Easy Classification Essay Topics

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Easy Classification Essay Topics

Writing an essay on the topic of "Easy Classification Essay Topics" may initially seem like a
straightforward task, given the seemingly simple and accessible nature of the subject. However, the
challenge lies in striking the right balance between simplicity and depth, ensuring that the chosen
classification categories are not only easy to understand but also offer meaningful insights.

The difficulty arises from the need to select categories that are both broad enough to encompass a
variety of examples and specific enough to provide a clear structure for the essay. Identifying
relevant and interesting examples within each category can be another hurdle, as it requires a
thorough understanding of the chosen topic.

Furthermore, crafting a compelling introduction to grab the reader's attention, followed by a well-
organized body that logically presents each category, demands thoughtful planning and execution.
The challenge is not just in listing examples but in creating a narrative that flows seamlessly,
connecting each category to the next while maintaining coherence and relevance.

The difficulty is compounded by the necessity to provide insightful analysis or commentary within
each category, elevating the essay beyond a mere list of examples. This requires a deeper level of
engagement with the subject matter, as the writer must go beyond surface-level observations to offer
a nuanced understanding of the classification.

In conclusion, while the topic "Easy Classification Essay Topics" might seem initially uncomplicated,
the process of crafting an engaging and insightful essay involves navigating challenges related to
topic selection, categorization, example identification, and analytical depth. It's a task that demands
careful consideration and thoughtful execution to create a piece that both informs and captivates the

For assistance with similar essays or any other writing needs, one can explore the services available on
HelpWriting.net . Professionals in the field can provide support in crafting well-researched and
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Easy Classification Essay TopicsEasy Classification Essay Topics
Giving Back To The Community
Giving Back I believe that giving back to the community is important because they
have helped us out and I believe that we should do the same in return. We ve grown up
in small place from small island, small town, and a small school.Without the support
from others that we have now we wouldn t have the great opportunities that we have
today. The people who have been there for me and that have helped support me have
been my father and my friends. The communities that i wouldn t want to get back to
would have to be Kailua Kona, Waimea, and Honokaa. This is because these are the
places that I have grown up in and and without them I wouldn t be the person that I am
today. Living here in hawaii has helped influence me to become a model.
Consequences And Development Of The DNA And The
We start with a piece of DNA to the direction of 3 to 5 strand of DNA is called the
template strand. Initiation begins at the promoter region or the consensus sequences.
The promoter region of the DNA is at the beginning of the gene. Two important finding
regions occur at 10 base pairs and 35 base pairs upstream of transcription. Both
sequences are important as mutations can prevent initiation. Common in Bacteria is the
10 region also known as the pribnow box. It is a series of thymine and adenine residues.
The pribnow box is important for the recognition of the promoter region, other 10 and 35
consensus sequences exist but are recognized in a different manner. Another important
locator on the DNAstrand is the initiation site or... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
In a given cell order there are numerous types of sigma factors. Under normal condition
or under stress different sigma factors recognize different promoter regions. Now that the
holoenzyme is complete, the formation of the transcription bubble can take place. The
RNA polymerase unwinds the DNA by itself. In order to start transcription energy from
a ATP or GTP is required, where the ribose from the triphosphate provides a 3 hydroxyl
to attack the first phosphate in the first nucleotide, this displaces the pyrophosphate. The
new RNA therefore has a triphosphate at its 5 end. Once transcription has started the
sigma factor falls off.
The next stage is elongation. Elongation occurs when approximately 12 nucleotides
have been added to the RNA strand and the sigma subunit is dissociated and the
polymerase has started to move from the promoter region. When the RNA is
synthesized it is made in opposite polarity to the template DNA strand, meaning the 3
end of the RNA faces the same direction at the 5 end of the DNA. Inside the
transcription bubble nucleotides come inside the RNA polymerase to make a
complementary strand to the template strand of DNA. Here all base pairs match up like
in DNA synthesis only instead of thymine uracil is paired with Adenine for RNA
synthesis. Constant unwinding can lead to supercoiling of the DNA, which is like a
telephone cord that is twisted at one end. Eventually stress in the middle of
Necrotizing Enterocolitis Case Studies
Keywords: Necrotizing enterocolitis Preterm infant Probiotics Systemic review Very
Low birth weight Abstract Objectives: Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is one of the
most common and serious gastrointestinal diseases in preterm infants. The aim of this
systematic review examines the effects of probiotics on preventing NEC in very low
birth weight (VLBL) infants with a focus on the Bifidobacterium species and its strains.
Methods: A systematic review of randomized trials and retrospective studies analyzing
the use of probiotics to prevent NEC in VLBW infants was conducted using PubMed,
Cochrane Central Registry of Controlled Trials, and Google Scholar (1996 2016). Trials
reporting NEC involving preterm infants who were given Bifidobacterium... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
As previously mentioned, the minimum dose of probiotic should contain 106 107 CFUs
per gram of the product30, 31. All trials reviewed met or exceeded the minimum amount,
however there was no standardized dose, limiting the conclusions that can be drawn from
these trials. An additional limitation is the choice to focus only on NEC as the primary
outcome. In the neonatal population, NEC often goes hand in hand with sepsis and
increases infant mortality and morbidity. Past meta analyses reported on the outcomes of
NEC in addition to sepsis and all cause mortality and morbidity; however, no benefit with
probiotic supplementation was shown on decreasing the occurrence of
Essay on Bowel Cancer
Bowel Cancer The bowels are the intestines, consisting of the small intestine (the section
between the stomach and the appendix) and the large intestine (from the appendix to the
anus). The large intestine is divided into the long colon and a short rectum, just before
the anus. Two thirds of bowel cancers occur in the colon and one third in the rectum, with
very few in the small intestine.

