an exercise in self-expression that requires time and
effort to achieve a balance between aspiration and feasibility, passion and pragmatism.

On a related note, for those who find the task overwhelming or seek professional assistance, there
are services like that provide support in crafting essays, including those related to
educational and career goals. These platforms can offer valuable guidance and resources to enhance
the quality of your essay and increase your chances of presenting a compelling narrative.
Educational And Career Goals Essay Educational And Career Goals Essay
Synthesis Essay On War On Drugs
On June 17, 1971, nearly 50 years ago, Richard Nixon declared his plan for a war
against what he addressed as public enemy number one : drug abuse. His plan was to
prohibit drugs and their use and obliterate all of the negative effects they have on our
nation. However, as it is clear now 46 years later, this plan was far from well executed
and overall unsuccessful. The prohibitionof drugs, better known as the War on Drugs,
instead of reducing the use of these substances, has increased the occurrences of their
use. The adverse effects of these potentially dangerous substances could be avoided
simply by legalizing its use. The policy that was created by Nixon 46 years ago has not
been changed or even altered since. Times have changed and it is clear that America s
DrugPolicy needs to be modernized for the world we live in... Show more content on ...
It is clear that since these laws were created, little progress has been made. Reforms on
these out of date drug laws that are ineffective are necessary. August Vollmer, known to
be the Father of Law Enforcement, wrote a book, Police and Modern Society,
supporting his ideologies and the things he has learned during his years of service in the
Berkeley police force. He says, Stringent laws, vigorous prosecution, and imprisonment of
addicts and peddlers have proved not only useless and enormously expensive as a means
of correcting this evil, but they are also unjustifiably and unbelievably cruel in their
application to the unfortunate drug victims. Rather than imprisoning these troubled
individuals who have nowhere else to turn and need help, we should be assisting them
through rehabilitation and medical care. Therefore, we could be able to this could
drastically reduce crime and improve health by treating drug use as a health issue rather
than criminalising
Extraction Lab Report
Aleigha Spaulding
Joseph Osazee
10 6 15


This report presents the percentage recoveries found when using the solid liquid and
liquid liquid extraction techniques to extract a strong acid, weak acid, base, and neutral
compound from a mixture. During the solid liquid section of the experiment, 0.5 M
NaHCO , 0.5 M NaOH, 0.5 M HCl, and distilled water are used to dissolve and separate
the acid, phenol, and amine solutions from the mixture, leaving the neutral compound
remaining. After adding 3 M HCl to the acid and phenol solutions and3 M NaOH to the
amine solution, the solutions and solids formed were filtered and the percent recovery
of each was calculated. The percent recovery was around a range of 20 % to 22 % for
the acid, phenol, and amine, but the neutral had a much higher percentage about 60 %.
After using similar techniques for the liquid liquid extraction section of the experiment,
removing the clear lower layer of the two immiscible liquids each time, the percent
recovery was around 50 % 55% for the acid and neutral. The percentages for the phenol
and amine were lower. In both sections of the experiment, some percentage of the acid,
phenol, amine, and neutral compounds was recovered, so that part of the experiment was

