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English Persuasive Essay Topics

Writing an essay on the topic of "English Persuasive Essay Topics" can be a challenging task,
demanding a combination of creativity, critical thinking, and persuasive skills. The difficulty lies not
only in generating compelling content but also in choosing a topic that engages the audience while
allowing room for a persuasive argument.

Firstly, the process begins with the task of selecting a suitable topic. This requires careful
consideration of current events, societal issues, or timeless subjects that are both relevant and
interesting. The challenge here is to find a topic that not only captivates the readers but also provides
a platform for presenting a convincing argument.

Once the topic is chosen, the writer needs to delve into extensive research to gather supporting
evidence and examples. This phase can be time-consuming and demanding, as it involves sifting
through various sources to collect reliable information. The writer must be discerning in evaluating
sources to ensure the credibility of the data presented in the essay.

Constructing a persuasive essay involves organizing thoughts logically and coherently. Developing a
clear thesis statement that encapsulates the main argument is crucial. Translating ideas into well-
structured paragraphs, each contributing to the overall persuasiveness of the essay, requires
meticulous planning and writing skills.

Moreover, addressing counterarguments and incorporating rebuttals is an integral part of crafting a

persuasive essay. Anticipating potential objections and providing convincing responses demands a
thorough understanding of the chosen topic and a keen awareness of opposing viewpoints.

In terms of language and style, the writer must employ persuasive techniques effectively. This
includes the use of rhetorical devices, impactful language, and a tone that resonates with the target
audience. Striking the right balance between being assertive and respectful is essential to maintain
the credibility of the argument.

In conclusion, writing an essay on "English Persuasive Essay Topics" entails a multifaceted process
that challenges the writer's creativity, research skills, and ability to construct a compelling argument.
While it may be demanding, mastering the art of persuasive writing is a valuable skill that can be
honed with practice and dedication.

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English Persuasive Essay TopicsEnglish Persuasive Essay Topics
Bladder Volume Scanner
PadScan HD5 bladder volume scanner is a non invasive, portable ultrasound imaging
device that gives real time 3 dimensional ultrasound image of the bladder and measures
the volume of urine held inside the bladder. The urine held inside the bladder provides an
ideal environment for microscopic organisms and pathogens, which can lead to urinary
tract contaminations, prompting harm of the renal structures, painful urination, and
pyelonephritis (inflammation of kidneytissues due to bacterial infection in urinary tract).
HD5 Bladder scanner uses ultrasound waves to calculate the fluid volume in the bladder.
It is generally used in intensive care units, long term care, rehabilitation centers, hospitals
and GP surgeries. The utilization of HD2 bladder
God, The, And Human Sacrifice
The bible, in particular the Old Testament, is full of instances of animal and human
sacrifice. Initially, Israel was not united, and became united in their purpose to worship
Yahweh, who is the lord that resides in the mountains. Worship involved the presentation
of a number sacrifices. In the old testaments, there is mention of five different forms of
offerings, the meat offering, a burnt offering, a peace offering, a guilt offering and the sin
offering. Presenting sacrificeto Godwas considered to be an act of generous hospitality.
But the question is, was Yahweh appeased by the sacrifices, or he actually detested it
and only used it as test of faith?
Majority of the scholars are in agreement that human sacrifice was used in a number of
ancient cultures, as well as among the Israel neighbors; the Moabites, Phoenicians and
the Ammonites (2 kings 3:21). Human sacrifice seldom occurred in the primitive
religions, and took place for only a short period of time, to be replaced by human
sacrifice. Nonetheless, there are suggestions that it replaced animal sacrifice, and in
some instances, it was used as a demonstration of faith. There is a strong possibility that
the lord did not want human sacrifice. For instance, in Leviticus 18:21, he says that they
should not give their children to Molech as sacrifice, and neither should they sacrifice in
the name of the lord. There is further mention in other books, You shall not do so to
Yahweh your God: for every abomination to
Personality Is Developed From Genes ( Nature ) Or...
This paper explores the notion on whether a person s personality is developed from
genes (nature) or influenced by environment (nurture). Personality is something every
human has and is an essential element in their social world. This research is important to
know if, how, and why personalities change. Different scholarly based material was used
to support either stance on the issue. The articles and research helped to decipher the
roles of parents, genes, biology, the environment, experiences, and culture in a person s
personality. Personality theorieswere inputted to come to a conclusion on the subject of
interest that is derived from actions, emotions, and attitudes. Many contemporary
psychologists have distinguished five clusters of personality traits called the Big Five.
The results of the research from the paper identify the answer to the question about
personality. The conclusion recognized that everybody has a different personality
developed by different components that includes both inherited traits and learned traits.
Plus, how those traits modify personalities. The Origin of Personality: Nature or Nurture?
Personality is debated over what factors influence and shape it the most. Is it a person s
nature including genes and temperament or nurture with the environment and culture?
Do they both have an effect in the development of a personality? The main purpose of
this research paper will address these questions and examine how these factors impact
The Death Of The Black Death
In the 1300s, the Black Death swept across the western world, leaving behind a different
perspective on the world. The Black Death rampaged through cities, killing thousands of
people a day, leaving the remaining citizens distraught. With the multitude of death, many
people began to contemplate what the afterlife held in store for them. Therefore, pieces
like the Dance of Death, transi tombs, the Three Living and Three Dead, and many
other artistic expressions about death began to appear. The artistic elements illustrate a
complex combination of similarities and difference. However, the central theme
focused on the inevitable fate of mankind. The Black Death did not exclude anyone
from its rampage; it was simply an epidemic caste upon the western world. Death is
something that no one can escape from; this notion is demonstrated in The Dance of
Death. The Dance of Death was originally a dance performed in attempt to preserve the
town from being affected by the Black Death. Another report of the dance was, 1374
a dancing mania seized hundreds of people in German and Flemish towns. The people
periodically interrupted their dance to fall to the ground and allow onlookers to trample
them in the belief that this would cure them of their extreme oppression, although it is
nowhere stated that this was the disease. Later, the dance was translated into painting
forms that depicted people in every age range and social statues dancing with death.
These paintings represented
The Ethics Of The Clinical Trials
In recent years, the number of clinical trials increased significantly. With an increasing
number of clinical trials, the ethical issues related to clinical trials have also increased.
Furthermore, the ethics of the clinical trials were violated on several occasions in last
few decades. Nazi experiments with World War II initiated the world leaders to
implement a code of conduct that protects the autonomy of the clinical trialsubjects.
Therefore, the Nuremberg Code was initiated in the year of 1949. However, this Code
failed to protect the human subjects in clinical trials. Tuskegee syphilis trial was one of
the few incidents that were exposed in front of the entire country. The regulatory
agencies and the government then realized that there should be better regulations to
protect the human subjects in the clinical trials. A series of codes and regulations were
established to protect the subjects in the clinical trial after the Tuskegee incident. The
Belmont report (1979), International Conference on Harmonization guideline for Good
Clinical Practice (1996), the Declaration of Helsinki (2000), and CIOMS International
Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects (2002) are the
main guidelines in recent years. There are also federal regulations to protect human
subjects in the clinical trials. They are USCFR Title21 Part 50, 56 (Protection of Human
Subjects and Institutional Review Boards, 1991), and USCFR Title 46 (The Common
Rule, 1981). These federal

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