Who is at risk of bowel cancer? ===============================

There are about 35,000 new cases each year in the UK. More than 80% of these are in
people over 60. Obesity can increase the risk of cancer of the colon by up to one third.
High alcohol intake is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Low fat, high fiber diets appear to carry a lower risk. Greater consumption of
vegetables and fruit has also been shown to reduce the risk. Increased consumption of
red meat and processed meat has been linked to a higher risk. By comparison, eating
fish does not appear to be a risk factor. Some evidence suggests that certain dietary
supplements, such as calcium, selenium and, possibly, folic acid can reduce the risk.

Signs and Symptoms of Colon Cancer ==================================

Unfortunately, often colon cancer does not show any symptoms until in its later stages.
Here is a list of common signs to look for.

В· Blood in the stool is the number one symptom

В· Bleeding from the rectum

В· Abdominal pain

В· Weight loss

В· Nausea

В· Vomiting

В· Constipation or diarrhea

В· Change in bowel habits

В· Change in stool shape or size, including narrowing stools

В· Fatigue due to bleeding in stools

Colon Cancer Stages ===================

Colon cancer can be broken down into 5 stages. Here is a brief outline of each one.

Stage 0 Cancer is confined to outside colon wall.

Stage 1 Cancer has spread to second and third layer of the wall.

Stage 2 Cancer has spread beyond and through the colon

Concerns On Toxicity Of Food Dyes
Concerns on Toxicity of Food Dyes Abstract Food dyes have been a growing topic in
the United States ever since the 1970s since they are used in many of our foods in
order to make certain foods more appealing to our senses. In the United States, most
artificial/synthetic food dyes are currently legal. Not all scientists agree on the
adverse effects that these food dyes can possibly display. Due to recent studies, the
British government has already banned food dyes in their country by the year 2009.
In addition, the European Parliament passed a law that requires a warning on all
foods that do contain food dyes tested after July 20, 2010. Many parents are
petitioning against these food dyes. These parents goal is to make artificial/synthetic
food dyes a large enough concern to be noticed and lead to a ban on these
controversial dyes. The ultimate goal of these parents is to achieve the rules and
regulations in which the United Kingdom has accomplished. This paper will look at
the concerns of these food dyes that the parents have. There is much research and
controversy over the truth about these food dyes. This paper will be of importance to
help bring out the truth as to why food dyes are even of concern. After much qualitative
analysis this paper plans to answer, why are parents so concerned about artificial
/synthetic food dyes in their food? Overview/ Background Food dyes were used all the
way back to ancient times. Unlike today, those dyes were naturally occurring.
College Vs University Essay
1.What is the difference between a college and a university? Explain in five or more