Extraction is defined as a process for separation of compounds in a mixture based on
difference in their solubility. Extractions have been in use for centuries, and there are
Similarities Between Human Trafficking And Violence...
Defining the Problem
According to, Violence against women:global scope and magnitude, the United Nations
Office on Drugs and Crime defines human trafficking as the recruitment, transportation,
transfer, harbouring or recipt of persons, by menas of the threat or use of force or other
forms of coercion, of abuction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a
position of vulnerability or of the giving or recievne of payments or benefits to achieve
the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of
exploitation: including the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of
sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery,
servitude or the removal ... Show more content on ...
S.47 provides up to date training for law enforcement officials to combat violence
against women, improves government services and healthcare programs providing
counseling and services for victims of domestic abuse, dating violence, sexual assault,
and stalking, as well as promte and provide adequate justice and protecting for young
victims (S.47,2013). This bill will also provide protection for battered immigrants and
provide economic security for victims of violence
The Glass-Steagall Act Pecora 1970
The Glass Steagall Act was primarily introduced to avoid conflicts of interest. Banks
offering investment banking services and mutual funds were accused of various abuses
and were subject to conflicts of interest. The most essential source supporting the
enactment of the Banking Act of 1933 was Pecora s hearing in front of the US Senate
Committee on Banking and Currency in February 1933 (Benston, 1990, P. 43). For
Pecora and other opponents, only the strict legal separation of commercial and
investment banking could fully eliminate the conflict of interest between serving a
customer and promoting the sales of securities (Pecora, 1939, P. 88).
In general, conflicts of interest are likely whenever an institution or an individual is
serving two ... Show more content on ...
They compared default rates of 1926 1930, when bank affiliates and investment banks
were both actively underwriting numerous security issuances. The main focus of the
investigation was set at issues from commercial banks affiliates (bank affiliates),
investment banks (without the deposit business) and especially at issues from J.P
Morgan, Kuhn, Loeb Co., The First National Bank and The Chase Bank. The two latter
banks were accused of actively misleading the public into investing in poor quality
security issues and also committing various abuses against their shareholders and the
government. Precisely, in relation to their underwriting activities, the security affiliates
of these two banks were blamed of misrepresenting the actual quality of new issued
securities, as well as of abusing their commercial and investment banking business for
the packaging of bad loans into securities and transferring them to uninformed public
investors. These two banks are analyzed separately because evidence was leveled
against these two in the Pecora hearings (Ang and Richardson, 1993, P. 353).
Furthermore, Ang and Richardson (1993) especially mention J.P Morgan and Kuhn,
Loeb Co., since they cannot be clearly classified as commercial banks or pure
investment banks, since they do accept deposits but have a broad history of underwriting.
San Francisco Bay And The Francisco Estuary
The San Francisco Bay was stumbled upon by Spanish soldiers in 1769. Upon the
time of its discovery, the Bay and the San Francisco Estuary traversed 500 square
miles consisting of open water as well as another 850 square miles of fresh and salt
water marsh. There was beautiful scenery along with the existence of various species
in the beginning of its discovery. Various types of species included sea otters, whales,
large salmon, mussels and oysters, large flocks of geese and duck, as well as shorebirds.
The San Francisco Bay, including the Delta, configures the largest estuary on the West
Coast. The San Francisco Estuary Project was created to aid in restoring the beautiful
wetland habitat and in turn will also help in conserving the biodiversity of plants and
animals. Restoring the loss of wetlands since the Gold Rush is one of the primary goals
of the San Francisco Estuary Partnership Projects. The San Francisco Estuary transports
water from the Sacramento River and the San Joaquin River that is then transferred into
the Pacific Ocean.
Description of the San Francisco Estuary Projects
The San Francisco Estuary Partnership has diligently worked with state and federal
agencies for over 20 years with goals of enhancing the fitness and health of the estuary.
Restoring the loss of wetlands since the Gold Rush is one of the primary goals of the
San Francisco Estuary Partnership Projects. There are various projects in play that aid in
protecting, restoring, and
Diversity Leadership Challenges
Two of the biggest challenges facing my organization is communication barriers and
diversity in leadership. Being able to effectively communicate with co workers and
members of the credit union is important. Often, we encounter situations where the
member does not speak English and it difficult to assist them. Next, diversity in
leadershiproles shows visibility in the workplace. Organizations that do not support or
nurture a diverse workplace might be able to recruit such talent; however, retaining such
talent has proved to be a challenge for organizations (Martinelli, 2016).

By providing a positive effect with these challenges, it is best to discuss these issues
with the credit union s board of directors. First, by hiring more bilingual
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Textbooks
Nowadays, the e Books as text book in the classroom at schools is a new pattern
especially in developing countries. But their are also some studies shows that the
traditional print textbooks are irreplaceable. Below are some major advantages and
drawbacks of electronic textbook.