University is an institution of higher education that provides undergraduate studies that

leads to a baccalaureate degree. Also, graduate studies leading to advanced degrees in at
least three academic and professional fields. Universities offer full undergraduate and
graduate programs, there are multiple schools within its system.
College is a postsecondary educational institution that provides instruction beyond the
12th grade level in programs that meets the requirements for a associate, bachelor s, or
graduate level degree. Colleges offer more options and often don t offer master s

a.Name two local universities that were once colleges

University of Florida and Keiser University are two local universities that were once

2. What is the difference between a public and private institution? Five or more sentences

Private institutions don t receive funds from state legislatures they depend on tuition and
private contributions, this is why their tuition is much more than a public institution
The income of public money is why tuition is lower at a public institution. Private
institutions are much smaller than public institutions and may have only a few thousand
students. Public universities and colleges can be big, and some are huge. Private
institutions keep classes small, with easy access to professors. At public
Sherman Alexie s Connections
Alexie s book connections Have you ever thought about what inspires an author to
write their books and how it might connect to their own life ? Not all authors make
books about their life experiences, they might just make some sections of the book
about real events in their life. Sherman Alexie , the author of The Absolutely True
Story of a Part Time Indian , writes about poverty , race , tradition and culture ,
friendship , hopes , plans , and dreams , and education in his book .In this research
essay will explain and discuss more about his connections to his book and reality .
Sherman discusses ,in an interview with Jesse Sposato in September of 2012 , his life
connections with the book . Of course when Sherman spoke of undergoing
Comparison Of The Three Cabritos And The Three Billy
The Three Cabritos is the retelling of The Three Billy Goats Gruff with a Tex Mex
background unlike the contrary which have more of an American culture background.
The author clearly states at the end of her book, The Three Cabritos is my own original
retelling of The Three Billy Goats Gruff with a Texas twist (Kimmel 29). The
background and the writing of the tale but told in different cultures. In The Three
Cabritos and The Three Billy Goats Gruff, the main characters appearances are distinct,
but the story follows the same plot line. The main characters appearances being distinct
but the same story also has a couple dissimilarities. One of the main differences between
the two stories is that the monster in The Three Cabritos is a Cupacabra whereas the
monster in The Three Billy GoatsGruff is a goblin. By changing the monster the author
incorporates the Tex Mex culture into the story.
Additionally, the cultural backgrounds are extremely different for example, The Three
Cabritos the scene is a ranch located near the Rio Grande filled with cactus. Also in the
sketches, the goats are cartoon farm animals and the cabritos are dressed in overalls
while holding their instruments. In The Three Cabritos the cabritos are given typical
Hispanic culture names: Reynaldo, Orlando, and Augustin. The purpose for the
cabritos to cross the bridge is also a difference between the two stories. In The Three
Cabritos the reason they crossed was to attend a fiesta. The story goes One day the
three cabritos heard there was going to be a fiesta just across the border in Mexico.
Lets Go! The three cabritos said (Kimmel 3). They want to go the fiesta to dance and
play all night. In The Three Billy Goats Gruff takes place on a field of trees and flowers
that surround a meadow. In The Three Billy Goats Gruff exact names are not given, just
Little Billy Goat Gruff, Middle Billy Goat Gruff, and Great Big Billy Goat Gruff. The
reason for crossing the bridge was, that they were eating all the grass on their side and
they needed more. The story reads, Yes , said his big brother, Great Big Billy Goat
Gruff. All we have to do is cross the wooden bridge, and we can eat to our hearts content
(Randall 3).

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