Firstly, the superior flexibility and accessibility of e textbook is one of the benefit using
over traditional textbooks (Coleman, 2004; Cavanaugh, 2002; Long, 2003; Myers, 2009).
The characteristics such as attractiveness and ease of availability encourage students to
consult for textbook information.

Secondly, e books will enhancing the learning process effectiveness. The e Book project
of Clearwater High School (2010) describe that e book provide different functions allow
students and teachers to use rather than to scribble on a print book. Simultaneously,
Grabe and Grabe (1996) find that larger font sizes and spacing allowing students to track
reading more effectively and giving more processing time. The e Book can provide
reading support for students through their ability to change the displayed text size.

Next, effective instruction of e Books can be ensured by interaction. The e Book can be
programmed to evaluate each response immediately and provide suitable feedback to
give the instruction to help student learn more and engage in extra work to further
learning. ... Show more content on ...
Nevertheless, there are also some limitation exist if using e books instead of traditional
textbook. Unfortunately, electronic equipment are complicated and the students may use
it for entertainment instead of studying. But the technology is advanced in a high
speed. It is probable that the traditional textbook will replace by the e books in the
future. Most people believe that the limitation of the e books will be solved and the
drawbacks of it can be minimize in a accepted
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Research Paper
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is diagnosed from many symptoms in many ways.
Since the disorder is most likely going to be inherited, doctors will look at the medical
history of the family. Once the background of family history is done, a physical
examination of the patient will occur. The examinations are done in various ways. One
of the first examinations that physicians do would be the CK ( creatine kinase) level
blood test. Creatine Kinase is an enzyme that disclosures out damaging muscles. The
normal upper limit of serum CK is 200 units/L; in patients with DMD, levels are 5,000
to 15,000 units/L (Sussman, 2002). If the results of the CK blood test come back high
this concludes that the muscles have damaging occurring causing the
Essay on REL 133 week 4 Daoism Worksheet
Daoism Worksheet Carrie Shellie Cobbs World Religious Traditions I REL 133 Robert
Mossman July 20, 2014 Daoism Worksheet University of Phoenix MaterialDaoism
Worksheet Complete the following questions in detail. Answer each question with a 1 or
2 paragraph response that includes a reference citation. Make use of Experiencing the
World s Religions and other sources in your research as you complete the questions. 1.
Describe the principles of yang and yin. As stated by the Shen nong website, Ancient
people were greatly interested in the relationships and patterns that occurred in nature.
Instead of studying isolated things, the viewed the world as a harmonious and holistic
entity ( Yin yang, 2005, p. 1). Yin and yang... Show more content on ...
This creates discussion about whether Laozi was an actual person who wrote the Tao
Te Ching as some Western scholars have concluded or if the Tao Te Ching is just a
collection of work from various authors. Chinese scholars have accepted that Laozi
was an actual person and that there are exaggerated stories and folklore about him. 3.
How are Daoist ideals expressed through art? Offer several examples. Paintings are a
common vehicle for expressing Daoism ideals through art. The Consumer Guide
states, Although these arts are often profound in their expressive ability, they are not
encumbered by the restrictions of intellectual content ( Taoist Arts, 2014, p. 1). Taoist
art also involves calligraphy. Painting and calligraphy were not considered professions
but yet a practice that indicated one maturity in the beliefs of Taoism. Carvings,
pottery, and fine linens are also considered art. However, meditation can also be seen
as a form of art in Taoism. 4. What challenges does Daoism face in the modern world?
Daoism is a daily guide to living so a person can experience the most of their own self.
Daoism teaches the follower to look inside and to gain knowledge through self
exploration and to connect with our inner nature. The yin and yang shows the
complementary sides of objects and nature, even the human body. The Taoist Sanctuary
of San Diego states, All is Tao. All opposites are in actuality part of one whole, giving
rise to one another. Neither is

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